Trading in honor, you will not get rich (School essays). Works about honor and dishonor Materials for the main part of the work

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Official comment: The direction is based on polar concepts related to the choice of a person: to be true to the voice of conscience, to follow moral principles or go the way of betrayal, lies and hypocrisy. Many writers focused on depicting various manifestations of a person: from loyalty moral rules before various forms compromise with conscience, up to a deep moral decline of the individual.

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From explanatory dictionary: Definition of concepts: 1. "Honor is a moral or social dignity, something that causes, maintains respect (for oneself or from others). || Chastity, purity (women; obsolete) (D.N. Ushakov's dictionary) 2. "Disgrace - any action contrary to honor, inflict dishonor, shame, disgrace, disgrace, reproach, reproach. Dishonest, in whom or in what there is no honor, honesty, truth. ”(V.I. Dahl’s dictionary)

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"Honor is the dignity of a morally living person." (D.S. Likhachev) "Who is not ready to die for the sake of his own honor, he acquires dishonor." (Blaise Pascal) "If you want to succeed in this world, promise everything and deliver nothing." (Napoleon) “Honor cannot be taken away, it can be lost” (A.P. Chekhov) “Trading in honor, you will not get rich” F.M. Dostoevsky “It is easy to be called a person, it is more difficult to be a person” (proverb)

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Sample Topics 1. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honest eyes do not look sideways”? 2. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Honor goes along the road, and dishonor is on the sidelines”? 3. How do you understand the meaning of the proverb “Death is better than dishonor”? 4. How do you understand the meaning of F.M. Dostoevsky’s statement “Trading in honor, you will not get rich” 5. A work about honor and dishonor that excited you ... 6. It is easy to call yourself a person, it is more difficult to be a person (proverb). 7. How are the words "honor", "honesty", "purity" similar? 8. Why was honor valued at all times? 9. Is it appropriate to talk about honor and conscience in our time? 10. How do you understand what “honor” and “disgrace” are?

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Universal introduction: Honor is that high spiritual force that keeps a person from meanness, betrayal, lies and cowardice. This is the core that strengthens the individual in choosing an act, this is a situation where conscience is the judge. Life often tests people, putting them before a choice - to act honorably and take a hit on themselves, or to be cowardly and go against conscience in order to gain benefits and get away from troubles, possibly death. A person always has a choice, and from his moral principles depends on how he does it. The path of honor is difficult, but the retreat from it, the loss of honor, is even more painful. Being a social, rational and conscious being, a person cannot but think about how others treat him, what they think about him, what assessments are given to his actions and his whole life. At the same time, he cannot help thinking about his place among other people. This spiritual connection of a person with society is expressed in the concepts of Honor and Dignity.

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.A. Akhmatova Poem “I am not with those who left the earth ...” Anna Andreevna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966) - poetess, translator, literary critic. After the revolution, Anna Akhmatova faced a choice: to stay in a destroyed and hungry Russia or to emigrate to prosperous Europe. Many of Anna Andreevna's acquaintances left Russia, fleeing the upcoming repressions. Anna Andreevna also had such an opportunity, but the poetess refused it, although she assumed that life in Russia would be extremely difficult. Up to mass repressions, acquaintances repeatedly offered Akhmatova to emigrate, but she refused each time. In 1922, the border was closed and arrests of people objectionable to the authorities began. At this moment, A.A. Akhmatova will write a poem “I am not with those who threw the earth ...” “I am not with those who threw the earth To be torn to pieces by enemies. I will not listen to their rude flattery, I will not give them my songs. (A.A. Akhmatova)

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.S. Pushkin Captain's daughter» Petr Grinev, Shvabrin, Emelyan Pugachev A.S. Pushkin often addressed the theme of honor and dishonor in his work. In the work "The Captain's Daughter" this theme will become central. This is also indicated by the epigraph of the work: "Take care of honor from a young age." Yes, and the father of the protagonist instructs his son not to seek any ranks, but to serve honestly, not to please the authorities, but to protect the honor of a nobleman. Pyotr Andreevich Grinev swears allegiance to the Empress and the Fatherland, he is ready to give his life for the Empress. The hero finds himself in the center of terrible events - the Pugachev rebellion. Pyotr Andreevich refuses to swear allegiance to the false sovereign in the name of salvation own life“My parents blessed me. The father said to me: “Farewell, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you swear; obey your superiors; don’t chase after their affection; don’t ask for service; don’t dissuade yourself from service; and remember the proverb: take care of your dress again, and honor from a young age.” (A.S. Pushkin)

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Work Personalia Situation Quote A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrin, Emelyan Pugachev There is another hero in the work - Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin, who forgot about his noble honor and went over to the side of Emelyan Pugachev. But this does not earn Pugachev's respect. Pushkin shows that even Pugachev understands that a person who has betrayed once can commit betrayal both a second and a third time. The concept of honor is not alien to Emelyan Pugachev himself. He is able to appreciate someone else's nobility and someone else's honor, and he himself is true to his word “I was again led to the impostor and put on my knees before him. Pugachev held out his sinewy hand to me. “Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!” - they said around me. But I would prefer the most cruel execution to such vile humiliation.

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A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky” Senior Dubrovsky is a hereditary nobleman, whose honor comes from his position and the history of the family, for Troekurov it is wealth and power. For Dubrovsky's son, Vladimir, as well as for Grinev, the main aspect of the honor motive is duty, first of all, to his father, which makes him take revenge on Kirila Petrovich. Later, the debt to the father degenerates into a debt in relation to the object of his love, the daughter of Troekurov.

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A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” “But Your Honor is my guarantee, and I boldly entrust myself to her,” - lines from a letter from Tatyana Larina from A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", completing a declaration of love, not only expresses the hope of a young girl for the decency and dignity of the chosen one. They sound faith in the fact that the honor of the heroine herself will not be abused. For Larina, the concept of honor, moral purity is the basis of the worldview. Guided by her idea of ​​duty, she remains faithful to her husband, rejecting Onegin's love. It is possible to sacrifice love, but not to sacrifice honor.

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Leo Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace. The Bolkonskys are an old aristocratic family. They are rightfully proud of their services to the Fatherland. high concept about honor, pride, independence, nobility and sharpness of mind old prince passed on to his son, Prince Andrei. Both despise upstarts and careerists like the Drubetskys, Kuragins, Bergs, for whom there is no concept of honor. He does not think of any other way for his son, except for the path of honor, Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky. The pain that the news of the death of Prince Andrei will bring, he will accept. But the message of dishonor ... "I will be ... ashamed!" Consider: shame worse than death. For the Bolkonsky family, the category of honor, moral purity is fundamental.

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Leo Tolstoy's novel “War and Peace. Tolstoy shows honor and dishonor, drawing images of two commanders - the defender of the Fatherland Kutuzov and the invader Napoleon. An invading enemy cannot be honest. The essence of his act is the seizure of someone else's, which does not belong to him, and murder. Napoleon is depicted in the novel as selfish and narcissistic, haughty and arrogant. The figure of Kutuzov is opposite to Napoleon. He is depicted as the leader of the just people's war as a man of honor and high morality.

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V. Bykov "Sotnikov" Does not bypass the problem of preserving honor and literature about the Great Patriotic war. Become a coward, dishonor yourself with betrayal and continue to live with it - this is the choice Rybak makes. He agrees to serve as a policeman, knocks out a support from under the feet of a former fellow soldier and becomes the executioner of the one with whom he fought shoulder to shoulder yesterday. He stays alive and suddenly catches on himself a look full of hatred. Hate him, coward and traitor, dishonorable person. Now he is an enemy - both for people and for himself too ... Fate deprives Rybak of the opportunity to commit suicide, he will live with his stigma of dishonor

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The merchant Kalashnikov in the famous "Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov ..." M.Yu. is the defender of popular ideas about honor and dignity. Lermontov. Having based the plot on a real event, Lermontov fills it with deep moral sense. Kalashnikov comes out to fight "for the holy truth, mother", for family values, for honor. Who, if not he, should save his wife from dishonor. Alena Dmitrievna is faithful to her husband, does not hide her misfortune, asks him for protection from shame. The image of the merchant Kalashnikov is close to the popular ideal. Just like the heroes folk epics and legends, Stepan fights for honor and justice, defends Eternal values.. Stepan Paramonovich is calm and ready to accept death, because the honor of his family, the honor of the Kalashnikov family, is at stake. It is noteworthy that all his brothers are on the square, ready to defend mother truth after Stepan. Note that Kiribeevich delivers the first blow. Daring or meanness again? .. And now the battle is over. The winner is accountable to the king. The answer IN CONSCIENCE touched Grozny. Stepan Paramonovich was executed with "a cruel, shameful death" and buried between three roads, in an unmarked grave. Not like a good Christian at all. But the royal court parted ways with the people's court. Buried like a robber, the merchant Kalashnikov became truly folk hero

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CONCLUSION OPTIONS: And in conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of honor contains the desire for moral ideal. But, unfortunately, many people have lost the line between honor and dishonor. In any case, the loss of honor leads to negative consequences- either a person is disappointed in himself, or becomes an outcast in society and harms people. But as long as a person is alive, honor is also alive. The famous American philosopher Benjamin Franklin said this very accurately: “Real honor is the decision to do under all circumstances what is useful to most people.”

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2) Choose one of them to write an essay 3) Formulate main idea contained in this topic, that is, formulate a thesis. 4) Pick up arguments for one of the topics on which you will write an essay. 5) Arrange your material in a table Selected topic Main idea Planned arguments

“You won’t get rich by trading in honor,” said the great Russian writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the 19th century. And now is the 21st century, but the relevance of this statement is obvious: in our century there are people for whom the word "honor" is an empty phrase. Fortunately, there are those who “preserve honor from a young age”, choosing the path of truth and justice, realizing that the path of dishonor is a road to nowhere. I am convinced of the correctness of this point of view fiction. (68 words) I am sure that civil servants, endowed with power, like no other, must comply with the code of honor. They are, after all, servants of the people. Alas, sometimes this does not happen. Let's remember Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's comedy The Inspector General. Many modern officials in their actions and behavior are similar to Gogol's heroes. So, the mayor Anton Antonovich Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky is a bribe taker who began his service from the lower ranks, but managed to rise to the post of mayor. He knows how to adapt to any situation ("the transition from fear to joy, from rudeness to arrogance is quite fast") and to benefit from everything for himself. It doesn't matter to him how things really go in the city. In the first place - personal gain, as well as the good opinion of the authorities, because the mayor is "a smart person and does not like to miss what floats into his hands." The hero knows that his word is the last thing that will happen, as he says. Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky treats his subordinates condescendingly, with them he is often rude and often unfair. But with superiors, Anton Antonovich - courtesy and attentiveness itself. For this man, the word "honor" means nothing. Agree, in Anton Antonovich you can easily recognize the features of some of our mayors ... Fortunately, those who sincerely love their Motherland, the nature surrounding them, who are ready to give their lives for the sake of harmony reigning in the world, do not want to trade in honor. I think that everyone knows Yegor Polushkin, the hero of Boris Vasiliev's story "Don't Shoot the White Swans". He is in love with the forest, with the river, with nature in general. He is characterized by poetic feelings, the ability to empathize. Yegor is surprisingly receptive to everything beautiful, he is used to doing any work conscientiously. He does not know how, and does not want to be cunning, tricky, to extract his own benefit from everything. Egor realized that he must fight for the preservation of natural beauty, for the awakening of the deaf to this beauty. human souls. He is trying to awaken in people a craving for the good and the beautiful, and consequently, the conscience that is dormant in some. Egor expresses his moral credo as follows: “We are with you in a good deed, and a good deed asks for joy, and not gloom. Malice breeds malice, we often remember this, but the fact that good is born from good is not very good. But this is the main thing!” People like Yegor will never trade in honor! (342 words) And in conclusion, I would like to say that the concept of "honor" contains the desire for a moral ideal. Unfortunately, many people have forgotten how to see the difference between the words "honor" and "disgrace." It must be understood that the loss of honor leads to negative consequences: either a person is disappointed in himself, or becomes an outcast in society and harms people. But as long as a person is alive, honor is also alive. The famous American philosopher Benjamin Franklin very accurately said this: “Real honor is the decision to do under all circumstances what is useful to most people.” (494 words)

Suppose you were transplanted into business for your literary achievements, for a beautiful voice, for a pleasant appearance.

Suppose. He did not take part in this. My plane does not reach Vladivostok, and even more so it will not fly from Vladivostok to Moscow.

Suppose. Why tell everyone about it? Flying in business is like an achievement. Achievement? Is it? Recognition of your merit? I doubt.

It was possible to beg for a seat, someone fell for your persuasions, in violation of the instructions, under the astonished glances of real business class passengers who paid their hard-earned money; and a transformation took place, from asking and pleading a minute ago you turned into a business class passenger. We need to let everyone know as soon as possible. Business already knows. The economy guesses. Others will know about it immediately:

After a few minutes, the message was deleted and the link to Twitter is empty:

Nothing found for

Why mention me on twitter if only Aeroflot is mentioned in the message to the photo on instagram?:

Excuses have begun:

No. 3, 2008

Class hour

S. K. Razieva,

teacher PL-6, Almaty


1. to explore the level of formation of personal and moral self-determination of students;

2. determine the level of formation of the ability to make collective decisions.

3.development of the ability to find compromises in the presence of competitive points of view.

Conduct form. Group discussion

Equipment. Illustrations, sayings, overhead projector, color power table, task cards, association poster.


Everything human in a person must be brought up. A. S. Makarenko.

To be this or that is up to us. Each of us is a garden, and the gardener in it is the will. Whether nettles, lettuce, dill, cumin, one or many things grow in us, die out without care or grow luxuriantly - we ourselves are the masters of all this. Shakespeare.

Life is true, in moving forward, in improving oneself and in improving the life of the world. Everything that does not lead to this is not life, especially since it prevents it. L. N. Tolstoy.

Personality is a title that does not give benefits. Boris Lesnyak.

All our dignity lies in the ability to think. Thought alone elevates us, not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think worthily - this is the basis of morality. Pascal.

Morality is the direction of the will towards common, universal goals. He who acts for a private purpose is immoral.

R. Emirson.

Every person has an ineradicable desire to develop to the fullest extent of the forces given to him by nature ... The whole point human life is to develop one's "I" by doing what one feels fit for. T. Carlyle.

Class hour progress

1. introduction teachers.

Man has been living among people since his birth. Among them, he takes his first steps and speaks his first words, develops and reveals his abilities. Only human society can become the basis for the development of personality, for the development of the "I" of each person. And such a society can become not only large association people, but also a small group.

The group is divided into subgroups. Commentary on the principle of division.

On the codoscope there is an inscription of the word "Friend", each letter of the name of which has a certain meaning:

D - we think

R - solve

U - learning

G - we are preparing to be useful to people.

1. Moral law within everyone

On the laws of morality. What is included in the concept of "morality"? (Morality - the rules that determine behavior; spiritual and spiritual qualities necessary for a person in society, the implementation of rules, behavior.)

What qualities should a moral person have?

For each of us, it is always very important how others treat him, what they think about him, how his actions and all his activities are evaluated.

1 group.

ü Honor cannot be taken away, it can only be lost. A. Chekhov.

ü Honor is an outward conscience, and conscience is an inward honor.

A. Schopenhauer.

- What is the name of the need for social approval inherent in each of us? (Honor.)

Honor is a good glory about a person, about his deeds. And “not to drop” this glory is the highest moral duty of a person. And it depends on what a person’s actions bring to people - good or evil - it depends whether he drops this feeling or keeps it pure. Yes, it's an honor.

There is such an instruction among the people: do not exchange honor for lentil stew. What is meant here? A person with honor will not exchange it for any temptation, material wealth, a tempting offer.

You don't get rich trading honor. Is it so?

Long ago in public consciousness the Russian proverb was fixed: "Take care of honor from an early age." Why? For what ? For this desire to become conscious, an integral part of life.

What does this desire depend on? ? From environment, from the people with whom we communicate, from education. And most importantly - yes, from the person himself, from how he seeks to embody the principles of honor in himself and in his way of life.

What actions determine a person's honor? Honor is determined by the attitude to duties, to work, to other people, to a woman, to children.

Let us recall Socrates, who, preferring death to prison and exile, drank poison. He made his choice. Here is how V. I. Tolstykh describes this moment in his book Socrates and Us:

“Having no illusions about the fate prepared for him, Socrates meets the verdict with a feeling of the greatest dignity: “There is protection against people, but there is no protection against rumor. She has a thousand mouths, and she has a thunderous voice. She is not, and she is everywhere. And so I knew for a long time that I was condemned. And always waiting today and prepared for it…” He asks the disciples: “I would like you, who talked with me, to tell later that I was not condemned because I lacked arguments at the trial. The arguments were not listened to. Instead, fellow citizens were waiting only for repentance. Waiting for me to disown myself. In a word, he said everything that they are used to hearing from others here. But you all remember: in the days of youth, when I fought with weapons for great city Athens, I've been threatened with death more than once. But he never resorted to shamelessness and cowardice. But in war, as in court, it is so easy to escape from death. You just need to throw down your weapons and turn to the persecutors with a prayer, you just need to forget yourself and agree to do anything.

- "Forget yourself" and "Losing yourself" - is there a difference in these expressions?

- What does today's inhabitant of the planet need in order not to lose himself?

Let's think about it. We will try to isolate the main thing on which the honor and dignity of a person are based. What do you consider the most important?

- Respect for the individual, for any person. And here the ability to listen and hear the other person is important. As Socrates said, to understand that the other is you, the ability to take responsibility, loyalty to the word, friendship, reliability, service to the truth, willingness to help the weak ...

When summarizing your thoughts, think about moral choice in your life, about the place of honor in it.

Honor is a moral requirement that prescribes a person's way of life and actions, and also does not allow to humiliate the dignity of a person, both one's own and another person. Do you accept this definition?

Honor is the moral qualities and ethical principles of a person worthy of respect and pride.

2 group

ü The virtues of a man should not be judged by his good qualities but by how he uses them. La Rochefoucauld.

ü Dignity is man's respect for the law of humanity in his own person. Immanuel Kant.

The next component of morality is inextricably linked with the honor of a person.

Think about what, like honor, is important to preserve? Dignity.

What is personal dignity? The answer to this question is both easy and difficult at the same time. Try to mentally list the virtues of your closest friend. You may remember about his reliability, loyalty, kindness, honesty, intelligence, erudition and much more. That is, dignity is any positive quality. In other words, dignity is the significance of a person. Each of us shows his dignity every day and every hour - at work, in school, at home. This feeling elevates a person, gives his activity, all his aspirations a certain nobility. There may be people who can offend, humiliate you, but the right to self-respect cannot be taken away.

Here is the mysterious tool

It has been built for centuries

But it is lost in the moment.

Whether under the bombing, under the accordion,

Under beautiful chatter

Withered, destroyed

Crushes at the root.

Feeling of Self Dignity -

Here is the mysterious path

On which to break - easily,

But from which you can not turn.

Because without delay

Inspirational, pure, lively,

Dissolve, turn to dust

Your human image.

B. Okudzhava
