French theater in Paris. Comedie Francaise theater in Paris

Since the Middle Ages, the history of the theater of France begins. At first, these were staging performances on religious themes. Thanks to such the greatest authors like Molière, Racine, Corneille, the seventeenth century became the golden era of the French theater.

In the future, the ranks of the great playwrights were joined by de Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, Emile Zola. Today it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the outstanding French writers and playwrights such as Jean Giraudoux, Sartre, Camus, Jean Cocteau.

In the 20th century, the French government paid great attention to the preservation and development of theatrical traditions. Such theaters as the Grand Opera, Odeon, Comédie Francaise are still subsidized from the country's budget.

Comédie Francaise in the time of Louis XIV

The French Theater or Comédie Francaise was founded on October 24, 1680 by the Decree of King Louis XIV. The king, himself being a great dancer, took part in performances with pleasure.

Louis XIV patronized the Comédie Francaise and soon granted him the exclusive privilege of staging performances in Paris. At the same time, theater actors began to receive a solid annual allowance. The Age of Enlightenment was, in truth, a period of development of all genres of theater: opera and ballet, drama and comedy.

Almost all the actors of the theater were previously in the troupe brilliant playwright Jean-Baptiste Molière, which is why the theater has another name firmly established behind it - "House of Moliere", despite the fact that the greatest theatergoer died before the founding of the Comédie Francaise.

Until the middle of the 18th century, the theater was inextricably linked with the royal court; theater actors had honorary title"ordinary actors of the king". French theater or Comédie Francaise gains fame the largest theater France.

French theater during the French Revolution

The French theater or Comédie Francaise undergoes changes during the French Revolution, political life France also excites the theater troupe. The theater receives a new name "The Theater of the Nation", and political intransigence in 1792 leads to a split in the theater.

Supporters of revolutionary views were united by the young actor Talm. January 1793 was marked by the premiere of the play "The Friend of the Laws", in which Marat and Robespierre were sharply ridiculed, this happened before the execution of Louis XVI.

The Committee of Public Safety recognizes the play as reactionary and issues a decree on the closure of the Theater of Nations and the arrest of the actors, who were released only in 1794, after the overthrow of Robespierre.

French theater at the beginning of the 19th century

The two parts of the troupe were united only in 1799, the theater was returned to its historical name Comédie Francaise, October 3, 1812, Napoleon, who was in Moscow at that time, signs the Moscow Decree, which approves the Charter and the structure of the theater. Subsequent decrees, adopted in 1850 and 1859, and later in 1901 and 1910, finally confirmed the privileged position of the theater.

Modern French theater

The value of the French Theater in Paris is confirmed by the fact that today it is one of the few classical repertory theaters in France financed by the Government. Critics claim that the French Theater in Paris is the only classical theater national importance who is not afraid to experiment.

The second stage of the Comédie Francaise, located in the Louvre Gallery, next to the Richelieu Hall, is completely given over to experimental performances.

The French theater in Paris or the "House of Molière" is often compared to the Maly Theater in Moscow or the "House of Ostrovsky". These theaters are always a standard, an example, a keeper of theatrical traditions and a symbol of the country's culture, but at the same time, they are always new and magnificent.

How to get there

Address: 1 Place Colette, Paris 75001
Telephone: +33 825 10 16 80
Metro: Palais-Royal, Musée du Louvre, Pyramides
Working hours: 11:00-18:00
Updated: 08/23/2018

The oldest not only in France, but throughout Europe, the French theater "" (Comédie-Française), has been operating for more than 330 years. It is the leading drama theater in Paris, as well as one of the most famous sights of the city, especially loved by Russian tourists. The Comedie Francaise theater was created by decree of King Louis XIV seven years after the death of the famous Jean-Baptiste Molière.

In fact, in this theater, by decree of the king, two Parisian theaters then available in the capital of France. Namely, the theater of Moliere, previously merged with the theater "Mare", and the theater "Burgundy Hotel". The troupe of the newly created theater included the well-known at that time actors M. Chanmelet, L. Bejart, Ch. Lagrange, M. Baron, and others. Almost all the plays of the great playwright were shown at the House of Moliere, as the Comédie Francaise is sometimes called. Performances by Beaumarchais, Diderot, Voltaire and Racine were staged here.

Thanks to the unification in 1680, the theater began to receive an annual royal grant of 12,000 livres, as well as to be able to stage plays on French. Having a monopoly on performance literary drama, and receiving a subsidy that allows you to invite best actors, "Comédie Francaise" won the fame of the largest theater in France.

Currently, the House of Molière is one of the few repertory theaters in Europe, where performances are staged from antiquity to the present day. Moreover, contemporary authors from various countries are invited. So, for example, Pyotr Fomenko staged here the play by A. Ostrovsky "The Forest", which was shown at the international Chekhov festival in 2005. In addition to Moliere, foreign, including Russian, classics are also staged here. "Comedy Francks" in various seasons presented both "A Streetcar Named Desire" and " The Cherry Orchard”, and “Marriage”. However, the vast majority of performances are in French. And in very good French.

How to get to «Komedi Francez»?

Located "" in the very center French capital, on the right bank. It is located a few steps from the Louvre, in Paris, on the corner of the Palais Royal and Rue de Richelieu. You can get to it by any bus routes No. 21, 27, 39, 48, 67, 68, 69, 81, 95, or to the Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre station.

How to get to the performance at the Comedie Francaise?

The most expensive ticket for a performance in this theater costs 41 euros, and the cheapest is only 6 euros.

Tickets can be purchased on the Comedy Francaise official website or at the theater box office. But you need to take care of this in advance, as tickets are sold out in an instant.

If you did not have time to buy a ticket, you can come a few hours before the performance and try to buy a ticket that you returned to the box office or get into the gallery for 6 euros.

Every first Monday for young people (under 28 years old) free places are allocated.

Have a nice visit to the Comédie Francaise!

Palais Royal and Comedie Francaise Theater

Rue Saint-Honoré ends at Place Andr? Malraux, named after French writer And public figure, long years former Minister of Culture of France. Standing on the square "Comedy Francaise"(Com?die Fran?aise) - "Moliere's house". It is the only French theater with a permanent company.

Not far away, near the Louvre itself, there is a square and a palace Palais Royal(Palais Royal). Roller skaters gather on the square near the metro exit, musicians and mimes perform. The quarter between the square and the streets of Saint-Honoré (rue Saint-Honor?), Rivoli (rue de Rivoli) and Marengo (rue Marengo) occupies "Louvre Antiquaries"(Le Louvre des Antiquaires) - large shopping mall, on several floors of which there are antique shops and art galleries.

The Palais Royal was formerly known as the Cardinal's Palace and was built for Richelieu. Dying, the cardinal bequeathed it to the young Louis XIV. The kings did not live here, but members of their families stayed. Today, the State and Constitutional Councils and the Ministry of Culture work in the former Royal Palace.

Sign in courtyard of the Palais Royal you can from the tiny Place Colette. Strange columns different heights with black and white stripes were installed here in 1982. Children use these pieces of Daniel Buren's fantasy as roller-skating obstacles, adults use them to teach little ones how to jump from heights. There are two fountains in front of the entrance to the garden: piles of metal balls lie on low flat stands, between which water flows.

The spacious garden is surrounded on three sides by uniform facades of late 18th century houses. In their arcades - cafes, restaurants, boutiques and art galleries. The writers Cocteau and Colette lived in the apartments of the upper floors. The central flower beds and the fountain of the Palais Royal Garden are surrounded on both sides by dark chestnut alleys with benches. At noon, business people relax with a newspaper or dine here, families with small children walk on weekends, tourists all year round.

In the Beaujolais Gallery (Galerie Beaujolais) is Le Grand V?four- the oldest restaurant in Paris (1780). Inside, the interior of the times of the Directory has been preserved: paintings on the walls and ceiling, gilding, crystal chandeliers. Among the clients in different time there were Napoleon, Hugo, Cocteau, Sartre. The owner of one of the boutiques in the Montpensier Gallery (Galerie Montpensier, N44-45) is engaged in the restoration of hats of various styles and eras. In addition, there are hundreds of wedding dresses. There is also the gallery "French Flags" (Les Drapeaux de France, N13-15), where you can buy a miniature mustachioed grenadier from the time of Napoleon I with a fluttering banner in his hands. In the Valois Gallery (Galerie Valois), where Charlotte Corday once bought a dagger to stab Marat, now there is a rather expensive Restaurant du Palais Royal, with good food, fresh flowers on the tables and a beautiful view from the windows

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The Comédie Francaise in Paris is one of the world's greatest treasures. theatrical art. Of course, it is not as famous as its closest neighbor - the Grand Opera - but many theatergoers consider it their duty to visit this place at least once in their lives.

Comedie Francaise Theater

Many connoisseurs know this place under a more common name - French Theater. People who speak melodic language call it Comédie-Française. Finally, in some sources you can also find a completely unusual name - Theater-Français. But so famous theater became not because of the variety of titles and not even because of its repertoire, filled with a huge number of interesting plays.

Expert opinion

Knyazeva Victoria

Guide to Paris and France

Ask an expert

The official website of the theater says that this is the first institution of its kind, financed from the budget money by the government. The reason for this is not known for certain, but some believe that the theater is listed cultural monuments countries. Which is not surprising given its long and varied history.

Located cultural heritage in the no less famous Palais Royal Palace, located in the first arrondissement of Paris - the oldest of all that has survived to our times.

Comédie Francaise in Paris official website

Of course, people do not come to the romantic capital every day. Such a journey is real holiday for the whole family, but theatergoers even plan the date of the trip in such a way in order to get to the most interesting performances. And for this they watch how the great Comédie Francaise works in Paris on the official website.

Opera Garnier

On this resource you can see the time of performances for the next month, admire the surroundings of a magical place, or even book tickets. In addition, there you can hear great story theater from the first mouth, told by its owners, ancestors of the founders and even actors.

But keep in mind: since it is geographically located in France, its page is also in French. Like all performances, however.

Comedy Francaise repertoire

Of course, the Comédie Francaise theater is loved not only for its rich history. His hallmark considered talented actors and directors writing new lines together in the book of this place. His team has long allowed itself to deviate from tradition, because most theatrical productions in France it is created on the principle of entreprise.

These are private productions, where the main roles are played by non-permanent actors. Usually such a team is not too large - about 2-5 people.

But if this theater also followed tradition, it would not be so great. Its owners gather talent from all over the world, constantly inviting foreign directors. Thanks to this, the band's repertoire ranges from dramas to comedies.

Creation of the theater Comédie Francaise

The Comedie Francaise theater was created on the basis of a large-scale tragedy: the death of Molière. This comedian managed to win the hearts of thousands of fans, so his untimely death left many in grief. But it dealt the strongest blow to his theater, which remained in splendid isolation. Their competitors, the Burgundy Hotel, did not fail to take advantage of this opportunity, and began to gradually destroy the popularity of the troupe.

Arc de Triomphe, Paris

But this was not destined to happen. Louis XIV in 1680 issued a decree in which he ordered the two establishments to be merged into one. And almost on the same day, the new team already performed on stage. It did not last long - already in 1793 the troupe was arrested, and their offspring was closed, declaring it illegal.

Napoleon gave new life to the theater, in 1812 he approved the new charter of the collective, which is still in force. Since that time, there have been practically no structural changes in the theater.

Actors of the Comedie Francaise

Sarah Bernard

Comedy Francaise in Paris is also famous for its cast - it seems as if all the great talents of our world have gathered in one place and in one era.

On his stage in different eras stars such as:

  • Sara Bernard.
  • Cleron.
  • George Rachel.
  • Edmond Go.
  • Jacques Toja.
  • Leontine Fey.
  • Louis Seigner and others.
Martin Chevalier

Modern cast almost indistinguishable from the old guard. On the stage you can see such people as: Martin Chevalier, Veronica Vella, Michel Favori, Anna Kesler, Cecile Brun, Sylvia Berge, Bruno Raphael, Alan Lengled, Florence Viala - and other stars of the modern scene.

The troupe includes both young girls and adult men, so the range of possible roles is huge. The team consists of 54 actors, so the directors have a place to play.

Buy tickets to Comédie Francaise

To get in Comédie Francaise in Paris not everyone can, and it's not even about the amount for the performance. On the contrary, it is quite small - the most expensive price for viewing a production is 39 euros. More often there are cheaper places.

1. = museum
An institution engaged in the collection, storage and exhibition of monuments of history, art, scientific collections, etc.
ott. premises of such an institution.
2. movable; = museum
A place with a large number of art monuments.
3. trans. colloquial; = museum
A collection of rare items, art objects, etc. belonging to someone.

-I; m. (from the Greek. Mous?ion - the house of the muses)
a) An institution that collects, stores and exhibits monuments of history, art, culture, science, technology and other fields, areas of activity of society; premises of such an institution.
Museum fine arts.
Historical Museum.
Zoo museum.
Museum of railway transport.
Artillery Museum.
Go to the museum.
Often visit museums.
The museum has opened a new exhibition.
Lecture in local history museum.
b) resp. An apartment, a house open for viewing, in which someone lived, whose activities and creativity are of interest to society.
Museum-apartment of the writer.
2) About smth., where there are many rare things, art monuments, etc.
Petersburg is a city-museum.
museum under open sky.
Italian cities are art museums.

I carry transition
To place, arrange, lay out something.
II Nesov. neperekh.
1) To have something at one's disposal, to possess something.
2) Use at your own discretion; act in any way; dispose of.
III bearing. neperekh.
1) Contribute, favor the emergence, appearance of something.
2) Arouse in someone a favorable attitude, sympathy.

I -ay, -ayesh; nsv.
1) by someone. To have at one's disposal, to possess.
dispose interesting facts, new data.
Manage funds.
dispose free time.
Deputies do not have such information.
2) Use at your own discretion, dispose of someone, something.
Manage money as you wish.
You can have me.
I don't have myself.
3) (someone-something) to what or with inf. Facilitate, favor.
The situation was conducive to frankness.
The rain made me sleepy.
A strange family did not dispose him to share his thoughts.
The tragedy of the situation is not conducive to fun.
II see arrange; -ay, -ayesh; nsv.

1) Having a desire, a mood to do something.
2) Having a disposition, inclination, makings for something; predisposed to something.

-th, -th; -women, -a, -o.
see also disposition
1) Located somewhere, occupying some place, space.
The forest is located near the city.
2) usually short. to whom Feeding a feeling of sympathy, treating smb. well.
Located towards the interlocutor.
She is disposed towards him.
3) usually short. to what or with inf. Having a desire to do smth., to be smth.
Inclined to tenderness.
Not in the mood to do business.
4) to what Prone to smth.; predisposed.
A child prone to colds.
It is located to allergic diseases.

I adv. quality.-circumstances.

2. trans.

3. trans.
4. trans.
II part. unfold

1. adv.
to straight line 1), 5), 8)
Look straight.
Run straight down the road.
Stay straight.
Drive straight home.
Go straight to the boss.
Drink straight from the neck.
Answer directly!

2. particle.
see also downright
Father, just the spitting image of a father!
Tired, no strength.
I'm falling right off my feet.
2) Exactly, just exactly.
Right under the windows.
Right next to me.
Laugh straight into your eyes.
Are you waiting for me? - Well, right!

I adv. quality.-circumstances.
1) In a straight line, in the forward direction from any point.
ott. Without turning to the side (off the road, paths, etc.).
ott. Not oblique, not at an angle.
ott. Face forward; not sideways.
ott. trans. unfold The shortest way; straight ahead.
2. trans.
Bypassing everything else, intermediate; directly.
ott. Not indirectly, not indirectly (before the prepositional combination gives the combination greater accuracy); exactly, precisely, exactly.
3. trans.
Not hiding; openly, frankly.
4. trans.
No doubt; firmly, confidently.
II part. unfold
1) Used to express unambiguity, certainty; corresponds in meaning to the words: true, exactly, genuinely, really.
2) Used when expressing an objection to something; corresponds in meaning to the words: how! here's another!
3) Used when expressing the amplification of the value; corresponds in meaning to the word: perfect.

1. adv.
to straight line 1), 5), 8)
Look straight.
Run straight down the road.
Stay straight.
Drive straight home.
Go straight to the boss.
Drink straight from the neck.
Answer directly!
Look directly into the eyes (openly meet someone's gaze)
Directly proportional quantities (Math.)
2. particle.
see also downright
1) unfold Absolutely, really.
Father, just the spitting image of a father!
Tired, no strength.
I'm falling right off my feet.
2) Exactly, just exactly.
Right under the windows.
Right next to me.
Laugh straight into your eyes.
3) razg-decrease., use. upon objection; how! here's another!
Are you waiting for me? - Well, right!
I want to get you fired. - Directly!

1) Exactly elongated in any direction.
ott. Having the appearance of a straight line; no curve, no bends.
2) Located not obliquely, not at an angle.
ott. Using a 90 degree angle in something.
ott. unfold Not stooped, not hunched over.
3) Going through the middle of something, symmetrical with respect to something.
4) Having translational movement, direction.
5. trans.
Directly related to someone, something, aimed at something or resulting from something.
ott. Directly connecting, linking something (about communication between any points, about means of communication).
ott. Occurring or carried out without intermediate steps.
6. trans.
Not figurative, literal (about the meaning of words).
7. trans.
Complete, perfect, clear.
8. trans.
Truthful, frank, unfeigned.
ott. Expressing honesty, truthfulness, ingenuity.
9. trans.
Authentic, real, genuine.
10. trans.
One in which an increase or decrease in one causes an increase or decrease in the other.

-th, -th; straight, oh, oh.
see also straight, straight, straight, straight
1) Exactly elongated in some smth. direction, no bends.
Straight line.
Straight as an arrow.
P-hair (not curly)
Parting (smooth and centered, not sideways)
Straight stan (not stooped)
Straight nose (no hump or curved to the side)
n-th intestine (the end part of the intestinal canal in the form of a short straight tube)
P-th road;
straight path achieve something.; O honest life someone)
2) Directed not obliquely, not at an angle.
P-th flame.
Direct rain, snow.
P gait.
Straight handwriting (no slant)
Right angle (having 90 degrees)
Straight sail (sea; quadrangular sail, which is placed across the ship)
Straight collar (standing collar, fastened in the middle)
3) only full. Providing a direct connection to someone, something. with somebody, something
Talk on a direct wire.
P-th message (direct)
a) full only Directly related to someone, smth., directly directed at someone, smth.
P-th instructions.
Second appeal to the masses.
P-th duty.
Direct debt.
P-th dependence.
P-th evidence, evidence.
nth line of kinship (pedigree from father to son, from son to grandson)
direct heir
P-th hit (direct hit on some target)
Direct cardiac massage (for open heart)
P-th aiming (guiding the gun at a visible target)
b) resp. Direct, without intermediate steps or intermediaries.
nth cell division.
P-th appropriations.
Direct tax;
n-th taxation (tax on income, property)
P-th elections.
P-th suffrage.
P-th speech (lingu.; speech transmitted without change on behalf of the speaker)
P-th object (lingu.; object with a transitive verb in the accusative case without a preposition)
Second blood transfusion (directly from donor to patient)
a) Frank, truthful.
Direct by nature, by nature.
I am a direct person: I will say what I think.
b) resp. Expressing frankness, truthfulness; filled with such an attitude.
Direct question, answer.
Direct conversation.
P-th soul.
Direct look.
6) Unconditional, explicit; genuine, real.
Direct forgery.
P-th lie.
P treason.
P-th betrayal.
direct meaning.
P-th benefit.
Direct calculation.
n-th possibility, necessity.
P-th opposite.
P-th contradiction.
P-th benefit.
P-th panic.
P-th danger.
7) only full. Literal, not figurative.
P-th meaning of the word.
8) only full; math. One in which an increase (decrease) in one causes an increase (decrease) in the other.
P-th proportionality.
