Biography. Radimov, Pavel Aleksandrovich Pig barn ∞

Honored Artist of Russia, Honorary Member Russian Academy Arts, Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" (MOSH of Russia), member of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" since 1998, member of the All-Russian public organization art historians and art critics AIS since 2011


Deputy Chairman of the Moscow branch of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" (MOSH of Russia)
Honored Artist of Russia,

Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Member of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" since 1998,

Member of the All-Russian Public Organization of Art Historians and Art Critics AIS since 2011


Diploma of the VTOO "SAR" (2004, 2005), medal "50 years of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia", 2009, diploma of the TSHR (2010), gratitude of the Russian Academy of Arts, 2010, gold medal of the VTOO "SChR" (2011, 2013 .), Diploma of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) under the President of the Russian Federation, 2011, medal of the Russian Academy of Arts "Worthy", 2012, Golden medal Russian Academy of Arts, 2012, Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 2013, gratitude from the Deputy Minister of Education and Science for participating in the jury of the Competition for Children and Youth Creativity, 2017

Creative activity:
As an artist do decorative arts and jewelry design, I am the author of a series of cabinet clocks, decorative objects, interior decorations.
Participated in a number of major exhibitions, such as: All-Russian Exhibition"Russia X", Moscow, Central House of Artists, 2004 All-Russian Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts, Moscow, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, 2005; All-Russian exhibition "Fatherland", Moscow, Central House of Artists, 2008; Exhibition of artists of the Moscow region "50 years of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia", Moscow, Moscow State Exhibition Hall "New Manege", 2008-2009; All-Russian exhibition "Russia XI", Moscow, Central House of Artists, 2009; Exhibition of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, TSHR "Art Today", Moscow, Begovaya, 7, 2009, 2010, 2011; International Exhibition"Meeting of friends", Harbin, China, 2012, All-Russian exhibition "Russia XII", Moscow, Central House of Artists, 2013, All-Russian exhibition of jewelry art "Retrofuturism", Moscow, 2015
From 1998 to the present, I have been engaged in organizational and administrative work in the Moscow branch of the VTOO "Union of Artists of Russia" (scientific secretary, organizing secretary, deputy chairman)
From 2001 to the present, I have been a member of the Expert Art Council of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, engaged in the examination and evaluation of works of sculpture and decorative art. monumental art.
From 2000 to the present, I have been cooperating with LLC "Combine of monumental and decorative art" as a compiler of estimate and contractual documentation, an artist-performer, head of the production and technical department, etc.
From 2000 to 2015 collaborated with the newspaper "Moscow artist" as a responsible. Secretary, editor, author. Compiler of the Illustrated Directory of the Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, 2003, Information Guide "MOSH of Russia 50 years" (together with N.I. Anikina), 2008, compiler and editor of the Collection of Articles (together with N.I. Anikina) "Avant-garde discourses in the Soviet official art of the 2nd half of the twentieth century”, Moscow, Moscow Union of Artists of Russia, 2017, author of more than 30 articles about artists and art exhibitions, a participant in a number of conferences of the Russian Academy of Arts and the Union of Artists of Russia on the topics of the history and development of fine arts, incl. report "Non-traditional materials and innovative technologies How artistic technique in copyright jewelry art”, Russian Academy of Arts, 2013, article “Problems of destruction and damage to monuments of monumental art of the 1960s - 1980s”, 2016, article “Soviet technical aesthetics of the 2nd half of the 20th century”, 2017


At once a rooster crowed on the wattle fence, and a fervent cry
Echoes from the road another, goiter pulling in an instant.
Both singers, bellowers, spread their tails under the wind,
A whirlwind, having flown from a hillock, opened the sash in the gate.
The whole yard of the peasant Agathon is visible: a scammer, zakuty
For horses and cows, everything with doors, reels.
Sheep look in a crowd through the shingles of a stuffed lattice,
Muzzle bay gelding poked into the cart. about axle
It scratches the rusty side of the boar, which has rested over the winter.
Hens in the straw peck at the empty ear of a broken ear.
Sparrows flew to them, woke up in a flock from the fence,
They raised such a twitter that even a starling cannot endure,
He has only been housekeeping since yesterday in the new cowshed,
Agathon, cunningly carved, brought princelings over her,
I attached a shelf instead of a porch and stuck a twig,
Raised on a long pole to the singing guest housing.
"Ek is flooded with a bird!" - the owner said to the hostess, -
“It means that spring has come to our village directly.”
Baba, splashing the slop and lowering it over the knee,
I hurried to quickly enter the hut with a gang.
And Agathon, rolling up his sleeves, hit
With a pitchfork in greasy manure, tearing off the raw layer.

In the estate of Dostoevsky

Hillocks run again, and with them copses,
And here is old park where Fyodor Dostoevsky
Lived many times over the years. How dark is the shadow in the forest!

Broad-stemmed lindens, stumpy oaks
There is a high green wall.
On a narrow path, the sound of footsteps is not heard

The creator who saw a dead house in Siberia.
He was waiting for the Russian people to rise to the light.
Look, the east is burning behind the golden hillock,
And the lark sings to me, a rural poet,

Sings, trembles; disappeared into the blue.
Days go by at work, the end of summer comes.
The harvester cuts the rye ... How good it is all around!
I will give my homeland love and this song.

Somewhere an owl screamed... ∞

* * *
Somewhere an owl screamed - he guards the bell tower at midnight.
Somewhere a scarlet dawn lit up and went out silently.
The moon rises with an unfading eye and red,
He goes over the wide and valley land.

On this spring evening, who will tell lies and evil?
And will he reproach the name of the Great God with blasphemy?
Will he crush the flowers with his foot? - they are where the ravine is,
They decorate the floor of the Earthly Hall with a carpet.


Anxious murmur oak trees
My soul is excited.
Noisy in the peaks of the severe wind,
AND leaf light jet

Spinning in a breathless dance
On the funeral feast is lush gold,
And death's face shines through in crimson,
Covering the earth with a veil.

I know: a fatal guest,
Threatened by non-existence,
I won’t enchant you with the chant of lines.
She's a cold blade

Pierces the chest. But in sweet pain
I would like to perishable dust
Sadly dormant expanses
Get off with a smile on your lips.

Heat ∞

Meadow branded with mowers.
The grass is burned by the cruel sun.
The swamp has dried up. Off the coast
Creek, bending over, whispering my words.

The whole soul is burned. Among the deserts
The languishing heat, and the whirlwind does not turn.
Wormwood leans joylessly
Above the track where the dead rook lies.

To Apollo

Porphyritic, sun-eyed,
My god, the great Apollo!
I heard the verb high
And the silver-stringed lyre ringing.

Drawn by a mysterious force,
Like a flower to a spring ray,
With a flute poor and dull
I want to announce the grove.

Do not be cruel in rage!
I'm afraid of Marcia evil rock,
When on the redwood tree
A scarlet current flowed from the veins.

I don't want glory. Daring
I did not stain the sword with blood.
My key is sealed in my soul
Trembling with diamonds of love.

And only the golden chariot
Will rise in the blue firmament,
The wretched owl sings
About the quiet joy of the earth.

When buckwheat turns white in the fields...

* * *
When buckwheat turns white in the fields,
Like the first snow, the flowers of her blades of grass,
When peace reigns in the ears of quiet,
Only the beetle buzzes, dropping pollen from the stamens.

A hare goes out to the border with children
At dusk, in the grass among the dewdrops
A firefly burns in the stream, like a fish famously,
A heron is walking - places of marsh monks.

Then the dream sings of silent dreams
My love, about evening summer dreams,
Then I hear in the forest birches

The song of the oriole, then at the feet of the poet
Pours its petals Kalinnik
And guards the fields bush-chubarinka.


The udder, swollen during the day, the cow carries above the ground
Low, like a full vessel, the drops tremble on the nipples...
Fat was the food for a couple: a gourmand, a young Chernobyl,
In white flowers, povitel, porridge, rough burdock.
She no longer bows her head, but, hanging her chin,
Wiggling his tail brush, he walks at a slow pace.
Her coat is red, with white spots on her forehead and neck.
At home they call Beauty, the word is clear to her "fuck".
Everyone will distinguish her by her horns tied with a ribbon.
This is her mistress, full-bodied wife,
Life, having heard another under the heart, then tied it,
Having said a word: "Carry, feed your son with milk."


Winter. From the hoarfrost, the poplar became all curly,
Over the Lavra, the day rose with a burning face.
Here once Donskoy before the majestic battle
Blessing from Sergius with a cross
Accepted for the feat. And a bloody battle broke out
In front of Mamaev's wicked tent.
You, Lavra, waited for another great glory,
As in troubled years in Moscow's evil pogrom,
Leaders Pozharsky and Minin regiments
They hit the enemy from behind the Moscow River.
"For Sergius!" - then the cry was heard then,
And the militia rushed into battle like a stream,
And with the gentry of the pans there was a difficult battle cruel,
But a lucky star has risen over the country.


With an inquisitive mind I am powerless
Reveal the secrets of life.
Like the trembling of dying lights,
My thought is speaking.

I trust other helmsmen
Your obedient boat,
I look around full of fun
And I sing the silence of the world.

And fatal storms slumber,
And serene light verse -
But at the hour of the night, how to lead the evil ones,
The rumble of the depths of the sea comes.

The leaf begins to unfold ... (About Yesenin)

The leaf begins to unfold
Soon the bird cherry in the garden will throw a brush.
An accordionist walks along the country road with a song,
Like Yesenin in an immemorial year.
He learned these songs from his homeland,
He kissed more than one stealing girl,
The girl could not push him away,
And the bird cherry blossomed like a boil.
Where are you, unlucky genius Sergey,
Rus' is now famous for your song,
Among the fields you wander and among the valleys
Fair-haired young Lel, a peasant son.


Night shone with stars
With the golden moon
Above the shimmering snows
Glides with a measured foot.

I, who loved to oblivion
The splendor of the desert
Mytelny dust, despondency of singing
And border wormwood, -

I accept with an open soul
Tablets of ancient writing
And with joyful eyes I read
Worlds golden names.

The language of nature is inspired
I am clear, wise and simple,
And I am with my imperishable soul
I merge with eternal beauty.

Night at Kupala

Well, night! God save! All hell is here
A baptized person will not end up forever.
What monsters! Horns that are two stamens.
What a bunch of freaks and cripples!

Fled from the forests, meadows, swamps, bogs,
From lairs of empty and shallow rivers.
Here come the goblin - gloomy fellows.
Between them is the largest Dubovik-Woodcutter.

They lit a fire in the meadows: they cook scrambled eggs
Of the motley buchens ... It's not smoke that comes down - sodom.
Mermaids by the river start their round dance

And frantic - here's a cross for you - naked
They flash across the fire in a shameless crowd,
Sneering with laughter and impudent boasting.

About the fields that get drunk...

* * *
About the fields that get drunk from the spring sun,
And about the cries from the sky of cranes I sing,
About the reflections in the stream of the golden gold piece,
About the green sedge leaning towards the stream.

And that life has so much joy
And expanses of heady green fields...
I know my heart: anxiety was born in it
About unknown worlds, about the joyful sun,
Anxiety was born in him under the cry of cranes.


What silence! The crimson moon rises
Behind the smoothness of God's fields, behind the slopes of the fields.
Mermaid on the river starts the night song
About the golden palaces of underwater kings.

At the mill wheels, it makes noise and kolobrodit
Drowned crowd and ghostly shadows.
The enamored water from under the snags does not reduce
From a sad girl with flaming eyes.

It is so strange to him that, shedding tears,
She is sad. About what? What makes life sweeter on earth?
And, it seems, in silence, frightening with a strange speech,

She whispers about love, about a gentle kiss ...
Oh, how many secret words I am deceptive at midnight
I will hear the melody of caressing jets!


On an autumn solemn night,
Blowing a formidable silence,
I hear the divine voice
Merged with forest flutter.

Hymns joyfully strange
The flute sounds are falling
With fragrant leaves
On brocade beds.

That - among the thicket under the maples
Pan, lord of the oak forest,
Above the green trees
Bitterness overcomes poisons.

Feeling the approach of winter
Seeing salvation in peace
Into a stupor
He submerges the plants.

Before spring

Spring stuck in snowdrifts.
For bad weather, rooks do not fly,
Only flocks of jackdaws, gray, round-headed,
Circling at the zenith of the glowing brocade

And crumble on white birches
A gang of talkative crazy.
The last frosts still rumble,
The blizzard-winter is still sweeping.

But every evening of golden dawn,
And the distant forest noticeably turned black.
The time is close, as in the open space
The scarlet crossbow will raise the sun ...


All sorts of rubbish crammed into a large pelvis in a day:
There are cucumber peels, crusts, moldy bread;
In yellow slops from cabbage soup, formed with soapy water,
A sluggish, mushy onion floats upside down;
Nearby lies the shell and scraps from the old sole,
Having become very wet in the water, they slowly go to the bottom.
Look, the pelvis has poured, it's time to take out the pigs, -
In the dark coat they raised a plaintive squeal.
Old grandmother Aksinya, in a pony tucked up,
Taking the tub by the ears and, pulling up, carries.
She poured a tasty swill into the trough for the piglets.
They champ, sniff heavily, turning their tails to the woman.

Noon ∞

Heavy is the midday heat poured out by the cruel sky:
Gadflies sting cows, midges curl in a column.
Flies with a green belly covered the dry manure.
With a slow sweep of the tail, the bull drives away enemies.
The gloomy herd is slumbering. Kneaded a cozy ooze
Pigs climbing into the pond. The sheep gathered together.
The shepherd also sleeps, covering himself from the heat with a sheepskin coat, -
Sticking out his hot tongue, the dog breathes over it.

Popiada (excerpt)

Like the dawn, going out into the golden skies, plays
A bright smile of rays on a green meadow and on a distant
Forest mysteriously blue - so Masha appeared to the guests,
Causing Fyodor with a delightful look of exciting awe
And forcing Father Alexander with a brightened brow
Exclaim loudly: "Ay, you have a daughter, a queen, a princess! .."


In ancient Radonezh, the singing of larks
I'm walking with a knapsack on a road without roads.
The siege seat of winter is over;
Steep mud sticks, and smacks the boot.
Willows hung fluffy pendants,
In some places the copses are white with snow
Empty rhymes turn yellow all around,
Holes are filled with amber water.
Kalita's estate was among these places,
Vladimir the Brave stayed here with his retinue.
I'm in an ancient estate: a cross flashed on the church,
And the fire near the Village flooded all the hollows,
And wild ducks, leaving their perch,
They fly overhead to a new meadow.


green evening star
Already up.
Spring again. The water is running again.
The darkness trembles.

And again I stare at the confused look
Into the silent distance.
And again the winter burdens reproach.
And my heart is sorry -

It is a pity that you are destined to live in treason
Everything, always.
And in the sky it is impartial, cold
The star is trembling.


Trees in hoarfrost, but there is no snow at all,
Winter was thinking along the high road.
Radimov Pavel I, artist and poet,
Soviet citizen and not strict person,

In the Kolomna region he wrote his own sonnet,
Wandering near the Oka, where the banks are gentle,
Where was the time of my childish years,
Where he went many times, sitting on the drog.

I remember, I remember you, flood meadows!
Here is a ferry on the river, here are the Catchers, Beloomut,
Here is the coachman's chaise and with a call an arc,

Here is Gorki on the Yar and a whirlpool under the mountain,
Below there are haystacks, and there is no edge of greenery.
Let me breathe your expanse, O dear side!

Pig barn ∞

Incredible dirt inherited in the corner of the pigs,
For the heat makes you seek coolness and shade.
In sticky manure, where the water looks like green bubbles,
Muzzles buried to the ears, indulged in a peaceful sleep.
The first with linen bristles lies, turning to the trough,
Motley peers in the nose rested his backside.
A golden beam, slipping through the fence slots, plays
On a pinkish side, sweetly trembling in a dream.

Follow banners in the clouds...

* * *
Follow the banners in the clouds,
splashing loudly,
Words of praise in irmos
Take heart prudently.

Ile, replacing the sexton,
Inflate an extinct censer.
What a clear dawn
In those years, it rose above me!

Now at the marketplaces of the city
Days spent vain,
I am ancient hymns
I forgot how the field hymns.

But in the days when the spring call
shining with splendor
And the first luxury of sheets,
Sounds from end to end

When everything burns with gold
Sings in ringing words
When the grass in the hollows of the slabs
Through, blushing stems -

Worrying, quivering breathing,
Grateful to past happiness
I cry and my soul trembles
Like a ray, radiant sadness.

My humble tale...

* * *
My humble story
Read a few pages:
My father is a rural priest
By the command of the Hand of God.

Presented to myself now
I am him in a brocade phelonion,
With a shiny cast border,
In a haze of blue incense,

When the bells ring
Goes in the spring procession
Among the green loaves,
Blessing life in nature.

How I loved with my cheek
To touch the stole
And with joyful eyes
Get lost in the azure sky!

Dry autumn

The time for blooming lindens has passed.
The days of suffering are long forgotten,
When sunrises are golden
The incessant creak met the carts.

The greenery of the forests has worn away,
Putting on the robe of the lectern.
Time for autumn rest
And crane voices

Changed in the right order
The sparkle of braids and the ringing of cranberries.
Where are the flame lightning?
Look how quiet it is!

Above the swaying wattle fence
Blush with clusters of mountain ash,
Da hops yellow stamen
In the wasteland they threaten with a crutch.

Raw evening ∞

Boring in the village is a deaf, unfriendly autumn evening.
The rain was drizzling. It smelled of urine from the pond.
Someone's child was screaming. Indifferently, lazily sat
In front of the priest's porch, ducks, having eaten husks.
Here it is getting dark. The herd was released. And in the air brain
A sad roar is heard. The village priest is coming
In a small shop to buy tobacco and herring for dinner.
It is heard: in the manor's yard, dogs are lowered from the chain.


Like crystal strings of a rosary
Dewdrops of rain moisture.
Aspens are tremulous and meek.
Having washed the golden outfit,

Branches do not tremble. Measured knock
A drop will hit a red leaf,
And the thicket will respond with a sound, -
The forest is tenderly sensitive, vociferous.

The mouse does not rustle in the roots,
And lizards sleep in holes
And under the foot of a strange call
It becomes crispy dust.


The formidable prophet Elijah rolled across the blue sky.
Threw, Thunderbolt, an arrow - she flashed like a snake.
A booming cloud moved in from behind the priest's shed.
men rush to take away the hay from the meadow before the rain,
The wheels are loudly knocking ... On the hillock someone's cart tilted:
The axle burst in half, the kingpin popped out, ringing.
A whirlwind winds green hay on an old wattle fence
And on a calm pond, trembling ripples ripple.
The first drops of rain stirred up the dust on the road.
The hen calls the children. The swallows sat in the nest.
again a mighty roll ... And, taking off his hat with holes,
A devoutly hefty peasant overshadows his forehead with a cross.

The rivals of the marine painter in the competition "Great Names of Russia" were Empress Catherine the Great, Admiral Pavel Nakhimov and surgeon Valentin Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka)
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  • 23.05.2019 The elusive partisan of contemporary art has made another risky foray. Under the guise of paintings by a street artist, he exhibited the Venice in oil installation on the central square of Venice and left undiscovered from under the nose of the police.
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    • 13.06.2019 Bidding organizers announce the sale of masterpieces of fine arts, fine arts and antique books. The total estimate is about 90 million rubles
    • 11.06.2019 The traditional twenty AI Auction lots are twelve paintings, five sheets of original and two printed graphics and one bronze sculpture
    • 07.06.2019 Today sold 45% of the lots. Part will travel around Moscow, and the other will go to Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg
    • 06.06.2019 Sold 67% of lots for 53% of the total estimate. The top lots were the first edition of Pushkin's The Fountain of Bakhchisaray, the lifetime edition of Gogol's Arabesques, Ronald Reagan's autograph, and others.
    • 06.06.2019 On June 13, 2019, a specialized auction of antique paper, used books and phyllocart will be held auction house"Russian enamel"
    • 13.05.2019 Many believe that such a high concentration of very wealthy people inevitably creates adequate demand in the domestic art market. Alas, the scale of purchases of paintings in Russia is by no means directly proportional to the sum of personal fortunes
    • 24.04.2019 From the previous predicted IT breakthroughs, surprisingly, many did not come true. Maybe for the better. There is an opinion that instead of help, the global Internet giants are leading us into a trap. And only a small part of the richest population figured out in time what was what
    • 29.03.2019 The Stroganov students who met in the morgue were destined to become the inventors of Sots Art, the instigators of the "bulldozer exhibition", the dealers in American souls and the most recognizable representatives of the independent Soviet art in the world
    • 12.03.2019 This conclusion is contained in a study published in March 2019 by the Bureau economic analysis United States (BEA) and National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)
    • 12.03.2019 A reckless postmodern exhibition has opened in the Garage, which, according to reviews, is bold up to the risk of another intervention by the “outraged public”. Former Inspector of Medical Hermeneutics and literary father party organizer Dunaev again set the heat
    • 13.06.2019 They brought to St. Petersburg works of art created using artificial intelligence. Among the participants is the French art group OBVIOUS, who managed to effectively monetize this work.
    • 11.06.2019 In the Gallery of European and American Art of the XIX-XX centuries. from June 19 you can see selected works by A. Giacometti, I. Klein, Basquiat, E. Warhol, G. Richter, Z. Polke, M. Cattelan, A. Gursky and others from the collection of Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris
    • 11.06.2019 From June 19 to September 15, queues will line up for the exhibition of about 150 works from the collection of Sergei Schukin - paintings by Monet, Picasso, Gauguin, Derain, Matisse and others from the collections of the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, the Hermitage, the Museum of the East, etc.
    • 11.06.2019 About 170 works by Goncharova from museums and collections from all over the world, including Russia, were brought to London for the exhibition.
    • 07.06.2019 Until the end of June, the Tsereteli Gallery on Prechistenka is hosting a large solo exhibition of Konstantin Alexandrovich Batynkov, who is celebrating his 60th birthday this year

    Russian Soviet "peasant" poet, writer, landscape painter, public figure. Chairman of the Association of Traveling Exhibitions; Chairman of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia; Chairman of the Moscow Regional Union of Artists.

    Pavel Alexandrovich Vadimov was born in the village of the Ryazan province, in the family of a village priest. On the paternal side, all of Radimov's ancestors were clergymen. He also received a spiritual education, graduating from the Zaraisk Theological School and the Ryazan Seminary. However, Paul did not become a priest. From childhood, little Pavel loved to draw and began to write poetry. In 1905 he went to Moscow to enter Moscow School painting, sculpture and architecture. However, in the end, young Radimov entered a completely different educational institution: Faculty of History and Philology of Kazan University. He graduated from it in 1911, defending his thesis "Homer in the works of Greek artists." Simultaneously with his studies at the Faculty of Philology, he took painting lessons from N. I. Feshin. Such a versatile education allowed the universal talent of the young man to flourish and predetermined him. further fate: he soon became known both as a poet and as an artist.

    From 1908, he began to seriously engage in painting. In 1912, his first books were published: "Field Psalms", noticed by V. Bryusov, and "Earth Robe". In 1914, a collection of poems by Radimov was published, written in a rare size - hexameter - "Polyada". In 1914-1926, the young poet was an employee of the Siberian Life newspaper and the Siberian Student magazine.

    Parallel to literary creativity Radimov progressed as a painter. Since 1911, he began to exhibit at the Association of Traveling Exhibitions. The debut took place at the 39th exhibition. In 1914, for the painting "The Old Mezzanine" he was accepted as a member of the Association on the recommendations of V. D. Polenov and I. E. Repin. At the same time, the poet, artist, journalist Pavel Radimov taught art history at the Kazan Art School.

    In 1917, in Kazan, he became head of the department of arts of the People's Commissariat for Education of Tatarstan. Having accepted the revolution, he began to engage in social activities in the young state. He continued to write poetry and paint. In 1918 he became the last chairman of the Association of the Wanderers.

    In 1921, Pavel Radimov presented his paintings for the first time in Moscow. In 1922, Radimov, with fellow artists Grigoriev and Naumov, actively took up the creation of the AHRR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia), becoming the first chairman of the new union. During these years, being in the center artistic life, he became close friends with the artists A. E. Arkhipov, S. V. Malyutin, the sculptor S. T. Konenkov, the poets V. Ya. Bryusov, S. A. Yesenin, V. V. Mayakovsky and others. Artist in different time participated in many foreign exhibitions - in Venice, London, Berlin, Munich, Cologne, Stockholm, New York.

    The first post-revolutionary collection of poems "The Village" by Radimov the poet was published in 1922. As a writer, he was elected chairman of the All-Russian Union of Poets. During these years, P. A. Radimov was friends with Lunacharsky, Voroshilov, Budyonny, and worked in the Kremlin.

    In 1926, Radimov traveled to Finland, to Repin's dacha (Penates). There he created a portrait of an outstanding Russian painter, who is currently in Tretyakov Gallery. In "Penates" P. A. Radimov wrote the poem "The Sea", dedicated to the great artist.

    Like other "peasant" poets, Radimov suffered from the campaign against "kulak" poetry. After that, he began to work in a different genre, switching to landscape and descriptive lyrics with elements of socialist props. Most of the time he was engaged in painting, traveled a lot around the country, describing his impressions in poetry and on canvas.

    In 1928, the AHRR exhibition "10 Years of the Red Army" was held, one of the organizers of which was Pavel Radimov. In subsequent years, he worked hard and was engaged in social activities. Organized the Moscow Regional Union of Artists, was elected its first chairman. He arranged dozens of exhibitions of his works throughout the country, wrote memoirs and published books of his poems. The last personal exhibition of the artist was held in Moscow in 1962 in honor of 75 - summer anniversary painter.

    In the 1930s he settled in Khotkovo, near Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk). He painted, wrote, composed a lot. In 1932 he moved to Novo-Abramtsevo - a village Soviet artists, founded by I. E. Grabar near the Abramtsevo estate.

    In 1957 he opened in Abramtsevo folk exhibition"for free and free admission everyone who loves art”, which presented the works of Soviet artists.

    He died in 1967 at his home in Khotkovo, and was buried at the Khotkovo cemetery in the Sergiev Posad region. He was reburied at the Moscow Vvedensky cemetery.


    Sergey Alexandrovich Radimov - brother, artist

    Tatyana Pavlovna Radimova (1916-2000) - daughter, artist. Painter. Honored Worker of Culture of Russia, member of the Moscow Union of Artists. She studied with her father at the Moscow State Art Institute. V. I. Surikov until 1941. She painted landscapes and poetry. Author of a book about his father.

    Pavel Sergeevich Radimov - great-grandson

    Maria Pavlovna Radimova (b.1915) - daughter of Radimov and artist Maria Medvedeva (daughter of artist Grigory Medvedev)

    Sergei Pavlovich Radimov - son, artist

    Sergei Sergeevich Radimov - grandson, artist

    ) - Russian Soviet "peasant poet" and artist, the last chairman of the Association of the Wanderers and the first chairman of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR) in 1922 and 1927-1932, as well as the last chairman of the VSP (All-Russian Union of Poets) - an organization that existed until 1929 .

    The most memorable feature of the poetic work of the writer was the poems on peasant theme, written in hexameter; in painting he preferred the landscape theme.


    Born in a village in the Ryazan province, in the family of a village priest, in the hut of the 90-year-old grandfather of Father Nikanor. Both great-grandfathers, and the artist's father and grandfather were priests or rural deacons. Together with his two brothers, he received a spiritual education - from the age of 9 at the Zaraisk Theological School and the Ryazan Seminary.

    About the years of apprenticeship spent in this institution, he recalled: "Zaraisk! He took me there on a winter road, twenty-five miles away, a gray gelding ... In the summer, on a wide cart, on a tough sackcloth that covered sacks of rye, I came to an inn ... where I drank tea with raisin sieve. Then, with a bag and a chest containing linen, woolen stockings and my mother's donuts, my father accompanied me to the Kremlin, to the stone two-story building of the school. There I had to live eight months a year and gain knowledge. .

    All sorts of rubbish crammed into a large pelvis in a day:
    There are cucumber peels, crusts, moldy bread;
    In yellow slops from cabbage soup, formed with soapy water,
    A sluggish, mushy onion floats upside down;
    Nearby lies the shell and scraps from the old sole,
    Having become very wet in the water, they slowly go to the bottom.
    Look, the pelvis has poured, it's time to take out the pigs, -
    In the dark coat they raised a plaintive squeal.
    Old grandmother Aksinya, in a pony tucked up,
    Taking the tub by the ears and, pulling up, carries.
    She poured a tasty swill into the trough for the piglets.
    They champ, sniff heavily, turning their tails to the woman.

    Refusing to accept the dignity, in the revolutionary year of 1905 he went to Moscow without a passport, where he decided to enter the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Takes lessons in Bolshakov's studio. But in the end, in 1906, he entered the philological faculty of Kazan University (seminarians were not accepted to the capital's universities), which he graduated in 1911 with thesis about Homer ("Homer in the works of Greek artists"). At the same time he studied painting, took lessons from N. I. Feshin. Since 1908 he has been acting as an artist.

    "Parade on Red Square", 1948

    Over time, Radimov fell under the campaign of "dispossession of kulak poets", after which he "switched to landscape-descriptive lyrics with elements of socialist props (a red flag on the arcs of a cart, etc.)" . In subsequent years, he worked mainly in the field of painting. traveled extensively in Soviet Union, wrote poems and paintings about the lands he saw.

    In connection with the closing of the 47th exhibition of braces, he made a presentation on a seemingly unpretentious topic "On the reflection of everyday life in art". This report, met with frenzied attacks from the entire "left" front, contributed to the organization of the Soviet Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia (AHRR). As the 1933 AHRR exhibition catalog says: “In 1922, at the 47th traveling exhibition, he delivered a report on realistic art, reflecting Soviet life. The report served as the beginning of a large Soviet public art movement, which took shape in the form of AHRR (Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia)". In 1922, Radimov joined the AHRR.

    Already in 1922, Radimov, as part of the first small team of Soviet realist artists, went with a sketchbook to factory sketches and painted the foundry. How the artist was present at party congresses, making sketches for portraits of leaders, created paintings "Meeting in the Kremlin", "Trotsky's speech at the Second Congress of the Comintern". He is assigned a workshop in the Kremlin, along with his friend Yevgeny Katsman, secretary of the AHRR, and David Shterenberg. He makes sketches of meetings of congresses, participants in the Third Congress of the Comintern, many sketches of the old and renovated Kremlin. Contributed to the construction of the House of Artists on Maslovka.

    Radimov in old age, Khotkovo

    After "campaigns for the dispossession of kulak poets" engaged in almost one painting. Organizes the Moscow Regional Union of Artists, is elected its first chairman. He is not zealous in the subject of socialist realism introduced by the AHRR, preferring the landscape.

    After the revolution, cycles of landscape works by Radimov appeared, dedicated to Bashkiria, Chuvashia, the Mari land, Central Asia and, finally, the central strip of Russia and the Moscow region.

    The artist's last personal lifetime exhibition was held in Moscow in 1962 and was dedicated to his 75th birthday. In 2005, the gallery "Golden Ples" showed an exhibition Pavel Radimov. The Wanderer and the Poet" in the Fireplace Hall of the House of Journalists (Moscow). In 2007, a posthumous exhibition dedicated to the 120th anniversary of his birth took place in Kazan.

    Characteristics of poetry

    Spring (detail)

    The whole yard of the peasant Agathon is visible: a scammer, zakuty
    For horses and cows, everything with doors, reels.
    Sheep look in a crowd through the shingles of a stuffed lattice,
    Muzzle bay gelding poked into the cart. about axle
    It scratches the rusty side of the boar, which has rested over the winter.
    Hens in the straw peck at the empty ear of a broken ear.
    Sparrows flew to them, woke up in a flock from the fence,
    They raised such a twitter that even a starling cannot endure,
    He has only been housekeeping since yesterday in the new cowshed,
    Agathon, cunningly carved, brought princelings over her,
    I attached a shelf instead of a porch and stuck a twig,
    Raised on a long pole to the singing guest housing.
    "Ek is flooded with a bird!" - the owner said to the hostess, -
    “It means that spring has come to our village directly.”
    Baba, splashing the slop and lowering it over the knee,
    I hurried to quickly enter the hut with a gang.
    And Agathon, rolling up his sleeves, hit
    With a pitchfork in greasy manure, tearing off the raw layer.

    Before the revolution, he was close to the circle of acmeists, in the 20s - "new peasant" poets and Yesenin. In 1922 he transferred from Tatar language works by F. Burnash, G. Gubaydullin, G. Ibragimov, A. Kamal, A. Tukaev (the fairy tale "Shurale"), etc.


    Mayakovsky's lines about Radimov
    "Four-story hack"
    (fragment, 1926)
    "Venus de Milo and Vyacheslav Polonsky"
    (fragment, 1927)

    You do not want
    dance to the harmonica? -
    dressed up in bast shoes,
    gardeners perform
    under the title
    - peasant writers.
    Oh, how much nudi such a city,
    from which
    flies drop dead!
    What is it worth
    one Radimov
    with its Greek-Ryazan hexameter!

    He dreams
    about Hellenic guests,
    about togas
    about sandals in Ryazan,
    To hexameter
    lefovtsa stanza,
    to the Radimovs
    jumped on the path
    and so that Radimov
    not a man, but a faun, -
    To flute,
    and horns.


    • Field psalms. - Kazan: Type. env. headquarters, 1912. - 254 p.
    • Earth robe. 2nd book. poems. - Kazan: Type. env. headquarters, 1914. - 209 p.
    • Earth robe. 2nd book. poems. Ed. 2nd. - Kazan: Ed. author, 1915. - 195 p.
    • Popiada. Poem, ed. 3. - Kazan: 1922. - 70 p.
    • The old man and the linden, or why bears went around the world: Votskaya tale / Ill. and region S. Fedorov drew and cut on the Lineleum. - Kazan: 1922. - 16 p.
    • Village. Poetry. - Kazan: 1922. - 46 p.
    • Village. Poetry. - Revel; Berlin: Bibliophile, 1923. - 63 p.
    • Popiada. Poem. - Kazan, 1922 - 70 p.
    • Village. - M.: Giz, 1924. - 104 p.
    • Village. With articles by P. S. Kogan and V. N. Perelman. - M.: AHR, 1926. - 128 p.
    • Earthly. Selected Poems, prev. L. Sosnovsky. - M.: Ogonyok, 1927. - 48 p.
    • Cart. Selected Poems. - M.: Uzel, 1926. - 32 p.
    • Pillar road". Favorites. - M.: Sov. writer, 1959. - 179 p.
    • Shower. - M.: Moskovsky worker, 1962. - 64 p.
    • About family and friends. Book of memories. - M.: Moskovsky worker, 1973. - 160 p.
    • Coppices: poems. - M.: Soviet writer, 1973. - 32 p.
    • Native land [poems and drawings about the Moscow region]. - M.: Moskovsky worker, 1958. - 62 p.
    • Catalog "Pavel Alexandrovich Radimov: Exhibition of production. painting"/ Moscow. org. Union of arts. RSFSR, Center. House of Lithuanians - M., 1978 - 26 p.: ill. ; 21 cm - :
    • Selected Poems. - M.: Fiction, 1988. - 398 p.


    • Paintings In the Lugansk Museum In the Chuvash Museum


    • Guide to modern Russian literature, compiled. I. N. Rozanov, "Rabpros", M., 1928
    • Rozanov Iv., Russian lyrics, M., 1929
    • Perelman V. N., Radimov's painting, AChR, M., 1926
    • Beskin O., Kulatskaya fiction and opportunistic criticism, M., 1930
    • Glinkin, Mikhail Dmitrievich. Monograph about life and work.
    • Sokolnikov M.P. The heart of the artist (P. A. Radimov) // Landscapes of the Motherland: Essays on the Masters of Painting / M. P. Sokolnikov; Foreword folk artist RSFSR A. Kamanina. - M .: Fine Arts, 1980. - S. 79-83. - 128 p. - 10,000 copies.(in trans.)

