Activity is a way of a person's relationship to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the goals of a person. Human activity Animal activity

The subject of activity is the one who carries out the activity (individual, collective, society) The object of activity is what the activity is aimed at (subject, process, internal state of a person) Motive Purpose Methods and means Process Result (product) Needs Social attitudes persuasion interests of attraction and emotions ideals Motive - a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity The goal of activity is a conscious image of the result that the action is aimed at person.

Types of activity game communication teaching work A special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation. This is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. This is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. It can be organized or unorganized. This is an activity aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Reflection of reality in artistic and scientific forms, in myths, religious teachings Transformation of nature Transformation of society Positive or negative attitude of people to the phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of their worldview Planning or foreseeing possible changes in reality

Classification basis Types of activity Subject of activity 1. Individual 2. Collective Nature of activity 1. Reproductive (activity according to the model) 2. Creative (activity with elements of innovation, departure from patterns and standards) Compliance with legal norms 1. Legal 2. Illegal Compliance with moral standards 1 .Moral 2. Immoral Correlation with social progress 1. Progressive 2. Reactionary Dependence on the spheres of public life 1. Economic 2. Social 3. Political 4. Spiritual Features of the manifestation of human activity 1. External (movements, muscle efforts, actions with real objects) 2. Internal (mental actions)

Wisdom [Skill System of Further Energy-Informational Development. Stage V, second stage, parts 1 and 2] Verishchagin Dmitry Sergeevich

Exchange of emotions in the world

Exchange of emotions in the world

Let's take a good look at how this emotional exchange takes place between a person and society, and indeed why we need it.

With the way it passes, everything is simple: if emotions, in principle, affect a person and if they are involuntarily, both energetically and indirectly, transmitted to a neighbor, then it cannot be that some kind of exchange mechanism has not been established in society. Society lives in a single emotional field - that's why it's still so difficult to get rid of its power! Socially acceptable values ​​are colored emotionally - otherwise they would not be values. The socially acceptable way of life may disgust you - but it will continue to climb into your soul and impose itself on you along with the emotions of those around you. In order to break out of the way of life accepted in society, it is necessary that a different way of life acceptable to you also begins to be supported emotionally not only by you, from the inside, but also receives many elements of support from the outside!

Now let's look at why a person needs this emotional exchange. Very simple: a person uses it as aid to regulate their own emotional balance.

We know that a human being seeks to avoid negative emotions and experience positive ones. In addition, we know that a positive emotional state is short-lived, as it stimulates the central upflow and is quickly compensated by enkephalins, while a negative one lasts a little longer (because it stimulates the central downflow and delays its own compensation). But we know that at rest, the emotional balance slowly shifts into negative side(therefore, peace gradually develops into boredom - into a state of “bad”).

What can a person subconsciously want? First, prolong the positive state. Secondly, quickly get rid of the negative.

Of course, he subconsciously begins to act.

What does a person with positive emotions do? He splashes them out - on the people around him and on the surrounding objects. For what?

To prolong their impact on oneself. After all, they will soon end, thanks to the compensation of the enkephalin-endorphin system.

And so ... So a person saves them for himself. After all, these emotions splash out primarily on those who are close to a person (we give them smiles, compliments), or on objects close to him (we decorate our apartment) - and, accordingly, increase the potential positive emotional significance of these objects! And already these objects begin to radiate emotional significance on a person - they pay him the same! It's like he's invested his valuables in stocks that pay big dividends, and now he's cutting coupons off his invested wealth! This is how a positive state is extended - it is invested in something external that stores and gives this positive state to the owner! You came home from work upset, ended up in a house that you lovingly furnished and looked after - you look and feel better. This is how we stockpile emotional values ​​and use them as needed.

Moreover, with each subsequent time, with repeated contacts with the object, a person feels a little more positive emotions than before. That is, these objects increase the difference in the emotional potentials of the emotional field in which a person exists, due to the fact that the strength and power of the positive pole increases.

So, positive emotions a person usually splashes out. And what does a person with negative emotions do?

There may be several options here. The first option is familiar to some people who, being in a negative state, withdraw into themselves and begin to suffer, sometimes even deliberately “winding up” and inflaming themselves according to the principle “well, let it be even worse for me.” What is this, just masochism? No, in such behavior, oddly enough, there is certain meaning: “winding up” oneself leads to a sharp rise in the level of enkephalins, which, in turn, activates the endorphin system, which immediately aims at normalizing the state. And yet this is a very irrational path - because it does not lead to a solution to the problem.

The second option: when a person tries to somehow distract himself or make himself a gift, to please himself. This, as a rule, either does not help at all, or helps a lot. a short time. Naturally, this is also an irrational option, because again it does not lead to a solution to the problem.

The third option is used by people who know how and love to pour negativity on others, as a rule, on just anyone, who comes to hand, especially on those who do not like it - but it happens that they are close and loved ones. In this case, those people to whom all this flow of negativity is directed, naturally, the emotional background decreases, which leads to a weakening of the central upward flow, and, as a result, they become vulnerable, less protected. And the one who, in fact, splashed out all this negativity on them, on the contrary, feels that he feels better, and begins to feel more uplifted. But this is also not a method, since again it gives only short-term relief. Over a long period of time, it is not justified, because: a) it is impossible to infinitely lower the emotional level of the neighbors, and b) the negative emotional induction from the neighbors eventually seeps into the consciousness of the one who gave them this negativity, and he becomes worse than before. This is how the proverb is confirmed: "Evil is unprofitable"!

The fourth option: when a person angers himself so strongly and sharply that the quality of his negative emotions changes: for example, resentment turns into anger. At the same time, the updraft increases. This is already good, because anger is a constructive emotion, leading to a splash of negativity not on anyone, but on the source of the problem, and, perhaps, the energy released in this way helps to solve the problem, somehow transform it. Sometimes it is even useful to do such things quite consciously - after all, it often happens that some kind of splinter sits in the soul, almost unconscious, but it interferes with life. But if you deliberately inflame this wound and pull out this splinter (this may turn out to be a long-forgotten insult, and hidden anger at the offender), then the hidden suppressed feelings begin to manifest openly and violently, the insult turns into anger (until now you have suffered: “Ah, poor me, why am I like this? ”, And now other feelings came:“ Yes, how dare he, the bastard, treat me like that - with me, who deserves the most respectful attitude!”), that is, in a more constructive direction, and the activity aimed at solving the problem is increasing.

That is negative emotions can also participate in social exchange, however, in a somewhat paradoxical way.

But for us, as you perfectly understand, something else is much more important: the fact that emotions can be transferred not only to people, but also to objects, phenomena, concepts, ideas - everything that participates in socio-emotional exchange.

So, we can draw an important conclusion: if emotions quickly come into balance in the person himself, then their introduction into social exchange significantly increases the duration of their action and ultimately serves as a kind of reserve for the person. This, of course, can be used for our purposes.

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Chapter Nine Exchange of Life Energy A wise man who befriends dullards becomes a fool; a dog that lives with the good, smart people becomes a rational being. Arabic proverb If someone deceived you twice, then you are at one with the deceiver. Thomas

Fill in the gaps in the diagrams.

Write the numbers under which the examples of activities are indicated in the appropriate block diagram.

Examples: 1) the hostess is preparing dinner; 2) schoolchildren organized a chess tournament; 3) the general plans a parade of troops; 4) the seller packs the purchase; 5) a summer resident waters vegetables in the garden; 6) the student is preparing: for the exam; 7) several families organized Soccer game; 8) the participants of the TV quiz answer the questions of the presenter; 9) a schoolchild reads books assigned by a literature teacher in the summer; 10) a girl does a doll's hair; 11) Government ministers draw up the state budget.


Goal - Achievement - Path

Main types of human activity:

1. Game- This special kind activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation. The game, like art, offers a certain solution in the conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of model of the situation. The game makes it possible to simulate specific life situations.

Examples: 2) schoolchildren organized a chess tournament; 7) several families organized a football match; 8) the participants of the TV quiz answer the questions of the presenter; 10) the girl does the doll's hair.

2. Teaching- a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. The peculiarity of the doctrine is that it serves as a means psychological development person. Teaching can be organized and unorganized (self-education).

Examples: 6) the student is preparing for the exam; 9) the schoolboy in the summer we read the books given by the teacher of literature.

3. Communication- this is a type of activity in which there is an exchange of ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.). According to the means used, the following types of communication are distinguished: direct and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal.

4. Labor- a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Character traits labor: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical usefulness, transformation external environment a habitat.

Examples: 1) the hostess is preparing dinner; 3) the general plans a parade of troops; 4) the seller packs the purchase; 5) a summer resident waters vegetables in the garden; 11) Government ministers draw up the state budget.

Human and society

1.6. Human activity and its main forms (labor, play, teaching)

Activity - active interaction a person with an environment, the result of which should be its usefulness, requiring from a person high mobility of nervous processes, fast and accurate movements, increased activity of perception, attention, memory, thinking, emotional stability. The activity structure is usually presented in a linear fashion, where each component follows the other in time: Need-> motive-> Target-> Facilities-> Action-> Result

Need - this is a need, dissatisfaction, a feeling of lack of something necessary for a normal existence. In order for a person to begin to act, an awareness of this need and its nature is necessary. A motive is a need-based, conscious motivation that justifies and justifies an activity. The need will become a motive if it is realized not just as a need, but as a guide to action. In the process of forming a motive, not only needs, but also other motives are involved. As a rule, needs are mediated by interests, traditions, beliefs, social attitudes, etc.

Target - this is a conscious idea of ​​the result of activity, anticipation of the future. Any activity involves goal setting, i.e. the ability to set goals independently. Animals, unlike humans, cannot set goals themselves: their program of activity is predetermined and expressed in instincts. Man is able to form his own programs, creating something that has never been in nature. Since there is no goal-setting in animal activity, it is not an activity. Moreover, if the animal never presents the results of its activity in advance, then the person, starting the activity, keeps in mind the image of the expected object: before creating something in reality, he creates it in his mind. However, the goal can be complex and sometimes requires a series of intermediate steps to achieve it. For example, to plant a tree, you need to purchase a seedling, find a suitable place, take a shovel, dig a hole, place the seedling in it, water it, etc. Ideas about intermediate results are called tasks. Thus, the goal is broken down into specific tasks: if all these tasks are solved, then the overall goal will be achieved.

Facilities - these are techniques used in the course of activity, methods of action, objects, etc. For example, to learn social science, you need lectures, textbooks, assignments. To be a good specialist, you need to get professional education, have work experience, constantly practice in their activities, etc. The means must match the ends.

Action - an element of activity that has a relatively independent and conscious task. An activity is made up of individual actions. For example, teaching activity consists of preparing and giving lectures, conducting seminars, preparing assignments, etc.

Result - this is the final result, the state in which the need is satisfied (in whole or in part). For example, the result of study can be knowledge, skills, the result of labor - goods, the result of scientific activity - ideas and inventions. The result of activity can be the person himself, because in the course of activity he develops and changes.

Types of activities in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development:game, communication, teaching, work.

A game - this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation. Characteristic features of the game: takes place in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes rapidly; in its process, so-called substitute objects are used; is aimed at satisfying the interest of its participants; contributes to the development of personality, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often expanded to include the exchange of material items. This broader exchange is communication [material or spiritual (informational)].

Doctrine is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities by a person. Teaching can be organized (carried out in educational institutions) and unorganized (carried out in other activities as their side, additional result). Teaching can acquire the character of self-education.

Work is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result. Characteristic features of labor: expediency; focus on achieving the programmed, expected results; availability of skills, abilities, knowledge; practical usefulness; getting a result; personal development; transformation of the human environment.

Theme "Activities"

1. What definition is missing in the following phrase: "Only human activity has ... character"? a) instinctive; b) gun; c) joint; d) transformative.

2. Are the judgments correct?

A. Tool activity is unique to man.

B. Animals use natural objects as tools and even make them.

a) only A is true; b) A and B are correct; c) only B is true; d) both are wrong.

3. Spiritual activities include: a) the construction of a cinema; b) the manufacture of tools; c) making a movie d) the work of the printing house.

4. Labor as an expedient human activity began: a) with hunting;

b) the manufacture of tools; c) agriculture; d) mastery of fire.

1. What term can be defined common feature activities of an artist, writer, inventor, teacher? a) knowledge; b) creativity; c) teaching; d) image.

2. Are the following statements about human activity correct?

A. Changing and transforming the world in the interests of people is a characteristic of human activity.

B. human activity characterizes the focus on the creation of what is not in nature.

a) only A is true; b) only B is true; c) both A and B are true; d) both statements are wrong.

3. A student for a teacher is: a) a subject of activity; b) the object of activity; c) a competitor; d) colleague.

Topic 2. Being a person

Being philosophical category denoting existence, reality. Accordingly, not only the phenomena of nature, but also man, the spheres of his activity, have existence. The world of thinking beings and everything created by them enters the sphere of being.

The primary prerequisite for human existence is the life of his body. In the natural world, a person, existing as a body, is dependent on the laws of development and death of organisms, the cycles of nature. To give life to the spirit, it is necessary to provide life to the body. Therefore, in all civilized countries, the fundamental human rights to meet his primary needs, the rights associated with the preservation of life, are legally enshrined.

The individual becomes a person, mastering the achievements human culture(personal aspect of human existence). Therefore, a person does not blindly obey the requirements of bodily laws, but is able to control and regulate his needs, satisfying them not only in accordance with nature, but guided by historically emerging norms and ideals. Nevertheless, it is believed that individual being is the basis for the being of a person.

Social being can be expressed in a broader sense as social being. Social being (the relationship of people to nature and to each other) arises along with the formation human society and is primary in relation to the consciousness of an individual and generation.

Job Sample

A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following statements about human existence correct?

A. The individual existence of a person does not depend on his natural data.

B. The individual existence of a person does not depend on the socio-historical conditions of existence.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Answer: 4.

Topic 3. Human needs and interests

In order to develop, a person is forced to satisfy various needs, which are called needs.

Need it is the need of man for that which constitutes the necessary condition of his existence. In the motives (from the Latin movege - set in motion, push) of activity, human needs are manifested.

Types of human needs

Biological (organic, material)- needs for food, clothing, housing, etc.

Social-needs to interact with other people social activities, in public recognition, etc.

Spiritual (ideal, cognitive)- knowledge needs creative activity creating beauty, etc.

Biological, social and spiritual needs are interrelated. Basically biological needs in humans, unlike animals, become social. For most people, social needs dominate over ideal ones: the need for knowledge often acts as a means to acquire a profession, to occupy a worthy position in society.

There are other classifications of needs, for example, the following.

The needs of each next level become urgent when the previous ones are satisfied.

It should be remembered about the reasonable limitation of needs, because, firstly, not all human needs can be fully satisfied, and secondly, the needs should not contradict moral standards society.

Reasonable Needs -These are the needs that help develop in a person his true human qualities: the desire for truth, beauty, knowledge, the desire to bring good to people, etc.

Needs underlie the emergence of interests and inclinations.

Interest (lat. interest - to matter) - purposeful attitude of a person to any object of his needs.

The interests of people are directed not so much to the objects of needs, but to those social conditions that make these objects more or less accessible, primarily material and spiritual goods that ensure the satisfaction of needs.

Interests are determined by the position of various social groups and individuals in society. They are more or less recognized by people and are the most important incentives for various types activities.

There are several classifications of interests:

- according to their carrier: individual; group; whole society.

- by direction: economic; social; political; spiritual.

Interest must be distinguished inclination . The concept of "interest" expresses the focus on a certain item. The concept of "inclination" expresses the focus on a certain activity.

Interest is not always combined with inclination (much depends on the degree of accessibility of a particular activity).

The interests of a person express the direction of his personality, which largely determines his personality. life path, nature of activity, etc.

Job Sample

B1. Write down the missing word in the diagram.

Answer: Needs.

Topic 4. Human activity, its main forms

Activity a way of man's relationship to the outside world, which consists in transforming and subordinating it to the goals of man.

Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but differs in a creative and transformative attitude to the world around.

motive a set of external and internal conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determine the direction of activity. Motives can be: needs; social attitudes; beliefs; interests; drives and emotions; ideals.

Purpose of activity it is a conscious image of the result to which the action of a person is directed. An activity consists of a chain of actions. Action it is a process aimed at achieving the set goal.

The activity of people unfolds in various fields life of society, its direction, content, means are infinitely diverse.

The types of activities in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development: play, communication, teaching, work.

A game this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of any material product, but the process itself - entertainment, recreation.

Characteristic features of the game: occurs in a conditional situation, which, as a rule, changes rapidly; in its process, so-called substitute objects are used; is aimed at satisfying the interest of its participants; contributes to the development of personality, enriches it, equips it with the necessary skills.

Communication is an activity in which ideas and emotions are exchanged. It is often extended to include exchange and material objects. This broader exchange is communication [material or spiritual (informational)].

There are several classifications of communication.

IN modern science There are several approaches to the relationship between activity and communication:

- communication is an element of any activity, and activity is a necessary condition for communication, you can put an equal sign between them;

- communication is one of the types of human activity along with play, work, etc .;

- communication and activity are different categories, two sides of a person's social being: labor activity can proceed without communication, and communication can exist without activity.

Doctrine This is a type of activity, the purpose of which is the acquisition by a person of knowledge, skills and abilities.

teaching can be organized(carried out in educational institutions) and disorganized(carried out in other activities as their side, additional result).

Teaching can take on a character self-education.

On the question of what labor is, there are several points of view:

Labor is any conscious human activity. Where there is human interaction with the outside world, we can talk about labor;

Labor is one of the activities, but far from the only one.

Work This is a type of activity that is aimed at achieving a practically useful result.

Characteristic features of labor: expediency; focus on achieving the programmed, expected results; availability of skills, abilities, knowledge; practical usefulness; getting a result; personal development; transformation of the human environment.

In each type of activity, specific goals, tasks are set, a special arsenal of means, operations and methods is used to achieve the set goals. At the same time, none of the types of activity exists outside of interaction with each other, which determines the systemic nature of all spheres of public life.

Main classifications of activity

By objects and results (products) activities - the creation of material wealth or cultural values.

Creation This is a type of activity that generates something qualitatively new, which has never existed before.(For example, new target, new result or new means, new ways of achieving them).

Creativity is a component of any human activity and an independent activity (for example, the activity of scientists, inventors, writers, etc.).

Modern science recognizes that any person in one way or another has the ability to creative activity. However, abilities can develop or disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to master culture, language, knowledge, to master the ways of creative activity, its most important mechanisms.

The most important mechanisms of creative activity

Combination, variation of existing knowledge.

Imagination- the ability to create new sensory or mental images in the mind.

Fantasy(gr. phantasia - a mental image, a fruit of the imagination) - is characterized by a special power, brightness and unusualness of the created representations and images.

Intuition(lat. intueri - to look closely) - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized.

Thus, activity is a way of existence of people and is characterized by the following features:

conscious character - a person consciously puts forward the goals of the activity and foresees its results;

productive nature- is aimed at obtaining a result (product);

- transforming character- a person changes the world and himself;

public character- a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters into various relationships with other people.

Job Sample

B3. Establish a correspondence between the types of activities and their manifestations: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table, and then transfer the resulting sequence of numbers to the answer sheet (without spaces or any symbols).

Answer: 22121.

Topic 5. Thinking and activity

Thinking- an active process of reflecting the objective world in concepts, judgments, theories, etc.

Despite the fact that thinking is a process that takes place in the human cerebral cortex, it is by its nature socially. After all, for setting and solving any problem, a person uses the laws, rules, concepts that were discovered in human practice.

Thinking is inextricably linked to language. Language is the expression of human thought. With its help, a person cognizes the objective world. This happens because the language in one way or another corresponds to the objects of reality, their properties and relations. In other words, there are elements in the language that replace the named objects. They play the role of representatives of objects of knowledge in thinking, they are signs of objects, properties or relationships.

Mediated nature thinking lies in the fact that a knowing person, with the help of thinking, penetrates into the hidden properties, connections, relations of objects.

The thinking process goes through a number of stages.

Thinking has personal character. This is manifested in what tasks attract the attention of a particular person, how he solves each of them, what feelings he experiences when solving them. The subjective moment appears both in the attitudes that have developed in a person to what he cognizes, and in the conditions in which this process takes place, and in the perfection of the methods used, and in the wealth of knowledge and the success of their application.

A distinctive feature of mental activity is the inclusion in this process emotional and volitional aspects of personality that appear: in the form motives, motives for which a person undertakes difficult mental work; in the shape of reactions to a discovery made, to a solution found or to a failure (joy, pride, self-confidence; annoyance, chagrin, despondency, apathy, etc.); in relation to the content of the task itself.

Thinking is complex socio-historical phenomenon. Its development is characterized by increased abstraction and generalization.

On different stages human development, his mental abilities dominated different types thinking.

In its pure form, certain types of thinking are difficult to notice. It is advisable to talk about the predominance of one type or another.

In the process of thinking, a person gradually discovered an increasing number of laws in the world around him, i.e. essential, repetitive, stable connections of things. Having formulated the laws, a person began to use them in further cognition, which gave him the opportunity to actively influence nature and social life.

Job Sample

B2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are connected with the concept of “thinking”.

Image; language; performance; temperament; sign.

Find and indicate a term that is not related to the concept of "thinking".

Answer: Temperament.

Topic 6. The purpose and meaning of human life

The purpose of life- a kind of mental landmark to which the deeds and actions of a person rush.

Meaning of life a person's awareness of the direction of his life, his conscious building of a hierarchy of values, awareness of his capabilities and the desire to realize them.

The meaning of life is not given to man from outside. Man himself brings into life a reasonable beginning. The meaning of life is different for each person. It is impossible to find the meaning of life for all times and peoples, because along with universal, eternal truths, it includes something specific - the aspirations of the people of each specific era.

The meaning of life can be viewed in three temporal dimensions: the past (retrospection); present (updating); future (prospect).

The realization of the meaning of life depends on the presence in society of many conditions, the primary of which are the presence of democratic freedoms, humane goals and corresponding means.

To determine the meaning of life, there are various approaches that underlie this or that concept.

The meaning of life is self conscious choice each individual person of those values ​​that orient him not to have, but to be.

In other words, the meaning of human life is in the self-realization of the individual, in the human need to create, give, share with others, sacrifice oneself.

Job Sample

B5. Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) One often hears the opinion that the meaning of human life lies in the achievement of complete and indestructible happiness. (2) All the media unanimously cult, in our opinion, the natural desire of a person to be happy. (3) Many do not keep up with the society's proposed race for illusory standards. (4) It seems that our usual, calm ideas about a prosperous and dignified life should not be changed to the standards of external appearance.

Determine what provisions of the text are:

A) actual character

B) the nature of value judgments

Write under the position number the letter that indicates its nature. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer sheet.

Answer: BBAB.

Topic 7. Self-realization

Personality manifests itself in the process of self-realization.

Self-realization the process of the most complete identification and implementation by the individual of his capabilities, the achievement of the intended goals in solving personally significant problems, allowing him to fully realize creative potential personality.

Self-realization can be attributed to the highest human needs. It is carried out by purposeful influence of the personality on itself.

Job Sample

A1. Choose the correct answer. Are the following statements about self-realization correct?

A. Self-realization is the process of becoming material objects and spiritual values, into the very life of a person of engineering and technical ideas, moral and artistic norms.

B. Self-realization is inextricably linked with conscious creativity.

1) only A is true

2) only B is true

3) both statements are correct

4) both judgments are wrong

Answer: 3.

Topic 8. Individual, individuality, personality. Socialization of the individual

The concepts of "individual", "individuality", "personality" in scientific and popular literature are used as close in meaning, but they are not synonymous.

Individual (from lat. individuum - indivisible, undivided) - is a single representative human race, a specific carrier of all social and psychological traits of humanity: mind, will, needs, interests etc. (man as a separate individual among other people).

Individuality- this is a unique originality of manifestations of a person, emphasizing the exclusivity, versatility and harmony, naturalness and ease of his activity(man as one of many, but given his personal characteristics: appearance, demeanor, character, etc.).

Personality (from lat. persona - person) - this is a human individual who is the subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant features, properties and qualities that he implements in public life(person with socially significant qualities).

Personality structure

social status- a person's place in the system public relations.

social role- a way of behavior approved by the normative and corresponding to the social status.

Orientation- needs, interests, views, ideals, motives of behavior.

Not every person is a person. Humans are born, they become individuals in the process of socialization.

Socialization (from lat. socialis - public) - is the process of learning and further development individual cultural norms and social experience necessary for successful functioning in society.

The process of socialization continues throughout life, since a person during this time masters many social roles.

Socialization covers all the processes of including an individual in the system of social relations, the formation of social qualities in him, that is, it forms the ability to participate in social life.

Everything that influences the process of socialization is denoted by the concept of "agents socialization". These include: national traditions and customs; public policy; mass media; social environment; education; self-education.

The expansion and deepening of socialization occurs:

in the field of activity– expansion of its types; orientation in the system of each type of activity, i.e. highlighting the main thing in it, its comprehension, etc.

in the field of communication– enrichment of the circle of communication, deepening of its content, development of communication skills.

in the field of self-awareness- formation of the image of one's own "I" ("I"-concept) as an active subject of activity, understanding one's social belonging, social role and etc.

Job Samples

Read the text and do the tasks C1C4.

“Individuality means delimitation, uniqueness of personality, i.e., the ability to independent living, to self-regulation, to maintaining its stability. Human individuality, distinguished by such features as integrity, isolation, originality, autonomy, freedom, the presence of an inner "I", creativity, at the same time not only does not mean the disunity of man and society, but, on the contrary, creates the basis for their deeper unity. .<…>

The uniqueness, uniqueness of personalities, complementarity of each other with their own characteristics is one of the factors successful development truly humane harmonious society. Individualization is one of the things that bind people together. It is known that the interaction in general turns out to be strong, if in the “other” the object finds the complement of itself, something that it as such lacks. Therefore, the more developed individuality, independence, initiative, creativity of each person, the richer and stronger society as a whole.<…>

Every manifestation of an individual's life is a manifestation and affirmation of social life. Individual and public life are not fundamentally different from each other, but act as two sides of the life of one person.<…>

Thus, it is wrong to interpret the individual as only singular and unrepeatable. By defining individuality, we only focus on what distinguishes people from each other. Defining a personality, we emphasize common, typical features.<…>

Individuality, which, as already noted, can develop freely only in interaction with other people, when each person complements, continues, enriches the other person due to his own characteristics, has nothing in common with individualism. Individualism means opposing a person to society, treating other people as a means of one's private existence. This fragmentation of society and the individual, as a rule, turns against the person himself. Thus, in an individualistic interpretation, the other person is the boundary “for me”, in the conditions of developed collectivist relations, each other is not a boundary, but a continuation and addition of “myself” ( Spasibenko S. G. General and individual in social structure human // Social and humanitarian knowledge. 2001. No. 3. S. 98–101.).

C1. What is individuality? What are its signs?

Answer: Individuality means delimitation, the uniqueness of the individual, i.e., the ability to live independently, self-regulate, and maintain one's stability. With the help of the concept of “individuality”, emphasis is placed on the differences between people from each other.

Signs of individuality: integrity, isolation, originality, autonomy, freedom, the presence of an inner "I", creativity.

C2. Based on the text, indicate why individuality is one of the factors in the development of a truly humane harmonious society.

Answer: Individuality is one of the factors in the development of a truly humane harmonious society, since it is known that interaction in general turns out to be strong if an object finds an addition to itself in the “other”, which it lacks as such. Therefore, the more developed the individuality of a person, expressed in independence, initiative, creativity, the richer and stronger the society as a whole.

C4. The text speaks of the dual unity of the general and the individual as one of the internal sources of personality formation. Explain this conclusion with one of the examples.

Answer: The following can be cited as an example: The formation of a personality presupposes the ratio of the socially typical (general) and the creatively individual in a person. Neglect of this ratio is fraught with serious consequences. Both society and man suffer both from depersonalization, leveling, underestimation of the importance of individuality, and from the absolutization of the individual, unique qualities of a person.
