Sofia Rotaru biography, personal life, new husband, children (photo and video). The creative path and biography of Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru How old is Rotaru now

Sofia Rotaru is the owner of 18 orders of the USSR, Ukraine, Moldova and countless honorary titles, prizes and awards of various song contests.

Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru can rightly be attributed to the most outstanding Soviet singers. She performed in collective farm clubs and in hot spots, on the Kremlin stage and between folk songs competitions, and everywhere she was met and seen off with a storm of applause. Ukraine and Moldova are arguing over which of them has the honor to call Rotaru their native, however, both Ukrainian and Moldovan songs performed by her were understandable to everyone without translation. For more than 40 years of concert activity, Sofia Rotaru has performed more than 500 songs on different languages, became the highest paid performer in the countries former USSR, gave a start in life to such well-known groups as "Chervona Ruta" and the ballet "Todes". The unique voice of Rotaru (contralto with a range of

its three octaves) allows the singer to perform compositions in any style - folk, jazz, rock, etc. She was the first pop singer in the USSR to sing in recitative and use a rhythm computer for arranging.

Nightingale from Bukovinian village

There are several inaccuracies in Sofia Rotaru's birth certificate. A girl from the ethnic Moldavian village of Marshintsy (Novoselitsky district, Chernivtsi region) was registered in the village council as Sofya Mikhailovna Rotar, who was born on August 9, 1947. Sophia's real birthday falls on August 7, and she began to use the Moldavian version of her last name after the start of concert activity, on the advice of the famous Edita Pieha. The singer's father, Mikhail Fedorovich Rotar, ended the war in Berlin, where

was wounded, later worked as a foreman of winegrowers; at the same time, he had absolute pitch, he sang well and played the button accordion. There were six children in the family, and all of them had musical ability. However, family life was not easy - all Homework got to the children. Sonya milked the cow, harvested hay, worked in the garden, got up after dark to take vegetables to the market. And late in the evening she hurried to the classes of school circles, where she learned to dance, play the domra and button accordion. Sophia was an adornment of the school choir (she tried to hide her participation in the church choir), and often performed in concerts. In 1962 and 1963, the girl became the winner of the district and regional amateur performance reviews, and in 1964 she participated in the festival of folk dances.

Lants in Kyiv, where she also took first place. Maitre Ukrainian song Dmitry Gnatiuk predicted a bright future for Sofia, and her portrait appeared on the cover of the Ukraine magazine. Sophia was sent to study in Chernivtsi School of Music. The girl's mother, Alexandra Ivanovna, initially objected to her daughter's artistic career, but her father's word was law in the family.

Being already a student of the conductor-choir department, Sofia Rotaru performed on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. Soon there was also her meeting with her future husband. Anatoly Evdokimenko, a native of Chernivtsi, served in Nizhny Tagil and saw a magazine with a beautiful countrywoman on the cover. Upon return to hometown he found the girl he liked, and love broke out between them

literally at first sight. Anatoly studied at Chernivtsi University and played the trumpet in the student orchestra, which began to accompany Sophia's performances.

Rapid takeoff

1968 was marked by many significant events in the life of Sofia Rotaru. She graduated from a music school and was sent to Sofia, to world festival youth and students. From there, Sofia brought first place, a lot of rave reviews and the prophetic words of Lyudmila Zykina, presiding over the jury: "You will become a great singer." But so far, the future celebrity has become the wife of Anatoly Evdokimenko, and even postponed admission to the Institute of Arts for a year, leaving with her husband for Novosibirsk. There Anatoly did pre-graduation practice, and Sophia

applied to the cultural enlightenment school.

In 1970, their son Ruslan was born.

However, the boy was brought up mainly by Anatoly's parents.

In 1971, after the release of the musical film "Chervona Ruta", in which Sofia Rotaru and young musicians Vladimir Ivasyuk, Vasily Zinkevich and others were filmed, the Chervona Ruta ensemble was created, which became extremely popular throughout the USSR and successfully toured in Poland .

In 1973 Sofia Rotaru won the Golden Orpheus competition in Bulgaria. In 1974 she graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts and won second place at the Sopot Song Festival. Since that time, the singer began collaborating with composers Yevgeny Martynov and Yevgeny Doga.

In 1975, Rotaru, together with the ensemble

"Chervona Ruta" moved to Yalta. official reason was the state of her health, although conflicts with the Chernivtsi party leadership played a big role in the move.

In 1976 Sofia Rotaru became People's Artist Ukraine, the first of the Soviet singers, recorded a disc in the Munich company "Ariola-Eurodisc GmbH" and began to take part in tours in Europe.

In 1979, Vladimir Ivasyuk tragically died under circumstances that have not yet been clarified. The singer continued to tour, successfully participate in international and all-Union competitions, act in films, but the Canadian tour of 1983 made Rotaru "not allowed to travel abroad". In 1986, the singer changed the direction of her work - after parting with "Chervona Ruta", she began to

fruitful cooperation with Vladimir Matetsky, performing Europop and even hard rock songs.

In 1988, Rotaru was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. The collapse of the USSR, which affected many artists, did not affect her - Sofia Mikhailovna continues to successfully perform in the post-Soviet space, Europe and the USA. Since 1995, she has become a regular participant in musical films, songs from which became hits.

Sophia Rotaru currently lives in Yalta, where her sound recording studio and own hotel. Beloved husband Anatoly died in 2002, and the singer remains faithful to his memory. Sofia has two grandchildren: Sofia Jr. (born in 2001) and Anatoly (born in 1994), who already works in one of modeling agencies London

Singer Sofia Mikhailovna Evdokimenko-Rotaru (erroneously: Sofia Rataru, Sofia Rotaru) was born in the village of Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukrainian SSR on August 7, 1947. The future artist was born the second of six children in a family of winegrowers. Sofia Mikhailovna celebrates her birthday twice. Due to a mistake by the passport officer, the singer's passport says that she was born on August 9. Rotaru was taught to sing by the blind older sister Zinaida, who had a unique hearing.

As a child, Sofia Rotaru was actively involved in sports and athletics, and even became the all-around school champion. By the way, thanks to her sports skills, Rotaru, without stunt doubles, played roles in the film “Where are you love?”, Where she drove along a narrow embankment into the sea on a motorcycle and in the film “Monologue of Love”, where she was engaged in windsurfing.

The musical gift of Sofia Rotaru opened quite early. At first, the 7-year-old singer sang in the school and church choir (for this she was even threatened to be expelled from the pioneers).

Young Rotaru was attracted to the theater. The girl even attended classes in a drama circle, and at the same time she sang folk songs in the amateur art group. And at night she took the only school button accordion and went to the barn to pick up her favorite Moldovan songs.

Sophia Mikhailovna's father was very fond of singing, possessed perfect pitch and beautiful voice. It was he who taught her to sing. And at school, the young singer learned to play the domra and button accordion, and also gave concerts in neighboring villages.

The beginning of the career of Sofia Rotaru

The first success came to Rotar already in 1962. It was this year that Sofia won the regional amateur art competition. It was he who opened the way for her to the regional review in Chernivtsi, where the singer also won first place. For the strength of her voice, fellow countrymen called her "Bukovina Nightingale."

After the victories won, Sofia Rotaru was sent to Kyiv to the republican festival of folk talents. Here, a talented girl was again waiting for victory. After the competition, the photo of the singer was placed on the cover of the magazine "Ukraine" in 1965. Seeing the photo, by the way, Rotaru fell in love with her future spouse Anatoly Evdokimenko. The man was also fond of music and dreamed of creating an ensemble. After the meeting, he created a variety orchestra for Sofia.

After graduating from school, Sofia Rotaru already firmly decided to become a singer and entered the conductor-choir department of the Chernivtsi Music College.

In 1964, Rotaru sang for the first time on the stage of the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. First pop song Sophia became "Mother" Bronevitsky.

World recognition of Sofia Rotaru

In 1968, Sofia Rotaru graduated from a music school and went to the IX World Festival of Youth and Students in Bulgaria. There she won gold medal and first place in the competition of folk song performers.

After college, Rotaru began to teach and, in the same 1968, she married Anatoly Evdokimenko. In August 1970, the couple had a son, Ruslan.

In 1971, director Roman Alekseev made a musical film "Chervona Ruta", where Sofia Rotaru played leading role. The picture caused a huge resonance, after its release the singer got a job at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic and created her own ensemble "Chervona Ruta". Together with the composer Vladimir Ivasyuk, a number of songs were written in the folklore style in an instrumental manner of performance. Rotaru quickly became famous in Ukraine. A series of concerts began in foreign countries - Germans, Czechs, Bulgarians, Yugoslavs took Soviet singer to "cheers".

In 1973, Sofia Rotaru won first place in the Golden Orpheus competition in Burgas, Bulgaria. The artist performed the song "My City" by Evgeny Doga and "Bird" in Bulgarian. After the victory, the singer became the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR.

Moldavian lyrics by Sofia Rotaru

Since the 1970s, compositions performed by Sofia Rotaru have invariably become laureates of the Song of the Year. Words and music were written for the singer best composers and authors of the country: Arno Babadzhanyan, Alexey Mazhukov, Pavel Aedonitsky, Oscar Feltsman, Alexandra Pakhmutova and others.

In 1974, the singer graduated from the Chisinau Institute of Arts named after G. Muzicescu, and after that she became a laureate of the Amber Nightingale festival, which was held in Poland. In the same year, the singer released an album with the uncomplicated title "Sofia Rotaru". In addition, the musical television film "The Song is Always with Us" is released.

In 1975, after the start of problems with the Chernivtsi Regional Committee of the Communist Party of the Ukrainian SSR, Sofia Rotaru, along with her ensemble, was forced to move to Yalta. The singer's father was expelled from the CPSU, her brother from the Komsomol and from the university because the family celebrated the Old New Year is an unofficial holiday. In Crimea, the artist immediately became a soloist of the local Philharmonic.

In 1976, Sofia Rotaru received the status of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. At the same time, Sofia Mikhailovna becomes a regular participant in the New Year's " blue lights". She received such an honor after she performed the song "Winter" at one of the holidays.

In 1977, a long-playing album "Pisn_ Volodymyr Ivasyuk sing Sofia Rotaru" appeared. This record has become a symbol in the discography of the Ukrainian celebrity. For her, the singer received the award of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. And two years later, two albums “Only for you”, “Sofia Rotaru” and the giant disc “Sofia Rotaru - My tenderness” were released at once.

The career of actress Sofia Rotaru

In 1980, Sofia Rotaru won the first prize at a competition in Tokyo for her performance of the Yugoslav song "Promise", and also received the Order of the Badge of Honor. At this time, the singer is actively experimenting with her image and the first among female artists appears on stage in a trouser suit with the song "Temp" by Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. By the way, this composition was written specifically for the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow and even became the soundtrack to the film "The Ballad of Sports" by Yuri Ozerov.

In 1980, the film Where Are You, Love? was released. There, Sofia Rotaru sang the song “First Rain”, and also rode on the back seat of a motorcycle along the sea shallows without an understudy.

The tape was watched by 22 million people. In the same year, a double album of songs from the film was released. The song from the record "Red Arrow" was banned from broadcast on the All-Union Radio. All because the head of the music editorial office did not like the way the singer sang. However, the composition became famous even without radio broadcast. It is worth noting that the debut of Sofia Rotaru as an actress was called a failure, nevertheless, the tape won the audience's love. Then Sofia Rotaru began to look for a new style again.

The singer performed rock songs and took part in the filming of the film "Soul" along with Andrei Makarevich and "Time Machine". After that, Alexander Borodyansky and Alexander Stefanovich wrote an autobiographical story about the life of the singer, about the loss of her voice and about her state of mind during this period. Sofia Mikhailovna temporarily abandoned concert activities for the sake of filming a film. Rolan Bykov and Mikhail Boyarsky became partners in the picture. The film was watched by about 54 million people.

In 1983, Sofia Rotaru and her team gave a number of concerts in Canada and released an album on the Toronto Canadian Tour 1983. After that, the musicians became restricted to travel abroad for five years. And in the same year, the singer was given the title of People's Artist of Moldova.

In 1984, "Gentle Melody" was published. This album brought the singer back to her original image. In 1985, Rotaru received the Golden Disc prize. It was in this year that the albums "Tender Melody" and "Sofia Rotaru" became the best-selling in the Soviet Union. They sold millions of copies. Then Sofia Mikhailovna received the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Europop and hard rock in the work of Sofia Rotaru

In 1986, the musical film "Love Monologue" was released. Here Rotaru sang the song "Amor" and sailed on the board in the open sea without an understudy. The album "Monologue of Love" was released in the same year. At the same time, the Chervona Ruta ensemble returned to the Ukrainian song, which became for Sofia Rotaru and her artistic director Anatoly Evdokimenko was a complete surprise. The next album "Golden Heart" was already recorded in collaboration with Moscow musicians.

Rotaru began to perform Europop compositions (“Moon”, “It was, but passed”) and even with elements of hard rock (“Only this is not enough”, “My time”). In 1988, the singer received the title of People's Artist of the USSR for her great services in the development of the Soviet musical art. Rotaru switched to the Russian-language repertoire, for which they began to push her away in Ukraine.

In 1991, the album "Caravan of Love" was released. Here you can feel the influence of hard rock and even metal, which at that time were at the peak of their popularity. At the same time, the musical film of the same name and the Golden Heart program were released.

The work of Sofia Rotaru in the dashing 90s

In 1991 Sofia Rotaru gave anniversary concert at the State Concert Hall "Russia", dedicated to the 20th anniversary creative activity. The program used laser graphics, candles and fantastic scenery, in particular, a moving red flower from Chervona Ruta. After the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of the commercialization of the musical space, the artist did not lose her position in show business. In 1993, Rotaru released two collections best songs"Sofia Rotaru" and "Lavender", and then "Golden Songs 1985/95" and "Farmer".

In 1997, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the filming of the film "10 Songs about Moscow" by the NTV television company, where she sang the song "May Moscow" together with the Ivanushki International group. In 1998, the first numbered (official) disc of Sofia Rotaru “Love Me” was released, and a little later it was presented program of the same name at the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In the same year, the singer was awarded the "Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker" "For the increase of good on Earth." A year later, two more albums of the singer in the "Star Series" are released.

Sofia Rotaru's leadership in the 2000s

In 2000, Sofia Rotaru in Kyiv was recognized as the "Man of the XX century", "Golden Voice of Ukraine", "Best Ukrainian pop singer XX century”, “Woman of the Year”.

In 2002, with the song "My Life, My Love", Sofia Rotaru opened the "New Year's Light" on the ORT channel. Released in the same year new album titled "I Still Love You". The songs on the disc are of different styles and for the first time remixes of old songs appear on the disc. In the spring, the "Star of Sofia Rotaru" was lit in Kyiv, and in the summer she was awarded the highest title in Ukraine - the Hero of Ukraine. After the death of her husband (October 23 from a stroke), Sofia Rotaru stops active touring. At the end of the year, a collection of songs by the singer " The Snow Queen". By the way, according to the results of 2002, Rotaru became the second most popular domestic performer in Russia.

On December 25, the official release of the collection of songs by Sofia Rotaru "The Snow Queen" was released on the label "Extraphone" (Moscow, Russia). Part of the album's run was released with an exclusive gift- poster of the singer. In 2003, in Moscow, a nominal star was laid on the alley in front of the State Concert Hall "Rossiya". In 2004, the albums "The sky is me" and "Lavender", "Farmer" were released. 2005 was marked by the release of the disc "I loved him."

60th Anniversary of Sofia Rotaru

August 7, 2007 Sofia Rotaru turned 60 years old. Hundreds of fans came to Yalta from different corners light to congratulate the singer. And the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded the singer with the Order of Merit, II degree.

Stage name Sofia Rotaru

Until 1940, the village of Marshintsy, where the singer was born, was part of Romania. This was the reason different spellings name and surname Sofia Rotaru. In the credits of the film "Chervona Ruta" the artist's surname is Rotar. And on earlier shootings, they wrote the name Sophia. To write your last name in the Moldavian way, that is, with the letter “y” at the end, Rotaru was advised by Edita Piekha.

Sofia Rotaru on video

“No, no one came up with this, this is due to the fact that this village in which we were born once belonged to Romania, it was the territory of Romania, and after the war this territory was annexed to Ukraine and in connection with this, dad was summoned to military enlistment office and said that the Romanian surname should be changed to Russian. The letter "y" was removed at the end, instead of Rotaru it became Rotar with soft sign, and now we all have the surname Rotar. But in fact, Rotaru is the correct surname ... ”, says Sophia Rotaru’s sister.

Sofia Rotaru's personal life

Sofia Rotaru married Anatoly Evdokimenko in 1968. And they lived together all their lives, helping and supporting each other. The husband became for Sofia Rotaru not only a support, but also a person who helped her achieve success. With his filing, the Chervona Ruta group was founded, in which Sofia Mikhailovna became a soloist. Endless tours and concerts left almost no time for Sofia Rotaru's personal life, but, due to the fact that her husband was always there, she did not feel separated from her family. Together they lived for more than thirty years - until the death of Anatoly Evdokimenko.

The singer was very upset by this loss, she stopped performing, appearing at ceremonial events. A year after the sad events, Rotaru first appeared on stage, dedicating her first performance to the memory of Evdokimenko.

Name: Sofia Rotaru
Date of Birth: 07.08.1947
Age: 70 year
Place of Birth: Marshintsy, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine
Weight: 64 kg
Height: 1.70 m
Activity: singer, actress, dancer, People's Artist of the USSR
Family status: widow

Whom they just did not attribute to new husbands legendary singer Sofia Rotaru, whose personal life and biography still excites all fans of her work! Another media interest in romantic relationships in the fate of the artist broke out last summer. Then a hot confession of 37-year-old musician Alexander Popov appeared on the network.

According to the man, a woman like Sofia Rotaru cannot but arouse admiration, both for external beauty and inner strength of his character. The young man is known not only for his participation in the once popular Turbomoda group, but also former relationship with Tatyana Bulanova. According to some rumors, replicated by the "yellow" press, it was Popov who caused the departure popular singer from football player Rodimov. Sofia Mikhailovna herself and members of her family, as well as colleagues on the stage, do not comment on such a recognition.

Childhood years and the family of the singer

Came into being future star in 1947 in the distant Bukovinian village of Morshyntsi. Sophia's parents were simple village workers who worked in agriculture for many years. In addition to the vociferous girl, the family had two more sisters and three brothers. At the same time, the eldest lost her sight in childhood, having contracted an infectious disease. Therefore, Sofia Mikhailovna was considered the eldest in the house and her workload was appropriate - her duties included milking a cow and selling herbs at the local market. The younger ones in the house always helped the elders - family relations and mutual assistance were instilled in children from early childhood.

Sofia Rotaru in childhood

As the artist and her relatives recall in a few interviews devoted to the personal life and biography of Sofia Mikhailovna and denying the appearance of a new husband in the fate of the artist, Ukrainian and Moldovan songs were often heard in the house. It was the father who became the leader in the numerous Rotar family at family gatherings or at the grape harvest.

Sofia Rotaru in his youth

Even at school, Sofia was called the "Bukovina nightingale" for her unique vocal abilities. In addition to singing, the girl was actively involved in all-around, participated in all school activities and actively mastered folk musical instruments.

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Growing popularity

The young performer of Moldovan and Ukrainian folk songs became famous at the age of 15. Starting from 1963, Sofia literally, in the same breath, won several singing competitions of various sizes and in 1964 worked out her first performance in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses.

Singer at the beginning of her career

In Soviet times, such a dizzying career was not possible for every metropolitan resident, not like a young girl from a remote Bukovinian village. It was then that a photograph of an amateur artist appeared on the cover of the central edition of Ukraine. This fact played a huge role later in the personal life and biography of Sofia Rotaru, as noted by journalists trying to find out details about her new husband.

First love, only love

As the artist's sisters say, about romantic relationship the girl did not dream then. She wanted to make a career as a singer, for which she had to tour a lot and work at concert venues that were very different in terms of equipment and remoteness from the center.

Anatoly Evdokimenko, the son of wealthy parents, completed his military service, having a comfortable place in the regimental band - a musically gifted young man perfectly performed bravura marches and hymns on the trumpet. Completely by accident young man I came across a cover with a black-eyed girl smiling provocatively at him from the cover of a central magazine. After reading a note about the "Bukovinian nightingale", the young man in love decided to achieve the location of the young beauty, no matter what.

Sofia Rotaru in the ensemble "Chervona Ruta"

To do this, Evdokimenko, after demobilization, organizes the Chervona Ruta ensemble and invites the young artist to work in a team created, as it turned out later, just for her. Along the way, he begins to carefully care for Sophia and after 2 years becomes her husband, teacher, mentor and best friend- irreplaceable and dear person for a long 35 years.

Sofia Rotaru on stage

child and work

In 1970, the son Ruslan appeared in the family. According to the memoirs of the artist, the husband for a long time was against children at such an early age - Evdokimenko really wanted to reach world heights in the work of the team he managed, which at first worked on the basis of Chernivtsi regional philharmonic society. The young wife had to come up with a fantastic story about failures in female body, thanks to which the stubbornness of the ambitious spouse was broken.

Contrary to popular belief that after the birth of a child, the career of a talented performer is in danger of oblivion, a year after the birth of Ruslan, the ensemble becomes mega-popular in the USSR. The first black-and-white musical is being shot about his work, filled with piercing folk and author's melodies performed by the "Bukovina nightingale" in Ukrainian, Moldovan and Romanian.

With first husband

As Sofia Mikhailovna likes to tell in an interview, her fame would not have become so comprehensive and powerful if not for her family. It was the sisters who replaced little Ruslan's mother for many years of her active touring activity. Sofya Mikhailovna still regrets very much that she did not give birth to Ruslan's sister, sacrificing another child for the sake of her career.

Yes, and in front of her son, for a long time she felt guilty because of the constant absence of the house. As the artist's sisters say, in childhood, the first thing Ruslan asked his mother, who returned from another business trip, was when she should leave again. These naive words were filled with such longing for her beloved and always busy mother that every time before leaving, Rotaru could not find a place for herself.

Sofia Rotaru with family

By the way, the prefix "y" at the end of the name of the beginning singer was advised to add Edita Piekha. According to the singer, this added French charm and mystery to the Moldovan sound.

pinnacle of success

In 1973, Sofia Mikhailovna won the first prize at the Golden Orpheus competition, entered the stage in the finals of the Songs of the Year competition. Since that time, for thirty years, Rotaru has not missed a single issue of the legendary program, making an exception only in 2002 due to the death of her husband. And in the same 1974, the woman became the Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. At that time, the singer was only 26 years old! After 2 years, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Moldavian SSR, and in 1979 Sofia Mikhailovna became the People's Performer of the republican level.

Sofia Rotaru and Alla Pugacheva

In 1986, the press was told that the Chervona Ruta ensemble was returning to a repertoire consisting of folk songs, and the soloist was leaving for "free bread". The titanic work of Sofia Mikhailovna in collaboration with the best authors that time they did their job - the title of People's Artist Soviet Union Rotaru was awarded in 1988. By the way, Primadonna received a similar title three years later, which gave rise to the myth of the rivalry between the two greatest singers of the Soviet and post-Soviet era.

Sofia Rotaru now

Years of wear and tear has done its job - the artist is considered one of the most wealthy representatives of show business in the post-Soviet space;

private mansion in Pyatikhatki (Koncha-Zaspa);
a deluxe hotel in Yalta;
own house on the Black Sea coast;
comfortable apartment in Kyiv.

In addition, Rotaru never forgot about her brothers and sisters - all the costs of providing them with decent housing, clothing, and the education of children, Sofya Mikhailovna always took upon herself.

Sofia Rotaru and Vasily Bogatyrev

In addition, the woman devotes a lot of time to her own family - her son works as a concert director of her parent, her daughter-in-law became her producer and closest assistant. Descendants national favorite successfully master domestic and foreign show business in all its manifestations:

granddaughter Sophia has been successfully working in the modeling industry for many years;
grandson Anatoly is one of the most successful photographers in the high fashion industry.

Now, due to the unfavorable political situation, Sofia Rotaru, whose personal life and biography are inextricably linked with Russia and Ukraine, is trying not to participate in inciting ethnic hatred. So, the artist celebrated her 70th birthday on neutral territory - in Baku. At the same time, there was no news about her new husband in the press, and no.

There were always legends about the artist herself, retold in a whisper in the kitchen and provoked by completely justified situations in the life of the singer:

Sofia Rotaru today

moving to Yalta in 1975. There were rumors about terrible disease artist - by the age of 30 she was too thin. In fact, Sofia Mikhailovna did not have any tuberculosis. Just at that time, the artist's work was extremely favored by the local secretary of the district party committee, who created the most favorable conditions for living and working for Sofia Mikhailovna and members of her ensemble. The Chernivtsi party apparatus, on the contrary, fearing sanctions from higher authorities, reacted sharply to the growing popularity of the Chervona Ruta ensemble abroad. Then, for the first time, the team became restricted to travel abroad, and firmly settled in the Crimea in state-owned apartments. For 5 years, the ensemble worked out its prosperous existence on the generous Taurian land with numerous tours of the collective farms and state farms of the peninsula;
voice problems. Interest in the health of the artist in Once again increased after the release of the film "Soul", filmed by the former spouse of Pugacheva. It was during the period of work on the film that Sofia Mikhailovna lost her voice. Work for wear and tear for many years has done its "dirty" deed and the artist underwent surgery on the vocal cords. The intervention was unsuccessful, the scars on the "working tool" of the artist remained for life.

worldwide famous artist and singer Sofia Rotaru was born in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy on August 7, 1947. The Rotaru family was multinational, because she had Ukrainian and Moldovan roots. In her family, all traditions and cultures were respected. Sofia's parents were simple, far from the world of art: her father worked in the vineyards, while her mother traded at the local market. The family was large, the parents had six children, and they needed help. Sophia, as the second oldest, successfully coped with the upbringing of her brothers and sisters. A multicultural atmosphere reigned in the family, the Moldavian language was used for communication. Sophia received her first singing lessons from her sister, who was blind as a child. But having lost her sight, the sister gained a fine ear. Also, my father had excellent hearing and voice. Father with early age realized that Sofia was waiting for fame and success

From childhood, the girl was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, curiosity and mobility. In addition to high performance in art, singing and music, the future star also had achievements in sports. Sofia, while studying at school, took an active part in all performances school theater, mastered the game on various tools and went to the drama club. Sophia was called the "Bukovina nightingale" for her beautiful voice and artistry. Sofia pleased with her talent not only fellow villagers, but also residents of neighboring villages, arranging tours.

It took only three years for Rotaru to soar to the peak of fame. While still very young, Rotaru participates and wins in a regional-scale amateur art show. After that, a series of new awards followed, and recognition in the Soviet Union. Sophia's photo was published on the front page of the publication "Ukraine" after winning first place at the All-Union Talent Festival.

World fame came to Rotar after winning the World Creative Competition, held in Bulgaria in the late 1960s. And in the film "Chervona Ruta" filmed in the early 1970s, Sofia's songs were used. Newspapers and magazines published articles about the success and life of the young star.

Sofia Rotaru: personal life, biography

Young Sophia was taken into variety ensemble, acting at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. A series of performances began not only on the territory of the USSR, but also the performance of songs by pop stars in Europe. The list of achievements of the star was replenished with victories in the contests "Song of the Year" and "Golden Orpheus".

Rotaru released her debut disc in 1974, at the same time it was decided to move to the Crimea to start a solo career. She received the deserved title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1976. Until the end of the 1970s, a couple of significant albums were recorded, thanks to which the singer's talent was promoted outside the country. Foreign producers drew attention to Rotaru, who bombarded the singer with their proposals. By 1983, an English-language album was recorded, and Sofia visited Canada, gave concerts throughout Europe. But soon the government of the USSR decided to ban the artists from leaving the country for a period of five years. Not at a loss, the ensemble gives successful tours throughout the entire Crimean region.

Solo performances

After the collapse of VIA "Chervona Ruta" in the mid-80s, Sofia had a chance to arrange solo career. Despite the experience and knowledge of how to work in this situation, the singer met many experiences and difficulties on her way. After meeting with Vladimir Matetsky, Rotaru made changes in the direction of her work. Having worked for 15 years with this wonderful person, Sofia received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

During the "perestroika" period, a mutually beneficial cooperation contract was concluded with Alla Dukhova's dance group "Todes". Together with People's Artist a dancing group performed throughout the USSR. Adapting to the changed realities after the collapse of the USSR was rather difficult for the singer, but she also coped with this obstacle. Sofia gave tours in Russian and Ukrainian in the newly formed independent republics.

Cinema with Sofia Rotaru

It should be noted that Sofia had talent not only as a singer, but also as an actress. She easily gets key roles in many Soviet and Russian films. " Sorochinskaya Fair”, “Soul”, “Where are you, love?” only a few films from the list of the singer's roles.

Sofia Rotaru: new photos, n new husband

Sofia met Anatoly Evdokimenko while working with Chervona Ruta. Anatoly was the artistic director of VIA. They were connected not only by work in the same team, but also by a deep feeling of love. For the first time your future wife Anatoly noticed on the pages of the publication "Ukraine". The wedding was played in 1968, and after some time they had a son, Ruslan.

According to Sofia, with her husband they experienced both joyful moments and various troubles. They did not leave one alone for a moment, spending time together both at work and on vacation. After the sudden death of her husband as a result of a stroke, in the early 2000s, the actress canceled tours, filming, and meetings. However, the singer was able to cope with the bereavement and return to the rut. A multi-million army of fans admires not only the work of the star, but also her human qualities.

How old is Sofia Rotaru? Probably, this question is no, no, and it appears in our head every time we see this unfading and full vitality a woman who always keeps up with fashion. Is it true?

Section 1. How old is Sofia Rotaru. general information and stage name

World famous in Ukrainian origin Sofia Mikhailovna Rotaru lives today simultaneously in two cities: in the capital Kyiv and in sunny Yalta.

The star comes from the village of Marshintsy, in the Chernivtsi region. The biography of Sofia Rotaru is quite interesting, although little known, because the singer prefers not to dwell on the topic of protecting loved ones from unnecessary attention.

It is known that she was only child in the family, the famous actress has two more brothers and three sisters. And not only Sofia Mikhailovna managed to shine on the stage, her sisters Aurika and Lydia, as well as her brother Evgeny, performed on the stage.

In her repertoire today there are about five hundred famous songs, and Sofia Mikhailovna performs them in Russian, Ukrainian, Romanian, Moldavian, Polish, German, as well as Bulgarian, English and Spanish. She was the first singer to Soviet times dared to sing in recitative and use a rhythm computer as a musical arrangement.

With the name of the singer there was a little confusion. Initially, her native village belonged to Romania, so Rotar was indicated in the surname line, and Sofia in the name. Later, Edita Piekha advised the young performer to add the letter "u" at the end of her last name for harmony, so a new star named Sofia Rotaru lit up on the stage.

Section 2. How old is Sofia Rotaru. creative path singers

Little Sonya sang in the choir as a child and was actively involved in sports. Her father became her first music teacher. At school, Rotaru played the button accordion and domra, took an active part in amateur art. The regional competition of folk talents, held in 1962, became the first step in the development of the singer's career.

Another six years passed, Rotaru graduated from the Chernivtsi College of Music. And in 1971 she was invited to work as part of the Chervona Ruta group. This entailed performances at various festivals, tours of other cities and countries. She was lucky to work with such famous composers like David Tukhmanov, Vladimir Ivasyuk, and Yuri Rybchinsky.

Since the 1970s, the songs performed by Sofia Mikhailovna have almost constantly become laureates of the "Song of the Year". A little later, films with the participation of famous singer. In the early 80s, Rotaru won an award for international competition and decides to radically change the image.

And a few years later, significant changes take place in the singer's work.

Section 3. How old is Sofia Rotaru. Singer today: home, family, grandchildren

In August of this year, Rotaru turned 66, but the years do not prevent her from looking young and attractive. Sofia Mikhailovna does not consider herself a fan of noisy parties, therefore she prefers to celebrate her birthday at home, with her family.

As a rule, she spends weekends and days free from tours surrounded by her closest people: son Ruslan, daughter-in-law Svetlana, grandchildren Anatoly and Sofia. Unfortunately, the lawful spouse of the star has been absent from this bright holiday for more than ten years. The fact is that Anatoly Evdokimenko passed away in 2002.

Sofia Rotaru has many fans, there is even a fan club where its members celebrate the birthday of their favorite singer on the night of the sixth to the seventh of August. At the end of the celebration, a crowd of fans goes to the mansion where Sofia Mikhailovna lives in order to leave gifts there.

Of course, we answered the question of how old Sofia Rotaru is. Now think about whether it is worth talking about it at all, because it has long been known that a woman's age does not depend on the number in her passport, but on her state of mind. I would like this singer to please us with her charm, charm and unique voice for many, many more years.
