Composition “About the story of N. V

About N. V. Gogol's story "The Overcoat"

The Petersburg Tales included the following stories: Nevsky Prospekt, Portrait, Notes of a Madman, and after that, The Nose and The Overcoat.

In the story "The Overcoat" Petersburg appears as a city of officials, exclusively businesslike, in which nature is hostile to man.

The article of the textbook about the heroes of the story "The Overcoat" tells that robbers deprive a poor official of his overcoat, which is dear to him. The official's name is Akaky Akakiyevich Bashmachkin, he is extremely tongue-tied and is often expressed only in dialects and prepositions. The cold surrounding him, which, in the absence of an overcoat, permeates him, is real life, overcoat - a kind of shell, a force field surrounding the personality of an official. The triumph of Akaky Akakievich after acquiring a new overcoat is soon dispelled by its loss. Rebellion is possible for him only posthumously, in the form of a certain spirit tearing off the overcoats from officials. Even a bright guest comes to Akaky Akakievich in the form of an overcoat.

In the story "The Overcoat" Gogol makes us think about the fact that a person who has become dependent on things turns out to be defenseless before complex world and dies, not understanding the causes of what is happening.

His character and way of life are entirely determined by his narrow clerical functions.

The author seems to treat the hero without scrupulousness. He shows his inner squalor, limitedness and scarcity of interests, inability to think logically, amazing tongue-tiedness. But at the same time, he, as it were, moves away from these negative properties of his, muffles them, does not focus on them. But close-up demonstrates spiritual gentleness, the meek patience of a poor man downtrodden with life.

The story is directed against soullessness bureaucratic world, its impersonality, against the identification of a person with things belonging to him, which inevitably leads to slavery to things. Generally speaking, the author protests against the removal of the center of the true personality beyond this personality and its transfer to a position (“significant person” as an object of fear and fetish), to an object (overcoat).

The theme of retribution in the story is revealed in two episodes: in delirium after the theft of the overcoat, “foul-mouthed”, Akaki Akakievich refers specifically to the “significant person”; after the death of Akaky Akakievich, a ghost appears, stealing overcoats from people.

Description of the wind, blizzards receive symbolic meaning, because both the wind and the blizzard are manifestations of the life of the elements, which is trying to invade the ossified, immobilized world of the bureaucratic city.

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Plots with unrealistic POSSIBILITIES!

There are many literary works, which cause an inevitable desire to think in order to draw certain conclusions about human life, O eternal problems and troubles. One of such outstanding works is the story of Nikolai Gogol called "The Overcoat". In this story, Nikolai Gogol, who was a good social psychologist, shows the life of the so-called little man. This person has a lot of problems, it is difficult for him, although he does not do any harm to those around him. Ultimately we

We see that the life of this person simply ends without any meaning.

Of course, I really liked this story. The issues that have been raised here are quite complex, but nevertheless such issues need to be raised. Main character a story named Akaki Bashmachkin was actually ordinary person, which had both weak and strengths. However, the people who surrounded him paid attention only to weaknesses. They did it as if this person had no advantages. Although they were: honesty, correctness, restraint. Yes, all this cannot be called pronounced advantages,

It is rather called the absence of flaws. But this does not make Akaki evil in any way, he never was like that and did not bring harm or any trouble to anyone.

The story of the main character is truly tragic. It so happened that the only thing he wanted in this life - a beautiful overcoat - eventually led him to death. He saved on everything for a long time, tried to save more money so that he would have left for his overcoat. He was extremely pleased when this long-awaited acquisition did happen. But on the very first night, when he was returning from the celebration of the purchase of an overcoat at work, bandits removed this piece of clothing from him. Moreover, it is quite possible to assume that the employees of Akaky Akakievich at work contributed to this. These people did not like him. And the reason for this was simple: he was not what they were. I think that this is precisely the key problem of the story: people do not like those who are different, who are not like them.

Of course, this story made me think about many things and about life in general. I think that people should read this story in order to understand and realize that those who are different from them are no worse than themselves. If this awareness comes, a person will become kinder, more tolerant and more restrained in relation to those around him. And it will benefit the whole society.

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Can one small work revolutionize literature? Yes, Russian literature knows such a precedent. This is the story of N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat". The work was very popular with contemporaries, caused a lot of controversy, and the Gogol trend developed among Russian writers until the middle of the 20th century. What is this great book? About this in our article.

The book is part of a cycle of works written in the 1830s-1840s. and united by a common name - "Petersburg Tales". The story of Gogol's "Overcoat" goes back to an anecdote about a poor official who had a great passion for hunting. Despite the small salary, the ardent fan set a goal for himself: by all means buy a Lepage gun, one of the best at that time. The official denied himself everything in order to save money, and finally, he bought the coveted trophy and went to the Gulf of Finland to shoot birds.

The hunter sailed away in a boat, was about to take aim - but did not find a gun. It probably fell out of the boat, but how remains a mystery. The hero of the story himself admitted that he was a kind of oblivion when he was looking forward to the treasured prey. Returning home, he fell ill with a fever. Fortunately, everything ended well. The ill official was saved by his colleagues by buying him a new gun of the same kind. This story inspired the author to create the story "The Overcoat".

Genre and direction

N.V. Gogol is one of the most prominent representatives critical realism in Russian literature. With his prose, the writer sets a special direction, sarcastically called by the critic F. Bulgarin "Natural School". This literary vector is characterized by an appeal to acute social topics relating to poverty, morality, and class relationships. Here, the image of the “little man”, which has become traditional for writers of the 19th century, is being actively developed.

A narrower direction, characteristic of Petersburg Tales, is fantastic realism. This technique allows the author to influence the reader in the most effective and original way. It is expressed in a mixture of fiction and reality: the real in the story "The Overcoat" is a social problem tsarist Russia(poverty, crime, inequality), and the fantastic is the ghost of Akaky Akakievich, who robs passers-by. Dostoevsky, Bulgakov and many other followers of this direction turned to the mystical principle.

The genre of the story allows Gogol to succinctly, but brightly enough, highlight several storylines, identify many relevant social topics and even include the motive of the supernatural in your work.


The composition of "The Overcoat" is linear, you can designate an introduction and an epilogue.

  1. The story begins with a kind of writer's discourse about the city, which is an integral part of all "Petersburg Tales". This is followed by a biography of the protagonist, which is typical for the authors " natural school". It was believed that these data help to better reveal the image and explain the motivation for certain actions.
  2. Exposition - a description of the situation and position of the hero.
  3. The plot occurs at the moment when Akaki Akakievich decides to acquire a new overcoat, this intention continues to move the plot until the climax - a happy acquisition.
  4. The second part is devoted to the search for the overcoat and the exposure of senior officials.
  5. The epilogue, where the ghost appears, loops this part: first, the thieves go after Bashmachkin, then the policeman goes after the ghost. Or perhaps a thief?
  6. About what?

    One poor official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, in view of severe frosts finally dares to acquire new overcoat. The hero denies himself everything, saves on food, tries to walk more carefully on the pavement so as not to change the soles once again. By the right time, he manages to accumulate the required amount, soon the desired overcoat is ready.

    But the joy of possession does not last long: on the same evening, when Bashmachkin was returning home after a gala dinner, the robbers took away the object of his happiness from the poor official. The hero tries to fight for his overcoat, he goes through several instances: from a private person to a significant person, but no one cares about his loss, no one is going to look for robbers. After a visit to the general, who turned out to be a rude and arrogant person, Akaky Akakievich fell ill with a fever and soon died.

    But the story "accepts a fantastic ending." The spirit of Akaky Akakievich wanders around St. Petersburg, who wants to take revenge on his offenders, and, mainly, he is looking for significant person. One evening, the ghost catches the arrogant general and takes his overcoat from him, on which he calms down.

    Main characters and their characteristics

  • The protagonist of the story - Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin. From the moment of birth, it was clear that a difficult, unhappy life awaited him. This was predicted by the midwife, and the baby himself, when he was born, “cried and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular adviser.” This is the so-called small man”, but its character is contradictory and goes through certain stages of development.
  • The image of the overcoat works to reveal the potential of this, at first glance, a modest character. Dear heart the new thing makes the hero obsessed, like an idol she controls him. The little official shows such perseverance and activity that he never showed during his lifetime, and after his death he decides on revenge and keeps Petersburg in fear.
  • The role of the overcoat in Gogol's story is difficult to overestimate. Her image develops in parallel with the main character: a holey overcoat is a modest person, a new one is an enterprising and happy Bashmachkin, a general's is an almighty spirit, terrifying.
  • Petersburg image presented in a completely different way. This is not a pompous capital with smart carriages and flourishing front doors, but a cruel city with its fierce winters, unhealthy climate, dirty stairs and dark alleys.
  • Themes

    • The life of a little man main topic story "The Overcoat", so it is presented quite vividly. Bashmachkin does not have a strong character or special talents; higher-ranking officials allow themselves to be manipulated, ignored, or scolded. And the poor hero only wants to regain what is his by right, but to important persons and big world not up to the problems of a small person.
    • The opposition of the real and the fantastic makes it possible to show the versatility of Bashmachkin's image. In harsh reality, he will never reach out to the selfish and cruel hearts of those in power, but becoming a powerful spirit, he can at least avenge his offense.
    • The theme of the story is immorality. People are valued not for their skill, but for their rank, a significant person is by no means an exemplary family man, he is cold towards his children and is looking for entertainment on the side. He allows himself to be an arrogant tyrant, forcing those who are lower in rank to grovel.
    • The satirical nature of the story and the absurdity of the situations allow Gogol to most expressively point out social vices. For example, no one is going to look for the missing overcoat, but there is a decree to catch the ghost. This is how the author denounces the inactivity of the St. Petersburg police.


    The problematics of the story "The Overcoat" is very wide. Here Gogol raises questions concerning both society and inner world person.

    • The main problem of the story is humanism, or rather, its absence. All the characters in the story are cowardly and selfish, they are not capable of empathy. Even Akaky Akakievich has no spiritual purpose in life, does not seek to read or be interested in art. They are driven only by the material component of being. Bashmachkin does not recognize himself as a victim in the Christian sense. He has completely adapted to his miserable existence, the character does not know forgiveness and is only capable of revenge. The hero cannot even find peace after death until he fulfills his base plan.
    • Indifference. Colleagues are indifferent to Bashmachkin's grief, and a significant person is trying by all means known to him to drown out all manifestations of humanity in himself.
    • The problem of poverty is touched upon by Gogol. A man who performs his duties exemplarily and diligently does not have the opportunity to update his wardrobe as needed, while careless flatterers and dandies are successfully promoted, have luxurious dinners and arrange evenings.
    • The problem of social inequality is covered in the story. The general treats the titular councilor like a flea that he can crush. Bashmachkin becomes shy in front of him, loses the power of speech, and a significant person, not wanting to lose his appearance in the eyes of his colleagues, humiliates the poor petitioner in every possible way. Thus, he shows his power and superiority.

    What is the meaning of the story?

    The idea of ​​Gogol's "Overcoat" is to point out sharp social problems, relevant in Imperial Russia. With the help of a fantastic component, the author shows the hopelessness of the situation: a small person is weak in front of the mighty of the world of this, they will never respond to his request, and even kick him out of his office. Gogol, of course, does not approve of revenge, but in the story "The Overcoat" is the only way to reach the stone hearts of high-ranking officials. It seems to them that only the spirit is higher than them, and they will agree to listen only to those who surpass them. Having become a ghost, Bashmachkin occupies just this necessary position, so he manages to influence the arrogant tyrants. This is the main idea of ​​the work.

    The meaning of Gogol's "Overcoat" is in the search for justice, but the situation seems hopeless, because justice is possible only when referring to the supernatural.

    What does it teach?

    Gogol's "Overcoat" was written almost two centuries ago, but remains relevant to this day. The author makes you think not only about social inequality, the problem of poverty, but also about your own spiritual qualities. The story "The Overcoat" teaches empathy, the writer urges not to turn away from a person who is in a difficult situation and asks for help.

    To achieve his authorial goals, Gogol changes the ending of the original anecdote, which became the basis for the work. If in that story the colleagues collected the amount sufficient to buy a new gun, then Bashmachkin's colleagues practically did nothing to help a comrade in trouble. He himself died fighting for his rights.


    In Russian literature, the story "The Overcoat" played a huge role: thanks to this work, a whole trend arose - the "natural school". This work became a symbol of the new art, and this was confirmed by the journal "Physiology of Petersburg", where many young writers came up with their own versions of the image of a poor official.

    Critics recognized Gogol's skill, and "The Overcoat" was considered a worthy work, but the controversy was mainly conducted around the Gogol direction, opened by this particular story. For example, V.G. Belinsky called the book "one of Gogol's deepest creations", but he considered the "natural school" to be a hopeless direction, and K. Aksakov refused Dostoevsky (who also started with the "natural school"), the author of "Poor People", the title of artist.

    Not only Russian critics were aware of the role of the "Overcoat" in literature. The French reviewer E. Vogüe belongs famous saying"We all came out of Gogol's greatcoat." In 1885, he wrote an article about Dostoevsky, where he spoke about the origins of the writer's work.

    Later, Chernyshevsky accused Gogol of excessive sentimentality, deliberate pity for Bashmachkin. Apollon Grigoriev in his criticism opposed true art Gogol's method satirical image reality.

    The story made a great impression not only on the writer's contemporaries. V. Nabokov in his article "The Apotheosis of the Mask" analyzes creative method Gogol, its features, advantages and disadvantages. Nabokov believes that "The Overcoat" was created for "a reader with creative imagination”, and for the most complete understanding of the work, it is necessary to get acquainted with it in the original language, because Gogol’s work is “a phenomenon of language, not ideas.”

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Gogol wrote this work for some specific purpose, not just like that, because there is no romance or something very intriguing in this work. The purpose of this work is to show that life is not so easy and joyful for everyone, because many people live in their own little imaginary world that hides them from this cruel cold world, and also protects them, as if protecting them from a cold winter.

People are cruel - this has been clear for a long time, and everyone has their own measure of cruelty, someone will be able to pass by a beggar woman just like that, without giving her anything, someone will be able to beat a dog and not feel anything at the same time - not remorse, no conscience. And everyone decides for himself whether it is worth spending his time on this or that creature.

And when people are together, this is even more dangerous, because then all the brakes that were possible before simply stall, and real persecution begins, persecution of a living person - and it doesn’t matter what he feels at the same time, because he is only an object, a goal for inventing witticisms of others - who sound better and smarter?

The protagonist of the story "The Overcoat" by Gogol is a small man, the Shoemaker. He is a small official by profession, if one can say so at all. This little man is very timid, quiet, but at the same time, he has a job that he loves very much - it is to rewrite documents, he just loves to rewrite the same thing all the time, moreover. Once they wanted to promote him, but nothing came of it, because Bashmachkin loved his job so much and rewrote it so beautifully. His colleagues did not respect him too much and complained about him. After all, he meant nothing to them - just some little man who constantly walked in the same overcoat, which became so shabby, and apparently constantly altered and sewn up.

Bashmachkin was offended, but he simply once said: “Why are you offending me? What have I done to you?" Even young people did not understand him and laughed at him and his shabby overcoat. Once, on the advice of a tailor, Bashmachkin decided to sew a new overcoat, for which he saved money for a very long time, which was barely enough to live in a rented room with a small candle. He was constantly cold, but finally he had pride in his new overcoat, but suddenly it was stolen, and then he simply could not stand it and died.

Gogol's work reveals the theme of a little man, which is actually very popular in our world.

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