About solar eclipses and their aspects to the natal chart. Eclipse as a forecasting method

Solar eclipse– this is the new moon, which has a stronger influence and a longer effect, since it occurs when the luminaries approach one of . At the new moon, the Moon joins the Sun and opens a new cycle. But if in the case of an ordinary new moon, the lunar cycle is equal to one lunar month, then the new moon in which the eclipse occurs is a stage in the manifestation of longer cycles covering large periods of time.

To the most important lunarcycles include the Metonic cycle and Metonic cycle - this is a period of 19 years, it consists of 235 lunations. Every 19 years, a new moon or solar eclipse occurs in the same degree as 19 years ago. longer, itgives an eclipse of the same series every 18 years plus 9-11 days or plus 10º . The total number of eclipses in one saros series is 70-72, and the duration of the cycle is 1280 years.

Thus, an eclipse is not only a date, but a period, not a one-time fact, but a process.Events associated with it do not necessarily occur on the day of the eclipse.The influence of the eclipse may appear earlier, later, or directly on the same day.But near the day of the eclipse, the effect of what is happening is planned or predetermined.Often events occur several days and even several weeks before or after the date of the eclipse, when the Sun and one of the Moon's nodes are in conjunction with the orb.18°31" .Therefore, by the time of the eclipse, the event often turns out to have already taken place. The eclipse effect usually lasts for about six months, until the next "eclipse season". But the topics affected by the eclipse and situations related to it can develop for many years until the next eclipse of the same.

The aspects of the eclipse to the planets of our horoscope bring up topics related to the symbolism of these planets, as well as activate questions of the house ruled by this planet. For aspects of the eclipse, it is better to take an orb up to three degrees.It is worth considering only the major aspects of the eclipse to the planets and angles, in order of importance: connection (0 º ), opposition (180 º ), quadrature (90 º ), trine (120 º), extile (60 º) . And the connection here is the strongest.

The greatest influence of an eclipse is felt when it occurs in exact conjunction with an angular cusp or one of the personal planets of the natal chart.If an eclipse forms a conjunction with your Venus, for example, then relationships, women, love, and money will be involved. Determine the houses ruled by Venus, i.e. houses whose cusps are in Taurus and Libra, as they will be activated.

Consider the sign in which the eclipse occurred - the topics and type of activity characteristic of this sign will be relevant at this time. For example, if the eclipse is in Scorpio, during this period, budget issues, problems with the disposal of joint property, the topics of contributions, investments, debts, inheritance, issues of joint finance, and also sex - united energy will be important. An eclipse in this sign can touch upon the topics of deep psychological problems, psychological or financial dependency relationships.
Eclipse Orbis: for planets and angles 1 . 5 degrees for luminaries 2.5 degrees. The rule always worksh The more precise the aspect, the stronger the influence. The most significant is what happens near the birthday, when the degree of the eclipse connects with the degree of the natal Sun in an orb 2º . This is the so-called solar eclipse, since it coincides with the beginning of ours. The more precise the aspect, the stronger the influence. Aspects with, - and - are less effective, but if the highest planet is the ruler ASC , then the aspects of the eclipse to it can be no less significant than aspects with personal planets.

In mundane analysis, when considering the impact of an eclipse, the following should also be taken into account:

The longer the eclipse phase - from partial to total (total), the stronger the eclipse effect will be.

The more planets in major aspects to the degree of the eclipse, the longer and stronger its effect will be.

An important point to consider is the degree of the Zodiac that the eclipse falls on.
The shadow of the eclipse - the zone of its visibility - indicates the countries that will be under its greatest influence.

Solar eclipses are generally stronger than lunar ones.

, which is hit by an eclipse, can be activated even if there are no planets in it. It should be noted on which the eclipse falls. In the corner houses, the eclipse will manifest itself more visibly. In subsequent houses (II, V, VIII, XI) the eclipse may bring opportunity or offers, but you need to make an effort to take advantage of them. In the declining or cadent houses (III, VI, IX and XII), the eclipse will require you to adjust or change, their influence will manifest itself mainly on the level of the psyche and will be carried out gradually.

When interpreting the influence of an eclipse, one should pay attention to or in the horoscope on which the eclipse falls. Eclipses that fall on the affected planet have a more pronounced negative effect. Eclipses that fall on a planet that is empowered or in the house it rules are usually more favorable.

According to astrologer Carol Rushman:« if an eclipse brings you something good, you always have to pay for it. Someone loses, and someone finds. For example, you fall in love with a person who is related to someone else. Then he or she will leave this other for you, and the one left behind will have to pay. Another example: you getpromotion because the person who held the position before you was fired. You find and they lose» .

, and eclipses open and complete the energy impact . If there is a transit of slow planets to natal chart, new moons, full moons and eclipses show when the influence of the transit will begin, this can be 3-4 degrees ahead. They will also show when the energy impact of the transit can be expected to end, perhaps 3-4 degrees behind. At there is a beginning and an end, and new moons/full moons or eclipses define them and allow forecasts to be linked to real time.You can read more about eclipses, about how solar eclipses differ from lunar eclipses, in the article .

Aspects of a solar eclipse to the natal chart


The sun in the natal chart characterizes the ego. It is the most important life force. It represents the men in your life - father, husband, mentor, authority figures. This is what you are trying to become, your ongoing process of growth, "self-discovery".With the aspects of the eclipse to the Sun or the house it rules, very significant changes can occur in your life. The sun represents the positive and masculine nature of your individuality and the radiance of your individuality. The Sun governs your vitality, outlook on life, ego, creativity and self-expression. The sun has a strong influence on your appearance and the direction of your career. Being active in relation to the Sun can reveal the interests of your superiors and the company you work for. If you have your own business, the Sun represents your business. Regardless of your gender, the Sun represents the main male figures in your life: husband, brother, father. The aspect of the eclipse to the natal Sun can be an important turning point in life. A solar eclipse at the North Node can focus on your true self, vitality and physical body. Important changes may be in your career or your bosses.

A new moon or solar eclipse with the formation of a positive aspect (trine or sextile) to the Sun will stimulate energy, development, self-expression and self-esteem. This arrangement gives great energy, it is a time of fulfillment in all areas ruled by the Sun (look not only at what the Sun rules, but also at the house it rules in your chart to determine which areas of life will be affected). This is another opportunity to start from scratch, a chance for self-expression, an opportunity for renewal, the prospect of a new beginning, a time for beginnings. Let the doors close in front of you, but somewhere there will always be opportunities. The focus is on creative endeavors. A new moon in favorable aspect with the Sun can give you an important new connection with a man, not only with a potential boyfriend, but also with a mentor or business partner.A difficult aspect (square or opposition) formed by an eclipse or a new moon/full moon in relation to the Sun can bring problems regardingmen in your life, for example, the illness of your father, husband, authority figure or your boss. You may have problems with the men in your life. You may experience a creative block, you should have succeeded in joking, but you just can't get started. There may be a feeling that something is bothering you, that you cannot fully express yourself. A meeting or some event may occur that will deal a heavy blow to your ego.


With aspects of the eclipse to the Moon or the house it rules, home and family structure can be affected. The Moon represents your emotions, what you need to feel confident and secure, your softer and more receptive nature. Eclipse aspects to the Moon can activate issues related to children, care and upbringing, automatic behaviors and habits. The influence of an eclipse can draw attention to your mind, intelligence, memories, and mental makeup. The moon indicates important women in your life - wife, sister, mother. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer.Eclipse aspects to the Moon can bring changes in residence and home preferences. They can change the issues of reliability and safety, financial fluctuations are possible. Catering or motherhood may be one of the themes in an eclipse aspecting the Moon.In a masculine chart, the Moon represents matters relating to a marriage partner, as well as mother and sister. For woman main theme maybe mother, sister and closest friends. With aspects of the eclipse to the Moon, the question may relate to relationships in general. The Moon is responsible for one-on-one relationships.

Eclipse aspects to Mercury or the houses it rules can bring a lot of excitement and very big changes in your life. Mercury rules the neighborhood, so these aspects often activate a change of residence. This may be the case when you first leave home. I have seen many examples when, under these aspects, people crossed the whole country or moved to another country. Animals can be an important topic. Mercury governs children, uncles and aunts. characteristic feature these aspects may be increased activity, such as running back and forth to the optometrist, dentist, general practitioner, mechanic, or shopping for yourself or someone you care about. Important familiarity in aspects of the eclipse to Mercury can cause a later change in relationships.Mercury's primary role as the ruler of information and communications can initiate important writing activities, provoke gossip, or put your name in the headlines. Common in these aspects is thinking and worrying about important decisions, as well as a busy schedule with many meetings and a lot of paperwork.


Eclipse aspects to Venus or the houses she rules can stimulate your "love center", close personal relationships, value system, receptivity, cravings, aesthetic tastes and adornments. The pursuit of harmony, beauty and happiness is under the jurisdiction of Venus. It also governs how we treat other people and share our possessions and affections with them. There could be a theme of the desire to please others and a theme of cooperation, since these are also issues related to Venus. Art, money, important purchases for the home are some of the areas that can change as a result of aspects of the eclipse to Venus. Matters concerning young women and sisters are the subject of Venus. The Venus of a man represents his idealized version of a woman. Changes in social activity can be expected, as a person's attractiveness and popularity can undergo a change when the eclipse aspects Venus.When studying real cases eclipse conjunctions with Venus were more likely to meet people breaking relationships than connecting their destinies. common topic was that people were required to find harmony and balance in life, even if it meant the end of close relationships or partnerships. A relationship that didn't work ended, or the couple completely changed the way they approached the relationship. Many relationships with constant worry and struggle can still be working relationships. Evaluating the outcome of a relationship is difficult task. Many couples struggle through seemingly insurmountable problems. I never advise clients to get married or separate. I provide objective information at the request of the client. It's not my job to make vital decisions for anyone other than myself.


The eclipse aspects to Mars can be quite a mix of events. On the one hand, you can make noticeable progress in your goals and career endeavors. These aspects can also bring new work, because Mars governs how you use your energy, as well as courage, endurance, competition, arguments, assertiveness, combativeness, and sex. Some people think that aspects of the eclipse to Mars enhance sexuality. I have found that in many cases the aspects of the eclipse to Mars have the opposite effect. Some people experience aspects of the eclipse to Mars as dramatic event, while others consider it to be only mildly irritating.Whenever you are evaluating how an eclipse will affect Mars or any other planet, the planetary aspects of the eclipse map should be taken into account. Example: A particularly active eclipse occurred on September 22, 1987. Destructive Uranus square Mars in the pre-collapse eclipse chart stock market in October 1987, contributed to the sharp drop in the stock index. Mars has recently left the square to Saturn. Volatile Uranus was in quincunx with Vesta, an investment asteroid, causing turmoil in the stock market. With an eclipse aspecting Mars, you can constantly battle colds and flu. When the eclipse aspects to Mars, there is often an excessive abundance of energy, which makes you susceptible to injury. Eclipse aspects to Mars can sometimes bring violence if the natal chart shows a predisposition to such events.




Eclipse aspects to Uranus or the house it rules can bring an interesting and exciting six month period. Clients say that eclipses aspecting Uranus give them a sense of great change, although often without outward manifestations. This can be a time of anxiety and accelerated expectations. Uranus governs astrologers and the study of astrology. Eclipse aspects to Uranus often bring important changes in a person's appearance. A person may want to resort to plastic surgery, others have a significant change in weight if Uranus in the horoscope is related to Asc or the first house.Often the desire to achieve reliability is destroyed by the constant change of events. It seems that all areas of life are unpredictable and that the individual is looking for changes that will make his life work. This time period is too unstable to try to gain a foothold on something. Most of all, relationships with other people are affected. People are discovering that they are not capable of making commitments at this time. If a person is already involved in a relationship, they may experience annoying disturbances and changes in feelings. Expect unique opportunities during such an eclipse. Of course, the location in the chart of Uranus will have a big impact on the type of events that occur.


For some people, an eclipse aspecting Neptune can be a period of fantasy and romanticism. "Neptunian fog" (a state of euphoria) can be a common state of mind when an eclipse aspects Neptune. If all the necessary characters are present, a marriage motivated by romantic feelings is possible. In many cases of marriage in our contemporary culture obviously a strong influence of Neptune. An eclipse aspecting Neptune can also be a time of confusion or spiritual awareness. This eclipse can send you in search of a dream or a mission, it can be a time of great inspiration. For a person associated with the arts, this can be a time of important creative growth. Music and art can heal your mood swings and help change your attitude.If any health problems arise under the influence of an eclipse that forms an aspect to your Neptune, they can be very difficult to diagnose or chronic. Usually an eclipse aspecting Neptune brings health problems, but there may also be issues of misdiagnosed illness or prolonged recovery. This good time to check your eyesight. Some people suffer during this time from forgetfulness or temporary memory loss. This eclipse may mark the onset of menopause. Sleep may be restless with many vivid dreams, and there may be an excessive need for sleep. Escape from reality through alcohol and drugs can serve as one of the signs of the aspects of the eclipse to Neptune. Your substance abuse problems may be caused by being intimate with a person who has this addiction. You need to "free yourself" for other people to find their own path, and that can be very difficult to do. With aspects of the eclipse to Neptune, there may also be questions regarding victims or persecution. This is the time for all sorts of dreams. Your imagination and creative mood will occupy all your attention. You may have an imaginary project or want to do something special, but find yourself unable to do something due to previous commitments and feeling trapped. Your intuition may be heightened at this time and access to your spiritual base will be expanded.


This is a time of release and exposure of those cases that were deeply hidden. You may experience a very depressing attraction as the eclipse aspecting Pluto can be filled with power struggles that involve confronting your own inner demons. The surprise may be that there is no inner monster, just that your ideas of surrender and release should be directed towards reducing your resistance to change.Attention can be focused on a powerful drama that involves you and the other person and brings out their inner demon. Some of the deepest emotional traumas can be revealed and transformed when the eclipse touches natal Pluto. Difficult people will surround you, breaks in relationships are possible. This is not the time for frivolous and superficial people. This eclipse will leave you with a new "toolbox" for life. You will make your way to your own source of strength, external or internal. Naturally, Pluto governs death, sex, and taxes, as well as insurance, property, childbirth, and renunciation. All of these topics are significant during the eclipse aspecting Pluto. Your financial status can change significantly for better or worse, depending on the whole picture of the horoscope. These changes do not occur suddenly, but slowly build up.

north node

The North Node acts like the Ascendant and has first house qualities in that it represents your"I-principle" and your independent qualities. Eclipses aspecting the Moon's nodes in your chart will bring about changes in relationships and health. When the North Node is activated, both marriages and divorces occur. If there are indications of physical weakness, health problems are possible. Jacqueline Kennedy died during a solar eclipse at 19°48" Taurus. This eclipse came in conjunction with her North Node.

south node

The south node represents others important people, opposition, strangers and is also an indicator of health. This is the point of repeating patterns and the return of some vital themes. The South Node attracts familiar issues and people into your life. connection and separation issues, and legal issues are the spheres of the South Node. The South Node acts like the Descendant and has the qualities of the seventh house in interpretation. Eclipse aspects to the South Node indicate important health changes. It is believed that the North Node is the point of receipt, and the South Node is the point of withdrawal.


A new moon or a solar eclipse in the first house is a time of increased personalstart when you get new energy and enthusiasm. As a rule, this is a period of self-absorption. The first house governs the personality and how the personality looks. It's how you look at the world. Isabella Hickey said that the first house is the window through which you look at the world. Therefore, your attitude towards life can change with a new moon or a solar eclipse in the first house. It is also a time of beginnings. The main thing in these undertakings is connected personally with you. You should beware of too much self-absorption.An eclipse aspecting the Ascendant or its ruler focuses on your appearance, physical body, and close personal relationships. You may find yourself seeking a cosmetic makeover, which may include plastic surgery, vigorous exercise, or a noticeable change in weight and energy. Such an eclipse can bring about important changes in overall health and body care. If the eclipse is combined with aspects to Mars, this may indicate a surgical operation. At this time, any change in your physical condition is more noticeable. Slow down your pace to avoid random situations that may prevail during this time. Probably a magnetic attraction to other people, as the number of acquaintances with new people increases. The result of an eclipse falling on the Ascendant can be an increase in individual awareness. At this time, you can also expect a strong need for independence and self-expression.

Midheaven (MS)

An eclipse that hits Midheaven can make a big difference in your career. The company you work for may fail or merge with another company. You may find yourself in the middle of a career change even if you didn't plan for it. As the eclipse aspecting the Midheaven activates the entire 4th/10th house axis, you may want to buy or sell a house or focus on your parents. You can change your behavior in society in amazing ways. This could be the time when you find yourself in the spotlight in one way or another. You may enjoy this attention if you've been craving it, or you may be annoyed by gossip and unwanted posts. Just as with stationary Mercury here, an eclipse that strikes Midheaven can make you the subject of discussion or gossip.

Used Books:

1. D. Pessin. "Lunar Eclipses", 1998, CAI

2. Carol Rushman "The Art of Predictive Astrology", 2004, DILA Publishing House

3. B. Hammerslav "Predictions back and forth", 1996, CAI
4. B. Brady. "Predictive astrology, v.2", 1998, CAI

When reprinting is required! September 13, 2015 3 years ago

Eclipses, Or Signs of Fate.

A bit of theory. Eclipses of the Sun rather affect the eventfulness, the eclipse of the Moon - on emotions. A solar eclipse starts something, a lunar eclipse ends something. The eclipse is noticeable in those born before/after/between eclipses.
It is believed that in which house the eclipse falls, the theme of that house will be expressed in the near future.

I do not quite agree with this, because. self eclipse when entering the house is only an additional tool to confirm current transits. That is, if you have a “calm” in the near future (there are no aspects from heavy planets to natal planets), then the eclipse will manifest itself weakly. For example, when you hit the 5th house, in the absence of directions, progressions and other predictive techniques related to the theme of the 5th house, it may mean that you just go to a party, i.e. the event will be a one-time event.
But usually eclipse with aspects to natal planets just is an additional indication for progressions, directions, solariums. With the aspect of conjunction, you can take an orb up to 4 degrees. When aspecting the opposition - 3 degrees. If there is a square / trine of the eclipse point to the planets, then you need to take the exact one, maximum 2 degrees. As a rule, connection and opposition work strongly. When the eclipse hits the cusp of the house - for cardinal houses, you can take an orb of 2 degrees, for the rest - exact. As for the cusps of houses, it is better to consider only connections.
The most informative aspects of eclipses are conjunctions with Luminaries. In my practice, there were examples when a solar eclipse fell on the Sun (including Solar). An eclipse on the Sun marked the beginning of something new. In these examples, the Sun was in the 10th house - the beginning of a new activity / increase. An eclipse on the Sun can mean the beginning of pregnancy if the Sun enters (or rules) in the 5/11/4 house. With an eclipse on the Sun at 7, it can mean marriage, or a serious relationship. But the result of the eclipse itself may not appear at the moment of the eclipse, but several days / weeks / months later - depending on the “scale”.

The opposition of the solar eclipse to the Sun also emphasizes the significance of the houses in which the Sun stands, as well as the houses that the Sun rules. Opposition does not always mean something negative. But there are some really negative ones. It all depends on the management of houses and current transits, as well as other predictive techniques.

The lunar eclipse ends something, but there are more emotions rather than events. Therefore, they should be taken into account for people with a strongly pronounced Moon in the chart, born during a lunar eclipse. For the rest, it is better to take into account the minimum orbs of conjunction / opposition / square with planets and house cusps. For example, an eclipse on the 6-12 axis can lead to a decrease in health if the Moon belongs to 1/6/8/12 houses. If the Moon belongs, for example, to the 4th house, then this may mean a banal repair, or bed rest (if the Moon is still related to the houses of illness).
I have sometimes seen an eclipse strike a few days or weeks before its due date, but in this case the descent is a heavy transit. For example, a lunar eclipse squares the Moon in the 8th house. Uranus makes an exact square to the Moon 2 weeks before, so the eclipse “works” earlier. That is, the main pointer is a transit, and the secondary pointer is an eclipse. Accordingly, the transit will "turn on" the event, not the eclipse. The eclipse will be the background. IN this example the eclipse indicated the end of the Moon theme in the 8th house, i.e. death of a relative. Therefore, eclipses are used to clarify the time of the event, about which the directions and progressions “speak”.

By the way, an eclipse event is almost always expected. This is expressed in premonitions, for example. That is, if the eclipse falls on the natal Sun, then a change in affairs on the topic of the Sun for people is not a “thunder in the blue”, but an expected event. For example, an eclipse on the Sun activated the 10th house of Natal - a person begins to practice new activities(“I knew it was time to change something”) or gets a promotion (“I was told about him for a long time and I was waiting for this”). For most of you, it will go unnoticed or be marked by some one-time event. Therefore, do not be afraid of eclipses and look for fate in them. If the change is overdue, then you already know about it (under Uranus only something unplanned happens).
The eclipse simply says "it's time".

Solar eclipse this autumn will fall on 21° Virgo.

An eclipse in the sign of Virgo will launch the mechanisms of labor, health issues, and analytical perception. Virgo is responsible for daily work, so reconsider your attitude to work - optimize, improve, refine, start a new job.
Reconsider your attitude to health - maybe it's time for you to quit smoking or eating fatty foods. It is worth paying attention to the prevention of diseases (autumn after all).
Analyze your life, put it on the shelves, throw out the excess, wipe the dust in your head.

As for the individual interpretation, then look at which house the eclipse fell into:
1. Get your body in order.
2. Put your finances in order, you may find a new way to earn money.
3. Put your studies and contacts in order. Buy a new notebook and start fresh.
4. Tidy up the house, relationships with relatives.
5. Clean up your hobbies - take up chess, calligraphy, sewing.
6. Get your health in order. Start a cleansing course. Get your thoughts in order. Look forward to changes at work.
7. Clean up the relationship. It seems that the time has come to conclude an agreement, sign a contract, submit an application.
8. Get your finances in order. Open a bank account. Engage in esoteric practices to cleanse the spirit and soul.
9. Put your studies in order, start writing a diploma, sign up for courses.
10. Tidy up your work. New responsibilities, a new position, a new boss are possible.
11. Get your plans in order. Make a plan to build your own lunar module.
12. Clean up the unconscious. Dig into your past, find answers to questions that have long tormented you.

The value of an eclipse will be especially important to you if it affects natal planets and points in the horoscope of birth. Planets in 18-24 Virgo are especially sensitive to an eclipse. Next in importance are in Pisces 19-22. Trine from the eclipse at 20-22 Taurus and Capricorn, squares at 20-22 Gemini and Sagittarius. When aspects to the Luminaries, the orb increases slightly.

Remember, an eclipse event doesn't happen every day. Many authors are inclined to believe that the event can occur within six months. Personally, I believe that the eclipse works earlier, at the most - three months. And so, within two weeks before or after, something happens that is a trigger - a thought, an idea, an insight, an event, news - no matter what, the main thing is a sign. If you can see the signs, you will understand what kind of energy the eclipse brings to you.

autumn moon eclipse fell on 5° Aries.

Not the most pleasant time. The moon in Aries always has a shade of violent energy - you do a lot, you run somewhere, you argue with someone ... Some call such a moon “mad”. A lunar eclipse always affects emotions, the psyche. What can we say, when the lunar eclipse falls on the sign of Aries! Fasten your seat belts - you have never felt so much energy!

What will this eclipse bring us? Quarrels, scandals, disassembly, showdown. Personally, I do not quite understand when they say "keep it to yourself." Dear, excuse me, when will I finally say everything I think about this scoundrel ?! Here is an eclipse in Aries just for that. If some person just got you, tell him everything as if in spirit, do not wait for a special hour - it has come, do not expect everything to resolve by itself. The only thing that can be advised is to keep your thoughts “sober”, otherwise you will say nasty things, and then you will be ashamed.
In our life there is a time for joy, sometimes for sadness, and sometimes for quarrels. Well, that time has come. Just remember, a lunar eclipse usually ends some stage in your life. Therefore, if you want to finally break with someone or something, then do it in the near future. However, it can happen by itself within the next few months.

Get ready to say goodbye to:
- relationships, if the eclipse activates 7, 5 houses or aspects the Sun, Venus, Moon or Mars in the natal chart. If you are lonely, then say goodbye to loneliness;
- say goodbye to work if the eclipse falls on 2, 6, 10 or aspects Saturn, Mercury. If you have never worked, or there was a big break, then say goodbye to the life of a free but hungry student;
- say goodbye to friends and acquaintances if the eclipse occurred on the 3rd, 11th houses;
- say goodbye to your former life if the eclipse fell into the 1st, 8th, 12th houses; it will become clear that something important will leave your life, but will give way to a new one.

An eclipse in the natal house will indicate in which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife it is time to put an end to it - whether it will be a joyful event or a sad one - you decide. Remember, an event is good or bad when the emotional background is on. After a while, emotions will subside, and then you can objectively assess the impact of the eclipse. Therefore, when working with eclipses, remember that you will see the scale of the whole action only later.

Source: Dietrich Pessin. Lunar eclipses: Per. from English. O. Matveeva, - M.: TsAI, 1997

The influence of solar eclipses in in general terms differs from each other depending on which Lunar Node is near the eclipse.

A solar eclipse at the Ascending Node is a new moon near the Ascending Node of the Moon. In any case, a solar eclipse brings serious changes in the life of large groups and in the personal life of each person, if it forms an arc major aspect to the personal planets of the natal chart of the state, organization, pair union, person. Later, recalling the events that occurred during the period of activity of the eclipse, people speak of these events as very important, and characterize them with such epithets as “the most important”, “fateful”, “great”, “fatal”, “fatal”, “ turning".

Solar Eclipse in Rising Lunar Node marks the beginning of life important events, which relate to our personality more than to the personality of those with whom we have a relationship "you - to me, I - to you." During such eclipses, the emphasis is not on our relationships with other people, on issues of our alliances and associations, our open hostility and confrontation with others and the world as a whole. Solar eclipses in the Ascending Node, on the contrary, accentuate the sphere of our personal life where it does not come into contact with another significant person. Questions are raised of our purely personal interests, our sovereignty, individuality, physical body, appearance, manners, style of clothing. This includes issues relating to personal freedom and personal living space. Usually these are issues that require our urgent inclusion and attention on the principle of "I". This can cause us to get deeply involved in activities that clearly show our personal end goal and interest. We may start to work on our own or jump into a grand new undertaking with enthusiasm as the energies of this eclipse orient us towards entrepreneurialism and encourage personal creativity. In any case, the impact of this eclipse is expressed in the fact that something new begins in our lives.

Solar eclipse in the Ascending (North) Node in signs and houses.

Aries or 1st house: the focus is on personal initiatives aimed at acting independently. Pay special attention to your general health. For example, intensive bodybuilding classes, a massage course, beauty treatments, a new style clothes. Independence becomes an important theme. Relationships fade into the background. There may be difficulties in relationships due to the fact that your aggressiveness has increased, the reaction to the partner's behavior has become more spontaneous, indignation is no longer hidden, initiative impulses are stronger. This may be the beginning of a period of self-development associated with learning some new skill and ability that develops your personality. You may feel that you are identifying with some important mission or serious matter. You may be fighting for your rights, or you may want to establish a whole new perspective on your life.

Taurus or 2nd house: attention is focused on money, personal property, the ability to independently earn everything you need for a living and spend your money. Questions of self-esteem and personal worth arise. You may be involved in financial management, securities, bonds. If you have had problems with your spending habits, there may be events that will cause those habits to change. Your way of making money may change. You can start making a living doing what you love the most. You can seriously focus on your value system and make it a change of focus priorities. You may feel more loved and more appreciated. Self-esteem may rise. The attitude to one's own health as an energy resource may change.

Gemini or 3rd house: focus on communication, short distance travel, transportation, brothers, sisters and neighbors, education, documentation, teaching, learning, writing activity, trade. This may be a period of increased visits, business trips and visitors. There may be a change in the immediate environment as a result of moving or involvement in studies. The amount of paper work is increasing. You may feel an irresistible attraction to writing. Perhaps you will be talked about in the press. Eclipses in Gemini and the 3rd house are characterized by an abundance of nervous tension and often give rise to anxiety. Your personal prospects for making decisions regarding your mental activity, your connections, acquaintances, communication, everyday life may improve. You may receive an important message that turns out to be the missing puzzle in a picture that you have been putting together for a long time. In one way or another, this eclipse may bring important information for you and a new way to deal with facts.

Cancer or 4th house: the focus is on issues of home, real estate, caring, raising children, relationships with parents, folk traditions, the fundamental foundations of the worldview, events in the homeland. You can make an important move for yourself, buy or sell a house, a land plot. Perhaps a change in career due to the need to solve the problem of personal security, protect yourself, get the desired emotions. Perhaps you will find some new information relating to family, or interested in your genealogy. You can begin a course of psychotherapy by traveling through self-discovery to the origins of your existence. You can strengthen, restore or destroy family ties.

Leo or 5th house: your time can be devoted to children. Your creative endeavors and hobbies can turn into something more substantial. On foreground yours can come out love life. One of the themes of this period may be vacation, entertainment, play, pleasure, flirting, scam, risky gamble, gambling and speculation. It is possible to receive money from real estate or from parents.

Virgo or 6th house: there may be great changes in the established practice of caring for the house, tools, household appliances, vehicles, pets, in relations with servants and employees. The focus is on nutrition, all aspects of maintaining health, daily routines and habit patterns. High tide possible physical strength. There may be drastic changes in your diet or tastes. Pets and their needs play an important role. Attention will be paid to the renovation of the house and the details of daily life. You can create a more organized space in your home or office, or organize a new kind of service. Important changes may occur in relation to routine tasks, work schedules, co-workers and unions.

Libra or 7th house: an eclipse in that house or sign does not necessarily indicate a new partnership or marriage, but it often does, especially when the 7th lord is favored. You may find changes in relationships with important others, partners, or a strong connection with a new person. Some of the people important to you may marry, union, or, conversely, leave this relationship. This eclipse may bring legal issues, litigation, litigation, the need to restore justice.

Scorpio or 8th house: if you're waiting for property settlements or money coming in from legal processes, this eclipse could bring a revival in those areas. With this eclipse, you may also discover a way to rebuild a bad line of credit. Your partners can repay their financial debts and settle long-overdue obligations. Very often, the questions of this house are of a psychological nature: mental crises, marginal situations, breaking stereotypes. This can be a time of complete transformation of the personality. Attention may be focused on issues of fertility, pregnancy and childbirth. You may experience feelings of abandonment or feel like you have been emotionally robbed. This eclipse may change your idea of ​​your own sexuality or your sexual behavior. There may be a question of a serious abuse of your trust by another person.

Sagittarius or 9th house: this may be a period of major change in your cultural orientation. You can connect with people whose culture is foreign to yours. Perhaps a long journey (one or more). Your perspectives are expanding. If you want to post something, then this is the time for you. Your sibling's marriage partner may be in the middle of an important change in your life. Politics can play an important role in your life. A marked increase in your personal freedom and a need for more personal space.

Capricorn or 10th house: draws attention to your most important goals. You this time you can work very hard on a career or the fulfillment of your calling (which does not always coincide). This can be a time of receiving recognition for your career achievements that will move you forward. There may be questions related to senior management or the company in which you work. If you are a boss, you may still have questions about figures or organizations that are authoritative for you. The issue of your image and the corresponding image of yourself in society becomes incredibly important. If the ruler of the 10th house is discordant and has tense aspects, a long period of trouble is likely in public life, career, vocation, when you can be paralyzed by the fear of failure. You may find yourself becoming the head of the family in some respects, perhaps making decisions for older family members or becoming their mainstay. You may be thinking about own house, but you still have to wait for a new moon or an eclipse in your 4th house.

Aquarius or 11th house: very often at this time people are involved on their own initiative in some kind of group work. You may be attracted to participate in joint public projects. The focus may be on your child's stepson/stepdaughter or marriage partner. Your grown child can leave the house and start independent life or bring a friend to the house who will stay on long time. Issues related to alienation are likely: you may feel like a stranger to your family, friends, co-workers, co-workers, or you may find that people around you are repulsed by your behavior.

Pisces or 12th house: the agenda may include issues related to the past, or issues related to visiting a hospital, prison, almshouse, closed institutions, rehabilitation centers, etc. You can meet a kindred spirit. Relationships of this period are distinguished by sympathy, empathy. Questions often arise regarding the abuse of certain substances. Attention may be focused on poetry and dreams of visiting places associated with everything mysterious, unknown or long forgotten. This may be the beginning of new mystical pursuits. The study of yourself and the inner relationship with your true "I" is good way using the energy of this eclipse. For those who suffer from loneliness, this eclipse can be brought out of isolation by some of the methods. This eclipse may provide the necessary forced idleness to carry out behind-the-scenes work. This can be one of the most inspirational periods of life.

See aspects of the eclipse to the planets and points of the horoscope.

21 leaf fall 2011

The eclipse is a symbol of change. They are especially felt by people with personal planets or corners of houses in aspect with the Eclipse. Likewise, born near obscuration. The rest are different. In any case, the February eclipse will be stronger and longer than many past ones, which means that its influence will be much more noticeable.

You can read about the meaning of the eclipse in February 2018 and how to work with their energy. In the same article, we will talk about the personal meaning of the eclipse for each of us.

In what area of ​​your life changes will occur as a result of this astrological event depends on which place, or in other words, the house of the natal chart will be eclipsed. Find in which house you have the degree of the transiting Sun on the day of the eclipse and watch the events. Eclipses usually carry a certain element of fatality, so you can spread your sails and take advantage of the winds of change, improving the situation, or rest to the last, getting poke from the universe. But what needs to happen will happen. Such is the nature of eclipses.

In this case, it is important to consider not one house, but the axis - the eclipse point and the point of its opposition. Opposition is always a choice, and an eclipse is a fatality, suddenness, a situation of necessity, a turning point, a beginning or an end. You should not be afraid of eclipses, they simply indicate that more energy will be needed in a certain place in our life than in others. So circumstances will develop, or we will want it ourselves - it does not matter.

Somewhere we have to work hard, make efforts, focus our attention and change something or accept the changes that happened without us. The Eclipse will exacerbate a certain conflict within us, confrontation, setting before us the task of finding our own "middle" between the two extremes.

What is the eclipse preparing for us?

1st house I - 7th house partner - this is the sphere of everything that relates directly to our personality - character, image, charisma, behavior, initiative, vitality. An eclipse in the first house indicates changes primarily at the level of attitude and oneself in the world. You will want or have to change yourself, ways of self-presentation, level of activity, image. Circumstances may require you to become tougher, more selfish, not to pay attention to the opinions of others. Or vice versa - learn to negotiate, seek a compromise, adapt and build partnerships. After all, this is also the sphere of partnership, one-on-one relationships. Friends, lovers and spouses, business partners and competitors. So, what exactly is required of you - circumstances will tell you - be guided by your inner feelings and remember - it's time for a change. So, if before you chose one strategy, now you have to act differently.

Key questions of the period - What I am who I am, I am in a relationship, I am close to others, being alone or with someone how to be with someone who to choose.

Internal conflict - I-You

2 house-sphere of personal resources - 8th house - sphere of foreign resources. The sphere of the 2nd house includes both our personally earned money and any other material values ​​that belong to us. The same goes for our body. Expect changes in this area. Perhaps the level, methods or scope of earnings will change. Or maybe you want to take up a new sport or completely change your wardrobe, or, finally, buy that very cherished thing that you have been saving for so long. “Other people's money” may also appear on the horizon. Loans, credits, payments on deposits, business tied to common (group) capital.

In addition, an eclipse in this axis may indicate the receipt of an inheritance or the beginning of practices aimed at personal transformation - yoga, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, holotropic breathing, etc. If you were planning spiritual work, the time has come. Also, an eclipse on the 2-8 axis can simply speak of a set of events from different areas which will result in serious and profound changes.

Questions that will be raised what I am capable of, what depends on me, how I deal with power and responsibility, how much I I take over, what's mine?

Conflict - Mine-Yours (someone else's).

3rd house - the sphere of contacts and specific information - 9th house - the sphere of authority, abstract information. An eclipse in the third house can bring changes in social circle, new learning, travel, moving within home country. Or maybe you will have a nephew, as the changes may affect your relatives - especially brothers and sisters. Also, this provision may indicate the receipt of fateful information or news. You may have a craving or need to work with information - writing texts, searching for materials, collecting and processing data.

There may also be important trips abroad, meeting high-status people, increasing your authority. Perhaps you defend your dissertation or publish your book, start teaching, or vice versa, meet your spiritual mentor. Questions of faith, tolerance, ideals and principles may be raised.

The main internal issues what I believe, what I am ready for for ... than I willing to share with others what I am ready to take from others, what is true for me, what kind of person I am and what What does it mean to me to be human?

Conflict - My opinion - Your opinion (someone else's).

4th house - the sphere of family and home - 10th house of career, social status. Changes may affect the structure and relationships in the family, usually parental. Perhaps one of your close relatives will change status - retire or go to work, and this event will significantly affect the whole family. Changes can affect both the work team and, in general, everyone who is “like a family” to you. Another place where the influence of the eclipse can manifest itself can be your home. Repairs, moving, buying significant expensive things in the house or real estate directly. Or vice versa - the long-awaited sale of land or apartments.

And maybe you decide to do family constellations or compiling a family tree. Perhaps family issues will be raised in one way or another in connection with a change in your social status - entering a new job, promotion, retirement, marriage, changes in professional duties, or you decide to get rid of boring office work, replacing it with your own business.

The main internal questions of the period - where are my roots, what can I rely on? Where am I from and where am I going? What is the purpose of my life? What am I living for?

Conflict - My feelings - my mind (family - work).

5th house - the sphere of creativity, joy, pleasure, fun and children, as well as good luck - 11th house of the group, the public and its opinion, the crowd. An eclipse in this sector may indicate the birth of a new creative project in which you will become a key figure, a creator - a novel or a course of lectures, a workshop or sport competitions- it does not matter - any manifestation of your individuality in practice, demonstrating it through your work to the world. Holidays and competitions also fall here - maybe you are lucky in the game or the universe has prepared a lot of entertainment for you for this period.

Could it really be about children? How directly - the appearance of a child in a family, or changes associated with children - the first trip to a kindergarten, school, college, marriage, winning a competition, etc. Or indirectly - you will have to spend a lot of time with children. Or what is connected with them - working with toys, cartoons, etc. In addition, your social position, team, wide circle of communication may change, your activity in society and the Internet may increase.

The main questions are - I as an individual, Am I part of society or a faceless detail of the crowd, Am I and public opinion?

Conflict - My uniqueness is my desire to be like everyone else (part of a group).

6th house - the sphere of work, everyday worries - 12th house - the sphere of spirituality, secrets, soul. Whatever the eclipse changes will affect, it will significantly affect your daily routine, routine, obligations, everyday life. Duties at work, relationships with superiors or subordinates may change, you may have to take care of someone, help, or someone wants to do it for you. There may be a business or occupation that requires special attention to detail, concentration.

On the other hand, your attention may be focused on creativity, issues of immigration and abroad, communication with foreigners. Or secrets - both in work and in personal life. Or maybe the other way around - some secrets will be revealed, something will become clearer and finally acquire a clear framework, decide. Perhaps this is a time of gaining faith, miracles or insight, understanding the simple truth of life, when the fog clears and the world appears clear and crisp, or a period of rethinking of one's entire life.

One way or another, the main questions will be - who am I - but this is not a matter of the 1st house. This is a question arising from the experience gained, a question at the end of the cycle, concluding, summing up. What can I take from my experience, and what should I leave? What can I change and what should I accept?

Conflict - I am the moment - I am the eternity

You should only perform your operations on the first two objects when the sun, earth, and moon are conjunct in the same line and in the same plane.

(c) Magical grimoire "Triangle book" by Count Saint-Germain.

1. Introduction.

The timing of eclipses is special. At this time, the moon passes between the earth and the sun, and for some time the influence of the energy of light in us weakens and the entire shadow is exposed and clearly manifests itself. It is this time that nature freezes and stops, making a pause. This pause is important because in order to inhale, you must first exhale. In order to bring something into your life, you must first get rid of the unnecessary. That is why this pause before planning is needed so that the liberated shadow side of our personality can manifest itself and thereby come into the light of awareness and transform.
People born during a time close to the eclipse are unfortunately deprived of a great deal of freedom of choice. On the one hand, their path can be more predetermined, but on the other hand, certainty can give greater stability and solidity. After all, not many of us like too much change and uncertainty. The life of an eclipse person is associated with a period of 18.5 years, the so-called Saros cycle. Events and situations in life can be repeated in this cycle like a squirrel in a wheel. But it may not be a wheel, but a spiral along which a person rises higher and higher. Here it is important to watch the lunar birthday for women and the solar birthday for men.
The eclipse itself begins from the moment of the first touch. The moment when the shadow just touches the sun and begins to cover it. And it is at this time that one should begin the practice of purification or summing up, depending on how many days there are in the current lunar month. I will give both practices. The practice of cleansing if before the first lunar day after the solar eclipse is the 29th lunar day. And the practice of summing up if there were 30 lunar days in the current lunar month.
The difference between the eclipses occurring at the transition of 29-1 lunar day and 30-1 lunar day is very large.
If the transition comes after the 29th lunar day, then the main practice will be cleansing and removing blocks in ourselves that prevent you from achieving what you want. When the transition comes from the 30th lunar day, then we have a unique opportunity to move to a new level. This should be taken into account in your meditation practice and preparation for the eclipse.
Thus, the practice of working through the eclipse is divided into two parts. The first is purification or purification and summing up. The second is planning itself.
It is advisable to check in advance on which day in relation to your personal lunar Mandala an eclipse occurs and the annual lunar mandala. View external and internal opposition. This will make it easier for you to understand what exactly needs to be worked out at this time, where there will be obstacles and what the next cycle will be devoted to.
The first part can begin from the moment the shadow touches the star and end a few minutes before the highest point of the eclipse. The second begins at the beginning of the 1st lunar day. Therefore, you need to prepare everything you need in advance.
It is also important to know that, by their nature, eclipses can be total, partial, and annular. Total eclipse and partial eclipse carry their influence until the next eclipse where adjustments can be made. The larger the shadow, the greater the influence. The ring bears its influence on a person's life for as long as 18.5 years. It awakens karmic knots that will affect us long years. person. The changes that will happen to you after a solar eclipse can often be predicted from the events that took place during the period. lunar eclipse, in front of sunny. Be attentive to signs from space at this time.
If you want to know in more detail how the ongoing eclipse affects you personally, then it is better to contact a professional astrologer. According to the location of the sun and moon at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope, the astrologer can give you personal recommendations for working through. This is the best option.
The essence of the eclipse is read by nodes. And we need to see what sign they are in and what is their connection with the planets at the time of the eclipse.
south node carries information about what has already outlived its own. This is an experience that has already been mastered and does not need further development. But at the same time, it is something that we can rely on, but not become attached to.
north node talks about what should come into our lives. This is something to pay special attention to when you write plans and do meditation. Something that does not need to be resisted, but rather to remove internal obstacles. This is the area in which lies our spiritual and material development for the next period of time.
For example, the eclipse of April 2013 passed along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. The Moon was in Scorpio, the Sun was in Taurus. This means that the main theme of the development of our world was emotions and related financial and stability issues. During this period, it was possible to increase cash and material flows, or it was possible ... .. vice versa. And this is for the next 18.5 years.

2. Keys to doing the solar eclipse practice.

As life has shown, if all the keys are executed, then the implementation took place within a few weeks. Therefore, these keys are exactly that magical magic wand that launches your plans into reality. Therefore, preparation for an eclipse begins with the previous lunar eclipse.

During a lunar eclipse (+- three days), everything that will be important for the next period will clearly manifest itself in your life. Be attentive to signs from space. Situations that are subject to urgent study and solution may be aggravated. At the same time it best moment when you can get rid of the internal blocks that prevent us from fulfilling our desires.
Therefore, the first key is to pay attention to the signs during the lunar eclipse preceding the solar one.
The second key is the location of the sun at the time of the eclipse in your personal horoscope at the current moment. This is checked by an astrologer where the main direction is determined, what you will clean and clean, and what you need to pay special attention to in building your plans. What should you pay more attention to, because then all the heavenly and earthly space will help you in your realization.
The third key is to write plans for the correct period depending on the type of eclipse.
The fourth key. Don't limit yourself. Sometimes Heaven has more for us high level, and we underestimate it in our plans. Try removing the top bar. Let Heaven give you a gift.
Key fifth and very important. Desires must be from the heart and true, and not imposed from outside. Be sure to check everything conceived for compliance with your true intentions.
The sixth key is the most important. This should benefit all living beings. Then you will receive help and support in the implementation of all your plans from all the heavenly and earthly Forces.

3. Preparation for the eclipse and the necessary tools

You can write down a few days before the start of the eclipse practice everything that you want to plan for next year(if the eclipse is partial) or for the next 19.5 years (if the eclipse is annular or total). You can do this on 24,25,27 and 28 lunar days.
Check each item of your plans for truth and environmental friendliness. This is done on the 25th or 28th lunar day before the solar eclipse. This will strengthen planning practice and speed up implementation.
Before the eclipse, prepare three white candles. They are designed depending on what tradition you are in to the Highest Manifestations of the Divine. It could be the Three Norns spinning the thread of fate. You can light them to the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. It already depends on you.
Also take a figurative angel candle in purple, white or just wax. If you do not find curly then take the usual wax.
And two working candles. You will light one for the first practice, the second directly for the planning itself. Candles should burn for about an hour. Don't get too big or too small. Although in practice I observed when absolutely identical candles during practice burned out one in five minutes. The second one burned for two hours.
And now the keys to the practice itself.

4. Key one.

7. Meditation and planning practice during a solar eclipse:

Before practice, take a shower, put on clean clothes and prepare a place for meditation.
You can do any cleansing practice from my book "Lunar Practices"
Light three candles as an offering to the Norns if you are in the northern tradition.
Ask the higher powers to guide you as you practice. And so that everything is done correctly and on time, and that your actions benefit all living beings.
Light a candle for your Guardian Angel. Ask him to help you during your practice
drink a glass pure water little sips.
Looking into the candlelight, write a list of what you want to get rid of.
Look at yourself in the mirror.

7.1. Cleansing Meditation:

The purification meditation is performed before the sun has passed the peak of the eclipse and while the 29th or 30th lunar day is still going on.
Take a comfortable position. The arms and legs are open and do not cross.
As you practice, breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Breathing is soft and calm as usual. The mouth should not be opened wide on exhalation. Just relax and open it while exhaling.
Take three deep breaths. So that on inhalation, the stomach and chest expand as much as possible, and on exhalation, by themselves, under the force of gravity, they relax and lower.
Feel the outer surface of your body and look at the inner space (if you have regularly done the practice "The Best Remedy for Rejuvenation - Movement at rest" from my book of women's practices, then you will find it easy to do this)
Imagine that in front of you is your image that you just saw in the mirror.
Remember what you wrote on your list.
Find the place in your body where you see and feel the first problem on your list. What you want to get rid of. How does it look and feel? Maybe it's some kind of symbol or object. For example, resentment may look like a stone or a knife in the back. Or just as a color and shape. Find the problem in your body that is bothering you. Thank her for being in your life for the lessons you learned from her. Send it to the phantom image that we have created and which is in front of you outside of your body.

Then do the same for the other issues on your list. When all problems are sent to the created phantom. Look at him with love and gratitude. Now these problems are not with you, but with the phantom. Thank the phantom for taking on these problems and sending them to the places where they are supposed to be outside of our world. Under your attention, the phantom may begin to shrink and gradually turn into a small shining purple star. Take a deep breath exhale and send it to the sky.
It is better that sending to the sky occurs a couple of minutes before the start of the transition.
Enjoy the feeling of emptiness and observe what happens to your sensations and experiences at the moment the sun passes through the maximum of the eclipse.

The next practice follows purification and begins only at the moment of the passage of the peak of the eclipse and the move on the first lunar day!!!

And at the entrance of the sun on a new lunar day, we need to fill in the empty spaces.
Imagine a beam of light descending from the sky. It fills the entire space around with a light clear light. Feel your skin and the places where it comes into contact with the air, and where with the clothes. Think of your skin as the outer surface of your body. Begin to inhale the light that comes from the sky through the surface of the body, through the skin. With each inhalation and exhalation, the body expands and contracts like a balloon. Fill your body with light, especially those places that you have cleansed. Fill with light and clarity.
When you do this, take three deep breaths and exhale, gently stretch your whole body and you can proceed to the next part of the practice. Purification practice completed.
A sheet of paper with written problems is burned and the ashes are buried in the ground or sent with water to the toilet with the words "where the water goes there trouble."

7.2. Working with planning.

Light a new white or wax candle. Take a sheet of yellow paper and a pen with red ink.
Looking at the candle, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near and not only future. Write a list of your plans.
Before writing each paragraph, first look into the light of the candle. May it help your desire to be pure and clear. Avoid particle NOT and negative expressions. Write not in the future, not in the past, but in the present tense. And may all your desires be wise and bring good to all living beings. Having completed the list of plans and desires, we again drink a glass of fresh water in small sips and settle into a comfortable position for meditation.
We have already been filled with light, so just remember this state of being filled with light, calm and relaxed. A state of clarity and peace. In this state, in your imagination, draw a vivid picture as if your desire and plan had already come true. Create a circle of blue light as the frame of the picture. Remember how in a fairy tale about a plate with a blue border. Who is next to you when the wish is realized. What do you feel? Are you and other participants in the picture comfortable?
Make a test for the truth of desire!
If the body is tense and there is no smile, then start changing the picture until a joyful soft smile appears on the face, the body relaxes and the breath is soft and calm, chest and stomach at the same time. And in your imagination you will be able to observe and feel peace, tranquility and calm joy from the picture of a fulfilled desire. Let the blue radiance of the image go to the sky. Smile and thank space, heaven, guardian angel for help.
Then we do the same with two more wishes.
After sending the third wish into the sky with blue light, check your body, scan the inner space. If there is no light somewhere, then again invite a ray from the sky and fill your entire inner space with the light of clarity. This practice can be completed.
Gently stretch, take a few deep breaths - exhalations. Thank the higher powers, the guardian angel, the god you believe in, or the higher self for helping you practice.
Written plans can be burned and the ashes thrown into the wind. Do not extinguish the candles, they must burn themselves out.

But each eclipse carries its own energies and each time the practice changes, emphasis is placed on various areas life. Therefore, stay tuned for new articles on eclipses in the section in the group
