How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully. How to make your speech beautiful and competent

Unfortunately, not everyone has the gift of eloquence, but this does not mean at all that this skill cannot be developed in oneself. We all know that a person who knows how to speak beautifully can be listened to for hours! And yet, it should be noted that there are a considerable number of different nuances that are important to take into account when developing the skill of a rich colloquial speech.

It is important to breathe properly when speaking Surely, listening to the smooth speech of the announcer or some charismatic presenter, you caught yourself thinking that you yourself would like to be able to speak like that. Of course, this can be achieved if the technique of speech is developed. However, first of all, for this you should learn how to breathe correctly - deeply, calmly and imperceptibly. Pay attention to the fact that speech breathing is different from ordinary breathing. This is a controlled process. As you know, diaphragmatic-costal breathing is considered the most convenient for speech. In this case, inhalation and exhalation are performed using the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. The most capacious part of the lungs (lower) comes into activity. At the same time, the shoulders and upper chest remain practically motionless. You can learn to control your breathing on your own. Place your palm between the abdomen and chest - on the area of ​​​​the diaphragm. When you inhale, the abdominal wall will rise slightly, the lower part of the chest will expand. Exhalation will be accompanied by a contraction of the muscles of the abdomen and chest. When speaking, the inhalation should be light and short, but the exhalation should be smooth and long (the ratio is approximately one to ten). When the speech process occurs, the value of the exhalation increases to a large extent. Before speaking, it is worth taking a quick and deep breath, which is carried out both through the nose and through the mouth. Meanwhile, only the mouth is involved during speech exhalation. Proper speech breathing can be called the basis of a beautiful sounding voice. If you breathe incorrectly, then this will lead to instability of the voice. Speak confidently, clearly and distinctly When speaking, try to avoid mumbling - speak clearly, distinctly and confidently. Practice reading books aloud - do it slowly and with expression, sometimes speed it up, but keep talking with expression. Gradually, you will develop the habit of this manner of speaking in everyday life. You need to constantly train gestures and facial expressions Gesticulation and facial expressions can be called non-verbal means speech, which should also be trained. Try speaking in front of a camera or a mirror to see if you are gesturing too much and "off the mark". Sometimes, this can greatly distract the interlocutor from the topic of conversation. It is also important to observe your facial expressions - both an indifferent facial expression and an excessive display of emotions are unacceptable. In the second case, it may just look ugly. Your gestures and facial expressions should look harmonious, smooth and natural, and only sometimes emphasize the meaning of what was said. It is important that the listener still focuses on the meaning of the text, but not on your face or hands.

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, they are judged not only by clothes, but also by the ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, correctly build sentences, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, more high level life competence.

Have you ever lost or didn't get a job because of too many mistakes in a letter or the need to clearly explain why you are the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you are not performing in front of an audience, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is appreciated by everyone. So, how to develop literate speech?

Read fiction

Reading quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. IN modern world we are exposed to a very large flow of information, mostly listening to the news or reading it on the Internet. But the web, entertainment reading and business literature cannot replace good books recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively make correct, beautiful sentences, develops a sense of language. Reading fiction, scientific articles in special editions, a person expands his horizons and lexicon. If you want to make speech more lively, figurative - read poetry. Select for yourself the rhythm, metaphors and turns of speech that you would like to use.

Use Dictionaries

Look for new words. If you have heard or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if it becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use everyone - and your vocabulary will grow rapidly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in a conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children receive almost all the knowledge about the language until the age of seven. Literate speech in a child develops with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn how to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into the recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to record you during a normal conversation.

Assess your speech. Competent speech is always clean from everything superfluous. How accurately did you communicate your message to others? Was she understandable? Could it have been shorter, clearer, clearer? Are you pausing where you shouldn't? Are you building sentences correctly? Do your thoughts get confused, do you jump from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch for accents. Incorrect stresses (ringing, blinds and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) betray an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two ways out: do not use these words or open a dictionary, textbooks and memorize them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Wrote a letter, a message to a friend, a report to the management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is a great speech exercise. If you practice "cleaning" the letter, very soon you will see the result. In addition, colloquial speech will also change significantly!

When you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), then return to the text with a "fresh" eye. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have any errors? How accurate is the thought? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech is always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic load. Often they take up a third of the text, from which your thought definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word - use it. You can also try reading aloud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

For communication, not only grammatically and lexically literate speech is important. Good manners of communication also include command of the voice. If you have applied all the techniques outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It is worth developing your voice. Do the exercises, listen to the speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a speaking class. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Literate speech is not given from birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote quite a bit of effort and time to the development of your speech, reading will become your good habit - more interesting and successful life you are guaranteed.

Isn't it nice to listen to radio announcers or television shows who have bright correct speech? It turns out that anyone who is willing to work hard on their sound can become the same speaker. For beautiful story you will have to learn the rules of the language in which communication takes place. But common truths about grammar, vocabulary, phraseology alone will not be enough. What else is missing correct speech? How to make it better?

Practice speech breathing

Good speech (phonation) breathing is the key to the correct placement of pauses in the story, the optimal duration of spoken phrases. Training the muscles of the chest and abdomen increase endurance, energize and even have a positive effect on vocal performance. One of the most effective exercises this technique is done in the following order:

  1. take a comfortable lying position;
  2. relax all the muscles, concentrate on your breathing;
  3. try to take a breath so that the chest does not rise - switch to the abdominal type of breathing;
  4. exhale slowly;
  5. repeat the steps until there is a feeling that breathing with the “belly” (and not the diaphragm) has become easier.

“Adjust” volume

The speaker speaking from the podium speaks loudly, boomingly. In everyday communication, the sound is different - more even, calm. If you change the situation in places, you get absurdity. No one will hear a quiet speaker. The listener, who suddenly began to sharply raise the tone, most likely will not understand such a change and will be offended.

In an ordinary conversation with friends, colleagues, relatives, a softer tone is used, without exaggeration of emotions. The story from the stage, on the contrary, sounds a little theatrical, loud. How to practice speaking voice:

  • read prose or dramas out loud, trying to present the climaxes as brightly and sonorously as possible;
  • start saying a long phrase almost in a whisper, and finish it with almost a cry and vice versa;
  • try to display the volume of sounds heard;
  • experiment with timbre, parody the voices of famous people.

Proper breathing, described in the first tip, also helps a lot in setting the sound volume.

Follow the pace of speech

The speaker took the stage. He is dressed in a clean, neat suit. Readiness to induce to action, determination is read on his face. The walk is confident. The hall holds its breath. Stopping at the microphone, the speaker greets the audience. Everything goes according to plan, nothing should interfere with success.

But one ill-conceived detail disrupts the whole process..

No, these are not problems in the text of speech, not a sharp breakdown of the microphone. The announcer suddenly starts talking like a fifth grader who does not like to recite poetry. He chatters, “swallows” the endings of words, often makes a reservation. There is a feeling that he is trying to get rid of the public as soon as possible. And the audience doesn't like it. Listeners don't even know what in question. The speaker stubbornly ignores the problem

In fact, everything is simple. Speaking is stressful. When a person is nervous, all processes in his body are instantly accelerated. The pace of speech is no exception. How to handle:

  • 10 minutes before entering the stage, start speaking very slowly, drawing out phrases;
  • engage in articulation gymnastics - it will help you clearly pronounce every word even in a stressful environment;
  • during a speech, ask a question to a person from the audience, tune in to the pace of his answer, or better, even slower;
  • at home, voice the story using a stopwatch and counting how long it takes to play each block. Take a stopwatch or timer with you to the event so you can refer to it.

In everyday life, the temperament of the interlocutor also plays a role. Melancholic, phlegmatic love unhurried, long conversations. Cholerics, sanguines prefer to learn everything as quickly as possible. By capturing and adopting the style of conversation from a friend, you can better convey information to him.

Work with intonation

A completely neutral tone is acceptable only in a scientific presentation. In other situations, the transfer of emotions improves the story.

The correct change of intonation provides a smooth transition between the semantic blocks of speech, creates an impressive effect of contrast, surprise. The liveliness of the sound affects the audience better than the most reliable facts or arguments. To train the intonation background, as well as for the voice, recitation of works is suitable.

Improve diction

“Chewed”, “swallowed”, distorted sounds will not adorn either a public speaker or a simple storyteller. Good diction can be achieved in several ways:

  • pronounce tongue twisters, practice chanting, singing ditties;
  • pronounce complex bundles of consonants (dbdi-dbde-dbda, rzh-rsh-shr-zhr, skrpo-skpro);
  • do gymnastics of the speech apparatus;
  • study dictionaries to identify the correct stress in words;
  • read texts aloud with a wine cork, marble or stone between your front teeth.

You can use these methods individually, but in combination they will have a much greater effect.

Clear tongue

  • vulgarism, rudeness, especially obscene language;
  • borrowed lexemes where you can use your native language;
  • aimless tautologies - repetitions of the same words or phrases;
  • inappropriate terms, jargon, professionalism, slang;
  • inversions - the wrong order of words.

Wait a second and a half before answering

This simple rule solves several problems at once. It allows you to make sure that the interlocutor has finished his remark, which means that he will not be interrupted by the answer. Politeness, knowledge of the rules of etiquette are just as important as diction or literacy.

At the same time, a second hitch gives you the opportunity to gather your thoughts, start new phrase clear, organized, clear. Only one and a half seconds is enough for the brain to start building logical chains. Instant response has no such advantage. This pause will not be too long, and for the interlocutor, it is quite possible that it will remain completely invisible.

Ask for help

At times, doing things on your own can seem like a daunting task. Asking for help in such cases is normal. To whom to turn?

To acquaintances. You can ask loved ones to listen to everyday conversations or the text of a speech and point out mistakes. Defects in speech, its scarcity, frequent repetitions, a departure from the main topic, an insufficiently refined sense of humor - this is what friends or relatives can reveal.

To the experts. Oratory, speech culture, diction courses will help develop communication skills. In addition, visits will allow you to speak beautifully:

  • personal development coaches (a confident person speaks accordingly);
  • speech therapist;
  • neurologist (prescribes drugs to improve brain activity, circulation);
  • a psychologist or psychotherapist (as in the example with the coach, only everything is at a deeper level).

To the internet. If you do not want to pay for success, you can try the option with YouTube channels. A large number of bloggers will gather here who share their “recipes” for improving conversational skills. However, there is a minus - in the speech of these "specialists" serious mistakes sometimes slip through. Therefore, it would be better to find a site recognized expert and look for videos on his blog. Sometimes these sites host online webinars for free.

A good voice recorder can help too. It will be enough to write down your recitation, and then carefully listen to it, identifying errors, and then carefully working through them.

The correct speech is not put in a matter of minutes. To master the art of communication, you will have to practice diligently and daily. However, after the time and effort spent, a worthy reward will come. People around will listen to the speaker's stories, eagerly “swallowing” every word. The train of thought will speed up. People will begin to listen to advice or suggestions more often. strengthened good reputation. Competent sounding is a reliable attribute of success.

Half of the secular Kyiv goes to courses in public speaking to Veronica Selega. Alena Ponomarenko took several lessons - and realized what caused the hype.

I open my mouth wide, wait three seconds for my muscles to relax, and then stretch my lips to form a grin. I'm having my first lesson at the Aristotle School of Oratory, Veronica Selega's course, and I'm doing the Open Mouth exercise to warm up my muscles. articulation apparatus. There are only 21 muscles, and they work so-so. First, because in Slavic culture, unlike the American one, historically it is not customary to actively articulate. Secondly, with age, muscles become tighter. This leaves an imprint on how a person speaks, and, of course, on how his speech is perceived by others.

Veronica is sure articulation gymnastics shown to everyone, and especially to those who often speak to the public, are on the air or just want to sound beautiful and convincing. If you look behind the scenes of any talk show, she says, you can see how speakers with a casual look stretch their muscles - make a “horse”, “jellyfish” (when the lower lip combs the teeth with force), bite the tongue. “By the way, if your mouth is dry during a performance, you can just bite your tongue - this will cause an instant flow of saliva,” she says. And this is just one of hundreds of life hacks that I have to learn in the next few days.

Among Veronica's clients are politicians, lawyers and other typical "speakers": the wives of diplomats, businessmen, people who have recently received a promotion, and so on. All of them need not only to speak beautifully, but also to know etiquette, be able to find topics for conversation and present themselves, choose the right audience and interlocutors, answer uncomfortable, and sometimes boorish questions, elegantly evade answers. “Public speaking,” Veronica explains, “is not necessarily a huge hall and a speaker with a microphone. This is a working meeting, and a presentation of your project, and a toast at a birthday party, and an explanation to the children of what is good and what is bad.” Courses cannot be classified as "entertainment": it is still work (albeit very rewarding) - with homework, exercises, reading additional literature. There are 16 lessons in total, and then people sometimes come back to improve their skills - for example, “knock out” Russian sounds from Ukrainian speech.

Here I get the most valuable advice in my life on Ukrainian pronunciation. It turns out that in order to speak like a TV presenter (or just a fifth-generation Kiev intellectual), it is enough to pronounce “h” and “u” correctly: h is always solid (literally - “black”, “pure”), u is formed by two sounds: "sh" and "h". As soon as I tried to pronounce "Chedry" and "Shchastya", everything changed - I realized that I could sound no worse than Ekaterina Osadchaya. By the way, her articulation (“big open mouth”) and diction (extremely clear sounds) are considered reference. And of course, the Osadchai had to work hard on them. Editor-in-Chief of the website Natalya Vasyura, who worked as the chief editor for several years social life”, says that she was engaged in stage speech with Osadchaya People's Artist Ukraine Lydia Vovkun.

Classes are structured in such a way that, along with an exciting process of self-knowledge, you quickly grasp useful skills. Selega believes that when a person knows his most important task (for example, "communicating with the press"), the result comes quickly. “For those who simply feel that something is missing in their performances, we first analyze the problems, then develop a training program and determine the desired result.”

Veronica asks simple, difficult questions like "When do people like to listen to you?" (“When I am well versed in what I am talking about”); "Why are you sharing information?" (“I love to share good things”), “How does your appearance conducive to communication?” (“Perhaps I should have been more pretty.”) Veronica writes down my answers on the blackboard, so it becomes clear to her what she will have to work on, and what is already in order. Questions flow from one to another, new details periodically emerge. My main problem is the most common: a speech in front of an audience. When my head is rapidly emptying, and instead of the allotted 30 minutes for the performance, I manage in five, rattling everything in one fell swoop and missing the point.

Interestingly, asking fast speakers to speak more slowly is often pointless. People are not able to control the pace of their speech for more than a couple of minutes. Reading aloud helps a lot. It turns out that reading at a pace that usually explains some simple things is not so easy. But even more difficult is the first speed, when pauses must be made between all the words. I only succeed on the second try. To do this, you have to take a special position: sit down imposingly, crossing your legs, and put your hand on the back of the chair. The position of the body helps to speak in a completely different way - but I will learn about this a little later, in a class with a body-oriented psychotherapist. In the meantime, Veronica reveals another secret to me: to slow down speech and sound more impressive, you need to clearly pronounce consonants. And read more at the first speed - this is how those who chatter are retrained.

For clear, easy and free speech there is another life hack - like Eliza Doolittle in Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, when she practiced talking with a mouthful of nuts. Instead of nuts, Veronica advises to clamp a cork in your teeth - so as not to damage the enamel. I choose one from champagne - and proceed: "pkti, pkte, pkta, pkto, pktu, pkty" - and other difficult-to-pronounce combinations. But as soon as the cork is removed, magic happens: sounds pop out easily, like an announcer. "It's like doing exercises with dumbbells and then putting them away," says Veronica.

I learned the secrets of sudden freezes when speaking - when you suddenly completely forget what you wanted to say. This will not happen if you give your brain a break and consciously “turn off” for at least 2-3 seconds. Veronica gave me the key to the phone interviews as well. It turns out that when you do not see the interlocutor, it is easy to get confused and forget the main thing. To prevent this from happening, you need to go to a quiet room and concentrate as much as possible, otherwise you can’t avoid the situation that arose with my interview with the radio “Aristocrats”: I stood in line at the Mystetsky Arsenal, it was raining, the audience was roaring, and I predictably I forgot everything I wanted to talk about on the air.

Then we played associations: Veronica called the word, and I quickly said the first thing that came to mind. It was scary to blurt out something indecent, but nothing happened. It turns out that the game was needed to bring out the atavistic sounds like "uh", "mmm" and "aah" when people drag and pause (I was among the rare 10% who do not).

We also played another game that helps to expand vocabulary and activate passive storage. Veronica gave out the word “point”, and I had to attach others to it in order to get the correct combinations: “intersection point”, “semicolon”, “fulcrum”, “bold point” and so on. In such games, obvious combinations come to mind first, and only then vocabulary pops up. Veronica says that the words with which you want to enrich your speech should be immediately “put on the tongue” - pronounced aloud, even if at first they will be out of place. This is exactly what children intuitively do when they learn to speak.

A session with a body-oriented psychotherapist was a real revelation for me. Psychologist Elena Kozeletskaya says that people communicate verbally only by 30%, and the remaining 70% of information is read through body language. Literally everything matters: how a person sits, how he straightens his shoulders, how he holds his back. “The slope of the spine,” she says, “plays a big role. It is worth leaning forward a little - and everything will go wrong. It turns out that the interlocutor may regard the tilt as aggression or, even worse, perceive the pose as asking. The position of the interviewer, in which the body is thrown back, can be interpreted as bored and boorish. But if the interviewee sits like this - for example, a male star - this is quite normal.

Elena watched me, and then, to make it easier for me to assess myself from the outside, she “mirrored” my postures, gestures and facial expressions. It immediately became clear that I was behaving like an excellent student who intends to get excited: closed knees, a straight back, closed shoulders. The psychologist advised me to walk on my toes, on my heels, on the inside and outside of my feet. “Body confidence lives in the calf muscles,” she explains. “Feeling them means standing firmly on your feet.” And he advises everyone who is worried before a responsible meeting, photo shoot or lecture to go to the bathroom and stretch a little - this really helps. There is also something else. It turns out that one of the most important bodily markers is the back. It should be: a) strong (“because it carries all values”) and b) flexible (“to quickly respond to changes around and successfully adapt to them”). Therefore, the back must be trained - on simulators with a small weight, and stretched - doing yoga or Pilates.

“The thoracic spine,” Elena says, “is responsible for how confident we are in ourselves.” The chest muscles are often referred to as the Tarzan muscles, which is what male chimpanzees hit when they want to stun an opponent. This trick can be repeated - and "turn on" self-confidence. It takes practice to keep confidence going. “With dull shoulders, you can unsuccessfully go to a psychotherapist for years,” says Elena, “but as soon as you start a new pattern, life will go differently.” I checked: if you pick up your shoulders and hold them with your shoulder blades, your voice sounds stronger and bolder, which means that it is very easy to give the impression of a self-confident and assertive person.

At school, a lot of time is devoted not only to articulation and diction, but also to working with the voice (there is even a specialist phoniatrist), breathing techniques and the rules for preparing for performances. One of the good proven recipes is to speak your speech the day before, and not in front of a mirror, but, for example, with colleagues - unexpected nuances and stories will come up that will then enliven the speech. Veronica teaches you to answer uncomfortable questions, to behave correctly in front of the camera, journalists or just the public; explains how best to dress to best suit the environment. There are so many tips, and they are all so alive that I started following them instantly. And an amazing thing: the very first interview after the course went brilliantly. It remains to sign up for Pilates.

What to see and read on the topic

"The King speaks!"

The Duke (Colin Firth) prepares to take the throne and works with an experimental speech therapist (Geoffrey Rush) to get rid of his nervous stuttering and self-doubt. Selega believes that this best movie about the practice of rhetoric, and also "he is closest to the truth about the relationship between the student and the teacher."

Dead Poets Society

John Keating (Robin Williams) teaches English language students to hear themselves and find their voice.

TED conferences

The American non-profit foundation TED (Technology Entertainment Design - technology, entertainment, design) became famous for its conferences, where outstanding speakers share ideas related to science, business, technology and so on. Lectures are available online - for example, on YouTube you can find Clinton's speeches and Nobel laureates. “It is worth watching speeches on topics of interest and analyzing them in parallel,” advises Veronika.

A textbook with exercises on rhetoric by Heinz Lemmermann

A kind of "Wikipedia" for those who want to master the basics of public speaking.

13 exercises for easy speech

Articulation gymnastics takes only five minutes, but it turns on the muscles perfectly, and then it is very easy to speak. If time is short, it is enough to make a “jellyfish” and an “open mouth” - right before the broadcast.

1. " tubule”: stretch out the lips, and then stretch them in a smile without opening.

2. " Tube with teeth»: the same, only with teeth exposed. The wider, the better - this is not a smile, but a mechanical grin.

3. " Jellyfish”(see in the text): the mouth should be opened wider.

4. " top jellyfish»: the same, only the upper lip and upper teeth. Bonus: The exercise helps reduce nasolabial folds.

5. " Two jellyfish»: the third and fourth exercises are performed simultaneously.

6. " Rotation»: it is necessary to rotate the tongue clockwise.

7. " bites»: bite the tongue - from the tip to the root.

8. " injections": with the tip of a tense tongue, touch the sky, the inside of the cheeks and lips pointwise.

9. L: you need to pronounce the sound “l” aloud, changing the position of the tip of the tongue (either inward or outward).

10. " Toffee': the tongue sticks to the palate, and a click occurs from the tension. This exercise helps to activate the center of the tongue.

eleven. " horse": click your tongue to activate its tip, which is responsible for the beautiful correct letter "p".

12. " nuts»: the mouth is closed, the lower jaw is motionless. With the tip of the tongue, you should try to reach the "sixes" - the back teeth.

13. " open mouth» (see in the text).

No one, I think, will argue with the fact that the ability to speak beautifully is the most valuable human quality.

The person who owns competent speech, makes a favorable impression, he achieves his goal more often, he is more successful in professional activity, it is easier for him to adapt to any life situation.

Correct speech has an almost magical effect. She wants to listen and listen; and from another - close your ears and run away.

The ability to speak beautifully and competently, unfortunately, is becoming less and less common.

People who think masterpieces sometimes do not know how to express themselves in words so vividly. It is difficult for many people to express their thoughts, feelings, to retell something interesting from what they have read, seen, experienced.

But behind the artless speech of such people sometimes hides a magnificent intellect, interesting person. But it takes time to recognize this. And time is something that we are constantly lacking.

From here there is only one way - you need and can train your speech. After all, the ability to speak beautifully is not a natural gift, but an acquired skill that can be brought to perfection. Even if you are not going to become a professional speaker, the ability to speak beautifully, use speech correctly, is extremely useful both in work and in everyday personal life.

Following some rules can significantly improve the quality of speech.

First, read more. Newspapers, magazines, quality fiction. In this sense, our domestic classics, which we all studied in school years(or not studied, which is sad). Read or reread the classics! And out loud, without rushing. Such a reading will have a tremendous effect. It will teach you the correct construction of words in a sentence, increase your vocabulary.

Thirdly, watch the pace of speech. It shouldn't be monotonous. Pause to highlight the main points of the conversation. It should be relevant and not overdone.

Fourth, use in colloquial speech, conversation, comparisons, metaphors, figurative expressions, sayings, finally. This will enliven the speech, make it more interesting. And of course, a win-win- humor. Appropriate self-irony, jokes will add shine to your speech. After all, words are only means for transmitting information, and the way you compose them, pronounce them, either sinks into your soul or not.

Fifth, speak, practice speech as much as possible. This is easy to do if you have wide circle communication. If it is not there, then a TV or radio will help. Choose the TV presenter that you like the most and try to imitate him. Repeat aloud (!) phrases after him, also copying his voice intonations. It's not easy, but after a while you will certainly see progress. In addition to developing melodic speech, you will replenish your vocabulary.

There is another fun, and only at first difficult exercise. Choose a simple household item, such as a floor lamp or house slippers. Set a time limit for yourself in which you will talk about this subject in a beautiful way. literary language. At first, it will be difficult for 5 minutes to talk about some banal floor lamp. But with each workout it will get easier. By increasing the time limit and complicating the topic, you will soon overcome uncertainty, timidity in front of words, inability to pick them up. As a result, you will be able to talk enthusiastically about your house slippers for an hour, never repeating yourself. It is better to do this in a group or with family members, turning the training into a kind of game. In turn, each becomes both a performer and a listener.

You will not notice how you fall in love with words: you will feel your power over them, they will give you confidence and will serve you.

Replenishing vocabulary, draw information from everywhere - from books, articles, films. Memorize vivid phrases, phrases, interesting speech turns. Write them down in a notebook, use in everyday speech.

Learn the meaning of unfamiliar words, paying attention to the correct stress, train their pronunciation.

Incorrect pronunciation and inappropriate use of words can make your speech ridiculous, instantly devaluing it. Make up new phrases and sentences yourself. Avoid dictionary clichés, use speech imagery.

Ideally, after several months of systematic (!) training, you will form a melodic, memorable and vivid speech. You are easy simple sentences can explain the essence of complex things. Your speech will be like the babbling of a stream. It will flow easily and freely. From now on, such a speech will always and everywhere be with you.

Excellent command of your native language will give you self-confidence. Moreover, it will change the quality of your life - you will be able to communicate with people without difficulty and fear. You will always be on top!

I wish you prosperity.
