The role of military registration and enlistment offices in the military-historical education of youth. The modern role and significance of the military-patriotic club "Nakhimovets" in the moral education of youth

The place and role of military museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory in the system of social and cultural activities of the RF Armed Forces

Today the Armed Forces Russian Federation are undergoing a complex process of development and reform. The main goal of the reforms is for the Russian army to become a reliable defender of state integrity and a strong instrument in international politics. This requires the reorganization of the entire system of the Armed Forces in such a way that each of its institutions and elements meets modern requirements. As a result, new models of weapons are being introduced, old ones are being modernized, new manuals and charters are being issued, new specialties in the field of high technologies and computer technology are emerging. There is a complication and increase in the requirements for the training of specialists of all qualifications, the moral and psychological burden on servicemen is increasing.

These processes are reflected in socio-cultural activities. Modern socio-cultural activity is a specific professional work. It permeates such areas as education, professional art, folk art, mass physical culture, social work, rehabilitation and intercultural communication.

Socio-cultural activity today is undergoing a serious transformation, changing functionally, meaningfully and organizationally. The current state and prospects for the development of socio-cultural activities are due to the processes of its further self-determination in the new socio-economic conditions, humanization and technologization. This is closely related to the state of affairs in the sphere of culture of modern Russian society.

At present, the country has created a legislative framework in the field of culture, a system of interaction between subjects is functioning cultural policy: government bodies, local governments, professional creative unions and other public organizations. The Ministry of Culture of Russia has developed a set of tools for conducting state cultural policy in the form of federal target programs for the development and preservation of culture and art.

Russian culture has the richest potential and significant infrastructure in the field of museum work. There are 2113 museums in the country, the museum funds include more than 55 million items.

“Stagnation is simply intolerable,” said Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin - in such a lively, dynamic, multifaceted business as information, propaganda, artistic creativity and amateur performances, the work of clubs and theaters, libraries and museums - the entire sphere of ideological-political and labor, moral and atheistic education "http: / / The Ministry of Culture also made high demands on the activities of museums. The All-Russian Conference emphasized that modern perestroika is impossible without the full activation of the intellectual and spiritual potential of Russian society.

Now, when under the leadership of the State Duma an evolutionary restructuring is being carried out in all spheres, including the spiritual, the enduring importance of the ideological and theoretical heritage on the fundamental issues of democratic education, the use of the advanced culture of the past for these purposes, is confirmed with renewed vigor.

Already in November 1917, immediately after the victory of the October Revolution, V. I. Lenin instructed the People's Commissar of Education: “... make every effort so that the main pillars of our culture do not fall, because the proletariat will not forgive us for this. "... We must first of all take care that museums that store enormous values ​​do not fall apart ...". Shortly thereafter, in January 1918, the III Congress of Soviets adopted a resolution on the development of museum work in the country. In accordance with the Leninist concept of the cultural revolution, the resolution emphasized the need to turn cultural historical values ​​into museums for public use and make them a source of education.

To this end, in the first year of Soviet power alone, more than twenty decrees and orders were adopted on the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. Despite the incredible employment, V. I. Lenin showed concern for the creation and development of museums. May 25, 1919, after the adoption of the parade, he visited the Red Square museum exhibition dedicated to the Red Army. On April 6, 1920, Vladimir Ilyich wrote to V. V. Adoratsky in Kazan: “... can you collect materials for the history of the Civil War and the history of the Soviet Republic? Is it possible to collect these materials in Kazan at all? Can I help?"

As a result of the implementation of the Leninist course, a unified state museum network was created in the country. This contributed to its rapid growth, the emergence of museums of new profiles, primarily historical and revolutionary. The main ones were the Central Museum of V. I. Lenin, the Central Museum of the Revolution of the USSR in Moscow and the State Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution in Leningrad. And if before the revolution in Russia there were only about 150 museums (without military and church-archaeological ones), then in 1974 their number increased to 1230. And now state museums in Russia (together with branches) there are more than 2130.

Military history museums, like the Red Army, were born of the revolution and served the cause of defending the gains of victory. Together with the liquidation of the old army, the disbandment of regiments and military educational institutions ceased to exist and more than 300 museums, which were a means of indoctrination of soldiers in a religious-monarchical spirit. The museum objects that were in them were accepted for state storage according to the acts. The Soviet government carefully preserved those of the pre-revolutionary museums and memorial monuments that immortalized the heroic past of the Russian people.

A notable feature of the current stage in the development of military history museums is that this process is taking place under conditions of reform. It covered all areas of the country's domestic and foreign policy, military construction and the very activities of museums, and further expansion of the museum network.

The basic composition of the cultural and leisure institutions of the Armed Forces of Russia until now included: 5 central military cultural institutions; 244 district, naval and garrison officers' houses; 119 garrison officers' clubs; 1263 clubs of military units; 6 drama theaters; 17 song and dance ensembles and concert ensembles; 123 museums and museum formations with a large volume of the museum fund, equal to 3.5 million items. As of January 1, 1988, there were more than 100 military history museums in our country. Forty-four of them are full-time military history museums. These are: 2 central museums, 12 museums of types of the Armed Forces and military branches. Each military district, each group of troops and fleet had its own museum.

The largest military history museums in Russia are part of the International Association of Museums military history and weapons existing under UNESCO. They maintain a particularly close relationship and exchange of experience with the military history museums of countries friendly to Russia.

The list of Russian military history museums is opened by the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Order of the Red Star (TsMVS).

It was created in accordance with the order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on December 23, 1919. Now, according to the position, the TsMVS is the head political, educational, research institution. Its funds contain more than 700 thousand military-historical monuments, which are widely represented in expositions. These are weapons and military equipment, awards to the heroes of the front and rear, photographs, documents and other museum items related to military history, with the activities of the outstanding commanders M. V. Frunze, G. K. Zhukov, K. K. Rokossovsky, A M. Vasilevsky, I. S. Konev and many other Soviet military leaders. More than 20 thousand Battle Banners make up the museum's collection, which, in terms of its significance and uniqueness, is the only one not only in Russia, but also in the world. The priceless relics of the museum vividly and convincingly reflect the heroic path and the current stage of development of the Russian Army and Navy.

The oldest and one of the most popular museums in the country and the largest maritime museums in the world is the Central Order of the Red Star Naval Museum in St. Petersburg, which has existed since 1709. Its exposition vividly reflects the entire history of our fleet. Numerous relics testify to the heroism, courage and steadfastness of sailors during the Great Patriotic War. The museum clearly shows the activities of state authorities to strengthen the defense might of our Motherland, to transform our Navy into a mighty ocean fleet. Among the four branches of this museum is a wonderful ship museum on the immortal historical monument of the early 20th century, the Red Banner cruiser Avrora.

The richest collection of samples of weapons and equipment, banners, orders and medals, canvases of battle painting, military-historical documents is stored in the Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps. This museum is also one of the oldest unique, widely famous museums our country. For a great contribution to the military-patriotic education of workers, Russian soldiers, the museum was awarded government awards.

The only aviation museum in the country, whose exposition is based on authentic aircraft: balloons and airplanes, airplanes and helicopters, gliders and other aviation equipment, is the Central Museum of the Air Force in Monino.

A place of honor here is occupied by combat vehicles of the period of the Great Patriotic War, the aircraft on which the USSR pilot-cosmonauts took to the skies, and many famous test pilots. The museum contains numerous relics of the combat prowess of Soviet aviators.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the Military Medical Museum of the Ministry of Defense of Russia was born - a research and educational institution that has no analogues in the country. Its exposition reflects the history of domestic military medicine, the constant concern of the government for the health of soldiers and all Russian people. The museum contains many priceless relics testifying to the mass heroism of medical workers in the battles for the Motherland. Its archives contain more than 30 million case histories of wounded soldiers and officers. The museum provides great assistance to war veterans and their families, answering hundreds of thousands of letters every year.

The museum of the history of the airborne troops in Ryazan, established in 1972, quickly gained popularity. It has received wide recognition from Russian soldiers, young people, workers of many republics, territories and regions of the country. The exposition of this museum is figuratively called the anthem of the courage of the paratroopers.

The museums of the history of the troops of the military districts worked brightly and fruitfully, widely using the experience accumulated over the almost half-century history of their existence. However, the legal status of these museums has been changed. Today they are no longer a structural subdivision of the districts. The former district museums are now structural divisions of the district officers' houses with the faceless name "military history hall". A fact that, unfortunately, rather indicates the curtailment, rather than expansion, of the museum network of the RF Armed Forces. In the future, using a specific example, the author will try to explain what such a decision can lead to.

But the largest group of military history museums are military museums and military glory rooms. They are created in regiments and on ships, in formations and military educational institutions, at enterprises and in institutions of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Their expositions on specific examples, on documentary material reflect the unforgettable pages of the history of the unit, the ship, the school, the military academy, the exploits of fellow soldiers, many fearless heroes, living and fallen, without whom it is impossible to imagine our path to victory.

Prominent in his time political figure M. I. Kalinin advised to build educational work in the unit so that “every recruit, having come to the regiment, knew not only his number, but his entire combat history, all his heroes and military awards, all his victories in competitions and maneuvers, so that he was proud of his regiment and defended its honor everywhere. Museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory of formations, units and ships are called upon to fulfill this task. Unlike regular military history museums, these institutions operate, as a rule, on a voluntary basis.

In many military units and formations, next to museums and rooms of military glory, impressive memorial complexes dedicated to fellow heroes. Here is the Eternal Flame. A visit to these memorials ends the excursions held in museums.

At the sacred relics, in a solemn atmosphere, young soldiers take the oath, a solemn ceremony of awarding decorations and awarding regular military ranks is held. All this expands the educational possibilities of the "museum-memorial" complexes, enhances their impact on the soldiers, on all visitors.

An important document, in accordance with which all the activities of our museums are built, is the Regulations on the military-historical museums of the Russian Army and Navy, dated 1997. The activity of museums, as noted in the Regulations, is an integral part of the ideological, political educational work in the army and navy. It contributes to the fulfillment of the tasks that are solved by the Russian Armed Forces. Museums are called upon to provide active assistance to commanders, deputies for educational work, army and navy organizations in mobilizing personnel to perform tasks in combat and daily activities, increasing vigilance and constant, combat readiness to defend the Fatherland. Changing the status of district museums, and accordingly their staff, inevitably leads to a simplification of the tasks facing their teams, trying their best to match the status of a museum. This is understandable, museum visitors, who are not initiated into departmental secrets, demand museum services from the current "halls".

Undoubtedly, the staffs of military history museums are aware that at the present stage it is extremely necessary to update the forms and methods of their activities, to eliminate stagnation, to ensure a decisive improvement in the quality of all museum work and its effectiveness.

It is necessary to find more rational and efficient ways of using funds, where about 5 million museum items are kept in the vaults of regular museums alone without movement. Work in this direction is carried out by increasing the number of stationary and traveling exhibitions, organizing tours of the funds. However, even now the use of funds does not exceed 6 percent.

An important direction of perestroika is connected with new processes, and with the reform of the army, and with the processes taking place in historical science.

The exposition is a reflection by museum means of the history of the Russian Army and Navy. In the course of reforming in historical science, its periodization is specified, distortions and “blank spots” are eliminated. In accordance with this, the restructuring of the exhibition complexes of museums and the content of their propaganda work is being carried out.

Perestroika should also be accelerated in matters of reflecting the modern period in the development of the army and navy in museum expositions. This problem is not new, but it is being solved slowly. Perhaps it makes sense to develop a unified concept for building the exposition of this stage. In the report of the representative of the group of developers of the concept of the military history museum of Dresden at the International Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Central Armed Forces, an interesting idea was voiced about creating an exposition of modernity on the example of a young man called up for military service. This young man receives a summons, here he is at the recruiting office, he is on the way to the unit. Arrival at the unit, acquisition of combat training skills, sports, leisure, etc. and so on. Conscripts will compare what they see with the experience gained, officers can use the best in their activities, pre-conscripts will not be tormented by the uncertainty of a new stage in their lives, and younger visitors will be able to feel the romance of military service. And if you also use interactive forms of display, then it will become both more visual and more interesting. It seems that the experience of the German "museum workers" should take a closer look.

Fund work is the cornerstone of museum activity. Our museums continue to work on identifying and annotating relic photographs of participants in the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Museums of the history of the Moscow and Leningrad military districts made video recordings of memoirs of honored front-line soldiers, Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory. Many museums have collected impressive materials about the exploits of internationalist soldiers and participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.

Researchers from the sector of the Great Patriotic War did a thorough job at the Central Museum of Art, using hundreds of new materials during the re-exposition of their halls. In a number of units and formations, new museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory were opened. All this, taken together, significantly updated and expanded the exposition base, on which, as is known, mass propaganda work is built in museums.

With what excitement, representatives of all generations, young and veterans, listen to stories about the unprecedented trials that befell the defenders of the Motherland, and their mass heroism. Museum workers put a lot of work into propaganda, military and labor traditions.

Museums make their contribution to solving the problem of tolerance towards other peoples and religions, showing the importance of the friendship of peoples for strengthening the defense of our country and achieving victory in the Great Patriotic War. And this is confirmed by numerous exhibits that characterize the contribution of each of our republics, each people to the achievement of military and economic victory over enemies.

The exhibition complexes of museums have numerous documents, authentic materials, convincingly exposing the crimes of the fascist aggressors and their current followers, who are striving to conquer world domination.

At present, two main social functions Russian museums. The first is the function of documentation (proof, confirmation). Military history museums document the most characteristic and significant events in military history, the development of military art, weapons, military equipment and equipment. Their second function is educational. It is expressed in the activities of museums in the purposeful transfer of military knowledge, the formation of a worldview, ideological and moral, military-patriotic, international and aesthetic education.

Depending on the stages of development of Russian society and the tasks facing museums, foreground each time the first, then the second function was put forward. But more often both of these functions operate simultaneously. At present, during the period of reform, military museums should use both functions to the maximum, with the greatest efficiency, achieving high final results.

Our time requires more energetic measures to use technical means, primarily audiovisual, in all types of museum work - research, fund, exposition and mass propaganda. However, the residual principle of inertia is present in the allocation of TSV to museums, which, in my opinion, hinders the effectiveness of their activities. Museums are not able to purchase large-format LCD TVs, they use outdated (decommissioned) computers, and museums lack the ability to connect to the Internet.

Weakened in the 90s, interest in museum values, in the XXI century again acquired its meaning and significance. This became especially evident on the eve of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory. And museums did not fail to take advantage of this. Stationary and mobile exhibitions are opened everywhere, thematic excursions are held. For example, the Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District) organized in April of this year the exhibition "The Long Echo of War", which, along with materials from the museum's funds, presents finds from the past war, obtained in as a result of search activities in the Smolensk, Tver and Kaluga regions.

Experience has shown that the people, soldiers of the army and navy love and appreciate their museums, their popularity is growing from year to year.

“Admiration for the exploits of fathers and grandfathers, appreciation of our true achievements,” said V.V. Putin, “will live forever, just like these feats and achievements themselves. And if today we look at our history sometimes with a critical eye, it is only because we want to better, more fully imagine the paths to the future. .

The growing interest in historical knowledge was also reflected in the fact that among the country's museums, historical and military history museums came out on top in terms of attendance. Their share in this indicator is now 45 percent (local history - 21 percent, art history - 20 percent).

The popularity of museums is also growing because now, when perestroika is underway in historical science, when the distortions and “blank spots” made before are eliminated, attention is growing to reliable knowledge, to documents and originals, to museum relics as material evidence confirming certain facts and historical events.

Of course, this thirst for knowledge can be satisfied in the library or in the archive. However, neither a book, nor an album, nor a TV show can replace that unique emotional impression that arises and remains in the memory for a long time from the perception of museum relics, from a skillfully created exposition.

Questions of the development of museum work in the country, the perpetuation of the feat of the Soviet people and their Armed Forces in the defense of the socialist Fatherland are the subject of constant attention of our people and state.

The government outlined a coherent program for the activities of museum institutions in the country, condemned the residual way of spending funds for their development, ranked social and cultural construction among the objects of priority funding. However, apparently, this principle is still popular in the Russian Armed Forces. Savings are made, first of all, due to the reduction of museums and their staff. And this is despite the fact that the Government of Russia adopted the Program of Patriotic Education for 2010-2015, already the third in a row. Museums in this program are given worthy attention. The program provides for a significant increase in the number of museums, a certain alignment in the provision of services to museum institutions in individual republics of the Russian Federation, strengthening the material and technical base of museums, and improving the management of the museum network. The primary importance of improving the quality indicators of its work is emphasized.

It seems that the increase in the number of museums, the improvement of their activities will increase the interest of the working people, the younger generation and Russian soldiers in these treasuries of memory of the heroic history of the Fatherland.

Much is being done now to strengthen the spiritual potential of our country. A weighty manifestation of the unrelenting concern of the people and the state for the preservation and enhancement of the spiritual values ​​of the people, for the further flourishing of social culture was the creation of such a public formation as the Russian Cultural Fund. The Foundation promotes the conservation of architectural, historical and cultural relics, the vast wealth of museum funds, state archives and libraries.

The government teaches that the desire for peace in the face of a real threat of military aggression must be combined with a readiness to stand up for oneself, to defend one's freedom and independence. “As long as the danger of war remains,” emphasizes V.V. Putin, “as long as social revenge remains the core of the strategy and militaristic programs of the West, we will continue to do everything necessary to maintain defense power at a level that excludes the military superiority of imperialism over the Russian Federation.

The military history museums see their task in that, together with the commanders and departments of educational work, ideologically ensure the strengthening of the defense of our country and the increase in the combat readiness of the Armed Forces. By decision of the State Duma and the Russian government in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill, a monument of the Victory of the Soviet people over fascism, unique in its design and emotional impact, was created. There is a museum of the Great Patriotic War here. A decision was made to build the second phase of the TsMVS.

The Russian public is raising the question of creating a new military history museum, which would present our entire military history from ancient times to the present day, all of our heroic past. It is proposed to place the Museum of Military Glory in St. Petersburg in the Mikhailovsky Castle.

Collectives of military history museums consider it their duty to make a significant contribution to the solution of the tasks set by the program of the Government, the State Duma, the All-Russian Museum Conference, persistently improve their work, resolutely improve its quality, promote in every possible way the ideological tempering, military-patriotic education of soldiers Armed Forces of Russia, youth, all Russian people.

The main component of the scientific and educational activities of museums of any profile is excursion work. When preparing and conducting excursions, museums are guided by the principles of strict scientific character, which means a clear approach to assessing facts, events and phenomena from the standpoint of scientific instructions, presenting the content of excursions in accordance with historical science. In the context of a sharp ideological struggle in the international arena, it is extremely important to reasonably expose anti-Russian, pro-American fabrications, falsifiers of the history of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, and slander on the foreign policy of the state.

A creative approach to each excursion is very important. Considering the composition of the group, the guide seeks to deeply and interestingly, in a lively, figurative language, reveal the content of the exhibits, to influence the consciousness and feelings of the listeners as best as possible. “The art of every propagandist and every agitator,” noted V. I. Lenin, “is precisely to influence this audience in the best possible way, making for it the well-known truth as convincing as possible, as easily assimilated, perhaps more clearly and more firmly imprinted."

Excursions conducted in the museum are divided into overview, thematic and educational.

A sightseeing tour gives a general idea of ​​the museum, acquaints visitors with sections of the exposition that reveal the history of the creation and development of the Russian Armed Forces, the history of troops, a military district, a group of troops, a fleet, formations and units.

The expositions of many museums make it possible to conduct thematic excursions. The purpose of such excursions is to reveal a certain topic or problem more deeply and purposefully.

Thus, the following thematic excursions are organized in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces: “The activities of the government to create and strengthen the Armed Forces of Russia”, “The military alliance of the people of Russia in defense of the Fatherland”, “Cultural and mass work in the Russian Armed Forces at the main stages of their history ”, “Combat traditions of the Armed Forces of Russia”, “Russian Armed Forces on guard of peace and security of Russia”, “Russian soldier is a patriot of his country”. The Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District) conducts tours on the topics: "Moscow is behind us!" (on the participation of the district troops in the battle for Moscow"), "Literature and Life" (on the soldiers of the district, who served as prototypes literary works), "In the Beams of Truth" (an interactive excursion-game for younger schoolchildren), "Lefortovo through the prism of military history" (a comprehensive tour of the memorable places of military glory in the Lefortovo region with a visit to the museum), etc.

Actually, each military history museum determines its subject of excursions in accordance with the content of the exposition. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the features of the branches of the Russian Armed Forces and branches of service, the history of military districts, groups of troops and fleets, the history that is directly reflected in this museum. Determining the theme of excursions, museums are guided by the tasks that Russian soldiers perform at the present stage.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the excursion is determined by its quality, ideological and patriotic orientation. The program of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, adopted at the general meeting, states: "Military-patriotic education, the formation of readiness to defend one's Fatherland, to give it all one's strength, and if necessary, one's life, remains an important task of educational work." This provision of the program is decisive when conducting any excursion in museums of military history, especially for young people.

An important criterion for the quality of an excursion is its methodological level. For museum tour the sequence of presentation of the material, the validity of the statement and conclusions, the logical connection of the main topic of the excursion with individual subtexts and questions, the emotional mood, the high culture of speech of the guide, his close contact with the group are necessary.

The success of the excursion largely depends on a clear understanding of its cognitive and educational goals. The guide should know for what purpose a group of tourists came to the museum: whether it is a general acquaintance with the materials of the museum of a group of tourists or foreign guests, or a more in-depth study of a particular topic, or is it a study tour for schoolchildren and students. In any case, the excursion is called upon to fulfill its task and to be part of that great educational process that is carried out by the museum as an ideological institution.

The guide uses various methodological techniques. The method of showing and telling is generally accepted in the practice of excursion business. And although they are conducted almost simultaneously, at some point the show should be ahead of the story, that is, the guide in presenting the material goes from show to story, because visual impressions are the most vivid. When showing an exhibit, the guide takes the correct position both in relation to the displayed object and in relation to the audience. The exhibit must be visible to everyone. Sometimes the guide pauses in his story to allow all visitors to see the object of the story.

The interactive method of conducting excursions is becoming increasingly popular at the present stage. The method by which the museum visitor is most fully immersed in the atmosphere of past eras, while remaining not an outside observer, but a direct participant in certain events. So, for example, in the Museum of the History of the Troops of the Moscow Military District (military-historical hall of the House of Officers of the Moscow Military District), during an excursion for younger students, home-made dolls are used, such as their peers played at the turn of the times. The scenario of the impromptu performance is based on a real leaflet of the Political Department of the Red Army, exhibited right there, in one of the halls of the museum. "Fighters of the political department" (revealed during the excursion) "agitate" the peasants to join the Red Army. And there has never been a single case of children refusing to serve in the Red Army. Still would! After all, this army was created to fight for the Truth. Protect the weak, protect your Earth! The best of the best are given the honor to take a place in the cart, behind the machine gun. And for older schoolchildren there is an excursion "Called by the Fatherland", where "the oath is taken" and possible scenarios of fate are considered in refraction to the personalities of the visitors. By the way, the opportunity to sit on the cart is also considered for adult visitors.

Many museums in their activities actively use documentaries about the birth of the Red Army, the Great Patriotic War and its individual operations, amateur films about modern army. It is recommended to include sound recordings of speeches by prominent figures of the government and state, military leaders, sound recordings of messages from the Soviet Information Bureau, and military-patriotic songs and marches in the exposition sections. In scientific and methodological developments on conducting excursions, it is necessary to indicate which visual and sound illustrations can be used in order to fully reveal a particular topic.

But in order for the excursion to be successful in all respects, it is necessary to carefully and comprehensively prepare for it. First of all, the choice of topic and the definition of the purpose of the excursion are important. The possibility and expediency of preparing a certain excursion are dictated by the profile of the museum, its specificity, the presence of relevant sections in the museum exposition and a sufficient amount of materials to cover this topic. Having determined the topic, it is necessary to study the relevant literature: monographs, publications on the history of the Russian Armed Forces, memoirs and works of art.

The development of the text of the excursion requires the guide to have a deep knowledge of both the history of the country and its Armed Forces of Russia, and the exposition of this museum. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the exposition and those military-historical monuments that are presented on it. Museums of the types of the Armed Forces, branches of service, districts, groups of troops and fleets have both full text excursions, as well as a short version of it.

Experience shows that in addition to the texts of overview and thematic excursions existing in the museum, there is a need to develop scientific and methodological recommendations in order to help guides organically link the content of excursions with new major events of internal and international folk life country and the Russian state, major anniversaries and significant dates, urgent tasks facing the personnel of the Russian Armed Forces. It is very important that the excursions promptly reflect current political events, keep pace with the present, and be topical.

During the preparation of excursions, extensive reference material is accumulated, which can be used in the future work of the guide. It is advisable to put this material on cards, it will be convenient to use them in the subsequent development of excursion topics.

Particular attention should be paid to employees preparing their first excursion. The time of its preparation is determined depending on the volume of the museum exposition. So, for example, to prepare sightseeing tour in the TsMVS of Russia, which has 25 exhibition halls, two months are allotted. This period is set on the basis that one or two days are allocated for studying the exposition of the hall and checking its knowledge. As you explore one hall after another, the guide retells its contents to the methodologist or representative of the scientific and exposition department. After the guide conducts a prepared excursion several times, it is accepted by a specially created commission.

The composition of the commission is determined by the order of the head of the museum. According to the experience of the work of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces, this commission is headed by the deputy head of the museum for scientific work. The commission, as a rule, includes the head or deputy of the scientific and exposition department, the head of the mass propaganda department, the methodologist, and the head of the excursion and lecture bureau.

It is recommended to have a book of protocols of the selection committee, which records the discussion and acceptance of the excursion. During the discussion, we advise you to be guided by pre-established criteria for evaluating the excursion, which will help determine the quality of the accepted excursion. The wishes and recommendations expressed by the members of the commission during the discussion will help the novice guide to improve his excursion activities.

Employees with sufficient experience in excursion work can help a novice guide with their knowledge, advice, and recommendations. Experience is transferred in the form of conversations and classes and during mutual listening to excursions.

After a positive decision made by the selection committee on the listened excursion, an order is issued by the head of the museum on the admission of a researcher to conduct excursions.

Systematically carried out quality control of excursions (important for museums where several guides work) contributes to an increase in their ideological, political and methodological level, and an increase in the skill of guides. It is carried out by listening and discussing excursions according to annual and current plans. Control can also be unscheduled, carried out in order to determine the level of the museum’s excursion work and the skill of each guide. Listening to excursions is carried out in accordance with the order of the head of the museum or his deputy, for which the composition of the members of the commission is determined in advance and a schedule of its work is drawn up.

The Central Museum of the Armed Forces has a permanent commission to provide methodological assistance to researchers and to control the quality of their excursions. It consists of the deputy head of the museum for the scientific part (chairman of the commission), the heads of the propaganda department and the scientific and exposition department, the secretary of the committee, the methodologists of the propaganda department, the head of the excursion and lecture bureau. At the beginning of the year, the museum management draws up and approves the work schedule of the commission, as well as the work schedule of the methodologists. When drawing up schedules, it is envisaged that all the scientific staff leading the excursions are listened to by the commission once a year, and the methodologists listen to the guides of the propaganda department twice, employees of other departments, once a year. In order to exchange the experience of the guides, mutual listening is also practiced.

Tours are held not only in the main exposition, but also in stationary and mobile exhibitions. The texts of the latter, as a rule, are developed by the authors of the exhibitions. Considering that stationary exhibitions are usually an addition to the main museum exposition, the texts of excursions on them, as well as the excursions themselves, should be short and expressive.

The mobile exhibition is, as it were, a branch of the museum and operates independently. Its exposition is deployed in military units, enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions. Therefore, it is recommended to have a detailed text of the tour of the exhibition. The text of the excursion should include brief information on the history of the museum, as well as an appeal to visitors with a request to replenish the museum's funds with new acquisitions.

The business training plan includes meetings with exhibitors - veterans of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, advanced soldiers of the army and navy of today, including heroes who performed their international duty in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.

In a number of museums, it is practiced at the beginning of the working day to inform guides about the most important events in the domestic and international life of the country in order to promptly reflect them in excursions. It is also advisable to hold scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the most important decisions of the government, historical events, and anniversaries.

It is useful to conduct internships for guides in other museums.

It is expedient for military history museums with a small staff to take part, if possible, in the classes conducted by the CMVS.

There is a practice of attracting freelance guides from among the participants of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of the unit, advanced commanders, educational departments, company activists, excellent students of combat and public-state training to the excursion work. It is important that freelance guides are invited to classes to improve the business skills of guides.

Previously, the museums of the history of the types of the Armed Forces, branches of service, districts, groups of troops and fleets were the main ones in relation to the military museums, they provided them with scientific and methodological assistance, including in improving the business skills of their employees. Today, when the estimates of the Houses of Officers do not provide for travel expenses, the connection between the district museums and military museums is almost lost. Real help is possible through the distribution of methodological manuals developed by the district museum (military history hall of the ODO) and sent to the destination. For example, the methodological manual "Some Aspects of Using the Interactive Method When Conducting Excursions in Military Historical Museums", developed by T.P. competition "Golden Falcon", distributed among the troops by the methodological department of the RF Armed Forces Command Center.

And yet, military museums and rooms of military glory of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation occupy a special and important place in the system of social and cultural activities. This is due to a number of factors:

firstly, in military museums and rooms of military glory, the history of a unit, formation, type, type of troops is reflected, which cannot be considered in isolation from the events that took place at that time in the country;

secondly, military museums and rooms of military glory have exhibits of historical and cultural value, which contribute to the study and understanding of history by new generations of not only military personnel, but also citizens of Russia;

thirdly, military museums and rooms of military glory accumulate and preserve objects, photographs and things that reflect the development of a modern state and will store them for the study and development of historical sciences;

fourthly, the huge potential of military museums and rooms of military glory is used in state programs of patriotic education of citizens and the formation of pride in the history of Russia.

Military museums and rooms (cabins) of military glory went through the process of formation and development in close connection with the Armed Forces. Their funds contain many museum items, the importance of which reaches international levels. These materials are of great importance for the study and development of domestic historical science, and first of all, military history. Weapons, ammunition, elements of clothing, life and leisure of our ancestors must be preserved and conveyed to subsequent generations of citizens of the Russian Federation. Military museums and rooms of military glory are coping with this task and will continue to do so successfully.

Military history museums are historical museums whose collections document military history, the development of military art, weapons, military equipment and equipment. They are divided into museums of general military history (for example, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow); museums of certain branches of military affairs (artillery, naval, aviation, etc.); museums of the history of military units; museums dedicated to significant military events and outstanding commanders, including memorial museums and monuments.

Cultural work is understood as one of the main areas of museum activity, in which the educational function of the museum is realized and multifaceted and varied work is carried out with various categories of visitors both in the museum itself and outside it. In the practice of museums, various forms of scientific and educational work have developed. Their improvement and development is the most important means of enhancing the role of museums in ideological and educational work.

Forms of scientific and educational work - types of organization of the work of museums with visitors. To date, the most common in the practice of museums are excursions and lectures. These forms are often combined into cycles. An effective form of work with regular visitors is the museum circle. Recently, complex forms of work have also been developed, such as theme evenings, clubs, and museum holidays. Participate in their organization and conduct broad circles museum public - representatives of the Council of Veterans, the Society for the Protection of Nature, the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, creative organizations, etc. The development of integrated forms of museum work has a great ideological and educational value. The goals of scientific and educational work are educational and educational function and multifaceted work with various categories of visitors.

The tasks of scientific and educational work are to convey all the necessary information that is available in the museum with the help of visual materials, exhibits, and various multimedia tools.

According to the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 343 of September 11, 1997, the scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) is carried out on the basis of museum materials, expositions and exhibitions, taking into account a differentiated approach to the audience and is implemented in various (including complex) educational events. educational, cultural and leisure content, as well as in advertising, summarizing and disseminating the experience of museum work.

The main forms of scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) include:

General educational and educational excursions to expositions and exhibitions, open storage of funds, non-museum monuments of history and culture, as well as lectures, reports and conversations (often combined into cycles) on topics corresponding to the profile of a military museum (museum education);

Military history readings, theoretical conferences, TV and radio reports on museum collections, oral journals, documentary film lectures, museum lessons;

Thematic evenings dedicated to the Battle Banner, public holidays, days of military glory and other significant dates in the history of the army and navy, type of the Armed Forces, district, fleet, type of troops, special troops and services, associations, formations, military units, honoring evenings and meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor and the Armed Forces, trips to places of military glory, lessons of courage;

Museum circles and clubs, open days, museum holidays;

Traveling exhibitions.

The scientific and educational work of military museums (museum formations) should contribute to the establishment of glorious military traditions in military teams, exert a mobilizing influence on the performance of combat training tasks by personnel, form in soldiers a constant readiness to fulfill their military duty to the Motherland, and contribute to raising the level of education and culture. , military, moral and aesthetic education, as well as the organization of cultural leisure for military personnel and other categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Military museums (museum formations) keep records of educational work in the following areas:

registration of attendance of expositions, exhibitions and other museum events;

accounting for the number of events carried out (by their types);

accounting for the workload of each employee of the military museum (museum education) involved in the organization and conduct of events of an information and educational nature.

Information about the conducted information and educational activities is recorded daily in special journals (diaries) of the work of military museums (museum formations).

In addition, the documentation of the scientific and educational work of the military museum (museum education) includes:

methodological development of excursions and other forms of scientific and educational work;

thematic plans for excursions, lectures, talks, etc.;

plans (scenarios) of various information and educational events.

Yamal-Nenets autonomous region

Municipal formation Yamalsky district

Municipal state educational institution

Salemal boarding school named after Volodya Soldatov

Materials on

All-Russian competition

professional excellence

among leaders and participants

military sports clubs (associations)

search detachments (associations)

public organizations

military-patriotic orientation,

operating in the territory

Russian Federation


Nomination: "The best head of the military-patriotic club (association)

life safety teacher-organizer

Asulkhanov Yury Mikhailovich

With. Salemal,



    ChapterI.Brief biographical information.

    ChapterII. My professional creed.

    ChapterIII. DActivities to improve the military-patriotic education of youth

    ChapterIV. Participation of pupils of the club in the implementation of regional, municipal programs for the development of patriotic education


Brief biographical note .

Physical education teacher


Experience: general pedagogical

21 years old


Experience: in this institution

3 years


Position held

Lecturer-organizer of life safety, teacher of additional education.


My professional credo

"The student who does not want to surpass his teacher is bad"

Leonardo Da Vinci

My experience as a life safety teacher confirms that in the current education system, perhaps, there is no such complex and not yet fully mastered subject as the life safety course. Life proves that in the future, after graduation, knowledge of some subjects may not be useful, but the knowledge gained in the lessons of life safety is applied in practice by everyone.

At this stage of work, I consider it necessary to focus on the activation of extracurricular activities. “The easier it is for the teacher to teach, the harder it is for the students to learn. The harder it is for the teacher, the easier it is for the student. The more the teacher himself learns, thinks over each lesson and measures it with the strength of the student, the more he follows the train of thought of the student, the more he calls for questions and answers, the easier it will be for the student to learn,” L.N. Tolstoy said. It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the classic: in a modern school, the quality of teaching a life safety course depends not only on the professional training of the teacher, but also on the ability to organize extracurricular activities of students, the ability to establish social partnership

The end result of my activity is not limited to getting a high score on the exam. My task is to release a child into life with a certain amount of knowledge: how to behave in this or that emergency situation, how to survive on my own and help others. After all, any person at some point may find himself in such a position, and then not only his own well-being, but the life and health of loved ones may depend on competent actions. Thus, going beyond the curriculum, I pay great attention to increasing the practical orientation of education - one of the areas of my activity.

When planning my teaching activities, I try to adhere to the following principles:

That is why I strive to maximize the potential of my students, to instill in them a steady interest in military sports. I systematically improve my professional level: in order to enrich my pedagogical experience and improve pedagogical skills, I study methodological literature on the subject, periodicals, popular science literature, resolutions and recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; I plan and predict my pedagogical activity; on the basis of this mind the selection of means of forms and methods of teaching, allowing to achieve quality improvement.

In conclusion, I note: in order to look into the future, you need to look at yesterday and today, and this will be a reason for reflection, because human health and safety is one of the prerequisites for happiness and a fulfilling life. However, we often do not always think about what our life represents for ourselves and our loved ones. But we have only one of her. And to live it is not a field to cross. That is why it is necessary to learn the basics of life safety, to take seriously everything that is offered by the program of educational and extracurricular activities in this subject. Pay great attention to the training of pre-conscripts, the military-patriotic education of schoolchildren.

The purpose of its activities in the pre-conscription training of schoolchildren is to provide conditions for preparing students to serve the Fatherland in the military field, and defines its tasks as follows:

to instill in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism, readiness to defend the Fatherland;

to form and develop in students a sense of loyalty to the constitutional and military duty;

cultivate a love for military service;

to form and develop in students a conscious desire to receive primary knowledge and military skills necessary for military service, for choosing a profession and further education in military professional educational organizations;

to form and develop discipline in schoolchildren, a conscientious attitude to learning, responsibility for the assigned work;

to develop in students high moral, psychological, business and organizational qualities, physical endurance and stamina.

The method of achieving the above tasks of the goal is determined by the teaching staff as the improvement of the system of patriotic education, pre-conscription training of students.

Chapter III

Activities to improve the military-patriotic education of youth

Work in this direction is carried out on the basis ofaction planon patriotic education of students within the framework ofimplementation of the comprehensive program "Patriotic education of citizens and pre-conscription training of youth in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for 2015-2018" (order of the director of the school dated November 26, 2015 No. 161). During the academic year, the following activities are carried out in the system:

lessons, information hours dedicated to memorable dates of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. in 2015 (70 years since the establishment of the medal"Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union" (1940),65 years since the beginning of the Nuremberg trials over the leadership of Nazi Germany, etc.);

information and propaganda activities related to memorable events in the military history of the Fatherland (information blocks in the lessons of history and social science dedicated to the memorable date of the military history of Russia, radio lines, poster information, etc.);

measures to teach citizens basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service (social-patriotic action "Conscript's Day", competitions in military applied sports (physical training, shooting, hiking and mountain tourism), military field training );

traditional months, decades (the month of civil defense, the month of child safety in the Yamal district, the month of mass defense and sports work);

measures to implement the Decree of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Yamal District dated June 28, 2015 No. 929 “On approval of the municipal program “Comprehensive measures to counter extremism, harmonize interethnic and intercultural relations, prevent manifestations of xenophobia, strengthen tolerance on the territory of the municipal formation of the Yamal District”;

competitive events (competition for the award of special prizes named after P.E. Saltykov, L.V. Laptsuy, S.I. Irikov for the best coverage in native languages ​​in printed editions themes of conservation and development cultural heritage indigenous peoples of the North; competition for the best methodological development "Ethnocalendar";

fees for military-applied sports "Frontiers" (training, team preparation for participation in a regional event).

According to the results of a survey conducted annually among students, the most striking and memorable were the "Conscript's Day", military field training, the district patriotic project "Victory Banner", the district championship in sports tourism at walking distances "Class 2", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal district.

Main activities

The club is military-patriotic.

Participants are between 11 and 18 years old. The quantitative composition of the association has grown over four years by 21 people. (from 25 people in 2013-2014 to 46 people in 2016-2017 academic year). This indicator testifies to the interest of students in studying in the association, the desire to acquire and improve the skills necessary for service in the armed forces of the Russian Federation..

Local acts (Charter of the Club, program, symbols, etc.) have been developed and approved. Gediev Azamat was chosen as the commander of the VMK, who represents the interests of the Nakhimovites in the Admiralty (student government scheme ).

Level of educational


Secondary collective level


employment of pupils in a military-patriotic association over the past three years (2013-2016)

Number of students






Chapter IV


pupils of the club in the implementation of regional, municipal programs for the development of patriotic education

List of events

Action plan on the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2012-2015" in the education system of the Yamal region

Name of the project, event


XVIIdistrict military sports game “Commander”, dedicated to the 69th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (3rd team place in the form of “Athletic all-around”)


Implementation of the project "We are faithful to this memory" (conclusion of agreements, organization and participation in actions, competitions of a patriotic orientation "My small Motherland", etc.) together with the Administration of the Moscow Region with. Salemal, house of culture with. Salemal


Passage of initial military training at the district military-sports recreation camp for youth "Patriot Yamala" on the basis of the Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (certificate - Gediev A., Club commander)


District Interactive intellectual game"Study the law, test yourself" (diploma of the participant)


District patriotic action "Our countrymen served" (Letter of thanks to the school for active participation in the action and contribution to the spiritual, moral and heroic-patriotic education of the younger generation)


Activities within the framework of the district military-sports recreation camp for youth "Patriot Yamal" on the basis of the Kurgan Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (Diploma of the 2nd degree - A. Gediev, Club commander, for active participation in push-up competitions; Diploma - A. Gediev ., Club commander, for active participation in camp activities)


Activities within the framework of the Recruit Day:

competition program "I serveYamal, I serve Russia" ( 10-11 class, conscripts);

Tocool watch "There is such a profession to defend the Motherland"(9-11 cells);

competitions in military applied sports (grades 5-11), etc.


Open lesson pupils of the Club within the framework of the regional methodical day


Volleyball competitionsXVSpartakiads for students of educational institutions of the YaNAO districts (3rd place - Olga Fleenko, Maria Saibysheva, Olga Stavrova)



XVIIdistrict military sports game "Commander", 2014 (1st place in the individual standings in the flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position - Lamdo Victor)


XVIIdistrict military sports game "Commander", 2014 (1st place in the individual standings in the flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position - Mazykina Alena)


XVIIdistrict military sports game "Commander", 2014 (3rd place physical training team)





District competition for the selection of candidates for the award of the Head of the Municipal Formation of the Yamal District (nomination "Amateur Sports", the winner - Senkov I.)


Championship in military-applied sports "Frontiers", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1 team place)


Championship in military-applied sports "Frontiers", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (1st place in the team - Gediev A.)


Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of educational organizations implementing student self-government (participant)


Patriotic action "Soldier's scarf" (participation)


All-Russian campaign "St. George's Ribbon" (participation)


All-Russian campaign "Immortal Regiment"(participation)


Regional military sports game "Commandarm-2015" (1 team place)


All-Russian patriotic action "Sentry at the Banner of Victory"


XIInternational Literary and Art Competition "Grenadiers, Forward!" "Russian land - the land of heroes" (Kondygin A. - winner)


Events within the framework of the Day of the draftee


The championship of the municipality of the Yamal region in sports tourism at walking distances "2 class", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region (Salemal schoolchildren became winners in the distances "distance-pedestrian-group", "distance-pedestrian-personal", completed the third category in sports tourism)


Regional stage of the All-Russian competition of educational organizations implementing student self-government (winner)


The head of the Club developed projects and won grants:

- within the framework of subprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking" of the state program autonomous region"Development of tourism, increasing the efficiency of the implementation of youth policy, organization of recreation and recreation for children and youth for 2014-2020" grant support received:

Project "Pedestrian tourism",implementation period: 1-3 quarters of 2015 - 100,000 rubles;

- Marksman project, implementation period: 1-3 quarters of 2016 - 100,000 rubles.


Championship in military-applied sports "Frontiers", dedicated to the 71st anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (3rd team place)


Regional military sports game "Commandarm-2016" (1 team place),competitions in military-applied sports "Patriot - 16"(1 team place)


Festive events dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Volodya Soldatov


Socio-patriotic action "Memory is alive", dedicated to the popularization of personality and heroic deed Volodya Soldatova (presentation of the film "Khaerako", visit to the burial place of the Hero, installation of a fence, a commemorative plaque, laying wreaths) together with employees of the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Yamal"


district volleyball competitions among girls in the standings of the school sports day (2nd place - a team of 6 people)


Patriotic action "Soldier's scarf" (participation)


All-Russian campaign "St. George's Ribbon" (participation)


All-Russian campaign "Immortal Regiment"(participation)


Participation in the preparation of the video "Salemal sets an example for student self-government" for the broadcast of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Yamal"




The second championship of the municipal formation of the Yamal region in sports tourism at walking distances "2nd class". (victory)


"2016 in events and faces". Victory in the nomination "Man of the Year".

Action plan on the implementation of the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020" in the education system of the Yamal region

Action plan of the program for the development of the educational component in the NGO YNAO for 2013-2020.

Analytical and statistical data indicate that the Club's pupils annually take an active part in patriotic events of various levels, win prizes.

List of activities aimed at increasing the level of professional competencies of teachers involved in pre-conscription training of youth

The boarding school is systematically working to improve the skills of specialists involved in pre-conscription training of young people:

participation in course events on the basis of GAOU DPO YaNAO "Regional Institute for the Development of Education" on topics« Priority directions of work on strengthening and maintaining health by means of physical culture”, "Improving the teaching of life safety in a modern school", 2014;

demonstration performances,open classespupils of the Club within the framework of regional methodological days,excursion program for participantsXIIcollegium of the deputy governor of the YNAO of the Yamal region and other events;


Replication of work experience through a personal website (), the official website of the Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Yamal District, the Salemal boarding school, the regional socio-political newspaper Vremya Yamal.

Open lesson during the excursion program for participants XII Collegium of the Deputy Governor of the YNAO of the Yamal District

Personal merit

In December 2016, the victory in the regional competition

"2016 in events and faces" In the nomination "Man of the Year".

District patriotic project "Victory Banner"

In the period from February 22 to February 23, 2015, boarding school students took part in the district patriotic project "Victory Banner"dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The district project "Victory Banner", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, is aimed at instilling patriotism, historical education and preserving the memory of glorious deeds during the Great Patriotic War.

On February 22, 2015, a solemn reception of the Banner of Victory took place, given historical reference about the state relic of Russia, the official symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people and its armed forces over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War - the Banner of Victory.

Lectures, interactive classes and expositions “The Way to Victory in the Unity of the Front and the Rear”, “Weapons of Victory”, “Wings of Victory”, “Feat”, an intellectual game “What? Where? When?". With the help of the organizer-guide, the participants were able to learn interesting historical facts, consolidate and systematize their knowledge about the heroic past of the country.

On February 23, in order to instill patriotism, historical enlightenment and preserve the memory of glorious deeds during the Great Patriotic War, an agitation landing party carried out an action to make a copy of the Victory Banner.

15 young Nakhimov residents, members of the children's self-government "Naval Flotilla" took an active part in the manufacture of the Victory Banner.

The program of events included solemn award ceremonies and photographing of participants and honored guests of the Action against the backdrop of the Banner of Victory.

A copy of the Victory Banner is placed in the school museum room.

The teacher-organizer of life safety Asulkhanov Yu.M. Memorial Watch organized. Guard of honor of school students grades 3-11. At breaks, the guys keep watch at the Banner of Victory. During the Action, photographing was organized and all participants of the Guard of Honor were given photographs in memory of this event.

Also, within the framework of the patriotic project, video films of patriotic themes “From the Dnieper to the Oder”, “ Kursk Bulge”, “Stalingrad”, “Battle for Berlin”, “Leningrad in the fight”, Lessons of Courage “We do not need war”, “We honor the great Victory Day”, “And the saved world remembers, Memory Lessons dedicated to the hoisting of the“ Banner of Victory ”.

On May 9, a banner group with the Banner of Victory led the solemn procession of the boarding school column at the parade

Young lifeguard

From September 17 to September 20, 2014, 4-day training and sports camps were held on the basis of the Salemal boarding school.

Sixteen boys and girls of the school naval club became participants in this event. The program was rich and interesting.

On the first day, the guys had to overcome obstacles on rough terrain with the help of special tourist equipment, climb, traverse and descend on the slope in a sports way, cross along parallel railings, and also take theoretical classes and not lose a single fighter.

The conditions of the Gathering are as close as possible to the real ones. The participants underwent not only theoretical training, but also applied their knowledge in practical classes: with the help of special tourist equipment they overcame obstacles on rough terrain and learned how to navigate, provide first aid and transport the victim through various obstacles, shoot and protect themselves and their comrade from various obstacles. type of weapon.

These days were not without drill and physical training.

Round-the-clock stay in the camp, according to the organizers, helped the children not only consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice, but also unite the children's team, cultivate such personal qualities as responsibility, discipline, fidelity to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime

Championship of the municipality of the Yamal region in sports tourism at walking distances "Class 2", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region

In connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region, in order to promote a healthy lifestyle, attract students to regular physical education and sports, popularize sports competitions and identifying the strongest teams, on September 20, 2015, on the basis of the MKOU "Salemal boarding school named after Volodya Soldatov", the championship of the municipality of the Yamal region in sports tourism at walking distances "Class 2" was held, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Yamal region.

Ustyugov N.E., chairman of the regional public organization "Federation of Sports Tourism of the YNAO" and Ivanova T.V., chairman of the City Federation of Sports Tourism and Rock Climbing in Salekhard, judge for sports tourism, were invited to organize judging and provide methodological assistance.

Delegations from the villages of Yar-Sale, Panaevsk, Salemal responded to take part in competitions in sports tourism at walking distances. 8 teams were formed, the total number of participants is 32 people. Competitions were held at two distances "distance-pedestrian-group", "distance-pedestrian-personal".

Under the solemn music "Heroes of Sports" the teams were built. M.S. Khachatryan, Deputy Heads I.A., director of the Salemal boarding school, Durynin S.E., chairman of the Board of Trustees of the school.

Team captains with a great sense of pride in the Motherland to the sound of the Russian anthem raised the national flags of Russia, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Yamal region, thus starting the regional competitions.

Participants and spectators received a boost of energy and good mood to the sounds of the song "Olympic Flame", a dance flash mob "Being sporty is great!". Ahead of the participants were eight stages: “ascent-traverse-descent”, “mounted crossing”, “crossing along parallel railings” and others, and at each stage there were strict judges who carefully monitored the course of the competition. Teachers and students from schools were also involved in judging at the stages. A total of 20 judges were involved. At the end of the competition, all of them received documents of the established form on the organization of judging at the stages, which in the future with the accumulative system (participation in three or more district level competitions) will allow them to acquire a judicial qualification (SS 3K).

Despite the weather conditions, difficult tasks at the stages, all teams showed perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal, faith in victory.

There is no doubt that in all competitions there are winners and those who are even a fraction of a second behind the favorites. The winners and prize-winners were announced to the thunderous applause of the audience. Thus, the team "Salemal - 4" (Kondygin Valery, Ezangi Fedor, Mazyrkina Alena, Kuybin Miron) won in group competitions. The winner (2nd place) was the Salemal-3 team (Mikhail Vylko, Maxim Vylko, Snezhana Ezangi, Azamat Gediev). The third prize was given to the Salemal-1 team, which included Anatoly Khanovin, Afanasy Klimov, Vylko Ignat and Victoria Kuybina.

In individual distances, the hosts of the competition also became winners and prize-winners: among girls - Alena Mazyrkina (1st place), Victoria Kuybina (2nd place), Ezangi Snezhana (3rd place); among boys - Kuibin Miron (1st place), Ezangi Fedor (2nd place), Kondygin Valery (3rd place).

It is gratifying to note that the winners completed the third category in sports tourism and the petition for assigning this category to the children was sent by the chief judges of the competition to the Department for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Yamal District.

The teams of SelYar-Sale and Panaevsk were awarded with Diplomas of participants.

The event ended with a festive disco, because young people can not only overcome difficult walking distances, but also have fun on the dance floor.

The organizers of the event hope that hiking will become widespread in the Yamal region and are ready for a new meeting of participants in the hospitable Salemal land.

The teams took the first three places. Awarded to the winners

III adult category in sports tourism

New records of Salemal schoolchildren

In September 2106, on the basis of our school, the second championship of the municipality of the Yamal region in sports tourism at walking distances "Class 2" was held. In a fair fight for the first place, five teams from the Salemal School-Internet competed Rnata and three teams from the Yamal boarding school. The participants noted that this year the track has become more difficult and interesting, and the judges, in turn, were pleased with the good preparation of the guys. It is worth noting that thirteen participants fulfilled the standards of the third adult category and two participants - of the second youth category.

At the closing ceremony, the hall froze in anticipation of the results of the competition. In the individual championship among young men, the victory was won by a student of the Yamal school - Ezyngi Vyacheslav, an honorable second place Klimov Athanasius (team "Salemal three"), the third in the individual competition - Kuibin Miron (team "Salemal two"). The girls were not far behind the boys, Alena Mazyrkina (Salemal One team) won the first place in the individual competition, Alexandra Lozyamova, a student of the Yamal school, took the second place, Snezhana Mazyrkina (Salemal Two team) showed the third result.

The first place in the group standings was taken by the Salemal One team (Valery Kondygin, Fedor Ezangi, Anatoly Khanovin, Alena Mazyrkina). The second and third places also went to the hosts of the competition, the Salemal Two teams (Anton Kondygin, Maxim Vylko, Kuibin Miron, Snezhana Mazyrkina) and Salemal Three (Azamat Gediev, Afanasy Klimov, Oleg Lar, Diana Kuibina).

Cups were handed over, parting words were said, photographs were taken as a keepsake. We say goodbye to the competitions, see you in a year on the new track and we will set new records!

District open intramural competitions air rifle shooting dedicated to

Day of formation of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Yamal region

In order to implementsubprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking" of the state program of the Autonomous Okrug "Development of tourism, increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of youth policy, organization of recreation and recreation for children and youth for 2014-2020"(project "Sharpshooter"), on the basis of the Salemal boarding school, from December 10 to December 14, 2016, regional open intramural competitions in air rifle shooting were held, dedicated to the Day of the YaNAO and the Yamal region.

39 boys and girls from educational institutions of the Yamal region took part in the competition.

A high degree of activity, interest was shown by the pupils of the MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities".

To organize refereeing for the competition, social partners were invited - representatives of the Salemal Cossack community of the Ob-Polar Cossack line of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, employees of the State Committee for the Protection of the village of Salemal.

Based on the final protocol dated December 14, 2016 No. 1, the places were distributed as follows:

among boys:

1st place - Dmitry Kabirov (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

2nd place - Maxim Salender (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

3rd place - Dmitry Abramov (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

among girls:

1st place - Kuibina Nella (Salemal boarding school).

2nd place - Mazyrkina Alena (Salemal boarding school).

3rd place - Alexandra Lozyamova (MBU DO "Yamal Center for Extracurricular Activities").

The organizers wish the guys not to rest on their laurels, to firmly go towards the intended goal, as well as new victories in the sports arenas!

District defense and sports

health camp "Patriot Yamal"


"Frontiers" - 2015


championships in military applied sports

"Frontiers" - 2016

Ski relay winners:

I- the team of the Novoportovskaya boarding school;



Volleyball competition winners (boys):


II- the team of the Myskamensk boarding school;

III- the team of the Panaevskaya boarding school.

Volleyball competition winners (girls):

I - team of Salemal boarding school;

II- team of MBOU "Yamalskaya SH";


Basketball winners (boys):

I– team of MBOU "Yamalskaya Shi";

II- team of MBOU "Seyakhinskaya SH";

III- the team of the Panaevskaya boarding school.

Basketball competition winners (girls):

I- team of MBOU "Yamalskaya SH";

II - team of Salemal boarding school;

III- the team of the Novoportovskaya boarding school.

Air rifle competition winners:

I– the team of the Novoportovskaya boarding school;

II – Salemal boarding school team

III– the team of the Myskamensk boarding school

Certificates, Diplomas, Letters of Appreciation

Organization of work with adolescents registered with the KDN and ZP, students of the "risk group"

The membership of the Club includes various categories of students, including children from families in a socially dangerous situation, children registered in the PDN and ZP.

Work with this category of children is carried out sequentially and consists of several main stages.

1st stage. Preparation - a preliminary acquaintance with all available information about the family,child. Clarification of information about the parents, their social status, other close relatives of the minor;

2nd stage. Establishing contact, establishing trusting relationships withchild and, if possible, with parents; interaction with the class teacher, educators;

3rd stage. Choice of forms and methods of work and ways of their implementation (inclusion of the child in the activities of the Club, determination of the range of personal duties, involvement in social activities, military sports games);

4th stage. Work on the program, monitoring the personal development of the child.

5th stage.Tracking the further life and professional path of pupils.

The organization of systematic work with this category of students allows us to obtain the following positive results:

organize a full-fledged leisure time for children, distract them from the negative influence of the street, motivate them to lead a healthy lifestyle;

attract participation in events of various levels;

increase the self-esteem of schoolchildren, involve them in socially significant activities.

Appendix 4

Activities to organize the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports, incl. on popularization among the population of physical culture, mass sports, tourism

1. sports "When we are united, we are invincible!",

2. military sports game "Ready for work and defense!",

3. military sports game “Commander. Patriot",

4. military sports game "Zarnitsa",

5. municipal stage of the All-Russian competition "Presidential competition",

6. school conference "Around you the world",

7. school camp "Young rescuer",

8. school sports camp "Olympus",

9. Health Day (spring, autumn),

10. sports festival "Ready for work and defense!",

11. polyathlon competitions,

12. extra-curricular event "Believe in yourself",

13. extra-curricular activity "Our valiant forces",

14. Northern all-around competition dedicated to the holiday "Day of the Reindeer Breeder",

15. competition "The most sportive class" (according to the results of the school championship in futsal, basketball, volleyball (pioneer ball), table tennis, cross-country skiing, national sports),

16. sports festival "Big races",

17. sports and recreation "Yamal chooses sports"

Sports traditions of the educational organization

1.sports holiday:

- "Small Olympic Games",

- "Happy Starts"

- family sports Saturday "Dad, mom, I am a sports family",

2. athletics cross-country dedicated to the All-Russian day of running "Cross of the Nation",

3. participation in the all-Russian campaign "I choose sports as an alternative to addictions",

4. District volleyball tournament at the school, dedicated to the memory of physical education teacher V.M. Popov “Cup of V.M. Popova,

5. Northern all-around competitions dedicated to the holiday "Day of the Reindeer Breeder",

6. track and field relay race dedicated to the Victory Day,

7. school championship in futsal, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, skiing, weightlifting, arm wrestling, checkers, chess, national sports, powerlifting - in the standings of the School Spartakiad,

8. week of physical culture and sports,

9. military sports game "Zarnitsa",

10. organization and participation in sports tournaments of labor collectives (a team of high school students and a team of school employees),

11. Olympic lessons

Other forms of organization of extracurricular physical culture and sports and recreational activities

School-wide morning exercises for students and teachers,

- "Health Day" (spring, autumn),

sports holiday,

Competitions in sports games with the involvement of teams from village organizations,

training fees,

Competitions in offset of the sports contest of schoolchildren,

ski marathon,


School camp "Young rescuer" (September)

Championship of the Yamal region in hiking (September),

School sports camp "Olympus" (October),

information hour,

dynamic pause,



Competitions of essays, essays, multimedia presentations,

Conference and others

Interagency approach

in resolving issues of pre-conscription training of youth

Salemal Boarding School interdepartmental interaction with the Department for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports of the Administration of the Municipal Formation of the Yamal District (village of Yar-Sale), Youth Sports School "Leader" (village of Yar-Sale), the regional public organization "Federation of Sports Tourism of the YNAO", the city Federation of Sports Tourism and Rock Climbing ( Salekhard city),OPS Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Yamal region, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Yamal region, reserve soldiers, graduates of the school who served in the armed forces of the Russian Federation,primary public organization with. Salemal veterans (pensioners) of labor, war and combat operations of the Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies of the municipality of the Yamal region,Salemal Cossack community of the Ob-Polar Cossack line of the Union of Cossacks of Russia, MBUZ "Salemal District Hospital", CDC "Siyaniye Severa" and other interested parties.

Contracts, cooperation agreements have been concluded: Cooperation agreement with GAPOU TO “Tobolsk Medical College named after A.I. Volodya Soldatov”, Agreement on cooperation “OPS YNAO for the Yamal region” - branch of the GKU PS YNAO HR for the protection of the village. Salemal, Cooperation Agreement with MBU "Cultural and Leisure Center" Radiance of the North", Cooperation Agreement with MBDOU "Golden Fish", Cooperation Agreement with GBUZ "Yar-Salinskaya Central Hospital", Cooperation Agreement with MBOU DO "TsVR", plan of joint work with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Yamal region.

Employees of these organizations take an active part in the events organized by the boarding school (table 5 )

Replication of work experience naval club

"Young Nakhimov" through the media

GTRK "Yamal":

broadcast of the film "Salemal sets an example of student self-government"

Regional socio-political newspaper "Time of Yamal":

Publication "When we are united, we are invincible", issue No. 48 of November 28, 2014;

publication "Revival of Zarnitsa", issue No. 12 dated March 27, 2015,

Publication "Championship in Hiking Tourism", issue No. 38 of September 25, 2015;

publication “Volod Soldatov is 85 years old”, issue No. 47 dated November 27, 2015;

publication "The Holiday of Courage, Valor and Honor", issue No. 9 of 03/04/2016;

Haeraco with Us Publication, Issue #16 April 22, 2016;

Official website of the educational organization :

- Yamal chooses sports;

- Sports tourism at walking distances;

- Guys from the Salemal school became the absolute winners of the championship in military-applied sports Frontiers;

- We are faithful to this memory; - The school continues activities within the framework of the month of defense-mass and sports work; - New records of Salemal schoolchildren.

Problematic issues arising from the organization of work

Club and ways to solve them

Project development"Yamal' Yana" Sarpyavna "(" Yamal paths ") and the direction ofapplications for participation in the competitive selection for the distribution of district budget funds transferred to the budgets of municipalities of the Autonomous Okrug in the form of interbudgetary subsidies for the implementation of activities of Subprogram 4 "Comprehensive measures to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking" of the state program of the Autonomous Okrug "Development of tourism, increasing the efficiency of implementation youth policy, organization of recreation and health improvement of children and youth for 2014-2020" in 2017

Single face-to-face competitions in various sports between pupils of other schools in the district

Attracting additional funding (sponsorship, grants) for organizing competitions at various levels

Insufficient activity of parents

Public encouragement at school-wide events (diplomas, letters of thanks)


to improve work aimed at military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of youth

One of the conditions for improving the quality of work aimed at military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of young people is face-to-face competitions, competitions, rallies of various levels (district, regional), providing students with the opportunity to test their strength, see the capabilities of other participants in the competition, learn from positive experience the best players;

- departures of qualified specialists - employees of district military registration and enlistment offices to municipalities to carry out educational work with pre-conscription youth;

-creation of a regional bank of best practices for organizing military-patriotic education and pre-conscription training of youth.

Aranovich A.V.,
President of the Regional Public Organization
"St. Petersburg Military Historical Society",
doctor of historical sciences, professor

The origins of military-historical reconstruction in Russia lie in the distant past. One can, for example, recall the large-scale reconstruction of the Battle of Poltava, played out for Catherine the Great, or the knightly carousels organized by Nicholas I. Photographic material from the beginning of the 20th century. demonstrates numerous plots related to the reconstruction of military historical costumes prepared for the anniversaries of the guards regiments and the 100th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Military-historical reconstruction in the USSR arose at the end of the 1980s independently, but in parallel with a similar process in Europe. It began as a gathering of people passionate about recreating the historical military costume, originally mostly the colorful uniform of the Napoleonic era. According to the memoirs of one of the founders of the movement in Russia, Ph.D. Sciences, Assoc. St. Petersburg State University O.V. Sokolov, it all started in 1976 with a campaign in Koporye in the uniforms of the Napoleonic era. The movement came out of the shadows thanks to the captain of the Airborne Forces Anatoly Novikov, who, having connections in the Central Committee of the Komsomol, "broke through" the campaign from Moscow to the Berezina, which took place under the leadership of O. V. Sokolov in the summer of 1988. About 80 people in Russian and French participated in it. uniforms.

In the late 80s, the history of the First World War and the Civil War became no less popular than the history of the Napoleonic era. Fans of the medieval era united around P.A. Vasin - the founder of the club "Princely team". Soon, lovers of military history of all eras, from the Middle Ages to the Second World War, united in the ranks of the St. Petersburg Military Historical Association.

An integral part of the military-historical reconstruction is the organization and holding of military-historical festivals, both in Russia and abroad. Very often festivals are organized on the territory of culturally significant objects, for example, such as the "Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps". Depending on the era, participants in the "reconstruction" movement try to take part in events held at the sites of historical battles, such as Borodino field, Staraya Ladoga, Vyborg castle, Kulikovo field and many other historical sites, where the defenders of the Fatherland performed a military feat.

Now in St. Petersburg there are numerous military historical clubs and associations dealing with various historical eras - from ancient Rome to the war in Afghanistan. The main goal of these associations is to popularize the glorious military past of our Fatherland, educate the younger generation, and deeply study military history based on applied historical knowledge. Attracting young members of associations to research work prepared many candidates and several doctors of historical sciences.

A great contribution to the study of Russian and Soviet military history of the XX century. introduced such associations as Epochs and Krasnaya Zvezda. An important event was the restoration of the Russian Military Historical Society, headed by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky.

The activity of military historical clubs and associations, whose ranks include more than several tens of thousands of people, is of great importance for the military-patriotic and historical education of young people, involving them in both reconstruction and research work.

An integral part of the military-historical reconstruction is the organization and holding of military-historical festivals, both on the territory of Russia and abroad. Depending on the era, participants in the "reenactment" movement try to take part in events held at the sites of historical battles. In Russia, such as Borodino Field, Staraya Ladoga, Vyborg Castle, Kulikovo Field, and many other historical sites - where the defenders of the Fatherland performed a military feat. However, very often festivals are organized on the territory of culturally significant objects, for example, such as the Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps.

The army begins with the draft board. Reuters photo

During the entire period of the existence of the military commissariats, almost the entire male population and part of the female population of our country, to one degree or another, were necessarily associated with them.


In terms of the volume and specifics of the tasks performed, the military commissariats are a unique body of military control on the ground not only in Russia, but also in the world. It is through them that invisible threads pass that connect the army with the people, the army of today begins with them and the army of the future is born. For many Russians, the military commissariats are a symbol, a living history of the fact that the power of the army comes from the efforts of the whole people.

The military commissariat is a territorial body of the Ministry of Defense in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which is the main source of military accounting of human resources intended for manning the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations, bodies and special formations of Russia in peacetime and wartime.

Decades fly by, the state changes, but the solution of the tasks of ensuring the security of our country by the military commissariats remains practically unchanged. At the same time, the rapidly changing political situation in the world today dictates the introduction of new priority areas, which can make adjustments to all spheres of life of these unique structures.

For many years, military registration and enlistment offices, in cooperation with local executive authorities, have been developing plans for the mobilization of human and transport resources for wartime, organizing military registration, conscription of citizens for military service, booking workers and employees for enterprises in the interests of the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies.


From the origins of the creation of military commissariats, it was believed that military mobilization activity is a phenomenon grand strategy on which the fate of the state depends. And the number of military-trained reserves, the possibility of replenishing the Armed Forces during the war and the formation of new formations and units directly depend on the clarity and coherence of the work of these structures.

In the near future, a mechanism for the stay of citizens in the mobilization human reserve will be launched in the military commissariats. (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 933 “Regulations on the procedure for the stay of citizens in the mobilization human reserve.”) This is a completely new structure for our state for the voluntary entry of reserve troops into the reserve army, which will significantly increase the volume of work of the military registration and enlistment office with military formations and units for their staffing with the specified contingent.

A huge amount of work is being done today by the military registration and enlistment offices for registering citizens who took part in hostilities to defend the Fatherland in zones of armed conflicts, as well as those who participated in the aftermath of accidents and natural disasters. Servicemen who have lost their ability to work during military service on conscription are registered, and relevant documents are drawn up to help them solve social and domestic issues. Documents are being prepared, and the presentation of awards to reserve servicemen and front-line soldiers is organized. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office participate in the perpetuation of the memory of those who died in the defense of the Fatherland, put in order the places of military burials. Provide pensions to citizens discharged from military service and their family members, family members of dead (deceased) servicemen, assign pensions, allowances to these persons, provide compensation and make other payments provided for by current legislation.

Certification of citizens in the reserve is constantly carried out for conferring on them the first and next military ranks of an officer.

Despite the created recruitment points under the contract, the main work on providing the troops with this category of servicemen in practice continues to be carried out by military registration and enlistment offices.

However, a special place in their work today is occupied by the organization and conduct of the conscription of citizens for military service. It is here that cooperation with all bodies, institutions and public organizations that participate in this work in one way or another is especially fruitful. It is here that the inculcation of legal awareness among young people, the steadfastness of their compliance with the current legislation on defense issues, as well as the constant work to increase the prestige of military service among them, are priority areas for the work of military registration and enlistment offices. It is here that the young man really learns the basics of legal education - his rights and obligations to the state.

Thanks to the steps taken in recent years to improve the pre-conscription training of young men for military service, the military registration and enlistment offices ensured guaranteed, high-quality staffing of the Armed Forces and other troops with physically, morally and psychologically prepared recruits with a positive motivation for military service.

The military commissariat is one of the coordinators of preparing young people for military service in the country at the level of district and subject levels. It is he who, together with local authorities on the ground, is carrying out purposeful work to form devotion to the Motherland and readiness for its defense among pre-conscription and draft youth. He takes an active part in promoting a healthy lifestyle and sports events.


The patriotic education of the younger generation is a long-term program, and real patriotism is impossible without a certain ideology and constant information support. The state needs to invest money in it, since this is one of the main tasks of any country that wants to educate a new generation capable of fulfilling and defending all the leading directions of its development in the future.

It is today, in the context of information confrontation and propaganda attacks by our “liberal well-wishers” on negative coverage of patriotic and military-patriotic topics in relation to the younger generation in our country, that there is a need to adopt new forms of competitive struggle against them.

After all, the maintenance and dissemination of negativity on these issues continues by the actions of a number of human rights organizations and public associations, as well as some radio and television channels. On various sites on the Internet, peculiar information cocktails are published, consisting of distorted and unverified facts, as well as outright lies on the issues of the military development of the state.

That is why, in order to cover (bring) military and military-patriotic topics to the majority of Russian youth, in my opinion, it is necessary to take urgent measures to attract Internet resources for the systematic work of military registration and enlistment offices in a constantly changing information field.

First of all, this refers to the widespread use of social networks in working with young people, which today are an integral part of their lives. At present, it is easier and more convenient to convey information to them via the Internet, rather than by phone or through parents. The print media today is not very popular among them, since young men read newspapers to a lesser extent, and more often use Internet resources to obtain various information. In this space, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a modern informational dialogue with young people in order to organize targeted work to counteract deliberately negative and false information on military topics and to distort historical events in the life of our state.

We need to be constantly ready for obligatory explanations of the real position of the Ministry of Defense on various publications, regularly post information materials on various sites most visited by young people that help increase the prestige and attractiveness of military service by conscription and contract. And it should have been done yesterday.

In social networks, it is necessary to change the current situation, in which any positive coverage of the military-patriotic topic causes a flurry of negative statements on behalf of coded “truth-mongers”. Such information confrontation takes place in almost all subjects of the Russian Federation, especially in metropolitan cities. That is why one of the steps to actually counteract the emerging negative information can be the organization of the systemic work of military commissariats in social networks as a structure that is closest and most understandable to the absolute majority of pre-conscription and conscription youth.

A general model for creating such a system in the military commissariats of the subjects can be created taking into account the population in the region of 3–5 people.

This group will need to constantly post photo and video materials on social networks covering the work of the military registration and enlistment office for such events as conscript days, five-day student gatherings, the learning process at DOSAAF, the process of sending conscripts to the assembly point and to the troops, as well as the work of various patriotic public associations. Arrange thematic discussions on the most significant historical dates of the country. In addition, it is also possible to publish lists by districts of those citizens who for a long time do not come to the military enlistment office on calls (deviators). Also organize meetings of citizens discharged from military service in social networks in order for them to share their impressions of their military service with pre-conscripts. Invite recruits and their parents to the group. Such measures will significantly expand the circle of communication of the military registration and enlistment office with the draft contingent, will allow the formation of the necessary army public opinion by the attractiveness of the army service, not only by conscription, but also by contract, they will provide significant assistance to young men in their decision to enter military schools.

It is the involvement of the Internet resource today that can be used in military registration and enlistment offices with the greatest benefit to create a stable positive image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and such communication will significantly reduce the correspondence of the military registration and enlistment office, reducing the number of complaints and statements.

In addition, the military commissariat will become a real conductor of the ideas of building a modern army among the population of the country, especially among young people, bringing them information from primary sources through social networks.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis - 480 rubles, shipping 10 minutes 24 hours a day, seven days a week and holidays

240 rub. | 75 UAH | $3.75 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Mukhamadeev Marat Masgutovich. Socio-pedagogical foundations of the activities of military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of youth: Dis. ... cand. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01: Moscow, 1997 231 p. RSL OD, 61:98-13/354-X


Chapter I

1. Historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of formation and development of the system of organization and functioning of pre-conscription training of youth 14-35

2. The essence, content and features of the activities of military commissariats for the preparation of pre-conscripts for military service 36-50

3. Analysis of the practice of the activities of local military authorities in the pre-conscription training of future soldiers of the army and navy 51-66

Chapter II. Pilot-experimental study of the process of activity of military commissariats, to improve the pre-conscription training of youth

1. Tasks and methodology of experimental work... 67-78

2. Substantiation of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of building a system of pre-conscription training of young men in military registration and enlistment offices ..79-91

3. Analysis of the dynamics and results of experimental work 92-113

Chapter III. The main activities of the military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of youth

1. Optimization of the military professional orientation of youth 114-128

2. Strengthening the professional and pedagogical orientation of the training of officials of local military authorities to work with pre-conscripts 129-141

3. Development of cooperation of military commissariats with state and public organizations for pre-conscription training of future soldiers 142-153

Conclusion 154-161

References 162-175


Introduction to work

Relevance of the problem. At all stages of the formation and development of the Russian state, the defense of the Fatherland has been and remains the sacred duty of all the people 1 . The most important condition for maintaining the Armed Forces of Russia in a state of defense readiness in modern conditions is the effective and high-quality preparation of young people for military service.

At present, in the Russian Federation, the need to improve the pre-conscription training of young people (hereinafter PDM) for the defense of the Motherland, which is carried out mainly by military commissariats (hereinafter VC), is due to a number of factors.

First, the causes of wars and military conflicts persist in the world. Under these conditions, the comprehensive preparation of the younger generation for the defense of their Fatherland remains an important factor in strengthening the country's defense capability.

Secondly, with a significant reduction in the Armed Forces and a reduction in military spending, the transition to a contract system of service, there is an urgent need to train a well-trained reserve, ready to conduct combat operations without being in the ranks of the army and navy.

Thirdly, the increasing role of pre-conscription training of future defenders of the Motherland is largely determined by the influence of scientific and technological progress on the development of military affairs, which places high demands on the military and technical training of soldiers. Military labor in modern conditions has become more differentiated. So, for example, if by the beginning of the First World War there were 15-20 main military specialties, during the Second World War - J.60, now there are more than 2 thousand military-technical specialties in the armies, many of which involve

1 See: Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly // Ros. Gas. - 1 997. - 7 March

serious preparation.

Fourthly, an analysis of the work practice of the military commissariats of Russia and other CIS countries showed that skillful and purposeful work to educate young patriots who defend the Motherland contributes to uniting the entire population for the joint defense of a common home. It significantly reduces tension in interethnic relations and should become a factor in the unity of the army and the people.

Fifth, the changed moral foundations of society give rise to legal nihilism, political naivety, consumer psychology and pacifist sentiments of most adolescents.

Today, in the public consciousness of our compatriots, and especially young people, manifestations of spiritual and moral emptiness are intensifying. The traditional values ​​of folk life, national history and culture are undergoing deep erosion. To a large extent, the ideas of patriotism have also lost their role, without which the revival of the Fatherland is impossible. The study showed that every second of the respondents considers such concepts as patriotism, honor, military duty to be a thing of the past and meaningless. Over 35% of young people declared their readiness to leave Russia, and about 70% - about the senselessness of military service.

Sixth, schxhanation of the program of initial military training (hereinafter referred to as CMP) in general education school: curtailment of social support for patriotic associations; oblivion of mass youth military-patriotic games and actions; definancing of DOSAAF (now ROSTO), youth military-patriotic publications, television and radio programs.

All this does not contribute to the formation in young people of the desire to prepare themselves for the defense of the Fatherland, gives rise to numerous deviations from

b in active service, only in the fall of last year, about 37 thousand people were in the category of "evaders" 1 .

Seventh, an analysis of the work practice of military commissariats 2 shows that, being the coordinating body for preparing young people for military service, they experience not only objective difficulties, but also show insufficient professional preparation for its "carrying out. The study revealed that a significant part VC employees have low professional and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities to work with pre-conscription contingent.According to the results of surveys of VC officers, 67% noted an insufficient level of developed skills in themselves and subordinates in working with pre-conscription youth.

The level of development of the scientific task has shown that significant research work has been carried out on the problems of the PDM for the army service. So, for example, social-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical problems of preparing young people for military service are reflected in N.P. Aksenova, I.Ya. Gnatko, T.A. Dvuzhilova, S.S. Kotsevich, N.Ya. Mironova, N.A. Nizhneva, V.V. Tretyakova, B.C. Wonderful. The historical and pedagogical aspect was studied in the dissertations of V.L. Balobonova, N.F. Gudchenko, SV. Kalinina, I.A. Peshkov, E.V. Piulsky, A.V. Sannikov.

In the dissertations of A.A. Aronov, V.V. Artemenko, M. Annakulova, A.N. Vyrshchikova, H.L. Hristov, the ways and conditions of military-patriotic education in the process of studying the NVP and the basics of sciences by students are investigated. V.G. Zhdanov, A.M. Lolua, N.I. Khromov, S.F. Shakarov made attempts to analyze the didactic and methodological problems of the NWP.

Some aspects of the formation of students' readiness for military service are considered in the works of V.N. Loskutova, V.I. Lutovinova, G.T. Sivakova,

2 The study was conducted in 1. republican, 2 regional, 7 city and district military


A.A. Kuntsman, N.A. Shangina and others. Zueva, V.V. Konstantinova, P.D. Lukashova.

Of considerable scientific and practical interest are the doctoral dissertations of N.A. Belousova, A.R. Zhurmakanova, L.Ablika, A.Volkova, N.M. Konzhieva, M.A. Terentei, V.F. Farfarovsky, H.G. Fatalieva, T.M. Shashlo. In them, along with topical issues of the theory and history of military-patriotic education, pedagogical issues of preparing young people for military service are analyzed.

However, in monographic and dissertation works of theoretical and methodological plan there are no special studies devoted to the pedagogical justification for improving the activities of military commissariats in preparing pre-conscription youth for military service in the changed socio-economic and political conditions.

The relevance of the problem, its practical and theoretical significance, as well as the lack of development in military pedagogy led to its choice as a dissertation research.

Object of study is the activity of military commissariats for the preparation of pre-conscripts for military service, and subject- socio-pedagogical foundations for its improvement in modern conditions.

Purpose of the study- clarify the theoretical foundations, substantiate and experimentally test the main directions for increasing the efficiency of military commissariats in preparing young people for service in the Russian Armed Forces.

In accordance with the purpose of the dissertation, the following tasks were solved: 1. To clarify the idea of ​​the essence and content of the social and pedagogical activities of military commissariats in preparation for military service.

2. To develop and experimentally test a comprehensive-targeted program of social and pedagogical activities of military commissariats to improve the preparation of young people for active service in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

3. To substantiate the main socio-pedagogical directions for a qualitative increase in the level of preparation of pre-conscription youth for military service by the forces and means of military commissariats.

4. Develop and substantiate scientific and methodological recommendations for the practical activities of military commissariats to optimize the military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

As working hypothesis it was suggested that in the context of a radical reform of the Armed Forces, changes in the qualitative characteristics of equipment and personnel, there is an objective need to increase the effectiveness of pre-conscription training of young people. But a significant part of the youth does not show interest in military service, its prestige is falling; the activity of certain mass media has a pronounced anti-army orientation; the quality of work of military commissariats, state and public organizations for the pre-conscription training of future soldiers has been reduced.

It is possible to overcome these contradictions and improve the quality of training young people for military service if the activities of military commissariats, as the main link in the socio-pedagogical institutions of pre-conscription training, are carried out comprehensively and the necessary conditions are created for their creative socio-pedagogical activities, which involves optimizing the military professional orientation of young people ; strengthening the professional and pedagogical orientation of the training of officials of local military authorities (hereinafter referred to as the LOMA) to work with pre-conscripts; development of cooperation between military commissariats with the state

state and public organizations but pre-conscription training of future soldiers.

Met odologists basis research is the following provisions: the concept of the unity of the formation of consciousness, personality and activity; scientific patterns that reveal the unity of theory and practice in vocational training, on the comprehensive study of the age, socio-psychological and other characteristics of young people in the process of working with them, on the transformation of acquired knowledge into convictions, etc.

The study was carried out taking into account the content of policy documents on reforming the Armed Forces and updating the pre-conscription training of young people; modern requirements for the professional training of military personnel; scientific organization of labor VK.

In his work, the dissertation was based on the principles of scientificity and objectivity, concreteness and abstractness, historical and logical, induction and deduction, comparison and evaluation of pedagogical phenomena of the past and present.

The study was based on theoretical principles developed in the works of domestic teachers and psychologists of the PC. Anokhin, A.A. Aronova, Yu.K. Babansky, AJB. Barabanshchikova, LABblika, V.I. Vdovyuka, D.I. Vodzinsky, I.F. Vydrina, V.N. Gerasimov, P.N. Gorodova, V.P. Davydova, M.A. Danilova, M.I. Dyachenko, B.P. Esipova, L.F. Zheleznyak, L.V. Zankova, I.A. Kamkova, L.A. Kandybovich, N.I. Kiryashova, N.M. Konzhieva, F.F. Koroleva, N.S. Kravchun, K.A. Kulinkovich, I.D. Ladanova, A.N. Leontiev, I.A. Lipsky, M.U. Piskunova, K.K. Platonov, A.T. Rostunova, M.N. Skatkina, VA Slastenina, V.Ya. Slepova, A.M. Stolyarenko, V.V. Tretyakova, V.F. Farfarovsky, N.F. Fedenko, I.F. Kharlamova, T.M. Shashlo, G.I. Schukina, V.T. Yusova and others.

The personal-social-activity concept of education developed at the Department of Pedagogy of the Military University was the basis for conducting experimental work, substantiating the main directions of the effective activity of military commissariats in pre-conscription training of young people. The study was carried out in the military commissariats of the years. Moscow, Zelenograd, Republic of Tatarstan. In addition, research material was obtained from formations and units of the Moscow and Volga military districts.

All work was carried out in several interrelated stages using an integrated methodology.

The first stage (1992 - 1994) was devoted to the theoretical understanding of literary sources and normative documents on the problem under study, as well as to the study of the real process of pre-conscription training of young people for the army in military commissariats. This allowed the author to determine the main idea and intent of the dissertation, formulate the target setting and objectives, develop a hypothesis, work plan and research methodology. At this stage, a theoretical analysis of literary sources was carried out, using the methods of participant observation, conversations, interviews, analysis of documents and results of activities, questionnaires, and the practical experience of the VK in pre-conscription training of young people was studied.

Second phase(1994 - 1995) included testing the hypothesis, preliminary conclusions and recommendations of the dissertation in the process of experimental work. In parallel, the advanced experience of the activities of military commissariats and military-patriotic education was studied, new sources on the problem under study were analyzed. The results obtained were actively implemented in practice. At this stage, methods were used: observation, conversations, analysis of the results of activities,

11 ascertaining and forming experiments, generalization of independent characteristics, expert evaluation, etc.

Third stage(1995 - 1996) is associated with the theoretical generalization of materials obtained in the course of experimental work, the introduction of conclusions and recommendations into the practice of military commissariats, and the literary design of the dissertation. During this stage, methods of generalization, systematization, mathematical processing of results, and theoretical analysis were used.

Overall volume work done.

In the course of the study, more than 250 literary sources on the problem and related to it, about 100 regulatory documents were studied and analyzed. A comprehensive study of the activities of 10 military commissariats of various levels was carried out. More than 100 employees of the VK, more than 300 conscripts and more than 400 pre-conscripts were interviewed in conversations, interviews, questionnaires.

Scientific novelty of the study is that it analyzed state of the art practice of work of the VC on pre-conscription training of youth; clarified ideas about the socio-pedagogical foundations of the essence, content and features of the events; a comprehensive program was developed and experimentally tested, the main ways to increase the effectiveness of preparing young people for service in the Armed Forces with the forces and means of the VC; substantiated and tested practical recommendations for various categories of officials on optimizing the patriotic education of pre-conscription youth.

Taken for defense:

I. Understanding the essence of the activities of the military commissariats for the pre-conscription training of young people for military service in its content and dynamic characteristics.

2. Developed and tested in the course of an experimental experimental

of work is a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of military commissariats in pre-conscription training of young people for military service, including procedural, propaedeutic and performance criteria and their indicators.

3. Developed and experimentally tested integrated
program, main directions and socio-pedagogical conditions
improving the activities of military commissariats for pre-conscription
youth training: optimization of military professional orientation
youth; strengthening professional and pedagogical orientation
training officials of military commissariats to work with
pre-conscripts; development of cooperation between military commissariats and
state and public organizations for pre-conscription
training future warriors.

Practical significance The study is determined by the use of its results in the activities of military commissariats for pre-conscription training of young people, in improving the patriotic education of future soldiers, and improving the pedagogical skills of employees of military commissariats.

The theoretical and methodological material of the dissertation is used in the development of self-education programs for VC workers, leaders of mass defense organizations. The dissertation machchyaeials can also be used in the classroom in pedagogy and psychology with the officers of the faculties and courses of retraining and advanced training, in the classroom for public and state training.

The reliability and validity of the conclusions and scientific results is ensured by the implementation of the personal-social-active concept of education, a system of various methods that is adequate to the goals and objectives

research, using the apparatus of mathematical statistics, a comprehensive analysis of the results of experimental work and confirmed by the practice of military commissariats, which is documented.

Approbation of the research results was carried out throughout the entire period of the study and in the course of a pedagogical experiment conducted in a number of republican, regional, city and district military commissariats. The conclusions and recommendations of the study were used in the formation of the concepts of patriotic education of youth, carried out on the instructions of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Ministry of Defense RF. The results of the study were tested in the course of classes with students of the psychological faculty of the Military University, as well as in classes on social and state training with employees of the VC; were discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and the Subject-Methodological Commission on Social Pedagogy of the Military University, as well as during methodological meetings with employees of military registration and enlistment offices in the years. Moscow and Kazan.

The idea of ​​the study, its purpose and objectives determined the structure and
the content of the dissertation, which consists of an introduction, three chapters (I -

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the activities of military commissariats for the pre-conscription training of young people for service in Armed Forces Russian Federation; II - Experimental study of the process of improving the activities of military commissariats in work with pre-conscription youth; ІЇІ - The main activities of the military commissariats to improve the pre-conscription training of youth), conclusions, list of references and applications.

Historical and pedagogical analysis of the problem of formation and development of the system of organization and functioning of pre-conscription training of youth

The existing system of preparing pre-conscription youth for military service cannot be understood and analyzed without considering its development, that is, historically.

Such an analysis, from our point of view, should be started from the moment a regular army was created in Russia. This can be used to draw an analogy of the correspondence between the systems for preparing young people for military service from the time of Peter the Great to our times, and to compare the initial pedagogical guidelines in organizing this process.

Peter 1, having abolished the archery regiments (1698), based the recruitment of the army on compulsory service nobles and at the collection of data people, who were called recruits from 1705. The nature of military service has changed: before, the army was almost all settled and gathered only in wartime and for short training camps; now it has become permanent.

It is an established fact that in the fate of Peter 1, the “amusing troops” played a great role. The history of the creation of these troops is known. At the beginning of 1863, Peter's childhood comrades were placed in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow, where, together with the young tsar, they were engaged in war games, called amusing ones.

The idea of ​​amusing, considers the historian A.M. Nazarov, this is the preparation of the people for what they need in the war. The goal is to train warriors for whom the “soldier” would be a hated bondage, but a cutting workshop, in which they would acquire the monotonous facets of that crystal that shone with amazing brilliance in the hands of the victorious2.

The program for the implementation of this goal included: 1) the development of physical strength and dexterity of children aged 9-12 through outdoor games and gymnastic exercises; 2) the development of courage and enterprise in children by introducing a certain amount of danger and risk into games. For this, climbing along cliffs, ravines, crossing over unsteady bridges, logs, playing robbers were used. During this game, the “amusing” will imperceptibly comprehend the guard service, intelligence, experience will reach the consciousness that “reason and art win more than the multitude”; 3) learning to wield weapons, not only gun techniques, but also the ability to shoot and stab; 4) familiarization of "amusing" with military equipment and learning to use it; 5) development of discipline, sense of honor and camaraderie; 6) knowledge of the fatherland and understanding of its historical tasks by familiarizing the “amusing” with the brightest and most gloomy pages of our history, as well as with the forces and aspirations of the most dangerous neighbors; 7) the development of love for the sovereign and the fatherland, 8) the instillation of "amusing" love for the army.

Such was the program that Peter I implemented step by step and which testifies to the beginning of the creation of a system of preparation for military service. The decision to establish a gentry cadet corps was aimed at improving this system, the opening of which followed on February 17, 17321. Along with general education, young people studying in the corps also received primary education. military education allowing you to perform military duties.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, military presences were directly involved in the preparation of draft contingents - institutions for serving military service2.

Military presences were formed: in each province and region (with the exception of the regions of the Don, Kuban, Terek and Ural troops). They included: the governor (chairman), the vice-governor, the provincial marshal of the nobility, the chairman of the provincial zemstvo council, one member of this council, the county military commander or a person replacing him and the prosecutor of the district court or his comrade.

In each county or district there is a county or district presence for military service, chaired by the county marshal of the nobility. It consisted of members: the district military commander or the person replacing him, the district police officer and a member of the zemstvo council. During the action of the presence at the places of conscription, its composition was supplemented by one of the inhabitants of the conscription site, elected by the county zemstvo assembly for 3 years.

The provincial or regional presence was entrusted with: 1) general supervision over the entire province or region over the correct course of conscription and admission of those subject to military service; 2) the layout of the number of recruits assigned to the province or region between the recruiting stations; 3) re-examination of persons subject to military service; 4) consideration of complaints against county, district and city offices.

County, district and city presences: 1) compiled and repeated private draft lists; 2) made the call itself; 3) determined the rights of each conscript; 4) determine which of those called up and in what order is appointed to the service; 5) carried out an examination of persons to be appointed to the service; 6) accepted new recruits.

In the "Charter on military service (1874)" it is noted that the conscription is carried out by county and city conscription presences, whose actions are as follows:

1) determine, by appearance, the age of persons for whom it is documented unknown; 2) the list of conscripts is read, indicating which benefit is assigned to whom (the deadline for applying for the right to a benefit is at this reading); 3) conscripts are called to draw lots; 4) examination of their health is carried out; 5) physically fit, depending on the lot number and the right to a benefit, are accepted for service or enlisted in the militia of the Ї-th category; physically, the weak receive a reprieve or are enlisted in the warriors of the 2nd category; those unable to bear arms are permanently exempted from service; 6) the list is read by those accepted for service and these persons are sworn in1.

As we can see, the military presences, directly responsible for the performance of military service by the population, did not perform the specific function of preparing all young people for military service.

This work was mainly reduced to the education of the officer corps in cadet schools. Although by the beginning of the 20th century there were public organizations dealing with the problem of pre-conscription training of youth2.

Further development of the system of preparing young people for military service is associated with the post-October period!.9!. 7 years old The Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On Compulsory Training in the Art of War” dated April 22, 1918 was sent to this end. The decree obliged workers aged 18-40 to undergo a 96-hour military training program without interruption from work. It established compulsory preparatory military education for schoolchildren aged 16-18. The Vseobuch program provided for training in the actions of a single fighter. In April 1919, the 1st All-Russian Congress on Physical Culture, Sports and Pre-Conscription Training approved the "Regulations on pre-conscription military training of youth."

The essence, content and features of the activities of military commissariats for the preparation of pre-conscripts for military service

Preparation for military service is one of the main directions of the military-patriotic education of the working people, and above all of the rising generation of the country. This place is determined by its leading role in shaping the moral-political, psychological, combat, physical and other personality traits of future soldiers, their initial military knowledge, skills and abilities.

Pre-conscription training of young people is carried out within the framework of a specific system that has a complex structure. The subjects of the system are military commissariats, teachers and instructors of ROSTO educational organizations, OEJ methodologists, teaching staff and public organizations of educational institutions, patronage military units, committees of soldiers' mothers, teenage associations, cultural and art bodies, the media, labor collectives, army veterans, families of conscripts . The object of training is pre-conscription and draft (student and working) youth. This is the time of early youth, active civic development, the formation of beliefs, moral and other qualities of the individual, limited life experience, manifestations and overcoming complex internal contradictions and difficulties.

In the pedagogical literature, the problem of the essence of the system of preparing young people for military service has been repeatedly raised.

So B.C. Chudny understands it as the totality of the content, forms and methods of organizing the cognitive and practical activities of young people aimed at comprehensive preparation for the fulfillment of the Fatherland. "Close to this position is N.M. Konzhiev, who proposes to clarify the concept of the system to go not from attempts to draw up comprehensive formulations but from highlighting its essential features inherent in the real process of educational work.2 N.A. Belousov in his doctoral dissertation concludes that the preparation of young people for military service is a socio-pedagogical system and a socially significant, bilaterally active, multifaceted and complex process.

A.A. Aronov complements the understanding of the essence of preparing young people for military service by disclosing the functions of the training system, among which he singles out: educational (formation of the value orientations of a patriot-internationalist citizen); didactic (formation of military-applied knowledge, skills and abilities), developing (formation of psychophysical qualities personalities necessary for a soldier to perform combat missions)4.

Based on the approaches of specialists to the problem of the essence of preparing young people for military service, we consider it necessary to emphasize the following: The essence of preparing young people for service in the ranks of the T*F Armed Forces can be determined based on the dialectic and interconnection of the philosophical categories of the part and the whole.

On the one hand, the preparation of young people for military service is one of the components of the socio-pedagogical process of purposeful and systematic influence (influence) on pre-conscription youth in the conditions of the PDM institutions. On the other hand, it acts as a priority direction of the military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

Because of this, the nature and direction of training must be constantly conditioned by objective requirements, determined in turn by the specific features of each type of social activity, including military. These are: a direct multifaceted connection with state interests, the fulfillment of a social order; the specificity of the goals, objectives and content of the CSA in the VC; special tension and dynamism of the socio-pedagogical process in the system of LEVA; special regulation of the relationship between the participants in this process; specificity of objects and subjects of pre-army training; specificity of the role and significance of unity of command on a legal basis. The totality of these requirements forms the basis for activities to shape the readiness of young people to fulfill their constitutional duty in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. (See diagram No. I)

Naturally, the training should have all the necessary conditions for the implementation of such requirements, which is achievable only with the unification and coordination of the efforts of the most diverse state and public bodies and organizations. At the same time, military commissariats act as an organizing and coordinating body that provides targeted work to prepare young people for service in the army and navy.

Based on these judgments, it seems possible to define the preparation of young people for military service as a multifaceted, coordinated, systematic and purposeful activity of state and public bodies and organizations to ensure the comprehensive readiness of the younger generation to implement the function of protection in any sphere of society, including in the ranks of the Armed Forces. Force. It is a long, continuous, complex and intense process, which is complex in nature, based on the unity of goals, objectives, principles, forms, methods and means implemented in the interaction of all the links involved in it.

Based on the foregoing, the essence of the activities of military commissariats for pre-conscription training of young people can be defined as a system of socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical, medical and organizational measures carried out by military commissariats and aimed at shaping the readiness of young people for the conscious and conscientious performance of the duties of military labor.

The purpose of the activities of military commissariats for pre-conscription training of young people is to form readiness for military service1.

This goal is specified in a number of interrelated tasks. According to the study, these include:

First of all, the education of future soldiers of patriotism and internationalism, responsibility for the performance of military duty, military regulations of behavior, a sense of collectivism;

Secondly, instilling in pre-conscripts initial military knowledge, skills and abilities;

Thirdly, the mental and physical development of conscripts in accordance with the requirements of the upcoming military service;

Fourthly, the psychological hardening of young people, the development of internal readiness, emotional and volitional stability and other necessary psychological qualities necessary for a future warrior;

Fifthly, coordination of the activities of the parents of pre-conscripts, the public, local authorities and representatives of military units and institutions on the organizational, socio-pedagogical, legal and medical support of conscription.

The regular dependencies identified in the course of the study made it possible to substantiate and experimentally verify the fundamental provisions that determine the effective preparation of young people for military service, to formulate principles that objectively reflect them.

These include: purposefulness, a scientific approach to the process of pre-conscription training of young people, the connection between theoretical and practical training of young people for military service; military-professional orientation of pre-conscription training; systematic, consistent and comprehensive pre-conscription training; taking into account the age-related and individual psychological characteristics of pre-conscription youth. Let's consider them in more detail.

Substantiation of the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of building a system of pre-conscription training of young men in military registration and enlistment offices

Among the most important and complex issues of experimental work is the development and testing of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the studied pedagogical phenomenon. The process of searching and testing the system of criteria in practice was carried out in three stages and included;

1. Analysis of existing approaches to understanding the essence of the criteria for assessing the development of pedagogical phenomena.

2. Studying the experience of developing criteria by researchers dealing with the problem of the content and functioning of military-patriotic education.

3. Identification of criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the activities of the VC on DIM, their systematization and verification of the possibility of applying in practice.

The study of literary sources in all areas of preparing young people for the defense of the Motherland shows that the criteria stemmed from the requirements of life itself, reflected in specific documents.

For example, in terms of moral and political preparation, they were conditioned by the general provisions of the communist ideology, fixed in the decisions of the communist party on ideological and defense issues.

The criteria for military training of boys and girls were laid down in the programs for initial military training1, introduced in accordance with the USSR law "On universal military duty" of 1967, as well as in military training programs in higher educational institutions, the requirements of general military regulations. The changes that took place in military affairs, the specifics of specific military specialties, which were trained by conscripts, left their mark on military training.

The physical readiness of young people to defend the country was determined by the standards, the GZR and TRP complexes, and the physical education curricula in various educational institutions.

An analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature shows that many authors single out systemic and functional criteria for the readiness of young people to serve in the army and navy, as well as levels of readiness.

The researchers refer to the systemic criteria: understanding the essence of the confrontation between the two social systems, the threat of war that comes from imperialism; a deep, firm conviction in the need to defend the socialist system in every possible way; conscious, systematic self-preparation for an armed rebuff to any encroachment of the aggressor on the security of the country; the ability to strictly comply with military regulations and orders of commanders, to internally perceive them as the command of the Motherland; practical, internally conscious experience of military-patriotic activity in its various forms; readiness for heroic actions and deeds in extreme conditions.

Unlike systemic, functional criteria, which were also heterogeneous but their significance, were subdivided into several C>V^n. In their totality, in interconnection and unity, they ensured the manifestation of the above systemic signs of readiness to defend the Motherland. The first such group included the criteria of moral and political readiness, which included:

1. Deep knowledge of the doctrine of the defense of the Fatherland;

2. Conviction in the correctness of the domestic and foreign policy of the state; moral stability;

3. Awareness of the reasons for the aggravation of the international situation, the threat of a new world war; 4. Confidence in the power of the Armed Forces;

5. Conviction in the economic, political, cultural, moral superiority of the Motherland over other countries;

6. Emotional perception of the revolutionary, military and labor traditions of the people "the presence of a generalized ideal of the defender of the Motherland, which regulates the youth's self-support to fulfill civil and military duty to the Motherland;

7. The presence of social feelings - duty, patriotism, hatred of enemies, personal responsibility for protecting the country, high vigilance1 *

A separate group consisted of criteria for psychological readiness. The main ones were: 1. high development mental and volitional properties, emotional and socio-psychological qualities; 2. Knowledge of the nature of nuclear war, the strength of new weapons, the effectiveness of various means of possible protection against their damaging factors, the presentation of the difficulties and tests that can be encountered in a real combat situation; 3. Adaptation to the conditions of military activity and the combat team, the accumulation of psychological experience of appropriate behavior in the conditions of military activity; 4. The ability to control one's behavior, suppress or block some feelings (fear, panic, confusion, etc.) and strengthen others (feelings of love for the Motherland, duty, hatred of enemies); overcoming moral, volitional and physical stress; the possibility of transferring mental qualities from one type of activity to another.

A large group was formed by the criteria for military training, which completely depended on the level of development of military science, military equipment and weapons. They included: I. Knowledge of the essence of scientific and technological revolution and its influence on military affairs; 2. The level of knowledge, skills and abilities in basic military training, civil defense; 3. Knowledge of aircraft construction; 4. The presence of interest in technology and weapons, firm confidence in their high reliability, military-technical skills and abilities necessary for the successful mastery of a particular military specialty; 5. The possibility of transferring this knowledge, skills and abilities to other types of military activity; 6. Experience in a specific military applied field; 7. The ability to concentrate as much as possible on solving the problems of the combat use of military equipment and weapons; 8. Ability to transfer general technical skills and abilities in a situation of military-technical activity.

Of great importance for determining the readiness of young people to defend the Fatherland were the criteria for physical fitness. Among them stood out: 1. The development of general physical qualities - strength, speed, agility and endurance associated with the performance of functions to protect the Motherland; 2. The presence of special physical qualities - resistance to motion sickness, mountain sickness, actions in hot climates and limited drinking regime, hyperventilation, actions in special equipment, etc.

Optimization of the military-professional orientation of youth

Based on the practice of military commissariats for pre-conscription training of youth, the modern requirements of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in this area and specially conducted experimental work, the main directions for improving this process are determined: optimization of the military-professional orientation of young people; strengthening the professional and pedagogical orientation of training officials of military commissariats to work with pre-conscription youth; development of cooperation between military registration and enlistment offices with state bodies and public organizations for pre-conscription training of youth.

I. Optimization of the military professional orientation of youth. The study of approaches to the definition of criteria and methods for optimizing the process of educating and training young recruits showed that different authors understand the optimization procedure itself in different ways. in the most adequate representation in the educational material of all aspects of scientific knowledge (cognitive, mental, activity); ensuring the most complete correspondence of the logical and didactic structure to the didactic possibilities presented by modern methods of developmental education; creation of prerequisites for reflecting the level of didactic readiness of real real subjects of educational activity in the structure and subsequent flexible response to changes in this level in order to achieve a socially necessary level of effectiveness of teaching in this subject1. Thus, the correspondence of optimality to only certain elements of the subject is determined and the functioning of the entire system is not considered.

A.M. Matkshkin considers the optimization of the learning process only as a selection of conditions that provide the most complete and fastest solution to the cognitive problem that the student faces in learning. Although it is quite obvious that the recommended activities can only be separate components of the educational process. SI. Arkhangelsky considers optimization as a factor that determines the content and range of tasks of the scientific organization of the educational process, i.e. considers optimization not as an independent process, but only as a certain qualitative characteristic of the final results of solving three interrelated problems: building an optimal system and all its elements; establishing optimal ways of its functioning and development; choice of smart methods of its evaluation, regulation and management2.

According to Yu.K. Babansky, the optimization of this process involves the implementation of such a system of measures to improve it, in which maximum learning results are achieved with the minimum time and effort required for specific conditions3. Thus, the author confines himself to optimizing the system of measures taken in relation to the pedagogical process.

The dissertation student, taking into account the existing approaches to the process of optimizing pedagogical activity and isolating their rational core, in the process of experimental research considered the problem as optimizing the content of military professional orientation, understanding by this, firstly, a clear establishment structural elements, forming the indicated direction of the DPM (as a system reflected in the practical activities of the military registration and enlistment offices); secondly, the application of optimiaddy1 procedures to each of these structural elements; thirdly, the establishment and maintenance in an optimal state of connections and relations between the subsystems of the pre-conscription training of future soldiers in accordance with the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of its construction (see: chapter K, $ 2) and functioning in the structures of the MOVA.

As the study showed, military-professional orientation is a system of socio-economic, psychological-pedagogical, medical and organizational measures of military commissariats, which are an integral part of the pre-conscription training of young people, their military-patriotic education and aimed at forming the young generation's readiness for the conscious implementation of constitutional duties for the protection of the Fatherland and a reasonable choice of the military profession in accordance with their desires, inclinations and abilities, and taking into account the existing social needs for specialists in various fields of military labor.

The experience of the military commissariats, the results of the research show that the optimization of the military-professional orientation of pre-conscription youth consists in:

Adequate reflection of goals in the content of its components;

Determining the didactic readiness of the subjects of the PDM for the implementation of the planned, planned concrete practice;

Selection and optimal combination of types of educational and cognitive activities, means and methods of work of VC employees; establishing the most preferred forms and methods of organizing career guidance events;

Rational use of temporary and other reserves; analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of the career guidance process for pre-conscripts and the correction on this basis of all elements of the CSA system in order to achieve the optimal result.

The study of the work practice of military registration and enlistment office employees, the analysis of the reporting documents of the organization of conscription show that, despite the great importance of the military professional orientation of young people, the need for its "optimization", this is an important link in the system of pre-conscription training of young replenishment of the army and navy is not carried out actively enough, systematically and G- Tedenapravlechmo, without vv^ra modern requirements.

So, for example, only 15% of the interviewed VC employees pay due attention to this problem, the bulk (65-70%) work in this direction occasionally, a) 0-). career guidance measures, believing that this is the responsibility of schools, educational institutions, the recruits themselves and their parents.

Experimental work revealed a number of reasons that affect the content and optimization of the military professional orientation of young people: ignorance of the military registration and enlistment office officials of the basics of the scientific organization of this work; the lack of proper distribution of forces, means and capabilities of the military teams of the VC, mainly shifting all responsibility only to the employees of the conscription departments; the inability of most RVC leaders to build their work in cooperation with other social and pedagogical institutions, the public, the media and culture; formalism, and sometimes departmental bureaucracy of military commissars, hiding behind "a wave of current problems."

This analysis shows that the optimization of military professional orientation requires a comprehensive solution and depends on the rational use of all its aspects in the practical activities of military registration and enlistment offices.

As the results of the study confirmed, the effectiveness of pre-conscription training of young people in the system of LEVA increases if the social and educational potential is actively implemented. structural components career guidance (see Scheme K * 4), psychological and pedagogical methods of collecting and analyzing empirical data are widely used both about military professions and about people who will have to master them.

1. Improving military professional education. It involves the communication of young people with knowledge about military professions and military duties, on the basis of which (knowledge) a positive motivation for military service is formed, various types of military activities, stable professional interests and commitment to conscientious military work and conscious choice military profession.
