The main characters on Clean Monday. The image and characteristics of the protagonist in the story Pure Monday Bunin essay

In 1937, Ivan Bunin began work on his best book. For the first time the collection Dark alleys published after the end of World War II. This book is a collection of short tragic stories about love. One of the most famous stories Bunina - " Clean Monday". Analysis and summary works are presented in today's article.

"Dark alleys"

The analysis of Bunin's "Clean Monday" should begin with brief history creating a work. This is one of latest stories included in the collection "Dark Alleys". Bunin completed work on the work Clean Monday on May 12, 1944. The story was first published in New York.

Probably, the writer was pleased with this essay. Indeed, in his diary, Bunin wrote: “I thank God for the opportunity to create Clean Monday.”

Bunin in each of his works included in the collection "Dark Alleys" reveals to the reader the tragedy and catastrophic nature of love. This feeling is beyond human control. It suddenly comes into his life, gives fleeting happiness, and then certainly causes unbearable pain.

The narration in the story "Clean Monday" by Bunin is in the first person. The author does not name his characters. Love breaks out between the two young people. They are both beautiful, wealthy, healthy and seemingly full of energy. But something is missing in their relationship.

They go to restaurants, concerts, theaters. Discuss books, performances. True, the girl often shows indifference, even hostility. “You don’t like everything,” one day says main character, but he does not attach importance to his words. A passionate romance is followed by a sudden parting - sudden for a young man, not for her. The ending is typical of Bunin's style. What caused the breakup between the lovers?

On the eve of the Orthodox holiday

The story describes their first meeting, but the story begins with events that take place some time after they met. The girl attends courses, reads a lot, otherwise leads an idle lifestyle. And it seems to be quite satisfied with everything. But this is only at first glance. He is so absorbed in his feeling, his love for her, that he does not even suspect the other side of her soul.

It is worth paying attention to the title of the story - "Clean Monday". Meaning Bunin's story pretty deep. On the eve of the holy day, for the first time, a conversation about religiosity takes place between lovers. Before that, the main character did not suspect that the girl was attracted by everything connected with the church. In his absence, she visits Moscow monasteries, moreover, she is thinking about monasticism.

Clean Monday is the beginning of Lent. On this day, cleansing rites are held, the transition from fast food to Lenten restrictions.


One day they go to the Novodevichy Convent. By the way, this is a rather unusual route for him. Previously, they spent time exclusively in entertainment establishments. A visit to a monastery is, of course, the idea of ​​the protagonist's beloved.

The next day, for the first time, intimacy occurs between them. And then the girl leaves for Tver, from there she sends a letter to her lover. In this message, she asks not to wait for her. She became a novice of one of the Tver monasteries, and perhaps decides to be tonsured. He will never see her again.

After he received the last letter from his beloved, the hero began to drink, sink, then nevertheless came to his senses. One day later for a long time, saw a nun in a Moscow church, in whom he recognized his former lover. Perhaps the image of his beloved was too firmly planted in his mind, and it was not her at all? He didn't say anything to her. He turned and walked out of the temple gate. This is the summary of Bunin's Clean Monday.

Love and tragedy

The heroes of Bunin do not find happiness. In "Clean Monday", as in other works of the Russian classic, we are talking about love, which brings only bitterness and disappointment. What is the tragedy of the heroes of this story?

Probably because, being close, they did not know each other at all. Each person is a whole universe. And sometimes even relatives cannot unravel his inner world. About loneliness among people, about love, which is impossible without complete mutual understanding, Bunin said in Clean Monday. Analysis artwork can not be done without the characteristics of the main characters. What do we know about the girl who, living in abundance and being loved, went to the monastery?

main character

When analyzing Bunin's "Clean Monday", it is worth paying attention to the portrait of a nameless girl, which the author creates at the beginning of the work. She led an idle life. She read a lot, studied music, liked to visit restaurants. But all this she did somehow indifferently, without much interest.

She is educated, well-read, enjoys immersing herself in the world of luxury. secular life. She likes good kitchen, while she wonders, "how are people not bored every day for lunch and dinner"? She calls acting skits vulgar, while the relationship with her lover ends with a visit to the theater. Bunin's heroine cannot understand what his purpose in this life is. She is not one of those who have enough to live in luxury, talk about literature and art.

Inner world main character very rich. She is constantly thinking, is in a spiritual search. The girl is attracted by the surrounding reality, but at the same time she is frightened. Love becomes not a salvation for her, but a problem that terribly burdens, forces her to make the only right sudden decision.

The main character refuses worldly pleasures, and this shows her strong nature. "Clean Monday" is not the only story from the collection "Dark Alleys", in which the author paid a lot of attention to the female image.

Bunin brought to the fore the experiences of the hero. At the same time, he showed a rather contradictory female character. The heroine is satisfied with the lifestyle she leads, but all sorts of details, little things, depress her. Finally, she decides to enter a convent, thereby destroying the life of the man who loves her. True, she causes suffering to herself. Indeed, in the letter that the girl sends to her lover there are the words: “May God give me the strength not to answer you.”

Main character

About how it turned out further fate young man, little is known. He was very upset by the separation from his beloved. Disappeared in the dirtiest taverns, drank and went down. But nevertheless he came to his senses, returned to his former way of life. It can be assumed that the pain that this strange, extraordinary and somewhat exalted girl inflicted on him will never subside.

In order to find out who the writer was during his lifetime, one should only read his books. But is Ivan Bunin's biography really so tragic? Was there true love in his life?

Ivan Bunin

The first wife of the writer, Anna Tsakni, was the daughter of an Odessa Greek, editor of a popular magazine at that time. They got married in 1898. Soon a son was born who did not live even five years. The child died of meningitis. Bunin experienced the death of his son very hard. Relations between the spouses went wrong, but the wife did not give him a divorce for a long time. Even after he connected his life with Vera Muromtseva.

The writer's second wife became his "patient shadow". Muromtseva replaced his secretary, mother, friend. She did not leave him even when he began an affair with Galina Kuznetsova. Nevertheless, it was Galina Muromtseva who was next to the writer in last days his life. The creator of "Dark Alleys" was not deprived of love.

Bunin's story describes the relationship of two young rich people. Comparative characteristics The heroes of the story "Clean Monday" will help to understand the problems covered in the work. Spirituality or love is a difficult choice of one of the ideal couple.

Young man

The main character is a handsome rich young man. He is handsome, confident and educated. Having fallen in love with a girl, he behaves like a gallant gentleman. The young man does not rush the beauty with an answer, he is waiting for her decision. It is hard for him from misunderstanding and refusal to join in marriage, but there is no feeling of anger, resentment. Strange unrequited love brings happiness, it calms the young man. Sometimes "incomplete intimacy" became unbearable, but respect for the woman prevailed, love held back impulses. The young man tries to fulfill the wishes of his beloved. He goes with her to the cathedral, visits theatrical skits. A man tries to understand the one he fell in love with, but she remains a mystery to him until last letter. The meaning of life is lost. The young man starts drinking. This is the usual decision of men of all ages. He pours wine over the grief of parting. Gradually the young man comes to his senses, but love remains in his heart. He sees her among the choir of nuns, leaves the cathedral and says goodbye to his dream. The words of the old woman in the church become medicine: to suffer like this is a sin. It is impossible for a man to deal only with his soul, he had to understand the feelings of a girl much earlier. Deep spiritual world companion remained for him a secret, inexplicable and incomprehensible mystery.

strange beauty

The girl with whom the young man is in love surprises and intrigues from the first lines. Her appearance is bright and unusual: she is beautiful like Persians, Indian girls. The heroine is rich, her companion in love too. Ideal relationship should have interested the beauty, but she diverts the conversation when it comes to marriage. The beauty lives on her own, but this is not a reason to start a real relationship with a man. She, on the contrary, holds a young man

"in unresolved tension, in painful expectation ...".

The girl does not deny herself entertainment: she goes to restaurants, attends theaters, concerts, loves gypsy performances. The author calls love between young people strange. The reader notices oddities, but only on the part of the woman.

The beauty loves expensive stylish clothes, can eat a whole box of chocolate, eats a lot at lunch, does not deny herself dinner. The heroine is more often silent, does not leave the house for three days, carried away by reading books. The character's demeanor is interesting. She carries herself with dignity, knowing about her intelligence and attractiveness. The girl speaks slowly, evenly, quietly, appreciating every word she utters.

The strangeness intensifies when the author talks about her passion for visiting cathedrals. At the end of the story, when everything already foreshadowed the close ties between the lovers, the girl goes to the monastery. Prosperity, happiness with her beloved cannot replace her desire to unite with God. The soul makes its choice: secular pleasures, expensive fashionable outfits remain in the past. The soul seeks rest in prayers and hymns.

The main characters and their characteristics in Bunin's story "Clean Monday". and got the best answer

Answer from Darling ***[guru]
The heroes of Bunin's story "Clean Monday" arouse sympathy in the reader, and the reader worries about them. We don't know their names, but that doesn't matter. The writer gives young people who love each other, exact specifications, and the narration is conducted on behalf of the hero, who tries to be objective, talking about his life drama. Both of them are beautiful: “Being a native of the Penza province, at that time I was handsome for some reason with southern, hot beauty, I was even “indecently handsome,” as one famous actor... ". His beloved was also of amazing beauty: “And she had some kind of Indian, Persian beauty: - a swarthy-amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinister in its thick black hair, softly shining like black sable fur, eyebrows, black, like velvet coal, eyes; the mouth, captivating with velvety crimson lips, was shaded by a dark fluff; when leaving, she most often put on a pomegranate velvet dress and the same shoes with gold clasps (and she went to courses as a modest student, had breakfast for thirty kopecks in a vegetarian canteen on the Arbat) ... "
The hero appears before us as a completely earthly person who has simple ideas about happiness with a loved one, he wants to create a family with her, to be always together. But the heroine, her inner world, seems to us more complex. The hero himself speaks of this difference between them, noting differences in external behavior: “As far as I was prone to talkativeness, to simple-hearted gaiety, she was most often silent: she was always thinking something, everything seemed to delve into something mentally; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often put it down and looked inquiringly in front of her ... ". That is, from the very beginning it looked strange, unusual, as if alien to all the surrounding reality. She herself says that she feels not created for the joys of life familiar to many people: “No, I am not fit to be a wife. I’m not good, I’m not good…” Indeed, as the story develops, we see that she is quite sincere towards the hero, she sincerely loves him, but there is something in her that worries her, prevents her from making an unequivocal decision.
The girl is amazing with her inconstancy in hobbies and interests, as if there are several people in her, she constantly follows different paths. The Beloved is unable to fully understand her, because he sees how incompatible things are united in her. So, at times she behaves like an ordinary girl of her age and circle: attends courses, goes for walks, to the theater, dine in restaurants. And it becomes incomprehensible why she studied at the courses, why she learned the beginning " moonlight sonata”, for which she hung a portrait of the barefoot Tolstoy over the sofa. When her lover asked her the question “why?”, She shrugged her shoulders: “Why is everything done in the world? Do we understand anything in our actions? But in her heart the heroine is inwardly alien to all this. “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...”
The heroine fully reveals herself when she suddenly offers to go to the cemetery, and together with the hero we find out that she often goes to the Kremlin cathedrals, monasteries, loves to read Russian chronicle tales. In her soul, a craving for the divine and for all the richness of the cosmos, hesitation and longing for the ideal coincided. It seems to her that only in monasteries and spiritual hymns has the “feeling of the homeland, its antiquity”, spirituality been preserved. But it cannot be said that the heroine does not try to find meaning in the world around her - it is no coincidence that the circle of her hobbies is so wide. Yes, she completely surrenders to the feeling of love, and she does not doubt her feelings, but she is absolutely sure that earthly happiness is not what she needs.
The girl leaves Moscow, explaining her departure as follows: “I won’t return to Moscow, I’ll go to obedience for now, then

Article output: Dmitrievskaya L.N. Portrait of the heroine of "Clean Monday" I.A. Bunin as a key to understanding the "secret" of character// Philological traditions in modern literary and linguistic education. Sat. scientific Articles. Issue 7. T.1. M.: MGPI, 2008. pp. 55-59.

"Portrait in literary work- one of the means of creating the image of the hero, with a reflection of his personality, inner essence through the image (portrait) appearance, which is a special form of comprehension of reality and feature writer's personal style.
Female portrait in painting and literature is especially interesting, since the semantics of beauty, love, motherhood, as well as suffering and death, eroticism and mysticism are associated with it ... The fatal, tragic in female beauty was discovered by Russian classics throughout the 19th century. "Radiant indifferent" beauty of A.S. Pushkin, "calling" - M.Yu. Lermontov, suffering-demonic - N.V. Gogol, "powerful" and "debilitating" - I.S. Turgenev, suffering, passionately cynical, "evilly prudent" - M.F. Dostoevsky (the epithets in quotation marks belong to I. Annensky “Symbols of beauty among Russian writers”) predetermined the appearance at the turn of the century of a frightening and enticing, tempting and redeeming female beauty the symbolists. Symbolist works embody the cult of a demonic woman, which combines innocence and "temptation", devotion and betrayal, honesty and treachery. Here we can recall Renata from the novel by V.Ya. Bryusov " Fire Angel"(1907) and women from his stories, the girlfriend of Tsarevich Alexei Evfrosinya from the novel by D.S. Merezhkovsky "The Antichrist (Peter and Alexei)" (1904), "Ogorodnikov's" daughter Zorenka from the fairy tale "The Bush" (1906), the cook from the story "Adam" (1908), Matryona from "The Silver Dove" (1909) by A. Bely and others
Among the mysterious, contradictory female images Russian literature - the heroine of "Clean Monday" I.A. Bunin. The author (author-narrator) presents the heroine as an incomprehensible, incomprehensible, unsolved woman.
The story begins with the words Tolstoy's hero Platon Karataev: “Our happiness, my friend, is like water in a delusion; if you pull, it puffs up, but if you pull it out, there is nothing” (2; 614). Bullshit - a net that is pulled together wade along the river. The river is a symbol of life, therefore folk proverb becomes a metaphor for life, partly explaining the impossibility of happiness and love between the characters of Clean Monday. He pulls this seine alone, and she (being the spokesman for the author's philosophy) is not looking for happiness in life. She “thought something, everything seemed to delve into something mentally,” he, not understanding her, waved it off: “Oh, God bless her, with this oriental wisdom.”
The hero, at the beginning of his narration-recollection, says:<…>she was mysterious, incomprehensible to me<…>"(2; 611).
Let's try to comprehend the mystery of the image of the heroine, which the hero-narrator cannot understand. But her image is clear to the author, and he, of course, left traces to unravel the tangle of mysterious details.
Details related to the east were studied by L.K. Dolgopolov (3), with Orthodoxy - I.G. Mineralova (4, 5, 6). We will devote our study to the details of the portrait of the heroine of the story.
The narrator gives the first description of the appearance of the heroine in comparison with himself: “We were both rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts, they saw us off with their eyes. I …(Let's skip the self-portrait of the hero, recalling only his southern, hot beauty - L.D.). And she had some beauty Indian, Persian: swarthy amber face, magnificent and somewhat sinister in their dense blackness hair softly shiny black sable fur, eyebrows, black like velvet coal, eyes; captivating with velvety crimson lips, the mouth was tinted with a dark fluff<…>» (Italics here and in other places are ours - L.D.) (2; 612).

Vrubel "Lilac" (1900), State Tretyakov Gallery

The portrait of the heroine is reminiscent of Vrubel's oriental beauties ("The Fortune Teller" (1895), "The Girl Against the Background of the Persian Carpet" (1886), "Tamara and the Demon", "Lilac" (1900), etc.). This can also be regarded as artistic technique: years later, in the mind of the hero, the image of the beloved woman is enriched with impressions, associations from the art of that time, which he recalls.
«<…>When leaving, she most often put on pomegranate velvet dress and matching shoes golden clasps (and she went to courses as a modest student, had breakfast for thirty kopecks in a vegetarian canteen on the Arbat)<…>» (2; 612). The portrait is very specific: it has regal colors and matter. Let us recall the ceremonial portraits of empresses: the same colors, the same image of a strong, strong-willed woman. The antithesis (royal and simple) in this portrait of the heroine explains one of the mysteries in her life: over the sofa “... for some reason a portrait hung barefoot Tolstoy"(2; 611). Count (barefoot - it would be an oxymoron if it were not a reality) L.N. Tolstoy, seeking truth from the people, with his idea of ​​forgiveness, was one of the ways in which she was also looking for something. Her lunch in a vegetarian canteen and the image of a poor female student (although, we recall: “we were both rich”) is probably nothing more than following the ideas of the Tolstoy philosophy that was fashionable at the turn of the century.

Kramskoy I.N. Unknown, 1883, State Tretyakov Gallery

In the following portraits, black plays a special role: “I arrived, and she met me already dressed, in a short astrakhan coat, in astrakhan hat, in black felt boots.
- All black! - I said, entering, as always, joyfully.<…>
- After all, tomorrow already clean Monday,” she replied, taking out astrakhan clutching and giving me a hand in black kid glove"
(2; 615).
“Black” and “pure” - the ambiguity allows us to perceive these words as antonyms, but the heroine justifies her black on Clean Monday, because black is also the color of sorrow, a sign of humility and recognition of one’s sinfulness. This associative line is continued by a fur coat, a hat and a muff. Karakul - a sheep, a flock, a lamb of God. The day before, she was at the Rogozhsky ("famous schismatic") cemetery - the center of the Moscow community of Old Believers (3; 110) - and on Forgiveness Sunday they again go to the cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent. “On Forgiveness Sunday, it is customary to ask for forgiveness from each other, as well as to go to the graves of the dead for the same purpose”(1; 548). At this time, penitential canons about death, about the approaching end, about repentance and forgiveness are read in churches (more details in the commentary: 3; 109).
At the cemetery at Chekhov's grave, the heroine recalls A.S. Griboyedov, and they “... for some reason we went to Ordynka<…>, but who could tell us in which house Griboyedov lived"(2; 617). Another “for some reason” is psychologically explainable: "a nasty mixture of leafy Russian style and Art Theater» (2; 617) on the grave of Chekhov, in contrast, recalls tragic death in Persia and the grave of A.S. Griboyedov. His knowledge of Moscow society, reflected in the well-known comedy, life and death in the east - everything was close to her. After all, looking at her and inhaling “some slightly spicy smell of her hair,” the hero thinks: “Moscow, Astrakhan, Persia, India!” Why is he looking for this house on Ordynka? Probably, in order, as it should be on this day, to ask for forgiveness from the author of Woe from Wit for the unchanged Moscow customs.
The house was not found; drove, without turning, past the Marfo-Maryinsky Convent and stopped at Yegorov's tavern in Okhotny Ryad. “We went into the second room, where in the corner, in front of black board of the icon of the Mother of God Three-Handed, the lamp was burning, they sat down at a long table on black leather sofa ... The fluff on the upper lip was frosted, the amber of the cheeks turned slightly pink, black Rayka completely merged with the pupil - I could not take my eyes off her face. (2; 617).
Portrait in the interior: she is all in black, sitting on a black sofa next to the black board of the icon. The motif of black in the image of the heroine, thanks to the icon, is brought to a sacred level. The heroine, with her Indian, Persian beauty, is also connected with the Mother of God through oriental features:
"- Fine! Below are wild men, and here are pancakes with champagne and the Virgin with three hands. Three hands! After all, this is India! You are a gentleman, you cannot understand all this Moscow the way I do. (2; 617).
From the last exclamation, one can understand that in Moscow, for the heroine (and the author, as you know), the West - East - Asia merge: these are wild men, and pancakes with champagne, and the Virgin, and India ... Previously, this "Vasily the Blessed and Spas-on-Bora, Italian cathedrals- and something Kyrgyz in the tips of the towers on the Kremlin walls ... "(2; 614). The same fusion exists in her image. Here is the following portrait description:
“... She stood straight and theatrically near the piano in black velvet dress. Making her thinner, shining with his elegance, festive attire tar hair, the swarthy amber of bare arms, shoulders, the tender, full beginning of breasts, the sparkle of diamond earrings along slightly powdered cheeks, coal velvet eyes and velvety purple lips; at the temples half-rings bent to the eyes black shiny pigtails, giving her the appearance of an oriental beauty from a popular print" (2; 619).
As before, through the black color, the motif of grief about her sinful essence is carried out, in which the heroine is recognized by the lines old Russian legend: “And the devil instilled in his wife a flying serpent for fornication. And this serpent appeared to her in human nature, very beautiful ... ”(1; 618).
The oriental beauty appears in theatrical and royal splendor and with a theatrical pose near the piano, on which the beginning of the Moonlight Sonata has just been played. The sacred meaning of the oriental features of the heroine, which arose in comparison with the icon, is destroyed, and the image of the oriental beauty is exaggerated to a popular print.
On the "skit" of the Art Theater, she “dexterously, briefly stamping, sparkling with earrings, his blackness and bare shoulders and arms"(2; 620) danced the polka with the drunken Sulerzhitsky, who at the same time "screamed like a goat." "Kapustnik" resembles a sabbath, and almost demonic features appear in the heroine - she gave free rein to her sinful, long-conscious essence. And this is all the more unexpected, since quite recently the reader was offered in parallel to her image the holy face of the Virgin.
The aura of mystery, unpredictability of the heroine can again be dispelled by a psychological analysis of her actions. The decision to go to the "kapustnik", surrender for the last, and maybe the only time, to the unbridled passion of one's nature, and then spend the night with the one about whom she thought: "A snake in human nature, very beautiful ...", arose after getting stronger decision: “Oh, I’ll go somewhere to a monastery, some of the most deaf, Vologda, Vyatka!” How not to test yourself, check the correctness of the decision, say goodbye to the world, taste last time sin before complete renunciation? But does faith drive her, how sincere is her repentance, if she even earlier calmly admits that it’s not religiosity that pulls her to monasteries, but “I don’t know what ...”
“Clean Monday” ends with a portrait of the heroine in the general procession of nuns following the Grand Duchess: «<…>from the church appeared icons carried in their hands, banners, behind them, all in white, long, thin-faced, in white obruss with a golden cross sewn on his forehead, tall, slowly, earnestly walking with downcast eyes, with a large candle in her hand, the Grand Duchess; and behind her was the same white a string of singers, with the lights of candles in their faces, nuns or sisters<…>And then one of those walking in the middle suddenly raised her head, covered white shield, shielding the candle with her hand, fixed her gaze black eyes into the darkness, as if just at me ... "(2; 623).
I.A. Bunin in exile already knew about the fate that befell royal family And Grand Duchess, so her portrait is like an icon - it has a face (“thin-faced”), an image of a saint.
Among the pure white procession, under a white kerchief, she, who, although she became “one of”, and not the Queen of Shamakhan, as it was before, still could not hide the pitch blackness of her hair, the look of her black eyes and her searching for something then nature. be interpreted last portrait the heroines may be different, but for Bunin, rather, the thought of the indomitable power of human nature, which cannot be hidden or defeated, was important. This was the case in Easy Breath, a 1916 short story, and so it was in Clean Monday, written in 1944.

1. Bulgakov S.V. Handbook for sacred church ministers. - M., 1993. - Part 1.
2. Bunin I.A. Clean Monday
3. Dolgopolov L.K. At the turn of the century: On Russian literature of the late nineteenth — early twentieth century. - L., 1985.
4. Mineralova I.G. Comments // In the book: A.P. Chekhov Lady with a dog. I.A. Bunin Pure Monday. A.I. Kuprin Shulamith: Texts, comments, studies, materials for independent work, modeling lessons M., 2000. S.102-119.
5. Mineralova I.G. Poetic portrait of the era // Ibid. pp.129-134.
6. Mineralova I.G. Word. Colors, sounds… (style of I.A. Bunin) // Ibid. pp.134-145.

In a shorter version, the article appeared here:

Portrait of the heroine of "Clean Monday" I.A. Bunin // National and regional "cosmo-psycho-logos" in the art world writers of the Russian steppe (I.A. Bunin, E.I. Zamyatin, M.M. Prishvin). Yelets, 2006, pp. 91-96.

Views: 5211

The main theme of the story by I. A. Bunin “Clean Monday” is the theme of love, or rather love drama. Both heroes of the work are young and beautiful, that's just them inner worlds totally different.

The narrator appears to readers as a completely earthly person who wants to start a family and find happiness. The inner world of the heroine is much more complicated and contradictory.

On the one hand, she behaves like an ordinary girl: she visits theaters, walks in the park and sincerely loves her young man. But on the other hand, something always disturbs her feelings. The heroine notes that earthly happiness is alien to her: “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...” Love for God, spirituality, which she is filled with when visiting temples and monasteries, became for the girl a saving escape from a world devoid of beauty and morality. Therefore, on a clean Monday, the heroine decides to leave forever "somewhere in a monastery, in some of the most remote, Vologda, Vyatka!" Her decision was very difficult. young man. To drown out his pain, he began to spend a lot of time in taverns. I think that, having lost his beloved, the hero felt devastation, loss of connection with something spiritual, cosmic. But even having forgiven her, he could not understand why she left, which speaks of the difference in their worldview and that initially they did not have a chance to be together.

Thus, the final story of I.A. Bunin's "Clean Monday" is tragic. The love of the heroes is at different levels of understanding and perception, which is why this feeling could not unite their hearts into a union.

Updated: 2018-03-20

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