Children's literature and its specificity. The concepts of "children's literature", "literature for children", "children's reading circle" The children's reading circle for preschoolers excludes works

It is at the age of 4-5 that it is determined who will be a reader in the future and who will not. At this age, it is especially important to introduce the child to the golden fund of the children's book. The collections "Russian fairy tales", "Once upon a time" were recognized as the best publications.

From poetry for children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to purchase, first of all, works of classics of children's literature. Among them are works by A. Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, A. Blok, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, V. Berestov, I. Tokmakova. Poems and stories by E. Uspensky, S. Kozlov, A. Barto, E. Blaginina are very popular with children.
Among the stories and fairy tales of Russian writers, the leading publications are the works of K. Ushinsky (stories and fairy tales "For Children") and L. Tolstoy ("For Children" and "ABC"). The stories of N. Nosov "Live hat", "Bobik visiting Barbos" are very loved by children of 4-5 years old.

Children of this age can handle G. Andersen's fairy tales "Thumbelina", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", brother Grimm "The Bremen Town Musicians".
More than one generation of 4-5 year old children grew up on the picture book "Pif's Adventure", on Kipling's fairy tale "Elephant".
Among best books on wildlife should be called "Big and Small" by E. Charushin, many editions of the works of V. Bianchi and V. Sladkov.

As for the selection of children's books for the elder before school age, that is, for children 6-7 years old, in it a large place is occupied by scientific, artistic and popular science literature, books of an encyclopedic nature, photo books in various fields of knowledge.
If we talk about editions of folklore, they were enriched with collections of riddles and proverbs. These include a collection of riddles "Smart Ivan, the Firebird and the Golden Grain." As for the collections of fairy tales, among many others, one can single out the colorful translated book "Treasures fairy tales"and compilation" golden book best fairy tales peace."
Of the poetic works in the home library for preschoolers, one should first of all have the works of classical poets - A. Pushkin, V. Zhukovsky, F. Tyutchev, A. Maikov, I. Bunin, A. K. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin. It is recommended to introduce "Fables" by I. Krylov into the reading circle of children 6-7 years old, many of which will be studied at school. The essence of preliminary reading is not to understand the morality of the fables (this will come later), but to touch the model of native figurative speech.
Next to the poetic heritage of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov, V. Mayakovsky, A. Barto, collections of poems by S. Cherny, D. Kharms, T. Sobakiya, M. Boroditskaya should be on the bookshelf of preschoolers , R. Makhotina, M. Yasnova it is very important that the child gets to know them even before school.
Many collections of stories and fairy tales by writers have been released for preschoolers different countries. To Russian fairy tales and stories writers of the 19th pitch, already recommended for reading by children 4-5 years old, a fairy tale by S. Aksakov is added " The Scarlet Flower", "Alyonushka's Tales" by D. Mamin-Sibiryak, "The Frog Traveler" by Garshin, "The Town in the Snuffbox" by V. Odoevsky. From the stories we can recommend "Theme and the Bug" by N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, "Jump" by L. Tolstoy, "White Poodle" by A. Kuprin, "Kashtanka" by A. Chekhov. Of the writers of the 20th century, special attention of parents should be paid to P. Bazhov (" silver hoof"), B. Zhitkov ("Stories about animals"), A. Tolstoy ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio"), M. Zoshchenko (" Selected stories for children"), K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit". A kind of bestseller children's reading is the book by A. Volkov "The Magician emerald city- free retelling of the book American writer Frank Baum's The Wizard of Oz.
Of the writers of the second half of the 20th century, V. Dragunsky with his "Deniskin stories", V. Golyavkin with his "Notebooks in the rain", N. Nosov with the famous "Adventures of Dunno and his friends", E. Uspensky with "Crocodile Gena" and "Uncle Fedor", T. Aleksandrova with "Kuzka". In addition, the "classics" of children's reading include the works of other writers, among which one cannot fail to name Sergei Kozlov and his book "The Hedgehog in the Fog". For preschoolers, the writer G. Tsiferov and his book "The Story of a Piglet" are interesting.
As for fairy tales foreign writers XIX century, children are recommended mainly fairy tales by E. T. A. Hoffmann ("The Nutcracker and mouse king"), V. Gauf ("Little Muck", "Dwarf Nose"), D. Harris ("Tales of Uncle Remus"), K. Collodi ("The Adventures of Pinocchio"). Of the writers of the 20th century, I would like to mention R. Kipling with A real gift for children will also be A. Milne's voluminous book "Winnie the Pooh and Everything-Everything-Everything and much more."

More than one generation of preschoolers grew up on D. Rodari's book "The Adventures of Chippolino". Children aged 6-7 years already have access to one of the most famous works Astrid Lindgren "Three stories about the Kid and Carlson". It is impossible not to say about one more book - the book of the Austrian writer F. Selten "Bambi". A special place in the life of people of different generations is occupied by the fairy tale of M. Maeterlinck "The Blue Bird". After reading it at least once, parents will certainly want to have a book in the house in order to bring to their child the same joy that they themselves experienced when reading it as a child.
As noted above, for children 6-7 years old, the range of publications is significantly expanding. educational book in particular about the environment. I. Akimushkin, V. Biapki, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, E. Charushin, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, and others, who managed to reveal to the child the life of forests, seas, rivers, sky and earth, animals and insects, they have become a kind of encyclopedia that introduces the child to different areas of knowledge

Genre originality of works

The concept of genre defines the form of a work necessary for the realization of the content. The genres of children's literature were formed in the process of its development and are associated with the specifics of the perception of works by children of different ages.

We can say that this literature is represented by almost all genres that have developed in the "adult" literature. And at the same time, there are genres that are most preferred by children and used more often than others. So, in prose - these are fairy tales, stories, novels, in poetry - poems and songs. In drama - short plays, consisting of one or two acts.

Particularly distinguished are such genres as riddles, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales - works independently published mainly for children readers.

For children younger ages preferred short works. Moreover, the spatial framework should be narrowed, limited, and the temporal - stretched. This is due to the specifics of children's attitude to the surrounding reality, how long the day seems to the child, how far his kindergarten is located! But, gradually growing up, he begins to feel that the day takes less and less time, and, going to school, he notes that the kindergarten is just a stone's throw from home.

That is why in works for children, as a rule, the scene of action is limited, and small periods of time pass between scenes. Therefore, one of genre features works - their relatively small volume.

Naturally, the younger the children, the simpler the work should be in composition. The minimization of the genre is carried out, taking into account the peculiarities of children's perception.

The concepts of "children's literature", "literature for children", "children's reading circle" in book publishing

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also "adult" literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts are used that characterize the field of publishing literature for children and youth.

There are such concepts as "children's literature", "literature for children", "children's reading circle". Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have an independent content.

Understanding the meaning that is invested in each of these terms is important, first of all, from the point of view of a general approach to book publishing, since they determine the organization and method of forming the repertoire of publications, the sources of selection of works, and the features of the work of an editor with authors.

Consider the concept of "children's literature"; it is precisely this that is the starting point for characterizing the entire field of publications for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for the children's readership. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to ensure that his work is well understood and assimilated by readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the author's ability to recognize child psychology, focus on the interests, predilections of children, their ability to perceive certain facts. They say that in order to create a work of children's literature, it is necessary to preserve the "children's vision of the world", which allows one to clearly imagine the properties and qualities of children's perception. A children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent that determines the skill of the author - the talent to create vivid, unforgettable pictures of the world around him, recognizable by the child and instructing him.

When creating children's literature, the specifics of a certain age are taken into account.

Obviously, a writer who turns to children's literature should be distinguished by a special attitude to life, imagine how the surrounding reality is perceived by the child, note the unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Certain methods have been developed for writing a work of literature especially for children. Here is just one fairly common technique associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world as if from childhood, which describes. The writer does not observe his characters from the side, but considers events through their eyes. The writer reincarnates in his characters, not allowing himself to step back for a minute and look at them through the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is the view of the world from childhood that imparts to the content of the book one of the most essential qualities for works of children's literature - the quality of the reliability of the described, the comprehensibility for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specially created based on a certain age category readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the important tasks of the editor is to create an asset of children's writers. And yet it can be difficult to find these writers, because children's writers are writers with special gift- to remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: “One should be born and not become a children's writer. It's kind of a calling. It requires not only talent, but a kind of genius ... a lot of conditions are needed for education children's writer… Love for children, deep knowledge of needs, features and shades childhood there is one of the important conditions.

Consider a broader concept - "literature for children." This concept denotes both children's literature and adult literature, which is of interest to children and understandable to them.

The writer N. Teleshov recalled: “Chekhov assured ... that there was no “children's” literature. “Everywhere only about Sharikov, yes, they write about Barbosov. What is this "baby"? This is some kind of "dog literature".

In a letter to Rossolimo on January 21, 1900, A.P. Chekhov notes: “I don’t know how to write for children, I write for them once every ten years and I don’t like and don’t recognize the so-called children’s literature. Andersen, "Pallada Frigate", Gogol are read willingly by children, adults as well. We must not write for children, but must choose from what is written for adults.

And A.P. Chekhov did not specifically create children's works, but his stories, such as "Kashtanka", "Boys", for example, are eagerly read by children.

Here is an opinion contemporary writer. In response to a question about the specifics of children's literature, which was contained in a special questionnaire for the House of Children's Books of the Children's Literature publishing house, A. Markusha wrote: “Now there is a lot of debate about the specifics of children's literature. I don't believe in any specifics. There is literature (and there is little of it), and then there is “literature” (and there is a lot of it). Children should read adult books written by real masters, let them understand and not everyone, at least they will get used to real art, and not be brought up on surrogates ... Children need to know more about adults! (from the materials of the Children's Book House).

Thus, the reading of children covers not only specially written works, but is also replenished at the expense of adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It consists of children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children.

With regard to children's reading, the circle of reading has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them.

The Children's Reading Circle includes books that should be read in childhood and that define the reading of a child of a particular age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as the child grows, the scope of the literature that he reads expands. The reading circle shows the interests and passions of a person, individual publications “return” if the reader refers to them more than once. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the change in the interests of children and the repertoire of published publications, and the richer, more diverse the repertoire, the more opportunities to influence the child, since his reading circle will to some extent reflect this richness and diversity.

Children's literature forms and defines the reading circle of each child, changing and structuring its composition, and this literature is gradually being replaced by "adult" literature, leaving children's literature itself outside the reader's interests. Given that certain books can most effectively affect the reader for whom they are intended, it can be considered that literature included in the circle of children's reading should be read at the appropriate age; books that do not "catch" the reader in time cannot have the effect on him that the author sought, and, consequently, their social functions perform, not completely. Indeed, the impact on a preschooler, an older schoolchild, an adult of a fairy tale is different, since at each age “their own” aspects of the work are of interest. Consequently, the circle of reading determines the degree and nature of the influence on the reader of the content of the work and is associated with the characteristics of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on the circle of children's reading, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature in the publishing system.

Evgenia Rakova
Children's literature and its specificity

Children's literature and its specificity

In the children's library

The books are lined up on the shelves.

Take, read and know a lot

But don't hate the book.

She will open up a big world

And if you make it sick

You are a book - forever

Pages will be silent then (T. Blazhnova)

The emergence of children's literature is usually attributed to the 15th century, although real children's literature developed later.

The selection of the course of children's literature from the course of world literature is based on a certain category of reader. In the past, special literature for children was not created, but from the general literary heritage the works that entered the circle of children's reading stood out.

Children's literature is usually called those works that are read by children and children from 0 to 15-16 years old. But it is more correct to speak of the circle of children's reading, because in this concept three groups :

1. These are books written specifically for children (for example, fairy tales by L. N. Tolstoy, poems by M. Yasny, Volkov)

2. These are works written for adult readers, but passed into children's reading, in other words, literature that has entered the circle of children's reading (for example, fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin, P. P. Ershov, stories by I. S. Turgenev, A. P. Chekhov)

3. These are works composed by the children themselves, that is, children's literary creativity

Children's literature is the art of the word, and therefore an organic part of the spiritual culture, therefore, it has the qualities that are characteristic of all fiction. It is closely related to pedagogy, because it is designed to take into account the age characteristics, capabilities and needs of the child.

Children's literature is an undoubted part general literature, but still it is a phenomenon. No wonder V. G. Belinsky argued that one cannot become a children's writer - they have to be born: “This is a kind of vocation. It requires not only talent, but also a kind of genius. A children's book must meet all the requirements that apply to a book for adults, and, in addition, take into account childish look on the world as an additional artistic requirement.

Strictly speaking, only literature for children can be called children's literature. Not all writers who tried to create works for children achieved noticeable success. And the point is not at all in the level of writing talent, but in its special quality. For example, Alexander Blok wrote a number of poems for children, but they did not leave a truly noticeable mark in children's literature, and, for example, many of Sergei Yesenin's poems easily moved from children's magazines to children's readers.

That is why it makes sense to speculate about the specifics of children's literature.

The question of specificity has repeatedly become the subject of controversy. Even in the Middle Ages, it was understood that children needed to write differently than adults. At the same time, there were always those who recognized only general laws art and divided books simply into good and bad. Some perceived children's literature as pedagogy in pictures. Others believed that the difference between children's literature lies only in the subject, spoke about the availability of content or about a special " children's language" etc.

Summarizing the historical and modern experience in the development of children's literature, we can say that children's literature arose at the intersection artistic creativity and educational and cognitive activities. In it you can see special features aimed at education and child rearing, and how younger child, the stronger these features are. Accordingly, the specificity of children's literature is determined, first of all, by the age of the reader. Together with the growing reader, his books “grow up”, the whole system of preferences is gradually changing.

next distinctive feature children's literature is a two-address children's book. The peculiarity of the children's writer is that he sees the world from two sides; from a child's perspective and from an adult's perspective. And this means that the children's book contains these two points of view, only the adult subtext is not visible to the child.

And third specific feature children's book is that it (the book) should have special language, which should be specific, accurate, at the same time accessible and educationally enriching the child.

I would also like to note that in the baby book there is always a full-fledged co-author of the writer - the artist. A small reader can hardly be captivated by a solid alphabetic text without pictures. This is also a feature of children's literature.

So, from the foregoing, we can conclude that the section of children's literature rightfully deserves the title of high art, which has its own specifics, history, and its pinnacle achievements.

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A characteristic feature of children from 2 to 5 years is extraordinary traction to a rhythmically organized structure of speech, sonorous rhythms and rhymes, expressive intonation. Children love to listen and read poetry, clearly preferring it to prose. At the same time, they gravitate towards dynamic rhythms, joyful, dancing melody.

In this regard, the reading circle of younger preschoolers consists mainly of works of Russian folklore. This is children's folklore - ditties, nursery rhymes, songs, games. These works the best way meet the needs younger preschooler, as they combine the word, rhythm, intonation, melody and movement.

In the genres of children's folklore, where in simple, unpretentious, short poems, the child is told about the rules of personal hygiene (For example, “Water, water, wash my face”), and about the rules of life among people, and about the high that should be in man, which makes him a moral man. The child is just starting to take his first steps, but he is already being told what awaits him in his future adult life.

With the help of folklore, ideas about life and morality are not only transmitted, but the problems of child development are solved. Folklore has a psychophysiological effect on children: it evokes joyful emotions, helps to coordinate movements, develop speech, and teaches to overcome fear. Children's folklore promotes aesthetic development kids.

From the age of 4, children begin to understand the fables-shifters. This special kind jokes are necessary for children to train their intellect.

Children of the 3rd and 4th years of life need to listen to fairy tales, stories, short poems, works of Russian and Soviet writers. Children of this age need not read fairy tales, but tell and even act them out, conveying the action in faces, in motion. Such tales include cumulative ones ("Kolobok", "Turnip", "Teremok" and others); folk (about animals, magic "Bubble, straw and bast shoes", "Geese-swans", any boring tales). It should be noted that for the development of children's thinking, folk tales in classical adaptations (both Russian and peoples of the world) are most effective. A folk tale can be viewed as a multidimensional model that includes an analysis of different life situations.

The child perceives the idea of ​​a work written specifically for younger schoolchildren intuitively and only when a literary event reproduces something similar to the life of the child himself. The fact is that children's literature, focusing on the features mental development little reader, does not offer complex plots and plot, complex ideas. She is looking for ways to the mind of the child, using those artistic means, which will be available to the reader of this age - hence the peculiarities of the style of works for children. The child derives the idea not from the text, but from personal experience. How and why he made such a decision, the little reader cannot explain, and therefore does not want to answer our questions like “why did you decide so, why do you think so?”. It would be correct to say that the idea of ​​a work written specifically for children can be independently realized by a younger student at the level of everyday ideas, but he cannot comprehend it in all depth, rise to the level of artistic generalization without the help of adults: the subtext is not perceived by a small child without special education.

The circle of reading from class to class gradually expands the reading abilities of children and their knowledge about the world around them, about their peers, about their life, games, adventures, about nature and its protection, about the history of our Motherland, helping to accumulate the social and moral experience of the child, gaining qualities of "reader independence".

Although the reading circle of younger students is largely determined by school curriculum(mainly the classics of children's literature are studied), however, children of 7-10 years old are offered a significant, in terms of volume, reading repertoire that goes beyond the program. It is difficult to imagine the development of a child of this age without the works of R. Pogodin, V. Voskoboynikov, V. Krapivin, V. Medvedev, E. Velktistov, Yu. Olesha, as well as A. Tolstoy, M. Zoshchenko, E. Schwartz and others.

Of particular interest to younger schoolchildren are books whose heroes are schoolchildren like themselves, for example: "Vitya Maleev at school and at home" by N. Nosova, "The difficult, full of hardships and dangers, the life of Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and repeater" L Davydychev, "Olga Yakovleva" by S. Ivanova and others.

For children of primary school age, the books of S. Lagerlef "The Adventures of Niels with wild geese", Preusler "Little Baba Yaga", O. Wilde ("Star Boy"), D. Tolkien ("Lord of the Rings"), R. Kipling ("Mowgli"), A. Exupery (" A little prince"), J. Korczak ("King Matt I"). Most of the works of Astrid Lindgren, the books of E. Rasie "The Adventures of Munchausen", D. Swift "Gulliver's Travels", D. Defoe "Robinson Crusoe" are intended for this age. children of primary school age already have access to the stories of Mark Twain "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", "The Prince and the Pauper", as well as individual works C. Dickens. For girls in last years in the series " Unfamiliar classic. A book for the soul" published a story American writer E. Porter "Polyanna", which appealed not only to children, but also to adults. For reading girls, the book by F. Burnett "The Little Princess" is also recommended. For boys, the book by G, Bell "Valley of Thundering Hooves" and F. Burnett "Little Lord Fontleroy" has been published and is in great demand. These books awaken feelings of kindness and compassion in children.

A special place in the book collection for children of primary school age belongs to the Bible, as well as "Myths ancient greece", without reading which it is impossible to understand the great works of art created on their plots. Thus, the book "The Tower of Babel and Other Biblical Traditions" is addressed to younger students. Reprints of the children's Bible are of particular value. For selective reading, it is possible to recommend younger students to get acquainted with the book of N. Kuhn "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" or the book by V. and L. Uspensky "Myths of Ancient Greece".

From historical books, books about our Fatherland, first published before the revolution, are of particular value, namely: Golovin N. "My First Russian History: In Stories for Children", and A. Ishimova's book "History of Russia in Stories for Children".

There are a lot of fairy tales in the textbooks of R. N. Buneev and E. V. Buneeva different peoples world, for example, "Ivan the peasant son and the miracle Yudo" (Russian folk tale), “The Golden Crest Boy and the Golden Braid Girl” (Lithuanian fairy tale), “Dyikanbai and the maiden” (Kyrgyz fairy tale), “Bogatyr Naznay” (Dagestan fairy tale), “The Adventures of the wild cat Simba” (African fairy tale), “Why does the hare the lip is cut” (Estonian fairy tale), “How the rooster deceived the fox” (Latvian fairy tale).

When preparing publications for children, not only children's, but also "adult" literature is used. Therefore, in publishing and editing, several concepts are used that characterize the field of publishing literature for children and youth.

There are such concepts as "children's literature", "literature for children", "children's reading circle". Already from the names themselves it is clear that they intersect with each other and at the same time have an independent content.

Understanding the meaning that is invested in each of these terms is important, first of all, from the point of view of a general approach to book publishing, since they determine the organization and method of forming the repertoire of publications, the sources of selection of works, and the features of the work of an editor with authors.

Consider the concept of "children's literature"; it is precisely this that is the starting point for characterizing the entire field of publications for children.

Children's literature is created specifically for the children's readership. The writer takes into account the specifics of children's perception, trying to ensure that his work is well understood and assimilated by readers of a certain age.

Of particular importance is the author's ability to recognize child psychology, focus on the interests, predilections of children, their ability to perceive certain facts. They say that in order to create a work of children's literature, it is necessary to preserve the "children's vision of the world", which allows one to clearly imagine the properties and qualities of children's perception. A children's writer must understand and know the child and, of course, have a special talent that determines the author's skill - the talent to create vivid, unforgettable pictures of the world around him, recognizable by the child and instructing him.

When creating a work of children's literature itself, the specifics of a certain age are taken into account.

Obviously, a writer turning to children's literature should be distinguished by a special attitude to life, imagine how the surrounding reality is perceived by the child, note the unusual, bright - what is interesting to his future readers.

Certain methods have been developed for writing a work of literature especially for children. Here is just one fairly common technique associated with the special position of the author of the work - he looks at the world around him as if from childhood, which he describes. The writer does not observe his characters from the side, but considers events through their eyes. This is how the narrative develops in the stories "Childhood" by L. Tolstoy and "Childhood" by M. Gorky, "The Blue Cup" by A. Gaidar. The writer reincarnates in his characters, not allowing himself to step back for a minute and look at them through the eyes of an adult. Apparently, it is the view of the world from childhood that imparts to the content of these stories one of the most essential qualities for works of children's literature - the quality of the reliability of what is described, the comprehensibility for the reader.

Thus, children's literature is specially created for a certain age category of readers, taking into account the specifics of children's perception.

One of the important tasks of the editor is to create an asset of children's writers. Meanwhile, it can be difficult to find these writers, because children's writers are writers with a special gift - to remember and understand childhood. V.G. Belinsky wrote: “One should be born and not become a children's writer. It's kind of a calling. It requires not only talent, but a kind of genius ... many conditions are needed for the education of a children's writer ... Love for children, a deep knowledge of the needs, characteristics and shades of childhood is one of the important conditions.

Consider a broader concept - "literature for children." This concept denotes both children's literature and adult literature, which is of interest to children and understandable to them.

It is known that many writers whose works are readily read by children did not write specifically for children. For example, the famous Russian writer I.A. Goncharov admitted: “How soon you sit down to write with the thought that this is for children, you can’t write and nothing more. It is necessary to forget this circumstance, but how can you forget it? You can write for them not on purpose, without thinking about it ... For example, Turgenev, without trying and without suspecting anything, wrote his "Bezhin Meadow" and some other things - for children. I also accidentally wrote a book for young people, "Pallada" (meaning "Frigate" Pallada. - S.A.) ... I believe that it is actually impossible to write for children, but you can put something ready-made in a children's magazine that written and lying in a briefcase, a journey, a story, a story - everything that is suitable for adults and that has nothing in itself that could harm the children's mind and imagination.

The writer N. Teleshov recalled: “Chekhov assured ... that there was no “children's” literature. “Everywhere they write only about Sharikov and Barbosov. What is this "baby"? This is some kind of "dog literature".

In a letter to Rossolimo on January 21, 1900, A.P. Chekhov notes: “I don’t know how to write for children, I write for them once every ten years and I don’t like and don’t recognize the so-called children’s literature. Andersen, "Pallada Frigate", Gogol are read willingly by children, adults as well. We must not write for children, but must choose from what is written for adults.

And A.P. Chekhov did not specifically create children's works, but his stories, such as "Kashtanka", "Boys", for example, are eagerly read by children.

Let us give the opinion of a modern writer. In response to a question about the specifics of children's literature, which was contained in a special questionnaire for the House of Children's Books of the Children's Literature publishing house, A. Markusha wrote: “Now there is a lot of debate about the specifics of children's literature. I don't believe in any specifics. There is literature (and there is little of it), and then there is “literature” (and there is a lot of it). Children should read adult books written by real masters, let them understand and not everyone, at least they will get used to real art, and not be brought up on surrogates ... Children need to know more about adults! (from the materials of the Children's Book House).

Thus, the reading of children covers not only specially written works, but is also replenished at the expense of adult literature. This is how the repertoire of publications for children is formed. It consists of children's literature and works written for adults, but of interest to children.

From children's literature and literature for children, the so-called circle of children's reading is compiled. The Encyclopedic Dictionary "Knigovedenie" defines the circle of reading as follows: "A set of printed works, reflecting the main interests and reading needs of a certain reader group. The circle of reading is socially and historically conditioned. Revealing the range of reading is one of the main tasks of specific sociological research in the field of reading.

With regard to children's reading, the circle of reading has its own characteristics. Let's dwell on them.

The Children's Reading Circle includes books that should be read in childhood and that define the reading of a child of a particular age. This is a dynamic phenomenon, since as the child grows, the scope of the literature that he reads expands. The reading circle shows the interests and passions of a person, individual publications “return” if the reader refers to them more than once. The composition of publications is constantly changing depending on the change in the interests of children and the repertoire of published publications, and the richer, more diverse the repertoire, the more opportunities to influence the child, since his reading circle will to some extent reflect this richness and diversity.

The formation of a circle of children's reading is associated with the solution of educational problems. That literature, which is specially written for children, determines in many respects the appearance, character, and behavior of children. Moreover, it is a source cultural traditions conveys a specific experience to readers. It is no coincidence that V.G. Belinsky paid special attention to determining the circle of children's reading. Reflecting on its composition, the critic first of all pointed out the connection of the book with life, artistry, "profoundness" and humanity of the idea, chastity of content, simplicity and nationality. Among the works that should be included in the circle of children's reading, he named poems and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin, a novel about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe.

Children's literature forms and defines the reading circle of each child, changing and structuring its composition, and this literature is gradually being replaced by "adult" literature, leaving children's literature itself outside the reader's interests. Given that certain books can most effectively affect the reader for whom they are intended, it can be considered that literature included in the circle of children's reading should be read at the appropriate age; books that did not “catch” the reader in time cannot have the influence on him that the author sought, and, therefore, their social functions do not fully fulfill. Indeed, the impact on a preschooler, an older schoolchild, an adult of a fairy tale, for example, "Little Red Riding Hood", is different, since at each age "their own" aspects of the work are of interest. Consequently, the circle of reading determines the degree and nature of the influence on the reader of the content of the work and is associated with the characteristics of the properties of various categories of readers.

When organizing book publishing for children, especially in the process of forming a repertoire, the editor focuses on the circle of children's reading, selecting works for reprinting and including new literature in the publishing system.
