Discharges of common nouns with examples. Noun

Lexico-grammatical categories of nouns

A lexico-grammatical category is a subclass of words within one part of speech, characterized by a common semantic feature, morphological and often word-forming properties.

LGR noun


Proper/common noun

adv.=> specific / non-specific

non-concrete => collective/real/abstract.

Common nouns call an object, action, event in a generalized way, in a series of homogeneous ones (a person, a book, a tree, silence).

Proper names are called individual objects (Russia, Oka, Kiev, Baikal, Carpathians) or represent an object from the class of homogeneous as an individual: these are names, patronymics, surnames, people (Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin), animal nicknames (Belka, Rex, Pushok), newspaper names , magazines, works of art, publishing houses ("Izvestia", "Volga", "Life and fate", "Science") institutions, shops, etc.

Proper and common nouns differ not only in meaning, the nature of the naming of the subject, there are also morphological and orthographic features: proper names are used, as a rule, in the form of one number - singular (most often) or plural and are written with a capital letter, while common nouns are written with a lowercase letter. Since the boundaries between these types of names are flexible, the spelling makes it possible to distinguish between homonyms: Ampere - a surname and ampere - a unit of measurement, Oblomov - literary hero and Oblomovs are weak-willed, lazy people.

Common nouns are divided into specific and non-specific. Specific nouns denote individual objects (living beings, things, phenomena), discretely existing realities that can be counted. That is why specific nouns, unlike non-specific ones, can be combined with cardinal numbers (three boys, eight pens, five groups) and change by numbers (institute - institutions, hurricane - hurricanes, flock - flocks), with the exception of words used only in plural form (harp, glasses, day) and proper names.

Non-specific nouns are characterized by the absence of the idea of ​​counting; they include three categories: real, collective and abstract (abstract) nouns.

Real nouns denote a homogeneous substance (solid, friable, liquid, gaseous) substance. These are the names of food products (cheese, flour, pasta), chemical elements(oxygen, sulfur, silicon), fabrics (velvet, chintz), metals (iron, copper), plants (rye, mint), etc. Most real nouns are used only in the form of units. numbers (milk), the smaller part - in the form of plural. numbers (cream).

Pay attention to the peculiarities of the use of real nouns. Some words complete the paradigm by number, forming a plural form. numbers, at the same time change the main meaning: they denote the variety, type of substance (oil and vegetable oils - linseed, soybean, olive), the mass of the substance over a large area (play in the sand and sands of the Sahara), the product from this substance (crystal and the table is filled with crystals ).

Collective nouns denote the total set of living beings or objects and are used in the form of units. numbers, with the exception of only some words (money, firewood, finance). The collective meaning, as a rule, is expressed suffixally (students, mosquitoes, poor people, mosquitoes, foliage).

Abstract (abstract) nouns are called abstract concepts, properties, qualities, actions, states, and are more often used only in the form of units. numbers (idealism, freshness, whiteness, nobility, walking, welding, recognition, joy). Some of them form a plural form, while developing new meanings: a different manifestation of quality, properties, actions (high, low speeds), duration , the intensity of the manifestation of the state (frost, pain), repetitive action (tapping, screaming).

All nouns are divided into animate and inanimate. Animate nouns name living beings - people and animals, inanimate nouns - inanimate objects. Grammatically, animation / inanimateness is manifested in the coincidence of the form of wines. case in plural number with the form of the genus case of animate nouns (I see brothers, sisters, animals), with the form of them. case of inanimate nouns (I see trees, benches, lanterns). At the words male Animation is also expressed in units. number (stopped the truck and questioned the driver).

Animation / inanimateness of words is also regularly expressed syntactically - in the form of the wine case pl. number of matched words. For indeclinable nouns, this is the only means of expression: we met the arriving couturiers, adult cockatoos, huge chimpanzees; put on beautiful scarves, fashionable coats.

The grammatical expression of animateness/inanimateness is all the more important because the idea of ​​the living and the inanimate in the human mind (this is precisely reflected in the language) and in science, reality does not always coincide. For example, the names of plants, concrete nouns denoting the totality of living beings (people, regiment, flock, herd) turn out to be inanimate. Inanimate words include all non-specific nouns, including collective ones, denoting the total set of persons (children, peasantry).

At the same time, words denoting inanimate objects are also classified as animate nouns: the names of dolls (matryoshka, tumbler, parsley, puppet, aibolit), the names of mythical creatures (centaur, Jupiter), card terms (jack, king, ace), names of chess figures (horse, elephant, queen, king), the words dead man, dead man, drowned man (Compare: corpses are an inanimate noun).

Fluctuations in the definition of animate / inanimate are observed in the words: bacterium, bacillus, pupa, microbe, larva (Green fly larvae contain bacteria, study bacteria.

Parts of speech in Russian

Parts of speech- these are groups of words united on the basis of the commonality of their features.

The signs on the basis of which the division of words into parts of speech occurs are not uniform for different groups words.

So, all the words of the Russian language can be divided into interjections And non-interjective words. Interjections are unchangeable words denoting emotions ( oh, alas, damn it), will ( stop, that's it) or being formulas of verbal communication ( thanks Hi). The peculiarity of interjections lies in the fact that they do not enter into any syntactic relations with other words in the sentence, they are always separated intonation and punctuation.

Non-interjective words can be divided into independent And official. The difference between them lies in the fact that independent words can appear in speech without auxiliary ones, and auxiliary words cannot form a sentence without independent ones. Functional words are immutable and serve to convey formal semantic relations between independent words. TO service units speeches include prepositions ( to, after, during), unions ( and, as if, despite the fact that), particles ( exactly, only, not at all).

Independent words can be divided into significant And pronominal. Significant words name objects, signs, actions, relations, quantity, and pronominal words indicate objects, signs, actions, relations, quantity, without naming them and being substitutes for significant words in a sentence (cf .: table - he, convenient - such, easy - so, five - how many). Pronominal words form a separate part of speech - the pronoun.

Significant words are divided into parts of speech, taking into account the following features:

1) generalized value,

2) morphological features,

3) syntactic behavior (syntactic functions and syntactic links).

There are at least five significant parts of speech: a noun, an adjective, a numeral (a group of names), an adverb and a verb.

Thus, parts of speech are lexical and grammatical classes of words, i.e., classes of words distinguished taking into account their generalized meaning, morphological features and syntactic behavior.

This can be represented in the form of the following table:

In complex 3, 10 parts of speech are distinguished, combined into three groups:

1. Independent parts of speech:






2. Service parts of speech:



3. Interjection.

Moreover, each independent part of speech is determined on three grounds (generalized meaning, morphology, syntax), for example: a noun is a part of speech that denotes an object, has a gender and changes in numbers and cases, performs the syntactic function of a subject or object in a sentence.

However, the significance of the bases in determining the composition of a particular part of speech is different: if a noun, an adjective, a verb are determined for the most part by their morphological features (it is said that the noun denotes an object, but it is specifically stipulated that this is such a “generalized” object), that is two parts of speech, distinguished on the basis of meaning, are the pronoun and the numeral.

The pronoun as a part of speech combines morphologically and syntactically heterogeneous words that "do not name an object or feature, but point to it." Grammatically, pronouns are heterogeneous and correlate with nouns ( who am I), adjectives ( this one which), numerals ( how many, several).

The numeral as a part of speech combines words that are related to the number: they indicate the number of objects or their order in counting. At the same time, the grammatical (morphological and syntactic) properties of words of the type three And third different.

Complex 1 (its latest editions) and complex 2 propose to single out a larger number of parts of speech. So, participle and gerund in them are considered not as forms of the verb, but as independent parts of speech. In these complexes, the words of the state are distinguished ( can't, must); in complex 1 they are described as an independent part of speech - a category of state. In complex 3, the status of these words is not clearly defined. On the one hand, their description completes the section "Adverb". On the other hand, it is said about the words of state that they “are similar in form to adverbs”, from which, apparently, it should follow that they are not adverbs. In addition, in complex 2, the pronoun is expanded by including non-significant words in it, grammatically correlated with adverbs ( there, why, never and etc.).

The question of parts of speech in linguistics is debatable. Parts of speech are the result of a certain classification, depending on what is taken as the basis for the classification. So, in linguistics there are classifications of parts of speech, which are based on only one feature (generalized meaning, morphological features or syntactic role). There are classifications using several bases. School classification is of this kind. The number of parts of speech in different linguistic works is different and ranges from 4 to 15 parts of speech.

In the Russian language there are words that do not fall into any of the parts of speech allocated by the school grammar. These are sentence words. Yes And No, introductory words, not used in other syntactic functions ( so total) and some other words.


A noun is an independent significant part of speech that combines words that

1) have a generalized meaning of objectivity and answer questions Who? or What?;

2) are proper or common nouns, animate or inanimate, have a permanent gender and non-permanent (for most nouns) signs of number and case;

3) in the proposal most often act as subjects or additions, but can be any other members of the proposal.

A noun is a part of speech, in the selection of which the grammatical features of words come to the fore. As for the meaning of nouns, the only part speech, which can mean anything: subject ( table), face ( boy), animal ( cow), sign ( depth), an abstract concept ( conscience), action ( singing), ratio ( equality). These words are united in terms of meaning by the fact that you can ask a question to them. Who? or What?; this, in fact, is their objectivity.

Noun ranks by value

Within the words of different parts of speech, it is customary to distinguish digits by value- groups of words united by their lexical meaning, which affects their morphological features. The belonging of a word to a certain category by meaning (lexico-grammatical category) is determined on the basis of its lexical meaning, expressed by the basis of this word.

Nouns have two groups of digits according to their meaning:

1) property / common noun;

2) concreteness / abstractness / materiality / collectiveness.

common nouns nouns designate objects without distinguishing them from the class of the same type ( city, river, girl, newspaper).

Own nouns denote objects, distinguishing them from the class of homogeneous objects, individualizing them ( Moscow, Volga, Masha,« News"). Proper names must be distinguished from proper names - ambiguous names of individualized objects (" Evening Moscow"). Proper names do not necessarily include a proper name ( Moscow State University).

Specific nouns name sensually perceived objects - things ( table), faces ( Marina), which can be perceived by sight and touch.

abstract nouns denote abstract concepts ( joy), features ( white), actions ( drawing).

Real nouns denote substances ( milk, cream, sand).

Collective nouns denote collections of homogeneous objects ( foliage) or persons ( kids).

The meaning of the morphological selection of precisely these groups of nouns by meaning is that the belonging of a noun to these categories affects the morphological sign of the number of this noun. So, common nouns have the form of both numbers ( home - at home). The words of the other groups often have the form of only one of the numbers (mostly only the only one), for example.

“Within each significant part of speech, lexical and grammatical categories of words are distinguished. These are such subclasses of a given part of speech that have a common semantic feature that affects the ability of words to express certain morphological meanings or enter into oppositions within morphological categories” [Russian Grammar–1980, vol. 1, p. 459].

Nouns are divided into the following lexical and grammatical categories: 1) proper and common nouns; 2) animate and inanimate; 3) concrete (actually concrete, real, collective) and abstract (abstract). These discharges in some cases intersect; for example, proper and common nouns are divided into animate and inanimate.

Proper and common nouns

Proper nouns include words denoting individual, single objects included in the class of homogeneous objects.

Among the proper names are: a) proper names in the narrow sense of the term; b) names.

Proper names in the narrow sense of the term include:

personal names, surnames, pseudonyms, nicknames ( Nina, Andrey, Mikhail Kuzmich, Fedorov, Mironova);

animal names ( Bug, Ball);

place names ( Simferopol, Salgir, Crimea);

names of states, organizations ( Canada, England);

astronomical names ( Orion, Vega, Sirius) etc.

Names - proper names - include a common noun or combinations of words. “At the same time, the common noun does not lose its lexical meaning, but only changes its function” [Russian Grammar–1980, vol. 1, p. 461]. Examples: newspaper "News", magazine "Youth" etc. If the names are not presented in one word, but in combinations and sentences, then such proper names cannot be called nouns, because they are not part of speech at all. Therefore, many titles of works of art, critical articles, which are multi-structured verbose names, should not be considered proper nouns. It is customary to write proper names with a capital letter. As a rule, they have the form of only one number (singular or plural): Europe, Tatyana, Volga, Alps, Athens. In the form of many h. they are used if they denote different persons with the same names or surnames ( in a group of fiveIrin , threeZhukov ); persons who are related sistersLebedev , brothersGusakovs , spousesOrlovs ), as well as geographical and astronomical names when comparing territories, volumes, etc. ( fiveFrance , twoDnipro etc.).

Common nouns are nouns that denote general concepts covering homogeneous objects, abstract concepts: crowd, tree, dog, creativity, youth, monday, star, city. These nouns are mostly used both in the singular and in plural (cake - cakes, book - books).

The boundaries between proper and common nouns are mobile, mutual transition is possible between them. Proper names become common nouns if 1) the name of a person has passed to his product, invention ( ohm, ampere, joule, volt, x-ray, ford, cambric, browning, colt, mauser); 2) if the product is given the name of a person ( katyusha, maxim, matryoshka); 3) if the name of a person has become the designation of a number of homogeneous persons ( philanthropist, hercules).

Common nouns become proper names: Gemini, Libra(names of constellations), Eagle, Mines(names of cities), October(name of the October Revolution), Voskhod, Soyuz(names of spaceships), Ball, Jack(dog names), etc.

Common nouns used in fables as characters become proper: Wolf And Lamb, Crow, Cat And Cook.

The above examples of proper nouns are monostructural - they are represented by one-word units and reflect a narrow understanding of the term. In a broad sense, proper nouns include names that also include two or more words, sometimes sentences. Usually these are the titles of literary works, for example: “Who should live well in Rus'”, “The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich” etc. Naturally, in the system of nouns in the section "Morphology" they are not considered.

Noun. Classes of nouns. Gender, number, case of nouns


To expand students' knowledge about the noun as a part of speech and its grammatical categories of gender, number and case; repeat the spelling of the endings and suffixes of nouns; reveal the stylistic role various forms nouns in literary text.

Contribute to the development of speech and expansion vocabulary students; - to promote the development of analytical abilities of students;

Bring up moral qualities personality.

During the classes

I . Organizing time

II . Update

1. Syntactic five minutes. Recording and analysis of proposals.

Someday people will stop fighting, fighting, executing people, and everyone will love each other. This time will certainly come, because in the soul of all people there is not hatred, but great love for each other. Let's do everything we can to make this time come sooner. (L. Tolstoy)

Explain the spelling of words, punctuation marks.

Designate grammatical basis and make proposals.

Name all the parts of speech found in the sentences.

2. Dictionary-semantic dictation. Write your answer in one word.

1. The person who directs the orchestra, choir.

2. Confectionery - a frozen mass of cocoa with sugar or a drink from it.

3. Thin rope.

4. Paved road.

5. Colors of soot, coal.

6. Car driver.

7. Dance with frequent, fractional tapping.

8. Rod for cleaning small arms

9. In church use: lace with beads.

10. Small pickled cucumber.

11. Variegated checkered fabric.

12. The place where the parts of something are connected.

13. Rider at the races.

14. Colors of sand, gold.

15. Caustic chemical compound which turns litmus paper blue.

Reference : alkali, chocolate, conductor, highway, twine, driver, ramrod, black, rosary, gherkin, tap dance, seam, jockey, yellow, tartan.

3. Slave. notebook, task 50. Dictionary-orph. Job. Write down the words from dictation.

Precedent *, envious, intriguer, dangerous, leatherette, terrible, state *, skillful, incident *, provincial, keep silent, legal adviser, hang, handwriting, ridicule, mockery, post office, compromise. *

What rules were the words written on?(unpronounceable consonants, unchecked vowels and consonants)

4. Entertaining dictionary

Incident - an unpleasant incident, a conflict of local importance, a separate clash that has not yet turned into a general brawl, but can serve as its cause.

Precedent - this is a case that happened for the first time and which can serve as an example, a model for others. In any army, for example, any, even insignificant disobedience of a soldier to an officer, is quite severely suppressed - after all, it creates a precedent for non-execution of an order, and other soldiers may get the impression that they can do the same (and if this happens in battle, and even in en masse, it will be too late to punish hundreds of armed subordinates)


A noun denotes an object and answers the questions who? What?

Nouns change by gender.

Nouns in a sentence only play the role of the subject.

Specific nouns name specific items that can be counted and combined with cardinal numbers.

Abstract nouns denote a set of persons or objects as a whole.

Real nouns call a homogeneous substance that can be measured, but not counted.

The boundary between common nouns and proper nouns is very strict, and a proper name can never become a common noun.

Animated nouns are the names of living things.

III . Formation of new concepts and methods of action

1. Read the material of § 39 on your own. Make a plan for the article.


1. Three generic groups of nouns.

2. Words of the general gender.

3. Determining the gender of indeclinable nouns.

4. Number of nouns:

a) nouns that are used only in the plural;

b) nouns that are used only in the singular.

5. Case of nouns.

6. Three declensions of nouns.

7. Variable nouns.

2. Retell the content of the textbook article according to the plan.

3 . Write down three groups of words. Formulate a rule for writing nouns. Add five examples of your own to each row.

Night, rye, silence, thing,

Key, beach, baby, borscht,

Candles, roofs, spectacles, puddles,


Common nouns are varied. Their ranks by value:

    specific: table, computer, document, mouse, notebook, fishing rod

    abstract (abstract): surprise, joy, fear, happiness, miracle

    real: iron, gold, water, oxygen, milk, coffee

    collective: youth, foliage, nobility, spectator

1. Indicate to which group (concrete, real, abstract, collective) these nouns belong according to their lexical and grammatical meaning.

House, ocean, work, time, beauty, child, silver, dawn, jam, ink, youth, courage, hero, heroism, singing, intelligentsia, meeting, powder, water, joy, animal, summer, oil, children, heaven, children, crocodile, birch, foliage, greens, berries, raspberries, fish.

2. Teacher's word

Division of nouns intoanimated And inanimate does not always coincide with the division of everything that exists in nature into living and non-living. So worddoll, dead man, ace, jack, trump card, goblin are classified as animate. And the wordspeople, crowd, kids, flock, group, youth, peasantry, company - to the inanimate. Grammatically, inanimate nouns have the Accusative plural form of the Nominative case, while animate nouns have the Genitive form:I saw notebooks - I saw brothers, I heard voices - I heard nightingales.

3. Recording and analysis of the text.

The downpour poured unexpectedly, and then the thunderstorm turned into a hurricane. In the very place where, about noon, near the marble bench in the garden, the procurator and the high priest were talking, with a blow like a cannon, like a cane, the cypress tree was broken. Together with mist and hail, plucked roses, magnolia leaves, small branches and sand were carried to the balcony under the columns. The hurricane ravaged the garden.

What's wrong with the second sentence?next to the marble bench - clarifying member of the proposal;with a blow like a cannon isolated definition)

Name the nouns, indicate their semantic and morphological features, determine the syntactic role in the sentence.

4. Slave. notebook, task 51.

1. Rally, shackles, memoirs, belongings.

2. Baroque, tornado , banjo, contralto.

3. Umishko, nose,lingerie, golosishko.

4. Chassis , pincers, stretchers, pliers.

According to the lexical meaning of the word, determine which noun of the general gender is being discussed.

The one who constantly complains about everyone. (Yabed).

Very scattered. (Clutch.)

A fussy, restless person. (Fidget. Egoza.)

Loves delicious and sweet food. (Sweet tooth.)

Lazy, loafer. (Couch potato)

Chatterbox. (Riddle)

Quiet, humble person. (Quiet)

A person who has the same name as someone else. (Namesake)

A very stingy person. (Miser)

A person who does everything slowly and sluggishly. (Kopush)

Why are these nouns called generic nouns?

(Among the nouns ending in -a in the nominative singular there is a group of words that are called general nouns, since they can act either as masculine words or as feminine words.)

Task number 2.

Gregory Oster's "Book of Tasty and Healthy Cannibal Food" contains "harmful" recipes. Write down the names of the recipes using generic nouns.

_____________________ with a hot nose.

Put a very arrogant girl in a frying pan, praise several times, as soon as she turns her nose up, pour it with sunflower oil, fry it well and eat, praising.

Flour dishes from ______________.

From ____________ you can cook a lot of hearty and delicious meals, if, without answering any questions, immediately roll ___________ into the dough, after filling their mouths with thick butter cream.

________________ in the marinade.

Pickle three sweet teeth, who have overeaten cakes, sweets and marmalade in the morning in a glass jar and store in a cool, dry place. IN winter time they can serve as a good snack.

_______________ stuffed.

Put a sleepy, yawning girl on a baking sheet and overlay a large number of large red tomatoes. Every time she yawns, stuff three pieces into it. Tomato-stuffed ________ sleeps like a log, and you can boil, fry or simmer it over low heat. Wake up before you eat.

Azu from _________________.

To stop the fidgety third-grader, spinning like a top, cut her shoes into thin slices and throw them into the bubbling gravy with her.

When serving at the table, make sure that she, jumping on a plate through a rope, does not splash your guests with gravy.

_______________ With _____________.

Put an equal amount of ____________ and ______________ in one dish, throw in the same three bars of soap, two washcloths, ten shoe brushes and one clothes brush, pour fresh mud, wait until the ______________ are cleaned and __________ are smeared, and solemnly serve to the table.

Reference: fidget, sluts and tidy, arrogant, sleepy, sweet, why.

What do generic nouns mean?

(Nouns of the general gender denote the character traits of a person, the qualities of people.)

How do these nouns characterize people?

Task number 6.

1 option

Make sentences with common nouns that negatively characterize a person.

Option 2

Make sentences with common nouns that positively characterize a person.

Reference: muff, hard worker, muddler, sissy, hard worker, quiet, left-handed, namesake, spinning top, cunning, coward, idler.

Were there neutral words on the list? Name.

(Namesake, left-handed.)

Creative task

Write a miniature essay "School Day" using common nouns.

1. Slave. notebook, task 52. Determine the gender of the nouns. Mark the words of the general gender, make phrases or sentences with them.

Joy, tulle, depot, coffee, name, mouse, teacher, work, little house, insect, rentier, smart girl, chimpanzee, engineer, doctor, hairdresser, attache, master, bully, kangaroo, touchy, professor, lady, Baku, Capri, muddler, jury, popsicle, Sochi, menu, comrade, turkey, Mississippi, university, ITAR - TASS.

3. Exerc. 338.

IV . Application. Formation of skills and abilities

Teacher's word. Most indeclinable nouns are neuter words that name inanimate objects (cocoa, coffee, menu ). The masculine gender includes words denoting males (maestro, entertainer ), to female - female (miss lady ). The genus of foreign geographical names is determined by the generic concept or by the key word of abbreviations:Ontario is a lake, Peru is a state, avenue is a street, kohlrabi is special kind cabbage.

The genus of compound words is determined by the type of the leading word: ITA - information and television agency.

2. Slave. notebook, task 53. From these words write out nouns that have the form: a) only plural; b) only the singular.

Money, twilight, honey, youth, day, bills, gates, cold, porcelain, enmity, youth, milk, yeast, games, holidays, glasses, seekers, gates, grief, whitewash, skates, stockings, scissors, psaltery, goats, windows, cabbage soup, abacus, relatives, teaching, humidity, laughter, linen, dream, happiness.

3. Mapping « -E, -I in the endings of nouns of different declensions"

-AND it is written in 1) on -mya (at the time, about the banner);

2) 1 fold. (at the grove, at the candle)

words: 3) 3rd cl. (mothers, daughters, ways);

4) on -iya (in R., d-, p.p. - army, about the army);

5) on -th, -e (in p.p.) about the news, in a sanatorium

6) - E - in other cases

4. Slave. notebook, task 54. Write down, denoting the endings of nouns and indicating the number of the rule above - the algorithm.

On the sandbar, big building conservatory, in my notebook, call me by name, was in the library, served in the army, wore overcoats, talked about intelligence, went to the square, on the first page, on a spruce branch, participated in the competition, was at school, theater, on the street , was in the planetarium, forgot about sadness, strength in unity, about sad news, stood at the banner, overjoyed, was in Romania, love for the motherland.

5. Slave. notebook, task 55. Put the nouns in the genitive plural.

Apricot, apple, contract, tangerine, towel, fable, tomato, poker, saucer, boot, rail, saber, northerner, gram, soldier, Tatar, Minsker, Tajik, sock, son, friend, chicken, kilogram, nobleman, gorge, dress, sheet, prince husband, log.

6. Slave. notebook, task 56. Determine on what basis the words are combined, find the "extra" word

1. Stew, sconce, coupe,lady, taxi.

2. Salami, cocoa, lobby, summary.

3. communiqué , chimpanzee, kangaroo, coffee.

4. Sleigh, salami, cream, vice.

7. Slave. notebook, task 57. Verification work

1 option

1. A noun is used only in the plural

A) Oslo.

B) blue.

C) Love.

D) iron.

E) memoirs.

2. All forms of the genitive plural in the variant are correctly formed

A) Bashkirs, sock, partisans, tomato.

B) Bashkirs, socks, partisans, tomatoes.

C) Bashkirs, sock, partisans, tomatoes.

D) Bashkirs, socks, partisans, tomatoes.

E) Bashkirs, socks, partisans, tomatoes.

3. Choose a line with nouns of the second declension

A) Valya, Vanya.

B) young man, uncle.

C) woodland, link.

D) fate, homeland.

E) height, blindness.

4. Two endings: E and U (Yu) - have nouns in the prepositional case of the singular

A) circle, edge.

B) leather, pine.

C) case, face.

D) road, trail.

E) clothing, costume.

5. A noun is indeclinable

A) flu.

B) good.

C) intrigues.

D) metro.

E) sorrel.

6. Third declension includes nouns

A) frame, table.

B) street, fence.

C) bone, flattery.

D) sofa, wardrobe.

E) pencil pen.

7. Third declension includes nouns

A) zero, day

B) roofing felt, tulle.

C) horse, fire.

D) stump, wattle.

E) mother-in-law, church.

8. Word of common gender

A) doctor.

B) lazy person.

C) general.

D) nerd.

E) salesman.

9. Non-declensions include nouns

A) name, banner, seed, stirrup, path.

B) radio, metro, scoreboard, pince-nez, plateau.

C) horse, area, night, mother, daughter.

D) country, young man, article, singer, dancer.

E) word, building, health, sanatorium, wind.

10. The third declension includes nouns

A) answer, gift.

B) face, gaze.

C) hello punch.

D) letter, word.

E) power, courage.

Option 2

1. The subject agrees correctly with the predicate in the sentence

A) The hydroelectric power station was put into operation.

B) SMU received commitments.

C) VDNKh presented new exhibits.

D) The research institute started working on a new topic.

E) KazGU received the status of a national university.

2. Only the singular form has

A) game names.

B) the words burden, udder, flame, crown.

C) names of time intervals.

D) the names of composite and paired objects.

E) names of materials, substances or their residues.

3. Indicate in which case the plural form of a noun does not denote a set of objects:

A) The sea is the sea.

B) Dirt - dirt.

C) Chair - chairs.

D) Children.

E) Person people.

4. A compound word belongs to the middle gender:





E) Youth Theater.

5. Only the word has a plural form

A) tea.

B) silo.

C) debate.

D) spruce forest.

E) teaching.

6. Only nouns have a plural form

A) mountains, forests.

B) peoples, children.

C) fighters, fighters.

D) stones, flowers.

E) shorts, holidays.

7. The neuter gender includes nouns

A) tenge, attache.

B) salami, madam.

C) avenue, kohlrabi.

D) bureau, communiqué.

E) hummingbird, penalty.

8. Word of common gender

A) sister.

B) orphan.

C) a country.

D) papa.

E) grandfather.

9. Indeclinable are nouns

A) neuter gender with the ending Y.

B) neuter with endings O, E.

C) masculine and feminine with endings A, Z.

D) masculine and feminine with a null ending.

E) foreign languages ​​with final vowels O, E, U, Yu, I, E.

10. No nouns belong to any of the three declensions

A) houses, land, churches.

B) bullies, nurses, crackers.

C) loaves, loaves, kalachi.

D) holidays, day, yeast.

E) reeds, vines, dewdrops

V . Information stage homework § 38, ex. 329

VI . Summing up the lesson

VII . Reflection stage

The concept of a noun. Signs of nouns. Noun ranks

1. Noun- an independent part of speech that designates a subject and answers questions Who? What?

2. The main features of the noun.

General grammatical meaning- this is the meaning of the subject, in other words, everything about which it is possible to say: who is this? or what's this? This is the only part of speech that can mean anything, and specifically:

1) the names of certain things and objects (house, tree, notebook, book, briefcase, bed, lamp);

2) the names of living creatures (human, engineer, girl, guy, deer, mosquito);

3) names of various substances (oxygen, gasoline, lead, sugar, salt);

4) the names of various natural phenomena and public life (storm, frost, rain, holidays, war);

5) names of abstract parameters and features (freshness, whiteness, blueness);

6) names of abstract actions and states (waiting, killing, running).

Morphological features the name of a noun is gender, number, case, declension. Nouns

1) belong to one of the four genders - male, female, middle, common, but do not change by gender: ocean, river, sea; see How to find the gender of a noun?;

2) change by numbers: ocean - oceans, river - rivers, sea - seas;

3) change in cases: ocean - ocean, ocean, ocean etc.; see What are the cases in the Russian language?

The change in cases and numbers is called declension. See How to find the declension of nouns?

The original form of the noun is the nominative singular.

Syntactic signs: in a sentence, nouns in most cases act as subjects or objects, but they can be any other members of the sentence:

Book makes a person the owner of the universe (P. Pavlenko) - subject ;
The whole life of the population of the earth settled in a book (A. Herzen) - addition ;
Book - storage knowledge (B. Field) - nominal part compound predicate ;
Dampness from the earth began to chill the side (A. Gaidar) - inconsistent definition ;
Above greyish plain the wind of the sea catches up the clouds (M. Lermontov) - place event ;
The people will not forget favorite selfless heroes of their own (V. Lebedev-Kumach) - application .

A noun in a sentence can act as appeals(not a member of the offer): Lucy , I'm waiting for you!

3. According to the nature of the lexical meaning, nouns are divided into two categories:

  • common nouns are nouns that name a class of homogeneous objects: table, boy, bird, spring;
  • proper nouns- these are nouns that name single (personal) objects, which include names, patronymics, last names of people, nicknames of animals, names of cities, rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, mountains, deserts (geographical names), names of books, paintings, movies , magazines, newspapers, performances, names of ships, trains, different organizations, historical events and so on.: Alexander, Zhuchka, Our Motherland, Astrakhan, Volga, Baikal, "The Captain's Daughter".
  • Note. Proper names nouns have a number of features.

    1) Proper names can consist of 1 word ( Moscow, Caspian, Caucasus, "Mtsyri") or from several words ( Nizhny Novgorod, New Orleans, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, "War and Peace", East Siberian Sea).

    2) Proper names are capitalized ( Tula, Alps).

    3) Names (titles) of books, newspapers, magazines, films, paintings, ships, trains, etc. are written with a capital letter and, in addition, are distinguished by quotation marks ( the novel "Eugene Onegin", the painting "Morning in the Forest", the ship "Vasily Surikov").

    4) Proper names are not used in the plural and are not mixed with numerals (not counting cases of designation various items and persons called identically: We have two Irina and three Olya in our class). City of Naberezhnye Chelny.

    5) Proper nouns can run into common nouns, and common nouns into proper ones, for example: Narcissus(the name of a handsome young man in ancient Greek mythology) - narcissus(flower); Boston(city in USA) - Boston(woolen fabric), Boston(slow waltz) Boston (card game); work - the newspaper "Trud".

    4. By meaning, nouns are divided into four main categories:

  • certain- these are nouns that name certain objects of animate and inanimate nature (they change in numbers, mix with cardinal numbers). For example: table ( tables, two tables), student ( students two students), mountain ( mountains, two mountains);
  • real- these are nouns that name different substances, a homogeneous mass of something (they have only one form of number - singular or plural; do not mix in quantitative numbers; mix with words a lot, not enough, as well as with different units of measurement). For example: air (no plural; you cannot say: two air, however, there is a possibility: too much air, not enough air; two cubic meters of air), dirt (no plural; one cannot say: two dirties, however, there is a possibility: a lot of dirt, not enough dirt; two kilos of dirt), ink (no singular; one cannot say: 5 ink, however, there is a possibility: a lot of ink, not enough ink, two hundred grams of ink), sawdust (no singular; one cannot say: 5 sawdust, however, there is a possibility: a lot of sawdust, not enough sawdust; half a kilo of sawdust);
  • abstract (abstract)- these are nouns that name abstract phenomena perceived at the level of thoughts (they have only the singular or only the plural, do not mix with cardinal numbers). For example: sympathy (no plural; you cannot say: two condolences), warmth (no plural; one cannot say: two heats), bitterness (no plural; one cannot say: two bitternesses), chores (there is no singular; one cannot say: 5 hassle);
  • collective- these are nouns that name a huge number of similar objects as one whole (they have only the singular form; they do not mix with cardinal numbers). For example: youth (no plural, although it means a huge amount; one cannot say: two young people), teaching (there is no plural, although it means a huge amount; one cannot say: two teachers), beast (there is no plural, although it means a huge amount; one cannot say: two beasts), foliage (no plural, although it denotes a huge amount; one cannot say: two leaves);
  • single are nouns that are a type of real nouns. These nouns name one instance of those items that make up a huge amount. Eg: pearl - pearl, potato - potato, sand - grain of sand, pea - pea, snow - snowflake, grass - straw.
  • 5. According to the type of objects designated, nouns are divided into two categories:

  • animated nouns that name objects of wildlife, the question is asked to them who?: father, mother, nightingale, cat, fly, worm;
  • inanimate nouns that name objects of inanimate nature, the question is asked to them what?: country, stone, laughter, snow, window.
  • Note. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between animate and inanimate nouns.

    1) Animate nouns are predominantly masculine and feminine. There are very few animate neuter nouns ( child, animal, face in the meaning of "man" mammal, insect, monster, creature meaning "living organism" monster).

    2) Animate and inanimate nouns have features in declension:

  • for animate nouns in the plural, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the genitive case (for animate masculine nouns of the 2nd declension and in the singular): V.p. pl. = R.p. plural
  • Wed: mom - see mothers(pl. v.p.), no mothers(pl. R.p.); father - see fathers(pl. v.p.), no fathers(pl. R.p.); see father(singular VP), no father(singular R.p.);

  • for inanimate nouns in the plural, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form nominative case(for masculine nouns of the 2nd declension and in the singular, the form of the accusative case coincides with the form of the nominative case): V.p. plural = I.p. plural
  • Wed: country - see countries(pl. v.p.), there are countries(pl. I.p.); stone - I see stones(pl. v.p.), there are stones(pl. I.p.); I see a stone(singular VP), there is a stone(singular I.p.).

    3) The division of nouns into animate and inanimate does not always coincide with scientific presentation about animate and inanimate nature. For example, the noun regiment denotes a group of people, but this is an inanimate noun (V.p. = I.p.: I see a regiment - there is a regiment). The same is possible to follow the example of the noun microorganism. Based on the beliefs of biology, this is part of wildlife, but the noun is a microorganism inanimate (V.p. = I.p.: I see a microorganism - there is a microorganism). The nouns dead and corpse are synonymous, but the noun dead is animated (V.p. = R.p.: I see the dead - there is no dead), and the noun corpse is inanimate (V.p. = I.p.: I see a corpse - there is a corpse).


  • How to find the gender of a noun?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns (words of the jalousie class, cocoa)?
  • How to find the gender of nouns ending in -Л (words of the class tulle, corn)?
  • How to find the gender of compound nouns (words of the class cake-ice cream, chair-bed)?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns that name people (words of the hidalgo class, lady)?
  • How to find the gender of nouns denoting the names of shoes (slipper or slippers, sneaker or sneaker)?
  • How to find the gender of immutable nouns naming animals (words of the class kangaroo, chimpanzee)?
  • How to find the gender of nouns denoting the names of paired objects (rail or rail, golf or golf)?
  • How to find the gender of invariable nouns denoting professions and occupations (words of the class attache, porter)?
  • Where to find exercises for the topic “Morphological norms. gender of nouns?
  • How many types of declension of nouns in the Russian language?
  • Where can I find noun declension patterns?
  • How do 2nd declension nouns decline?
  • How do 3rd declension nouns decline?
  • How do nouns of the 1st declension decline?
  • Where to find the standard of declension of dissimilar nouns?
  • Where to find the standard declension of substantiated nouns?
  • Where to find a table of types of declension of nouns Russian language?
  • Where to find exercises for the topic “Morphological norms. Features of the declension of nouns "?
  • Material source Website

  • licey.net - Balashova L.V., Dementiev V.V. Russian language course (§ 3.2.1 "The concept of a noun. Morphological features of nouns. Discharges of nouns").
  • Additional sources:

  • ru.wikipedia.org - article "Noun in Russian";
  • gramota.ru - more about the features of animate and inanimate nouns;
  • rusgram.narod.ru - about the differences between their names and their names (§ 1124-1125), more about the distinction between animate and inanimate nouns (§ 1129-1131);
  • studysphere.ru - a short summary of the topic "Noun";
  • lik-bez.com - test on the topic "Noun";
  • licey.net - exercises for the topic “The concept of a noun. Morphological features of nouns. Discharges of nouns.