What to do if you have been bewitched? How can a girl understand that she was bewitched and how to defend herself.

A person cannot remain alone for a long time - sooner or later he thinks about finding his soulmate. Love causes genuine feelings in us - joy, inspiration, euphoria. But what if a person feels like he is “out of his element” and doubts the authenticity of his own feelings? Consider how to understand that you have been bewitched.

In countries former USSR usually conspiracies and prisushki are used for these purposes, turning for help to Orthodox saints or the forces of nature. In some cases, they use "pure" conspiracies, but mostly they use eggs, needles, earth from the cemetery.

Some people involved in magic resort to Scandinavian runes, talismans, direct energy influences. These are very serious rituals that only a few can carry out.

Anyone can do the ceremony - it often happens that the mother-in-law bewitched the girl to her son. Sometimes single women try to save themselves from loneliness in this way. It's not worth asking; it is better to ask yourself what to do if a person has already been bewitched.

Love spell symptoms

A love spell is not as difficult to identify as it seems at first glance. If a person drastically changes his character and performs actions that are not inherent in him, others and himself notice this.

Sometimes it’s hard to say “I was bewitched” and ask for help, so let’s look at the main signs:

  • The desire to be together with the bewitched person, which is beyond control. Other people are absolutely not interested in intimate and spiritual terms.
  • Pessimism. If a person is usually in a good mood, then after a love spell he is depressed for no reason. He doesn't even admit to himself that something is wrong with him. To all questions about his condition, the person answers that everything is fine.
  • Depression. Life no longer seems as bright as before - it is dull and boring. Hobbies do not bring the former pleasure. It is difficult to find solutions even from the simplest situations.
  • Jealousy. The fear of losing a soul mate becomes pathological, while it goes hand in hand with hatred. A person cannot understand his conflicting feelings.
  • Problems at work. Even if a person is a typical careerist, he suddenly becomes indifferent business area life. He can be demoted and even fired.
  • Chronic fatigue, insomnia. A person is disturbed by nightmares, it is difficult for him to sleep. He gets tired quickly free time devotes to passive rest - can lie on the couch all day.
  • Excessive sensitivity. Frequent conversations on the topic “no one needs me”, the desire to arouse self-pity.
  • indifference to opposite sex even to spouses. Man tries to avoid intimate life even if everything was fine before. When conducting a ritual for sexual attraction, a man remains impotent for all women, except for the bewitched girl.
  • Health problems, craving for alcohol. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, rapid deterioration general condition. The body is struggling with the introduction of extraneous forces into the energy field. In extreme cases, alcoholism becomes chronic, there is a craving for drugs, a tendency to suicide. A person intuitively understands that he has ceased to control his life and cannot come to terms with this, trying to forget himself in bad habits.
  • Manipulation by the bewitching person. Whatever his requests, a bewitched person will fulfill everything. His words are law.

If a person has been bewitched, he will not understand himself that the rite was performed. Close relatives and soul mates usually notice signs. It is they who must act, and not turn away from the person.

Magic ritual

Consider how to determine if there is a love spell using a magical rite. It should be done by a close person - a friend, soulmate, relative. There are no consequences from this ritual - in the absence of a love spell, everything will remain as it was. If it is, the condition will not worsen.

Love is a pleasant feeling, but if it is imposed by force, then this is already bad.

It is pleasant and joyful when love is mutual, but if it is not shared, then a person experiences the pangs of dislike for himself. He tries to hurt others. But even worse, if he takes the path of dark magic and goes to fortune-tellers who can bewitch. These love spells are not recognizable at first sight. But it is worth paying attention to how the person himself changes. As a rule, love spells are carried out from photographs and personal items, hair are also used. Therefore, take care of your combs and always make sure that your hair is not left in sight after combing. Any personal item can be used against you, so be careful.

"Symptoms" of a love spell.

How to understand that you have been bewitched? Firstly, your general well-being worsens - these are constant headaches, your heart hurts, you feel tired and overwhelmed. And all because the impact goes to your heart and mind, it is clouded by a love spell. In addition, you do things that you can’t explain in any way later. And really, if your mind is clouded, then how can you behave as usual? You may start having problems at work, in your personal life, in communicating with people around you. If you suddenly feel a strong attraction to a person who does not fit your beauty criteria, human qualities. It is worth thinking about a spell. Surely there is something in literally not clean. A strong attraction to the one who fascinated you, apathy and melancholy - that's what suggests dark magic.

Two ways: to the church or to the witch.

First, read on our website - love horoscopes, suddenly this is a manifestation of compatibility and it is possible that you feel this misunderstanding of this phenomenon by you. If not, then read on.

Usually, if you were bewitched or bewitched, you can choose the easy path - go to the sorceress and remove this love "damage", but there is no guarantee that you will not be deceived and there will be no scammer in front of you. The second way is to go to church when the purification of the soul takes place from the point of view of religion. There will be no immediate effect, but faith gives not only hope, it gives insight and peace. In the person who was bewitched, the energy is pretty spoiled. At the energy level, he becomes dependent on the one who bewitched him. Magic makes a hole in the energy field, and then fills the resulting void with an unloved person. Thus, there is an emotional and physical dependence. White magicians specialize in helping victims of love spells.

Is it possible to get rid of a love spell on your own?

Is it real? Of course, there is such a possibility if you could find such a problem in yourself and do not want to turn to psychics or an atheist. However, get ready for the fact that the “recipes” for a love spell will seem strange to you, to put it mildly. Here, for example, is one of them. You will need a nail from the graveyard. Place it in a bowl of water, then pour this water, along with the nail, into another bowl. Repeat this operation three times. After that, you need to wash yourself with water, saying: “I wash myself with this water, I am freed from the love spell.” But many people are inclined to believe that it is still worth confessing and taking communion, going to church more often, finding a spiritually close person and telling him about everything that happens to you, what you feel. Bad love spells will soon come to naught, because the human instinct for self-preservation should still prevail. Confession of sins helps to restore spiritual contact with higher powers, which make our life healthier. Following confession and regular church attendance, fasting must be observed.

Sports heal!

It is impossible not to note the fact that sports will help get rid of physical dependence. It is he who is able to make the body really tired from exertion. If you feel a paranormal attraction to some person, put on your running shoes and run. The brain of a person who is tired of physical exertion seems to be cleared of everything superficial and unreal. Inner pain subsides if you do not focus on the experiences that you experience, but bring something new into life.

We hope that we helped you understand the reality of the relationship and what they are trying to impose on you with the help of magical rituals. Look at the section: dating secrets, perhaps this will help you find the right person who will “spell” you with his love!

Magic effects are a very popular way of influencing a person. Especially often, some people seek to resolve issues in the love sphere with the help of love spells. And if on a subconscious level you understand what is happening to you, something is wrong, then you should suspect that you have been subjected to an energy attack.

The question of how to understand that you have been bewitched is very common. And this is quite understandable, because the alien influence is very dangerous, as it can destroy the protective energy field of a person. This, in turn, will lead to the fact that a variety of failures will begin to haunt a person, and he can become seriously ill.

It is possible to suspect the presence of a love spell by certain signs. And if you strong man, then you can even notice them on your own. To understand that you have been bewitched, you should analyze your internal state whether you have an irresistible craving for specific person. If you admit that apart from this person, all other people simply do not interest you, and you sincerely believe that life without him is simply impossible, then we can conclude that you are under the influence of a love spell.

But you should not do anything before you completely diagnose yourself with the help of special magical rites. Only they will finally help you to establish yourself in the thought that you have really been bewitched. Self-diagnosis is usually carried out using wax.

Rite with one church candle

If you are interested in the question of how to find out that you have been bewitched, then you can use the following rite. To conduct self-diagnosis, you will need to purchase a candle in a church shop. If you are really bewitched, then you are unlikely to be able to force yourself to go to the temple, which will be an additional sign of the presence of a love spell.

In addition to a church candle, you will need to use your own silver item in the ceremony, for example, a ring or chain. It is necessary to carry out the ritual of self-diagnosis of a love spell in evening time secluded in a separate room. It is advisable to dress in light, spacious clothing, and remove any jewelry from yourself.

First you need to light a church candle and take it in your right hand. Hold the candle at the level of the heart. This is the location of the heart chakra, which is responsible for the sensual sphere of a person. IN left hand you should take a pre-prepared silver product. Then you need to close your eyes and let go of any third-party thoughts, focusing on the desire to know the truth about whether an energy attack was made on you, in order to bewitch you. In absolute silence, you need to sit in this state for 10 minutes.

After that, you need to open your eyes and look at the burning candle that you hold in your hand. If it burns calmly, then there is no love spell on you and all your troubles are caused by domestic reasons. And a strong craving for a particular person is most likely caused by unrequited love.

The restless flame of a candle, as well as the fact that it smokes and crackles, indicates the presence of a love spell. In this case, urgent measures must be taken to remove the alien influence.

Using Wax for Diagnosis

To find out that you have been bewitched, you can use a professional ceremony using wax. It allows you to get reliable and full information about the presence of a love effect. But it will be difficult to decipher it on your own.

To find out that you have been bewitched, you need to prepare in advance:

  • A container filled with spring water, to which a pinch of salt should be added.
  • Scoop for wax.

The ritual uses wax, which is cut from church candles. If it is not possible to purchase them, then you can cut it off from household candles, but it is important that pure wax without dyes is used in their manufacture. In order to get complete information about the love effect in the scoop, you need to cut off quite a lot of wax.

The wax should be melted in a scoop using a water bath for this. While it melts, you need to stand in silence and think only about how important it is for you to find out if there is a love effect on you.

When the wax is completely melted, it is necessary to carefully pour it into a container filled with spring water. After the wax cake hardens, it can be judged by its condition that there is a love spell.

First you need to turn it over and examine the reverse side:

  • If, on the other hand, the wax cake is absolutely smooth, then there is no love spell and you are most likely just a very suspicious person.
  • If on reverse side there are growths and indentations, then you have a love spell and you need to take urgent measures to remove it.

Of course, not everyone can decide on self-diagnosis. Therefore, in most cases, it is better to seek help from a loved one. He will be able to diagnose without you, but for this he will need your recent photograph, in which you are depicted in full growth.

To conduct a diagnostic ceremony, you will also need an egg and some spring or holy water. It is very important that the egg is fresh and homemade. Therefore, it must be purchased in the market from the hostess. An egg from an incubator will not work. Water should be poured into a tall glass jar or jar.

Before performing the ceremony, you need to hold it in your hands for some time, in order to fill it own energy. After that, the egg must be moved over the head of a person who may be under a love spell or from a photograph of this person.

In the process of this, you should say the following words:

“An egg-egg from a domestic chicken, filled with natural power, help me find out the truth about the Servant of God (s) (person's name). Is there a love spell on him (her) that will harm him and true love interfere. I conjure, help, and tell the truth.

After that, the egg must be placed under the bed of the person being diagnosed, all night. The next morning, the egg should be carefully broken into a glass filled with spring water. After that, the contents of the glass must be carefully considered. If the egg has retained its natural forms, then there is no love spell.

But any damage natural structure indicate that a person is under a love spell, as follows:

  • The yolk spread in the water indicates a black love spell, which is almost impossible to remove on your own.
  • If vertical flagella are separated from the protein, then this indicates a pore, and not a love spell.
  • When a net of threads forms on the squirrel, this indicates a fresh love spell, which, if you react quickly, can be removed without any negative consequences.
  • If an image in the form of a boat appeared on the squirrel, then this indicates that the person is now suffering from the consequences of a love spell directed at one of the closest relatives in the past.

Thus, it is not very difficult to recognize a love spell at home. And this must be done at the slightest suspicion of an energy attack. This will allow you to get timely help and prevent serious negative consequences.

Love spells are one of the most popular types magical influence, despite the fact that the inevitable consequences of such interference await both the victim and the customer. But if a potential customer is free to choose whether to contact him love magic, then for a potential victim direct choice does not exist. All a bewitched person can do is recognize the problem and try to get rid of it. How to understand that you are bewitched? Let's look at the main signs of a love spell that you can feel on yourself or observe on close person.

What you need to know

Enchantment occurs due to a pathological change in the chakra energy of a person.

Most often, the effect is exerted on the sex and heart chakras, as well as on the third eye chakra. The sex chakra (Sahasrara) is used for sexual attachments, egileta, etc. The impact on the heart chakra (Anahata) is taken to form a love attachment as such. The chakra of the third eye (Ajna) is affected to cause the effect of "clouding", when a person does not understand the nature of the feelings that have arisen, mistaking them for love.

The most effective love spells involve changing the field of all three chakras and, accordingly, are the most dangerous. It is naive to believe that only a woman can be the customer of a love spell. Men decide on a magical effect is by no means rare, especially if they cannot get the object of their desire in other ways. Moreover, love spells can go beyond love magic and affect other areas of relationships. So, for example, in magic there are methods to “bind” business partners, valuable employees or investors to oneself.

Main features

How to understand that you have been bewitched? Of course, the main sign is an irresistible craving for a certain person, which arose abruptly and unexpectedly. At the same time, there is often a duality of feeling - as if you love and hate at the same time. Sometimes the bewitched realizes that the object of desire inspires him with antipathy, but something leads and attracts him against his own will. In other cases, a bewitched person "loves" blindly, not seeing any flaws in the object of desire and aggressively perceiving any criticism addressed to him.

In the behavior of the bewitched one can notice violent swings of emotions and logical inconsistencies. Man rules internal conflict- some part of him always resists violent influence, and the stronger the will, the more fiercely the struggle goes on. As a result, there is a craving for alcohol, drugs and other pathological addictions. Troubles happen to a person more often, because his energy is weakened by alien interference and constant struggle. The one who is bewitched almost always notes a deterioration in health - he now and then has minor sores or overtakes one serious illness.

For men

How does a bewitched man behave? As a rule, he is kept captive by constant thoughts about intimate relationships with a bewitching woman, even if in general she does not suit him. In other cases, a man blindly adores his beloved, seeing no one but her, but this euphoria does not last long. He begins to suffer for no reason and does not understand why he became ill. Since men are not inclined to delve into own feelings and their reasons, most often they drown everything incomprehensible in alcohol.

In especially serious cases, a love spell can result in illness and even death. Moreover, the latter happens much more often with men than with women. Another typical male sign is a cooling off towards a career and past hobbies. A person is no longer attracted to sports, fishing or other hobbies, he does not care about the state of affairs at work and the prospects for career advancement. Aggressive outbursts become frequent cases, a man avoids former friends - in the end, his social circle is greatly narrowed.

For women

The behavior of a bewitched woman is characterized by constant confusion, nervousness, and frequent mood swings. She is irresistibly drawn to her beloved, regardless of his attitude towards her (and most often this is a bad attitude - a man revels in his own power and wins back for the refusal that preceded the love spell). In this state, a woman will do everything that is required of her, if only not to lose her “beloved”. If she has a strong will, she will fight - throw tantrums, break off relationships, but after - come back again.

On the physical plane, a love spell manifests itself as sexual and mental illness, problems with menstruation and appearance (hair may fall out, complexion worsens, etc.). A woman may completely lose her appetite, or vice versa - gluttony occurs. As a rule, sleep problems are always observed: insomnia, nightmares, fatigue after sleep and a feeling of constant sleepiness. If for the stronger sex the most serious cases of love spell threaten with fatal diseases, then for a woman it is infertility, serious mental disorders and suicidal tendencies.

Other signs

  1. Like people suffering from negative addictions, a bewitched person does not want to recognize his behavior as inadequate. If loved ones try to intervene in the situation or speak negatively, the bewitched person completely ignores them or reacts aggressively. IN this issue a son, daughter, father or mother completely loses their influence on a loved one who lives by the principle: "I have no problem."
  2. Family members often notice many changes that have occurred with the personality of the bewitched. Long-formed habits, tastes, preferences, reactions to something, and even life principles. All these changes make the overall image of a loved one "unfamiliar". It is from here that thoughts and statements of the type arise: “My father (son, husband, etc.) in Lately cannot be known."
  3. If the person who was bewitched has a spouse or wife, the relationship in a couple will inevitably suffer. Cooling and detachment sets in, a bewitched person seems to be looking for reasons for a quarrel. He then expresses claims to the partner, then closes in on himself ("Leave me alone", "Do not interfere in my life", etc.).
  4. The love spell method includes an impact on the heart chakra, which can be traced on the physical plane. In the worst case, a person may experience heart disease - acute or chronic. IN best case, the bewitched observes an increased heartbeat, temporary pain or constant heaviness in the region of the heart.
  5. It is difficult to find someone who has been bewitched in a calm or concentrated state. The external changes that occur to him are largely associated with changes in emotions. During periods of excitement, a person is ruled by "anxious gaiety", his eyes are feverishly shining, his movements are fast and chaotic. When excitement is replaced by apathy, cardinal changes occur with it: the look becomes dull and glassy, ​​movements slow down, the skin turns pale, facial features freeze.

How to act

What to do if there are suspicions of a love spell? If the guesses are connected with a loved one, they will have to be checked without his knowledge, since the bewitched is unlikely to recognize the fact of a love spell. If you suspect yourself as a victim, you can be congratulated at least on the fact that the impact is not strong (otherwise you would not have suspected a love spell in relation to yourself). In the latter case, there is a good chance that there is no love spell as such, but there are everyday and psychological problems. However, the difference is not easy to understand, and checking will not hurt in any case.

To understand if there is a love spell on a loved one, you need to find his photo and go to a specialist. It is unlikely that it will be possible to diagnose him at home, because when he hears from you: “I think you have been bewitched,” he will only get angry. (By the way, according to his reaction to this phrase, it will be possible to draw conclusions: if a person sincerely laughed, there is most likely no love spell, but if he reacted aggressively or falsely, it’s time to think). If it concerns you, you can conduct a simple diagnosis at home using wax candles or an egg.


Buy about seven candles and devote several hours to diagnostics - “scan” your energy field with a lit candle, passing it at a distance of five to seven centimeters from the body. If the candle smokes, crackles, goes out, flashes, the energy field is damaged in this place, which may indicate a negative magical effect. For another diagnostic method, you will need a fresh egg - roll it over your body for twenty minutes or just hold it in your palms, thinking about the person you are attracted to. Dip the egg in a jar of water - stretching white or dark threads, "cobwebs", blood, dark blotches indicate a possible love spell.

How to recognize a spell.

Love spell: interesting details

What can be done practically? Study Christian sources to understand the essence of religion and strengthen faith. Visit temples and holy places that automatically align the energy of a person (it’s good if you walk part of the way to them in complete silence). Go to church services and pray at home. Prayer may be accompanied by a sincere request to God, the Saints or the Guardian Angel, for example: “I ask you, Virgin Mary, guide and heal me.”

  1. Do not try to take revenge on the customer of the love spell. Remember that even actions that are just in your opinion, committed out of hatred, lead to negative consequences. If it is difficult to sincerely forgive the offender, from time to time think about him and say “I forgive you” through force - soon the situation will let you go.
  2. Realize that there are no such events that would occur without a reason. If you have attracted the fact of violent influence to yourself, it is possible that you yourself are prone to excessive authority, selfishness or the habit of manipulating people. Life helps to understand in one's own skin what attempts to “bend” people and the situation for oneself lead to.
  3. To receive confirmation that you have been bewitched can be not only unpleasant, but also truly scary. Such conclusions split our world, and therefore many people turn their backs on them, not wanting to face what is really there. Don't be afraid of discomfort heartache- they are inevitable, but will soon pass, and you will have a chance for true happiness and sincere love.

I was 20 years old when I met a girl. I was working, I was going to study. When I met a girl, I began to notice that she was very frivolous about life. I decided not to date this girl. As soon as she found out about this, she told me that I would be very bad without her. I didn't believe it at first, but then I realized that it was true. I couldn't live a day without her and thought about her all the time. There was intense jealousy. I began to lose weight, sometimes at night I could not sleep. Depression set in, went to the doctors, nothing was found. Took some time antidepressants, helped a little. I also began to notice that I had lost interest in other women, I practically did not notice anyone. Then my friends told me that I must have been bewitched.

I began to look for a way out of this situation. At this time, the girl left for another city, and I felt a little better. I began to deal with the situation. I went to Church, went to confession, took communion, etc. Like it's gone. But the girl came, and I was drawn to her again. took place straight Talk. She hinted that she went to see a witch. And that it was the same with her first boyfriend. But she herself gave birth to a child out of wedlock, began to drink and is getting married for the third time. And I still can't get married. I don’t know why, maybe she is the reason, or maybe there is no desire to seriously communicate with women.

Alex, 46 years old.

Good afternoon

I was a little over twenty. I recently graduated from university and was now a certified psychologist. And I also managed to get married, give birth to a child, get a divorce and move to the capital. A young, beautiful, self-confident girl with great ambitions and overgrown self-esteem.

In Moscow, I met a woman, the head of a small psychological center, and we began to work together. She was fond of esotericism, extrasensory perception, divination and often used all this in her work. These methods of work amused me, I did not believe in them, I considered them a bait for a certain type of client, nothing more.

She offered me to become her student many times, she said: “Extrasensory perception is the same psychology, only you have the opportunity to work directly with inner world person, bypassing consciousness, and therefore, without encountering defenses and resistance. In the end, I agreed, and we started classes.

The first thing that unpleasantly surprised me was a very strange feeling during classes. It feels like someone is swarming inside you, and not so much on the physical, but on a different, much deeper level. I definitely felt someone's presence, and that someone was vile. I asked my new teacher many times if this was the result of her actions, if she was trying to “work directly” with my inner world, bypass my “protections and resistances”. For some reason, I really didn't want to. She looked at me in surprise and shook her head.

I was struck by the very content of the classes. We started the training by talking about sins. I expected anything but this. Moreover, we talked about sins without even trying to look into the Holy Scriptures. My spiritual education at that time consisted of only one children's Bible, which I had been reading for a very long time. But, nevertheless, there was a feeling that I was being fed a very free and inaccurate retelling. It turned out that the most important thing was to admit one's sinfulness and agree with it. In fashion magazines it's called beautiful words"Accept yourself the way you are." It is not necessary to correct sins. You can, of course, try, but you shouldn’t get carried away, because nothing will come of it anyway: a person is too weak, he can’t fight his passions.

The turning point came when we talked about the sin of adultery. It turned out that adultery is sex without love. That is, if you sleep with the first person you meet, but at the same time call your feelings for him love, then there is no sin. Then something inside me clicked and I refused further classes. More precisely, she said that I want to take a break for an indefinite time.

In the same period, I became very strongly drawn to the temple. I went in, looked at the candles, at the icons, and I felt very, very good. But thoughts were constantly spinning in my head: “You are a stranger here, they have their own world, their own life, no one needs you.” And I left.

Some kind of internal tension was growing, I was completely confused, I did not know which direction to move on. My head is a complete mess, there is no value system. And my “teacher” spoke more and more insistently about the need to continue classes.

And at that very moment he appeared in my life. He turned out to be a pimp and, by a strange coincidence, a big supporter of extrasensory perception. The feeling that literally pierced me from our first meeting cannot be called love or even passion. It was a real obsession. I understood that I absolutely did not need this person, I did not find anything attractive in him, but I woke up in the morning and went to him. I knew that I was falling into the abyss, but I could not help myself. It was like he was holding me on a short leash. Then I remembered my colleague and turned to her for help. I will not describe how this "therapy" took place. I can only say that at some point my “teacher” said: “Oh, this is happening here ... I’d better go to another room, it’s safer there. Figure it out yourself." And she left. What it looked like, I don't know. But the feeling was such that I was repeatedly lifted out of the chair in which I was sitting and thrown back. So I came out of "therapy" pretty shabby. But in my thoughts, it seemed, there was complete order: my conscience no longer gnawed, I realized that my connection with this man is my personal matter, which does not concern anyone, so we can safely continue our relationship.

And then I had a dream. Horrible dream. And there, in a dream, I really wanted to pray, but I did not know a single prayer and could not remember anything. The first thing I did in the morning was to find Our Father on the Internet.

A few days later I was in the temple. She didn’t come, she wasn’t even going to go there - she just turned out to be. She stood and cried. The abbot noticed me and called me over. He was talking about something, and I listened in silence, only nodding occasionally. Then I returned to my "teacher" all the books she gave me. And a couple of weeks later I bought a cross. Then there was the first confession, which lasted, it seems, more than two hours (thanks to the priest for not sparing his time and effort on me). Now I work as a psychologist at the temple.

I got married 28 years ago. I simply adored my husband, he seemed to me the best man in the world, although he drank. Over time, his drinking became more frequent, we began to quarrel over this. Quarrels began to reach terrible scandals, but the worst thing is that I forgave him everything. One day he raised his hand to me. I kicked him out, but then called him back, as if I was to blame for what had happened. My mother told me that I was bewitched, but I did not believe her.

Gone are the hard years life together but I couldn't part with it. He offended me, and I felt sorry for him. 4 months ago he left for his mistress. And it's been a nightmare for me. I understood that I should be glad that the alcoholic left me. And I got depressed, I was in the hospital, I lost sleep, I lost 16 kg. At work, at home, all thoughts were only about him. I didn't want to live. At first she wanted to take revenge on him, to bewitch him, she began to read a plot to quarrel with her mistress, but she was afraid that I would sell my soul to the devil. She threw everything. From melancholy I could not find a place for myself, all the time wept and wept. After her husband called (he sometimes called on business matters), she fell into depression. I wanted to call him constantly, to hear him. I understood that I was humiliated by maintaining a relationship with him. But she couldn't help herself.

Then I began to pray to God that the Lord would forgive me and grant me consolation. Once after work I went to the temple, prayed and cried. Father came up to me and said that he wanted to talk to me. I told him everything. For two evenings he read prayers over me. It turned out that my husband's grandmother and mother-in-law bewitched me to him. If only it was good for him, so that I would take care of him, run like a dog, save, code from drunkenness. And the fact that they broke my life - they did not care. After these prayers, confession and communion, I became a different person. I enjoy life, every day of it, but recently I wanted to die.

People, be merciful, do not bewitch anyone. Don't ruin people's lives.

Nina, 50 years old

I am one of those men who suffered from " love spell". My wife was resting at the dacha with the children, and I worked in Moscow. And I started to “hang out” on a dating site. Fooled people's heads about serious relationship and he just wanted to sleep. But in general, the local public willingly responded to such proposals. I also liked it: today - one, tomorrow - another, online I love the third ... This went on almost all summer.

And somehow, on a Saturday summer evening, I met a young lady. During the correspondence, he chatted about the fact that I have a lot of apartments. And the car is not cheap at all, it “rings” in the pockets and all that. Late in the evening we met in a cafe, then went for a walk around the city. We chatted nicely about this and that. I didn't think of anything more. But my attitude towards her suddenly began to change dramatically (after a joint dinner in another cafe 4 hours after the meeting). It felt "natural" to me. Suddenly I wanted to give her flowers (although at first I didn’t like her!), I wanted to kiss (moreover, in some romantic place), and then it came to inviting her to her house. Upon entering the apartment, it seemed that there was someone else there.

The bed was one, went to bed in clothes. I said that I needed to sleep (it was already morning) for literally an hour, and I would go home. They lay down in clothes on the bed, I had no thoughts about “something”. The girl in a dream often shuddered, her lips “smacked” and drooling flowed. I didn't like it so much, I decided to go home. Suddenly the girl woke up - and we "sinned". We had breakfast, and then strange things began to happen to me. I felt strangely calm. I didn't want to go anywhere, not even to work. The girl said that today she was leaving on vacation to her homeland, she would return in two weeks. It hit me like an electric shock. There was sadness, as if life had ended. She began to get ready, and I went to my place, agreeing to take her to the airport. On the way home, all I thought about was her. He did not answer the calls of other "girlfriends". There were many tears and romance along the way and in the port. In my head, all thoughts were only about her. Daily many hours of conversations and SMS.

I told my wife that I "fell in love" with another. Upon her arrival, he moved to live with her. But doubts rarely appeared in the soul that something was wrong here. That doesn't happen. But then everything fell into place. Life seemed happy. True, I often caused some incomprehensible aggression and anger in the new “wife”. Constant "requisitions" - like, money, come on, come on. From a wealthy man turned (very quickly) into a beggar. Talks about registration and other material benefits began. This went on for 3 months, until I “burst” for the first time. When I was alone in our apartment, I suddenly felt scared, my mood often began to change. I went and unexpectedly got drunk.

I called my wife and said that I love her and don't know what's wrong with me. When "beloved" came home from work, we had a fight. I went home happy. But just before the house, my mistress called, and, as if I was not myself, I went to her. In the morning I was going home again, in the evening again with her. A week passed, and everything happened again. Then everything seemed to “get better” (later I read her correspondence in her computer - she discussed with someone how to get me back with the help of a common “friend”).

Two months passed, and in another jealousy scandal, I just went berserk in the literal sense. Went to my parents. She told them that I would return to her anyway. She was so sure. In the evening I became very ill, my pressure dropped a lot, glitches began.

The ambulance doctor who arrived said that I urgently needed to go to the Church. Repeated twice. In the morning everything went without any medication. It seemed to me that something inside me "died".

We talked a lot on the phone, but I went to her for things only a week later. She didn't expect this. Then she called and asked to come back. And at that time I was considering her profile on a dating site)). But nevertheless, a month later we got back together, but no longer lived together, but met. But soon they broke up anyway.

Time passed, and I find out that my former "beloved" is very ill in gynecology, has lost a lot of weight and is unlucky in her personal life. Got even more pissed off. There are no prospects.

So, dear ladies, except for evil to yourself, you will not achieve anything with a love spell. Literally, win three kopecks, lose millions. Be reasonable - if everything was so cool with magic, everyone would be doing it. Everything dark - nothing good can do in principle. Well, a wolf can't eat grass. Good luck to everyone and remember that only with God everything is possible!

Dmitry, 35 years old.

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