The government of Mari El has been formed. Who are these people and where are they from?

Minister of Culture of the RME Mikhail Vasyutin tried to refute the data of the social. Foundation surveys Public opinion” and analytical study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”

An official response came from the Government of the RME regarding the analytical article of the expert of the Public Committee for Combating Corruption in Mari El, Alexander Fridom, on the situation in the field of interethnic relations in the republic.

Mikhail Vasyutin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of the RME, said that Alexander Fridom's information and comments about the Finnish state television plot about the ethno-political situation in Mari El do not reflect the real situation in the sphere of interethnic relations of the republic.

Unfortunately, the Minister of Culture, Press and Ethnic Affairs, Mikhail Vasyutin, did not bother to explain and provide at least some specific data confirming that Alexander Fridom's information is not true.

Let us pay special attention to the fact that Mikhail Vasyutin, deputy head of the RME government, refused to comment on the extremely critical Finnish state television report on the national situation in Mari El. In this regard, we have a question for a high-ranking official Vasyutin - it turns out that you agree with the critical data on the situation in Mari El, which were given by the journalists of the state television of Finland?!

If the Minister of Culture, Press and Ethnic Affairs Mikhail Vasyutin does not agree with the information provided by Finnish journalists, then a reasonable question arises. Why is there still no official refutation of this information, which causes reputational and image damage, both for the Republic of Mari El and Russian Federation?!

Perhaps Mr. Vasyutin is afraid of spoiling relations with officials from Finland, who will pay an official visit to the republic in March 2014. It is one thing to answer that there are no problems and Mari El is a paradise on earth, for ordinary residents of the republic, and another thing is to officially refute (unless, of course, the information is true) the material prepared by journalists who are directly related to the government of Finland.

What if officials from Finland take offense at Minister Vasyutin?! There will be problems with Schengen visas - and the vacation will have to be spent not in the European Union, but in Mari El. You can also lose invitations to a huge number of Finno-Ugric congresses, seminars and meetings in Finland and other EU countries. What congresses and meetings will then fly to at the expense of the RME budget, Deputy Prime Minister Mikhail Vasyutin and his legion of bureaucrats from the Ministry of Culture?!

We also have a few questions regarding the official response of the RME Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities. Request to Mikhail Zinovievich Vasyutin specifically and as detailed as possible to answer the following questions:

1) Do you think that one of the reasons for the international ethno-political conflict that arose in Mari El was the extremely ineffective actions and policies of the government of the republic?! As a result, the State Duma, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Government of Russia had to make excuses in the international arena (officially refute the resolution of the European Parliament “On Violation of Human Rights in Mari El”) for the mediocre activities of the regional leadership.

2) You stated that the information provided by Alexander Fridom in his analytical article does not correspond to the real state of affairs. It turns out that Mikhail Vasyutin, deputy head of the government of the RME, is ready to refute the data of the study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”.

Let me remind you that the authors of the fundamental study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, dedicated to the issues of ethno-demographic, socio-political and cultural development Finno-Ugric peoples in 2002-2008, there were not only well-known scientists and experts, but also a number of high-ranking officials from the Finno-Ugric regions of Russia. In particular, Mari El was represented by an official close to Mikhail Vasyutin - the head of the department of interethnic relations of the Ministry of Culture of the RME, Eric Yuzykain. Now the protégé of Mikhail Vasyutin has been appointed director of the State Philharmonic Society of the Yakov Eshpay estate.

We emphasize that special attention in the study was paid to the socio-economic development of the Finno-Ugric regions of Russia. According to the data presented by the experts of the study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, 7.3% of Mari do not have enough money for food even according to the traditionally low regional consumption rates.

22.7% of Mari do not have money to buy new shoes and clothes; 41.8% of Mari cannot afford to buy large household appliances. And only 0.5% of Mari do not experience any financial problems and can afford to buy a car and an apartment! Thus, at least 70% of the Mari in Mari El live in poverty!

The Mari, like all the peoples who live in Mari El, are extremely dissatisfied with the activities of the regional authorities headed by Leonid Markelov. To the question “Do you notice dissatisfaction with the regional authorities around you ?!” 30% of Mari answered in the affirmative, and only 9.7% of Mari believe that dissatisfaction with the authorities is decreasing.

According to the data of sociological surveys “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, 35% of Mari believe that with the help of protests it is possible to achieve a solution to many problems in Mari El, and 29.8% found it difficult to answer this question and 35.2% believe that the protests will lead nowhere.

41.8% of Mari in Mari El assess the activities of regional bureaucrats negatively. The authors of the study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow” came to the conclusion that “the answers to these questions indicate the presence of significant social tension in the Finno-Ugric regions.”

The reasons for irritation with the activities of the regional authorities are different. More than a third of respondents are dissatisfied with the socio-economic situation in Mari El. The most emotionally “colored” reasons for dissatisfaction with the regional authorities are personnel and managerial policy. Here are just a few of the responses:

Insolvency, unscrupulousness, lethargy;

Too far from the problems of the people; the authorities are flirting with the people;

Incompetence and bureaucracy;

Forget about their promises;

Nothing changes, they live in their own clan and do not want to know anything, to hear anyone;


Another important result of the study was the data that the people are extremely dissatisfied with the regional authorities' disregard for the opinion of the Mari in the implementation of the most important problems in the region. The respondents were asked the question: “In your opinion, is the role of the Finno-Ugric peoples in the socio-political life of their region generally noticeable?” 35.9% of Mari believe that the role of the Mari in the socio-political life of the region is not actually noticeable. Only 11.7% of Mari believe that the activities of the indigenous people in Mari El are noticeable in the socio-political life of the region. 15% refused (obviously, very frightened) to answer this question.

According to the study, 40.3% of the Mari believe that the regional authorities should listen to and take into account the opinion of the Finno-Ugric peoples when making all the most important socio-economic and political decisions in the region.

According to the authors of the study Finno-Ugric Peoples: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, ignoring people's opinions, especially in the eyes of the national elites and the opposition, is the factor that can really turn a latent conflict into an open confrontation. In the Finno-Ugric regions, the so-called "behavior of the authorities" has already become a more pronounced conflict factor than the actual national problems.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on issues related to the development of the Finno-Ugric languages. According to the study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, the number of Mari children studied native language in kindergartens decreased by 1.7 times! And this cannot be explained only by demographic processes (reducing the population of Russia in the last 20 years) - there is a lack of a competent national policy in Mari El. The number of children studying in meadow Mari decreased by 16.4%, and by 34.7% in mountain Mari.

We will wait from the Minister of Culture of the RME Mikhail Vasyutin for a detailed refutation of the data cited by Alexander Fridom from the study “Finno-Ugric peoples: yesterday, today, tomorrow”, or a public apology for the outright lie that a high-ranking official wrote in response to an expert of the Public Committee for Combat with corruption in Mari El.

3) We are also waiting for a detailed refutation of the sociological data of the Public Opinion Foundation from Mikhail Vasyutin, or a public apology to Alexander Fridom. Let me remind you that an expert of the Public Committee for Combating Corruption in Mari El, in his analytical article, cited data from opinion polls of the Public Opinion Foundation, according to which the RME entered the top twenty regions of Russia with the most high level protest sentiment. The proportion of citizens who allow themselves the opportunity to take part in any protests in Mari El exceeds 30%!

According to the research conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation, to the question “What should a protest action be about in order for you to take part in it”:

32% of the inhabitants of Mari El are ready to take part in protests due to distrust in the work of the regional authorities (discontent is associated with rising unemployment, failed social policy, corruption and bureaucracy, the deplorable state of the economy, problems with preschool).

19% of the inhabitants of Mari El answered that they were ready to take part in protests in connection with the low level of wages and pensions and the difficult financial situation.

8% of the inhabitants of Mari El are ready to protest against the constant rise in prices.

It should be noted that the growth of protest moods is associated with the constantly deteriorating socio-economic situation in the region.

Alexander Freedom

Culture is the foundation of any nation.

Unlike a number of national republics within the Russian Federation (Mordovia, Udmurtia, Khakassia, Komi, Karelia, Dagestan, etc.), which have specialized structures on national policy issues ( regional ministries of national policy), in the Republic of Mari El, the conduct of interethnic and interfaith relations is within the competence of the Ministry of Culture, Press and Nationalities Affairs. The Ministry deals with issues of culture, librarianship, press, interethnic and interfaith relations, archival direction. The vast field of activity, one way or another, leaves a certain imprint on the quality of the work done in the field of national policy.

As the analysis of events shows, in the Republic of Mari El, the national policy is mostly a simulation and is at the level of cultural and entertainment programs of the village club: ethnic dances and songs, festivals, anniversary celebrations, etc. Also, there are various "round tables" and conferences, but their effectiveness and efficiency is in great doubt. Most of the events are held "for show", conference resolutions and " round tables» are not executed.

By the way, in other national republics the authorities responsible for national policy are engaged in the structural analysis of data, the development and practical implementation of new methods and technologies for the development of national cultures and languages, and the study of local ethno-religious processes.

The so-called "Markelian stagnation" hit the cultural sector no less than the economy, Agriculture, road construction and more.

It is obvious that the quality of the activity of any authority depends on the professionalism and competence of all employees - from a simple specialist to the management team. In addition, an important point is the observance of the code of ethics and official conduct of civil servants. After all, for each individual official, regardless of position and rank, the population evaluates the work of the governor and the authorities as a whole.

Vasyutin Mikhail Zinovievich- First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mari El, Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El. He has been in charge of the Ministry of Culture since 1997 - in total, he has been a minister for 20 years.

Aktanaev Vladimir Ivanovich- First Deputy Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El. He supervises the development of professional art, the activities of educational institutions, organizational, creative, cultural and educational work. In office since 2010.

For 7 years of service in the Ministry of Culture, he did not show official zeal and signs of professionalism. Employees of the department witnessed his attitude to official duties, both in the position of first deputy, and during the performance of the duties of the minister (in the absence of Mikhail Vasyutin).

IN professional activity often does not possess elementary working information. Outwardly, he is friendly and courteous with everyone. According to some reports, all the successes, perhaps in their professional career Vladimir Aktanaev owes his wife.

He has ambitions and plans to become a minister in the Evstifeev government. Maybe it will, as it is the main contender. According to the personnel department, he has an excellent resume and portfolio. Five minutes to the candidate of sciences. But it is not a fact that he writes his Ph.D. thesis himself.

Shiryaeva Galina Stepanovna- Deputy Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El. Supervises the direction of interethnic and interfaith relations, the press, the research sector (Marniiyali named after Vasiliev). In office since 1997.

Being at retirement age, however, he is in no hurry to leave his post, clinging to the position by all available means - flattery, currying favor with the minister (up to tantrums and tears), requests for intercession before high-ranking officials of the administration of the Head of the Republic of Mari El. Among the employees of the department and people who know her, she does not have authority.

Thanks to her whims and personal attitude, many social activists and cultural figures were left without well-deserved awards (letters, thanks, titles, etc.), or received them out of time.

Having sat for a long time (as much as 20 years) in the position of Deputy Minister, Mrs. Shiryaeva has long ceased to strive to develop and promote culture to the masses. All her aspirations and attempts are aimed only at extending the term of her tenure in this position by all means. Moreover, she has already received all possible titles, benefits and awards while working in the Ministry of Culture.

! Text edited by moderator. Statements containing defamatory risks have been removed from the publication

On October 6 and "Local Time" No. 38(63) of October 2, articles were published covering the life of people with non-traditional sexual orientation, in particular pedophiles. Both articles featured a name, enough famous person in our republic, Mr. Polishchuk Konstantin Igorevich. Konstantin Igorevich, as the head of the K-Concert company, since 2005 has been organizing tours and concerts of famous Russian artists. In the past, Mr. Polishchuk was involved in politics, from 1999 to 2004 he was a deputy of the State Assembly of the Republic of Mari El of the third convocation, and also served as chairman of the Fund of the President of the RME for the support of culture. He was Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee on social policy, health care and youth affairs. In 2002, Mr. Polishchuk created a public charitable foundation of the Republic of Mari El "Konstantin Polishchuk Foundation" and supported youth projects at various competitions. At the same time, his foundation opened a helpline for schoolchildren. In 2004, Konstantin Polishchuk was a suspect in a criminal case on extortion. Two employees of his company extorted 4,000 rubles from the employees of the gaming salon. As soon as the fact of extortion was revealed, Mr. Polishchuk went abroad. But a few months later, when he returned to small homeland, he was put in a pre-trial detention center until all the circumstances were clarified. He later escaped punishment by cooperating with the investigation.

This summer, by volunteers tracking down pedophiles, Mr. Polishchuk was convicted of his sexual preferences, i.e. in love with young boys. One of the volunteers posted a questionnaire on a website on the Internet, on behalf of a fourteen-year-old boy in which Konstantin Polishchuk immediately became interested and after a short conversation invited the boy to a meeting (the text of this correspondence is given in the newspaper Local Time of October 2, 2012), at which he , instead of a young boy, "hunters" for pedophiles were waiting. Mr. Polishchuk at this meeting did not deny his non-traditional orientation, but categorically rejected the connection with underage boys. Volunteers called the police, after which, Konstantin Igorevich was taken to the police department to testify.

The final decision to initiate a criminal case has not yet been made, - explained the deputy prosecutor of the city of Yoshkar-Ola Andrey Dudkov. - IN this moment the material is being checked by the investigative committee, after which a legal assessment of all the circumstances of the incident will be given.

In connection with the above, we would like to appeal to the Deputy Head of the Government, the Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El, Vasyutin Mikhail Zinovievich, with a request to sort out the moral character of a person who suits public events in our Republic with the involvement of young people. We strongly ask you to make a decision that does not allow people with such sexual inclinations to work in the field of culture of the Republic of Mari El.


  • Article in the newspaper "VND" dated October 6, No. 39 (632)

  • Article in the newspaper "Local Time" No. 38 (63) of October 2

  • The video on YOUTOBE has been removed because it does not correspond to the entertainment mission of the resource. For those who are interested, the record can be downloaded.

  • A copy of this appeal was sent to the chairman of the political party "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky.

Brief biographical note

Vasyutin Mikhail Zinovievich was born on June 16, 1959 in the village of Mikryakovo, Gornomariy district. Graduated from the Kazan State Institute of Culture with a degree in organizer-methodologist of club work (1981), Russian Institute workers of art, culture and tourism, specializing in "manager in the field of culture and art" (1992).

In the position of Minister of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El since 1997. Since 2002, he has been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Mari El. Member of the Board of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

As a leader Vasyutin M.Z. took part in the creation and opening of the Faculty of Culture at the Mari state university, departments "Variety Art" and " choreographic art» at the Republican College of Culture and Arts, three children's art schools, three republican national centers- Russian, Tatar and Mari cultures. Republican studio of arts and crafts.

Vasyutin M.Z. is the initiator of the creation of a computerized network of rural general and children's libraries of the republic, contributed to the construction and commissioning of a new building of the Yoshkar-Ola Art School (technical school). Under his direct supervision, a major museum and exhibition project was implemented - the National art Gallery Republic of Mari El.

Vasyutin M.Z. pays considerable attention in its activities to the development of professional art in the republic. With his participation, it became traditional to hold in the republic International Festival theaters of the Finno-Ugric peoples "Mayatul", the Festival of Opera and Ballet Art " winter evenings”, Festival-laboratory of theatrical departments of educational institutions of the Volga federal district"Theatrical Students", All-Russian Festival national costume and others.

With the direct participation and guidance of Vasyutin Mikhail Zinovievich, work was carried out to prepare information material and organize the participation of the delegation of the Republic of Mari El at the IV World Congress of Finno-Ugric Peoples in Tallinn (Estonia, 2004), the festival of Finno-Ugric culture of Russia "Road of Birds ”, held in October 2006 in the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, France), IX International Congress of Finno-Ugric Writers (Petrozavodsk, 2006).

Vasyutin M.Z. contributes to the strengthening of cultural and interethnic ties with the regions of compact residence of the Mari population, as well as the Finno-Ugric peoples. Known for his balanced assessments and actions in the field of national politics.

Under his leadership, in order to develop interregional cultural relations, the Ministry of Culture and Interethnic Relations concluded agreements on cultural cooperation with the Republics of Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Mordovia, the administration of the Tonkinsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Ceremonies were organized and held under the direct supervision of M.Z. Vasyutin grand opening and closing of the XII All-Russian rural sports games(2008), which were held at a high professional level and were highly appreciated by all participants, guests and the Government of the Republic of Mari El.

Vasyutin M.Z. demanding of himself, proactive, active. He enjoys well-deserved authority among workers of culture and art, heads of state authorities of the republic.

In 1994 Vasyutin M.Z. awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Mari El", in 2005 he was awarded the title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation". Awarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Government of the Republic of Mari El (2000), Letters of Appreciation from the President of the Republic of Mari El (2003 and 2005), letters of thanks from the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation for fruitful work and personal contribution to the preservation and development of art (2002 and 2005). .).

In 2007 he was awarded state award Republic of Mari El - the Order of Merit for Mari El, II degree. He was also awarded a medal of the Russian Union of Historical Cities and Regions for special merits in the preservation and enhancement of the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the peoples of Russia (2002), a medal of merit for conducting the All-Russian Population Census (2002), a commemorative medal of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Municipal Academy" - "To the centenary of M.A. Sholokhov" (2005), the Order "For the arrangement of the Russian Land" II degree (2008).

In 2009 Vasyutin M.Z. awarded the title of "Minister of the Year" of the International Academy of Social Sciences with the award of the "Golden Laurel Branch" - Grand Prix National Prize"For the Arrangement of the Russian Land".

The Ministry of Culture, Press and Nationalities of the Republic of Mari El is the executive body of the Republic of Mari El. The Ministry implements state policy in the field of culture, art, interethnic and interfaith relations, protection and use of historical cultural heritage, museum and library business, cinematography, mass media and mass communications, printing, information, publishing, printing activities on the territory of the Republic of Mari El.


In its activities, the ministry is subordinate to the President of the Republic of Mari El and the Government of the Republic of Mari El. The Ministry is in charge of:

  1. 5 republican theaters: Mari national theater Drama named after M. Shketan with a branch - the Mari Theater young viewer, Mari state theater opera and ballet named after E. Sapaev and the Academic Russian Drama Theater named after G. Konstantinov, the Republican Puppet Theater and the Gornomariysky Drama Theater;
  2. 4 republican libraries, including National Library named after S.G. Chavaina;
  3. Republican Centers of Mari, Russian and Tatar cultures;
  4. National Museum of the Republic of Mari El. Timofey Evseev, Republican Museum fine arts And National Gallery Republic of Mari El;
  5. Republican Scientific and Methodological Center folk art and cultural and leisure activities;
  6. 15 state educational institutions and cultural institutions, including the Mari State Philharmonic named after Y. Eshpay, Mari Republican Film Fund, Research and Production Center for the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments, Yoshkar-Ola art school, Mari Republican College of Culture and Arts named after I.S. Palantaya, educational and methodological center "Kamerton", art schools;
  7. Enterprises in the field of printing, printing and book publishing, including the Mari book publishing house;
  8. Editions of 12 republican periodicals, including 9 newspapers and magazines on Mari language, as well as editorial offices of 15 newspapers municipalities Republic of Mari El.

One of the main requirements of the present time is to increase the efficiency of the work of cultural institutions, improve the quality of services provided in the field of culture. To this end, the Ministry of Culture, Press and Ethnic Affairs of the Republic of Mari El is actively introducing results-oriented budgeting methods into the practice of work, a transition is being made to program-target method planning.

Ministry work

Behind last years The Ministry has developed and approved quality standards for budgetary services in the field of culture, the procedure for assessing the needs and compliance of the quality of budgetary services provided with approved standards. Every year, starting from 2006, contracts are concluded with the heads of subordinate republican cultural institutions on the provision of budgetary services, and the results of the fulfillment of tasks on the provision of services are summed up quarterly. The results of the activities of subordinate cultural institutions are considered at meetings of the commission for assessing the fulfillment of tasks for the provision of budgetary services and the collegium of the ministry.

In order to improve management efficiency and responsibility for the results of its activities and within the framework of the socio-economic development of the cultural sector, the Ministry annually evaluates its activities as an executive body in accordance with the adjusted indicative indicators. Improving the financial situation of cultural and art workers, creating additional incentives, and reducing staff turnover in subordinate institutions is achieved through the introduction of new wage systems. In recent years, the ministry has been developing and successfully implementing republican targeted programs for the ethnocultural development of the Republic of Mari El, the preservation of the intangible cultural heritage of the peoples of the republic and the development of cultural and leisure activities, state support and the development of the media and book publishing, as well as the program "Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Mari El" .

In 2008, the specialists of the Ministry developed and approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El Republican target program"Culture of Mari El for 2009-2013", within the framework of which it is supposed to carry out the development of professional art, museum and library business, film distribution and film and video networks, maintain and develop the system art education, conduct overhaul buildings that house republican institutions of culture and art.

In the Republic of Mari El, at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Mari El, Leonid Igorevich Markelov, a grandiose museum and exhibition project was implemented - the National Art Gallery was built, equipped with modern technological equipment, climate control systems, special lighting, and the latest security and fire alarms. The gallery opened to the public in November 2007 with the exhibition Faces of Time. Cultural heritage of Mari El”, which reflected various aspects of national culture - from ancient artifacts to ethno-futuristic painting. With the opening of the gallery, there was a real opportunity to host exhibitions of the Russian level, including from the collections of Russian museums.

As part of the state administrative reform, the Ministry has developed and is successfully implementing administrative regulations for the provision of public services– attestation of pedagogical and executive employees, licensing and state accreditation of educational institutions.

object close attention on the part of the Ministry of Culture, Press and Ethnic Affairs of the Republic of Mari El is the sphere of functioning and socio-economic development of subordinate mass media and financial and economic activities of enterprises in the printing industry. The uninterrupted functioning of the state media system is ensured by one of the structural divisions of the ministry - the press and mass communications department. Printing and publishing of state, departmental and commercial publishing houses and printing houses of the republic as a whole solves the problem of providing the population of the republic with art, educational, scientific and special literature. Until recently, when publishing social significant literature, which did not cause commercial interest among publishers, the state order system was practiced.

However, since 2007, after the adoption of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El "On the procedure for granting subsidies and subventions for state support and development of the media and book publishing", the Ministry introduced a new, more effective mechanism to stimulate the publication of books in the official languages ​​of the Republic of Mari El. Due to funds allocated from the republican budget, the cost of books is reduced, their circulation and assortment are growing. The works of the classics of Mari literature, modern authors, children's and educational publications become available more a wide range readers.

In 2008, in order to implement federal law dated 25.06.2002 No. 73-FZ “On objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation” and Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El No. 8 dated 18.01.2008 “Issues of preserving the use and protection of objects of cultural heritage”, A new structural subdivision has been created in the Ministry - the Department for the Preservation, Use and Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects.

Employees of the department, together with the bodies of Rosokhrankultura in the Republic of Mari El, take part in checking compliance with the law when introducing repair and restoration work on monuments of history and culture of federal significance - the Ascension Cathedral in the city of Yoshkar-Ola and the Sheremetev Estate in the village of Yurino, as well as major cultural heritage sites regional significance. The Directorate exercises control over the conduct of excavations on the territory of the republic, including in the historical part of the city of Yoshkar-Ola, on the territory of the Tsarevokokshaisky Kremlin museum and historical complex currently under construction.

Minister - Mikhail Vasyutin

Since 1997, the ministry has been headed by Mikhail Zinovievich Vasyutin, a native of the village. Mikryakovo, Gornomariy district (born June 16, 1959), graduate of the Kazan state institute culture with a degree in Organizer-Methodist of Club Work (1981) and the Russian Institute of Workers of Art, Culture and Tourism with a degree in Manager in the field of culture and art (1992).

Vasyutin M.Z. assigned honorary titles"Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Mari El" (1994) and "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation" (2005). He was awarded the Order "For Merit to Mari El" II degree (2007), the Order "For the improvement of the Russian Land" II degree (2008), the Certificate of Merit of the Government of the Republic of Mari El (2000), the Gratitude of the President of the Republic of Mari El (2003, 2005), Gratitude of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation for fruitful work and personal contribution to the preservation and development of art (2002 and 2005).

With the direct participation of M.Z. Vasyutin, it has become a tradition to hold in the Republic of Mari El the International Festival of Theaters of the Finno-Ugric Peoples “Mayatul”, the International Festival of Russian Theaters “The Bridge of Friendship”, the Festival of Opera and Ballet Art “Winter Evenings”, the Festival-Laboratory of Theater Departments of Educational Institutions of the Volga Federal District “Teatralny students”, the All-Russian festival of national costume and other major events in the field of culture and art. In 2002, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Mari El M.Z. Vasyutin was appointed Deputy Head of the Government of the Republic of Mari El.
