The story of E. Seton-Thompson "Lobo

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Literature. Lesson extracurricular reading. “We are children of the same mother - Nature!”

(based on the stories of E. Seton-Thompson about nature)

Objectives: to introduce students to the atmosphere artistic world works

E. Seton-Thompson; draw attention to the problem of animal protection raised in the works of the naturalist writer; improve the skills of analysis of pivotal episodes artwork; contribute to the formation of a worldview, understanding of the relationship between man and nature.

Equipment: a portrait of E. Seton-Thompson, an exhibition of his books, illustrative material on the topic of the lesson.

Form of the lesson: lesson of extracurricular reading.

During the classes

I. Organizational stage

II. Updating of basic knowledge.

Remember the Russian writers who devoted their work to depicting nature.

Have you heard the name of the writer E. Seton-Thompson?

Ernest Seton-Thompson is known throughout the world as a naturalist writer and artist. His books are imbued with love for nature, they helped many people to keep clean and careful attitude to animals and plants.

Ernest became an artist, fame came to him. He painted birds and wild animals, being convinced of his vocation - to draw. However, books brought him real fame. For the first time, stories about animals were written so truthfully and vividly, with an extremely accurate and deep knowledge of the behavior and lifestyle of the characters. Seton-Thompson's books have been published and reprinted hundreds of times. The most famous of them are "Domino", "Stories about animals", "Animals-heroes", "My life".

III. Motivation learning activities. Reporting the topic and objectives of the lesson

Have you ever thought about the fact that we humans are part of nature, and therefore, like the whole animal world do we obey her? And if any of the laws of nature is violated, then everyone suffers from this: people, animals, and plants.

This became especially obvious at the end of the 20th century, when a real threat to the existence of mother nature and us, the people in it, loomed. Man and nature... In these two words, everything is interconnected, it is a whole world. We must always remember: "We are children of the same mother - Nature!". It has its own soul, language. It just needs to be understood.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The story "Lobo": affirmation in the story of love for all living things.

Presentations of students on the questions proposed by them the day before.

How is the wolf depicted in the story "Lobo"?

Why would cattle breeders be glad to exterminate a flock?

Why did the hunters fail to get hold of Lobo's scalp for a long time?

Why did Lobo still end up in the hands of the hunters and so meekly accepted his death? How does she see you?

On whose side do you have reader sympathy - on the side of the wolf Lobo or the hunter?

Does the description of the habits and behavior of the wolf in the Seton-Thompson story correspond to the prevailing ideas about him in animal science?

Snap's story

Student message.

The Bull Terrier is a breed of dog used to bully bulls for fun. In 1835

The English Parliament banned this entertainment. The Bull Terrier is the gladiator among dogs. He should be strongly built, muscular, harmoniously built and agile. With all his appearance, he expresses alertness, sharpness of mind and determination. He is full of fire and absolutely fearless, but balanced and well amenable to education. Despite the rather ferocious appearance, the bull terrier is actually very affectionate, he can be trusted with children. But if the bull terrier is touched by any other dog, he will fearlessly rush into battle and fight to the end - he will never give up!


- How did Snap behave when he first met his new owner?

- What method of raising Snap did the narrator choose?

- In the telegram, Snap was called a wonderful puppy for a reason. When and under what circumstances did Snap justify the laudatory telegram?

- "The hounds have beautiful noses, the greyhounds have fast legs, the wolfhounds and strong dogs are strong, but they are all worthless, because only the bull terrier has selfless courage." When did the narrator come to this conclusion?

- What made old Penroof mutter in a trembling voice, “I wish I had lost twenty bulls”?

- Think about what words from the story could be put as an epigraph

to this work.

Creative task. Compose a syncwine to the words of Lobo or Snap.

V. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

1. Reception "Microphone". Imagine that we have an honored guest at our lesson - Ernest Seton-Thompson himself.

What question would you ask him?

2. Final word teachers

In the name of what did the writer create his works? Of course, in the name of protecting animals from human cruelty, barbaric extermination, and the devastating consequences of human intervention in their populations. The characters of the Seton-Thompson stories unanimously appeal to the human mind. Seton-Thompson books were predicted long life: "While one generation grows up, another will already be ready to listen to you." These words came true...

VI. Homework

Draw an illustration for the stories of E. Seton-Thompson.

in 6th grade.

Theme: Tales of the Black Wolf.

Routing lesson

Stages of the lesson.


Techniques of activity

I . Introductory-motivational stage.

1. Actualization of knowledge.

Letter from the Black Wolf: People and animals

What could this mean?

2. Statement of the problem


What Lobo do you have?

The wolf's feet are being fed

wolfish appetite

Rushed like a pack of wolves

lone wolf

howl like a wolf

Man is a wolf

Gray wolf

4. The plot of the story "Lobo"

5. Questions for discussion:

Is he justified?

6. Working with text:

7. Wolf in fairy tales and science.

A. Brem's statements

8. Problematic issues:

Who took over his heart?

10. Is a person always right?

11. Description of Lobo's death.

Commenting on the drawing, discussion of "winged" expressions, comparison of everyday and scientific information,

group work

Explanation of figure, text

III. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Emotional assessment of the lesson.

Organization of cooperation.


Technological map of the integrated lesson on the work of E. Seton-Thompson..

In the 6th grade.

Theme: Tales of the Black Wolf.

Goal: Formation of a humane, environmentally literate personality capable of conscious actions through the development of intellectual competence.

Stages of the lesson.


Intellectual competencies

I . Introductory-motivational stage.

Knowledge update.

Representation of the writer E. Seton-Thompson.

Writer's biography (student's report)

Naturalist ( introduction biology teacher)

Artist - animal painter (insert word of the teacher of fine arts)

Writer (introductory speech by a literature teacher)

Working with verbal and visual information, information analysis.

Search for information, highlighting the main thing.

Justification of the purpose of the lesson "We need to see the range creative personality man, to understand the originality of his talent "


II. Operational-cognitive stage

Animals in the work of Seton-Thompson.

Working with verbal and visual information

Questions for reflection.

Ability to set goals and plan

Problem questions.

Analysis, selection of the main

Analysis of "winged" expressions

Comparison of everyday and scientific information

Commenting on your own drawings

Collapsing and unfolding information, arguing your judgments.

Work with text

Analysis of information, highlighting the main

Modeling, a reference scheme that graphically reflects ideas about the hero.

Collapsing and unfolding information, evaluating the product of one's activity according to criteria independently determined in accordance with the goal of the activity.

Expressive reading

Translation of verbal information into emotional, the ability to use different types memory

Problematic issues

Obtaining information, the ability to separate basic information from secondary information, the ability to enter into verbal communication, participate in a dialogue, the ability to support one's own judgments with examples.

Filling out the discussion card

Analysis, highlighting the main thing, the ability to separate the main information from the secondary.

Advance task. Animal story.

Information search, information processing, the ability to separate basic information from secondary information, the ability to enter into verbal communication

III. Reflective-evaluative stage.

Reflection. Let's follow the trail of the wolf.

Emotional assessment of the lesson.

Reflection, the ability to highlight the main thing, evaluating the product of one’s activity

Homework: essay, story about the relationship between humans and animals.

The essay should be accompanied by drawings reflecting the main idea.

Processing of information, the ability to separate the main information from the secondary, the translation of verbal information into graphic.

Stages of the lesson.


Techniques of activity

Intellectual competencies



I . Introductory-motivational stage.

1. Actualization of knowledge.

Letter from the Black Wolf: People and animals

we are children of one mother - nature"

What could this mean?

Could a wolf have written this? Why?

Representation of the writer E. Seton-Thompson.

Writer's biography (student's report)

Naturalist (introductory speech by biology teacher)

Artist - animal painter (opening speech by the teacher of fine arts)

Writer (introductory speech by a literature teacher)

2. Statement of the problem "We must see the range of a person's creative personality, understand the originality of his talent"

Conversation, discussion, ahead of homework

problem statement, problem solving

Express their opinion, work with illustrative material,

a message on the topic "biography of the writer"

statement of the purpose of the lesson.

Work with graphic information, information analysis, information search, highlighting the main, generalization

II. Operational-cognitive stage

1. Animals in the work of Seton-Thompson.

The story of the wolf Lobo is one of the best works.

Questions to be answered at the end of the lesson:

    What episode from the life of the young Seton-Thompson made the greatest impression on you and why?

    In the name of what did the Canadian writer create his works?

    What does the term "animal artist" mean? How did Seton-Thompson use the talent of an animal painter in his writing?

    On which side do reader sympathies - on the side of the wolf Lobo or the hunter?

    Does the description of the behavior and habits of the wolf in the story and scientific ideas about an animal?

    Do you know the works of other naturalist writers?

    Have you ever had to protect our smaller brothers, help them?

2. The story "Lobo" enjoyed the writer's special love. It is no coincidence that he depicted the hero of this story in the painting "Lobo - the king of wolves"

What Lobo do you have?

Tell us why you portrayed him this way?

3. Since the story is about a wolf, remember that we know about him as an animal. In our speech, do we often use stable or "winged" expressions?

The wolf's feet are being fed

wolfish appetite

Rushed like a pack of wolves

lone wolf

Wolf heart (wolf character)

howl like a wolf

Man is a wolf

Gray wolf

4. The plot of the story "Lobo"

5. Questions for discussion:

How does the end of the story make you feel?

What is the intention of the writer?

Is he justified?

6. Working with text:

Find in the text a description of the leader of the pack, characterizing him as a highly gifted individual.

Model a "portrait" of Lobo, draw up a basic diagram, graphically reflecting your judgments, explain your idea of ​​a hero.

Read aloud an excerpt from the story "Lobo and Traps"

Why, then, in fairy tales, the wolf is shown as stupid?

7. Wolf in fairy tales and science.

A. Brem's statements

8. Problematic issues:

What happened? What killed Lobo?

Who took over his heart?

Prove your opinions, confirm them with passages from the text.

9. Reflection of behavioral features in the drawings.

10. Is a person always right?

Filling out the discussion card

11. Description of Lobo's death.

12. Animals and the problem of nature conservation in the works of Seton-Thompson.

13. Examples abuse with animals.

14. The writer's works are a call to humanity.

Conversation, discussion ahead homework,

access to problematic, discussion, comparison of household and scientific information, work with textual information

Organization of cooperation, consulting

Comparison of household and scientific information, work with textual information

Explanation of figure, text

Organization of cooperation, consulting

Comparison of household and scientific information, work with textual information

Problem Statement

Express their opinion, work with illustrative


commenting on the drawing, discussion of "winged" expressions, comparison of household and scientific information,

group work

Group work, extracting information, discussion, participation in dialogue, expressive reading, modeling

Discussion, participation in dialogue, expressive reading.

Group work, extracting information, discussion, participation in a dialogue, expressive reading, filling in a discussion map.

Narrative, discussion, expressive reading

Collapsing and expanding information, arguing one’s judgments, evaluating the product of one’s activity according to criteria independently determined in accordance with the goal of the activity, analysis, highlighting the main

Obtaining information, folding and unfolding information, analysis, highlighting the main thing, the ability to separate basic information from secondary information, the ability to enter into verbal communication, participate in a dialogue, the ability to support one’s own judgments with examples,

folding and unfolding information.

Analysis and synthesis, folding and unfolding information, arguing one's judgments, generalizing, highlighting the main thing, extracting and processing information.

Ability to extract and process information, draw conclusions

III. Reflective-evaluative stage.

1. Reflection. Let's follow the trail of the wolf.

Emotional assessment of the lesson.

2. Homework: an essay, a story about the relationship between humans and animals.

Does man have the moral right to dispose of the animal world?

Are animals really our “little brothers”, and if so, what is our responsibility?

The essay should be accompanied by drawings reflecting the main idea.

Cooperation organization

Reflection, the ability to highlight the main thing, evaluating the product of one’s activity

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"Tales of the Black Wolf (text)"

Integrated lesson on the work of E. Seton-Thompson

in 6th grade.

Mashinskaya Elena Anatolyevna - teacher of the Russian language, Vyguzova Alexandra Vladimirovna - teacher of biology, Erisova Natalia Nikolaevna - drawing teacher

GU "Average comprehensive school No. 4 named after Kamal Makpaleev of the city of Pavlodar.

Theme: Tales of the Black Wolf.

Goal: Formation of a humane, environmentally literate personality capable of conscious actions through the development of intellectual competence.

    To create conditions for understanding and comprehending the breadth of the range of the writer's creative personality, the originality of his talent, the goals and objectives of his work.

    Develop intellectual competencies: analysis and synthesis, folding and unfolding information, arguing one's judgments, generalizing, highlighting the main thing, extracting and processing information.

    Promote education humane treatment to animals, to understanding personal responsibility for the present and the future.

Type of lesson: lesson - analysis of the work.

Methods: verbal, problem-search, practical.

Equipment: the text of the story "Lobo" illustrations, children's drawings, an exhibition of books about animals, a PPT presentation, cards with questions to reinforce.

    Introductory-motivational stage.


1. Actualization of knowledge.

Letter from the Black Wolf: People and animals

we are children of one mother - nature"

What could this mean?

Could a wolf have written this? Why?

Representation of the writer E. Seton-Thompson.

Writer's biography (student's report)

Naturalist (introductory speech by biology teacher)

Artist - animal painter (opening speech by the teacher of fine arts)

Writer (introductory speech by a literature teacher)

2. Statement of the problem "We must see the range of a person's creative personality, understand the originality of his talent"

Activity methods:

Conversation, discussion of anticipatory homework

problem statement, problem solving

Intellectual competencies:

Work with graphic information, information analysis, information search, highlighting the main, generalization

    Operational-cognitive stage.


1. Animals in the work of Seton-Thompson.

The story of the wolf Lobo is one of the best works.

Questions to be answered at the end of the lesson:

What episode from the life of young Seton-Thompson made the greatest impression on you and why?

In the name of what did the Canadian writer create his works?

What does the term "animal artist" mean? How did Seton-Thompson use the talent of an animal painter in his writing?

On which side do reader sympathies - on the side of the wolf Lobo or the hunter?

Does the description of the behavior and habits of the wolf correspond to the story and scientific ideas about the animal?

Do you know the works of other naturalist writers?

Did you have to protect our smaller brothers, help them?

2. The story "Lobo" enjoyed the writer's special love. It is no coincidence that he depicted the hero of this story in the painting "Lobo - the king of wolves"

What Lobo do you have?

Tell us why you portrayed him this way?

3. Since the story is about a wolf, remember that we know about him as an animal. In our speech, do we often use stable or "winged" expressions?

The wolf's feet are being fed

wolfish appetite

Rushed like a pack of wolves

lone wolf

Wolf heart (wolf character)

howl like a wolf

Man is a wolf

Gray wolf

4. The plot of the story "Lobo"

5. Questions for discussion:

How does the end of the story make you feel?

What is the intention of the writer?

Is he justified?

6. Working with text:

Find in the text a description of the leader of the pack, characterizing him as a highly gifted individual.

Model a "portrait" of Lobo, draw up a basic diagram, graphically reflecting your judgments, explain your idea of ​​a hero.

Read aloud an excerpt from the story "Lobo and Traps"

Why, then, in fairy tales, the wolf is shown as stupid?

7. Wolf in fairy tales and science.

A. Brem's statements

8. Problematic issues:

What happened? What killed Lobo?

Who took over his heart?

Prove your opinions, confirm them with passages from the text.

9. Reflection of behavioral features in the drawings.

10. Is a person always right?

Filling out the discussion card

11. Description of Lobo's death.

12. Animals and the problem of nature conservation in the works of Seton-Thompson.

13. Examples of cruelty to animals.

14. The writer's works are a call to humanity.

Conference on Seton-Thompson's story "Lobo"

Conference goals:

1. Arouse interest in the writer's work, in his works about nature.

2. Introduction to literary genre- zoo story.

3. Development of the ability to observe the life of animals, the ability to select the necessary knowledge from a large amount of information.

4. Raising interest in animal life.

5. Expansion of the reader's horizons of students, the development of cognitive interest.

Conference objectives :

1. Develop the ability to work with text.

2. Contribute to the comprehension of a literary text.

3. Learn to retell the text in Russian and English.

Preparatory stage: students read Seton-Thompson's story "Lobo"; prepare reports about the life of a wolf in the wild; draw illustrations for the story; prepare retellings of episodes in Russian and English; prepare reports on the life and work of the writer-naturalist.

Equipment:computer presentation, exhibition of his books, students' drawings.

Methodical methods: teacher's story, expressive reading, conversation on questions, selective reading, testing, artistic retelling, work with illustrations.

Topic update

Guys, imagine that you received a letter in which you read the following words: “People and animals, we are children of the same mother – nature”, and instead of a signature, a wolf’s footprint is drawn. What could this mean? Could Black Wolf have written this? No? Because the wolf can't write? Indeed, an ordinary wolf does not know how, but the Black Wolf did. He wrote many stories about animals that are read all over the world. After all, the Black Wolf is a man. This name was given by the Canadian Indians to their friend - the writer, artist and naturalist Ernest Seton-Thompson.

I.Introduction by the teacher.

The conference is dedicated to the work of the Canadian writer Seton-Thompson.

What does the word "conference" mean? (A meeting, a meeting of groups of people to discuss certain issues, topics.) Before the conference, a lot of preparatory work took place: they read a book, answered questions, drew picturesque portraits of the heroes of the story, wrote miniature essays, watched a film. But we will argue only on the book, we will not refer to the film. So, let's start our conference. The questions of the conference were received by the children in advance, they are printed out on separate sheets.

Today the conference is dedicated to the story "Lobo".

Appeal to the epigraph

The well-known journalist, naturalist and writer V.M. Peskov recalls what a huge impression the Seton-Thompson book “Animal Heroes” made on him, a 9-year-old boy. In his notes, he writes: “Only now, having already the middle, do you understand how important it is to throw the right seed into the ground in time. Over 30 next years I, perhaps, have not read a book more necessary than this one ... ".

- What do we know about amazing person who wrote the story "Lobo"?

I. Stories of students about the life and work of the writer in Russian and English .

1. Seton-Thompson was born in 1860 in England, but his childhood and youth were spent in Canada, where the whole family moved shortly after birth.

The first years of the parents of Seton-Thompson and his nine brothers lived on a farm near the town of Lindsay. Ernest will always remember this time as the happiest of all his childhood years. The boy found himself in the wild for the first time, and spent all his free time in the fields and forests, although, of course, he did not remain an ignoramus. Over the years, the boy learned to write and read and even began to go to school.

2. C early years Ernest dreamed of becoming a naturalist. Stealthily from his father, who considered his son's choice naive and stupid, the boy observed the habits of animals and birds, bought books about his shaggy and feathered favorites with his own money, wrote out the most interesting things in a notebook, kept his own diary of observations. One day, Ernest saw in a bookstore a beautifully printed reference book, The Birds of Canada. The book cost a whole dollar! Father would never give money to purchase such, as he says, "nonsense." I had to earn them myself. Whole month the boy chopped and stacked firewood in the yard of a rich farmer. And when he found out that the money he had earned was still not enough to the coveted amount, he began to catch insects for the collection of an Englishwoman who had arrived in Canada. And here is the desired book in his hands. Surprised and anxious birds looked at Ernest from the pages. “I was in seventh heaven with happiness,” Seton-Thompson recalled this day many years later in his autobiography.

3. In 1870, the life of the Thompson family changed dramatically. They moved to Canada and settled in Toronto. There, the father began to work in the city government, identifying the children in school. Moving to the city did not change Ernest's attitude to nature.

4. He tried to spend every free minute outside the city or in the park. In one of the secluded corners of the park, the boy built himself a hut in which he spent all his free hours. This little hut became the boy's second home. He made friends with animals, fed stray dogs and cats, observed their life and habits.

He graduated from school with honors.

5. The young man began to take lessons from the artist, because by that time he had firmly decided to enter art school. In Toronto, after the first year, Ernest received gold medal, which allowed him to go to London to improve his skills. There Thompson entered the Royal School of Painting and Sculpture at the Royal Academy of Arts. He studied well and soon became one of the the best students academy. In the same years, Ernest had another remarkable event. His drawings were seen by the director of the British Museum, and they shocked him so much that he gave the young man a lifetime certificate to visit all the repositories and the library of the museum so that he could draw animals.

- Did you know that Seton-Thompson himself drew illustrations for his works.

Until 1896 he studied art in London, Paris, New York.

6. At this time, Thompson and awakened interest in ornithology (the science of birds). He began to read a lot about birds, studied all their species, redrawing pictures, drawing them from memory and from life. He moves to a farm that belonged to his brother. It was there that Ernest met with the heroes of his works. On the farm, he wrote his first book, An Illustrated Description of the Birds of Manitoba. The publication of this book was a real event not only in the life of Thompson, but for the entire scientific world.
While illustrating, Thompson also found time to paint large paintings. With the money he received, he went to Europe and exhibited his painting “Sleeping Wolf” in Paris at a large art salon, which was enthusiastically received by critics. Thompson expected fame and glory here, especially since before him few artists took up the image of wildlife and wild animals.

But the artist did not stay in Europe and soon returned to the United States.
8. In 1893, he exhibited several paintings on international exhibition in Chicago. Seeing them, US President Theodore Roosevelt wished to meet with the artist and ordered him a portrait of a leader wolf.

Ernest became an artist, fame came to him. He painted birds and wild animals, being convinced of his vocation - to paint.

However, books brought him real fame. For the first time, stories about animals were written so truthfully and vividly, with an extremely accurate and deep knowledge of their behavior and lifestyle. In the same year, Thompson was approached by the largest American publisher, Scribner. He invited the artist to publish a book of his stories with his own drawings. The success of Thompson's first book, My Wild Friends, exceeded all expectations. It was not only reprinted several times, but almost immediately translated into foreign languages.
Now fame and prosperity have come to Thompson.

9. Stories about the Indians with whom I had to communicate during the trip, imbued with a peculiar humor and anxiety for the future of Native Americans, are full of respect for the Indians living in the difficult conditions of the Canadian North.

These stories are not fictional stories, not fairy tales. They laid "the beginning of a new, realistic trend in animal literature." “Until now, only fables, tales about animals and such stories were known, where animals talk and behave like people dressed in animal skins.” We see such animals in Walt Disney films. And with Seton-Thompson, animals always remain animals, albeit with their own characters, habits, habits, but animals ...

Seton_ Thompson - writer - naturalist.

Teacher question:

And which of the Russian writers became his successor?

(V.V. Bianki, G.A. Skrebitsky, N.N. Sladkov, E.I. Charushin.)


1. The name of the country where Seton-Thompson spent most of his childhood. (Canada)

2. The name of one of the cities where Seton-Thompson studied drawing. (London)

3. Indigenous population of America. (Indians)

4. Wild horse in North America. (Mustang)

6. The main character of the story "Lobo" (Wolf)

7. The object of study by an ornithologist. (Birds)

8. A bird that brings happiness. (Stork)

9. steppe wolf. (Coyote)

Who is this, my attentive, animal painter?

Do you know which of the Russian writers-naturalists is at the same time an animal painter like Seton-Thompson? (E.I. Charushin)

Literature teacher's word:

Many people of that time, even scientists, believed that the animal world exists on its own and is in no way connected with the human world. The very idea that man and animals are one in origin seemed offensive to people. And the heroes literary works animals became only in fairy tales and fables. Seton-Thompson was the first writer to make real birds and beasts the heroes of his works. Seton-Thompson knew them well, understood them and loved them very much. Very often people think of animals as creatures that cannot feel, experience, are not able to show care or selflessness. Books by Seton-Thompson help to overcome such views, teach to understand animals, explain their behavior. Seton-Thompson throughout his life never ceased to remind people that only communication with wildlife, respect for it can become a source of joy. He traveled a lot, visited the forests, in places not yet inhabited by man. Seton - Thompson was friends with the Indians, adopted the girl Dee, and named the lake he discovered after his friend, the Indian Chasky. And the Indians loved their Orthodox friend, so they awarded him with all their highest distinctions and titles, remaining faithful to him until last days life. Ernest Seton-Tempson died on October 23, 1946, and his ashes, according to his will, were scattered over the hills of his beloved wildlife. Nature appears in his stories as an unusual character, and yet the main thing in his work was the description of the life and struggle of animals.

Teacher question:

- Since the story is about a wolf, let's remember what this animal is from the point of view of zoology.

  • what kind of life do wolves lead?
  • How is a wolf pack organized?
  • how do wolves hunt?

2. Brief retelling plot of the story "Lobo"

( The plot of the story "Lobo" is straightforward. In the pastoral region called Kurumpo, in the land of "rich pastures" and "huge herds", a pack of wolves appeared, the leader of which was old Lobo. The flock was small. However, she terrified herd owners with her insolence and devastating raids.

The daring and swift raids of this pack took the cattle breeders by surprise and ended, as a rule, with an easy victory for the wolves and the despair of the cowboys, who were unable to save their cows and sheep. The hunters who expressed a desire to help the inhabitants of Currumpo, no matter how hard they tried, could not destroy the predators. Their hunting cunning, worldly experience turned out to be an empty sound: every time Lobo bypassed the set traps, neglected the skillfully scattered poisoned baits. The wolf mind seemed to be in no way inferior to the human. Fear of a cunning and dodgy predator gave rise to superstition. The locals called old Lobo a werewolf. And yet, the denouement confirmed the supremacy of people over the natural world. The invincible Lobo was defeated. The cattlemen of Currumpo breathed a sigh of relief. The hunter who hit the hardened one received the promised bonus. That's all. What's easier. But the simplicity of the plot only enhances the psychologism of the story, its dramatic intensity.

- How does the confrontation between the wolf and the man end in the story?

How does this confrontation evoke in the reader?

(The confrontation between a man and a wolf, ending in the death of a predator, causes the reader not, it would seem, the only normal feeling for a person to admire the courage and intelligence of the hunter, but a completely unexpected feeling of pity for the wolf.)

3. Questions for the conference

1. Do you consider Lobo to be a highly gifted being?

(Lobo is a highly gifted being. He is a clear testament to how generous and rich nature is, how perfect her creations can be, and how naive we are, believing that our superiority over all other creatures living on Earth is absolute. Lobo went along the path and was already between two parallel rows of traps when he noticed the only trap hidden on the path itself. He stopped in time. How and why he guessed what was happening, I do not know. In any case, Lobo did not turn either to the right or to the left, but he backed away slowly and carefully, trying to put each paw on his previous track, until he got out of the dangerous place.Then, going around the traps on the other side, he began to scrape stones and clods of earth with his hind legs until he slammed all the traps. and in many other cases, and no matter how I varied my methods, he always escaped unscathed.)

2. Let's find in the text a description of the leader of the pack and phrases that characterize him as a highly gifted individual, towering over the rest of the wolves.

(“Old Lobo was the giant leader of the pack of gray wolves that ravaged the Currumpo Valley for for long years'.' Lobo did not want to lead a large flock, or perhaps its ferocious temper prevented its increase.

"One of them, Lobo's assistant, was a real giant, but even he was inferior to Lobo in strength and agility."

"His subtle instinct gave him the opportunity to immediately detect the touch of human hands and the presence of poison and protect the flock."

"Old Lobo was good at picking the terrain."

"I quickly attacked the tracks of the pack that is in Lobo - his track could always be easily distinguished, since he was much larger than an ordinary wolf."

“I rode further along his trail and saw that the third bait had also disappeared, and the trail led further to the fourth. And then I was convinced that Lobo did not swallow any of them, but only dragged them in his mouth and then, putting them in a heap, polluted them with sewage to express his complete contempt for his cunning.

“Old Lobo, the “werewolf”, knew no worse than the shepherds that the moral strength of the herd is precisely the goats ...”

3. Let's now make a "portrait" of the hero of the Seton-Thompson story.

(Lobo is a strong, intelligent, prudent and cunning predator. He unerringly finds a way out of the most difficult and dangerous situations. He is an unusual wolf. His abilities amaze the human imagination. That is why they call him a werewolf. Lobo is a leader, leader. He arbitrarily controls pack, his ferocious temper instills fear in his subjects.)

4. I would like to know if the writer exaggerated the abilities of his hero? Are wolves really that smart animals? We are accustomed to admire the biological capabilities of monkeys, dolphins, but in order for wolves ... It is generally accepted that fairy tales reflect human observations of natural phenomena, the behavior of animals. Why, then, in them, as a rule, the wolf is shown as stupid, while another inhabitant of the forest, the fox, appears before us as a cunning, resourceful, enterprising creature? (A fairy tale is a fruit of fantasy. And fantasy often passes off the wishful thinking. For centuries, people have been afraid of wolves and marveled at their exceptional abilities. This, by the way, is reflected in the myths of various peoples. Let us recall at least Icelandic sagas or the Roman legend about the she-wolf that raised Romulus and Remus, the founders of Rome... As for the observations of natural scientists, they almost completely coincide with the description of the behavior and habits of the wolf in the Seton-Thompson story. Let us turn to Animal Lives, an excellent book by the German naturalist Alfred Brehm: “In fairy tales and fables, the wolf is depicted as a stupid creature that constantly allows itself to be outwitted and deceived by the fox, but this image does not correspond to reality at all, since in cunning, cunning, the ability to pretend and caution, the wolf is in no way inferior to the fox and rather surpasses it in many ways. In most cases, he knows how to perfectly adapt to circumstances, thinks about his actions and knows how to find a way out of a difficult situation.

5. Lobo has only one weakness. Whom did he allow to violate the “wolf” law that has existed for thousands of years - you can’t overtake the leader of the pack, you can’t neglect the “authority” of the mother?

(She was a beautiful white she-wolf, whom the "Mexicans called Blanca", his girlfriend, his "wolf" affection.)

6. What killed Lobo? (He was destroyed by a feeling that, as it was believed for a long time, can only be inherent in a person - something between love and affection, between caring for the object of love and devotion.)

7. How did you manage to catch him? ( Lobo's indiscretion, based on his rare animal sense, was the only way to punish him for his daring raids on cowboy herds, and the hunters took advantage of it. Traps were set, and Blanca was caught in one of them. The hunters slew her, rejoicing that they had delivered the first killing blow to Lobo.)

8. How did Lobo experience Blanca's death? ( Lobo's affection for the she-wolf Blanca exceeded the hunter's expectations. He experienced her death with anguish and despair, characteristic, perhaps, only of a rational being.

All that day we heard his plaintive howl, and I said to one of the cowboys:

Now I have no doubt that Blanca really was his girlfriend.

By evening, Lobo obviously headed towards our gorge, as the voice sounded closer and closer. There was grief in that voice. He howled not furiously, as before, but drawn out and plaintively. He seemed to be calling his girlfriend: “Blanca, Blanca!” Eventually he must have got on our trail, and when he reached the place where she was killed, he let out a heart-rending, plaintive howl. I never thought before that it would be so hard for me to listen to him. Even the stern cowboys were surprised at this woeful howl.)

9. Why do you think Lobo died? After all, the hunters did not kill him.(From longing, as he lost his girlfriend) (But fearing Lobo's revenge, the cunning hunters decided to destroy him at all costs. They set up 133 strong wolf traps, safely hiding them under the tree, and put one of Blanca's cut off paws on top. When you read these lines, you feel uneasy, you begin to condemn the hunters and feel sorry for Lobo. After all, he came to this trap, smelling his beloved. When the hunters came to this place, they saw Lobo. The poor old hero, he did not stop looking for his beloved and recklessly followed her trail and fell into a trap. Four iron vise held his four paws. With great difficulty managed to tie him up and bring back not a farm. The hunters did not kill Lobo; he died himself, having lost strength, freedom and a girlfriend. And those who poisoned who separated him from Blanca, at the end of the story, it seems to me, they said the last tribute to him.The writer writes: “We dragged the corpse under the canopy where Blanca’s remains lay, put it next to her, and the cowboy said: - You were looking for everything her? Well, now you're back together!")

10. In the name of what did the writer write his stories?

Of course, in the name of protecting animals from human cruelty, barbaric extermination, and the devastating consequences of human intervention in their population. The characters of the Seton-Thompson stories unanimously appeal to the human mind. Even the most callous soul, after communicating with his books, should be imbued with a feeling of compassion and pity for our smaller brothers. The writer's thought is expressed by the words of the hunter Jan from the story "In the footsteps of a deer", addressed to a proud handsome man with "magnificent branchy horns":

For a long time we were enemies: I was the persecutor, you were the victim. But now everything has changed. We look into each other's eyes, we are children of the same mother - nature. We cannot talk, but we can understand each other without words. Now I understand you like I never did before. And I am sure that you are no longer afraid of me ...

Glushchevskaya Elena Vladimirovna
Educational institution: MOU "Secondary School No. 62, Makeevka"
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2018-11-17 Synopsis of a lesson on literature on the topic. “Nature from which we all learn.” Glushchevskaya Elena Vladimirovna MOU "Secondary School No. 62, Makeevka" The development of a literature lesson in grade 5 was created with the aim of: continuing to introduce students to the personality of a writer, artist, animal connoisseur and his work, to trace how the image of a wolf is interpreted in folk art and literature; reveal the history of the creation of the story "Lobo"; deepen your analysis skills epic work, expressive reading and oral speech, develop the skills of logical thinking and search activity; cultivate love for nature, for animals

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Synopsis of a lesson on literature on the topic. “Nature from which we all learn.”

Lesson 2. Nature, from which we all learn. (The author's observations of the natural world in the story of Ernest Seton-Thompson"Lobo").
continue to introduce students to the personality of the writer, artist, animal connoisseur and his work, to trace how the image of the wolf is interpreted in folk art and literature; reveal the history of the creation of the story "Lobo"; deepen the skills of analyzing an epic work, expressive reading and speaking, developing the skills of logical thinking and search activity;
educate love for nature, for animals.

Equipment: portrait of E. Seton-Thompson, book exhibition, photo of wolves, illustrations for the story "Lobo"; texts of E. Seton-Thompson's story "Lobo".

Lesson type: combined

during the classes

People and animals! We are children of the same mother nature. Black Wolf

Good morning to you!

Good morning!

Who will we let sit first? (Girls)

First beauty, and then strength (boys sit down)

I. Actualization of basic knowledge.
Reception "Snowball".
– What can you say about E. Seton-Thompson.
II. Preparation for the perception of educational material.

Introductory speech of the teacher
As soon as we start talking, various animals and birds surround us in a dense ring. Sometimes amazing, sometimes simple, ordinary: Chicken Ryaba, Kotik and Cockerel, Puss in Boots, The Little Humpbacked Horse... At Lukomorye walks scientist cat, pulls his sled Bolto in the snowy desert, Bagheera creeps up. Our pets, our wonderful friends, our companions. Gradually, the names of the people who told us about them enter our lives.

And today we continue to get acquainted with the work of Seton-Thompson.

III. Messages of the topic, tasks, epigraph.
IV. Assimilation of new material.
1. Conversation.
What stories by this author have you read?
- Did you like the work?
What feelings arose while reading?
- What other works have you read that talk about a wolf?
How was he portrayed in them?
- What do you think is the difference between Seton-Thompson's wolf and what you saw in folk and literary tales?
2. The word of the teacher about the history of the creation of the story "Lobo."
Ernest Seton-Thompson used such a literary form as a biography of an animal. This technique made it possible to depict the beast at various stages of development, to reveal the relationships that exist in the animal world. life path depicted in such a way that emphasizes the nobility of animals, courage. Such a work is the story "Lobo".
The basis of this work is an incident that happened to the writer in 1893. Fitz Randolph, one of his acquaintances, invited the author to one of the farms in New Mexico to hunt in the Curumpo Valley. This valley is one of the best livestock breeding areas. And where there are many animals, there are many wolves.
The leader of one pack was a huge wolf, strong and smart. Ernest decided to catch him. The story of Lobo (in Spanish - wolf), the story of the hunt formed the basis of the plot.
3. Checking the lookahead task.
. Since the story is about a wolf, let's remember that we know about it as an animal. In our speech, do we often use stable or "winged" expressions?
- Feet feed the wolf
- lunatic appetite
- Rushed like a pack of wolves
- Lone wolf
– Wolf heart (wolf character)
- Whip like a wolf
- Man is a wolf
- Gray wolf
Message about the wolf as a representative of the class of mammals. Report on the image of the wolf in literature and folk art. The image of the wolf has been known for a long time, different peoples it is interpreted differently. The wolf is a symbol of evil, greed, cruelty, hypocrisy, lies, bloodthirstiness. Among the ancient Romans and Egyptians, it is a symbol of valor, honor, courage. In many mythologies, he is associated with the god of war or the leader. Sometimes the wolf is the ancestor of the tribe. This is mentioned in the myth of Romulus and Remus, who were found and fed by a she-wolf, who then founded Rome.
In the biblical tradition, the wolf symbolizes cruelty and bloodlust.
In the Gospel of Matthew, the wolf is a symbol of hypocrisy and lies.
In fairy tales, he often appears as a wise and courageous beast. And in Ukrainian fairy tales, he also has the gift of destroying devils. The Slavs still know the story about werewolves
4. Vocabulary work.
Werewolf - a mythical creature, a man, turns into a wolf, or turned into a wolf, that is, a werewolf.
5. The word of the teacher. So what is he really, this wolf? The embodiment of evil and cruelty, a real knight, as Seton-Thompson calls him? . At home, you read the story of E. Seton - Thompson “Lobo” and realized that the writer has a rather peculiar approach to depicting wolves. What is it? This can be concluded by analyzing the story "Lobo".

6. Exercise "Unfinished sentences" Methodological comment: the teacher formulates an open sentence and invites students to complete it.
1. Corumpo is ....
2. Old gray wolf, the leader of the pack is called ....
3. The flock of the old leader consisted of ...

4. Blanca is ....
5. Lobo was only afraid of ….
6. Appointed for his head ....
7. Work illustration. Conversation.
What moment do you think is depicted in the illustration?
- Do the images that arose in your imagination coincide with those depicted?
8. Expressive reading.
- Find and read the episode that tells about the habits of the Lobo pack.
Read the descriptions of wolves.
– Read the episode that depicts Lobo's agility as a hunter.
– Prove that Lobo is very careful and wise.
9. Conversation on self-read.
- What habits did the pack come in handy to help avoid traps?
-How did people try to put an end to the arbitrariness of wolves?
- In what ways did people try to fight the masterful flock?
- What conclusion did people come to when all attempts to catch wolves were in vain?
V. Generalization and results.
1. The word of the teacher.
Often people think of animals as beings that have no feelings, experiences, in a word, as something lower than we humans. However, it is not. And it is the books of Seton-Thompson that help us change our views, teach us to understand animals, explain their behavior. After reading only the first part of the story, we learn so much about wolves, perhaps someone has changed their attitude towards these predators?
2. Working with an epigraph.
The epigraph to our lesson was the words of E. Seton-Thompson Himself, whom the Indians called the Black Wolf and so he signed his letters or simply drew a wolf trail: “People and animals! We are children of the same mother nature. »

3. "Microphone" receiver.
Methodological comment: only the student who holds an imaginary microphone answers.
– Do you agree with this statement?
What evidence did you hear in class that confirms their truth?

did not leave hope to meet Lobo Blanca
Howled plaintively, drawlingly ... grief is clearly audible,
All night he continued to call his girlfriend,
And in the footsteps I found where everything was in her blood ... They killed me!
And a heartbreaking howl rang out... Words can't describe...

Then he came to the farm in the footsteps,
He wanted to take revenge ... He was looking for Blanca's body,
But he was only able to tear the dog to pieces
Like a madman he circled around the farm
And Thompson began setting traps for him.

He decided to catch the leader while he was out of his mind
And he lured Blanca's corpse and the plan worked.
Heartbroken, Lobo suddenly felt his girlfriend's trail
And recklessly rushed to her and so was caught,
I fell into several traps and there is no chance to free myself.

Lobo lay like this for two days, losing blood,
Weakened, but he called the rest with an invocative howl,
But no one came to his aid.
Everyone betrayed whom he had kept alive for so long.
The leader got into trouble and he was doomed.

DID NOT resist and let the hunters tie him up
And he was waiting for the end, he looked longingly towards the gorge
How can the heart survive? Lost freedom, strength and girlfriend,
But dead next to Blanca, together again,
Now inseparable forever...

Based on a story by Ernest Seton-Thompson

VI. Homework.
For all.
Read the second part of the story, complete the task in the notebook.
Individual assignments.
1. Track through the text how the author's attitude towards Lobo is changing (name these points).
2. Create your own illustrations for the story, write a commentary on them.

, . .
