Astafiev is a lyudochka problematic. Literary arguments based on the story of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka" - preparation for the exam material for preparing for the exam (gia) in the Russian language (Grade 11) on the topic

Author information

Ignatieva Elena Konstantinovna

Place of work, position:

MKOU Zonal secondary school, teacher

Altai region

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Basic general education

The target audience:

Learner (student)




The purpose of the lesson:

Lesson Objectives: create conditions for:

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Students in the class (audience):

Used textbooks and tutorials:

Used methodical literature:

Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius

Big Soviet Encyclopedia, M.: "Great Soviet Encyclopedia", 1952, -567p.

Used equipment:


And so it’s a blizzard on the street. ”

(S. Kunyaev)

Used CORs:


Short description:

We devote a literature lesson to the work of V.P. Astafiev, our compatriot writer. In one story we read a covenant familiar to every Georgian: "Let everyone entering this temple step on my heart so that I hear his pain..."

Topic: Spiritual loneliness. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka"

Lesson Objectives: create conditions for:

Deepening students' knowledge about the personality and creativity of V.P. Astafiev, humanist writer.

Deep Perception Formations artistic text through mastering the analysis of an epic work.

upbringing moral personality capable of seeing and appreciating the beautiful, being responsive to the pain of others, resisting the immoral acts of a person.

Development of cognitive and creative activity of children.

Equipment: epigraph, portrait of V.P. Astafiev, paintings, slides

Epigraph: (slide)

“We have no need to freeze our hearts;

And so it’s a blizzard on the street. ”

(S. Kunyaev)

During the classes

I.Theme and objectives of the lesson

We devote a literature lesson to the work of V.P. Astafiev, our compatriot writer. In one story we read a covenant familiar to every Georgian: "Let everyone entering this temple step on my heart so that I hear his pain..." (slide)

What does the "wise sorrow of imperishable words" tell us?


2. Biographical information. (slide)

Vitya Astafiev spent all his childhood in an orphanage.

Childhood is harder than you can imagine. The boy was only seven years old when his mother died. She drowned in the Yenisei. In memory of his mother, Lydia Ilyinichna, he will dedicate the story "Pass". And much later, becoming already famous writer, will say with bitter filial love: “And I would only ask my fate for one thing - to leave my mother with me. I missed her all my life...”

After sixth grade high school Astafiev entered the railway school of the FZO, after graduating from which he worked for some time as a train compiler.

In the fall of 1942, Astafiev volunteered for the front. Seventeen-year-old worker Viktor Astafiev was on the front line, in the thick of the war. Military rank - private. And so on until the very victory: driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, signalman. He was wounded twice, shell-shocked. In a word, in war as in war.

Changed many professions after the war future writer, rushing about, as he says, various jobs(he was a locksmith, and a laborer, and a loader, and a carpenter in a wagon depot, and a meat carcass washer at a sausage factory), until in 1951 his first story was published in the Chusovskoy Rabochiy newspaper, and he became a newspaper literary employee.

This is where his own creative biography begins.

Astafiev graduated from the Higher Literary Courses, and in the mid-fifties famous critic Alexander Makarov has already spoken about the recognition of Astafiev as a writer and very accurately outlined the main creative aspirations of the then young artist: “thinking about our life, about the purpose of a person on earth and in society and his moral principles, about the Russian folk character ... by nature he is a moralist and a poet of humanity.”

At first, Astafiev began to write prose (from short stories to the novel “The Snows Are Melting”) in the sense that he found in Soviet literature by the time of his artistic and ideological formation. There is not a shadow of reproach here. You won't be smarter than time, especially if you have an orphan village childhood behind you, Orphanage, FZO, war and starvation. Of course, there was also reading. He always read a lot. And there were, of course, Gorky and Sholokhov on this children's and youth list.

Much later in The Sighted Staff, an appreciative book about his best unforgettable teacher A. N. Makarov - in response to the critic’s reproach in ignorance of Chekhov, Astafyev will recall his youthful path, which is not conducive to systematic education, and will notice without annoyance: “Naturally, in reading I could not“ tuck in ”to the quiet Anton Pavlovich, because I grew up on literature Siberians: Petr Petrov, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Lidia Seifullina, Vsevolod Ivanov... I discovered Bunin only at the age of forty, for reasons beyond my control.”

In 1978, Astafiev was awarded state premium THE USSR. Now Astafiev is a prominent figure in modern literature. His works are recognized by the public and are popular with readers.

Viktor Petrovich believed: "The purpose of a person and a writer is to do good on earth."

Did Astafiev manage to fulfill his appointment?


Why does this story live in me, burns my heart

“Morality is Truth,” wrote Vasily Shukshin. Truth and morality are inseparable in literature. Light love, intransigence to any evil and kindness, admiration for the beauty of the Earth is expressed in the works of Viktor Astafiev "in the first person", with all frankness and fearlessness. “By nature, he is a moralist and a singer of humanity”, in the fate of his heroes “highlights ethical moments that are understandable to any time, both present and tomorrow ...” - notes critic A. Makarov, speaking about the work of Viktor Petrovich.

In the September issue of the magazine New world"For one thousand nine hundred and eighty-ninth year, Astafyev's story "Lyudochka" was published.

It is about youth, but there is no youth in its heroes. And there are lonely, somewhere deep in themselves, suffering and staggering around the world, worn-out shadows, throwing their gloomy feelings on the impressionable souls of readers.

Particularly striking in the heroes of Astafiev is loneliness. Creepy and unchanging.

IV.Story work

What did this story make you think? (slide)

The story "Lyudochka" V. Astafiev wrote in 1989. But this work is very relevant even now, in our time, twenty years later. small work contained many of the problems that concern the writer: pollution environment, the fall of public morality and the degradation of the individual, as well as the death of the Russian village. In this story, Astafiev described the life of a girl who came to Big city from the village. This girl's name is Lyudochka. That is the name of Astafiev's story. From the very title of the story ("Lyudochka") it is clear that it is written about a good fragile girl.

What do we know about Lyudochka's life? (born in the village, haunted by a feeling of loneliness)

Lyudochka is trying to escape from this feeling, the feeling of loneliness. But already the first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared with sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that Lyudochka, like this grass, is not capable of life. She leaves from parental home where strangers remain. And lonely too. Mother has long been accustomed to the arrangement of her life. Lyudochka's stepfather had nothing to do with her. "He lived, she lived in one house and nothing more." Alien girl in home. Alien among people.

What happened in the village? (village extinction)

What is the nature in the village, read? (withered apple tree)

Pictures of nature in the work are not just a background against which the action unfolds, they are important in the structure of the story. They consist deep meaning, because in relation to nature, to the earth, the spiritual appearance of man is revealed, his moral essence is manifested.

What happened to the other trees? (Gardens were dying out)

Why does Lyudochka move to the city?

What does her mother say to her?

Ludochka enters the city

Is the urban environment different from the rural one and how? (atmosphere, urban nature, park, dance floor). Read out.

How did Lyudochka feel in this “herd”?

How was she there? (scary)

Let's remember: who is Gavrilovna?

What kind of life did Gavrilovna draw for her?

The story is extremely touching, because the reader feels how the author himself is surprisingly caring and kind-hearted towards this girl. Astafiev put into the mouth of Gavrilovna big number aphorisms, stable turns (“my gold”, “grey-winged dove”, “swallow”, “killer whale”). This is used by the author to characterize the hostess, to give an emotional assessment of her individual qualities.

What terrible tragedy is happening to Lyudochka? (Strekach comes to town)

Who is this? What role did he play in the fate of Lyudochka?

What impression did Strekach make on you when doing his act? (morally, he destroys Lyudochka)

What is Lyudochka doing? What was going on in her soul? (goes to the village to mother)

Why didn't mother help Ludochka?

Who could help her? (stepfather)

How is Gavrilovna behaving? (refuses her apartment)

What pushes Ludochka to commit suicide? Read out.

Why did she commit suicide anyway? (loneliness, not understanding)

The climax of the story is the suicide (by hanging) of Lyudochka. She hanged herself not from a bad life in the city park VVRZ, but because everyone turned their backs on her, even her own mother. Everyone left her alone. Nobody needed her. In such conditions of life, in such loneliness, a person can only either become the same creature as these “animals” from the VPVRZ park, or, unable to withstand this life, leave it by suicide. After all, Artyomka-soap, and Strekach, and other similar dregs of society are people whom everyone rejected, who were left alone. All of them were made so by the society in which they lived. They had only to become "animals" in order to continue their existence. Lyudochka says before her death: “No one asked me about anything - no one cares about me. And the soul? But who needs her, that unpretentious, unpretentious, in ordinary flesh, huddled in the soul.

Lyudochka took upon herself the sins of so many: Strekocha, mother, school, Gavrilovna, Soviet militia, the youth of the town. This is what Dostoevsky could not agree with - the redemption of the innocent and those who do not understand someone's sins.

Tragedy of a girl short life, hopeless, monotonous, gray, indifferent, without affection and love.

The death of a heroine is her rise. Only after her death did she suddenly become necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna, she was noticed.


lack of culture


lack of spirituality


Decline in morality

The collapse of the village

The growth of crime.

Are these issues relevant today?

Today it is clear to everyone that our society is sick. But in order to properly treat it, you need a correct diagnosis. They fight over it the best minds countries. A very accurate diagnosis of one of the terrible diseases that hit the country was made by Astafyev. the main tragedy he saw the heroine of his story “Lyudochka”, in the image of which the pain of the vast majority of our compatriots was reflected like two drops of water, he saw in spiritual loneliness.

The story fits easily into literary process modernity. One of the main features of Viktor Petrovich's talent is the ability to cover the problems that concern many writers: mismanagement, the decline in morality, the collapse of the village, the growth of crime.

Look around: contention, anger, pride torment and torment our land. If not us, then who will break this vicious circle? Therefore, the problems are especially relevant in the light of today raised by V. Astafiev.

Thinking about Lyudochka, about her fate, about that corrupting, oppressive environment in which her peers and their relatives live, one involuntarily wants to exclaim:

« It's worse than the truth…»

Each writer in his works tries to reflect the life of the time in which he lives. Great writers never embellish the life they describe in their works. So in the story of Viktor Astafyev "Lyudochka" is described harsh reality life.

Why and why does Astafiev remember this story? What kind of person is dying?

Astafiev shows us the everyday, gray, most ordinary life: home - work - home. In this circle lives Gavrilovna, who lost her health at the hairdresser's, her comrades, who take all the sorrows and blows of fate for granted. The main character of the story, Lyudochka, should also be in this circle. And she, without resisting, crawls in this circle, and her dream is the most ordinary, like all young girls: to get married, learn to work.

The speech of Astafiev's heroes convincingly illustrates this situation. social psychology. “As long as you become a student, live, but when you become a master, go to the hostel, God willing, and you will arrange life,” Gavrilovna instructed the girl.

The writer destroys everything. Is the story really that bad?

Find the mother's words in the car. Read out.

Evil is punished in the story. The father threw Strekach into the "stinking pit." In the mother's words, Astafyev's hope for the best. There are symbols in the story. Which? (buttons, brain rots young man- society rots, slogans change - life does not change)

What shirt was Strekach wearing? (red)

This is a significant episode in the story - the red shirt is blood, the executioner)

The branch of the apple tree broke off and looked like a cross.

We see a village "choking in the wild", a central heating pipe bursting through, described so naturally that you can almost feel its "flavors".

Both of these symbols help to see many troubles and real dangers more clearly, without embellishment. This is a certain author's position, this is the desire to excite the reader, to make him look around.

What is the composition of the story?

The composition of the story is noteworthy. After telling about the misfortune that happened to Lyudochka, the author returns us with the memory of the heroine to the past in order to find an explanation for what happened.

The writer strives for such an image, when the reader gets the opportunity not only to see, but literally feel the living current of life in the picture that confronts him.

The plot is not only and not just a visible event, but more often and more a hidden subtext connection, linking the text with the guiding movement of the author's thought. In our case - thoughts about the universal interconnectedness of destinies living in a disconnected, split, but in one world, on one earth.

The heroes of Astafiev inherit the style and spirit of their time and their speech is not just a dialect, but "the spokesman for all mental and moral forces."

"Bad" written out with gusto. It remains only to applaud the writer for his excellent knowledge of jargon (“we tear our claws”, “comrades”, “fuck off”, “godfather”).

Find and read the proverbs and sayings that the author uses?

Russian proverbs, sayings and other set phrases and expressions occupy significant place among those used by the writer visual means First of all, because they have great expressive possibilities: high degree generalization, emotionality, expressiveness. The author conveys his worldview to us with amazing artistic expressiveness, capacious, plastic language. Steady turns give the speech of the heroes liveliness, accuracy, characteristic of folk speech (“it got into the head”, “bending its back”, “worked like a horse”).

Astafiev's language is rich, colorful, unique in its melodic sound.

In addition to simple personifications (such as “the village suffocated in the wild growth”, “Genu the crocodile who emitted the rubber spirit”), many complex ones are used, full of epithets and metaphors, creating a separate picture (“staggering drunkenly, squatting, dancing a worn heart”, “silver overseas buttons were shot off from the tailcoat”). Therefore, the work turned out to be so rich, bright, unforgettable.

The writer does not focus only on the shadowy sides of life. There is a bright beginning in his story, which, brightening up many hardships, comes from the hearts of workers, which are not translated into Rus'.

I recall the scene of haymaking, when “Lyudochka and mother threw a haystack”, and then the girl “in her native river washed off the hay dust and dust ... with the joy that is known only to people who have worked hard.”

The artistic technique of contrast, successfully applied here by the writer, emphasizes the spiritual closeness of man to nature, which cannot be felt in a city mired in the darkness of ignorance, poverty and complete backwardness.

V. Astafiev, selflessly loving person, throughout the course of his narrative proves how necessary is the most acute struggle against lack of spirituality, undermining the moral foundations of society. But there was a lack of attention to specific destinies.

Conclusion: The story "Lyudochka" is very relevant today. In our difficult time, a demoralized society continues to degrade. And even now there are people like Lyudochka, whom everyone renounces, even relatives and friends (as a result of which they cannot live in complete solitude and they can only lay hands on themselves). Increasingly, there are such dregs of society as Artyomka-soap and Strekach, whom society has made such.

Having written this story, Viktor Astafiev described the life not only of the Moscow VVRZ park, but also the life of the whole of Russia. After all, society is degrading not only in Moscow, but throughout Russia. With his story, the author wanted to show what can happen to a person when he is left alone (of people). This can happen not only to the heroine of this story, but also to any other person.

"Lyudochka" Astafiev is attractive because in such small work the author managed to pose a number of important problems to the reader and in a vivid artistic form depicted the pictures of our real life. But I think the main task of the writer is to show what abyss we are going into. And if we do not stop in time, we are in danger of complete degeneration. The author encourages everyone to think about their soul and the world around them, try to change themselves, learn to love and sympathize with their neighbor. See the beauty of the world and try to keep it. After all, beauty will save the world.


Cynicism, lack of spirituality - the first plot layer of the story. The second layer is tightly docked with it - an ecological catastrophe. V. Astafiev, who loves a person selflessly, throughout the course of his narrative proves how necessary is the most acute struggle against lack of spirituality, opportunism, like a worm, undermining the moral foundations of society from the inside, which has always been easy to "operate" with the fate of thousands of people. But there was a lack of attention to specific destinies. When a bandit abused Lyudochka, she found herself completely alone. On the street, the leader of the city punks got scared to intercede for her, who gave in to a more sophisticated swindler. The landlady immediately recoiled from her (her shirt is closer). Not until Lyudochka's misfortune turned out to be in parental home. Everywhere the main character was faced with indifference. This is what she could not stand - the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy manifested itself earlier. At some point, Lyudochka realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy. She herself showed indifference, until the trouble touched her personally. It is no coincidence that Lyudochka recalled her stepfather, whose plight she had not been interested in before. No wonder the guy dying in the hospital was remembered, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.

The problems were compiled by L. Dudka
Ludochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev is trying to escape from loneliness. But already the first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared with sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that she, like this grass, is not capable of life. The girl leaves her parental home, where there are people who are strangers to her, who are also alone. The mother has long been accustomed to the arrangement of her life and does not want to delve into her daughter's problems, and Ludochka's stepfather did not treat her in any way. The girl is a stranger both in her own home and among people. Everyone turned away from her, even her own mother as a stranger to her.
Ludochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev everywhere faced indifference, and the worst thing for her was the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy manifested itself earlier. At some point, the girl realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy, because she also showed indifference, until the trouble touched her personally. It was no coincidence that Lyudochka recalled her stepfather, whose plight she had not been interested in before; it was not for nothing that she remembered the guy dying in the hospital, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.
The problem of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka" by V. Astafiev is the embodiment of the author's experiences, which points out to people their sins, for which they, one way or another, are responsible.
Social crimes are perceived everyday here. However, to this day, the most terrible crime is violence against a person. It was committed by Strekach, having abused Lyudochka. The girl was punished for lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only for her sins, but also for the sins of her mother, school, Gavrilovna, the police, and the youth of the town. But her death destroyed the indifference that reigned around: she suddenly became needed by her mother, Gavrilovna ... Her stepfather avenged her.
Probably, none of us could remain indifferent to the fate of Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev. Any human heart will shudder with compassion, but the world that the writer shows is cruel. The offended, humiliated girl finds no understanding in anyone. Gavrilovna, already accustomed to insults and not seeing anything special in them, does not notice the girl's suffering. The mother, the closest and dearest person, also does not feel the pain of her daughter ... The writer calls us for compassion, mercy, because even the girl’s name means “dear people”, but how cruel to her the world! Astafiev teaches us: it is necessary to say a kind word in time, to stop evil in time, not to lose oneself in time.
5. THE PROBLEM OF FATHERS AND CHILDREN, misunderstanding of loved ones in difficult situation
Some kind of disharmony is felt in the relationship between mother and daughter in V. Astafyev's story "Lyudochka", something that is familiar to each of us is violated: a child must be loved. But the heroine does not feel maternal love, therefore, even in the most terrible trouble for a girl, she is not recognized close person: she is not understood in the family, her home is a stranger to her. Mother and daughter are separated by a moral abyss of alienation.
We are used to the fact that the park is a place where a person can relax, breathe fresh air, relax. But in the story of V. Astafyev "Lyudochka" everything is different. A terrible sight appears before us: along the ditch, breaking into the weeds, there are benches, bottles of various shapes stick out of the dirty ditch and foam, and there is always a stench here, in the park, because puppies, kittens, dead piglets are thrown into the ditch. And people here behave like an animal. This "landscape" resembles a cemetery, where nature takes death at the hands of man. According to V. Astafiev, it is impossible for a person to exist without it. So the moral foundations are destroyed - this is the result of the punishment for the committed crime against nature.
7. Childhood impressions and their influence on a person's later life
Uncomfortably and alone, Lyudochka lived at home in the story of the same name by V. Astafyev, because there is no warmth, understanding and trust in the relationship between mother and daughter. And Lyudochka even in adult life remained shy, fearful and withdrawn. A joyless childhood, as it were, was imprinted on her further short life.
8. The problem of the disappearance of villages
Spiritually dying out and gradually disappearing in V. Astafyev's story "Lyudochka", the village of Vychugan, and with it traditions and culture go into the past. The writer sounds the alarm: the village, like a dying candle, lives out its recent months. People break the ties between man and nature, forget their origins, where their roots grow from. They did not even dare to bury Lyudochka in their native village of Vychugan, because soon the united collective farm would plow everything under one field and plow the cemetery.
9. The problem of alcoholism
It is bitter, painful to read how drunken young people behave at a disco in V. Astafyev's story "Lyudochka". The author writes that they rage like a “herd”. The girl's father was also an inveterate drunkard, fussy and stupid. The mother was even afraid that the child might be born sick, and therefore conceived him in a rare break from her husband's drunkenness. Yet the girl was bruised by her father's unhealthy flesh and was born weak. We see how under the influence of alcohol people degrade.
10. The fall of public morality
What killed Ludochka? Indifference and fear of others, their unwillingness to intervene. And Astafiev says that in the city people live separately, each for himself, that wolf laws reign around. Around drunkenness, violence, the decline of morals. But it is in our power to make this world a better place so that we can enjoy life!
11. "Pulp Fiction" and a true, living book.
Viktor Astafiev's story "Lyudochka" describes the cruel reality of life. The author wrote it in the late eighties of the twentieth century, but the work is still relevant now, because it raises problems that concern my contemporaries - this is environmental pollution, the decline in morality and degradation of the individual, the death of the Russian village, spiritual loneliness. The story makes us think about the world around us, about indifference and indifference. In my opinion, "Lyudochka" is one of the best works Russian literature. The story encourages us, young readers, to think about life, about choosing a path, about the moral problems of society.
12. The problem of cleanliness mother tongue, speech culture. The problem of communication between language and society.
The heroes of V. Astafiev inherit the style and spirit of their time, and their speech is not just a dialect, but an “expressor” of the mental and moral qualities of a person. The words of rollicking young people are an indicator of lack of spirituality: “we tear our claws”, “homies”, “fuck off”, “godfather”. The clogging of the language with criminal jargon reflects the troubles of society, and the reader is rejected by such characters and their speech lack of culture.
13. The problem of late repentance, the realization that something important has been missed in life.
Everywhere the main character faced indifference and could not withstand the betrayal of loved ones who did not listen to her, did not help. Only after her death did she suddenly become necessary for her mother, Gavrilovna, but, alas, nothing could be changed. Late remorse came to Lyudochka's mother and will now accompany her through life. She promises herself that the future child will hold them together with her husband, keep them afloat, and will be their joy.
14. The problem of education.
Lyudochka grew like roadside grass. The girl is timid, shy by nature, she did not communicate much with her classmates. The mother did not openly show her love for her daughter, as they say, she did not knock on her daughter's soul, she did not give advice, she did not warn against life's adversities and, in general, she practically did not engage in upbringing, therefore there was no warmth and kindred spiritual closeness between them.
15. About God.
We do not see believers in the story: the heroes lack this moral support that could support them in Hard time, could save from a fatal step ... It was terrible to listen to Vychuganikha. The women cowardly, clumsily, forgetting which shoulder to start with, were baptized. Vychuganiha shamed them, taught them to make the sign of the cross again. And alone, having grown old, willingly and submissively, the women returned to faith in God. He is remembered by Ludochka's mother, who understands her guilt before her already dead daughter. The girl herself, before her death, turns to God with a request to forgive her. She did not believe in him, but at the subconscious level she understood that she had no one else to turn to for help, but she did not dare to go to church ...
16. About the absence of love
The story of V. Astafyev "Lyudochka" shocks the reader with the rigidity, indifference of his characters and the lack of warmth, kindness, trust in relations between people. But, perhaps, what most shocks readers is the absence of love, without which neither harmony nor the future is possible. Children born not out of love are a doomed generation, or cynics, or weak, weak-willed people.
17. About attitude to their professional duties, about conscientiousness; about indifference to one's profession
The young paramedic in the story crushed the abscess swollen on the temple of a young man with squeamish fingers. A day later, she was forced to personally accompany the young lumberjack, who had fallen into unconsciousness, to the district hospital. And there, in a place unsuitable for complex operations, they were forced to perform a craniotomy on the patient and saw that it was no longer possible to help. The death of a person is on the conscience of an unscrupulous squeamish girl who did not even feel sad about this.

And literature MOU secondary school No. 36

The theme of crime and punishment in V. Astafiev's story "Lyudochka"

(text interpretation with video)

Goal of the work: consider the theme of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka".

The achievement of this goal will be facilitated by the solution of the following tasks:

establish and analyze the causes of the crime (social, spiritual, environmental) in the story "Lyudochka";

· use videos for a more complete disclosure of the topic.

object study is the story "Lyudochka", subject- the theme of crime and punishment in the story.


The theme of crime and punishment has been a topical and supported by mankind issue for many centuries. This topic was covered by many Russians and foreign writers. It was the seed of reflections of such authors as (“Crime and Punishment”), (“The Master and Margarita”), O. Wilde (“The Picture of Dorian Gray”), A. Camus (“The Outsider”), R. Bradbury (“Punishment without crime). Here we are talking about not only about physical punishment or punishment according to the law, but also about moral punishment, punishment of conscience. Each of the authors, when considering this topic, tried to analyze and understand what leads a person to commit a crime, whether it is inherent in the person himself by nature or the crime is committed regardless of the person, but only under the influence of some specific circumstances.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" "does not allow the reader to remain only in the formally factual plan committed crime. He translates it into the plane of the world of conscience… into the moral plane.” Raskolnikov's crime is in the "thought" that betrayed his soul to the devil. “A real crime is an inevitable consequence of a mental crime, much more terrible. The crime is in the incompleteness of faith. And all subsequent events are retribution for this. Raskolnikov's punishment is in isolation from the world, from people, in the torment of a tormented conscience, in God-forsakenness.

in the novel "The Master and Margarita" in his own way he revealed the theme of crime and punishment, punishing cynical and soulless inhabitants with the hands of the powerful and phantasmagoric character Woland and his "otherworldly" retinue. Woland cannot be described as a hero who brings pure evil to mankind, since he plays the role of not only the “ruler of the dark world”, but also the arbitrator of justice over people, powerful, but punishing people only sinners, spiritually empty and having no faith in their hearts. Woland and his retinue are called upon to reveal human vices, disguised as appearance decency and courtesy. Here, spiritual punishment is the doom of a person to eternal loneliness, the restlessness of the soul (as in the case of the procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate), or, even worse, non-existence (Berlioz’s punishment for materialism and lack of spirituality). Woland's retinue punishes people, driving them to madness.

In Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, the hero who committed more than one serious crime suffered an equally severe punishment for his sins. Dorian carried his burdensome, haunting even in his sleep, the secret of eternal youth all his life. He had to see the decomposition of his own soul and flesh, hide his incredible secret from everyone, which brought him terrible torment. Life became unbearable and disgusting to Dorian. The man who was envied by everyone dreamed of being in the place of any of these people. And although the young man never repented of his sins and did not realize the gravity of his crimes, his life, a dream come true, became a real nightmare.

R. Bradbury's fantasy novel "Punishment Without Crime" considers the idea of ​​punishing a person for a crime that was not actually committed, but that he thought about. main character, George Hill. The work is a direct reference to the novel Crime and Punishment. The protagonist is punished by a death sentence for the fact that he wanted to commit a murder and even thought through all its details, wanted to enjoy and feel this sinful moment in order to calm and heal his soul. The author blames him for this desire and believes that this is no less a serious crime, since his soul is already poisoned by these thoughts.

We see that moral punishment is many times heavier than physical and legal punishment. How does modern literature reveal the theme of crime and punishment? And is it possible to convey the features of the disclosure of this topic with the help of modern visual means of the language? I decided to analyze the story of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka" with the help of video.

The term "videoma" exists in our vocabulary not so long ago. legendary poet Andrei Voznesensky, in particular, is also famous for the fact that he created the genre of video - works in which the pictorial series is combined with poetry. Videos- a special way of transmitting information used to reveal the inner essence of a phenomenon with the help of a graphic sign or drawing. Voznesensky in his videos combined a figurative representation with a poetic one, putting a metaphorical representation of the image into the image. He himself said: “All this was connected with painting. pictorial image went parallel to the poetic .... And when videos appeared, it became a kind of concentration of the poetic. Therefore, poets appear in the videos: Akhmatova, Yesenin, Mayakovsky. This is an attempt to metaphorically, figuratively read the poet.

Voznesensky is his reflections on writers, their poetry, prose, drawings, presented figuratively and symbolically. I tried to interpret the text with the help of videos in the 10th grade. It's been an experience individual videos to the works. After reading the story "Lyudochka", I decided to make a series of videos for the story, with their help, to more fully and figuratively reveal the theme of crime and punishment in the story.

Main part

In the story "Lyudochka" we observe different types crimes modern society: social, moral, ecological. These crimes are the fault of the new, corrupted, according to the writer himself, time, which pushes people to sin. The writer raised the question of the moral responsibility of society for a crime committed by an individual. One of the main features of Viktor Petrovich's talent is the ability to cover problems that concern many writers: the decline in morality, the collapse of the village, the growth of crime.

V. Astafiev in the story "Lyudochka" considered the problems of man and mankind that concern us to this day, inseparable from the current reality. The theme of crime and punishment is revealed in the image of the most ordinary gray everyday life, without the introduction of otherworldly forces into it, like in Bulgakov and Wilde, where there are no bright contrasts in the depiction of life, eccentricity and exceptional individuality of the image of the protagonist, like in Dostoevsky. The heroes here are the most ordinary, representing a reflection of the modern masses; typical and, unfortunately, everyday situations that make us think about the device real life. The author does not give names to almost all of his characters, emphasizing that the story is not about an exceptional situation, this is the author’s general idea of modern people. Nevertheless, giving his main character the name Ludochka, the author emphasizes that the name does not play any role here, since it is “depressing routine” and “disarming simplicity”. "Lyudochka" in this life can be anyone. This story is included in Astafiev's collection "Cruel Romances", which is a complete and terrifying picture of reality. surrounding life. literary critic Valentin Kurbatov said the following about Astafiev: “His kindness, his love was always veiled with sadness, because, “with all the sympathy for the people, a kindred disposition” (), he knew this people too much and saw them to the bottom, because he himself was him… Life in his stories is so detailed, so abundant…”. In the story “The Blind Fisherman”, the author writes: “Who extinguished the light of goodness in our soul? Who blew out the lamp of our consciousness? Astafiev suffers deeply because of the changes that have taken place in people, in society itself. One has only to remember how the story “Lyudochka” begins: “A story told in passing, heard in passing, about fifteen years ago ...”. “This terrible story lay in it for fifteen years, waiting for the time when it became typical from exceptional,” said V. Kurbatov. Society has changed, and Astafiev did not remain indifferent to this fact. The theme of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka" is the embodiment of the author's experiences, which points people to their sins, for which they, one way or another, are responsible.

Social crimes - murders, thefts, raids on passers-by, dachas, houses; violence, theft of vehicles - all this is perceived by people on a daily basis. However, to this day, the most terrible crime will be a crime against a person. Such a crime was committed by Strekach (as the author calls the most ardent bandit in the city, without even giving him a name), having abused Luda. With this, he destroyed her entire future fate.

From the very beginning of the story, the author, describing Lyudochka, compares her with "sluggish, roadside grass." By this, he points to the spiritual and physical weakness of the girl, initially telling us that she was born incapable of life. Lyudochka could not cope with the misfortune that had befallen her alone, deciding to commit suicide.

No less serious is the moral crime. This is the indifference of Artemka-soap, who got scared, was afraid to help the girl. Indifference is a grave crime against a person. After all, it was the indifference of the people around Lyudochka, the indifference of her parents, that was the reason for her suicide. The girl could not survive the cold attitude of others, could not stand loneliness and laid hands on herself. But Lyudochka herself was indifferent until the trouble touched her. She realized that "in trouble, in loneliness, people are all the same." It is no coincidence that Lyudochka recalled her stepfather, whose plight she had not been interested in before. No wonder the guy dying in the hospital was remembered, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand. They, the living, "not his pain, not his life, their compassion is dear to them, and they want his torment to end soon, so as not to suffer themselves." “... now she herself had to drink to the end the cup of loneliness, rejection, crafty human sympathy ... Why did she pretend then, why?”

Lyudochka was punished for her lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only for her sins, but also for the sins of her mother, school, Gavrilovna, the police, and the youth of the town. He could argue with this, who believed that an innocent person should not atone for other people's sins, take on their burden. In modern society, perhaps only the death of Lyudochka destroyed the indifference that reigned around: her mother, Gavrilovna, suddenly became necessary.

The city of Astafiev is a symbol of heartlessness and cynicism. The city is indifferent to the problems of others. Here everyone is for himself and there is no one to help, no one to rely on. The videoma reflects people's indifference to the needs of those who suffer. They prefer not to see someone else's grief, so as not to suffer themselves. And Ludochka is like an invisible ghost for them, a disembodied phantom. Everyone turned away from her, turned away from each other. People go forward without looking back, not thinking that someone was left behind, behind their back, without protection and help. The alarming red color reflects the spiritual state of passers-by and indicates the tragedy of the situation. They are all alone, but no one goes towards the other, no one gives a helping hand. People became petrified in soul, became angry and callous. They seem to be made of a rough stone that cannot feel compassion and pity. With such a way of life, the soul of a person decays. Before us stands a portrait similar to the portrait of Dorian Gray, which clearly shows the painful and irreversible decomposition of the human soul. Thus, the modern city rises before our eyes as a dark and cold place, where there is no light of Goodness, Warmth, Truth, Faith.

Lyudochka could not survive the indifference of her mother: after all, a house, a family for every person should be a haven for the soul, it is protection and support in life. Luda did not find this support at home. In a difficult hour, she did not find help and support there: “Mother, not from the severity of her character, but from the old habit of being independent in everything, did not rush to meet her daughter, did not lighten her burden - let her manage her burden, her share ... ". She was cold to her daughter, cold by nature, like a large block of ice, which, with its coldness, can burn the hand of one who touches it. This block of ice is like the personification of a mother's icy, indifferent soul to everything. Only after the death of her daughter, she repented, saw her share of the guilt in what had happened, for which she later asked for forgiveness from God: “I didn’t do harm to anyone and I didn’t destroy her out of evil ... Forgive me.” Repentance, heartache- This moral punishment mother of the heroine for indifference.

The physical punishment of Strekacha is the brutal reprisal of Lyudochka's stepfather, who does not believe in the justice of laws and the inevitability of punishment. He administers punishment with his own hands in the same way as the hero of the film by S. Govorukhin "Voroshilovsky Shooter". The author in the story poses a problem that is not yet resolved in modern society: is it possible fair punishment? Will everyone be equal before the law? “The local department of the Internal Affairs Directorate did not have the strength and ability to split Artyomka-soap.” Will there be other people in the service, unlike the local boss, who did not want to “spoil a positive percentage with dubious data”? It's scary when only physical punishment can be the most effective.

Environmental crime of the whole society is the pollution of nature. Already one description of the city park is horrifying: “Someone decided to dig a ditch and lay a pipe along it through the entire park ... they forgot to bury the pipe. There was a pipe in the steamed clay, hissing, soaring, seething with hot water. Over time, the pipe was covered with soapy slime, mud, and a hot river flowed along the top, circling rainbow-poisonous rings of fuel oil and various household items, ... there was a stench. The park looked like it had been bombed…. ". The videoma depicting Vepeverze Park clearly illustrates the catastrophic state of nature. “Over the years, all kinds of bad forests crawled to the ditch and grew, as he wanted: ... crooked bird cherry trees, crooked lindens,” the trees that grew next to the fetid ditch bent, folding the name of the park with their silhouettes. The created landscape resembles a cemetery, where nature takes its death at the hands of man. The destruction of nature contributes to the destruction of man - this is the result of the punishment for the crime committed.

As a result of such human activity, the city is dying. The death of the city is the degradation of society, its future in the face of youth. Disco in the park - good example, showing how the youth of the town has sunk, lost its human appearance. Astafiev compares the dance floor with a corral, and the teenagers in it with a herd: “From all sides, the bubbling, howling, dusting, spitting stench of the corral was laughing and neighing. Raging, raging herd .... Music helped the herd in demonism and savagery, convulsed, crackled, buzzed, rumbled drums, moaned, howled ... ". The author does not see people in this mass. Describing them, he does not give them a gender, since for him there is no difference between them. He repeats this technique several times: "One person, remotely similar to a woman ...", "... a man croaked from the circle, not a man, a guy not a guy ...", "a flightless chicken, beating into a lattice" ... ". follows the traditions, - Shchedrin, using the motif of werewolf in order to show people who have fallen spiritually, rolled down to the level of the animal state. The brutal youth on the dance floor is the personification of the moral state of the city that has descended to the level of animals. This is the future that people are building for themselves, the new generation that they are raising to replace themselves. This is the fault of the entire social system that has been created, which gives rise to such "chatterers", criminals who do evil and lawlessness.

Not only cities, but also villages are spiritually dying out, and with them traditions are becoming a thing of the past, folk culture. Lyuda Vychugan's native village is not the only example of a disappearing village. Astafiev described Vychugan as "a small dying village". She, like a dying candle, is living out her last months. People are losing faith. Faith died out even in the villages where old people lived, who, it would seem, should be the keepers of the old faith: if they wanted to be baptized, they forgot where to start, they didn’t know a single prayer completely. The remaining villages stand before our eyes like the last frames of an old film. Astafiev shows the feral, dying village: "... suffocated in the wild, with a barely trodden path, was in the crossed windows, with staggering birdhouses, with collapsed fences." Even an apple tree growing in the open “seemed to be skinned by itself, peeled off like a beggar.” The apple tree is like a living being, a "beggar" who suffered by the will of fate; a symbolic “monument to a dying Russian village”, which completely withered and became “like a cross with a broken crossbar on a graveyard”. It is no coincidence that the author makes such a comparison, once again emphasizing the deplorable state of the villages. Leaving their villages, people break the connection between man and nature, forget their origins, where their roots grow from.

But, despite all the severity and sadness of the picture that is being created before us, the author still leaves a grain of hope for a prosperous future. The future is not yet determined, it can be changed; the second, unborn child of Lyudochka's mother is that hope for happiness: “Lord, help at least give birth to this full-fledged child and save it. The child will not be a burden to us ... ”, Lyudochka’s mother prayed, returning home by train after the funeral. This hope for happiness, love, can melt the cold heart of a mother. The child, a pure and sinless being, lit up her heart from within. Her soul awakens, freed from the icy shackles that killed her first child. And repentance and prayer to God helped her gain faith and find the light.


A feature of the disclosure of the theme of crime and punishment in the story is the author's approach to the problem from a new, everyday side. Crime is shown as an everyday phenomenon on the part of the whole society in relation to every person, to nature. The main character Lyudochka, as well as all the other heroes who caused the tragedy, embody general state residents of cities and villages. Crime lies at the foundation of society, which itself gives rise to such "Runners" who encroach on its own rights and create lawlessness and lack of rights.

Disclosure of the theme of crime and punishment in the story of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka" was largely facilitated by the created videos. We were able to see more clearly, figuratively what the author wanted to draw our attention to. Videos helped to understand all the semantic content of the work, to penetrate the feelings and experiences of the writer, to look at the world through his eyes. And although most of the videos are filled with anxiety and the severity of reality (however, like the story itself), they help us to correctly understand and see the picture that is being created in front of us, which takes place in modern life, but hidden from the eyes in everyday worries, everyday life and illusions.

But not only sadness the writer wanted to convey to us. The story "Lyudochka" is his appeal to the people, a request for help and understanding. There is hope for a prosperous and happy future without cruelty, loneliness, misunderstanding. It is in the hands of those people who are able to change this world.


1. In the world of literature. Grade 10: Proc. general education textbook institutions /, etc. - M .: Bustard, 2000. - S. 312-313.

2. "Crime and Punishment in Russian Criticism", http:///articles/article_3.php#IG3-10

3. The Red Book of Russian prose. V. Astafiev "Cruel romances", Moscow, 2002. – S. 426-466.

4.http://www. /culture/article3092336/

5. http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki/%D0%90%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B9_%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%B7%D

6. "Crime and Punishment". Library of Classics, Moscow, 1978.

7. "Master and Margarita". Favorites - Moscow, 1991.

8. O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray". Enlightenment, Moscow 1992. - S. 5-179.

9. R. Bradbury "Punishment without crime." Publishing house "Children's literature", Novosibirsk, 1993. - S. 81-91.

The problem of loneliness

The problem of indifference, loss of faith in people

Ludochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafyev everywhere faced indifference, and the worst thing for her was the betrayal of people close to her. But the apostasy manifested itself earlier. At some point, the girl realized that she herself was involved in this tragedy, because she also showed indifference, until the trouble touched her personally. It was no coincidence that Lyudochka recalled her stepfather, whose plight she had not been interested in before; it was not for nothing that she remembered the guy dying in the hospital, all the pain and drama of which the living did not want to understand.

The problem of crime and punishment

The problem of crime and punishment in the story "Lyudochka" by V. Astafiev is the embodiment of the author's experiences, which points out to people their sins, for which they, one way or another, are responsible.

Social crimes are perceived everyday here. However, to this day, the most terrible crime is violence against a person. It was committed by Strekach, having abused Lyudochka. The girl was punished for lethargy and indifference, atoning with her death not only for her sins, but also for the sins of her mother, school, Gavrilovna, the police, and the youth of the town. But her death destroyed the indifference that reigned around: she suddenly became needed by her mother, Gavrilovna ... Her stepfather avenged her.

4.The problem of mercy

Probably, none of us could remain indifferent to the fate of Lyudochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev. Any human heart will shudder with compassion, but the world that the writer shows is cruel. The offended, humiliated girl finds no understanding in anyone. Gavrilovna, already accustomed to insults and not seeing anything special in them, does not notice the girl's suffering. Mother, the closest and dearest person, also does not feel her daughter's pain ... The writer calls us for compassion, mercy, because even the girl's name means "dear people", but how cruel the world around her is! Astafiev teaches us: it is necessary to say a kind word in time, to stop evil in time, not to lose oneself in time.

5.The problem of fathers and children, misunderstanding of loved ones in a difficult situation

Some kind of disharmony is felt in the relationship between mother and daughter in V. Astafyev's story "Lyudochka", something that is familiar to each of us is violated: a child must be loved. And the heroine does not feel maternal love, therefore, even in the most terrible trouble for a girl, she is not recognized by a loved one: she is not understood in the family, her home is a stranger to her. Mother and daughter are separated by a moral abyss of alienation.

The problem of environmental pollution

We are accustomed to the fact that the park is a place where a person can relax, breathe fresh air, and relax. But in the story of V. Astafyev "Lyudochka" everything is different. A terrible sight appears before us: along the ditch, breaking into the weeds, there are benches, bottles of various shapes stick out of the dirty ditch and foam, and there is always a stench here, in the park, because puppies, kittens, dead piglets are thrown into the ditch. And people here behave like an animal. This "landscape" resembles a cemetery, where nature takes death at the hands of man. According to V. Astafiev, it is impossible for a person to exist without it. So the moral foundations are destroyed - this is the result of the punishment for the committed crime against nature.

7. Childhood impressions and their influence on the future life of a person

Uncomfortable and lonely life was in Lyudochkedom in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev, because there is no warmth, understanding and trust in the relationship between mother and daughter. And Ludochka, even in her adult life, remained shy, fearful and withdrawn. A joyless childhood, as it were, was imprinted on her further short life.

The problem of alcoholism

It is bitter, painful to read how drunken young people behave at a disco in V. Astafyev's story "Lyudochka". The author writes that they rage like a “herd”. The girl's father was also an inveterate drunkard, fussy and stupid. The mother was even afraid that the child might be born sick, and therefore conceived him in a rare break from her husband's drunkenness. Yet the girl was bruised by her father's unhealthy flesh and was born weak. We see how under the influence of alcohol people degrade.

The problem of education.

Lyudochka grew like roadside grass. The girl is timid, shy by nature, she did not communicate much with her classmates. The mother did not openly show her love for her daughter, as they say, she did not knock on her daughter's soul, she did not give advice, she did not warn against life's adversities and, in general, she practically did not engage in upbringing, therefore there was no warmth and kindred spiritual closeness between them.

On the absence of love

The story of V. Astafyev "Lyudochka" shocks the reader with the rigidity, indifference of his characters and the lack of warmth, kindness, trust in relations between people. But, perhaps, what most shocks readers is the absence of love, without which neither harmony nor the future is possible. Children born not out of love are a doomed generation, or cynics, or weak, weak-willed people.


The problem of loneliness

Ludochka in the story of the same name by V. Astafiev is trying to escape from loneliness. But already the first lines of the work, where the heroine is compared with sluggish, frozen grass, suggest that she, like this grass, is not capable of life. The girl leaves her parental home, where there are people who are strangers to her, who are also alone. The mother has long been accustomed to the arrangement of her life and does not want to delve into her daughter's problems, and Ludochka's stepfather did not treat her in any way. The girl is a stranger both in her own home and among people. Everyone turned away from her, even her own mother as a stranger to her.

The work belongs to the philosophical lyrical prose of the writer and, as the main theme, considers the issue of the decline of morality and the degradation of the individual, describing the cruel real reality.

The central character of the story is a sixteen-year-old girl named Lyudochka, presented by the writer in the form of a young, simple Russian woman who does not differ in appearance from ordinary people, but characterized by the author as a decent, kind, merciful person who has sincere respect for the people around him.

The storyline of the story is about difficult fate a village girl who finds herself in a difficult life situation, which ends with a tragic ending in the form of Lyudochka's suicide.

After finishing nine classes, Lyudochka leaves the village and moves to the city in the hope of a worthy arrangement of her own life. In her native village, the girl is left with her mother and stepfather, life with whom does not bring happiness to Ludochka, since relatives are distinguished by an indifferent attitude towards the girl, completely absorbed in solving their own problems.

City life unfriendly meets a girl who is forced to rent a corner in the house of a local hairdresser Gavrilovna, doing all household chores, as well as cleaning the hairdressing salon for a meager salary. One evening, Lyudochka is attacked by a group of young people led by a recently released criminal Strekach, who force her to commit violent acts. The physically and morally crushed girl tries to find support from the owner of Gavrilovna's apartment, and then from her own mother, but close people turn out to be indifferent to state of mind Lyudochki, who, unable to survive what happened, decides to commit suicide.

The ideological content of the story is emphasized by the writer by means of artistic expression, used in the form of numerous aphorisms, stable phrases, slang vocabulary, conveying expressive, emotional character works. In addition, through a plastic, capacious artistically expressive language, filled with simple personifications, complex metaphors and epithets, the writer gives the story a colorful, unique, rich melodic sound. The author also uses literary device contrast, depicting the spiritual relationship of nature with man, showing the existence of a bright beginning in human life.

The semantic load of the work allows to demonstrate author's intention, which consists in depicting a short, tragic life of a girl who has become hopeless, gray, monotonous, distinguished by the indifferent indifference of others, as well as the lack of affection, tenderness and care. Thus, the writer draws the attention of the readership to the degradation of modern society, mired in immoral vices, bestial instincts, depraved laws.

Analysis 2

From the very title of the story, one can infer the character main character. This is a young fragile girl, naive, full of hopes and dreams.

Indeed, Lyudochka grew up in the village in the most ordinary family. My parents worked on the collective farm all their lives. Over time, the old system began to collapse, life became harder. Left without a job, the heroine's father found solace in alcohol, making life at home even more difficult. Little Luda dreamed of moving from the disgusting village to the city. It seemed to her a place of prospects, unlimited possibilities and freedom.

Unfortunately, the young and naive heroine will have to face reality that destroys dreams. Things seem to be going well in the city. The girl immediately finds work and housing. Only now the hostess dumps all the housework on her, and the profession is not given in any way. Soon, the harsh realities of life in the city become even more evident.

Astafiev's city is a stone jungle, where whoever is stronger is right, and every man is for himself. The punks and hooligans, inspired by former prisoners, have undivided power. They gather in the park, which embodies all the most unattractive aspects of life. The police prefer to avoid this place. Partly out of fear of the power that criminals have. On the other hand, it is even convenient for representatives of law and order. Turning a blind eye to real crimes, the police demonstrate excellent detection rates.

This behavior is the essence of life. Soviet society those times. It's ostentatious idealism in ruins human lives. Beautiful posters with slogans about a happy future hang in a rotting abandoned park. At the same time, people's hearts hardened and lost the ability to sympathize.

The fact of abuse of the heroine does not shock anyone. On the contrary, others believe that every woman should go through this. Not finding a response among her relatives, Lyudochka tries to find the answer in herself. She comes to the conclusion that she herself is callous and incapable of sympathy.

In order to break this vicious circle, she sacrifices herself, trying to atone for the guilt of mankind at the cost of her own life. And her actions don't go unnoticed. A seemingly indifferent stepfather becomes the man who avenged her. However, justice in such a world can only be achieved by accepting the rules of the game, by defeating evil yourself.

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