The fairy tale story of the storyteller Charles Perrault. Biography of Charles Perrault Early experiences of Charles Perrault

Today we celebrate the birthday of Charles Perrault. The famous French storyteller was born on January 12, 1628 in a highly respected family. His father, a judge of the Paris Parliament, Pierre Perrault did everything to bring his numerous offspring into the people. And, I must say, very successful. So, one of Charles's older brothers, Nicolas, became a theologian. And the other - Claude Perrault - a famous architect. He built several churches, the Paris Observatory, and the colonnade on the east facade of the Louvre bears his name. But Claude's birthday is still not with Claude, but with his brother, so let's get back to him. But we warn you right away: least of all, Charles Perrault looks like a cozy old man who sits by the fireplace in a rocking chair, surrounded by a crowd of kids and tells them good tales ...

So, did you know that…

... Charles Perrault had a twin brother?
Actually, mom and dad hoped that they would have a long-awaited beautiful daughter. And the boys were born. Again! Yes, and two at once! The father named the twins Charles and Francois - in honor of the famous French kings Charlemagne and Francis I (I really want to talk about Their Majesties in more detail, but it turns out that we are digressing again - the birthday boy will not like it!). But, alas, Francois was released in this world for only six months.

...Charles Perrault was a "difficult" teenager?
As a child, the boy was closed and unsociable. Perhaps the reason for this was the loss of a brother. It is well known how strong are the invisible threads that bind the twins. So serious mental trauma is not ruled out. He was eight years old when his father sent him to Beauvais University College. Nothing good came of it. The teachers considered Charles, to put it mildly, stupid. Classmates did not want to be friends with him, however, they were afraid to bully him: the older brothers Perrault studied here. One fine day, Charles stood up for his friend - a funny and clumsy boy, whom everyone around mercilessly hounded. Yes, he did not just intercede, but put the offenders to flight, biting and scratching their faces. From that moment on, the boy seemed to have been replaced. He began to respond in class (it turned out that his Latin was practically flawless) and argued furiously with teachers with or without reason. And when tired teachers forbade him to speak out, he took and left school. I sat down at home, began to read books, a little later I bought a lawyer's license, but quickly gave up the practice of law, and then repeated at all corners that I would dream of lighting a fire and throwing all the legal cases of the world into it.

... did King Louis XIV listen to Charles Perrault?
From the outside, it may seem that Charles Perrault led " double life". He was an official, engaged in the affairs of his brother, the architect Claude, served as a tax collector. His patron was the all-powerful finance minister Nicolas Fouquet. Moreover, when Fouquet was accused of conspiracy and sentenced to life imprisonment (look for romanticized details from Alexandre Dumas in the novel "Vicomte de Brazhelon"), his favorite Perrault stayed at court. Moreover, he became the first secretary of the new finance minister, Jean Colbert. Further more. Perrault (either a lucky man, or a high-class intriguer, and perhaps both at the same time) is in charge of royal construction, and palace tapestry workshops are under his command. He is the secretary of the Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres, later a member of the French Academy, and also comes up with mottos and slogans for triumphal arches, glorifying Louis XIV. The king loves praise, and therefore appreciates and listens to those whose flattery is refined and unbanal. So, for example, it was thanks to Perrault's advice that 39 fountains appeared in the gardens of Versailles on the plots of Aesop's fables. Royal favors amuse not only Perrault's pride, but also his pocket: he got personal apartments in the Louvre and Versailles, eight houses in Paris and the Rozier castle.
But all the time, free from affairs and intrigues of national importance, Perrault gives to creativity. He writes poems, poems, dedicating them either to the king or to the queen.

...Charles Perrault was the first futurist?
Do you remember that our birthday boy is still school years liked to speak radically and publicly? The pinnacle of this passion was his participation in the historical dispute about the "ancient and new." Unlike his opponent Nicolas Boileau, who believed that only ancient authors were true creators - “heroes are not you,” Perrault defended his contemporaries in every possible way. In his opinion, the art of the Great Age had to develop according to its own laws, "thrown off the ship of modernity" Greek and Roman idols. Boileau only clutched at his heart, listening to Perrault talk about the advantages of prose over poetry, the novel over epic and opera over tragedy.

... the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, perhaps, were not written by Charles Perrault?
Yes, yes, researchers are still not sure who they really belong to magic stories, published in 1697 in the collection "Tales of the mother goose, or Stories and tales of bygone times with teachings." Some say that "Sleeping Beauty", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Bluebeard", "Puss in Boots", "Cinderella" and "Thumb Boy" were collected and recorded by the son of Charles Perrault Pierre, and his father only edited these retellings old stories and added morality to them in verse. Others argue that Pierre has nothing to do with it. Charles heard these stories from the boy's nurse, but, being a serious statesman, he decided not to sign such a frivolous book and took his son's name as a pseudonym. But whatever it was in reality, the success was resounding. Every day, up to 50 books with Perrault's fairy tales were sold in the Parisian shop of Claude Barben. During the year, the publisher reprinted the circulation three times. About the influence of Perrault's fairy tales, erected by him in " high genre”, have had on the development of world art, perhaps, you can not say? The brothers Grimm and Andersen in literature, Rossini, Tchaikovsky, Bartok and Prokofiev in music - all of them, in one way or another, were helped by the famous Frenchman. Not to mention the Walt Disney Studios, which Perrault feeds to this day.

... was Ivan Turgenev translated Charles Perrault into Russian?
It is no secret that the fairy tales of Charles Perrault exist in two versions - for children and adults. Everything is clear with the children: Cinderella forgives the evil sisters, the woodcutters save Grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood, and the Sleeping Beauty opens her eyes when the prince goes down on one knee in front of her. In adult stories, everything is much more interesting and scary: solid sex, blood and horror! Not without reason, in the 20th century, psychoanalysts began to study adult editions with a magnifying glass and a pencil, looking for symbols there that the author himself had no idea about!
But, again, this is a common place. But few people know that Charles Perrault was translated into Russian by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Yes, he translated little, and also critical articles wrote about him, noting that "despite their somewhat scrupulous old French grace, Perrault's tales deserve place of honor in children's literature," because "they are cheerful, entertaining, unconstrained, not burdened with either excessive morality or the author's claim; they still feel the spirit of folk poetry, which once created them; they contain precisely that mixture of the incomprehensibly marvelous and the mundanely simple, the sublime and the amusing, which constitutes hallmark true fairy tale."

P.S. Before you go to celebrate the birthday of Charles Perrault, re-read his fairy tales (children's or adults - it's up to whom you like), eating them with profiteroles (the most French sweet), we still can't resist and say a few words about King Charlemagne, in honor of which our birthday boy was named. He was an outstanding commander and a great fighter who spent his whole life with a sword in his hand, fought with the Saxons and Vikings, with the ancient Slavs and nomadic Avars, created the mighty Frankish state and was awarded the title of Emperor of the West. He had six wives and twenty children. And, of course, many books have been written about him - both scientific and artistic. This is a monument of French literature "The Song of Roland", and the adventure trilogy "Saxon" by the scientist and traveler Tim Severin, and the biography of Anatoly Lewandowski "Charlemagne", published in the series "ZhZL". With such a heavenly patron, it’s a sin not to stay forever!

  • Russian folk tales Russian folk tales The world of fairy tales is amazing. Is it possible to imagine our life without fairy tales? A fairy tale is not just entertainment. She tells us about the extremely important things in life, teaches us to be kind and fair, to protect the weak, to resist evil, to despise the cunning and flatterers. The fairy tale teaches to be faithful, honest, makes fun of our vices: boasting, greed, hypocrisy, laziness. For centuries, fairy tales have been passed down orally. One person came up with a fairy tale, told another, that person added something from himself, retold it to a third, and so on. Each time the story got better and better. It turns out that the fairy tale was invented not by one person, but by many. different people, people, that's why they began to call it - “folk”. Fairy tales originated in ancient times. They were the stories of hunters, trappers and fishermen. In fairy tales - animals, trees and herbs talk like people. And in a fairy tale, everything is possible. If you want to become young, eat rejuvenating apples. It is necessary to revive the princess - sprinkle her first with dead, and then with living water ... The fairy tale teaches us to distinguish good from bad, good from evil, ingenuity from stupidity. A fairy tale teaches not to despair in difficult moments and always overcome difficulties. The tale teaches how important it is for every person to have friends. And the fact that if you do not leave a friend in trouble, then he will help you ...
  • Tales of Aksakov Sergei Timofeevich Tales of Aksakov S.T. Sergey Aksakov wrote very few fairy tales, but it was this author who wrote a wonderful fairy tale " The Scarlet Flower and we immediately understand what talent this man had. Aksakov himself told how in childhood he fell ill and the housekeeper Pelageya was invited to him, who composed different stories and fairy tales. The boy liked the story about the Scarlet Flower so much that when he grew up, he wrote down the story of the housekeeper from memory, and as soon as it was published, the tale became a favorite among many boys and girls. This tale was first published in 1858, and then many cartoons were made based on this tale.
  • Tales of the Brothers Grimm Tales of the Brothers Grimm Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are the greatest German storytellers. The brothers published their first collection of fairy tales in 1812 in German. This collection includes 49 fairy tales. The Grimm brothers began recording fairy tales regularly in 1807. Fairy tales immediately gained immense popularity among the population. The wonderful fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, obviously, have been read by each of us. Their interesting and informative stories awaken the imagination, and the simple language of the story is clear even to kids. Fairy tales are for readers different ages. In the collection of the Brothers Grimm there are stories that are understandable for kids, but there are also for older people. collecting and studying folk tales The Grimm brothers were fond of even in their student years. The glory of the great storytellers brought them three collections of "Children's and family tales" (1812, 1815, 1822). Among them " The Bremen Town Musicians”, “Pot of Porridge”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “Bob, Straw and Coal”, “Lady Snowstorm”, - about 200 fairy tales in total.
  • Tales of Valentin Kataev Fairy tales by Valentin Kataev Writer Valentin Kataev lived a long and beautiful life. He left books, by reading which we can learn to live with taste, without missing the interesting that surrounds us every day and every hour. There was a period in Kataev's life, about 10 years, when he wrote wonderful fairy tales for children. The main characters of fairy tales are the family. They show love, friendship, belief in magic, miracles, relationships between parents and children, relationships between children and people they meet on their way, which help them grow up and learn something new. After all, Valentin Petrovich himself was left without a mother very early. Valentin Kataev is the author of fairy tales: “A pipe and a jug” (1940), “A flower - a seven-flower” (1940), “Pearl” (1945), “Stump” (1945), “Dove” (1949).
  • Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Tales of Wilhelm Hauff Hauff Wilhelm (29.11.1802 - 18.11.1827) - German writer, best known as the author of fairy tales for children. Considered a representative of the artistic literary style Biedermeier. Wilhelm Gauf is not so famous and popular world storyteller, but the tales of Gauf must be read to children. In his works, the author, with the subtlety and unobtrusiveness of a real psychologist, put a deep meaning that prompts reflection. Hauff wrote his Märchen for the children of Baron Hegel - fairy tales, they were first published in the Almanac of Tales of January 1826 for the Sons and Daughters of Noble Estates. There were such works by Gauf as "Kalif-Stork", "Little Muk", some others, which immediately gained popularity in German-speaking countries. Focusing at first on Eastern folklore, later he begins to use European legends in fairy tales.
  • Tales of Vladimir Odoevsky Tales of Vladimir Odoevsky In the history of Russian culture, Vladimir Odoevsky entered as a literary and musical critic, prose writer, museum and library worker. He did a lot for Russian children's literature. During his lifetime, he published several books for children's reading: "Town in a snuffbox" (1834-1847), "Tales and stories for children of grandfather Iriney" (1838-1840), "Collection of children's songs of grandfather Iriney" (1847), "Children's book for Sundays" (1849). Creating fairy tales for children, VF Odoevsky often turned to folklore plots. And not only to the Russians. The most popular are two fairy tales by V. F. Odoevsky - “Moroz Ivanovich” and “The Town in a Snuffbox”.
  • Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Tales of Vsevolod Garshin Garshin V.M. - Russian writer, poet, critic. Fame gained after the publication of his first work "4 days". The number of fairy tales written by Garshin is not at all large - only five. And almost all of them are school curriculum. Fairy tales “The Traveling Frog”, “The Tale of the Toad and the Rose”, “That which was not” are known to every child. All Garshin's tales are imbued with deep meaning, the designation of facts without unnecessary metaphors and the all-consuming sadness that passes through each of his tales, each story.
  • Tales of Hans Christian Andersen Tales of Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) - Danish writer, storyteller, poet, playwright, essayist, author of world famous fairy tales for children and adults. Reading Andersen's fairy tales is fascinating at any age, and they give children and adults the freedom to fly dreams and fantasies. In every fairy tale of Hans Christian there are deep thoughts about the meaning of life, human morality, sin and virtues, often not noticeable at first glance. Andersen's most popular fairy tales: The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina, Nightingale, Swineherd, Chamomile, Flint, Wild Swans, Tin Soldier, Princess and the Pea, Ugly Duckling.
  • Tales of Mikhail Plyatskovsky Tales of Mikhail Plyatskovsky Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky - Soviet songwriter, playwright. Even in his student years, he began to compose songs - both poems and melodies. The first professional song "March of Cosmonauts" was written in 1961 with S. Zaslavsky. There is hardly a person who has never heard such lines: "it's better to sing in unison", "friendship begins with a smile." A baby raccoon from a Soviet cartoon and Leopold the cat sing songs based on the verses of the popular songwriter Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky. Plyatskovsky's fairy tales teach children the rules and norms of behavior, simulate familiar situations and introduce them to the world. Some stories not only teach kindness, but also make fun of the bad character traits inherent in children.
  • Tales of Samuil Marshak Tales of Samuil Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (1887 - 1964) - Russian Soviet poet, translator, playwright, literary critic. Known as the author of fairy tales for children, satirical works, as well as "adult", serious lyrics. Among Marshak's dramatic works, fairy tale plays "Twelve Months", "Clever Things", "Cat's House" are especially popular. Marshak's poems and fairy tales begin to be read from the very first days in kindergartens, then they are put on matinees, in the lower grades they are taught by heart.
  • Tales of Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov Tales of Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov Gennady Mikhailovich Tsyferov - Soviet storyteller, screenwriter, playwright. The greatest success of Gennady Mikhailovich brought animation. During the cooperation with the Soyuzmultfilm studio, in collaboration with Genrikh Sapgir, more than twenty-five cartoons were released, including "The Train from Romashkov", "My Green Crocodile", "Like a Frog Looking for Dad", "Losharik", "How to become big" . Cute and good stories Tsyferov are familiar to each of us. The heroes who live in the books of this wonderful children's writer will always come to the aid of each other. His famous fairy tales: “There was an elephant in the world”, “About a chicken, the sun and a bear cub”, “About an eccentric frog”, “About a steamboat”, “A story about a pig”, etc. Collections of fairy tales: “How a frog was looking for dad”, “ Multi-colored giraffe”, “Engine from Romashkovo”, “How to become big and other stories”, “Bear cub diary”.
  • Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Tales of Sergei Mikhalkov Mikhalkov Sergei Vladimirovich (1913 - 2009) - writer, writer, poet, fabulist, playwright, war correspondent during the Great Patriotic War, lyricist of two hymns Soviet Union and anthem Russian Federation. They begin to read Mikhalkov's poems in the kindergarten, choosing "Uncle Styopa" or the equally famous rhyme "What do you have?". The author takes us back to the Soviet past, but over the years his works do not become obsolete, but only acquire charm. Mikhalkov's children's poems have long become classics.
  • Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Tales of Suteev Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev - Russian Soviet children's writer, illustrator and animator. One of the founders Soviet animation. Born in the family of a doctor. The father was a gifted person, his passion for art was passed on to his son. WITH youthful years Vladimir Suteev, as an illustrator, periodically published in the magazines "Pioneer", "Murzilka", "Friendly guys", "Iskorka", in the newspaper " Pioneer Truth". Studied at MVTU im. Bauman. Since 1923 - an illustrator of books for children. Suteev illustrated books by K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, A. Barto, D. Rodari, as well as his own works. The tales that V. G. Suteev composed himself are written laconically. Yes, he does not need verbosity: everything that is not said will be drawn. The artist works as a multiplier, capturing every movement of the character to get a solid, logically clear action and a vivid, memorable image.
  • Tales of Tolstoy Alexei Nikolaevich Tales of Tolstoy Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy A.N. - a Russian writer, an extremely versatile and prolific writer who wrote in all kinds and genres (two collections of poems, more than forty plays, scripts, fairy tales, journalistic and other articles, etc.), primarily a prose writer, a master of fascinating narration. Genres in creativity: prose, short story, story, play, libretto, satire, essay, journalism, historical novel, science fiction, fairy tale, poem. popular tale Tolstoy A. N .: "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio", which is a successful alteration of the Italian fairy tale writer XIX century. Collodi "Pinocchio", entered the golden fund of world children's literature.
  • Tales of Leo Tolstoy Tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy Lev Nikolayevich (1828 - 1910) - one of the greatest Russian writers and thinkers. Thanks to him, not only works that are part of the treasury of world literature appeared, but also a whole religious and moral trend - Tolstoyism. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote many instructive, lively and interesting tales, fables, poems and stories. His pen also includes many small, but beautiful fairy tales for children: Three bears, As Uncle Semyon told about what happened to him in the forest, Lion and a dog, The Tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers, Two brothers, Worker Yemelyan and an empty drum, and many others. Tolstoy was very serious about writing little fairy tales for children, he worked hard on them. Tales and stories of Lev Nikolaevich are still in books for reading in elementary school.
  • Tales of Charles Perrault The Tales of Charles Perrault Charles Perrault (1628-1703) was a French storyteller, critic and poet, and was a member of the French Academy. It is probably impossible to find a person who would not know the tale of Little Red Riding Hood and gray wolf, about a boy from a finger or other equally memorable characters, colorful and so close not only to a child, but also to an adult. But all of them owe their appearance to the wonderful writer Charles Perrault. Each of his fairy tales is folk epic, its writer processed and developed the plot, resulting in such delightful works that are still read today with great admiration.
  • Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales Ukrainian folk tales have much in common in their style and content with Russian folk tales. IN Ukrainian fairy tale much attention is paid to everyday realities. Ukrainian folklore is very vividly described by a folk tale. All traditions, holidays and customs can be seen in the plots of folk tales. How Ukrainians lived, what they had and what they didn’t have, what they dreamed about and how they went towards their goals is just as clearly laid down in the meaning fairy tales. The most popular Ukrainian folk tales: Mitten, Goat Dereza, Pokatigoroshka, Serko, the tale about Ivasik, Kolosok and others.
    • Riddles for children with answers Riddles for children with answers. A large selection of riddles with answers for fun and intellectual activities with children. A riddle is just a quatrain or one sentence containing a question. In riddles, wisdom and the desire to know more, to recognize, to strive for something new are mixed. Therefore, we often encounter them in fairy tales and legends. Riddles can be solved on the way to school, kindergarten, used in various competitions and quizzes. Riddles help the development of your child.
      • Riddles about animals with answers Riddles about animals are very fond of children of different ages. Animal world diverse, so there are many mysteries about domestic and wild animals. Riddles about animals great way introduce children to different animals, birds and insects. Thanks to these riddles, children will remember, for example, that an elephant has a trunk, a bunny has big ears, and a hedgehog has prickly needles. This section presents the most popular children's riddles about animals with answers.
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      • Riddles about food with answers Delicious riddles for children with answers. In order for children to eat this or that food, many parents come up with all kinds of games. We offer you funny riddles about food that will help your child view nutrition in a positive way. Here you will find riddles about vegetables and fruits, about mushrooms and berries, about sweets.
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      • Riddles for kids with answers Riddles for the little ones with answers. In this section, your kids will get acquainted with each letter. With the help of such riddles, children will quickly memorize the alphabet, learn how to correctly add syllables and read words. Also in this section there are riddles about the family, about notes and music, about numbers and school. Funny riddles will distract the baby from a bad mood. Riddles for the little ones are simple, humorous. Children are happy to solve them, remember and develop in the process of playing.
      • Interesting riddles with answers Interesting riddles for children with answers. In this section you will find your favorite fairytale heroes. Riddles about fairy tales with answers help magically turn funny moments into a real show of fairy tale connoisseurs. A funny riddles perfect for April 1st, Maslenitsa and other holidays. Riddles of snag will be appreciated not only by children, but also by parents. The ending of the riddle can be unexpected and ridiculous. Riddles tricks improve mood and broaden the horizons of children. Also in this section there are riddles for children's parties. Your guests will definitely not be bored!
  • (1628 - 1703) remains one of the world's most popular storytellers. "Puss in Boots", "Thumb Boy", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella" and other works of the author, included in the collection "Tales of Mother Goose", are well known to all of us since childhood. But few people know real story these works.

    We have collected 5 interesting facts about them.

    Fact #1

    There are two editions of fairy tales: "children's" and "author's". If the first parents read to babies at night, then the second amazes even adults with its cruelty. So, no one comes to the rescue of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, the prince's mother in Sleeping Beauty turns out to be a cannibal and orders the butler to kill her grandchildren, and the Boy with a Thumb tricks the Ogre to cut his daughters. If you have not read the author's version of fairy tales, then it is never too late to catch up. Believe me, it's worth it.

    "Tom Thumb". Engraving by Gustave Doré

    Fact #2

    Not all "Tales of Mother Goose" were written by Charles Perrault. Only three stories from this collection are entirely his own - "Griselda", "Funny Desires" and "Donkey Skin" ("Donkey Skin"). The rest were composed by his son, Pierre. The father edited the texts, supplemented them with morals and helped to publish them. Until 1724, the tales of father and son were printed separately, but later the publishers combined them into one volume and attributed the authorship of all the stories to Perrault Sr.

    Fact #3

    Bluebeard had a real historical prototype. They became Gilles de Rais, a talented military leader and associate of Joan of Arc, who was executed in 1440 for practicing witchcraft and killing 34 children. Historians still argue that it was a political process or another episode of the "witch hunt". But everyone unanimously agrees on one thing - Ryo did not commit these crimes. Firstly, not a single material evidence of his guilt could be found. Secondly, contemporaries spoke of him exclusively as an honest, kind and very decent person. However, the Holy Inquisition did everything possible to make people remember him as a bloodthirsty maniac. No one knows exactly when the popular rumor turned Gilles de Ré from a murderer of children into a murderer of wives. But they began to call him Bluebeard long before the publication of Perrault's tales.

    "Blue Beard". Engraving by Gustave Doré

    Fact #4

    The plots of Perrault's tales are not original. Stories of Sleeping Beauty, Thumbnail, Cinderella, Rick with a tuft and other characters are found both in European folklore and in literary works predecessors. First of all, in the books of Italian writers: The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, Pleasant Nights by Giovanfrancesco Straparola and Tale of Tales (Pentameron) by Giambattista Basile. It was these three collections that had the greatest influence on the famous Tales of Mother Goose.

    Fact #5

    Perrault called the book "The Tales of Mother Goose" to annoy Nicolas Boileau. Mother Goose herself - the character of French folklore, the "queen with a goose foot" - is not in the collection. But the use of her name in the title became a kind of challenge to the literary opponents of the writer - Nicolas Boileau and other classicists, who believed that children should be brought up on high antique samples, and not on folk tales, which they considered unnecessary and even harmful to the younger generation. Thus, the publication of this book became important event as part of the famous "dispute about the ancient and the new".

    "Puss in Boots". Engraving by Gustave Doré

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    Presentation on the topic: Charles Perrault - nobleman, writer, storyteller

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    The life of the famous storyteller Charles Perrault was born in 1628. The boy's family was concerned about the education of their children, and at the age of eight, Charles was sent to college. As historian Philippe Aries notes, school biography Perrault is a biography of a typical excellent student. During the training, neither he nor his brothers were ever beaten with rods - an exceptional case at that time. After college, Charles took private law lessons for three years and eventually received a law degree. At twenty-three, he returns to Paris and begins his career as a lawyer. Literary activity Perrault comes at a time when a fashion for fairy tales appears in high society. Reading and listening to fairy tales is becoming one of the common hobbies of secular society, comparable only to the reading of detective stories by our contemporaries. Some prefer to listen to philosophical tales, others pay tribute to the old tales, which have come down in the retelling of grandmothers and nannies. Writers, trying to satisfy these requests, write down fairy tales, processing the plots familiar to them from childhood, and the oral fairy tale tradition gradually begins to turn into a written one. However, Perrault did not dare to publish the tales under his own name, and the book he published contained the name of his eighteen-year-old son, P. Darmancourt. He was afraid that with all the love for "fabulous" entertainment, writing fairy tales would be perceived as a frivolous occupation, casting a shadow on the authority of a serious writer with its frivolity.

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    Perrault's fairy tales are based on famous folk story, which he presented with his usual talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" the language. Most of all, these fairy tales were suitable for children. And it is Perrault that can be considered the founder of children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

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    Creativity Charles Perrault wrote poetry: odes, poems, very numerous, solemn and long. Now few people remember them. But later he became especially famous as the head of the "new" party during the sensational dispute of the "ancient" and "new" in its time. The essence of this dispute was this. In the 17th century, the opinion still reigned that the ancient writers, poets and scientists created the most perfect, most the best works. The "new", that is, Perrault's contemporaries, can only imitate the ancients, all the same they are not able to create anything better. The main thing for a poet, playwright, scientist is the desire to be like the ancients. Perrault's main opponent, the poet Nicolas Boileau, even wrote a treatise " poetic art", in which he established "laws" on how to write each work, so that everything was exactly like the ancient writers. It was against this that the desperate debater Charles Perrault began to object.

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    To prove that his contemporaries are no worse, Perrault released a huge volume " Famous people France XVII century", here he collected more than a hundred biographies of famous scientists, poets, historians, surgeons, artists. He wanted people not to sigh - oh, the golden times of antiquity had passed - but, on the contrary, be proud of their age, their contemporaries. So Perrault would have remained in history only as the head of the "new" party, but ... But then the year 1696 came, and the tale "Sleeping Beauty" appeared without a signature in the magazine "Gallant Mercury". And the next year in Paris and at the same time in The Hague, the capital of Holland, "The Tales of Mother Goose" was published. The book was small, with simple pictures. And suddenly - an incredible success! Tales Charles Perrault, of course, did not invent himself, he remembered some from childhood, learned others during his life, because when he sat down for fairy tales ", he was already 65 years old. But he not only wrote them down, but he himself turned out to be an excellent storyteller. Like a real storyteller, he made them terribly modern. If you want to know what fashion was in 1697, read Cinderella: sisters going to the ball dressed in the latest fashion. And the palace where Sleeping Beauty fell asleep. - according to the description exactly Versailles! The language is the same - all people in fairy tales speak the way they would speak in life: the woodcutter and his wife, the parents of the Boy with a finger speak as simple people, and princesses, as befits princesses. Remember, Sleeping Beauty exclaims when she sees the prince who woke her up: "Oh, it's you, prince? You kept yourself waiting!"

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    In Russian, Perrault's fairy tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morals", and they were titled like this: "The Tale of a Girl with a Little Red Riding Hood", "The Tale of a Man with a Blue Beard", "Fairy Tale about the father cat in spurs and boots", "The Tale of the Beauty Sleeping in the Forest" and so on. Then new translations appeared, they came out in 1805 and 1825. Soon Russian children, as well as their peers in others. countries, learned about the adventures of the Boy with a finger, Cinderella and Puss in Boots. And now there is no person in our country who would not have heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

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    Author of the first children's book Do you know who wrote the very first children's book? Famous writer and storyteller Charles Perrault. Yes, yes! After all, before him, no one had ever written specifically for children! It all started in 1696, when the tale "Sleeping Beauty" appeared in the magazine "Gallant Mercury". Readers liked it so much that in next year its author decided to write a whole book called “The Tales of My Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Bygone Times with Teachings.” This author was Charles Perrault. He was then 68 years old. He was famous writer, academician and member of the French Academy, and also a royal official. Therefore, beingware of ridicule, Charles Perrault did not dare to put his name on the collection, and the book was published under the name of his son Pierre. But it so happened that it was this book, to which the author was embarrassed to give his name, and brought him worldwide fame.

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    Tales of Charles Perrault Perrault's great merit is that he chose several stories from the mass of folk tales and fixed their plot, which has not yet become final. He gave them a tone, a climate, a style characteristic of the 17th century, and yet very personal. Among the storytellers who "legalized" the fairy tale in serious literature, the very first and honorable place is given to French writer Charles Perrault. Few of our contemporaries know that Perrault was a venerable poet of his time, an academician of the French Academy, the author of famous scientific papers. But world-wide fame and recognition from his descendants were brought to him not by his thick, serious books, but by beautiful fairy tales.

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    Notable works 1. The Walls of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque" 1653 parodic poem - the first work2. "The Age of Louis the Great", 1687 poem3. “Tales of my mother Goose, or Stories and tales of bygone times with teachings” 1697 4. “Sorceresses” 5. “Cinderella” 6. “Puss in Boots”7. "Little Red Riding Hood" - folk tale8. "Thumb boy" - folk tale9. "Donkey skin" 10. "Sleeping Beauty" 11. "Riquet-tuft" 12. "Bluebeard".

    As well as beautiful fairy tales, and. For more than three hundred years, all the children of the world love and know these fairy tales.

    Tales of Charles Perrault

    View complete list fairy tales

    Biography of Charles Perrault

    Charles Perrault- a famous French storyteller, poet and critic of the era of classicism, a member of the French Academy since 1671, now known mainly as an author " Tales of Mother Goose».

    Name Charles Perrault- one of the most popular names of storytellers in Russia, along with the names of Andersen, the Brothers Grimm, Hoffmann. The marvelous fairy tales of Perrault from the collection of fairy tales of Mother Goose: "Cinderella", "Sleeping Beauty", "Puss in Boots", "Boy with a Thumb", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Blue Beard" are famous in Russian music, ballets, films, theater performances , in painting and drawing dozens and hundreds of times.

    Charles Perrault born January 12, 1628 in Paris, in a wealthy family of the judge of the Paris Parliament, Pierre Perrault, and was the youngest of his seven children (the twin brother Francois was born with him, who died after 6 months). Of his brothers, Claude Perrault was a famous architect, the author of the east facade of the Louvre (1665-1680).

    The boy's family was concerned about the education of their children, and at the age of eight, Charles was sent to Beauvais College. As historian Philippe Aries notes, the school biography of Charles Perrault is the biography of a typical excellent student. During the training, neither he nor his brothers were ever beaten with rods - an exceptional case at that time. Charles Perrault dropped out of college before finishing his studies.

    After college Charles Perrault takes private law lessons for three years and eventually earns a law degree. He bought a lawyer's license, but soon left this position and went as a clerk to his brother, the architect Claude Perrault.

    He enjoyed the confidence of Jean Colbert, in the 1660s he largely determined the policy of the court of Louis XIV in the field of arts. Thanks to Colbert, Charles Perrault in 1663 was appointed secretary of the newly formed Academy of inscriptions and belles-lettres. Perrault was also the general controller of the surintendentship of the royal buildings. After the death of his patron (1683), he fell into disfavor and lost the pension paid to him as a writer, and in 1695 lost his position as secretary.

    1653 - first work Charles Perrault- a parody poem "The Wall of Troy, or the Origin of Burlesque" (Les murs de Troue ou l'Origine du burlesque).

    1687 - Charles Perrault reads his didactic poem "The Age of Louis the Great" (Le Siecle de Louis le Grand) at the French Academy, which marked the beginning of a long-term "dispute about the ancient and the new", in which Nicolas Boileau becomes Perrault's most violent opponent. Perrault opposes imitation and long-established worship of antiquity, arguing that the contemporaries, the "new", surpassed the "ancients" in literature and in the sciences, and that this is proved literary history France and recent scientific discoveries.

    1691 – Charles Perrault for the first time in the genre fairy tales and writes "Griselda" (Griselde). This is a poetic adaptation of Boccaccio's short story, which completes the Decameron (the 10th novella of the 10th day). In it, Perrault does not break with the principle of plausibility, there is no magical fantasy here yet, just as there is no national flavor. folklore tradition. The tale has a salon-aristocratic character.

    1694 - the satire "Apology of Women" (Apologie des femmes) and a poetic story in the form of medieval fablios "Amusing Desires". At the same time, the fairy tale "Donkey Skin" (Peau d'ane) was written. It is still written in verse, in the spirit of poetic short stories, but its plot is already taken from a folk tale, which was then widespread in France. Although there is nothing fantastic in the fairy tale, fairies appear in it, which violates the classic principle of plausibility.

    1695 - issuing his fairy tales, Charles Perrault in the preface he writes that his tales are higher than the ancient ones, because, unlike the latter, they contain moral instructions.

    1696 - The magazine "Gallant Mercury" anonymously published the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty", for the first time fully embodying the features of a new type of fairy tale. It is written in prose, accompanied by a verse moralizing. The prose part can be addressed to children, the poetic part - only to adults, and the moral lessons are not devoid of playfulness and irony. In the fairy tale, fantasy turns from a secondary element into a leading one, which is already noted in the title (La Bella au bois dormant, the exact translation is “Beauty in the Sleeping Forest”).

    Perrault's literary activity comes at a time when a fashion for fairy tales appears in high society. Reading and listening to fairy tales is becoming one of the common hobbies of secular society, comparable only to the reading of detective stories by our contemporaries. Some prefer to listen to philosophical tales, others pay tribute to the old tales, which have come down in the retelling of grandmothers and nannies. Writers, trying to satisfy these requests, write down fairy tales, processing the plots familiar to them from childhood, and the oral fairy tale tradition gradually begins to turn into a written one.

    1697 - a collection of fairy tales " Mother Goose Tales, or Stories and tales of bygone times with moral teachings ”(Contes de ma mere Oye, ou Histores et contesdu temps passe avec des moralites). The collection contained 9 fairy tales, which were a literary processing of folk tales (it is believed that they heard from the nurse of Perrault's son) - except for one ("Riquet-tuft"), composed by Charles Perrault himself. This book widely glorified Perrault beyond literary circle. Actually Charles Perrault introduced folk tale into the system of genres of "high" literature.

    However, Perrault did not dare to publish the tales under his own name, and the book he published contained the name of his eighteen-year-old son, P. Darmancourt. He was afraid that with all the love for "fabulous" entertainment, writing fairy tales would be perceived as a frivolous occupation, casting a shadow on the authority of a serious writer with its frivolity.

    It turns out that in philological science there is still no exact answer to the elementary question: who wrote the famous fairy tales?

    The fact is that when the book of fairy tales of Mother Goose was first published, and it happened in Paris on October 28, 1696, a certain Pierre D Armancourt was designated as the author of the book in the dedication.

    However, in Paris they quickly learned the truth. Under the magnificent pseudonym D Armancourt, none other than the youngest and beloved son of Charles Perrault, nineteen-year-old Pierre was hiding. For a long time it was believed that the writer father went to this trick only in order to introduce the young man into high society, specifically into the circle of the young princess of Orleans, the niece of King Louis the Sun. After all, this book was dedicated to her. But later it turned out that young Perrault, on the advice of his father, wrote down some folk tales, and there are documentary references to this fact.

    In the end, the situation was completely confused by himself Charles Perrault.

    Shortly before his death, the writer wrote a memoir, where he described in detail all the more or less important things of his life: serving with Minister Colbert, editing the first General Dictionary French, poetic odes in honor of the king, translations of the fables of the Italian Faerno, a three-volume study on comparing ancient authors with new creators. But nowhere in own biography Perrault did not mention in a word about the authorship of the phenomenal tales of Mother Goose, about a unique masterpiece of world culture.

    Meanwhile, he had every reason to put this book in the register of victories. The book of fairy tales was an unprecedented success among the Parisians in 1696, every day in the shop of Claude Barben sold 20-30, and sometimes 50 books a day! This - on the scale of one store - was not dreamed of today, probably even by the bestseller about Harry Potter.

    During the year, the publisher repeated the circulation three times. It was unheard of. First France, then all of Europe fell in love with magical stories about Cinderella, her evil sisters and glass slipper, reread scary tale about the knight Bluebeard, who killed his wives, rooted for the suave Little Red Riding Hood, who was swallowed by an evil wolf. (Only in Russia did the translators correct the ending of the tale, in our country woodcutters kill the wolf, and in the French original the wolf ate both the grandmother and the granddaughter).

    In fact, the tales of Mother Goose became the world's first book written for children. Before that, no one specifically wrote books for children. But then children's books went like an avalanche. The phenomenon of children's literature was born from Perrault's masterpiece!

    Great merit Perrot in what he chose from the mass of folk fairy tales several stories and fixed their plot, which has not yet become final. He gave them a tone, a climate, a style characteristic of the 17th century, and yet very personal.

    At the core Perrault's fairy tales- well-known folklore plots, which he outlined with his inherent talent and humor, omitting some details and adding new ones, "ennobling" the language. Most of all these fairy tales fit the kids. And it is Perrault that can be considered the founder of children's world literature and literary pedagogy.

    "Tales" contributed to the democratization of literature and influenced the development of the world fairy tale tradition (brothers V. and J. Grimm, L. Tiek, G. H. Andersen). In Russian, Perrault's fairy tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morales". The operas “Cinderella” by G. Rossini, “Duke Bluebeard’s Castle” by B. Bartok, the ballets “The Sleeping Beauty” by P. I. Tchaikovsky, “Cinderella” by S. S. Prokofiev and others were created on the plots of Perrault's fairy tales.
