Three conditions for correct relations between peoples. Education of respect for other peoples.docx - education of respect for other peoples How relations develop between the peoples of different countries

Block extracurricular activities"Behind the Pages of the Textbook"

The activity of the teacher in block of extracurricular, extracurricular activities "Behind the pages of the textbook" follows directly from the content of the 4th grade program and is based on the value-semantic potential of domestic and world culture. Let us consider in more detail the features of this work.

fourth grade. Theme of the year: "Knowing the past - transform the future!"

Work during previous three years education in the Perspektiva system in general and according to the textbooks "The World Around" in particular created the conditions for the spiritual and moral development of children, instilling in them a love of nature, a sense of patriotism, and citizenship. This is a good foundation for working on the program of the next, 4th grade, not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities. Last year classes according to the program involves the generalization of familiar material, its development on more high level, as well as expanding the range of already accumulated natural science and humanitarian knowledge, moral ideas in the classroom "Behind the pages of the textbook."
Starting from the everyday problems that concern the children, during these classes one should strive, if possible, to transfer their attention to patriotic topics about the heroes - defenders of the Motherland, their courage, stamina and fidelity to duty, that the soldiers who lived many years ago, defended not only the freedom of our state, but also our personal freedom, the freedom of each of us, living decades and even centuries after the accomplishment of their exploits. Epic heroes and heroes of the spirit - our holy princes, great scientists, creators domestic art and soldiers of the Great Patriotic War equally worthy of respect and admiration. Our contemporary needs to know their names, achievements and exploits in order to learn to distinguish true courage from ostentatious bravado, honesty from resourcefulness, fidelity to duty from empty stubbornness, devotion to your favorite creative work from the desire for fleeting entertainment. Knowing the heroes of his students, it will be easier for the teacher to use their authority to discuss problematic situations and explain the good and bad in life. Moral truths, rules of conduct are easier for children to learn when they are communicated in a playful way and on behalf of their favorite characters.
Immense and deepest in its spiritual meaning material of historical genres of folklore of each nation, legends, tales, legends; beauty and diversity of local singing, choreographic, arts and crafts traditions, folk experience, folk architecture gives us another direction in the content of extracurricular activities and spiritual and moral education, built on the basis of folk culture. Thanks to this rich cultural heritage it is possible to convincingly, clearly show how the historical formation and development of the national character and self-consciousness of the peoples of Russia took place and is taking place; as in the images of beautiful temples, epics, historical and lyrical songs, in the features of crafts, everyday life, each stage of the great life path of our country, the development of the culture of all its peoples, who have always mutually enriched each other. The use of this layer of folk culture through the prism of the problem of "man and history" along with the material of the calendar and family ritual tradition- fertile ground for in-depth development of regional, local specifics in extracurricular activities programs for each region, city, village, school. There are inexhaustible opportunities for the specific work of teachers, for the implementation of their most diverse artistic ability, inclinations, addictions to one or another type of folk art; here lay the prospects for a real revival and development of ancient folk artistic traditions, and in the future - and the creation of new artistic trends in their life-giving springs. Having passed such a school of personal comprehension of the historical and cultural heritage of the Fatherland, a junior schoolchild will not only acquire abstract knowledge about rare and fragmentary monuments of the past. He will actively solve the problems of civil-patriotic ethics for himself, realizes personal connection with history, with the present and future of Russia and the world, which is extremely relevant at the current turn of the world historical spiral.
The 4th grade program, deployed “Behind the Pages of the Textbook”, makes it possible to offer full-time and part-time trips to the holy places of our Motherland: again to the Moscow Kremlin, to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, to the island of Valaam, to the Solovetsky Islands - all these shrines occupy an important place in history and culture of the country. Absentee travel is preceded by serious preparation to give children not only a general idea of ​​these wonderful places, but also to arouse their interest and desire to visit them someday.
The theme of the journey "Across the native expanses" in extracurricular activities makes it possible to complete most interesting projects for a more detailed acquaintance with the nature of different natural zones of Russia. Thus, the diversity of the world of plants and animals, the greatness of animate and inanimate nature becomes the object of project activities and the continuation of the content that is studied in the classroom. It is obvious that many natural science topics contain a moral charge, especially since a person is increasingly becoming aware of his connection with nature, his responsibility for the unreasonable use of environment. The well-known words of A. Exupery “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed” today sound extremely relevant and acquire the meaning of the interconnectedness of all life on the planet.
Again, some issues of etiquette can be discussed: how to behave on the road, in a strange house, in public places. And also to master the topics proposed in the Workbook on OBZH. Indeed, in them the subject of study is a person's life, full of surprises and sometimes dangerous situations. As a result, children understand that the way out of this situation depends, as a rule, on the ability to make the right moral choice.
The theme of the year focuses on acquaintance with rather complex phenomena, with people who have made a significant contribution to domestic and world culture and history. The children learn with interest about artists, scientists, travelers, thinkers who, with their lives and work, set an example of high, truly moral service to people who became famous for their military and spiritual exploits, their creativity, scientific discoveries. Their courage and kindness, fortitude and wisdom resist evil and cruelty. The images of these people help everyone - children and adults - to become better. Getting to know their lives and at the same time focusing on those moral qualities that the heroes possessed, about the strength of their spirit, about the ability to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Motherland, you better understand how to deal with many of your shortcomings: laziness and indifference, greed and selfishness.
The peculiarity of the content of the 4th grade program is that the breadth of its topics allows the teacher to focus on real life and those problems that often arise. Thematic framework only helps to choose a certain direction of work, but does not constrain it. The program allows you to achieve a certain consistency and consistency in extracurricular activities, makes it possible to lead children from relatively simple to more complex issues of spiritual and moral life. To finally lead to the direct question that each of us can and should become a creator own destiny and, starting with yourself, improving your inner world, developing your abilities, become the creator of the future of Russia. And to transform the world around us, preserving and developing in our activities the best that our predecessors have done before us and for us.
As in the past three years of study, mastering and understanding the educational content of the course behind the pages of the textbook should occur through its expansion in the course of reading, reasoning, as well as additional observations of the child of the outside world. The range of works by extracurricular reading can be expanded by the works of writers belonging in the spiritual sense to confessions traditional for Russia - Orthodoxy, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism (by choice).
In working with children, methods of museum pedagogy should be applied, allowing to include the memory and emotions of the child through various items having this or that historical significance or imitating them. Holding an object in its hands that has its own "life", the child can easily imagine the person to whom it belonged. He will think about the connection between times and generations, realize the need to respect the past, appreciate and protect its material evidence - old books, family photographs, letters. These accessible historical relics will be an occasion for an interesting and serious conversation. In addition, such techniques are useful for developing qualities that are also important for educational activities: they train memory, attention, and promote internal emancipation. At the same time, all channels of information are activated - visual, auditory, muscular, motor - and - as a result - the expansion of the scope of the world vision, associative connections, intuition develops, the emotional sphere becomes richer. Such techniques help in concentrating attention, awakening imagination, creating a creative atmosphere. With their help, conditions are more effectively created that stimulate cognitive and creative activity children.
The above examples show how in extracurricular activities behind the pages of the textbook there is a real integration of basic and additional education.
The content of conversations on spiritual and moral issues during the year can be tentatively presented for each section in the following way:
I section:

  1. What has changed over the summer: us or the world?
  2. Faith, Hope, Love: why do people come together and what is a society?
  3. What are the rights of the child and when does he have responsibilities?
  4. What helps to build good relations between peoples in Russia and abroad?

Section II:

  1. Why do we call Russia a great country?
  2. How do the features of the earth's surface in different regions of Russia affect the life and activities of people, the customs and traditions of the peoples inhabiting it?
  3. What rivers and lakes of Russia are considered holy?
  4. Which natural area of ​​Russia would I like to explore and why?


  1. What can we do now to preserve the memory of the past of our city (village)?
  2. What ideas are the basis moral choice for our compatriots and for us? What does it mean to do good in secret?
  3. How to interpret the thought: “Love is the work of the soul”? Which of our famous countrymen lived and lives in accordance with this idea?
  4. Are the words "Mercy, mercy and charity" different? Which of my compatriots and my relatives can serve as an example of a merciful attitude towards people?
  5. Death and immortality: what deeds and events in the history of our country have the right to be called immortal and why?

ISection V

  1. Why is it important to develop agriculture in Russia?
  2. Why is the commonwealth of science and industrial production in our country?
  3. Why preserve the traditional crafts of the peoples of Russia?
  4. What is my project for the future of Russia?

Specific tips for work behind the pages of the textbook are given under the heading "Recommendations for family activities", in the lesson descriptions of classes in the classroom. This is the general content of the work behind the pages of the textbook in grade 4. Now we concretize it in accordance with the sections of the textbook "The World Around".

Behind the pages of the textbook (section "We are citizens of the united Fatherland")

Continue to make imaginary journeys to the republics and other lands Russian Federation. Invite your friends and older relatives to participate in this game. Based on the results of your travels, arrange the exhibition “Coats, flags and capitals of the subjects of the Russian Federation”. Organize a festival of artistic creativity and traditional gaming culture of the peoples of Russia. Organize a competition of video presentations “The beauty of the nature of my Fatherland” based on materials from the Internet, together with friends from a parallel class and with the help of high school students from your school.

Behind the pages of the textbook (section "In native spaces")

Try to get to know the nature of your native land better, understand its environmental problems, take part in environmental projects that are interesting for you. Hold a conference in the classroom on the topic "How to solve the environmental problems of the region." With your class or with your family, try to visit different parts of the country, in nature reserves and national parks, in open-air museums that introduce you to the traditional economic activities and home life of the peoples of this or that region. Take pictures of what you see and make your "Travel Album". Organize an exhibition of such albums in the class. Hold quizzes on the topics "The Red Book of Russia", "Reserves and National parks Russia", "Museums under the open sky".
Read books about the nature and culture of different parts of Russia. Spend a holiday "With a book - in nature." At the holiday, you can organize a contest "The most attentive reader." Present at the exhibition your favorite books about the nature and culture of the peoples of our Fatherland.
Get acquainted with the ancient songs and legends of the peoples of your region, where there are descriptions of the work that has long been the basis of their life.

Behind the pages of the textbook(section "Journey on the River of Time")

Find out what folk legends are about the origin of the city, village, village, street, microdistrict where you live, what the names of your place of residence, rivers, lakes in its vicinity mean. Also find out which city is the center of the region, region, district where you live, when it arose, who were its founders and first inhabitants, are there oral traditions or written documents related to its history.
Together with your family, visit the sights and shrines of your region, city (village). Find out what events in Russian history were commemorated by the temples of your region. Organize full-time or part-time tours of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. Prepare photo stories or exhibitions of drawings based on the results of your travels.
As you get to know Russian history make a "Calendar of memorable dates of our Fatherland", including in it pages dedicated to the events of the history of your region and your fellow countrymen.
By Victory Day, arrange the exhibition "My countrymen during the Great Patriotic War." According to family memories, compile a "Book of Memory" about the life of relatives and family friends during the Great Patriotic War. Include there fragments of front-line letters and wartime documents.

Behind the pages of the textbook(section "We are building the future of Russia")

Take part in a meeting with experts Agriculture or employees Food Industry your region; visit exhibitions of local food products. Try to learn about the ancient secrets and modern advanced methods of growing, storing and harvesting the healthiest agricultural products in your area.
Organize an excursion to an industrial enterprise in your region. Try to find out what new scientific developments are being used to develop it, what is being done to improve working conditions and improve the life of its employees, are there any prospects interesting work for young people.
Arrange a competition of projects "I am building the future of Russia" with the participation of high school students and members of their families. Invite representatives of the local authorities of the city (district, village) to the organizing committee of the competition.

Key concepts to be explored:
mutual understanding, commonwealth, national identity
Friendship of peoples is the most important feature of Russian patriotism.
Brotherly friendship, mutual help and support helped our people
withstand the toughest trials. An example of this is the consolidation
our people and all peoples Soviet Union during the years of World War II.
Representatives of all the peoples of our Motherland became Heroes of the Soviet Union,
were awarded orders and medals.
Russian patriotism has nothing to do with nationalism and
chauvinism, it is closely connected with internationalism. citizenpatriot
Russia respects the peoples of other countries, their culture, customs and
traditions, as well as to the views and beliefs of other people, regardless of their
nationality, race, atheistic or religious views.
At the same time, a citizen-patriot of Russia, recognizing universal human
values, should not forget about the interests of their homeland.
Educational goals:
- fostering a sense of belonging to one's people, awakening
interest in its history, culture, traditions and customs, spiritual ideals and
the values ​​of the multinational people of Russia;
- the formation of a sense of national pride, respect for originality
representatives of another nationality (tolerance), the desire to know
history, culture, traditions and customs, the hierarchy of spiritual values ​​of others
peoples, the ability to live with representatives of other ethnic groups in peace and harmony;
- fostering tolerance towards people of other nationalities
(tasks: to teach to be internationalists, to show intolerance towards
national and racial hostility, humiliation of national dignity
person; learn to understand national characteristics one or another
people living in one country, in one house);
- involvement in the process of reviving the traditions of friendship between peoples;
– assistance in mastering the science of interaction in a socially significant
activities based on cooperation and co-creation.

G o n c e (enlightenment)
Possible topics for communication:
“We are not better or worse than others, we are different”;
- "Gold, gold heart of the people";
- "Soul inexplicable";
- "Our spirit is high";
- "Deep features of our national consciousness»;
– “Peoples of Russia: manners, traditions, customs, character”;
- "The spiritual treasury of the people";
– “True ideals and values ​​of our people”;
- "Lessons of folk wisdom about the friendship of peoples";
- "The code of honor of our people" (reflection in proverbs and sayings);
– “Rules that are not obsolete”;
- "People's etiquette";
– “Our understanding of what humanity is”;
- “Friendship, love, mercy, peacefulness, compassion, care in
representation of the peoples of Russia”;
- "How many different us live in a country named Russia?";
– “Past and modern portraits of the peoples of Russia (“We are not better and
worse than others, we are different”);
- "Portrait of the older and younger generation of Russians: general and special."
Our reflections on the main thing: “Friendship, love, mercy, peacefulness,
compassion, care in our understanding”; Can we understand others
different from us humans? "Friendship: what is it like?"; "Can we
be friends?"; "What kind of friends are we?"; "Our friends: what are they?"; "As our word
respond?"; “Our attitude towards rudeness, vulgarity, cynicism, dirty words
and immoral acts towards other people.
Workshop "Learning to live in one connection with other people."
Evenings actual problems: "Interethnic conflicts: how to
to avoid?"; “What is an understanding world and what is needed in order to

Compilation of collections of materials:
"ABC of folk wisdom about
relationships"; "On the beautiful and the ugly in
human relations."
Expeditions: "To the origins of our self-consciousness", "To the origins of our
civilization"; “To the origins of our mentality”, “To the origins of the folk
wisdom" (folk wisdom about the virtues and vices of our people, about
relationships between people; moral code of honor of our people).
Thematic periods: "Visiting the peoples of Russia", "Together - friendly
School of Humanity:
- lessons of kindness, beauty, justice, peacefulness, mercy,
tolerance, morality and culture of relationships;
– lessons of mutual understanding (we learn to see, hear and understand each other);
– etiquette lessons (etiquette of the peoples of Russia);
– lessons in the art of communication (learning to communicate at a high level of beauty
human relationships)
– lessons of touching the soul to the soul (lessons of magic words);
– lessons of forgiveness and thanksgiving;
- Conflictology lessons;
- lessons of friendship and cooperation "Learning to be friends, interact with each other
with a friend".
Movement of mercy "And we will all become kinder and more humane."
Development and implementation of gaming and socially significant projects:
"This Magic word- WE"; "We are building a bridge of friendship"; "Our city of the World we
let's build it ourselves"; Friends Carousel.
Evening of representatives different peoples Russia "We are your citizens,
The action "The young generation chooses peace, friendship, cooperation between
peoples of Russia and the whole world.
Friendship Post Office.
Relay race of friendship between the peoples of Russia "Our friendship, our
Brotherhood is our main wealth.”
Quiz "What do we know about the history and culture of the peoples of Russia?".
Spartakiad of folk games.

Creative workshops "On the wings of inspiration".
Friendship holiday "I, you, he, she - together a friendly family."

Problem seminars, discussions, conferences, civil
forums, congresses on the topics of peace and friendship between peoples, interaction and
cooperation in various fields life, in solving significant for all
peoples of problems ("Let's make our country a country of peace, goodness and reason",
The peoples of Russia: our circle is indivisible).
School for adults:
– “Raising children in the spirit of respect for other peoples, people of a different faith,
other nationality";
“We are building an understanding world, starting with ourselves.”
1. Develop in your families, in school and classroom groups
system of moral and ethical values, which are based on spiritual
values ​​of our people: true ideals human life(ideals
natural, which guided our ancestors in their lives, our
people: goodness, truth, truth, beauty, freedom, justice).
2. Introduce moral traditions into the system of your life
ethical plan: traditions of memory, fidelity, friendship, commonwealth and
cooperation, hospitality. Develop their content, outline the paths
their implementation in specific significant cases.
As a result of activity and communication (enlightenment), it is assumed
to form relationships in children and adolescents based on feelings
love and friendship, a sense of duty: respect, trust, mercy and
compassion; tolerance,
assistance, cooperation, mutual assistance.
mutual understanding,
Proverbs and sayings reveal the features of the Russian national
character - sharpness, intelligence, patience, indicate the enormous strength hidden in
The Russian does not joke with either the kalach or the sword.

In Rus', not all crucians, there are ruffs.
The Russian is patient to the very beginning.
A feature characteristic of a Russian person, vividly imprinted in all
genres of folk art, is optimism, faith in a better future:
Not all bad weather, there will be a bucket.
The sun will rise in our yard.
Every dog ​​has his day.
Folk wisdom defines friendship and brotherhood between peoples as
main wealth:
Friendship and brotherhood are the main wealth.

Control and measuring materials
in the subject "World around"
to UMK "Perspektiva" A.A. Pleshakov, M.Yu. Novitskaya
Explanatory note
The program around the world was developed on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education. Working on the teaching materials "Perspektiva", teachers are faced with the problem of testing students' knowledge of the world around them.
Systematic work with control and measuring materials, consisting of thematic tests for lessons, as well as final tests for the quarter and academic year, which are contained in this collection, will help prepare students for state certification.
Verification is a constituent element of control, the main didactic function of which is to ensure feedback between a teacher and a student, the teacher receiving objective information about the degree of mastering the educational material, timely detection of shortcomings and gaps in knowledge.
Purpose: To create a collection of tests aimed at identifying subject and meta-subject knowledge and skills of 4th grade students.
The use of test tasks allows you to:
- measure the level of assimilation key concepts, check the totality of subject and meta-subject skills and abilities; - check, compared to the usual forms of testing, a much larger amount of acquired knowledge; - give a more objective assessment of students' knowledge; - check the work done much faster compared to the usual forms; - evaluate each student.
The collection contains tests on the course "World around" for grade 4. All tasks comply with the program of educational institutions and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for elementary school. Systematic work with the materials of the collection will allow teaching students how to work with tests, which will help in the future to successfully complete the tasks of the final certification.
Test structure
All tests consist of three parts. Part A - tasks No. 1-5 (No. 1-12), provide for the choice of one correct answer from the proposed ones. These tasks test the basic knowledge on the topic of the lesson or section.
Part B - tasks consists of questions that require writing an answer in one sentence or correlating concepts and definitions. These tasks help to check how students have learned to process the information received: compare and group facts and phenomena; determine the causes of phenomena, events; convert information from one form to another; work according to the plan, compare their actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct errors.
Part C contains one question, to which you need to give a coherent answer of 2-5 sentences. The teacher monitors the ability of students to process the information received: draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge; convert information from one form to another: present information in the form of text; to convey one's position to others: to formulate one's thoughts in writing, taking into account one's educational and life situations, express your point of view and try to justify it. The main sections of the course:
- We are citizens of the united Fatherland
- In native spaces
- Journey along the river of time
- We are building the future of Russia
General requirements for the level of preparation of students graduating from primary school
As a result of studying the world around the student should:
- state symbols and public holidays of modern Russia; what is the Constitution; fundamental rights of the child;
- Russia's special role in world history; show a sense of pride in national achievements, discoveries, victories;
- the most important events and great people of national history;
- an idea of ​​the peculiarities of the nature of their region: the forms of the earth's surface, minerals, reservoirs, natural communities;
- the essence of the historical victories of Russia, which played a decisive role in world history:
be able to
- notice and explain what people's actions are contrary to human conscience, rules of conduct (morality and law), human rights and the rights of the child;
- have an initial idea of ​​the uniqueness of Russia as a single indivisible state, historical role the multinational people of Russia as a people-creator, the guardian of the Russian statehood;
- give examples of patriotism, valor, nobility on the basis of national history;
- identify causal relationships between various historical events, phenomena of social reality;
- manifest respectful attitude to Russia, to his native land, to his family, history, culture, nature of our country, its modern life;
- be able to assess people's activities in educational and real situations in an accessible form;
- independently find in the textbook and additional sources of information on a specific topic of natural history and social science nature, present them in the form of a message, a story.
Evaluation of work
For each correct answer of block A, one point is given, in block B, the evaluation goes from 1 to 2 points, block C is estimated from 1-4 points.
Test grading table
"2" "3" "4" "5"
Tests on the topics of lessons 0 - 5 points 6 points 7-10 points 11 - 13 points
Section tests 0 - 6 points 6 - 10 points 11 - 16 points 17 - 20 points
Final test 0-7 points 8-15 points 16-20 points 21-24 points
It is very important when testing to indicate the time required for students to work. Time is a factor that determines the quality of the results obtained during the testing process. Increasing the time leads to student fatigue, which in turn will affect the test results. A certain time is allotted to complete the tests: for a test on the topic of the lesson - 15 minutes; for the test in the section - 25-30 minutes; for the final test - 40 minutes. Students are given pre-prepared forms or individual sheets with questions and answer options (for closed-type assignments).
Thus, the undeniable advantages for the teacher of test items are as follows:
identifying the knowledge and skills of each student;
timely detection of gaps in knowledge;
speed of implementation;
ease of verification.
And for the student:
this type of work does not tire children;
shows interest learning material; motivation for educational and cognitive activity;
ability to perform self-examination.
But we must not forget that for primary school students, the development of speech in all lessons, including the world around them, is important. A test tasks do not contribute to this. Therefore, they should not be the only form of verification, but skillfully used in the learning process together with conversation, independent work, control work, and practical work.
Instruction for students
In Part A, read the question carefully and choose one of the suggested answers.
In part B, you must answer with one sentence (word, phrase) or correlate the left and right parts of the task.
In Part C, you need to give a coherent answer to a 2-5 sentence question.
Test 1 on the topic "The Constitution of Russia"
A1. What is another name for our country?
Russian empire
Russian republic
Russian Federation
Russian country
A2. What is a constitution?
fundamental law of our country
another name for our country
structure of our country

A3. How to translate from Latin the word "constitution"?
association, union
A4. When was the last Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted?
in 1977
in 1917
in 1922
in 1993
A5. What about human rights and freedoms?
child care
defense of the motherland
IN 1. Why is the Constitution called the fundamental law of our country?

AT 2. Connect the rights and obligations written in the Constitution with fairy tales that illustrate these moral rules.
Right/duty Fairy tale
1. Everyone has the right to life.
2. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
3. Everyone has the right to housing.
4. Care of children is an equal right and duty of parents.
5. Everyone has the right to rest. A. "Teremok"
B. Charles Perrault "Cinderella"
V. J. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"
G. "Ivan Tserevich and the Gray Wolf"
D. A. Reznikov "The Adventures of Leopold the Cat"
C. How do you understand the words “Our country has become the Russian Federation with a republican form of government”? Write your answer in the form of a coherent text of 2-4 sentences.
Test 2 on the topic "Rights of the child"

Convention on the Rights of the Child

A2. Until what age is a citizen of a country considered a child?
up to 1 year
under 18
up to 14 years old
under 21
A3. How is the word "convention" translated from Latin?
A4. Who takes care of the child if he is left without parents?
A5. When was the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted?
in 1989
in 1948
in 1945
in 2004
IN 1. What right do educational institutions give you?
AT 2. What rights does a young citizen have?

C. How do you understand the tenth principle of the Declaration of Human Rights: “the child must be brought up in the spirit of mutual understanding, tolerance, friendship among peoples…….”? Write your answer in the form of a coherent text of 2-3 sentences.
Test 3 on the topic "State structure of Russia"
A1. Who has the highest authority in solving state issues in Russia?
President 3. Prime Minister
People4. Deputies of the State Duma
A2. Who elects the President of Russia?
Deputies of the State Duma3.government
People4. Prime Minister
A3. Which government body has the legislative power?
To the Government of Russia3. Presidential Administration
Supreme Court4. Federal Assembly
A4. Which government agency has executive power?
To the Government of the people
Federation Council4. State Duma
A5. At what age does a citizen have the right to participate in government?
from 18 years old
from 21 years old
from 25 years old
from 14 years old
B1. Insert the missing words into the sentences.
The supreme power in Russia belongs to ………………….. . Executive power belongs to …………………………. Legislature belongs …………………………… .
AT 2. What are the powers of the President of the Russian Federation?

C. Why is it necessary to take a responsible attitude to the elections of the President and deputies of the State Duma?
Test 4 on the topic "State border of Russia"
A1. Which country does not have a common border with Russia?
A2. Which country is our maritime neighbor?
A3. Which country has the largest population?
in USA
in China
in Mongolia
in Poland
A4. Which country borders Russia in the north?
North Korea
A5. Which country has the shortest border with Russia?
North Korea
IN 1. What countries are in Europe?
AT 2. What countries are in Asia?
S. Which country would you like to visit? Explain why.
Test 5 - Test work on the section "We are citizens of a single Fatherland."
Option 1.
A1. What is the characteristic of society "family"?
joint farm
own language
State symbols
A2. Who is the head of state in our country?
the president
A3. What is the name of the fundamental law of our country?
the federal law
A4. At what age does a Russian citizen receive a passport?
At 18 years old
at 21
at 16
at 14
A5. What is the name of the document that protects the rights of the young inhabitants of the planet?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Constitution of the Russian Federation
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
IN 1. What does the State Duma do?
AT 2. What does the double-headed eagle on the coat of arms of Russia symbolize?

Test 5 - Option 2.
A1. What refers to the characteristic of society "the people"?
National Costume
joint farm

democratic republic
presidential republic
socialist republic
A3. At what age does a citizen have the right to participate in government?
from 18 years old
from 21 years old
from 2 years old
from 14 years old
A4. What is a constitution?
fundamental law of our country
another name for our country
structure of our country
unification of the peoples of our country
A5. What are the rights of a citizen?
protection of honor and good name
conservation of nature
enforcement of the laws of the state
taking care of your child
IN 1. What are the symbols of the state?
AT 2. What does the State Duma do?
C. What helps to build good relations between peoples in Russia and abroad?
Test 6 on the topic "In search of underground storerooms"
A1. Which mineral is the most durable?
A2. What mineral can be smelted?
iron ore
A3. What mineral is liquid fuel made from?
from clay
from iron ore
from oil
from peat
A4. Which mineral has plasticity?
A5. What mineral is called "black gold"?
natural gas
IN 1. What minerals are combustible?
AT 2. What minerals are used in construction?
C. Why do people extract minerals?
Test 7 on the topic "Across the sea"
A1. Which of these seas is the sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean?
A2. Which sea is the warmest?
A3. Which lake is the deepest in the world?
A4. Which river flows through the East European Plain?
YeniseA5. Which lake is called the sea?
IN 1. The seas of what oceans wash the shores of Russia?
AT 2. What lake are you talking about?
This lake is located on the territory of Karelia, Leningrad and Vologda regions. It is the second largest lake in Europe after Ladoga. The name of the lake in translation from Old Finnish means "smoking lake". The people lovingly call the lake "father". One river flows out of it - the Svir, which then flows into Ladoga.
about Lake Seliger
about Teletskoye
about Onega
about Baikal
C. Why are the seas polluted? How can we help preserve their ecology?
Test 8 on the topic "In the icy desert"
A1. Where is the Arctic desert zone located?
in the tropics
in the temperate zone
at the equator
in the polar zone
A2. What is the temperature in the Arctic in summer?
above +20оС
slightly above 0°C
below -10 °C below -40 °С3. What group of plants dominates in the Arctic deserts?
A4. What do birds eat in the Arctic deserts?
A5. What do people do in the Arctic?
nature study
animal husbandry
IN 1. What environmental problem exists in the Arctic?
AT 2. What food chain schemes can be drawn from these living creatures: crustaceans, polar cod, murre, polar bear, seal, algae?

C. How did the flora and fauna adapt to the conditions of the harsh Arctic?
Test 9 on the topic "In the cold tundra"
A1. What are the weather conditions of the tundra?
cold winter, warm summer
harsh winter, hot summer
harsh winter, cold summer
harsh winter, no summer
A2. What plant is the main food for deer?
dwarf willow
reindeer moss
A3. What is the main occupation of the northern peoples?
fodder crops
growing crops
poultry farming
reindeer herding
A4. How are birds adapted to the harsh conditions of the tundra?
hibernate for the winter
feed on insects, which are abundant in the tundra
they have thick, long feathers on their belly and paws
fly south for the winter
A5. What harm does human activity do to the tundra?
disturbed soil surface due to oil extraction
air is polluted
forests are cut down
many fish are caught
IN 1. Read the text. Determine if this is possible.
We rode at night on a sleigh through a dense birch forest. Suddenly we see: above the birches, mushroom caps stick out in the distance. We stopped and started looking for more. Move two or three birch trees apart and you will find a good fungus. We collected a whole basket of mushrooms. We look at the clock, it's past midnight, it's time to go to bed. And the sun won't set. We put our sleeping bags on the birches and fell fast asleep.
AT 2. Why are plants in the tundra undersized?
C. Write at least one environmental problem Tundra and suggest ways to solve it.
Test 10 on the topic "Among the forests"
A1. What is the difference between the weather conditions of the forest zone?
warm winter
warm summer
little moisture
the sun rises low on the horizon
A2. Which tree is not a conifer?
cedar pine
A3. Which tree belongs to the small-leaved?
A4. Which bird helps disperse cedar seeds?
falcon-derbnikA5. Which animal is "extra"?
IN 1. Write a short description of the forest zone?
AT 2. What forest bird are we talking about?
This bird belongs to the order of chickens. Males are larger and brighter than females. In spring, males gather for lekking. Current birds make special sounds, and sometimes fight violently. During current "singing" they lose their hearing, which is why these birds got their name.
C. How do you understand the expression: “the forest is a place of rest”?
Test 11 on the topic "In the wide steppe"
A1. What are the weather conditions in the steppes?
hot summer, little moisture
cold short summer
harsh winter, cool summer
rainy and hot summer
A2. What vegetation cover prevails in the steppes?
broadleaf forests
trees and shrubs
various herbaceous plants
coniferous forests
A3. Which plant has bulbous roots?
feather grass
A4. What animal is a predator?
gray partridge
steppe viper
A5. What steppe animals are listed in the Red Book?
demoiselle crane2.hamster
3. kestrel4. Gopher
IN 1. What natural phenomenon in the steppes are we talking about?
It occurs in the steppes during a drought, especially where the land is plowed up. With this phenomenon, visibility is sharply reduced. Wind-blown dust gets in everywhere, damaging mechanisms and making breathing difficult. As a result, the soil is destroyed, often already with seeds. They can fall to the ground thousands of kilometers away.
AT 2. Why do so many birds die in the steppes?
S. Write how the plants have adapted to the long dry summer?
Test 12 on the topic "In the hot desert"
A1. What are the weather conditions in the desert?
hot summer, little rainfall
hot summer, harsh winter
warm rainy summer
short hot summer
A2. What thorny plant do camels eat?


A4. What are dunes?
banks of sand
dust storms
A5. What animal jumps up to 3 m in height with the help of long strong legs?
foot-and-mouth disease fast
IN 1. How do animals adapt to desert conditions?
Q2. What is the environmental problem in deserts?
C. Think about what will happen in the desert if camels disappear completely?
Test13 on the topic "Through the pages of the Red Book"
A1. What animals are protected in the Taimyr Reserve?
red-throated goose
peregrine falcon
A2. What steppe animal is listed in the Red Book?
3. steppe dybka 4. filly
A3. What animals are protected in the reserve on Wrangel Island?
dead end
polar bear
A4. What forest animal is listed in the Red Book?
stag beetle
A5. What mammal is listed in the Red Book?
Black Sea bottlenose dolphin
IN 1. Connect the environmental problem to the zone to which it belongs.
Environmental problem Natural area
1. Soil destruction by heavy machinery.
2. Pollution of the seas and coasts with oil.
3. Deforestation.
4. Formation of mobile sands.
5. Poaching. A. Arctic deserts
B. Steppe
G. Black Sea coast
D. Desert
E. Forest zone
AT 2. Why is Lake Baikal included in the World Natural Heritage List?
C. Read the poem.
Tree, grass and bird
They don't always know how to defend themselves.
If they are destroyed
We will be alone on the planet.
What actions should be taken so that a person is not left alone on the planet?
Test 14 - Verification work on the section "In native spaces"
Option 1.
A1. How does the forest protect the soil?
prevents the sun from drying out the soil
in the forest it is difficult to plow and sow
does not allow wind and water to wash away the soil, keeps it
animals in the forest do not trample the soil?
A2. What steppe plant has roots - bulbs?
feather grass
A3. What animal is called the "ship of the desert"?
monitor lizard
A4. What are beams?
cluster of hills

slopes of high mountains
mountains lined up
A5. What is an inflow?
beginning of the river
the place where the river flows into the sea

right bank of the river
A6. Which mineral has plasticity?
A7. What type of soil is the most fertile?
black soil
A8. What bird lives and nests in the meadow?
A9. What forests grow on the slopes of the mountains of the Black Sea coast?
A10. What animal jumps up to 3 m in height with the help of long strong legs?
foot-and-mouth disease fast
IN 1. Why should the grass in the meadow be mowed from the center, moving in a circle?
AT 2. What attracts grain growers to the steppe?
AT 3. What World Natural Heritage Sites are located in Russia?
C. What places in Russia would you like to visit? Why?
Test 14-Option 2
A1. What trees grow in the taiga?
birch, aspen
oak, maple
pine, fir
ash, elm
A2. What animal of the steppe are predators?
gray partridge
steppe viper
A3. What are ravines?
steep slopes
hollow between mountains
potholes on hillsides
high hills
A4. What is a source?
beginning of the river
the place where the river flows into the sea
a river that flows into another river
sandbank on the coast
A5. Which mineral is fusible?
iron ore
A6. What type of soil is common in the steppes?
gray forest soil
meadow soil
podzolic soil
black soil
A7. What plain stretches from the western borders of Russia to the Ural Mountains?
Eastern European
Central Siberian Plateau
West Siberian A8. What is the characteristic of the tundra?
the sun never rises high above the horizon, there are lichens from the vegetation on the stones, animals feed on fish
short summer. The ground thaws 1.5 m deep, water is not absorbed, so there are many swamps, plants creep along the ground
summers are warm, but winters are severe, coniferous plants predominate, as they are less demanding on heat; animal world diverse
heat-loving broad-leaved plants grow in the forests; flora and fauna are rich and varied

belt always faces the sun
there are many volcanoes

A10. What are the highest mountains in Russia?
mountains of Kamchatka
IN 1. Why is Lake Baikal included in the World Natural Heritage List?
AT 2. How do plants adapt to long dry summers?
AT 3. What harm does human activity do to the ecology of the tundra?
C. What places in Russia would you like to visit? Why?
Test 15 on the topic "Moscow is the successor of Vladimir"
A1. Which prince challenged the Golden Horde?
Ivan KalitaYuri Dolgoruky
Alexander Nevskiy
Dmitry Ivanovich
A2. What nickname did Prince Dmitry receive after the Battle of Kulikovo?
Red Sun
A3. When did the Battle of Kulikovo take place?
in 1240
in 1380
in 1237
in 1300
A4. What city was the capital of Rus' in the 13th century?
Velikiy Novgorod
A5. What monks were sent by Sergius of Radonezh with Prince Dmitry?
Ilya Muromets
IN 1. Why did Dmitry Donskoy ask for blessings at the Trinity Monastery before the battle?
AT 2. What What three troubles came to Rus'?
C. Think about why Prince Daniel of Moscow was eventually called by the people the master of the Russian land?
Test 16 on the topic "The beginning of the Moscow kingdom"
A1. Where did the meeting of the Russian rati with the army of Akhmat take place?
on the Nepryadvena River, the Don River
on the river Ugra
on the river Neva
A2. Which Mongolian khan led his troops to the river Ugra?
KasymA3. Which Kremlin was built under Ivan III?
white stone
from iron bars
red brick
A4. What symbol appeared on the seal of Ivan III?
George the Victorious
double-headed eagle
shield and sword
A5. Which of the rulers became the first tsar in Russia?
Ivan III
Ivan groznyj
Ivan KalitaDmitry Donskoy
IN 1. Why did Ivan III decide to repulse the Golden Horde?
AT 2. Match the concept with its definition.
Concept Definition
B. Mosque
V. Zemsky Sobor 1. A cult building for people of the Islamic faith.
2. Free people who fled from the Tatars to the uninhabited steppes.
3. The governing body in Rus', a collection of faithful and reasonable people.
C. What do you notice in common in politics Kyiv princes and Moscow sovereigns?
Test 17 on the topic "Ascetics of Rus' and explorers"
A1. Which tsar ordered the establishment of a printing house in Moscow?
Ivan III
Ivan KalitaYaroslav the Wise
Ivan groznyj
A2. What was the name of the master who created the first printing house in Moscow?
Ivan Fedorov
monk Nestor
A3. What book did Ivan Fedorov create for teaching literacy?
"The Tale of Bygone Years"
"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
first Russian primer
A4. Where is the monument to Ivan Fedorov erected?
in Kyiv
in Moscow
in Yaroslavl
in Vladimir
A5. In what year was the first printed book published in Rus'?
in 1480
in 1564
in 1612
in 1500
IN 1. What cities were built in Siberia in the 16th-17th centuries?
AT 2. Give definitions.
A man discovering the world, laying new way - ……………………………….. .
A person serving goodness, justice, caring for a person - …………………………………. People who mastered a new business set the world in motion - …………………………….
C. How does the proverb: “As you live, so you will be known”, characterizes the worldview of Metropolitan Philip?
Test 18 on the topic "On the path to unity"
A1. When did the Polish invaders turn against Russia?
in the 11th century
in the 14th century
in the 16th century
in the 17th century
A2. Where did the Polish invaders hide?
in Novgorod
in Kyiv
in Moscow
in Ryazan
A3. Which of the Russian people called on the people to resist the enemies?
Ivan Fedorov
Dmitry Donskoy
Ivan groznyj
Kozma Minin
A4. Who stood at the head of the Russian army?
Kozma Minin
Dmitry Pozharsky
Alexander Nevskiy
Ivan groznyj
A5. When was the Poles defeated?
in 1612
in 1610
in 1604
in 1613
IN 1. What feat accomplished during this war is described in K. Ryleev's poem?
The forest is getting wilder and wilder!
And suddenly the path before them disappears;
And pines and firs, thick branches
Bowing sullenly to the ground,
Weaved a debry wall of boughs.
Here is a more alert anxious ear:
Everything in that outback is dead and deaf...
"Where did you take us?" - the old Lyakh cried out.
"Where you need to go!" Susanin said.
Kill! torture! - my grave is here!
But know and rush: I saved Mikhail!
AT 2. Connect a person with his role in the liberation of Rus' during the Time of Troubles.
Figure Role in history
1.Kozma Minin
2. Dmitry Pozharsky
3. Patriarch Hermogenes. A. Made the first contribution to the creation of the army, called on citizens "to spare no good" in defense of the Fatherland.
B. Refused to sign the charter for the reign of the Polish prince.
V. stood at the head of the troops of the people's militia.
C. Why did the victory in Rus' with turmoil and foreign invasion become possible?
Test 19 on the topic "The Beginning of the Russian Empire"
A1. What was the name of Tsar Peter I?
Red Sun
A2. What was Peter I fond of as a child?
war games
A3. When did St. Petersburg become the capital of Russia?
in 1480
in 1612
in 1703
in 1712
A4. What did Peter I create in Russia?
first university
Academy of Sciences
First ship
A5. At what age was Peter I proclaimed tsar?
at 26
at age 20
at 10
At 18 years old
IN 1. Why was it important for Russia to create a fleet?
AT 2. What sciences did Peter I know well?
C. Why was the modern nuclear missile cruiser named after Peter I? Test 20 on the topic “Life is for the Fatherland, honor is for no one”
A1. What was founded by Mikhail Lomonosov upon his return to St. Petersburg from Germany?
Academy of Sciences2. observatory
3. chemical laboratory4. Institute of Physics
A2. What monument was erected by Catherine II in honor of Peter I?
Peter and Paul Cathedral
Winter Palace
Bronze Horseman
A3. Which commander became famous for his victory over the fortress of Izmail?
A.V. Suvorov
F.F. Ushakov
M.I. Kutuzov
Dmitry Pozharsky
A4. Which naval commander stormed the sea fortress on the island of Corfu?
A.V. Suvorov
F.F. Ushakov
M.I. Kutuzov
Peter I
A5. What difficulties did Lomonosov face while studying in Moscow?
the sciences were difficult. not enough money to live
3. he was from the common people4. there were no books
IN 1. Why is a monument erected in Switzerland to soldiers led by A.V. Suvorov?
AT 2. Connect the surname and deed of our compatriot.
Figure Role in history
1.M.V. Lomonosov
2.A.V. Suvorov
3.F.F.Ushakov A. He stormed the sea fortress on the island of Corfu.
B. Wrote a textbook of martial arts "Science wins."
V. Developed a project for Moscow University.
C. How do you understand the expression: “The honor of a scientist, soldier, citizen”?
Test 21 on the topic "Patriotic War of 1812"

in 1480
in 1612
in 1812
in 1704
A2. Who was appointed commander in chief of the Russian troops?
A.V. Suvorov
F.F. Ushakov
M.I. Kutuzov
M.I. Platov
A3. Where did the decisive battle with Napoleon's army take place?
near the village of Borodino
near the river Nepryadvyu Poltava
on the Kulakovsky field
A4. Who is M.I. Platov?
Russian commander
chieftain of the cossacks
partisan commander
adjutant M.I. Kutuzov
A5. Which commander was the mentor of M.I. Kutuzov in military affairs?
A.V. Suvorov2. F.F. Ushakov
3.Napoleon Bonaparte4. Peter the Great
IN 1. Why did the war of 1812 remain in history under the name "Patriotic"?
AT 2. Fill in the missing words in the text.
Napoleon started the war with Russia on June 12………….. . On the way to Moscow, the enemy was exhausted by attacks…………………….. . The decisive battle took place on the ………………………… field. Kutuzov decided to give ……………………. and retreat.
S. What do you think our compatriots dreamed about then? What plans did they make?
Test 22 on the topic "In search of justice"
A1. Who was the last Russian Tsar?
Ivan VI
Alexander II
Nicholas II
Peter I
A2. Which king abolished serfdom?
Ivan IV
Alexander II
Nicholas I
Peter I
A3. What is the definition of the word "revolution"?

a group of people who put forward their own program for the development of society
military action against the invaders

A4. What is a civil war?
decisive action to profound changes in society
war between citizens of one country
war of citizens for their fatherland
military action against the king
A5. When did the Russian tsar abdicate?
in 1917
in 1918
in 1914
in 1922

AT 2. Who fought during the Civil War?
S. Do you think it was possible to prevent the revolution and the civil war?
Test 23 on the topic "Age of Troubles and Victories"
A1. What was the name of our country in 1922?

Russian empire
Russian republic
A2. How many republics were included in the USSR?
A3. What city became the capital of our country in 1918?
Nizhny Novgorod
Saint Petersburg
A4. What symbol crowned the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris?
Spasskaya tower with a five-pointed star
Monument "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"
The icebreaker "Krasin"
coat of arms of Russia
A5. Who has ruled our country since the 1920s? 20th century?
the president
IN 1. Why did the farmers not want to unite in collective farms?
AT 2. How was illiteracy liquidated in the Soviet country?
S. How can you imagine why our compatriots built factories, factories and schools in the first place after the revolution?
Test 24 on the topic “Get up, the country is huge!”
A1. When did WWII start?
in 1939
in 1941
in 1945
in 1922
A2. Which country attacked ours in 1941?
A3. Which city was under blockade for 9000 days?
A4. When do we celebrate Victory Day?
22nd of June
9th May
February 23
12 June
A5. Who led the assault on Berlin?
Marshal Konev
Marshal Rokossovsky
Marshal Zhukov
General Panfilov
IN 1. Why did our army fail in the first place?
AT 2. What were the consequences of the Great Patriotic War?
C. Why, despite the fact that our country was not ready for war and the attack of the fascist troops was sudden, our people were able to hold out and drive the enemy away?
Test 25 - Test work on the section "Journey along the river of time"
Option 1.
A1. When did the French army invade Russia?
in 1480
in 1612
in 1812
in 1704
A2. Who was the last Russian Tsar?
Nicholas II
Ivan IV
Alexander II
Peter I
A3. What was the name of our country in 1922?
Russian Federative Republic
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Russian empire
Russian republic
A4. When did WWII start?
in 1939
in 1941
in 1945
in 1922
A5. What city became the capital of Ancient Rus'?
A6. Who created the Slavic alphabet?
Yaroslav the Wise
Vladimir Red Sun
Cyril and Methodius
Yury Dolgoruky
A7. Which prince defeated the Swedish army on the Neva?
Prince Oleg
Prince Vladimir
Prince Yaroslav
Prince Alexander
A8. What was the name of the master who created the first printing house in Moscow?
Ivan Fedorov
monk Nestor
A9. When did the Polish invaders turn against Russia?
in the 11th century
in the 14th century
in the 16th century
in the 17th century
A10. When was the first Soviet citizen in space?
in 1957
in 1961
in 1991
in 1945
IN 1. Why did Peter I get the nickname the Great?
AT 2. What achievements relate to the post-war history of our country?
AT 3. Why did Ivan III decide to repulse the Golden Horde?

Option 2.
A1. Where did the decisive battle with Napoleon's army take place in 1812?
near the village of Borodino
near the river Nepryadvyu Poltava
on the Kulakovsky field
A2. Who led the assault on Berlin?
Marshal Konev
Marshal Rokossovsky
Marshal Zhukov
General Panfilov
A3. What name refers to our legendary military equipment during the war of 1941-1945?
A4. In which Russian city was the Motherland monument erected in memory of the battles of the Great Patriotic War?
in Astrakhan
in Samara
in Ulyanovsk
In Volgograd
A5. Who went down in history as the baptizer of Rus'?
Prince Vladimir
Yaroslav the Wise
Alexander Nevskiy
Peter the Great
A6. Which city during the Great Patriotic War was under blockade for 900 days?
A7. What was the name of the spaceship on which Yuri Gagarin flew into space?
A8. When is Victory Day celebrated in our country?
22nd of June
9th May
February 23
12 June
A9. Who stood at the head of the Russian army against the Polish invaders?
Kozma Minin
Dmitry Pozharsky
Alexander Nevskiy
Ivan groznyj
A10. How many republics were included in the USSR?
IN 1. Why is the war of 1914 called the world war?
AT 2. Why did the war of 1812 remain in history under the name "Patriotic"?
AT 3. Why did the Russian troops of Ivan III defeat the Golden Horde?
S. Why do you think the Russian people were able to endure so much grief and win in all wars?

Option 1.
A1. What is the name of the fundamental law of our country?
the federal law
A2. Who is the head of our state?
the president
A3. What does the expression "BC" mean?
in the last century
in the last millennium
before Christmas
after Christmas
A4. What kind of plain stretches from the western borders of Russia to the Ural Mountains?
Eastern European
Central Siberian Plateau
West Siberian A5. What animal is called the "ship of the desert"?
monitor lizard
A6. Which mineral is fusible?
iron ore
A7. What soil is the most fertile?
tundra soil
meadow soil
podzolic soil
black soil
A8. What steppe plant has roots - bulbs?
feather grass
A9. What are beams?
cluster of hills
planted slopes
slopes of high mountains
mountains lined up
A10. Who went down in history as the baptizer of Rus'?
Prince Vladimir
Yaroslav the Wise
Alexander Nevskiy
Peter the Great
A11. What was the name of the master who created the first printing house in Moscow?
Ivan Fedorov
monk Nestor
A12. Which prince defeated the Swedish army on the Neva?
Prince Oleg
Prince Vladimir
Prince Yaroslav
Prince Alexander
IN 1. What is sovereignty?
AT 2. What is a civil war?
AT 3. Which statement refers to the country's food security?
AT 4. What was the significance of the baptism of Rus'?

Test 26– Final test in a year
Option 2.
A1. What is the name of the document that protects the rights of the young inhabitants of the planet?
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Constitution of the Russian Federation
Convention on the Rights of the Child
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
A2. What state, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is our country?
democratic republic
presidential republic
socialist republic
A3. What chronology is accepted in Russia in our time?
from the day of the birth of Christ
since the founding of Rome
since the reign of the pharaoh
from the day of the presidency
A4. What are the highest mountains in Russia?
mountains of Kamchatka
A5. What thorny plant do camels eat?
juzgungrassbread camel thorn
A6. What is a source?
beginning of the river
the place where the river flows into the sea
a river that flows into another river
sandbank on the coast
A7. What kind of soil at the World Exhibition in Paris was called "black diamond"?
gray forest soil
meadow soil
podzolic soil
black soil
A8. Which mineral has plasticity?
A9. Why are the subtropics warmer than the temperate zones?
the sun's rays fall down there
belt always faces the sun
there are many volcanoes
due to the rotation of the earth around the sun
A10. What city became the capital of Ancient Rus'?
A11. Who created the Slavic alphabet?
Yaroslav the Wise
Vladimir Red Sun
Cyril and Methodius
Yury Dolgoruky
A12. Who stood at the head of the Russian army against the Polish invaders?
Kozma Minin
Dmitry Pozharsky
Alexander Nevskiy
Ivan groznyj
IN 1. Why is the war of 1914 called the world war?
AT 2. What is the phenomenon in public life countries in the 1980s. called perestroika?
AT 3. When new law comes into force?
AT 4. What problems arose in the economy of our country in the 1980s?
S. What kind of Russia do you want to see in the future?
Answers to tests.
No. А1А2А3 А4А5 В1В21 3 1 4 4 1-2 All other laws must not contradict it 1D, 2c, 3A, 4B, 5D
2 3 2 3 4 1 Education or free education Health care or free education
3 2 2 4 1 1 To the people, government or federal assembly Issues decrees, commander in chief
4 4 3 2 1 1 Lithuania, Poland, Germany China, Mongolia
c.1 1 3 2 4 3 Approves laws or rejects laws Power, might, wisdom
c.2 1 1 1 1 4 State emblem or sovereign. flag Approve laws or reject laws
6 2 4 3 1 1 Sand, granite, clay Peat, oil, natural gas
7 3 1 1 2 4 Atlantic, Northern, Pacific About Onega
8 4 2 2 3 1 Predatory catching of fish or seals Guillemot-seal
Arctic cod-polar bear
9 3 4 4 3 1 Can only be in the tundra Warmer near the ground
10 2 3 2 3 3 Area with a lot of vegetation capercaillie
11 1 3 3 4 1 About the dust storm Due to field work
12 1 3 2 3 4 Bury themselves in the sand during the day. Moisture is taken from plants. Soil pollution. Reducing the number of saigas.
13 1 4 4 4 1 A1, B5, V1, G2, D4, E3 The cleanest. Some plants and animals exist only here
15 4 1 2 3 3 Faith unites or believed in God and his power Tatar-Mongols, Swedes, Germans
16 3 3 4 2 2 Rus' got stronger or Russian lands united A2, B1, c3
17 4 3 4 2 2 Tyumen, Tobolsk, Tomsk Pathfinder, righteous, ascetics
18 4 3 4 2 1 Ivan Susanin B3, A1, B2
19 4 1 4 2 3 To go to sea, to trade Geography, navigation, mathematics
20 3 3 1 2 2 Moved the army through the Alps (pass) 1B, 2B, 3A
21 3 3 1 2 1 The people stood up to fight (the people defended the Fatherland in 1812, partisans, Borodino, Moscow
22 3 2 1 2 1 Many states entered the war Red and White (Russian people who were divided into Red and White)
23 2 1 3 2 4 Disrupted way of life Schools opened
24 2 1 4 2 3 Surprise attack (were not ready for war) Many people died (devastation)
Answers of the final tests by sections:
No. tes
and A1A2A3 A4A5 A6A7A8 A9A10 B1B2B3
14-v.1 3 3 2 2 3 1 4 1 1 4 Insects and birds will be able to fly away Fertile steppe soils Altai, Lake Baikal
14-in.2 3 4 1 1 4 4 1 2 1 1 The purest. Some plants and animals exist only here Narrow leaves evaporate little moisture Soil destruction, improper grazing
25-v.1 3 1 2 2 2 3 4 3 4 2 “Opened a window” to Europe, introduced a new calendar Compulsory education, restoration of culture Rus' grew stronger, Russian lands united
25-v.2 1 3 4 4 1 4 1 2 2 1 The whole world is involved in the war The people stood up to fight for the Fatherland The Russian army took an advantageous position
Final test answers for the year:
Option 1
A1 - 2A9 - 2B1 - state independence (independent state)
A2 - 3A10 - 1B2 - war between citizens of one country
A3 - 3A11 - 3B3 - the country itself produces food
A4 - 1A12 - 4B4 - the new faith rallied people (ties with other countries have strengthened)
A5 - 2
A6 - 4
A7 - 4
A8 - 3
Option 2
A1 - 3A9 - 2B1 - many states fought (states of the world entered the war)
A2 - 1A10 - 2B2 - reforms (measures) for a change in the development of the country
A3 - 1A11 - 3B3 - when the president signed it
A4 - 1A12 - 2B4 - low quality goods (agriculture is in decline)
A5 - 3
A6 - 1
A7 - 4
A8 - 1

  • How is a person's nationality determined?
  • Are the words "nation" and "nationality" synonymous?
  • Why do ethnic conflicts arise?
  • How to prevent them?

Relations between nations. In structure human society an important place is occupied by large groups (communities) that unite people along ethnic lines. The nationality of a person is his belonging to a particular nation or nationality.

There are about 2 thousand nations, nationalities, tribes on the Earth now. Among them there are numerous and small, the latter are called ethnic minorities. All of them are part of almost 200 states. It is not difficult to realize that there are many more nations and nationalities than there are states in the world, therefore among these states there are many that are multinational.

From the course of history, you know that in a primitive society people were united by a tribe. After the appearance of states (during the period of slave-owning and feudal society), nationalities are formed: on the basis of strengthening intertribal ties and mixing of tribes, a single language for a given nationality is formed, and a territorial and cultural community arises.

The development of economic ties within and between nationalities led to their transformation into nations. Nations arose both from related and unrelated tribes and nationalities as a result of their combination, "mixing". People belonging to one nation are united by a common economic ties, territory, and culture. They speak the same language. They have common features of the national character.

The history of relations between tribes, nationalities, nations is complex and dramatic. Often between them there were feuds, bloody conflicts. And in modern world national conflicts continue. In the Middle East, there have been armed clashes between Arabs and Israelis for many years. Often there are national conflicts in other countries of Asia and Africa. National contradictions are sometimes intensified in the USA, Belgium, Canada. A protracted conflict unfolded between the peoples of the former Yugoslavia. arose acute conflicts and on the territory of the former USSR.

dream the best people of all times and peoples was the creation of a state of friendship and brotherhood, a society of harmony between nations, “when peoples, forgetting strife, in great family unite”, as A. S. Pushkin wrote.

Attitude to the history and traditions of the people. The fate of an individual cannot be separated from the fate of his people. When the German fascists planned to destroy entire nations or a significant part of them - Slavs (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, etc.), Jews, Gypsies - their criminal actions broke the fate of millions of families, brought misfortune to countless people. Therefore, a person cannot be indifferent to the successes or troubles of his people. People of any nation have a sense of national pride. But they understand national pride in different ways. For example, the best representatives of the Russian people have always been proud of the creations of the hands of Russian masters, the outstanding achievements of Russian culture, the exploits of their soldiers on the battlefields. national pride The best Russian people included respect for the national feelings of other peoples, the recognition that other peoples also have the right to national pride.

This position is opposed by another: "Everything that is ours is good, everything that is alien (that is, characteristic of another nation) is bad." People who share such a position are ready, without hesitation, to justify everything that happened in the history of their people, both good and bad, and at the same time denigrate everything that happened in the history of another people. Such narrow-mindedness leads to national strife, and hence to new troubles not only for other peoples, but also for our own.

There were glorious pages in the historical past of different peoples. The achievements of the material and spiritual culture of the people are admired not only by people belonging to this nation, but also by representatives of other nations. But if there are gloomy pages in history, then they should be perceived accordingly with pain or indignation - not to hide the "inconvenient" facts of the historical past, but to evaluate them as they deserve.

The historical path of each nation explains the emergence of national traditions and customs. Many nations have a tradition of hospitality. A tradition has developed to help other nations in trouble. Thus, after the terrible earthquake in Armenia in 1988, representatives of other peoples of our country and other countries donated blood, sent medicines and clothes, helped to dismantle the rubble and restore cities and villages.

But there are other traditions, such as blood feuds.

The younger generation cannot blindly perceive any national traditions and customs. It must independently determine what in historical experience is worthy of admiration and what is condemnation.

The German fascists, having attacked the Soviet Union in 1941, counted on national disunity in the USSR, the emergence of national clashes. They miscalculated. All the peoples of the country courageously defended their common homeland, fought shoulder to shoulder at the front, helped each other in the rear. Among the 11 thousand Heroes of the Soviet Union, there are thousands of Russians and Ukrainians, hundreds of Belarusians, Tatars, Jews, dozens of Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, Uzbeks, Mordvins, Chuvashs, Azerbaijanis, Bashkirs, Ossetians, Maris, Turkmens, Tajiks, Latvians, Kirghiz, warriors of many other nationalities.

Cooperation and understanding between nations achieved in any multinational country, great the conquest of peoples, which must be protected and strengthened in every possible way.

Interethnic relations in modern society. In the second half of the 80s. 20th century in some republics of the USSR there was an aggravation of interethnic relations. Intolerance, friction, conflicts on an interethnic basis have arisen in a number of regions. Among them are the events in Alma-Ata - 1986, Sumgayit - 1987, Abkhazia - 1988, Fergana - 1989, since 1988 Nagorno-Karabakh became a zone of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, etc. These numerous conflicts knocked people out of a normal life rut, and in some cases turned into numerous human victims. People suffered, including the elderly, women, children. Instigators have appeared who would like to use ethnic tensions for criminal purposes. Such actions can lead to a general disaster.

What are the causes of these conflicts? One of the main reasons is territorial disputes. Often in these disputes reference was made to history. From the course of history, you know that in its different periods there was a movement of some peoples, conquests, migrations, in which the territory occupied by one or another people changed repeatedly. If a territorial dispute arises, a "favorable" historical period is often arbitrarily chosen as an argument: "Once we lived in this territory." Since territorial boundaries are not always clearly marked and have been repeatedly changed, it is difficult to prove anything, and attempts to solve this problem by force entail unimaginable disasters.

The cause of the conflict is also the inequality of the socio-economic conditions in which certain peoples live. Differences in living standards, different representation in highly paid professions, in government - all this could become a source of discontent, give rise to a conflict situation.

Among the causes of conflicts, a special place is occupied by contradictions related to the use of the language of the people who are a minority. If the state imposes restrictions on the use of this language, prohibitions to teach children in mother tongue, national movements arise in defense of their language and culture, relations in society become tense.

Any infringement of rights on a national basis, oppression and arbitrariness against a particular people cause public discontent, the desire to restore justice. Some conflicts arise at the household level.

Some people believe that there are "bad" and "good" nationalities, they are annoyed by people who are different from them in language, religion, way of life. Prejudices that are the result of ignorance of the history, traditions, culture of other peoples, and often the result of malicious lies, give rise to offensive statements against people of a different nationality, and sometimes actions that result in interethnic clashes. Such words and actions are, as a rule, a reflection of low culture, increased aggressiveness of individuals. Domestic conflicts arise in the markets, among housemates, in transport. They are fraught with the threat of strengthening interethnic strife.

The peace and well-being of people, the fate of the country largely depend on the solution of the problems of interethnic relations. It is important to understand well the danger of aggravation of relations between people of different nationalities, the danger for society, for every family, for every person. It is necessary to take measures to normalize interethnic relations and solve the problems that have accumulated in this area.

Much depends on each person. No one should put up with manifestations of national strife in any form, with an artificial opposition of nations, with an attitude to oust some nations by others. These manifestations are humiliating from the point of view of human dignity.

We must be guided by a fundamental criterion: every person, no matter what nation he belongs to, should feel like an equal citizen in any part of our country, have the opportunity to enjoy all the rights guaranteed by law.

The equality of nations and peoples is inextricably linked with the equality of people, regardless of their nationality. This supreme principle humanism.

The experience of human civilization shows that national conflicts can be eliminated or mitigated by combining the principles of territorial, national-territorial and personal autonomy. The latter means the guarantee of human rights: the rights of national self-determination, cultural autonomy, freedom of movement, economic and political protection, regardless of place of residence. These rights are reflected in the legislation of the Russian Federation. First of all, it states that everyone has the right to freely determine their nationality. No one should be forced to determine and indicate his nationality. National self-determination means that a person himself determines his nationality not according to the nationality of his parents, but according to self-consciousness, according to the language in which he always speaks and thinks and which is therefore native to him, according to the traditions and customs that he observes, according to the culture that closest to him.

The laws of Russia proclaim that everyone has the right to use their native language, including education and upbringing in their native language. For this purpose, schools with teaching in their native language are being created for children from national minorities.

People who identify themselves with one nation and live among people of other nationalities can unite to preserve and develop their culture, communicate in their native language, create schools, clubs, theaters, publish books and magazines. International law contains the following rule: in those countries where there are ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities, persons belonging to these minorities cannot be denied the right, in common with other members of the same group, to enjoy their culture, profess their religion and practice their rites, and use their native language.

And another important rule international law: any speech aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, which is an incitement to discrimination, i.e., infringement of rights, hostility or violence, must be prohibited by law. The laws of our country provide for criminal liability for actions aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred, humiliation of national dignity. Any propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of citizens on the basis of their attitude to religion, nationality or race also entails criminal punishment.

    Basic concepts

  • Ethnos, nation, nationality, culture of interethnic relations.


  • Terms: Tribe, nationality.

Questions for self-examination

  1. What is a nation? What is the relationship between the concepts of "nation" and "ethnos"?
  2. What are the different concepts of national pride?
  3. What is the importance of national traditions?
  4. Why are all nations interested in cooperation?
  5. What is the danger of interethnic conflicts?
  6. How can national conflicts be prevented?
  7. What norms on the development of nations and national relations are contained in the laws of Russia?


  1. Find in the history textbook a description of the process of folding nationalities. What nationalities existed during the period ancient history and the history of the Middle Ages, do you know? Name the nations and nationalities known to you, living in different countries in our time.
  2. Give examples of conflicts between peoples, the oppression of some peoples by others in different periods of history.
  3. The parable of ancient times tells of two warring tribes living on opposite banks of the river. It happened that the magician met a man from one tribe and said to him: "I will give you everything you want, provided that the representative of the tribe living on the other side gets twice as much." And the man replied, "Gouge out one of my eyes." He wanted the one from the hostile tribe to lose both.

    Think about what this parable is talking about. Explain how you rate the person's response to the wizard.

  4. Illustrate the topic of national contradictions in different countries of the world at the present time using material from newspapers.

    The French writer V. Hugo wrote: “There are no small nations in the world. The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its numbers, just as the greatness of a man is not measured by his height.

    Do you agree with the writer? Show with examples that the greatness of a people does not depend on its numbers.

  5. In Russia, in addition to Russians, 24 million representatives of other nationalities live, and 24 million Russians live in other CIS countries. In Ukraine, in addition to Ukrainians, there are 13 million people of other nationalities, and almost 6 million Ukrainians live outside of Ukraine.

    Make a conclusion using this data.

  6. There are many families in our country where the father is of one nationality and the mother is of another. Explain what this fact indicates.

    Imagine how you would define the nationality of their children.

  7. Some believe that people of different nations cannot get along with each other. What do you think? Give a rationale for your point of view.
  8. When relations between Armenians and Azerbaijanis in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region escalated in 1988, industrial enterprises stopped here. The consequence of their stoppage was the disruption of the rhythm of work of hundreds of enterprises in other republics, in different regions of the country. This affected the incomes of many families and caused them damage.

    Consider what this fact indicates. Is this the only danger of local national conflicts?

  9. Try to formulate the rules that should be followed in relations between people of different nations.

The first condition for correct relations between peoples is their awareness of the fact that there is a powerful force in the world that is interested in their destruction. And not just interested, but capable of destroying them and destroying them very successfully. This force is capitalism with its Masonic and other structures dependent on Freemasonry. An example of such destruction can serve as the European peoples, losing as it were naturally their national traits the further, the more. But in fact, these peoples are being destroyed because they are placed in conditions in which they cannot help but be destroyed. If the current pace of their destruction continues, then, according to demographers, these peoples will disappear almost completely in about a hundred years.

The underlying cause of the enmity of Masonic leaders towards the peoples is the fact that they are created by God and, as His creatures, contain principles that prevent the triumph of His opponents. Those. the same Masons. Therefore, the opponents of God cannot but destroy these creations of God.

If you enter into the logic of the destroyers, then it is not difficult to understand that they should begin this business not with the destruction of all peoples in a row, but with the destruction of the most dangerous peoples for them and with the use of less dangerous ones for this cause. And the most dangerous peoples for them are the former Christian peoples, whose descendants retain in their depths the possibility of their religious and national revival.

Of the Christian peoples, the most dangerous for destroyers is the Russian people. This is evidenced by the extraordinary efforts that the destroyers are making to discredit it in the eyes of other peoples and to create such conditions for its life in which it must be destroyed especially quickly.

After its destruction, or at least after its spiritual neutralization, the destroyers will begin to destroy the Russian peoples, now incited by them against the Russian people. And then they will be completely helpless before the anti-national force that we are talking about. That's when they will understand that their salvation was in the salvation of the Russian people and in their alliance with them. But it will be too late.

The same must be said about all peoples in general. Their salvation is in their common union against their destroyers. Their salvation lies in extinguishing their enmity towards each other as quickly as possible. Because in the struggle with each other they weaken themselves and thereby help their mortal enemies.

In order to prevent the catastrophe of Russia and the subsequent catastrophe of all the peoples of the Earth, every nation, big or small, must understand that none of them alone will be saved. We can only be saved together. And the more peoples understand this truth and enter into their common union, the more chances they will have for salvation. For today their enemy has far greater scientific, technical, military and other capabilities than they themselves. But whether these opportunities will be sufficient for the triumph of the destroyers is a question.

So, here is the first condition for correct relations between peoples. It is also the first condition for the salvation of the Russian people.

The second condition for the correct relationship of peoples is their correct self-organization. If it does not exist, then no correct norms of their relationship will save them. Even if they are officially proclaimed. They will remain on paper. And in real life there will continue to be a suicidal struggle of peoples against each other, which will not only weaken them, but also corrupt them, thereby preparing them for capitulation before their destroyers.

The correct self-organization of the chauvinistic or chauvinistic Russian peoples in their rejection of chauvinism for the sake of their own salvation in the future. If these peoples are able to realize the direction of modern life and the logical conclusion that follows from it, then they will begin to rebuild themselves to serve the common interests of all Russian peoples. And, first of all, to strengthen friendly relations with the Russian people as the basis of all-Russian unity.

I am not saying that this will happen without fail, but only that without this restructuring national consciousness the egoistic peoples of today will face their general collapse.

One can only say that the mood of the Russian peoples will depend to the strongest degree on the prevailing moods in the Russian population. If it continues to demonstrate its complete helplessness in ideological and organizational terms, then the best forces V Russian peoples there will be no one to point to as the Russian people. Where is he, this Russian people of yours? - their fellow tribesmen will ask them with a grin. And they will be right in their own way.

But if the mood in the Russian population begins to change in better side; if the Russians finally understand the need for their national self-organization from below; if they begin to join unions of Russian people at their place of residence (in order to jointly solve their local problems, as far as they can, and gradually grow to an understanding of their national tasks), then the attitude towards Russians on the part of the Russian peoples will also change. Not immediately, gradually, but it will be. If this process becomes more or less massive.

Only by turning from a scattered and therefore powerless population into an ideologically and morally organized Russian people will the Russians convey their idea of ​​a union of peoples to the Russian peoples. And not only to the Russian ones.

And in order to become a Russian people, Russians need a mature Russian national ideology, i.e. a system of ideas orienting them reasonably in worldview and socio-political terms. If it is developed, then after it a mature system of norms of Russian life will be developed. In this case, the Russians will have a general idea of ​​what the right person should be like, what the right family should be like, what the right national community should be like. What should be the right state. What should be the correct internal and foreign policy states.

In this case, the Russians will have mutual understanding, and, as a result, they will not contradict each other and not move away in irritation from each other, but help each other. And life will then be much more pleasant for them than it is today. They will have powers like they don't have today.

But who will develop and assimilate this mature Russian ideology? It is clear that the vast majority of modern Russians are obviously not capable of this. With that almost zero level of their religious and national education, they are not able not only to find the ideas that create them, but even to correctly understand those already found. And Orthodox nationalist intellectuals are also not capable of doing this today because of their fragmentation.

In order to create a mature Russian national ideology, it is necessary to combine personal efforts in this area with the efforts of other persons interested in this matter. Their regular meetings are needed for a joint discussion of this big topic. What is a national ideology? What ideological blocks should it consist of? In what form did it exist in the past, and why did it fail to organize the Russian people in the past? In what form should it be revealed today? These and other important questions must be asked so that the participants in the meetings seek and find more and more correct and more complete answers to them.

What is needed is not just talk about the Russian national ideology, but its development, i.e. selection of the most right ideas from the point of view of the majority of participants in a particular meeting. This majority may be mistaken in something or even in many ways, but if it develops its own project of modern Russian ideology (even in its simplest form), then it will allow a minority that does not agree with it to subject this project to criticism. If the criticism is convincing, the majority will sooner or later agree with it and straighten out their project. And if they do not agree, then the minority will develop their own project, and the comparison of both will contribute to the work of Russian minds. It will contribute to the constant improvement of their idea of ​​what the correct Russian ideology should be.

But even the most correct Russian ideology will not save the Russians if they do not understand that, as already mentioned, in their overwhelming majority, they are ignorant in religious and national respects, and do not draw the right conclusions from this discovery.

The first of these correct conclusions will be that their ignorance in such an important matter is their spiritual blindness. And spiritually blind nations are powerless even when they are large in number and possess great physical strength. Representatives of these peoples can gather for rallies and shout slogans in unison, but they are not capable of proper self-organization. And without it, they are not capable of proper relations with other peoples. And without proper relations with other peoples, only death awaits them in the future, as already mentioned.

The second correct conclusion will be that the Russians need a system of religious and national self-education for their salvation as a nation. The current formal education system is cosmopolitan and generally non-religious. It forms spiritual ignoramuses who are able to produce and consume a large number of services and goods, but who do not know how to think about the meaning of human life and the processes taking place in humanity. And if they do not know how to think about the most important thing, then they are not able to build a proper society. If the Russians fail to oppose this vicious system with their own positive system of self-education, then their future will be the time of their melting and disappearance as a nation.

This, of course, is not about the Russians ignoring the existing educational establishments. They must take from them all the knowledge that they may need in life. The point is that, realizing the insufficiency of this knowledge for a life worthy of a person, they should seriously take up the organization of their regular national meetings in their homes, with the goal of religious and national self-education.

What these meetings should be like cannot be said in a few words. Therefore, I will not touch on such a significant topic here. Those who are interested in it can read my thoughts on Russian assemblies in two articles. The first of them is called: "On Russian meetings." The title of the second one is "Apology of Russian Assemblies". They are located on my website (the second article was published, in addition, in the magazine "Young Guard", No. 4 for 2010).

The development of a mature national ideology and the organization of regular small meetings among the Russian and Russian peoples for the purpose of religious and national self-education will, in my opinion, be the third condition for correct relations between peoples.
