Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views. Biography of Andrei Makarevich Andrei Makarevich biography personal life

Name: Andrey Makarevich

Age: 64 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 172 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, musician, composer, poet, TV presenter

Family status: married

Andrei Makarevich - biography

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich has many worthy roles, although at the moment he has already managed to earn a negative attitude towards himself because of his statements and his preferences in political life countries.


The family in which the composer, singer and musician was lucky to be born was intelligent. Father is an architect, mother is a doctor by profession. Polish-Belarusian paternal blood flowed in the boy's veins, and his mother gave her son Jewish roots. Father went through the whole war, came home without a leg, but took up pedagogical activity, and mother dearly loved by her son in last years Worked at the Research Institute of Tuberculosis. Andrei's biography was similar to many biographies of children post-war years.

From childhood, the boy remembered the communal apartment and the old house of Prince Volkonsky. Very often Andrei changed his dream. At first he was attracted by the work of a diver, later he wanted to become a paleontologist. Then I decided to follow in my mother's footsteps. Andrei did not grow up alone, he had a younger sister, Natasha. Passion for music passed to the son from his father, Andrei even graduated from a music school for one year in piano.


Andrei was lucky to attend a prestigious school in Moscow with an English bias. The schoolboy had enviable perseverance, as he managed to collect a collection of butterflies. He even kept several snakes at home, explaining this with his new hobby. The snakes did not live long in the boy's house, and skiing and swimming soon appeared. In adolescence, music overpowered all other hobbies, largely due to the work of Bulat Shalovich Okudzhava and Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky.

It occurred to Andrei to compose poems and music for them, and then perform them with a guitar. Many people came to him, just as he played the guitar and sang in the yard. The songs have a deep meaning.

Music in the life of Makarevich

The Beatles gave the guy A New Look to his music. He fell in love with the work of this team. In the 8th grade, Makarevich created his own group, which performed foreign compositions. Andrey's comrades included Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Pavel Rubin, who already in the 9th grade gave the name to their team "Time Machine". The future soloist and musician entered an architectural university, from the fourth year of which he was expelled for his passion for rock music, although the wording was of a completely different nature.

The guy managed to get a job as an architect, and a few years later he was restored at the institute and completed his education with a diploma. Andrei did not leave the group, the music continued to unite friends. The eightieth year was the year of recognition of the "Time Machine", a cooperation contract was signed with it. Now the team could tour and give their work to more fans.


The biography of the group has received rapid development. There were songs that became calling card"Time Machine", these hits were known by heart by the audience completely different ages. Makarevich was fascinated not only by music, he was also inseparable from the art of cooking.

Andrey could be seen in the face of the host of the Smak TV show, which revealed the secrets of cooking different dishes. The study of the expanses of water in many countries allowed Makarevich to take on the role of the host of another program that talked about the underwater world.

Artist position

Many of Makarevich's statements on the unfolding Ukrainian conflict were at odds with politics Russian state and opinions of the majority of Russians. This behavior of the musician could not be called anything but a betrayal. He did not find support from the government, many concerts planned in the cities of the country had to be canceled. To be in front of everyone in scandals - I chose this path of popularity in Lately Makarevich.

It seems that the singer, who received the recognition of the audience in home country, having found PR for himself in politics, he crossed all the limits of what was permitted. Music should carry the beautiful, the good, the eternal. People of art should not get involved in the political persecution of the views of some for the sake of others.

Andrei Makarevich - biography of personal life

The artist did not show stability in his family life, since he entered into an official marriage three times with different women. The first wife of Makarevich was Elena Fesunenko. Her father was a well-known political commentator. This union lasted for three years, they parted without scandals, hiding the reason for the divorce, their children did not unite them in this marriage.

After 6 years, the musician is once again trying to start a family. Alla Golubkina became the second legal wife, she worked as a cosmetologist and was far from the bohemia in which her husband used to rotate. Very soon, the son Ivan was born, who was very similar to his father. But this child did not save the marriage, although he is still in good relations with own parents.

Andrey Makarevich - Russian musician and composer, singer, bard, lyricist, TV presenter, founder and permanent leader of the Time Machine group.

Once Andrei gave his group such an unusual name, and did not even know that in a year it would reflect the whole essence of what they had been doing for many years on stage. After all, the music of the group does not age, it reaches a new generation through the years, the members continue to perform with a new line-up, and the fans will always associate the name of Makarevich with “Machine ...”

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Makarevich

When the group first appeared on the Soviet scene, their music and lyrics immediately sunk into the souls of many listeners, and then young Makarevich first became popular. Even then, newspapers wrote about him as about a real breakthrough in Russian music, and today the middle-aged and gray-haired members of the team still remain idols for a whole generation.

It is not surprising that people are still interested in their work, and Makarevich himself has become a legend of rock and roll, about which fans want to know everything, even height, weight, age. You can find out how old Andrei Makarevich is on his Wikipedia page, as well as on many music sites on the net. Today, the composer is 64 years old, but he is not going to leave the stage, and in 2018 the group is still performing.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich originates in 1953 in Moscow. WITH early years the young man played the piano, composed uncomplicated melodies and dreamed that someday he would play for the public. The boy was very versatile, taught English language in a special school, and was also fond of collecting butterflies. In high school, he dreamed of becoming a reptile specialist, and even kept a live snake at home. In general, Andrey is an enthusiastic person, and his desires changed very often. Either he wanted to become a musician, then a biologist, then an athlete, he even became seriously interested in swimming, and after school he generally entered the Architectural Institute.

As a student, the guy played the guitar well, analyzed the songs of the Beatles, and with the same "Beatles" he created his own musical group, which the guys poetically called "Time Machine". After university, Makarevich worked as an architect, and music was his hobby, the guys performed on stage for themselves and a few spectators, and recorded several songs, including "Time Machines". At first they played in small clubs, at sessions, and did not earn any money at all, and then in 1979 they signed a contract with the Soyuzconcert, and that's when the popularity came.

Andrei Makarevich began to be invited to programs and television, and in 1993 he became the host culinary program"SMAK", which he led for 12 years.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich became a good confirmation that good music, like water, is capable of sharpening a stone. So the unknown group that created good music“For myself” people liked it, and became known all over the Union, not thanks to money and connections, but due to the fact that it was real. Many fans who have lost sight of the group today are wondering where Andrei Makarevich is now, but the answer is simple - everything is right there, on stage. In 2018 they give a new tour in Russia.

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich, like his biography, has never been boring. The singer was officially married three times, but divorce followed three times in his life.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The fact that Andrei grew up as a very versatile child and collected butterflies as a child, and also loved reptiles, is an absolute regularity, because his father, Vadim Grigoryevich, was an architect, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (where the future musician eventually entered), and his mother, Nina Markovna , worked as a microbiologist. The family of Andrei Makarevich, like many Soviet citizens, then lived in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. Here the young naturalist spent his childhood until the age of 10, until they moved to a dedicated apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt.

In his free time, Makarevich's father played the guitar and sang Vysotsky's songs, so Andrei is a good student of his father, who taught the guy to play musical instruments.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

During his life, the singer was officially married three times, and for a short time cohabited with different women. Maybe, creative person it’s hard to be in the company of someone who does not understand his hobbies, because Makarevich’s wives had nothing to do with music and show business, which is probably why the spouses did not find mutual language after marriage and how the first love passed.

Andrei Makarevich has three children from three women. The children of Andrei Makarevich - two daughters and a son today live separately from the singer, but he keeps in touch with his offspring, and on his birthday, his entire large family gathers in the singer's apartment.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich was born in 1987 in the second marriage of the actor with Alla Golubkina. Ivan grew up with his mother, but today it is clear to the naked eye that he is the son of Makarevich, since Ivan is simply exact copy singer. After school, the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and then transferred to the Academy of Theater Arts, from which he graduated.

He played in the films "Shadow Boxing", "1814", and also played young Andrey Makarevich in the film "House of the Sun". The actor also plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and in the Moscow Praktika Theater.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich was born in 1975. Makarevich was then 22 years old, and he lived with a girl who gave birth to an illegitimate daughter from Andrei, but did not say anything to the man, she left for America. Already adult daughter the singer found him in Moscow and offered a meeting. The composer once said that he didn’t even doubt that Dana was his daughter, he saw right away.

The girl graduated from college with a degree in law, and works in Philadelphia. Dana is married to a businessman. Makarevich has already flown to his daughter in America, they often call back.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

Andrei Makarevich's daughter, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, was born in 2000 in the artist's third marriage to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the girl was born, the parents immediately decided to name their daughter in honor of their mother, so two Anya appeared in their family. After the parents divorced, Makarevich's daughter stayed with her mother and grandmother.

Last year, the girl graduated from high school and made her debut at the Tatler 2017 ball in Moscow. The girl appeared in a purple dress and high heels, arm in arm with a young man. This year, Anya entered the university.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Glazova

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Elena Glazova, was the daughter of the famous Soviet political observer Igor Fesunenko, who at that time helped Makarevich's group Time Machine, wrote reviews about their performances and style in music. So they met Lena, and immediately fell in love.

The girl was then still a student at the historical institute, and Makarevich did not start long round dances around the relationship, but immediately got married. In 1973, they had a wedding, although the young did not live long, only 3 years. Andrei does not like to talk about personal things, so the journalists do not know the reason for the collapse.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Golubkina

Makarevich was unlucky with marriages, either love really lives for three years, or the singer just feels uncomfortable in a legal marriage, but Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife, Alla Golubkina, also lived with a man for only three years. After the first divorce, Andrei for a long time was alone, and then met Alla and almost immediately married her. The girl worked as a cosmetologist.

Within a couple of months, she became pregnant, and soon the couple had a son, Ivan, who today is an actor. Alas, their relationship began to deteriorate even during Alla's pregnancy, so soon after the birth of their son, they divorced.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

After his second wife, Makarevich had several more novels in which he briefly cohabited with women, and soon the media began to say that the singer had fallen in love again. This time, Makarevich's chosen one was the press officer of his Time Machine group, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. For a long time they just talked and looked at each other, then they began an affair, and in 1999 Anya became pregnant.

In 2000, their daughter was born, who today youngest daughter performer, but Makarevich got scared again and ran away from responsibility. Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya raised her daughter herself.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich is Natalya Golub, so far the last ex-wife of Makarevich. They met at work, Natalya, a stylist and photographer, helped with the design of the concerts, and somehow the couple gradually became closer. Even though the girl was much younger than the singer, it didn't bother them.

Makarevich had several unsuccessful marriages behind him, and Natalya just fell head over heels in love. So they started dating, and in 2003 they got married. With Natalia, the singer lived longer than all his women, they divorced in 2010.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich has open oppositional views, which may be why the actor has been “buried” in the media several times. In 2015, one of the news sites reported that he had died, and then various Internet portals published such information for several years in a row. Last news the singer’s death was picked up very quickly, and the musician got tired of it, he even wrote on his Facebook page so that the journalists “Don’t dig in the manure.”

Fans of the artist today are very interested in whether the Time Machine group and its permanent leader Andrei Makarevich are performing. The latest news from the life of the singer says that the group not only continues to actively record songs, but also in 2018 they started a new tour in Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich will tell a lot of interesting things about his work. And the artist himself has repeatedly mentioned many funny stories from his privacy. For example, when their song was first taken as a soundtrack (the film "Soul"), after the premiere, all Makarevich's friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky and Sofia Rotaru, celebrated the event in his apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

The pop stars were very noisy and the neighbor called the police, what was the surprise of the arriving patrol when Boyarsky himself opened the door for them, and behind him stood a whole crowd of all-Union famous artists. The scandal was hushed up, but this situation was remembered by the artist for life. The article was found on

Andrei Makarevich was born into the family of a father who has Belarusian and Polish roots, and his mother has Jewish nationality. It is important to note that Andrei's father is one of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, in which he lost his leg during military operations on the Karelian front.

Andrei Makarevich, biography, personal life, his musical preferences and creative way may seem quite interesting to study, because it is really peculiar and deep man with their outlook on life.

Andrei Makarevich is known as:

  • the creator of the rock group "Time Machine", which still remains one of the most popular in the entire post-Soviet space;
  • Honored Artist of the RSFSR;
  • National artist Russia;
  • author of own famous poems and paintings;
  • presenter of various television projects.

This article will focus on Andrei Makarevich, his biography and personal life, as well as how this person changed in the photo and in life over time.

Andrey Makarevich

Childhood and youth

Andrei spent the first years of his life in a communal apartment in the capital, and his first dreams about who he would become in the future took shape there. Among the most interesting professions, Andrei singled out herpetologists, zoologists, divers and paleontologists, and, as Makarevich himself assures, most of these plans really could be realized in his adult life.

Noteworthy is the fact, for example, that Andrei began playing the guitar at the age of 12, addicted to the music of Vysotsky and Okudzhava. In 1966 Makarevich discovered " The Beatles"And quickly became a real Beatleman, listening to his favorite songs literally all day long.

Andrei Makarevich in childhood

Already, being in the eighth grade, Andrei decided to organize his first musical group, which was called "The Kids". Then they and their friends performed covers of popular foreign bands, which was facilitated by the school itself, as it was with an emphasis on learning English.

A year later, Makarevich and his classmates created the Time Machine group, which exists and continues to perform to this day.

After school, Andrei tried himself as an architect at the Moscow Architectural Institute, but after three years of study he was expelled, probably due to the special interest that he had in rock music, which was actually banned at that time. Despite the work of the architect in the Giproteatre, Makarevich always paid the main attention to music and his group.

Andrei Makarevich in his youth

Music. "Time Machine"

Andrei Makarevich's biography and personal life have always been associated with work on his group. Back in the days when school enthusiasts founded the "Time Machine", one could talk about the great influence foreign music and the various principles of the hippie movement that still seeped through the Iron Curtain.

In the 70s, the group was actually in the underground in relation to the norms accepted at that time and the general idea of ​​\u200b\u200b"trustworthy" musical groups. This made it difficult to legalize the activities of the group, and also led to the disruption of various concerts and festivals.

Andrei Makarevich and "Time Machine"

The situation improved in the 80s after the "Time Machine" officially became an independent ensemble at the "Rosconcert". Musicians at that time received various rather lucrative offers, for example, the opportunity to play music at performances.

After the group began to tour steadily throughout the USSR, and together with the inclusion of its repertoire on the air of state radio stations, "Time Machine" ceased to be perceived as something counter-cultural, gaining widespread fame in the Union and abroad.

Legendary rock band "Time Machine"

In the early 90s, the Time Machine performed at the barricades near the White House in support of Yeltsin. In the era of formation new Russia Andrei Makarevich himself also changed, his biography and personal life, which influenced where the singer lives and what he works on.

At this time, a lot of news about the group is constantly coming out, the music acquires a new electronic sound. According to the results of an all-Russian survey, "Time Machine" is among the ten most popular and interesting musical groups.

Andrei Makarevich on stage

Transfer "SMAK"

From 1993 to 2005, Makarevich was the main host of the SMAK TV show, where he constantly tries to cook new dishes with invited famous guests. The program at that time was of an authorial nature and quickly fell in love with millions of viewers across the country.

It is important to note that Makarevich himself decided to leave the project, because for 12 years he was simply tired of filming. Ivan Urgant became the next host, and Makarevich himself became Ivan's first guest.

Andrei Makarevich and Ivan Urgant in the program "Smak"

Political views and scandals

Despite the fact that the singer always tried to distance himself from political issues in his work, it can be said that he never supported the Soviet regime and, in general, advocated the removal of the Communists from governing the country. After perestroika, Makarevich strongly supported Yeltsin and even became his confidant, and later he advocated the election of Medvedev as well.

Andrei Makarevich - protests

In the 2010s, Makarevich began to criticize the current government. He communicates personally with Putin, pointing out specific problems, participates in protests, speaks of general disappointment in Putin and the dominance of the established regime.

Makarevich expressed open support Pussy Riot, but at the same time pointed out inadequate hype around such a minor case. In 2013, Makarevich supported Navalny in the Moscow mayoral elections.

In 2014, the musician expressed an open protest against the annexation of Crimea to Russia and gave concerts in Ukraine. After that, many politicians raised the question of depriving Makarevich of all state awards and the possibility of organizing performances in Russia. At the same time, the singer himself did not give up his position, continuing to actively criticize the position of the Russian authorities.

Andrei Makarevich protests in Ukraine

Personal life

Fans of Andrei Makarevich are of great interest to the artist's biography and his personal life, including questions about his wife and children. The musician for all the time managed to marry three times and he has three children. The first wife was Elena Glazovaya, who was the daughter of the political observer Igor Fesunenko, who repeatedly helped the Time Machine.

The second wife was Alla Makarevich, in the marriage with whom the son Ivan was born, who later became an actor. From 2003 to 2010, Andrei was married to Natalya Golub, who was a photo artist and make-up artist.

Andrei Makarevich and third wife Natalya Golub

Studying Andrei Makarevich, his biography and personal life, it is necessary to mention his children. For example, his first daughter Dana was born in 1975 and now works as a lawyer in Philadelphia, and she married an American businessman. Son Ivan was born in 1987 and remained in Russia, and the last daughter Anna was born in 2000.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich now

IN this moment, judging by the photos and recordings from concerts, Andrei Makarevich continues to hold the bar of a popular rock star, despite the fact that in 2019 "Time Machine" will turn 50 years old.

At the same time, the musician is not hindered by the public pressure that arose after his statements about Ukraine and Crimea. Because of this departure to the opposition, the group's concerts began to be often canceled, and sometimes even frustrated.

Andrey Makarevich now

But it should be understood that Makarevich worked in more difficult conditions in the USSR, and even the then regime could not become an obstacle for him. Ultimately, this man achieved truly universal popularity and sincere appreciation of listeners, which include more than one generation of people in the post-Soviet space.

Soviet and Russian musician, poet, composer, artist, producer, TV presenter. One of the founders and only permanent member cult rock band "Time Machine". Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1991), People's Artist of Russia (1999).

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich was born on December 11, 1953 in Moscow. His father, Vadim Grigorievich, was a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and worked as an architect in Gorstroyproekt, then as a teacher at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Mother, Nina Markovna, worked researcher at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis, was one of the first microbiologists in the USSR, defended her doctoral dissertation. Andrey grew up in the company younger sister Natalia, who later became an architect.

Andrey Makarevich as a child, he dreamed of becoming first a diver, then a herpetologist, and then a paleontologist - as a result, he tried almost everything already in adulthood. Andrei, on the initiative of his father, played the piano from an early age and entered the appropriate music school but then dropped out of school. At the age of 12, he took up the guitar, a little later he began to compose poetry and play bard songs. At the age of 13 he got acquainted with creativity bands The The Beatles - this largely determined his future fate.

Andrei Makarevich: “There was a feeling that all my previous life I had been wearing cotton wool in my ears, and then it was suddenly taken out. I just physically felt that something inside me was tossing and turning, moving, changing irreversibly. The days of the Beatles have begun. The Beatles listened from morning to evening. In the morning, before school, then immediately after, and right up until lights out. On Sunday, the Beatles listened all day. Sometimes my parents, exhausted by the Beatles, kicked me out onto the balcony along with the tape recorder, and then I made the sound to the fullest so that everyone around would also listen to the Beatles ... "

The creative path of Andrei Makarevich

In 1968 Andrey Makarevich founded his first ensemble - The Kids - friends performed covers of popular foreign songs. In 1969, together with classmates Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Rubin, Igor Mazaev And Yuri Borzov was founded later famous " Time Machine". Makarevich became the leader of this group, the author of most of the texts and songs. The ensemble itself still exists today.

In 1971, Andrei entered the Moscow Architectural Institute, but three years later he was expelled - as it is believed, for his work as a rock musician. Then Makarevich entered the Moscow Architectural Institute and graduated from the institution in 1977 with a diploma in graphic art and architecture.

However, Makarevich always considered musical performances to be his main occupation and work. In 1979 " Time Machine"signed an agreement with Rosconcert - thus, the group became" legal ", and its members became professional musicians. Tours began throughout the country. By the way, the group's records began to come out only during perestroika - the first album appeared only in 1986, and that was released without the knowledge of the musicians. Meanwhile, Makarevich performed a lot as a bard - solo and without other members of the group. This lasted from 1982 to 1996, but then, as he later admitted, he was tired of such activities.

In the 90s, a number of Makarevich's writings were published, including the books “Everything is very simple. Stories" (1991), "Relish. Meetings in the kitchen” (1998), “Seven thousand cities. Poems and songs” (1999), “What is diving, or scuba diving for everyone” (co-authored with Yuri Belsky, 1999), etc. Then his collections “The Sheep Himself” (2001), “Andrey Makarevich. Songs and Poems (2003), A Place Where there is Light (2004), Entertaining Narcology (2005), Men's Cooking: Talking about Food and More (2008), Men's Cooking (2009), In the Beginning there was a sound" (2010), pr.

Along with literary and musical creativity Makarevich developed in artistic field. So, in 1990, his first exhibition was held - on the basis of the Moscow Palace of Youth. A foreign debut took place in the Italian Caserta. Then Andrey's personal exhibitions were held in St. Petersburg, Riga, at various venues in Moscow, a traveling exposition worked, which visited various Russian cities. In November 2005, a solo exhibition called Fish & More was held in San Francisco, and in 2006, Makarevich, together with Michael Cartelone, presented his works at the New York site, where he opened the exposition in 2010.

In 2001 Andrei Makarevich founded the Creole Tango Orchestra. In the project, many popular bands perform jazz, blues, swing, chanson.

In 2009, Makarevich gave life to "Jazz Transformations", in which he began to take part together with the "Trio of Evgeny Borets" and Brill Brothers in a new incarnation for himself - jazz musician and performer. Many vocalists began to cooperate with the project. A few years later, in 2013, along with the Acapella Express ensemble, the trio of E. Borts and the trumpeter K. Gevondyan, Andrey Vadimovich created another project - “LOVE songs about love”. In 2014, Jazz Transformations released the Yiddish Jazz program. Both of these projects are successfully demonstrated in both Russian halls, and on the sites of Europe, the USA and Israel.

In 2015, fans time machines"were shocked by the news of the collapse of the team amid political differences, but Makarevich's official website called these reports gossip. The musician did not even think of stopping his creative swimming.

In the spring of 2017 in Moscow as part of the art festival " cherry forest” hosted the world premiere of the multimedia performance “The Devil, the Soldier and the Violin” based on the opera “The Story of a Soldier” by Igor Stravinsky. The main roles in the production were played by Andrei Makarevich, as well as journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Pozner. And in November 2017, another book by the leader " time machines"titled" Not the first lyrical digression from the Rules”, which is a collection of stories with drawings by Makarevich, who previously published the works “I grew up on your songs”, “Poems. Graphic arts. Songs, etc.

Film career of Andrei Makarevich

At the dawn of the 80s Andrey Makarevich first appeared in the cinema - took part in the filming of the musical drama "Soul" (1982), which caused at least negative feedback from Soviet film critics who accused the film director Alexander Stefanovich of weak directing and a primitive script. They also talked about the poor acting, but noted the innovative camera work and professional editing.

Exactly at " Soul"They shot the first clip of the time machine, which was banned at that time." The fans received it very warmly. And the fans of the film split into two fronts: adherents of Sofia Rotaru’s work applauded the singer’s duet with an underground rock band, and admirers of “ time machines"Negatively assessed the cooperation of their favorite team with a pop star.

In the picture itself the main role soloist of the group Zeit Machine» got not Andrey Makarevich, who played only a cameo role, but to Mikhail Boyarsky. However, with the release of the drama, Andrey's group gained immense popularity. The songs “For those who are at sea”, “Bonfire”, “The Way” and others that sounded in the musical received the status of imperishable.

In 1986, Makarevich again starred in Stefanovich's film. It was a musical with Igor Sklyar, Rolan Bykov and Svetlana Nemolyaeva" Start from the beginning”, where Andrey, young, but already popular singer and composer, played a novice talent, the bard Nikolai Kovalev. According to the plot, the hero of Makarevich is loved by young people, but is not recognized by musical officials, and this lasts until a significant meeting takes place in his life.

In 1989, a film-concert dedicated to the twentieth anniversary of " time machines". The show was attended by groups "Shanghai", "Secret", "Skomorokhi" and many others. Makarevich also starred in the films " Crazy Love"(1992) with Alexander Abdulov, "Showcase" (2000) with Fyodor Bondarchuk, " What Men Talk About"(2010) with "Quartet I", "Movie about Alekseev" (2014) with Alexander Zbruev, other tapes.

In 1993, Andrei founded and then headed the Smak television company, became the host TV show of the same name. He participated in the creation of the programs “Oh, roads”, “Abazhur”, led the project “Underwater World”, etc.

Makarevich also wrote music for many films, including " Speed"(1983) with Alexei Batalov," Breakthrough"(1986) with Oleg Borisov," Without a uniform"(1988) with Anatoly Vasiliev," The arithmetic of murder"(1991) with Zinaida Sharko," Moscow Vacation "(1995) with Leonid Yarmolnik, as well as the documentary" Too free man"(2016), which tells about the life and fate of a politician Boris Nemtsov.

Political views of Andrei Makarevich

The musician is known for his political views. At one time he joined the Komsomol, although he claims that he always had a negative attitude towards Soviet power, but did not openly oppose the existing political regime. In the lyrics, according to Andrei Makarevich never had much political overtones.

During the collapse of the USSR, Mashina Vremya supported the fall of the communists from power and even performed “at the barricades” during the putsch in August 1991. IN recent history Makarevich openly supported Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev. At the concert Paul McCartney in Moscow, the musician even sat next to Putin.

Andrei Makarevich: “For many years I was not satisfied with the communist regime. He prevented me from living, and prevented me from doing what I considered necessary to do. I think that some of our merit, maybe a small one, in the fact that it burst, is also there. And what should I do the next day? I have to start fighting the new regime the next day, right?”

But in 2010 Andrey Makarevich sharply changed his attitude towards the current government. This is reflected both in the lyrics of new songs and in open statements to the public. At the end of 2010, the musician, along with well-known colleagues ( Boris Grebenshchikov, Konstantin Kinchev and other performers) signed an open letter to Putin asking for a fair trial of the case of Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

In October 2011, Makarevich said on Radio Liberty: “I don’t really like everything that is happening today. We have already been told who our president will be. But the point is not Putin, but the fact that there is a feeling that we are being deprived of the remnants of the right to choose. That's all. Everything happens the way it happens. That time I voted for Medvedev. Medvedev won. I thought I was doing exactly the right thing. I'm probably an incorrigibly naive person. I pinned some hopes on Medvedev.”

In early 2012, Makarevich began to openly support presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov. Then he participated in opposition speeches, often spoke about the increased level of corruption, criticized United Russia and the current government, supported the defense of the Pussy Riot group. In response, in September 2012, Putin expelled Makarevich from the Council for Culture and Art, although the musician claims that this was not due to political speeches.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

From 1976 to 1979 Andrey Makarevich was married to Elena Igorevna Fursenko, a student of the Historical and Archival Institute. From 1986 to 1989, the musician was married to Alla Mikhailovna Golubkina, they had a son Ivan, who later became an actor (he played in the movie " Brigade: Heir").

Since 1998, the 2000th Makarevich has been living in a civil marriage with the press officer of the Time Machine Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, in 2000, daughter Anna was born. With a third wife Natalya Golub- Andrei was in a relationship from 2003 to 2010.

Makarevich also has illegitimate daughter Dana, who was born in 1975 and currently lives in the USA.

Andrei Makarevich became the ambassador of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Discography of Andrey Makarevich

  • Solo
  • 1985 - Variety
  • 1989 - Songs for guitar
  • 1991 - At the pawnshop
  • 1994 - I draw you
  • 1996 - Songs that I love
  • 1996 - Pioneer thieves' songs (with A. Kozlov)
  • 1997 - Twenty years later (concert together with B. Grebenshchikov)
  • 1998 - Women's album (with the Fern group)
  • 1999 - Songs from the movie Crossroads (songs from the movie "Crossroads")
  • 2000 - Time for rent (with the Kvartal group)
  • 2000 - You or me (single) (with the Kvartal group)
  • 2002 - Etc. (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2003 - A thin scar on his beloved priest (with the Creole Tango Orchestra, E. Margulis, M. Leonidov, A. Sviridova and T. Lazareva) - songs by Mark Freidkin
  • 2004 - From me to you (concert with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2005 - A. Makarevich presents the songs of Gennady Ni-Li
  • 2005 - A. Makarevich presents the songs of Bulat Okudzhava (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2006 - Old car (with "Creole Tango Orchestra")
  • 2007 - Shtander (with the Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2012 - Wine and Tears (with Creole Tango Orchestra)
  • 2013 - Yiddish Jazz
  • 2013 - Chronicle of current events
  • 2014 - Clouds (Makarevich sings songs by A. Galich)
  • Collections
  • 2001 - The Best
  • 2003 - Favorites
  • 2008 - It was not with us. Best songs
  • 2008 - 55
  • 2009 - The Best
1960 - 1970

Andrey Makarevich studied at the 19th Moscow school (a special school with an English bias), where in high school, thanks to the fact that in 1966 Andrey got acquainted with the music of The Beatles and, in his own words, became a Beatles fan, like many of his peers, and a group was invented and started, now known as the “Time Machine”. Initially, school team, in which Andrei played and sang, was called "The Kids" and he performed cover versions of English-language songs


Together with Beatleman classmates Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Ruben, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov, and then Sergey Kavagoe, a student of a parallel school, the same “Time Machine” was organized, which, having replaced many participants, exists to this day. This group is associated with a huge part of life and creative activity Andrei Makarevich. For almost 50 years, he has been the permanent leader of the group, its main lyricist, as well as the composer and performer of a significant part of the songs.


entered the Moscow Architectural Institute


He was expelled (in fact, by a closed order of party authorities, due to disapproved rock music), after which he got a job as an architect at the Giproteatr (“ State Institute designing theaters and entertainment facilities"), where he worked until 1979. In 1975, he returned to the Moscow Architectural Institute for the evening department, graduating in 1977 with a diploma in architecture. However, the main occupation all this time was working with the "Time Machine"
