Who from the battle of psychics changed gender. Ilona Novoselova: before and after photos

Ilona Novoselova (born Andrei Novoselov). She was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region - she died on June 13, 2017 in Moscow. Russian psychic, clairvoyant, medium. Participant of the show "Battle of psychics."

Andrei Novoselov, who became famous after a sex change as Ilona Novoselova, was born on November 2, 1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region.

about parents and early years Ilona is known very little. She herself is in different situations told different stories- and about their ancestors, and about extraordinary abilities, and about their non-traditional orientation.

So, according to one version, she is from hereditary magicians. And her gift of clairvoyance manifested itself at the age of ten, when she began to communicate with the long-dead - supposedly for the first time she saw in the mirror, and then heard her late grandmother. "At home, I found diaries, or rather excerpts from them, which described the fate of people who turned to my relatives for help and how they helped them (I had a healer on my mother's side, and a sorceress on my father's side)", she said.

Ilona said that early childhood she described to her mother people whom she had never seen before, and then it turned out that they all died before she was born. “I could tell what the weather would be like, whether they would give a salary or delay it,” Novoselova said about her childhood years.

At school, according to her, she began to study from the age of 8. But her classmates did not accept her, they were afraid of her superpowers, they called her a "witch" and shunned her. In this connection, she had to leave school and study at home.

True, the above version was told by Ilona even before the public knew that she was a transvestite.

Neighbors who knew Novoselova from childhood - even as Andrei - assured that he was an ordinary boy who showed neither his abilities for magic and clairvoyance, nor the desire to change sex. By the way, youthful photos they say that before the sex change, Andrei Novoselov met with girls.

Later, Ilona herself began to voice the version that her psychic abilities appeared at the age of 19 - when she experienced a personal drama and broke up with her loved one. Allegedly, that powerful emotional stress awakened in her a gift for clairvoyance.

Novoselova's mentor in psychic work - Irina Bogdanova - said that Ilona did not have an innate gift. And it was the change of sex that contributed to the establishment of a connection with the subtle worlds. According to Bogdanova, it was after this transformation that Novoselova acquired her gift.

Another version (also voiced by Ilona Novoselova herself) said that her gift was from past life: "I lived somewhere in Germany in the 1800s, my name was Eleanor. For some reason, I had no parents, so I was adopted by one family. Even then, since childhood, I was drawn to everything mysterious and mystical." Allegedly, in that past life, she found an old burial place, heard an inhuman voice, gained a gift, and they began to turn to her for help.

Ilona Novoselova changed sex at the age of 18. According to her, from the age of thirteen she dreamed of becoming a man, and because of this she was tormented by incessant pain - both physical and spiritual.

Ilona Novoselova said that after changing sex, she went to Russia - she studied ancient magical rituals and technology, improved the gift of healing, learned to predict. Having reached a new level, she helped those in need.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of Psychics"

For the first time on the "Battle of Psychics" she appeared in 2008 in the 6th season. She managed to reach the final. However, she voluntarily left the project - explaining that the spirits forbade her to test her psychic abilities in television show under fear of death.

During the program, Ilona Novoselova surprised the jury and viewers both with her abilities and with her unexpected departure from the show, in which she was considered one of the favorites. There were rumors that Ilona was allegedly bribed by one of the finalists so that she would not interfere with his victory.

In 2009, she appeared at the casting of the 7th season.

During the 7th "Battle of Psychics" she was helped by special magical attributes: colorful scarf, dried roe deer foot and cards. In addition, Ilona used spells, candles, rituals, conspiracies.

At the first test of the seventh season, the crowd on the Arbat did not take the witch with incomprehensible attributes seriously. But opinion ordinary people and the skeptics watching the test changed dramatically as soon as Ilona began to name specific details from the life of the people turning to her. So, to one teenager, she named the date and mentioned that an important joyful occasion was associated with it. family event. Many of the people on the Arbat, Ilona Novoselova, correctly named the diseases from which they suffer, and advised how to be cured.

From the very beginning of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics, she was one of the favorites, showing strong stable results. The successful combination of black and white magic was the key to her success.

But, despite the phenomenal results throughout the season, Ilona Novoselova could not find the child hidden in the park at the Grebnevo estate.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of psychics"

Ilona Novoselova was remembered as one of the most scandalous participants in the project. Ilona could answer the unpleasant questions of observers and skeptics sharply and unrestrainedly, if she was interfered with, she could express herself obscenely.

However, the outrageous behavior of Ilona Novoselova during the filming was more than offset by the successful completion of the tests.

After participating in the “Battle of Psychics”, even more people began to come to Ilona Novoselova for help. Like many project participants, she helped search for the missing and investigate crimes in the Psychics Investigate project.

Ziraddin Rzayev, who became closely acquainted with Novoselova on the show “Psychics are investigating,” recalled that, despite the outrageousness, Ilona was a very fragile person: “When I found out about Ilona’s death, I felt bad. I knew her personally. Everyone said that she is aggressive, in fact, she just looked like that. She was like a little girl in life, like a child. Ilona was very kind, clear and open."

The growth of Ilona Novoselova: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Ilona Novoselova:

Ilona, ​​in her own words, never developed relationships with men. At the age of 19, Novoselova tried to commit suicide because of unhappy love, but, according to her, "the spirits dissuaded her from this step, because the gift and calling of a witch is much more important than women's happiness."

Ilona had a relationship with the famous psychic Alexander Sheps. Novoselova was at one time a medium's consultant. IN in social networks often appeared their joint photos.

Ilona refused to comment on her relationship with Alexander for a long time, until one day they met on film set"Psychics are investigating". Sheps came there with his new sweetheart- Marilyn Cerro. The latter behaved rather aggressively towards Novoselova. Then even the doubters became clear that between Alexander and Ilona there was something more than just friendship.

In May 2013, the couple was kidnapped. The attackers ambushed the couple at the entrance late in the evening. The kidnappers demanded 7.5 million rubles from Ilona's parents. As it turned out later, the extortionist was one of the builders who were renovating Ilona Novoselova's apartment.

Employees of the criminal investigation department detained all four participants in the abduction.

Since 2015, Ilona Novoselova has been in a relationship with Artem Besov. They flaunted their romance, regularly posting joint pictures on social networks. Besov called himself a warlock.

Later, the couple's neighbors said that their relationship was far from ideal. “They regularly had scandals. Ilona could stand in the stairwell and throw dishes at him,” recalled one of the residents of the house.

Versions were expressed that Novoselova felt: Besov does not love her, but uses her corny.

Marilyn Kerro is sure: "She could not find her way and could not understand who she was. She really wanted to be loved, but she did not find it. She was broken."

Death of Ilona Novoselova

On June 13, 2017, the public was shocked by the news that Ilona Novoselova fell off the balcony own apartment located on the sixth floor of a house on the highway Enthusiasts. There, for the last two years, the psychic lived with her lover Artem Besov.

death of Ilona Novoselova

Law enforcement agencies that checked the scene are sure that Ilona accidentally fell from the balcony railing, where she climbed in to scare her chosen one.

According to the investigation, Besov and Novoselova, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, had a big fight, and the young man said that he was leaving the psychic. Then she went out onto the balcony - she allegedly wanted to play a cruel trick on her partner, but accidentally fell off the balcony.

Ilona fell on the visor of the dental clinic, rescuers removed her from there with the help of special equipment. No visible traces that could indicate the criminal nature of the death were found by law enforcement officers.

According to some reports, before the death of Ilona Novoselova, she rewrote the apartment to Artem Besov.

Her close friend Alsu Gazimzyanova, who was also among the finalists of the Battle of Psychics show, said that shortly before the girl's death, a black streak began in her life. According to Alsou, Ilona fell into depression. At that moment, a young man named Artem appeared in her life, who was engaged in black magic. Novoselova became so attached to him that she even transferred one of her two apartments to him, and also helped launch a magical practice.

As Alsu stated, at one time the psychic offered an apartment to her, in exchange for her "helping her die." A woman could not do such a thing, and soon the communication between them ended.

“The man made us quarrel. And I told her that I left because I was tired of this dirt. Artem began to give receptions with her, sat on her neck. In one day, he deleted all her pages on social networks. I was also told that she signed off her apartment to him," Gazimzyanova said.

She also noted that she was surprised by the fact that in the footage after the fall, Ilona was in shoes, despite the fact that everything happened when she was at home. The woman is sure that the death of her friend requires a thorough investigation.

Ilona's friend also stated: "A person close to me who observes the laws of Orthodoxy said that he had a vision: it was the demons who pushed her. According to the signs, everything points to the last guy. He brought her. I think they even fought."

Psychic and participant of the show "Dom-2" Vlad Kadoni (Viktor Golunov), who for a long time was in conflict with Ilona and did not have time to reconcile, expressed confidence in the following: “The last years of her life were a real hell. It all started after the persecution that the media gave her about her past. Naturally, she started having serious problems, even personal life are understandable."

Ilona Novoselova, formerly known as Andrey Novoselov, was born on 11/02/1987 in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. The famous clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017 in Moscow. Death psychic in so early age, the girl was only thirty, shocked many.

Ilona Novoselova was one of the most scandalous participants in the show "Battle of Psychics". True, her behavior and the ability to use foul language paid off with the results of her passing the tests. Taking part in the program, Ilona surprised both the jury and the viewers with her abilities. No less unexpected was the fact that she decided to leave the project, in which she was one of the favorites.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the story of her early childhood

There is practically no information about Ilona's childhood. Ilona herself in different situations told different facts about her past. School was not easy for her. When she came to study, she was already 8 years old. Her classmates did not accept her. The students were afraid of her superpowers, avoided and called her "witch". Since relations with peers did not work out, Ilona was forced to leave school and study at home. This story was told by Novoselova even before society knew that she was a transvestite. According to Novoselova's neighbors, he was an unremarkable boy who had nothing to do with magic, and even more so, the desire to change sex.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the first manifestations of her abilities

According to one version, Ilona comes from a family of hereditary sorcerers. The gift of communication with the dead appeared when she was 10 years old. In stories about herself, Novoselova noted that in her family tree there was a healer on her mother's side, and a sorceress on her father's side. According to Ilona, ​​since childhood, she could describe to her mother people who died before her birth. She also predicted what the weather would be like, whether the salary would be delayed or not.

Later, Ilona said something completely different: that her talent began to appear at the age of 19 - after breaking up with her boyfriend. Stress awakened in her gift for clairvoyance.

As the mentor Novoselova says in psychic matters, the appearance of superpowers is directly related to the change of sex. After the operation, Ilona studied ancient magical rituals and techniques, improved the gift of healing, and learned to predict. Having reached a new level, she began to help those in need.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the participation of the magician in the "Battle of psychics"

Ilona Novoselova came to the show "Battle of Psychics" in 2008 in the 6th season. There she showed incredible abilities. Being one of the favorites and having reached the final, she left the show saying that the spirits threaten her with death if she continues to test her gift in the TV program. Some sources even reported that Ilona was allegedly bribed by one of the finalists in order to get rid of a competitor.

After leaving with the finish line, a surprise was the appearance of Novoselova at the casting of the 7th season of the Battle of Psychics. According to the results of the audience voting, Ilona took an honorable second place. At the end of the program, even more people began to turn to the clairvoyant for help. She helped to investigate crimes and search for missing persons.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the personal life of a psychic

Personal life, as Ilona herself said, she never developed. It is reported that at the age of 19, the magician tried to die because of a love that did not work out. Later, Ilona had an affair with the medium Alexander Sheps. They often appeared on social networks general photos, although Ilona herself did not comment on them. But the couple broke up, and the next test was the relationship with Oleg Petrov, who is also a transgender. A sensational event in their life together was their abduction in May 2013. The kidnappers, who ambushed the lovers at night at the entrance of the house, seized and held them hostage, demanding a ransom of 7.5 million rubles from Ilona's parents. This couple was also destined to break up in the end.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: last relationship before the tragedy

In 2015, Ilona Novoselova had an affair with Artem Besov. The couple did not hesitate to publicly show their relationship. According to close friends of Ilona, ​​Artem appeared in her life just when she was depressed. It is also reported that Novoselova was very attached to her lover, and even managed to transfer one of her apartments to him. True, the couple's relationship was far from ideal. According to the neighbors, the couple often quarreled. It was also rumored that Besov did not love Ilona, ​​but simply used it.

On June 13, 2017, it became known about the death of Ilona Novoselova. According to law enforcement agencies, the couple, while in drunkenness, quarreled a lot. Besov even said that he wants to end the relationship. As a result, the psychic went out onto the balcony and fell off it. The magician fell on the visor of the dental clinic. No traces of violent death were found on the body. Law enforcers are convinced that the magician's death was an accident.

Surprising is the fact that in the footage taken after the death, Ilona was shod, although death occurred when she was at home. According to a close friend of Gazimzyanova, Ilona's death requires a thorough investigation.

Ilona Novoselova biography, death and funeral: the body of a psychic was cremated after death

At 12 noon on July 15, an act of cremation of the body of the deceased was carried out. This is what the psychic herself wanted during her lifetime. The ceremony itself was reportedly held behind closed doors. The place of the funeral was classified, and the coffin itself was closed. Novoselova did not want her enemies, and she had enough of them, to feed on her energy.

The life of a participant in a famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything is mixed up here: sex change, war with the federal channel, unbridled temper and memorization of Muslim prayers.

Died in Moscow famous member"Battles of psychics", 30-year-old Ilona Novosyolova. She was found dead under the windows of a house on the highway of Enthusiasts. The psychic lived on the sixth floor with her lover. Neighbors say that the couple often quarreled. Swearing has become commonplace for them. At some point, residents simply stopped paying attention to the eccentricity of young people. Perhaps that is why they did not attach importance to the noise that was in the apartment on the day of the death of Ilona Novosyolova. But let's talk about everything in order.

The girl gained fame thanks to a super popular program on the TNT channel.. In the project "Battle of psychics" she participated in 2009 and took 2nd place. But the fame of the paranormal abilities of the 21-year-old sorceress began to spread throughout Russia at an incredible speed. They began to sign up for consultations with Ilona, ​​to seek meetings with her. According to friends, the girl took a fee from one client from 30,000 rubles. She could have at least 8-9 of these every day. Folk love quickly elevates Ilona to the Olympus of popularity.

Four years after the TV project, Ilona gets into the criminal chronicles. Novoselov and her young man kidnapped, demanding a ransom of 7.5 million rubles. The criminals get all the money and free the hostages. The psychic told the police that she knew one of the kidnappers. This is a builder who did repairs in her apartment. In the future, law enforcement agencies managed to catch the attackers.
According to Ilona, ​​she was forced to drink beer, and, as she stated, some drugs were mixed into the drink to suppress her will.

They poisoned me there. All the time there they gave something to drink, some kind of filth, after which I had cotton legs. I just crawled all over, ”the NTV.Ru site quotes Ilona Novoselova as saying.
In the wake of these events, the NTV television company in the Emergency Events program stated that Ilona Novosyolova actually changed sex at the age of 18 - before that she was a guy named Andrey. The presenter reported that Ilona's mentor Irina Bogdanova even tried to dissuade the ward from the final sex change operation. This fact was also confirmed by Alena Selitskaya, who was at the “Battle of Psychics” with Ilona. Novosyolova was really different from the others. She did not know how to walk in heels, she stumbled all the time, and had difficulty handling women's things.

The reaction to NTV Ilona Novoselova was immediate. In social networks, she published a short video in which she denied the information about the sex change.
- In connection with the negative events, I would like to say: I have no mentor, never have been and never will be. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove her abilities. There is a myth that I am allegedly transgender and I had a sex change. This is also not true. And who I communicate with and what my environment is my own business, ”she said in the video.
At the same time, she did not provide any evidence: childhood photographs, the words of relatives, acquaintances with whom she communicated with school age, explaining this by dropping out of school early.

At the age of 8 I went to school. My classmates did not accept me, I did not understand them and kept to myself. I couldn't get along with the teachers either because I didn't think they were right. In general, from the age of 12 I stopped attending school and began to study at home, devoting more and more time to my abilities, the psychic told about herself.

On her website, the clairvoyant Ilona wrote that she had a gift from childhood, or rather, even from a past life. Novosyolova remembers her previous incarnation as Eleonora from Germany in 1800.
- In this life, the gift began to manifest itself from birth. From childhood, I described to my mother people whom I had never seen before, as it turned out later, they all died before I was born. I could tell what the weather would be, whether they would give me a salary or delay me (in the 90s, my mother worked at a factory, which later collapsed). I had a happy childhood, - Ilona writes about herself.

Great light on the life of the famous Russian psychic is shed by her friend Alsu Gazimzyanova from Kazan in her post on the social network, dedicated to death Ilona. Alsou calls her friend "kuma".
- The period of our communication coincided with the time when I lived in Moscow the first years after I gave birth. Ilona rented an apartment for me. And for this I worked out as a personal “bodyguard”. I saw her differently and in different states, - writes Alsu Gazimzyanova, who is also a participant in the Battle of Psychics project.
A friend reports that Ilona Novosyolova used alcohol and illegal substances. At the same time, she was simultaneously kind person, could sympathize, help people and could not live without doing damage, often cursing completely innocent and even people she did not know.

Alsu Gazimzyanova says that for some time Novosyolova lived in her family. I saw the other side of life. She had normal understandings about relationships and friendship. Ilona began to dream of a family and even wanted to adopt a child. Moreover, the girl quickly learned Muslim prayers.

My mother, when she was teaching her, said that it was easy for her. I taught my own, and everything would be fine if it were not for her other environment, which did not give her peace. They led astray, pulling out a dirty essence, - adds the interlocutor.
Alsou believes that Ilona was one of those people who did not value life. Her hands are all scarred, but Novosyolova hid this and interrupted them with tattoos.
We haven't spoken in six years. I knew and I know that Ilona periodically did damage and cursed me and my family, but my parents, in spite of everything, always loved her as their own, my mother always prayed for her and felt sorry for her, - adds Alsu Gazimzyanova.
On the eve of the Kazan psychic had a dream in which she dreamed " man's hands". They help Ilona Novosyolova "leave" somewhere. The interlocutor herself does not comment on the version of her friend's death. She points out that when the body was discovered, she was wearing street shoes.

I don’t remember something that the godfather walked around the house in street shoes. Why was she wearing it when she fell off the balcony? - asks Gazimzyanov.
No matter how controversial the death of Ilona, ​​her colleagues in the craft agree that the death of a psychic was a huge loss for their professional circle.
- Many said that she is aggressive, but it is not. In life, she was like a child - very kind and open. She is my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for the psychic world, - says Ziraddin Rzayev.

Another finalist of the TV project - Vlad Kadoni - claims that Last year life for Ilona was a nightmare. The Internet discussed her past and questioned professional quality. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Perhaps it is the last loud scandals provoked another conflict in the house of Ilona. As a result, Novosyolova simply could not stand it and decided to leave this world. On the fateful day, she was not alone in the apartment. Her friend was with her. In the evening the young people drank. 30-year-old Ilona quarreled with her lover and jokingly climbed onto the balcony railing. Thus, she wanted to scare the man, but could not resist and fell down. There was no way to save her.

Ilona Novosyolova: the mystery of the death of the finalist of the Battle of Psychics is revealed

The life of a participant in a famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything is mixed up here: sex change, war with the federal channel, unbridled temper and memorization of Muslim prayers

The life of a participant in a famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything is mixed up here: sex change, war with the federal channel, unbridled temper and memorization of Muslim prayers.

Artyom Nikulin - Kazan

A well-known participant in the Battle of Psychics, 30-year-old Ilona Novosyolova, died in Moscow. She was found dead under the windows of a house on the highway of Enthusiasts. The psychic lived on the sixth floor with her lover. Neighbors say that the couple often quarreled. Swearing has become commonplace for them. At some point, residents simply stopped paying attention to the eccentricity of young people. Perhaps that is why they did not attach importance to the noise that was in the apartment on the day of the death of Ilona Novosyolova. But let's talk about everything in order.

The girl gained fame thanks to the super-popular program on the TNT channel. She participated in the Battle of Psychics project in 2009 and took 2nd place. But the fame of the paranormal abilities of the 21-year-old sorceress began to spread throughout Russia at an incredible speed. They began to sign up for consultations with Ilona, ​​to seek meetings with her. According to friends, the girl took a fee from one client from 30,000 rubles. She could have at least 8-9 of these every day. Popular love quickly elevates Ilona to the Olympus of popularity.

Four years after the TV project, Ilona gets into the criminal chronicles. Novosyolova and her young man are kidnapped, demanding a ransom of 7.5 million rubles. The criminals get all the money and free the hostages. The psychic told the police that she knew one of the kidnappers. This is a builder who did repairs in her apartment. In the future, law enforcement agencies managed to catch the attackers.

According to Ilona, ​​she was forced to drink beer, and, as she stated, some drugs were mixed into the drink to suppress her will.

They poisoned me there. All the time there they gave something to drink, some kind of filth, after which I had cotton legs. I just crawled all over, ”the NTV.Ru site quotes Ilona Novoselova as saying.

In the wake of these events, the NTV television company in the Emergency Events program stated that Ilona Novosyolova actually changed sex at the age of 18 - before that she was a guy named Andrey. The presenter reported that Ilona's mentor Irina Bogdanova even tried to dissuade the ward from the final sex change operation. This fact was also confirmed by Alena Selitskaya, who was at the “Battle of Psychics” with Ilona. Novosyolova was really different from the others. She did not know how to walk in heels, she stumbled all the time, and had difficulty handling women's things.

The reaction to NTV Ilona Novoselova was immediate. In social networks, she published a short video in which she denied the information about the sex change.

In connection with the negative events, I would like to say: I don’t have any mentor, never have been and never will be. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove her abilities. There is a myth that I am allegedly transgender and I had a sex change. This is also not true. And who I communicate with and what my environment is my own business, ”she said in the video.

At the same time, she did not provide any evidence: childhood photographs, the words of relatives, acquaintances with whom she had been in contact since school age, explaining this by dropping out of school early.

At the age of 8 I went to school. My classmates did not accept me, I did not understand them and kept to myself. I couldn't get along with the teachers either because I didn't think they were right. In general, from the age of 12 I stopped attending school and began to study at home, devoting more and more time to my abilities, the psychic told about herself.

On her website, the clairvoyant Ilona wrote that she had a gift from childhood, or rather, even from a past life. Novosyolova remembers her previous incarnation as Eleonora from Germany in 1800.

In this life, the gift began to manifest from birth. From childhood, I described to my mother people whom I had never seen before, as it turned out later, they all died before I was born. I could tell what the weather would be, whether they would give me a salary or delay me (in the 90s, my mother worked at a factory, which later collapsed). I had a happy childhood, - Ilona writes about herself.

Great light on the life of the famous Russian psychic is shed by her friend Alsu Gazimzyanova from Kazan in her post on the social network dedicated to the death of Ilona. Alsou calls her friend "kuma".

The period of our communication coincided with the time when I lived in Moscow the first years after I gave birth. Ilona rented an apartment for me. And for this I worked out as a personal “bodyguard”. I saw her differently and in different states, - writes Alsu Gazimzyanova, who is also a participant in the Battle of Psychics project.

A friend reports that Ilona Novosyolova used alcohol and illegal substances. At the same time, she was at the same time "a kind person, could sympathize, help people and could not live without doing damage, often cursing completely innocent and even strangers to her."

Alsu Gazimzyanova says that for some time Novosyolova lived in her family. I saw the other side of life. She had normal understandings about relationships and friendship. Ilona began to dream of a family and even wanted to adopt a child. Moreover, the girl quickly learned Muslim prayers.

My mother, when she was teaching her, said that it was easy for her. I taught my own, and everything would be fine if it were not for her other environment, which did not give her peace. They led astray, pulling out a dirty essence, - adds the interlocutor.

Alsou believes that Ilona was one of those people who did not value life. Her hands are all scarred, but Novosyolova hid this and interrupted them with tattoos.

We didn't talk for six years. I knew and I know that Ilona periodically did damage and cursed me and my family, but my parents, in spite of everything, always loved her as their own, my mother always prayed for her and felt sorry for her, - adds Alsu Gazimzyanova.

The day before, the Kazan psychic had a dream in which she had "male hands". They help Ilona Novosyolova "leave" somewhere. The interlocutor herself does not comment on the version of her friend's death. She points out that when the body was discovered, she was wearing street shoes.

I don’t remember something that the godfather walked around the house in street shoes. Why was she wearing it when she fell off the balcony? - asks Gazimzyanov.

No matter how controversial the death of Ilona, ​​her colleagues in the craft agree that the death of a psychic was a huge loss for their professional circle.

Many said that she is aggressive, but she is not. In life, she was like a child - very kind and open. She is my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for the psychic world, - says Ziraddin Rzayev.

Another finalist of the TV project, Vlad Kadoni, claims that the last year of life for Ilona was a nightmare. On the Internet, her past was discussed and her professional qualities were questioned. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Perhaps it was the latest high-profile scandals that provoked another conflict in Ilona's house. As a result, Novosyolova simply could not stand it and decided to leave this world. On the fateful day, she was not alone in the apartment. Her friend was with her. In the evening the young people drank. 30-year-old Ilona quarreled with her lover and jokingly climbed onto the balcony railing. Thus, she wanted to scare the man, but could not resist and fell down. There was no way to save her.

Photo: instagram.com/ilonanovoselova/

Bullshit. PR move. And all sorcerers are connected with Satan. Even if they speak in the name of Christ.




Alsou always has a plug in every hole, how can you lie and hype so brazenly at the expense of a person’s death!


Why did they indicate the name of this Alsou? To be found on social media? There is not a single frame with Ilona.



I overdid it with drugs.


How can you be kind, and at the same time do damage and send curses? Contradiction…


She was given such a gift, which means they didn’t give it just like that, and she did damage for the child only

I agree, a good person will not curse others and all this is from Satan. Retribution for this.


I don't think so, Ilona was a good man, this is a tragedy!

before slandering someone, especially the deceased, I think that they would try to get into battle and prove their professionalism


Do you really think that professionals go there? I feel sorry for you. You don't know the whole point

What Muslim prayers? Sorcerers, witches, clairvoyants and other charlatans and swindlers of the like are forbidden in Islam! Don't carry any nonsense!




The case of Ivan Kuznetsov: provocation or competent work of special services

KazanFirst journalists interviewed experts, spoke with the deputy head of the Kazan Executive Committee himself and collected in one material everything that is important to know on this moment on the case of attempted bribery of a high-ranking official of the capital

KazanFirst journalists interviewed experts, spoke with the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan himself and collected in one material everything that is important to know at the moment about the case of attempted bribery of a high-ranking official of the capital.

Elena Melnik , Svetlana Burakova- Kazan

Criminal case against the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan Ivan Kuznetsov became the loudest in a series of corruption scandals that Lately shake the power structures of the capital of Tatarstan. A year ago, the head of the legal department of the financial department of the Executive Committee of the city came under investigation Yulduz Garipov, lawyer Albert Mukhutdinov and First Deputy Head of the Legal Department of the Administration of the Executive Committee Alexey Rybushkin who are accused of fraudulently embezzling 74.5 million rubles from the city treasury. And in April of this year, a deputy of the City Duma was detained for mediation in receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. Nadir Khairullin.

Officials began to take bribes more often, - the deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan believes Rafil Nugumanov. - Unfortunately, corruption has penetrated both the middle echelons of power and the highest. But I am glad that law enforcement agencies are working effectively. Actively identify, actively prosecute. On another it is impossible. If such work is not carried out today, we will not receive a single certificate without a bribe from any state organization.

Who is really Ivan Kuznetsov - a victim or a hunter?

He got to serve in the mayor's office of Kazan almost from the student's bench. In 2005, when the city administration was headed by Ilsur Metshin, Kuznetsov just graduated from the Faculty of Economics of KSU with a degree in management of organizations. Already on next year took the position of a leading specialist in the department for ensuring events of the Administration of the Administration of the Executive Committee, and a few months later headed the Office of the Secretariat of the Head municipality. In 2008, he became an assistant to the head of the municipality, in 2010 - an adviser, and in October 2013 he was appointed to the position of deputy head of the Kazan Executive Committee for Economic Development.

Of course, this appointment is a serious advance. We hope that youth will be the key to success. We need young cadres with creative ideas, - then Mayor of Kazan Ilsur Metshin said, commenting on the new appointment of Ivan Kuznetsov.

Rising rapidly up career ladder, the official managed to receive several prestigious diplomas, including foreign educational institutions: he has an MBA degree from the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, studied under the Entrepreneurship and Innovation program at the MIT Sloan Business School at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2013, Kuznetsov defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Development of public-private partnership based on the distribution of permanent and variable costs» at the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University and received a PhD in Economics, and in 2015 he graduated from the international business school INSEAD under the program for improving management skills and leadership skills for managers - Goal Program, Fontainebleau, France.

Ivan Kuznetsov has earned numerous certificates, commendations and awards for his service, including the medal "For Contribution to the Development of Intercity Cooperation" and the gratitude of the President Russian Federation. And in official biography The official, posted on the website of the mayor's office, notes that he speaks three languages ​​- English, Tatar, Russian, is fond of music, reading books, adheres to an active lifestyle, shows interest in triathlon, plays hockey. And as a life credo, Ivan Kuznetsov chose the motto "There are no small things."

It seems that he was guided by the same motto in his official activities. Under the leadership of the new deputy head of the Executive Committee in Kazan, a mass demolition of small trade facilities began. And the process of leasing municipal land under trade pavilions began to pass through open auctions. Not all entrepreneurs liked such a revolution, and the Executive Committee had to sue the dissatisfied for a long time. Already at this stage, the official made many enemies among representatives of small and medium-sized businesses.

To improve his reputation, Ivan Kuznetsov became the curator of the so-called Headquarters for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs, created at the mayor's office, which was called upon to collect businessmen's complaints about the bureaucracy in the city administration and implement capital business support programs, including with the help of soft loans and preferential rent of municipal facilities. .

From a restaurant in which it is difficult to wait for the ordered dish, the Executive Committee should turn into a kind of fast food, which came, saw, won, - Ivan Kuznetsov spoke about his vision of business support at one of the meetings.

The last event with entrepreneurs, which Ivan Kuznetsov held on May 31, was round table dedicated to the problems of improving the quality of municipal services for business. It also dealt with the new, rather strict regulations for the coordination of street signs, which began to operate in June. And on this occasion, the deputy head of the Executive Committee again had to listen to a lot of complaints from representatives of small and medium-sized businesses against himself and against city officials.

On June 7, the story began to unfold with a criminal case against a high-ranking official of Kazan. The first information that Ivan Kuznetsov became a defendant in a criminal case was published by the anonymous Telegram channel Apparatnaya.

This page in the growing messenger specializes in the so-called "political leaks". The day before “guys from serious structures” knocked on the door of the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan, the channel told about the wife of a civil servant.

Husband works and wife earns

Alsu Kuznetsova is a well-known businesswoman in Kazan who owns the Legenda travel company, the Provence cafe and the Beauty house.

The travel agency was the official operator of the 2013 Universiade Directorate and was looking for client groups for the Student Games. The company was engaged in booking rooms and providing hotel services. It is due to the fact that Legenda reserved a large number of rooms that the travel agency managed to obtain the status of an official operator. One of the working schemes looked like this: clients contacted the hotel, they said that there were no vacant places, and they sent the Directorate's partner, which was Legend, to solve the problem. This episode even became the reason for the investigation of the case by the OFAS officers in the Republic of Tatarstan. True, it did not end with anything.

According to Instagram Alsu Kuznetsova, her beauty salon is a place of attraction for famous Kazan citizens.

If you believe the income statement, which is published on the official website of the Executive Committee of Kazan, the official's wife is doing well in business.

According to data for 2016, Ivan Kuznetsov earned 1,397,595 rubles. He owns two apartments measuring 202.5 sq. m and 248 sq. m respectively. His wife, in turn, received an income of 6 million 927 thousand 596 rubles. The amount was calculated taking into account the sale of a car in the amount of 4,500,000. Alsu Kuznetsova owns a Mercedes Benz GLE car.

"Do not worry. Everything is fine!"

the entire first half next day after opening a case on the fact of an attempted bribe, Ivan Kuznetsov spent time in a law office in the city center.

The official entered the building at 11 am, after which executive class cars began to drive up at different intervals, the passengers of which were met on the street by employees of a lawyer organization. The negotiation process lasted about three hours. Of course, most of the details of the meeting remained within the walls of the office. However, the KazanFirst journalist managed to find out some details.

So, according to the sources of the publication, a search was conducted in the office of Ivan Kuznetsov on June 7. Representatives of the special services seized part of the documentation and even took the SIM card of the deputy head of the Executive Committee with all the contacts.

Ivan Kuznetsov himself, apparently, treats this situation philosophically. At the request of a KazanFirst journalist to somehow comment on the story of the criminal case, he rather cheerfully and with a smile replied:

Everything is going well, don't worry. Everything is fine. There are no details yet, but I am sure that everything will be cleared up soon. It is not yet known where the application came from, but I think that soon everything will fall into place and the situation will clear up, - Ivan Kuznetsov concluded and hurried to the car that was waiting for him.

« Three criminal cases don't make a trend»

Be that as it may, but another case against a representative of the Kazan authorities excited the public and made them talk about a certain pattern.

Every year, more than a thousand corruption crimes are revealed in Tatarstan, and three criminal cases initiated against representatives of the Kazan city authorities still do not make a trend, - considers the head of the organizational department of the Office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on anti-corruption policy Alexey Pankratov. - According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, last year in the whole republic 323 persons were defendants in criminal cases on corruption. And 89 of them are officials of municipal authorities and municipal unitary enterprises. Therefore, three facts, four facts, even 10 facts do not indicate that the level of corruption has increased in the Executive Committee of Kazan.

According to Alexei Pankratov, the human factor in the perception of the situation is more likely to affect here. When the police detain a doctor or teacher for a bribe, people usually sympathize with them - they say, they found a corrupt official! And if a representative of the authorities comes across, people are happy to raise the topic that all officials are thieves and bribe-takers.

As for the version of the mayor's office that in the case of Ivan Kuznetsov a provocation is possible, then, according to the interlocutor of the publication, such incidents also happen.

Attempts to denigrate some official, of course, occur, - he says. - At one time, a whole shaft of anonymous "compromising evidence" on the heads of districts came to us - that, they say, they steal, take bribes, and so on. And only a small part of them were confirmed. Because an attempt to slander and the fact that the investigation has facts that can serve as evidence of the suspect's guilt are two different things. Although, on the other hand, sometimes a purely outward act looks like a criminal one, but then it is found logical explanation. If a person comes to the police and says that they are extorting a bribe from him and that I am going to give a bribe, and the operational recording shows that the one who is allegedly given is hearing about money for the first time, then in this situation we can talk about provocation and that they are trying to substitute. And it turns out in the course of the investigation. And if it does not turn out, then there is also the prosecutor's office, which oversees the investigation and all procedural actions, as well as the court. And at the output, all these structures give us fairly objective information. And such cases, when a person was imprisoned, and then it turned out that he was not at all guilty, are extremely rare in judicial practice.

Another KazanFirst expert is a retired major general of the FSB of Russia Alexander Mikhailov said that law enforcement agencies have now received a well-developed algorithm and scheme for disclosing corruption crimes and proving the revealed facts. And secondly, such disclosures are like a domino effect: as soon as one bone falls, they all fall one after another, because those caught by the hand, trying to get indulgence, willingly “knock” on accomplices.

In our time, the inevitability of punishment for a corruption crime is becoming the norm, Alexander Mikhailov is convinced. - As they say, if a thief is still at large, this is not his merit, but a flaw in law enforcement agencies. But at the same time, when we talk about power, we must very clearly understand that a significant part of such people in power, due to certain circumstances, become hostages of corruption and imperfection of economic legislation. Often a person is forced to break the law, because there is no other option to implement something.

According to the interlocutor of KazanFirst, mayors, vice-mayors and other representatives of the leadership of the city administration, who need to solve large-scale financial problems, problems of entrepreneurs, and so on, are primarily at risk.

All people who come to power are under the hood of the special services, - says Major General of the FSB. - Especially those who are engaged in tenders, any quotas, licenses. They are constantly in sight. And all the tricks with which they try to evade responsibility have long been known. Every official sitting in his chair should know that he is literally being examined under a microscope, like an amoeba. For each of them, often initially there is a lot of information from people who try to solve some problems through them and do not solve them. Special services scan all these things very carefully. In addition, very often officials fall under the hood of special services when they come into contact, in corrupt relations with people who themselves are already in development - due to non-payment of taxes, illegal entrepreneurial activity, fraud and so on. And I am always surprised by an official who believes that if he and the minister drank vodka at a banquet, then they are already friends and he is already invulnerable. In public relations, the concept of friendship does not exist.

Provocation of ill-wishers?

If earlier official city structures refused to comment on the facts of the detention of representatives of the Kazan authorities for corruption and assess the actions of the defendants in criminal cases before the court decision, then in the case of Ivan Kuznetsov, the leadership of the press service of the mayor’s office immediately issued a statement that the official “repeatedly received various kinds of threats."

It is possible that we are talking about about a provocation by unscrupulous entrepreneurs, the report says.

One way or another, all this now has to be dealt with by the special services. So far, according to investigators, the following picture is emerging: “In May 2017, Kuznetsov demanded 500 thousand rubles for the unimpeded implementation of non-profit activities of one of the organizations in the city of Kazan.”

At the time of publication of the material, the publication had data from the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan that the issue of choosing a measure of restraint for the 34-year-old official was being decided. And for the duration of the investigation, the deputy head of the Executive Committee of Kazan was removed from his post, but not dismissed.

Ilona Novoselova was born in the Moscow region, in the historic town of Pavlov Posad, in 1986. As a child, Ilona Novoselova began to clearly feel the presence of otherworldly forces in her life. She could communicate with the dead, foresee the future and look into the past. Such abilities were not a gift, according to Ilona, ​​she suffered unbearably from her dissimilarity to others. In the sixth grade, her mother took her out of school, but Ilona herself never regretted it. Ilona Novoselova's abilities were not known a wide range people, but everything changed when unusual girl came to one of the most popular shows TV channel TNT - "Battle of psychics."

It was 2008, and then the 6th season of the show of magicians and psychics was on the air. Then Ilona Novoselova voluntarily left the project, which surprised not only the audience, but also the producers. But even more surprising was her return in the next, 7th season of the Battle of Psychics. This time, Ilona managed to reach the final, where she lost to another strong participant, Alexei Pokhabov.

Ilona Novoselova was a man before the operation: where did the rumors come from?

All this time, incredibly persistent rumors circulated on the network that Ilona Novoselova - former man, photos before and after sex reassignment surgery were searched by tens of thousands of Internet users. Fuel to the fire was significantly added by the NTV channel, which released a revealing program that Ilona Novoselova is a transsexual. A certain neighbor was “dug up” who claimed that Ilona Novoselov was called Andrey Novoselov as a child. By the way, the channel did not “unearth” the photo of Ilona Novoselova before the sex change operation when she was a man. In general, the material was presented exclusively without evidence in the style of "scandals, intrigues, investigations."

Most of the viewers who decided that Ilona Novoselova was a man before the operation built their assumptions on the following facts:

  • The deep voice of a psychic girl
  • Allegedly atypical for a girl, the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (colloquial Adam's apple)
  • Male facial features
  • Too tall
  • Large foot size
  • The case of the abduction of Ilona Novoselova and her transvestite friend

But I would like to dwell on the last point in a little more detail. In 2013, Ilona Novoselova was kidnapped along with her friend and demanded a ransom of several million. The police managed to save the girl, but it turned out that Novoselova's friend was more of a friend, a transsexual who called herself Lana. And before the sex change, the “friend” was called Oleg Petrov. A strange circumstance, which, however, caused a lot of speculation that Ilona Novoselova underwent a sex change operation, since her close friends have such inclinations.

Are there photos of Ilona Novoselaya before and after the sex change operation?

Thus, there is no evidence that Ilona Novoselova was a guy before the operation. Everything is purely speculation. There are no children's photos of Ilona Novoselova on the network, according to which it can be concluded that the psychic was a boy in childhood. Don't you think that if such photographs existed, they would certainly get into the network?

However, one photo was still found. It is up to you to decide whether it is genuine, as can be judged from this picture. It depicts Ilona Novoselova, who can be both a guy and a girl with an unsuccessful haircut and a complete lack of makeup. So, that very rare and wanted photo of Ilona Novoselova:

There is another photo, which for some reason is more common on the Internet. But here it is quite clearly seen that Ilona Novoselova is not a man. Just complete absence makeup:

Below the article will be added a few photos of Ilona Novoselova before and after the operation, but not for sex change. It can only be unequivocally stated that Ilona Novoselova performed operations to correct the shape of the nose, enlarged her lips and breasts. You should not try to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if the cat is no longer alive.

Ilona Novoselova tragically died on June 3, 2017. She fell from the balcony of the sixth floor of one of the apartment buildings in a residential area of ​​Moscow. Why couldn't the psychic have foreseen her own death? Maybe psychics are unable to see their own own destiny? Or did Ilona know that she would die? Perhaps in subsequent seasons of the “Battle of Psychics” one of the tasks for magicians and sorcerers will be to establish the circumstances of the death of Ilona Novoselova ...
