What does the last page make you think about. Holistic analysis of O'Henry's story "The Last Leaf"

7th grade literature

Subject: O.Henry " Last page»

Goals: - to introduce students to the biography and story of O. Henry "The Last Leaf", to find out the theme and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis work; teach to identify author's position;

- to develop the speech and creative imagination of children (the ability to think, think out the end of the story), to activate interest in the work of O. Henry;

- to cultivate attentiveness to other people, sympathy, the ability to come to the rescue, wisdom; educate interest in literature as an art form.

Lesson type: lesson extracurricular reading; complex application of knowledge and methods of activity, a lesson using the methods of critical thinking.

Equipment : interactive whiteboard, presentation on the writer's biography, text of the story, S. Kopylova's song "The Last Leaf".

Only love holds and moves life.

I. S. Turgenev.

The smallest good in life is wealth, the most

Big is wisdom.


During the classes

    organizational stage.


Please guess the riddle. About whom in question in this short description: Member of the club of jokers, modest bank accountant, prisoner No. 34627, prison pharmacist, author of 400 stories and one novel, this man's real name is William Sidney Porter. Who is this man? Who are we talking about?

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the biography of this unusual person and we will analyze his story “The Last Leaf”, let's think about what is the theme, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis work and what it makes us think about.

    Formation of new concepts and methods of action.

    Teacher's word.

About Henry wrote almost 400 stories and one novel. The themes of his works are varied. The life of the Texas steppes and ranches, the exotic life of Central America, the life of the provinces in the USA, the world of criminals, the life of the petty people of the city of New York. The characters in his stories are simple people that make up the mass of the people. All the writer's work is imbued with attention and love for inconspicuous, small people, whose troubles and joys he so vividly and vividly portrayed in his works. O. Henry conquered the reader as a master of the genre short story and managed to take his place in the row best writers American literature such as Edgar Poe, Mark Twain, Washington Irving, and others.

2. Checking homework.2 students show theirpresentation about the biography of O. Henry , the rest add what Interesting Facts from the writer's life they know.

3. Stage of forecasting.So, let's get acquainted with the story "The Last Leaf". Look at the title of the story, think about what it could be about?(all assumptions are written on the board).

Literary theory: the concept of a short story (watch the presentation).

4. Reading the first part of the story to the words: "If you can get her to ask just once what style of sleeves she's going to wear this winter, I guarantee you she'll have a one in five chance instead of a one in ten."

Conversation:- Who is this story about? Who are the main characters of the work?

- What is the unusual situation? Who is this Mr. Pneumonia in the story? - What does the doctor think might increase Jonesy's chances of recovery?

- Clarify your assumptions: what do you think the theme of the story will be?

5. Second stop. Reading to words:“This is the last one,” Jonesy said. “I thought he would certainly fall at night. I heard the wind. He will fall today, then I will die.”

Conversation:- Why did the sick Jonesy think that she would die with the last leaf of the falling plush?

- Do her friend Sue and the artist old Berman agree with her?

- How does the writer characterize him? What is unusual about the appearance of the old man? What does he do for a living? What is he dreaming about? What can we say about his character?

- Try to guess what will happen next.

IV. Application. Formation of knowledge and methods of action.

    1. creative work. Pupils write their own versions of the ending of the story and read them out.

O. Henry gave character to each story literary riddle. It seems to the reader that he knows what the outcome of events will be, but he soon becomes convinced that he was mistaken, and when the denouement comes, it is always completely unexpected, overturning all the reader's assumptions. Thanks to this technique, the stories of O. Henry are read with unflagging interest.

2. The teacher reads the story to the end. Discussion.

What is this story about? Were our assumptions correct? (about Jansy's serious illness and her terrible fantasy).

What is the idea (problematics) of the story? What did the author want to say with his work?

(The power of suggestion, its influence on a person's life, the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another).

-Who is the speaker of the idea (what words are the main idea)?

(Artist: "What a foolish thing to die because the leaves fall from the cursed tree!"
Sue: “What nonsense are you talking!”) I.e. you can’t give in to bad thoughts, you need to fight

- Has our attitude towards old Berman changed at the end of the story? What kind of person was this ?

(he turns out to be capable of a great act of self-sacrifice: at the cost of his own life, he supports Jonesy's spirit and saves her from death. This old loser and drunkard emerges as an example of that active love, which without a single word rushes to the aid of others. Berman acquires real spiritual greatness, and his death causes us pain.)

Can we say that at the end of his life the old artist managed to paint a masterpiece, as he dreamed of it?Yes, this little piece is a real masterpiece. Not artistically, no. He had invested love for a person, faith in his strength, a desire for good. And humanity won.

Why can we say that there are two endings (decoupling) in O. Henry's story? Define them.

In essence, the short story is an example of a "double denouement", i.e. there are two storylines here: Jonesy's disease and Berman's masterpiece. Formally, the main storyline is Jonesy's disease, but only formally. In fact, the main event in the work is Berman's dedication. Both lines only get their final surprise decision at the very end of the novel when Sue reveals the truth to her friend. Thanks to this technique, O. Henry keeps the reader in a state of tension until the very end of the novel. But this technique performs another function - with its help, the old Berman in an instant morally grows in our eyes and turns into a symbol of self-sacrifice.

Write what colors you associate with the plot of this story. Why?

3. Work with lesson epigraphs.– How do you understand the words of I.S. Turgenev and G.E. Lessing?

- What is wisdom? (according to the author's assessment) ( We become truly happy by sacrificing something for the sake of others. And the greater the sacrifice, the greater our love).

V. Summing up the lesson.

Did you like this piece? Was it interesting to read?

What did O. Henry's story "The Last Leaf" make you think about?

O "Henry showed heroes with a good soul, forcing us to carefully look at each person, learn to be humane to everything that surrounds. The writer claims: you need to strive to be a person, despite the cruelty of our world, and this is possible!






So, we got acquainted with one story by the American writer O. Henry. But he also has many others. interesting stories. I hope that you will continue your acquaintance with the work of William Sidney. Porter, who lived a complex, adventurous life and worked under the pseudonym O. Henry. And let the wisdom of his stories become your wisdom.

VI . Homework information stage.

VII . stage of reflection.

Write a cinquain using one of the words to choose from: Jonesy, Berman, leaf. Students read their work.

At the end of the lesson, Svetlana Kopylova's song "The Last Leaf" sounds.

William Sidney Porter, known to us under the pseudonym O. Henry, became famous as a master of the "short story" genre - short stories. The heroes of his works are ordinary people living an ordinary life. It would seem that nothing interesting happens in their lives. In the short stories of O. Henry you will not find heroic deeds, turbulent events, or sharp struggle. But this is at first glance.

In fact, the writer shows us that the relationship, the life of these "ordinary" people is not at all easy, that their soul suffers and worries no less than the soul of some famous heroes. And the life history of these souls, the manifestations of this life, are no less interesting than the stories of battles or heroic deeds.

We are all humans. We all live among people. Each of us is concerned about relationships with our neighbors. I really want people around to understand you, I want in difficult times and in moments of joy not to be alone. But for this, you yourself need to be close to those who need help and sympathy in time. Sometimes even just understanding, the desire to do something good for another already helps a person.

O. Henry in his touching novel Last leaf"Showed us the life of three inconspicuous people at once: two novice artists Jones and Sue and an old loser artist Berman.

Jonesy became seriously ill and stopped fighting for her life. The young girl passively waited for death, because she decided that she would die when the last ivy leaf flew away outside the window. It seems that a sad beginning will inevitably lead to a sad end, because there are no miracles in this ordinary life.

Sue, who also surprises us with her devoted care for her sick neighbor, told old Berman about the impending disaster. IN ordinary life we probably would not have paid attention to this loser and would not have expected any feats from him. But Berman did real feat, more significant than this "masterpiece" that he dreamed of creating.

Without saying anything to anyone, in terrible bad weather, he attached a drawn leaf to a branch. For this masterpiece, a feat of kindness, Berman paid with his life, but gave life to an unfamiliar girl.

This novella gave me a lot to think about. First, I realized that you can not judge people by their appearance, visible signs. The main thing in a person is the “invisible”, what you can’t see and can’t calculate – the soul and humanity. There must be something good in every person. We must try to see it.

Secondly, the short story made me think about how valuable and fragile human life. How one should value the life of each person, how attentive one should be to other people. And there is no need to be cowardly, because sometimes someone can pay with their life for your cowardice.

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Synopsis of a literature lesson in grade 6.

Theme: The Last Leaf of Hope (O. Henry "The Last Leaf").


1. Educational: to introduce children to the life and work of O. Henry.

2. Developing: consolidate the ability to express their point of view on the event in the text.

3. Educators:

a) broaden your general horizons;

b) to instill interest in foreign literature;

c) to instill moral concepts about true friendship, hope;

D) reveal the purpose of art.


1. broaden the horizons of students, introduce them to a representative of American literature;

2. to instill a love for art;

3. cultivate feelings of kindness.

Lesson type : synthetic

Lesson on the writer's biography;

  • a lesson in in-depth work on the text.

Method:- heuristic method

  • reproductive method

Word of the teacher about the life and work of the writer

Commented reading

  • statement of the problem arising from the read work
  • heuristic conversation

Equipment: projector, computer.

Board decoration:

fifth of march

Last leaf of hope

"It doubles the joy, and halves the grief"

F. Bacon.

Lesson plan:

  1. Organizational moment - 1 min.
  2. introduction teachers - 3 min.
  3. Teacher's word about biography and creative way writer - 10 min.
  4. The word of the teacher about the features of creativity - 4 min.
  5. Conversation on the relationship between good and art - 5 min.
  6. Class work. Analysis of the work - 15 min.
  7. Listening to a musical composition based on the novel - 4 min.
  8. Summarizing. Homework. - 3 min.

Total: 45 minutes

During the classes:

1. Organizing time.

Teacher: Good morning, sit down. Get ready, let's get to work.

2. Introductory speech of the teacher.

Teacher: Guys, in the last lesson we got acquainted with A. Green's story "14 Feet". We examined how the human character is revealed in a borderline, extreme situation. We came to the conclusion that high and low thoughts are inherent in a person, that a person’s character is complex, but people learn from mistakes. On the example of the image of Kist, we saw that a person is able to become better, cleaner in his soul. We said that "literature is human science", it is all about him, about him inner world, character, about his life values.

Today we will continue our study of this topic on the example of O. Henry's short story "The Last Leaf". Before moving on to the short story, let's get acquainted with the life and work, the unique fate of this man.

3. Teacher's word about the writer's biography and creative path.


Who do you think people put monuments to?
Why are people given this honor?
- And for what, in your opinion, it is possible to erect a monument to the book?
And it was this honor that was awarded to the work of the writer O. Henry. His stone book 2 meters high stands open in the USA in the city of Greensboro.

Let's get acquainted with the biography of this amazing writer.
Real name O. Henry William Sidney Porter (1862-1910). He is the author of over 280 short stories., Novell was born in Greensboro, USA on September 11, 1862.
At school, O. Henry stood out for his sharp mind, rich imagination and the ability to draw with one hand and simultaneously solve arithmetic problems with the other. After school, the young man began working in his uncle's pharmacy, but at the age of 19 he developed a cough similar to tuberculosis, and a family friend suggested that William go to work on a ranch in Texas, a state with a dry and hot climate. The owner of the ranch had a rich library, the young cowboy read a lot and began to write stories himself, however, he did not try to offer them to anyone and soon destroyed them. But two years later, William went to the big, according to the then concepts, the city of Austin.
Here he changed several professions. He worked in a cigar shop, in a real estate company, learned to play the guitar and sang in a quartet, which was eagerly invited to picnics and weddings. He published humorous drawings in magazines that did not bring either money or fame.
Having married, W. Porter decided to settle down and took a job as a cashier at the First National Bank of Austin. When the embezzlement was discovered, Porter was charged with theft. All his friends and colleagues swore that the young cashier could not appropriate the depositors' money, and the court dropped all charges against Porter. Nevertheless, William left the bank, moved to Houston, and began working for a local paper as an artist and columnist. However, the auditors began to dig deeper, found in the bank books a big mess and a shortage - this time at $4,703.
In January 1897 he was arrested. While Porter was awaiting trial, important changes took place in his life. His wife, who had been ill for a long time, passed away. The daughter was taken in by the wife's parents. One of the American magazines accepted for publication his story from the life of cowboys and asked for more, but the author was not up to the pen. At the trial, he behaved indifferently and on April 25, 1898, the aspiring writer was sent to prison for five years.
Here he worked, remembering his youth, in a prison pharmacy. When it was discovered that a certain amount of pharmacy alcohol was missing and the pharmacist was suspected, he flared up: "I'm not a thief! I have not stolen a single cent in my life! I was accused of embezzlement, but I'm sitting for someone else who pocketed this money!"

Sitting with Porter was 20-year-old safecracker Dick Price. He did a good deed - he saved the little daughter of a wealthy businessman from a slammed safe. Price opened the top-secret lock in 12 seconds. He was promised pardon, but deceived. On this plot, Porter composed his first story - about the cracker Jimmy Valentine, who saved his fiancee's niece from a fireproof closet. The story, unlike the story of Dick Price, had a happy ending.

The story was not immediately accepted for publication. The next three were published under a pseudonym.

While in prison, Porter was ashamed to publish under his own name. In a pharmacy guide, he came across the name of the then famous French pharmacist O. Henri. It is her in the same transcription, but in English pronunciation- O. Henry - the writer chose his pseudonym until the end of his life.
The pharmacy did not take up much time, and Porter continued to write stories, sending them to the wild through the sister of one of the inmates. He began to sign his compositions with the name "O. Henry".
For impeccable behavior, the prisoner was released not after five years, but after three years and three months. Coming out of the prison gates, he uttered a phrase that has been quoted for a good century: "Prisons could provide a certain service to society if society chose who to plant there."

The stories written in prison sold like hot cakes in the magazines, and the publishers sent him money so that he could get to New York.
4. The word of the teacher about the features of creativity.

For 2 years, O. Henry wrote 130 works. He drew the plots for his works from life. The bottom of the American metropolis became his inspiration. Often, O. Henry spent whole days sitting in dubious drinking establishments, drawing stories from the stories of the same regulars.
The heroes of O. Henry are a thief, a tramp, a cowboy, a doctor, a sailor, a worker, a shopkeeper, a planter, a saleswoman, an actor, an artist, a lawyer.

I worked to the bone, I could not bear such a pace and healthy man, the health of the writer was undermined.

He avoided the company of literary brothers, sought solitude, shied away from secular receptions, and did not give interviews. For several days without a visible purpose he wandered around New York, then locked the door of the room and wrote.

O. Henry spent the last weeks of his life alone in a poor hotel room. He got sick, drank a lot, could no longer work. At the age of 48 in a New York hospital, he left for another world. O. Henry wrote about great power good, taught people to do good. And he was not unfounded, on his personal example, he proved the main ideas of his works. Despite the impressive fees for his works, he never made a fortune, because he distributed all his money to the poor and needy, he sacrificed himself for the benefit of others.

5. A conversation about the relationship between good and art.

Guys, each of us comes into this world with a special mission, purpose. And in order not to stray from the true path to the false path, art helps us: it teaches us to see the beautiful and beautiful, first of all, in the soul, it teaches us to create and appreciate good. Can we put an equal sign between good and art? Why?
- What types of art do you know?

Can we call everything that is drawn, sung art? Why?

To understand this, we need to understand the purpose of art, its main goal, for this we turn to our story.

6. Class work. Analysis of the work.

6.1. Jonesy image, Sue. Real friendship.

What, according to the doctor, could kill Jonesy, besides her illness? Explain the meaning of the doctor's statement to Sue: "If you can get her to ask just once what style of sleeves they will wear this winter, I guarantee you that she will have a one in five chance instead of a one in ten."

(The most important thing, the doctor believes, is not even a medicine, but the will to live. If the patient thinks that he will inevitably die if he does not resist the disease, he will have "one chance in ten". If you manage to interest the patient in at least something related to life, even the style of sleeves, this is already good: it means that subconsciously a person is making plans for the future, he hopes. Dreaming about the future means hoping for something, striving for something. The person who remembers the past is old at heart, and the one who dreams has everything ahead of him)

Prove that Sue and Jonesy were real friends. What did Sue do for her friend? Pay attention to the phrase: “Think of me if you don’t want to, if you don’t want to think about yourself! What will happen to me?

(Each of our actions is connected by invisible threads to the lives of other people. Sue worked for a friend, fed her, cared for her, even lied for her recovery ("Why, the doctor told me this morning that you will recover soon ... that you have 10 chances against one).

No one is alone, not a single person in the world. There will certainly be people who are ready to help us at any moment, and it is very important to be able to see such people around you, to give them the opportunity to help you in trouble. What did Sue want to prove to her friend with her actions?

(She wanted to prove to Jonesy, who thought only of her illness and imminent death that she really needs her, that the girl has no right to succumb to trouble, at least for the sake of Sue).

Yes, in difficult times, you should not lock yourself in your grief. pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson “It doubles joy, and reduces grief by half”, what do you think, what is it about, what kind of human relationships?

- What thought did Jonesy give herself? Why is the view of the last sheet,

held on a branch, resurrected in the girl's soul the desire to live? Prove that Jonesy repented of her weakness and asked her friend for forgiveness.

(Leaf, who fought so hard for his life, made Jonesy feel ashamed of

his weakness:

"I've been a bad girl, Sudy," Jonesy said. - Must be the last one.

the leaf was left on the branch in order to show me how ugly I was. It's a sin to wish

death itself. Now you can give me some broth and then some milk. Although not:

first bring me a mirror, and then surround me with pillows, and I will sit and

watch you cook.

An hour later she said:

Sudy, I hope one day to paint the Gulf of Naples.")

To live only for yourself is death (spiritual), but if you live for another, then life is filled with meaning. Do you think we can call the friendship of girls true strong? What needs to be done for this to be such, what does the author lead us to?

(You can’t be selfish, think only about yourself, you need to help each other in trouble, good will not go unnoticed. The meaning of our life is to do good, do good for others, then it will inevitably return to you again. And only in this case life will not be in vain , it will not be empty, but, on the contrary, bright and bringing happiness. The meaning of true friendship is in support in difficult times).

- Pay attention to the epigraph to our lesson, great philosopher F. Bacon said: "It doubles joy, and reduces grief by half." What do you think it's about?

- What other sayings about friendship do you know?

  1. Berman image.

What can you tell about the artist Berman, about his past and present life. What was his meaning of life, then the girl's illness?(write a masterpiece).

What was the meaning of the act of the artist Berman?

(our life should not pass without a trace, the meaning of life is to do good, help others, leave your mark on history, such a mark that afterward they will remember with respect and admire. It was this act that Berman did, before his life was no different, people had no better opinion of him, but his act (drawn sheet) proved the opposite, he saved a man's life by sacrificing his life. By this act, he proved that he did not live his life in vain, it gained meaning, that he created what he aspired to, that his life did not pass without a trace and aimlessly).

What was the purpose of Sue telling Jonesy about the death of the artist and his final decision?

(she wanted not only to honor the memory of the artist, but also to strengthen the will to live in her friend: now that she knows what the man has done for her, she does not dare to succumb to the disease).

- Why does the old man still die? (he achieved the main goal in his life, saved the life of a young girl).

They say that a person is alive as long as he is remembered? Is the old man alive in the hearts of girls?

  1. . The true purpose of art.

Usually a masterpiece is called a brilliant work of art that has survived the centuries, immortalized the name of its creator. french word chef-d'oeuvre (literally: "head of labor", "head of creativity") is translated as "masterpiece", " exemplary work”, “masterfully executed thing”. Why does neither the author, nor the reader, nor the young heroines of the story have any doubts that the sheet drawn by Berman on a brick wall is a true masterpiece?

(His drawing saved a man's life. The skill of the artist created a complete illusion of a living sheet. The artist paid own life for creating your creation. Therefore, his work, which brings good to a person, is considered a masterpiece by the author, readers and heroines of the story. To do good is the main task of art).

Remember, at the beginning of the lesson we listed the types of art, and look, they all resonate in our souls, make us empathize or worry. We find images in paintings that delight us (breathtaking),(The last day of Pompeii),we watch a movie, read a book, we experience the same state in our soul as the hero(mu-mu and Gerasim),architecture that staggers our imagination, a dance that makes the heart beat in unison with the wind, and music that awakens our senses.

7. Listening to a musical composition based on the novel.

Now let's listen musical composition"The Last Leaf", written based on the work.

(after listening) What feelings and emotions did you have after listening to the recording?


What conclusion can we draw after analyzing the work? What are these works about, what did the author want to convey to us?

  • you have to believe in yourself, don't give up.
  • The author wanted to show us true friendship.
  • The true purpose of art is to serve man, to do good.

Thus, O. Henry's short story is about humanity, sympathy, self-sacrifice. And about art, which should awaken to life, give inspiration, joy and inspiration. These are the lessons of O. Henry, they teach you to enjoy sincere human feelings that can make life in this frantic world happy and meaningful.

8. Homework: memorize K. Simonov's poem "Wait for me."

What is a true masterpiece

(Based on the short story "The Last Leaf" by O'Henry)

Hello guys!

The story we are talking about is wonderfully written. American writer O. Henry is called "The Last Leaf". William Sydney Porter (real name of the writer) was a member of the joker club, a modest bank accountant, prisoner No. 34627, a prison pharmacist, a writer, the author of 273 stories and one novel.

The name of the story is ambiguous: "The Last Leaf" - this can be said about the written manuscript, and about the last page of life. “The wind is careless in the eternal book of life. He could have moved the wrong page, ”Omar Khayyam once said. And these words are the words of a man who has not come to terms with the inevitability of death. Indeed, this is the essence of creativity - to deceive the inevitability, leaving oneself in eternity.
So what is this story about? ABOUT last days life? About creativity? Or about something else?

Read the story "The Last Leaf".

Checking knowledge of the text.

What is the last leaf - the end of creativity or the end of life?

You could say it's both. The last leaf is a masterpiece that Mr. Berman wrote. And this is the last page of his life. He saw the meaning in his existence in giving life to a person whom he considered it his duty to take care of. It is clear that he patronized two young artists who sincerely considered him a "nasty old man." His fruitless search for a "masterpiece" is due to its unfulfillment. When he saw the point of application of his forces - the "masterpiece" was written in a very short time.

Prove that Mr. Berman saved Jonesy.
- In the notebook on literature, draw up in the form of a diagram literary portrait Jonesy and Berman. Combine common qualities.
How similar are these two characters? How?
- Can you call Mr. Berman an artist?
- List the qualities of a true artist.


Everything big starts small. The doctor who treated Jonesy, having heard that she wants to paint the Gulf of Naples, reacts violently: he asks if she has something in her soul that would really be worth thinking about? He perfectly understands that the desire to live is built from a bunch of little things, each of which is of great importance for a person. If a girl is interested in what style the sleeves will wear, she has an interest in life. If the sphere of her desires is something abstract, then things are bad. Any masterpiece, any work of art always remains relevant because it is tied to life, to empathy. Abstract truths are for philosophers. Low - for biologists and physiologists. Concrete, vital - for you and me. This story is about how art helps to live. And even a person who has turned over the last leaf in his life manages to create a true masterpiece - despite the fact that this masterpiece is a small ivy leaf on a crumbling brick wall. The history of mankind continues only because everyone leaves something behind in terms of material or spiritual. Look at any object of civilization - be it a car, a house, an object household appliances etc. Each of them is invested with the work and experience of many generations - those whom we do not know. Those who, after their physical death, remained in objects of material and spiritual world, creating around us the space in which only a person can live and create.

What is the purpose of the artist and art?

Save lives and give them meaning. O'Henry writes about this in his story.
