Night of the Arts. Scenario of the excursion and game program "Towards the Museum Night" Night of Art in the Children's Library scenario

Friday, November 7, Vorotynskaya central Library introduced herself in a new perspective. We have repeatedly proved that the library is not only a place where you can take books home, but also a cultural, informational, and communicative center. With its next action “Night of the Arts”, the library confirmed that caring people work in it, creative people, with interesting ideas and plans, and here you can spend time with benefit, learn a lot of new things, meet like-minded people. Art Night is a time for creativity and a continuation of projects such as Museum Night and Library Night.

The action "Night of the Arts" is held, first of all, so that people can join the art and try to realize their own creative potential - play the guitar, draw pictures, write poetry, sing.

We decided to organize a "pilot" project and were pleasantly surprised that, despite the rain, gloomy weather, caring, creative, inquisitive, beloved visitors, participants and just spectators came to us. The evening's program was varied and rich.

And our acquaintance began with an exhibition of paintings, which were comfortably placed on the walls of the reading room and the corridor of the library. Original artists kindly agreed to provide their beautiful works: Anatoly Fedorovich Vasiliev from the village. Kriushi and his daughter Elena Anatolyevna Vasilyeva. Anatoly Fedorovich graduated from an aviation school, served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is engaged in beekeeping, has been fond of drawing since childhood.

Love for nature left its mark on his work, where the main motive is nature and its inhabitants. Elena Anatolyevna graduated from the Agricultural Academy and postgraduate studies. Timiryazeva, candidate of economic sciences, works as a deputy. Dean of the Faculty of Service and Tourism NGIEI. Their paintings are filled with life, each work is work, it is inspiration, it is the skill of the author. The exhibition will last for a month, so we will be glad to everyone who wants to visit our library and get acquainted with the creativity and art of people who live near us. Next, a master class awaited us: "New Year's souvenir with your own hands" from Natalia Kamneva and "Candy bouquet" from Tatiana Egorova.

This art of hands did not leave indifferent neither the students of the NGIEI faculty, nor the people of the older generation. Everyone became interested in the topic of making beautiful bouquets of sweets, paper, ribbons and, the theme-symbol of 2015 in the form of a lamb, making a souvenir-pincushion.

Lidia Artashina and Elena Lushneva, library staff, held a retro evening called Melodies of the Old Gramophone. The concert program "Musical Assortment" from NGIEI students delighted the audience with its energy. The incendiary, creative dance of Natalia Fedorova and the vocal performance by the duet of Eleonora Gorkovenko and Dmitry Konstantinov gave the evening a truly festive mood.

"The echo of our youth" called Maya Kristalinsky poet Robert Rozhdestvensky. And it was to her that the literary and musical composition "In the song - my life" was dedicated, which was carried out by the head. otd. service L. Artashin and librarian M. Fomichev.

Over a cup of tea, the guests could get acquainted with the video sketches of "Walks around the native land." All those present appreciated creative work children attending clubs Soft toy"(headed by I.A. Ivleva)," color fairy tale”(headed by A.V. Morozova), “Fine Design” (headed by N.Yu. Lopotkina) of the House of Children's Creativity.

And at the end of the "Night of the Arts" action, we summed up the results. Throughout life, a person is faced everywhere with art. It gives admiration, joy, emotions, cosiness. These are various paintings, architecture buildings, music, dancing, design and much more that surrounds us. But, few people think about the fact that these are far from all the features of art. It is capable give knowledge give experience and wisdom. It is art that gives knowledge. It is not necessary to do it, to create masterpieces yourself. It is enough just to be able to see art, observe it and be interested. And the library staff hope to continue to please their visitors with such events.

Director of MBUK MCBS Larisa Pugacheva

On November 3, 2014, the all-Russian cultural action "Night of the Arts" was held in the club institutions of the district. All residents of the district had a great opportunity to spend an interesting evening full of various programs. Regardless of age, everyone could touch art by visiting events in cultural institutions. Everyone was able to try their hand at various areas of art and learn something new. The regional House of Culture began its work at 19.00 in the evening of karaoke. In the auditorium, on the big screen, all lovers of singing had such an opportunity. Favorite songs were performed by different generations, but mostly young people showed a great desire to show themselves. At 20.00 for everyone who wants to remember the hot hits of past years, the 80s disco with live vocals began its work. This event, unfortunately, became the least attended, and yet the true "fans" of the music of that time had a great time in the circle of incendiary dances. At 22.00, the youth game program at the disco opened its doors. The children took part with pleasure in all competitions and games, teams competed in competitions for speed and dexterity. The Popescu brothers became the most active. In the intervals between games, a disco sounded for them. youth music. The most courageous were awarded with prizes and gifts. The campaign ended at midnight. In rural houses of culture and clubs, planned events were also held for this action. Rogozhensky KFOR began its work at 20.00 with an educational quiz "In the world of art." The children answered questions and received sweet prizes in return. The evening continued with a disco program called "Night of the Arts". "His Majesty Romance" - that was the name of the light, which took place in the Boltinsky KFOR. At this event, it was about the emergence of the Russian old romance, about its history and "life" in modern society. Favorite works were performed, such as: “These eyes are opposite”, “And in the end I will say”, “Chrysanthemums have faded” and others. Sidorov P., Stepanova L.A., Loginova V.G., Alekseeva N., Mitin A. acted as soloists. Slavic culture". With great curiosity, the guys got acquainted with ancient utensils, clothes, household items, asked questions and immediately received answers to them. A movie evening was held in Vasilyevsky SDK. A "home" cinema was opened for the villagers and the film "Poddubny" was shown. Next, everyone was expected by the Karaoke Evening program and a disco, which is always a favorite event for teenagers and young people. The residents and employees of the Murzitsky KFOR pleased their residents game program at the disco "Journey to the World of Art". The participants of the event were invited to show their intellect by answering quiz questions, guessing riddles, and participating in the competition for the best songstress and dancer. “My poems warm my soul” - a creative evening of the local poetess Elena Shishkina was held in Verkhne-Talyzinsky KFOR. Poems, songs, romances sounded in a warm atmosphere. The exhibition of craftsmen was presented by the Ratov KFOR under the title "We can do everything." As it turned out, there are many more talented and skillful people in the village of Ratovo than expected. Here and embroidery, and knitting, and macrame, various crafts of unprecedented beauty. Just "It's nice to see". " folk art Rossi” - under this name, an educational program for children, adolescents and youth was held in the Sarbaevsky SC. Those present learned about the origin of art, about its stages of development. Answered quizzes and riddles. On November 3, within the framework of the "Night of the Arts", in the Ilyinsky KFOR, an exhibition of drawings by graduates and students of the Sechenovskaya art school: Domashenkova Anastasia, Gorkov Dmitry and Alena, as well as his work from plasticine "Monster" was presented to the audience by 8-year-old Seryozha Popkov; drawings of pupils of the Ilyinsky kindergarten delighted the audience with their colors and interesting subjects. Marina Semenovna Aliulova, director of the Sechenov Art School, addressed the visitors of the exhibition with words of welcome, she also spoke about the school and the learning process, presented her pupils’ diploma works and invited young artists school for vocational training. For the guys there was a quiz "Colorful palette" about paints. An entertainment program "Journey to the World of Art" was held on November 3 in Murzitsky KFOR. The program includes: the history of the emergence of art, a fun quiz, the game "Gold Placers", the game "Masters of Art", a fun disco. An evening of arts "Art will save the world" was held in the Mitropol SC. Specialist of the rural administration Karaseva S.P. talked with those present on the topic “Learning to see the beautiful”; an hour of "Interesting messages" was held by Egorova Ksenia; correspondence "Tour of the Tretyakov Gallery" held Zemchenkova G. V. Further in the program was a karaoke evening ended with a tea party. The event was attended by 22 people. The evening ended with a festive disco for young people with a game program. On November 3, the Bakharevsky KFOR hosted an "Evening of the Arts" for teenagers and youth, where poems by the local poet Kuznetsov G.S. were read. Further on the program was a "Karaoke Evening" and a youth disco. A game program for teenagers and youth "Play with us" was held in Buldakovskiy SC. The program continued with a fun disco. In the Mamlei KFOR, a conversation was held with teenagers and youth “If we are united, then we are invincible!”. Then there was a master class on making crafts from beads, cereals; master - class of handicrafts of origami technique, products from corrugated paper. The holiday continued with a disco. In the Lipovsky KFOR there was a "Karaoke Evening", where those who wished to sing songs of pop singers, then a youth disco with a game program "Move more" was held. In Sinyakovsky SC for teenagers there was an educational program about the origin of art. The holiday continued with a karaoke evening for teenagers and youth, which smoothly turned into a youth disco. Teplostansky KFOR hosted a "Karaoke Evening" for all categories of the population. Then the holiday continued with a youth disco with a game program. In the Shuvalovsky SC, a “Poetry Evening” was held, at which poems by Russian poets and poems by the local poetess Belyanina A.E. sounded. The holiday was held over a cup of tea. In the Bolkhovsky SC for teenagers, a quiz "Poets of Russia" was held based on the works of poets: Pushkin, Lermontov, Krylov. All participants received sweet prizes. A dance and entertainment program for adults "The Night of Dance and Poetry" was held in the SC of Druzhba village. Program participants read poems by contemporary authors, participated in competitive program. The holiday ended with a disco. The theme evening "History of our Country" was held in Alferievsky KFOR. Further, the program was continued by the educational program for high school students "Poetry of the Russian Romance". This event was held jointly with the workers of the rural library. In Krasnoostrovsky KFOR passed musical evening"Song of a Soldier's Overcoat". The event was held jointly with the workers of the village library. Summing up, I would like to note that the evening on the eve of the Day national unity became the most cultural in the last few months. These events were attended by about 450 people in the region.


the creative action Night of the Arts has started.

An EVENING OF LOCAL STUDY was held in the Mamlei rural library under the title: "Needed where was born".

The purpose of this event is to tell about their small homeland, about the people of the village. The guests of the evening were Yuriy Spiridonov and Georgy Slugin (former members of the VIA "IVUSHKA" of the Mamleisky Palace of Culture, organized in 1978); Timofeeva Irina - the author of the coat of arms, a local poetess.

For all those present in the library, a thematic exhibition of poems, photo albums based on local material was organized.

The poetic block is revealed by poems about their small Motherland by Vladimir Chernov, Lyubov Stepanova (Svintsova).

The presentation of the poetry collection took place "Labyrinths of Time" Irina Timofeeva, author's songs about Mamleyka S. Slugina sounded, and with great interest all those present watched the documentary video "HISTORY OF THE VILLAGE OF MAMLEIKI"(the author of the video is T. Balyaeva, 2011).

The past of the village is a special page in our history. Nostalgia for the departed good times when there were no computers or the Internet, but there was just an old club where DANCES were played in the evenings and a two-episode color Indian movie was on .... that's all the entertainment ...

After almost 40 years, the participants in the past VIA "Ivushka", which was organized in 1978 in the Mamley Palace of Culture, willingly shared their memories, performed musical compositions those times.

The evening ended well after midnight. All participants and spectators received a book and a good mood as a gift.

In the Mamlei rural library, an evening of local history was held under the title: "Where I was born there and came in handy."
The purpose of this event is to tell about their small homeland, about the people of the village of Mamleiki. The guests of the evening were Yuriy Spiridonov and Georgy Slugin (former members of the VIA "Ivushka" of the Mamlei Palace of Culture, organized in 1978); Timofeeva Irina - the author of the coat of arms, a local poetess.
For all those present in the library, a thematic exhibition of poems, photo albums based on local material was organized.
The poetic block was opened by poems about their small homeland by Vladimir Chernov, Lyubov Stepanova (Lead). The national flavor of Mamleika was also traced in the lines of A.S. Glybin (Sechenovo). There was a presentation of the poetry collection "Labyrinths of Time" by Irina Timofeeva, author's songs about Mamleika S. Slugina were heard, and with great interest all those present watched the documentary video film "The History of the Village of Mamleiki" (the author of the video was T. Balyaeva 2011).
The past of the village is a special page in our history. Nostalgia for the bygone, good times, when there were no computers or the Internet, but there was just an old club where dances were played in the evenings and a two-episode color Indian movie was on... That's all the entertainment...
After almost 40 years, the participants in the past of the VIA "Ivushka", which was organized in 1978 in the Mamley Palace of Culture, willingly shared their memories, performed musical compositions of those times. The evening ended well after midnight. All participants and spectators received a book and a good mood as a gift.

Librarian Slugina S.V.

on holding the III annual all-Russian cultural and educational action "Night of the Arts" in the libraries of the Moscow Region Dinskoy district.

On November 3, in the libraries of the Ministry of Defense of the Dinskoy district, a III annual all-Russian cultural and educational action "Night of the Arts" under the motto "Art Unites". In the libraries this evening there were educational events for the guests. These are musical and poetic compositions, Yesenin readings for the 120th anniversary of the birth of S.A. Yesenin, master classes, virtual tours of Russian museums.

All friends in Intersettlement Library expected a warm welcome, hot tea and interesting activities.

The main event was Yesenin's readings about the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin “Yesenin. The Art of Loving. The library staff told the guests about the difficult life path the poet, his hobbies, his relationships with his contemporaries, and, of course, with all his beloved women. The story was accompanied by a declaration of poems by Sergei Yesenin and the performance of songs based on his poems, which were presented by members of the veterans' choir "Red Carnation" - V.N. Prokopova, L.V. Sviridova, N.P. Vlasenko. At the same time, a video presentation was shown on the TV screen, accompanying the story of the library staff with photographs.

A presentation of a new collection of poems "On the Waves of Memory" by our fellow countrywoman, a great friend of the Intersettlement Library, the wonderful poetess Lyubov Fyodorovna Nikiforova, was held. On this occasion, all the guests were shown a video film, and later, the poetess herself spoke a little about her new book, read her poems and presented the collection to the Intersettlement Library.

Traditionally, for all admirers of the book, a book-illustrative exhibition "And the connection of times is indissoluble" was organized, which presented the most valuable books from the collection of the Intersettlement Library, books published in the first half of the 20th century.

The subscription included exhibitions of masters of arts and crafts: paintings, jewelry, toys - all this was painstakingly created by the masters of the Dinskoy region.

Master classes were also held there for everyone to create handicrafts with their own hands.

Also, all library guests became participants in a literary quiz. Throughout the library, one could find leaflets with questions, answering which everyone received valuable prizes.

Library guests could walk around the library, taste wonderful tea from an old Russian samovar in the library cafe, get acquainted with samples of arts and crafts, or just chat.

The night of the arts ended late, when bright stars adorned the darkened autumn sky, and everyone leaving the Intersettlement Library could leave words of gratitude in a special Wish Album.

IN Vasyurin rural library"Night of the Arts" was held in the form of a literary cafe "Charm of the eyes - the poetry of autumn."

Together with the teachers of the children's art school, holiday concert, in which everyone's favorite poems and songs about autumn sounded.

Against the background of classical music, the guests listened to the story of the library staff about the work of poets of the Silver Age. The audience recited poems famous poets: Yesenin, Bunin, Tyutchev, Balmont, Pasternak. The poetic marathon was supported by the poets of the literary club "Elegy" by reading several of their poems.

An exhibition was organized for the guests of the holiday, which presented collections of famous poets. All comers were able to show their poetic abilities and take part in the competition for best read poems.

After the solemn part, a traditional tea party was held with the performance of songs to the guitar and accordion.

Library st. Novotitarovskaya held a number interesting events. During the day, library readers were able to visit the film festival of Russian cinema. The librarians told about the history of the creation of the most famous films, talked about famous Soviet and Russian actors, and were able to see their favorite films directed by Gaidai. Further, the library staff invited readers to visit the night library and get acquainted with the history of art. The event was held in the form of a literary lounge "Singer of the country of birch chintz: S. Yesenin." Those present were introduced to his work, read lines from his works and talked about the writers and poets of the anniversaries of 2015. Further, the audience was presented with a multimedia presentation "Literary Vernissage". For the event, several book fairs“On the earth close and beloved to me”, “The World of Art”.

Library st. Novovelichkovskaya spent the evening of the Russian romance "The romance sounds alarming and light."

The evening was attended by lovers of Russian romance. The author, poet, composer Tkachenko Alexander Nikolaevich performed his instrumental romance, spoke about the history of Russian romance. During the evening, Russian romances were performed: “In the middle of a noisy ball”, “Do not awaken memories”, “Chrysanthemums in the garden have faded long ago”, etc. The guests of the evening Zubritsky Yuri Mikhailovich and Savina Valentina Alekseevna performed the romances “In moonlight"," Only once in a lifetime meeting. The event was held in a warm friendly atmosphere over a cup of tea.

As part of the campaign, employees libraries with. Krasnoselskoye together with the CDC, a video-journey called "Unusual Museums of the World" was made. Those present got acquainted with the most non-standard museums from all over the world: the Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad, the Museum of Bread in Izmailovo, the Museum of Musical Instruments in Berlin, the Museum of Clocks in Vienna, the Museum of Samovars in Tula, the Museum of Dinosaurs in Moscow, the Museum of Torture in The Hague, the Museum of Lies in Germany, the Marzipan Museum in Hungary, Japanese museum snowflakes, the Atomic Bomb Museum in Nagasaki, the Dance Museum in Stockholm, the Sigmund Freud Dream Museum in St. Petersburg, the Carriage Museum in Lisbon. We watched short videos about these and other non-standard museums of the world.

At the entrance to the hall, a blitz survey "Your favorite works of art" was organized for each visitor. All participants had to answer such questions as: “Which artists, painters do you know?”, “Which composers appeal to you?”, “Do you know this year’s anniversary composers?”, “Name your (and) favorite (s). ) masterpieces of art”, etc.

Further, visitors could get acquainted with the exhibition-installation "In the world of beauty", which presented collages, books, illustrations, portraits of artists, composers, sculptors, painters - anniversaries of 2015.

In the reading room of the library, a display of book trailers "Following the pages of your favorite books" was organized. A selection of short videos about books that are willingly read by young people was collected. Krasnoselsky. This is R. Bradbury “45deg. Fahrenheit", "Dandelion Wine", O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray", C. Bronte "Jane Eyre", Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet", A. de Saint-Exupery " A little prince”, M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, S. Mayer “Twilight”, etc.

Moscow lives on high speed, observing which is sometimes difficult to stop - a busy work schedule, an endless to-do list, a tight schedule do not leave a modern successful city dweller time to implement creativity. While typing on a computer keyboard, many dream of touching the piano keys while speaking at negotiations, someone dreams of an amateur theater stage, and some present their personal exhibition, drawing on the frozen glass of a late bus…

That is why the "Night of the Arts" 2014 is, first of all, a night of creativity. The main objective of this year's action is to provide residents of the city with the opportunity to realize their dreams, in which they can write poetry or portraits, play Hamlet or the guitar, twist the fouette or Potter's wheel. Guests of the action, regardless of age, will be able to try themselves in different areas of art - in painting, sculpture, literature, acting and music - by visiting master classes and open lessons of authoritative cultural figures organized in theaters, museums, libraries, houses of culture , concert halls and cinemas.

Night meeting with Irina Antonova and Anton Belov


How to create the perfect museum? What is happening now with museum institutions and what is their social and cultural role? At the intersection of classical and contemporary art there are questions to which each museum specialist can give his own answers. A living legend, the man who headed the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin for more than fifty years, Irina Antonova will talk with Garage Museum Director Anton Belov about how to find a place for culture within oneself, and will discuss topical issues of modern museology.

Guests who have registered for this event can send their question to the heroes of the night meeting so that they prepare for the answer in advance. Please send your questions to [email protected] marked "Irina Antonova and Anton Belov."

MSI Garage, st. Krymsky Val, vlad-e 9, TsPKiO im. Gorky

11:00-00:00 Exhibition "Performance in Russia: Cartography of History"

The exhibition "Performance in Russia: Cartography of History" is dedicated to the history of Russian performance from the era of the avant-garde to the present day. This is the first major study century history and unique traditions of performance in Russia, from early futuristic experiments to radical actions of our time. The project emphasizes the important role of Russian performance in the development of world culture. The exposition is organized chronologically, where one historical period follows the other. Along with the main route, the viewer is offered 12 alternative scenarios for exploring the exhibition using the Garage Museum mobile application (available on the App Store and Google Play). As part of the Night of the Arts, Garage guests will have the opportunity to visit exhibition tours, see special performances, and take part in a slogan competition, the winner of which will receive an ARTFRIEND card and will be able to visit the Museum's exhibitions free of charge throughout the year.

paid entrance

Age limit: 18+

Moscow, Krymsky Val, 9

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Night meeting with art group AES+F


AES+F (Tatyana Arzamasova, Lev Evzovich, Evgeny Svyatsky + Vladimir Fridkes), one of the most respected Russian art groups, which represents the country on the international cultural stage, invites to a night meeting and encourages the public to look at the creative process as a symbiosis of several fine arts instruments - familiar and relevant to the time. High tech today become an integral part of contemporary art. The AES+F group will show how an artist can use hi-tech - computer graphics and 3D modeling - when creating an object using the example of the grandiose "Trilogy" ("The Last Rebellion", "The Feast of Trimalchio", Allegoria Sacra) and the amazing "Angels and Demons" contemporary art.

Artist Katya Bochavar is talking to the AES+F art group.

Guests who have registered for this event can send their question to the heroes of the night meeting so that they prepare for the answer in advance. Please send your questions to [email protected] marked "AES+F".

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, st. Obraztsova, 11, building 1A

The program "Prigov. text"

Events start: 18:00

The main event of the evening, prepared by the laureate of the National theater award « golden mask» directed by Yuri Muravitsky, artist Ekaterina Shcheglova, with the participation of students from the workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin. The program will be dedicated to the leader of Russian conceptual art, Dmitry Prigov (1940–2007), and aims to talk about conceptualism with museum guests through various forms of communication. There will be an "Open Microphone" - an interactive event in which everyone can take part right on the spot and try themselves in the public reading of the artist's texts.

Musical performances "Revolution" and "I play the harmonica"

Performances based on two plays by Dmitry Prigov performed by students of Dmitry Brusnikin's workshop. Director - Yuri Muravitsky. The initiator of the project is Kirill Svetlyakov.

Conference hall

Lecture "Book cover as an object of design and an object of art"

mezzanine floor

"Platform for Zhorzhik"

An event for children and parents dedicated to Dmitry Prigov.

Free admission

Age limit: 6+

Moscow, Krymsky Val, 10

Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow House of Photography)

8:00-00:00 Exhibition program:

Arkady Shaikhet "Photographs 1932-1941"

The third part of a big project, dedicated to creativity photographer. The exposition includes both pictures, which are Shaikhet's calling card, and previously unknown works printed from author's negatives for the first time.

"Facts and Fiction"

Contemporary photography from the UniCredit art collection

"Carmen - the miracle of the incarnation"

Duva/Diva project by DuvTeatern and Stefan Bremer

Best of ELLE

Katya Emelyanova "UNLOCKED"

Yuri Eremin "Old Moscow, favorites"

21:00 Concert by Bach, Gershwin, Chaplin, Tizol, Molchanov and others in jazz processing for theremin and piano.

22:00 Lecture by Peter Theremin "Theremin: from Lenin to Led Zeppelin".

Free admission

Age limit: 12+

Moscow, Ostozhenka street, 16

18:00-00:00 Night of the Arts at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center

The Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center is the most high-tech and interactive museum complex in Moscow.

In a programme:

– special free tours of the main exposition and the exhibition “Estranged Paradise. Chinese Contemporary Art from the DSL Collection”;

- display and discussion documentary film"Ai Weiwei: Never Apologize";

- this evening the lobby of the museum will come to life with an interactive abstract installation "Abstract wall" by the Kuflex team and a dance performance.

Entrance is free by prior registration

Age limit: 0+

Moscow, st. Obraztsova, 11, building 1A

State Center for Contemporary Art (NCCA)

18:00-00:00 Exhibition “Wishing for the Real. Contemporary Austrian Art»

The exhibition introduces the Russian audience to the work of recognized masters and representatives of a new generation of Austrian artists who explore different types artistic relationship with the surrounding reality.

Free admission

Age limit: 16+

18:00-00:00 Charity exhibition "Contact" in support of children with cerebral palsy

Project "Contact" is a prime example art therapy, as well as a unique art event that provides an opportunity to draw the attention of the general public to the problem of children with serious illnesses. The exhibition presents works created specifically for the project jointly by artists and children with cerebral palsy: the children will be the authors of the idea, and the artists will be the performers. The project will end with a charity auction organized by the Dobroserdie Foundation for helping children with cerebral palsy: all funds raised will be transferred to the Foundation.

Free admission

Age limit: 0+

Moscow, st. Zoological, 13, building 2

Moscow City Museum

10:00-24:00 "The ideal museum of the city"

As part of the Museum 2.0 project, the Museum of Moscow will hold an interactive campaign called The Ideal Museum of the City.

How do Muscovites and guests of the capital see such a museum? What is their city about? In what period of its history would you like to find yourself for a moment, which of the great ancestors, contemporaries or descendants would you like to meet live? This is an interactive laboratory in which everyone can take part and tell their "Moscow" story, collecting it from a variety of puzzle pieces. The result is a large puzzle with portraits of the townspeople and their stories. Everything that happens will be filmed by the operator and displayed in real time on the screen. Photos and videos of all the resulting stories will be published in in social networks museum.

12:00-19:00 Live Painting Moscow

On November 3, at the Night of the Arts at the Museum of Moscow, a project of unusual excursions Tripster will bring European stars street art for the street festival Art Live painting Moscow For the whole day, the museum site will become an art workshop.

All day European artists will paint architectural objects that are already familiar to museum visitors - “Mausoleum” and “Melnikov's House. Guests of the festival will be able not only to observe the creative process, but also to take part in the creation of art objects and a collective fresco. On the territory of the museum, special facades will be prepared, on which everyone, under the guidance of professional artists, can leave their mark.

In addition to collective creativity, master classes for adults and children will be held on the site throughout the day.

Cylinders, felt-tip pens, acrylic paint, stencils, collages are waiting for you. Each participant will be given a bright raincoat and gloves so as not to get dirty. Come and create!

Free admission

20:00, 20:30, 21:15 Workshops on creating an interactive installation

Free admission

Age limit: 0+

Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard, 2

Center for Creative Industries "Fabrika"

Opening hours: 13:00-23:00

Spartacus. Times New Roman / Chaim Sokol / OLIVIER Hall

The large-scale personal project sums up the intermediate result of Sokol's "migrant cycle", which began in 2011. The exhibition will show large installations from construction waste and household rubbish, specially created for the Olivier space, and the Moscow premiere of the film "Spartacus" will take place.

Sheet / Sheet / Anna Taguti // hall ARTHAUS

The key subject of the project is an ordinary bed sheet. An ordinary sheet that becomes a witness or participant in the most important events in the life of any person.

Big Cartoon Festival // Assembly Hall

paid entrance

Age limit: 16+

Moscow, Perevedenovsky per., 18

20:00 Meeting with artist Mikhail Molochnikov

"ARTIST'S BOOK - a phenomenon of contemporary art"

Mikhail Molochnikov - modern Russian artist living in two cities, Moscow and Berlin. He creates graphics, objects, collages and artist's book, takes part in exhibition projects all over the world. At the meeting, the artist will talk about such a phenomenon as the artist's book and its place in the space of contemporary art.

Free admission

Age limit: 16+

Pre-registration is required to participate.

Rosiso State Museum and Exhibition Center

Moscow, st. Lublinskaya, 48, building 1


Art installation "Time Capsule"

An art lesson, as a result of which, with the direct participation of the older generation of the city, an installation will be born, and the process itself will form the basis of a video material with short video interviews of the participants (video broadcast starts at 19:00 and continues until the closing of the museum). "Time Capsule" is a project aimed at unlocking the creative potential of people aged 60+ and transferring the accumulated wisdom and life experience in modern art forms.

In parallel, there will be a Night Vernissage of works by mature artists.

Free admission.

Age limit: 16+

Gulag Museum, st. Petrovka, 16

"Music. Spirals»

Interactive musical performance by Sergei Poltavsky “MUSIC. SPIRALS” is an amazing process of participation of the public in the creation piece of music. Thanks to modern visual technologies, listeners will have the opportunity to make a personal contribution to the creation of a collective sound picture. Each participant, regardless of their musical education, will contribute to the creation of a unique sound.

Admission is free with prior registration.

Age limit: 6+

Library them. F.M. Dostoevsky, Chistoprudny Boulevard, 23

14:00-23:00 "MosKoop Collection": display of works and discussions with artists

Moskoop is new initiative artistic community close to the circle of Moscow romantic conceptualism. At the MosKoop Collection exhibition, guests can get acquainted with works that are the property of the authors, as well as communicate with the artists themselves: Nikola Ovchinnikov, Nikita Alekseev, Igor Makarevich, Sergei Shutov, Sergei Mironenko, Konstantin Belyaev, Dmitry Bulygin, Andrey Monastyrsky.

14:00-20:00 Display of works

20:00, 21:00, 22:00 Meetings with artists

Admission is free, pre-registration only for meetings with artists

Age limit: 18+

Moscow, st. Novokuznetskaya, 3, entrance 1, intercom 2

Gallery-workshop "Skolkovo"

19:00–22:00 Lecture-seminar "History of computer art and science-art of the last decade"

Free admission

Age limit: 14+

Moscow, Skolkovskoe sh., 32, bldg. 2

Center for Contemporary Art Winzavod


Dmitry Gutov, a world-famous Russian artist, subtle philosopher and theorist who influences the development of modern culture, is sure that the laws of art today make it possible to create an art object in just an hour and a half and from nothing - even from simple and improvised objects. At the meeting, he will prove that this process is reversible - an object of contemporary art can easily become nothing.


21.00-00.30 Poetic marathon "Map of new poetics" (Vintage Hall)

Poetry readings, during which one will hear the authors of new poetic generations, whose poetics and writing strategies sometimes differ radically, but, however, they all have one thing in common - the desire to update and revise poetic languages ​​and overcome the established inertial forms of writing. Famous young critics, the founders of the Difference Prize - Kirill Korchagin, Lev Oborin, Denis Larionov, Igor Gulin, as well as the curator of readings, Galina Rymbu, will talk about the authors and important trends in poetry in recent years. The readings themselves will be accompanied by sound art by Ivan Kurbakov and video installations by artist Zlata Ponirovskaya.

20.00-03.00 Exhibition "Optical Spaces of Victor Vasarely" (Red Workshop)

Graphics, paintings and kinetic sculptures– in total, more than a hundred works by the founder of op art, Victor Vasarely, will be presented in Moscow by the keeper of an extensive collection, Katya Chepei.

Among the exhibits of the exhibition are the famous zebras woven from monochrome lines, a football player disassembled into “pixels”, numerous paintings with a three-dimensional effect, industrial design objects, a unique pictorial self-portrait of the master, as well as the only work of art in the world that has been in outer space - a collage "Space".

20.00-03.00 Exhibition by Katya Garkushko "Internal geography. Layers of memory" within the framework of the START project (START site)

What is the act of taking photographs in an era of image overproduction? What is the purpose of obsessive attempts to freeze, to fix the past, if it itself - simultaneously with the future - tends to only the inevitable, endlessly lasting present? Based on your personal experience, Katya Garkushko is looking for answers to these questions through the phenomenology of the work of human memory.

23.00-00.00 Performance by the art group U/N "Donkey Mass" (Fermentation Workshop)

The "Donkey Mass" was part of the Feasts of Fools (the carnival culture of the Middle Ages) and was a mass celebrated by a priest.

Today's rehabilitation of the Donkey Mass genre, within the performance of the art group U/N, owes much to its parodic potential. Since the performance of the mystery is intended for the exhibition space, the newest epic was chosen as the plot: a visit to N.S. Khrushchev of the exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists in the Manege.

19.30-22.30 Orange People concert (Debarkader)

Orange People is a light background music with a touch of jazz.

During the performance of the group, visitors to VINZAVOD will be able to hear the famous hits of all time in the lounge version.

20.30-22.00 Triangle Sun concert (Fermentation Shop)

Triang-le Sun is a creative union of two authors: Ale-ksand-ra Knya-ze-va and Vadim Kapu-stin, a well-known Russian group, working nah pop, easy li-stening, slow-da-nce English language. One of the few domestic collectives that have received international recognition: on the account of the group, participation in music festivals sti-va-lyakh Cafe Del Mar Lounge and Global Gathering, as well as active rotations on MTV and VH1 television channels. The compositions of Triang-le Sun were included in the composition of the legendary gift music collections Budd-ha Bar, Cafe del Mar.

20.00-00.00 Exhibition "MY YARD" by Semyon Faibisovich (Regina Gallery)

Semyon Faibisovich about the exhibition: "The exhibition presents that part of the new cycle" My Yard ", in which textures and landscapes prevail. Usually people are in the center of attention in my works, but here it is transferred to the environment surrounding them - its states, moods, etc. And where people are present, they themselves are immersed in this environment, they are part of it, an organic component.

20.00-00.00 Exhibition "That's why I'm light, light like Sunday morning" by Samuel Salcedo (Osnova Gallery)

In the works of the Spanish sculptor Samuel Salcedo, irony borders on deep sympathy for man. His naturalistically painted sculptures depict ridiculous, funny and in some ways even touching heroes, often naked. Despite the small format of most of Salcedo's works, in them he skillfully develops the theme of global loneliness and confusion.

20.00-00.00 Exhibition " open city» (Fotoloft Gallery)

A special black-and-white world awaits visitors, where the line between reality and photography is erased. The audience will be presented with iconic works from the new cycle "Open City". Each frame is made in the recognizable style of Straight Photography (“Honest Photography”), where the preliminary setting of the frame and subsequent retouching are completely excluded.

20.00-00.00 Exhibition "LAVANDOS" by Oleg Khvostov (Gallery "Cultural Alliance. Project by Marat Gelman")

Oleg Khvostov (1973) is a famous St. Petersburg artist. He began to actively exhibit and gained fame in the late 1990s, becoming a member of the New Stupid Partnership group. These merry fellows and intellectuals, fans of Daniil Kharms and Russian futurists, once, for example, joined another election company and urged citizens to vote for Cheburashka and Gena the crocodile as "the most humane candidates".

20.00-00.00 Exhibition "Head as Structure" by Alexander Pankin (Pop/off/art Gallery)

Since its inception, the pop/off/art gallery has been working with the work of Alexander Fedorovich Pankin (1938) and, finally, presents to the public the first solo exhibition of the classic of post-conceptual geometric abstraction in the gallery space.

20.00-00.00 Exhibitions "Portrait resemblance" / "Museum of Power" by Maxim Bashev / Vladimir Kolesnikov (Gallery 11.12)

At the end of October Gallery 11.12 opens two solo exhibitions at once. Maxim Bashev will demonstrate the expressive "PORTRAIT SIMILARITY", and Vladimir Kolesnikov will present an original series of portraits "THE MUSEUM OF POWER".

16-00-02:30 Exhibition “MediaNovation. Experience No. 1/2014"

The exhibition will illustrate the work of a community of experimenters and creators, and will continue a series of MediaNovation events aimed at expanding knowledge in the field of modern technologies and culture. Media Innovation. Experience No. 1/2014” will unite innovation and art, technology and artistic practices. Where the plant’s machines stood until recently, there will be technological art objects, interactive sculptures, unusual photosets created by specialists from different disciplines: artists worked hand in hand with engineers and technicians, architects worked together with programmers, sculptors created from non-standard materials.

Especially for the night arts will take place additional program at the exhibition site:

21:00 – Neurorevolution performance

23:00 - art mafia

24:00 - film screening

Free admission

Age limit: 6+

Samokatnaya street house 4, building 9, shop number 1

Mvz "gallery A3"

21.00 Finish of the exhibition "Ellipse. Partial Inventory of the West"

Gallery A3 holds the finale of the exhibition "Ellipse. Partial Inventory of the West"

The program includes: Video screening of interviews with curators and artists; display of an art collaboration of the exhibition participants with the famous Moscow organist Ekaterina Melnikova; tour of the exhibition; round table dedicated to the problems of contemporary abstract art, its transformation on the Russian and world art scene. The host of the evening is the curator of the exhibition from the Russian side, art director of the A3 gallery, artist Andrey Volkov.

Free admission

Age limit: 0+

per. Starokonyushenny, 39

19.00-22.00 Program celebratory event street art and culture:

Graffiti jams from street art artists.

Unusual master class from a street artist.

Creating a unique art object from barrels

Music from the best DJs in Moscow.

Speech by the two-time champion of Russia in beatboxing Slafan.

Fascinating show program from the team from the federation of parkour and extreme martial arts "StreetUnion".

Enchanting fire show.

The headliner of the event is the Guru Groove Foundation

Free admission

Age limit: 0+

st. Kuznetsky Most, on the site in front of the main entrance to the shopping center "TsUM"

Exhibition of nominees for the Kandinsky Prize

12.00-21.00 As part of the "Night of the Arts" program on November 3, the exhibition of nominees for the Kandinsky Prize 2014 will be open: from 12.00 to 21.00

Admission is free without pre-registration

Age limit: 12+

Moscow, st. Serafimovich, 2


Non-commercial interactive project in the public space that explores the mechanisms market economy. Video art in the project is presented as a product, by analogy with vegetables on the market. Viewers can choose the video they like and watch. The project involves more than 30 artists from around the world.

Free admission.

Age limit: 0+

Shopping center "Atrium", Zemlyanoy Val, 33

Meeting with Andrey Bartenev


The most prominent artist in Russia, in the truest sense of the word, Andrey Bartenev, is the best at turning everyday life into a holiday, breaking the laws of time, nature and perception, and deviating from imposed norms. How he does it, he will tell the guests of the night meeting in colors

Curator Yulia Bychkova is talking to the hero

Admission is free, the number of places is limited (registration for the event is available on the official website of nightarts.rf)

Registered guests can send their question to the hero of the night meeting so that he prepares for the answer in advance. Please send your questions to [email protected] marked "Andrey Bartenev"


Moscow, st. Solyanka, 1/2, building 2

Scenario of the festive event dedicated to the Day of Cultural Workers of Russia and International Theater Day

The music plays, the backstage opens, the stage is completely blacked out.

Behind the scenes conversation

Melpomene- Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping, House of Art, dear?

DI- What?

Melpomene- I'm asking, are you sleeping? Why don't you answer?

DI Melpomene, is that you? Well, how can I answer you if I'm sleeping.

Melpomene - Sorry!

DI- Did you want something?

Melpomene“Tonight is a special night. Tomorrow is a special day in your house. The entire culture of the area will be your guest. Tomorrow is your day.

Slowly beating heart

DI“Melpomene, do you hear the beating heart?!

Melpomene- Yes, I hear, but whose heart is it?

DI This is the heart of the stage!

Melpomene Are you playing creator again?

DI- Our whole life is a game…

Melpomene- ... and the people in it are actors. I know. Let's not see her birth!

Dimmed light turns on. A violinist appears on the stage. Girls dance with white fabrics. At the end of the dance, a ray of light falls on the swing, on which the stage girl is sitting, the girls come up to her, give her a hand so that she goes down and run away.

Scene– Where am I? Who am I?

DI“You, our offspring, I am your creator. House of Art.

Melpomene - And I am your patroness - Melpomene.

Scene– And who am I?

Melpomene You are the scene! You are the embodiment of art and creativity!

Scene“So, someone needs me?”

DI We need your strength. After all, only you can connect things that not everyone can connect.

Melpomene- The artist and the scenery, the dancer and the production.

DI– Director and screenplay, artist and make-up, book and reader.

Melpomene- Culture and theatre.

DI- it is you, the stage, who can connect everyone so that I, your creator of the House of Art, live.

Melpomene- And I, Melpomene, your patroness, was happy.

Scene- Okay, I'll do everything, but I'm afraid I can't do it alone.

DI- You will have the wisest, most friendly, most talented team, a team of cultural workers, librarians, directors and actors of the Beysky district.

Solemn music plays, full lights turn on, slides on the screen.

Melpomene- Meet me! Here it is, the rainbow of Bey land talents!


DI- Our little stars are children's creative teams cultural institutions of the Beisky district.

The music changes, the girls run onto the stage withbluecloth.

Melpomene- The most plastic, graceful - choreographic groups of cultural institutions of the Beysky district.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen


DI- The most exciting, the most fascinating are the theater groups of the cultural institutions of the Beysky district.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen

The music changes, girls run out onto the stage withgreencloth.

Melpomene- The most talented, the brightest - folk creative teams of cultural institutions of the Beysky district.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen

Music plays, girls run out onto the stage withyellowcloth.

DI- The most sonorous, the most beautiful - vocal groups cultural institutions of the Beisky district.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen

The music changes, girls run out onto the stage withorangecloth.

Melpomene- Our most sparkling stars - musical groups cultural institutions of the Beisky district.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen

Music plays, girls run out onto the stage withredcloth.

DI- The most well-read, smart and sociable - the staff of the Bey District Libraries.

Girls lift the fabric up, photo slides on the screen

Melpomene– Here is such a large, bright and beautiful rainbow of talents in our district.

Girls lift all fabrics up. There is fanfare and applause.

Full light and laser illumination is switched on.

    The song "Hymn of cultural workers"

Leading We welcome you from the bottom of our hearts
Wishes and sincerity sound in it.
Now we will open the magic door
And the house will be filled with a bright holiday.
Leading - Let only music dominate the hall
And songs like strings sound like silver,
Let's send problems far away
And fill our souls with warmth and kindness.
Leading - Beautiful, kind, lovely people
For you, we are ready to create on stage,
So that the holiday is a success - we will not be shy,

You can't help but love our work!


Leading - Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Leading - Hello dear viewers and guests of today's holiday!

Leading - We are glad to welcome you to the District Bey House of Culture!

presenter- Where the most talented cultural workers have gathered!

Leading- True masters of their favorite craft!

presenter– Congratulations to all of you, on International Theater Day!

Leading– Happy Day of Workers of Culture of Russia!


presenter- And on the stage for congratulations are invited - the Head of the Beysky District Administration Yuri Nikolayevich Kurlaev, the Chairman of the District Council of Deputies Galina Mikhailovna Kotelnikova and the Head of the Department of Culture, Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Beysky District Yury Mikhailovich Koshcheev.

Word of Honored Guests


LeadingGroup photo for memory!

General photo for memory

    Dance "Sheik" - Abakan

Melpomene– Scene, dear, why are you so sad?

Scene- I'm excited. I'm worried that I won't make it. After all, they are all so different and there are so many of them! How can I connect them all?

DI- They are different only in appearance, inside, each of them is madly in love with his profession, his calling - to give people joy, to give their hearts.

Scene- What should I do? Where to begin?

Melpomene- Among all this variety of talented people, you need to find souls who breathe in one thing, are sick with one idea. So that today, on the day of Art, they all, as one, uniting their destinies in a single impulse, will write a new chapter in the history of culture and art of the Bey region.

Scene- I understood everything! I'll run!

The scene is running away

    Violin - Abakan

The music plays, the stage comes out

Scene- I found! They are so interesting, they sing, dance, cross-stitch, compose poems. Everyone can and everyone can. And most importantly, they are united by one thing - love for creativity, their profession, they give joy to their viewers.

Melpomene– And who are they?

Scene- These are cultural workers! directors, artistic directors, methodologists, choreographers. Teachers of vocal and arts and crafts, sound engineers and artists. A lot of them! They are all very talented and interesting. Can I see how they will be congratulated.

DI- Of course you can!

The music plays, the presenters come out

On the screen are slides from various events, from all over the region

presenter- There is such a profession - to give people warmth, love and joy. This is about us, about cultural workers.
Leading- The largest number of holidays falls on our share. Without our participation, it is difficult to imagine almost all professional holidays.
presenter- On those days when other people are actively resting, cultural workers should work to please vacationers, providing them with a festive mood.
Leading- And today we celebrate our holiday.
Together- Feast of festive people!


presenter- We can do everything that no one has ever taught us in more than one educational institution culture.
Leading- Sewing, cutting and milking a cow. Drive nails and drive screws.
presenter- Break and repair equipment. Glazing windows and roofing.
Leading- Compose music and write poetry. Whiten, paint and dance.
presenter- Freeze at work, get sick and sing. Quote Pushkin and swear like a shoemaker.
Leading- To teach children and adults everything that we were not taught, but what the stage taught us.
presenter- We worry like children, before each of our appearances on the stage, and as parents, before each of our pupils, adults or even children, enter the stage.
Leading- And who is covered with gray hair and cold sweat standing backstage, when suddenly at the right moment the lights didn’t turn on, the music didn’t play or confetti didn’t fall down ..
presenter- And also the microphone did not turn on, the children did not have time to change clothes, or, even worse, it was not the performer of the next number who came out of that backstage, but an electrician who did not suspect about the event .... or a firefighter checking to see if everything is in order in this madhouse...

Together– House of culture
Leading- And who can, during a performance, simultaneously sit in the hall at the mixing console, flashing backstage lights, undress those leaving the stage on the go, dressing those who enter there, while giving them valuable instructions on how not to faint on stage at the sight of fellow villagers, friends and relatives.
presenter- Yes! And then still headlong to run somewhere far away for forgotten costumes or props, and then suddenly, as if nothing had happened, with a smile from ear to ear, perform on stage, dressing in different costumes three times, different size.
Leading- Many people have united in him, and he so skillfully transforms on stage and in life, works at work and at home, lives on one budget salary and manages to buy expensive concert things. A person without whom not a single holiday in the world will pass.
presenter- This is a modest worker of culture!
Together- Happy Holidays! Holiday people!!!

    Song "Children of the Earth" - RDK

The music plays, the presenters come out

Leading - There are people who are the most honorable people for cultural workers and for our viewers. These are veterans of culture! Let's stand up and applaud them loudly! They have devoted their whole lives to creativity!


Leading - Veterans of culture! You are special people
From a special alloy, from a special ore!
You do not bend your shoulders under the weight of everyday life
And close the ranks of veterans closely.
Leading - You gave a lot for the culture of your beloved,
Your memory keeps every day, every hour.
They say about others: life is passing by.
You are in the thick of things then and now.
presenter- You are an example for many, veterans of culture,
Your experience and mind are a treasure for a young soul!
Your hearts did not burn new money bills,
You worked honestly, getting a pittance.
Leading - Against the lies of many faces, you stood up for the truth,
You valued deeds, trusted words.
Veterans of culture, who are present in the hall,
I bow down to you for the rest of your life!

Film from photographs "How young we were"

    "Under the sky of Paris" - School of Music(piano, accordion)

The music plays, the presenters come out

Leading - How much kindness and joy we bring to people, and how happy we ourselves are from this ... All events are held very cordially. And for a long time they are remembered, experienced anew.
Leading - Everyday life of a cultural worker - conversations with people, the work of circles, writing scripts, rehearsals. No person should be overlooked.
Leading - Therefore, cultural workers have a huge circle of acquaintances and friends. And today, our leaders, the Heads of rural settlements, came to celebrate this day with us. Help and support, which we feel throughout our creative life.

Leading - The heads of administrations of the village councils of the Beysky district are invited to the stage.

Congratulations from the heads of settlements

    Dance "Sheik" - Abakan

Leading - Yes! They say we don't carry bricks...
Leading - Although we still carry them.
Leading - Yes! They say that our work is called "Do not beat the lying" ...
Leading - Although the speakers themselves, once on the stage, suddenly go dumb, turn pale and freeze as if rooted to the spot, feeling the looks of hundreds of demanding eyes on themselves.
Leading - Yes! They say about our scripts that everyone can write such a scribble ...
Leading - And at the same time, picking up a simple pencil, they cannot write more than a line.

Leading - Dear Colleagues!!! Don't listen to anyone. Our profession is the most important on earth!!!
Leading - Without our participation, people are not born and do not die, do not marry and do not go to the army, where a holiday is needed, there always appears a cultural worker. Leading - People always expect a holiday from us, and let's not forget about it. Let's continue to give them a good mood.

Leading - Despite everything!

    "Bim-bom" - RDK

The music plays, the stage comes on stage

Melpomene - Scene, dear, what a fine fellow you are!

Scene - But I didn't complete my task. There are people who do not work, but serve, serve me, serve the theatre. Give yourself to the theatrical art!

CI - Let's look at their world, the world of theater!

The music plays, the presenters come out

Leading - Theater! How much does a word mean
For everyone who has been there many times!
How important and sometimes new
There is action for us!
Leading - We die at performances
We shed tears together with the hero ...
Although sometimes we know very well
That all sorrows are for nothing!
Leading - Forgetting about age, failures,
We aspire to someone else's life
And from someone else's grief we cry,
With someone else's success, we are rushing up!
Leading - In performances, life is in full view,
And everything will be revealed at the end:
Who was the villain, who was the hero
With a terrible mask on his face.
Leading - Theater, theater! How much do they mean
For us sometimes your words!
And how could it be otherwise?
Together- In the theater, life is always right!

presenter- Honored guests of today's holiday are invited to the stage for congratulations -

Congratulatory word from the guests

Leading - Theater lives inside each of us. We are all heroes of some comedy, tragedy or musical. Each of us is very talented, each in his own way. Directors, screenwriters, actors, costume designers, make-up artists, stuntmen, artists.

Leading - If you put together a puzzle from all this variety of talents, you get a performance or sketch, a theatrical sketch or a theatrical parade, a prologue or finale, a humorous scene or a children's fairy tale.

Leading - And I want to say a huge thank you to all the people who serve the stage, their difficult profession.

Leading - People whose fates are, one way or another, connected with theatrical art.

Leading - This salute of stars is for you!!!

Salute from the stars

Leading - What a miracle - to be in a fairy tale
With the heroes of suddenly revived legends!
We are surprised by their costumes, masks,
Captures the action of the moment.
Leading - They sing, mourn, meditate...
The intensity of passions is transmitted to us.
The game of their souls ignite us.
Their art is theater, not farce.
presenter- Today we praise the skill of actors,
We hasten to congratulate them on the Day of the Theater,
Make-up artists, dressers and prompters -
Thank you all for the magic!

    Monologue Theater "White Piano"

    Military historical club "Mergen" - Abakan

    Dance "Sheik" - Abakan

The music plays, the stage comes out

Scene- How great we are doing!

Melpomene- Do not rush! You forgot about some talented people.

Scene- I haven't forgotten, now everything will be!

DI- Well, let's look!

The music plays, the presenters come out

Leading- Out of the corner of my ear, I heard among the people:
The librarian is no longer in vogue
And without it will give us all the answer
The irreplaceable Internet
presenter- Let the new age rage behind the wall
The computer spins a web for thoughts
But I prefer the silence of libraries
Their wonderful world and their old cosiness.

Leading– At our celebration there are people whose profession is irreplaceable, modest, but, nevertheless, absolutely necessary in a cultural society. These are librarians.

presenter- They are the guides in a diverse and inexhaustible world - the world of books.
Leading– And on this festive day, we want to say the kindest words to those who have worked in our wonderful library system of the Beysky district for many years!

Fanfare. Applause.

presenter- The director is invited to the stage for congratulations library system.

The word of Tatyana Viktorovna Shefer

presenter- Good to serve in the library,
Move with dignity like rivers
Feeling shallow and deep.
And blessing the silence.
Leading- Twilight thickening canopy.
It's good that the working day is long.
In the quiet pool of libraries
We will not be unraveled, forever.

Leading - Dear friends, for librarians and for all cultural workers of the district, a video congratulation.

    Video Interview

    Violin - Abakan

The music plays, the stage comes out

Scene - Well, that's all happy, all in pairs. An actor with a role, a musician with an instrument, a director with a production, a song with notes. Only I'm all alone.

Melpomene- You are not alone! You have a couple. This is your audience!

Artists enter the stage, take out large mirrors.

CI - After all, art, culture, it's not us, singers, musicians, actors, it's you - our audience!

Turn the mirrors to the auditorium

Leading How imperceptibly the time flew by,
We have become cleaner and kinder.
There is no more grateful thing in our world,
What is it about making people happy?

presenter- Let the solemn moment end
But long impressions bright path.
After all, in the cart the wheel is still spinning,
We still drown in applause!
Leading- We were born to live among the people,
To touch the mind, to amuse the soul ...
So as not to attack him with a yawn ...
I always wanted to sing, dance and live ...
presenter- So be happy, and peaceful sky to you,
So that laughter sounds for a holiday every time ...
And remember, viewer and reader, wherever you are ...
Culture works for you!

Leading– No matter what happens, no matter what happens, we will always and everywhere give you our joy, our heart!

Plays the "Hymn of cultural workers of the Beysky district"

Hearts fall on the stage

Leading - See you soon!

Leading - Happy holiday!
