The problem of the daily feat of soldiers during the war. The problem of heroism of people of peaceful professions during the Great Patriotic War

Breeders besieged Leningrad in conditions of wild famine, they managed to preserve priceless varieties of breeding wheat for a future peaceful life.

E. Krieger, famous contemporary prose writer, in the story "Light" tells how, during the hostilities, the workers of the power plant decided not to evacuate with the inhabitants of the village, but to work. The “light-emitting power plant,” as its author called it, not only generated electricity, but also inspired the soldiers, helped them remember what they were fighting for.

· The cycle of stories by A. Krutetsky “In the steppes of Bashkiria” shows the hard work of collective farmers living with the slogan “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

The novel by F. Abramov "Brothers and Sisters" tells about the feat of Russian women who spent best years his life on the labor front during the Great Patriotic War.

· Teacher Ales Moroz, the hero of V. Bykov's story "Obelisk", in occupied Belarus, risking his life, brought up hatred for the invaders in his students. When the guys are arrested, he surrenders to the Nazis to support them in a tragic moment.

The problem of national unity during the Great Patriotic War

· In the poem "Ukraine" M. Rylsky wrote:

You see: Russian with you, Bashkir and Tajik,

All brothers and friends are an avalanche of formidable rati.

Holy is our union, the people are infinitely great,

Infinitely strong in his lion's fury.

POW problem

· The story of V. Bykov "Alpine ballad" shows the tragedy of people who were taken prisoner.

· The story of M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" shows the tragic fate of Andrei Sokolov. The protagonist passed the test of fascist captivity, lost his family, but managed to defend his human dignity, has not lost the will to live a sense of compassion for people.

The problem of patriotism

· Talking about the Patriotic War of 1812 in the novel "War and Peace", L.N. Tolstoy with love and respect draws people of different social class, who were united by a common love for Russia.

The problem of true and false patriotism

· In the novel "War and Peace" by L.N. Tolstoy paints pictures of military operations and various types of their participants. We see both faithful sons of the Fatherland (Denis Davydov, elder Vasilisa, etc.), and false patriots who think only about their own selfish interests.

The problem of the tragic situation of man in totalitarian state

· The protagonist of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" is an extraordinary person. Shukhov survives in the vile camp life thanks to his extreme diligence and long-suffering. In the world of evil and violence, lack of rights and enslavement, "sixes" and "blatars" who profess the camp law "you die today, and I - tomorrow", it is not easy to save the soul and human warmth. But Ivan Denisovich had his own sure means to restore a good mood - work.

· About the inhumanity, the horror of the situation that prevailed in the country during the era of Stalin's rule, Y. Bondarev told in his work "Bouquet". The fate of the heroine was typical for that time. The fault of the heroine consisted only in the fact that she was young, good-looking, naively believed in the decency of those who were in power.

The role of personality in history

· The true spokesman of the national spirit was M.I. Kutuzov. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel "War and Peace" historically accurately painted the image of the great commander.

A.N. Tolstoy in the novel "Peter the Great" tells about the life of the reformer tsar. On the one hand, Peter the Great seems to love his people and believes in their creative forces, on the other hand, he brutally cracks down on the participants in the archery rebellion, and later builds a beautiful city on the bones of convicts and serfs. The main tragedy, according to the author, is that for Peter the people are only a means, an instrument for the realization of his plans.

Yu. Ovsyannikov in the book “Peter the Great. The First Russian Emperor" tells how Peter determined the character of new Russia. Under the clatter of axes and the thunder of cannons medieval state joined the union European countries as an equal partner. which must be reckoned with.

Save problem historical memory, their roots

* K. Balmont wrote:

You can leave everything treasured,

You can fall out of love without a trace,

But you can not cool down to the past,

But you can't forget about the past.

· Well-known publicist D.S. Likhachev wrote that "memory is one of the most important properties of being: material, spiritual, just human."

· In the story "Farewell to Matyora" V. Rasputin tells about a small village standing in the middle of the mighty Siberian river Angara. According to the plan, the island should be flooded. For local residents it seems that "the light is broken in half." The author painfully shows that with the loss of roots, traditions, the irreparable can happen - the spill of lack of spirituality, the shallowing of morality and the loss of humanity.

Problem moral lessons stories

· The history of Palestine and Jerusalem is resurrected in M. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. The author prophetically showed the inevitable tragedy of the Jewish religious authorities, claiming a monopoly in the spiritual and legal sphere.

· D. Lyskov in the book “Stalin's repressions. The Great Lie of the 20th Century" tries to understand the problem of terror objectively and impartially, avoiding ideological cliches, relying not on emotions, but on facts.

In the story of A. Pristavkin "A golden cloud spent the night" tells about tragic fate brothers Kuzmyonysh, who became unwitting participants in the interethnic conflict. Small children, whose orphanage was destroyed by the Chechens, became victims of the struggle of the state machine with small nations.

· One of the founders of historical romance A. Chapygin in the novel "Stepan Razin" describes the era of the great peasant war, headed by S. Razin.

The problem of betrayal during the war

· V. Rasputin's story "Live and Remember" presents the story of the deserter Andrey Guskov.

· V. Bykov in the story "Sotnikov" Rybak becomes a traitor, and later the executioner of his former comrade.

The problem of motherhood

The topic of motherhood is touched upon by N.A. Nekrasov in the poem "Nightingales". A mother teaches her children to appreciate beauty, to love nature. She really wants her children to be happy. Expressing the dream of all mothers, she says that if there were lands for the people where they would live freely, then “peasant women would take them all in the arms of their children.”

· Brings up children by personal example Matryona Timofeevna, one of the heroines of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Who is it good to live in Rus'?" She takes upon herself the humiliating punishment intended for her son, protects him pure soul from shocks.

· The well-known writer A. Fadeev in his “Word about Mother” urged readers to look back at their lives and answer the question: “Is it because of our failures and our grief that our mothers turn gray?” He noted with chagrin that "the hour will come when all this will turn into a painful reproach to the heart at the mother's grave."

· V. Astafiev's story tells about the cat Belogrudka, whose kittens were taken away by the guys from the village. The author writes with pain about the pain of a mother looking for her children.

· The well-known writer A. Fadeev wrote in his “Word about Mother”: “Is it not because of our failures, mistakes, and is it not because of our grief that our mothers turn gray? But the hour will come when all this at the mother’s grave will turn into a painful reproach to the heart.

The Problem of Transformative Power parental love

· IN short story"Happiness" famous writer Y. Bondarev tells about a story that happened in one ordinary family. The main character was thinking about hopelessness, about the misfortunes that haunt people throughout their lives. She was struck by the fact that her father considered himself happy man, because everyone is alive, there is no war, the whole family is together. The woman’s heart warmed up, she realized that happiness is to feel loved by loved ones and give them her love.

The problem of parenthood

In the story " white goose" famous children's writer E. Nosov tells about a handsome goose who, during a strong hail, covered his babies with himself. All twelve fluffy "dandelions" survived. He himself died.


Home essay, for the preparation and writing of which one week was allotted. The essay was analyzed by three classmates of the author.

The events of the Great Patriotic War go further and further into the past, but even with the passage of time they do not lose their significance. When war breaks into the peaceful life of people, it always brings grief and misfortune to families. The Russian people experienced the hardships of many wars, but they never bowed their heads before the enemy and courageously endured all hardships. The Great Patriotic War, which dragged on for four long years, became a real tragedy, a catastrophe. Both young men and men, even old men and women rose to defend the Fatherland. The war demanded from them the manifestation of the best human qualities: strength, courage, courage. The theme of war, the great feat of the Russian people, becomes long years the most important theme in Russian literature.

Boris Vasiliev is one of those writers who himself went through difficult and long roads wars, who defended native land with weapons in hand. The most talented, in my opinion, works of this author are “Not on the lists” and “The dawns here are quiet ...”. I admire the truthfulness with which Vasiliev writes. All his works are the experiences of an eyewitness, and not fiction of a science fiction writer.

The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet…” tells about the distant events of 1942. German saboteurs are thrown into the location of the anti-aircraft machine-gun battery, commanded by foreman Vaskov, and he has only young girls under his command. Assuming that there are not very many Germans, Vaskov decides to destroy the invaders with the help of five of his "warriors". And he really does his job. But Vaskov paid too high a price (preferably without a surname: the author does not have an emphasis on Vaskov’s personal fault, the hero himself strictly judges himself. - Approx. Aut.) for the victorious outcome of the battle.

The girls did not really respect their foreman: “a mossy stump, twenty words in reserve, and even those from the charters.” The danger brought all six together, revealed the best human qualities of the foreman, who was ready to sacrifice his life to save the girls. The foreman is a real fighter, because he went through the whole Finnish. Probably, it was thanks to such Vaskovs that a great victory in the war was won.

One of my favorite heroines in this story was Rita Osyanina. At all hard fate developed in this fragile, young girl. Sergeant Osyanina was the assistant foreman in the group. Vaskov immediately singled her out among the rest in the group: "strict, never laughs." Rita is the last in the group to die, and she leaves this world, realizing that no one can accuse her of cowardice. How clearly the condition of the girl in these last moments appears to me. How good it is to breathe... To catch the last seconds of this greatest, most wonderful joy, to inhale this tart, invigorating air! How you want, how you want to live!.. Another hour, another minute! One more second!!! But everything is decided. Everything that is necessary and possible has been done. Rita entrusts her own child to the foreman, as to the dearest person.

The red-haired beauty Komelkova saves the group three times. First time in the scene at the canal. In the second, helping the foreman, whom the German had already almost defeated. In the third, she takes the fire upon herself, leading the Nazis away from the wounded Osyanina. The author admires the girl: “Tall, red-haired, white-skinned. And the children's eyes are green, round, like saucers. The writer makes the reader feel the importance and depth of Zhenya's feat. I don't know why, but it was her fate that struck me. Even at the very beginning of the war, the Germans shot Zhenya's entire family, not sparing even his younger brother. But, despite this, the girl did not harden her soul, did not become rude and cruel. And this wonderful girl dies, but dies undefeated, performing a feat for the sake of others. I think that death has no power over such people.

Liza Brichkina is of particular sympathy for the reader (and foreman Vaskov himself). Lisa was born in a small house, in the wilderness. The forester's daughter, Lisa early childhood fell in love with Russian nature. Dreamy Lisa. “Oh, Lisa-Lizaveta, you should study!” But no, the war prevented! Do not find your happiness, do not write lectures to you: I did not have time to see everything that I dreamed about! Lisa Brichkina dies, wanting to quickly cross the swamp and call for help. Dies with the thought of his tomorrow...

Little and unobtrusive Galya Chetvertak ... Never matured, funny and awkwardly childish girl. And her death was as small as herself.

impressionable Sonya Gurvich, a lover of Blok's poetry, also dies, returning for the pouch left by the foreman. The behavior of each of the five girls is a feat, because they are completely unsuited to military conditions. And even "non-heroic" deaths, for all their seeming accident, are associated with self-sacrifice.

And the foreman Vaskov remains. Alone in the midst of pain, torment, one with death. Is it alone? Five times more now he has strength. And what was best in him, human, but hidden in the soul, everything is suddenly revealed. The death of five girls, his "sisters", leaves a deep wound in the soul of the foreman. Indeed, in each he sees a future mother who could have children, grandchildren, and now “there will be no this thread! A small thread in the endless yarn of humanity!

The war did not bypass Russian women, the Nazis forced to fight mothers, present and future, in which the very nature of hatred for the murder. These girls, completely different in character, had one feeling that united them: they loved their Motherland, they were ready for self-sacrifice. They became soldiers. It's scary to imagine cute, very young girls with machine guns on their shoulders. They sacrificed their youth, their happiness for the sake of our future, our joy and youth. We won't forget them. For human pain cannot be forgotten. You can’t throw memories of her into the farthest, dustiest corner of memory and never get them out of there. This must be remembered. Remember to avoid repetition.

To forget the pain of the Great Patriotic War is not only impossible, but also impossible. More than a dozen years about this terrible tragedy of the people and about this great feat Russian man we will be reminded of the dry numbers of soulless statistics. And for a long, long time, even if all the archives burn, we will be reminded of this tragedy works of art. And many generations, reading the books of B. Vasiliev, Y. Bondarev, K. Simonov, M. Sholokhov, V. Nekrasov, V. Panova and other authors, will remember the heroic struggle of the Russian people in this war, will feel pain for the broken strings human destinies and childbirth.

Except overall assessment the quality of the essay in accordance with universal criteria, the reviewers were asked to choose a more acceptable, stylistically correct version of sentences, phrases, phrases marked by the teacher in advance. Here they are underlined.

Searched here:

  • essay on the feat of a soldier in the great patriotic war
  • essay on the topic of the feat of man in the war
  • feat of man in war essay
  • Self-sacrifice is not always associated with a risk to life.
  • To commit heroic deeds of a person is motivated by love for the Motherland.
  • A person is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves.
  • To save a child, it is sometimes not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing that a person has - own life
  • Only moral person able to perform heroic deeds
  • Readiness for self-sacrifice does not depend on the level of income and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in deeds, but also in the ability to be true to one's word even in the most difficult life situations.
  • People are ready for self-sacrifice even in the name of saving a stranger


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic deed. This confirms the example from this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave. He - real man who does not put his financial situation in the first place. Not sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic deed. You can also refer to the image of Captain Tushin. At first, he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots. But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, having no cover, sparing no effort. And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.

I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home. He was prompted to do this by the requests of a sick child to bring red bast shoes. The hero decided that “it is necessary to mine”, because “the soul desires”. He wanted to buy bast shoes and paint them magenta. By nightfall, Nefed had not returned, and in the morning the peasants brought his dead body. In his bosom they found a vial of fuchsin and brand new bast shoes. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he was putting himself in danger, he decided to act for the good of the child.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" Love for Marya Mironova, captain's daughter, more than once prompted Peter Grinev to endanger his life. He went to Pugachev captured Belogorsk fortress to wrest the girl from Shvabrin's hands. Pyotr Grinev understood what he was doing: at any moment Pugachev's people could catch him, he could be killed by enemies. But nothing stopped the hero, he was ready to save Marya Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. Readiness for self-sacrifice also manifested itself when Grinev was under investigation. He did not talk about Marya Mironova, whose love led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make the girl involved in the investigation, although this would allow him to justify himself. Pyotr Grinev, by his actions, showed that he was ready to endure anything for the happiness of a person dear to him.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fact that Sonya Marmeladova went on a “yellow ticket” is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided on this herself, consciously, in order to feed her family: her father, a drunkard, her stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty her “profession” is, Sonya Marmeladova is worthy of respect. Throughout the work, she proved her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". If Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, turned out to be a traitor, then Ostap, the eldest son, showed himself as strong personality, a real warrior. He did not betray his father and Motherland, he fought to the last. Ostap was executed in front of his father. But no matter how hard, painful and scary he was, during the execution he did not make a sound. Ostap is a true hero who gave his life for his Motherland.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailovna, an ordinary teacher, was capable of self-sacrifice French. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he was playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna was in no hurry to tell the director about this. She found out that the boy was playing because he did not have enough money for food. Lidia Mikhailovna began to study French with a student, which was not given to him, at home, and then offered to play “zamyashki” with her for money. The teacher knew that this should not be done, but the desire to help the child was more important to her. When the director found out about everything, Lidia Mikhailovna was fired. Her seemingly wrong act turned out to be noble. The teacher sacrificed her reputation to help the boy.

N.D. Teleshov "Home". Semka, so eager to return to his native land, met an unfamiliar grandfather along the way. They walked together. On the way, the boy fell ill. The unknown person took him to the city, although he knew that he was not allowed to appear there: the grandfather had escaped from hard labor for the third time. Grandpa was caught in the city. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important to him. Grandfather sacrificed his quiet life for the sake of a future stranger.

A. Platonov "Sand teacher". From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkina helped to make a real green oasis. She devoted herself to work. But the nomads passed - not a trace remained of the green spaces. Maria Nikiforovna left for the district with a report, where she was offered to transfer to work in Safuta in order to teach the culture of the sands to the nomads who were moving to settled life. She agreed, which showed her readiness for self-sacrifice. Maria Naryshkina decided to devote herself to a good cause, not thinking about her family or the future, but helping people in their difficult struggle with the sands.

M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". For the sake of the Master, Margarita was ready for anything. She made a deal with the devil, was the queen at the ball with Satan. And all in order to see the Master. True love forced the heroine to make self-sacrifice, to pass all the trials prepared for her by fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The protagonist of the work is a simple Russian guy who honestly and selflessly fulfills his soldier's duty. His crossing the river was a real heroic deed. Vasily Terkin was not afraid of the cold: he knew that he needed to convey the lieutenant's request. What the hero has done seems impossible, unbelievable. This is a feat of a simple Russian soldier.

Good day, dear friends. In this article, we offer an essay on the topic "".

The following arguments will be used:
- M. Gorky, "Old Woman Izergil"
- E. Asadov, "Inconspicuous Heroes"

A person who has a set of such qualities as courage, courage, nobility and determination can be considered a real hero if he is able to sacrifice himself for the sake of another person, an entire people or a noble idea. There are many historical examples when people strong in body and spirit committed immortal deeds. But there is a place for heroism in our time. It is in the nobility of nature, in maintaining honor and dignity under any circumstances, in fidelity to one's convictions and principles. People who do not stoop to betrayal and betrayal, even in a dangerous situation, can be considered real heroes.

In Maxim Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" main character Izergil tells the legend of the incredibly brave young man Danko. His tribe was driven into the depths of an impenetrable forest by conquerors, which doomed them to death. Swamps and a terrible stench forced people to surrender to their enemies, but Danko stopped him and did not allow this.

He led them through dense vegetation, although the path was too difficult. Every day people became weaker and weaker, and the storm finished off everyone completely. The tribesmen took up arms against Danko, decided to kill him. However, Danko's heart burned with determination to save his people. He tore open his chest, pulled out his heart, lifted it high and led the people through the forest. Like a torch, the heart of a brave young man lit the way. Suddenly the trees ran out, the forest was left behind, and a wide steppe appeared before the people. People began to rejoice and have fun, and the hero who saved everyone fell down dead. No one noticed this, the feat of the hero remained in the shadows.

The poem "Inconspicuous Heroes" Eduard Asadov begins with the topic of generational difference, which is key in many disputes in society. Heroism is considered a phenomenon of the last century, which modern youth is not capable of. The poet mentions the war and the feats that were performed on its field. In peacetime, there is no prospect of showing oneself, because all kinds of disasters do not always happen. The author is very happy about this, although he likes the desire of people to do worthy deeds. It seems absurd to him to argue about differences between generations, because the significance of both is equal.

Asadov claims that people with a strong character have not disappeared, and feats are being performed to this day. He cites the example of a fight between a drunken armed company and a courageous guy who opposed them. The poet compares such an unequal fight with a military attack, and a lonely young guy with a soldier whose courage he is not inferior to.

Eduard Arkadyevich says that there are many types of heroism, one of which is the readiness to commit a noble deed. He then cites an excerpt from the letter. The poet's reader Slava Komarovsky offers help: he wants to sacrifice his eyesight for the sake of Eduard Asadov.

The famous poet knows firsthand what war and heroism are. He left to fight as a volunteer, but the battle in 1944 became fatal for the writer. When his battery was completely destroyed, Eduard Arkadyevich drove by car to the neighboring unit through the shelled area to deliver a supply of ammunition. This desperate bold act cost the writer his sight. A shell exploded next to the car and mortally wounded young hero, but he still managed to bring supplies. Having changed many hospitals, the writer managed to win the battle with death, but the light was still taken away from him.

In the letter, nineteen-year-old Slava Komarovsky admires the writer's works and wants to restore his sight at the cost of his sacrifice. He claims that he will be happy if he returns the light to the poet again. The young man does not want to hear a refusal to his proposal, because if Eduard Asadov agrees, he will bring many masterpieces to the world. The mood of the guy causes infinite respect, his decision is balanced and final. “Write. I'll be right there like a soldier."

At the end of the letter, we learn that it is not the only one: other readers write to Eduard with the same proposal. Despite the fact that the poet will never agree to their proposals, he is overwhelmed with feelings, pride in a worthy generation and their noble motives.

Summing up, it is worth saying that the concept of heroism is much broader than we used to think. The places of its manifestation are not only war or natural disasters, sometimes heroes live among us. Making noble deeds, they are modestly silent in the shadows. The qualities that such people possess are noble and unchanging, which every person should strive for.

Today we talked about The problem of heroism: the composition of the exam». This option you can use to prepare for the unified state exam.

War is the hardest hard time for the whole people. These are experiences, fear, mental and physical pain. The most difficult thing at this time is for the participants in the war, hostilities. It is they who protect the people, risking their own lives.

What is war? How to overcome fear during combat operations? These and other questions are raised by Viktor Alexandrovich Kurochkin in his text. However, the author considers the problem of manifestation of heroism in war in more detail.

To draw the attention of readers to the problem posed, the writer talks about heroic deed Maleshkin's sleigh at war. The hero, in order to help the tank driver overcome his fear, ran in front of the self-propelled gun, not even thinking that he could be killed so easily and so simply.

He knew that the order to drive the Nazis out of the village must be carried out, no matter what. The author also draws our attention to the fact that Sanya did not give out his driver and, when asked why he ran in front of the tank, he answered: “He was very cold, so he ran to warm himself.” It is in the performance of courageous and risky deeds that true heroism lies. After all, it was no coincidence that Maleshkin was introduced to the title of Hero.

V.A. Kurochkin believes that a true hero is a person who will defend his homeland, his people and comrades, no matter what. And even the danger and risk of his own life will not prevent him from fulfilling his duty.

Arguing over the problem posed, I remembered the work of M. A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”. His main character faced in the war not only with physical, but also with moral difficulties. He lost his entire family, the closest people. However, this man, like a real Russian hero, found the strength to continue to defend his homeland, his people. Along with the heroic, Andrey Sokolov commits moral feat: adopts a child who lost his parents in the war. This man is an example of a real hero who is unable to break the war and its terrible consequences.

A person who loves his homeland will never betray it. Even if it entails dire consequences. Recall the work of V. Bykov "Sotnikov". Its main character, along with a friend, was sent to search for food for the detachment. However, they were captured by the Fascist police. Sotnikov endured all the torture and torment, but did not give out information to the enemies. However, his friend Rybak not only told everything, but also agreed to go to serve the Nazis, in order to save his life, he personally killed a comrade. Sotnikov turned out to be a true patriot, a man incapable of betraying his homeland even in the face of death. Such a person can be called a true hero.

Thus, only the person who will fight for the homeland, risking his life and being in danger, can show real heroism. And no obstacles can stand in the way of a true hero.
