Pogorelsky black chicken or underground inhabitants analysis. Analysis of Pogorelsky's fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"

  • Russian writer, one of the largest prose writers first half of XIX century.
  • Name "Anton Pogorelsky" - alias.
  • Nickname - a fictitious name used by a person in life instead of a real one.
  • Real name - Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky .
  • Nickname taken from the name of his Pogoreltsy estates .

nephew Alyosha .

  • After the war he took up literary creativity on his estate Pogoreltsy. There he was educated nephew Alyosha, the future famous poet, writer and playwright Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy for which he wrote a fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" .
  • After the war, he took up literary work in his estate Pogoreltsy. There he was educated nephew Alyosha, the future famous poet, writer and playwright Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy for which he wrote a fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers" .

vocabulary work

Boarding house










closed educational institution

sleeping rooms

curled hair rings

old hairstyle (whipped tuft on the head)

holiday time


gold coin

kind of frock coat cut in half in front and long narrow tails in the back

baked clay tiles, for wall cladding, stoves, usually glazed on the front side, tiles

upper men's clothing with fur, waist and ruffles

Let's think!

  • How would you define the exact genre of this work? Why?
  • Give more examples of this genre.
  • Remind me what's different literary tale from folk?

The main features of folklore and literary tales

folk tale

literary tale

Orality, collectivity,


Traditional images-characters (masks-types) are used

It is characteristic of pictorial (description of the place, the appearance of the characters, their characters)

National ideals are reflected, the identity of a particular storyteller is erased

  • Where and when does the story take place?
  • Read the description of the place and time.

Why was Alyosha left alone in the boarding house?

What was his consolation in his hours of loneliness?

Which chicken did Alyosha like the most?

How did Alyosha save Chernushka?

What was Alyosha afraid of at night?

How did Chernushka deal with the knights?

Where did the chicken lead the boy?

Who was Chernushka in the underworld?

The main character of the story.

  • Who main character fairy tales? Find its description .
  • How did they know Alyosha at the boarding school, why did they love him?
  • Clever
  • cute
  • well-read
  • Romantic
  • Dreamer
  • Believes in magic
  • Strongly feels his loneliness

What episodes are shown in the illustrations? What has happened up to this point? And what after?

Let's think!

  • And how does Alyosha behave? What's the point first sleep ?
  • Can we bear some lesson from this?

What has happened up to this point? And what after?

What episodes are shown in the illustrations? What has happened up to this point? And what after?

  • What does Alyosha feel when he has a magic seed? Find the description in the text .
  • Does he like you at the moment? Why?
  • Have you ever experienced such a feeling?

Divide the qualities into 2 groups: “Before receiving the seed” and “After receiving the seed”

2. Cruel


4. Stubborn

5. Sociable

6. Proud

8. Daring

9. Curious

10. Shy

11. Naughty

12. Humble

Before getting a grain

1 .Kind

3 .affectionate

5 .Communicative

9 .Curious

10. Shy

12. Modest

After receiving the seed

2. Cruel

4. Stubborn

6. proud

7. Proud

8. Bold

11. Naughty

What scene is shown in the illustration? What has happened up to this point? And what after?

What scene is shown in the illustration? What has happened up to this point? And what after?

  • Vices usually enter through the door and exit through the crack.
  • Whose words are these?
  • What does Chernushka mean by this?
  • What is the main theme of the whole story?
  • What is the idea of ​​the piece?
  • Mind is not given to us for us to use it for evil.


  • Subject: Self-education (Education Human in itself)
  • Idea: All people are initially pure and kind, but begin to "spoil" when they get everything for nothing. People should cultivate goodness in themselves , honesty, responsibility and being grateful. If we do not appreciate what we have, then we lose it.

Pogorelsky Anthony, fairy tale "The Black Hen or Underground inhabitants"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Black Hen" and their characteristics

  1. Alyosha, a 10-year-old boy, is a kind and compassionate, cheerful comrade. but having received a magic seed, he becomes proud, arrogant. mischievous. Alyosha betrays the trust of the underground inhabitants and is tormented by shame. He's on the mend again.
  2. Chernushka, at the same time a chicken and a minister. Kind, gentle, fair, grateful. At the same time, he is a wise and attentive politician. Punished for Alyosha's misdeed.
  3. The teacher believed that Alyosha was deceiving him and flogged the boy with rods. However, it was the norm back then.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Black Hen"
  1. Old boarding house in St. Petersburg
  2. Boy Alyosha and his Chernushka
  3. Saving Chernushka, golden imperial
  4. Director is not a knight
  5. Chernushka's first visit
  6. Alyosha's carelessness and the black knights
  7. Chernushka's second visit
  8. Underworld
  9. King
  10. hemp seed
  11. Garden and menagerie
  12. Rat hunting
  13. Alyosha's character is changing
  14. seed loss
  15. The return of the seed and the censure of Chernushka
  16. Betrayal and spanking
  17. Farewell to Chernushka
  18. Illness and recovery.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Black Hen" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Alyosha saves the chicken Chernushka from the cook, and the cook calls him in gratitude
  2. The first time the knights do not let them pass, but on the second night Alyosha finds himself in the underworld
  3. The king thanks Alyosha for saving the minister and gives a hemp seed
  4. Alyosha sees the wonders of the underworld and takes part in the rat hunt
  5. Alyosha becomes disobedient, proud, and his comrades stop loving him, and the teacher threatens to flog him.
  6. Alyosha tells about the underground inhabitants and they are forced to go to distant lands, Alyosha gets sick, recovers and corrects himself.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Black Hen"
Only what is obtained by one's own labor is of value, and what is obtained for nothing only corrupts a person.

What does the fairy tale "Black Hen" teach
There are many lessons hidden in this tale. First of all, about the fact that you need to be honest, kind, diligent, so that your comrades love you. You must be able to keep your word and not let down those who trusted you. You have to be able to endure pain, but do not become a traitor. You can't be angry, proud, arrogant, you can't boast of your superiority.

Review of the fairy tale "Black Hen"
It is very beautiful and instructive story about the boy Alyosha, who was kind and sweet, but became angry and proud, having received a magical opportunity not to learn lessons. The boy made a wrong wish, and his fulfillment harmed both Alyosha himself and the underground inhabitants. But nevertheless, I sympathized with Alyosha and sincerely rejoiced when he corrected himself. Of course, it is a pity that Chernushka and his comrades left Petersburg, but I believe that they found no less a good place in another city.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Black Hen"
Having given the word, hold on, and not having given it, be strong.
From the word salvation, from the word and death.
Debt good turn deserves another.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Black Hen"
There was an old boarding school in St. Petersburg in which 30-40 boys studied, including ten-year-old Alyosha. Alyosha was brought to the boarding school by his parents from afar and paid for several years in advance.
Alyosha was loved in the boarding school, he was a sweet and obedient boy. Only on Saturdays did he really miss when his comrades were taken apart by their parents.
Alyosha loved to stand by the fence and look through the holes into the street, waiting for the sorceress. The boy also loved to feed the chickens, and especially among them he loved Chernushka.
Once, during the New Year holidays, Alyosha saw how the cook caught Chernushka, and in tears he rushed to her, begging her to leave Chernushka. Nigella escaped from the hands of the cook and Alyosha gave her the imperial so that she would not tell the teacher anything.
At this time, the director arrives and Alyosha thinks to see the knight, but he sees a bald old man.
All day Alyosha plays with Chernushka, and then goes to bed. Suddenly the boy heard someone call his name, and Nigella came out from under the sheet.
Chernushka turned to Alyosha in a human voice and called the boy to follow her. Chernushka told Alyosha not to touch anything, but he wanted to take the cat by the paw. She meowed, woke up the parrot, the parrot screamed loudly. Blackie said that it must have woken up the knights.
They went down to great hall and two knights attacked Chernushka. Alyosha was frightened and came to his senses in his bed.
The next evening, Chernushka again came to Alyosha. Alyosha did not touch anything along the way, and Chernushka led him into a low hall. Little men came out of the side door, followed by the knights, and finally the king.
The king thanked Alyosha for saving the minister, and the boy was surprised to recognize Chernushka in the minister.
The king asks Alyosha to make a wish and the boy wishes him to know all the lessons that have been given.
The king gave Alyosha a hemp seed, but warned him to keep quiet about everything he saw.
After the king left, the minister began to show Alyosha the underworld. Everywhere were gems. They toured a garden of moss trees and a menagerie of rats and moles.
Then they went hunting. Alyosha sat on a stick with a horse's head and everyone galloped along the passages. The hunters rounded up a few rats.
After the hunt, the boy asked about who the underground inhabitants were. Chernushka said that they used to go upstairs, but have been hiding from people for a long time. And if people find out about them, they will have to go to distant lands.
Alyosha woke up in his bed.
After that, he began to easily answer all the lessons, using the help of hemp seeds. Alyosha gradually began to get used to praise, became proud and disobedient. Alyosha began to play pranks a lot. Once the teacher asked him to learn 20 pages, Alyosha opened his mouth, but did not say a word. Alyosha lost the seed and for a long time desperately searched for it, calling for Chernushka's help.
Alyosha was left on bread and water, because he could not learn the text. At night, Chernushka came to him, gave him a seed and said that she did not recognize the boy.
Alyosha boldly went to the lesson and answered all 20 pages. The teacher was surprised and demanded to tell how Alyosha managed to learn everything. One of the students said that Alyosha did not pick up a book. The teacher decided that Alyosha was deceiving him and punished him. They brought rods and Alyosha, beside himself with fear, began to talk about the underground inhabitants. The teacher decided that the boy was cheating and became furious. Alyosha was flogged.
Alyosha no longer had a seed. In the evening Chernushka came, reproached the boy, forgave him and said that he must go with the people to distant lands. Blackie's hands were chained.
In the morning Alyosha was found in a high fever. When the boy recovered, he again became quiet and kind, obedient and diligent. His friends loved him again.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Black Hen"

Summary of the lesson based on the fairy tale by Antony Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants"

Lesson Objectives:

Develop fluency skills expressive reading,

Develop the ability to answer questions correctly

Develop the ability to analyze and summarize material,

Learn to define main idea works,

To educate students in the ability to draw conclusions for themselves, observing the actions of literary heroes.



  1. Organizing time
  1. Goal setting:

Guys, today we have unusual lesson, we will go to a fairy tale

Anthony Pogorelsky black hen or underground inhabitants,

We will meet with the boy Alyosha and discuss what a mysterious story happened to him.

  1. Work with text

So, I want to invite you to a fairy tale.

(open title page)

Petersburg. 1829 We ended up on Vasilyevsky Island, in the first line, in front of us was a two-story building.

We read the beginning, keeping the fabulous, old style:“Forty years ago, in St. Petersburg on Vasilevsky Island, in the First Line, there lived the owner of a men's boarding school ....”

Let's explain:

Saint Petersburg.

Vasilievsky island.


Boarding house.

Saint Petersburg . Peter I, having defeated the Swedes in 1702, decided to build a new fortress in the Neva delta. The day when the construction of the bastions of the new fortress began - May 13 (27), 1703 - is considered to be the day of the foundation of St. Petersburg, although the first significant structures appeared only three or four years later. Therefore, by decision of the Russian government, the founding of St. Petersburg is celebrated in 2003.

Vasilyevsky Island, most big Island(1050 ha) in the Neva delta, the historical district of St. Petersburg.

Line - the name of each side of the street on Vasilyevsky Island.

Boarding house (French pension, from Latin pensio - payment). IN Russian Empire and some foreign countries closed educational institution with a hostel and full content students.)

So what is this building on the screen? (pension)

Guys, let's find in our "guide" to the fairy tale - this is a description of the boarding house in the text,

“The house, which you now - as I already told you - will not find, was about two

floors, covered with Dutch tiles. The porch through which they entered it was wooden and jutted out onto the street. From the passage a rather steep staircase led to the upper dwelling, which consisted of eight or nine rooms, in which the owner of the boarding house lived on one side, and the classrooms on the other. The dormitories, or children's bedrooms, were on the lower floor, on the right side of the passage, and on the left lived two old Dutch women, each of whom was over a hundred years old and who saw Peter the Great with their own eyes and even talked to him.

What unfamiliar words did you come across?

(dormitory, canopy)

Let's find out what it is. (We ask the children or read on the slide.

Dormitories - bedrooms, canopy - hallway, corridor).

What other unfamiliar words did you come across in the text?

(Children name some of them and read on the slide)

These words, guys, have gone out of our use and are called obsolete words or archaisms.

Let's write down these terms in a notebook

Our journey through the fairy tale continues, and here he is, our main character of the fairy tale, the boy Alyosha, your age. What he read his description:

(“... in that boarding school there was one boy named Alyosha, who was then no more than 9 or 10 years old. Alyosha was a smart, nice boy, he studied well, and everyone loved and caressed him. However, despite the fact that he was often bored it happened in a boarding school, and sometimes even sad ... The days of teaching passed quickly and pleasantly for him, but when Saturday came and all his comrades hurried home to their relatives, then Alyosha bitterly felt his loneliness. On Sundays and holidays, he remained alone all day, and then his only consolation was reading books.Alyosha already knew by heart the deeds of the most glorious knights. winter evenings, on Sundays and other holidays, it was mentally transported to the old, bygone centuries ... Alyosha's other occupation was to feed the chickens that lived near the fence. Among the hens, he especially loved the black crested one, called Chernushka. Chernushka was more affectionate towards him than the others; she even sometimes allowed herself to be stroked, and therefore Alyosha best bits brought her")

Let's now remember what happened to him.

Let's do it in the form of a blitz survey, for each correct answer you get a symbol of this fairy tale - a grain.

  1. Why was Alyosha left alone in the boarding house? (all the students went on vacation)
  2. What was his consolation in his hours of loneliness? (reading books, playing with chickens in the yard)
  3. Which chicken did Alyosha like the most? (Nigerushka)
  4. How did Alyosha save Chernushka? (He begged the cook to let the chicken go, cried, hung on his arm, and the chicken ran away)
  5. What was Alyosha afraid of at night? (the sheet on the next bed stirred, and a chicken came out from under it)
  6. How did Chernushka deal with the knights? (spread her wings, ruffled, became big, and fought off the knights)
  7. Where did the chicken lead the boy? (to the underworld)
  8. Who was Chernushka in the underworld? (chief minister)
  9. What wish did Alyosha make? (so that he always knows the lesson. without learning it)
  10. What item was given to Alyosha to make his wish come true? (seed)
  11. What condition did the king set Alyosha? (don't tell anyone about the dungeon)
  12. How did the king react to Alyosha's desire? (he was surprised that Alyosha was so lazy)

Physical education minute

Well, well done, I see that you know the text of the work well, and now let's see an excerpt from the cartoon "Black Chicken or Underground Dwellers" and compare the depicted fragment with an excerpt from the text.

(EXTRACT of the cartoon about saving the blackie. 00.42 – 3.25 )

You watched a fragment of the animated film and try to determine if there is a difference in the image of saving Chernushka by Antony Pogorelsky and the creators of the cartoon.

(The difference is that Anthony Pogorelsky in the fairy tale shows how Alyosha asks the cook Trinushka not to cut the chicken. In the cartoon, the rescue scene is presented differently: a kite suddenly swoops in, Alyosha boldly rushes at him with a stick and beats off Chernushka)

Why do you think Chernushka decided to tell Alyosha her secret?

(Alyosha was a kind boy. Chernushka wanted to thank the boy for saving her life. Chernushka probably wanted to make Alyosha's life more interesting and informative).

Now watch another fragment of the animated film.

8.35 – 9.40

- What interesting trees grew in the fairy garden?

(There were trees whose fruits could make a person wise; seeds of goodness ripened on another tree; a tree of health grew).

Yes, you are right, but, nevertheless, Alyosha still chose what as a gift? That's right, a grain that makes it possible not to learn lessons.

Let's see what came of it.

  1. Practical work.

Guys, we continue to travel through a fairy tale.

So, Alyosha received a magic seed, and his life changed, and he himself changed. Let's characterize Alyosha before receiving the seed, and after receiving the seed.

On the board are words that characterize Alyosha. Divide these words into two columnsBefore receiving the seed and After receiving the seed.













Self test A. Showing the correct answer.

Let's conclude why Alyosha turned from an obedient, kind, affectionate boy into a stubborn, naughty, impudent boy.


  1. Conclusion: He had nothing to do, from idleness Alyosha began to play pranks, be rude, hooligans.

not for nothing folk wisdom reads:Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do!

Guys, our journey through the fairy tale is coming to an end, but what is the ending of any fairy tale? - good triumphs over evil!

Guys, did we meet in some fairy tale such evil? (No)

What evil, or what evil heroes, have we read about? (Baba Yaga, Koschei the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych and the like. In fairy tales, evil, as a rule, is personified or objectified)

Did the boy try to fight this evil?(Yes)

How? (Sometimes Alyosha still felt ashamed, his conscience tormented him. So, in his soul there was a struggle between virtue and vices.)

What won? (Good won, Alyosha punished himself: he suffered for several days. From these torments, his health was undermined, and when one day Chernushka again came to him in a dream and a farewell scene took place between them, Alyosha fainted and lay unconscious for several days with after Alyosha recovered, he again tried to be obedient, kind, modest and diligent.

Remember how Alyosha was punished. What was the worst punishment for him?

Conclusion: good conquered evil, Alyosha became the former obedient boy.

(An excerpt from the cartoon 17.05 – 19.30 )

And so our journey through the fairy tale ended.

  1. Homework

"...Alyosha was ashamed to talk about it..."

Have you ever been ashamed of your actions?

Write an answer to a question

What way out of this situation did you find?

  1. Reflection

Guys, today in the lesson, many of you received magic seeds, you can also try to make a wish, write what wish you made on the seed. Describe it, but first think about what consequences it can lead to.

Back forward

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Lesson Objectives:

  1. To uncover ideological content fairy tales through text analysis.
  2. The development of monologue and dialogic speech of students.
  3. The development of the mental activity of students: the ability to analyze, synthesize, generalize.
  4. Development of the ability to compare different types art.
  5. Development of skills of expressive reading of the text.
  6. Formation of moral orientations for the recognition of true and false values.
  7. Identification of the relevance of the work for modern schoolchildren.
  8. Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the personal growth of each student.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual-illustrative, problematic.


  1. Computer.
  2. Projector.
  3. Presentation " moral lessons life. Analysis of the fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".
  4. Cartoon"Black Hen".
  5. Exhibition of students' drawings based on A. Pogorelsky's fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. Checking the readiness of the class for the lesson.

2. The main part.

  • Brief curriculum vitae about A. Pogorelsky.
  • Literary quiz.
  • Analysis of the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”.
  • Teacher's word:

    1. Setting goals and objectives for students.

    2. For correct answers in the lesson and additions, students will receive tokens, according to the number of which they will receive marks at the end of the lesson. A score of “5” is given for 6 or more tokens, a score of “4” for 5 tokens.

    3. Story about the writer (slide 2-12)

    A carriage rides along the cold streets of winter Petersburg. Her passenger - a gray-haired man with surprisingly kind and somehow childish eyes - thought deeply. He thinks about the boy he is going to visit. This is his nephew, little Alyosha.

    The carriage stops, and the passenger, with a slightly sad, but boyishly courageous face, thinks about how lonely his little friend is, whom his parents sent to a closed boarding house and even rarely visit. Only his uncle often visits Alyosha, because he is very attached to the boy and because he remembers well his loneliness in the same boarding school many years ago.

    Who is this person?

    This is Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky. The son of a nobleman, a rich and powerful Count Alexei Kirillovich Razumovsky, who owned the village of Perovo near Moscow and the village of Pogoreltsy, Sosnitsky district, Chernigov province, 53 thousand serfs. The count himself was the grandson of the registered Cossack Grigory Rozum, the son of the last Ukrainian hetman, an influential nobleman of Catherine and a prominent Russian freemason.

    The son of such a man might have been a prince, but Alexei was illegitimate. Although, being in the house of his father in the position of pupils, the Perovskys received an excellent education. There is evidence that Count Alexei Kirillovich especially favored the eldest - Alexei. But he was a hot-tempered man, capable of terrible outbursts of anger. And in one of these evil moments, he sent his son to a closed boarding school.

    How lonely Alyosha was in the cold government rooms! He was very homesick and one day he decided to run away from the boarding house. The memory of the escape remained for the rest of his life lameness: Alyosha fell from the fence and injured his leg.

    Then Alyosha grew up. In August 1805, Alexei entered Moscow University and in October 1807 he graduated with a doctorate in philosophy and literature.

    In the same 1807, he made his literary debut: he translated into German the story of N.M. Karamzin " Poor Lisa and published his translation with a dedication to his father.

    For two years he led the life of a diligent official: he served in the Senate, traveled with revisions to the Russian provinces, and then, having settled in Moscow, he became a good friend of V.A. Zhukovsky, P.A. Vyazemsky, V.L. Pushkin, I.A. Krylov and other writers of the "friendly artel" and one of the founders of the "Society of Lovers of Russian Literature". He was friends with Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who greatly appreciated his kind soul.

    The year 1812 came, and Anthony Pogorelsky fought against Napoleon as the headquarters captain of the Third Ukrainian Regiment, even his lameness did not prevent him from being a brave military officer.

    He returned to St. Petersburg in 1816 and changed his military uniform to an official one - a court adviser. However, soon circumstances developed in such a way that his sister with a one and a half month old nephew was in his care, whom he took to his hereditary Little Russian estate Pogoreltsy.

    Here, being engaged in gardening, supplying ship timber to the Nikolaev shipyards, acting as a trustee of the Kharkov educational district and - most of all - raising his nephew Alyosha, Perovsky composed the first fantastic stories in Russia.

    First, in 1825, in the St. Petersburg magazine "News of Literature", he published - under the pseudonym "Antony Pogorelsky" - "Lafertov's poppy flower". Three years later, the book "The Double, or My Evenings in Little Russia", the fairy tale "Black Hen, or Underground residents”, and then the novel “Monastyrka” will be added to the creative baggage.

    The literary heritage of the writer is small, however, and it is hardly studied. His archive almost disappeared without a trace, carelessly left by the writer to the will of fate and the play of chance. In the last years of his life, having completely abandoned literary activity, indifferent to literary glory, Pogorelsky cared little about him. According to legend, the manager of his estate, a passionate gourmet, exhausted the papers of his patron for his favorite food - cutlets in papillots. ( papilotka - a paper tube worn on the legs of chickens, turkeys, game, as well as on the bones of chops when they are fried. (Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova))

    Pogorelsky wrote several books for adults, but one of his books was especially important for him - this is his fairy tale "The Black Hen". He wrote it for his nephew. Little Alyosha told Pogorelsky how, walking in the boarding house yard, he made friends with a chicken, how he saved her from a cook who wanted to make broth. And then this real case turned under the pen of Pogorelsky into a fairy tale, kind and wise.

    In the summer of 1836, A.A. Perovsky went to Nice for the treatment of "chest disease" (ischemic heart disease) and died in Warsaw on the way there. His sister Anna and nephew Alexei were with him.

    Perovsky's nephew, the one to whom the fairy tale “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants” is dedicated, having matured, became remarkable himself and famous writer. This is Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy.

    4. Literary quiz (slide 13-33)

    name real name and the name of the writer Anthony Pogorelsky.

    Alexey Alekseevich Perovsky

    What sights are mentioned at the beginning of Antony Pogorelsky's story "The Black Hen, or Underground Dwellers"?

    St. Isaac's Square, the monument to Peter the Great, the Admiralty, Horse Guards Manege
    What was Alyosha's only consolation on Sundays and holidays? Reading books
    What is the name of the cook who was supposed to destroy Chernushka Trinushka
    What were boys' bedrooms called in the 19th century? Dormitories
    During the gala dinner in honor of the director, many delicious dishes were served for dessert, including bergamots. What it is? Pear variety
    Why did Alyosha's first attempt to get into the underground kingdom fail? Alyosha woke up the knights
    “Here she cackled in a strange voice, and suddenly, out of nowhere, small candles appeared in silver shackles…” What are “shandals”? Candlesticks
    What animals were in the royal menagerie? Big rats, moles, ferrets
    What were the paths in the underground kingdom strewn with? Different stones: diamonds, yachts, emeralds and amethysts
    “The trees also seemed to Alyosha remarkably beautiful, although, moreover, very strange. They were different color: red, green, brown, white, blue and purple. When he looked at them with attention, he saw that it was…” It was some kind of moss

    5. Analysis of the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants”. Conversation with students (Slides 34-41)

    - Tell us about Alyosha's life in a boarding school (word drawing or text retelling)

    (“... in that boarding school there was one boy named Alyosha, who was then no more than 9 or 10 years old. Alyosha was a smart, nice boy, he studied well, and everyone loved and caressed him. However, despite the fact that he was often bored it happened in a boarding school, and sometimes even sad ... The days of teaching passed quickly and pleasantly for him, but when Saturday came and all his comrades hurried home to their relatives, then Alyosha bitterly felt his loneliness. On Sundays and holidays, he remained alone all day, and then his only consolation was reading books. Alyosha already knew by heart the deeds of the most glorious knights. His favorite pastime on long winter evenings, on Sundays and other holidays, was mentally transported to ancient, bygone centuries ... Alyosha's other occupation was to feed chickens who lived near the fence. Among the chickens, he especially loved the black crested one, called Chernushka. Chernushka was more affectionate towards him than others; she even sometimes allowed herself to be stroked, and therefore Alyosha brought the best pieces to her, "pp. 46-49).

    - Watch a fragment of the animated film and try to determine if there is a difference in the image of saving Chernushka by Antony Pogorelsky and the creators of the cartoon.

    (The difference is that Antony Pogorelsky in the fairy tale shows how Alyosha asks the cook Trinushka not to cut the chicken. In the cartoon, the rescue scene is presented differently: a kite suddenly swoops in, Alyosha boldly rushes at him with a stick and beats off Chernushka).

    - Why do you think Chernushka decided to tell Alyosha her secret?

    (Alyosha was a kind boy. Chernushka wanted to thank the boy for saving her life. Chernushka probably wanted to make Alyosha's life more interesting and informative).

    - Watch a fragment of an animated film. What interesting trees grew in the fairy garden?

    (There were trees whose fruits could make a person wise; seeds of goodness ripened on another tree; a tree of health grew).

    - Watch a fragment of an animated film. What changed in Alyosha himself, around him, when he received a hemp seed?

    (“He approached the teacher with trepidation, opened his mouth, still not knowing what to say, and - unmistakably, without stopping, said the assignment. For several weeks, the teachers could not praise Alyosha. He knew all the lessons without exception, all the translations from one language to another were without mistakes, so that they could not be surprised at his extraordinary success. He began to think a lot, put on airs in front of other boys and imagined that he was much better and smarter than all of them. Alyosha's temperament completely deteriorated from this: from a kind, sweet and a modest boy, he became proud and disobedient. Alyosha became a terrible rascal. Not having the need to repeat the lessons that were assigned to him, he, at the time when the other children were preparing for classes, engaged in pranks, and this idleness spoiled his temper even more. Then, when he was a kind and modest child, everyone loved him, and if he happened to be punished, then everyone regretted him, and this served him as a consolation.But now no one paid attention to him: everyone looked at him with contempt and did not didn't say a word to him." Page 75-80)

    - Why didn’t Alyosha get pleasure from praise for excellent answers at the beginning?

    (“An inner voice told him that he did not deserve this praise, because this lesson did not cost him any trouble. Alyosha was inwardly ashamed of these praises: he was ashamed that they set him up as an example to his comrades, while he did not deserve it at all. Conscience she often reproached him for this, and an inner voice said to him: "Alyosha, don't be proud! Don't ascribe to yourself what doesn't belong to you; thank fate for bringing you benefits against other children, but don't think that you are better If you do not correct yourself, then no one will love you, and then, with all your learning, you will be the most unfortunate child!” P. 75-76)

    - What advice does Chernushka give to Alyosha until the boy has completely lost himself?

    (“Do not think that it is so easy to correct oneself from vices when they have taken over us. Vices usually enter through the door and go out through the crack, and therefore, if you want to correct yourself, you must constantly and strictly look after yourself.” P. 81 )

    - Do Chernushka's advice match the teacher's conclusions?

    (Yes. Both Chernushka and the teacher agree that idleness corrupts a person, labor is a condition for a person’s moral beauty. “The more abilities and talents you have by nature, the more modest and obedient you should be. Not for this God gave you mind, so that you use it for evil.” P. 84)

    Why did Alyosha betray Chernushka?

    (He was afraid of punishment). Watching a fragment of an animated film.

    The story ends tragically. The inhabitants of the underground kingdom left, Alyosha is punished for betrayal. Watch a fragment of the animated film. Does Chernushka believe that Alyosha will improve?

    (Yes. Only a believer can say this: “I forgive you; I can’t forget that you saved my life, and I still love you ... One thing you can console me in my misfortune: try to improve and be again the same kind boy as you were before". pp. 86-88)

    Has Alyosha recovered?

    (Yes. He “tried to be obedient, kind, modest and diligent. Everyone loved him again and began to caress, and he became an example for his comrades.” P. 88)

    - Conclusions. Notebook entry.

    The book reminds us of the main thing: we are all pure and noble in our souls, but we must educate the Good in ourselves. To be able to be grateful, responsible, earn the love and respect of others - all this requires effort. Otherwise, there is no way, and trouble can threaten not only us, but also those whom we love and who trust us. A real Miracle can happen only once, and you have to be worthy of it...

    Moral lessons of life

    • You can not put yourself above other people, even if you know a lot and can do it.
    • It is necessary to develop modesty, diligence, diligence, a sense of duty, honesty, respect for people, kindness.
    • You have to be strict with yourself.

    6. Psychological and pedagogical situation (students work on sheets of paper in the classroom).

    Guys, imagine that you are in the fairy-tale world of the underworld. And the king offers you a reward for saving Chernushka. What Alyosha asked you already know. What would you ask?

    Student responses:

    I would ask for a grain of health, because this health is the most important thing. (3 persons).

    I would ask that it never be winter.

    I would ask Chernushka to be honest, not to lie to other people, to study well.

    7. Work with illustrations by students. Tell what part of the story is shown in the picture. Why was this piece chosen?

    8. Homework. At the choice of students. (Slide 42)

    1. Fill in the table “True and False Values ​​of Life”

    (The task should be completed approximately as follows:

    2. Compose your own version of the continuation of the fairy tale “What could happen next?

    Alyosha became a sweet, modest boy. And then one day the garden appeared again, the underground inhabitants returned. Upon learning of this, Alyosha immediately ran to look for Chernushka. He found her. He was so happy that he even cried and said: “I thought I would never see you!” To which Chernushka replied: “Well, what are you, I’m back, don’t cry!” This is how this instructive story about the boy Alyosha ended. (Malygina Svetlana).

    - ... A few years later, Alyosha's parents came. For exemplary behavior, his parents took him on a trip to different countries. Of course, no one told the parents about this story. Then Alyosha grew up, entered a famous university, studied only perfectly well. His parents were happy for him. (Koval Oksana).

    9. Evaluation of student work.


    1. Children's fairy tale magazine "Read it," article "Author of" Black Hen "Anthony Pogorelsky (1787-1836). 2000. http://www.coffee.ru
    2. Korop V. Anthony Pogorelsky (1787-1836). http://www.malpertuis.ru/pogorelsky_bio.htm
    3. Malaya S. Anthony Pogorelsky. http://www.pogorelskiy.org.ru
    4. Pogorelsky A. Black chicken, or underground inhabitants. Moscow: Rosman. 1999. S. 45-90.

    Anthony Pogorelsky. "The Black Hen, or the Underground Dwellers".

    Anthony Pogorelsky(1787 - 1836) was outstanding writer of his time. He was born in Moscow. Anthony Pogorelsky is not his real name at all, it's just a pseudonym. His real name is Alexey Perovsky. In 1808, Anthony Pogorelsky entered the service of the Senate, but with the beginning Patriotic War In 1812, he abandoned all his sovereign affairs and went to war against the Emperor Napoleon. In 1816, Pogorelsky moved to St. Petersburg, where he became a member of another literary movement - the Arzamas. In 1829, Anthony Pogorelsky wrote his famous fairy tale "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants", which brought him some fame. Remaining young, he caught tuberculosis and died suddenly in 1836.

    Analysis of the fairy tale by Antonio Pogorelsky "The Black Hen, or Underground Inhabitants".

    Genre: fairy tale for children.

    Idea: do not ascribe to yourself what does not belong to you, thank fate for giving you benefits against other children, but do not think that you are better than them.

    Main characters:

    Alyosha before getting a hemp seed - smart, sweet, diligent, inquisitive, windy, honest, kind, modest, well-read, romantic, dreamer, everyone loved him, believes in magic, acutely feels his loneliness, generous, emotional, impressionable, observant , courageous, responsive. He is playful, restless, easily tempted not to learn a boring lesson, to be cunning, to hide his childhood secrets from adults, for some time he becomes a naughty, proud boy, a terrible naughty, self-confident, proud, idle, lazy, proud, shameless, arrogant , an arrogant naughty, disobedient, his comrades stopped loving him.

    Nigella is affectionate, grateful, kind.

    Minor Heroes: teacher, king.

    educational value :

    The book reminds us of the main thing: we are all pure and noble in our souls, but we must educate the Good in ourselves. To be able to be grateful, responsible, earn the love and respect of others - all this requires effort. Otherwise, there is no way, and trouble can threaten not only us, but also those whom we love and who trust us. A real Miracle can happen only once, and one must be worthy of it... One must develop modesty, diligence, diligence, a sense of duty, honesty, respect for people, kindness. You have to be strict with yourself. Achieve everything yourself.

    We must live honestly, be modest, respect other people. You can not put yourself above other people, even if you know a lot and can do it. Listen to the inner voice of conscience.

    Be demanding of yourself, don't be lazy. It is necessary to develop modesty, diligence, diligence, a sense of duty, honesty, respect for people, kindness. Overcome selfishness, laziness, selfishness.

    Style features.

    The originality of the thinking of the child, the hero of the story, through whose eyes many events of the story are seen, prompted the writer to select visual means. Therefore, each line of the "Black Hen" resonates with readers - the hero's peers.

    The writer, inventive in fantastic fiction, is attentive to the careful re-creation of real life. The landscapes of old Petersburg, more precisely, one of its oldest streets - the First Line of Vasilyevsky Island, with its wooden sidewalks, small mansions covered with Dutch tiles, and spacious courtyards fenced with baroque boards, are accurate, full of details, as if drawn from nature. Pogorelsky and Alyosha's clothes, decoration holiday table, and the complex, made in the fashion of that time, hairstyle of the teacher's wife, and many other sub6s of everyday life in St. Petersburg of the 18th century.

    Everyday scenes of the story are marked by a slightly mocking smile of the author. This is how the pages are made, depicting a funny bustle in the teacher's house before the arrival of the headmaster. "Black Hen" is easily perceived by the modern reader. There is practically no archaic vocabulary, outdated turns of speech. And at the same time, the story is built stylistically diverse. There is an epic leisurely exposition, an emotional story about the rescue of Chernushka, about miraculous incidents associated with underground inhabitants. Often the author resorts to a lively, relaxed dialogue.
