We know the tale. Parables for children

Two Tips

(parable for children and adults)

The fox advised the hedgehog to go to the hairdresser.

Such thorns, - she says, and licks herself, - are no longer worn. Now the hairstyle "under the turtle" is in fashion!

The hedgehog listened to the advice and went to the city. It is good that after the fox the owl flew past him.

Then you should immediately ask yourself to refresh yourself with cucumber lotion and carrot water! “When she found out what was going on,” she said.

For what? - I did not understand the hedgehog.

And so that the fox tastes better to eat you! the owl explained. - After all, before that, your thorns interfered with her!

And only then did the hedgehog realize that not every advice, and even more so, not everyone who gives advice, can be trusted!


The parable of a car without a driver

I wanted to drive the car itself without a driver.

I took it and went!

Wherever he wants, he will pass, he will do what he thinks. Life is not just pleasure!

Only suddenly she sees - ahead of the abyss. Such that you fall into it - you can’t assemble the wheels!

She would have to press the brakes, but can you do it without a driver?

I remembered the car about the driver and how it buzzes, that there is urine!

The driver heard this , caught up with the masterful car , jumped into the cab and braked just before the abyss .

And what if he couldn't?

Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin). From the book: Little parables for children and adults.



(A parable for children)

In the middle of God's beautiful, bright world lived a small gray insect. All other insects were very proud of their bright colors and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even mocked her.

The little bug was very sad. But one morning a ray of sunshine stroked her back. The little girl was delighted that someone loved her, and thought with gratitude: “I can do a good deed! I’ll clean the leaves of aphids, ”and leaf by leaf, twig by twig, cleared the whole tree in a day. And every leaf on the tree whispered to her:

"Thank you, you saved us!" The little gray bug was so happy and embarrassed that she blushed. It was so beautiful!

Since then, she has always beamed and radiated such joy that everyone loved her and began to call her " ladybug". And now, when people ask her to fly to heaven and fulfill their desire, she happily does it, because she is "God's", and she knows for sure that everyone can become happy, you just need to do good to others!

Since ancient times, many peoples have used parables as a quick and effective method education in children of basic life concepts and values. Since the parable is a short story, the child will have the patience to listen to it to the end. A fascinating form and interesting, understandable characters will convey to the little fidget: what is good and evil, what is love and respect for elders, as well as many other important things.

It is very important that the parable does not condemn villain, does not make fun of his shortcomings, but at the same time he still points to them, so that the child understands how to do and how not to do.

The stories behind each parable tell the children, in a language they can understand, what real life and what difficulties may be encountered along this difficult path. And most importantly, in each parable you can find far more than one way out of this situation.

Unfortunately, many parents believe that at an early stage of development, their child is not able to perceive parables as such. This opinion is wrong. Parables can be read to a child from the cradle. Of course, at first he may not understand them. true meaning, however, at the subconscious level, the trace will remain in any case.

Short parables for children

Already since early age parables contribute to the formation of a small personality right attitude to the world, to yourself and your actions. It is also interesting that in the process of forming this attitude, the child begins to understand that you need to appreciate what you have.

Reading short parables gives children the opportunity to share joy and sadness with their heroes, and this, in turn, will teach the child empathy, compassion and mercy.

Good parables will save the child from disturbing thoughts, develop self-confidence in him, and help to abandon manifestations of greed and bragging. Short parables are able to show the kid in an accessible form that envy is bad, and if he wants something, then you need to work for this and achieve your goal. Naturally, “work” at this age means good behavior, obedience, study, and so on.

At an early age, up to about six or seven years, short parables are the best for reading to children. It is easy for a child to perceive them, but at the same time the imagination draws colorful pictures and is enriched lexicon. You will soon notice that it is becoming easier for the child to express his thoughts, he no longer rushes into fights in the yard so often, but tries to decide conflict situations verbally.

In a short, at first glance, history, there is so much deep meaning ... Speaking in simple words, they demonstrate to the child that life is multifaceted, and it makes no sense to divide this or that event into good or bad. Having considered any situation, it can be turned in your favor, and hopeless situations do not exist by definition.

Parables for children: read

We all know how useful it is to read books to children, and especially parables. Let's see why. As you know, all psychologists and teachers unconditionally agree that it is simply necessary to read parables to a child. Unlike fairy tales, which in many ways distort the actual reality by the fact that their heroes are talking animals, and often completely fictional creatures, parables convey reality as correctly as possible, their heroes are completely real people We can observe their actions every day in our lives too. In addition, many teachers believe that reading parables is appropriate even at the level of intrauterine development, perhaps this is a myth, but this practice will not bring anything bad.

Along with the already mentioned beneficial effects, reading parables to children can bring into our lives:

  • Harmony in relationships with your beloved child. Think and answer honestly to yourself the question: “Do I spend a lot of time inner world your child?" Unfortunately, the frantic pace of life, when we are forced to work hard in order to provide a decent standard of living for ourselves and our families, rarely allows us to
  • have a heart-to-heart talk with the child. Often we are deprived of the opportunity to tell the baby what is good and what is bad, to analyze and draw conclusions from the situation in the kindergarten, in the yard, at school, and so on. All communication between modern parents and their children comes down to joint trips to the store for another toy. Thus, many fathers and mothers assuage their consciences and mistakenly believe that this is enough. But family tradition reading parables together in the evenings will give you much more.
  • The child calms down and gets answers to his questions. You shouldn't think that Small child devoid of experiences, on the contrary, he is at an age when confusion occurs in his soul, and his mind is constantly working, trying to independently comprehend the secrets of the universe, naturally at a more primitive level than it happens in an adult. Help your baby! Read short parables to him, give him answers and food for further thought.
  • The intelligence of the child develops. Read short parables to the little man more often at night, before going to bed his state is relaxed, he is calm and information is perceived best. Together with the child, try to discuss what you read, carefully listen to his opinion. Please note that the language of parables is simple and understandable, your baby will soon speak at this level too! And you will only be surprised at how reasonable he is and that he talks like an adult.
  • Instilling in your child a love of reading. Again, in contrast to fairy tales, parables tell about the lives of adults. Therefore, it is more interesting for children to read them, and not fairy tales. The love of reading is difficult to overestimate, besides, it tears children away from the TV, tablet and other "flaws" modern age. Take the time to read parables to children while they are at an early age, then it may be too late, as the child will be influenced high technology, books will be abandoned, values ​​will be distorted, and there is nothing you can do.
  • The development of a child's imagination, analytical thinking and the ability to get out of situations with dignity, even the most difficult ones. Using the example of the main characters, the parable tells the kids how to behave with friends and with older people, as well as how to look for ways to resolve controversial issues. Thus, in the mind of the child, a model of relations and behavior with children is formed. different people, he begins to understand the limits of what is permitted.

Wise parables for children

No matter how trite it may sound, parables contain centuries-old wisdom that has been accumulated for more than one generation. Not many of us are able to pick up words and just as briefly and accurately convey the meaning of this or that edification.

Wise parables will show the child the true meaning and value of life, teach that good deeds in relation to other people are beneficial, and above all - to himself. Oddly enough, children are better disposed to such perception than any adult, probably because their mind and consciousness are not yet clogged with the ideas of modern society.

Instructive parables for children

Instructive parables will demonstrate to the young researcher of the universe that everything secret will definitely become clear and that evil will definitely be punished.

The child will learn to look at his actions through the eyes of another person, as if from the outside. Over time, he will understand that before committing any deed, you need to think about whether it will harm his comrade or just a random passerby. In addition, the parable will help the baby with the realization that some of his desires need to be relegated to the background, and some should be completely feared and fought against.

Of course, whether to read parables or fairy tales to your little one in principle is up to you. However, even at an early age, it is worth trying several ways of communicating with a child in order to help him get comfortable in a world full of contradictions, false judgments and vanity.

Lesson Objectives:

  1. To form a reader's independence, a cultural reader.
  2. To form an idea of ​​the structure of a fairy tale-parable.
  3. Develop the ability to open world of literature, teach the techniques of a work of art.
  4. To form the skill of syntagmatic reading.
  5. To educate a cultured reader, the moral qualities of a person.
  6. Develop a creative personality.

Equipment: multimedia equipment - projector, laptop; presentation for the lesson (changing slides on click), project board, reading textbook.

During the classes

1. Organization of children for work:

Teacher: Let's smile at each other, children. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, put your heads on the desks.” To quiet melodic music, the children quietly repeat after the teacher:

- I'm in school at the lesson,
Now I will start studying.
– I am happy about it.
My attention is growing.
- I, as a scout, will notice everything.
- My memory is strong.
- Head thinks clearly.
- I want to learn.
– I really want to study.
- I'm ready to go.
- I am working!

2. Speech warm-up:

3. Lesson topic:

Patience and a little effort.
You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
A dashing man has a lot of strength, but he has no will.
The world is not without good people.

Teacher: Read the proverbs, choose the odd one.

Students: (A dashing man has a lot of strength, but he has no will).

Teacher: Why is this proverb redundant?

Students: All proverbs, except this one, are about work, and this floorboard is about willpower, about patience.

Teacher: What human deficiency is referred to in this proverb? Who will be able to formulate the topic of the lesson? (Students try to formulate).

Teacher: Read the topic of the lesson on slide e. slide 4.

4. Autobiographical information about the author. slide 5.

Teacher: Nikolai Grigoryevich Garin-Mikhailovsky was born in 1852 and died in 1906. Born into a wealthy family. When he grew up, he received the profession of a railway engineer and built railways in Russia. He traveled a lot, he knew how to observe. He described his observations in diaries, and sometimes, showing his writer's imagination, he wrote stories, parables, because he wanted to convey to people what people should be like. Today we will get acquainted with one of his works “We Know!”.

5. Work on the work:

Teacher: Read the text in the textbook. Why did the author write this parable?

The students are reading.

Teacher: Who is the hero of the parable?

Students: Husband and wife.

Teacher: What does a good person mean?

IN AND. Dal in the Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language interprets as follows:

“A good (person) is kind or sensible, good, capable, good-natured, expensive, valued by internal qualities, useful properties, dignity.” slide 6.

6. Dynamic pause. slide 7.

Teacher: What is the disadvantage of our heroes from the parable?

Students: Heroes don't know how to listen.

Teacher: What story happened to the heroes because of the lack? Read an excerpt from the text.

Teacher: Can this story happen to anyone in life?

Students: No, because people can't turn into animals.

Teacher: What does the parable teach?

Students: Listen to it, otherwise trouble may happen.

Teacher: In what ways are the heroes lucky?

Students: The heroes did not crash and did not die, but turned into fish and birds, the author spared the heroes and did not punish them very much.

Teacher: In fairy tales and parables, transformations very often occur. slide 8.

On the slide are pictures of fairy tale characters who turn into fairy tales. Choose pictures with heroes in which fairy tales turn for good deeds.

Students: “The Frog Princess”, “Cinderella”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan and His Glorious Son Gvidon”.

Teacher: Name the hero who turns in fairy tales for evil deeds.

Students: Baba Yaga.

Teacher: What evil deeds did Baba Yaga do, in what fairy tales?

7. Summary of the lesson


Remember the proverb that we have highlighted.

Pupils: "A dashing man has a lot of strength, but he has no will." slide 9.

Students: What does this proverb teach? What does the parable “We know!” teach.

8. Homework: slide 10.

Teacher: Divide the text into syntagmas. Read the story to your parents. Evaluate your reading with your parents.

Information sources:

    en.wikipedia. org/ wiki/ Garin-Mikhailovsky, Nikolai Georgievich?.

  1. Matveeva E.I. Methods of teaching literary reading in primary school. Grade 2 (System D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov): A guide for the teacher. - 2nd edition - M .: Vita-Press, 002. - 144 p.

Good mood to you all! If you love reading to your children interesting stories, and your baby loves fairy tales, then we offer you wise children's parables that will not only calm the child before going to bed, but also teach kindness and wisdom. Teaching children from an early age is the responsibility of every parent. For your child to grow a good man and lived happily, it is necessary for children to read positive and instructive tales, parables or stories. And also after reading you can ask the child questions that will motivate him to think. In this post, we have collected the kindest and wisest parables for children, which will be useful for adults as well.

A badger lived in a forest. This badger did not want anything: neither to study, not to work, and he really did not know anything. And here are the tips
loved to give. When someone did something, he loomed nearby and gave advice.
Autumn came and the badger began to build a house for himself. He called for himself masters: hares, who immediately built this house for him.

He withdrew into himself, he did not want to communicate with anyone, and he decided to leave the fabulous forest of "great wizards" for the world of people.

One windy morning, just at the end of spring, the snail began its ascent up the cherry tree. Several sparrows perched on a nearby oak tree began to laugh at her. It was not yet the season, and not a single cherry had ripened on the tree, and this poor snail was working so hard to get to the top. The birds made fun and teased her. Then one sparrow flew down, flew closer to the snail and said: “Honey, where are you going? There are no cherries on the tree."
But the snail continued its upward journey. Without stopping, she answered the offenders: “But they will ripen when I reach the top. They will be there when I get there. It takes me a long time to get to the top and by then the cherries will be there.

The student asked: “They say that one moment of anger destroys the energy of good deeds accumulated over a lifetime. What should I do if someone hits me?”.
“And if a dry branch falls on you from a tree and hits you?” - answered the teacher.
The student laughed, “Well, it's just an accident that the branch fell at that very moment. I can't be angry with a tree."
“That's right,” the teacher said. - Someone went crazy and hit you - it's like a branch fell. Don't let that worry you, go your own way as if nothing happened."

In the train car, the girl diligently writes something in a notebook.
Mom asks her: “What are you writing, daughter?”
“I describe the places I see from the window. You can read, mommy, ”the daughter replies. Mom reads what was written and raises her eyebrows high: “But you have so many mistakes in your words, daughter!” “Ah, mother! the girl exclaims. “There’s a different kind of train here! He shakes so much that it is very difficult to write correctly!

- Let's check which of us is stronger, who can break this dry branch.
The first snowflake ran up and jumped with all its might onto a branch. The thread didn't even move. Behind her is the second. Nothing too.
Third. The branch didn't budge either. Snowflakes fell on the branch all night. A whole snowdrift formed on it. The branch bent under the weight of snowflakes, but did not want to break. And one small snowflake hovered in the air all this time and thought: “If the bigger ones couldn’t break the branch, then where should I go?”
But her friends called her:
- Try! Suddenly you can!
And the snowflake finally made up its mind. She fell on a branch, and ... the branch broke, although this snowflake was not stronger than the others.
And who knows, maybe it is your good deed that will defeat evil in someone's life, although you are not stronger than the rest.

I wanted to drive the car without a driver.
I took it - let's go!
Wherever he wants, he will pass, he will do what he thinks. Life is not just pleasure!
Only suddenly she sees - ahead of the abyss. Such that you fall into it - you can’t assemble the wheels!
She would have to press the brakes, but can you do it without a driver?
I remembered the car about the driver and how it will buzz, that there is urine!
The driver heard this, caught up with the masterful car, jumped into the cab and braked in front of the abyss itself.
What if he didn't make it?..

Good gnome

In one fairy-tale forest lived-were magical creatures. This forest was huge, and there was enough room for everyone: fairies, gnomes, witches, trolls, and many other wizards.
There also lived in this forest a little dwarf, who had no magical abilities, and whom everyone offended.
He withdrew into himself, he did not want to communicate with anyone, and he decided to leave the fabulous forest of "great wizards" into the world
of people.
“I will do good,” he decided, “and it will be no worse than various fairy-tale miracles.
And so he began to help people. He had no wealth, but he came to them and gave them something more than money - love, kindness and understanding. And people awakened faith in goodness, justice and disinterestedness.
Soon, his deeds were noticed by wizards from the fairy forest, they began to admire him, since they, possessing their magic, could not give people so much kindness and love.

Inaccessible princess

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a princess. She was very beautiful, smart, but for some reason she did not
wanted to know: she was proud and cold and believed that this was how real princesses should behave. She was sitting
locked up in her beautiful castle and was waiting for the prince on a white horse with a bouquet of roses, who would suddenly come to her and offer his hand and heart.
But the prince still did not go, and the princess felt even more lonely, abandoned and useless.
But one day she had a dream. The little fairy said: “Be yourself, drop your pride and go out into the people! And then you will forget what loneliness and boredom are, you will know the world better, it will be more fun for you to live in this world!
When the princess woke up, she suddenly realized that she was not alone, she had a new friend - a little fairy who wanted to help her. And the princess ran into her beautiful garden. She met the gardener who took care of the garden and his family, ordinary people outside the castle gates: a shepherd, a postman, a doctor, a policeman and a local school teacher. She realized that good and smart people there was a lot in the world, and how much she had deprived herself of when she was locked up and imagined God knows what about herself. And the princess found her prince. True, he was a simple milkman, but she loved him, and that was the most important thing.

God molded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece left.
- What else to blind you? God asked.
“Blind me happiness,” the man asked.
God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.
- What is this parable about, children?

The man bought new house- large, beautiful - and a garden with fruit trees near the house. And next to the old house
there lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to spoil his mood: either he would throw garbage under the gate, or he would do some other nasty things.
One day a man woke up good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slop. The man took a bucket, poured out the slop, cleaned the bucket to a shine, collected in it the largest, ripest and delicious apples and went to a neighbor. A neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, thought gloatingly: "Finally, I tortured him." He opens the door in the hope of litter, and the man handed him a bucket of apples.

The vine could not get enough of seeing how in the spring the peasant carefully dug up the earth around it, trying not to touch the tender roots with a spade, how he lovingly looked after it, put strong supports so that it could grow freely. In gratitude for such care, the vine decided to endow the person with the juicy fragrant fruits of the vine at all costs.

In a village a long time ago there lived a girl,
And every day she gave from her hands to eat a kitten,
Without it, he could not sleep, and even play.
Without her, he was lonely and could only be afraid of everyone.
He woke her up at night and kept screaming in pain,
Either the stomach will ache at that hour, or toothaches.
She took him to her and quietly warmed him,
And he murmured only to her in response, lying under the covers.
One month and another, he grew up and was not afraid,
Care, affection and peace, I forgot, everything I needed.
Once he went into the yard, played with the cats.
And he did not return to his native house, he remained at liberty to live.
And the girl was waiting for him, sitting all at the window,
Playing on the porch again, all the neighbor's cat.
She cried about him, and, remembering how she raised,
In her memory, he was a native cat and very sweet.
A year has passed and he is still gone, she got sick,
The doctor told her: “You are young, the stress has done its job.
She had little to live, she waited all sensitively,
And with faith she wanted to live, seeing this miracle.
And one night suddenly a strong wind knocks on the window,
She barely got out of bed, she couldn't believe her eyes.
Her beloved cat, all wet under the window,
He beat his paw plaintively into the glass, meowing only a little.
She forgot about the disease, opened the window.
He threw himself on her neck, although he was not very nice
And he is happy, the same cat that was adopted into the beloved house.
Her illness has already passed, and a year has passed here again,
She fed the cat again, accepting him like that.
So children forget their mother, she does not forget
And he will accept you again, by anyone, without despising.

The fox came out of its hole early in the morning. The sun was just rising, and the shadow it cast was huge. Looking at her, the fox thought: "How big I am! For breakfast, I probably need a whole camel." Convinced in this thought, she went in search of a camel. Suddenly, a hare jumped out in front of her and took off running. The fox looked dismissively in his direction and ran on.
The sun rose higher and the fox's shadow became smaller. The fox stopped, looked at her attentively and decided that she probably wouldn’t eat a camel at one time, and a lamb would be enough for her. She felt unbearably hungry.
Suddenly, a flock of partridges ran across the road. But the fox, having established itself in the idea that she needed a whole ram for breakfast, did not even pay attention to them.
The sun rose higher, and the fox looked with surprise at his already very small shadow. She remembered the hare that jumped out from under her feet in the morning, and was very sorry that she had not chased him. After a while, the shadow completely disappeared. The fox remembered the partridges that crossed her path, and licked her lips. Angry at herself and at the whole world, hungry and confused, she began chasing mice...

noble mouse

The mouse got into the habit of dragging cheese from a mousetrap.
Yes, so cleverly that I never got caught! But even more surprising was the fact that she never touched the cheese that lay on the table and ate only what was in the mousetrap.
- Why? asked the cat, catching her.
- Yes, I do not want to annoy the owners! she answered. "I've had enough of mine...
“Wow, what a noble mouse!” thought the cat and, releasing her, told the mistress about everything.
Since then, instead of a mousetrap, there was a small bowl on the floor, in which there was a piece of cheese for the mouse.
The thing is that the owners were also noble!

After the eclipse

A bird flew across the sky, not noticing either the sunlight, or snow-white clouds, or earthly beauty.
And suddenly - solar eclipse! Darkness enveloped everything around. As it darkened, the clouds disappeared.
Neither the earth nor the sky could be seen. The bird got scared and thought it was blind. She cried.
How am I going to live without all this? How can I go further? And then it became light again.
The sun appeared. The clouds cleared up and became snow-white again. And finally, the land appeared, which has never seemed so beautiful!
The bird gasped and sang with joy. And, unable to get enough, as if for the first time looking at all this beauty ...
... How useful it is for us, people, from time to time - such an eclipse of the sun!

Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed to his grandson one vital truth.
- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents goodness - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty...
The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather's words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:
Which wolf wins at the end?
The old Indian smiled almost imperceptibly and replied:
The wolf you feed always wins.

In the middle of God's beautiful, bright world lived a small gray insect. All other insects were very proud of their bright colors and did not pay any attention to her, and the Colorado potato beetle even mocked her.
The little bug was very sad. But one morning a ray of sunshine stroked her back. The little girl was delighted that someone loved her, and thought with gratitude: “I can do a good deed! I’ll clean the leaves of aphids, ”and leaf by leaf, twig by twig, cleared the whole tree in a day. And every leaf on the tree whispered to her:
"Thank you, you saved us!" The little gray bug was so happy and embarrassed that she blushed. It was so beautiful!
Since then, she has always beamed and radiated such joy that everyone loved her and began to call her “ladybug”. And now, when people ask her to fly to heaven and fulfill their desire, she happily does it, because she is "God's", and she definitely
knows that everyone can become happy, you just need to do good to others!

A crow sits on a tree branch. A rabbit runs past. He looked at the crow and asked:
- Crow, can I sit all day and do nothing?
"Yes," the crow replies.
The hare sat down under a tree.
After a while, a wolf ran past. I saw a hare sitting quietly under a tree, grabbed it and ate it. : to be able to sit and do nothing, you need to sit high.

The hare, feeling very thirsty, went down into a deep well to drink water. Having drunk, he tried to get out of the well, but he could not and became very grieving.
The fox came, saw the hare at the bottom of the well and said to him:
You, my friend, acted recklessly. Before you go down the well, you should think about how you will get out
out of him.

“Once a fox heard that chickens were sick in the poultry yard. She decided to feast, for this she dressed as a doctor, took the tools and went to the chickens. She went to the chicken coop and asked: “How do you feel?” And they say: "Great, but only when you're not around."
Let's drink to each of us being able to distinguish good people from the bad ones. This is a special skill worth
learn and which will help us all more than once!

The Parable of the Nails

Once upon a time there was a very quick-tempered and unrestrained young man. And then one day his father gave him a bag of nails and punished him every time he could not restrain his anger, to drive one nail into a fence post.
On the first day, there were several dozen nails in the post. Then he learned to restrain his anger, and every day the number of nails hammered into the post began to decrease. The young man realized that it was easier to control his temper than to drive in nails.
At last the day came when he never once lost his composure.
He told his father about this, and he said that this time, every day, when his son managed to restrain himself, he could pull one nail out of the post.
Time passed, and the day came when the young man informed his father that not a single nail was left in the post. Then the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence:
- You did a good job, but do you see how many holes there are in the column? He will never be the same again. When you say something evil to a person, he leaves the same scar as these holes. And no matter how many times you apologize after that
- the scar will remain.

I saw a sign of a person who does not believe in her, and thought:
- Well, now you will quickly become mine!
She sent a black cat to cross the road in front of the man, and after a couple of steps she dug a hole.
The man stumbled, walks on, limping.
But I didn't even think about the fact that it was connected with a cat.
The omen got angry.
She made the black cat cross the road again.
And I dug not a hole, but a whole hole!
The man stroked the black cat, noticed the danger on the way and avoided the pit.
And at the same time, a sign trembling with impotent rage, which realized that she could not do anything with a person who does not believe in any signs!

Parable "Fragile gifts"

Somehow he came to one village and stayed to live the old a wise man. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also liked to give them gifts, but he gave only fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and wept bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile ones.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
“You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
- Quite a few years will pass, - the old man smiled, - and someone will give them his heart. Maybe it will teach them how to handle
with this priceless gift, a little more careful?

Three boys went into the forest. Mushrooms, berries, birds in the forest. The boys were walking. Didn't notice how the day went by.
They go home - they are afraid: “It will hit us at home!” So they stopped on the road and think what is better: to lie or to tell the truth?
- I will say, - says the first, - as if a wolf attacked me in the forest. The father will be frightened and will not scold.
- I'll tell you, - says the second, - that I met my grandfather. The mother will be delighted and will not scold me.
- And I'll tell the truth, - says the third. - It's always easier to tell the truth, because it's the truth and you don't need to invent anything.
Here they all went home. As soon as the first boy told his father about the wolf, lo and behold, the forest watchman was coming.
- No, - he says, - in these places there are wolves.
Father got angry. For the first guilt he got angry, and for a lie - twice.
The second one told about the grandfather, and the grandfather is right there - he is coming to visit. Mother learned the truth. For the first guilt I got angry, and for a lie - twice.
And as soon as the third boy came, he confessed everything from the threshold. Mom grumbled at him, and I'm sorry

The cat Murka Sharik decided to survive from the kennel.
And why would she, it seemed, do this: she lives in a big house, and Sharik lives in a tiny booth.
But the whole point was that the house was not hers, but a kennel - Sharikov!
And she began to purr to the owners that, they say, Sharik became very old and lazy, and also kind beyond measure, because of which strangers made their yard passable!
It all ended with the fact that Sharik was kicked out of the booth. And they put Murka on a chain instead. The owners were smart. Realized that such an evil cat is better good dog the house will be guarded. And Sharik, so be it, was allowed into the hallway - to live a century!

The fox advised the hedgehog to go to the hairdresser.
- Such thorns, - she says, and she licks her lips, - they don’t wear anymore. Now the hairstyle "under the turtle" is in fashion!
The hedgehog listened to the advice and went to the city.
It is good that after the fox the owl flew past him.
- Then you should immediately ask yourself to refresh yourself with cucumber lotion and carrot water! “When she found out what was going on,” she said.
- For what? - did not understand the hedgehog.
- And so that the fox tastes better to eat you! - explained the owl. - After all, before that, your thorns interfered with her!
And only then did the hedgehog realize that not every advice, and even more so, not everyone who gives advice, can be trusted!

A parable about a boy who believed in miracles. The boy was very fond of reading kind and clever fairy tales and believed everything that was written there. Therefore, he looked for miracles in life, but could not find anything in it that would be similar to his favorite fairy tales.
Feeling somewhat disappointed in his search, he asked his mother if it was right that he believed in miracles. Or miracles do not happen in life? “My dear,” his mother answered him lovingly, “if you try to grow up kind and good
boy, then all the fairy tales in your life will come true. Remember that they are not looking for miracles - to kind people they come by themselves."
“Whoever does good is from God; but he who does evil has not seen God” (3 John 11).

Greed, but greed, give me a big pot!
- I won't give it, it's not enough!
- Greed, but greed, give me a smaller pan!
- And I will not give less!
- Greed, but greed, then give me the smallest!
- She said, I won’t give, so I won’t give!
- Well, if you don't want it, whatever you want! Then you have a pie!
- Let's! Why only one? You are generosity!
So I wanted to give you more. But you didn't!
So greed punished itself!

About the little lump

Once upon a time there was a small fluffy lump. He was very small, warm and surprisingly pretty. He lived in a cozy, warm little burrow, where he was comfortable and calm. He woke up, ate, played, tumbled, fell asleep again and woke up again.
Sometimes the lump just lay in its hole and listened to the sounds coming from outside. These sounds were familiar and pleasant. They fascinated the Kid and were so dear.
He heard the sound of water, the flow and murmur of streams, the rhythmic tapping. And sometimes from afar he heard a barely audible gentle voice, similar to the ringing of a silver bell.
But as time went on, the lump grew up and it was already becoming cramped in his cozy mink, he could no longer tumble as freely as before. Now, in addition to familiar, native sounds, new, unfamiliar ones began to penetrate into the mink. They were strange, wonderful and extraordinarily diverse. Some sounds were especially pleasant. And the lump listened to them for a long time, holding its breath. But there were also not very pleasant sounds, and then the lump tossed and turned, trying to plug its ears, or knocked on the walls of its mink, wanting to stop these sounds. But as soon as he knocked, he heard that gentle pleasant voice again.
Now it sounded louder and clearer. And the lump immediately calmed down.
Some more time passed, the lump became already quite large, and, of course, it no longer fit in its small mink.
Now every day he heard a variety of sounds coming from outside. He's used to a lot. And it became very interesting to him, what is there, behind the walls of his mink? He really wanted to see the one who possessed such a wonderful
silver voice.
But as soon as the kid approached the door of his mink, he became scared, and he did not dare to go out.
And one fine day came to the baby Kind fairy. She took his hand and said:
- Have you grown up and want to get out of your mink? I can guide you. You feel that the path ahead is not easy. But I will always be with you and help you. The world you enter will not be as cozy and calm as your mink. He
large, filled with different sounds, colors, smells, tastes and sensations. And when you grow up, you will have
Friends. You will learn everything you want and see a lot of amazing things! .. Well, are you ready?
The lump’s heart began to pound, he firmly grabbed the Fairy’s warm hand, opened the mink door, and, inhaling more air, took a step outside ...
He was received by a huge beautiful world, and the wonderful trills of a silver bell-voice filled him with joy. The baby felt loved and desired ...

Give life to your shores

Parables, fairy tales, stories

How the smile came to us

It was a long, long time ago, when people didn't know how to smile...

Yes, there was such a time.

They lived sadly and dejectedly. The world was black and gray for them. They did not notice the brilliance and majesty of the Sun, starry sky did not admire, did not know the happiness of love.

In this immemorial era, one kind angel in Heaven decided to descend to Earth, that is, to be born and experience earthly life.

“But with what will I come to people?” he thought.

He did not want to visit people without a gift.

And then he turned to the Father for help.

“Give people this,” Father told him and held out a small spark, it shone with all the colors of the rainbow.

- What is this? the good angel wondered.

"It's a Smile," Father replied. - Put it in your heart and bring it to people as a gift.

And what will she give them? the good angel asked.

– She will fill them with a special energy of life. If people master it, they will find the path along which the achievements of the spirit are affirmed.

The good angel put an amazing spark into his heart.

– People will understand that they were born for each other, they will discover love in themselves, they will see beauty. Only they need to be careful with the energy of love, because ...

And at that very moment a good angel descended from Heaven to Earth, that is, he was born without listening to last word Father...

The newborn was crying. But not because he was frightened of the dark cave, the gloomy and barely distinguishable faces of people staring at him in bewilderment. He wept out of resentment that he did not have time to finish listening to why people should be careful with the Smile.

He did not know what to do: to give people the Smile brought for them or to hide it from them.

And he decided: he took a ray of sparks from his heart and planted it in the corner of his mouth. “Here’s a gift for you, people, take it!” he mentally informed them.

Instantly, the cave was illuminated by a bewitching light. It was his First Smile, and sullen people saw Smile for the first time. They got scared and closed their eyes. Only the gloomy mother could not take her eyes off the unusual phenomenon, her heart began to stir, and this charm was reflected on her face. She became well.

People opened their eyes, their eyes were fixed on a smiling woman.

Then the baby smiled at everyone again, and again, again, again.

People either closed their eyes, unable to withstand the strong radiance, or opened them. But at last they got used to it and also tried to imitate the baby.

Everyone felt good from an unusual feeling in their hearts. The smile wiped the sullenness from their faces. Their eyes lit up with love, and from that moment the whole world became colorful for them: flowers, the Sun, stars evoked in them a feeling of beauty, surprise, admiration.

The kind angel, who lived in the body of an earthly baby, mentally conveyed to people the name of his unusual gift, but it seemed to them that the word "smile" was invented by themselves.

The baby was happy that he brought such a miraculous gift to people. But sometimes he was sad and cried. It seemed to his mother that he was hungry, and she was in a hurry to give him a breast. And he was crying, because he didn’t have time to finish listening to the Father’s word and give people a warning about how careful they need to be with the energy of the Smile…

So the smile came to people.

It was passed on to us, the people of the present era.

And we will leave this energy to future generations.

But has the knowledge come to us: how should we relate to the energy of the Smile? A smile brings power. But how to use this power only for good, and not for evil?

Maybe we are already violating some law of this energy? Let's say we smile falsely, we smile indifferently, we smile mockingly, we smile maliciously. So we harm ourselves and others!

We need to unravel this riddle immediately, or else we will have to wait until our good angel descends from Heaven, carrying the full message of the Smile energy.

If only it wasn't too late.

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