How the scholarship is calculated. Who is eligible for a social scholarship

The main source of formation of the scholarship fund of educational institutions of our country is the federal budget. The size of the scholarship fund, by the way, is determined by the outcome of (as you might guess) the total number of students, and only the number of full-time students is taken into account. Scholarships(hereinafter - S.) is determined by the educational institution independently, however, it should not be less than the standards directly established by the Government countries.

At the beginning of the academic year, the Government of Russia establishes the basic (minimum) amount of scholarships for various categories of students. From September 1 (beginning of studies) 2018 (for the 2018/19 academic year, to be precise), the following standards have been established:

  • state academic scholarship
  1. for students enrolled in the so-called secondary prof. (that is, vocational) education 487 rubles/m-c;
  2. for students enrolled in other, namely, programs of higher professional education 1340 rubles / m-c;
  • state social scholarship
  1. for students enrolled in, again, secondary programs and, again, vocational education 730 rub/m-c;
  2. for students enrolled in, in turn, programs of higher professional education 2010 rubles / m-c.

Academic S. is paid during the semester based on the results of exams passed during the session. The main requirements are that the student must not have a “satisfactory” grade in the grade book, and he must not have academic debts.

Before passing the first session, S. is paid to all full-time students, that is, to all first-year students in the first semester.

social scholarship is appointed depending on the financial situation of the student and his family, on whether the student or graduate student has the right to social assistance. It is received by orphans; children left without parental care; these are also disabled people of I, exactly like II groups; disabled and at the same time war veterans, Chernobyl survivors, children from low-income families (family income is below the subsistence level in the region per family member). Previously, the maximum amount of social S. was limited, but at present the leadership of universities is not limited to the upper bar.

Social scholarship is awarded, as you might guess, preferential categories students and graduate students, regardless, oddly enough, of their performance, but they should not have academic debts.

For the new academic year, the amount of monthly state stipends for residents, graduate students and assistant trainees (full-time education) is set:

  • for students under residency programs 6717 rubles/m-c;
  • for students in training programs for the so-called scientific and pedagogical personnel 6330 rubles / m-c;
  • for students under the training programs of the assistantship-internship 2637 rubles / m-c.

Rector of Moscow State University V. Sadovnichiy believes that a graduate student should not (which is far from always true) combine education directly with work, therefore, his stipend should be equal to the average salary (sometimes overstated in comparison with the real one) in the region . At the same time, he may well be involved in teaching at the university and advising students as such. The size of his S. should be such as to enable the graduate student to live. According to the rector, it is necessary to conduct a strict audit of those Russian scientific institutions that are allowed to open postgraduate studies. Let the number of such institutions decrease, but they will be able to work better.

Postgraduate students, residents, assistant trainees receive a scholarship depending on the success (which is useful to know) of mastering the training programs for the previously mentioned scientific and pedagogical personnel, respectively, in graduate school (adjuncture), if they do not have an intermediate (as in a regular university) ) attestation of the grade "satisfactory" and in the absence of academic debt.

Additional (increased) scholarships in 2018-2019

Practically in all educational institutions countries are assigned so-called increased scholarships. A higher amount of payment is “awarded” to those students who have successfully proven themselves in studies, science, and moreover, in sports and social work. Previously, this S. was called the “scholarship of the Academic Council,” since its size is approved by the Academic Council of the educational institution.

The amount of the increased scholarship is a variable value, and the decision on its appointment is made by the leadership of a particular university with the participation, which is logical, of the members of the student council.

The Special State Scholarship of the President of Russia is granted to undergraduate and graduate students (full-time education) who have shown outstanding abilities (this is the main thing) in their educational and, so to speak, scientific activities:

  • for students 2200 rub/m-c;
  • for graduate students 4500 rub/m-c.

Those students and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization (there are also such ones) of the economy and have scientific achievements can be awarded scholarships in an increased amount:

  • for students 7000 rubles / month;
  • for graduate students 14,000 rubles/month.

Special state The grant of the Government of Russia is provided to undergraduate and graduate students of full-time education in order to stimulate their scientific work. The amount of this S. is:

  • for students 1400 rubles / month;
  • for graduate students 3600 rub/month.

Those students and graduate students who study in priority areas for modernization, again, the economy, and have scientific achievements, can also be awarded a scholarship in an increased amount:

  • for students 5000 rub/month;
  • for graduate students 10,000 rubles/month.

With the help of special state scholarships, the leaders of the country want to support young Russian scientists, as well as leading universities (leading scientific schools) in Russia. This support especially applies to young (under 35 years old) scientists - students and postgraduates - who, as expected, carry out promising Scientific research, and besides this, developments on priority (in literally) directions of modernization of the same Russian economy:

Nominal personal scholarships of the Ministry of Education of the country

Appointed annually (for a period of one academic year) to outstanding students and graduate students for special academic achievements:

  1. them. D. S. Likhachev for students of philology 400 rubles / m-c;

and cultural studies

  1. them. A. A. Sobchak for legal 700 rubles / m-c;


  1. them. E. T. Gaidar for economic 1,500 rubles / m-c;


  1. them. A. I. Solzhenitsyn for those who are successful in literature, 1,500 rubles / m-c;

political science and journalism

  1. them. Yu. D. Maslyukov for areas of training 1,500 rubles / m-c;



  1. them. V. A. Tumanova for legal entities 2,000 rubles/m-c;


  1. them. A. A. Voznesensky for students of literature 1,500 rubles / m-c.

and journalism

Named personal scholarships are paid in addition to the base amounts to those students who have passed the relevant competition and become its winners.

Additional scholarships established by the Foundations

Talented youth are also encouraged:

  1. Charitable foundation of V. Potanin.

Potanin scholarships and grants are currently received by students and teachers at 75 universities in Russia. Every year, the fund's employees rank the universities of our country, using their own evaluation criteria, and strive to support the strongest of them. Grants from the Potanin Foundation are awarded to the most talented university professors.

Scholarship competition is held for students of 1 and 2 years full-time education in the magistracy (this is important to note). In the 2016/17 (which is currently underway) academic year, 300 students will become winners, who will receive 15,000 rubles (not bad for a scholarship) per month until the end of their studies at the magistracy.

The competition for teachers conducting training on the basis of master's programs is held with the aim of awarding 50 grants, the maximum amount of which is 500,000 rubles.

  1. charitable organization called Oxford Russian Foundation "(or in the original - Oxford Russia Fund).

The Foundation was established in England and Wales, its scholarships serve as an excellent incentive in educational, scientific, exactly as in practical activities first of all, talented and promising, which is important, Russian students who study in the field of the humanities (that is, only in certain specialties), social and economic sciences.

In more detail, the scholarship program in the 2016/17 (that is, the current) academic year is being implemented at 20 Russian universities that have entered into a corresponding agreement with the Foundation (Oxford). The organization determines the number of S. for each particular educational institution, and the university management distributes scholarships among successful students. The amount of the promotion is 4,000 rubles per month. An exception is made for the National Research University (very prestigious) - Higher School of Economics, here the amount of encouragement is 6,500 rubles per month.

  1. "L`Oreal Russia - UNESCO".

The L`Oreal Russia group, with the direct support, however, of the Commission of the Russian Federation (literal name) for UNESCO, as well as the well-known Russian Academy Science appoints 10 scholarships (not bad) for young Russian (note this) female scientists with the aim of assisting them in a successful scientific career.

Scholarships, in the amount of 400,000 rubles each (an interesting such option), are intended for women, however, under the age of, a little, a lot, 35 years old, who are candidates of science and work in Russian (as you might guess) scientific institutes and universities, while only in the following disciplines listed below: physics, chemistry (not so easy to know), medicine and biology.

The purpose of the incentive is, you guessed it, primarily to allow young women scientists to become very famous, to make their scientific work visible (which is quite expected), and, moreover, to accelerate the implementation of their projects in the first place.

  1. Currently, there are a fairly large number of foundations and organizations that establish charitable scholarships for students.

Regional, Governor's and Rector's Scholarships are designed for additional encouragement the best students, to encourage students to achieve high results in scientific, creative and sports, oddly enough, areas of activity. It should be noted that additional scholarships not only stimulate students, but also increase the level of competitiveness of the educational institution.

Scholarships of specific universities

Consider additional payments on the example of several universities.

  1. Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk).

Regional nominal scholarships bear names, as is customary, prominent people edge and are assigned to students who have become winners in scientific olympiads, conferences, competitions. Authors of discoveries and inventions who have scientific articles in central scientific publications in our country and abroad are also encouraged, in particular:

The amount of each scholarship for the 2016/17 (that is, the current) academic year is 3,000 rubles and is transferred from the regional budget.

The university is holding a competition for the right to receive a regional nominal scholarship among students who are representatives of indigenous peoples. small peoples(I think they heard everything) North of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

  1. Pacific State University(Khabarovsk).

The university management encourages gifted students with regional and rector's allowances, and the amount of allowances increases from course to course. The regional scholarship (named after Muravyov-Amursky) comes from the budget of the Khabarovsk Territory.

The university holds a competition among students of economics for the right to receive a prestigious scholarship named after A. Kozlov (only 5 universities of the country participate).

  1. Immanuel Kant Baltic University (Kaliningrad).

The scholarship of the Governor of the Kaliningrad Region is 3,000 rubles per month; scholarship of the head of the city district with the name "City of Kaliningrad" - 1220 rubles / m-c; s-pendium of the Kaliningrad Chamber of Commerce and Industry - 3000 rubles / m-c; Governor's social stipend - 600 rubles/m-c.

  1. Novgorod State University (St. Velikiy Novgorod).
  • Scholarship of the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod - 1500 rubles / month;
  • Stip-dia "Mr. Veliky Novgorod" - 1768 rubles / month;
  • Stip-dia named after Yaroslav the Wise - 2544 rubles / month;
  • S-pendium named after the first president of the New State University V. Soroka - 2544 rubles / month;
  • S-pendium of the Novgorod Motor Transport Enterprise - 3000 rubles / month.
  1. South Ural University (Chelyabinsk).

In addition to the governor's pension Chelyabinsk region, scholarships are awarded from the Legislative Assembly of the region, the president of the university, the state corporation "Rosatom", JSC "IDGC of the Urals - Chelyabinskenergo", named after Ya. Osadchiy, the Society of Trustees of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, the company "Knauf".

Students are anxiously awaiting the New Year's scholarship, because this payment is optional and not standardized by anyone. Usually, on the eve of the New Year, the native university and the city administration try to increase cash payments to students ( new year gift). This increase does not have an official name, but according to the results of the year, the scholarship fund of the university is summed up, and the leadership of the alma mater decides on the issue of monetary rewards for students.

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P.S. A separate topic is scholarships for Russian students who study abroad.

For graduates of Russian schools, one of the most difficult periods of their lives is coming to an end. Most recent schoolchildren successfully passed the Unified State Examination, received the results and applied to the universities of the Russian Federation for the specialties with which they dream to connect their lives. In anticipation of the announcement of the verdict and in preparation for additional tests that are mandatory for enrolling in state-funded places in the country's most popular educational institutions, it's time to ask what the scholarship will be in the 2017-2018 academic year. What is a student scholarship? Often, questions of actual survival and the need to find part-time jobs depend on it. Consequently, the size of the scholarship directly affects the quality of education and the standard of living.

From this article you will learn:

Before proceeding to detailed analysis It is worth clarifying what a scholarship is.

A scholarship is a financial assistance established at a certain level, which is provided to students of universities, colleges, technical schools, colleges and a number of other educational institutions, as well as cadets, graduate students and doctoral students.

The size of the scholarship, in most cases, is set by the educational institution itself, and, therefore, may differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those who have entered the contact form of education, are deprived of financial assistance from the state.

So, the average student of a state higher educational institution in Russia, studying on a budget, can count on the following types of scholarships:

  1. academic- provided to students of full-time departments who are studying at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debts. In other words, those who have only “good” and “excellent” appear in the offset can count on this type of payment. Although this is not yet the final indicator, the score for obtaining a scholarship may be different in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Enhanced Academic the scholarship for students is accrued from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain high results in education or sports during the first year of study, as well as take a direct part in cultural life educational institution.
  3. Social- paid to students who need financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of the documents submitted confirming the corresponding right of a citizen to state aid. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean's office.
  4. Increased social is intended for socially unprotected students during the period of study at the 1st and 2nd courses. Like a regular social scholarship, such a scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under a single condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Named government and presidential scholarships- payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

Scholarships in 2017-2018 academic year

As mentioned earlier, the amount of financial payments to students of different universities in Russia may differ due to the fact that the law provides educational institutions with the opportunity to independently set the size of scholarships, regulating only the lowest level of payments. All universities use these rights, establishing scholarships for students in accordance with financial capabilities.

According to the amendments made to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", three stages of increasing scholarships are planned:

1 in 20175,9 % 1419 rub.
2 in 20184,8 % 1487 rub.
3 in 20194,5 % 1554 rub.

It is obvious that for normal life it will not be enough for a student to simply have good academic performance and the absence of debts. It is necessary to strive to obtain the right to increased payments. For comparison, the average size of an increased academic scholarship in the last academic year was about 7,000 rubles.

Today, the views of all Russian students are turned to the State Duma, which has submitted a bill justifying the increase in scholarships to the level of the minimum wage, which means raising the bar for minimum payments to 7,800 rubles.

Increased scholarships

The right to an increased social scholarship is granted on the basis of a package of documents confirming the student's special status. Applicants for higher social benefits include:

  • orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups;
  • disabled and combat veterans;
  • Chernobyl.

The accrual of an increased academic scholarship is a complex process, since the amount of payments directly depends on the student's rating and his personal achievements. The amount of financial assistance, as well as the criteria for its applicants, each university determines independently.

If you are planning to compete for an advanced academic scholarship, it is important to know that:

  • the scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis;
  • only 10% of students receiving a regular scholarship can qualify for increased payments;
  • The award decision is reviewed every semester.

For students of the Siberian Federal University, an information video was released on how to get an increased scholarship. It may shed some light on some of your questions.

Named government and presidential scholarships in 2017-2018

For outstanding academic achievement and scientific work students of higher education institutions of the Russian Federation are provided with a Presidential scholarship, which in the 2017-2018 academic year will be provided for 700 students and 300 graduate students in the amount of 2000 rubles. and 4500 rubles. respectively.

The number of students of a particular university will be determined by allocation of quotas. The largest number of Presidential Fellows this year will be received by:

The distribution of quotas for graduate students for 2017-2018 gives the right to assert that the President's scholarship will be more accessible to scientists from such universities:

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology7
2 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI7
3 Saint Petersburg National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics7
4 Ural Federal University Yeltsin6
5 St. Petersburg National Research University of Peter the Great5

In addition to presidential, students can compete for other nominal payments:

  • Moscow government scholarships;
  • regional scholarships;
  • scholarships from commercial organizations: Potaninskaya, VTB Bank, Dr. Web, etc.

Why you can lose scholarships

Most budget students expect to receive a scholarship upon admission. But, in practice, not all university students retain high level and receive financial assistance throughout the entire period of study. The loss of a scholarship is a serious problem for many, and therefore it is worth knowing in advance what can lead to such negative consequences and strive to avoid such situations.

So, in the vast majority of cases, a student is deprived of a scholarship if:

  • the student systematically skips couples;
  • at the end of the academic semester there is an academic debt;
  • grades below the level of "good" appear in the record book.

You will also have to say goodbye to the scholarship when switching to part-time education and when applying for an academic leave. However, all these reasons are well known and lead not only to the loss of scholarships, but also to departure from the university.

Scholarships of Russian students will be indexed from September 1 this year by 5.9%, said the Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva.

"From September 1, the federal budget provides for the indexation of scholarships by 5.9%. And we concluded, it is very important that we have concluded agreements with all educational institutions on the provision of subsidies for the payment of scholarships," Vasilyeva said at a meeting with media representatives.

According to her, thus, from the beginning of the next academic year, students of Russian universities will begin to receive scholarships in an increased amount.

Scholarship for students in 2017. Scholarships for Russian students will be indexed from September 1

Scholarships for Russian students will be indexed by 5.9% from September 1, 2017. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science of Russia Olga Vasilyeva at a press conference on August 7.

According to the minister, necessary funds have already been allocated from the budget and agreements on the provision of subsidies for the payment of scholarships have now been concluded with all educational institutions.

Earlier, during a meeting with teachers at the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Tavrida" in Crimea, Vasilyeva said that total number state-funded places in universities this year did not decrease and amounted to 57%. At the same time, according to her, more budget places are allocated to popular engineering, medical and pedagogical specialties.

To date, the average amount of state academic scholarships in universities is about 1.5 thousand rubles, social scholarship- 2.2 thousand rubles. Average college scholarships are about 540 and 800 rubles, respectively.

Scholarship for students in 2017. Scholarships will be indexed by 5.9% in Russia from September 1

Russian Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva said that from September 1, 2017, scholarships for Russian students will be indexed by 5.9%. “We have concluded agreements with all educational institutions on the provision of subsidies for the payment of scholarships,” Interfax quoted her as saying.

According to Mrs. Vasilyeva, from the beginning of the next academic year, students of Russian universities will begin to receive increased scholarships.

In February, the Ministry of Education and Science changed the rules for paying scholarships. According to the new rules, the amount of the scholarship is determined taking into account inflation and the living wage.

On January 1, amendments to the law "On Education" came into force. After that, some regions found themselves in a situation that threatened needy students with refusal to pay social assistance. Human rights activists argued that if previously all the poor had the right to support, now in a number of regions the list is limited, for example, to “citizens of working age, actively looking for a way out from difficult life situation". The Ministry of Education and Science replied that the tightening of the rules would not lead to a reduction in the scholarship fund.

Types of scholarships in Russia.

Academic - issued during the semester following the results of the previous session (with coefficients taking into account the difference in success). First-year students enrolled in the budget, in the first semester, everyone is given the same (for example, the minimum required by law). [source not specified 2967 days]

Social - issued to those in need (the corresponding list is determined by law, but the university management can expand it) to students studying on a budgetary basis.

Honorary - issued to those who have particularly distinguished themselves by the decision of the body that established it (for example, a scholarship from the Academic Council, a scholarship from the Government or the President of Russia).

Scholarship of an enterprise (company) - issued to students who have committed themselves to come to work at the end of the university this enterprise(company).

One-time financial assistance - issued at the request of the student once a semester.

In 2016-2017, not all students who enter higher educational institutions will be able to receive a scholarship. Effective September 1, 2016 new order awarding scholarships to students. So, what are the changes in the procedure for assigning social scholarships? About socialscholarships for studentsin 2016: who is eligible, the amount and necessary documents for the appointment of a social scholarship.
Recall that a social scholarship was awarded to students eligible for. The legal uncertainty of this norm allowed a significant part of students, due to their low income during the period of study, to declare themselves poor and apply for social scholarships. In this regard, this category of scholarship recipients has been specified.

Now they can only count on her those students who are actually assigned state social assistance. Such students are awarded a scholarship from the date of submission to educational organization document about social assistance for one year from the date of awarding the aid.

Previously, the scholarship fund was defined as a source for the payment of state academic and state scholarships to graduate students, residents, assistant trainees. It is fixed that the scholarship fund includes funds for the payment of scholarships paid from the relevant budgets. At the same time, the Government of the Russian Federation, regional and local authorities establish the rules for the formation of the fund at the expense of the relevant budgets.

In addition, the category of recipients of material support included people in need graduate students, residents, assistant trainees and students, given that their training is classified as higher education. Previously, it was only about students. At the same time, it is clarified that when calculating the amount of funds for the provision of financial support, as before, only the funds of the scholarship fund provided for the payment of state academic and social scholarships to students are taken into account.

The federal law comes into force on September 1, 2016, with the exception of certain provisions that come into force on January 1, 2017.

Recipients of state social assistance

Recipients of state social assistance may be low-income families, low-income citizens living alone and other categories of citizens provided for by this Federal Law, who, for reasons beyond their control, have an average per capita income below the subsistence level established in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for determining the subsistence minimum for a poor family or a poor single citizen is established by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, taking into account the values living wages established for the relevant socio-demographic groups of the population.

If the subsistence minimums are not established in the subject of the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimums established by the Government of the Russian Federation are used.

social scholarship

social scholarship- This is a scholarship that is awarded to students in need of social assistance.

The following students have the right to receive a social scholarship without fail:
  • orphans (left without parental care);
  • disabled people of I-II groups, disabled children;
  • students exposed to radiation
  • disabled due to military injury or illness
  • who have served at least three years under a contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Required documents for receiving a social scholarship:

To receive a social scholarship in 2016, you need to provide a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of residence. The validity of this certificate is one calendar year, therefore, for the appointment of "social programs" it must be provided annually.

To get help, You will need to submit the following documents to the Social Security Administration:

  • income statements (salary, pension, scholarship, allowance, subsidy, compensation, etc.) of each family member;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • a certificate stating that you are studying at an educational institution;
  • scholarship certificate;
  • additional documents upon request.

After the social security authorities calculate the income of the student's family and issue a certificate confirming the right to receive a social scholarship, the student submits it to the dean's office of his university. Based on this certificate, he writes an application for a social scholarship. As a rule, the educational institution requires that the certificate be received in September

Most often, in an educational institution, documents for a social scholarship are accepted until September 30, but it is better to start processing at the beginning of the month

The amount of the social scholarship

The amount of the state social scholarship is determined by the educational institution independently, but cannot be lower the minimum amount of the scholarship, which is at least 2010 rubles in the 2016 academic year for university students and from 730 rubles. college students. Since September 1, 2016 scholarship

The payment of social scholarships may be suspended due to debt in the examination session. Reimbursement after repayment of debt since the suspension. And not from next month, as is practiced in educational institutions.

Termination of payments due to absences and delays with positive academic performance is illegal and is equated to article 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Non-payment wages, pensions, scholarships, allowances and other payments" and article 285.1 "Abuse of official powers".

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Public educational institutions financed from the budget provide students with a certain amount of scholarship.

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The size of such in the first place depends on the type of such. On this moment most often it is the scholarship of the academic type that is assigned.

It has its own characteristics. With all of them, first of all, the student needs to familiarize himself. The algorithm for assigning such a scholarship is completely standard, does not have any significant difficulties.

Separately, it is worth noting that its purpose depends primarily on how successfully a particular citizen is studying at an educational institution.

Basic information

Today at educational institutions different types, different schemes are used to stimulate students to study for good grades.

The main reason for such incentives for the same or another educational institution is to increase its prestige due to the quality of graduates.

One of the incentives is cash. Students who study for positive grades are assigned an academic scholarship.

First of all, the appointment is dependent on the assessments. Accrual is carried out both before the session and after.

Today there is standard legislation for all educational institutions of the state type operating in the territory of the Russian Federation

The calculation of the scholarship is assigned after the reporting is submitted at the end of the semester. The scholarship itself must be paid in rubles.

With all the subtleties and specifics of accrual, it is necessary for the students themselves to figure it out.

What it is

Today, a state academic scholarship means a certain amount of money accrued to students who have successfully submitted reports based on the results of the end of the semester.

It is important to note that the size of such a scholarship is standard throughout the Russian Federation.

The payment is made at a time. But at the same time there are a number of specific points. Students will need to carefully study the law to protect their own rights.

To the main most important points the following will need to be included:

In addition to the above points, there are also a number of other, additional ones.

Moreover, it is important for heads of educational institutions to know that non-payment of scholarships is equated with a delay in wages.

Accordingly, it is assumed criminal. That's why you shouldn't break the law.

It is especially important to observe the date of award of the scholarship. This can be charged both in cash and by bank transfer.

Who is entitled to payments

The main points for obtaining an academic scholarship is precisely the fact that all the requirements that apply to the recipient have been met.

Moreover, the student must have not only the appropriate status, but also certain achievements in terms of passing the training.

Standard requirements for obtaining a state academic scholarship:

  • training is carried out on a full-time basis of a state educational institution;
  • the entrance exams or the session were passed in the appropriate manner with excellent marks;
  • earlier classes without good reason not skipped;
  • took an active part in the life of the school.

In general, the university may have different requirements for persons applying for such a scholarship.

It is also important to remember that a student, graduate student or other citizen may be appropriately deprived of an academic scholarship.

This happens in the following cases:

Usually, first of all, this concerns just the marks received during the session. Most universities establish a requirement that a scholarship will be received only if there are “excellent” marks in all positions of subjects.

At the same time in individual cases A triple or a quadruple is allowed. The management of the university independently determines most of the criteria on the basis of which an appropriate decision is made regarding the award of a scholarship

The situation is similar with the increased academic scholarship. It will be possible to get acquainted with how it is drawn up and received in different ways.

Legal framework

State academic scholarships are awarded to students in a standard way, within the framework of specialized legislative documents.

At the moment, there is a special NAP that regulates the issue of accruing academic scholarships for full-time students.

The main such regulatory documents, which will need to be guided in the first place, is.

Such a document includes a fairly extensive list of various sections. It is best to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance.

So it will be possible to prevent many difficulties and difficulties in the future. The issue of paying state academic scholarships is directly addressed in this federal law.

Identifies the main points associated with such cash payments. Moreover, this article addresses the issue of not only academic scholarships, but also a number of others.

It is important for any student to be familiar with the data federal law. Since it defines the basic rights and obligations of the student.

Knowledge normative documents will avoid difficulties. And also, without outside help, to protect their rights and interests.

Accordingly, if a violation of one's own rights is found, one should defend them. Optimal solution- contact the university administration directly and try to resolve the situation peacefully.

If for some reason this is not possible, then it is necessary to carry out the process of protecting your rights.

It is important to note that this process often takes a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for this in advance. There are quite a few different nuances, important points.

The procedure for assigning a state academic scholarship

The very process of awarding a state academic scholarship is determined in each case strictly individually.

With all the nuances and subtleties of the algorithm, it is worth understanding, including the most potential recipient.

This will prevent many difficulties and problems. There are a number of issues that need to be worked out in advance, if possible.

These include the following:

  • under what conditions it is paid;
  • the amount of the allowance;
  • required documents;
  • how is it different from ;
  • whether it is paid on vacation;
  • termination of academician payment.

Under what conditions is it paid

It should be noted that the accrual of a scholarship of the type in question is possible only if certain conditions and requirements are met.

At the same time, there is standard set those. At the same time, they may differ. But it is possible to distinguish the following:

Training must be non-commercial A student or other student must go to a “budgetary” educational place (students on a “contractual” basis cannot receive such a scholarship)
Requires the presence of certain achievements directly in the institution itself First of all, this concerns the passage of education (for example, in many institutions such a scholarship is awarded only to excellent students)
Having a certain student status Student
Graduate student

In addition to the above requirements and conditions, various others may apply. All of these will need to be dealt with in advance. These are always available in educational institutions in the public domain.

According to the rules of document management in a certain university, the conditions for obtaining a scholarship are public

Therefore, each student can familiarize themselves with those without any difficulty. In addition, it is important to note that local self-government, represented by the rector, have the right to independently determine who exactly needs to be given a scholarship.

When determining such a moment, a combination of factors is immediately taken into account. Often the basis is the financial situation of a particular citizen.

It is also possible to independently apply to the management of the institution with a request to appoint a scholarship.

Benefit amount

The state academic scholarship has a value established at the legislative level. For 2019, the state type scholarship standard is set at the following level:

In some cases, it is possible to receive an increased scholarship. This again can be issued for various merits.

And not only in terms of education, but also due to the presence of certain sports merit or for participating in the leisure time of the university.

Again, information about the size of the scholarship can be obtained without difficulty on your own. This information is usually public, it will not be difficult to get access to it.

Required documents

Since the university usually deals with the accrual of scholarships on its own, the student is simply not required to provide any additional, special documents.

That is why it will be necessary to familiarize yourself with all the features and subtleties in advance. At the same time, usually the appointment of a scholarship implies the presence of:

  • a special sheet with assessments of educational activities;
  • an order on the appointment of a scholarship of a certain amount;
  • passports.

The process of document circulation in different educational institutions can differ quite significantly. That is why the question required documents may differ.

How is it different from social

The academic state scholarship is an encouragement expressed in cash.

At the same time, a social type scholarship is intended for students who are in a difficult financial situation.

Accordingly, this will be the main difference. The basis for the appointment of "social programs" is an unsatisfactory social position.

Is it paid on vacation

It is important to note that payments stop if a student or other citizen who is eligible for such a scholarship goes to academic. Since accrual is supposed only for direct students.
