Iso can be represented by a line. Technological map of the lesson "can be depicted by a line"

The lesson aims to teach younger children school age depict a landscape with a variety of lines. develop fantasy, creative imagination And emotional perception students. Strengthen work skills graphic materials: pencil, felt-tip pens, gel pen.



GBOU School No. 996 Moscow

Summary of a lesson in fine arts grade 1

Lesson topic: You can depict a line.

"Line is a storyteller"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Tutorials:
  1. learn to depict a landscape with a line;
  2. learn to use the various possibilities of the line to depict individual elements of the landscape;
  3. give the concept of "landscape";
  4. strengthen interdisciplinary connections.
  1. Developing:
  1. develop fantasy, creative imagination of students, emotional perception of works of art;
  2. activate cognitive interest students through literary works;
  3. develop practical skills and skills in working with graphic materials (pencil, felt-tip pen, gel pen)
  4. enrich the vocabulary with terms and concepts of fine arts.
  1. Educational:
  1. cultivate love for the beautiful, aesthetic and moral attitude to reality;
  2. cultivate initiative and independence in work.

Formation of universal learning activities(UUD)

Personal UUD

  • Students establishing a connection between the goal learning activities and its motive (motive - an exhibition of works, the goal - the execution of a drawing)

Regulatory UUD

  • Statement of the educational task;
  • Determination of the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result;
  • Isolation and awareness of what has already been learned and what is still to be mastered, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;
  • Education of volitional self-regulation.

Cognitive UUD

  • Develop the ability of semantic perception of the image;
  • Analyze objects, establish analogies.

Communicative UUD

  • Adequately use communicative (speech) means to solve various communicative tasks, master the dialogical form of communication;
  • Ask important questions, formulate your own opinion.

Expected results:

Personal: readiness for self-development, high motivation for learning and knowledge.

Meta-subject: development of UUD.

Subject: obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application.

Lesson equipment:

  • Computer, projector.
  • Presentation for the lesson.
  • Visual range: reproductions of works by I. Shishkin, T. Mavrina, N. Ponomarev.
  • Musical series: music by Nino Rota for the film "Romeo and Juliet"
  • Materials for the lesson: sheet A-3, simple pencils 4B-6B, felt-tip pens, black gel pen.


1. Nemenskaya L.A. art: You depict, decorate, build, a textbook for grade 1. M.: Education, 2011.

2. Lesson developments in fine arts.

3. Goryaeva N.A. Little artist, allowance for working with children. M.: Education, 2011.

Electronic educational resources

1. Electronic Wikipedia: http://www/

2. Methods of teaching fine arts

3. Catalog of art

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.


Today at the lesson we will go on a trip. We will find ourselves in the Land of Fantasy and Memories. We do not need backpacks and tents for our trip, we will need: Blank sheet, simple pencils or felt-tip pens and a black gel pen. If everything is ready - it's time to go!

  1. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

A very, very long time ago, when people lived not in houses, but in caves, they cooked food not on a stove, but on a fire, they did not know letters, they could not write, they drew all their stories with charcoal on the walls of their dwellings. Looking at these drawings, we can imagine their life. Most of these images are made with a line. So the line can tell.

So in the lesson we will learn to tell our story not with words, but with a LINE. (Slide number 2, 3)

  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Before we start our journey, we will go through a little preparation. Let's turn the sheet over reverse side, take a pencil (felt-tip pen) or a gel pen in your hand and put a point. This is our first step. Then we put a lot of points-steps. (slide number 4)

Let there be a lot of points
I drive through them.
Connecting dot to dot
I drew a line.
The path, curving, winds,
The track is called LINE.

And what are the lines? (thick and thin, straight and curved, sharp and rounded, long and short)

Let's try to find these lines in the works of artists, and see what these lines told us about (long curved lines depict the road, short ones - grass and raindrops, sharp prickly ones - a Christmas tree, rounded ones - a birch).

Work with reproductions of artists.

- First, let's look at the sketches of the famous Russian landscape painter Ivan Shishkin.

(slide number 5)

What did the artist depict in his work? (the road leading to the village, there are three large trees along the road, and the roofs of village houses are visible in the distance)

- And the artist Tatyana Mavrina depicted the landscape in a completely different way. (slide number 6)

(Children look at reproductions of artists and determine what and with what lines the artists depicted)

What kind of landscape did the artist depict: urban or rural? (rustic)

How did you guess? (there are no tall houses, but there is an image of various trees, grass, a path that goes into the distance)

Let's take a closer look at this work and see if we can distinguish different breeds trees depicted on it? What line did the artist depict them with? (trees in the background are drawn with sharp teeth, deciduous trees- rounded lines, and a birch on foreground can be recognized by the black stripes on the trunk)

And now let's look at the work of another artist, the artist Ponomarev. (slide number 7)What tree did the artist draw? (pine)

And how did you guess? (the pine has a thick trunk, the branches are large and directed upwards, they end with long needles)

IV. Fizkultminutka.(slide number 6)

In the air, “circle” the image you like with your finger, and then try to draw it yourself on a piece of paper.

As an artist mixes paints on a palette, a writer writes down his thoughts on a draft, so you try to draw different lines on a sheet and think about what you can draw with them.

V. Practical work.

- Now turn the sheet to the front side and begin our journey. Remember and draw where you were in the summer. You can draw how you rested with friends in the village or in the country, went fishing or went to the forest for mushrooms. For those who cannot remember anything interesting from their summer vacation, I suggest dreaming up. And different LINES that can be drawn will help us in this with a simple pencil, marker or gel pen. The line is a storyteller, she runs from under the pencil and tells about everything you want. Just remember that your story will be more interesting and expressive if you travel with different lines (straight and curved, short and long, sharp and smooth)

The teacher hangs reproductions of artists on the blackboard, turns on the music of Nino Rota.

Children draw. The teacher works individually with the children.

VI. Aesthetic evaluation of works

Exhibition of children's works.

What interesting trips you have turned out to be, not similar to each other. And the line - the narrator helped you guys.

Display of work done by children in previous years. (slide number 8, 9)


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Slides captions:

Lesson topic: “You can depict with a line. Line-narrator "A lesson in fine arts in grade 1

stone age artists

Drawings by ancient artists

Dots and lines

Artist Ivan Shishkin

Artist Tatyana Mavrina

Artist Nikolai Ponomarev

Works of young artists

Works of young artists

Thank you for your attention!

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Slides captions:

Riddle I run on paper, I can do everything, I can do everything: If you want, I'll draw a house, If you want, a Christmas tree in the snow, If you want - uncle, if you want - a garden. Any child is happy for me. Question: What are pencils for?

The word "pencil" means "black stone". "Kara" - "stone", "ash" - "black". It was with a black stone or coal that people painted in ancient times. graphite pencil was invented in the 16th century.

What is this? What is she doing? And now? Now what is happening to her? What happened? Now what? These lines are called contours.

tree branches In nature, much resembles lines:

and much more

Here is a confusion of lines. Maybe someone is hiding in it?

Donkey loaded with luggage.

You saw how the rope drew a loop in one motion. Try to repeat and finish what you see fit.

Fizkultminutka We all worked together, And now we will rest. We stomp our feet: one, two, three, four. Let's clap our hands: one, two, three, four. Let's turn left, right. Straighten your shoulders, inhale. And we'll sit down, and we'll get up. One, two, three, breathe more evenly, From charging you will become stronger, You will become stronger and stronger.

You can depict the line Line - the narrator, she runs from under the pencil and tells about everything you want. What do you like to do in free time? Think about what else you would like to tell your classmates about yourself, but express it not in words, but in a picture.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Reveal the features of graphic means in a figurative poetic form. Teach children to transform, play different roles and characters in front of other children. Teach children using various graphics ...

Fine art lesson according to the program of B.M. Nemensky "You can depict with a line"

Today in the lesson you will come up with a "Story about yourself." You need to draw a story about yourself using lines in your drawings. The line is a storyteller, she runs from under the pencil and tells about everything you want ....

Summary of the lesson in fine arts Grade 1: You can depict the line "Line - storyteller"

The lesson aims to teach children of primary school age to depict a landscape using a variety of lines. Develop imagination, creative imagination and emotional perception of students. Close...

1st grade, 1st quarter, 5th lesson

Lesson: "You can depict with a line"


    Raise interest in learning new things in art.

    To cultivate emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to beauty in art and in life.

    Learn to draw autumn leaves with a line.

Visual range:


    Autumn leaves collected on the walk of the previous lesson.


Teacher: Hello guys! In the previous lesson of the journey, we observed, examined, studied autumn nature. What beautiful things did we see on the walk?

Students: - Sky with clouds.

Leaves floated in puddles.

There are apples on the trees.

Beautiful when the leaves fall from the wind.

Carpet of leaves.

Teacher: Which tree leaves did you see?

Students: - Oak, birch, maple, apple, poplar.

Teacher: That's right, these trees grow near our school. Are all leaves the same?

Students: No, they are different.

Teacher: Leaves differ only in color?

Students: Leaves vary in size, shape and color.

Teacher: Now we will see how the leaves decorate autumn nature. You will watch the presentation and note for yourself: different colors leaves, the structure of the leaf - its outline and shape, remember what you like.

Viewing a presentation.

Teacher: What do you remember the most?

Students: How do the leaves shine through? - Oak leaves beautiful shape, curved; - I liked the mountain ash - leaves and berries ...

Teacher: The fact that the leaves are different, we are convinced of this. But what about the leaves is the same, similar?

Students: They grow on trees.

Teacher: It is true, but not only that they grow on trees, they all have the same structure: the leaf has a middle vein, similar to a tree trunk, the tree branches on the leaf depict veins growing to the sides - touch the convex veins with your fingers, feel them relief, and finally, the very shape of the leaf in the light is very reminiscent of the crown of a tree. Let's try to imagine how a plant grows from a seed of a tree and becomes a tall tree.

Fizkultminutka. (“The wind is blowing in my face, a tree is growing. The breeze is getting quieter, the tree is getting higher.” “We were autumn leaves, we were sitting on a tree, the wind blew - we flew. We flew and flew and quietly sat on the ground.”)

Teacher: I will show how the line will help me to depict different leaves. You can find out from which tree they fly and fall to the ground.(Show the picture on the board.)

Teacher: Take a pencil and start drawing, choose the leaves that you like the most, let them take up the free space.

Students do their own artistic work pencil.

Teacher: To make the leaves look elegant, bright, autumn, we will use felt-tip pens and colored pencils. Get started.

Students use felt-tip pens to complement the bright lines in the drawing and fill in the image of autumn leaves with shading with colored pencils.

Teacher Finished work fixes on the board for the express exhibition.

Teacher: What carpet did we get?

Students: colorful, elegant, bright, colorful, such as in the park.

Teacher: Today the line helped us in the image. The line can depict, draws everything that the artist wants. The line is a great helper, we will often refer to it. Say "thank you" to her for her help. I thank you, my dear students, for your creativity and diligence. The lesson is over.

Fine art lesson in grade 1

Subject: It can be shown as a line. Snail house.

Target: To introduce students to the expressive nature of the line, to develop the ability to use the line, give the concept of a spiral shape on a plane, learn to compare objects in shape, develop an eye, creative thinking, to cultivate a cognitive interest in the world around.

Type: Complex, developing graphic skills.

View: reproductive, exploratory and creative activity.


    To reveal the features of graphic means in a figurative poetic form.

    To teach children using various graphic means to depict the world around them.

Lesson progress

I . Organizing time

Checking the readiness of children for the lesson.

II . Updating of basic knowledge.

Today we will go to visit Pan Brush's art studio (slide 2). He teaches two of his students the dog Tube and the cat Blot (slide 3). To be able to draw correctly, you need to have theoretical knowledge. Now we will check how much you have theoretical knowledge. What are the primary colors? What colors are warm colors? To a cold scale?

Pan Brush gave the students a task: to draw heroes animated films. But their drawings remained unfinished. Let's help finish the drawings, but know that we only have three colors: red, yellow, blue. How can you use these colors to draw a hare (slide 4) a green shirt, a cat Leopold (slide 6) a purple bow, Smeshariki (slide 8) an orange hat?

III . Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Dialogue between Pan Pencil and Pani Paint (slide 10)

Pan Pencil .I have a serious conversation with you. My friends: felt-tip pens, pens, pencils are outraged that you constantly give preference to brushes.

Pani Tassel . For all your time. Just today we will draw not with paints, but with pencils, pens, and also get acquainted with the expressive possibilities of lines, their types and characters. We'll also see how the lines change depending on what we're drawing.

IV . Work on the topic of the lesson

chiefmeans of expression drawing has a line. It can be (slide 11) thin and smooth,

prickly and evil.

The artists came up with several names for the lines: delicate, fluffy, velvet, cheerful, thin.

The line can convey the character, mood (slides 12-19). For example: horizontal lines evoke feelings of calm, because they remind us of the sea, the sky. Even about the sofa on which you can lie down with your favorite book. And here vertical lines cause concern. Probably because they seem fast, directed upwards, as if calling for them to the stars. With the help of wavy lines, you can depict the calm uniform movement of the waves of the sea. If a wolf or a shark asks you to draw sharp teeth for them, then you can’t do without a broken line - it is sharp and angry.

Lines are divided into straight lines and curves. Lines can be horizontal or vertical in direction. If the lines do not have a horizontal or vertical direction, they are called oblique. A variety of lines are used in drawing: broken, wavy, combined. All these lines - straight and broken, thick and thin, short and long - can be turned into mountain peaks, sea waves, thorny plants, fluffy clouds and much more.

Form analysis, training exercises

Today we will try to draw a snail and its house with lines.

What is the shape of a snail's house? (slide 20)

The snail house (slide 21) has a spiral twisted shape. Pick up a pen. Do not put your hand on the table, keep it loose. With light touches, perform smooth rotational movements, as if winding a ball of thread.

game-exercise"House of the snail"

The snail played on the cabbage leaf

And she accidentally lost her house (slide 22).

We will help the snail and draw a house for it. To do this, take the pen and make a smooth movement, as if gradually twisting the line. The evidence really liked your houses (slide 23). She doesn't know where to stay. While the snail chooses a house for itself, let's draw its portrait (slide 24).

A snail appeared on the path,

Like a tourist with a backpack.

She own house carries on the back

Barely moves crawling.

Shiny horns like antennae

Strive into the sky angularly

She is learning the way

And he is going somewhere.

IV . Lesson summary

    Today we did not just draw, created, but helped the snail draw her house and portrait. In addition, depicting the nature of the snail, used different types lines.

INExhibition of student work and discussion.


1. L.N. Lyubarskaya "Fine Arts". Kyiv. "Forum", 2003.

Lesson 6
: can be shown as a line

Goals: develop the ability to see lines in nature; learn to draw with a line on a plane; develop imagination.

Equipment: pencils, felt-tip pens, photographs of landscapes, graphics samples.

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

Checking students' readiness for the lesson.

II. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- Today in the lesson, our familiar Master Wizard will introduce us to how you can draw a line on a plane. You will learn what a line is.

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. opening talk.

- What way of depicting objects did you learn in the last lesson? (Depict objects in volume.)

– What is volume?

- Give examples of three-dimensional images.

- Look and tell me what I just did. (Draw a line on the blackboard with chalk.)

Yes, I drew a line. A line can be drawn not only with chalk on a blackboard, a pencil, pen, felt-tip pen also leave a mark on paper - this is the line.

- What are the lines? (Straight, curved, oblique, etc.)

- The lines are different. What do lines look like in nature?

2. Work on the textbook.

- Look at the pictures on p. 29 textbooks.

What do the lines look like? (Tree branches.)

What do you see on the blackboard? (Landscapes.)

What do the lines in a landscape look like? (Tree trunks, herbs, branches, flowers, etc.)

- This is a graphic work of the artist.

Drawing with ink, pencil or charcoal is called graphics . IN graphic drawings we see the image as a line.

Lines can be confusing.

IV. Showing the teacher on a sheet of paper linear images.

“Look what a mess I made.


Happy, happy, happy

bright birches,

And on them with joy

Roses are growing.

Happy, happy, happy

dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Growing oranges.

It didn't rain from the cloud

And not hail

That fell from the cloud


And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

K. Chukovsky

- What confusion has occurred?

- What can be added to make some kind of image?

- I finished the tail, paws - I got a cat.

Children imitate the breath of the wind, shaking the torso in one direction, then in the other. On the words "quiet" children squat. On the words "higher" - they straighten up and raise their hands up.

The wind blows in our face

The tree swayed.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

The tree is getting higher and higher.

V. Practical creative activity of students.

- Try and you draw a confusion of lines.

“Look, try to find some image in it.

- Draw in such a way that an image of an object is obtained. Use a black marker or pencil for this.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

1. Exhibition of students' works and their discussion.

What kind of objects did you get a picture of?

Tell me about your drawings.

2. Generalization.

- What did you learn at the lesson?

3. Cleaning the workplace.
