Julia Belyaeva age. Anton Belyaev: “A husband at childbirth must be

The soloist of Therr Maitz Anton Belyaev shared the good news with his fans. The singer published on his Instagram a photo from the maternity hospital, which depicts his wife Yulia and a son who was barely born.

Anton Belyaev, judging by the photograph, was present at the birth and captured the family at the most intimate moment. The lead singer of the group Therr Maitz signed the picture as follows:

“Semyon Antonych ... you can Simon),” Belyaev introduced the newborn to the Internet community. – Bec 3680 Height 53 . Born 24 hours. Healthy. Mom is fine too. Thanks to the doctors... real professionals. They are comfortable."

Anton Belyaev’s wife Yulia also shared the good news on her Instagram: “Meet our little seed: Semyon Antonovich Belyaev) he’s Simon, they’re Shimon) 24 hours of hardcore and the baby is with us), Belyaeva’s wife said with humor. – Weight 3680 Height 53”.

The semi-finalist of the show "Voices" wrote a lullaby to his son, which turned into charity project. “I am glad that with the advent Semyon Antonych and his lullaby, our first charity project happened. And I'm glad that creators filming for millions can pick up a camera themselves and shoot a simple but heartfelt video about love with a minimal budget. Applause in the studio.

All proceeds from the sale of the track "Undercover" will be donated to the "Bureau of Good Deeds" fund, which helps orphans.

"Undercover" was first performed at a concert in November last year, but only in mid-January did Anton and Yulia share the news that they were expecting a son. In the process of working on the single, Anton decided that this music could help other children - those who were abandoned by their parents. This is how the idea of ​​a charitable release was born, which will be carried out jointly with Sony Music Entertainment and the Bureau of Good Deeds fund - all proceeds from the sale of the track will be transferred to orphans in orphanages throughout the entire existence of the track.

A special page is dedicated to the charity release of "Undercover" undercover.therrmaitz.com, where you can buy a single, learn more about the project or help abandoned children by transferring money directly to the Good Deeds Bureau fund.

Today, the happy father has already posted a selfie of little Semyon, thanking the doctors in the signature and admitting that childbirth can make even an adult man panic:

“Handsome Simon is well done, behaves decently, gives sleep and even began to eat right. And I think it's time to say thank you to those who helped him to be born. You know how much I love professionals, people who know exactly what ... at what moment and whether it is necessary at all)) We were extremely lucky with the doctor, despite the disturbing moments, I felt that everything was under control. This, believe me, is important. Because childbirth is a situation in which a self-confident 37-year-old man panics)) inside, of course)) our doctor's name is Tatyana Normantovich. Thank you".

The Therr Maitz frontman Anton Belyaev, famous throughout the country for the program "Voice", does not make a secret of his life - he talks in detail on social networks about himself, his family and tours, and sometimes directly communicates with subscribers in the comments. Three months ago, Anton and his wife Yulia became happy parents - the couple had their first child, Semyon (who already even has his own Instagram). Nevertheless, there were several moments in the musician's biography that have long haunted us. And according to the established tradition, we did not come up with a surer way to dispel all questions once and for all by asking the wife of our hero, Yulia Belyaeva, about everything.

ELLE: Is it true that Anton used pots, lids and other kitchen utensils as drum kits as a child?

Julia Belyaeva: I saw this in his childhood photographs. Whether he played for the truth or it was taken as a joke, I don't know. In general, it’s even funny - if you see his numerous childhood photographs where he plays small fake drums or children’s pianos, and then go to his studio and look at how he sits and how the musical equipment is arranged, then you will see that nothing has changed.

ELLE: Is it true that in childhood Anton was a pugnacious and difficult teenager?

Yu.B.: Of course, his mother knows better about this ( laughs). But in general, yes, I heard that he was pugnacious, but that all went away when his teenage years ended. He never fought with me laughs).

PHOTO Instagram / @umi_chaska

ELLE: Is it true that Anton earned his first money in Moscow by writing songs for the wives of some wealthy people?

Yu.B.: Yes, it was. I caught the time when he worked at home - then we just started living together. And sometimes I heard how he made some phonograms and did not understand what was happening - everything was so different from him own style. These were Russian-language songs, some karaoke tracks and hymns. I also know that he wrote music for Tamara Gverdtsiteli and made several projects for Nikolai Baskov.

ELLE: Is it true that the name Therr Maitz was coined after a long drunkenness and is not translated from any language and does not mean anything?

Yu.B.: I myself was not present at this, but everything was so. It was already almost morning, the party was at the stage when no one understands anything anymore and everyone around is insane. Anton was supposed to perform somewhere with his musicians the next day, and according to the regulations, a name for the group was required, but there was none. The brainstorm has begun. At some point, the guys saw that ants were crawling on a sticky table filled with cola and martinis. And all this took place on the high floor of a high-rise building, in the center of Khabarovsk - that's where they come from? "The ants came to the party" - everyone was so amused that they started to build on it - ants, termites - and, in general, the name Therr Maitz (pronounced "Ter mats" - Note.ELLE). It was in 2004, thirteen years ago. An interesting fact came to light when we arrived in Yerevan with concerts. Our Armenian friends told us that in their language it is consonant with "ter metz" - this translates as "father Almighty" or "great master".

ELLE: Is it true that it was you who insisted that Anton go to Golos?

Yu.B.: Yes, I was among those people who insisted on it. But besides me, Anton was also influenced by the editors of Golos and other employees of Channel One involved in this project. They are constantly watching new bands at different venues, and by that time they had noticed Anton for a long time during his Moscow performances, and convinced him of this.

From ELLE, October 2015


ELLE: Is it true that Anton was cast in the first season, but refused to participate because he was scared?

Yu.B.: No, that's not the point. At that time, four labels offered contracts to Anton. Everyone ruled out the possibility of participating in the "Voice". This was the main reason. But before the second season, he hesitated, yes. I remember our conversation with him - we were in the fitness center, lay in the jacuzzi. Then in the musical environment there was a lot of talk about this project. Anton categorically did not want to participate in it, as he felt like an alternative musician. “Where am I, and where is Channel One! - he said. - How will I go there with my electronic music? I understood his doubts - after all, this audience is mostly women in their fifties, mainly from the provinces, who love talk shows. We talked for a long time, I reasoned like this: “You are a musician, you love to create and play music. All you need is a stage, a piano and a microphone. All. Perhaps the audience of Channel One will not like you, but you will not lose anything from this either. And then Vika Zhuk (vocalist Therr Maitz - approx. ELLE) called, who was going to this casting herself the next day, and said, “Well, Anton, let's go?” That's when he finally gave up.

ELLE: Is it true that the decisive reason to participate in the project was the need to pay for the apartment?

Yu.B.: Not really. We had something to pay for the apartment, but this is partly true. Until recently, we lived in a kopeck piece on Leninsky. She was cool, and the house was right in front of the Neskuchny Garden. But let's put it this way: before the "Voice" and after the "Voice" the financial situation has changed, which is a sin to hide - obviously in better side, now we live in a spacious house, in a very green place.

PHOTO Instagram / @umi_chaska

ELLE: Is it true that you met Anton by chance when he went into a cafe after a friend's wedding.

Yu.B.: Yes it's true. Moreover, it was not just a friend, but Therr Maitz sound engineer Ilya Lukashev. It was 2010, in Yaposha on Dmitrovka (now in its place is the Voronezh snack bar - approx. ELLE). Anton and the company finished the wedding, and my friends and I went there on the way to Simachev.

ELLE: Is it true that he then performed for you Magdalena's aria from the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar"?
Yu.B.: This blatant lie! So write it down! (laughs) Actually, the truth is that he promised me to sing it seven years ago, but he never sang it. I love this musical and this particular aria. He needs to be reminded!

ELLE: Is it true that Anton proposed to you by simply handing you a toothbrush?

Yu.B.: No, it wasn't like that. He did give me the toothbrush, but that was a year before the proposal. I myself asked him about it, because we were leaving the party in the morning, and I understood that I would stay with him. I remember that when I voiced this request to him, his eyes sparkled with happiness. And the proposal happened a year and a couple of months after we met, on my birthday. During the concert, Anton stopped the performance, called me to the stage, and when I got up, I intuitively understood what would happen next. I didn’t know what was waiting for me in the evening, but all that day in the morning my heart was beating wildly and I was shaking wildly. I could not even draw the arrows evenly and thought to stay at home. When Anton proposed to me on stage, I was amazed that my heart felt all this. I will never forget that moment - my girls laughed and cried with happiness with me, drummer Boris shouted “Goodbye, Anton!”, The whole audience applauded us. Everything was like in a movie!

ELLE: Is it true that on reverse side yours with Anton wedding rings engraved Don "t Panic?

Yu.B.: Yes it's true. This is our credo with Anton. The roots of this phrase refer to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams and our favorite movie based on it.

ELLE: Is it true that Anton loves everything Japanese?

Yu.B.: Yes, he loves Japan and Japanese things. Perhaps this is due to the fact that he spent his childhood on Far East, and even then he was able to assess the quality of Japanese goods. He shared his memories of how some of his friends were brought clothes or gifts from there, and it was very cool. He loves Japanese clothes, jewelry, we have Japanese shampoos in our bath, we buy Japanese diapers for our two-month-old son Semyon. Therr Maitz's newest record - Tokyo Roof was recorded in Tokyo on the roof of one of the skyscrapers. In general, yes, Anton loves everything Japanese.

PHOTO Instagram / @umi_chaska

ELLE: Is it true that Anton good vision but he wears glasses as an accessory?

Yu.B.: Yes, glasses are an accessory for him. When we met, he had not yet come to this image of his, although he wore them from time to time. For example, six months before we met, he went to record a project in Kazakhstan. So there, judging by the photographs, he was wearing glasses. He began to wear them constantly after filming the Doctor video. By the way, his glasses are also Japanese.

Anton Belyaev in 2010

PHOTO Facebook / @therrmaitz0

ELLE: Is it true that Anton has aerophobia?

Yu.B.: He had it before - aerophobia, supplemented by oceanophobia. I remember once we were flying to Brazil, and he really tightly squeezed my hand. Especially during takeoff and landing. But now he has already got rid of all this - because he has to fly a lot. So these phobias have exhausted themselves.

ELLE: Is it true that Anton doesn't spend much time on Instagram, and the 13 accounts he follows are all members of Therr Maitz?

Yu.B.: See. In his @therrmaitz account, he follows 13 people - these are all members of the group and family. He doesn't subscribe to anyone else. However, he spends a lot of time on social media. He often visits our groups and official accounts to chat with fans. And, for example, the way home after the concert looks like this: we get into the car, and he starts looking at what the audience who were at the concert is writing, monitoring the public's feedback. He reads everything carefully. Can like something, chat with someone in person. Our fans really appreciate it.

ELLE: Is it true that Anton's fee is from two million rubles?

Yu.B.: This is not a completely correct statement. Two million is, let's say, the upper bar, if we are talking about a commissioned concert. Usually, we are talking about smaller amounts.

PHOTO Instagram / @umi_chaska

ELLE: Is it true that Anton constantly swears?

Yu.B.: Yes it's true. I even worry about what our son's first word will be. When we met him, I couldn’t stand it when they cursed in front of me - either I demanded to stop it, or I excluded such people from my social circle. However, Anton's case is special. I remember when he called me and invited me on a date, he was already swearing on the phone. But he does it somehow ... skillfully or something. Funny, funny and intelligent. Sometimes it relieves tension or awkwardness. This is not thoughtless, unconscious swearing. This is a specific mat that is cool!

ELLE: Is it true that Anton forbade you to do anything with his face? Do plastic surgery and injections?

Yu.B.: This is true. When we met, for many years I walked exclusively in stilettos, exclusively with arrows in my eyes and with dyed hair. The next day after Anton bought me a toothbrush, we went to the pool together. There he saw me without makeup and said: “God, you are so beautiful without makeup!” and forbade me to put on make-up and wear heels, while saying that I looked like a schoolgirl. And for me then it was tantamount to walking naked. But I was very bribed that I can be unkempt, unpainted, but they still appreciate me and perceive my natural beauty. Once I did a minor manipulation at the beautician, after which I had a bruise. Anton then told me “God forbid you do something to yourself!”, and after that we did not return to this topic.

PHOTO Instagram / @umi_chaska

ELLE: Is it true that you sent a photo of Anton to Sony Pictures for the casting of the role of the new Agent 007 and got interested in him there?

Yu.B.: Yes it's true. I remember the moment when they answered me: Anton and I flew to Barcelona for the Primavera festival, we were already on the plane. I went to the mail and saw that a letter had arrived with an offer to go through the casting tomorrow. And an address in New York. My first thought was to get off the plane immediately and get a ticket to New York. But Anton refused then. Sometimes I think that I should have made him get off the plane. But he says that he is not an actor, but a musician. Meaning that if you really do something, then be the best in your business. This is where it all ended.

ELLE: Is it true that Donkey Plush was originally yours?

Yu.B.: Yes, Anton bought it for me at the same time as the toothbrush. We wandered around the ABC of Taste for a long time, and he bought it imperceptibly, then handing it right in front of the entrance to his house, while saying, "Hold your freak." On the one hand, it was so cute that among the bunnies, bears and other toys, he bought this most unsympathetic donkey, on the other hand, it's a shame that he called him a freak. Despite the so-called ugliness, I began to zealously love this toy. ( laughing) And now it belongs to Semyon.

ELLE: Is it true that Anton's favorite designer is Rick Owens?

Yu.B.: Yes, it makes up a significant part of his wardrobe. And mine too, by the way.

0 May 23, 2017, 02:31 PM

Anton Belyaev, the leader of Therr Maitz group, shared the good news with subscribers on Instagram: yesterday, May 22, the singer's wife Yulia gave him a son.

Semyon Antonych ... you can Simon =) Bec - 3,680. Height - 53. Was born 24 hours. Healthy. Mom is fine too.

In addition, the artist said that he recorded the lullaby Undercover for his son, the premiere of the video for which took place yesterday, on the baby’s birthday:

I wrote him a lullaby. And it turned into a charity project. You can listen, watch and transfer money to children who have no parents at the link in the profile. I remind you that not necessarily a million =) Transfer 10 or 100 rubles... Tell those who can help. Remind everyone around you how easy it is to help. Kiss. Anton. Thank you.

By the way, the composition Undercover was first performed at Therr Maitz's concert in November last year, but only in mid-January Anton and Yulia shared the news that they were expecting a son.

In the process of working on the single, Anton decided that this music could help other children, those that their parents had abandoned. This is how the idea of ​​a charitable release was born, which will be carried out jointly with the Good Deeds Bureau Foundation. All proceeds from the sale of the track will be transferred to orphans in orphanages.

Instagram photo

Childhood and family of Anton Belyaev

On September 18, 1979, in Magadan, the future singer and musician Anton Belyaev was born into the family of a computer science teacher and an electronics engineer at a computer center. The family already had a daughter, Lilia, who was happy to receive the news of her newborn brother. Anton has been interested in music since early childhood banging lids and pots in the kitchen.

Anton's mother Alfina Sergeevna in every possible way contributed to her son's passion for music and never interfered with his musical hobbies by the Parkway and Depeche Mode groups. When Anton was 5 years old, his mother assigned her son to the local music school No. 1.

Little Anton really wanted to play the drums, but percussion instruments accepted only from the age of 9. Therefore, the boy began to learn the basics of playing the piano and soon mastered the instrument so well that he became a regular participant and winner of numerous competitions and festivals for young pianists. It should be noted that Anton was often sick in childhood, but this did not prevent him from receiving music prizes and awards.

Adolescence was marked by traditional boys' activities and interests, so for some time music faded into the background. At this time of teenage throwing and maximalism, Anton is expelled from the 9th grade of an English gymnasium for bad behavior. After finishing 9th grade high school No. 29 Belyaev enters School of Music, from which he is soon expelled for his excessive passion for jazz and bad behavior. Who knows what the fate of the restless teenager would have been if at the age of 13 he had not met Yevgeny Chernonog. Eugene invited the boy to classes at his jazz studio. A year later, Anton was already playing jazz compositions with well-known musicians in Magadan. At the age of sixteen, the young man was already playing in the youth jazz orchestra, and at the Magadan studio he performed famous jazz standards on two pianos with Evgeny Chernonog and recorded them.

In 1997, Anton graduated from gymnasium No. 30, after which he entered the pop-jazz department state institution arts and culture in Khabarovsk, where he even managed to receive an increased scholarship. As a student, Anton successfully combined his studies and performances in nightclubs. In 2002, Anton finished his studies at the Khabarovsk University and entered an independent life.

Creativity of Anton Belyaev

In 2004, Anton Belyaev became the art director of the Rus establishment. He collects creative team, which includes Evgeny Kozhin (drums), Maxim Bondarenko (bass), Konstantin Drobitko (trumpet), Dmitry Pavlov (guitar). Later, Anton Belyaev became the front-man of this musical group, later named "Therr Maitz".

In 2006, Anton went to Moscow, striving to realize his creative ambitions. For some time, Anton Belyaev worked as an arranger and collaborated with famous performers Russian stage - Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Polina Gagarina, Nikolai Baskov, Maxim Pokrovsky and Yolka. In one of the interviews, the musician admits that he was engaged in this work solely for the sake of money, since he cannot stand some of the performers with whom he had to cooperate. Anthony points out that true love he tests only to quality music.

Through the efforts of Belyaev, in 2011, the Therr Maitz jazz band, already with a renewed line-up, successfully resumed its concert activity. Anton Belyaev became the composer, keyboardist and vocalist of the renewed group, creative team which consisted of vocalist Victoria Zhuk, guitarists Nikolai Sarabyanov and Artem Tildikov, drummer Boris Ionov. Anton Belyaev is known both as a resident of the Jazz Parking project and as a musician working in different directions from trip-hop to electronics.

Anton Belyaev on the show "Voice"

In the fall of 2013, Anton Belyaev successfully performed on the famous music show of the First Channel "Voice". As part of the third day of auditions, he performed the song "Wicked Game", accompanying himself. He so charmed the four mentors with his performance that they all turned to him. As a result, Anton became a member of the TV show "Voice Season 2", joining the team of Leonid Agutin.

Anton Belyaev's love for quality music helped him become famous overnight. On October 5, 2013, the whole country learned about Anton Belyaev.

Personal life of Anton Belyaev

One evening, Anton was returning from his friend's wedding and stopped by a cafe on the way. There he met his future wife Julia, intriguing her with the fact that she can sing Magdalene's aria from the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" while standing on the table. Julia gave her phone number, but the numbers turned out to be wrong, and Anton had to pick them up for three whole days. Belyaev's perseverance led to success. He managed to get through to the girl and invite her to his concert.

Since then, Julia and Anton have been together. In 2012 they got married. Yulia Belyaeva is a journalist, she started her career in the newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva", worked as a TV presenter, correspondent on many leading TV channels. Anton Belyaev's wife is the director of TherrMaitz and the editor of the Europa Plus TV channel. Anton Belyaev loves cycling on the embankment opposite Gorky Park, not far from his home. The musician likes to watch Hollywood movies. As he himself admits, he often burdens himself with an understanding of the structure of the world.

Biography facts

Became a student at the age of 5 music school in piano class.

At the age of 17, he entered the KhGIIK (Khabarovsk) at the pop-jazz department.

In 2004, the musician assembled the first composition of Therr Maitz.

In 2006 Anton moved to Moscow.

In 2011 he restores the group.

In 2012 he marries journalist Yulia Markova.

In 2013, he became a semi-finalist of the Voice-2 project.

In 2015 Therr Maitz - best performers years on iTunes and Apple Music Russia.

In 2016, Therr Maitz won the Best Russian Act nomination at the MTV Europe Music Awards.

In 2016 Anton creates musical arrangement for the immersive performance "The Returned".

RIA News / Ekaterina Chesnokova

"We've got a great guy!"

Elena Plotnikova, PRO Health: Anton, you admitted that you panicked at the birth of your wife. Why?

Anton Belyaev: I was afraid for the life of Yulia and Semyon. Childbirth is very scary, because the situation when another person appears from one person and this is accompanied by an incredible amount of pain, and even before your eyes, is beyond male understanding. In addition, during childbirth there was a very scary moment for us. Imagine, Semyon's pulse suddenly jumped from 120 to 250 and started to fall again. We see all this on the monitor, we don’t understand anything, and the doctors don’t really explain anything. Of course, you can invade in an unnatural way, but still, no one knows to the end what is going on inside a woman, how a child feels. Moments like this are very scary.

- After everything you have experienced, do you regret that you were present at the birth?

No, I don't, why should I? Of course, there are things that a man is better off not seeing. You know how people say: “Don’t go to childbirth, then you won’t love your wife!” This is nonsense, absolutely degradation. A man just needs to understand that it is better not to look at certain places. I stood near my wife's head, trying to morally help her, because at such a moment, complicity is very important. For a woman, childbirth is a serious stress, and another pair of hands, even if frightened, is always useful. And again, the case with Semyon’s pulse - I would not want to be alone in such a situation, it’s better to have a familiar person nearby who will say: “Everything is fine!”

Your wife Julia admitted that with the advent of your son, you turned from a brutal man into a touching one. What is it expressed in?

It seems to me that I did not turn into anyone, it always existed in me, I liked children. But there was no such thing that I wanted a child and at the age of 30 I thought: “So, you need to have a baby!” Although my friends for the last 10 years have been actively asking me: “Well, where is the heir? To whom will you leave everything?" And when suddenly it happened, my father's mechanism turned on. I am very happy with Semyon, he turned out to be a cool dude. Yulia and I are happy parents: great luck that the child is healthy, that he naturally receives his vitality, eating and so on.

It’s easy for me to be a dad, everything is so cool that I don’t make any special efforts. Although I understand that Yulia is a little more difficult.

By the way, often young mothers are afraid to leave the child with her husband: they say, it is easier to cope on her own. Are you just alone with your son?

Yes, the adaptation has already passed. But what happened when we arrived from the hospital and I was alone with him for the first time - horror! I was afraid to take off his clothes - suddenly I would break his arm! I carry him to the bathroom, he starts screaming, and I think he is dying from the cold! I start washing him, everything sticks to his skin, I can’t tear off the diaper with force: what if I tear off a piece of skin? After 20 minutes, I realized that I was standing over him, and sweat was pouring from me. When you are alone with such a small creature, of course you are afraid that something will happen to him at any second.

Anton Belyaev with his wife. Photo: www.globallookpress.com

“We fight for every listener!”

Anton, I know that in your creative biography there was a month when you gave 40 concerts. Did you slow down with the birth of your child?

We took a short break at the end of Yulia's pregnancy, now we are also holding ourselves back a little. But in fact, there was no less work even with a break. After all, in addition to open concerts there are also closed ones - no one refuses money. We just agreed that my schedule would be tighter. Yes, and concerts are staged by my wife as my direct director, so it’s easy for her to say: “This will not happen!” But in the fall, the meat grinder began again - a new show "Songs" on TV was added to the concerts, where I play the role of a creative music producer, it's brand new to Russian show business approach to talent scouting followed by the opportunity to work in one of the largest Russian labels.

I have heard this opinion about your group more than once: “The guys sing great, their songs turn on, but it’s not clear for what audience!” Do you have an answer: who are your songs for?

Well, someone goes to our concerts (laughs). We are an alternative to the music that makes Russian stage. Once rap stood at the forefront of brilliant costumes and pop music, trying to fight plain texts and music, now rap has become mainstream and even pop music itself. We are doing something else, we are doing something that is not yet available, in a very easy way. We fight for every listener, we prove our right to life and show that we are needed.

- Do you have a portrait of your viewer in your head?

No, they are all very different. It's not just emo guys who walk around in leather jackets and make up their eyes, and it's not just those who ride motorcycles. We are not trying to please any one part of the audience and do not want to crush people with our music. We just show what we can and gently ask: “Maybe this suits you?” We differ from the main show business in that we do not pursue an aggressive policy, like some people: like it or not, you will listen to us. And as it turns out, this is exactly what people need. Some of the viewers are very annoyed by what another award tells him music channel, whom he chose, although the premium does not even know who he really likes. The award distributes awards according to its internal agreements, not noticing what the audience needs. And what do we see in the end? They sold pop artists a couple of times on TV through such awards, they flashed on the screen, and that’s all - they don’t collect concerts, people are not ready to buy tickets for them.

- But it is through such a screen that artists become recognizable!

We did research on this, we wanted to actively play our music on the radio and channels, but then we realized that this is not very suitable for us. Yes, people watch your video, but they don't start believing that you can get satisfaction at a concert. For them, TV projects are beautiful statues. Not all, of course, but many. Therefore, we have so many bands that are not on TV, but who ride around the country on tour and feel great.

Can't get through without money?

- Can you tell us how your music is created? Do you write everything yourself?

Yes. But the text is globally coming up Victoria Zhukova, our vocalist, on it this responsibility. But there is no single recipe for creating such melodic, and even on foreign language, works like ours. For example, I can come up with a chorus, but the verse does not go, and that's it, then I just put it off until better times. So, by the way, it was with our song “Found U”. The chorus for it was stolen from the past, and from themselves. And then a verse was strung on him. This is an infinite constructor. But it happens that a song is written from beginning to end in 15 minutes.

The majority of people started talking about you and your group after the Voice project. As yours creative life changed after it?

More money! (Laughs) Such projects give access to the audience, to large venues. From my side it was a PR-action, that's all. Even before Golos, of course, we performed, made money, everything worked out for us, but there was no strong financial support for a big push forward. We could be at the same stage for another 70 years. And the "Voice" gave this impetus.

- It turns out that talented ordinary guys can't break through without such shows?

Basically yes, they are offended all the time by those who have money, they think that they are taking their place. And that's the problem with these guys. They need to understand that there will always be a niche for singing deputies, footballers' wives, rich sons and daughters. This will not give them anything anyway - well, they will spin around the channel for a year, two, three, they will understand that the costs do not pay off, there are still no full halls, and everything will end. Infinitely you will not spend money on an unprofitable business. And you can't fool the audience. They will look for good, quality music - and find poor artists who break through only because of their talent.

"Music is consumption, not pleasure"

One of the Russian performers said that we do not have so much good music to constantly make for it various awards. Do you agree with this?

Part of our mentality is to think that only we are bad. Actually it is not. All over the world - in London, in New York - a popular radio station with some incredible bullshit can play in a taxi. There will always be momentary music. It has a shorter way to the consumer, but the way back is faster - it quickly disappears. All this is done due to the fact that the main pool of people feeding the industry are young people from 15 to 30 years old. For them, every day you need to make a new product, but, as you understand, it is impossible to do this every day with a soul.

Where did the donkey talisman go?

Anton, autumn and winter are going to be eventful for you. A lot of work: the release of a new show, solo album, concerts, and there is a parade New Year corporate parties not far away. Could you describe your ideal day? All in tasks?

As today, approximately - almost without straining. A short interview, a few small business questions and an evening with the family. If you manage to watch more movies, in general, it will be perfect. I really like doing nothing, this almost never happens, but today I feel I deserve it.

- Where is your famous donkey Plush, with whom you did not part even on the "Voice"?

He has already passed by inheritance to Semyon. Before the birth of the child, Plush was always with me, he just lay in the pocket of the backpack. And now, with the advent of my son, I left him in the crib and went on tour. Only in a foreign city did I realize that I forgot Plush: “How can I be without him?” I had to keep in touch with my wife, find out the affairs of a plush pet. Such is the infantile habit.
