Examples of motivating statements for employees. Flexible working hours


First, it is worth understanding the difference between the concepts of "motive" and "stimulus". An incentive is something that an employer can influence employee for a more efficient worker. The motive, on the contrary, is the inner voice of a person, his "I", which tells him that if he achieves some results of work, then he will receive some reward worthy of him. For example, a sales manager knows that if he completes a certain task within a certain period, he will receive . The bonus is an incentive that the employer gives him. But is his work motivated by this? Worth sorting out. It follows from the above that stimulation and motivation should differ minimally in content. And that is the task of the leader. How can this be achieved?

When an employer thinks about how to motivate employee, then he needs to know and understand who this person is in terms of character, mind, what he is fond of and how he lives as a person, and not as an employee - a cog in the company's mechanism. This can be facilitated by intra-company events, corporate evenings, joint trainings, where you can understand and identify many personal parameters. employee. This information will help to more competently approach the issue of motivating the work of an employee.

The traditional method of motivation in our country employee- rewarding him. However, a person is not always motivated only by money. For example, the chief has recently become a father. This one pays quite well, so monetary incentives are not very effective. But the director can encourage this specialist with additional days off if he requires the chief accountant to perform specific tasks in a short period of time. And then the main person will have time to take care of his family. In addition to monetary motives, an employee may have socially oriented motives, career motives.
Career motives of an employee are associated with his implementation as employee firm, within which he moves forward and up the career ladder. Social motives are associated with the social component of any work. It is quite possible that in the process of work the employee will find new friends and make connections. Therefore, adapting to the company, it will be difficult for him to refuse this work not for financial reasons, but for social ones.

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Helpful advice

During the process of developing a system for motivating employees, it would be desirable to take into account such an aspect as the type of temperament in a person. There are only 4 of them: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic, sanguine. Each of these groups has its own features that are absolutely different from each other, knowing which you can competently motivate an employee.


  • how to motivate employees

Motivation is a process that pushes an employee to do work in large volumes, with best quality and great enthusiasm. The increase in the profit of the enterprise directly depends on the high productivity of labor.


Provide comfortable working conditions for employees. Take care of the availability of the necessary equipment, furniture. Arrange a place where people can rest during their lunch break.

Create a favorable atmosphere for work - both materially and psychologically, so that people would be happy to come to the office and work with pleasure.

Distance Education Center

Motivation does increase basic productivity. A highly motivated employee actually performs better. Organizations whose employees perform well perform better overall, and changing the attitude of employees towards work increases the profitability of the company. We offer you several ways to increase motivation and improve the quality of work of employees that have proven themselves in practice.

1. Recognize that subordinates may be motivated by something not directly related to their work. Dynamic employees with significant growth potential tend to be passionate about sports, hobbies, or other activities unrelated to work. These external interests should not conflict with the work. You can use your employees' drive to excel in an area they are passionate about to spur their growth and motivation in the workplace.

Recognize that they are human beings with their own interests. Find out what drives them. Help your employees in their studies and be interested in their achievements. Your positive attitude towards the subordinate's hobbies will definitely affect his work. Thanks to the support of management, this situation becomes doubly advantageous: the more success an employee achieves in life, the higher the quality and productivity of his work.

2. Teach subordinates to measure the degree of success of the work done. Employees who constantly monitor their activities are able to notice and document the growth of their own professionalism. They create rating tables for themselves and celebrate their victories and defeats better than the leader himself.

How to achieve this? Any job goal can be measured in a simple grading system. If the task does not involve the expression of the result in numerical form, create a scale for evaluating labor productivity.

3. Track your level of motivation. In most organizations, managers have no idea about the actual level of motivation of their subordinates. Surveys of employee job satisfaction conducted in companies do not include an assessment of motivation. If you start measuring motivation, you will most likely soon learn how to manage it. Without data on the level of motivation, you will never be able to improve this indicator.

Periodically measure employee motivation. Let junior managers also regularly monitor changes in the level of motivation of their subordinates.

4. Ask subordinates what they would like. Different workers have different goals and desires, which means that they need to be provided with different opportunities for work and professional growth. You can't motivate specific people general programs. To increase motivation, it is necessary to find an individual approach to each subordinate.

One way to do this is to delegate authority, goals, and tasks to each employee in the development of an overall plan or project. Another way is to give subordinates the opportunity to independently develop their own strategic objectives and plans.

5. Ask employees about the results of their work. The more information, the higher the motivation. It is for this reason that a good manager strives to increase the exchange of data within the organization. Try to talk less about yourself and more to ask others about their work.

Ask the subordinate questions designed to get him to think about the work done and report back on concrete results. Questions “What results did your team achieve yesterday?” or “How many calls were you able to handle in the last hour?” stimulate an increase in the level of self-information of the employee. And the possession of information contributes to intrinsic motivation.

6. Explain to your subordinates the reward system you have adopted. Arbitrariness in rewards and rewards leads to cynicism, not to increased motivation. If the new program is taken from the ceiling, employees begin to feel that the leaders do not respect them. Show respect for employees and, if necessary, explain in detail to employees the essence of new program rewards; its goals and objectives. Give clear answers to questions from subordinates about how this reward system can affect their current performance.

7. Strengthen interaction. In many organizations, managers and their subordinates are too busy to see each other often. They have almost no opportunity to communicate. To increase the intensity of contacts between the management of the organization and the staff, you can, for example, plan meetings and events so that managers are at the same time and in the same place with subordinates. Organize work in the office in such a way that managers often intersect with ordinary employees. You cannot increase the motivation of a person you rarely see.

8. Create an idea bank. What do your subordinates think? They may have good ideas, but most of the employees are sure that no one cares about their ideas. At the same time, most managers would like their subordinates to share their ideas and fresh thoughts with them, it's just that managers are bad at asking. Most often, they interrupt a subordinate or immediately reject his proposals. Such leaders immediately deprive employees of self-confidence and cannot achieve their goals themselves.

Can this be avoided? The easiest way to solve this problem is to get a special notepad, folder, file, mailbox on the wall, etc. and enter into it the ideas of subordinates. Managers who set themselves the task of filling out at least a page of such a notebook or file a day very quickly develop the skill of listening carefully to employees who “suddenly” have a lot of ideas.

9. Motivate with knowledge. To achieve professionalism in any job, an employee must strive to become the best in his specialty. A person who is passionate about learning will definitely grow in position and develop additional skills. Therefore, you can use knowledge and learning as a reward and motivator.

What is the best way to do this? There are many ways. Send to additional training, conferences and trainings those employees who have achieved significant results in their work, and whose successes have been recognized by their colleagues. Make extra knowledge an advantage to inspire employees to keep learning. Ask the subordinate to choose training course and give him the opportunity free education. Knowledge is a powerful motivating factor; it is surprisingly cheap compared to its true price!

10. Reward individuals for the collective contribution of the group. In this era of teamwork, people often feel like their individual accomplishments go unrecorded. Companies are more willing to acknowledge the success of the group as a whole. However, the manager needs to encourage team members also at the individual level. Only in this way can he increase their personal motivation.

This can be achieved, for example, by tasking leaders or group leaders with a weekly report on the main successes of individual participants. With the help of such reports, you will be able to summarize the results at the end of the reporting period. Strive to ensure that direct supervisors and colleagues celebrate the contribution of individual employees to the common cause.

11. Support positive communication between subordinates. Personal positive assessments of the work of employees are an effective motivating factor. A corporate culture that supports the desire to give each other a positive assessment of the results of each completed task increases the level of motivation and productivity.

How to achieve this in practice? First, you can develop a culture of mutual recognition among employees by developing an incentive program that rewards employees based on the results of a survey of their colleagues. When employees begin to recognize and reward each other for success, their level of motivation will increase significantly.

12. Find out if the work is suitable for the subordinate. Attempts to motivate an employee who does not like his work will not work. At the same time, faced with a lack of motivation of subordinates, many managers focus on the work they do, and not on the people themselves. Changing the parameters of work of employees can lead to a significant increase in motivation.

First of all, make sure that the tasks correspond to the qualifications of the employee. Otherwise, break the work down into a series of small but meaningful tasks, or spend more time explaining and supporting. If you're looking to increase motivation and productivity, you'll need to make some changes to most of the tasks you assign to your subordinates.

13. Look for people with intrinsic motivation. When companies hire workers, they are most often interested in the level of their competence, and not the attitude to work. However, attitude determines motivation, which in turn has a major impact on the employee's desire for learning and quality work. Why not start recruiting highly motivated employees? It is much easier to train a motivated employee than to motivate a qualified specialist.

Hire people who have previously demonstrated high level optimism, enthusiasm, motivation to work and the desire for growth. To reveal this attitude, you can use an interview or references from a previous job.

14. Reward subordinates in smaller amounts, but more often. It is common practice in most companies to give employees valuable rewards and large bonuses based on the completion of a project, quarter, or year. Award ceremonies for the best employees are rare and attract close attention all employees of the company. But usually they have less effect on motivation than smaller, but more frequent rewards.

Plan your spending on rewards and incentives to reward subordinates more often. As a result, the connection between work and results will become more obvious to them. Employees will feel they have a better chance of succeeding. If you do use large rewards, then let them be preceded by a series of smaller rewards. This will allow you to draw the attention of staff to the gradual improvement of the quality of work, and not to the reward itself.

15. Motivation by control. Managers are convinced that control is their prerogative. But in reality, control has a motivating effect. The main idea of ​​this method is to give employees the opportunity to make their own decisions on all issues that do not require centralized control.

Allow staff to independently make changes to any aspect of their work environment that does not pose a threat to the security and image of the organization. For example, employees of Amazon.com's delivery service are allowed to wear headphones while working and listen to music on own choice. In many firms it is allowed to decorate workplace. By giving the employee more independence (within reason), you can achieve an increase in motivation.

16. Ask questions that require a detailed answer. In surveys and studies, most often there are questions that can be answered either “yes” or “no”. To process such questions in order to obtain numerical results of the study. However, in a normal conversation, questions that require a given number of answers seem rude, they show your desire to control the interlocutor. They signal that you are not interested in the answer or opinion of the other person. At the same time, managers constantly use questions in conversation with subordinates that require an unequivocal positive or negative answer. Ask open-ended questions more often, and subordinates will feel that you treat them with respect. As a result, their motivation will increase significantly.

Try asking questions starting with "Why?", "How?", "Could you tell me about", "What did you mean when". And don't forget to listen to the answer.

17. Make assignments clearer. It must be clear to the subordinate what he is doing, why he is doing it, and how well he is doing his job. Research has shown that task clarity has a stronger effect on the motivation of salespeople than their experience or commission size. This principle applies to other specialties as well. You can achieve great results if you help employees see their personal contribution to the common cause, and if employees are sure that their work is evaluated regularly, quickly and accurately.

Previously, showing off on the honor roll was the ultimate dream of every Soviet worker. A beautiful photo, from which the hero proudly smiled, having overfulfilled the plan - such a prospect was tantamount to a modern hit on the cover of Forbs magazine. Thus, they made it clear that the person worked for a reason, his work was noted, praised and ready to honor the hero of the editorial until his result overthrows the new factory Hercules. There were also “black” boards - pictures of shame, wall newspapers, where brawlers, truants, drunkards were hung for educational purposes, and of course, they tried to capture them on these photographs in the most obscene form.

Today, for some reason, the most popular way of non-material motivation has become an obsessive corporate culture. Colleagues are gathered for trainings, they are forced to celebrate memorable dates together and mass cultural trips are organized. All this is good, but when an ever-depressing atmosphere reigns in the organization itself, rare corporate parties, even with cheerful songs by an invited favorite (boss) group, will not save. But the mood and motivation of employees need an eye and an eye!

Despite the fact that today the best motivation for employees is traditionally a generous bonus and corporate culture, managers who are not deprived of imagination manage to come up with new budgetary ways to motivate employees. After all, happiness is not always hidden at the bottom of an envelope with money, many owners highly paid professions suffer, for example, due to the fact that they were underestimated somewhere, not understood, not instructed interesting task. Yes, even under the guise of a careerist, there can be a subtle mental organization that simply craves praise, attention, or an extraordinary vacation.

Plunging into the world of "high" leaders, you can find many interesting examples finding new means of how to make your employees happy. For example, the thoughts of the father of modern animation Walt Disney (Walt Disney) were busy not only with colorful cartoons. His imagination was also enough to come up with new ways to motivate the employees of his company. He perfectly understood the needs and requirements of workers and knew perfectly well that people, regardless of wage conditions, are always happy to run away from jobs where it is not prestigious to work. Therefore, he personally turned non-prestigious jobs into prestigious ones. For example, laundries at Disney amusement park hotels, less popular with employees, were renamed textile services, equating them in importance with marketing or customer service. At the same time, it was much easier to get a job in the textile service.

Philip Rosdale ( Philip Rosedale, the founder of the most famous three-dimensional social network Second Life, came up with the idea of ​​introducing an internal software platform in the company - a kind of aggregate for collecting feedback from employees about their colleagues. In this program, everyone could send notes of appreciation and encouragement to each other. All messages are placed in public access, so this system of collecting information about the work of employees has become good tool for guidance in the labor evaluation system.

And here is the marketing company Hime&Co, in turn, he gladly supports the spiritual impulses of his employees. For example, management freely allows employees to take walks for half of the working day, but only if there is a good reason for this. Among these, by the way, is visiting seasonal sales. Of course, buying stylish new clothes for the new fashion season is a sacred thing, you can not even go to work. And if your partner suddenly leaves you (husband, boyfriend - it doesn’t matter), then you will be given time off for the whole day to heal a spiritual wound: to cry enough and come to your senses.

Perhaps every large company has special ideas on how to make employees happy.

Here are 10 ideas to motivate employees that you can try to implement in your company:

1. Publicly encourage the merits of a distinguished employee.

2. Unexpected gifts, pleasant gifts for employees, just in honor of the day of good mood.

3. Can't afford to pay the bonus - find a more budgetary way to reward merit. For example, give an employee an unscheduled day off.

4. You can set a free work schedule for valuable employees from time to time.

5. Instead of a cash bonus, let employees choose their own prize: say, dinner at a restaurant, a subscription to a fitness club, some kind of gift certificate.

6. Organize a corporate sports trip. This is not just a vacation, but the desire for sports victories and achievements. Today, corporate karting, yachting and football are especially in vogue. You can hold dance competitions.

7. Bonuses for those who take care of their health. For example, many Western companies pay employees annual awards for the fact that they did not get sick for a year and regularly visited doctors.

8. Some companies not only reward the best, but playfully punish the worst. For example, they introduce the title "Turtle forever" or the "Get a Skunk" award into the company.

9. Caring for the employee's family. These can be vouchers for children to a wellness summer camp, preferential health insurance for the employee's family. Tickets for concerts, performances...

10. Motivation by entertainment. Look at the offices of world-famous corporations, all of them are equipped not only stylishly, but in such a way that employees can work and relax as comfortably as possible, so that they want to come to work and do not want to leave. In such offices, play areas, recreation and entertainment rooms are necessarily provided. 8 working hours would not be as effective if employees could not relax in time, relieve stress and simply change the environment to a more pleasant and informal one.

Yes, of course, any non-material rewards and incentives are unlikely to compete with Her Majesty's salary in the power of motivation. But the manager should always remember that people usually come to work for the sake of money and a career, but they leave the routine and bad management. Therefore, the creation of an adequate system of non-material motivation is an important thing, even a basic one for creating an effective corporate Dream Team.

And if you yourself want to please the boss, see the instructions for packing a gift for the boss in our video:

According to experts, non-material motivation increases the efficiency of employees' work no less than bonuses and bonuses. For example, the prospect of career growth encourages them to maximize their abilities, which ensures a stable dynamics of sales volumes. What else can motivate sales staff?

In this article you will read:

    How to motivate employees if they don't want to work

    Tips for material and non-material motivation

    What system of motivation for managers to apply in a particular area

How to motivate employees if they are apathetic and do not strive to develop the company? There are still discussions about whether sales managers need additional schemes motivation other than financial. Despite the extreme practicality of the representatives of this profession, the non-material system of motivation of managers still affects the effectiveness of their work no less than bonuses and bonuses. For example, the prospect of career growth encourages them to maximize their abilities, which ensures a stable dynamics of sales volumes. What else can motivate sales staff?

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If you do everything yourself, employees will not learn how to work. Subordinates will not immediately cope with the tasks that you delegate, but without delegation, you are doomed to time pressure.

We published in the article a delegation algorithm that will help you get rid of the routine and stop working around the clock. You will learn who can and cannot be entrusted with work, how to give the task correctly so that it is completed, and how to control staff.

Yefim Katz,

CEO, furniture factory "Maria"

Manager motivation system should include work focused not only on the specialists of the selling unit; in my opinion, all employees should be interested in the development of the company - then they will work for the overall result.

How to motivate employees? Assign them an adequate salary (at the market level) and issue a social package This is the basic motivation for any employee. We go a little further. In addition to good working conditions, we provide a package of benefits and benefits: from a personal loan broker (for assistance in obtaining loans) to medical insurance on special terms. Employees have access to significant discounts on the company's products, training and advanced training are provided, support is guaranteed when moving from other cities, delivery by corporate transport to the place of work is offered.

  • Team building as a way of perfect personnel management

In addition, we take part in projects that promote team building, for example, for the third year in a row, we support the Podari Zhizn Foundation's campaign called "Charity instead of souvenirs." The policy of corporate social responsibility characterizes the attitude of the company towards the people and organizations with which it interacts.

Material motivation of production workers and kitchen studios 1

In our experience, for the so-called first line of employees in contact with customers - design managers, measurers, kitchen installers - material incentives are the most effective. We are constantly improving the motivation system so that it is based on real market trends and meets business objectives.

When introducing new products into the product matrix, we focus on them financially (employees receive a higher percentage of bonuses for the sale of these positions) — this approach speeds up the entry of new products to the market as quickly as possible. Now there is a special motivation system for measurers: if, when visiting a client, an employee measures the parameters of a bathroom in addition to the main order, then the departure fee doubles. During the program, the number of additional measurements has doubled, which means that the level of customer interest in our bathroom furniture has increased.

1 Kitchen studios - kitchen furniture sales salons.

For production workers, the amount of remuneration depends both on the effectiveness of labor and on faultlessness. The second indicator is very important, because the client needs a quality product, and production employees should be interested in the product being just that.

Non-material motivation of office employees

For office workers great importance has non-material motivation. It is important that everyone feels part of the company, understands their importance and shares common goals. In addition, not last place the organization of labor plays in the system of motivation. In our case, it is very convenient that the production and the office are located in the same building; there is also a showroom where each employee can see the results of our joint work. The showroom is not designed to demonstrate products to customers (at least to end customers, although this is possible during a tour of the factory) - samples of kitchens are exhibited here, as the creators see them, for demonstration to partners and guests of the factory, which ultimately also affects volume of sales. Close-knit team, charged common idea, is the real sales force.

Management motivation system: personal approach

Konstantin Efimov,

Commercial Director, Indever

Staff motivation necessarily requires an individual approach. Therefore, the motivation program must be flexible so that you can provide comfortable conditions for each employee and apply the best methods. The result in the form of sales growth will not keep you waiting.

I believe that a simple increase in salary briefly stimulates an employee: after about six months, he forgets that his salary was raised, they began to pay for gasoline or a telephone, and so on. He comes to the head and says: "I don't get much." What can be done to avoid such a situation?

I will not surprise anyone if I say that sales managers should be paid a salary and bonuses. At the same time, it is necessary to give employees the opportunity to earn a bonus that would be more than the salary. Managers must understand that material motivation (in its bonus part) has virtually no boundaries, that is, the level of their income depends only on their efforts.

Individual motivation

Non-material motivation- Very effective method, but it must be applied individually. For some, universal recognition is very important: having received it, the employee will be completely satisfied, and the efficiency of his work will increase. For others, direct communication with the leader and an attentive attitude to personal problems are necessary. Still others are waiting for encouragement in the form of prizes and gifts based on the results of their work.

You can choose the right motivation only by communicating with subordinates. It is clear that if the company is actively growing or is already large enough, then this is not easy to do. For example, I can independently motivate only direct subordinates - managing directors. I know when their birthdays are, what the situation is in the family, what hobbies they have, and so on, and depending on this, I try to influence their work in one way or another. I give one person the opportunity to offer more ideas and implement them, for another I formulate tasks more clearly, with a third I discuss my favorite sports teams.

I know ordinary employees - sales managers - by name and, walking around the office, I can say hello to everyone, ask how things are going. Treat your subordinates the same way you treat your customers, because, in fact, you are selling them work in the company, the atmosphere in the team and a joint future. And if they are satisfied with these conditions, they will repay you with high sales rates.

We focus on the future

Ivan Kostenich,

Head of Compensation and Benefits, Ronova

How to motivate employees- a ruble or a word? Many managers face this dilemma when they need to give special rewards to an employee. We focus on the desire of employees for career growth and material development. This strategy allows you to maintain a stable growth in sales and competently motivate staff.

As a rule, the material motivation mechanism is used when there is no hierarchy of positions, and therefore, career growth opportunities are minimal: a specialist can work in one position for several years without promotion. The only thing such companies can offer as motivation is bonuses. However, in this case, the employee becomes dependent on the percentage promised for active work and attracting new customers.

Once having fulfilled the sales plan, he will feel a taste for money, and he will definitely have a need to receive a bonus a second and third time; but a “productive” month may be followed by a disastrous sales period, which will leave the specialist without a bonus. Small firms, working on the principle of “motivate with the ruble”, first of all think about the financial well-being of the company, and not the employee. When building a motivational policy, we take into account the wishes of employees regarding material development and professional implementation in this area. For example, in order for the manager of the commercial department not to be left without bonuses, we do not accrue the variable part at a time, but distribute the payment over a certain period. And those who distinguished themselves at the end of the year are awarded with diplomas and memorable gifts.


With a competent combination of material and non-material motivation, which implies both an increase in payments and climbing the career ladder, employees themselves are interested in moving up. We provide for the vertical growth of a specialist: a call center operator can move to the position of a middle manager and then apply for a managerial position. We did not arrive at such a system immediately; It took several years to understand the need to combine non-material and monetary motivation.

Undoubtedly, successful career impossible without advanced training. Adaptation to the cleaning industry is another advantage we provide to employees. In 1998, the company opened its own The educational center. Employee training begins immediately after hiring and consists of trainings in classroom and practical assignments. An employee who has passed this stage receives the skills to work in the cleaning industry.

Evaluation of the results is carried out in each department - this is the main component of personnel certification, part of the non-material motivational scheme for the development and growth of a specialist. A mentoring system is also used to motivate staff: if an employee’s performance deteriorates, he receives not only professional advice but also the support of the immediate supervisor.

Working conditions and corporate culture

Professional development is inseparable from favorable working conditions. An important factor is catering. We pay employees a fixed amount each month as food reimbursement. Another nice bonus for employees is the system of discounts for visiting a well-known network of fitness clubs - in fact, this is our contribution to the health of employees.

We appreciate and encourage employees who have made a great contribution to the formation and development of the company. Those who have worked in the organization for ten years receive diplomas and valuable gifts, such as engraved watches. Employees with five years of experience are awarded diplomas and gift certificates. Every year we have corporate events, the themes of which are carefully thought out. This year, on the day of the company's 20th anniversary, we organized a festive program for employees, inviting a photographer to the office for a corporate photo shoot.

  • The structure of the sales department: instructions for the head

Separately, it is worth noting the events for the commercial department. Every year we reward managers who have significantly exceeded the annual sales target: they are paid a special bonus, diplomas, symbolic figurines and gift cards.

Our company organizes offsite corporate events outside the city or in nature, where team building is held, attracts employees to the maximum extent possible to participate in industry events, competitions and charity events.

Each department makes a significant contribution to the well-being of the company, so it is in our interests to actively develop corporate culture and stimulate each specialist with the prospect of career growth in order to maintain a balance between material and non-material motivation.


We increase the self-esteem of employees

Olivier Quesson, Commercial Director, Orange Business Services in Russia and the CIS

I firmly believe that a good sales manager, whether male or female, must have a strong ego. Successful managers love to compete, to prove their superiority, which is why monetary motivation alone is not enough for them. Financial incentives play an important role in increasing the self-esteem of employees, but no less attention should be paid to non-material incentives - those that raise the employee in the eyes of colleagues, make them feel respected.

A similar effect can be achieved different ways, for example, through the creation of a "club of the best managers". We also have such a "club", which the most qualified employees strive to get into. Membership in it gives you the opportunity to become part of a group of the best specialists not only in your country, but throughout the world. Among the special privileges are annual meetings at one of the world's most prestigious resorts.

Among other things, the "clubs of the elite" allow you to expand the competence of employees: becoming their members, managers can take additional advanced training courses. From the point of view of the employee-company relationship, this is very important. The employee sees that the employer is interested in his growth and development, and understands that in the future he can count on a higher position with a greater level of responsibility.

Yefim Katz Graduated from Saratov State University. Has been in business since 1993; started with trade in household appliances and import of kitchen facades. Together with partners, he founded the Maria furniture factory.

Furniture factory "Maria" is one of the leading Russian manufacturers of kitchen furniture. Founded in 1999. The retail network, which includes 308 kitchen studios, covers 162 cities in three countries around the world. Currently, the company is actively developing new areas of activity - the manufacture of furniture for bathrooms and business facilities. Official website - www.marya.ru

Konstantin Efimov graduated State University management. For nine years he successfully worked at Vimpelcom, where he rose from a specialist in the customer support center to the head of the department for attracting key customers. In 2012, he moved to Indever and actively developed the company.

IndeverRussian manufacturer menswear and accessories to order, providing services for individual tailoring. On the market since 2011. The company's studios are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Surgut, Tyumen and Kazan. Official website - www.indever.com

Ivan Kostenich Graduated from the Samara State Aerospace University. S. P. Queen. He worked as a marketing specialist at the Samara Oxygen Plant, and as an analyst at the Telesem-Samara company. With Ronova since 2011.

"Ronova"— one of the largest companies in the market of cleaning, outstaffing and technical operation of real estate. Has a 20‑year history. Staff - 20 thousand employees. The network of representations covers 79 cities of Russia. The company serves shopping centers, office buildings, airports, railway stations, industrial complexes. Official website - www.ronova.ru

Orange Business Services is a leading global communications solutions integrator working with large Russian and international companies. Offers a comprehensive package of services: basic telecommunications services, as well as integration and IT solutions (cloud computing, unified communications, video conferencing). Official website - www.orange-business.com

How to motivate staff: 24 ways

Staff motivation is one of the main issues of all executives and HR managers of companies who value their reputation and the trust of employees. Suffice it to recall the key phrase of many leaders - cadres decide everything. After all, the success of the company largely depends on the qualifications and full dedication of employees in their work. For the success and stable development of the company, an effective, well-built motivation of the staff becomes a necessary condition. For effective motivation, it is necessary for each employee to provide a sense of his important role in the work of the company, so that he is interested in responsible work with enthusiasm for the benefit of his organization.

Before considering the basic principles of effective staff motivation, managers need to eliminate common stereotypes from their thinking:

Employees don't like to work;
- employees are absolutely indifferent to the quality and efficiency of their work;
- employees will never be satisfied with their salary;
- if people are happy with everything in their company, then their salary is too high;
- Without constant supervision, workers will start to shirk their jobs.

The manager needs to believe in his employees, only then can he proceed to the consideration and implementation of various ways to motivate staff.

Properly organized motivation of the staff will allow to achieve an increase in the efficiency of the employees. It is known that high motivation contributes to better and more efficient work of an employee. His great dedication to work will allow him to achieve best results, with improved prospects for the company, strengthening its position and increasing the number of sales and revenues.

Consider effective ways to motivate staff, which can rightly be called "eternal".

Ways to motivate staff

1. Praise your employees. Praise is an important condition for employee loyalty to management and the entire company. It will not be difficult for the authorities to once again say “thank you” to the employee for the work done. For example, gratitude to the secretary for a competent meeting schedule. Just saying “thank you” is enough for the secretary to be interested in coping with his functions even more efficiently in the future.

2. Address the employee by name. IN small companies managers know their employees by name. But with a constant increase in the number of employees, certain difficulties may arise with remembering the names of all employees. Director General of the portal LiveInternet German Klimenko recommends recording the names of employees in the diary if you have problems remembering everyone. Employees work in his company for 15-20 years - and experience confirms that nothing sounds more pleasant for a person than his own name.

3. Providing additional rest. Many managers can attest to how important it can be for employees to get extra rest in the form of time off, the ability to come in late or leave early. Such privileges are not always offered and not to everyone - you need to earn such a right. For example, the editors of the General Director magazine allow the author of the most popular Facebook post of the week to leave early on Friday. Such motivation of the staff has proven itself in practice.

4. Presentation of memorable gifts. Widespread staff motivation (especially for employees manufacturing enterprises). Employees are awarded certificates, cups and other symbolic awards. Andrey Medvedev, General Director of Industrial Power Machines, has seen from his own experience how effective such an approach can be. His factory employees liked it, such an encouragement became an honor. But at the same time, the gifts turned out to be effective way motivation not only for employees of manufacturing enterprises. Also, do not forget about the families of your employees. Sometimes a great gift to an employee's wife is a more effective motivator than giving it to him.

5. Career prospects. Pretty effective staff motivation, according to the workers themselves. After all, career prospects can inspire and motivate to achieve excellent results in work, contributing to the success of the company. The employee understands that he has a chance to achieve new positions and prospects in the company thanks to his efforts. In particular, in the practice of the company "Ekonika" 15% of employees annually receive a promotion. Also, many companies adhere to the practice by which their top managers are nurtured from ordinary managers.

6. Clear tasks and evaluation criteria. A third of directors have transparent systems in setting goals and monitoring results. In particular, the director of Corus Consulting CIS, Ilya Rubtsov, adheres to such priorities - he draws up a schedule on an A3 sheet. The vertical axis of such a graph becomes a reflection of the importance of the task, the horizontal one indicates the complexity. He sticks a sticker with completed tasks on the chart to visually reflect the priorities.

7. Opportunity to express your opinion and be heard. In the work of the company, many managers prefer to involve their companies and ordinary employees in solving global problems. It is important for the employee to feel the significance of his contribution to general development companies. In addition to motivating employees, this approach allows you to get quite useful ideas and recommendations from employees, because in many ways they know the principle of the company better, since they work directly with customers. This approach will help to identify various controversial, weaknesses in the work of the company. In particular, the co-founder of the Tonus Club network, Irina Chirva, suggests that her employees determine 3 indicators by which their work will be evaluated. Based on the answers received, I was able to form a KPI assessment system, introducing it into the company's activities.

8. Personal contact with the head of the company. Great importance is given to personal contact with employees with whom management is not required to meet due to their status. Many well-known entrepreneurs and successful businessmen resort to this approach. For example, the legend of world business Richard Branson decides to answer letters from his employees personally. The CEO of ArmstrongMachine provides each employee with paychecks in person, asking if there are any problems. In his work, Steve Jobs invited subordinates on long walks, during which he had the opportunity to discuss questions or problems that arose in a relaxed atmosphere.

9. Free lunch. Some companies organize free lunches once a week. On one of the days, free delivery of sushi, pizza, etc. is issued for employees. Such staff motivation has found its main distribution in the work of IT companies.

10. Board of honor. Staff motivation involves the recognition of the results and achievements of an employee for a certain period. In particular, McDonald's is known for its "Best Employee of the Month" stands, and the 100% Fitness Center chain names the best employees on internal radio. Moreover, having become the best worker seeks to maintain its leadership, while others will seek to impose competition and surpass the winner.

11 Opportunity to work from home. Only a quarter of managers and entrepreneurs in our country provide employees with the opportunity to work on a flexible schedule or remotely. But experience suggests that for employees working at home, labor productivity increases by 15%. Although representatives of not all positions and specialties can work at home.

12. Honorary title of the employee's position. A fairly common way to motivate staff. After all, it is important for many employees to use a beautiful, honorable, and not a standard job title when communicating with their acquaintances. In particular, now the janitors in the company "Martika" (Barnaul) are called "handymen".

13. Corporate gatherings. 10% of managers in our country periodically gather their team for various holidays in a bowling alley, bar, etc. Many employees like this approach with holding informal evenings. Excellent opportunities are created for joint leisure in a relaxed atmosphere, and just a great chance to relax, gain strength before future work successes.

14. Public gratitude. For example, the general director of the Lyubimiye deti chain of children's goods stores every day walks through the offices in the central office, noting and thanking the employees who have successfully completed their tasks. Gratitude is much more important if backed up with a useful gift. Usually a small present is enough, although sometimes it can be serious - for example, a ticket to a sanatorium. Public thanks to a very pleasant employee. But try to express your gratitude correctly so as not to hurt the feelings of other employees.

15. Discounts on services. Quite effective staff motivation in various organizations- corporate discounts for employees on various goods and services of their company. Employees positively perceive their savings, loyalty to the company increases. If the company specializes in several directions in its work, then it is simply impossible to do without such corporate discounts.

16. Granting of bonuses. All employees at the end of the year expect to receive various gifts, bonuses and bonuses from the employer. They can be given out for achieving the set goals and plans - providing motivation for employees. When counting, you can use a non-linear scale. Payment of a 100% bonus when the goals are achieved by 90% or more, 50% - if the goals are achieved by 80%, if this indicator is less than 70%, then no bonuses are provided. The size of the bonus can be equal to a fixed amount - for example, two monthly salaries or more. Bonuses for top managers are higher, they can be paid in several stages, including in December and March, since not every company can plan large payments at the end of the year.

17. Motivational board. Few managers know this term, we will talk about it in more detail. In fact, the motivational board is a standard marker board, which is a clear dynamic indicator of the level of sales for the current date for each department or manager, and also becomes a reflection of the employee's personal contribution to the common cause.

Experience confirms that it is possible to achieve an effect thanks to the motivational board after a week of use. Previously, the worst managers understood that their poor sales could go unnoticed. Now it starts exciting game, competition, because no one wants to be last. At the same time, the spirit of competition still does not prevent managers from supporting each other. They can see how much is left before the sales plan is completed, starting to urge the rest of the employees - the team spirit is triggered.

18. Payment for employee training. To achieve professionalism in any work, it is important for an employee to strive for improvement in his specialty. After all, an employee who is passionate about his training will certainly be able to achieve career growth and improve skills, with the development of additional skills. Therefore, learning and knowledge can be an important motivating factor. For such motivation, various ways. Including employees are sent to participate in conferences, trainings, etc. Additional knowledge should be made an advantage in order to inspire employees for their further education.

19. Payment for a fitness club subscription. A fairly effective motivation is to pay for the hobbies and hobbies of employees. Such hobbies usually refer to visiting a fitness center. Moreover, if employees are focused on improving their physical condition, then they are more focused on achieving their goals. But not everyone enjoys going to the gym. Some may be more interesting school drawing or piano lessons. Each person is individual, so hobbies vary.

20. Control as a way to motivate staff. Many managers are convinced of the need to control employees. Control really allows you to motivate employees. The main idea is to provide employees with the possibility of independent decision-making on all issues for which centralized control is not required. Allow employees to change any aspect of their work environment on their own, as long as it does not jeopardize the company's image and security. In particular, one company allows employees to walk to work in headphones, enjoying their favorite music. Many companies do not prohibit employees from decorating their workplaces. Give employees more freedom to make decisions within reasonable limits to achieve effective motivation.

21. Salary. Salary is one of the main ways to motivate employees. Therefore, if you cannot initially provide a sufficient salary for the employee, then other methods will turn out to be ineffective and side. Comfortable salary levels for different employees vary. It is important to understand what level wages will be permanent and which one will be flexible.

22. Bank of ideas. You should be interested in the opinions and thoughts of your employees. Many employees may have really useful and effective ideas, but do not see the interest in them. While most managers are interested in having employees share relevant thoughts and ideas, not all managers just know how to ask. For the most part, they simply interrupt the employee and reject his initiatives, which deprives employees of self-confidence and motivation. To solve this problem, it is better to get a notebook, file or other documents in which the ideas of employees will be recorded. With this approach, managers soon begin to listen better to employees who can offer some pretty useful ideas.

23. Employee profit sharing/option. The option is one of the instruments of equity participation of employees in the capital of the company. Such a tool has become a substitute for partnership or simple corporatization of personnel. In Russian practice, option programs are considered a relatively young phenomenon. A few years ago, such cases were rare. The main goal is to aim the company's management at a long-term growth in capitalization and increase the loyalty of employees to the company-employer. The loyalty of managers to the company is especially relevant today, when due to economic growth there is a shortage of highly qualified employees. Because of this, compensation and staff turnover increase. The introduction of option programs contributes to the effective solution of both of these problems.

24. Payment for travel and mobile communications. Many employees are interested in paying for their travel or mobile communications costs, as they can be impressive. Naturally, such bonuses will be pleasant for your employees. It would seem a trifle, but nice!
