Music therapy in dow methodological development on the topic. Music therapy in kindergarten: tasks and goals, choice of music, development methodology, features of conducting classes and a positive impact on the child Interaction with teachers

Music therapy is a special form of work with children using music in any form (recordings on a tape recorder, listening to records, playing musical instruments, singing, etc.) Music therapy makes it possible to activate the child, overcome unfavorable attitudes and relationships, and improve the emotional state.

Music therapy can be used both as the main method and as one of the auxiliary methods. There are two main mechanisms of psychological corrective influence, characteristic of the method of music therapy.

First mechanism consists in the fact that musical art allows reconstructing a traumatic conflict situation in a special symbolic form and thereby finding its resolution.

Second mechanism associated with the nature of the aesthetic reaction, which allows you to change the effect of "affect from painful to pleasurable".

A distinction is usually made between retrospective and prospective phases of music therapy. The retrospective phase has the task of prompting the participant to experience the need for active disclosure internal conflict. Listening to music should bring a person into confrontation with his inner life. Experiences that until then remained unconscious or only partially conscious are transformed into concrete representations. In this phase, music with a deep emotional content, such as symphonic music, should be used.19th century. In the prospective phase, two approaches are possible. The first is the discharge of mental tension, the expression of which can be muscle tension. The second is the development of the need to listen to music, the expansion of the range of experiences, the stabilization of well-being.

There are individual and group music therapy. Individual music therapy is carried out in three versions: with a distinctive communicative, reactive and regulatory action. In the first case, the teacher and the child listen to the piece of music, here the music helps to improve these relationships. In the second, purification is achieved. In the third, neuropsychic stress is relieved. All three forms can be used independently or in combination. They represent in in a certain sense passive music therapy. Along with this, there is an active individual music therapy, the purpose of which is to overcome communication disorders. It is carried out in the form of a teacher's music lessons together with a child.

Group music therapy is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic.

Creative activity is the most powerful stress reliever. This is especially important for those who cannot "speak out"; it is much easier to express your fantasies in creativity than to talk about them. Fantasies, which are depicted on paper or in sounds, often speed up and facilitate the verbalization of experiences. Creativity opens the way to the expression of unconscious ideas and fantasies, which manifest themselves in a form that is significant for the child and unusual for everyone else.

Music therapy helps improve relations between the teacher and the child, develops a sense of internal control, opens up new abilities, increases self-esteem.

The harmonizing effect of music on mental processes can, and sometimes must be used in work with children.

The number of methods that make it easier for children to express their feelings when using music therapy is endless. Regardless of what the child and the teacher choose for their classes, the main goal of the teacher is always the same: to help the child become aware of himself and existence in his world. We must not forget the main commandment of the teacher - do no harm.

Music is an art, and like any art, it is known by the soul. You can perceive music by listening to it or participating in its creation.

At one of the classes during the practice, hyperactive children (4–5 years old) were gathered, and they were asked to listen to the play “Mother” from P. Tchaikovsky’s “Children’s Album”, a conversation immediately took place about the nature of the work. Over the course of the next few lessons, we listened to various works in order of increasing sound duration, including the mentioned “Morning” by E. Grieg. During this time, children have learned to feel and understand music more deeply, to maintain attention longer, to suppress manifestations of aggression; after listening, they behave more calmly than usual.

Very important for activities related to listening to music:
Specially select the musical repertoire and methods of working with it;
Use in the classroom of other types of musical activities of children: musical movement, singing, playing in the orchestra, conducting;
The use in the classroom of works of other types of art, especially fine and fiction.

Such techniques raise musical perception to a higher level, they are a way of actively analyzing music.

When selecting a piece for listening, we rely on the fact that the music meets two leading principles - high artistry and accessibility. Then music arouses interest and positive emotions in children.

Along with listening to music, it is important to use active music playing. , which helps to increase self-esteem - to overcome the ambivalence of behavior. Most often, music therapy associated with performing activities is group therapy. Music therapy in its active form includes playing musical instruments, singing therapy (vocal therapy, choral singing), and dancing (choreotherapy).

Even simple instruments such as drum, triangle, xylophone can be used to perform simple pieces. Classes are limited to the search for the simplest melodic, rhythmic, harmonic forms and represent an impromptu game. Dynamic adaptability develops, the ability to listen to each other. Since this is a group music therapy, the game is built in such a way that the participants actively communicate with each other, communicative and emotional relationships arise between them, so that this process is quite dynamic. The most important thing is that a child expresses himself through playing a musical instrument.

Vocal therapy especially indicated for depressed, inhibited, egocentric children. Mostly group vocal therapy is that each participant is involved in the process. At the same time here great importance also has a moment of “anonymity” of feelings, “hiddenness” in the general mass, which creates a prerequisite for overcoming contact disorders, for asserting own feelings and healthy experience of their bodily sensations.

Singing should be focused on folk songs. Being engaged in Russian folk art for 5 years, we noticed that the children's interest in Russian folk art increased, the children became liberated, emotional, they began to form moral and personal qualities for the works of Russian folk art, its songs, dances and round dances, the game on children's musical instruments. We use songs of an optimistic nature, as well as those that encourage reflection and deep feelings. Songs are selected according to the mood of the group. Group accommodation - vicious circle. The leader sings along with everyone. When a certain state of the group is reached, each participant is given the opportunity to propose a song, to nominate a leader. The sing-along is associated for many with overcoming shyness, as the sing-along gets into the spotlight.

To guide this work requires musical knowledge and skills, if the educator is not a musician himself, he works in conjunction with the music director, who provides the necessary advice.

Choral singing is the most effective means of educating not only the aesthetic taste, but also the initiative, imagination, creativity of children, it the best way promotes the development of musical abilities (singing voice, sense of rhythm, musical memory), the development of singing skills, promotes the growth of interest in music, increases emotional and vocal-choral culture. Choral singing helps children understand the role of the collective in human activity, thus contributing to the formation of the worldview of children, has an organizing and disciplining effect on children, fosters a sense of collectivism, friendship.

Along with the song, elementary melodic and rhythmic improvisations are used, which come down to exercises in tension and relaxation.

Of particular value is combination of singing with dance moves , as well as improvisation of free dance to the sounds classical music. Dance is a form of social contact; through dance, the ability to communicate and understand each other is improved. Rhythmic, oscillatory movements to music in three measures are of therapeutic value.

Dance Movement Therapy can serve as a bridge between the world of consciousness and the unconscious. With dance movement therapy, a child can use movement to express himself more fully and to keep his identity in contact with other children. Dance movement therapy is the only type of therapy that uses a lot of free space. Movement behavior expands in dance, helping to recognize conflicts, desires, and can help to experience negative feelings and release them.

The use of music therapy in sensitive moments

Mode moments.

What is used for.

Impact result.

Age group.

Suggested musical repertoire.


Reception of children.

Morning gymnastics.

Used to create an emotional background.

It is used to increase emotional activity, cheerfulness.

Gives the child joy, has a beneficial effect on his body. It has a positive effect not only on children, but also on their parents - it inspires confidence, it is easier to establish contact between people.

Music is an active effective means of emotional correction, it helps to enter the desired emotional state.

Junior group.

Middle group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. group.

Average gr

Senior gr.

Ready gr.

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" from the ballet "The Nutcracker",

M. Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River".

W. Mozart "Little Night Serenade",

M.I. Glinka "Waltz Fantasy".

P.I. Tchaikovsky "April",

GV Sviridov "Music Box".

N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Introduction "Three Miracles"

I. Strauss. "On the beautiful blue Danube".

Musical accompaniment of music - th leader.

Audio cassettes of rhythmic music.


(during the warm season).

Observations, in the process of labor activity, after games of great mobility

Sets a certain rhythm of life, has a mobilizing effect, expressed in a playful way. Causes an emotional response when observing objects of wildlife. To relieve increased muscle load.

It has a positive effect on the development of the child's nervous system.

All age groups.

Observations: S.V. Rachmaninov "Italian Polka",

V.Agafonnikov. "Sled with bells".

Children's labor: R.n.p. “Oh, you canopy…”, I. Strauss. Polka "Trick - truck".

Relaxation: N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Rock", songs, dances of birds.


(falling asleep and waking up)

It is used for emotional relaxation of the nervous system and muscles of the child. Calm, gentle music helps children fall asleep.

Blood pressure normalizes, breathing is stimulated.

Yaselnaya gr.

junior groups.

senior groups.

Lullabies:"Quiet. Quiet"

“Sleep, fall asleep, little princess”, “Coming of spring”, “Sleeping baby”, “Sleep tight”, “Sleep, my baby, fall asleep”.

G.V. Sviridov "A sad song", F. Schubert. “Ave Maria”, “Serenade”, Ts.A. Cui. "Lullaby".

W. A. ​​Mozart. "Music Box", N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. "Three wonders. Squirrel”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Dance of the Little Swans"

Individual music therapy.

To optimize the emotional state of the child; to overcome the child's hyperactivity; to stimulate creative (creative) abilities during individual activities.

Normalization of the emotional state, removal of physical and emotional stress, increase in creative working capacity, manifestation of initiative. Increased communication.

All age groups.

Average gr.

Senior gr.

Ready gr.

A.T. Grechaninov. "Grandma's Waltz", A.T. Grechaninov. "Maternal caresses".

P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz in F sharp minor, L.V. Beethoven. "Marmot", N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Opera "Snow Maiden", the scene of the melting of the Snow Maiden.

N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov. "The Sea" (finale of the 1st act of the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"), K.V. Gluck. Opera "Orpheus and Eurydice", "Melody", R. Shchedrin. Humoresque.

The use of music therapy in various types of children's activities.



What is used for.

Impact result.

Age group.

Used musical repertoire.

Music lessons.

The perception of music contributes to the overall intellectual and emotional development.

Raising interest in music, a state of pleasure, admiration.

Junior group.

Middle group.

Senior group.

Will prepare. group.

A.K. Lyadov. “Rain-rain”, Ts.A.Kui. "Lullaby".

M.I. Glinka "Children's Polka", rus. nar. song "Oh, canopy ..."

M.I. Glinka "Waltz Fantasy", P.I. Tchaikovsky "Mazurka".

P.I.Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", S.V.Rakhmaninov "Italian Polka"

Physical education.

Relaxation method - used to relax children and restore breathing.

Removal of muscle load, normalization of the general physical condition.

All age groups.

I. Strauss. "Tales of the Vienna Woods", P.I. Tchaikovsky. "April", A. Vivaldi. "Winter", I. Strauss. "On the beautiful blue Danube".


Develops creative imagination and fantasy, to create a certain psychological and emotional mood, associative links.

It forms the aesthetic feelings of children, causes an emotional response, increases the productivity of creativity.

All age groups.

Russian folk melodies,

E. Grieg. "Morning", M. Mussorgsky. “Dawn on the Moscow River”, K. Debussy. " Moonlight”, P.I. Tchaikovsky. Waltz of the Flowers from the ballet The Nutcracker.

Fiction (familiarization with poetic texts, descriptive stories.)

To create a certain emotional mood, for a more complete perception of the literary image.

Increasing interest in literary works, the formation of aesthetic feelings.

Middle group.

Senior preschool age.

Chopin. Nocturne No. 1,2., P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons", C. Debussy "Moonlight", R. Schumann "Dreams", D. Last "The Lonely Shepherd", K. Sinding "Rustle of Spring", K. Saint-Saens "Swan" from the suite "Carnival of the Animals", P.I. Tchaikovsky "Dance of the Little Swans".

There are two branches of music therapy:

First - perceiving activity, when the baby is sung, played an instrument, and he listens;

Second - is based on the method of "liberation of creative forces", thanks to this the child creates in music, dances, improvises melodies with his voice or on a musical instrument.

Music therapy can become an effective treatment for childhood neurosis which are increasingly affecting more and more children today. Therefore, today children should gradually master not only good skills in the field of intellectual operations, but also the skills and habits of life in modern society, know how to cope with its requirements and overcome the subjective difficulties that inevitably arise on life path each person. One such tool is music therapy.

With the help of music therapy, you can create optimal conditions for the development of children, educating them of aesthetic feelings and taste, getting rid of complexes, revealing new abilities.

Music therapy contributes to the formation of character, norms of behavior, enriches inner world the child with vivid experiences, simultaneously cultivating a love for the art of music and, forms the moral qualities of the individual and the aesthetic attitude to the environment. Children should develop through the knowledge of cultural heritage, brought up in such a way as to be able to increase it.

The level of development of children in preschool institutions will be higher if traditional forms, methods and means of education and upbringing are combined with music therapy.

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Municipal Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten of supervision and improvement No. 41"

Adaptive Music Therapy Program
for children from 1, 6 to 3 years

Developed by:
musical director of MDOU No. 41,
Totskaya Oksana Viktorovna



1. Explanatory note

2. Purpose, objectives of the program, expected result.

3. Plan for a phased listening to works.

5. Literature.

“Music is the spirit, the soul, which means
our life, which must be lived in harmony
with nature, of which we are a part,
people, and the music we create."

(S. Shushardzhan, Doctor of Medical Sciences,
Professor, President of the International
Academy of Integrative Medicine).

Explanatory note.

At present, for us, educators of modern society, the problem of an increase in the incidence of young children is acute. preschool age. An analysis of the behavior of children in the first days of their stay in a children's institution shows that the process of adaptation, i.e. adaptation to new social conditions is not always easy and fast for all children. In many children, the process of adaptation is accompanied by a number of, albeit temporary, but serious violations of behavior and general condition. Such violations include:

1. violation of appetite (refusal to eat or malnutrition)
2. sleep disturbance (children cannot fall asleep, sleep is short, intermittent),
3. and also the emotional state changes (children cry a lot, get irritated).

Today, psychologists, teachers and other specialists are working on this problem in preschool institutions. Many are looking for innovative methods and models of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children. In turn, as a musical director of young children, I decided not to stand aside, and turned to such a little-studied correctional method as music therapy. Music therapy is a method that uses music as a means of correcting emotional deviations, fears, movement and speech disorders, behavioral deviations, communication difficulties, as well as for the treatment of various somatic and psychosomatic diseases.

Prominent psychoneurologist Academician V.M. Bekhterev believed that music has a positive effect on breathing, blood circulation, eliminates growing fatigue and gives physical vigor. He also believed that with the help of musical rhythm, it is possible to establish a balance in the activity of the child's nervous system, moderate too excited temperaments and disinhibit inhibited children, and regulate incorrect and unnecessary movements.

In turn, having studied various literature, the experience of specialists, teachers, I decided to create an adaptive program on the influence of music on the psycho-emotional state of young children, which I named.

The methodological basis of my work was the theoretical developments in music therapy by such scientists as V.I. Petrushina, A.I. Popov, K. Rueger and others. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the International Academy of Integrative Medicine.

The Adagio program is designed for children from 1, 6 to 3 years old. It organically fits into the section of the work of the music director and the entire pedagogical process.

Music therapy is organized in individual and group forms. Each of these forms can be represented in three forms:
o Active (vocal therapy, instrumental music therapy);
o Integrative (music color therapy, music isotherapy).
Music affects some children more acutely than words.

Perception of music does not require training and is available to children from an early age.

Program goal: creation of favorable conditions for the stay of children in the preschool educational institution through the gradual listening to classical and instrumental works.

create optimal conditions for newly arrived children in the adaptation period,
promote a positive psycho-emotional state of young children by means of music therapy;
integrate musical impact with other activities.

Expected result: the beneficial effect of music on the general emotional state of young children (the removal of anxiety, fears, the passage of adaptation in a mild form).

Conditions for the implementation of the program:

1. creating a favorable listening environment musical works;
2. formation of software and methodological support;
3. integration with other educational areas.

The main principles of the program:
1. The principle of scientific character is the reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at promoting health with evidence-based and practically tested methods.
2. The principle of activity and consciousness is the participation of the entire team of teachers in the search for new, effective methods and purposeful activities for the improvement of children.
3. The principle of complexity and integrativity - the solution of health problems in the system of the entire educational process and all types of activities.
4. The principle of addressing and continuity - taking into account the multi-level development and health status.
5. The principle of effectiveness and assurance - a guarantee of a positive result, regardless of the age and level of development of children.

Sections of the program include listening to classical and instrumental music in:
1. adaptation period;
2. morning exercises;
3. sleep. hour;
4. joint activities of the music director with children;
5. independent activity.

The program involves various forms early childhood organizations:
Music use:
- in gaming activities;
- in the morning exercises;
- in the joint activities of the music director and children;
- during regime processes;
- in other educational areas (acquaintance with the outside world, development of speech, fine arts);
- during a walk (in warm weather);
- on holidays and entertainment.
Music in Everyday life:
- theatrical activities;
- listening to music in a group;
- walk;
- children's games;
- looking at pictures, illustrations in children's books, reproductions, objects of the surrounding reality.

See the full text of the material in the download file !

1. S. Shushardzhan / Based on my materials scientific research 2005 - FANCY_men./< >
2. V.I. Petrushin "Musical Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice" (Textbook for students of higher educational institutions. - M .: Humanit. Publishing Center VLADOS, 2000)
3. N. Korshunova “The intellect of a child can be developed even in the mother’s womb” (“Irkutsk newspaper”, No. 6, 2006)
5. T. Abramova " Treble clef to health” (Journal “Irkutsk culture”, No. 15, 1997)
6. “Behind the secret of music is the energy of health” (“Library newspaper”, No. 20, 2003)
7. O. Zhavina “Musical education: searches and finds” (“Enlightenment”, Moscow, 1985)
8. L.Markus, O.Nikologorodskaya “Heals anger and fills time” (
9. Magazines "Music in School" (No. 5, No. 3, No. 6 - 2005; No. 3, No. 6 - 2006)
10. Teplov B.M. Psychology of musical abilities. - M .: Pedagogy, 1985.
Full text of the material Adaptive music therapy program for children from 1, 6 to 3 years old. see the download file.
The page contains a snippet.


MDOU Novospassky d / s No. 7

MUSIC THERAPY in preschool



music director

Maklakova Elena Mikhailovna

R.p. Novospasskoe


Music therapy - one of the promising directions in the life of the preschool educational institution. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the process of their life.

Distinguish active (motor improvisations to a verbal comment corresponding to the nature of the music) and passive (listening to stimulating, soothing, or stabilizing music specifically or in the background) forms of music therapy. Listening to properly selected music with the performance of psycho-gymnastic studies by M. Chistyakova increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, headache and muscle pain, and restores calm breathing.

Modern information superimposed on ancient knowledge, show that the sounds of various musical instruments affect the human body in different ways: the sound of percussion instruments can give a feeling of stability, confidence in the future, physically invigorate, give a person strength.

Wind instruments influence the formation of the emotional sphere. Moreover, brass wind instruments instantly awaken a person from sleep, make him vigorous, active.

The intellectual sphere corresponds to the music performed keyboard instruments especially the piano. It is no coincidence that the sound of the piano is called the most mathematical music, and pianists are referred to the musical elite, who have clear thinking and a very good memory.

Stringed instruments directly affect the heart. They, especially violins, cellos and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in a person. vocal music affects the whole body, but most of all on the throat.

The expression "bewitching voice" is very relevant at the present time, since the ability to expressively pronounce an elephant has become a real art of subordinating people to their will, creating a certain image, which is extremely important for a politician, leader and any person who needs


Our breathing is rhythmic. If we are not doing heavy exercise and not lying still, we usually take an average of 25-35 breaths per minute. Listening to fast, loud music after slow music can have the effect described by Nietzsche: “My objections to Wagner's music are physiological. I find it hard to breathe when I'm affected by his music." By slowing down the tempo of a piece of music, you can make your breathing deeper and calmer. Chants, modern orchestrations and folk music usually have this effect.

Body temperature also reacts to music. Loud music with strong rhythms can raise the temperature by several degrees and warm us in the cold, while soft music can "cool" us. As Igor Stravinsky noted, "Drums and basses act like a central heating system."

In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Music should be listened to by children in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, even the mood of the children.

It’s good if the children in the group are met in the morning by a friendly teacher who prudently turns on sunny major classical music, good songs with good text. After all, every day a child is inflicted, albeit imperceptibly, trauma - a situation of separation from home and parents. Therefore, one of the health-improving and preventive tasks of the preschool educational institution should becreation of optimal conditions for the daily reception of childrenin their second home - a kindergarten. And music in this regard provides an invaluable service.

To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial effect of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax.

Teachers should pay special attention to the musical-reflex awakening of babies after a daytime sleep. This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children at the teacher's loud command "Rise!". For this, quiet, gentle, light, joyful music is used.

A small composition should be kept constant for about a month in order for the child to develop a wake-up reflex. Hearing the sound of familiar music, it will be easier and calmer for babies to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity. In addition, to the music, you can carry out sets of exercises without lifting children from their beds.



Children perform movements according to the text.

Here are fluffy bunnies

They sleep peacefully in their beds.

But bunnies stop sleeping

It's time to get up grey.

Pull the right hand

Pull the left hand

We open our eyes

Playing with legs

We press our legs

Straighten the legs

Now let's run faster

Along the forest path.

Let's turn from side to side

And we'll be completely awake!

Wake up, eyes!

Wake up, eyes! Are your eyes awake?

Children lie on their backs, lightly stroking their closed eyes.

Wake up ears! Are your ears awake?

Rub your ears with your palms.

Wake up, hands! Are your hands awake?

Rub hands from wrist to shoulder.

Wake up legs! Are your legs awake?

They tap their heels on the bed.

- Wake up kids!

We woke up! Stretch, then clap.


Who is already awake?

Who stretched so sweetly?


From toes to toes.

We'll stretch, we'll stretch

Let's not be small

We are growing, growing, growing!

N. Pikuleva

Children stretch, alternately stretch their right hand, then their left, arch their backs.


Little kittens are funny guys:

Then they curl up into a ball, then turn around again.

Children lie on their backs, arms along the body. They bend their knees, pull their legs to the chest, clasp their knees with their hands, return to her.

To keep the back flexible

So that the legs are quick,

Do kittens for back exercises.

Children lie on their backs, hands “locked” behind their heads, legs bent at the knees.. Tilt the knees to the left, in and. n., tilt of the knees to the right, in and. P.

The locomotive puffed, he took the kittens for a walk.

Children sit, legs together, hands in support behind. Bend the legs at the knees, pull them to the chest with the sound "f-f" on the exhale.

Kittens' afternoon soon? Their bellies are rumbling.

Children sit in Turkish, one hand on the stomach, the other on the chest. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the stomach; exhale through the mouth, inflating the stomach.

Here the kittens got up, got to the sun.

Children stand on the floor, raise their hands up, stretch.


little kids

Little kids are sleeping

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Everyone sniffs with their noses,

Dream magic all look.

The dream is magical and colorful,

And a little funny.

The mischievous bunny is dreaming,

He hurries to his home.

Dreaming of a pink elephant -

He is like a small child

Laughing, playing

But he doesn't fall asleep.

Sleep, little children!

A sparrow sits on a branch.

He chirps and you hear:|

Hush, hush, hush, hush...|

N. Baidavletova

Lullaby of cubs

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

I sing a song to Sasha

About funny teddy bears

What are they sitting under the tree?

One paw sucking

The other one gnaws at the seeds.

The third sat on a stump,

He sings a song loudly:

"Sasha, sleep, sleep,

Close your eyes..."


(lullaby of the Ural Cossacks)

Hush, Little Baby, Do not Say a Word!

There is a house on the edge.

He is not poor, not rich,

The upper room is full of guys.

The upper room is full of guys

Everyone is sitting on benches

Everyone is sitting on benches

They eat sweet porridge.

butter porridge,

The spoons are painted.

The cat sits next to

He looks at the kids.

You, cat-cat,

You have a gray pubis

white skin,

I will give you a kokurka (butter biscuit).

Come on, you cat, swing the kids to me, rock the kids to me, lull me to sleep.

And the night will end...

(Russian folk lullaby)

Bye bye, bye bye

And the night will end.

And while the kids

Sleeps in bed until morning.

The cow sleeps, the bull sleeps,

A beetle sleeps in the garden.

And a kitten next to a cat

He sleeps behind the stove in a basket.

Grass sleeps on the lawn

Leaves are sleeping on the trees

The sedge sleeps by the river,

Catfish and perches are sleeping.

Bye-bye, Sandman is sneaking,

He carries dreams around the house.

And I came to you, baby

You are already sleeping so sweetly.



Music to meet children and their free activities


1. Bach I. "Prelude in C".

2. Bach I. "Joke".

3. Brahms I. "Waltz".

4. Vivaldi A. "The Seasons".

5. Haydn I. "Serenade".

6. Kabalevsky D. "Clowns".

7. Kabalevsky D. "Peter and the Wolf".

8. Lyadov A. "Musical snuffbox".

9. Mozart W. "Little Night Serenade".

10. Mozart W. "Turkish Rondo".

11. Mussorgsky M. "Pictures at an Exhibition".

12. Rubinstein A. "Melody".

13. Sviridov G. "Military March".

14. Tchaikovsky P. "Children's Album".

15. Tchaikovsky P. "The Seasons".

16. Tchaikovsky P. "The Nutcracker" (excerpts from the ballet).

17. Chopin F. "Waltzes".

18. Strauss I. "Waltzes".

19. Strauss I. "Polka" Backgammon "".

Songs for children:

1. "Antoshka" (Yu. Entin, V. Shainsky).

2. “Bu-ra-ti-no” (from the film “Pinocchio”, Y. Entin, A. Rybnikov).

3. "Be kind" (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky).

4. "Merry Travelers" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Staroka-


5. “We divide everything in half” (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky).

6. “Where Wizards Live” (from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard”, Y. Entin, M. Minkov).

7. “Long live the surprise” (from the movie “Dunno from Our Yard”, Y. Entin, M. Minkov).

8. “If you are kind” (from the m / f “The Adventures of the Cat Leopold”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

9. “Bells” (from the movie “Adventures of Electronics”, Y. Entin, E. Krylatov).

10. "Winged swing" (from the movie "Adventures of Electronics",

Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

11. "Rays of hope and kindness" (element and music. E. Voitenko).

12. “A true friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev).

13. "Song of the Bremen Town Musicians" (Yu. Entin, G. Gladkov).

14. "A song about wizards" (V. Lugovoy, G. Gladkov).

15. “Song of a brave sailor” (from the film “Blue Puppy”, Y. Entin, G. Gladkov).

16. “Beautiful is far away” (from the movie “Guest from the Future”, Y. En-tin, E. Krylatov).

17. "Dance of ducklings" (French folk song).

Music to wake up after a nap


1. Boccherini L. "Minuet".

2. Grieg E. "Morning".

3. Dvorak A. "Slavic dance".

4. Lute music of the 17th century.

5. Sheet F. "Consolations".

6. Mendelssohn F. "Song without words".

7. Mozart W. Sonatas.

8. Mussorgsky M. "The ballet of unhatched chicks."

9. Mussorgsky M. "Dawn on the Moscow River".

10. Saint-Saane K. "Aquarium".

11. Tchaikovsky P. "Waltz of the Flowers".

12. Tchaikovsky P. "Winter Morning".

13. Tchaikovsky P. "Song of the Lark".

14. Shostakovich D. "Romance".

15. Schumann R. “May, dear May!”.

Music for relaxation


1. Albinoni T. "Adagio".

2. Bach I. "Aria from Suite No. 3".

3. Beethoven L. "Moonlight Sonata".

4. Gluck K. "Melody".

5. Grieg E. Solveig's Song.

6. Debussy K. "Moonlight".

7. Lullabies.

8. Rimsky-Korsakov N. "The Sea".

9. Sviridov G. "Romance".

10. Saint-Saane K. "Swan".

11. Tchaikovsky P. "Autumn Song".

12. Tchaikovsky P. "Sentimental Waltz".

13. Chopin F. "Nocturne in G minor".

Reading 8 min. Views 4.8k.

The emotional sphere of the child cannot be harmoniously formed by itself, but needs the wise and careful help of adults.

One of the methods that will enable teachers to effectively correct the emotional development of the child and teach him emotional self-regulation,.

IN modern world the child's psyche is exposed to a constantly growing information flow, suffers from environmental degradation and other negative external factors. As a result, there are problems in the development of the emotional sphere of children, the most common of which are physical and emotional stress. It manifests itself in irritability, aggression, etc. and is an obstacle to the harmonious and effective development of the child's personality. This can be helped by a music director in his classes, using elements of music therapy for children.

Music therapy uses music as important factor psycho-emotional impact on children. It has long been known that the mood and synchronize with the music. For example, a march, due to its clear rhythm, tends to invigorate and mobilize a person, but a fluid, even, quiet lullaby calms down, induces sleep.

Therefore, at present, all teacher-musicians should actively use in their classes the ability of musical sound, timbre, rhythm, tempo to influence the inner world of a preschooler, evoke bodily, psycho- and emotional reactions and direct them.

Practical application of music therapy methods

Of particular importance in modern music therapy is the integration of music with the expressive possibilities of other arts.

The most commonly used of the integrated methods of music therapy are:

  • drawing to music
  • musical outdoor games;
  • pantomime;
  • plastic dramatization to music;
  • musical color therapy;
  • inventing fairy tales by children during and after listening to music.

Such complex forms of creativity involve all the organs and systems of the child's perception in the creative process. This increases the effectiveness of special exercises, and also gives the musical director the opportunity to correct emotional and physical stress in his pupils in various ways.

Music Therapy for Children

Music therapy exercises to reduce physical and emotional stress in children usually contain two main components, namely:

  • perception of music in motion;
  • calming and balancing breathing.

It is known that in muscle rigidity, in problems with coordination of movements in children, emotional problems often manifest themselves, in particular, it is difficult to experience and reproduce emotions, the inability to recognize one's own emotions and feelings, as well as to perceive the feelings of other people. But the ability to freely and plastically move, feel and play music with the body is directly related to emotional looseness. Therefore, in order to harmonize the emotional sphere of preschool children, it is better to offer them an active form of music perception during music therapy.

Relieve muscle tension that accompanies any strong emotional experience in children, it is also possible with the help of exercises to calm and even out breathing. Deep calm breathing helps to reduce anxiety and gain self-confidence. In addition to purely breathing exercises, in the practice of music therapy for relaxation, exercises are used to form singing breathing, as well as playing wind instruments and the like.

Selecting a musical plot for the exercise, musical hands. must take into account that a calming, relaxing effect is inherent in the sounds of a flute, violin, piano - provided that the work will sound in quiet (moderate) dynamics and slow (moderate) tempo.

A music therapy exercise can have the following phases:

  • establishing contact with the baby, determining his emotional state;
  • selection of music to correct and harmonize the emotional state of the child;
  • reduction of emotional stress - the use of dynamic music, which stimulates intense emotions and gives the child the opportunity to "reset" emotional stress;
  • relaxation and charge with positive emotions - the use of calm music that relieves tension and creates an atmosphere of satisfaction.

Consider examples of music therapy exercises

Exercise "Play your mood" is a collective form of active music playing on noise instruments. During it, children learn to voice poetry, play in an ensemble, and also improvise their own small pieces, embodying their mood and sound performances in them.

Exercise "Scarf with magical stories» It is intended primarily for children with severe hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder. Such children require individual work, during which they learn to calm down and concentrate.

To conduct the exercise, the music director turns on the music, moves a large bright scarf over the child, while telling a fantasy story (for example, about the child himself, with whom he conducts the exercise). At the same time, the music director invites the child to move arbitrarily when the scarf "flies" up or sway from side to side, and stop when the scarf falls.

During the exercise, the teacher needs to synchronize moving and calm episodes in the movements of the scarf, in music and in history.

Properly selected music according to the intensity of sound and rhythm will help the child to streamline the movements, enhancing the impression of the movements of the scarf and the words of the music director.

Relaxation exercise "Seabed" designed primarily for children senior group. The musical material for the exercise is an audio recording of the play "Moonlight" by Claude Debussy.

Children are randomly placed in music hall. The teacher pronounces the text, coordinating it with the movement of the music: “Children, now we will plunge into the depths of the sea.

First, let's check if our underwater breathing equipment works: inhale calmly, without tension, now exhale. Everything is in order with the equipment, so we dive!

Take a calm deep breath, and with the exhalation sink to the very bottom. Around you - only clear blue water. And now feel that you are the waves of the sea, which sway easily with the music. Colorful inhabitants of the sea swim around you - feel their presence, consider carefully.

Suddenly the current has changed! All the waves began to stir, began to move, travel through the depths of the sea, meet new marine inhabitants ... And now the night has come. In total darkness sea ​​water shone - these are luminous microscopic algae, crustaceans, amazing jellyfish. The waves gradually calm down and go to the bottom.

After the exercise, you should invite the children to the very music to draw the images that arose in their imagination. After that, the music director should analyze the children's drawings - colors, saturation, pencil pressure, and the like.

Thus, it is possible to identify hidden emotional tension, discontent, aggression in children and direct efforts to eliminate them during music therapy sessions.

The purpose of the exercise is relaxation and development of singing breathing. The musical material for the exercise is the Prelude in C major from the Well-Tempered Clavier by Johann Sebastian Bach.

The music director invites the children to put an imaginary seed on their palm. Children complete the task, accompanying the “planting”, saying the words “ding!”, Then they take care that the grain germinates:

  • watered with rain - imitate the sounds of droplets with a voice;
  • warm with the sun - they sing the sound “a” high.

The musical director continues to direct the actions of the children, gradually continuing the story:

  • the grain began to grow - the children sing the sound "a" on a crescendo;
  • a large, beautiful flower has grown and opened beautiful petals - children, imagining a flower in their palms, smile, admire it;
  • the flower has a great aroma - children slowly, deeply inhale through their nose, and exhale through their mouths with the sound "ha".

The value of this exercise is that it evens out the emotional state of all children in the group, helps pupils with a weak nervous system to get rid of emotional imbalance due to the fact that their psychophysical reactions lag behind the general rhythm of the group's life.

Exercise "Color music" it is advisable to carry out when there is a need to cause a certain mood in children.

The exercise contains elements of color therapy, namely, it involves the use of various items certain color.

The musical accompaniment of the exercise and the color of the objects will depend on the mood that needs to be created. For example, to calm the children, the music director may suggest that they create a dance improvisation to waltz music using silk scarves in blue, light blue or green. Instead of cheering up children, you should turn on rhythmic music at a lively pace, and as a prop, offer children ribbons or handkerchiefs in yellow or red.

The purpose of this exercise is:

  • normalize breathing;
  • relax your throat muscles.

As musical material for the exercise, you can use the audio recording “Morning” from the “Peer Gynt” suite by Edvard Grieg or other calm music (tempo - no more than 60-65 beats per minute), forest noise, birdsong and the like.

This exercise is best done with children after exercise. The music director turns on the music and invites the children to sit comfortably on the floor, close their eyes, imagine a sunny day and a green forest. The main element of the exercise is the "forest" air, in which children should calmly, with pleasure, inhale and exhale the air, imagining that they are in the forest and enjoy the clean forest air.

Non-directive meditation

Non-directive meditation is a method that allows you to focus on the breath or sound, as well as "process" memories and emotions. It is advisable to use this method when the listener freely gives himself to the images and associations that arise in him while contemplating the development of musical content.

During non-directive meditation exercises, the music director invites the children to listen to pieces of music without giving "hints", without directing the children's attention to something specific. Listening to music, children create in their imagination "musical dreams" ("draw cartoons").

Then each of the children tells what he saw and felt, what images the music inspired him.

Using music therapy exercises in the classroom, the music director harmonizes the inner world of children in two ways: physical - through the calming of breathing and muscle relaxation, and emotionally - through the liberation of the imagination and the free expression of feelings.

Therefore, music therapy for children appears as an effective system, the elements of which each music director should introduce into their daily practice.

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1 Music therapy in kindergarten. "The use of music in the correction of the psycho-emotional sphere of the child." Music surrounds us always and everywhere. We love to listen to it (some classical, some folk, some modern), sing, dance, sometimes even just whistle. But, probably, few of us think about its benefits. But since ancient times it has been known that music has a mental and physical effect on any organism. The luminaries of ancient civilization Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato drew the attention of contemporaries to the healing power of the influence of music, which, in their opinion, establishes a proportional order and harmony in the entire Universe, including disturbed harmony in the human body. “Music enhances any joy, calms any sadness, banishes diseases, alleviates any pain, and therefore the Sages of Antiquity worshiped the Single Power of the Soul, Melody and Song.” In the Middle Ages, the method of music therapy was used to treat the epidemic of the disease, the so-called St. Vitus dance. At the same time in Italy, treatment with music of Tarentism (a severe mental illness caused by the bite of a poisonous tarantula spider) became widespread. The first attempts at a scientific explanation of this phenomenon date back to the 17th century, and extensive experimental studies date back to the 19th century. Great importance was attached to music in the system of treatment of mental patients by S.S. Korsakov, V.M. Bekhterev and other famous Russian scientists. Music therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a remedy, as well as the controlled use of music in the correction of the child's psycho-emotional sphere. The direct therapeutic effect of music on the neuropsychic sphere of children occurs with its passive or active perception. Music therapy allows you to solve a number of problems: to overcome the psychological defense of the child, to calm down or, conversely, to set up, activate, interest, establish contact between an adult and

2 child, helps to develop the communicative and creative abilities of the child, to engage him in an exciting business with musical games, singing, dancing, moving to music, improvising on musical instruments. At preschool age, the activating effect of music is achieved musical arrangement various games, special remedial classes with kids. Music therapy is carried out in the form of subgroup sessions with rhythmic games, breathing exercises, reproduction of a given rhythm with a gradual slowdown in pace. The volume of music should be strictly metered. Music affects the breath. The unhurried pace of a piece of music slows down breathing, makes it deeper. The fast and rhythmic pulsation of the dance subordinates the breath to its pace, forcing us to breathe faster. The same with the heartbeat: the slower and quieter the calmer the rhythm of heart contractions. Music also relieves muscle tension and improves body mobility and coordination. Through the autonomic nervous system, auditory nerves connect the inner ear to the muscles of the body. Therefore, strength, flexibility and muscle tone depend on sound and vibrations. In Norway, in the mid-1980s, teacher Olav Skille began to use music as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of children with severe physical and mental disabilities. He developed the so-called "musical bath" - a special environment where children, as if in water, were immersed in sound. The scientist concluded that modern orchestration, folk, classical and popular music can reduce muscle tension and calm children. The Skill method, which was called "vibroacoustic therapy", was used in many European countries. In a study of patients suffering from severe seizures, researchers found that vibroacoustic exercises contributed to greater mobility of the patients' back, arms, hips, and legs. Who can avoid stress? Perhaps someone who will regularly listen to calm, relaxing music. These sounds regulate the release of stress-reducing hormones. Therefore, teachers who are constantly in tension just need to devote a couple of minutes to listening to pleasant melodies.

3 Music can improve memory and learning. Using the works of medieval composers as a background in the classroom helps children concentrate, better perceive new educational material, and memorize poems. Lozanov found that “baroque music brings the brain into a state of harmony. In particular, it provides an emotional key to super-memory: it opens the limbic system of the brain. This system not only processes emotions, but is also the connecting link between the conscious and subconscious parts of the brain.” In Accelerated Learning with Music: A Teacher's Guide, T. Wyler and W. Douglas say, "Music is a fast track to memory." Musical and aesthetic impressions contribute to the development of the emotional centers of the brain, activating mental activity, which is important for the intellectual development of a preschool child. Psychophysiological studies of the influence of music on the activity of the nervous and respiratory systems, the circulatory system, and the electrical activity of the brain were begun by such well-known Russian scientists as V. Bekhterev, I. R. Tarkhanov, I. M. Dogel and others. It has been scientifically proven that music , acting on a person, heals him. Teachers, studying the features of the development of musical perception, came to the conclusion that not only training is of great importance, but also the spontaneous accumulation of experience in the perception of music, intonation reserve. Every child has a favorite music that acts on his soul most effectively. It is surrounded by a huge number of different genres, styles, trends. How to understand this abundance of musical material, to highlight the most useful for the child's body? Musical compositions The effect of music on the child's body 1 2 Gregorian songs Reduce stress, relax and soothe. Marching music Increases muscle performance. Works by W. Mozart J. Haydn Memory and attention improve, a favorable atmosphere is created, the mood rises. Music of Romantic composers Activates the feeling of love for (R. Schumann, F. Chopin, F. Liszt, F. neighbor. Schubert) Humoresques by A. Dvorak and J. Help with migraines. Gershwin, "Spring Song" by F.

4 Mendelssohn Symphonic music by Russian composers of the 19th century (P. Tchaikovsky, M. Glinka). Vocal music Music of impressionist composers (C. Debussy, M. Ravel) Affects the heart. String instruments, especially violins, cellos and guitars, develop a sense of compassion in the child. Affects the whole body, but most of all on the throat. Causes pleasant images, as in dreams, awakens creative impulses. Pairs well with stretching exercises. Dance rhythms Cheer up, inspire, dispel sadness, exacerbate the feeling of joy, increase the child's sociability. Rock music Stimulates motor activity, relieves pain; at the same time creates tension, can cause stress. Scientists have found that our brain is biologically receptive to certain music. They believe that listening to music in the first 3 years of a person's life helps the brain form an idea of ​​the world around us. The brain adapts easily early years Therefore, it is necessary to expand the musical repertoire. Children's songs: - "Antoshka" (Yu. Entin, V. Shainsky) - "Bu-ra-ti-no" (Yu. Entin, A. Rybnikov) - "Be kind" (A. Sanin, A. Flyarkovsky) - "Merry Travelers" (S. Mikhalkov, M. Starokadomsky) - "We divide everything in half" (M. Plyatskovsky, V. Shainsky) - "Where Wizards Live" "Long live the surprise" (from the movie "Dunno from our yard » Y. Entin, M. Minkov) - “If you are kind” (from the film “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” M. Plyatskovsky, B. Savelyev) - “Bells”, “Winged Swings” (from the film “Adventures of Electronics ”, Y. Entin, G. Gladkov) - “A True Friend” (from the film “Timka and Dimka”, M. Plyatskovsky, B. Saveliev) - “The Song of the Bremen Town Musicians” (Y. Entin, G. Gladkov)

5 - “Beautiful far away” (from the film “Guest from the Future” by Y. Entin, E. Krylatov) - “Dance of the Little Ducklings” (French folk song). One of the ways to use the potential musical art is background music that sounds like a “second plan”, without setting for conscious perception in the classroom. The use of background music is one of the available and effective methods of psychological and pedagogical influence on a child in an educational institution and helps to solve many problems of the educational process. What? 1. Creating a favorable emotional background, eliminating nervous tension and maintaining the health of children. 2. Development of imagination in the process of creative activity, increased activity. 3. Activation of mental activity, improving the quality of knowledge assimilation. 4. Switching attention during the study of labor educational material, prevention of fatigue, fatigue. 5. Psychological and physical relaxation after a training load, during psychological breaks, physical culture minutes. Using music in classes for the development of speech, mathematical development, manual labor, design, drawing, the teacher should focus on the possibilities of active and passive perception of it by children. With active perception, the teacher deliberately draws the attention of children to the sound of music, its figurative and emotional content, means of expression. With passive perception, music acts as a background to the main activity. So, in a lesson on the formation of mathematical representations in order to enhance intellectual activity, increase concentration, concentration of attention, sounding music is background. In kindergarten, children need music throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously and loudly. Music should be listened to by children in doses, depending on the time of day, type of activity, even the mood of the children.

6 It is good if the children in the group are met in the morning by a friendly teacher who prudently turns on sunny major classical music, good songs with good lyrics. In this case, music will act as a therapeutic tool, correcting the psychophysical state of children. After all, every day the child is inflicted, albeit imperceptibly, but the trauma is the situation of separation from home and parents. Kindergarten is their second home. And music in this regard provides an invaluable service. Music therapy includes: listening to music, singing songs, rhythmic movements to music, musical pauses in class, a combination of music and visual activities, playing children's musical instruments, musical exercises et al. Recommendations for the use of music therapy in remedial work with children: 1) you can only listen to the piece that absolutely all children like; 2) it is better to listen to musical pieces that are familiar to children; 3) the duration of listening should be no more than 10 minutes during the entire lesson. To relax, relieve emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in daytime sleep, you need to take advantage of the beneficial effect of melodic classical and modern relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature (the rustle of leaves, the voices of birds, the chirping of insects, the sound of sea waves and the cry of dolphins, the murmur of a stream). Children on a subconscious level calm down, relax; - Albioni T. "Adagio" - Beethoven L. "Moonlight Sonata" - Gluck K. "Melody" - Grieg E. "Song of Solveig" - Debussy K. "Moonlight" - Rimsky-Korsakov N. "Sea" - Saint- Sans K. "Swan" Relaxation Music:

7 - Tchaikovsky P.I. "Autumn Song", "Sentimental Waltz" - Chopin F. "Nocturne in G Minor" - Schubert F. "Ave Maria", "Serenade" This technique was developed by N. Efimenko as opposed to the standard awakening of children at the loud command of the educator: "rise!" This option of lifting babies causes a certain mental trauma to the child, especially the slow type of the nervous system. For awakening, you need to use quiet, gentle, light, joyful music. The ten-minute composition should be constant for about a month, so that the child develops a wake-up reflex. Hearing the sound of familiar music, the kids will be easier and calmer to move from a state of complete rest to vigorous activity. In addition, you can carry out sets of exercises to music without lifting children from the bed. Music for awakening after a daytime sleep: - Boccherini L. "Minuet" - Grieg E. "Morning" - Lute music of the 17th century - Mendelssohn F. "Song without words" - Mozart V. "Sonatas" - Mussorgsky M. "Dawn on Moscow -river" - Sens-sans K. "Aquarium" - Tchaikovsky P.I. “Waltz of the Flowers”, “Winter Morning”, “Song of the Lark” Approximate schedule of background music in the daily mode children’s reception sounds joyful, calm music breakfast, preparation for the lesson confident, active tempo of music lunch, preparation for sleep peaceful, gentle background wake up children optimistic, enlightened, calm character of the music. Music for the free activity of children: - Bach I. "Prelude in C", "Joke" - Brahms I. "Waltz" - Vivaldi A. "The Seasons"

8 - Kabalevsky D. "Clowns", "Peter and the Wolf" - Mozart V. "Little Night Serenade", "Turkish Rondo" - Mussorgsky M. "Pictures at an Exhibition" - Tchaikovsky P. "Children's Album", "Seasons" , "The Nutcracker" (excerpts from the ballet) - Chopin F. "Waltzes" - Strauss I. "Waltzes" However, it should be remembered that music therapy is contraindicated: children in serious condition, which is accompanied by intoxication of the body; patients with otitis media; children who have a sharp increase in intracranial pressure; infants with a predisposition to seizures. In no case should children be allowed to listen to music through headphones. Our ears are naturally adapted to diffuse sound. Directional sound can cause acoustic trauma to the immature brain. Influencing moral, aesthetic, intellectual and physical development, music is the basis of the educational system in a preschool educational institution. Kindergarten teachers need to use more widely in their work the huge positive potential that music contains. Music is a sorceress, it is able to unite the efforts of all preschool teachers to help give a sense of psychological comfort, which is so necessary for the harmonious development of the child's personality.

9 Relaxation gymnastics. In addition to traditional (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games and physical education sessions) and additional (gymnastics for the eyes, massage, individual work to correct posture disorders) types of work on the organization of children's motor activity, I would recommend conducting sets of exercises according to the method of Professor E. Jacobson (USA): relaxation stretching, relaxation exercises and tension of individual muscle groups, muscle relaxation by presentation, relaxation breathing exercises. These exercises have a positive effect on the physical condition of children and on the emotional atmosphere in the group. They can be carried out not only in specialized, but also in ordinary kindergartens. Parents should know which muscle groups work during each exercise, monitor the condition of children during and after class. The correct use of relaxation techniques is evidenced by the appearance of the child: a calm facial expression, even, rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands, drowsiness. Classes are effective only when they are enjoyable for children. The child should be taught to distinguish not only the large muscles of the arms and legs, but also the state of relaxation and tension of certain muscle groups during each exercise. Instructions should be clearly articulated and figurative. This will help to attract and keep the interest of children, to ensure that when performing exercises, they automatically include certain muscle groups in the work. For example: "Hands hang like rags, hands are sluggish, heavy, etc." It should be remembered: during one session it is recommended to train no more than three muscle groups; relaxation should be longer than tension; some instructions, taking into account the individual characteristics and emotional state of the children, must be repeated more or less times than indicated in the summary. The room in which the exercises are carried out must be ventilated, the air temperature is degrees. Relaxation stretching Provides optimal work of muscles, unloading of the spine, removal of dynamic tension. It is carried out between classes of a cognitive and productive type, to quiet, calm music, in subdued light.

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MUSIC IN COMMUNICATION WITH A CHILD Music gives both parents and children joy joint creativity, saturates life with vivid impressions. It is not necessary to have a musical education to travel regularly

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Thumbelina" with. Khovu-Aksy of the Chedi-Kholsky kozhuun of the Republic of Tyva Consultation for parents on the topic: “Music in the life of a child” Prepared by:


METHODOLOGICAL WORK IN DOE Lygina Natalya Vasilyevna music director of MBDOU "D / S of the combined type 59" Yagodka "Tambov, Tambov region METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ORGANIZING MUSICAL

MODERN HEALTH-SAVING TECHNOLOGIES in kindergarten Educator L.S. Riyazutdinova “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases

"The influence of music on the development of a child of preschool age" Music soothes, music heals, music cheers up... Teaching children music, we strengthen their health. “Music is a powerful source of thought.

Consultation for parents "Health-saving preschool technologies within the framework of the implementation of GEF DO "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of

GBOU "School 2083" Preschool department "Ivushka" Methods of supporting children's initiative through music Project development working group: Senior teacher Chikina O.B., methodologist Kravtsova O.A., educators

Music, like perhaps no other art, can influence mood, is a powerful means of relieving emotional overstrain. Acting on many spheres of life through the main factors:

Description of the daily organization of regime moments The regime of the day in the Organization is a rational duration and a reasonable alternation of various types of activities and rest of children during the stay of children

MEETING FOR PARENTS topic: "MUSICAL EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN" Plan of conversation: 1. The importance of music for the comprehensive development of the child. 2. Forms of musical education in kindergarten: a) music lessons;

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center Kindergarten 97" Consultation "The role of the educator in musical events» (for teachers) Prepared by: Musical

Pedagogical Council 2 "Modern educational technologies in health work with children of preschool age." “Caring for the health of children is the most important work of an educator. From vitality, cheerfulness

“Modern health-saving technologies in kindergarten” The presentation was prepared by the educator: Bystrova Tatyana Petrovna “Children, just like adults, want to be healthy and strong, only

Why does your child need music? Dear parents, today together we will try to answer the following questions: 1. Why does your child need music? 2. Why is music necessary for children in early age?

Tips from a music director The impact of music on children's health. The very beneficial effect of music on the health of children has been proven more than once by scientists and medical practitioners. Do you know that music can

The intensive development of modern society in recent years makes ever higher demands on a person and his health. Health care is one of the most important tasks of every person. this state

Possibilities of using health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions. Rationale for the choice of using health-saving pedagogical technologies in a specific preschool educational institution At present, the analysis thematic literature

RECEPTIONS OF LOGO RHYTHMICS AS AN ELEMENT OF MUSIC LESSON IN DOO Rokosh Lyubov Illarionovna Music director Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the city of Irkutsk kindergarten 129

EXPLANATORY NOTE Music is the art of direct and strong emotional impact most deeply and directly affects the child from the first days of his life. Wonderfully said about the influence of music Karl

Content educational program The first year of study 4-5 years For children of 1 year of study, the duration of classes is 30 minutes, the number of classes per week is 2 times. Total - 64 hours a year. Priority tasks:

Turova Elena Nikolaevna Teacher psychologist MADOU CRR-kindergarten 123 of the city of Tyumen Higher education Qualification category first Work experience in the position 7 years Learn to see where everything is dark and hear,

The role of musical-rhythmic movements in the comprehensive development of a preschooler. The process of modernization of the education system is accompanied by a rethinking of domestic and foreign educational theory and practice,

The role of classical music in a child's life Lovers and connoisseurs are not born, but become... To fall in love with music, you must first of all listen to it... Love and study the great art of music. It will open

Rhythmoplasty classes Head: Kulikova Yulia Nikolaevna Instructor in physical culture Highest qualification category Kulikova Yu.N. organizes rhythmoplasty classes using

HEALTH OF EARLY CHILDREN Elena Mikhailovna Kharkova, educator of MDOU-kindergarten 44 "Bell" in the city of Serpukhov Today, in preschool institutions, much attention is paid to health-saving

MUNICIPALITY Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Yugra City district Pyt-Yakh Municipal budgetary educational institution additional education children "CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS"

Tugova, N.A. Teaching hearing impaired students primary school listening to music in music-rhythm classes [Text] / N.A. Tugova // Defectology. 1988. 2. S. 57-59. TRAINING FOR HEARING SCHOOLCHILDREN

Memo for parents "How to listen to music with a child?" How long? The attention of a child of 3-4 years to continuously sounding music steadily for 1-2.5 minutes, and with small breaks in sound between pieces

"Musical and recreational work in kindergarten" The well-being of society largely depends on the state of health of children. A child from the first days of life has certain inherited biological properties,

In the world of music, there are no age limits for getting to know music. Have you already decided which way you will lead your baby into the world of harmony and beautiful sounds? It has long been noticed that gentle, pleasant music

I APPROVE Head MBDOU Ds 45 Kolchina L.A. Etc. from 20 year Plan of work to strengthen and preserve the health of children for the 2017-2018 academic year October September Month Conducted activities Purpose Reception and morning

State budgetary educational institution of additional education for children in the city of Moscow "Children's School of Music named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov" I APPROVE Director O.V. Cherezova order dated

The use of health-saving technologies in the educational process DOW Consultation for teachers from work experience Completed by: Vorobyeva Zinaida Valerievna, educator MBDOU DS 43, Vostochnaya

