Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views. Andrei Makarevich: biography, personal life, scandals and political views Does Makarevich have children

If you are curious to know if nature rests on the children of the stars, let's get to know the son of the legendary creator of the rock band Time Machine. 30-year-old Ivan Makarevich (photo presented in the article) did not follow in his father's footsteps, choosing the profession of an actor for himself. In the present, he plays in and actively acts in films. So, in more detail.

Ivan Makarevich: the beginning of the biography

The young man was born in 1987, June 30. He is the middle of three children of Andrei Makarevich. His mother, Alla Mikhailovna, a cosmetologist, divorced her husband two years after the birth of the heir, but managed to keep him a good relationship.

The father took an active part in the fate of Ivan, trying to instill a love of music. But two years of music school in the guitar class was enough for the boy to understand: this is not him. Ivan Makarevich became interested in playing the drums, which he still does.

At the end of the prestigious 45th gymnasium, the graduate went to storm the Moscow Art Theater School. He became a student, but a year later he was expelled. I did not despair, having tried to start all over again in GITIS. He studied at the course of S. Golomazov, to whose theater he was subsequently invited. He showed himself superbly in graduation performances, playing Lariosik in The Days of the Turbins, Vozhevatov in The Dowry, Petrusha in Possessed. Currently busy with "Arcadia" (Augustus Coverly) and "Kinomaniya. band".

Ivan Makarevich: filmography

The film debut of the aspiring actor took place in 2004. Alexei Sidorov, the director of the film "Shadow Boxing", saw his portrait in one of the magazines and invited him to audition. First main role in cinema became in the film "1814".

Then the proposals literally rained down on young actor, which today has 18 projects in its piggy bank. The most famous role was the image of the young Ivan the Terrible in the director's film of the same name (2009). This work largely changed his worldview: behind the appearance of a tyrant, he saw a deeply unhappy person who had experienced a difficult childhood.

Ivan Makarevich created on the screen the image of his own father. This happened in the film by Garik Sukachev called "House of the Sun" (2010). It is curious that it was Makarevich Jr. who played the son in the 2012 sequel.

In 2013, viewers could see the actor in the disaster movie Metro. He recreated the image of the assistant driver. Was Ivan Makarevich filmed in TV series?

The role of Sasha - a computer genius from the TV project "Survive After" (2014-2015) - he achieved with enviable persistence, passing the casting several times. So he liked the script. His last work was the television series "Hunting the Devil" (2017).

Currently, Ivan is involved in the filming of a comedy, which will soon be released on a wide screen.

Personal life

Ivan does not flaunt his personal life and is not a frequenter of secular parties. Not yet married. IN free time the young man plays in the musical groups Stinky and The Ant Principle, writes music. Ivan Makarevich also tries himself as a TV presenter on the Peretz channel.

Since the age of 14, he has been a vegetarian, while he loves to cook and dreams of opening a bakery. Like his father, he is fond of diving (his record is a dive to 38 meters), models clothes and tries himself in stand-up. Such an interesting young man with various interests is the son of A. Makarevich.

Makarevich Andrei Vadimovich is a famous, popular and sought-after musician and singer whom we all know and love since Soviet times. Makarevich is the author of the words and music of numerous songs that have become real hits of all times and peoples.

For several decades, he has shown himself not only as an excellent leader and permanent leader of the Time Machine team, but also as a leader cooking show, producer and even talented artist.

Andrei Vadimovich is a man with very strange political views that constantly run counter to the statements of state officials.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Makarevich

Many fans can accurately list which songs Andrei Makarevich wrote, but cannot specify his height, weight, age. How old Andrei Makarevich is is also not a universal secret.

Andrei Vadimovich was born in 1953, so he celebrated his sixty-third birthday. According to the sign of the Zodiac, he belongs to Sagittarius, who are famous for their sociability, friendliness, conservatism, inconstancy and adventurism.

According to Eastern horoscope, Makarevich refers to the wise, mysterious, intuitive, strong-willed Serpents.

The growth of Andrei Vadimovich is one meter and seventy-two centimeters, and the weight is frozen at around eighty kilograms.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich is the story of a creative and self-confident person who knows how to set goals and achieve their fulfillment.

Little Andrei was a Jew on his mother's side and either a Pole or a Belarusian on his father's side. He lived in an ordinary communal apartment and dreamed that he would someday have his own room.

The restless boy constantly changed the answer to the question of who he wants to become. Andryushka wanted to become a submariner, a diver, a paleontologist, or a herpetologist. Soon the boy became seriously interested in music, he entered music school in piano class.

The boy was a passionate person, he collected butterflies, bred rare snakes, swam and mastered skiing.

The guy collected records of popular foreign artists, adored the Beatles. Even in the seventh grade, Andrei began to write poems in which he criticized the authorities and the Soviet regime, and he also mastered the guitar on his own, knowing only three chords.

Makarevich studied at a school with in-depth study of the English language, so he could freely translate the lyrics of the songs of his favorite Liverpool four and make their cover versions. In 1968, the boy and his three friends created their own group, The Kids, in which at first two girls sang. However, a year later it was decided to rename musical group into the "Time Machine" and make it purely masculine.

After leaving school, Andrei was able to enter an architectural university, however, he was expelled in his fourth year, because he was overly fond of rock music. Since 1980, he was able to recover at the Moscow Architectural Institute, however, in the evening department. At the same time, a contract was signed with Rosconcert, and now "Time Machine" was able to tour throughout the country.

Makarevich from that time began to write songs that immediately became hits. He not only performed as part of a group, shot videos, but also became interested in working on television. Among the TV programs that Makarevich hosted, one can single out "Smak", "Underwater World", "Abazhur".

Filmography: films starring Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Vadimovich starred in the films "Soul" and "Start over", "Crazy Love" and "Afonya", "Still Pools" and "Schizophrenia". Makarevich constantly writes songs for films.

Created since 2001 new project The "Creole Tango Orchestra", as well, began to perform solo in the jazz club "Union of Composers". Makarevich is the chairman of the "Creation of the World" festival.

He was invited to the jury of KVN and Guess the Melody, and also arranged exhibitions own paintings made in graphic style. Engaged in dental and restaurant business, writes books and protects homeless animals.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich has always been confusing and very stormy. The guy attracted the attention of the female even in school years, the girls liked him because he wrote poetry and sang songs of his own composition.

The man never suffered from a lack of female attention, he was always surrounded by loving admirers. Makarevich not only managed to marry three times, but also started stormy romances on the side.

In the nineties, articles about the connection between Andrei and radio host Ksenia Strizh appeared in the yellow press every now and then. However, the woman did not comment on this information, calling it inflated, although she specified that she had met with Makarevich for about four years.

Since 1998, he had an affair for two years with a journalist who represented the Time Machine group at conferences, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. However, already in 2013, Makarevich began to talk about his readiness to marry for the fourth time, the singer Maria Katz became his chosen one.

Many fans are interested in the question of where Andrei Makarevich is now. It is worth noting that the singer has been openly expressing his oppositional views since 2014, so he fell into disgrace. He constantly clashed with colleagues and deputies, but was not going to leave Russia. At present, he lives not in Israel, as many people think, but in the capital of our Motherland.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The family of Andrei Makarevich was creative, musical and vibrant. None of the parents were professionally engaged in music. Almost all of Makarevich's ancestors were peasants, however, there were shoemakers, teachers, pathologists, architects and even priests in his family.

Father - Vadim Makarevich - was an architect, he went through the Great Patriotic War, losing his leg. The man drew beautifully and was fond of music, collected records of foreign performers.

Mother - Nina Makarevich - was well versed in music, however, she worked as a TB doctor. Received a scientific degree for experiments in the field of non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

The younger sister is Natasha, who was born in 1962, she followed in the footsteps of her parents and became a talented architect.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

The children of Andrei Makarevich are beloved, desired and terribly talented guys. They came from the same father, but from completely different mothers. All children survived the separation of their parents, but they did not remain without the support of their star dad.

Makarevich is not a Sunday dad, but a caring friend, mentor and assistant in any business. He does not divide children into those who were born in wedlock and those who were born out of wedlock. Both the son and daughters constantly feel that the father will help and support in Hard time.

Andrei Vadimovich argued that children should never be born in order to save the crumbling relationship of parents. They just need to be supported and loved.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich - was born in 1987, his second wife became his mother. The boy studied at a prestigious gymnasium and began to study music early.

After graduating from school, he decided to connect his life with the world of cinema, especially since he already had experience in filming. The young man made his debut in the film "Shadow Boxing", and then his filmography was replenished with works in the films "Brigade: Heir", "1814", "House of the Sun", "My boyfriend is an angel."

Ivan graduated from RATI, he plays drums and devotes himself to theater and cinema. He is fond of diving, not married.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana - is a mysterious and unusual face. It became known about her only after the third marriage of the musician broke up.

There is very little information about the girl, it is only known that she was born in 1975 as a result of an affair with a fan. The affair never developed into a relationship, an unknown girl moved to the USA and gave birth to a daughter.

Makarevich did not know that he had become a father, however, after Dana found him, he began to communicate with her. The woman lives in Philadelphia, she has a law degree and even heads a large pharmacological company.

Dana is married, her husband is a fairly respected businessman in the States.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, is the fruit of a sinful connection between the musician and the journalist Anna. The girl was born in 2000, and her parents separated in the same year.

Anya was raised by her mother and grandmother, she was diagnosed with hydrocephalus at birth, but it was not confirmed. The baby went to a regular kindergarten, now she is graduating from a prestigious school " golden ratio". The girl does not study well, however, she has her own opinion.

Anya does charity work. Last year, she experienced a real shock when a Tajik attacked her and took away her phone. The girl experienced an even greater shock when her father did not want to help her in such a difficult situation.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Fesunenko

Ex-wife Andrei Makarevich - Elena Fesunenko - appeared in the life of a novice singer and musician in 1976. She was the favorite daughter of a famous political commentator Soviet period Igor Fesunenko. He once helped Andrei and his project "Time Machine" to break through on tour.

The marriage was not strong and broke up three years later. The reasons for this were the constant tour of her husband with abundant alcohol libations. Elena Fesunenko also claimed that Andrei Makarevich liked to have affairs on the side.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Makarevich

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Makarevich - used to have the surname Golubkina, she became the wife of a musician and TV presenter in 1986. Alla had nothing to do with the world of music and show business, she worked as a cosmetologist.

Before starting a relationship with Andrei Makarevich, Alla was married to another rock musician - the soloist of the musical group "Sunday" Alexei Romanov.

The marriage lasted two years, it was not sealed even by the birth of an heir. The reasons for the divorce were called the loving nature of Makarevich and the jealousy of his wife.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Natalya Golub, is fifteen years younger than her husband. The woman is a talented stylist who is appreciated in the fashion world. Concurrently, Natasha is an excellent make-up artist and photo artist.

She appeared in the life of Makarevich in 2003, when she worked with him on the same projects. The man often invited Natasha to parties, but she constantly refused. After their first date took place at a concert of the Chaif ​​group, the couple began to live together.

Natalya was a partner even in Andrei's extreme hobbies, she supported her husband. Seven years later, the marriage suddenly broke up. The parties do not talk about the reasons for this, however, it became known that Dove began to live with a young guy from Argentina, where she recently moved.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich latest news tells that the singer and composer is writing new songs. He also actively tours, writes books and speaks on Radio Rain.

Makarevich is engaged in protecting his Political Views, sues his offenders and defends civil position.

In 2015, it was announced that Andrei Makarevich died tragically, the participants of the Grushinsky Festival and all Russians wanted to know the latest news about his death. The obituary was posted on the official website of the festival, as well as concerts were canceled and a collection was opened Money to the funeral.

It turned out that Makarevich did not die, just a hacker attack was made on the site. Andrei spoke harshly about the death on social networks, although the organizers were quick to apologize.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich exist only half, that is, the page in the second source is official. Makarevich's Instagram page does not exist at all. The point is that in this social network there are simply a huge number of groups that post photos and videos on behalf of the singer and composer.

The Wikipedia page contains reliable information about the personal and family life, filmography and musical hits created by Makarevich. Particular attention is paid to the political views of the creator of the "Time Machine" and his relationship with the current government.

1960 - 1970

Andrey Makarevich studied at the 19th Moscow school (a special school with an English bias), where in high school, thanks to the fact that in 1966 Andrey got acquainted with the music of The Beatles and, in his own words, became a Beatles fan, like many of his peers, and a group was invented and started, now known as the “Time Machine”. Initially, school team, in which Andrei played and sang, was called "The Kids" and he performed cover versions of English-language songs


Together with Beatleman classmates Alexander Ivanov, Pavel Ruben, Igor Mazaev and Yuri Borzov, and then Sergey Kavagoe, a student of a parallel school, the same “Time Machine” was organized, which, having replaced many participants, exists to this day. This group is associated with a huge part of life and creative activity Andrei Makarevich. For almost 50 years, he has been the permanent leader of the group, its main lyricist, as well as the composer and performer of a significant part of the songs.


entered the Moscow Architectural Institute


He was expelled (in fact, by a closed order of party authorities, due to disapproved rock music), after which he got a job as an architect at the Giproteatr (“ State Institute designing theaters and entertainment facilities"), where he worked until 1979. In 1975, he returned to the Moscow Architectural Institute for the evening department, graduating in 1977 with a diploma in architecture. However, the main occupation all this time was working with the "Time Machine"

Andrey Makarevich - Russian musician and composer, singer, bard, lyricist, TV presenter, founder and permanent leader of the Time Machine group.

Once Andrei gave his group such an unusual name, and did not even know that in a year it would reflect the whole essence of what they had been doing for many years on stage. After all, the music of the group does not age, it reaches a new generation through the years, the members continue to perform with a new line-up, and the fans will always associate the name of Makarevich with “Machine ...”

When the group first appeared on the Soviet scene, their music and lyrics immediately sunk into the souls of many listeners, and then young Makarevich first became popular. Even then, newspapers wrote about him as about a real breakthrough in Russian music, and today the middle-aged and gray-haired members of the team still remain idols for a whole generation.

It is not surprising that people are still interested in their work, and Makarevich himself has become a legend of rock and roll, about which fans want to know everything, even height, weight, age. You can find out how old Andrei Makarevich is on his Wikipedia page, as well as on many music sites on the net. Today, the composer is 64 years old, but he is not going to leave the stage, and in 2018 the group is still performing.

Biography of Andrei Makarevich

The biography of Andrei Makarevich originates in 1953 in Moscow. WITH early years the young man played the piano, composed uncomplicated melodies and dreamed that someday he would play for the public. The boy was very versatile, taught English language in a special school, and was also fond of collecting butterflies. In high school, he dreamed of becoming a reptile specialist, and even kept a live snake at home. In general, Andrey is an enthusiastic person, and his desires changed very often. Either he wanted to become a musician, then a biologist, then an athlete, he even became seriously interested in swimming, and after school he generally entered the Architectural Institute.

As a student, the guy played the guitar well, analyzed the songs of the Beatles, and with the same "Beatles" he created his own musical group, which the guys poetically called "Time Machine". After university, Makarevich worked as an architect, and music was his hobby, the guys performed on stage for themselves and a few spectators, and recorded several songs, including "Time Machines". At first they played in small clubs, at sessions, and did not earn any money at all, and then in 1979 they signed a contract with the Soyuzconcert, and that's when the popularity came.

Andrei Makarevich began to be invited to programs and television, and in 1993 he became the host culinary program"SMAK", which he led for 12 years.

Personal life of Andrei Makarevich

Andrey Makarevich became a good confirmation that good music, like water, is capable of sharpening a stone. So the unknown group that created good music“For myself” people liked it, and became known all over the Union, not thanks to money and connections, but due to the fact that it was real. Many fans who have lost sight of the group today are wondering where Andrei Makarevich is now, but the answer is simple - everything is right there, on stage. In 2018 they give a new tour in Russia.

The personal life of Andrei Makarevich, like his biography, has never been boring. The singer was officially married three times, but divorce followed three times in his life.

Family of Andrey Makarevich

The fact that Andrei grew up as a very versatile child and collected butterflies as a child, and also loved reptiles, is an absolute regularity, because his father, Vadim Grigoryevich, was an architect, taught at the Moscow Architectural Institute (where the future musician eventually entered), and his mother, Nina Markovna , worked as a microbiologist. The family of Andrei Makarevich, like many Soviet citizens, then lived in a communal apartment on Volkhonka. Here the young naturalist spent his childhood until the age of 10, until they moved to a dedicated apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt.

In his free time, Makarevich's father played the guitar and sang Vysotsky's songs, so Andrei is a good student of his father, who taught the guy to play musical instruments.

Children of Andrei Makarevich

During his life, the singer was officially married three times, and for a short time cohabited with different women. Maybe, creative person it’s hard to be in the company of someone who does not understand his hobbies, because Makarevich’s wives had nothing to do with music and show business, which is probably why the spouses did not find mutual language after marriage and how the first love passed.

Andrei Makarevich has three children from three women. The children of Andrei Makarevich - two daughters and a son today live separately from the singer, but he keeps in touch with his offspring, and on his birthday, his entire large family gathers in the singer's apartment.

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich

The son of Andrei Makarevich - Ivan Makarevich was born in 1987 in the second marriage of the actor with Alla Golubkina. Ivan grew up with his mother, but today it is clear to the naked eye that he is the son of Makarevich, since Ivan is simply exact copy singer. After school, the guy entered the Moscow Art Theater School, and then transferred to the Academy of Theater Arts, from which he graduated.

He played in the films "Shadow Boxing", "1814", and also played young Andrey Makarevich in the film "House of the Sun". The actor also plays in the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, and in the Moscow Praktika Theater.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich

The daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Dana Makarevich was born in 1975. Makarevich was then 22 years old, and he lived with a girl who gave birth to an illegitimate daughter from Andrei, but did not say anything to the man, she left for America. Already adult daughter the singer found him in Moscow and offered a meeting. The composer once said that he didn’t even doubt that Dana was his daughter, he saw right away.

The girl graduated from college with a degree in law, and works in Philadelphia. Dana is married to a businessman. Makarevich has already flown to his daughter in America, they often call back.

Daughter of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

Andrei Makarevich's daughter, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, was born in 2000 in the artist's third marriage to Anna Rozhdestvenskaya. When the girl was born, the parents immediately decided to name their daughter in honor of their mother, so two Anya appeared in their family. After the parents divorced, Makarevich's daughter stayed with her mother and grandmother.

Last year, the girl graduated from high school and made her debut at the Tatler 2017 ball in Moscow. The girl appeared in a purple dress and high heels, arm in arm with a young man. This year, Anya entered the university.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Elena Glazova

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Elena Glazova, was the daughter of the famous Soviet political observer Igor Fesunenko, who at that time helped Makarevich's group Time Machine, wrote reviews about their performances and style in music. So they met Lena, and immediately fell in love.

The girl was then still a student at the historical institute, and Makarevich did not start long round dances around the relationship, but immediately got married. In 1973, they had a wedding, although the young did not live long, only 3 years. Andrei does not like to talk about personal things, so the journalists do not know the reason for the collapse.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Alla Golubkina

Makarevich was unlucky with marriages, either love really lives for three years, or the singer just feels uncomfortable in a legal marriage, but Andrei Makarevich's ex-wife, Alla Golubkina, also lived with a man for only three years. After the first divorce, Andrei for a long time was alone, and then met Alla and almost immediately married her. The girl worked as a cosmetologist.

Within a couple of months, she became pregnant, and soon the couple had a son, Ivan, who today is an actor. Alas, their relationship began to deteriorate even during Alla's pregnancy, so soon after the birth of their son, they divorced.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Anna Rozhdestvenskaya

After his second wife, Makarevich had several more novels in which he briefly cohabited with women, and soon the media began to say that the singer had fallen in love again. This time, Makarevich's chosen one was the press officer of his Time Machine group, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, with whom he lived in a civil marriage. For a long time they just talked and looked at each other, then they began an affair, and in 1999 Anya became pregnant.

In 2000, their daughter was born, who today youngest daughter performer, but Makarevich got scared again and ran away from responsibility. The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich, Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, raised her daughter herself.

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich - Natalya Golub

The ex-wife of Andrei Makarevich is Natalya Golub, so far the last ex-wife of Makarevich. They met at work, Natalya, a stylist and photographer, helped with the design of the concerts, and somehow the couple gradually became closer. Even though the girl was much younger than the singer, it didn't bother them.

Makarevich had several unsuccessful marriages behind him, and Natalya just fell head over heels in love. So they started dating, and in 2003 they got married. With Natalia, the singer lived longer than all his women, they divorced in 2010.

Andrei Makarevich latest news

Andrei Makarevich has open oppositional views, which may be why the actor has been “buried” in the media several times. In 2015, one of the news sites reported that he had died, and then various Internet portals published such information for several years in a row. Last news the singer’s death was picked up very quickly, and the musician got tired of it, he even wrote on his Facebook page so that the journalists “Don’t dig in the manure.”

Fans of the artist today are very interested in whether the Time Machine group and its permanent leader Andrei Makarevich are performing. The latest news from the life of the singer says that the group not only continues to actively record songs, but also in 2018 they started a new tour in Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrei Makarevich will tell a lot of interesting things about his work. And the artist himself has repeatedly mentioned many funny stories from his privacy. For example, when their song was first taken as a soundtrack (the film "Soul"), after the premiere, all Makarevich's friends, including Mikhail Boyarsky and Sofia Rotaru, celebrated the event in his apartment on Leninsky Prospekt.

The pop stars were very noisy and the neighbor called the police, what was the surprise of the arriving patrol when Boyarsky himself opened the door for them, and behind him stood a whole crowd of all-Union famous artists. The scandal was hushed up, but this situation was remembered by the artist for life.

Makarevich Andrei Vadimovich (b. 1953) - Russian singer, musician, composer and poet, bard, graphic artist, television presenter and producer, leader and sole member musical group "Time Machine", which has not left the group since its foundation. Since 1991 - Honored Artist of the RSFSR, since 1999 - National artist RF.

Birth and family

His father, Makarevich Vadim Grigorievich, was born in 1924. During the Great Patriotic War in battles on the Karelian front he lost his leg. After the war, he went to work in the Gorstroyproekt workshop as a senior architect. In 1956 he was invited to the Moscow Institute of Architecture to teach at the Department of Building Physics. He worked at this place until 1993, received the title of associate professor, then professor. He took part in the development of the "Victory Monument" in Tallinn, the Moscow monument to Karl Marx, the pavilion of young naturalists at VDNKh. During the world exhibitions in Montreal and Brussels, as well as national exhibitions in Los Angeles, Genoa and Paris, designed the Soviet pavilions.

Mother, Nina Markovna Makarevich ( maiden name Shmuilovich) was born in 1926. As a child, she studied at a music school, was a phthisiatrician by profession, worked at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis. She defended her dissertation, had a lot scientific papers, among Soviet microbiologists, she was one of the first to study non-tuberculous mycobacteria.

My paternal grandparents were teachers. Before moving to Moscow, grandfather taught at a rural school. Grandmother taught biology, after the war she led the station for young naturalists, had the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR and an award - the Order of Lenin.

My mother's grandfather was a shoemaker, my grandmother worked in the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department (MUR) as a pathologist and forensic expert.

In 1962 Andrei was born younger sister Natasha, she, like her father, is an architect.

Childhood and school years

In Moscow, not far from the Museum fine arts named after Pushkin, on Volkhonka Street, there was a two-story house of the former princes Volkonsky. After the war, there was a communal apartment in it, and here the future musician spent his childhood.

The boy grew up comprehensively developed, read a lot, loved to watch his father draw, sometimes helped him. He imagined his future in different ways: at some time he really wanted to become a diver and explore the depths of the sea, then he decided to devote himself to the science of herpetology, which studies amphibians and reptiles. Little Andryusha liked to collect butterflies.

Soon the family received a separate apartment on Komsomolsky Prospekt. In this area, Andrei began his studies at school number 19, which was considered specialized, in which they studied English in depth.

But most of all, the boy was still attracted to music. My father played the piano very well, and there were a lot of records in the house. Therefore, Andrey got used to the constant sound of music - both modern and classical. However, when he was sent to a music school for the piano class, he studied for about three years and dropped out. By that time, he had already become acquainted with the work of Bulat Okudzhava and began to selfeducation playing the guitar. Gradually, he began to compose poetry himself and play bardic melodies.

In addition to music, the boy was also interested in sports, from the fourth grade he went to diving classes, later he was carried away by alpine skiing.

Introduction to The Beatles

In 1966, an event occurred that turned the fate of Makarevich: he heard the music of The Beatles. Andrei, like many of his peers, became an avid Beatleman. It seemed to the guy then: everything he had heard before was not music, and only now it felt like cotton wool had been pulled out of his ears, which had not allowed him to hear the beautiful for a long time. Everything inside him moved and turned over irreversibly.

In the morning before school, he listened to The Beatles, coming home after class, again turned on the tunes of his favorite group, and they sounded in the apartment until late at night. When the parents, exhausted by the Beatles, ran out of patience, they put their son with his tape recorder on the balcony. And he turned the volume up to full power so that everyone around him could also listen and enjoy.

In the eighth grade, Andrei organized at school Music band called "The Kids", the guys played in the style of folk-rock, country, and also performed cover versions of English-language compositions.

In 1968, Andrey organized the Time Machine group, which included his classmates, the same Beatles like him - Sasha Ivanov, Igor Mazaev, Pasha Rubin and Yura Borzov. Soon, a guy from a parallel school, Sergei Kawagoe, also joined them. This group has become for Makarevich the work of his whole life, for almost half a century he has been its permanent leader, author of words and music, performer of many songs.

"Time Machine"

However, having received a certificate, at the insistence of the parents, in order to have higher education and a decent profession, Andrei continued his studies at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Three years later he was expelled. Official version sounded like "an untimely departure from the workplace at the vegetable base." And unofficially, this was a closed order of the party organization, which did not share Makarevich's passion for rock music.

"Time Machine" still remained in the first place for Andrey. Along the way, he began working at the Giproteatre (the organization was engaged in the design of buildings for entertainment facilities and theaters). He recovered at the institute, studied at the evening department, in 1977 he received a diploma in the specialty "architect" and "graphic artist".

And in 1979, "Time Machine" issued an official contract with the state concert and tour bureau "Soyuzkontsert", which gave her legal status. Finally, Andrei was able to leave the Giproteater and be listed in work book performer and musician.

The group was gaining rapid popularity in the country, each of them new song became a classic Soviet rock:

  • "Circle clean water»;
  • "There will be a day";
  • "From end to end";
  • "Right";
  • "Flag over the castle";
  • "You or me";
  • "Candle";
  • "Puppets";
  • "Oh, what a moon";
  • « Flying Dutchman»;
  • "Three windows";
  • "Black and white color";
  • "Turn";
  • "Snow".

Records of the "Time Machine" diverged according to Soviet Union, the musicians became famous, and a big touring life began. In 1987 they left the USSR, concerts were held in Poland, Mozambique, Japan, Spain, Bulgaria, USA.

The compositions of "Time Machine" sounded in popular films:

  • "Afonya";
  • "Speed";
  • "Double overtaking";
  • "Bartender from the Golden Anchor";
  • "Dogs";
  • "Glass Labyrinth";
  • "Moscow holidays";
  • "The Arithmetic of Murder";
  • "Schizophrenia";
  • "Crossroads".

In 1992, the book "Everything is very simple" was published, where Andrei Makarevich tells about the life of the group. The team celebrated its 25th anniversary with a grandiose performance on Red Square in 1993. In 1998, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the group, all members of the team were awarded the Order of Honor.

In 2002, Andrey organized the Creole Tango Orchestra, which included the best Russian jazz musicians. Since that time, he has been touring with two bands - "Time Machine" and "Creole Tango Orchestra".

In 2003, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed a Decree on awarding Makarevich the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Personal life

In the life of Andrei Makarevich there were three official marriages and several legally unregistered ones. romantic relationship.

The first marriage was registered in 1976 with a student of the historical and archival institute Lena Fesunenko. Her father was a well-known political commentator. Parents gave the young a chic apartment, but living together did not work out. The Time Machine team at that time did not see any light from the tour, which did not help to strengthen family relations. The couple lived for three years.

The second chosen one of Makarevich was Alla Golubkina. They got married in 1986, a year later the couple had a boy, Ivan. This relationship, like the previous ones, lasted about three years. Andrei's son, Ivan Makarevich, is a Russian musician and actor, graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School on the course of Konstantin Raikin, is known for the films: “Shadow Boxing”, “Shadow Boxing. Revenge”, “Ivan the Terrible”, “House of the Sun”, “Metro”. Vanya maintains a close relationship with his father.

In the early 90s, the musician had a close relationship with the radio host of the Europa Plus station, Ksenia Strizh.

In 1998, Makarevich entered into a civil marriage with journalist Anna Rozhdestvenskaya, at that time she also worked as a press officer in the Time Machine team. In 2000, the couple had a girl, Anya, but the joint child did not save this relationship either. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, Andrei and Anna broke up.

The third time Makarevich officially married Natalya Golub in 2003. The woman was 15 years younger than her husband, worked as a make-up artist, photo artist, and stylist. This marriage turned out to be longer than all the previous ones, the couple lived together for about seven years. In 2010, Andrei and Natasha divorced.

Andrew has more illegitimate daughter Dana. She was born in 1975, and dad found out about her existence when the girl was already 19 years old. She permanently resides in the United States in the city of Philadelphia, works as a lawyer, married to a businessman. He maintains a relationship with his father, but rarely comes to Russia.

Since 2013, Andrei has been living in a civil marriage with Russian singer Maria Katz ( stage name Judith). She was the first Russian performer to represent her country at international competition"Eurovision" in 1994, performed the song "Eternal Wanderer" and took ninth place.

About all your former women Andrew speaks with respect. The reason for parting was always the same: love passed, and if there is no feeling, then why continue to live and torment each other, it is better to stop in time and remain good friends.

A television

On Russian television Andrey Makarevich is certainly associated with culinary show Smak, which has been airing on Channel One for almost a quarter of a century. The first broadcast took place in November 1993. Every week on Saturday morning, the stars of domestic show business, sports, politics, cinema and theater came to visit the musician to cook their signature dish.

It was Andrey's author's transmission, even the name "Smak" was deciphered as "With Makarevich" (or "Advice from Makarevich"). His first guest was best friend, a wonderful actor Alexander Abdulov, who cooked pilaf.

In March 2005, the program was closed due to the fact that it had been on television for too long. Makarevich began to lead new gear“Three Windows”, in which famous guests again came, but they shared not only culinary secrets, but also their own creative achievements. Also in the program, Andrey showed many fragments of his travels around the world.

However, " Three windows"The rating turned out to be too low, the program was closed, and Smak was revived, but with a new presenter - showman Ivan Urgant. The first guest in the updated Smak program was its author and inspirer Andrey Makarevich.

In 1998-1999, Makarevich hosted another of his author's programs "Abazhur", where he talked with the stars. His first guest was Alla Pugacheva.

In 2001-2002 Andrey was the host music program"Macarena".

From 2003 to 2006, he introduced viewers to the beauty of the underwater world in his next author's program “Underwater World with Andrei Makarevich”.


Since 1970, the musician has regularly arranged exhibitions of his graphic works, and they are held not only in Russia, but also abroad - in Italy, the USA, Latvia, Great Britain.

Among his other hobbies are diving, underwater photo and video shooting, cooking, billiards, archeology. As in childhood, Andrey is fond of collecting, only now he collects not butterflies, but drums and stringed instruments.

Makarevich is a member of the Board of Trustees at the BIM Animal Welfare Foundation. Together with the Russian singer Elena Kamburova, at the Mendeleevskaya metro station in Moscow, he opened a monument to a dog killed in the metro. repeatedly gave charity concerts The proceeds from which went to help homeless animals.
