How to draw anime drawing lessons. Drawing an anime character in stages with a pencil for beginners

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The Japanese style of drawing - anime - is very popular among adults and children. Many would like to master this technique.

A lot of manuals and tutorials have been released on this topic, aimed at achieving a single goal - to gradually teach a person to correctly draw, first with a pencil, then with paints.

Anime art originated in Japan in the late sixties of the last century and was originally used exclusively in animation.

With the introduction modern technologies it became possible to quickly and easily create a computer graphic image, but there were still fans of the man-made genre.

Consider how to learn how to draw this or that drawing in anime style from scratch.

How to learn to draw in anime style from scratch?

A heavy and intricate drawing with a detailed analysis turns out to be quite simple.

To master the technique Japanese pattern, you should be patient, show perseverance and, adhering to the methodology in the manual, gradually master the implementation of the anime from scratch.

First you need to prepare and familiarize yourself with some of the requirements given in the table below:

  • His applied with a sharpened pencil, correctly shading.
  • First stage- drawing a contour. To do this, you can initially use a ruler or a student's notebook, making sketches in the cells.
  • Selected the details of the picture are depicted close to each other, otherwise there will be no integrity.
  • Hatching is performed at a minimum distance of lines, avoiding deviations from parallelism.
  • Shadows Apply by rubbing the crumbled lead with toilet paper or a dry finger.
  • Carefully work with an eraser, using only a soft one. Remember to draw beautiful drawing on a damaged paper surface is not possible.
  • To remove extra strokes or reduce the shadows of the picture, use a special erasing mass that looks like plasticine.

    She can easily cope with the task. If you don't have one, you can use breadcrumbs.

Having familiarized ourselves with the main rules of anime technique, we proceed to the drawing itself. You should not immediately take on the implementation of a complex composition. You should always start with the simplest.

The main thing is to place your hand correctly and learn how to perform simple figures.

Gradually, an understanding of the drawing technique will come, a hand will fill up and it will be possible to try more difficult elements: fairytale heroes(in full face or profile), nature, cars.

Lastly, having honed their skills, they begin to depict portraits of people. This is a very difficult task, especially if you want to express human emotions with a kiss, anger, joy and other feelings and states.

How to draw an anime face beautifully?

Beautifully depicting a person's face is not an easy task, but strictly adhering to the guide below, it will become simple and enjoyable.

Step-by-step instructions for drawing a human face:

  1. compass draw a circle - this will be the head.
  2. Received the circle is divided vertically in half.
  3. Located center and a vertical marking center line is drawn.
  4. Every the resulting vertical section is also divided by segments.
  5. Total: three vertical lines. They are necessary to correctly draw the eyes, hair and forehead.
  6. Let's get started to face painting.

    To do this, we need to extend our circle two-thirds down, drawing vertical lines on the lower segment on both sides to a height equal to the declared length.

    The middle vertical line should be extended to the end of the segment.

  7. Received we divide the segments vertically: the first is the final lower point of the circle, the second is the end of the declared markup, in the middle is the axial one.
  8. On these areas will be the nose and lips of a person.
  9. Getting Started to face shapes. The type of character depends on how we display them.

    To do this, starting from the bottom horizontal line of the circle, we lay two vertical lines at an angle, converging at the bottom point of the middle vertical line, depicting the letter V.

  10. Before, As you begin to draw the eyes, you need to make sure that they are evenly spaced on the face.

    The eyes may be wide open, or depicted as a curved line. Various options images of the eyes are countless, exactly, as well as ways to perform.

  11. In the bottom branch of the circle draw the nose. Its shape depends on which character we will portray. The main thing is to do it symmetrically to the central vertical axis.
  12. Mouth and lips are applied strictly under the nose, without getting out of the resulting letter V.
  13. Next cheeks are depicted in stages. It depends on how they are drawn whether the character will be thin or fat.

    They run symmetrically. centerline from the bottom corner to the beginning of the lines adjacent to the circle.

  14. Ears character are located in the upper parts of the rectangle adjacent to the circle. They should be at eye level.
  15. Let's get started to the hair. They should start from the intersection of the upper horizontal line with the middle vertical (axial).

    The hairstyle configuration is set depending on the type of character.

  16. Necessary pay attention to the eyes by drawing the iris, pupils and highlights, if the drawing requires it.

Anime is the creation of the soul. How you place the lines relative to each other, which bend you prefer, depends on the type of the resulting face and character in general.

How to draw an anime girl in full growth in stages?

If you decide to draw an anime girl in full height, it should be borne in mind that the drawing should have a similarity with a living person.

Therefore, the following sequence must be followed:

  • First draw the collar line along with the spine, shoulders and legs. Here you can immediately decide whether the picture will be in dynamics, and decide on the pose.
  • Further the skeleton is sketched in thin lines - this is schematic representation with circles at the locations of the joints and other parts of the body.
  • Head. We draw it, as mentioned above. But you need to remember that the facial features in the figure should be expressive, the eyes should be large.
  • Hair. Any hairstyle is chosen and performed according to the previously specified rules.
  • schematic the image is outlined with real forms, but do not forget that girls have more grace than guys, so a slender waist and lush hips are displayed.

    Particular attention is paid to the chest - it should look as natural as possible.

  • Selected clothes - it can be a beautiful dress or a slim suit, the choice is yours.
  • limbs Girls are always thinner than men. It should be remembered that arms and legs cannot be perfectly even - bends must be made.
  • Image stop and hands. Don't forget to highlight the elbow and wrist joints.
  • Auxiliary the lines are erased - this is the completion of the work.

How to draw anime animals with a pencil?

Anime is a universal drawing technique. Having learned to depict one thing and having mastered the technique, you can draw anything.

It is especially interesting to teach children this technique using the example of drawing various fairy tale characters and animals:

  • wolf.
  • Dogs.
  • Pony.
  • Angel.
  • Foxes, etc.

Let's analyze this drawing technique with a simple pencil for beginners on the example of a cat:

  • First you need to draw a large oval - this will be the head of the animal. It is marked according to the same principle as for a person, with auxiliary lines, with ears, eyes, nose, mouth.
  • Next, a smaller oval is drawn, directly intersecting with a large one in the neck area - this is the body. Legs and tail come out.
  • It must be remembered that the cat's eyes are large and are located symmetrically to the center line; in the middle of it, a little lower, a round nose is drawn, the ears are made beyond the upper border of the oval and have a pointed shape.
  • It remains to decorate the resulting kitten with a luxurious mustache, fluffy hair, complementing the drawing with bright colors.

Any drawing, and especially anime, is an exciting pastime not only for children, but also for adults. Learn, draw and have fun.

Useful video

Fine art is a good hobby for a person of any age. This may turn into real profession if you learn how to master a pencil.

And skill develops only through practice. The more you train, the better you get.

Fashionable today, anime art is one of the most popular types drawing by artists of all ages.

Anime is not only drawings of comics and frames from cartoons, it is a whole direction in art. Anime cartoons are very popular in our country.

Songs are written about this, and the music selected for cartoons is real masterpieces.

Anime is the whole world. Peculiar, original. Let's plunge into it headlong, creating our own comics and sketches in this style.

How to learn to draw a girl's face: eyes, nose and hair with a pencil

Step-by-step creation of a girl's face in anime style:

Drawing a guy from scratch: full body

Drawing anime in full growth is a little more difficult. More details here.

Step-by-step instructions - draw a guy in full growth in anime style:

  1. We draw a cross, where the vertical line indicates the position of the body, and the horizontal line indicates the upper line of the shoulders.
  2. We finish drawing horizontal lines, denoting the hips, knees and feet.
  3. We draw the joints in circles. They indicate the position of the hands. At this stage, it is easy to fix everything, paint on it.
  4. Now we draw the head. First, the ball, then the exact lines of the cheekbones, the chin. From above, with strokes, we apply the contours of a hairstyle or headdress. Refine the line, erase unnecessary strokes.
  5. We finish the drawing: we make the body, the contours of the clothes. We erase everything superfluous and complete the composition, clarifying the details.

Important! Use the most hard pencil for drawing contours. It's the easiest to erase.

When the contours suit you, erase the excess and circle the drawing soft pencil. Anime is often depicted with the softest pencil for crisp lines.

When portraying a man, remember the proportions of the body. After all, men, too, are both full and very thin.

It is not necessary to draw broad shoulders and muscular arms for every male character. Consider height and build. The length of the neck, the shape of the face also depend on this.

Girl body for beginners

The female body in anime style is a great topic for a new drawing.

Remember a few rules:

  • beauty female body in the anime, it is depicted a little exaggerated when compared with the normal proportions of a living person.
  • Waist - very thin, slightly wider than the neck.
  • The girls are depicted as very thin, but the head remains disproportionately large.
  • The girl's hair is depicted as lush, regardless of length.
  • Chest - feminine, rounded, slightly wider than shoulders.
  • Thin hands.
  • Waist is very thin.
  • Hips - wide relative to the waist. Their width repeats the chest.
  • The legs are very long, the shapes are rounded.

Starting to draw a girl, consider the details. Will your anime girl be dressed up, or are you posing as a naked lady on the beach.

Such drawings are excellent if you draw a girl with her back in a dimly lit room.

Here it is enough to mark the contours, as described above. Determine the joints of the elbows and knees, using them to describe the position of the arms and legs.

We shade everything around, leaving light places around the figure. She is completely shaded.

Leave short reflections in places by determining the incidence of light yourself. Hair can be of any shape.

You can draw long and loose curls that cover half of the back. The classic beauty is excellent.

Important! Carefully erase the outlines and joints from the drawing. The end result should look like it's not drawn, but printed.

This is what skill is: your drawings should be alive.

Examples of drawn pictures

You can make money on anime art if you learn how to transfer the image visually to paper, transforming it into anime.

Such portraits are in demand among schoolchildren and adults. The Internet unites, and anime cartoons - fine art It is liked by both children and adults. Look at example drawings.

If you want to make money on this skill, use our tips:

  • Bring your art to perfection. If you take money from people - then for real art.
  • Train with family and friends. Learn to convey emotions.
  • It is good to consult with professionals. Self-taught people can be gifted, but cutting your skills requires serious experience and professionalism.

    Go to a drawing school, show masterpieces, get good advice. You can write to the Internet with practicing artists.

  • Starting to draw to order, remember that the client is always right. Place ads online. Draw templates: attach photos and drawings to them so that people can see what you are capable of.
  • Make animated sketches of wedding photos. It will get good profitable business: A comic depicting an anime-style wedding.
  • The most profitable will be practical work: you have to go to the embankment or avenue with a canvas and a pencil.
  • Tools must be professional.
  • Offer services to local schools.

Useful video

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Even without having art education, you can create unique anime characters at home! In this article, MirSovetov will describe the main anime drawing techniques, and you will see how simple and exciting it is.

Anime history

Initially, anime was positioned as stories in pictures. The most ancient archaeological finds Japanese culture testify that the foundations of anime originated long before the advent of animation and printed craft. In the tombs of ancient Japanese rulers, drawings are still found, the structure and ideology of which clearly resembles the classic anime.

Creator modern style anime and manga are considered to be Osamu Tezuka. He created his own unique style, which fell in love with people around the world, and became an example to follow. Behind long years his creative activity Osamu drew more than 500 comics, some of which were not limited to a couple of pages, but took up to 5 volumes! He was a true comic book fan. Obsessed with passion for anime, Tezuka passed on his emotions to artists around the world and left a great legacy that lives on to this day.

Unlike many other cultures, Japanese animation is not afraid of losing its identity and is constantly borrowing artistic techniques other peoples. Despite this, anime only becomes more diverse and rich, while remaining a unique and recognizable style. It is so firmly rooted that even if Japanese animators try to create something purely "European", they fail to get away from the traditional manner of anime.

Style Features

The main feature that distinguishes the anime style from other comics styles is the developed symbolic graphics, which allows you to display the most complex human emotions with just a few strokes. The smallest nuances convey the character of the hero, tell his story ... In this anime, it looks like ancient Eastern drawing techniques, when one line could tell the viewer the whole story.

One of the most important distinguishing features anime is the image of the eyes. Their size and degree of brilliance indicate how young the hero is - the younger the character, the larger and brighter his eyes.

The growth of the hero also plays an important role. Tall and stately figures indicate that this is a bold and courageous character, and caricature-small size is a sign of youth and childishness.

Western comics tend to focus on superhero stories and fantasy. Anime is not limited to fiction, but covers the full spectrum human life. Among the anime stories there are fairy tales, historical chronicles, horrors, dramas. This is a full-fledged genre that is open to any subject. It follows that target audience are not only children and adolescents, but also adults.

Drawing a girl's face

Anyone can become a professional anime artist, regardless of the level of artistic skill. All you need is practice and patience. All drawing is carried out in pencil, and only the final contours are made with a pen, marker or ink. You can color the drawing with watercolors or with the help of graphic editor if you prefer to draw on a tablet.

Draw a circle and divide it in half with a vertical line. This is necessary for the symmetrical display of facial features. Over time, you can draw a vertical line in different variations depending on the type of face and the turn of the head.

Slightly above the middle of the circle, draw a horizontal line to indicate the location of the character's eyes. Again, depending on the type of face, the position of the eyes may vary. Since you are drawing a girl, her eyes will be large (young character). This important point, which should always be kept in mind when drawing anime.

Pupils also play a big role. Large pupils with a few flashes indicate that the character is surprised or delighted, and wide open eyes with tiny pupils denote horror and fear.

Draw the details of the girl's face. The nose is usually straight and slightly pointed, the mouth is small with narrow lips. Boys have bigger noses than girls. If the character is joyful, the nose is drawn a little higher than it should be and make it more rounded.

Eyebrows are a powerful tool for expressing emotions, as in real life as well as in anime comics. If the character is angry, they will have slanted eyebrows. Raised eyebrows reflect astonishment, straight eyebrows - indifference, etc.

Draw the hair. Here you can show all your imagination, because there are no special rules for drawing hair in anime. The hairstyles of the characters, as well as the structure of the hair, can be very diverse and unusual!

Finish the drawing by drawing the outlines with paint or ink. Traditionally, anime artists use watercolor or natural ink for this.

eye drawing

Eyes are the most important means of expression in the art of drawing anime. Before you start inventing characters, learn how to draw eyes. Pay special attention to this, because the slightest mistake can ruin your drawing or convey the wrong mood of the hero. By and large, if you learn how to draw anime eyes, then you have practically mastered this interesting science!

Despite the clear rules graphic image eye, there are no strict patterns that can be applied to a particular character. The eyes can be with or without eyelashes, with one glare or with a scattering of small reflections, with a round iris or without it at all.

When depicting eyes, you can show all your imagination, but you should remember a few simple rules:

  • how more eyes, the younger the character;
  • a large number of highlights indicates the "openness" of the hero to the world;
  • men's eyes are narrower and smaller, and unlike women's.

Drawing any eye can be divided into several standard steps:

  1. First sketch out the eyeball according to the proportions of the face.
  2. Draw a line of the upper and lower eyelids, create an eye section. The wider the eyes, the more naive and "childish" the character will appear.
  3. Draw an iris in accordance with the direction of the hero's gaze.
  4. Draw eyebrows. The shape of the eyebrows can be chosen as you wish, but remember that men's and women's eyebrows are significantly different. The position of the eyebrows on the face (high, low, oblique, straight) creates the mood and character of the hero.
  5. Finish the details - a highlight on the pupil, eyelashes, etc.
  6. Erase the guide lines and enjoy the result!

Particular attention should be paid to glare. They can be located on the iris itself, or they can cross it. Highlights are not only bright white, but also translucent, with clear or blurry borders. The brighter and thicker the outline of the iris and pupil, the more expressive your character's eye will be. Try to draw different types eye and choose the one you like the most!

Here are some step-by-step line drawings of manga characters for drawing and coloring exercises. Pay attention to the hairstyles - the hairstyles of the characters are a kind of trademark of the manga - often the characters are recognizable only by their hairstyles:

1. 2.

3. 4.

Sasami Kawaii

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

Son Goku

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

3. 4.5.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Ash Ketchum

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

1) Before you draw the hair, draw the base - the head, shoulders, face, etc.
Draw the back of the head so you know where the head ends.

2) Now draw all the non-frizzy parts of the hair. For example, I drew this girl a straight bang.
You should already have an idea of ​​what hairstyle you want your character to have. Ponytail, pigtails or loose hair - to have an idea now is good idea(you can make a rough sketch if needed)

3) This is the end of my preparations for drawing the curls themselves. I braided my girl's hair into knots (or odango, whatever you want to call it) and added a few strands to make it look like her hair was pulled back tightly.
You don't have to do your hair like me, this is just one example of how to prepare your character for the curly stage.

4) Now we start curling. Draw some curved lines to represent the back of the first curl. My curl split into thin and thick sections, but you can make one thick one if you like.

5) Now let's draw the front part. Make a slight rounding on one side to give some weight and thickness. Make sure you close the lines drawn in step 4 to get the finished curl.

6) Draw the back of the second curl. Because this hair will be very loose and "springy", I leave enough space between the curls.

7) Draw the front half of the swirl, this time adding a curve behind it, unlike the previous swirl. Pay attention to the different thickness of each curl.

8) Make another set of curls, this time closer friend to a friend - if you want to make tight curls, then draw them close all over instead of leaving distances like I do.

9) Continue to make curl after curl, varying the thickness and distance between them. You can add some lines to the back of the curl.

10) Keep curling. Make sure you know where to stay (short is good too!)

11) Finish with a small curl.

12) Repeat the whole process on the other side of the head. Draw all the front curls before moving on to the back ones.

13) Now let's get to the back. If you start to get confused, try drawing them with less pencil pressure. This can help if there are a lot of curls.

14) This is the finished version with all the curls! Still missing a few little things. Let's add them now.

15) Just add a few little curls (like the ones we ended each row with).
Finally! The sketch is ready!

16) Now the stroke. Make lines of different thicknesses. Just like in the sketch, try to do the front rows first, and do each curl separately so as not to get confused.

17) These are finished circled curls. Alternate thin and thick lines.
Here I've drawn on the character to show what the whole image will look like. But you can draw your character completely before you start doing the curls. It will be a shame if, after all this work, you don't like the rest of the picture. ;R

18) Now you can add color!
I use markers for coloring, layer by layer adding darker shades for the shadows.
Because this is not a coloring lesson, I won't tell you what to do. Experiment or find a lesson.

This is what the picture looks like at the moment. Far from finished.
I hope this tutorial will help you understand how I draw curly hair for my characters.
Remember that these are just guidelines. You can use them to practice and develop your own style.
Good luck!

Translation: Nancy aka Lalaokati

1.Let's get down to basics!
What are you doing wrong?

Take for example the three points A, B and C below.
What are you looking at when you draw a straight line - B and a curved line - C - B? On a pencil? Or points C or B?

When you draw a picture, you must see the direction of the line you are drawing, look not only at the point of the pencil, but equally at all three points A, B and C. People cannot draw shapes properly if they only look at the point of the pencil.

Then, look at the 7 random dots below. What do you see?
Just a group of dots? Or can you faintly discern the shape?

Let's number the points at random. Have you still not received the desired shape?

Let's renumber the dots to give them meanings that your eyes will automatically follow on the shape. Those who can make out the shape from looking at the dots in this way are able to draw shapes.

Finally the dots are connected. Random lines connect to create a shape talented people when drawing, they can feel the hidden lines within the picture and trace them. Your ability to draw shapes depends on whether you can actually render the points in the correct order.

2. How to paint a “good picture? "

What makes a job good? Sketch? Interesting detail? Project? Subject? Compound? All of these components are important, but if you want to hear positive reviews about your work from others, you must create an impression and convey your feelings. In other words, you must be able to connect in a subconscious way with those who see your work.
Start, draw a square box. This is a Graphic test.

In rooms 1-6, new information gradually added to the box. The amount of information contained in the drawings made at absolute beginner level is excellent, from a simple box to an advanced one. This is illustrated by the difference between number 1 and 8.

The observer (the person who set the task to draw the box) would expect to see only what he asked, the square box number 6 - 8 exceeds these expectations. You can't say that number 6 - 8 are mistakes. An effective key is to show an individual interpretation.

It is necessary to give the drawing an element of surprise and include Additional information into it, which would make it more interesting. Of course, in order to do this, you must be good at sketching. But on top of that, you must also come up with interesting topic, character pose and project.

Although the character in example 9 and 10 is the same, you can see how they differ not only in design but also in personality. It is a subconscious premise in the reader's opinion of the main anime and manga character to be attractive. This is what is expected, adding depth to their appeal. We can surprise the reader by exceeding their expectations, this is the first step when someone says your drawing is "good", but the real start is when they say it's "great".

You can also draw according to the reader's expectations similar to circle magazines.
For example, when looking at boxes, although an animator can draw up to level 8, they don't because readers expect to see level 6 drawings. Similarly, the animator, instead of drawing realistic illustrations, draws manga with simple lines and creates suitable characters such as Simple Distortion (SD).

First of all, draw square boxes.
What? Again!
We must learn the basics!

How to draw with accurate perspective is explained in special books, but you don't have to draw with precision like an architect. Once you get used to it, you won't spend much time drawing or thinking about the vanishing point.
Draw straight lines by hand (no ruler or templates). Draw a line on clean slate paper from one point to another, imagining the end result in your mind. You do the same with your sketches, only on a larger scale.

3. Before you start.
Start drawing! But before that.

It is well said that you will start drawing, but what are you going to draw?
Have you mastered the pencil willy-nilly? Are you going to draw an RPG (Role Playing Game) character? manga character? A hero in the fight? Or, are you planning to draw an illustration or logo? Character Basic Expression Diagrams? It doesn't matter if you draw - scribble. Just make sure you have a specific image of the character, location and pose. Good paintings start with a project.
Once this is decided, you draw the outline of the movement to create an overall image in which you don't have to worry about the cleanliness of the drawing or whether there is enough legroom on the page, good picture has a solid outline. This is the first step in the sketch.

Now detail the outline!

In general, people think that it is very difficult to get a harmonious sketch if you draw simple polygons. Indeed, when you draw an illustration, you are not drawing a square. However, you must decide what position each part of the body is in. And when you get it right, you will draw well and quickly.

For now you can draw square boxes, but soon you will be able to draw characters.

4. Let's get down to basics

It's time to think about body size.

4. Shoujo Manga (Comic Girls)
A character with a very thin waist and long legs. For girls, the contours of the body are defined proportionally, but the head is small. The boys are drawn in much the same way, but with broader shoulders.

5. Funny SD character
This type looks funny with a small body but big arms, legs and head.

6. Realistic type.
The length of the torso, body and legs are proportional - roughly the same Girls, except for the exaggerated narrow waist.

The character drawing is different with the style. It's not just a change in body proportion, depending on whether it's manga or illustration, for example, the same character will have different features. Compare various drawings of the same character below, especially look at the way the eyes and hands were drawn. You notice how some details have been rendered in detail while others have been omitted.

5. Drawing Details
character drawing
As long as you have looked at individual characters, but animation or manga work cannot be produced with just one character. You should also be able to draw support characters.
See also how to draw support characters. You must express the individuality of each with precision. There are two things you need to do, make the lead characters stand out and provide the support characters with enough personality to make them interesting. Think about the personal background (their past, their beliefs, their relationship with the main character, etc.) for each character, and then convey that information to the work through things like their expressions, hairstyle, costume, and accessories.

Characters number 3 - 7 are much more difficult to draw than attractive main characters. Drawing older people will breathe real life into your work and characters.


1- Enemy Advisor: Wizard (Character #1) An old man with a bent back.
2- Enemy Leader. Stubborn.
His shoulders are narrower than those of the Strong Soldier on the side. Goodies.
3 - Enemy Advisor: the bad Witch (character #2) is the same size as the witch on the Goodies side, but she is not in a feminine pose.
4 - Enemy leader number 2. The head is taller than the Hero's, but thinner than the Enemy Chief's. Attractive character.
5- Female Enemy Character
Power posture is a type of genre independent of me. Slightly higher than the Hero.
6 - Enemy Spy. Monkey type (Short with long arms)
Steps like a ninja.
7 - Monster. Huge hands emphasize his strength.
8 - Willens' pet
It has no specific meaning in history.
In history, to emphasize the processing of the devil.

6. We are looking for a suitable pose.

Translation that you can say:

Step 1: The Basics

1) I start with the spine as it helps me define the curves of the body. I start at the top and draw a smooth S-shaped curve down to where we think we have the end of the spine (coccyx).

2) Then I sketch out the torso with details (head, arms and waist contours). I don’t outline the shape of the chest yet, this is just the beginning.

3) After getting a good elastic sketch of the body, we outline the outer borders of the breasts with light curved lines (red lines). Don't forget to mark the tiny folds of skin where the arms and breasts (armpits) meet.

4) I start adding details. Breast volume can be shown with guide lines. Remember that boobs are attached to the body and if you outline the full mass of the chest, it will look like a solid mass with a chest, not bulging.

5 and 6) In these two steps I am trying to locate the nipples. In step 6 I use a little trick to define the center of each breast. This will help you to represent the chest as a three-dimensional object: draw vertical lines, as if dividing each breast in half, from the infraclavicular fossa through the center of the breasts and slightly converging at the bottom at the base. Remember: only smooth curved lines!!!

7) Since there are no people without body fat, I draw the body in point 7 with slight roundness on the hips and torso below the chest.

8) A rough sketch of a large chest on the same torso. I use the same principle for the placement of the nipples, only with the correction: the nipples are more massive and larger in diameter, and are located lower due to the weight and volume of the breast.

9) Small breasts on the same body. The same rule applies: smaller breasts, smaller nipples and higher position.

Step 2: Angles!

A woman can be large or small, and you should try to draw the chest in proportion. Even in most cartoon styles apply this rule. In the example on the left, the breasts look like baseballs and appear detached from the torso. Right: they look harmonious. Remember that if the curve of the body changes, then the line of the chest also changes. Here I sketched a small diagram: I enclosed the main parts of the body, as it were, in boxes and drew them with middle lines, for clarity. And remember: boobs two, and you need to draw each one separately, they are never squeezed into a single mass!

When the arms are raised, the breasts are slightly stretched out to the sides. When one arm is raised, the breasts will be located slightly at different levels (the near one will be pulled up behind the arm). Don't forget to draw small curved lines under the armpits when both arms are raised above the head.

Step 3: Breast Form and Methods of influencing it!

People often forget one important thing: breasts are not made of plastic! She is not solid. Its shape is more like a slide than like a ball. Think of breasts like a bubble filled with water: when the bubble hangs freely, it is like a pendulum, but if you press on the chest, you will get an indentation at the point of pressure and an increase in volume at the edge of the indentation.

Even some clothing can compress the chest or make it stick out in various places. Breasts are not round all the time and are rarely round at all. (Unless, of course, they are made of silicone).

In the diagram below, I show how hand movements affect the shape of the chest. On the left - chest at rest. On the right - they were squeezed, or pressed. The vertical fold between the chest and torso lengthens, the chest is pressed to the body.

Step 4: Hints

From left to right - small, medium and large breasts. The last drawing is what the chest should not be. Look closely, the red line under each breast represents the fold of skin between the breast and ribcage. The outermost breast on the right has almost no weight, so there is no crease there. But remember that even the smallest breasts have weight!

Consider what color nipples are. No need to make them very pink. They have a body tone, only more reddish, brownish, orangish.
At least, I have not seen bright pink nipples.
(Transl. note: naive author, never pulled girls by the nipples))

Near: side view of the nipple. Keep in mind that nipples do not always stick out perpendicular to the chest. As a rule, they can be quite flat and not stand out, but sometimes they stick out very boldly!
(Note trans.: yeah, the author still has some experience in this matter))

Translation: Chloe

How to draw an anime cat

Step 1. So let's get started. Draw an oval as a base for the head. Then draw the facial guide lines. They will help you proportionally arrange the details of the muzzle. Add small details of the nose, mouth and eyes. Let's move on to the body. We draw an elongated heart, this will be the chest of our cat. Draw two lines down from the heart. These will be the front paws of our kitten. After that, we draw two curved lines on the sides, these are the hind legs. Let's not forget to draw another long curved line on the right, the ponytail.

Step 2. We start the step with the design of the lower part of the muzzle. We designate the arched arches of the eye. Next, we draw lines - sketches of the paws and tail.

Step 3. We draw wool on the chest, tail. Add details on the muzzle, ears. We detail the paws.

Step 4. Add a mustache, draw the eyes. Detailing the ear. We finish the paws and add marks on the chest. Ready!

Step 5 This is what our cat looks like after erasing the extra lines. Final variant. If you want, you can leave out the mark on the chest or add something of your own. I tried to make the lesson as simple as possible.
