How does the environment affect the heroes of the novel by F.M.

Which almost immediately became a household name in Russian literature. This character at the beginning of the novel is faced with a dilemma - is he a superman or an ordinary citizen.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" Fyodor Dostoevsky guides the reader through all stages of decision-making and repentance after the deed.

Crime and Punishment

The crime theory of Rodion Raskolnikov, with which he tries to solve more global issues, subsequently fails. Dostoevsky in his novel shows not only the issues of evil and good and crime with responsibility. Against the background of moral disagreements and struggle in the soul of a young man, he shows everyday life Petersburg society of the nineteenth century.

Raskolnikov, whose image literally after the first release of the novel became a household name, suffers from a mismatch of his thoughts and plans with reality. He wrote an article about the elect, who are allowed everything, and is trying to check whether he belongs to the latter.

As we will see later, even hard labor did not change what Raskolnikov thought about himself. The old pawnbroker became for him just a principle that he overstepped.

Thus, in the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, through the prism of the suffering of a former student, many philosophical, moral and ethical issues are revealed.

The beauty of the work lies in the fact that the author shows them not from the point of view of the protagonist's monologues, but in a collision with other characters who act as doubles and antipodes of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Who is Raskolnikov?

Rodion Raskolnikov, whose image is amazingly described by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, was a poor student. Life in St. Petersburg has never been cheap. Therefore, without permanent income this young man is slipping into hopeless poverty.

Rodion was even forced to quit his studies at the university, as there was not enough money for anything. Subsequently, when we deal with the different facets of his personality, we will make sure that this student for a long time lived in a world of illusions.

So, why did Raskolnikov consider murder the only correct step towards the future? Was it really impossible to go the other way? Next, we will deal with the motives of the act and the situations in life that led to such an idea.

First, let's give a description of Raskolnikov. He was a slender young man at the age of twenty-three. Dostoevsky writes that Rodion's height was above average, his eyes were dark, and his hair color was dark blond. The author goes on to say that because of the disaster, the student's clothes looked more like rags in which ordinary person it would be wise to go outside.

In the article we will consider what events and meetings led to the crime of Raskolnikov. Writing at school usually requires the disclosure of his image. This information can help you complete this task.

So, in the novel we see that Rodion, having read Western philosophers, is inclined to divide society into two types of people - “trembling creatures” and “having the right”. This is where Nietzsche's idea of ​​the superman is reflected.

At first, he even considers himself to be in the second category, which actually leads to the murder of the old pawnbroker by him. But after this atrocity, Raskolnikov is unable to withstand the burden of the crime. It turns out that the young man originally belonged to ordinary people and was not a superman to whom everything is permitted.

Criminal prototypes

Literary critics long years they argued where such a character as Rodion Raskolnikov came from. The image of this person can be traced both in the press reports of that time, in literary works, and in the biographies of famous people.

It turns out that by its appearance main character is indebted to various people and messages that were known to Fyodor Dostoevsky. Now we will highlight the criminal prototypes of Rodion Raskolnikov.

There are three incidents known in the nineteenth century press that may have influenced the formations storyline protagonist of Crime and Punishment.

The first was the crime of a young twenty-seven-year-old clerk described in September 1865 in the newspaper Golos. His name was Chistov Gerasim, and among his acquaintances the young man was considered a schismatic (according to the dictionary, this term in an allegorical sense means a person who goes against generally accepted traditions).

He killed with an ax two old servants in the house of one bourgeois woman, Dubrovina. The cook and the laundress prevented him from robbing the premises. The offender brought out gold and silver items and money that he had stolen from an iron-studded chest. The old women were found in pools of blood.

The atrocity almost coincides with the events of the novel, but Raskolnikov's punishment was a little different.

The second case is known from the second issue of the magazine "Time" for 1861. It outlined the famous "Lacener Trial" that took place in the 1830s. This man was considered a French serial killer, for whom the lives of other people meant absolutely nothing. For Pierre-Francois Lacener, as contemporaries said, it was the same "what to kill a man, what to drink a glass of wine."

After his arrest, he writes memoirs, poems and other works in which he tries to justify his crimes. According to him, he was influenced by the revolutionary idea of ​​"fighting injustice in society", which was inspired by the utopian socialists.

Finally, the last case is connected with an acquaintance of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. A professor of history, a Muscovite, a relative of the merchant Kumanina (the writer's aunt) and the second contender for her inheritance (along with the author of Crime and Punishment).

His last name was Neofitov, and he was detained during the process of issuing false internal loan tickets. It is believed that it was his case that prompted the writer to put the idea of ​​​​instant enrichment into the thoughts of Rodion Raskolnikov.

Historical prototypes

If speak about famous people that influenced the formation of the image of a young student, then here we will talk more about ideas than about real events or personalities.

Let's get acquainted with the reasoning of the great people who could form the description of Raskolnikov. In addition, all their treatises are viewed on the pages of the novel in the replicas of secondary characters.

So, without a doubt, in the first place is the work of Napoleon Bonaparte. His book The Life of Julius Caesar quickly became a nineteenth-century bestseller. In it, the emperor showed the society the principles of his worldview. The Corsican believed that "supermen" were occasionally born among the general mass of mankind. The main difference between these individuals and others is that they are allowed to violate all norms and laws.

In the novel, we see the reflection of this thought constantly. This is an article by Rodion in the newspaper, and the reflections of some characters. However, Fedor Mikhailovich shows a varied understanding of the meaning of the phrase.

The most cynical version of the realization of an idea by a former student. Who did Raskolnikov kill? An old money-lender. However, Rodion himself sees the event differently in certain parts of the novel. At first, the young man believes that "this is the most insignificant creature" and "by killing one creature, he will help hundreds of lives." Later, the thought is reborn into the fact that the victim was not a person, but a "crushed louse". And on last step the young man comes to the conclusion that he killed his own life.

Svidrigailov and Luzhin also introduced Napoleonic motives into their actions, but they will be discussed later.

In addition to the book of the French emperor, similar ideas were in the works “The Only One and His Property” and “Murder as one of fine arts". We see that during the course of the novel, the student is running around with an "idea-passion". But given event more like a failed experiment.

At the end of the novel, we see that in hard labor Raskolnikov understands the fallacy of behavior. But finally the young man does not part with the idea. This is evident from his thoughts. On the one hand, he laments the ruined youth, on the other, he regrets that he confessed. If he had endured, maybe he would have become a “superman” for himself.

Literary prototypes

The description of Raskolnikov, which can be given to the image of the character, accumulates various thoughts and actions of the heroes of other works. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky examines many social and philosophical problems through the prism of a young man's doubts.

For example, a lonely hero who challenges society exists in most romantic writers. So, Lord Byron creates images of Manfred, Lara and Corsair. In Balzac, we recognize similar features in Rastignac, and in Stendhal, in Julien Sorel.

Considering who Raskolnikov killed, one can draw an analogy with Pushkin's The Queen of Spades. There Hermann tries to acquire wealth at the expense of the old countess. It is noteworthy that Alexander Sergeevich's old woman was called Lizaveta Ivanovna and the young man kills her morally. Dostoevsky went further. Rodion really takes the life of a woman with that name.

In addition, there is a fairly large similarity with the characters of Schiller and Lermontov. The first in The Robbers has Karl Moor, who faces the same ethical issues. And in A Hero of Our Time, Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin is in a similar state of moral experimentation.

Yes, and in other works of Dostoevsky there are similar images. First it was "Notes of the Underground", later - Ivan Karamazov, Versilov and Stavrogin.

Thus, we see that Rodion Raskolnikov combines a opposing society and a realistic character with his environment, origin and plans for the future.

Pulcheria Alexandrovna

Raskolnikov's mother, with her provincial naivete and innocence, sets off the images of the capital's inhabitants. She perceives events more simply, closes her eyes to many things, seems unable to understand. However, at the end of the novel, when they break out in her deathbed delirium last words, we see how wrong our assumptions were. This woman perceived everything, but did not show the whirlpool of passions that raged in her soul.

In the first chapters of the novel, when Rodion Raskolnikov is introduced to us, his mother's letter has a significant impact on his decision. Information that the sister is preparing to "sacrifice herself for the good of her brother" plunges the student into a gloomy mood. He finally affirms himself in the idea of ​​​​killing the old pawnbroker.

Here, the desire to save Dunya from rogues is added to his plans. The loot, according to Raskolnikov, should be enough not to need financial handouts from the future "husband" of the sister. Subsequently, Rodion meets Luzhin and Svidrigailov.

Immediately after the first one came to introduce himself to him, the young man takes him with hostility. Why does Raskolnikov do this? The mother's letter directly says that he is a scoundrel and a rogue. Under Pulcheria Alexandrovna, he developed the idea that best wife- from a poor family, as she is completely in the power of her husband.

From the same letter former student learns about the dirty harassment of the landowner Svidrigailov to his sister, who worked as their governess.

Since Pulcheria Alexandrovna did not have a husband, Rodya becomes the only support of the family. We see how the mother takes care of him and takes care of him. Despite his rude behavior and unfounded reproaches, the woman seeks to help with all her might. However, she cannot break through the wall that her son has built around himself in an attempt to protect the family from future upheavals.


In the novel, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky illustrates various life positions and personal philosophies through the juxtaposition of characters. For example, Dunya and Raskolnikov. The characteristics of brother and sister are similar in many ways. They are outwardly attractive, educated, think independently and are prone to decisive actions.

However, Rodion was crippled by poverty. He lost faith in kindness and sincerity. We see the gradual degradation of it social life. At the beginning of the novel, it is reported that Raskolnikov is a former student, but now he hatches plans to "get rich overnight."

Avdotya Romanovna, his sister, is striving for a better and happy future, but on more realistic positions. She, unlike her brother, does not dream of instant wealth and does not harbor romantic illusions.

The culmination of their opposition is expressed in the readiness to kill. If Raskolnikov succeeds and he goes for it in order to prove his own superiority, then Dunya's situation is completely different. She is ready to take Svidrigailov's life, but only because of self-defense.

We see Raskolnikov's punishment throughout most of the novel. It begins not at hard labor, but immediately after the death of the old woman. Gnawing doubts and worries about the course of the investigation torment the student more than subsequent years in Siberia.
Dunya, having defended her right to freedom, receives as a reward happy life In Petersburg.

Thus, Raskolnikov's sister turns out to be more active than her mother. And her influence on her brother stronger than that they mutually care for each other. He sees a certain outlet in helping her find a soul mate.

Raskolnikov and Marmeladov

Marmeladov and Raskolnikov are in fact the complete opposite. Semyon Zakharovich is a widower, a titular adviser. He is old enough for this rank, but his actions explain this turn of events.

We learn that he shamelessly drinks. Having married Ekaterina Ivanovna with children, Marmeladov moved to the capital. Here the family gradually sinks to the bottom. It comes to the point that own daughter goes to the panel to feed his family, while Semyon Zakharovich "was lying around drunk."

But in shaping the image of Raskolnikov, one episode with the participation of this minor character. When the young man was returning from the "reconnaissance" of the future crime scene, he ended up in a tavern, where he met Marmeladov.

The key is one phrase from the confession of the latter. He, outlining glaring poverty, says "there are absolutely no barriers." Rodion Romanovich finds himself in the same position in his thoughts. Inaction and gloomy fantasies led him to an extremely distressed situation, from which he saw only one way out.

It turns out that the conversation with the titular adviser is superimposed on the despair that the former student experienced after reading the letter from his mother. This is the dilemma Raskolnikov faces.

The characteristic of Marmeladov and his daughter Sonya, who later becomes a window into the future for Rodion, boils down to the fact that they submitted to fatalism. In the beginning, the young man tries to influence them, to help, to change their lives. However, in the end, he dies under the pressure of guilt and partly accepts the views and life philosophy Sony.

Raskolnikov and Luzhin

Luzhin and Raskolnikov are similar in irrepressible vanity and selfishness. However, Pyotr Petrovich is much smaller in soul and more stupid. He considers himself successful, modern and respectable, he says that he created himself. However, in fact it turns out to be just an empty and deceitful careerist.

The first acquaintance with Luzhin takes place in a letter that Rodion receives from his mother. It is from marriage with this "scoundrel" that the young man tries to save his sister, which pushes him to commit a crime.

If we compare these two images, both think they are practically "superhuman". But Rodion Raskolnikov is younger and prone to romantic illusions and maximalism. Pyotr Petrovich, on the contrary, tries to drive everything into the framework of his stupidity and narrow-mindedness (although he considers himself very smart).

The culmination of the confrontation between these heroes takes place in the “rooms”, where the unlucky groom, out of his own greed, settled the bride with her future mother-in-law. Here, in an extremely vile environment, he shows his true face. And the result is a final break with Dunya.

Later, he will try to compromise Sonya by accusing her of stealing. By this, Pyotr Petrovich wanted to prove Rodion's failure in choosing the acquaintances whom he introduces into the family (previously, Raskolnikov introduced Marmeladov's daughter to his mother and sister). However, his nefarious plan fails and he is forced to flee.

Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov

In the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov, whose image is evolving in the course of events, faces his antipodes and doubles.

However, there is no direct resemblance to any character. All heroes act as the opposite of Rodion or have a more developed specific characteristic. So Arkady Ivanovich, as we know from the letter, is inclined to a constant pursuit of pleasure. He does not shy away from murder (this is his only resemblance to the main character).

However, Svidrigailov appears as a character with a dual nature. He seems to be a reasonable person, but he has lost faith in the future. Arkady Ivanovich tries to coerce and blackmail Dunya into becoming his wife, but the girl shoots him twice with a revolver. She failed to get in, but as a result, the landowner loses all hope of the opportunity to start life from scratch. As a result, Svidrigailov commits suicide.

Rodion Raskolnikov sees his possible future in the decision of Arkady Ivanovich. He had already several times gone to look at the river from the bridge, thinking of jumping down. However, Fedor Mikhailovich helps the young man. He gives him hope in the form of Sonya's love. This girl forces a former student to confess to a crime, and then follows him to hard labor.

Thus, in this article, we met with the bright and ambiguous image of Rodion Raskolnikov. In Crime and Punishment, Dostoyevsky dissects the criminal's soul with surgical precision to show the evolution from delusional determination to depression after confronting reality.

In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, reflects many ideas and theories of various kinds, often not coinciding with the author's. These ideas interact with each other, collide, influence human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, its throwing, doubts, the writer was interested in the relationship of already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them. In my opinion, this is precisely why Dostoevsky's heroes remember almost nothing, and their attitudes towards life do not experience strong changes in the course of the action of the works.

Being the deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experiences of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; and even tries to penetrate into the realm of the subconscious, which no one in Russian literature has done so clearly before him.

In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky there are very few author's monologues, the writer's voice is far from being in the foreground, and with all the variety of ideas reflected in his novels, there is not a single one that can be clearly defined as the author's. Therefore, it cannot be said that in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich some definite author's position, these are not novels with an idea, but rather novels about an idea and its influence on a person.

In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov fell most strongly under the influence of the idea. This is an unfinished student living in a closet that looks more like a closet. Rodion Romanovich has barely enough money to feed himself. Around him, he sees the beggarly life of the St. Petersburg "slums", full of social injustice and disorder. And in this dust, stuffiness and dirt, a terrible thought is born in Raskolnikov's inflamed mind. Its idea is simple: to kill an old pawnbroker who no one needs, steal the money she has accumulated and use it for the benefit of the disadvantaged.

“One death and a hundred lives in return. Why, there is arithmetic here, ”says the author of the theory. So, Raskolnikov’s goals are quite worthy, but, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions; This begs the question: does the end justify the means? Deciding to kill, Raskolnikov ranks himself among the "rights", that is, a special group the mighty of the world this, to whom everything is permitted. Crime for him is a test, and if he does not stand it, he will remain a "trembling creature", like most people on the planet.

Succumbing to the influence of this idea, Raskolnikov commits a murder, which immediately entails another one. One can talk for a long time how immoral this act is, to what extent it contradicts moral, ethical, religious foundations, not to mention legal regulations. One thing is clear - murder is terrible, monstrous, and its idea is no better, because it justifies violence.

There is a character in the novel whose position is clearly opposed to Raskolnikov's. This is Sonya Marmeladova, an exponent of Christian morality. She responds to violence and anger with kindness and considers all people worthy of compassion. Sonya's social status is even lower than Raskolnikov. She is a prostitute. Only Christian ideas help her to survive, moreover, to live in spirit, despite constant humiliation.

Thus, using the example of Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, one can understand how different influence can lend an idea to a person. It can lift a person from the very bottom, or it can make him sink to the bottom, wallow in the most serious sins.

If an idea takes hold of an individual, that is one thing, but another thing is if it takes hold of the masses. Raskolnikov's last dream shows possible consequences mass infatuation false, dangerous idea. In my opinion, in our century, the dreams of the unfortunate murderer began to come true.

Argument crime and punishment man society It seems to him that everyone suspects him, they are trying to bring him to “ clean water". Raskolnikov strives to be kinder, more frank with people, but the latter do not understand him, thereby repelling him. Inside Raskolnikov, a struggle rages between the mind and the heart, giving rise to a kind of mental illness. Talking about the torments of Rodion Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky sets out to readers his concept of “pochvennichestvo”, develops the “Christian” idea, according to which each person must live according to the dictates of his soul. Only twenty percent in a person is the mind, the rest is the soul, the writer believes. In no case should you come into conflict with yourself, cross the line of morality. Dostoevsky believes that one must live according to eternal Christian laws, believing in God, keeping the commandments.

Man and society in the work of crime and punishment (cm)?

Dreiser: “People think about us what we want to inspire them”? Do you agree that “there is nothing more dangerous in society than a person without character”? List of literature for preparation for final essay. "Human and society". A.P. Chekhov "The Jumper", "The Man in the Case", "Ionych", "Thick and Thin", "The Death of an Official", "The Cherry Orchard" Zh. Verne "Mysterious Island" S. Collins "The Hunger Games" W.

Thackeray "Vanity Fair" F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Poor People" M. Gorky "At the bottom", "Former people" A. Camus "Outsider" Ch.T. Aitmatov "And the day lasts longer than a century" D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe"


Groom "Forrest Gump" A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great" E. Hemingway "To have and not to have" V. V. Nabokov "Invitation to execution" E.I. Zamyatin "We" A. Platonov "Pit" B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago" J. Orwell "1984", "Animal Farm" R.

Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit", "The Martian Chronicles" O.

Argument crime and punishment man society


Thus, using the example of Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, one can understand how differently an idea can have an impact on a person. It can lift a person from the very bottom, or it can make him sink to the bottom, wallow in the most serious sins.

How society affects a person Arguments crime and punishment

The works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, reflect many ideas and theories of various kinds, often not coinciding with the author's. These ideas interact with each other, collide, influence human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, its throwing, doubts, the writer was interested in the relationship of already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them.
In my opinion, this is precisely why Dostoevsky's heroes remember almost nothing, and their attitudes towards life do not experience strong changes in the course of the action of the works. Being the deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experiences of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; and even tries to penetrate into the realm of the subconscious, which no one in Russian literature has done so clearly before him. In the works of F. M.

The influence of an idea on a person based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment

Its idea is simple: to kill an old pawnbroker who no one needs, steal the money she has accumulated and use it for the benefit of the disadvantaged. “One death and a hundred lives in return. Why, there is arithmetic here, ”says the author of the theory. So, Raskolnikov’s goals are quite worthy, but, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions; This begs the question: does the end justify the means? Deciding to kill, Raskolnikov considers himself to be among the "rights", that is, to a special group of the powerful of this world, to whom everything is permitted. Crime for him is a test, and if he does not stand it, he will remain a "trembling creature", like most people on the planet.
Succumbing to the influence of this idea, Raskolnikov commits a murder, which immediately entails another one.

The theme of man and society in crime and punishment

How society influences a person, the morality of the environment and other people's actions. In his work, Tolstoy touches and reveals the most important life problems- Problems of morality. Love and friendship, honor and nobility. His heroes dream and doubt, think and solve important problems for themselves.

Some of them are deeply moral people, while the concept of nobility is alien to others. To the modern reader, Tolstoy's heroes can be close and understandable. Solution by the author moral problems can be used at the present time.

The work of Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich is centered around questions of the philosophy of the spirit, these are the topics of anthropology, philosophy, history, ethics, and religion. In his works, Dostoevsky shows tragic fates"little people".

How does society affect a person? (final essay)

Raskolnikov, like the Marmeladovs, crushed by poverty, who rented miserable closets for a pittance, broken by a cruel fate and looking for oblivion, and sometimes “sorrow and tears at the bottom of a half-damask” or rising in an ugly rebellion against this life, like Raskolnikov. This twin city has a “stately, austere appearance”, but behind its external splendor lies a terrible inner side, a city of drinking establishments, the poorest quarters near the Sennaya with dirty and smelly courtyards, a yellow city (Raskolnikov’s pale yellow complexion, yellow wallpaper in Raskolnikov’s closet and the old woman’s apartment, Marmeladov’s yellow complexion, the yellow dress of a drowned woman), which characterizes Petersburg as a city of “half-crazy”, a city where everything is bought and sold (yellow is the color of gold), finally, as a city of evil ... In this world, thousands little people die in poverty, every year a certain number of victims fall into the “percentage”.

Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” The theme of “humiliated and insulted” in the works of F. M. Dostoevsky goes back to the works of A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol and writers “ natural school” 1840s.

Dostoevsky made a worthy contribution to understanding the nature of these heroes, showing for the first time that ... see in full

  • THE MARMELADOV FAMILY AND ITS ROLE IN THE NOVEL "CRIME AND PUNISHMENT" The novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment is one of the most complex works Russian literature, in which the author told about the story of the death of the soul of the protagonist after he committed a crime, about the alienation of Rodion ... see in full
  • The ideological and compositional role of Sonya's image Here I have F. M. Dostoevsky's book "Crime and Punishment" in front of me. The author touches upon many problems in this work, but the most important of them is the problem of morality.

Society influences a person crime and punishment

Its idea is simple: to kill an old pawnbroker who no one needs, steal the money she has accumulated and use it for the benefit of the disadvantaged. “One death and a hundred lives in return. Why, there is arithmetic here, ”says the author of the theory. So, Raskolnikov’s goals are quite worthy, but, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions; This begs the question: does the end justify the means? Deciding to kill, Raskolnikov considers himself to be among the "rights", that is, to a special group of the powerful of this world, to whom everything is permitted. Crime for him is a test, and if he does not stand it, he will remain a "trembling creature", like most people on the planet. Succumbing to the influence of this idea, Raskolnikov commits a murder, which immediately entails another one.

One can talk for a long time how immoral this act is, to what extent it contradicts moral, ethical, religious foundations, not to mention legal norms. One thing is clear - murder is terrible, monstrous, and its idea is no better, because it justifies violence. There is a character in the novel whose position is clearly opposed to Raskolnikov's.

This is Sonya Marmeladova, an exponent of Christian morality. She responds to violence and anger with kindness and considers all people worthy of compassion. Sonya's social status is even lower than Raskolnikov. She is a prostitute. Only Christian ideas help her to survive, moreover, to live in spirit, despite constant humiliation.

Thus, using the example of Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, one can understand how differently an idea can have an impact on a person. It can lift a person from the very bottom, or it can make him sink to the bottom, wallow in the most serious sins.

How society affects a person essay crime and punishment

Raskolnikov is unusually kind and philanthropic: he passionately loves his sister and mother; pities the Marmeladovs and helps them, gives the last money for the funeral of Marmeladov; does not remain indifferent to the fate of the drunk girl on the boulevard. Raskolnikov's dream of a horse slaughtered to death emphasizes the hero's humanism, his protest against evil and violence. At the same time, he shows extreme selfishness, individualism, cruelty and ruthlessness. Raskolnikov creates an anti-human theory of "two categories of people", which determines in advance who will live and who will die. He owns the justification of the "idea of ​​blood in conscience", when any person can be killed for the sake of higher goals and principles. The problems of society in Dostoevsky's novel “crime The only thing a boy can do is to scream through the crowd to the horse and, clasping its dead, bloody muzzle, kiss it. Raskolnikov's dream is ambiguous.
Letsa: “Zero is nothing, but two zeros already mean something”? Should I express my opinion if it differs from the opinion of the majority? There is safety in numbers? What is more important: personal interests or public interests? To what does society's indifference to man lead? Do you agree with the opinion of A. Morois: “You should not focus on public opinion. This is not a lighthouse, but wandering lights? How do you understand the expression small man"? Why does a person strive to be original? Does society need leaders? Do you agree with the words of K. The theme of man and society in crime and punishment The deep psychologism and philosophical orientation of the work make it extremely relevant in our “troubled” time, pointing the way to the revival of the spiritual traditions of society. I take! 58993 people have viewed this page. Register or login and find out how many people from your school have already copied this essay.

The novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was written in 1866. It was a time of reforms, when the old "masters of life" began to be replaced by new ones - bourgeois businessmen-entrepreneurs like Luzhin and Svidrigailov, when the old morality was replaced by a new one - "love yourself first of all." F. M. Dostoevsky, as a writer who subtly feels all the changes in society, reflected these changes in his novel Crime and Punishment.

The protagonist of this work is Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor student of the Petersburg

The university, which was forced to drop out due to the fact that he did not have enough money, due to nervous and physical exhaustion. We meet Raskolnikov on the very first pages of the novel. We see the terrible conditions in which the protagonist lives: he is poor, he does not have decent clothes, his room looks more like a closet than a human dwelling, he does not even have money to pay the landlady for housing, and he is forced to hide her. Around him, Rodion Raskolnikov sees poverty, human suffering, death. He asks himself the question why some people, like Luzhin and Svidrigailov, live in luxury, while others, who are much better, more moral than the first, like Sonechka and Katerina Ivanovna, must die of hunger and poverty.

Raskolnikov understands that the world is unfair. He wants to change the existing order of things, but he understands that only an extraordinary person - the "master" - can change the world. Rodion Raskolnikov creates his own theory, according to which all people are divided into two categories: the first is “rulers”, there are very few of these people in the world, these are those who carry out the progress of society, such as Napoleon or Newton. Their main task is to manage the rest of the mass, "ordinary people", as Raskolnikov calls them. The main task of "ordinary people", according to Raskolnikov, is reproduction and submission to the "masters". For the sake of any great idea, the "rulers" can sacrifice any means, including human life. They can throw millions of people to their deaths, as Napoleon did, and still be great. Raskolnikov was a supporter of the fact that a great goal justifies any means. He considered himself a "ruler", but he wanted to use his opportunities and his power not for his own glory, but in order to help poor people. Sonechka Marmeladova asks Raskolnikov what to do in order to help the “humiliated and offended”, to which Raskolnikov replies: “What to do? Break what you need, and take the suffering! Freedom and power, and most importantly - power! Over all trembling creatures, over the whole anthill. Raskolnikov asks himself: “Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right?”

In order to check which category of people he belongs to, Raskolnikov decides to kill an old pawnbroker. He knows that she has a lot of money. She is very rich, but all her money is wasted, and after her death she bequeathed it to the monastery. Raskolnikov understands that more than a dozen lives can be saved with this money. But actually the real reason the murder was Raskolnikov’s desire to test himself and his theory, to find out which category of people he belongs to, and helping the “humiliated and offended” is only a moral justification for him. By killing the old pawnbroker, Raskolnikov, as it were, cut himself off from the whole world, from all other people. He cannot even hug his mother and sister, as he feels that his "hands are covered in blood." Dostoevsky follows the hero step by step, misses nothing, shows every little thing, every detail. Dostoevsky comes to the conclusion that, on the basis of his no less brutal theory, a person who has committed such a brutal murder must have a bifurcated character, and indeed, Rodion Raskolnikov, on the one hand, is endowed with the best human qualities On the other hand, it contains a lot of negative things. With his inhuman theory, Raskolnikov placed himself above other people, but by this he tore himself from the whole of society. Raskolnikov arrogated to himself the right to "execute and pardon" - a right that, according to Dostoevsky, only God has. Raskolnikov is not only outside of society, but also outside of faith. He denies God, otherwise he would not have committed this murder.

After the crime, Raskolnikov's "punishment" begins. It is very symbolic in the novel that only one part is devoted to the crime, and the remaining five - to punishment, and Dostoevsky believed that moral punishment much stronger than the physical. Raskolnikov suffers to a greater extent because he understands that in the end he remained a “trembling creature”, and only through Sonechka Marmeladova Raskolnikov was able to realize all the inhumanity of his theory, cleanse himself spiritually and morally and begin the difficult and gradual path of returning to people.

Its idea is simple: to kill an old pawnbroker who no one needs, steal the money she has accumulated and use it for the benefit of the disadvantaged. “One death and a hundred lives in return. Why, there is arithmetic here, ”says the author of the theory. So, Raskolnikov’s goals are quite worthy, but, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions; This begs the question: does the end justify the means? Deciding to kill, Raskolnikov considers himself to be among the "rights", that is, to a special group of the powerful of this world, to whom everything is permitted. Crime for him is a test, and if he does not stand it, he will remain a "trembling creature", like most people on the planet. Succumbing to the influence of this idea, Raskolnikov commits a murder, which immediately entails another one.

Man and society in the work of crime and punishment (cm)?


In the novel by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" the conflict between society and the individual is clearly traced. Raskolnikov's mother is in poverty, Raskolnikov's sister is forced to avoid harassment all the time, Raskolnikov himself, an intelligent and not lazy person, is forced to vegetate in poverty. Many believe that in addition to their own theory, Raskolnikov was "helped" to commit a crime by many more external factors, in particular, the injustice of the world around and the difficult living conditions of Raskolnikov himself and his family.

Plus, his theory. Well, if in more detail about the theory Well, what happened next, everyone knows. Repentance, repentance, punishment.

Argument crime and punishment man society

One can talk for a long time how immoral this act is, to what extent it contradicts moral, ethical, religious foundations, not to mention legal norms. One thing is clear - murder is terrible, monstrous, and its idea is no better, because it justifies violence. There is a character in the novel whose position is clearly opposed to Raskolnikov's.

This is Sonya Marmeladova, an exponent of Christian morality. She responds to violence and anger with kindness and considers all people worthy of compassion. Sonya's social status is even lower than Raskolnikov. She is a prostitute. Only Christian ideas help her to survive, moreover, to live in spirit, despite constant humiliation.
Thus, using the example of Sonya Marmeladova and Raskolnikov, one can understand how differently an idea can have an impact on a person. It can lift a person from the very bottom, or it can make him sink to the bottom, wallow in the most serious sins.

How society affects a person Arguments crime and punishment

If an idea takes hold of an individual, that is one thing, but another thing is if it takes hold of the masses. Raskolnikov's last dream shows the possible consequences of a mass enthusiasm for a false, dangerous idea. In my opinion, in our century, the dreams of the unfortunate murderer began to come true.

  1. The meaning of the title of the novel "Crime and Punishment" The great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky sought to show the ways of the moral renewal of human society.
    Man is the center of life to which the writer's gaze is riveted. “Crime and Punishment” is a novel by Dostoevsky, ... see in full
  2. I killed myself, not the old woman. Composition based on Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky - the greatest Russian writer, unsurpassed realist artist, anatomist human soul, a passionate champion of the ideas of humanism and justice.

The influence of an idea on a person based on Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment


But still, the novel "Crime and Punishment" is a very bright work, although tragic. The writer expressed in it his innermost thoughts about the moral ideal of humanism. The protagonist of the novel comes to moral ideal having experienced many sufferings.

Tolstoy Dostoevsky moral hero

At the beginning of the work, this is a person who is disappointed in people and believes that only with the help of violence can one restore the desecrated goodness and justice. Rodion Raskolnikov creates a cruel theory according to which the world is divided into "the right to have" and "trembling creatures." The first is allowed everything, the second - nothing. The main themes and motives of the novel "Crime and Punishment" philosophical question novel - the boundaries of good and evil.

The writer seeks to define these concepts and show their interaction in society and in the individual. In Raskolnikov's protest, it is difficult to draw a clear line between good and evil.

The theme of man and society in crime and punishment

Dostoevsky has very few author's monologues, the writer's voice is far from being in the foreground, and with all the variety of ideas reflected in his novels, there is not a single one that can be clearly defined as the author's. Therefore, it cannot be said that in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich some specific author's position is formulated and defended, these are not novels with an idea, but rather novels about an idea and its influence on a person. In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov fell most strongly under the influence of the idea.

This is an unfinished student living in a closet that looks more like a closet. Rodion Romanovich has barely enough money to feed himself. Around him, he sees the beggarly life of the St. Petersburg "slums", full of social injustice and disorder.
And in this dust, stuffiness and dirt, a terrible thought is born in Raskolnikov's inflamed mind.

How does society affect a person? (final essay)

He realized that the traditions of grandfathers and fathers can be wrong or unfair. Arguments from the literature on the topic: a person outside of society He is bright, hot, eager to learn something new, impatient and passionate. It is he who stands up for freedom, art, mind and brings a new high morality to the Famusov world, however, the prim world of Famusov does not accept change and cuts any rudiments of the new, bright and beautiful in the bud.

Such is the age-old conflict between the progressive individual and the crowd, which gravitates towards conservatism.

  • Rebellious spirit is full and main character novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". Pechorin does not accept many established social rules, but still tries to find mutual language with the world around him. His personality, like the personalities of many others, is formed under the influence of several forces: the first is his will, the second is the society and era in which he exists.


The works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, reflect many ideas and theories of various kinds, often not coinciding with the author's. These ideas interact with each other, collide, influence human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, its throwing, doubts, the writer was interested in the relationship of already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them.

In my opinion, this is precisely why Dostoevsky's heroes remember almost nothing, and their attitudes towards life do not experience strong changes in the course of the action of the works. Being the deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experiences of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; and even tries to penetrate into the realm of the subconscious, which no one in Russian literature has done so clearly before him. In the works of F. M.

Society influences a person crime and punishment

The works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, reflect many ideas and theories of various kinds, often not coinciding with the author's. These ideas interact with each other, collide, influence human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, its throwing, doubts, the writer was interested in the relationship of already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them. In my opinion, this is precisely why Dostoevsky's heroes remember almost nothing, and their attitudes towards life do not experience strong changes in the course of the action of the works. Being the deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experiences of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; and even tries to penetrate into the realm of the subconscious, which no one in Russian literature has done so clearly before him. In the works of F. M.
Here is a clear protest against murder and cruelty, here is sympathy for someone else's pain. Under the influence of the dream, two motives for the alleged murder take place. One is hatred for the tormentors. The other is the desire to rise to the position of a judge.

But Raskolnikov did not take into account the third factor - the inability good man shed blood. And, as soon as this thought occurred to him, he abandoned his plans in fear. In other words, even without raising the ax, Raskolnikov understands the doom of his idea. Waking up, the hero was almost ready to abandon his plan: “God! - he exclaimed, - really, really, I’ll take an ax, start hitting her on the head, crush her skull ... People, in the novel, cannot earn money for their existence. And the consciousness of this provokes people to the fact that gradually, they sink lower and lower, engage in prostitution, theft.

How society affects a person essay crime and punishment

In addition, let's remember the environment of the protagonist: this is Sonya Marmeladova, a very kind girl who has a positive effect on Raskolnikov. All these factors led to the fact that the protagonist confesses to committed crime. In that literary work we clearly observe how society influenced a person, forcing him to do what was needed. In conclusion, I would like to say that a person is inextricably linked with society. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to abstract from it one hundred percent. And from this statement it follows that society directly proportionally influences the person who belongs to it.
Raskolnikov, a former law student, "left the university for want of something to support himself" and was forced to make a living giving meager lessons. When “lessons and other means ceased,” Raskolnikov had to pawn the most valuable things he had, and the most expensive things for him - his father’s old watch and a gold ring, presented by his sister as a keepsake. “Crushed by poverty”, he did not have his own dwelling, but hired a closet from the tenants, “which looked more like a closet or chest”, a tiny closet, being in which “it became creepy, and the look and thoughts involuntarily asked for space”. Moreover, he "was indebted to the mistress around" and constantly hid from her. Having almost no means of subsistence, he used to eat nothing for several days, and “he was dressed so badly that some<… посовестился бы днём выходить в таких лохмотьях на улицу».
