Kudrin Nikolai Mikhailovich biography. Veliky Ustyug Centralized Library System

Spring freshness…

Kudrin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1927-1997)

Novosibirsk composer, author of such songs as “Bread is the Head of Everything”, “Quail”, “My Village”, “Russian Boots”, “Singers of Russia”, etc. “Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR”, “Honored Worker of Arts of Russia”, laureate of the award Mayor of Novosibirsk "Person of the Year", "Person of the XX century of the Novosibirsk region".

Printed from the book:

"Creators": Essays on people who inscribed their name in the history of Novosibirsk. T.I. pp. 247-257.

Compiled by N. A. Alexandrov; Editor E. A. Gorodetsky.

Novosibirsk: Club of Patrons, 2003. - V.1. - 512 p.; T.2. - 496 p.

It seems to me that this night was restless for Lyudmila Zykina. Maybe in a dream a new melody sounded for her, which was sung by a beautiful, mighty curly Siberian .... Or maybe she didn’t have time for sleep at all: on alarm she gathered her musical group, put sheets of music on the table and said: "Let's work."

In 1964, the Mosconcert singer, not yet a national singer, not yet a laureate, but already famous and beloved, came to Novosibirsk. For several days the large hall of the Opera and Ballet Theater was filled to capacity, and it seemed that the chandeliers trembled from the thunder of applause. One day in her hotel room there was a phone call. A pleasant baritone from the local philharmonic was asking for a meeting to show the song he had composed. Oh, how many graphomaniacs and unrecognized geniuses strive to get into the eyes of the great, to push through their opuses, verses with their help, and then, on occasion, in the company to quit in an everyday voice: that's when we talked with such and such ... The artist felt that the baritone not one of those. When the guest, tall and well-cut, with a hat of black curls, tried to hand over sheets of music, she asked:

- You better sleep.

Then she listened to the song one more time, said:

- Leave it.

The next day at the Philharmonic was the usual work. Nikolai Kudrin was also preparing for the speech. He was informed that his number was removed from the evening program.

- Why?

- Lyudmila Zykina invites you to a concert. Personally!

He listened with pleasure to a unique, rich in shades, enchanting voice, which rang in his soul even during the intermission. The beginning of the second part was deafening. The singer opened it with the song "Quail", moreover, she said that the author had presented this work to her only yesterday and that he was in the hall. Invited Kudrin to the stage. He walked around the hall, he was accompanied by applause, which gained strength. When the artist kissed the composer, they went into a storm of applause, which did not stop for a long time. The next number has already been announced, but the hall could not calm down.

Siberians "Quail" was already known. It was penetratingly, touching the deepest, innermost strings of hearts, performed by the soloist of the Siberian folk choir Galina Merkulova. The magical voice of the visiting prima donna lured "Quail" out of the nest, raised her high above the vast country, and she rang in every city, village.

She also flew into the unknown village of Vassino, in the Toguchinsky district. Here is the family nest of the Kudrins. Here, a curly-haired boy, together with a horde of peers, disappeared for days on end outside the outskirts, looking for slime onions, locusts, sorrel by birch pegs, collecting bird cherry or viburnum. Or just lay for hours in the perfumed grass, listening to its rustle, to the chirping of grasshoppers, the singing of larks, and waited for that fabulous evening moment when the quail in a sleepy voice would announce that it was time to sleep. Or with a bird-cherry rod and a horsehair fishing line he caught minnows either in Izyly or in Kurundus. These two rivers, flowing parallel to each other, gave a special charm to the village, their banks overgrown with bushes picturesquely bordered the village streets.

“And in winter, on clear days, the children loved to climb Murlytkina Mountain,” recalls Lidia Stepanovna Kupriyanova, who spent her childhood in Vassino, and then worked as a teacher in Novosibirsk all her life, “not only to ride, but more then to see how adults have fun . Men and women already in their years, even the elderly, and, of course, boys and girls, dragged horse-drawn sleighs upstairs, arranged a bunch of mala on them and rushed to the river. They laughed, squealed with joy, like children. They didn’t take the children with them, apparently, they were afraid to hurt them. So we went down the mountain as best we could - on some board, on an ice floe, or simply on our own buttocks.

Somehow, seven-year-old Kolya was very lucky. His parents took him to the fair in Toguchin. It was there that he saw the accordion for the first time. Or rather, heard it first.

The drunken peasant, frowning angrily for some reason, was doing a variety of outlandish things. Now he forced the furs to bend, then he threw the accordion over his head, then he stretched it, it seemed, to the limit, as much as his hands were enough for. And she equally businesslike and clearly gave out either a patter or a smooth melody, inviting the assembled people to the complicity. They laughed, sang along, trampled… The wonderful instrument stunned and bewitched the little boy. It was necessary to get ready for the return journey, but his parents could not persuade him to go to the gathering place of the villagers, where horses were waiting for them. He kept repeating: “I want the same harmonica! Buy an accordion!" They explained to him: expensive, there is no such money. And only after they promised to accumulate the right amount the boy calmed down. They thought they would indulge and forget. It wasn't there. I had to give half a bag of flour for a talyanka. Since then, Kolya has become less likely to be on the street. He studied the keys, sounds, picked up the melodies of familiar songs, dance tunes. It turned out so cleverly that they began to call him with an accordion to family celebrations. I had no idea about the notes, since there was no music teacher in the village, and there was no special literature. And only at the age of ten, when the family moved to Novosibirsk, he began to study musical literacy at school. folk art, fell in love with accordion. Having completely surrendered to music, after the end of the seven-year period, he found time only for attending the preparatory courses for paratroopers, jumping with a parachute.

The war broke into everyday life, crossed out all family plans. Father went to the front. But he did not have to fight for long. After two wounds and a shell shock in the forty-second, he was demobilized. Sixteen-year-old Nikolai, having settled down as a projectionist apprentice, showed films at the Pioneer cinema. He liked his profession: firstly, cinema and music are inseparable from each other, and secondly, he watched all the documentaries about the war, about the heroism of Soviet soldiers, about the atrocities of the Nazis. Together with former classmates, he besieged the draft board, demanded that he be sent to the front. They were answered:

- Oh, guys, do not rush, your time will come ...

It came very quickly. She had not yet turned seventeen when the summons was brought.

- You will go to Vladivostok, to the merchant fleet.

- Why to the merchant!? - the young man was indignant. - I want to go to the warship!

- You're still young. Look around, get used to the sea, to naval life. And there, you look, and eighteen will knock. You, hero, will be taken on a cruiser with great pleasure ...

- We don't want to go shopping! the boys protested.

- Stop talking! ordered the officer with the bandaged head. - You don't have a market here. Can you imagine what the merchant fleet is during the war years? What is he transporting? He delivers military equipment, ammunition, clothing, food for our soldiers ... For the front! And, besides, don't you understand that for German and Japanese submarines and aircraft, for fascist torpedoes and bombs, it doesn't matter what kind of ship is in front of them - combat or merchant! Consider that you are going to the front.

A long and uncomfortable road in the carriages. Short courses, distribution. The Siberian was enrolled in the command of the Sukhona ocean ship. Good-natured, strong, he immediately fell in love with the guys. Of course, it also mattered that he played the button accordion remarkably. Therefore, where Kudrin is, there are songs, dances, good mood. We looked forward to going to sea. The last control of the customs officers - and raise the anchors! The ship left, only one sailor remained on the shore - Nikolai Kudrin. It turns out that it was not Kudrin, but Kurdin, who added the clerk to the list ... There was no time to make a correction.

Nikolai Dedov, also a cabin boy of the war years, in civilian clothes - a journalist, one of the composer's closest friends, recalled:

- Kolya was crying from resentment .... And after some time, black news came to the Far Eastern Shipping Company. The Sukhona made it safely to America, loaded up with Canadian wheat, and was already heading home by the northern sea route. There she was intercepted by a German submarine ... The whole team died ...

So fate decreed ...

Nikolai Kudrin came to the ship "KIM" as a different person. He grew up, became gloomy, withdrawn. heartache did not let go for a long time. He couldn't play funny tunes. The thoughtful button accordion was sad. The new comrades, knowing about his misfortune, did not disturb him, tried to divert the sailor from his gloomy thoughts. After many, many years, the famous composer Nikolai Kudrin and the chairman of the Siberian Regional Council of the Jung - participants in fiery flights Nikolai Dedov will create a song about those harsh days.

Float in the ocean sunrises, sunsets,

And the cabin boy on watch is at the helm ...

And the waves, rising, roll and roll,

The native land is far away.

The sea baptized us with a salty wave.

We became friends with the severe storm.

The roads of those flights of military convoys,

We will never forget those fiery years ...

On "KIM" helmsman Kudrin went until the end of the war. The ship crossed the Pacific Ocean several times, delivered thousands of tons of cargo needed for the country from Portland. Off the coast of America, the team celebrated Victory Day. That's when the button accordion cheered up, that's where the eyes of the sailors shone with happiness. The accordion player was also happy, but from time to time the eyelids turned red and tears sparkled on the eyelashes.

And a Siberian served on this ship for another three years. Could have stayed for a long time, maybe forever. What else is needed? I like the work, I fell in love with the sea, the guys here are strong, loyal, brave. Regular trips to overseas territories. Traveled to USA, Canada, Korea. The income is decent. Make music as much as you want. Many people dream of such a life. And yet he couldn't stay. Father never recovered from his wounds, very bad. Mom was paralyzed. So goodbye, Pacific Ocean! Farewell fleet! The course is to the native harbor.

In Novosibirsk, I saw an announcement: the Siberian Russian Folk Choir needs musicians. Artistic director Andrei Porfiryevich Novikov, a talented artist and teacher, listened to the sailor's game and said that it was not the gods who burn the pots, that there would be a desire, but skill would come. I shed a lot of sweat, grinding the technique. With a choir and concert brigades, he traveled the region far and wide, visited dozens of districts and hundreds of villages and realized: only here, in his native land - in the Kulunda steppes and solonetz Baraba, in the open spaces of the Ob and Salair foothills, where all the rivers and rivulets are filled with spring water , he can breathe deeply. It was here, at the birch and aspen pegs, in pine forests and in the wheat fields, a song is born in the soul. Apparently, the people say the truth: where he was born, he came in handy there. He matured as a professional musician, strengthened spiritually. In 1951, at the Philharmonic, he created the Meeting with a Song group and became its artistic director. Then Nikolai Kudrin was only twenty-four years old, and it seemed to him that he had lived long life. And missed something. Studied in absentia and graduated from the Moscow Institute of Culture, having received the specialty of an amateur orchestra conductor folk instruments.

And the music was already born in his soul, asking to come out, his Kudrinsky song voice cut through. He wrote secretly, not showing the work even to close friends. Finally, when the regional competition was announced, he sent the song “You can’t find a better fellow in the village” under the motto. The entries were reviewed anonymously. His "Well Done" was among the best. And the next song at the next competition became a laureate. Then the happy Quail fluttered out, and Kudrin became famous.

The song could not help flying into the distant village of Ulyanino, in the Krasnozersky district, to the hut where the girl Nina lived. The family was melodious, grandfather, grandmother, parents had strong beautiful voices. The songs did not stop - at home, on arable land, in the garden. Settlers from the banks of the Dnieper drank mainly Ukrainian songs. But their repertoire increasingly included Russians. One day Nina was getting ready for school. The radio broadcast the concert. One of the songs stunned, pinched the heart. She jumped out into the courtyard, shouted:

- Mother! Which song!

- What is it? Whose? About what? asked Lukerya Moiseevna, who was digging in the garden.

I don't know, I didn't hear the beginning...

“But I heard something. Something hit you.

I remember two lines...


Sing me your song, quail,

Just don't call me to sleep...

- Yes, maybe, good writing. You don't brag. Garn will be given a piece of writing more than once.

We agreed to wait for the next time. Prepared, put paper and two pencils on the table. And soon they actually caught the expected melody. They wrote it down in two hands: Nina - the first line, mother - the second ... And so on until the end. They sang right there. In the evening, the whole family joined them.

After leaving school, Nina went to Novosibirsk to enter the music and pedagogical school. Members admission committee they kindly listened to the girl from the "outback", who answered the questions of the ticket that fell out with a strong Ukrainian accent.

Finally, they asked for something to sing. Nina performed "Quail". The members of the commission were surprised - when singing influence Ukrainian language didn't feel at all.

Nina didn't know. They explained to her, reassured her:

Nothing, you don't know much yet. That's why you go to study. And you might even see Kudrin… Maybe fate will bring him together…

Fate brought. After graduating from college, after long domestic ordeals, Nina Pavlova ended up in Siberian choir and, of course, met her idol. They became friends, understood each other from a half-word, from a half-note. We went along with concerts, the soloist performed about twenty Kudrin's works with constant success. Trouble came - Nikolai Mikhailovich buried his wife Lyudmila, also a talented artist. And after many years, Nina Stepanovna became his wife.

“You’re good, dear,” Kudrin said, “yes, it’s painfully small and young.

“Nothing, maestro,” Nina answered in his tone, “this shortcoming is eliminated over time. And in some ways I am now older and more experienced than you ...

She hinted that in everyday affairs Kudrin remained an unintelligent child.

And the fame of the Siberian nugget grew.

The concert team did not recognize fatigue and obstacles. District responders sometimes complained:

- Where are you in a hurry! Frost is cracking! If there was no trouble ...

Or - “the blizzard has risen - nothing is visible three meters away”, “the roads have been carried away - not for long and roll over” ...

The artists replied:

- We'll sing the blizzard, we'll dance the frost!

And - go ahead!

Sometimes in a crowded club, through the steam and fog, it was impossible to see the faces of the spectators wrapped in fur coats and sheepskin coats. And what is it like for artists, lightly dressed, who “according to their position” need to sparkle with cheerful smiles, be mischievous, careless, cheerful! It happened that the program was completed, the artists fell down from fatigue and dreamed of cuddling up to the warm stove, but calls were heard in the hall:

- Sing some more! Play! Please!

And the accordion sounds again. The youngsters throw off their fur coats and sheepskin coats, run out onto the stage, start dancing. The ditties are ringing. And everyone seems to be getting warmer.

In Kyshtovka, at the end of the world, in the northernmost region of the region, beyond which there is nothing but the swamps of Vasyugan, Nikolai Mikhailovich caught the eye of a local newspaper. It contains several quatrains and a signature: Vladimir Gundorev. The composer started up, caught fire. The unknown poet artlessly and frankly expressed the feelings that lived in his, Kudrin's, soul in the form of musical blanks bursting into the light. And there was "My Village". Before the publication of the text and notes in Sovetskaya Sibir, I, being the executive secretary of the newspaper, called Kudrin:

- Nikolai Mikhailovich, one line does not seem very accurate to me. Maybe we can replace it?

- Which?

I said this is the line where lyrical hero the song stands, “hiding behind a hand”, since different places are covered with a hand. Kudrin was silent. He said harshly:

Olga Voronets, the then All-Union pop star, did not look very resolute and pleased, accepting the song, considering the text to be somewhat “provincial”, in which there is not even a drop of optimism. After some time, having checked the “number” in public, she sent a telegram in which she expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the excellent work.

Yes, he was demanding and unyielding when he worked on the song. The poet Vladimir Balachan, when we talked at a meeting of the Baraba community in Novosibirsk, said:

- Nikolai Mikhailovich wonderful person and a talented composer, but difficult to work with. Oh how difficult...

It happened that the texts were polished, finalized for months, or even years. The composer listened attentively to the remarks of his colleagues. He especially valued the opinion of his son Vladimir, with whom he performed on stage many times.

Nikolai Kudrin and Vladimir Balachan created the song "Bread is the head of everything." This is, in essence, the anthem of the tillers of Russia, which was confirmed in October 2002 during the celebrations on the occasion of the Day of Agricultural Workers. The concert in the Kremlin Palace, in which the most eminent, according to the current gradation, performers took part, opened consolidated choir many creative teams Russia with this very song.

The question involuntarily arises: why were the most significant pop works dedicated to the Russian peasantry and accepted by all the peoples of Russia born in Siberia, in one of its regions? Nikolai Kudrin, Gennady Zavolokin, Vladimir Balachan... Maybe because in our area, classified by scientists as a zone of risky farming, bread is obtained with great difficulty? Or because these talented people come out of the "outback", from an early age know the price of arable land and are convinced that the power of Russia is fueled from such an eternal spring as the village?

Kudrin's songs have been and are being heard all over the country - in cities, villages, kishlaks, auls, in every family. Apparently, it is difficult to find a person who would not know "Quail" or "Village". His creations overstepped the bounds. Nina Panteleeva opened and closed the Soviet trade and industrial exhibition in Japan with his fire song "Russian Boots", and the inhabitants of the country rising sun enthusiastically welcomed the singer. Director of the House of Folk Art Lyudmila Zhiganova, who accompanied the amateur Ordynsky folk choir to the festival in the Pyrenees, she told how worried she was: would the French perceive, understand the ingenuous, purely Russian “Quail”? Understood. Felt. They listened with bated breath. They stood up in unison and gave a long, warm applause.

Leningraders, whose parents survived (and very many did not survive) the fascist blockade, then receiving two hundred grams of ersatz bread, standing, with tears in their eyes, listened to the song “Bread is the head of everything” performed by Siberians. The artists were crying...

Glory and love surrounded the creator. His songs, and more than a hundred of them were created, sounded everywhere and every day. He was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the USSR, the title of Honored Artist of Russia. He was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples, and earlier - the Order Patriotic War and the medal "For the development of virgin lands." And the generals from art all racked their brains: Kudrin - who is it, amateur or professional? Both the state and the people recognized Kudrin as talented, outstanding composer. But academics and professors were shy - how not to overestimate? It looks like a story with Vladimir Vysotsky. The poets who erected monuments to themselves during their lifetime, drank and ate with the bard, patted on the shoulder, but as soon as it came to being admitted to the Writers' Union, they frowned: there was something wrong with the rhyme ... And when he died, they crawled out and gave birth to memories of great friendship with Volodya. Where are they now? Something is not heard. And Vysotsky's hoarse voice still sounds.

In his declining years, Kudrin had a chance to work for children, which he was very happy about.

Even during the war years, two old actresses from Leningrad, evacuated to Novosibirsk, gave little Vita Kukosh a few pages with the text of Samuil Marshak. This was the libretto musical performance based on the Russian fairy tale Geese-Swans. The boy grew up, became the artistic director of the "Dolls laugh" theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Viktor Kukosh decided to create a Russian puppet opera and suggested that the composer write music. Nikolai Mikhailovich enthusiastically got down to business, for each character he came up with musical theme, composed songs. The first work of this kind in Russia was ready. The only problem left was to record the soundtrack of the orchestra. It turned out to be impossible to do this - there was no money. The composer's friends nevertheless staged the performance, but the author did not see it, did not hear it.

To everyone who spoke with Kudrin during work, he seemed to be a man of excellent health, cheerful, with youthful enthusiasm. And only the closest knew that his heart and kidneys were fooling around. In mid-August 1997, he received medical treatment at a hospital for war veterans. He came out cheerful, said to Nina Stepanovna:

- I'll live five more years. And there you will see...

Lidia Kupriyanova called, admitted that she had been writing poetry all her life, but did not dare to show him.

“You are behaving badly, compatriot. Bring your cherished notebook immediately.

I read poems about my native village, about the devastation that came to the village in last years. We talked about television, which corrupts the souls of children and young people from an early age.

Saying goodbye, Nikolai Mikhailovich said:

- Leave poetry, Lidia Stepanovna. I will make a song.

A few days later, on August 28, he died. Behind the desk, on which were pages with notes.

He was four months short of his seventieth birthday. But on December 19, fellow countrymen widely, solemnly celebrated the anniversary of the national composer. Representatives of the intelligentsia, factories, villages, and youth gathered in the hall. His songs were played. The Yakushev plant, where the song “Bread is the head of everything” was first performed, released a new product - Kudrinsky bread, which Novosibirsk fell in love with.

Subsequently, one of the streets of the city was named after the composer. Kudrin is named a Citizen of the 20th century of the Novosibirsk Region.

And on that anniversary evening, those present in the hall heard the voice of their idol. The organizers of the celebration included one of the cassettes, which recorded an interview with Kudrin.

– Nikolai Mikhailovich, have you ever felt happy?

- Certainly. As soon as he picked up the accordion.

Kudrin, N. E.

The pseudonym of the writer H. S. Rusanov (see).


Kudrin, N. E.

pseudo. publicist N. S. Rusanov.


. 2009 .

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In 1967 the family moves to the city of Tukums, where they go to the first grade of the school.

In February 1968 father is sent to serve in Mongolia, the family travels with him. From 1971 to 1974 lives in Borzya Chita region. In 1974-1977 he lives in Arkhangelsk, where he finishes secondary school.

In 1978 enrolled in the Department of Political Economy of the Faculty of Economics (evening form of study) of the Leningrad State University. Then, on the advice of his father, he got a job at the Academy of Logistics and Transport of the USSR Ministry of Defense, worked as an auto mechanic, and then as an instructor in practical training in the engine laboratory at the department of operation of army automotive equipment.

At the end of the second year, he is transferred to the full-time department. He studies at the military department and undergoes military training in the artillery unit at the Strugi Krasnye training ground in the Pskov region. Receives the rank of lieutenant.

After graduating from the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University in 1983 assigned to the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Work in St. Petersburg

From 1983 to 1985- Trainee researcher at the Institute of Social and Economic Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

In December 1985 enrolled in full-time postgraduate studies at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1987 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "Comparability in the mechanism for implementing relations of economic competition."

In 1988 returns to the Institute of Social and Economic Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, works as a researcher.

In 1990 receives an offer to do practical work in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council and decides to leave scientific activity for a while.

Since October 1990- Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. After the liquidation of the Committee for Economic Reform, he moved to the Committee for the Management of the Leningrad Free Enterprise Zone.

November 1991 to 1992- Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Economic Development.

August 1992 to 1993- Chairman of the Main Financial Department of the City Hall of St. Petersburg (later renamed the Financial Committee).

From 1993 to June 1996- Deputy, First Deputy Mayor, member of the City Government, Chairman of the Committee for Economics and Finance of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office.

Job in Moscow

In August 1996- By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Head of the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

March 1997 Appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Since January 1999- First Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES" of Russia.

In June 1999 appointed First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Finance

Since May 2000

Since March 9, 2004 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Since September 2007 By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Released from his post September 26, 2011 Decree No. 1251 of the President of the Russian Federation.

After his retirement, he returned to scientific activity, and in 2012 initiated the creation of the Committee of Civil Initiatives - a community of professionals capable of offering alternative solutions to the problems facing the country.

From April 2012- Chairman of the Civil Initiatives Committee.

April 2016 to November 2018 Headed the Center for Strategic Research. Also, in 2016, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Economic Council under the President of Russia.

May 2018 appointed as Chairman Accounts Chamber Russian Federation.

Author of more than 30 scientific papers in the field of economics and finance. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. September 30, 2010 No. 1185 was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree, for his great contribution to the conduct of state financial policy and many years of conscientious work.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 5, 2010 No. 1669-R was awarded the P. A. Stolypin medal of the 1st degree for active participation in the development of the main directions of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

In 2004 Alexei Kudrin was named Finance Minister of the Year by The Banker British magazine, winning in two categories: World Finance Minister of the Year and European Finance Minister of the Year.

In 2006 The British newspaper Emerging Markets named Alexei Kudrin the best finance minister among European countries with an emerging market.

In 2010 The British magazine "Euromoney" named Alexei Kudrin the best finance minister of the year. According to the magazine's publisher Padraic Fallon, Kudrin was honored primarily for "overcoming palpable political pressure to secure the creation of the Reserve Fund, which enabled Russia to emerge from the global financial crisis in much better shape than experts had expected."

In 2018 defended his doctoral thesis on "Theoretical and methodological approaches to the implementation of a balanced and effective budget policy."

Plays hockey and tennis. He is fond of jazz and classical music.

Reserve officer.

Married, has a son and a daughter.

Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University
Member of the Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg State University
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Gaidar Institute
Deputy Chairman of the Economic Council under the President of Russia, member of the Presidium of the Economic Council under the President of Russia
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Northern Arctic Federal University
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Yegor Gaidar Foundation
Member of the Board of Directors of the New Economic School
Member of the Council under the President of Russia for the implementation of state policy in the field of family and child protection
Member of the Board of Trustees of the European University at St. Petersburg

Since September 25, 2019 - Chairman international organization Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI)

Musical creativity

information specialist and
Regional House of Folk Art

Songs with the taste of bread

For ten years, the Novosibirsk State Regional House of Folk Art has been organizing a singing competition for the creative award named after Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin, whose name today has become the personification of the original Russian lyric song. Over the years, the competition among amateur, mostly rural, groups, soloists and amateur authors has turned into a forum songwriting, covering all regions of our region without exception and many adjacent territories of Siberia.
On the threshold of the second decade, we can say with confidence that today the competitive basis only gives status to the competition among equal creative teams. The competition has grown into one of the most famous and favorite Russian song festivals, and it is prestigious and honorable to participate in it. The Kudrinsky festival, like a litmus test, brightly highlights the state, current level and degree of development of amateur creativity of the inhabitants of the region and other regions.
“The general level of the festival and the programs submitted for the competition, as a whole, has become more stable, higher and cleaner in terms of sound quality, the accompaniment has noticeably improved, the arrangements of songs made by the directors, many of whom themselves write quite good songs, - Victor Vasilyevich Korovin, a member of the jury of the X Kudrin Festival, choirmaster, amateur composer, expressed his opinion. - Unfortunately, we did not see any bright new names, but the composition of well-known bands was updated, young voices harmoniously joined, which significantly improved the quality of performance. As always, the groups from Berdsk showed themselves excellently - the female vocal ensemble "Rossiyanochka" and the folk choir of Russian and Cossack songs "Descendants of Yermak", the folk ensemble of Russian song "Matanya" from Kochenevo, the hosts of today's competition - Krivodanov's groups - the folk family ensemble "Merry Besedushka" ”, Folk Ensemble of Russian Song “Rodniki” . Of course, well done Horde, Kuibyshev, Cherepanovets and many, many others.
In total, about 700 people took part in this festival: 87 amateur groups - vocal ensembles, soloists, choirs, song and dance ensembles - from 29 districts of the Novosibirsk region. It was the most massive celebration in the entire ten-year history of the festival. Undoubtedly, this creative action made its own contribution to the revival and stabilization of culture in the countryside: after all, in 1998, only about 20 teams were able to come to the first competition. The jubilee festival showed that the culture, including singing, in the countryside not only did not dry out, but was revived at a new, better level. These days (June 20-21, 2008), the organizers, jury members and participants once again saw for themselves what a huge unifying force the songs written by the folk nugget - Nikolai Kudrin have.
“I am not a participant in amateur performances, but I always sing during the holidays with my friends, including Kudrin's songs. They take for the soul, make their way to tears, because they were written by a Russian person who was born and raised on earth. My position as an administrator is that if today we do not pay attention to the development of culture in the countryside, if we do not support folk traditions, then we can lose the soul of the youth. And today it is impossible to imagine the future without spiritually developed young people, - said Vladimir Ivanovich Chernov, head of the Krivodanovsky village council of the Novosibirsk region, during the opening ceremony of the Kudrin festival. - Attracting fellow villagers to engage in creativity is one of the main means of securing people on earth. One third of the budget of our village council, which is about 10 million rubles, is spent on organizing and developing cultural leisure for residents. The club has been restored in Marusino, in the House of Culture on the central estate, there are so many people who want to engage in 17 folk art groups and circles that there are times when the apple, literally, has nowhere to fall. We are sincerely glad to host participants and guests of this wonderful festival of Russian song on our territory! Be at home, may all your hopes and dreams come true, all plans come true.
Indeed, the staff of the House of Culture with. Krivodanovka, headed by Natalya Pavlovna Efimtseva, did everything possible to make the festival participants feel comfortable, free, cozy, as it has happened more than once when a responsible regional event was held on the basis of this cultural institution. One striking episode is proof of this.
During the competitive audition of the soloists, the musical soundtrack of the song "Quail" to the verses of N. Palkin suddenly broke off. The young singer, diligently leading out “Do not pity me, young ...”, was confused and fell silent, but at the same moment a strong sonorous voice from the audience, picking up the melody, continued: “... you cannot understand my feelings.” And soon, gradually joining him, one after another, a beautiful harmonious chorus of voices sounded in the hall. The contestant also grew bolder, continued to sing without musical accompaniment. When the phonogram turned on, it turned out that both the soloist and the choir of the audience hit the note exactly.
The festival is, first of all, communication: new acquaintances, exchange of opinions, meetings of old friends with memories of the past and plans for the future.
“Perhaps no one has felt so subtly female soul, like Nikolai Mikhailovich, - says Tatyana Vladimirovna Menshchikova, head of the folk family ensemble “Veselaya Besedushka” of the MU NKO with. Krivodanovka, Novosibirsk region. - For example, how much tenderness, warmth, female selflessness is embedded in the melody of the song "You say, say, viburnum" to the verses of A. Smirnov: "... I'm not sorry that he left, I don't curse my fate, it's a pity that people are our sunny land." How much female grace is revealed in the song "Russian Boots" to the words of F. Karbushev: "A beauty is walking, a swan is swimming, and everyone is admiring her beauty."
I happened to personally know Nikolai Mikhailovich, we worked together in Kochenevo. I fell in love with his songs from a young age. When you start learning new song with a group or soloists, they are often surprised that, for example, “My Village” to the words of V. Gundarev is an author's song, and not a folk song. The composer knew very well the depth of the Russian soul, he was very careful about folk traditions - hence the Quail appeared. And if you, as an author, are recognized by the people, taking compositions for a truly folk song, then this is highest award composer."
The Vesyolaya Besedushka Ensemble participated in the Kudrin Festival for the first time, but every year they exhibited their soloists: Olga Kosacheva, Nastya Sigaeva, Svetlana Vaskina and others, who more than once became laureates of the competition. Thanks to such songs as Kudrinsky, one of the soloists of the ensemble - Yulia Strepilova - became a professional singer.
For 30 years now, Maria Dmitrievna Mylnikova, director of the district House of Culture in the village of Bagan, has been singing through life: “The sincere simple melody of N. Kudrin’s song “Do not bloom, bird cherry, near the house” to the verses of N. Sozinova, which I performed today, does not come out out of my head... She's part of my life. In total, in my repertoire, as soloists and members of the Razdolye folk vocal ensemble, there are more than ten Kudrin songs. Love for them instilled our music director- Sergey Mikhailovich Abashin, an excellent accordion player, a student of Kudrin at the time when the latter taught at the Novosibirsk Regional Cultural and Educational School.
Tatyana Pavlovna Boeva, soloist of the folk vocal ensemble "Kalinka" of the House of Culture "Sibtekstilmash" of Novosibirsk (headed by O. Tashlanova), has been singing since the age of 14. About Nikolai Mikhailovich he simply says: "He is ours, and at the same time - a man of high flying." What a deep lyricism is filled with the song “Indian Summer” to the verses of T. Pyankova: “I will fall in love and kiss everything that floated away into fiction. Drink my intoxicating love, drink until dawn, ”which she soulfully performed at the competition.
“I love Kudrin's songs, I sing all the time. There is a lot of action in them, as, for example, in the song “Kolya-Kolenka, play” to the words of V. Rzhannikov: “... do not calm the fire in the soul, anyway, in the evening the accordion will lure you out for a date.” I sing and I can’t resist, my legs go dancing on their own,” shared her vision of the songs of N. M. Kudrina Lyudmila Anatolyevna Gushchina, specialist of the Bolotninsky District House of Culture, winner of the Kudrinsky festival among soloists. - Almost all of Kudrin's songs that were performed today from the stage are on my hearing, but I still heard one or two for the first time. It is gratifying that the singing groups are trying to convey to the listeners the rarely performed songs of Nikolai Mikhailovich, they reveal new facets of the talent of this wonderful composer. My motto and my destiny, like his, is to sing at the top of my voice in life!”
At the Kudrin festival, newcomers always perform alongside experienced bands and soloists. Among them is the vocal studio "Kamerton" of the regional House of Culture in the city of Cherepanovo. “Our team is young, it is only four years old, it is purely youth in composition,” the leader Valery Afanasyevich Sidyakin told us. “The task was how to perform a song familiar to everyone in such a way as to captivate listeners and viewers, and it was also interesting for us to make the song sound in a new, modern way.” The goal was achieved - the song to the words of A. Smirnov "Our harmonica is a sure thing" immediately attracted the attention of the audience and the jury, as it was performed cheerfully, dynamically, in motion, with a solo dancer in a bright red shirt on the proscenium.
Many young faces were also noticed among the participants of mature teams - regular participants in the Kudrin forum.
“Participation in the festival for me and members of our team is a sacred thing,” shared his thoughts Nikolai Alexandrovich Kuzmin, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, head of the folk song and dance ensemble “Siberian Dawns” of the RDK Ordynsky district. - I knew Nikolai Mikhailovich well, I talked a lot with him when he visited us in Ordynka, traveling with his concert team around the regions of the region. His songs are close to my heart: I myself am from a village, and in my life it happened that two villages, with which I had a lot to do, went into oblivion. “Why are the villages of Russia dying?” - is sung in one of Kudrin's songs. His songs are songs-revelations, songs-declarations of love to native villages.
It was this song - "Oh, the villages of Russia" to the words of I. Taran - brilliantly performed by the folk female vocal ensemble"Rossiyanochka" of the House of Culture "Rodina" in Berdsk under the direction of Yuri Kiselyov. The team has been actively participating in the Kudrin Festival since 2004. “Personally, we did not know Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin,” recalls Yury Alekseevich, “but I always followed his work. One of the songs - “The sons went to war” to the words of G. Bodrov - especially sunk into my soul: “Only mothers can’t sleep - they look at the road ...” I made my arrangement of the song in such a way as to show its patriotic content more clearly and not lose the author’s faces. Since then, this and a dozen more Kudrin's songs have been in our concert luggage. Our women perform them with love, and listeners perceive their euphony with an open soul.”
“And we care about both patriotic songs written by Nikolai Mikhailovich, for example,“ Gray-haired Men ”to the verses of V. Bout, and songs filled with folk humor and ingenuity,” the oldest member of the Kolyvan Veterans Choir, amateur poet Boris Nikolayevich joined the conversation Rudnev. - The age of the choir members is from 60 to 80 years, many of us remember how Kudrin came to Kolyvan and communicated with the people in a simple way. The repertoire of our team, led by Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Valery Filimonovich Denisov, includes about 20 songs written by the maestro in different years. He created in order to go into immortality, his songs will be sung forever as long as the Russian land is alive. Too bad he left early beautiful works I could write more...
Many of the songs that the choir performs today are written to the verses of Boris Nikolaevich. And he dedicated the poem “We Remember” to the memory of Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin:

Today we remember again
Our friend and countryman.
We sing his songs again -
They are in our hearts for ages.
As if he, as then, with us
By the fire he sings his song,
And she, slowly, over the meadows,
Like a cloud of life floats.
Muse, spirit, talent conceived,
The earth admires her.
We are proud of the composer Kudrin.
Your song is endless.
You are not there, but the tunes are wonderful
In every heart they live immortally.
And as if the psalms of heaven,
Their Russian people sing!

With true Russian village humor, the male vocal ensemble of the veterans' choir sang the song "Hunter and Fisherman" to the words of V. Bokov: "It's hard to figure out which one of them is a master. In general, nice guys - both a hunter and a fisherman!
No less interesting, effortlessly performed the song “Yolki-Palki, Dense Forest” to the words of V. Dyunin, vocalists from the village of Yarki, Cherepanovsky District (leader V. Surov), and Yakov Gauss from the village of Bagan all lamented that he was “offended by a sweetie” and hardly whether “it’s his fault that he was born red”, because “it’s not a century to walk in singles” (the words of B. Golovanov), and, for sure, it all ended in a wedding, because Tom told all her girlfriends: “How good his freckles are!”
Sparkling, incendiary songs were replaced by lyrical ones, and again songs filled with great love for Russia, their native side, mother returned.
“How often we inattentively offend fathers and mothers in our youth ...” - these lines of one of the most soulful songs of N. Kudrin to the verses of L. Tatyanicheva always make you calm down auditoriums, and when it is performed by the folk group "Harmony" of the Moshkovsky district, they begin to listen especially ... They start unusually, for example, with the poet's poems.
The choir is over 30 years old and consists of 22 members. The most dedicated members are still in the ranks. During the existence of the group, amateur artists sang a lot of Kudrin's songs: they are melodic, sincere, easy to remember, accessible for performance and perception. And although the choir sings closer to the academic style, folk intonations, thanks to Kudrin's songs, are also heard in their interpretation.
“I happened to study with Nikolai Mikhailovich at a branch of the Moscow Institute of Culture,” recalls the head of the choir, Lyubov Ivanovna Demchenko. - Before last days he retained a youthful shyness, modesty, characteristic of real talents.
The songs of Nikolai Kudrin are a kind of therapy for the soul. They cheer up, excite, cause the desire to live. And it's not just beautiful words– among a sufficient number of veteran bands that took part in the festival, neither the audience nor the jury members noticed the age of the singers: there was a sparkle in their eyes, a prowess in their voice!
“Walk, balalaika, ring, balalaika, singer of my Russia ...” The song to the words of B. Dvorny sounded from the stage more than once during the competition days, however, no one got tired, each team brought something of its own to it. For example, the choir of veterans "Destiny" from Barabinsk (headed by S. V. Omelchenko) released a soloist with a balalaika to the forefront, who, despite the years, famously danced in a squat. And the leading choir of veterans “Red Carnation” from the Berdsk City Leisure Center so set up the choristers with a fervent verse that the song sounded like a dashing Cossack tune, with undertones and whistles.
The real decoration of the Kudrin festival was the participation in it of the second team of the same cultural and leisure institution - the folk choir of Russian and Cossack song"Descendants of Yermak". With the emotional accuracy characteristic of this group, “The Song to the Talyanka” was performed to the verses of Sergei Yesenin: “For the former strength, pride and posture, only the song to the talyanka remained ...”
“Our teams have been participating in the Kudrin Festival for the fifth time,” the leader of the teams, Vitaly Viktorovich Molchalov, shared his impression, “they were laureates. To participate in the Kudrin festival, we specially learn new songs by Nikolai Mikhailovich, we respect him for his nationality. He is a real Siberian! We love these songs and will participate in the festival as long as we are alive!
For the future, to expand the scope of the festival, I propose to include in competitive program other songs, for example, Cossack or author's, close to the folk style, for example, the songs of M. Bondarenko, G. Lukashov, V. Korovin, and organize a festival of Siberian songs.
“We also support the idea of ​​expanding the boundaries of the Kudrin festival to a Siberian song festival,” joined the conversation Yuri Panfilovich Shaderkin, head of the Russian Song folk choir, choirmaster, accordion player and musical director of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments of the MUK Cultural and Leisure Center of the Kuibyshesky District. - In 2008, our choir celebrated its 60th anniversary and 30th anniversary of being awarded the title of "people's" for the first time. In the repertoire of our team, in addition to everyone's favorite songs of Nikolai Mikhailovich, with whom, by the way, my father was well acquainted, there are songs by local composers - Nikolai Tomin, Oleg Tarasov and others. However, the most favorite song from our repertoire remains “Bread is the head of everything” to the words of V. Balachan - this is a song not only about grain growers, love for native land, it is a hymn to patriotism, the continuity of generations. After all, the father uttered these words “in a quiet voice to his son, seeing him off to the fields for the first time” ... "
“The fact that people sing in their free time causes great respect and admiration,” shared her impressions of the festival, a member of the jury, a soloist of the Novosibirsk State academic theater opera and ballet, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Larisa Gergievna Ladynskaya - and it will be forever. Nothing will turn him off this path, like the Universe. And he will survive, no matter how they try to control him from above, because the Russian people have a strong spiritual beginning. I bow low to him. Folk choral singing- this is the basis of our culture, vocal (singing) culture in particular, because classical vocals also came from the people. “Bread is the head of everything” is a very energetically charged song, or rather a hymn, it reveals all the power and wisdom of the people. For me, this is a shocking song, it sounds in the heart of each of us.
Among the invited guests of the festival was a faithful friend of Nikolai Mikhailovich, a person who devoted more than ten years of his life to promoting his songwriting - Nina Stepanovna Pavlova.
For the first time she came into contact with the work of Nikolai Mikhailovich, while still a schoolgirl, she heard on the radio how beautifully Lyudmila Zykina sang "Quail". With this song, Nina Pavlova entered the music and pedagogical school, sang it, already working in the State Academic Siberian Russian Folk Choir, which he led at that time National artist Russian Vyacheslav Mochalov, sang at the request of the villagers who came to her solo performances, which were organized in the last years of Nikolai Mikhailovich's life. But the most precious thing for Nina Stepanovna, as well as for many Siberians, is the song "Bread is the head of everything." The history of the creation of this song, which he personally told her, is interesting.
In 1975, Viktor Zakharchenko, now the artistic director of the Kuban Cossack choir, introduced the young poet, glorifying the village, Vladimir Balachan with already famous composer Nikolai Kudrin, who gave the idea to write a song about grain growers for the usually widely celebrated Harvest Festival. Balachan agreed, but warned that he might not succeed. Two years have passed. Kudrin came on tour to Kuibyshev (Kainsk) and invited the poet to a meeting. On the way to the hotel, in order to apologize for the lack of material, literally in twenty minutes V. Balachan composed poems that were subsequently published under the title "Golden Words". And before the song was learned by the Siberian choir, Nikolai Kudrin, together with a duet consisting of Antonina Kudrina and Valentina Kolesnikova, showed the now well-known song “Bread is the head of everything” to the workers of the Yakushev bakery (now JSC Novosibkhleb). The bakers liked the song from the first note, and they immediately, in the workshop, learned it “from the voice”. When the song was first voiced by a polyphonic choir, it suddenly became a hymn not only to bread, but to the whole Russian land, to Russian people.
In the days when the misfortune happened, the commission to perpetuate the memory of N. M. Kudrin met, and it was decided to contact the leadership of the baking association with a request to develop a recipe for a new bread called Kudrinsky, which was done. Knowing the taste of Nikolai Mikhailovich, and he loved real peasant bread, in which his mother, like many other Russian women, added rye flour. Technologists of the Novosibkhleb plant have developed a recipe for Kudrinsky bread. By the composer's 70th birthday, before which he did not live very long, bread had already appeared on the shelves of Novosibirsk.
In the same period, composer Gennady Lukashov wrote the song “Kudrinsky Bread” to the verses of Valery Rzhannikov, which was first performed by Nina Pavlova in 1998 at an evening in memory of Nikolai Kudrin and Alexander Plitchenko, who untimely passed away in 1997. This evening was organized by public organization, humanitarian and educational club "Light a candle" (president Ivan Ivanovich Indok), and accompanied by Russian academic orchestra State TV and Radio Company "Novosibirsk" conducted by Vladimir Polikarpovich Gusev, who himself did the processing for the orchestra.
It is this song, which says that “... he was not a plowman on earth, he simply lived by earthly affairs and left a monument to bread, and a name worthy of bread” and the song of N. Kudrin himself to the words of V. Reutov “You won’t find a better young man in the village "performed by Nina Pavlova during a gala concert, which ended the X interregional competition for the creative award named after N. M. Kudrin.
How the festival movement inspired by Kudrin's songs will develop further depends on each of us, people in whose hearts the memory and knowledge of beautiful songs lives, composed by a truly Russian man, composer-melodist from God Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin. But one thing is clear to all of us - it is necessary to continue to do everything possible so that people know, honor and not forget his good name, his songs.

And for the older generation, the answer is obvious: Kudrin is the soul of the people. No one could express his soul, aspirations, hope and faith, love for his native land in such a way. So to absorb into the song canvas the expanses of Russian fields, the booming noise of Siberian forests, the endless expanses of the steppes. Kudrin is the flesh of the flesh of his people. A village boy who grew up in the Siberian outback, in the village of Vassino, Toguchinsky district, Novosibirsk region. A nugget, unique and inimitable.

And I thought: in fact, in all of Russia there is no such person as Nikolai Mikhailovich Kudrin. He is the only one. Honored Art Worker, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, one of 25 countrymen who received honorary title"Man of the XX century of the Novosibirsk region". His songs went to the people. Not only that - to the people of other countries. Admirers of the composer's work recall how, having arrived in Switzerland, they heard Kudrin's "Derevenka" flying over some lake on a warm summer day. How in Germany the German people sing "Quail". In Japan - "Russian Boots". And in Russia, his songs are sung everywhere. And to the question "Whose song is this?" answer: "People's". Is this not the measure of human talent! The highest recognition of the creativity of the original Siberian author.

Held last Sunday in Central park Kudrin's song festival, dedicated to his memory (August 28, 1997, Nikolai Kudrin passed away, and annual song festivals have become a tradition), gathered more than 300 participants. About 30 popular amateur groups gathered from the districts of Novosibirsk and the region to honor the memory of this amazing person, the singer of the Siberian land, with their creativity. And the number of participants is growing every year. More four hours there was a folk song marathon. Central Park is a favorite vacation spot for citizens. Attracted by sonorous and mischievous, lyrical and heartfelt melodies, more and more new groups of people approached. They sang along with the performers, clapped, danced and cried. And again, and again it was repeated: smiles and tears, songs and applause.

The beginning of the holiday. Participants take the stage. But it is small for so many song groups, and the performers stand on the platform in front of the stage. Nina Pavlova opens the festival with Gennady Lukashov's song to the words of the poet Valery Rzhannikov "Kudrinsky bread": "Eating Kudrinsky bread is like listening to music...". All choirs enter. Bread is carried out on towels. Sparks of sparklers fly like a torch of memory. The song has its own history: the technologists of the Novosibkhleb plant developed a bread recipe and called it Kudrinsky; he appeared on the shelves of Novosibirsk for the 70th anniversary of the composer, to which he did not live very long. “For the song “Bread is the head of everything”, Nikolai Mikhailovich can be called a folk composer,” says Natalya Galkina, head of the culture department of the Central District of Novosibirsk, expressing gratitude to the organizers and participants of the festival and presenting a certificate of honor to Nina Stepanovna Pavlova, through whose efforts the Kudrinsky song festival lives on.

And on the stage - a kaleidoscope of sparkling folk action. There are folk songs beloved by Nikolai Mikhailovich, songs by Gennady Zavolokin, famous Novosibirsk composers, successors of the Kudrin traditions, Sergei Veselov and Gennady Lukashov, and, of course, Kudrin's songs, which have become folk classics. It is impossible to list all performers. These are the ensembles "Rainbow" from Verkh-Tula (artistic director Pyotr Gordeev) and "Veselinka" (artistic director Lyudmila Ostrovskaya), and the Fakel male vocal ensemble (artistic director Yuri Kiselev), and the famous ensemble song and dance "Vatalinka" (choirmaster Svetlana Gutova, choreographer Oksana Yanenko). Next year "Vatalinka" turns 55 years old. In the 1970s, the group was led by Nikolai Kudrin, and Derevenka and other world-famous songs of his were performed here for the first time. The ensemble is a laureate of all-Russian and regional competitions, in particular the competition in memory of Kudrin (1st prize). For 10 years, the NGTS Russian Song Choir (artistic director Valery Denisov) has been participating in the festival. The audience remembered the bright performance of the choir of veterans of the House of Culture "Energy" "Optimist" (headed by Galina Ilyinykh), the song and dance ensemble of the House of Culture of Railway Workers (artistic director Nikolai Gnuchev), diploma winners all-Russian competition"Silver Voices" of the Trouble Girls Ensemble (artistic director Vladimir Konovalov). The folk song ensemble Zatonochka (artistic director Galina Yurkina), Kalina - the folk song ensemble Inspiration and Faith (artistic director Vera Kiseleva) performed Kudrin's "Song to the Talyanka" with a heartfelt performance. “How it takes by the heart!” - expressed her feelings, which, I think, everyone experienced, one of the spectators.

The performance of the "Dolls laugh" theater under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia Viktor Kukosh caused general delight, especially among the kids. They were attracted to the stage like a magnet, they were fascinated by the eccentricities of the know-it-all cat in a virtuoso performance by Viktor Trofimovich. "This is Kudrin's favorite number," he said. From the day the theater was founded in 1991, Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as the head of the literary department. For the theatre, he wrote Geese-Swans, a children's opera based on a libretto by Samuil Marshak, fragments of which were shown to the audience.

Culmination of the festival. Nina Pavlova and Sergey Veselov, like a requiem - solemnly and passionately - sing the song "In Memory of Kudrin" to the verses of the composer's countrywoman Lidia Kupriyanova: "Russia is proud and loves, and remembers Russia about her son, who has gone away, forever dear ..." There is nothing to add to these words. Kudrin is our pride and glory. The festival of his memory is a vivid confirmation of this. The organizers for nine years have been the administrations of the Central District and the Central Park. And the scope of the festival, it should be noted, has long outgrown the regional scale, being, in fact, regional. And it is time for the administration of the region, the mayor's office of Novosibirsk, to think about a different form of its organization. So that the song festival of the Kudrin song really thundered throughout Siberia, throughout the country. After all, our Kudrin is one such in all of Russia.
