Take full responsibility for everything.

Good afternoon dear friends!

Very often we avoid responsibility, fearing to lose freedom and independence from circumstances. The habit of shifting the blame for failures onto anyone but yourself is dangerous and contagious.

Because of the fear of failing and not coping with the amount of hopes placed, a person is likened to the position of an ostrich and is terribly afraid of any manifestations of an act, whether it be marriage, a decision to have a child, or quit a hated job. How to take responsibility for your life and receive the well-deserved benefits of the Universe?

In today's material, I have selected 10 reasons that can turn your perception of responsibility and help you look at own possibilities and perspectives. Shall we start?

Reason 1. The role of the victim or the winner?

In order to understand the charm of self-imposed responsibility, it is worth taking a closer look at way of perceiving what is happening around. People who are afraid to use their own brain, logic, will, as well as confidence in actions, suffer from strange complex - avoidance.

This amazing ability originates from victim position. The essence of this behavior doomed to fail, because whatever he does, the result will rest on the actions of other people.

For example, to the question: Why is everything like this?”, the individual will offer a set amazing facts-justifications, whose key figure will be collective mind, which is fundamentally out of hand. bad state, era, epoch, neighbors, company director, diseases and other fount of lists.

In order to change approach to such a formation of beliefs, it is worth accepting true purpose- only you are responsible for how life is built!

No one except you is able to change or generate the necessary resources for and needs.

Having built thinking in position of the winner, you will have many perspectives that bring choices and responsibility for actions.

Reason 2. Personal experience.

Sometimes a person may let strangers live their lives. You could see a sad picture - mom, although being one of the most important people on Earth, makes decisions when a child is 40, a friend always knows how to do business better, although he himself cannot boast of such an achievement, the other half is sure that her vision of the world is true and must certainly be translated into reality.

And where in all this abundance of lives and other people's decisions are you? Is it convenient for you to trust in all matters the opinion of other people who, not the fact that they are doing the right thing? And if things don't go according to plan, who do you blame? Yourself or the collective mind?

By purchasing someone else's experience, and not your own, you risk being left with nothing in the end. After all, ideas are not among your achievements, all work is also not the result. your pant, sweat and blood.

By refusing to blindly follow the path of other, two-legged beings, you will develop your own unique and inimitable strategy, bringing its own contribution to the treasury of achievements.

Reason 3. Habitual "tomorrow"

This point is shared by many individuals who fanatically believe that if sit and wait when someone solves all the problems - it will definitely happen.

Postponing life for later, for a ghostly tomorrow, you can end up with a real one Nothing and Never.

Paradoxically, but true! We convince ourselves in every possible way that we will begin to act when we enlist the support of means, motivation and the necessary concentration of desire.
For example: " When will we have a baby?' - you can ask your spouse, loving wife. And he gets a banal answer: “ Well, when we get on our feet, buy an apartment, get a dog and ensure financial stability". Familiar, isn't it?

What if this ghostly tomorrow does not happen at all? Random circumstances carry not only good, but sometimes bad news. Do not delay the implementation of the planned into a dark, phantom box. After all, tomorrow may not be, or suddenly, it will be much worse today?

Reason 4. An example to follow

In the event that adults do not take responsibility for their own lives, and are already parents, then what they set an example the rising generation?

Programming yourself and children with the principle: “ Oh, somehow it will resolve itself or is it better without me”, you reinforce the belief that you need to do nothing, but wait until the river brings you downstream to the shore. Is this the right coast? Did you want to swim to him?

Build your life carefully and perspective successful continuation of a kind. Only in this case, you will not degrade. After all, there is no static position in life: you either work on its improvement, or roll back to the plinth at the speed of sound.

Eradicating the ability to refuse, play up and find excuses- you progress and develop. Children picking up parent activity, their right participation in life and control of all important areas- will definitely become than peers. I think you want your child to become better than you?

Reason 5. Conflictology and freedom!

It is possible that a person who refuses to take responsibility for what is happening does not know how to behave in. And they cut our hair on almost every corner. A team at work, a nervous boss, awakening loved ones on the wrong foot - all this is an occasion to practice the necessary behavior under the conditions of such an obsession.

How does it usually happen? The man who is afraid be present in your life- sincerely strive to be unidentified, do not intrude on any difficult situations requiring an immediate solution. And the solution of the problem for him is a colossal stress and panic attack.

But without working through and practicing conflict situations, for getting necessary experience, you can simply be outside of reality. And do all the same evasive, stupid things.

By taking responsibility into your own hands, you will be able to be free man and dispose of resources, yourself and the right to make a decision personally, without further explanation.

Reason 6. Adult child

What does it mean for modern man phrase: " You need to grow up!» ? No, it does not mean that it is necessary to walk with a serious face, to give up foolishness or games.
She says it's time take responsibility for your life and start it build with your own hands.

As children, we are used to the fact that everything is decided by adults. They provide a roof over their heads, a supply of food, and they have the last, decisive word.

This is logical when you are 18, but if you are 50, and the model familiar from the cradle has not been transformed, you should think hard: “ What will I do when I'm alone? »

Reason 7. Get the most out of it

desire to become outstanding personality and provide for yourself and your loved ones a comfortable life, happy living is not possible without your taking responsibility for what you do.

Each act carries with it the pursuit of some goal: to get a prestigious job, to gain the necessary acquaintances, etc.

Feeling innate intuition, can tell you the right ways to invest effort, save and bet. Self awareness as master of your life, can completely change your day, outlook and goals.

Once, the level of confidence that your actions focused on achieving dreams, and not avoidance - outweigh, then the desire to move faster will spur you on to unknown possibilities and will certainly please performance.

Reason 8. Try again! And again!

Sometimes, loss of control waits for us with bated breath. Life is full of mysteries, adventures and sometimes not good news, knocking out the ground from under their feet.

Illnesses of loved ones, experienced stress, dismissal, deceit or setting up friends, hit on the head with an iron anvil and beat off anyone.

But! Do not dwell on failures and be afraid to try to improve your life again.

As they say, everything that is not done - for the better !

So take the best out of this situation - experience and move on without making the same mistakes.

A person is formed by the amount of effort applied and. Keep this in mind when the urge to give up is almost there victory over reason.

Reason 9. Under a lying stone, water does not flow!

This is not surprising, because how can something magical happens if all day long you are busy with an important thing - spitting at the ceiling?

Activity is driven your desire to get the most out of life. If you ignore all the gifts and opportunities of fate, then what's the point in complaining about it?

When in last time did you do anything? Invested in education additional experience, master class, knowledge? How often do you spend time thinking strategies and plans for the future ?

It is thanks to your strength, fuse and perseverance that you can move mountains! So what are you waiting for, go ahead!

Reason 10. Stop whining and crying!

This is probably the most common behavioral misconception I've come across. I wonder where the desire to see the negative in everything and revel in self-pity comes from, while doing nothing and not changing ?

If something does not suit you, remember that you are not a tree! You have the right to tear off the sirloin from the sofa and take action in order to change the negative impact factor.

Dear friends! That's all.

Subscribe to my blog update and recommend it to your friends for reading. In the comments, tell us about how, in your opinion, responsibility improves a person's life?

See you on the blog, bye bye!

Ecology of life. Psychology: There is a wonderful phrase that characterizes the acceptance of responsibility: "Whoever wants, he is looking for a way, who does not want, he is looking for an excuse"...

There are such banal and obvious thoughts that it is even inconvenient to talk and write about them. “To live, you need to breathe” - it is difficult to imagine a more banal thought. Any person to whom you say such a phrase is perplexed, why discuss this. After all, everything is clear by default.

Approximately the same thing happens when you say that conscious control own life It begins with the fact that a person must take responsibility for his life on himself. With the exception of a very large army of admirers of the "destiny of fate", usually no one questions this thesis. Yes, you have to. And in general it is not clear why you are talking about this, because it is so obvious. You would also say that in order to live, you need to breathe.

Indeed, somehow everything is obvious and banal. With only one difference. Everything breathes. But they take much less responsibility for their lives.

“Responsibility for your life you say? Take over? So who's arguing. This is clear to the horse. You took on this responsibility a long time ago. You better tell me…” Most often, this is followed by a question that completely refutes the previous phrase, and indicates that no one took any responsibility.

This is very easy to determine by the way the question or problem that the person wants to solve is formulated. Who wants to, can conduct an experiment. Set the article aside for now, grab a piece of paper and a pen and do the following:

1. Write ten problems or tasks that you would like to solve in the near future.

2. What way of resolving the situation do you see at the moment?

3. What prevents you from deciding this problem Now?

Now let's look at the ways that a person uses to relieve himself of responsibility.

It turns out that not everything that “the horse understands” is accepted by the horse as a guide to action.

Nine excuses for doing nothing

1. I can't. Probably the most common way to absolve yourself of responsibility. I can't start going to the gym. I can't find the time. I can't control myself. Can't get together for... Can't.... I can’t… I can’t… Usually the “I can’t man” is looking for magic recipe how to do it without stressing. And since there is no such solution, either a person spends his life in search of magic, or, disappointed in the search, resigns himself to fate.

2. Transferring responsibility to others and the search for those responsible: "The director is a goat." “Husband is a tyrant”, “Parents do not allow to do ...”, “Dad did not arrange for Good work... ". In the relationship of partners "Because of you ...", "If it were not for you ...", "It was you who pulled me in ...".

3. Shifting responsibility to circumstances:“Not born there”, “No conditions”, “A career can only be made through pull”. "Not we such, Life is such".

4. Attempts to change the situation by changing other people:“I want management to appreciate me”, “How to explain to my parents that I am an adult and do not need their control”, “I want a husband ....”.

5. Shifting responsibility to the current situation:“Now is not the time ...”, “I will do it, but after ...”. “First you need….” Of course, situations often arise when the moment is not quite right. For example, opening a business during a crisis may not be the best option, and such a delay in the decision may be fully justified. Although people who absolve themselves of responsibility will always find a reason why they will not start doing anything.

6. Formulations."It makes me mad". "He annoys me". "I'm upset", "I'm not appreciated." If you analyze the phrase, you will see that there is an element of passivity in the wording. Someone or something outside, affects my internal state. But we ourselves are responsible for our inner state. And when we use such formulations, we relieve ourselves of responsibility for our feelings.

7. The game "Cripple". The person playing this game says his "trump phrase": "What do you want from a person like me?". He finds some flaw, either in himself or in his life, and this explains his problems and his passivity. The reasons for the defectiveness of the “crippled” can be both diseases and the origin of “poor family”, “I live in small town no prospects, etc.

8. Search for an answer to a question that cannot be answered. It can be either general issues, to which there is simply no unambiguous answer: "How to succeed ...". Or search for guaranteed ready-made recipes "How to convince that ...", "How to open guaranteed profitable business …».

9. Designation of conditions for starting actions. The formula for this excuse has the following construction: “If only…. Then I would….” "If I lived in another city, then I could make a career." “If my husband allowed me to work, then I would…”. "If the leadership was adequate, then ...".

All these methods allow you to relieve yourself of responsibility. Question for what? The answer is simple. Justification of passivity, which allows you to maintain a stable self-esteem. Everything is “ok” with me, it’s just… Self-deception.

There is a beautiful phrase that characterizes the acceptance of responsibility:

"Whoever wants, he is looking for a way, who does not want, he is looking for an excuse."

Now go back to the issues that you have formulated and see if the language you have written contains elements of shifting responsibility. If you have found a similar mechanism, then you need to formulate the problem, taking responsibility.

9 ways to take control of your life

1. I can't. It all starts with installation "I can". Of course, there is something that we objectively cannot. For example, jump from a place up three meters. But this is more of a hypothetical example. Most of the problems are in the zone of our “can”. I believe that for the development of a person the attitude “It is not the Gods who burn the pots” is very important, which means the basic attitude “I can”.

“I can’t” implies a lack of opportunity, hopelessness, which means why rock the boat. Although in reality this is not the case. It is important to formulate the problem in such a way that it contains the opportunity to fix it, and it becomes clear how to do it.

It is necessary to reformulate I can’t, into “scary”, “difficult”, “risky”, etc. If we replace the excuse “I can’t”, with “scary”, then it’s clear that we need to work with fear, overcome it. "Risky" - learn to calculate options, minimize risks.

2. Shifting responsibility to others is a very convenient excuse. It turns out that I am good, and he is a bastard, so something is not going well with me. But! We cannot change another person. We can change ourselves, our behavior, and then the behavior of others around us will change. IN this case it is important to designate for yourself your area of ​​responsibility, and ask yourself the control question: "What can I personally do to change the situation." The answer should not be recommendations for other people, only for yourself.

3. Shifting responsibility to circumstances. It echoes the previous point. Many circumstances are beyond our control. You can either adapt to them or change the environment of circumstances. No development opportunities in a small town? You can move to a big one. Grow your business with the help of the Internet. Unpromising job? Happens. Who's stopping you from finding a friend? Just don't say there are no jobs. You are single because "there are no real men." Understand that this is nonsense, and one can always be found.

4. Trying to change the situation by changing other people. I already wrote that we cannot change others. Think about how you can change yourself. One woman, whose husband is a successful entrepreneur, complained that he did not take her seriously. Why did she decide so? She approached him with a request: "Open me some business." He naturally refused, because. with a similar wording, a business is not opened. And she kept trying to figure out how to get him to start a business.

5. Wrong moment, maybe really wrong. But there are people for whom all the time, all their lives, the moment is not right. So it's not about the moment. The point is in the excuses that a person comes up with, justifying passivity.

6. Replace wording like "it annoys me" with I-statements, for example "I'm nervous." In the first formulation, something external affects our internal state, and we cannot do anything about it. When using I-formulations, our state depends on us, so we can manage it.

7. Stop playing Cripple. Are you okay. If you return to the image of the "Cripple", then you should deal with self-esteem.

8. Stop looking for a ready-made recipe for success. It doesn't exist in principle. Try to understand yourself, master the technologies of efficiency, create your own recipe.

9. Remove “If only…” from your vocabulary. This is an excuse. If yes, if mushrooms grew in your mouth. Your “If only…” are just excuses.


Taking responsibility for your life means focusing on opportunities.

Answer to the question:

What can I do to make a difference?

Only with this approach we will manage our lives. This cannot be done until a person takes real responsibility for his life.

To be fair, it should be said that there are situations that we cannot influence. But we can always change our perception of a situation.

Just a week ago, we were returning from vacation, and we were late for a transfer in Istanbul. It was the fault of the airline. We did what depended on us.Changed tickets. After that, we calmly went to rest in the hotel. There were other latecomers who shouted something for a long time, threatened with courts, and were terribly indignant. It just didn't affect the outcome.In the morning we met on the plane. We were rested, and people were nervous, sleepy and tired. They simply could not accept the situation, which they could not really influence.

Take responsibility for your life - written in many respected sources.

What does this mean in general? And who else besides me is responsible for it? This is my life, I'm already responsible for it. What's incomprehensible here?

I want to say, when I read smart books, I did not really understand this term: Responsibility.

Responsibility, responsibility...

Much has been said about her. Everyone is afraid of her for some reason! In a warehouse, a loader is afraid to become a storekeeper. It would seem that the work is easier, and walking around in a clean one, but he does not want to be responsible for what happens in the warehouse. I ask, did the last storekeeper suffer greatly from responsibility? No, but you know how the boss cursed at him ... So what? Nothing ... He, in principle, always swears ...

Why are people so afraid of her? Why avoid?

Even Google disclaims all responsibility. Both Yandex and Apple ... They all disclaim responsibility: you download some application, even a paid one, and there is a whole disclaimer. That is your problem if something went wrong with you. So he's an idiot!

And users, on the contrary, want as many guarantees as possible. "What guarantee do you give?" - ask before buying. As a rule, the most daring sellers give the most daring guarantee, which they obviously will not fulfill.

Once worked with a flooring company, so they had a whole department to deal with warranties. The warranty was 25 years. Impressive, isn't it? But if you deviate even one iota from the instructions (and this is 99%, unless you create your own department for the implementation of instructions), that's all - the guarantees disappear! Thus, they also relieved themselves of responsibility.

I remember, in English lessons at school: - Hu from he is a duty day?

Everyone looks out the window and pretends that they have been learning English for the first year. In translation "duty" means duty, obligation. And duty is a responsibility, so everyone diligently avoids it, waiting for someone else to be "duty" and washing the floors after school. Everyone wants more rights and fewer responsibilities.

I used to naively think that the less you work, the less you get tired. It was one of the biggest mistakes in my life...

Recently, during a morning run, I caught myself thinking: but in the army it was very interesting for me to run. Now you think: I wish I had more time, I would run 10 km every day and, as a result, I would prepare at least for a half marathon.

And in the army there was a cool feat - while jogging, unnoticed by the sergeants, get out of line and smoke behind the barracks, while everyone is running! Another thing is to drive for moonshine in the village! 8 km of clean trail in soldier's boots winter forest! Escape from the medical unit with a temperature of 38 and make it in 45 minutes. along with the purchase of moonshine! The next day, URAL took me to the hospital - it turned out that I had pneumonia.

Trail running is a sports discipline that involves running on natural terrain at a free pace or as part of a competition. The main difference from cross-country running is in the landscape. For trail running, hills and even mountains are usually chosen, as well as deserts and dense forests.

Thus, evading jogging, from duty, from any duties, we evade life.

When I was young, I dated girls, but I didn't want to get married - it's a responsibility. Suddenly then you have to get a divorce, but what about the children and jointly acquired property? What if I can't feed my kids? For me it was a very painful issue - children.

When I started dating another girl, I asked myself the question: do I want to take responsibility for this person? And he got married when he answered yes to this question! Of course, the decision was not made entirely by reason (who ever marries on the basis of logical reasoning?), but since then I have had additional incentives to move forward.

And I noticed that if a person cannot take responsibility for what happens in his life, a certain inner void appears, which he begins to fill to the best of his understanding: someone meets with all the women in a row, someone drinks, uses different substances, someone mindlessly watches TV or plays all night long in computer games. There are many ways. In this way, he tries, as it were, to renounce the fact that he himself is the master of his life.

In order to justify ourselves in our own eyes, we often convince ourselves that we are unable to achieve the goal; in fact, we are not powerless, but weak-willed.
François de La Rochefoucauld

For such people, someone is always to blame, external circumstances, the government, we live in the wrong country, we were born in the wrong family, there is no talent, now it’s too late to change anything ... I think you will recognize someone in these statements from acquaintances. And add a lot of excuses that you hear every day.

We say such statements to ourselves or aloud, often without even noticing it.

What are my circumstances! - each of us will tell.

But you know, I had even worse circumstances, when I generally lost everything and started again ....

But then you, and I do not like everyone else! Everything is bad for me! But how many people tried to change something - they did not succeed!

And collect in this way "history of failure."

And you just try to believe that you can do it! And collect even small stories, but success! Because we are all created in the image and likeness of God - He created this world, and we create our own! It is written / rewritten, but very difficult to understand and most importantly - to accept.

Accept the fact that you yourself created your life. With your thoughts, decisions and actions!

Of course, there is also the influence of the initial data - it will not work for a legless football player to become a champion among healthy ones. But he can become a champion at the Paralympics!

Everyone has his own path.

You don't have to look at others when you carry your cross. You need to look ahead, uphill. This is often very painful and difficult.

You need to answer three questions for yourself:

  1. Who is my worst enemy?
  2. What is the hardest obstacle for me to overcome?
  3. Who can change my life for the better?
The real hobby of our generation is whining and goofing off about nothing. Bad relationships, school problems, an asshole boss... It's all bullshit. There is only one asshole and that is you. And you will be very surprised if you find out how much you can change just by tearing your ass off the couch.
George Carlin

It's hard to live, right? It's not hard at all if you decide to take responsibility for your life.

Say to yourself aloud: - This person, and everything that surrounds him, was invented and created by me. But I don't want that anymore. I want to change my life. She doesn't suit me. I will change it for the better! I will be best version myself! I am the master of my life!

And start small. For example, read at least one page a day, do a one-minute exercise / pick up a bottle in the park and put it in the trash.

After all, being the master of one's own land does not mean talking about politics and criticizing others, but treating it like a master. Just like with your life. Who, besides you, will put things in order in it?

Make a commitment to yourself and others to change your life. After all, only you can do it, and no one else.

Marina Nikitina

Responsibility is formed, brought up and instilled in the child as a necessary social skill. The kid is taught to understand and accept obligations to be responsible for actions, actions, their consequences.

You have to learn to take responsibility both in childhood and on your own in adulthood, as the number of responsibilities in the process of life increases.

Responsibility as a socially determined skill is built into the structure of a person's personality and becomes a volitional quality.

A responsible person is a person who exercises external and internal control, with a sense of duty and responsibility.

A person who has learned to take responsibility:

realizes that life, success, self-realization, happiness depend on him;
is ready to fulfill the promises given to himself and other people, does it diligently;
able to make decisions in crisis situations;
knows how to take care of those who need help and support, or who are not independent enough;
is clearly aware of the consequences of decisions. When you take responsibility, interpersonal relationships implying rights and obligations, a sense of duty and honor.

Marriage, parenthood, guardianship, work, and other spheres of life involve the assumption of certain obligations.

Limits of personal responsibility

When a person learns to make commitments, he must be clearly aware of the boundaries and norms of what is permissible.

Lack of responsibility, inability and unwillingness to take and fulfill obligations - irresponsibility. Too much responsibility is overprotection.

Irresponsible people do not make commitments, wanting to simplify life, but suffer from their helplessness, infantilism, frivolity, frivolity, cowardice.

Hyper-responsible people suffer from anxiety, fears, irritability, suspiciousness, excessive control.

Overprotection is no less dangerous than irresponsibility. Both a lack and an overabundance of responsibility negatively affect personal life, because of them interpersonal and.

Responsibility in its normal manifestation:

regulates, organizes life,
gives self-confidence
evokes respect and self-respect,
exercise internal and external control,
fills life with meaning
gives a feeling.

Ways of Taking Responsibility

Those wishing to learn to take responsibility are advised to act in two directions:

Accept the responsibility provided.
Show initiative and make commitments on your own.

The first path is passive, the second involves activity, but both of them develop skill and ability.

In the case of accepting the responsibility provided, a person needs to force himself to complete the task by an effort of will, overcome unwillingness, laziness, timidity and fears. Don't think of it as a hopeless situation.

A responsible situation affecting a person arises by itself or at the initiative of another person and must be perceived as a necessity.

For example, systematically performing household duties on time and in desired form, a person will learn to be responsible for the actions taken. Just as parents teach young children to fold scattered toys, so an adult learns to do it on his own. homework, motivating themselves by the need to maintain cleanliness and order.

By independently creating conditions in which a person takes responsibility, he accelerates. In this case, he gives himself a task, performs and is responsible for the result. He artificially creates, models a situation of responsibility and learns to act in it, controls his emotions and desires, motivates himself.

Situations that develop a sense of responsibility

extreme situations. These are situations where the life of a person and other people depends on the ability to take responsibility. These are difficult, dangerous situations that require willpower and endurance. If a person experiences himself in a similar situation, you need to act carefully and reasonably.

Example. A relatively safe way to develop responsibility in an extreme situation is sports.

Situations where it is impossible not to take responsibility. A person has no choice, he cannot refuse for reasons of morality and ethics, a sense of duty, having a desire to help.

Example. A person is trusted to look after someone else's child for a while, while the parents are busy with urgent matters, and there is no one to leave the child to.

Situations granting new rights. Since there are no rights without duties, their acquisition will entail responsibility.

Example. By purchasing a pet and enjoying the right to play with it and have fun, a person takes responsibility for its well-being. Children are given animals in the hope of being taught to take responsibility for another living creature.

positive situations. A person easily takes and bears responsibility for what he loves, what is dear and important to him.

Example. When a person loves another, he feels a desire to help him, take care, support - these are manifestations of a sense of responsibility.

A committed person loves life, therefore he is responsible for himself, manages himself, is free to be that and live as he wants.

March 1, 2014, 16:30

The ability to take responsibility for your life has nothing to do with biological age. This state does not come with the onset of adulthood on a click. If a person is allowed to drink alcohol and get married, this does not mean that he can be fully aware of his actions and does not need extraneous control. On the other hand, some 13-year-olds stand out among their peers for their prudence and responsible behaviour. Here are the harsh realities of life that indicate that a person is in complete control of his actions.

The world doesn't revolve around you

Many of us like to feel the importance of our person. However, each individual is just a tiny fish in the collective plankton. This does not mean that we cannot influence the minds of other people. But this also does not give us the right to believe that the world revolves around us.

harsh reality adulthood such that at a difficult moment there will be neither educators, nor parents, nor teachers. None of them will come and reassure with words of consolation. To cope with difficulties, you will have to look for internal resources.

The reaction to what is happening is important

An unexpected event can happen at any moment. Sometimes it's depressing, sometimes annoying. Situations can be the most frightening and unfavorable, but only your reaction dictates how much these events will affect your life. Consider this moment: someone insulted you. You can take the insult to heart, or you can ignore it. The second option will not leave behind any negative trail, the incident will be forgotten immediately, and you will be able to do your usual business without compromising productivity. If the first option is closer to you, an insult from the other person will be taken as a blow below the belt. All your further actions will be dictated by wild resentment, and the rest of the day will go down the drain.

Fame is not the main criterion for happiness

We live in those times when instant fame and recognition in wide circles seem easily achievable. A wild desire to become famous is inherent in youthful maximalism. Over time, you will realize that there are other, more significant values ​​in life.

Distractions become a hindrance

Each of us has things that we often do during the day. And they all interfere with the workflow. Checking emails, chatting with co-workers, talking silly on the phone, watching videos on the web. We know how to put an end to it, yet we return to it repeatedly throughout the day. The more you acknowledge the harm of distractions, the sooner you can take concrete action. Turn off the Internet and set incoming calls to forwarding. The moment you learn to take responsibility for your actions, you put an end to distractions.

Haters will always hate

When the first success comes to a person, haters immediately appear in him. This is a normal life process. And you need to come to terms with this. Understand that no one can please everyone around. There will definitely be those who do not like something or those who will speak out against it. There will be many such cases throughout your life. A mature person accepts haters and allows them to experience these feelings. It is impossible to prove something to these people, so you should not waste your time and energy on them.

Blaming others doesn't work.

Remember how as kids we all loved to blame a broken vase on a brother, sister or Teddy bear? However, this principle does not work in adult life. Now excuses "It's not me!" or "Katya did it" don't work. You will have to realize that it is time to take responsibility for your actions. Sometimes we really feel like victims of circumstances or evil eye but victim psychology never plays on our side. She plays on the side of the opponent. And it doesn't matter who it is: random circumstances or negligent colleagues in the service. The moment you stop blaming others for all your troubles, you can change everything. In fact, in all the events that happen to us, only we are to blame.

Man is where he should be

The next reality follows smoothly from the previous one. Sometimes you feel like life has treated you unfairly. Your work is not prestigious or profitable enough. Nevertheless, you think that you deserve more, but some circumstances always oppose you. In fact, your whole life, all the events in it and all the achievements are nothing but a chain from a series of your past decisions. Once you turned the wrong way or were captured by your own illusions. And now you have what you deserve.

We have great news for all those who are not happy with the current state of affairs. Right now, you can start counting new events in the chain. But for this you need to start making informed and rational decisions. It's never too late to change something. And if once you have chosen for yourself an unloved business as the main professional activity Well, it's time to end this. Just make sure you're firm enough in your desire, then put your doubts and fears aside. Do not think about the problems that you will meet along the way. Use common sense, not emotions. No matter how hard it is to get what you want, just keep moving forward and ignore the setbacks.
