How are computer games made? Creating a computer game with your own hands

Modern major games are created by many years of work of a team of experienced programmers. To create your own game, you need to understand programming and have some experience. But it is possible to create a simple computer game without professional skills.

There are special programs on the basis of which it will be possible to develop your game. One of them is 3D Game Maker. It has a simple and user-friendly interface. You can create simple game in just ten minutes. The program will prompt you to select the genre of the game being implemented and the number of required levels (up to twenty). The main character can be selected among ready-made avatars. At this stage, you will be able to launch the game and try to play. Then add an interesting plot, enemies, model attributes, etc. The program is ideal for beginner game developers. Its cost is $35.

There is another game development program that both beginners and experienced programmers can use. It is called 3D Game Studio and has a wide range of tools for implementing games of any genre and level of complexity. The program has a package of templates, attributes for creating interiors and effects - mirror and transparent planes, shadows, etc. Novice developers are provided with ready-made elements of the game menu to choose from. The engine for beginners costs $70, while advanced programmers will have to pay $900. If you don't like 3D games, check out Game Maker. It will allow you to create a high-quality game in 2D format. You will be prompted to select objects and come up with an interaction between them. The user has the ability to draw in any graphics editor images and import them into the system. The program contains many interesting effects and sounds. The menu is simple and convenient, so the program is ideal for beginners. The Stencyl Works program is designed for more experienced programmers. A novice user can also work on it, but he will have to face some difficulties. More experienced users can create their own blocks. If you know the Action Script 3 programming language, you can write your own script for the game. You can publish your games and share with them on various portals. If you wish, you can find sponsors who can buy your product. If you want to create a professional and high-quality game, study the main game genres and choose your genre to create an authoring program. Write a good script. This will take most of the time. Think over the script and each plot in detail. Describe the visual image, graphics, compose the game menu. After that, evaluate the complexity of the written program in order to choose the right engine to create it. If it is relatively simple, use the Creator program. If you're pretty good at programming, make a game based on the Neo Axis Engine. This program has received many good reviews and is suitable for creating games of any level of complexity. Download the program and start creating the game. If you are completely new, practice and create some easy games. If you have the opportunity, ask your fellow programmers to help you write the code for the game. If the script is well designed, it will not be difficult to make a program.

On the Internet, you can find many different programs for creating games. Most of them can be downloaded for free. Before creating serious games, practice on free programs and understand the essence of development. After that, it makes sense to buy a suitable engine and start working on creation.

Game development is afloat, it is promising and gaining popularity. We have prepared a detailed infographic about the path of learning game development.

There are many areas associated with game development, and each stage of learning builds on the previous stage. For example, you should not immediately jump to game engines. Start with software development, study mathematics with a sharpening for game programming, and only then move on to game development. Each of these steps is step by step guide, which includes books and other materials.

0. Development of games for children

Many books focus on the legendary and intuitive Scratch development environment for kids, including ScratchJr. After the basis comes information about Python Pygame. There is a book for five year olds, but most of the material is suitable for children aged 8 and over.

1. Computer science

Theoretical forging is a mandatory component, without which further study is meaningless. This selection of educational literature includes the basics, information about algorithms and mathematics in the context of studying computer science.

2. Programming languages

Speaking computer language is not easy, but it is possible. And there are a lot of such ways. For example, the C language has significantly influenced the software industry by sharing its syntax with the popular C#, C++, and Java. C++, in turn, is a powerful language for creating efficient programs and software packages. Many also write games in C#: the language is smart, convenient and allows you to start development faster.

But Lua adopted something from C ++. A scripting language is good for game logic. It will make it easier to initialize a level, bind tasks to objects, change NPC behavior interactively without having to recompile the project, and much more.

3. Create applications

And if computer science is a theoretical basis, then there is more practice here. Game development is a bumpy road, and apps are the best place to start. Books with practical tasks, as well as information about patterns and UML will help you figure out what's what.

4. Mathematics for game development

No, there will not be a school course in algebra and geometry. The selection is divided into the basics of mathematics in the field of game development and a more advanced level.

5. Game programming

hardware platforms, OS, API sets, algorithms, cross-platform and other important aspects that will form the basis of the game being developed. The books are complemented by a number of gamedev articles that contain helpful information programming.

6. Game engine development

The engine is the heart of the game that "pumps" functionality and necessary tools. The first books will introduce you to architecture and design. Further, "game engines" are divided into tools, optimization, scripts and Additional materials in the form of articles. During the acquaintance, patterns, algorithmic tricks, optimization in Unity and other nuances are affected.

7. Computer graphics

Yes, content is important, but computer graphics is an analogue of the application interface that users will see. Therefore, it should be given special attention.

No wonder this section is the largest. This includes the basics of programming with Real-Time 3D, DirectX and OpenGL. Everything is supplemented with information about rendering and technologies. Direct3D and OpenGL received special attention in the selection.

8. Game Audio

Game development is also about audio: these are sounds made by NPCs, the main character, phenomena or objects, as well as music. Audio programming cost only two books, but they provide the necessary information in an accessible way.

9. Game physics and animation

One of the most difficult stages. In addition to the software base and pictures, there must be laws by which all this interacts. Game physics and animation programming are covered in 17 books. Separately affected by the imitation of the liquid.

Developing a video game is hard work. However, if you have a million dollar idea, it's best to start as soon as possible! independent developers in Lately is getting bigger, and making a game has never been cheaper or easier. This article will tell you about the main milestones in the creation of a video game.



    Choose a genre. Yes, all successful games are unique. However, they can be attributed to a particular genre. Decide on a genre first! And the genres are as follows:

    • Arcade
    • Shooter
    • Platformer
    • Race
    • Quest
    • Endless Run
    • First person shooter
    • Manga
    • tower defense
    • Horror
    • Fighting
    • Comedy
    • Survival
  1. Choose a platform. The chosen platform will significantly affect the further development process, not to mention how the game will be controlled - from the keyboard, joystick or tablet screen.

    • The general rule is this - it's easier to develop a game, immediately imagining how and on what it will be played. There are exceptions, of course, but there are exceptions to all rules.
    • Want to make a game for the iPhone? It will need to be submitted to the AppStore from a Mac computer.
  2. Write a draft of the game concept. On a couple of pages in in general terms write how to play your game. This alone can already give you an idea of ​​whether such a game will be successful.

    Create a core philosophy for the game. It's like a motivation that will make the player play and play, this is the very essence of the game. Feel free to check if you have deviated from the philosophy during the development process. Examples of game philosophies include:

    • the ability to drive a car;
    • the ability to test the player's reflexes;
    • the possibility of simulating the economy of a space power.
  3. Write down all the features of your game. Features are what will differentiate your game from thousands of others. Start by listing ideas and concepts, then rewrite them all into meaningful sentences. Prepare 5-15 features. For example:

    • Concept: building a space station.
    • Feature: you can build your own space station and manage it.
    • Concept: meteor damage.
    • Feature: The player tries to survive in meteor showers, solar flares, and so on.
    • List the features now, and then it will be easier for you to insert them into the development plan for the game. It is better to lay all the features at the very beginning than to “sculpt” everything later one on top of the other.
    • Rewrite the list of features until you understand: "This is exactly the game that I want to create."
  4. Take a break. Hide drafts in the table for a week or two. Then take it out and look at them with fresh eyes. It won't hurt.

    We draw up a development plan

    1. Paint everything down to the smallest detail. The development plan is the backbone of your game. Everything is in it. Even so: everything is in it. Mechanics, story, setting, design and everything else. Moreover, it is not the format that is important, the essence is important, the content of this document is important.

      • Development plans become especially important when you have a team under your command. Game Development Plan this case is a desktop...command file. Be precise, specific and understandable in the wording that describes certain aspects of the game.
      • Not every game has a development plan, and no two plans are the same. This article is only a general guide, but you are free to make your own changes.
    2. Compose a title. The table of contents should list every aspect of the game. The only thing that should not be mentioned there is the story, unless the story is closely related to the mechanics of the game.

      • The table of contents is almost like a guide to the game. Start with general sections, then divide them into subsections.
      • The table of contents is like a draft model of a game. But in each of the points there should be details, a lot of details!
    3. Complete each heading. Describe everything in such detail and clearly that, having started work on coding and drawing, everyone and everything will be understood, and immediately. Every mechanic, every feature - everything must be explained in 5+!

      Show the game development plan to other people. Depending on your approach, making a game can also be a collaborative effort. Other people's opinions about the game can make it better.

      • Tell the person that you are going to release the game. If a person considers that this is just an idea, criticism may be superficial.
      • If you decide to show the game development plan to your loved ones (usually shown to parents), please note that their assessment may be too soft than if the game was criticized by an avid gamer. No, this does not mean at all that it is impossible to show the plan to parents. You can, but do not forget to show it to those who have experience in this area.

    Getting Started Programming

    1. Select an engine. The engine is the basis of the game, it is a set of tools needed to create it. Of course, it is much easier to take a ready-made engine than to start developing your own. For individual developers, the choice of engines is large and varied.

      • With the help of engines, work with graphics, sounds and artificial intelligence is simplified.
      • Different engines - different pros and cons. Some are better for 2D games, some for 3D. Somewhere you need to better understand programming, somewhere you can start working without distinguishing a function from a procedure. The following engines are popular:
        • GameMaker: Studio is one of the most popular 2D game engines.
        • Unity is an easy-to-use engine for creating 3D games.
        • RPG Maker XV is a scripting engine for creating two-dimensional role playing JRPG style.
        • The Unreal Development Kit is a multi-purpose 3D engine.
        • Source is a very popular and frequently updated engine for creating 3D games.
        • Project Shark is a 3D engine for beginners and advanced users.
    2. Learn the features of the engine or hire a specialist in it. Depending on the choice, it may be necessary to do a lot of programming. However, even with the simplest engines it is not so easy to deal with. Therefore, if the task seems beyond your power, find a professional.

      • This could be the start of team work on the game. First - a programmer, then a sound specialist and designer, then a tester ...
      • There is a huge community of independent developers to work with. If people like your idea, they will be inspired to help you bring it to life!
    3. Make a game prototype. After studying the engine, make a prototype of the game. This is, in fact, a test of the basic functionality of the game. Graphics or sound are not needed yet, only placeholders and a test area are needed.

      • It is necessary to check and redo the prototype until it becomes fun to play. During checks, you need to identify anything that does not work correctly and make changes accordingly. If the prototype does not excite people, then the game itself is unlikely to impress them.
      • The prototype will change more than once or twice. This is normal, because you never know in advance how this or that mechanic will behave.
    4. Work on management. The control exercised by the player is a basic level of game functionality. At the prototype stage, it is important to make the controls as convenient as possible.

      • Bad, difficult, incomprehensible controls - a disappointed player. Good, high-quality, precise control - a happy player.

    Working on graphics and sound

    1. Think about what the project needs. Maybe your game will be strict enough geometric shapes and 16 colors? Or do you need complex drawings created by a whole team of designers? What about sounds? Be realistic in your estimates and hire people accordingly.

      • Majority individual games created by a small team or even one person. Keep in mind that creating a game alone will take much longer.
      • There are many free resources available for everyone to use. The main thing in this case is not to violate copyrights.
    2. Draw draft art. Start working on the visual part of the game so that the game has the atmosphere that you saw in your dreams.

      Design the game world. Any art for the game? You can start to move on to creating a game and, taking into account the style, start drawing levels or game areas. If your game is in the style of "puzzle", then, accordingly, invent puzzles.

    3. Improve graphics. Depending on the chosen graphic style, different programs can come to your aid, for example:

      • Blender is one of the most popular 3d editors (and it's free). The network is full of guides on it, so understanding and quickly starting to work will not be a problem.
      • Photoshop is very useful at the stage of creating textures, as well as for rendering 2D art in general. Yes, it's paid. If you want a free analogue - take Gimp, it has almost the same functionality.
      • is a free alternative to a program like Paint Shop Pro that makes it easy to create 2D art. This program is especially useful when working on two-dimensional pixel art.
      • Use Adobe Illustrator. This program is great for vector graphics. It's not cheap, so if you're short on money, use Inkscape - a free alternative Adobe Illustrator open source.
    4. Record the sound. Sound is a very important component of the atmosphere of any game. Do you have music, do you not have it, what sound effects are played and when, whether dialogue is voiced - all this will have a significant impact on the player's experience of the game.

      • There are free and functional audio programs available on the web. If you're on a tight budget, they're a great choice.
      • You can record sound from home, using improvised means.

Do you want to learn how to make games?
but don't know where to start?
Read the text below and today you will be making your first game!

Hello newbie game developer!

If you have looked at this site, then you want to create games. And not in many years, but right now. And you are not going to spend a lot of money (from 5 to 85 thousand) on classes in training centers, on special courses, etc.

Even if you understand absolutely nothing about the process of creating games and think that it is incredibly difficult, I guarantee that today you will start creating your first game!

Who am i?

My name is Artyom Kashevarov. I am a professional programmer, designer, and author of dozens of projects dedicated to the creation of games. In addition, I teach everyone the basics of creating games.

Sincerely, Artyom Kashevarov.

So, you've made the decision to get serious about realizing your lifelong dream of making video games.

I'll share my experience with you: a couple of years ago I could not imagine that creating games would be SO easy. As a programmer with 6 years of experience, I can tell you that creating even the simplest 2D games was not an easy task. I alone had to spend an incredible amount of mental effort and time (about a week) just to get the main character to move around the screen.

Can you imagine how much effort went into the whole game?

Today you can easily learn how to make simple 2D games first and then more complex 3D games in just a few months! At the same time, you do not need any specific knowledge at all - your desire and a little perseverance are enough.

How to create games without unnecessary troubles?

What allows you to make games much easier and faster?

This is a Game Maker program. The principle of its operation is simple - in any game there are repetitive software elements. For example - collision of objects, display of animation, playback of music and audio effects, Changeable rounds of the game and so on. So this program allows you not to waste time on the implementation of all these processes. All that is required of us is to link all these processes as we like. For example, when objects collide, we can make it so that some kind of sound is played or, for example, a new object is created, and if desired, we can do both.

Creating games in this way is an exciting incomparable pleasure!

Take a look at what level of play you can do on Game Maker:

dust force

This is an arcade game with great graphics and gameplay. This game is a commercial project, the creators of which are a professional game development studio.

Title: Dustforce

Genre: Arcade

Art/game design/sound: Woodley Nye
Program/design: Lexie Dostal

Multiplayer: no

Similarity: Mirror's Edge 2D

Now I think you are convinced that the possibilities of Game Maker are more than enough for you. On this moment it is the best game development environment for beginner game developers. And soon you will see this for yourself.

You want to learn how to make games quickly and cheaply.
Is it possible?

Yes. And I know how.

Alas, no university in our country teaches how to create games. And what's even worse is that there really isn't even any printed literature on this no.

What happens? That there is no way to learn how to create games?

Just a couple of years ago, learning how to create games really was a big challenge.

But now the situation has changed! After the release of the video tutorial on creating games:

This method of learning will not be boring, not expensive, and you can do it anytime you want.

It all looks unbelievably simple. You insert the Game Maker tutorial video disc into your computer. Launch the Game Maker program and simply repeat everything that happens on the screen. Thereby adopting my experience and knowledge.

Who is this course for?

This course is designed for beginners who want to learn the secrets of creating video games for a computer with complete zero. Having no programming skills and not even having an idea of ​​​​how video games are created.

What is wrong 92% percentage of beginners?

Currently, there are almost no normal lessons on creating games. This is what confuses novice igrodelov. Many come to the conclusion that in order to make games, you must first master programming, learn how to draw, master the profession of a designer and manager. And only then do the games.

Let your first game be not too cool, but it will be YOURS!

It will definitely push you to new heights! And then you will only work better! Small wins are VERY important for you or your team if you work together. They allow you to quickly see errors and other problems.

Is it possible to create games alone?- This is the question that is now spinning in your head.

Of course it is possible! But, most likely, you will have such work that you cannot do for some reason. In such cases, I hired for 500 rubles. a person who coped with this work, and then for a long time helped the project on pure enthusiasm!

For example, I've never been able to draw live characters, and I've always invited someone from the outside to do the work, either for pennies or even for free. After all, the creation of games is an interesting thing, many can work on pure enthusiasm and completely free of charge.

How to hire people and where to find them? - I will definitely tell you about this in the video course.

What is the simplest computer game?

Don't aim for something huge - like I said, your first game should be simple. So, to create a game we need:

    Graphic design (sprites, etc.)

    Game engine (software part that will interact with the player)

    The most elementary game design (this is the idea of ​​​​how everything will be arranged in the game)

As you can see, not much. In practice, this requires 1-2 people. And, despite the fact that we have removed the script and sound component of the game from this, we can simplify something else.

The fact is that the graphic design can be borrowed from other games (if you do not sell such a game, then you are not breaking the law). Game design - can also be taken from some old Dendy or Sega games. And let's start with you will have only one round. The most difficult part is the software part, which I will teach you to do once or twice in the Video Course "Creating Computer Games in Video Format".

Moreover, you will master the software part without programming!

That's the beauty of Game Maker!

As a result, you just have to concentrate on the details of the game, game mechanics, adjusted balance and other interesting things. In a sense, creating a game in Game Maker is like playing a game in itself. It's incredibly interesting!

What does the course contain?

The course consists of 3 DVDs:

The first two discs contain video tutorials.

The third disk contains all the necessary programs for creating games and resources.

Also included with the course detailed instructions to be productive with it.

First and second DVDs- video materials - directly video tutorials in which I clearly show you how to create your first games. Planning, working with people and programs, creating projects, and thinking through everything to the smallest detail and other unique material is on these two discs.

File DVD- File materials - a set of programs, blanks, projects, examples, sprites, and other useful files you will find on this disk.

Instructions for the course- the instruction describes in detail how to apply the course so that the effect of video lessons is maximum and not forgotten at the first opportunity.

What is the course plan?

The video course itself is divided into chapters, in each of which we solve the most pressing problems that may come your way. Some chapters are divided into subchapters.

Now think about how much money you can save by studying at home on your own at a convenient time for you using this course.

Igor Stlikov

Saint Petersburg

"We have already launched our first project! Now we are planning the second one."

Hello, Artyom!

Thanks for the course. To be honest, even before studying the course, I read a lot about creating games. Only all the time I was scared away by the thought that without the knowledge of a programmer, you can’t start creating games. I've had a hard time with programming since high school. Yes, only SUCH sometimes ideas for creating games appeared that I could not refuse to buy your course, and did not regret it.

Now my friend and I have successfully completed our first project. Now we plan the second one. I am a game designer, and he writes scripts. It's a pity that there is not enough time - work, family. But for now, I find time for a hobby, who knows, maybe it will grow into something more.

In general, I am more than satisfied with the results, it was a very powerful leap. Your lessons work wonders. I’ll tell everyone who reads my review - don’t hesitate, if you are interested in the topic of creating video games, order boldly - you will learn a lot of new things and you certainly won’t part with the discs!

I sincerely wish you good luck, Artyom!

P.S. Sorry for posting so late, been busy studying course and project.

Here's what you get when you place an order:

Firstly, you get over 9 hours of videos on two DVDs with examples and tips. Examples of creating video games, demonstrations of effects. You will receive this information in real time from me on the video.

Secondly, you will not need to surf the Internet in search of desired program and various kinds of graphic blanks.

  • Especially for you, I created all the necessary graphic blanks, collected all the necessary programs, and even compiled a sound library for you so that you can also voice your game.
  • What will you get after completing the course?

    1 . The main thing you will learn - you will learn how to make games. After a month, you will be able to create your own games with a team or alone. And for this it is not at all necessary to go somewhere - you will learn everything yourself, from the video!

    2 . If you already have experience in creating games, then you will significantly improve your skills using the Game Maker program and all its features, which it has in abundance. Your game creation skills will become even more professional and unique. There will be room for improvisation, which is especially valuable for casual games. You will be more confident doing what you love, and your friends will celebrate your skills.

    3 . You will no longer be just a person who wastes a lot of his time on games, but a person - a creator. Fascinating worlds and many unique characters - all this will be under your control.

    4 . You will be able to amaze all your friends with the achieved results.

    If you place an order for the tutorial right now, you will receive these two gifts from me:

    Gift No. 1:
    Video course "Secrets of success of modern game designers"

    Attention!!! If you place an order later than one hour,

    then you will NOT receive these bonuses.

    Valentin Laponin

    Novosibirsk city

    Hello! My name is Valentin. I wanted to say thank you so much for your video course. To be honest, I did not even expect that it would contain such a large amount of useful information.

    I liked that the course was built specifically, purposefully, without unnecessary digressions and, above all, aimed at practice. For a long time I was looking for something similar, but the search was unsuccessful. I spent a lot of time looking for answers to numerous questions about game dev.

    Yes... you can find a lot of information on the Internet, but, basically, it is not constructive, not consistent... sometimes it is not even reliable. Much has become clear from your video course.

    In addition to everything written in advertising, there were also a dozen useful video materials on the disk that are not in the table of contents, I did not expect this at all. It can be seen that the author tried to do something necessary and useful. And, it seems, he added these lessons at the very last moment. I recommend!

    Thanks again! Good luck in your business!

    If you think that all this sounds too good, then I want to sober you up ...

    During the study of the course, and most importantly after the study, you will have to work seriously. Of course, after completing the course, a number of skills, techniques and knowledge will appear in your arsenal that will help you stay dozens of steps ahead. But at the same time, no one canceled the need for work and action.

    But if you agree to work and apply the described techniques and practice the exercises, to act, and not to sit back, you will experience dramatic changes.

    Is it a lot?

    In fact, this is not even the price of the course and not the amount that you will pay in the mail after receiving the course.

    This is the price of achieving your dream - to create games! After a week of training, you will start creating your first serious project. And in a month you will have a finished game that you can be proud of!

    The price of the course is now equal to two sticks of sausage or one trip to a restaurant. I think for the sake of making your dream come true, you can not go to a restaurant once, or not finish eating sausages.

    Regardless, the choice is yours.- you can go to a cafe once or instead give yourself a wonderful gift that will definitely not be left lying on the shelf!

    100% no risky deal!

    If you are still in doubt, then I give you a 100% guarantee:

    If during your training, for any reason, you feel that creating games is "not for you" and my course does not help you - pack the discs and send them to the return address with delivery notification, writing to my support along the way. As soon as the parcel is in my hands, I will transfer the money back to you without any questions in any way convenient for you. Agreed? :-)

    support service and we will solve the situation with you in an individual way, offering alternative options.

    Very soon you will be showing your own games to your friends and acquaintances with an undisguised feeling of joy. From now on, you will be an aspiring game creator.

    I wish you success!

    Sincerely, Artyom Kashevarov.

    P.S. Don't miss your chance because this material is not available anywhere else. It also cannot be downloaded from the Internet. The disk protection system has online activation, which completely excludes the possibility of launching pirated versions of the course.

    Leonid Bubnov


    "I never thought that the creation of games - it's so easy!"

    Hello Artyom!

    This is Leonid Bubnov.

    I received the video course today. I am delighted!

    I watched a couple of videos, what you need !! You explain everything in detail, well done.

    Before your course appeared, I thought that creating games is a very complicated process and beyond the power of one person. Now I see that it is not so. Thanks for opening my eyes! I never thought that creating games is so easy! I will be happy to do it. If there are questions, I will definitely write.

    Until communication. Leonid.

    P.P.S. For those who are afraid of being thrown, and this, unfortunately, is a very common settlement procedure in Runet, I hasten to inform you that all sales from my sites are completely legal.

    I am officially registered as individual entrepreneur(IP Kashevarov A.D., OGRN 305026522400038), therefore, he is obliged to pay taxes regularly and observe all consumer rights. You can also learn more about the certificate of state registration and other documents in the section. You can ask any questions in the section.

    Now you have an idea in which direction we have to work, moreover, they are 100% protected by the consumer protection law of the Russian Federation.

    Good luck in your endeavor!

    Probably, everyone who played computer games at least once thought about creating their own game and retreated before the upcoming difficulties. But the game can be created quite simply, if you have a hand special program and not always you will need knowledge of programming languages ​​to use such programs. On the Internet, you can find many game designers for both beginners and professionals.

    If you decide to get into game creation, then you definitely need to find yourself a development software. We have selected for you programs for creating games without programming.

    Game Maker is a simple 2D and 3D game creation software that allows you to create games for a large number platforms: Windows, iOS, Linux, Android, Xbox One and others. But for each OS, the game will need to be configured, since Game Maker does not guarantee the same operation of the game everywhere.

    The advantage of the constructor is that it has a low entry threshold. This means that if you have never been involved in game development, then you can safely download Game Maker - it does not require any special knowledge in the field of programming.

    You can create games using a visual programming system or using the built-in GML programming language. We advise you to study GML, because with its help games come out much more interesting and better.

    The process of creating games here is very simple: creating sprites in the editor (you can download ready-made drawings), creating objects with different properties and creating levels (rooms) in the editor. The speed of game development on Game Maker is much faster than on other similar engines.

    Unity 3D

    One of the most powerful and most popular game engines is Unity 3D. With it, you can create games of any complexity and any genre, using the same visual programming interface. Although initially the creation of full-fledged games on Unity3D meant knowledge of programming languages ​​such as JavaScript or C #, but they are needed for larger projects.

    The engine will give you a lot of opportunities, you just need to learn how to use them. To do this, you will find tons of training material on the Internet. And the program itself helps the user in every possible way in his work.

    Cross-platform, stability, high performance, friendly interface - this is just a small list of the advantages of the Unity 3D engine. Here you can create almost everything: from Tetris to GTA 5. But the program is best for indie game developers.

    If you decide to put your game on PlayMarket not for free, then you will have to pay the developers of Unity 3D a certain percentage of sales. The program is free for non-commercial use.

    And back to the designers! Clickteam Fusion is a program for creating 2D games using a drag'n'drop interface. Here you do not need programming, because you will collect games piece by piece, like a constructor. But you can also create games by writing code for each object.

    With this program, you can create games of any complexity and any genre, preferably with a static picture. Also, the created game can be run on any device: computer, phone, PDA, etc.

    Despite the simplicity of the program, Clickteam Fusion has a large number of different and interesting tools. There is a test mode where you can check the game for bugs.

    Clickteam Fusion is not expensive compared to other programs, and on the official website you can also download a free demo version. Unfortunately, the program is not suitable for large games, but for small arcades it is just right.

    Another very good program for creating two-dimensional games is Construct 2. With the help of visual programming, you can create games for various popular and not so popular platforms.

    Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, the program is suitable even for those users who have never dealt with game development. Also, beginners will find many tutorials and examples of games in the program, with a detailed explanation of all processes.

    Apart from standard sets plugins, behaviors and visual effects, you can replenish them yourself by downloading from the Internet or, if you are an experienced user, write plugins, behaviors and effects in JavaScript.

    But where there are pluses, there are also minuses. The main disadvantage of Construct 2 is that export to additional platforms is carried out only with the help of third-party programs.

    CryEngine is one of the most powerful 3D game engines out there, with graphics capabilities that are superior to any other similar program. It was here that such famous games like Crysis and Far Cry. And all this is possible without programming.

    Here you will find very big set tools for game development, as well as tools that designers need. You can quickly create sketches of models in the editor, or you can immediately on location.

    The physics system in CryEngine supports inverse kinematics of characters, vehicles, physics of rigid and soft bodies, liquids, tissues. So the objects in your game will behave quite realistically.

    CryEngine is, of course, very cool, but the price for this software is appropriate. You can get acquainted with the trial version of the program on the official website, but only advanced users should buy it, who will be able to cover the cost of the software.

    Game Editor is another game builder on our list that looks like a simplified Game Maker builder. Here you can create simple 2D games without any special programming knowledge.

    Here you will work only with actors. It can be both characters and "interior" items. For each actor, you can set many different properties and functions. You can also write actions in the form of code, or you can simply pick up a ready-made script.

    Also, using the Game Editor, you can create games for both computers and phones. To do this, simply save the game in the correct format.

    Unfortunately, you are unlikely to create a large project with the Game Editor, as it will take a lot of time and effort. Another disadvantage is that the developers have abandoned their project and no updates are expected yet.

    And here is a competitor for Unity 3D and CryEngin - Unreal Development Kit. This is another powerful game engine for developing 3D games for many popular platforms. Games here, as well, can be created without using programming languages, but simply by setting ready-made events for objects.

    Despite the complexity of mastering the program, the Unreal Development Kit gives you great opportunities for creating games. We advise you to learn how to use them all. Fortunately, you will find plenty of materials on the Internet.

    For non-commercial use, you can download the program for free. But as soon as you start getting money for the game, you need to pay interest to the developers, depending on the amount received.

    The Unreal Development Kit project does not stand still and the developers regularly post additions and updates. Also, if you have any problems when working with the program, you can contact the support service on the official website and they will definitely help you.

    Kodu Game Lab is probably the best choice for those who are starting to get acquainted with the development of three-dimensional games. Thanks to a colorful and clear interface, creating games in this program is interesting and not difficult at all. In general, this project was developed for teaching schoolchildren, but still it will be useful even for adults.

    The program helps very well to understand how they work and what algorithm for creating games. By the way, you don't even need a keyboard to create a game - everything can be done with just a mouse. There is no need to write code here, you just need to click on objects and events.

    A feature of Code Game Lab is that it is a free program in Russian. And this, mind you, is a rarity among serious game development programs. Also there is a lot of training material made in interesting form quests.

    But, no matter how good the program is, there are also disadvantages here. Kodu Game Lab is simple, yes. But there are not as many tools in it as we would like. And this development environment is quite demanding on system resources.

    3D Rad is pretty interesting program to create 3D games on the computer. As with all the programs mentioned above, it uses a visual programming interface that will please novice developers. Over time, you will learn how to create scripts in this program.

    This is one of the few programs that are free even for commercial use. Almost all game engines either have to be bought or a percentage of income is deducted. In 3D Rad, you can create a game of any genre and earn money from it.

    Interestingly, in 3D Rad you can create a multiplayer game or a game over the network and even set up a game chat. This is another interesting feature this program.

    Also, the designer pleases us with the quality of visualization and the physics engine. You can customize the behavior of hard and soft bodies, as well as make ready-made 3D models obey the laws of physics by adding springs, joints, and more to them.

    With the help of another interesting and colorful program - Stencyl, you can create bright and colorful games for many popular platforms. The program has no genre restrictions, so here you can bring all your ideas to life.

    Stencyl is not just application development software, but a set of tools that makes the job of creating an application easier, allowing you to concentrate on the most important thing. There is no need to write the code yourself - all you need is to move the blocks with the code, thus changing the behavior of the main characters of your application.

    Of course, the free version of the program is quite limited, but still it is enough to create a small and interesting game. You will also find a lot of educational material, as well as the official wiki encyclopedia - Stencylpedia.

    This is just a small part of all existing programs for creating games. Almost all of the programs on this list are paid, but you can always download a trial version and decide if it's worth the money. We hope you find something here for yourself and we will be able to see the games you have created soon.
