Brief description of the state of public catering. Abstract: Catering company

The basis for the typification of enterprises Catering the assortment of sold products, forms of service, the nature of their trade and production activities are laid down. Depending on this, they are divided into canteens, restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, buffets, culinary shops, specialized workshops, culinary factories, harvesting factories, etc.

Canteen - a public catering enterprise for serving a certain contingent of consumers with a diverse range of products of own production and purchased goods, in which food can be provided in the form of complete rations. Operates, as a rule, at the place of work of consumers, in educational institutions, military units, medical and health institutions, hospital departments, institutions of social support for low-income segments of the population, etc. In the canteens, halls for health-improving, medical and treatment-and-prophylactic purposes can function. Diet canteens are distinguished as specialized canteens.

in canteens the range of dishes and culinary products allows you to create a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Their characteristic feature is mass cooking. These businesses use self-service.

Canteens serve the population of various age groups and professions. In student, school, work canteens, including for workers and employees of the hotel, they sell complex types of food - breakfasts, lunches, dinners, the menu of which is compiled taking into account the recommended physiological norms for food consumption, approved for the relevant professional and age groups of consumers.

Diet canteens are of great importance, in which meals are organized for workers with various chronic diseases, taking into account the peculiarities and scientific and hygienic standards of nutrition.

On city highways, in residential areas, in places of recreation public canteens are organized. The most comfortable of them in the evening can work as evening cafes or restaurants.

In public canteens, visitors are offered a free choice of dishes (Appendix 1). Along with this, to speed up service, they organize the implementation of complex breakfasts, lunches or dinners. In particular, catering for groups of tourists on cheap and school tours can be organized in this way.

In the trading floor of the dining room, a buffet can be installed, the assortment of which consists of fruit and mineral waters, juices, tonic and soft drinks, kvass, beer (in the public dining room); tea tables with hot drinks, confectionery, sandwiches, juices, dairy products; vitamin tables with natural vegetables, fruits, juices, salads. Public canteens belong to the second category, the rest - to the third.

In addition to the above features, canteens of different categories differ in the level of material and technical equipment.

In canteens of the second category, stainless steel cutlery, porcelain tableware not lower than the fourth group of artistic cutting, high-quality dishes made of blown, less often tempered glass are used. In the dining room of the third category, stainless steel or aluminum appliances, porcelain dishes without artistic cutting, high-quality tempered and pressed glassware are used.

In dining rooms of the third category, mainly six-, eight-seat tables are used. In canteens of the second category, tables are selected in the following ratio: the number of seats at double tables should be 5%, four-seater - 80, six-seater - 15.

Restaurant- a public catering enterprise with a diverse range of dishes of complex preparation of its own production, including custom-made and signature dishes and purchased goods (wine, vodka, tobacco and confectionery), an increased level of service and comfort, combined with the organization of recreation and leisure for consumers. "Restaurant" from French. "restaurants" - firming, restoring. According to the service time, restaurants are divided into: quick service and ordinary; service methods - waiter service and self-service. There are specialized restaurants: a fish restaurant, a national cuisine restaurant, etc. (Annex 1).

Visitors in the restaurant are served by waiters. Considering that foreign tourists eat in restaurants, the attendants must know one foreign language within the spoken minimum.

The restaurants constantly organize meetings of various holidays, themed evenings, consultations of the population on the technology of cooking and table setting. In the evening, the orchestra plays dance music. Some restaurants organize variety performances.

Dishes and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs, well-trained waiters are serving visitors.

Commercial premises are equipped with comfort.

Restaurants, with the exception of those that serve passengers of railway, water, air and motor transport, have names, for example, “Figaro”, “Moscow”, “Savoy”, “National”, etc. The name usually reflects the specifics of the design of the commercial premises of the enterprise and features of the range of dishes and drinks.

Restaurants have categories of luxury, higher, first, second. The luxury category includes modern, thematic and national restaurants located in places of historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, administrative and entertainment complexes, resorts.

Restaurants of the highest category are located in public, administrative buildings and entertainment complexes, in resorts, in hotels of the highest category, large airport terminals; the first category - in public, administrative and entertainment complexes, resorts, hotels, railway stations and marinas. Restaurants of the second category are created on the basis of the dining room of the second category as an evening restaurant.

Restaurant-bar- a kind of restaurant, which includes a bar, the trading floor of which is joint with the trading floor of the restaurant or the bar counter is located in the trading floor of the restaurant.

Restaurant on special orders(catering) is a public catering enterprise designed to prepare and deliver food and organize its consumption in other places according to special orders. Such establishments can serve banquets, company receptions, business meetings, weddings, anniversaries and other celebrations in halls, offices, outdoors, under tents, etc.

Bar- a public catering enterprise in which the sale of alcoholic, non-alcoholic, mixed drinks and dishes for them, as well as purchased goods, is carried out through the bar counter. The bars sell drinks and snacks. They can be general purpose and specialized. There are specialized bars: wine, beer, dairy, vitamin, cocktail bar, etc.

In the bars of the luxury category, the highest and the first category, visitors are served in the hall by waiters, behind the bar - by bartenders, in bars of the second category, self-service is used in the hall, behind the bar, visitors are served by the bartender, behind the buffet counter - by the bartender.

In luxury bars, the number of seats at the bar is at least 50% of the number of seats at the tables, the highest category - at least 25, the first category - at least 20. In the bars of the luxury category and the highest, at least 0 is provided for each seat at the bar, 8 m rack length, first and second category - 0.6. The ratio of seats at different tables in luxury bars is the same as in luxury restaurants; in bars of the highest category,%: at double tables-80; quadruple - 20; the first category - for double - 15 and quadruple - 85; the second category - for double - 10 and quadruple - 90.

Cafe- a type of restaurant with a limited range of complex dishes, with a wide range of simple dishes, bakeries, confectionery and drinks, wine and vodka drinks, fermented milk products and purchased goods, which uses self-service or waiter service (Appendix 2). Cafes are designed to serve customers quickly. Within the assortment minimum, broths, second courses of simple cooking, as well as cold and hot appetizers are prepared here. There are specialized cafes: a cafe-bakery, a cafe-pastry shop, an ice-cream cafe, a dairy cafe, a cafe-bar, a tea salon, a coffee shop, etc.

Most cafes are public enterprises of the second category and operate on a self-service basis. Their trading floors are equipped with two- and four-place tables, at which they take food while sitting; or high round, triangular tables, at which food is taken while standing.

In cafes of the highest and first category, as well as in evening and youth visitors, waiters serve. Visitors are served by waiters. Appropriate alcoholic drinks are sold here.

To registration trading floors there are increased requirements, the uniform of the waiters must correspond to the general style adopted in the diner; if Russian cuisine (“Pancake”) is presented, then, accordingly, Russian national motifs should be used in clothing and interior, if Ukrainian cuisine (“Shinok”) is Ukrainian.

coffee house- a kind of cafe with a varied assortment of coffee.

Cafe bar- a kind of cafe, which includes a bar, the trading floor of which is joint with the trading floor of the cafe, or the bar counter is located in the trading floor of the cafe.

cafe bakery- kind of cafe distinctive feature which is the production and sale of bakery and flour confectionery products on the spot.

tea salon- a kind of cafe with a wide range of teas, where confectionery, bakery and flour culinary products can be blown.

Buffet- a catering establishment with a limited range of ready-made meals and drinks. Buffets sell mainly cold snacks, sweet dishes, cold and hot drinks, juices, and confectionery. They are placed in a specially equipped room where food is consumed, usually standing up or sold to take away. Some of them, located in the foyer of theaters, cinemas, recreation areas, sell champagne and grape wines. Buffets may have their own cuisine, but they mainly receive products from the enterprises of which they are affiliates.

In hotels, floor-by-floor buffets are organized, which serve tourists living in them, business travelers, etc.

Buffets operate on a self-service basis. In the sales area of ​​enterprises of the second category, tables for eating while standing are more often used, while those of the first and third categories are used for sitting.

Night club - This is a kind of bar or restaurant, on the basis of which a club operates mainly at night, which unites consumers according to their interests and tastes. Various entertainment and entertainment-dance programs are organized here with musical accompaniment. Catering establishments - clubs: tea lovers club, beer lovers club, etc. There are specialized nightclubs with leisure services: cabaret, billiards, disco, etc.

beer hall- a kind of bar or restaurant with a wide range of beers.

Diner; tavern, tavern - a self-service catering establishment with a predominant assortment of hot and cold appetizers, simple meals, designed to quickly serve consumers. There are specialized eateries: "Galushechnaya", "Kuleshnaya", "Derunnaya", "Sausage", "Pancake", "Pirozhkovaya", "Cheburechnaya", "Shashlychnaya", "Varenichnaya", "Pelmennaya", "Pizzeria", etc. d. Eateries of different categories are equipped with dishes, furniture, provided with advertising media in the same way as cafes. Music services are organized in a similar way.

Cafeteria is a self-service catering establishment with an assortment of dishes and drinks of simple preparation, the trading floor of which is equipped with trade and technological equipment designed for distributing food in educational institutions, institutions, industrial enterprises, facilities retail etc. In the cafeteria, food intake is organized, usually through the cafeteria counter.

Culinary shops sell ready-made culinary and confectionery products, semi-finished products to the population. They receive products mainly from canteens, restaurants, cafes. Some of them have their own production.

In culinary shops, you can organize a meal on the spot. To do this, they use vending machines for milk, broths, hot and cold drinks, confectionery, express coffee makers and other equipment. High tables are set up in the trading floor.

Specialized workshops for the production of semi-finished products are organized on the basis of fruit and vegetable storage facilities, near refrigerators, meat processing plants. They process from 5 to 25 tons of raw materials per day. The workshops are equipped with production lines for the production of sulphated potatoes, peeled vegetables, meatballs, vinaigrettes, salads, dumpling machines and other high-performance equipment.

In specialized workshops, the most difficult loading and unloading operations are mechanized.

Blanking factories- these are highly mechanized procurement enterprises that carry out mass production of semi-finished products from meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and other products and centrally provide other catering establishments and retail outlets with them. At the plant of semi-finished products, not only raw materials are processed, but also their waste. The capacity of these enterprises reaches 15-40 tons of raw materials per day. They provide pre-cooking enterprises with semi-finished products, semi-finished products.

Culinary factories - large enterprises public catering, producing a large number of semi-finished products, a significant part of which is subjected to heat treatment on site. They provide semi-finished products or finished products to buffets, canteens and other enterprises.

factory kitchen- a public catering establishment intended for centralized preparation and delivery of ready-to-eat food to its intended destination (canteens, dispensaries, culinary shops, etc.).

House kitchen- a public catering establishment intended for the preparation of products of its own production and its sale at home (works on orders from the population, for takeaway).

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1. Characteristics of catering establishments

A public catering enterprise is understood as a trade and production unit (canteen, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, bar, etc.) that performs the functions of providing the population with food (production of culinary products, its sale and organization of consumption in the form of a full ration of dishes or their types) , as well as organizing leisure activities for the population.

The peculiarity of the activities of public catering enterprises is that the processes of production, sale and organization of consumption are organically linked and, as a rule, coincide in time. It is in the unity of production and organization of consumption that the specific feature of public catering, its functional goal, lies.

At the same time, public catering enterprises must solve the main task - to most fully meet the needs of the population in food products in accordance with the requirements of a scientifically based balanced diet.

The difference between retail food products and public catering consists in the fact that trade carries out the sale of products and goods, and public catering organizes their consumption.

Public catering enterprises, due to the specifics of the products sold, as a rule, deal with direct consumers (with the exception of some cases of selling meals at home). Cooking shops (departments) perform similar functions as trade enterprises.

Functions and features of the production of public catering enterprises may vary depending on the level of development of the industrial base, including the food industry, which manufactures products for the supply of public catering enterprises. In this regard, in the future, it is possible to preserve two functions: implementation and organization of consumption. At present, such functions are also inherent in distributing enterprises.

The activities of public catering enterprises are characterized by the following conditions:

the range of manufactured and sold products directly depends on the nature of consumer demand, and it has its own specific features at manufacturing enterprises (depending on the intensity of labor), in educational institutions, recreation, sports and tourism institutions;

demand for products and services of public catering and its changes depend on the season, time of day, days of the week. For example, during the summer, the demand for vegetable dishes, cold soups, soft drinks and ice cream increases.

In addition, demand in cities and towns is influenced by age and demographic composition, regional or national characteristics.

characteristic feature products manufactured at public catering establishments have a short shelf life. Therefore, the preparation of ready-made meals and culinary products should be carried out in relatively small batches, taking into account the implementation schedules. When serving stable contingents (at manufacturing enterprises, in institutions, educational institutions, sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.), planning rhythm in the sale of products is possible; in all other cases, the organization of rhythmic work is complicated by the fact that the flow of consumers at catering enterprises is uneven not only in days of the week, but also by hours during the day.

The activities of public catering enterprises are connected with the need to strictly take into account sanitary and hygienic requirements for the organization of production and technological processes: compliance with the commodity neighborhood during the storage of products, exclusion of the intersection of technological flows of finished products and semi-finished products, clean and used utensils, creation of optimal lighting conditions in the workplace, arrangement effective ventilation systems in rooms and at every workplace. The production and sale of culinary products consumed by the population requires constant sanitary control over product quality, compliance by each employee of the enterprise with sanitary rules established by health authorities.

Public catering enterprises, in accordance with the target functions they perform, are divided into two main groups: enterprises directly related to serving the population, which include halls, and enterprises for the centralized production of semi-finished products, culinary, flour and confectionery products (preparation enterprises), intended to supply these products to a network of enterprises serving the population.

The variety of public catering establishments gives an idea of ​​their classification, which is based on the following features: contingents served; range of products sold and types of services for the population; scope and nature of services; level of comfort and quality of service; forms of organization of production; frequency (terms) of operation during the year; degree of mobility (place of operation); way of placing enterprises in buildings.

Depending on the purpose in the service system, enterprises are divided into enterprises serving organized (stable) contingents (working at manufacturing enterprises and institutions; students of general education schools, secondary and higher educational institutions; vacationers in rest homes, boarding houses, sanatoriums, etc.), and public enterprises serving directly residents and guests of cities and towns during their stay within the reach of the respective enterprises. Public catering establishments at city and village hotels, cultural institutions, sports facilities, leisure centers, etc.

According to the range of culinary products and types of services provided to consumers, there are universal and specialized enterprises.

Universal enterprises carry out the production and sale of a diverse range of dishes that provide a complete diet (breakfasts, lunches, dinners) or one of its types, as well as organizing leisure activities in evening time, weekends and holidays(restaurants, cafes, eateries). Specialized enterprises produce and sell (or only sell) a homogeneous range of dishes and drinks (snack bars - dumplings, sausages, flour, pancake, fish; cafes - ice cream, confectionery, etc.) or serve a certain contingent of visitors (cafes - youth, children's, theatrical, family leisure, etc.).

In accordance with the volume and nature of services, the level of comfort and quality of service, enterprises are divided into five premium categories: luxury, superior, I, II, III. Luxury enterprises (as a rule, restaurants) are characterized by a wide choice of custom-made and specialty dishes of complex preparation, the maximum level of service comfort, and a unique architectural and artistic design of the interior of the premises for visitors (lobby, entrance hall, hall, bar). The highest category includes restaurants, cafes, bars, other enterprises that are distinguished by the complexity of the range of prepared products, high level organization of customer service and architectural and artistic design of the lobby, halls, and other service premises. Category I includes restaurants, confectionery cafes, cafes with special programs(youth, theatrical, literary, etc.), specialized snack bars, bars and buffets at leisure centers and cultural and sports institutions (cinemas, theaters, stadiums, etc.). Category II includes public canteens (including dietary ones), cafes organized in the evening on the basis of canteens, specialized snack bars, stationary buffets. To category III - canteens, buffets, cafes, snack bars at manufacturing enterprises, institutions, educational institutions.

On the basis of the periodicity (terms) of operation during the year, enterprises are divided into permanent (year-round) operating and seasonal, operating only during certain periods of the year. Seasonal enterprises are usually organized in resort towns, recreation areas of cities and towns, on highways. Year-round establishments can also increase their capacity with seasonal spaces. A seasonal network can be created by any type of enterprise, depending on specific conditions.

According to the degree of mobility, catering establishments can be stationary, connected with permanent place functioning, and movement - auto-canteens, auto cafes, auto buffets, dining cars, ship restaurants.

All public catering establishments, according to the forms of organization of production, depending on the type of the main initial products used for the production of ready-made dishes and products, are divided into pre-cooking, working on semi-finished products high degree readiness, distributing, working on ready meals and products; as well as enterprises operating on raw materials (with a complete production cycle). When forming a network of public catering enterprises in cities and towns, all public catering enterprises in cities and towns, all public catering enterprises of direct service in the form of production organization, should be provided for pre-cooking. Distribution enterprises are organized, as a rule, to serve small stable contingents at manufacturing enterprises, institutions and educational institutions. Enterprises with a complete cycle (on raw materials) can be created in cases of temporary absence of a centralized production base, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, on highways, in suburban recreation areas, etc.

According to their functional purpose, types of services provided, specific forms and methods of service, composition and area of ​​premises, enterprises are divided into the following types: canteen, restaurant, cafe and snack bar.

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment, where catering is combined with relaxation. The restaurant provides consumers with a wide range of dishes, drinks, confectionery products of complex preparation. The menu of restaurants includes portioned and signature dishes, drinks, confectionery. Specialties should reflect the peculiarities of the national cuisine, the thematic focus of the enterprise. Some of them are served by waiters with the final operations of their preparation in the presence of consumers. In the presence of relevant products in the production, orders for the production of dishes not included in the menu are accepted.

For restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, tableware and cutlery are mainly made to order; chinaware must bear the emblem of the restaurant. In restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, metal utensils and cutlery made of stainless steel of a higher cutting group are used, and in restaurants of categories 1 and 2, they are made of stainless steel. When serving banquets and receptions in restaurants of the luxury category and the highest category, they use metal utensils and cutlery made of cupronickel, crystal utensils.

Table linen (tablecloths, napkins) are used white or colored, taking into account the artistic design of table setting and the interior features of the hall. Allowed use various kinds hand-finished (lace, embroidery). In restaurants of categories 1 and 2, instead of tablecloths on tables with a polyester coating, individual linen napkins can be used when serving. Furniture for luxury restaurants is made according to individual orders, and for other enterprises they are selected in accordance with the interior of the halls. Two-, four- and six-seater tables with a soft cover (square, rectangular, round or oval), soft armchairs or chairs, utility tables, sideboards for waiters, etc. are used. Halls should be beautifully decorated, designed in a certain style, corresponding to the name of the restaurant.

Service is provided by waiters, headwaiters, bartenders with special training, and meals and drinks are prepared by highly qualified chefs. In restaurants serving foreign tourists, employees must speak one of the foreign languages ​​to the extent necessary to perform their duties. Service staff must have uniform clothing and footwear.

Restaurants provide consumers, as a rule, with lunches and dinners, and when serving participants in congresses, meetings, conferences, they provide a full ration of food. On pre-holiday Saturdays or Sundays, restaurants organize family dinners, tastings of national cuisine, theme evenings, serve weddings, anniversary celebrations, friendly meetings.

They provide restaurants and additional services: scrap dinners, sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, taking pre-orders for preparing dishes for family celebrations and serving guests at home, consulting the population on cooking technology and table setting.

In luxury restaurants (at hotels), in restaurants of the highest and 1st categories, complex breakfasts and lunches are served during the day. In addition, consumers are provided with a varied range of mass-catering meals and snacks not included in these lunches and breakfasts. In the evening, concert and variety performances, performances of musical ensembles are organized.

Luxury restaurants can be located in historical and architectural monuments, protected areas, resorts, administrative and entertainment complexes. Such restaurants are distinguished by a special architectural and planning solution and provide consumers with maximum level comfort.

Restaurants of the highest category are located in public and administrative buildings, entertainment complexes, resorts, in a hotel of the highest category, at purchased air terminals, and restaurants of the 1st category are located in public, administrative and entertainment complexes, in resorts, in hotels, at railway stations and water marinas.

1.4 - 5.4 times less than for similarly unmodulated equipment. 2. Organization of the production and service of the banquet on the occasion of the school graduation ball According to the ordered menu from the parents of graduates, the canteen workers themselves organize the production of products. On their...

Additional obligations and burden the young enterprise with paperwork. Thus, the cafe "Cafe" will be equipped with modern equipment in accordance with the standards for equipping public catering establishments and sanitary and hygienic requirements. Depreciation Depreciation of computers, furniture, refrigerators and ovens, Split systems, microwave ovens, fryers, ...


The industrial practice of students is an integral part of the educational process and milestone in the theoretical and professional training of a specialist.

The duration of the internship for which the report is presented lasted from December 9, 2013 to December 28, 2013.

The purpose of the production practice at the enterprises of the tourism industry:

acquisition of practical skills independent work in the main positions of employees of public catering enterprises according to the profile of the education received;

Formation of an idea about the work of the restaurant, about the place and role of the graduate in the structure of the object of practice.

acquaintance with official duties main categories of workers;

mastering the technology of production of restaurant services;

Acquisition of organizational skills for working in a team, taking into account interpersonal communication and professional ethics;

study of the management structure in enterprises;

· performance of official functions of the waiter;

Consolidation and improvement of knowledge foreign language when working with foreign clients.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

Obtaining a holistic view of the work of a public catering enterprise on the basis of current legislation, regulatory, methodological and other documents

Acquaintance with the structure of the enterprise of the restaurant industry

Studying the features and technological processes of its activities

The study of the nature of the interaction of the enterprise with consumers of services.

General characteristics of catering establishments

Public catering is one of the main branches of the sphere of circulation and fulfills the main socio-economic task of the development of our society - the satisfaction of the material and cultural standard of living of the people. The solution of this basic economic and social task is carried out by developing retail trade. The public catering trade turnover is an integral part of the country's retail trade turnover, and the well-being of the people largely depends on its development. At many enterprises, the material and technical base, commodity, labor and financial resources are used unsatisfactorily. In this regard, the main task of analyzing the economic activities of catering enterprises is to identify, study and mobilize reserves to improve the quality of consumer service, work efficiency by eliminating shortcomings in management, improving the use of economic potential, achieving best results at the lowest cost of labor and resources. [1, p. 35]

The sphere of public catering includes all organizational forms of mass catering (in orphanages, preschool institutions, hospitals, public catering enterprises of various forms of ownership, etc.), whose tasks are to restore and maintain people's health at the proper level.

Public catering can also be seen as an industry whose main purpose is to provide services to the population in the form of public catering in exchange for their monetary income. The public catering industry is characterized by a common material and technical base, trade, technological and organizational and economic structures. According to experts, about 83% of food is prepared at home, and about 17% at catering establishments.

The socio-economic significance of public catering is expressed in the creation of conditions for the growth of productivity and the improvement of labor organization through the provision of full-fledged hot meals at the place of work and study of the population; in ensuring the economy of social labor and funds; in creating the prerequisites for increasing the free time of members of society, especially women.

The catering industry is characterized by a combination of three functions: the production of prepared food; its implementation; organization of consumption. The initial function is the production function, the labor costs of which make up 70 - 90% of all labor costs in the industry.

During the production process in catering establishments, a new product is created. Own public catering products are sold with new consumer properties and additional cost.

Since the economy is based on commodity-money relations, catering enterprises perform the function of selling manufactured products and purchased goods as values.

Food is a form of consumption, so an important function of the industry is the organization of consumption. In terms of the combination of functions, catering enterprises differ from all industries, in particular, from trade and the food industry. Food industry enterprises produce food products, however, as a rule, they can be used after additional technological processing. Food industry products have longer shelf life. Public catering products are not subject to long-term storage and transportation, which requires the organization of its consumption on the spot. Of course, not all catering products are consumed locally. IN last years due to a decrease in the number of consumers at catering establishments as a result of a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, public catering enterprises began to actively engage in the production of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, other types of products (pasta, branded bread, smoked meats, etc.) and their sale to the retail trade network in the order of wholesale distribution. In this case, only two functions are performed: production and sales.

The combination of functions of public catering differs from retail trade. Trade enterprises carry out the sale and purchase of goods. In public catering, the function of production is also performed for own products, and for lunch, in addition, the function of organizing consumption is also performed.

All catering facilities can be classified according to various criteria:

Forms of ownership (public and private enterprises, including those owned by consumer cooperatives, collective, based on mixed ownership, foreign);

Types of objects (dining room, restaurant, cafe, snack bar, buffet, bar, culinary shop, culinary factory, food factory);

Specializations (enterprises general type and specialized)

Mark-up categories and level of service (objects of the highest, first, second and third categories, as well as luxury categories). The third category is assigned to public catering facilities related to serving certain contingents of consumers and located at schools, construction sites, and industrial enterprises. In this case, educational authorities, industrial enterprises, etc. are obliged to provide premises, equipment for catering free of charge, pay utility bills;

Organizations of the trade and technological process (objects of direct service, centralized production and complex);

Mobility (stationary, mobile, seasonal);

completeness production process(enterprises with and without a kitchen - pre-cooking).

The restaurant is the most comfortable catering establishment. This is a public catering facility with a wide range of complex dishes, including custom-made and branded, wine and vodka, tobacco and confectionery products, purchased goods with a high level of service, combined with leisure activities. A custom dish is a dish that requires individual preparation and presentation after receiving an order from the consumer. Signature dishes include dishes that are prepared on the basis of a new recipe and technology or a new type of raw material. These dishes reflect the specifics of this food item. They should differ in original design, successfully combine products according to taste properties. Service in restaurants is carried out by highly qualified waiters. Restaurants can have premium, premium, first, and second categories. Depending on the mark-up category, requirements are set for restaurants in terms of material and technical equipment (furniture, crockery, table linen and cutlery), interior design of the hall, advertising, assortment (the proportion of custom-made and branded dishes in the menu).

Restaurant "Savoy fete" is located in a lively area of ​​the city, not far from the Embankment - at the very beginning of the Arbat. Thus, this place has a very convenient location, as both residents and guests of the city can safely spend time in the comfortable atmosphere of the restaurant and try fine dining European, Japanese cuisines and national Russians.

This institution takes its history from the work of a cafe-bar with the intriguing name "Pustota". Previously, this enterprise consisted of only one floor, where there were no divisions into smoking and non-smoking areas, and also had only 35 seats.

On December 19, 2012, the general style and policy of this institution came to drastic changes with the opening of a new elite catering establishment with French name Savoy Fete. 2 floors were built, one of which became a non-smoking area, where families with children and just people who cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco smoke can have a peaceful lunch.

The Savoy fete restaurant operates in the lounge style. The Lounge style became widespread when teahouses and cafes appeared in world capitals such as London, New York and Paris, where people do not just eat and drink, but spend time, relax from the daily race of life. The very concept of "Lounge" includes not only and not so much Musical direction, it's a way of life. Lounge is a state of mind, an easy attitude to everything, a detached and relaxed look.

Lounge is lightness and depth, denial of any tension, concentration, obsession, enveloping comfort.

The active use of style can be seen now in many institutions. In the interior, these are natural colors, futuristic and natural forms, airy fabrics. The style is hard to grasp, just like in music it is more of an atmosphere that is built up cube by layer from different elements. Well-thought-out design is an integral part of a lounge-style establishment. Cozy and soft chairs with pillows are conducive to sitting longer and relaxing. Candles are burning on the tables in the twilight. The format of the establishment and design create a pleasant atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Here you can enjoy a hookah, talk heart to heart with friends, make new acquaintances, listen to jazz. Here you can spend business meeting, family dinner, relax in between chores.

In the evening, the atmosphere of the restaurant is conducive to informal fun, romantic meetings and relaxation with friends. This is especially facilitated by carefully selected musical arrangement, sets from popular DJs, an extensive bar menu and a rich hookah card.

The menu SAVOY fkte presents hits from a wide variety of cuisines, united by their author's approach, freshness and high quality products.

All guests receive a lunch discount of 20% (from 12.00 to 14.00 on weekdays). In addition, free Wi-Fi is available in the halls. For regular guests there is a flexible system of discounts (5%, 10%).

The hallmark of a restaurant is its menu, i.e. a list of snacks, dishes, drinks (with price and output) available for sale during the entire opening time. The word menu comes from the French "menu" and means a schedule of dishes and drinks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as a list of dishes for receptions and other types of service.

The sequence of appetizers, dishes, and drinks on the menu

· Breakfasts


Hot seafood dishes

Hot fish dishes

hot meat dishes

Side dishes

Japanese page

· Dessert

Signature teas

· Beverages

· Alcohol


All dishes on the menu are listed in the sequence corresponding to the order of eating. The order of listing dishes should correspond to the assortment minimum established for each enterprise - a certain number of dishes and drinks that must be sold daily. [9, c.116]

Reducing the number of items of dishes and snacks provided for by the assortment minimum is not allowed. On the contrary, the assortment can be expanded by including seasonal and signature dishes in the menu.

When compiling the menu, a variety of snacks, dishes should be achieved both in terms of types of raw materials (fish, vegetables, meat), and in terms of culinary processing (boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked), as well as the correct combination of garnish with the main product.

When compiling the menu, the taste of food is taken into account, external design dishes. It should also be borne in mind that taste harmony should be achieved in dishes by combining various components with each other.

The next factor taken into account when compiling the menu is the seasonality of consumption. It is known that dishes rich in fats and proteins are in great demand in winter, and in summer the demand for cold dishes, vegetables and fresh fruits increases.

Many consumers visit the restaurant every day at lunchtime, so the menu should be diversified not only for a given day, but also for the days of the week.

When selecting side dishes and sauces for dishes, it is necessary to ensure that they correspond to the main product. Meals and snacks included in the menu must be available throughout the day of work. It should also be borne in mind that the restaurant is often visited by consumers with children during the daytime. Therefore, the menu should include dishes in the amount of half portions or special dishes for children.

In the menu, all snacks and dishes are arranged in the following order: from less spicy to more spicy, from poached to boiled, fried to stewed. Menu types differ from each other in the selection of dishes offered and the price structure.
