Year of birth of Roxana Babayan. Biography

“Alas, the miracle did not happen. IN Lately Derzhavin was treated in a military hospital. For a very long time, I was seriously ill. I have been in the hospital since the beginning of December. The doctors did their best, supported as best they could. But, unfortunately, the body could no longer cope with illnesses ... ”, Roxana Babayan told reporters“.

Mikhail Mikhailovich devoted nearly half a century to his native theater of satire. In addition, he played many roles in films that were loved by the audience. Favorite actor is remembered for such films as: “ Winter evening in Gagra”, “Three in a boat, not counting the dog”, “Old nags”. In 1989, Derzhavin received the title of People's Artist.

Michael was married three times. The actor lived with his third wife Roxana Babayan for more than 35 years. Mikhail and Roxana met in the early 80s in the city of Dzhezkazgan, where both were supposed to participate in a concert for military personnel. They liked each other at first sight.

After three months of dating Derzhavin introduced the chosen one to his loved ones, and his best friend Alexander Shirvindt then said: "We must take it." And Mikhail took ... Although at that time he was married to Nina Budyonna, and Roxana was married to a saxophonist. Without hesitation, the lovers parted with their past life and immediately submitted documents to one of the capital's registry offices.

The wedding of the newlyweds took place in Sochi, where Derzhavin had to go on tour immediately after painting. The celebration learned to be very cheerful, the closest friends and colleagues of the artists gathered. Since then for 37 years life together the couple have a tradition to celebrate the day when they became husband and wife.

Derzhavin found his last peace next to his mother and younger sister.

    Mikhail Derzhavin and Roxana Babayan have been married for almost 40 years. As the woman admitted, her husband foresaw the imminent departure. Roxana Rubenovna before last days was next to a famous husband.

    In the studio of the program "The Fate of a Man", the singer told TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov about the difficulties family life with the People's Artist of the RSFSR and how she said goodbye to him.

    “Mikhail Mikhailovich had been seriously ill for a long time. He suffered a lot lately, but was the favorite of all doctors. With him, any physician had romantic story. Each doctor tried to lift him to his feet and pass him to another. It’s just that everything gathered into one knot here: cardiovascular diseases, he was hypertensive ... Every person has life stage and then the Lord calls him. He is a spiritual person, we did everything right, as it should be in the Christian faith. He calmly and freely left, everyone loved him so much, ”said Roxana Rubenovna.

    The singer remembered that Mikhail Mikhailovich fell in love with her at first sight when he saw her on the plane - a group of artists was returning from a tour. Before the meeting, he heard only her voice on the radio. IN real life a fragile girl with an oriental appearance conquered him immediately. Despite the fact that then Derzhavin was married for the second time, to Nina Semyonovna Budyonna, and the couple had a daughter, Masha. Roxana Rubenovna was also not free - she was married to the People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan. But despite the circumstances, Derzhavin and Babayan still decided to be together.

    “My relationship with Konstantin was at an end, the marriage existed more for cover. The situation was absolutely harmonious. This is great patience, this is diplomacy, support. We divorced within a month. The wife of Mikhail Mikhailovich was also ready for a divorce. We haven't done anything wrong to anyone. We didn’t hurt anyone, we did it with God’s help,” the singer said.

    All their lives, Mikhail Mikhailovich and Roxana Rubenovna huddled in a small apartment on the Arbat. The singer admitted that she never wanted to move to a larger apartment, and for People's Artist these walls were very expensive. “I understand what a homeland is. Next to us was the Vakhtangov Theater, where all the locals, the Arbat people, knew my husband. And there just formed family ties. Arbat, theater…” Babayan noted.

    According to Derzhavin's widow, his health was thoroughly undermined by heavy tours, flights, the coldness of the hall, and many hours of performances. Being sick, Mikhail Mikhailovich always went on stage. “What are the actors? Trains, hungry, ice scenes. Then you sit at the airport for days, and, given his chronic hypertension, he suffered. The performances, of course, were not canceled,” Babayan said.

    The singer shared that with the only heiress of Mikhail Mikhailovich - Maria Budyonny - she had warm and friendly relations. “Manya is a part of my soul. Firstly, her husband is amazing Peter, and secondly, the grandchildren Petya and Pasha. They are my family, we have always had a very organic existence. Masha is not only beautiful, but also smart,” said Roxana Rubenovna.

    Babayan explained why she could not give children to Mikhail Mikhailov. According to her, work and age played a key role in this matter. “It so happened with us, after all, we met as adults, not 18-year-olds. It was necessary to transform life, to solve many problems. Mikhail Mikhailovich worked, took care of an elderly mother. He has always been the only male in the family. The father died early. He has two more beautiful sisters,” Bababyan said.

    In the 80s, Derzhavin and Babayan converted to Christianity and got married. Roxana Rubenovna says that she was the initiator of the ceremony. “I proposed to him, and he immediately agreed. We were baptized at our home, where my mother and all my relatives were. He was a very person. I didn’t persuade him, you can’t persuade him here, ”the singer emphasized ...

    The artist remembered the words that she said to her beloved husband when they were in Once again were going to the hospital, not suspecting that this pair of phrases would be the last.

    "Bear! Everything will be fine, let's go!" – shared People's Artist Russia.

    At the end of the program, Roxana Rubenovna told the TV presenter what gives her the strength to live after the departure of Mikhail Mikhailovich. “If we talk about subtle things that we cannot comprehend ... After all, for God, the dead are still alive. Whoever leaves our world leaves only suits here. I think he is young and handsome. And everything is fine with him, ”summed up Babayan.

    The widely known singer and actress Roxana Babayan was born on May 30, 1946 in the capital of Uzbekistan - the city of Tashkent. The peak of her popularity came first in the 70s, and then in the 90s. During this period, she was a regular guest of "Song of the Year" and "Blue Light".

    Roxana Babayan: biography, family, children

    The singer was born in a very intelligent family. Parents did everything to make their child grow up well-mannered and cultured. My father was a civil engineer by profession, and my mother in Uzbekistan was enough famous composer and pianist. Roxana owes her love to music and creativity to her mother. Woman with early years taught her daughter to play the piano, the basics of vocal skills. From a young age school years Babayan dreamed of being a singer, but her father was categorically against this and did not even allow the thought that the girl would link her fate with the stage.

    The father insisted that after receiving a secondary education, her daughter entered the Institute of Railway Engineers. However, no one could forbid Roxana to take part in amateur performances. Already in her first year, she became the winner of many city competitions and festivals. On one of them, a talented girl was noticed by Konstantin Orbelyan and offered to become a soloist of the Armenian variety orchestra. The girl had a very difficult time, because she had to combine her studies with performances. However, she did not back down and received a degree in civil engineering.

    In the photo: Roxana Babayan in her youth

    Roxana did not want to stop there and decided to continue her education. First, she graduated from GITIS, and ten years later, also Moscow Pedagogical University where she trained as a psychologist. Babayan defended her dissertation in this area.

    Roxana's popularity began to increase sharply from the moment she began to collaborate with VIA Blue Guitars. Together with the team, she not only toured all over the country, but also took part in international festivals. Since 1976, the singer decided to start a solo career and changed her performance style, as well as her repertoire.

    After the overwhelming success in Roxanne's career, a period of calm ensued. At a certain time, she did not appear on TV screens and almost did not give concerts. But in 2013, the performer again pleased her fans with a new track, recorded together with the soloist of the NAIV group Alexander Ivanov.

    Roxana Babayan: husband, personal life

    The personal life of Roxana Babayan is connected with her work and work on stage. For the first time, she began a serious romance with a musician from the pop orchestra of Armenia. The couple met for some time, and then it was decided to legalize the relationship. The singer's first husband, even after the divorce, stayed with her in good relations. Their marriage was short-lived, but they managed to maintain friendly relations.

    During a tour in Dzhezkazgan, Roxana met actor and TV presenter Mikhail Derzhavin. This happened in 1980. The novel had a rapid and rapid development, and a few months later the lovers decided to legalize their relationship. The second husband of Roxana Babayan had already been officially married twice before, but this union was the last. In January 2018, Mikhail passed away. He was 81 years old. Numerous chronic diseases took over and the body could no longer resist them. The artist suffered from coronary heart disease and hypertension, as well as vascular disease. He was sent to a military hospital in Odintsovo, where he was to undergo treatment. Nevertheless, this did not bring the desired result and the man died right in the hospital. Roxana Rubenovna was left completely alone. Only work helps her cope with grief. Condolences to relatives and friends were expressed not only by colleagues and acquaintances, but also by the first persons of the state.

    In the photo: Roxana Babayan and Mikhail Derzhavin

    Fans are concerned about the question of how many children the singer has. Not everyone knows that she never managed to know the joy of motherhood and give birth to a baby on her own. unspent maternal love she gives to orphans by helping orphanages. Roxana is also involved in the protection of homeless animals. She is president of the Homeless Animal Defense League and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Premature Baby Foundation.

    What does a woman want? A composition with this name was recently presented by the people's artist of the Russian Federation, the wonderful Roxana Babayan. Who, no matter how Roxana, with her inherent Caucasian sophistication and no less impressive temperament, is given the answer to this question. It seems that with this song, she draws a certain line, goes through a certain stage of formation. It is no coincidence that the premiere of the song took place shortly before tragic event in her life...


    Future star Soviet stage was born in sunny Tashkent, shortly after the end of the war. On May 30, 1946, a charming daughter was born in the family of an Uzbek engineer-builder Ruben Mikhailovich Mukurdumov and pianist Seda Grigoryevna Babayan. Parents chose very beautiful name for her child - Roxana.

    Roxana's childhood years were not much different from the childhood of others post-war years. The only thing that prevented her from spending all her time in yard games was daily music lessons. Mom, Seda Grigorievna, a professional pianist, believed that the girl just needed to get musical education. And although the head of the family did not strongly welcome these classes, he was not going to forbid them either.

    Ruben Mikhailovich insisted that his daughter receive a technical education. And, despite the obvious desire of his daughter to become an artist, he did not change his decision. As a result, in 1970, Roxana received a diploma in industrial and civil engineering. While studying at the institute, the girl took an active part in various creative student evenings. During one of the performances, Konstantin Orbelyan, the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, drew attention to the talented student. He invites Roxana to work in his orchestra in Yerevan. After receiving an engineering degree, a former student of a technical university begins her musical career.

    The girl takes her mother's surname for her creative performances, now she is Roxana Babayan. Her further biography closely intertwined with the family of brother Yuri and his children.

    Roxana's vocal data allowed her to engage in different areas - from jazz compositions to pop music.


    The career of a young singer is rapidly gaining momentum. In 1973, she became a soloist of the Blue Guitars ensemble, which was mega popular in those years. At the same time, she moved to Moscow.

    The path to fame for Roxanne was not easy. It turned out that the main thing was not to get into the Mosconcert, but to stay there. The Caucasian character did not allow the girl to start " office romances”,“ bend ”, fawn, beg. But on the other hand, she is sure that no one will ever reproach her for dishonesty.

    The real success in the career of the singer was the First Prize at the prestigious song festival in Germany "Dresden 1976". There she performed Igor Granov's composition "Rain". Under the terms of the competition, part of the song had to be sung in the language of the state in which the festival was held.

    After this victory, Roxana was invited to the main song contest of the USSR - "Song of the Year". According to the polls of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, Roxana Babayan is among the six most popular artists 1977-1978.

    The peak of her pop career is considered the end of the 80s, the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Roxana Babayan is a participant in the annual Song of the Year contests. And this was the most important indicator of the popularity of the artist. most loved and popular compositions the audience becomes: "Two Women", "Vitenka", "You can't love someone else's husband", "Yerevan", "I'm sorry", "A long conversation".

    The unusual appearance and natural charm of the singer attracts eminent directors to her person. During the same period, she starred in the films: "My sailor", "Womanizer", "Impotent", "New Odeon".

    In 1998 comes out new album singers "Because of love."

    In the 90s, Roxana Babayan worked as a TV presenter. She leads the headings in the programs "Morning", "Today", "Roxana: Men's Magazine".

    In 2007 she played leading role in the performance "Khanuma".

    The singer does not forget about solo career and in 2014 her new album "Formula of Happiness" was released.

    Active creative life does not prevent Roxana Babayan from realizing herself in other areas. Since 2012, she has been a representative of the United Russia party.

    Personal life

    A girl with such an appearance rarely remains deprived of attention by a fan. However, rumors about dizzying novels or Roxanne's wealthy lovers do not exist at all. Roxana's beauty is evidenced by her numerous photos now and in her younger years.

    Roxana Babayan was married twice. Her first marriage was very short. This happened back in Yerevan, when she worked in the Orbelyan orchestra. The musician of the same orchestra, who later became a rather influential figure in Moscow, became the singer's chosen one. After the breakup, the former spouses maintain good relations.

    The second husband of Roxana Babayan was People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Derzhavin. Their meeting was truly fateful. Mikhail Derzhavin noticed a beautiful brunette in an expensive trouser suit at Domodedovo Airport, where a flight with departing to Kazakhstan was registered. The artists flew to Dzhezkazgan to participate in concerts dedicated to miners' work. Mikhail was fascinated by Roxanne, and she, in turn, could not resist the charm of this man. And although Mikhail was married at that time, this did not prevent the lovers from starting a new relationship. Mikhail Derzhavin very quickly terminated his previous marriage and a few months later he married a third and, as it turned out, last time. All the wives of Mikhail Derzhavin were very famous women. The first time Mikhail married the daughter of Arkady Raikin.

    The second wife of the artist was Nina Budennaya (daughter of the legendary marshal). The third wife of Mikhail Derzhavin has already become quite famous singer Roxana Babayan.

    Together with Mikhail Derzhavin, they lived for almost 40 years. The spouses have no joint children. Roxana Babayan does not seem to be very upset about this. She says: “I am so closely connected with my nephews (children of Yuri’s brother), with the children of Maria (Derzhavin’s daughter from Nina Budyonny), that I’m sure that lonely old age does not threaten me.”

    The peak of Roxana Babayan's fame came in the late 70s and early 90s of the last century. At the same time, both the personal life and the biography of the artist changed very abruptly and completely unexpectedly both for the woman herself and for her fans. From all tape recorders and players, the playful words of the song "Witch's Enchantment" sounded, and on the sidelines they whispered about the wedding famous humorist Mikhail Derzhavin and a young, promising singer from Tashkent.


    The future pop and film artist was born in the capital of Uzbekistan in 1946. The girl's mother was a famous pianist and composer, chamber music opera singer, which played an important role in the personal life and biography of Roxana Babayan - since childhood, the future actress lived in the world of notes and beautiful songs. If at some period of time the girl remained at home alone, she immediately organized solo performances.

    The large windows on the first floor of the parents' apartment overlooked the local park, and everyone listened with pleasure to the performances of the young artist, who enthusiastically played the roulades of her mother's arias without the slightest embarrassment in front of strangers.

    At the age of 14, endless classes in scales and solfeggio became unusually boring for Roxana, and she asked her mother to give her an accurate “diagnosis” - whether the girl would become a singer or should she choose another profession. And the parent brought the restless teenager to audition at the local conservatory.

    On that they decided, Roxana continued to sing something at home and even composed an opera about Cinderella, however, she did not have any special illusions about her creative future.

    In addition, the daughter’s artistic future was unpromising for the father-engineer, and the girl’s dreams were shattered by her father’s firm confidence in more practical education. Therefore, after finishing high school Roxana, at the insistence of her parent, entered the Tashkent Institute of Transport Engineers (TIIT).

    Fortunately, dad taught mechanical disciplines here, and there were no problems with exams. In addition, the obedient daughter has always been an excellent student - the oriental upbringing has affected, in which the word of the head of the family has always been law.

    As the singer herself said on the program “My Hero”, everything was decided by chance - at the very first lectures at the Polytechnic University, the girl met classmates who turned out to be real musicians. A little later, the guys organized their own group, then performing with amateur performances throughout Uzbekistan.

    Way to the big stage

    In the last year, an amateur artist was heard by the head of the first in the Soviet Union jazz orchestra E. Rosner. Through the efforts of mom famous conductor listened to own song Roxanne, who was masterfully sung by her, and immediately said that he was taking the girl into his team.

    At that time, participation in the ensemble of the famous master was impossible - the young performer wrote thesis and the girl did not want to throw away 5 years of study at the university, although unloved. Rosner agreed to wait and took Babayan after passing the last exam at a technical university with him on tour to Lvov.

    Youthful excitement and ambition helped the girl to join the dense tour schedule famous orchestra with almost no rehearsals.

    Frame from the film "New Odeon"

    It should be noted that all these manipulations took place without the participation of a strictly pope. Therefore, when on vacation in Kislovodsk the parent saw the name of his daughter on the poster of the local theater, he raised terrible scandal and insisted on working out his daughter at the Tashkent Architectural Bureau, where she received a referral from the institute.

    At that time, the “working off” of state money spent on studying at a specialized university was mandatory - for violation of the prescription, the diploma could be canceled, and Babayan had, willy-nilly, to return to the drawing board. Yes, and Rosner fell out of favor with the authorities, the team was dissolved, and the maestro himself, fearing a new exile to Kolyma, left for permanent residence in the States.

    Shot from the film "Impotent"

    Roxana got her second chance to do what she loves after listening to the head of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia, People's Artist of the USSR Konstantin Orbelyan. The bright appearance of the young student and the mastery of her voice did not leave the recognized musician indifferent - Roxana got the place of the leading soloist in the new team. At the same time, the new leader had to beat many thresholds before the young Armenian woman was released from her former place of work.

    As part of the orchestra, the singer worked for several years, after which she moved to the Blue Guitars ensemble in 1973. With this team, Babayan traveled half the world, occupying top places at various festivals in the countries of the socialist camp and "capitalist" states. Transfer from jazz style to popular music has become necessary due to the growing demand for pop music. Babayan has always been famous for her prudence and ability to make the right decision in time.

    Personal life

    The permanent place of registration of the new team was Moscow. To have there full right for accommodation - to participate in outdoor concerts, get a residence permit, stand in line for departmental housing - Babayan had to fictitiously marry one of the musicians of the orchestra conducted by K. Orbelyan. In addition, the artist always loved this big, beautiful city - her mother's brother lived in the capital of the USSR and the girl visited her relatives every year during the summer holidays.

    The second spouse of the pop singer Roxana Babayan was Mikhail Mikhailovich Derzhavin. Meeting him on a plane flying to Dzhezkazgan became a landmark for the artist, turning her personal life and biography upside down.

    The artist herself calls this case the hand of Fate - working on the radio, her future spouse for many years he announced the songs of the artist, having no idea about her. Therefore, when the beautiful Armenian woman was introduced to him by his colleagues on this tour, Mikhail Derzhavin could not restrain his surprise and admiration. The entire return flight, the intelligent and illustrious humorist tried to attract the attention of the young singer with endless tales from a hunting life. He succeeded - many years later, Roxana Babayan recalls this moment with admiration, saying that she had never laughed like that.

    Parting with former partners was painless - for recent years both Derzhavin's companion and Babayan's husband had other partners, it remains only to officially break off relations and register new marriage. What the couple never regretted - they lived together, neither more nor less, for 37 years.

    Shortly before Derzhavin's death on January 10, 2018 from cardiac arrest, the couple decided to get married.

    They didn’t have children, which Roxana Babayan compensates for with numerous relatives, communication with her husband’s daughter and his grandchildren. In addition, she is a well-known animal advocate, currently leading Russian organization to protect the rights of our smaller brothers. Therefore, despite the severity of the loss, she does not consider herself lonely.
