English for a child of 7 years. English language games

Everyone remembers how at school we were forced to study from boring, obsolete and dilapidated library textbooks. Our children are more fortunate. But along with the impressive choice comes a sense of confusion. How do you know what is right for your child? We selected eight English textbooks for children and divided them into two categories: manuals for the youngest (6-9 years old) and for teenagers (10-15 years old).

Modern textbooks are significantly different from their predecessors. Education in them is built not only with the help of bright pictures and games. The authors of the manuals develop characters that students like. These can be children, animals, or even mythical heroes with whom the child would like to associate himself. Further, the authors lead their characters throughout the textbook, talking about Everyday life heroes and the adventures that happen to them.

In addition, modern manuals not only teach children English, but also help to develop in general. In these textbooks, the child will find many creative tasks: make a postcard, compose a song. Teenagers are offered individual, pair and group projects.

With regular classes, children will acquire a level even before graduation.

The general structure of English textbooks for children

  • Main tutorial for children 6-9 years old, as a rule, is called Pupil's Book or Class Book. Benefits for children aged 10-15 are called Student's Books. They are illustrated texts with tasks. At the end of the textbooks you will find lists of new words (Word Lists) and grammar explanations (Grammar Reference). Some publishers offer culture clips.
  • In the Activity Book, the student performs tasks from units: draws, colors images, writes words, composes essays and solves tests.
  • In the Teacher’s Book you will find lesson tips, correct answers to test questions, transcripts of audio recordings and Additional materials for learning by unit: stories, songs, discussions, games. You will also learn what skills each specific exercise develops in a child.
  • All textbooks are sold with CDs containing listening materials. Some textbooks are accompanied by DVDs with video files.

Textbooks for children 6-9 years old

It is believed that 6-7 years old is the most suitable age to start learning English. The child already goes to school, gets used to a regular schedule and a continuous learning process. He has his own interests, so it is easier to interest and motivate him than a baby who is just going to kindergarten. Let's see what benefits will help the child at this stage.


The textbook (Class Book) consists of 9 units, each of which is devoted to a topic: a school play, a picnic, toys, a farm. The unit is divided into several short lessons: this allows you not only to conveniently break classes depending on the allocated time and the student's endurance, but also to carefully work out all the skills. The tasks are aimed primarily at developing the skills of active listening and speaking. The exercises consist of colorful illustrations, short texts and short audio recordings.

Examples of exercises: Listen and find (you need to study the image, listen to the speaker and find the indicated objects, animals or people in the picture), Listen and say (you need to repeat the words after the speaker), Listen and sing (you need to repeat the lines from the song). To dilute the monotonous educational process, children are offered creative tasks, for example, to make a frame for a picture. You can consolidate the studied material in a playful way (Revision block). For example, it is proposed to play a board game: going from start to finish, your child will earn points for correct answers.

As the textbook level increases, you will encounter more text: for example, emails that children write to their parents from summer camp, or magazine clippings from short interviews and articles.

After all the units you will find lyrics and even more exercises.

Additional materials

The standard set contains a notebook with assignments and a teacher's manual. In addition to audio files, there are two types of video material on discs. The first is short (2-3 minutes) animated videos with characters already familiar to the child from the textbook.

The second is longer (8-10 minutes) videos without animation: in them, the actors act out educational sketches on topics from the textbook.

Welcome by Virginia Evans and Elizabeth Gray is a textbook from Express Publishing. Children are teleported to new exciting places with the help of magical character- gin. And in the third textbook, he is replaced by the boy Oscar, who moves with his family to Edinburgh and becomes a reporter for the school newspaper Welcome Weekly. Virtually traveling the world, children learn English.

Age: 6-7 years old


Age: 8 years


Age: 9 years



Tutorials (Pupil's Book) Welcome 1 and Welcome 2 consist of 14 units each. There are three lessons in units. Welcome 3 consists of six modules of three units each (18 units in total). The content of the textbook will tell you what vocabulary each unit is dedicated to (environment, holidays, food, pets) and what writing skills the child will work out (description from a photo, letter, brochure, invitation, recipe, article, story, schedule). Each unit has visual grammar tables and assignments for the practice of this material (for example, name plural nouns).

Example tasks: Talk with your friend, then write (children need to play a dialogue with each other and write their options in a notebook), Read and correct (the student is invited to read the sentences and correct the mistakes made in it), Read and answer the questions (after reading of the text you need to answer short questions in monosyllables).

Revision block (repetition) is given after every 3-4 units. Also at the end of the tutorial you will find an example of a school play script (School Play) with songs and words broken into roles. Next, a list of words (Word List) has been prepared for you, with which it will be convenient to repeat the material covered. And finally, the creators of the tutorial saved up the “Photo Album” section (Photo File Section). There is a free space on the pages that allows you to paste your photo, draw a picture and describe it, or complete the corresponding task.

At the end of Welcome 3 you will find culture clips. Here the child can learn entertaining facts about English speaking countries.

Additional materials

The textbook also comes with a workbook (Workbook), a teacher's book (Teacher's Book), audio files and color cards (Flashcards) with images of objects, weather conditions, animals, people, buildings: having visual information in front of your eyes, it is easier for children to memorize words .

Fly High by Danae Kozanoglou is a textbook by Pearson. The purpose of the manual is to develop a positive attitude in children towards the English language. To do this, students are offered humorous cartoon stories, games, songs and chants.

Age: 6-7 years old


Age: 8 years


Age: 9 years


Age: 10 years

Level: A2


Tutorial (Pupil's Book) Fly High 1 consists of 14 units of two lessons each. Fly High 2 and Fly High 3 consist of 28 lessons (no division by unit), while Fly High 4 consists of 36 lessons. After a few lessons, the student gets a break in the form of a Jungle Fun section. Here are games and light entertainment material. Between lessons, children will find parts of the Sally's Story comic book and other stories in the Story Time section. This format catches the children: they do not receive entertaining information immediately, but in stages, unit by unit.

At the end there is a colorful alphabet and flashcards that can be printed and cut out for easier memorization of new words. Here you will also find materials for the holidays: songs, descriptions of traditions and instructions, for example, how to make a card or a mask for the carnival.

Additional materials

The audio files, word cards, workbook, quizzes and teacher's guide are complemented by a separate Fun Grammar and Fun Grammar Teacher's Guide.

Brilliant by Jeanne Perrett is a textbook by Macmillan. The book aims to open the eyes of children to a world full of adventures that the main characters of the textbook Alice, Denzil, Bertie, Nora and Brill find themselves in. To achieve this, according to the creators, you can read simple and exciting stories. The authors adhere to simple schemes in explaining grammar and presenting new vocabulary. This is how the desired result is achieved: children play, study new material without boring and abstruse formulations and advance in English.

Age: 6-7 years old


Age: 8 years


Age: 8 years


Age: 9 years



Tutorials (Pupil's Book) consist of 8 units each. At the end of each unit there is an Adventure Notebook section - these are activities that involve the learning process, for example: draw your name and make a beautiful poster on the wall from it or fill out a questionnaire about yourself. After two units, the student completes tasks for repetition (Revision). At the end of the manual there is a brief summary of the grammatical material of the entire course (Grammar Summary).

Additional materials

In addition to flashcards, the kit also includes stickers (Stickers) that make the learning process brighter and more fun. In addition to audio files, activity books (Activity Book) and test books (Test Booklet), there is a separate grammar book (Grammar Book): it consists of 30 lessons and a final test.

Textbooks for children 10-15 years old

Adolescent manuals teach you how to formulate and express your opinion on the most different topics, offer material about the problems and interests of teenagers, prepare for the first international exams KET and PET.

New Challenges by Michael Harris, Amanda Harris, David Mower - textbook by Pearson. According to the authors, their guide for teens 10-15 years old helps students learn English more effectively and develop as a person. New Challenges not only involves children in studying the topics of science, history, technology, education, but also motivates them to express their own opinion, to take active position for each of the questions. Levels 1 and 2 prepare students for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) exam, while levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the Preliminary English Test (PET).

Age: 10 years


Age: 11 years

Level: A1 + KET

Age: 12 years

Level: A2+KET

Age: 13 years

Level: A2–B1 + PET

Age: 13+ years

Level: A2–B1 + PET


The textbook of each level (Student's Book) consists of 8 modules. Sample Topics modules: discoveries, talent, imagination, life stories, music, films, health, fashion. The module contains exercises for the development of all skills and separately selected keywords (Key Words) on the topic.

To develop your writing skill, there is a section called Your Challenge. As challenges, there can be, for example, a task to fill out a questionnaire for participation in some international competition or learn how to write a formal complaint (a letter of complaint). To improve teamwork skills and develop creativity, it is worth doing the exercises from the Projects block. For example, a teacher instructs a group of students to prepare posters and chants in support of their beloved sports team. At the end of each module there are tasks to check the learned vocabulary.

At the end of the manual, the authors inserted an entertaining section called Time Out. There are tests, fun facts, crosswords, jokes, poems. It is followed by the Picture Dictionary section. Here you will find thematic dictionaries, each word in which is accompanied by an illustration. There are also tables with stable phrases (Collocations), idioms (Idiomatic Language) and antonyms (Opposites).

Pavel Burtovoy

Video designer of the St. Petersburg media channel "First Popular Television". He is fond of cinematography, animation and everything connected with it.

Son studying at school English language already the second year. Recently I found out that his knowledge in this area is simply terrible. Problems were found even with the alphabet. Something had to be done.

For some reason, the method of memorizing words using double-sided cards did not work in our situation. Probably due to poor knowledge of the alphabet. I am generally silent about various programs for a smartphone: the child’s language learning is not zero, but rather negative, so that these programs can interest him.

I had to, relying on the experience of my predecessors, develop and test my own method. Well, personally manage the learning process.

A bit of theory

Memorization can be reduced to a cyclical process of three components:

  1. Perception.
  2. Repetition.
  3. Testing.

When we want the child to remember the information, the task becomes more complicated: it is not clear how well he perceived it, how many times he repeated it, and testing the student leads to stress and negative emotions in case of a bad result.

Let's look at all three components of the memorization process and how they can be improved.


For high-quality perception, it is desirable to use as many types of memory as possible: auditory, visual, motor. You can also add such a variety as verbal memory.


When repeating the material, oddly enough, effective method there was a repeated record of the studied with their simultaneous pronunciation.

I read about this method in the memoirs of a Soviet intelligence officer. He called this technique the most effective for increasing vocabulary.

The effectiveness of the combination of multiple rewriting of words with their simultaneous pronunciation can be explained by the fact that all possible types of memory are involved in the process.

Rewriting allows you to automate the process, depersonalize it. In addition, recorded words document the fact of repetition and make it possible to find out which material is remembered better and which is worse.


When testing knowledge, it would be good to hide the very fact of testing from the child, but leave a reward for its successful completion. That is, hide the whip, but stick out the gingerbread in every possible way.

If confirmed, then the cycle "perception - repetition - testing" is interrupted. If not, we repeat. So there is an incentive to quickly learn all the material.

At the same time, knowledge is obtained in portions and tested in portions, and not like this: "Sit down, now I will check how you learned what you were asked today."

How the method works

Since the son did not know the alphabet very well, we started with him. I found the simplest recipes on the Internet, similar to these:

First, I got my son to fully associate the pronunciation of each letter with its spelling: this will be very important in the future. After the alphabet, we moved on to words. To do this, I used and continue to use an ordinary student notebook in a ruler or sheets from such a notebook. In the margins I write the Russian meanings of the words (expressions) that I have to learn.

On the appropriate lines you need to write these words. Since each word is new, I allow you to rewrite it from the textbook for the first time. Then the son writes the word as many times as it fits on the line.

At the same time, he not only writes, but every time he says the word aloud.

At the end, the sheet turns over, and there is a surprise! In the margins are the same Russian words, and their English counterparts you need to fill in all the lines, but without peeping into the textbook.

Three important points:

  1. I'm against the child, I do not reproach him for mistakes.
  2. If he doesn't remember the spelling, I spell it out (this is where a good knowledge of the alphabet comes in handy).
  3. If the child wrote and pronounced the word without prompts the first time, then there is an agreement between us that he does not repeat it on the entire line. In the future, the word is removed from the lists. It is believed that it has been learned and the cycle of "perception - repetition - testing" is completed for it.

The process is repeated until all words from the original list are excluded. The photo below is about the fourth iteration.

In the same way, we previously taught the alphabet with our son. I wrote in Russian “hey”, “bi”, “si”, “di” and so on in the margins, and my son filled in the lines with English uppercase and lowercase letters.

Pros and cons of the method

The method has several strengths. Almost all types of memory are involved: auditory, visual, verbal and motor. Learning is stress-free, the student does not suffer.

The rules of the game are simple and fair. We can say that the method works automatically and the result appears as if by itself. A vivid demonstration of the dialectical principle of the transition of quantity into quality. The algorithm is applicable for repeating forgotten material and is easily scaled for different volumes of words.

The method gives the student objective criteria for achieving the goal. There are real incentives to quickly learn everything and go for a walk.

The disadvantages of this method of learning are also obvious: you need a lot of paper and a "supervisor".

The son learned the spelling and pronunciation of the English names of the days of the week in an evening. Received the next day verification work five, praise and surprise of the teacher. And this is not the only success.

It was also interesting to observe how the material, if not repeated. First of all, the ability to write without errors disappears, then the pronunciation begins to suffer, and last of all, the sound of the word is forgotten. But the ability to recognize it in the text remains for a long time.

I do not think that the method is ideal, but using the memorization mechanisms described, you can always come up with something of your own.

A fascinating immersion in the world of English

How are the classes going?

The English course for younger students evenly develops all the language skills of the child: listening, pronunciation, reading and writing. Our classes are exciting and dynamic: the guys play role-playing games, perform interesting exercises, solve puzzles, cook creative projects. It is still difficult for children to keep their attention on one thing for a long time, so we often change the type of activity during the lesson.

From the first lesson we speak only English, so that the children are completely immersed in the language environment. This helps develop fluency and correct pronunciation.

In different children different types perception: in order to remember a word, a visual image is important for someone, a sound image for someone, for a third it is important to touch an object. Therefore, when studying new material, we use all channels of perception of children, this is most effective.

Classes are built taking into account the peculiarities of the child's age: for first-graders, the game method is the basis, with age, conscious learning is gradually introduced. But the main principle remains: each lesson is a fascinating story. It is very important to keep the child's interest in learning, to fall in love with the language, then the result will be excellent.

What benefits are we doing?

We use bright, visual and modern educational materials- Academy Stars from Macmillan. exciting adventure, entertaining stories and colorful characters will make learning English fun and exciting. The textbook contains the key to a rich online resource of videos, grammar explanations, interactive exercises and quizzes.

Who is leading the classes?

We carefully select teachers to work with children. We have Russian-speaking teachers:

  • With teacher education and extensive work experience;
  • with excellent pronunciation;
  • loving children and able to find an approach to the child;
  • bright and artistic, able to captivate children and keep their attention.

How long is the course?

The duration of the 1st level is 96 academic hours (9 months). Classes are held 2 times a week for 60 minutes.

In our classes, children learn not only English. The purpose of the course is to teach the language on the basis of the complex development of the child. The course trains memory, develops the ability to concentrate and work in a team, creativity and self-confidence.

Still have doubts or questions? Just come visit us and bring your child to a free trial lesson!

We will be glad to see you, we will tell and show you everything.

Knowledge of foreign languages ​​broadens one's horizons and makes one feel at home anywhere in the world. And what parent does not want their child to have a developed intellect and open doors everywhere? Therefore, more and more children are taught foreign languages ​​from a very young age. It is believed that children are much easier to get used to a foreign culture than an adult. But English for children requires a special teaching methodology, which we will talk about today. We will tell you how to instill in your child an interest in learning and advise on ways in which you can conduct English lessons for children easily and effectively. Let's get started!

As scientists have noted, the peculiarities of children's perception of the world help kids learn foreign languages ​​more easily. Children are open to everything new, and genuine curiosity drives them to learn more and more. The parent can only direct the energy of the child in the right direction. But the question of how old to teach a child to English is very individual.

If we talk about the recommendations of experts, then their opinions also differ. Some scientists recommend conducting the first English lessons with a baby from the age of 3. Other teachers advocate a more conscious age (5-6 years), and still others argue that before 7 you should not even think about foreign languages.

Each theory has its own arguments for and against, but we will not consider them in detail. In any case, only parents decide when to start learning English for their children. Here are some tips to make your choice easier.

  1. You should not start learning a second language until your native language is confidently mastered. This also applies to an insufficient vocabulary, and incorrect pronunciation, and violations of the logical connections "subject-designation".
  2. If the child is not yet actively seeking to explore the world, it is better to wait a while until the natural need for knowledge appears.
  3. If, on the contrary, the baby shows excessive activity, then you should definitely pay his attention to entertaining lessons in English.
  4. Think about how psychologically you yourself begin teaching English for a kid. At the same time, parents should understand that their children are influenced by their own example. At a minimum, it is desirable that you know English at a beginner level or expand your knowledge with your children.

If you cannot make a decision, even after carefully weighing all the pros and cons, conduct a trial lesson with your child. The baby will not like it - well, then it's not time yet. And if the child remains delighted, then all parental doubts will immediately disappear. Don't be afraid to try and don't rely too much on expert opinion. All people are individual, and it is never too late to start learning.

Thus, with the age of young students, we theoretically figured it out. Now let's move on to more practical issues, and analyze in detail the methods and recommendations for teaching English to children of different ages.

English for kids 3-4 years old

This age is the most optimal if you decide to start learning English with a child “from the cradle”. During this period, children turn into active "why" and they are interested in almost everything around. At the same time, babies think in bright and simple images that help them memorize new information easily and quickly. Therefore, foreign language lessons for children 2.5 - 4 years old will certainly bear fruit. But it is very important to choose the right format for English lessons for kids.

Where to begin

Little children are carefree and spontaneous, so it is not necessary to meticulously explain the rules of the language to them. English lessons for children should take place exclusively in a playful way: your child should not feel any moralizing, coercion and demands. With a violent approach, you will not only not teach a child anything, but also vice versa, you will form a hated attitude towards any foreign languages. Therefore, be very careful: let the lessons be spontaneous and 10-15 minutes in the form of a game rather than 30-minute lessons in the full sense of the word.

If we talk about where to start the process of learning English with children, then there are many options. Among them:

  • Alphabet;
  • Greeting phrases;
  • Designations of family members;
  • Numbers, colors, etc.

But again, do not count on strict and consistent classes, as in adults. Try to suggest topics that are interesting to the child, for example, learning words about animals or colors in English together. Say the word, and let the baby repeat after you, or, for example, show a card with such a picture.

In general, the presentation of the material should be very dynamic and varied. Do not make the baby bored, and even more so tired of long explanations. Try to use fun and playful ways to teach English to young children. We have listed some of them below.


Educational songs one of better ways teaching English for little kids. Funny music quickly attracts children's attention and activates auditory memory. So the guys have fun and at the same time easily and quickly memorize English vocabulary.

It is also very effective to include videos with songs for kids. A vivid video sequence illustrating the plot of the song will attract even more attention and help to include visual memory in the work. And after a couple training sessions switch to independent performance of songs with the child. You can also add funny dances or play with the image of the objects / animals that are discussed in the song.

In general, such entertaining lessons will form the following skills in children:

  • Interest in learning foreign languages;
  • Knowledge of English words;
  • The ability to recognize English speech aurally;
  • The ability to speak independently (repeating memorized phrases).

And, of course, the children will improve the work of memory and the general development of intelligence.

Fairy tales

Another effective method with which you can effectively teach English to children up to 7 years old. What child does not like to hear about the adventures of fairy-tale heroes, especially when mom or dad talk about them.

Read fairy tales to your baby, as you always do, only now slowly add elements of the English language to them. First, one or two words that are familiar to the child, and later try to work with adapted versions of English fairy tales. Be sure to read the texts playfully: with a change in voice, showing scenes, gestures, etc. The brighter the images, the more interesting it is for children.


And the favorite pastime of the children is outdoor games, fun and logical guessing games. All these elements must also be actively used when teaching English to children.

The simplest - guess the baby English words using learning cards. You show a card and the child calls it (or vice versa). Another fun game: the parent depicts a fairy-tale hero, animal, bird or object, and the kid must name the hidden character in English. You can also just walk on the street, and name the colors of the surrounding objects.

There are many options, the only thing I would like to note is that we would not recommend accustoming a baby to electronic games at this age. Do not leave the upbringing of children to computers, tablets and other gadgets. Only by your own positive example and participation will you be able to invest the best knowledge and skills in your child.

English for children 5-7 years old

Preschoolers have not yet lost children's interest to the outside world, but are already more serious than three- and four-year-olds. Therefore, many parents believe that this best age to start learning English. The lessons of preschool children are also held in a playful way and do not take much time, but the methods of learning English for preschool children, of course, are slightly different.


English lessons for children from 5 years old are always, for the most part, acquaintance with new words. The grammar of the English language for this age is still heavy, and the letters are too simple. So this period is ideal for the formation of an active vocabulary in a child.

It is better for preschoolers to study vocabulary on certain topics. It is good if these are vocabulary cards with bright pictures that reveal the meaning of the word. Firstly, a beautiful design in itself will attract children's attention, and secondly, with a picture, the word is corny easier to remember. In addition, exciting educational games can be played with cards, but more on that later.

Also, vocabulary is mastered in the process of studying nursery rhymes, songs, fairy tales.


To prevent your child from forgetting the learned vocabulary, add more English phrases to your conversations. For example, instead of good morning say " Goodmorningmyson (mydaughter)”, provoking the child to also answer in English. Of course, you should not go too far and constantly communicate in a foreign language. It is enough for a day to use a few popular phrases.

Also, English lessons for children 6 years and older can be carried out by playing small scenes. For example, you can use hand puppets and repeat the lines of characters from your favorite fairy tales. Or just play with puppets, making up a simple conversation:

  • -hello!
  • -hi!
  • -Mynameis… etc.

It is desirable that the parent speaks the line first, and the child repeats after him, substituting the characteristics of his character.


First of all, lessons foreign language should be of interest to the children themselves. And teaching English cartoons will perfectly help parents in developing interest in learning in preschool children.

Turn on small colorful videos and watch them with your baby. Fortunately, today on the Internet you can easily find an instructional video in English for children of any age. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to explain in detail to the child that we are not just watching a cartoon, but are studying new language. Give the kid time, and he himself will be involved in the process and will be able to understand the simplest remarks of the characters. Then the task of the parent is to make a small discussion after watching and reinforcing the vocabulary heard.

With the right approach, such entertaining English lessons for children of five or six years old are simply irreplaceable. After all, such activities arouse interest in the baby and help develop all the necessary speech skills:

  • A set of new vocabulary;
  • English listening comprehension;
  • Speaking (repeat phrases + discussion with parents);
  • Correct pronunciation.

In addition, this technique is very useful for general development, because. cartoons reveal everyday moments and explain important life principles to children in an accessible form.


As with toddlers, English for 5 or 6 year olds is always taught in a playful way. Therefore, organize various mini-games, contests or competitions more often.

So, with the help of cards you can play " guess the odd one»: 3 cards are laid out on one topic, and a fourth is added from another deck. The task of the child is to remove the unnecessary card. There is an interesting variation of this memory game: 3-4 cards are laid out in a row, then the child closes his eyes, and the parents remove 1 card. The kid must accurately name which card was removed.

You can also play with preschoolers in " who knows more words», « guess faster», « Freeze sea figure», « crocodile" and so on. The main thing is not to forget that victory and parental praise are very important for kids. Therefore, often affectionately address the child, cheer him up if he loses, and admire his successes when the baby wins. A warm attitude and interesting games, and even more victories in them, motivate the child to study English more and more often.

This is how they teach English for children 7 years old. In fact, in preschool age the guys are just getting acquainted with the language, getting used to its sound and new words. But the role is easy game is very important: it liberates the kids, and subsequently they will not have a language barrier, i.e. fear of speaking in a foreign language. On the contrary, a second language will be perceived as a natural and necessary thing.

English for younger students

And finally, the final period of childhood refers to elementary school. Here the task of the parent is to do more with the child, explaining the points not considered school curriculum. At school, the teacher often does not have time to explain the lesson in an accessible way, and the 1st grade student is not always able to concentrate and understand the material. Therefore, carefully monitor the school success of the baby and help to deal with the curriculum.

In general, English for children aged 7-10 also partly takes place in the format of a game, but with the active introduction of serious grammatical points. At this age, the conscious formation of language skills begins, so classes should be aimed at comprehensive development child.


In our first English classes at school, of course, we learn letters and their pronunciation. This step is necessary because not all children studied a foreign language before entering the first grade. Then, according to the curriculum, there are reading rules, but in fact they are taught in a very crumpled way, and children do not have time to fully master such an important topic. Therefore, this moment is replenished in homework.

Conduct training gradually, mastering with the baby no more than 1-2 rules per lesson. Such small loads will not settle as an unbearable burden and, taking into account regular repetitions, will significantly improve the child in English. Over the weekend, improve your reading skills with short, adapted texts for elementary school children. They will help to consolidate the learned rules and get acquainted with new vocabulary.


It's no secret that a language is designed to be spoken. Therefore, foreign speech must be constantly practiced in conversation.

Of course, for first-graders, such a task will be too difficult, but for students of the 2nd grade, perhaps, they are already able to independently compose a sentence from several words. But remember that classes should not be forced: English for children of the age of 8 is still the same game. Therefore, just occasionally, according to the mood of the child, exchange a couple of common phrases with him or play “ name/describe the subject". For this game, knowledge of the simplest structures is enough:

  • Itisabanana. Thisbananaisyellow. Ilikeitverymuch. And what is it? —This is a banana. This banana is yellow. I really like him. What is it?

Such a dialogue, with the proper level of training, is within the power of even a 5-year-old kid, to say nothing of second-graders. And by the age of ten, the guys will be quite able to compose common sentences and use basic English tenses.


Learning grammar rules is the very moment when English for schoolchildren ceases to be an entertaining game. For most children, grammar is difficult, which is also to blame for short school lessons and not always clear explanations of teachers. That's why grammar topics need to work hard at home.

English grammar for children 7-9 years old is taught in a semi-game form. The basic rule is briefly explained and then it is reinforced by reading short stories, speaking dialogues and doing exercises. At the same time, the material is presented in the most simplified form: at the initial stage, children do not need to know exceptions and special cases, because. Extra information will only confuse the child.

It is also recommended to use electronic materials for studying grammar. These can be presentations, tutorial videos, mini-games, and quizzes. The more diverse the presentation of the topic, the more parts of the brain are included in the work, and, accordingly, the material is easier for children to assimilate. The main thing to remember is that any rule must not only be learned, but also be able to use it in speech.


Without control works checking the topics studied by younger students is also indispensable.

Toddlers in grades 1-2 are usually given a short oral survey, which is not much different from playing dialogues. Also, the guys solve very easy tests. For children 9-10 years old, they give more difficult work: correct specially made mistakes, answer a question, make a proposal on their own. Tests are becoming more diverse, now the tasks require not just choosing an answer, but supplementing it with your own words.

But starting from the age of 12 or even 11 years old, when the times and Irregular Verbs almost every lesson ends with tests. And this is the right approach, because. every detail of the theory studied must be worked out in practice.

Children, of course, perceive checks without enthusiasm. But the task of parents is to convince the child that he can easily cope with the tasks, because he is smart and capable. Praise more often and show less severity to the mistakes made. It is better to calmly explain what the child was wrong about and do the work again later than to shout and develop in children a hatred of learning.

Games and websites

Everyone loves to have fun, so the game technique is effective for children at 3 years old, and at 9 years old, and even at all 15-16. For younger groups, it is recommended to conduct more outdoor and oral games, and English for children from 10 years old can be diversified with the help of electronic games and applications. However, in moderation, the computer will not harm the kids either.

Services and programs for learning English with children
Name Age Description
English Conversation for Kids from 4 years old Mobile app with convenient catalog tutorial videos on YouTube.
LearnEnglish Kids from 5 years old A site with educational materials for children and their caring parents. There are mini-games, videos, flashcards, test tasks, etc.
Lingualeo from 6 years old A popular English learning service for adults and children. Here you will find collections of vocabulary, educational videos and songs with subtitles, exercises for grammar and memorization of words. Toddlers are invited to undergo training with a special course " for the little ones».
InternetUrok.ru from 8 years old A site with video lessons, notes, exercises and tests for the school curriculum.
Duolingo from 8 years old The service will teach popular vocabulary and help you understand how to build sentences from words.
Quizlet from 10 years old Program for learning words. Does not let you get bored, because different memory techniques are used.
