My favorite character (story) Composition on the topic "My favorite literary hero": examples

My favorite character.

Every person, I think, should have a loved one. literary hero, which he constantly remembers, tries to be not like him. It is best to talk about your favorite hero when he made an unforgettable impression, left a deep mark on your memory. I believe that my favorite hero is a person who treats people with love, kindness and understanding, acts decently and honestly towards them. All these qualities have existed for a very long time, so they could not bypass my hero, because without them there is neither love, nor friendship, nor mutual understanding. So, my favorite hero is a principled, honest, open and a kind person.

I consider Vladimir Ustimenko my favorite hero. I learned about it in sufficient detail from the first book of Y. Herman's trilogy, The Cause You Serve. The author showed in the novel the anxious pre-war years, spoke about the youth of the protagonist Vladimir Ustimenko, about his choice of his path. In addition, Y. Herman spoke about Volodya's older friends, who influenced the formation of this wonderful doctor and person.

My favorite hero is my ideal, a spiritual mentor who mentally supports me in various matters. Vladimir was such a person for whom medicine was in the forefront, in first place among other sciences. For him, apart from "the cause he served," nothing else existed. Without medicine, his life would be boring and meaningless.

It all started in childhood. Volodya first began to acquire knowledge of medicine. He studied biology, chemistry, collected anatomical atlases, and once tried to buy a human skeleton in a store. Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson hung in his room.

Visiting the anatomical circle, Volodya learned all the hidden secrets and secrets of this science. Gradually accumulated knowledge, he was able to apply in one terrible situation. Volodya had to provide medical assistance to the shepherd. “He tore off his shirt and began clumsily applying a tourniquet to his stump.” This act required great courage and resourcefulness, because not every person could not be confused in this situation.

Further, the author writes that in the first year of the institute, Volodya read many books on surgery, which brought him closer and related to medicine. After graduating from the institute. Volodya worked for the ambulance. The hero was especially struck by one story that he remembered for the rest of his life. One evening, Volodya had to help the sick Belyakov. "For a second or two he peered into Belyakov's face, then ordered to give him sugar." Having made several injections, he "gave life" to an almost hopeless patient.

Volodya's professionalism manifested itself in the village of Khare. The young doctor was not looking for easy ways, an easy victory in life, and therefore agreed to a trip to the village of Kharu. Here Volodya "erected his first real hospital with an outpatient clinic and an operating room." Vladimir always sought to alleviate the suffering of the sick. He was one of the first doctors in the village who began to perform complex operations. The doctor never retreated in the face of difficulties. He also saved the hopelessly ill Touche, who later began working in this hospital. I think that this example speaks of the indifference of my hero. Volodya truly served people, devoting himself to his beloved work. Among the inhabitants of the village there was a rumor about "what an amazing doctor lives in Khara." Volodya's conscience was always clear, because he fought for every patient.

I admire in this man that he achieved everything himself, did brilliant career which was not an end in itself. The main thing for Vladimir was people's health.

I sympathize with him as a person, admire him high professionalism, which is why I consider Vladimir Ustimenko my favorite hero.

My favorite literary character

Vladik Liseenkov, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

My name is Vladik. I am 8 years old. I am in the second grade. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to read many books yet. Each book is my favorite. My mother used to read me many children's poems by various authors. Now we read poems, stories, fables, novels together. I especially like fairy tales. They teach us kindness, ingenuity.
Each fairy tale has its own unique heroes, villains and its own wisdom.

Misha Lebedev, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

The story "Extreme case"
I want to tell you about the hero - Ivan, from the book "Extreme Case" by Ilya Turichin.
Ivan dreamed of becoming a scientist, but became a soldier. On a summer day in 1945, the Nazis attacked our Motherland. Escorting her son to the front, the mother gave him a piece of bread, in case of emergency.
The war was long and difficult. Ivan had to undermine German tanks, go behind enemy lines for "language". He was wounded in battle. This is how I ended up in Berlin. A victorious salute thundered, it became quiet on the ground.
Walking along Berlin Square, Ivan saw a girl, small and helpless. He handed her mother's bread and lifted it into his arms. And then the bullet overtook the hero, hitting him in the heart. Afraid to drop the girl, he did not fall. The body began to fill with metal. Bronze steel: face, clothes, bread and a girl in her arms. The child's tear fell and became a sparkling sword.
So the monument in Berlin stands - it is visible to the whole world. About the feat of this soldier, I wanted to tell.

Vadim Bazhenov, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "Harry Potter"
My favorite fictional character is Harry Potter. Books about him were written by the English writer Joan Rowling. In total, she wrote six books about this wizard, his true friends and enemies.
In each of these books Harry was waiting for mysterious riddles, dangerous fights and adventures. But he emerged victorious from all these situations thanks to the help of his friends: Ron, Hermione and many others. They all study at the Hogwarts School of Magic, where they teach such lessons as: protection from the dark arts, potions, caring for magical creatures, and many other unusual subjects.
There were many teachers in this school who taught the children love, kindness, and perseverance. I really like this book and its main character.

Egor Vorobyov, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

The story "Honestly"
How good it is to be able to read. With each new book we get new knowledge. Meet new heroes. In the summer I read Panteleev's story "Honestly".
I really liked the boy. The author met him in the evening park. The boy stood at his post. He was cold and scared. But he did not leave the post entrusted to him. I really want to be so honest and do well the work entrusted to me.

Angelina Vorobieva, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

"My favorite literary hero Moidodyr"
This character is very fond of cleanliness and hygiene. He does not like: dirty, unwashed, uncombed children.
If there were many such Moidodyrs, then there would be neat people and clean streets.

Egor Bondarenko, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"
My favorite literary hero from the works I have read is Baron Munchausen. The author of this book is Rudolf Erich Raspe. This book contains many adventures that happened to the baron. Baron Munchausen turned out to be a very brave, determined and resourceful person. He easily emerged victorious from any situation. Neither wild animals, nor enemies, nor unusual strange things could frighten and overcome him. When I grow up, I want to be just as brave.

Angelina Zakharova, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

The story "Chuk and Gek"
This summer I read Arkady Gaidar's story Chuk and Gek. The main characters are two mischievous and funny boys. Their names are Chuk and Gek. They play pranks and get into different stories. It was especially funny when Huck hid from his mother in a chest and fell asleep there. And my mother thought that he was lost in the forest and was very frightened. Thanks for the smart dog smelling Huck in the chest. And then the whole family got together and celebrated the New Year.
I liked the story very much, because Chuk and Gek, although pranksters, are good and kind boys. And all the people they met are also kind and all helped them.

Roma Izmailov, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "The Snow Queen"
In the tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen" I really like the little girl Gerda for her kindness, courage, courage, loyalty to friendship. She went through trials. She was helped by people, animals, birds, plants. She brought Kai back to life, broke the spell of the Snow Queen.

Nastya Markina, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "Rikki - Tiki - Tavi"
In the summer I read a wonderful book about a little mongoose. His name was Rikki-Tiki - Tavi.
Ricky - Tiki lived with his parents in a narrow hollow, and then he was swept away by a flood.
He woke up in the garden. There he was found by people who carried him to the house. big man wrapped him in cotton wool, warmed him by the fire, and then allowed him to stay in the house.
All day Rikki-tikki ran around the house. He tried to see everything with his eyes, because, like any mongoose, Ricky-Tiki was burning with curiosity from nose to tail. Due to the fact that he stuck his nose everywhere, several times he found himself in unpleasant situations.
The next day, when Ricky went to the garden, he heard someone crying loudly. They were Darzi, the tailor bird, and his wife, whose chick was eaten by the huge Nag cobra. The mongoose asked them - who is Nag? The birds hid in the nest and did not answer.
A few seconds later, Ricky heard a low hiss in the grass and saw a very large black snake, which presented itself to him as Nag. The mongoose was only scared for a minute. He understood that he lives for this, to fight snakes, to defeat them and to eat.
When, after some time, Nag crawled into the man's house and wanted to kill him, Rikki-Tiki jumped and bit into Nag's neck with his teeth. He knew that he would never let go of the snake, even if it cost him his life.
Rikki-Tikki remained alive and decided to finish off Nagini and her serpents. He learned from Darzi where the cobras hide their eggs. The bird tailor's wife has agreed to help Ricky in his snake war. Rikki-tikki-tavi found a bed where the eggs with tiny cobras were buried and began to quickly bite the tops of the eggs, grabbing the heads of the kites.
While he dealt with the snake offspring, Nagaina crawled onto the veranda of the house and wanted to avenge the death of Nag. Biting Teddy. This was reported to Ricky by Darzi's wife. Ricky took the last whole egg and ran towards the house. He managed to lure Nagini from the veranda and entered into a fight with her. Nagini, having deceived Ricky, took her cub and tried to hide with him. Rikki-tikki-tavi followed her and continued the fight already in her hole. All the inhabitants of the garden have already decided that Ricky died when he got out of the hole. So there was no more cobra left in the garden.
I was surprised by this little brave animal. He was not afraid to wage war alone against such formidable opponents as Nag and Nagaina, although the other inhabitants of the garden trembled at the mere mention of the names of these snakes.

Zhenya Kopylov, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio". I like the hero Pinocchio from Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio". A very interesting film was made based on this work.
Pinocchio is a cheerful, kind person. He loves adventure, believes in miracles. Pinocchio helped his friends from puppet theater get rid of Karabas Barabas. I liked the fact that this boy is resourceful. Great idea to find out the secret of the Golden Key. He climbed into the jar, and when he spoke from it, an echo was heard.
The evil owner of the puppet theater and his friend Durimar got scared and told everything. Of course, Pinocchio is a little disobedient. But everything ended well. He became more attentive to Papa Carlo and the smart cricket. I learned to listen to the advice of elders. Craving for adventure led him to the world of fairy tales. A magic door opened, and Pinocchio and his friends found themselves in a new theater. They probably still play performances together now. Malvina teaches everyone to read and write. I also want to be friends with them and get into fairyland.

Sasha Andreev, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Danko is my favorite character. I learned about him from Maxim Gorky's book Stories and Tales.
Danko, this is a young man. He saved his entire tribe. His fellow tribesmen were driven by the enemies into the dark forest. People were dying from the stench of swamps and from longing. They decided to surrender to the enemy. But then Danko appeared. He said not to give up and that he would lead everyone out of the forest. People walked for a long time. They were tired and angry with Danko. They wanted to kill him. He tore his chest with his hands and tore out his burning heart. Danko raised it above his head and the people followed him. And then the forest parted before the people. Danko laughed proudly and died. And people rejoiced and did not notice his death.
I like Danko because he was brave and wise. Also because he loved people and gave his life for them.

Tanya Kamenetskaya, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "Thumbelina"
Hans Christian Andersen wrote my favorite fairy tale. It's called "Thumbelina". This girl is my favorite fairy tale character.
Thumbelina is a little girl who was born in flower pot. She was kind, gentle and beautiful. This baby has come a long way of trials before becoming happy.
I like to re-read this beautiful and kind fairy tale again and again.

Karina Andreeva, 2nd grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

Fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland"
I like Alice from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland
Because she is a kind, smart and funny girl. She got into amazing country. One golden afternoon, little Alice followed the White Rabbit, who disappeared down into a deep hole. She rushed there and ended up in the world of "topsy-turvy" - in Wonderland. There she meets with the Queen of Hearts and her army. I talked with talking dishes. Met the famous Cheshire Cat. Met Humpty Dumpty. In Wonderland, Alice changes in size several times: sometimes it decreases, then it increases. Therefore, everything around changes in the opposite direction. But Alice was not at a loss in this wonderful country and always found a way out of any situation.

Dmitry Abaev, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

I love Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". And I like the Little Humpbacked Horse himself. The skate is funny, good, kind, ugly, but sympathetic and smart. He a true friend who will not leave in trouble and does not require anything in return.

My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character

Favorite literary hero - "Mummy - a troll." He knows how to make friends. He also loves helping his mom and dad. Sometimes he likes to play pranks and indulge a little. He also loves adventure and traveling with friends.

Dima Korotchenkov, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero

Pinocchio is made from logs by Papa Carlo.
When it was time to go to school, he
We bought the alphabet. After that everything started
After which appear
Friends - Pierrot, Artemon and Malvina.
And the enemies - Karabas - Barabas, Fox Alice, Cat Basilio.

My favorite literary character

Vitalik Tyumeiko, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

In the summer, my mother and I read Eno Raud's book "Moss Beard, Half Shoe and Muff"
This book is about the adventures of three friends. I really liked the half-boot because he is brave, kind and smart. He does not leave his friends in trouble and always comes to their aid. He's a good friend.

Masha Afonina, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary hero
From Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower"

Although he was scary and ugly, in his heart he was kind, good and hospitable. When Nastenka came to him, he gave her gifts, was friends with her and fell in love with her, and when she wanted to go home, he let her go, gave her a ring and told her, if you want, come back, and she returned to him, because she loved him too. This love helped him become a man.

Artem Chulkov, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

I was read the book "Vacations in Prostokvashino" by Eduard Uspensky. I listened to her with interest. Liked funny company: Uncle Fyodor is a boy, Matroskin the cat and Sharik is a dog. They lived in the village and ran the household themselves. Zhili was friends, only Matroskin argued with Sharik, but Uncle Fyodor reconciled them. There was also the postman Pechkin, very funny, and the Tyr-Tyr Mitya tractor. I liked all the characters in this book.

Anastasia Moiseeva, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

I like Dunno that he has a lot of adventures. For example, in a balloon, where the cook was going to a balloon, and took pies with him, and Dunno saw them and climbed into a bag of pies. And the cook went to the balloon.

Mikhail Litovko, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Hercules. He is strong and protects the weak. Hercules is smart and kind and helps people.

Andrey Bandurov, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary hero is Naf-Naf

My favorite literary hero is Naf-Naf, from the three little pigs. Of the three brothers, he was the most intelligent and the most industrious. When his brothers Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf were having fun in late autumn and wallowing in a puddle, he built a strong and warm stone house, and saved the brothers from the wolf.

Misha Fedorov, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary hero
Winnie the Pooh

He is very funny and funny. Vini loves to visit and write poetry. And Pooh loves honey very much.

Tolya Gladiy, 1st grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

My hero is Spiderman. He is wearing a red and blue spider suit. Spiderman can climb walls and launch webs. He saves the world.

Victoria Melnikova, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

I like the cat Kis-Kis. I read about him in the books “Paws up”, “Yeah got caught”, “Socks apart”. Kis-Kis with his friend the dog Fu-Fu investigates crimes. Kis-Kis is good, smart, kind and cheerful. He always helps Fu-Fu and the other beasts. I love cats very much. I'm waiting new book about the adventures of Kis-Kis.

Alexandra Mushkareva, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

I read a lot of fairy tales and stories. And now I am reading a fairy tale story: A. Kurlyandskaya "And we are well fed here." I really like the fat and striped cat Vasily and his friends. About adventure and grief.

Elena Serela, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary hero

Pinocchio is a mischievous, kind boy. He helps friends and Papa Carlo.
Saved the puppet theater from the evil Karabas Barabas. Also I like him a long nose. Thanks to his nose, he saw a secret door and found out the secret of the Golden Key. He gave happiness to his friends from the puppet theater, Papa Carlo and all the girls and boys.

Anastasia Polyudova, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary hero
Uncle Fedor

I really like the book by Eduard Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." My favorite hero is a boy whose name was Uncle Fyodor. And he was called that because he was very smart, serious and independent. He learned to read at the age of four, and at six he was already cooking soup. Even Uncle Fedor loved his parents and animals very much.
Once, on the stairs, he met a tabby cat who could talk. Uncle Fyodor wanted to take the cat to live with him, but his mother did not allow it. Then Uncle Fedor was offended, packed his things, took the cat, wrote a letter to his parents, and left for the village of Prostokvashino. There he met the dog Sharik, then the three of them - Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat found a house, put it in order and began to live ...
And they began very interesting adventures in Prostokvashino, and new acquaintances.
Uncle Fyodor even had a beloved girl.

Natasha Rybakova, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Cheburashka is very kind and loves children. He has a friend crocodile Gena. He only does good deeds, that's why I love him.

Grisha Smirnov (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

I really liked Eliza from G.H. Andersen's book "Wild Swans". This girl is so kind, beautiful, sweet and at the same time
the time when it took to save her brothers she
showed strength, perseverance, endurance, the ability to overcome pain and fear. Good always wins.

Dasha Gusyatnikova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero was the Little Humpbacked Horse.
He became for Ivanushka the most faithful and devoted friend.
He helped to catch the Firebird, to bring the maiden to the Tsar.
Miracle - yudo fish whale says thanks to them. He saved Ivan from death. All was calm in the kingdom.

Varya Dudanova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

How did Tasha live?
I read this book when I was 5 years old.
I liked Tasya because she was cheerful and funny. She was 5 years old, just like me. She had a cheerful personality. She was very independent. And sometimes she didn't listen to her mother.

Renata Yakubova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is spongebob
SpongeBob. This sponge is yellow-green in color. He lives at the bottom of the sea. Despite his shape, he is very similar to a human, he has eyes, nose, mouth and ears. He is very funny and funny.
I would really like SpongeBob to be my friend, we would play with him, and I think he would tell me about his friend Patrick - Starfish.

Alina Makarenko (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is Snow White from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. At first I watched the cartoon about Snow White, and I really liked it. Then Santa Claus brought me a book - a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." I also really liked the fairy tale. Then, last year, my mother and I went to the performance of the theater "Ship" "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." The performance was very interesting. There were funny gnomes who were called the same as the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, etc. I love Snow White because she is kind and helpful. She loves all animals and they love her. Snow White is hardworking, that's why she puts things in order, erases, cooks in the house of the gnomes. Snow White dresses well and sings well. I would like to be like Snow White. I also love animals, I like to sing and dance and I help my mother around the house. Some people say that I look like Snow White. I would also like to have seven little gnome friends, as well as many animal friends. Now I collect (collect) everything related to Snow White: books, postcards, badges, stickers, photographs, etc.
Snow White is the most beautiful girl for me!

Zhenya Sizykh, 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

A bear cub lived in a fairy forest - his name was Winnie. He was very fond of honey, had a big sweet tooth. He had many friends: little Roo, Kanga, Tigger, Rabbit, Ushastik and Piglet.
And then one sunny day Vinnie discovered huge footprints. He gathered all his friends and they decided to find out whose footprints they were. Therefore, they had to go to the gorge of elephants.
Everything turned out just great. They found whose footprints they were, so they made new friends - elephants. Everyone was happy especially our glorious teddy bear Winnie!

Misha Polyakov, 1st grade, school number 530
My favorite literary character

I like Carlson because he is the best night prankster in the world and because he is the world's best snorer. I would like to have such a "flying barrel" as Carlson. Play with him, snore like a spy, play the fool, hide from your grandmother, from your mother and from your grandfather. It would be great with him!

Veronika Moreva (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My mother read me a fairy tale about a good wolf. I really liked him, because he did not offend anyone in the forest, but wanted to help everyone. And now my story about the good wolf: "Once upon a time there was good wolf. One day he went for a walk and met a hare. He told him: Let's be friends. But the hare said no. The wolf was surprised and asked, “Why? And the hare replied: Your dad ate my grandmother.
Then the wolf met a squirrel - Squirrel, let's be friends! And the squirrel says - No, your grandfather swallowed my mother. Then the wolf met the hedgehog: Let's be friends, hedgehog! And the hedgehog says: "No, your mother crushed my son."
The wolf became very sad. He walked, he walked, and reached a big mountain. He climbed on top of her and began to howl. The fox heard him, ran up and said: Do not howl, wolf, I will be friends with you. Don't you want to be friends with me? asked the wolf. “Yes, I want to, let's play catch-up,” said the fox. But the fox deceived him. The wolf got angry and left her for a farm nearby. On the way, crossing the river, he threw the key to his house into it. On the farm, everyone was afraid of him, and cows, and chickens and sheep. Only one dog was not afraid of him and offered him to guard all the animals with him. The owner of the farm allowed him to stay. And so the wolf began to live on the farm. And he had many friends whom he guarded.

Yaroslava Pavlova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

"Little Red Riding Hood" Ch. Perro.
There lived a little girl in a village. She wore a red cap. Her old grandmother lived in another village. Little Red Riding Hood loved her grandmother very much. Mom asked her daughter to bring pies and a pot of butter. She helped her mother to bake pies to her grandmother passed through a dark forest, but she was not afraid. There were a lot of difficulties on her way, and Little Red Riding Hood coped with them. The grandmother was very happy with the kindness of her granddaughter. Love your loved ones!

Denis Kazakov (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My dad and I read a book about Da Vinci the Cat. Da Vinci is a very interesting and funny, good and funny cat. Da Vinci's cat, together with the mice Bubusha, Peak and Chucha, are investigating and monitoring the insidious criminal Zyza, who is the kidnapper of the painting. If you unravel the secret of this picture, then you will be happy. Da Vinci's cat and his assistants want to return this picture to the museum so that all the animals can solve this picture and become happy. As soon as da Vinci's cat catches Zyza, he will try to re-educate him so that Zyza becomes kind and good.

Arina Sharagina (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

I have many favorite literary heroes. Today I want to talk about one of them. This is a character from Charles Perrault's tale Puss in Boots. I really liked this cat for his resourcefulness, how he helped his master to get rich and marry a princess
He is very cute and funny, this cat helped his owner a lot, who inherited from his father. He even came up with a name for his master, the Marquis of Carabas. So from the son of a miller, thanks to Puss in Boots, he became a marquis. And the owner bought the famous boots for the cat, because it was painful for him to walk on stones. And after my favorite hero, Puss in Boots, arranged a life for his master, he himself healed very well and richly and happily that he even stopped catching mice, except sometimes for fun. A little more time passed at the cat's house, in the owner's palace, there was a bowl of milk. The cat himself was lying in a bed and eating fish, suddenly a mouse ran past him, but he did not chase her and hunts, but offered her to make friends. And he also offered her that he would help her in everything, since she turned out to be small and defenseless! That's how kind he is, my cute cat in boots!

Maxim Purtov, 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is the lion Boniface. This lion worked in a circus. He was an extraordinary artist: he walked a tightrope, showed different tricks. Leo Boniface was very fond of eating bananas.
Once he went to his grandmother in Africa. The lion wanted to relax, sunbathe. But most of all he wanted to catch goldfish, And in Africa, he had to entertain African kids just like in his circus.
When the holidays were over, all the children came to see him off. Grandmother gave him a sweater. He boarded the steamboat, which was about to set sail, and, having slipped, fell into the water, but he was lifted aboard from the steamer. Boniface felt something tickle him. It was the fish he dreamed about so much. But she was already unnecessary to him, Leo leaned over and released the fish into the water. Sailing away, Boniface looked at the shore and thought: "What a wonderful thing - holidays!"

Ksyusha Abramova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

I read the Brothers Grimm fairy tale Puss in Boots. I really liked the main character of this fairy tale cat. Because he is kind, smart, resourceful, handsome and very cunning. He did not abandon his master when he needed his help. The cat outwitted the sorcerer and helped the owner marry the princess. When the owner became king, Puss in Boots remained his faithful friend.

Nastya Alexandrova (7 years old), 1st grade, school No. 530
My favorite literary character

My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. I really like her, because she is very magical and kind fairy tale. And also very kind and beautiful girl whose name is Cinderella. I like her very much. She was called that because she worked from morning till night in the kitchen and was always grimy with ashes. Cinderella was very unhappy. She lived with her father and stepmother and two sisters. Her father was kind, and her stepmother and sisters were evil. They always scolded her, but Cinderella endured everything. Once the stepmother and sisters went to the ball, but Cinderella was not taken and was given a lot of work. She cried, but did everything she was ordered, and then her godmother appeared - a sorceress. She loved Cinderella very much and helped her get to the ball. She turned a pumpkin into a carriage, mice into horses, and dirty dress Cinderella in a beautiful ball gown.
And gave her the Crystal Slippers.
Cinderella went to the ball and met the prince there, who fell in love with her. But when the clock struck midnight, Cinderella ran away and lost her shoe. The prince was very upset and almost fell ill. In the morning, the king ordered to find the girl who lost her shoe. But the shoe was too small for everyone. And when they came to Cinderella's house and tried on her shoe, the shoe was just right for her. The prince immediately married Cinderella, and they began to live happily ever after. In this fairy tale, everything ends well for Cinderella, because she was very kind, beautiful and hardworking. My dream is to become like Cinderella and be just as happy.

Sasha Danilin, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character is Captain Nemo

Captain Nemo, or Captain Nobody, as he called himself, decided to leave the earth forever and surrender to the power of the depths of the sea. He lived under water for many years on the Nautilus ship, which was developed according to his project and drawings and assembled personally by him and his friends on one of the uninhabited islands. The ship got its name from the name of the lovely animal Nautilus, the meeting of which, according to the ancients, foreshadowed happiness. Now this mollusk is known as the "argonaut". "Nautilus" - maneuverable and fast - became for Captain Nemo both a house with a large library, where wonderful books from all over the world were collected, and a laboratory for studying the underwater world. Its collections could make any museum of the world happy. On the ship of Captain Nemo, everything is subject to electric energy, which they learned to extract from ordinary sea water.
Captain Nemo is a courageous, brave, kind person. He always came to the aid of those who needed it.
I believe that somewhere, deep under water, the Nautilus is still sailing, illuminating the path for many miles ahead with a powerful searchlight. And this bold to recklessness man-Captain Nemo still peers into the distance, a worthy example for many boys to follow. .I have always wanted to touch the great secrets of the underwater depths at least for a moment.
Thanks to Jules Verne and Captain Nemo for giving me the opportunity to swim twenty thousand leagues under the sea, to make trip around the world, visit the South Pole, visit all the seas that wash our land.

Ilya Dementiev, 1st grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary hero
Robinson Crusoe

We recently read a book about Robinson Crusoe with our mother. I liked him because he is strong, brave and also dexterous. From childhood, Robinson dreamed of sailing around the world, finally he got ready and swam. A misfortune happened and there was a very strong storm. His entire team died, but he survived and woke up on a desert island. But he was not at a loss in Hard time, was not afraid and lived on the island for 30 years. He was engaged in the construction of houses, summer cottages, grew wheat, which he saved from the wreckage of the ship and baked bread.
He caught animals, made tools and tools. A few years later on Friday, he met a native and named him Friday. He defeated his cannibal enemies. And later they saved Friday's father from evil neighbors. They lived on a distant island. At first, Robinson communicated with Friday only signs, but over time, Robinson taught his friend to talk. Together they built a boat to cross to their neighbors, where Europeans also lived. Crusoe dreamed of getting home and wanted to ask for their help.
The boat was very heavy, but together with Friday and his father they were able to do it. I remember his exploits and adventures. It is great and good that Robinson Crusoe, after many years, was able to return to his homeland.

Oksana Mikutskaya, 1st grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

I really like the fairy tale about the Snow Queen, especially the girl Gerda.
I wanted to be brave and courageous like Gerda. She was not afraid to go to snow queen one after the boy Kai.
The girl overcame many difficulties and nevertheless found Kai.
This fairy tale teaches kindness, strong friendship and always achieve the intended goal.

Tamara Pimenova, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

I read Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots". I really liked her, especially her main character the cat. He is kind, resourceful, cunning, smart, loyal to his master. I especially liked what he did for his master: he came up with a name and title Jean, brought gifts from Jean to the king. He came up with an accident with Jean, ran around all the estates of the cannibal and warned the workers so that everyone would say that the property belonged to the Marquis de Carabas (Jean). He deceived the Ogre, forcing him to turn into a mouse, and ate him. All he did this so that Jean would get rich and be happy, and with him the cat.

Vlad Trofimov, 1st grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary hero
Winnie the Pooh

He is funny, fluffy and funny.
He has many friends and various interesting stories happen to him. His best friend is Christopher Robin, he is a boy like me, only from England, he always helps Winnie the Pooh out of funny situations. And he and his friends Piglet, Eeyore, Tigra, He is friends with Owl, Rabbit and others, plays, composes songs and goes hiking. I really like to read about them.

Daniil Shulgin, 1st grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Dr. Aibolit Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. I like him because he helps everyone and treats sick animals. No one is afraid of him as he is very kind. There would be more such not terrible doctors.

Evgeny Kosyachenko, 3rd grade, school No. 330
My favorite literary character

I have read many books and I like many literary characters, but one of my favorites is the brownie Kuzya. Kuzya is funny, cheerful and economic. He has many friends and he always comes to their aid. What I like most about him is his sense of humor and resourcefulness. For example, in one of the stories, he was going to wash with his clothes: “And I’ll wash my clothes and wash myself at the same time, but what’s the point of wasting time!”
Brownie Kuzya is endowed with many character traits that would be useful to many people.

Elena Bibikova, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

I really like the fairy tale "The Little Mermaid". Based on this tale, created and cartoon. The main character, and my favorite character of this tale, is the Little Mermaid herself, otherwise called Ariel. I like Ariel because she is kind, smart, brave, always ready to help her family and friends in everything. A lot of interesting episodes you can talk about Ariel. Here is one of them: one day, Ariel and her friend, a fish named Bull, went to a sunken ship in search of jewelry. On the ship, the careless Bull was nearly eaten by a shark. Thanks to Ariel's cunning, the shark fell into a trap, and Bull was left unharmed.
This tale, using the example of the life and actions of the protagonist the Little Mermaid, teaches us not to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune, to help each other. When faithful and reliable friends are near you, it is easier to cope with difficulties in life.

Anna Bulycheva, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

I read the fairy tale "A boy with a finger." In this fairy tale of heroes, I liked the Little Thumb. Despite the fact that he is small, the boy coped with any difficulty and work. The boy-with-a-finger was cunning, smart and persistent. Even when the evil master did not return the golden cap to him, the boy was not afraid to return it back. Because the boy was smart. He outwitted the evil master and returned to his father and mother with a full bag of money.

Alexander Viotti, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Klementy Cheremysh from Lev Kasil's story "Voenlet-Cheremysh". Military pilot Major Cheremysh became famous in the Far East. The Manchurian white bandits wanted to rob in the Chinese East railway. The Red Army responded with a deafening blow to this insolence. Among those who distinguished themselves in this operation was a young military pilot, Klementy Cheremysh. He was wounded. He was brought to Moscow, and the surgeon took a bullet out of his chest. And then, on the healed chest of Cheremysh, the first order appeared. He was a test pilot, drove new combat vehicles into the sky. For special merits in the defense power of the country, he was awarded the second order. Soon his name thundered throughout the country thanks to the ultra-long Arctic flight. He received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ksenia Nechipurenko, 3rd grade, school No. 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character is Roberto the cat, the protagonist of Samson and Roberto by Ingvar Ambjornsen. I like that by nature Roberto is a very calm cat. Before doing or saying anything, Roberto will definitely think about it. He always keeps himself in his paws, that is, he knows how to control himself. And calls his friend to this, very unbalanced dog Samson. Roberto the cat always finds a way out of difficult life situations. When the tax inspector Per Vred came to the boarding house, Roberto was not afraid and did not lose his head. The cat skillfully explained why taxes should be paid. Roberto the cat is a real businessman, that is, a business cat. He competently conducts business in a boarding house and never misses a profit. But despite this, Roberto is a very sensitive cat. He was the first to notice that the badger Greta was in love with the mole Gregor. I fell in love with the cat Roberto for his intelligence and resourcefulness, for his kindness and self-confidence. This cat is a real hero of our time.

Pyotr Nikerov, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero Dunno. The writer Nikolai Nosov wrote about him. I liked Dunno because he is cheerful, funny, cheerful and kind. What I didn't like about him was that he was a bit stupid and didn't always tell the truth. In his place, I would be more attentive to my friends. I would like Dunno qualities, such as mutual understanding and cheerfulness, to be with me.

Polina Lvova, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Alyosha from Antony Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen or Underground inhabitants»
I like Alyosha because he was very kind and affectionate, and he also read a lot of fiction and successfully studied all sciences. Studying was very easy for him, and Alyosha never refused to help other students.
I did not like that the boy asked the king to make his studies easy, without preparation for classes. Alyosha, of course, did not think about his desire and I do not judge him strictly. Because of his rash act, he had to go through a lot. Alyosha coped with the tests and again became the same, but more experienced.
I want to be like Alyosha, to have all of his good qualities, his good disposition, and that study was given to me easily, but deservedly for work and not to look for easy ways.

Oleg Knysh, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

The last I read 3 books by Luc Besson: "Arthur and the Minimoys", "Arthur and forbidden city"," Arthur and the revenge of Urdalak ".
My favorite literary character from these books is Arthur. I liked this boy because he was brave, kind, smart. He was not afraid to go to the unknown country of the Minimoys to save his grandfather, who had disappeared there. In the country of the Minimoys, Arthur endured many difficult trials that Urdalak set up. This villain wanted to take over the country of the Minimoys, and then the whole world. Arthur, together with Princess Selenia and Prince Barahlyush, declared war on Urdalak. How it ended, I will read in future books.
In these books, the main thing is that Arthur saved his beloved grandfather from the captivity of Urdalak, who had been missing there for 10 years. Arthur risked his life many times and was ready to give it up for the freedom of his grandfather and princess Selenia. Arthur helped the Minimoys defeat the Osmatians, who were guardians of Urdalak. For the fact that Arthur is a brave, intelligent and noble Minimoy offered him to become their king. Princess Settlement fell in love with Arthur for his kind heart.
I, too, would like to be in the land of the Minimoys. It would be interesting to look at creatures that are smaller than a grain of sand. I would also like to endure all the tests, like Arthur, and fight the terrible Urdalak. If Urdalak kidnapped my grandfather, I, too, without hesitation, would go to save him.
My grandfather and my mother liked these books very much, and especially my sister Tanya and brother Misha. They also want to read them, and I will give them these books soon.

Elena Rastorgina, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is a rabbit from the fairy tale "Yeah got caught" by E. Matyushkina and E. Okovita. I liked him because he was cheerful and cheerful. He did not take offense at anyone, but he always interfered with everyone, and everyone drove him away.
Once the rabbit said that he wanted to become a detective, but no one believed him. Once all the animals were discussing the name of their teams for the competition, and the rabbit suddenly decided to go look for his socks. While he was walking, the competition began. The rabbit did not hear the rules, but still won. And everyone realized that, despite his shortcomings, he is a good friend.

Konstantin Kovalev, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

I really like the hero of Russian folk tales Ivanushka. Everyone thinks he is a fool, but he is very smart. In fairy tales, Ivan always wins over evil. Ivan is brave, strong, brave. He loves his homeland and his people and defeats the evil ones - Koshchei and Baba Yaga. Those whom he spares thank him and help him in everything.

Sergey Shevtsov, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is Harry Potter from Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone". He lost his parents early and lived with his relatives. They mistreated them, but Harry endured and never complained. When he was 11 years old, he went to Hogwarts and began to study as a wizard. He had many friends there. He was very smart, brave and adventurous. When a troll rushed at his girlfriend, Harry did not hesitate to rush to save her. He entered into a fight with an evil wizard and defeated him. For his kindness and courage, all the teachers loved him. I want to be as brave and smart as Harry Potter.

Dmitry Simonov, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

Recently my mother and I read Arabian tale"Sinbad the Sailor". A long time ago there lived a merchant in the city of Baghdad, his name was Sinbad. One day he decided to go on a long journey. Many adventures happened to him: he was in the diamond valley, met with furry people, with a giant, with a furry bird Ruhh. He traveled for 27 years and then returned home and lived happily ever after.

Polina Svistunova, 3rd grade, school number 330
My favorite literary character

I like the heroine of the fairy tale by A.N. Tolstoy “Pinocchio, or the Golden Key” by Malvin. She was very beautiful, she had curly, blue hair. Malvina is smart, cheerful and hardworking. The girl with blue hair was never alone, even while living in the forest, she kindly communicated with birds and animals. She always had classes - reading, drawing, singing.

Daria Anokhina, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary character

I really like the hero of Kipling's fairy tale - Mowgli. This is a very exciting story about life in the jungle. About how a human cub got into a wolf pack, survived. Akela accepted the boy as his son. He taught him everything he knew and could do himself. In addition, Mowgli was surrounded and taught to survive in the jungle by the kind teacher Baloo, the wise boa constrictor Kaa, the graceful black panther Bagheera and many others.
This is a very beautiful fairy tale. She teaches kindness and justice.

A. Konopleva, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary character

I really like the books of Dmitry Yemets. In particular, a series of books "Mefodiy Buslaev".
Methodius Buslaev - a common person. Lives an ordinary life. When he suddenly finds out that he is .... great mage of darkness. But he does not like to sow evil around. He has not yet made a choice between Light and Darkness (to be light or dark). Methodius does not know “how, having made a choice between Light and Darkness, to remain himself”? He will have to find the answer to this question himself ...
I like the books "Mefodiy Buslaev". I've only read three books in this series, but I'm on my fourth.

Irina Lang, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary hero

My favorite work- Russian folk tale- Havroshechka. It tells about the hard life of a simple girl. From morning to night she worked: weaving canvases, whitening them, and then rolling them into pipes. And the stepmother's daughters - One-eye, Two-eye and Three-eye at that time had fun and played.
The only consolation for the girl was the pockmarked cow, which took pity on her and helped her in her work: Khavroshechka would fit into one ear of the cow, crawl out into the other - all the work was done.
The stepmother found out about this and forced her husband to slaughter the cow. In the place where Khavroshechka buried the bones, a beautiful apple tree grew.
Once a good fellow was driving past the garden and wanted to eat a bulk apple, but none of the sisters could get it. When Khavroshechka approached the apple tree, the tree bent its branches, and the golden apples fell into her apron. The young man really liked Khavroshechka, he put her on a horse and took her to live with him.
I always imagine myself in the place of the main character and worry about everything that happens to him.

My favorite literary hero

I really like the main character from the famous book English writer Rudyard Kipling - Mowgli.
Mowgli entered the jungle as a very young child. The she-wolf Raksha became his mother. Mowgli's friends were Baloo the bear, Bagheera the panther, Kaa the python and his gray brothers. Mowgli was an excellent swimmer, climbed trees, ran fast and could speak wolf very well. He learned to walk on all fours. Howled and growled like wolves, and his name in wolf language meant Frog. He was accepted into the pack at the council, thanks to Bagheera.
The laws of the jungle taught Mowgli the bear Baloo. One day, while sleeping, he was kidnapped by the bandar-logs and dragged to the monkey city. And again, his friends came to the rescue: a bear, a panther and a python Kaa, who once gave Mowgli an iron tooth - a sharp knife with which he never parted.
The main enemy for the jungle and for Mowgli was the tiger Shere Khan. He violated the law of the Great Truce and subsequently paid for it with his life.
Mowgli was very attracted to people, but he did not want to part with the jungle either. He chose people, but the door to the jungle was always open for Mowgli.

Andrey Lang, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Pinocchio. He finds true friends and comrades, goes through many trials and, with their help, finds the golden door in Papa Carlo's closet. As always, good triumphs over evil.
Pinocchio is a little strange, not an obedient fellow, but in fact very kind and cheerful. I recommend reading this story.

Angelina Ovsyannikova, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character is Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer lived with Aunt Paulie and younger brother Sid in the American town of St. Petersburg. Sid was an exemplary boy. But Tom was different. He was a rebellious lazybones and did not like school.
Tom considered Huck Fin to be his best friend.
Tom was stealing jam from the closet; gave the cat bitter medicine. But Tom didn't just play pranks. He read many books and wanted to be as brave and just as the characters he read about.

Julia Shcherbikova, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Pinocchio is my favorite character. He is a cheerful, perky, brave boy. Although he is wooden, he has a good heart.
Pinocchio often gets into unpleasant stories, but cunningly and deftly gets out of them. I love all his adventures.

Stanislav Cheranev, 5th grade, school number 311
My favorite literary character

I have many favorite literary characters, but I will only talk about one of them. This is the Aztec Emperor Cuatemuc from Hopard's Daughter of Montezuma. He's not the main character, but I still really liked him. Kuatemuk was a great and wise ruler, as well as a brave warrior. He bravely fought against the Spanish conquerors. When he was taken prisoner and tortured for a long time, he did not reveal the location of the treasures of his country. He was very proud and strong man. I love the same people. But, unfortunately, the Spaniards brutally executed Emperor Kuatemuc. This is how the last ruler of the Aztecs died.

Liza Altukhova, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is Mary Poppins from Pamel Travis' Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins is an independent person. When Mary Poppins was brought by the wind, then it was not by chance that she went exactly to house number 17 on Chereshnevaya Street to the Banks family. Mary Popins is the best, the most wonderful teacher! She raised four children. I like her because she is kind and sympathetic. Mary Popins is a girl. She has a very kind face. The character of Mary Poppins is respectable, purposeful. She dressed beautifully. She loved beautiful outfits and always admired herself in shop windows and mirrors. When she had to fly away, she understood that she loved these children and returned to this family. But still, Mary Poppins lived in the sky, and flew to earth with a fair wind to do very good deeds. I really like Mary Poppins.

Sveta Makina, 2nd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

Every fairy tale has its own heroes. Heroes are positive and negative. Of the historical stories I read, I liked the man who went down in history. This man was Alexander Nevsky. Throughout the story, I was worried about him.
Alexander Nevsky became the patron and guardian angel of our region. His body rests in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.
Alexander was the son of Grand Duke Yaroslav II. He was unusually smart, brave, beautiful soul and face.
In those days, boys began to see little men early. They were prepared for the complex and difficult fate of the prince-knight, the war and the ruler. In the cathedral, the bishop cut the prince's delicate curls. When the curls fell at the boy's feet, it was believed that childhood was gone. After that, the years of study began.
From the age of 15, Alexander, together with his father, took part in the campaign against the German knights.
At the age of 16, he accepted the prince's sword from the hands of his father. So Alexander became the prince of the Novgorod land. For the victory over the Swedes on the Neva, he was nicknamed Nevsky.
He often traveled to Golden Horde with gifts. For this, the Mongols - Tatars did not raid and plunder the Novgorod lands, and did not steal people.
A square, a street, a bridge, a metro station are named after Alexander Nevsky.

Denis Nimenya, 4th grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character is Legolas

Legolas is the main character in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. He is an elf. Elves are fairy tale characters. Outwardly, they look like people. Their hallmark ears are pointed at the top. Elves are light, hardy, they can run fast and jump far, they walk silently, they practically do not get tired. They are very good archers. Each elf has a magic pendant, thanks to which they do not age.
Legolas is the best of the elves. It was he who agreed to be in the brotherhood of the ring (this is the union of good fairy-tale characters that was created to destroy the ring of darkness and save the world).
I like Legolas because he is a brave and skilled warrior. On the way beyond the ring, the brotherhood was ambushed by the servants of darkness - the orcs. On the side of the enemies was a troll - an evil fairy-tale character of gigantic growth. Legolas jumped on his shoulders, fired three arrows into his neck and killed the villain.
My favorite hero is distinguished by nobility. He is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of friendship and justice. During one battle, the allies were in danger. Mammoths rushed at them. Legolas, risking his life, ran forward and began to shoot arrows from his bow until the animal that had run at the elf fell dead. This made it possible to call for help and repel the attack.
I really liked Legolas. I would like him to be my friend.

My favorite literary character

My favorite fairy-tale heroine is Gerda from the Snow Queen fairy tale.

The girl is kind, cheerful and will always come to the rescue. Gerda is a good friend.. I also like her because she is brave. I want to be like Gerda. If she was real, I would like to be friends with her. We could be real friends.

My favorite literary character

Much more can be said about Matroskin, but I will stop here. The story "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat" is quite large and the cat Matroskin is the main character in it. The story is very interesting, so I re-read it very often.

My favorite literary character

Natalya Valeeva, 4th grade, school number 196
My favorite literary character

My favorite fairy-tale heroine is Gerda from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen".
I like her because she saved her brother who was kidnapped by the snow queen.
The girl is kind, cheerful and will always come to the rescue. Gerda is a good friend.. I like her because she is brave. I want to be like Gerda. If she was real, I would like to be friends with her. We could be real friends.

Natalia Zaitseva, 4th grade, school number 196
My favorite literary character

The books are different and so are the characters. Many people have favorite characters. Me too. I will tell you about him now.
My favorite hero is Matroskin the cat. I like him because he is economic, caring, wayward, kind and loves to eat well. He's also quite friendly. In the story, he was a housewife. And when Uncle Fyodor fell ill, he looked after him. In general, Matroskin is special: firstly, he knows how to talk, and secondly, he really wanted to have his own surname, and even not to be teasing.
Much more can be said about Matroskin, but I will stop here. The story "Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat" is quite large and the cat Matroskin is the main character in it. The story is very interesting, so I re-read it very often.

Julia Kuzina, 4th grade, school number 196
My favorite literary character

I want to talk about my favorite literary hero. This is Winnie the Pooh.
He is cheerful and funny, kind and resourceful. His friend - Piglet has the same qualities as the teddy bear. This company never disappoints.
Winnie the Pooh has a favorite song about himself. Vini loves honey very much and is ready to go through all the obstacles to get it. This teddy bear has fun whenever he can. Vinny and Piglet are very good friends. They always end up in different stories. Winnie the Pooh has a sense of humor.
He is a good friend and I would like to be friends with him.

Ilya Lyanginen, 1st grade, school No. 332
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character is Boy-with-Thumb from Charles Perrault's fairy tale. He was born into the family of a poor lumberjack. He was very short. That's why they named him that. The Thumb-Boy was very smart. He saves his brothers from the ogre. Outwitted him and brought home a bag of gold coins. Since then, the woodcutter's family began to live well, they knew neither grief nor need.

Alexandra Mikhailova, 3rd grade, school number 332
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character is a young wizard, a boy named Harry Potter. The author of books about Harry is the English writer JK Rowling.
The orphan boy Harry Potter lives with his aunt's family and does not know that he is a real wizard. But one day he enters the school of witchcraft and miracles begin. The boy is in different situations, he has to fight evil wizards.
Harry is also a great friend. If one of his friends gets into trouble, he rushes to the rescue and helps them out.
I like that these books are about the adventures of the guys in which they always win.

Dmitry Abaev, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

I love Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". And I like the Little Humpbacked Horse himself. The skate is funny, good, kind, ugly, but sympathetic and smart. He is a true friend who will not leave you in trouble and does not demand anything in return.

Vladimir Gaponov, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary hero is Gulliver, he is a ship's doctor.
What I like about him is that he loves to travel. All his travels are the most incredible adventures.
One of these adventures is his entry into the land of Lilliput. He finds himself in a place where all people and animals seem like ants to him, but despite their small size, they proved that when they are together, they can even cope with such a giant as Gulliver.
Despite his difficult rescue and return home, Gulliver did not stay long in his homeland, he was drawn to the journey.

Sergei Ivanov, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

Favorite literary hero - "Mummy is a troll." He knows how to make friends. He also loves helping his mom and dad. Sometimes he likes to play pranks and indulge a little. He also loves adventure and traveling with friends.

Dima Korotchenkov
My favorite literary character

My favorite character is Winnie the Pooh. Because he is friendly, curious. He has many friends who can in difficult times. I want to be like Winnie the Pooh.

Irina Terekhova, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

I really like the fairy tale about Cinderella, because she is very kind and hardworking. Her life was very hard, her stepmother and sisters offended her all the time, but she never got upset. Despite all the humiliation and insults, she remained herself and dreamed. And as evil is always punished, so in this fairy tale, the evil stepmother and her daughters did not get anything they dreamed of, and Cinderella married the prince and began to live happily.

Alexey Zozulya
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary character is the Little Humpbacked Horse from the fairy tale by Pyotr Ershov. The Humpbacked Horse is a small horse, three inches tall, on its back with two humps and arshin ears. In the tale, he is the most devoted and true friend Ivanushki. The Little Humpbacked Horse always helps him with good advice and comes to the rescue. Thanks to the Little Humpbacked Horse, Ivanushka carried out the king's order and caught the Firebird. For this, the king made Ivanushka the royal stirrup.
I really like its qualities. And I wish I had a friend like that.

Yana Khabirova, 2nd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary hero

Pinocchio is made from logs by Papa Carlo. When it was time to go to school, they bought him an alphabet. After that, all the adventures began.
After which friends appear - Pierrot, Artemon and Malvina.
And the enemies - Karabas - Barabas, Fox Alice, cat Basilio.

Dima Shlyakhin, 3rd grade, gymnasium No. 196
My favorite literary character

My favorite literary mountain from A. Lindgren's book is Carlson. He is very cheerful and funny. He always finds a way to help the Kid. I would like to have a friend like Carlson. I like that Carlson has a propeller. Carlson lives in the city of Stockholm on the roof of one of the houses, in a cozy little house.

My favorite fairy tale character.

All people love fairy tales. Mom read them to each of us in childhood. Every person has his own favorite fairy tale and favorite fairy tale hero whom he would like to be like. I also have a favorite fairy-tale hero, this is an elephant. My favorite book is "Elephant Went to Study", D. Samoilov wrote it. This is a poetic play in 4 acts. chief actor in it is an elephant calf. He really wanted to study. Mom brought him to grade 1 - to the class of mice. But since he was of great stature, everyone was afraid of him. The enemy of the mice was a cat that offended them. The brave baby elephant saved the mice from him and the mice stopped being afraid of the baby elephant. He liked to go to school, here he made many friends: a duck, a pig, a camel. The baby elephant was very fond of traveling and dreamed of becoming a tourist in the future. Once he went on a journey with a camel. On the way they got lost, a crow and a worm helped them find their way. Elephant did not remember evil. Even when the cunning cat was drowning in the river, the baby elephant saved him.

I like the fairy tale "Elephant went to study" because it is kind, I also want to help my friends when it's hard for them. Fairy tales teach people goodness and justice. Good always wins in them. I want it to be the same in life.

My favorite literary heroine is Ariel the Little Mermaid. I like her for her cheerful nature.

She is very curious. She loves to swim on sunken ships. She has a best friend, a fish called Flounder. Ariel is from the royal family. Despite this, the Little Mermaid is late for fun events. And here is one of those cases. Ariel was having fun with Flounder and was late for the concert. Despite the fact that Ariel has a kind nature, she has enemies. Ursula is the Wicked Witch of the Seas. Ursula followed the princess. And when she was late for the concert, Ursula laughed.

But Ariel and her friends defeated the evil Ursula. That's what I can say about my favorite heroine.

Altyntseva Elena, 4a

My favorite literary hero.

My favorite literary hero is Winnie the Pooh. I like his stories about all sorts of adventures. I love reading stories about him and his friends. He has many friends: Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Tigger and Owl. I like how Winnie the Pooh treats his friends, how he communicates with them. Like all other cubs, Winnie the Pooh loves honey, there is a story about this in one of the stories, how Winnie the Pooh climbed a tree into a beehive for honey.

stories about Winnie the Pooh teach kindness, the ability to make friends.

My favorite fairy tale character.

I have read a wonderful interesting book Paul White "The Adventure of Toto and Her Friends".

Toto is a small and funny monkey who always gets into various adventures. She always wanted to stand out among her friends.

One day, Toto decided to scare her friends. She pulled on a lion skin and introduced herself as a lion. When friends saw her, they immediately realized that it was Toto.

Suddenly, a leopard growled from behind the bushes. Giraffe Twiga, a friend of the monkey, said that it was dangerous for her, but the monkey did not listen. And suddenly a leopard ran out from behind the bushes and rushed at Toto. The monkey climbed up a tree and sat on the thinnest branch. The leopard sat on the same tree, only on a thick branch.

And then a giraffe came up to Toto and she jumped on his neck. So the giraffe saved his friend the monkey Toto.

What a stupid monkey she was, because she was not born a lion, but a monkey and had to imitate this, and not imagine herself as a lion or some other animal.

My favorite literary hero.

This is about my favorite fairy tale character, Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh is small Teddy bear, which is stuffed with sawdust. He has a very cheerful character, a kind soul, so he has many friends: Piglet, Rabbit, Eeyore, a wise Owl. Medvizhenok is always ready to help friends.

One day Eeyore lost his tail on his birthday. Winnie the Pooh saw him at the Owl. The cuff hung instead of a lace on the bell. Then the medvizhenok offered the Owl to give the tail to the donkey, and he himself carried a pot of honey as a gift, but ate it on the way, because he was very fond of sweets. He gave me an empty pot. Seeing his tail among the gifts, the donkey was very happy and grateful.
Medvizhonok loved to visit and even composed such a dog:

Who visits in the morning

He acts wisely.

That's what morning is for.

Winnie the Pooh is cheerful and cheerful, and I like people like him. That's why Winnie the Pooh is my favorite character.

The silence of the lesson was broken by the sharp, creaky voice of Zoya Vasilievna: “Golubev! What is this? Are you out of your mind?! We all raised our heads from our notebooks as one. The class wrote an essay on the topic "My favorite hero."
I have already jotted down the first words: “My favorite hero is the wonderful intelligence agent Nikolai Kuznetsov.” And suddenly…

- Golubev! I'm asking you! Get up!

Because of his desk in front of an angry class teacher Alyosha Golubev got up - short, frail, wearing glasses with strong lenses. He was the object of ridicule of the whole class, boys and girls, because he never participated in our pranks, he was quiet, shy, a little awkward. After school, he always hurried home (they said that he had a very sick mother). His quiet voice was heard only at the blackboard. No one in the class was friends with him, but on the contrary, they often offended him, teased him with "Dove" and often hid his things, taking advantage of Alyosha's weak eyesight. But, to my surprise, he never got angry, never snapped, but only somehow defenselessly smiled, as if laughing at himself. At such moments I felt very sorry for him, but because of stupid solidarity with the others, I never stood up for him.
And now Alyosha, bowing his cropped head, stood before Zoya Vasilyevna's contemptuous gaze. Despite the lack of time, everyone stared at this scene with curiosity, wanting to know what caused the classroom to be so outraged.
But she herself answered our silent question:
- Just look at him! How do you like what he writes about?! His favorite hero is Jesus Christ!
The class was noisy. Someone laughed, rejoicing that the unfortunate Golubev had done an utter stupidity. Someone whistled: “Vo gives!” And someone expressively twisted his finger at his temple. Indeed, to choose such a hero in our wonderful time! The year is 1970, the time of progress, the “era of bright years”, and here ... Indeed, this Golubev is crazy!
Classroom, meanwhile, continued her accusatory speech:

– Now everything is clear to me: and why you are still not a pioneer, and why you absolutely do not participate in public life class. Do not be ashamed - you always refer to a sick mother! It turns out that's the point, that's what heroes you have! What a social life!
In response, a barely audible voice rang out:

- Zoya Vasilyevna, my mother is really very sick ...
The classroom realized it: the scene dragged on, and the time of the lesson was inexorably going. Moreover, almost everyone stopped writing and stared at her and at poor Golubev.

- So, we all continue to write, time is running out! And you, Alyosha, - she changed her anger to mercy, - immediately cross out this ... this, and write, like all the guys: about a real hero, a real, wonderful person! How many of them wonderful people! Think and write.
She returned the notebook to Alyosha, and, considering the incident settled, she returned to the teacher's table. We also returned to our "opuses", in a hurry to make up for lost time. But for some reason Alyosha continued to stand, still lowering his head. It was impossible not to notice this class.
- What's the matter, Golubev? Her tone was unhappy. - Is there anything you don't understand? Be aware, we are wasting precious time!
Again, I could hardly make out the quiet answer:

- Sorry, Zoya Vasilyevna, I can’t ... about another hero.
– What-oh? What's happened?
Zoya Vasilievna got up from her seat, not having time to establish herself on it, and with all her majestic figure advanced towards Alyosha. He seemed so small and inconspicuous in front of her! The classroom was annoyed by an unforeseen hitch, besides, we all again raised our heads from the compositions, looking with surprise at the obstinate Dove.
What do you mean "I can't"? Do you have another favorite character?

- No ... there is no other.

- This is not a hero, but an invention of ignorant, dark people. It's ridiculous to even talk about it these days. But we will talk separately, and now, be kind, sit down and write, like all the guys. Clear?

- Ok, I see. Alyosha sat down and seemed to be writing something.

Zoya Vasilievna returned to her place, looked at him suspiciously several times, but calmed down. Everything went on as usual. I easily jotted down beautiful sentences about how I would like to be like a scout hero in everything, and finished before anyone else. The bell rang deafeningly, causing those who were lagging behind to flinch. But now, everyone finally turned in their notebooks, and the class was empty. But the story with Golubev did not end there.
I was already in the corridor when I suddenly heard:

- Golubev, come on, come back! - the tone of the classroom was elevated and did not promise anything good.

Alyosha returned to the classroom, and through the half-open door I saw how he stood at Zoya Vasilievna's table, with his head bowed in the same way and his narrow shoulders hunched.

It came to me:

- So, here you are! To spite the teacher, to spite everyone! Still, I wrote about it ... about my own ... I decided to show my stubbornness! So, I ask?

It would seem that I had nothing to do with the unfortunate Dove. Let him get it for his stupidity, for his hero, or whatever you call him... The guys had already fled (the lesson was the last one), but something didn't let me leave. Curiosity or some other feeling drew me to the half-open door.
Without knowing why, I approached and listened.
“No, Zoya Vasilievna, it’s not out of spite…” Alyosha’s voice was weak and trembling.

- No, just out of spite! Exactly! You were told to write like all the guys - about the heroes of the war, pioneer heroes, but about anyone! How many wonderful people we have to look up to, to try to be like. And you? Who is this Jesus Christ? It's not even a fairytale character! Well, I would understand if you wrote about Ilya Muromets, about Russian heroes. And who is he? Yes, you understand that such a person never existed! These are all priestly fictions that the uneducated believe in, gray people! And you, a Soviet schoolboy, repeat the fables of illiterate, deceived old women? Oh you! And I thought you were an intelligent boy. Be ashamed!
Zoya Vasilievna interrupted her monologue, apparently to take a breath to continue. But then Alyosha's trembling voice rang out:

- It is not true! Jesus Christ… He lived, then he died, He was crucified… But He came to life… That is, He was resurrected… He still lives. All the heroes are dead, but He lives!
There was a pause. I could only imagine the face of Zoya Vasilievna, but I myself was amazed. So object to the cool one, which by the very look could make anyone “swallow the tongue”! And who is the quiet Dove! But then Zoya Vasilyevna came to her senses, and her voice thundered in the silence of the empty classroom:
– Do you realize what you are saying? You're lucky no one hears you! Where do you live, Golubev? In which country? What school do you study at? In a Soviet school or in a Kyiv bursa?..
Zoya Vasilievna's breathing began to break, her voice almost turned into a squeal.

“He lives,” she mimicked. – Do you know that our scientists proved long ago that there is no God?! Jesus Christ is just fiction, you know? Fiction! And all the cunning people made it up to deceive simpletons like you. So that you, instead of studying and building a bright future, mumble all sorts of prayers with the old women. Maybe you go to church?
The question required an answer. And he sounded, just as quiet, but firm:

- Yes, I go ... With my grandmother. But there is a God, and Jesus Christ is God's Son, and He died for our sins, and on the third day...
- Enough! The classroom slammed something on the table loudly. I don't want to listen to this nonsense! I'm not going to tolerate obscurantism in my class! Get ready, let's go to the director, let him decide what to do with you. If only my mother had pity!
I thought they were about to come out, and I recoiled from the door, intending to run away. But to my surprise, no one came out, and from behind the door suddenly came a completely different voice of the teacher - soft and somehow insinuating.

Alyosha, listen! For your mom's sake, let's handle this... this situation differently. It's just you and me, let everything stay between us. After all, if everyone finds out, it will be hard for your mother, but she suffers so much, poor ... - The voice became very soft, sincere. - Let's do this: you will promise me something now, and we will forget everything, okay?

"Good," Alyosha answered happily. What do you need to promise?
- Tell me this: Zoya Vasilievna, forgive me, please ... Can you do that?
- Yes I can. Zoya Vasilievna, please forgive me.
- Well, well done. And tell me again: I was very mistaken, there is no Jesus, and I give you an honest pioneer ... my word of honor that I will never write or pronounce this name again. That's all I want to hear from you. Agreed?
Alyosha was silent. Apparently, deciding that he was giving up, the cool one added:

– Think. It's just you and me, no one can hear us. If the guys ask, say that I scolded you properly and forgave you. And with your essay... I'll come up with something. Just say these words to me, and let's go, otherwise it's too late.
I prepared to listen to Alyoshka's apology. To be honest, I myself would easily renounce everything and do as the class wanted. Think business! After all, no one hears, and this is the main thing! But I didn't get any apologies.
“No, Zoya Vasilievna,” Alyosha’s voice suddenly grew stronger and did not tremble at all. There are not two of us here! He is still here, Jesus Christ! He is alive... and He hears everything and sees everything. He died for me, Zoya Vasilievna! How can I say that He doesn't exist? I will then be a traitor, like Judas. And I do not want to be a traitor ... and I will not. Forgive me ... - and Alyosha burst into tears all the same.
I myself had a lump in my throat - it was a pity for Dovewing, what will happen to him now? “Well, Zoya will suit him now,” I thought. At the same time, I knew that I would never have dared to do such a thing myself. Well, okay, you are fighting for yourself or for someone close, otherwise you are fighting for some kind of Jesus Christ, Who, perhaps, never really existed! And if he was, is it really because of Him that you need to quarrel with the coolest, or even with the director of the school? It's scary to even think.
What happened next stunned me like a sudden blow. A sob was added to Alyosha's quiet sobs... Zoya Vasilievna! It was so unexpected that I just lost my head and stopped understanding anything. It began to seem to me that all this was not really happening, but I just heard a radio show where everyone was crying, and so was I. Through some kind of veil, I heard Zoya Vasilievna's hoarse, interrupted voice:
“Alyosha, my dear boy… Forgive me, old, stupid… I didn’t know… I don’t know anything myself… Alyosha, you don’t even understand how good you are… I’m sorry…”

She was silent for a few seconds and added:

- You believe. Without faith it is impossible in this life... And I... forgive me!
I was a boy, but I understood that I needed to leave, witnesses were no longer needed here. In thoughtfulness, I did not even notice how I left the school and wandered home, having come to my senses already at the door of my apartment. That day I did not understand much, but for some reason my heart ached and I did not want to play and fool around. I vaguely realized that I had touched something that could not be explained, some secret, bright and pure, like the tears of those two in the classroom. Then, of course, I did not understand that this mystery had an unearthly, unearthly origin.
On that day, the door to the unknown was slightly opened for me ... Many years have passed since then, almost a human life. I don't know where Alyosha Golubev is now, whether our classy Zoya Vasilievna Verbitskaya is still alive. Yes, and I am already a middle-aged, “seemingly seen” person, who has wasted decades of his life in vain, having earned serious illness but still happy. And I clearly remember the first time I heard the Name, which is now dearer to me than all names. And how for the first time I became a witness of the firm confession of this Name from the lips of a small unprepossessing boy. And how this Name turned out to be able to break through the armor of callousness and godlessness in the human heart, melting the long-term ice of lies in it.

Cool! 4

I would like to tell you about my favorite hero in the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And explain why I like it so much.

Of all the works of Pushkin, with which we managed to get acquainted during the five years of study, it is impossible to single out the best. Also with the hero. So I had to think to choose one of them. I think that I liked the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" the most.

The main characters are brave and strong, they are not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. I especially liked main character- Lyudmila. Honey, according to Pushkin's description, it's unbelievable beautiful girl. When I first began to read the poem, Lyudmila did not arouse much sympathy in me. It seemed to me that she was too weak and defenseless. But, as the author introduced Lyudmila to us, I realized that this is not so. Her strength is in her devotion.

Throughout the poem, we see how Lyudmila faithfully waits for Ruslan, despite all the difficulties and troubles. It seems to me that when Pushkin created the image of Lyudmila, he wanted to show the ideal girl in her face. Even the author himself describes this heroine with great sympathy. According to his story about her appearance and qualities, we can say that he sees her only from the good side. And even when her bad trait should have manifested, because she was going to commit suicide, she still finds right exit. From the fact that she remembered her loved ones and gave up thoughts of suicide, one can conclude that she is able to love and worry about the feelings of others.

Pushkin notes that by nature Lyudmila is a cheerful, cheerful and naive girl, she knew how to enjoy life herself and give joy to others. But her image changes when misfortunes fall on her. From a sweet girl, she turns into a woman who is ready to stand up for herself and her loved ones. With great courage, she rebuffed the sorcerer, screaming so that he was frightened. It shows her a strong character. Her strength lies in how stubbornly she resisted adversity. She, as a girl, did not need to fight and be brave, but being in captivity, she did not give up.

I liked this heroine because she is not only beautiful, like many, but also does the right thing. Pushkin calls her " pure soul“I think this is how a girl should be. Lyudmila knows how to sincerely and inconsolably suffer for her love, but she also rejoices no less sincerely. She remains tender and vulnerable, needs Ruslan's protection, but when it is necessary to face danger, she can do it. You can also note her mind.

It probably has a negative side as well. It seems to me that any person has them, and even the image that the author creates. Perhaps she is too windy and naive, but in those days a girl was supposed to be like that. In one episode, she was not afraid to tear off the hat from the villain and look into his eyes, she did not run away, her courage is already manifested in this.

Most of all, I liked the sincerity in Lyudmila. I wanted people in our world to be just as sincere.

That's why I like the heroine of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

Even more essays on the topic: “My favorite hero of Pushkin”:

School essay on the topic: “My favorite hero A.S. Pushkin" tells about Ruslan, the main character of Pushkin's poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

When someone is asked what his favorite character is in the works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, most often you can hear stories about such characters as Vladimir Dubrovsky or Pyotr Grinev. These heroes, of course, have very bright and original characters but I liked the most main character poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". The young Prince Ruslan, in my opinion, is undeservedly overlooked, talking in detail about other heroes created by the pen of Alexander Sergeevich.

For example, look at a character like the young Dubrovsky. With all the nobility and rich inner world, this person, driven by revenge and anger, in fact, is a robber. Unlike many other Pushkin characters, Prince Ruslan cannot be reproached for thoughtless revenge, envy, or reckless anger. He performs all his exploits only for the sake of love, carrying only deep sorrow and sadness in his soul.

Ruslan is a person who has a bright, open soul and is looking for a stolen wife, without violating the laws of honor and dignity. It is him, I can call the real hero, without any reservations and doubts.

Prince Ruslan had many enemies who were jealous of his strength, wealth and success in love. But the main rivals were the young warriors Rogdai, Farlaf and Ratmir, since the inconsolable Vladimir, Lyudmila's father, promised anyone who saves his daughter to marry her, despite the fact that the wedding ceremony of Ruslan and Lyudmila had already taken place. The revival of seemingly already lost hopes for marriage with the beautiful Lyudmila intoxicated the heads of the soldiers and they set off, ready for anything to achieve their goal.

Imagine how Ruslan felt at that moment! He lost his beloved, who was pulled out by unknown forces from his arms, lost the respect of Lyudmila's father and found himself alone with his grief. Having set off on a journey, he did not even suspect the insidious plans of his rivals, but each of these warriors subsequently played a certain role in his life.

The most successful was his meeting with the Khazar Khan Ratmir. This young Khan found his destiny in the form of an unknown young maiden, for whose sake he forgot feats of arms, dreams of Lyudmila and became a peaceful fisherman.

The attack by Rogdai and the insidious kidnapping of Lyudmila by Farlaf cost him much more. Ruslan was not stopped on the way to the goal, neither by the cunning of Naina, nor by the battle with the head of the hero, nor by the intrigues of Chernomor, the main enemy and kidnapper of Lyudmila.

He came out of every battle as a hero, without losing his face and self-respect. But most of all I am attracted not by Ruslan's courage, determination and composure, but by his qualities such as honesty and compassion in battle. A real hero has no idea to kill or win for the sake of glory and the number of victories. It is more important for him to restore justice and preserve prosperity in long years. This is exactly what the young prince is. A strong, determined, courageous warrior and at the same time a fair, honest and loving person.

"Eugene Onegin" is one of the best works of Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The image of Tatyana Larina in this novel became close to me. Sensitivity, sentimentality, her spiritual loftiness, purity, ability to empathize and understand what others do not see, attracts her. Precisely thin inner world makes Tatyana special, unique. Pushkin does not give a clear description appearance heroine, but reveals to us her spiritual world:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe is timid ...

Thought, her friend

From the most lullaby days

Rural Leisure Current

Decorated her with dreams.

Tatyana's soul is closely connected with nature. Landscapes against which the events unfold are consonant with the feelings of the heroine, perfectly express what is difficult to put into words. Tatyana is a romantic person. She is passionate about novels that replace human communication for her, giving food for her mind and imagination; Tatyana's idea of ​​life is also formed under the influence of novels. For herself, she has already come up with her hero, her ideal. He is endowed with the features of Wolmar, Werther, Grandison. He (like Tatyana herself) is unique, original, noble. When the time for love came, the girl saw this ideal in Onegin.

Gradually, she recognizes his true nature. He is not romantic hero but a skeptic, a realist, incapable of love. But Tatyana does not need the truth - she needs love.

The duel turned the lives of all the heroes of the novel upside down. Eugene, Olga leave the village. A deep trace remains in Tatyana's soul, her character and fate are changing, but love has not faded away - she is alive, but now Tatyana understands that it is impossible to live with feelings alone, they do not always need to be shown openly.

Tatyana, at the insistence of her mother, goes to Moscow, where she is persuaded to marry a general. And Tatyana from a romantic girl turns into an impeccable, refined “legislator of the hall”. Her pride, nobility, refined taste are genuine. And inaccessibility, indifference and carelessness - this is the mask that Tatyana is forced to wear under the pressure of the harsh laws of the world. And, in spite of everything, her feelings live, fill her heart, but they are hidden, locked. And in her heart she remains the same Tanya.

Her heart is torn back: in an old house, to the fields, forests, to the world where she lived without hiding her feelings, where she did not need a mask. But even in this secular environment, she cannot completely hide her feelings for Onegin:

She doesn't pick it up.

And without taking his eyes off him,

From greedy lips does not take away

His insensitive hand...

And yet, despite the depth of her feelings, when she "clearly understands everything", when she shares Onegin's love, Tatyana refuses Onegin. She prefers duty to feeling.

Why do I like Tatyana? It has an irresistible need to feel, to love, which is now less and less common.


So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor the beauty of his sister,

Neither by the freshness of her ruddy face would she have attracted the eyes.

Tatyana is my favorite heroine of A. S. Pushkin. For the first time with the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" I met in the lesson of Russian literature in the 9th grade. This novel occupies a central place in the work of the poet. This is his largest work of art. A. S. Pushkin, in a letter to the poet Vyazemsky, notes: “Now I am writing not a novel, but a novel in verse - a diabolical difference!” "Eugene Onegin" had the strongest influence on the fate of all Russian literature.

I want to write about Tatyana Larina, one of the main characters. A. S. Pushkin writes about her like this:

Her sister's name was Tatyana.

For the first time with such a name,

Gentle pages of a novel

We will sanctify

Drawing in his novel a captivating image of a Russian girl, not very beautiful, with a village name, the author does not embellish, does not idealize, both in characterizing her mental disposition and in depicting her behavior, although he declares more than once about his deep sympathy:

Tatiana, dear Tatiana!

With you now I shed tears ...

Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much!

If Pushkin says that about her, then I think she is beautiful.

Tatyana grew up in a family as a wild, unkind girl who did not like to play with her friends, mostly immersed in herself, in her experiences. Curious, inquisitive, she tries to understand everything around her and her own soul, and, not finding an answer to her requests from her elders - mother, father, nanny - she looks for them in books that she has become addicted to since childhood, which I used to believe.

She liked novels early,

They replaced everything!

I think if her parents gave her more time, then she would not be so naive. About life, about people, Tatyana is used to judging by books. In them, she was looking for an expression of her own experiences. The life around her, the environment of the village landowners, their wives and children, little satisfies her demanding soul, her inquisitive mind. In novels, she saw a different life, more wonderful, significant and eventful, other people, more interesting; she believed that such a life and such people were not invented by the authors, but actually existed, and she was sure that she, too, would one day meet such people and live such a life. Pushkin says:

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

Tatyana imagined her future chosen one as unusual. She was sure of a happy fate for herself.

It is not surprising that when she saw Onegin for the first time, so strikingly different from all the young people she knew, Tatyana immediately fell in love with him, imitating the heroines of novels. And so she writes a letter to Onegin, sends it off, and then worries, waiting for an answer.

It is remarkable that Tatyana was very fond of Russian nature. I think that love for nature, the customs of the people made her special: sincere, cordial, true to her word.

Later she is taken to Moscow, but even there she is bored and yearning. Mother wants to marry Tatyana to some important general - Tatyana at first resists, but then agrees, because she, in essence, does not care - happiness is no longer possible for her.

My mother begged me with tears of spells, she later tells Onegin, -

... for poor Tanya

All the lots were equal ...

I got married…

She becomes an important society lady. Everyone treats her with deep respect. Tatyana strictly fulfills her duties as a wife and mistress of the house, but she herself does not receive satisfaction, joy from this. When the heroine meets Onegin again and sees his love for her flared up in him, she feels insulted. Tatyana still loves Yevgeny, but nevertheless resolutely refuses happiness.

The main property of Tatyana is high spiritual nobility, a highly developed sense of duty, sincerity of feelings. Tatyana has changed outwardly, but not inwardly.

I think that Tatyana is doing the right thing by refusing Onegin. If she made a promise to be faithful to an unloved person, then she is obliged to keep this word inviolably. Let her now understand that it was a mistake on her part, that she acted carelessly - she herself should suffer for this mistake.

Belinsky said about Tatyana that Tatyana is “an exceptional being, a deep, loving, passionate nature. Love for her could be either the greatest bliss or the greatest calamity of life.”

I really liked Tatyana, because she is a woman with an amazing soul, strong will, sincerity of feelings, high sense of duty.

She became for me "Tatyana, dear Tatyana!"
