Diagnostic works according to the literature with specification. Literature specification (grade 6) educational and methodological material on literature (grade 6) on the topic

intermediate diagnostic work for grade 5
on literature
1. Purpose of diagnostic work
Intermediate work is intended to carry out the procedure of intermediate diagnostics of individual achievements of students of the 5th grade of the planned learning outcomes in the subject "Literature".
The diagnostic work covers the content of the 1st half of the academic year, included in the educational and methodological set on literature for the literature textbook for grade 5, edited by V.Ya. Korovina and others.
2. Documents defining the content of KIM:
OOP LLC MBOU "Kiikskaya high school”, approved by Order No. 87 dated 31.08.2015.
3. Conditions for conducting diagnostic work.
You have 45 minutes to complete the work. The answers to the tasks are recorded by the students in the test forms. Additional materials and equipment are not included.
4. Structure of diagnostic work.
The work uses several types of tasks: with the choice of the correct answer from several proposed ones, tasks with a short answer, a task for correspondence. Intermediate work on literature consists of 2 parts.
Part 1 contains tasks with a choice of answers (1-4, 6-21), task 5 - for compliance.
Part 2 contains short answer items (22–26).
The completeness of the verification of students' achievement of the planned results is ensured by including tasks compiled on the basis of the main sections of the 5th grade course studied in the 1st half of the year. The content of the tasks of the intermediate work allows to ensure the completeness of the verification of the preparation of students for basic level and the opportunity to record the achievements of students at this level. Due to the inclusion of tasks of an increased level of complexity, the work makes it possible to carry out a more subtle differentiation of students according to the level of training and to record the achievement by fifth-graders of the planned results required for mastering not only at the basic, but also at an advanced level. Thus, the results of the students' work make it possible to characterize both the state of the student's basic training and his development.
Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks in the work by sections of the course.
Table 1. Distribution of tasks in the work by sections of the course.
Course sections Number of tasks in a variant
1. Basic theoretical and literary concepts 8
2. From Russian folklore 3
3. From ancient Russian literature 1
4. From Russian literature of the 18th century 3
5. From Russian literature of the first half of the 19th century 8
6. From Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century 3
Total: 26
Of the 26 tasks of intermediate work, 21 tasks belong to the basic level of complexity, 5 tasks to the advanced level.
5. The system for evaluating individual tasks and the work as a whole
Table 2. Distribution of tasks by difficulty level
Difficulty levels Number of tasks Maximum score for tasks of a given difficulty level
Basic 21 24
Raised 5 8
Total: 26 32
The scale for transferring points for work to a school mark is given in the table "Evaluation criteria"
Criteria for evaluation:
Mark Percentage of correctly completed tasks at the basic level (BU) Percentage of correctly completed tasks at the level above the basic level (PU)
"5" 85 - 100% 65 - 100%
"4" 70% - 84% 50 - 100%
"3" 50 - 69% -
"2" less than 50% -
Plan of intermediate work in the Russian language to assess the educational achievements of students in grade 5
The following notation is used:
1) Levels of difficulty of tasks: B - basic, P - advanced.
2) Type of task: VO - tasks with a choice of answers, KO - tasks with a short answer, CO - tasks for compliance.
No. Designation of the task in the work Controlled content elements Level of difficulty Type of task Maximum score for the task
Part 1
1 1 Folklore. Genres of folklore B VO 1
2 2 Folklore. Genres of folklore B VO 1
3 3 Russian folk tales B VO 1
4 4 Russian folk tales B VO 1
5 5 Folklore. Genres of folklore B SO 4
6 6 Russian folk tales B VO 1
7 7 Monument of ancient Russian literature "The Tale of Bygone Years" B VO 1
8 8 Creativity of M.V.LomonosovB VO 1
9 9 Creativity of M.V.LomonosovB VO 1
10 10 Creativity of M.V.LomonosovB VO 1
11 11 Creativity of I.A. KrylovB VO 1
12 12 Creativity of I.A. KrylovB VO 1
13 13 The language of a work of art. Figurative and expressive means in a work of art: comparison, personification, allegory B VO 1
14 14 Creativity of A.S. PushkinB VO 1
15 15 Creativity of A.S. PushkinB VO 1
16 16 Creativity of A.S. PushkinB VO 1
17 17 Creativity of N.V. GogolyaB VO 1
18 18 Creativity of N.V. GogolyaB VO 1
19 19 Creativity of I.S.TurgenevB VO 1
20 20 Creativity of I.S.TurgenevB VO 1
21 21 Creativity of M.Yu. LermontovB VO 1
Part 2
22 22 The language of a work of art. Figurative and expressive means in a work of art: comparison, personification, allegory of PKO 1
23 23 The language of a work of art. Figurative and expressive means in a work of art: comparison, personification, allegory of PKO 3
24 24 Literary genera and genres of PKO 1
25 25 Form and content literary work: PKO composition 1
26 26 Creativity of N.A. NekrasovPKO 2
Intermediate diagnostic work on literature Grade 5
Part 1.
For each task No. 1 - No. 21, answer options are given, of which only one is correct.
1. What does the word "folklore" mean?
a) Russian literature; b) ancient literature;
c) folk festivals; d) the art of the people.
2. Which of the following genres is not folklore?
a) a fairy tale b) story; c) a proverb; d) fun.
3. What kind of conflict will you not find in a Russian folk tale?
a) good - evil; b) life - death; c) nature - civilization.
4. What kind of fairy tales does not exist in folklore?
a) about animals; b) household; c) fantasy-everyday; d) magical.
5. Correlate the concept and definition.
a) proverb 1) a monument of historical writing, where the narration is conducted in chronological order;

B) chronicle 2) an entertaining story about extraordinary fictional events and adventures
c) fairy tale 3) Artwork epic kind literature, short poetry
or prose story moralizing character,
allegorical meaning
d) a fable 4) a short proverb with instructive content

6. Which trait is not a trait fairy tale?
a) morality; b) ending; c) a hint; d) start.

7. Indicate the work that is a monument of ancient Russian literature:
a) the fairy tale "The Crane and the Heron";
b) the poem “Two Astronomers happened together at a feast ...”;
c) a rhyme "They sat on the golden porch ...";
d) The Tale of Bygone Years.
8. A poet who ran away from home at the age of 19 and walked from Arkhangelsk to Moscow to study:
a) M.V. Lomonosov; b) M.Yu. Lermontov;
c) V.A. Zhukovsky; d) A.S. Pushkin.
9. Who A.S. Pushkin called "our first university"?
a) M.Yu. Lermontov; b) I.A. Krylov;
c) M.V. Lomonosov; d) I.S. Turgenev.
10. What literary era is M.V. Lomonosov a representative of?
a) Old Russian literature; b) literature of the 18th century;
c) literature of the 19th century; d) literature of the 20th century.
11. What negative qualities of a person are allegorically depicted in the image of a wolf from I. Krylov's fable "The Wolf in the Kennel"?
a) stubbornness; b) greed, immoderation in food;
c) capriciousness; c) deceit, cunning, hypocrisy.
12. Indicate the name of I. Krylov's fable, the moral of which ends with the line "Not feeling that he is eating their fruits."
a) "The Crow and the Fox"; b) "Wolf in the kennel";
c) "Quartet"; d) "Pig under the oak."
13. What concept is referred to in the definition: “Entrusting inanimate objects with the properties of living beings”?
a) a fable b) morality; c) personification; d) comparison.
14. In what fairy tale did you meet a talking mirror?
a) V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess"
b) A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes"
c) "The Frog Princess"
15. Indicate the title of Elisha (“The Tale of the Dead Princess ...” by A. Pushkin).
a) a king b) boyar; c) a royal d) prince.
16. What distinguishes "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" by A. Pushkin from folk tales?
a) in the work there is an image of an evil stepmother;
b) a magical object plays an important role in the work;
c) the work belongs to a specific author, while it is impossible to indicate a specific author of folk tales;
d) the action of the tale takes place in an indefinite place.
17. Indicate the collection of N. Gogol, part of which is the story "The Enchanted Place".
a) "Evenings on a farm near Dikanka";
b) Mirgorod;
c) "Petersburg Tales";
d) the work is not included in any collection.
18. As in the subtitle " of an enchanted place» the genre of the work is determined?
a) a fable b) epic; c) true story; d) unforeseen.
19. What was the name of the estate where I. Turgenev spent his childhood?
a) Dikanka; b) Mikhailovskoye;
c) Spasskoe-Lutovinovo; d) Tarkhany.
20. What adjectives best describe Gerasim?
a) grumpy, quarrelsome, wayward;
b) lazy, good-natured;
c) hardworking, caring, devoted;
d) narcissistic, stubborn.
21. What historical event is dedicated to one of Lermontov's poems?
a) the battle of Poltava; b) Battle of Kulikovo; c) Battle of Borodino.
Part 2
22. What figurative and expressive means (means) are used in the above fragment: “itself, like the clear sun, shines”7
23. What characters of Russian folk tales personify evil?
24. Finish the sentence.
Epos, lyrics, drama are _____________________________________________
25. What traditional element of a folk tale did A. Pushkin use at the end of his "Tale of the Dead Princess ...": "I was there, I drank honey, I drank beer, but I just wet my mustache"?
26. Indicate the title of the work and the author of these lines:
“.. Beauty, marvelous to the world
Blush, slim, tall,
Beautiful in every dress
Dexterity for any work.
Part 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
d B C C A-4
AT 2
D-3 A D A C B C D C B C C A C C C C
Part 2
22 comparison
23 For example: Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Serpent Gorynych
24 Types of Literature
25 Ending
26 N.A. Nekrasov "Frost Red Nose"

Danilina Galina Olegovna, teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Uchkhozskaya secondary school" Krasnoslobodsky district of the Republic of Mordovia

requirements school curriculum base level.

The collection is addressed to teachers of literature.

Explanatory note

Literature - the basic academic discipline that forms the spiritual image and moral guidelines younger generation. She holds a leading place in the emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development schoolchild, in the formation of his worldview and national identity, without which it is impossible spiritual development the nation as a whole.

A collection of final tests for grades 5-11 will help the teacher check the performancerequirements of the school program of the basic level, namely:textual knowledge works of art, the level of formation of reading skills, the development of a culture of oral and written speech, knowledge literary terms and concepts.

The collection is based on the Program of secondary (complete) general education, maintains continuity with the program for the main school, relies on the tradition of studying a work of art as an indispensable source of thoughts and feelings of the reader, as the basis for the emotional and intellectual development of the student's personality.

The tasks of the collection are developed in accordance with USE structure and reflect three levels of tasks: with a choice of answers (tests), with a short answer (one or two words), with a detailed answer (no more than 2-3 sentences).

The time allotted for completing tasks in grades 5-9 is 40-45 minutes, in grades 10-11 - up to 90 minutes.

for class 5

Part 1.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Folklore is...

a) oral folk art;

b) small works for children: lullabies, riddles, counting rhymes, etc.

c) fairy tales invented by the people;

d) works of art created by our ancestors.

2. Genre of Old Russian literature, entry historical events on years.

a) living

b) chronicle

c) memoirs

d) memories

3. Russian folk tales are traditionally divided into 3 groups. Find an extra one.

a) magical

b) household

c) historical

d) about animals

4. What kind of conflict will you not find in a Russian folk tale?

a) good - evil;

b) life - death;

c) house - road;

d) nature - civilization.

5. Determine which work is taken from this fragment.

“She was of a very meek nature, or, rather, intimidated, she felt complete indifference to herself, she was mortally afraid of others ...”

a) V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess"

b) L.N. Tolstoy "Prisoner of the Caucasus"

c) I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

d) D.B. Kedrin "Alyonushka"

Part 2.

Briefly write down your answer.

1. A poet who studied at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

2. A poet who ran away from home at the age of 19 and walked from Arkhangelsk to Moscow to study.

3. Determine from which work this fragment is taken. Name the author.

"Taiga... Taiga... Without end and edge, it stretched in all directions, silent, indifferent."

Part 3

What is the main difference between ancient Russian literature and oral folk art.

Answers grade 5

Job number

Answer key

Part 1

Part 2

A.S. Pushkin

M.V. Lomonosov

V. Astafiev "Vasyutkino Lake"

Final test on literature

for 6th grade course

Part 1.

Choose the correct answer.

1. What genres of literature belong to the epic:

a) novel, story, short story

b) poem, poem, ode

c) tragedy, comedy

2. Match the term with the definition.




A. Small epic work narrating about one or more events in a person's life.

B. Man's idea of ​​the world, a legend about the origin of gods and people.

B. Narrative based on folk traditions and legends containing sketches folk life and mores.

Part 2.

Briefly write down your answer.

1. Write epithets from the poem:

When the yellowing field worries

And the fresh forest rustles at the sound of the breeze,

And the crimson plum hides in the garden

Under the shade of a sweet green leaf.

2. What remedy artistic expressiveness did the author use in describing the storm?

Write them out.

A storm covers the sky with mist,

Whirlwinds of snow twisting;

Like a beast, she will howl

It will cry like a child

That on a dilapidated roof

Suddenly straw rustles,

Like a belated traveler

He will knock on our window.

Part 3

Answer the questions in writing (2-3 sentences):

1. What is a chronicle and why is it needed? Who was the first chronicler?

2. Who is Ivan Petrovich Belkin? Where did you meet this name?

Answers grade 6

Final examination in literature

For 7th grade course.

Part 1.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the named works is autobiographical?

a) N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

b) A.P. Platonov "Yushka"

to you. Gorky "Childhood"

d) Yu.P. Kazakov "Quiet Morning"

2. What artistic technique used by N.V. Gogol to contrast Ostap with Andria in the story "Taras Bulba"?

a) hyperbole

b) metaphor

c) impersonation

d) antithesis

3. What is the main idea of ​​V. Mayakovsky's poem "An extraordinary adventure that happened with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer in the country"

a) the poet and the sun are friends

b) the appointment of the poet and poetry

c) the poet's complaint about a difficult life

d) declaration of love

Part 2.

Briefly write down your answer.

“She belonged to no one; she didn't have own name, and no one could tell where she was during the whole long frosty winter and what she fed on.

2. Fill in the table

Types of Literature






Poem in prose








Oh yeah

Part 3

Answer the question in writing (2-3 sentences):

What is the main problem of the works of writers studied in grade 7.

Answers Grade 7

Job number

Answer key

Part 1

Part 2

L. Andreev "Kusaka"

Epos, poetry, drama.

Types of Literature









Poem in prose







Final examination in literature

for 8th grade course.

Part 1.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Historicism is

a) thoughts about the past

b) letters, diaries, notes

c) a principle in literature that helps to present heroes, events against the backdrop of a large historical canvas

d) oral folk art

2. What literary trend does N.M. Karamzin's story "Natalya, the boyar daughter" belong to?

a) romanticism;

b) sentimentalism;

c) realism;

c) there are features of both sentimentalism and romanticism

3. The ideological culmination center "Mtsyri" is ...

a) an episode of Mtsyri's fight with a leopard;

b) meeting with a Georgian

c) a dream about a goldfish

c) three days of wandering

Part 2.

Briefly write down your answer.

1. Write down the genres of lyrics:

a) short story b) epic c) ode d) drama e) poem f) story g) short story h) comedy

2. Determine the section of literature and the genre of the passage:

My heart got excited

Like water on the Volkhov.

Water will stand for a while

My heart never.

On the mountains two gloomy clouds

Sultry evening wandered

And on the breast of a combustible rock

By night they slowly slipped away. (M. Lermontov)

Part 3

Answer the question in writing (2-3 sentences):

Describe the types of literary characters presented in the works of writers studied in grade 8.

Answers Grade 8

Job number

Answer key

Part 1

Part 2

c, d

Oral folk art, ditty.


gloomy clouds, combustible rocks.


clouds wandered, crawled. Metaphor: the chest of a rock.

Final examination in literature

For 9th grade.

Part 1.

1. Determine the title of the work and its author.

a) What can his own Platos

And quick-witted Newtons

Russian land to give birth.

b) Learning is the plague, learning is the cause,

What is now more than ever,

Crazy divorced people, and deeds, and opinions.

2. What ideological and aesthetic trend in literature do the works of Russian writers belong to?

A) " Captain's daughter» (A.S. Pushkin)

b) " Poor Lisa"(N. M. Karamzin).

c) "To the Rulers and Judges" (G. R. Derzhavin).

d) "Mtsyri" (M. Yu. Lermontov).

3. Determine what means of expression are used in the following lines.

Shining eyes, Eugene

It stands like a formidable shadow,

And, as burned by fire,

She stopped.

a) comparison

b) hyperbole

c) impersonation

d) epithet

Part 2.

Briefly write down your answer.

1. About what work did V. G. Belinsky say that it was "a beautiful, fragrant flower of Slavic folk poetry, worthy of attention, memory and respect"?

2. Which Russian writer of the 18th century did Catherine II call "a rebel worse than Pugachev"?

Part 3

Answer the question in writing (2-3 sentences):

Note the peculiarity of the poems about the motherland studied in grade 9.

Answers Grade 9

Job number

Answer key

Part 1

a - M. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of accession to the throne of the Empress Empress Elisaveta Petrovna"

b - A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit"

a - realism

b - sentimentalism

c - classicism

g - romanticism

a, g

Part 2

A word about Igor's regiment

A. Radishcheva

Final examination in literature

for class 10.

Part 1

A1. A proverb was used as an epigraph to N.V. Gogol's play "The Government Inspector", choose the correct one:

A) “they see by the dress who is walking”

B) "no matter how much the rope is twisted, but the end will be"

C) "There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked"

D) "take care of honor from a young age"

A2. To whom did I.S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons"?

A) A.S. Pushkin

B) V.G. Belinsky

C) N.V. Gogol

D) N.A. Nekrasov

A3. About whom in " Dead souls” it is said: “tear on humanity”?

A) about Captain Kopeikin

B) about Plushkin

B) about the box

D) about Chichikov

A4. Who owns the following words: “Here is your Katerina. Do what you want with her! Her body is here, take it, but the soul is not yours now!”?

A) Katherine

B) Kuligin

B) Tikhon

D) Kabanikhe

A5. Realism is

A) depiction of typical characters in typical circumstances

B) a true image of reality

C) a direction in literature imbued with optimism and the desire to show the high destiny of man

G) art style and aesthetic direction in European art XVII-XIX centuries

Part 2.

IN 1. A.S. Griboedov wrote: “In my comedy there are 25 fools per sane person ..” Whom did the writer mean?

AT 2. To what aesthetic trend in the literature of the 18th - 19th centuries does M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri" belong?

Q3. What is the genre of a lyrical work written in an elevated style and glorifying someone or some solemn event?

AT 4 . The epigraph of which work is the proverb "Take care of honor from a young age"?

AT 5. By what principle are the images of Oblomov and Stolz introduced into the novel?

Part 3

Express your opinion about the statement in the form of a detailed answer. Reason. Give reasons.

The works I read in the 10th grade literature course surprised me with unusual storylines, re-drinking the fate of the characters. And most importantly, the heroes of the works of Russian literature of the 19th century are strong, extraordinary personalities, but often come into conflict with society.

Answers. Grade 10



Oh yeah

A. Pushkin

"Captain's daughter"


Final examination in literature

for class 11.

Part 1. Read the text. Complete tasks.

The German forward edge slipped between two bunkers. Submachine gunners jumped out of the dugout, and I deliberately slowed down so that they could see that the major was coming. But they raised a cry, waving their hands, they say, you can’t go there, but I didn’t seem to understand, threw in the gas and went to all eighty. Until they came to their senses and began to hit the car with machine guns, and I was already winding in no man's land between the funnels no worse than a hare.

Here the Germans were beating me from behind, but here they outlined their own, scribbling towards me from machine guns. In four places, the windshield was pierced, the radiator was pierced with bullets ... But now there was a forest above the lake, our people were running to the car, and I jumped into this forest, opened the door, fell to the ground and kissed it, and I couldn’t breathe ...

A young boy, on his tunic he has protective epaulettes, which I have not yet seen in my eyes, is the first to run up to me, baring his teeth: “Aha, damn Fritz, got lost?” I tore off my German uniform, threw my cap under my feet and said to him: “You are my dear lip slap! Dear son!

What kind of Fritz am I to you when I am a natural Voronezh? I was in captivity, you understand? And now untie this boar that is sitting in the car, take his briefcase and take me to your commander. I handed over the pistol to them and went from hand to hand, and by evening I found myself with the colonel - the division commander. By this time they had fed me, and taken me to the bathhouse, and interrogated me, and issued uniforms, so I appeared in the dugout to the colonel, as expected, clean in body and soul, and in full form. The colonel got up from the table and walked towards me. He hugged all the officers and said: “Thank you, soldier, for the expensive gift that you brought from the Germans. Your major and his portfolio are dearer to us than twenty "languages". I will petition the command to present you for a government award. And from these words of his, from affection, I get very worried, my lips tremble, do not obey, I could only squeeze out of myself: “Please, Comrade Colonel, enlist me in the rifle unit.”

But the colonel laughed and patted me on the shoulder: “What kind of warrior are you if you can barely stand on your feet? Today I will send you to the hospital. They will treat you there, feed you, after that you will go home to your family for a month on vacation, and when you return to us, we will see where to put you.

And the colonel, and all the officers that he had in the dugout, sincerely said goodbye to me by the hand, and I left completely agitated, because in two years I had lost the habit of human treatment.

M.A. Sholokhov, "The Fate of Man"

A1. name literary direction, which flourished in the second half of the 19th century and whose traditions are reflected in The Fate of Man.

A2. Indicate the genre to which the named work of M.A. belongs. Sholokhov

A3. "The Destiny of Man" is called "a folded epic canvas." Name Sholokhov's four-volume epic novel, which is a "big" epic and also reflects the fate of a person in History

A4. The episode of the hero's meeting with the division commander has something in common with the scene at the Lagerführer Muller, who called Andrei "a real Russian soldier." What is the name of sharp opposition various situations, phenomena in a work of art?

A5. What is the name of the method of displaying internal, emotional experiences heroes in the work (“fell to the ground and kiss it, and I have nothing to breathe”, “lips tremble, do not obey”, etc.)?

Part 2. Read the text. Complete tasks.


Sounded over a clear river,

Rang out in the faded meadow,

It swept over the mute grove,

It lit up on the other side.

Far, in the twilight, bows

The river runs to the west.

Burning with golden rims,

Clouds scattered like smoke.

On the hillside it is either damp or hot,

The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night,

But the lightning is already glowing brightly

Blue and green fire.

A.A. Fet

IN 1. "Far away, in the twilight, with bows

The river runs away to the west ... "

What is the name of the artistic description of nature in a literary work?

AT 2. What technique does the poet use in the line: "The clouds scattered like smoke"?

AT 3. What type of trope, based on the transfer of the properties of one phenomenon to another according to their similarity, does the author use when referring to the “sighs of the day” in the “breath of the night”?

Q 4. What is the name of the combination of lines in a poem that have a certain metrical, rhythmic, intonational-syntactic structure and are united by rhyme.

AT 5. What size is the poem written by A.A. Feta "Evening"?

Part 3

Write an answer to the question: “What, in your opinion, are the features of the prose about the Great Patriotic War? (List the main problems, types of heroes, etc.)

Answers. Grade 11





Quiet Don







  1. KIM USE in Literature 2010-2013 Moscow "Enlightenment".
  2. Journal "Russian language at school". Moscow. 2011-2012
  3. Journal “Russian Language and Literature. Everything for the teacher! . Novosibirsk. 2013
  4. Zolotareva I.V., Egorova N.V. Universal lesson developments in literature. 8th grade. M.: VAKO, 2006
  5. Kuzanova O.A. "Literature. State final certification. Grade 9 "M.," Exam ", 2011.




final diagnostic work in the literature

for students of the 6th grade of the Orthodox classical gymnasium

1.Purpose of work: The final work for students of grade 6 is carried out at the end of the school year and is designed to diagnose individual achievements of students in grade 6 of the planned learning outcomes, determine the level of preparation and quality of mastering the material in the subject "Literature" as part of monitoring the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This work allows you to determine the level of formation of the following subject and meta-subject skills in 6th grade students:

Possession of literary terminology;

Definition of a cognitive goal (the ability to determine main idea and the purpose of the text);

Extracting the necessary information from the text;

Establishment of causal relationships;

Free orientation and perception of artistic style texts;

Understanding and adequate assessment of the language of works of art;

Conscious and arbitrary construction of speech utterance.

2. Documents defining the content and parameters of diagnostic work

– Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897).

– Exemplary programs of basic general education. M.: Education, 2010.

– The Literature Program of the Orthodox Classical Gymnasium, compiled on the basis of the Exemplary Program of Basic General Education in Literature and the Standard of the Orthodox Component of Basic General Education, approved by the decision of the Holy Synod of Russia Orthodox Church dated July 27, 2011.

– On the certification of the quality of pedagogical test materials(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated April 17, 2000 No. 1122).

3. Structure of diagnostic work

The work is aimed at testing the knowledge and skills that are integral part reading competence, and compiled on the basis of the Literature Program of the Orthodox Classical Gymnasium, compiled on the basis of the Exemplary Program of Basic General Education in Literature and the Standard of the Orthodox Component of Basic General Education, approved by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of July 27, 2011.

The work uses tasks of basic and advanced levels of complexity. Tasks of the basic level of complexity check the development of fundamental knowledge and skills in the subject, without which it is impossible to continue learning successfully. Tasks of an increased level of complexity help to assess the student's potential for successful continuation of education. Using Jobs different levels complexity allows you to differentiate students by the level of educational achievements and evaluate the quality of mastering the planned results at two levels of complexity.

The content of the final work allows you to ensure the completeness of the training of students at the basic level and the ability to record the achievement of students at this level. Due to the inclusion of tasks of an increased level of complexity, also compiled on the basis of the planned results, the work makes it possible to carry out a finer differentiation of students according to the level of training and to record the achievement of fifth-graders, which are mandatory for mastering the planned results, not only at the basic, but also at an advanced level.

The work on literature included 8 tasks with a choice of answers, 10 tasks with a short answer and a mini-essay.

The final work on the literature consists of 4 parts.

Part 1 (A1-A7) contains tasks with a choice of answers.

Part 2 (B1-B5) contains tasks with a short answer - analysis of a fragment of an epic work.

Part 3 (A8, B6-B10) contains tasks with a short answer - analysis of a lyrical work.

Part 4 (C1) is a mini-essay on the proposed questions.

4. Lead time

60 minutes are allotted to complete the entire diagnostic work. It is suggested that after 40 minutes allotted for completing tasks of type A and B, before completing part 4, take a break for 10 minutes. (in accordance with the recommendations of SanPiN).

5. Conditions for conducting diagnostic work, including additional materials and equipment

Strict adherence to the instructions for carrying out diagnostic work. Additional materials and equipment are not provided.

6. Evaluation system for individual tasks and work in general

All questions with a choice of answers and with a short answer are estimated at 1 point. A task with a detailed answer C1 is estimated at 4 points. The maximum primary score for completing the entire work is 22 points.

7. Distribution of tasks of diagnostic work according to the content and skills being tested

Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks by topics of the literature course in the 6th grade.

Distribution of tasks of diagnostic work by content and tested skills

The table shows the distribution of tasks on the topics of the literature course in the 6th grade.

Literature Course Topics

Number of jobs

Small genres of folklore / Proverb as embodiment worldly wisdom, reflection folk experience/ Saying as a figurative expression.

Themes of nature, motherland, war in Russian literature. Childhood images.

Literature as the art of the verbal image. Literature and mythology. Literature and folklore.

Artistic image. Character. Literary hero. Main and secondary characters. Lyric hero.

plot and composition.

Theme and problems. The ideological and emotional content of the work. The sublime and the base, the tragic and the comic in literature. Humor. Satire.

Artistic speech. Poetry and prose. Figurative and expressive means (epithet, metaphor, personification, comparison, hyperbole, antithesis, allegory). Artistic detail. Poetic dimensions. Rhythm, rhyme. Stanza.

Literary genera and genres.

Old Russian literature, its genres and forms, the main characters.

Russian literature XIX century. Image of historical events, life of the Russian nobility and paintings folk life. Moral quest heroes of Russian literature.


The following table shows the distribution of tasks according to the planned learning outcomes.

Planned learning outcomes

Number of jobs

consciously perceive and understand the folklore text; distinguish between folklore and literary works

understand the themes, problems, ideas of the studied works

distinguish between verse and prose as forms artistic speech, know the authors lyrical works(within the studied)

find means of artistic expression in the analyzed text (epithet, metaphor, personification, etc.)

determine the pathos of the work (within the studied: heroic, comic, tragic)

highlight elements of composition and plot

distinguish between works of ancient Russian and new Russian literature

distinguish genres of ancient Russian literature (within the studied)

correctly determine the generic nature of works of art (within the studied)

correctly identify genre nature works of art (within the studied genres)

be able to analyze a literary work



The plan of the final diagnostic work in the literature

for 6th grade students

Codifier of controlled content elements (CES) and planned learning outcomes (PRO) in literature

Task designation in work







Approximate time for the task, min.


task score

Part 1


Information on the theory and history of folklore and literature: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6.1, 11.8.1, 11.10.1, 11.12.1, 11.13 .1






2.6.3, 2.9.3








Part 2


epics: 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3,,






2.1.7, 2.9.3


2.1.2, 2.4.1


Part 3

2.1.1, 2.1.2

lyric works: 3.01, 4.4.1, 4.5.1, 5.11, 5.2.1, 5.4.1,, 6.7.1, 11.7.1










AT 10



Part 4

2.3.1, 2.7.1

mini essay







Diagnostic work on literature for students in grade 6

Part 1

A1. Which of the following is not a genre of literature?

  1. epic
  2. fantastic
  3. lyrics
  4. drama

A2. Specify the genre of the work from which the excerpt is taken:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired forces;
The ice is fragile on the icy river
As if melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not faded yet,
Yellow and fresh lie like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! frosty nights,
Clear, quiet days...
There is no ugliness in nature! And kochi
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus' ...
I quickly fly along cast-iron rails,
I think my mind...

  1. elegy
  2. ballad
  3. poem

A3. “Despite the fact that most of the folk are devoted to the simplest and most common household items, as well as pets and natural phenomena, they reveal the poetic side in these objects and phenomena, opening up full scope for the creative imagination of the people. For many, the allegorical or metaphorical nature of the construction is characteristic.

What genre of folklore is referred to in the above passage?

  1. joke
  2. proverb
  3. counting rhyme
  4. mystery

A4. Name the genre of A.I. Kuprin’s work “The Miraculous Doctor”:

  1. story
  2. feature article
  3. story
  4. tradition

A5. Name the genres of ancient Russian literature:

1) Paterik, life, chronicle

2) Ode, poem, ballad

3) Tale, novel, short story

4) Tragedy, lady, comedy

A6. What is the name of the Russian fabulist:

  1. M.V. Lomonosov
  2. V.A. Zhukovsky
  3. I.I. Dmitriev
  4. A.P. Platonov

A7. Which of the following is not element of the plot of a work of art?

  1. plot
  2. climax
  3. paragraph
  4. epilogue

Part 2

The thin one suddenly turned pale, petrified, but soon his face twisted in all directions with the broadest smile; it seemed as if sparks were falling from his face and eyes. He himself shrunk, hunched over, narrowed... His suitcases, bundles and cartons shrunk, grimaced... His wife's long chin became even longer; Nathanael stretched out in front and buttoned all the buttons of his uniform ...

I, Your Excellency... Very pleased, sir! A friend, one might say, of childhood, and suddenly turned out to be such grandees, sir! Hee hee s.

Well, it's full! the fat man grimaced. “What is that tone for? You and I are childhood friends - and what is this veneration for!

Excuse me ... What are you ... - the thin one chuckled, shrinking even more. - Your Excellency's gracious attention ... it seems to be life-giving moisture ... This is, Your Excellency, my son Nathanael ... wife Louise, Lutheran, in a way...

The fat one wanted to object something, but the thin one's face was written with such reverence, sweetness and respectful acidity that the Privy Councilor vomited. He turned away from Thin and gave him his hand in parting.

The thin one shook three fingers, bowed with his whole body and giggled like a Chinese: "hee-hee-hee." The wife smiled. Nathanael shuffled his foot and dropped his cap. All three were pleasantly surprised.

B1. Write the name of the author of the work from which this passage is taken.


AT 2. Name the genre of the work from which this passage is taken.

AT 3. What is the exchange of lines between characters called?


AT 4. In one word, define the method used by the author of the comic presentation of social phenomena.


AT 5. Write down a noun that indicates the reason for Subtle's behavior in this passage.


Part 3


1) A golden cloud spent the night

2) On the chest of a giant cliff;

3) She left early in the morning,

4) Playing merrily across the azure;

5) But there was a wet mark in the wrinkle

6) Old cliff. Alone

7) He stands deep in thought

8) And he weeps softly in the desert.


A8. What is this poem about? Circle number answer option, which

can't be truefor this question.

  1. about love
  2. about death
  3. about happiness
  4. about loneliness

AT 6. Write the name of the author of this poem.

AT 7. Determine the size of this poem. Write down the answer in one word, without indicating the number of feet.


AT 8. Write out the personifications from the text in the order they appear in the text, separated by commas without a space.

AT 9. Mark the lines in which there are discrepancies between rhythmic and poetic pauses.

Write down their numbers separated by commas without a space.


AT 10 O'CLOCK. What is the name of figurative definition, serving as a means artistic expressiveness (“golden cloud”, “wet trail”)? Write your answer in plural form.


Part 4

C1. What works in which the theme of childhood is central do you know? Name them. Which ones have you read? Which ones did you like and which didn't you like? Justify your point of view on one read work.

Write about itshort essay(10–15 sentences) on a separate signed sheet.

Performance evaluation system

diagnostic work. 6th grade

A task with a short answer or with a choice of answers is considered completed if the recorded answer matches the standard. It is valued at 1 point. A task with a detailed answer is evaluated by an expert (teacher) in accordance with the evaluation criteria. Points

A detailed answer is given in the amount of at least 10 sentences, there are no speech and factual errors

Answered but incomplete / text contains 1–2 spelling and/or factual errors

The answer is given, but incompletely, fragmentarily / the text contains 3-4 speech and / or factual errors / the meaning of the statement is obscured / less than 10 sentences

The answer is given in a few words that do not constitute a complete sentence; there are 5 or more speech errors that make it difficult to understand what is written

No answer / does not match the question

Table for converting primary points into school grades

An educational organization may adjust the presented scale for converting points into school grades, taking into account the contingent of students.
