Economics games for students. Economic game "entrepreneur

Game - competition "Let's play the economy"

Target: to promote the formation of resourcefulness, ingenuity, economic literacy.

Tasks: 1. educational: consolidation and comprehension of the studied material;

2. developing: to develop cognitive activity and creativity personality, critical thinking and adaptive capabilities to changing external conditions;

3. educative: improving the methodology of educational impact on the personality of the student through group and game forms; fostering interest in the game, the subject of economics.

The course of the game-competition

I introduction teachers:

Today we meet here to show our knowledge and reveal the best experts economy. For each task, players receive coins. The team with the most coins at the end wins.

Let's remember what is the economy?

Originally, the word "economics" meant the art of housekeeping. Today, the word "economy" has a much broader meaning. The economy can be called the economy of a separate region, country, world. The economy refers to all relations in society associated with the activities of people. Finally, economics is the science of how people and society as a whole can meet their needs for goods and services with limited resources. Who first coined the word "economy"? (Aristotle).

Exercise: This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher of ancient Greece, Aristotle, translated from ancient Greek, the term means "laws of the economy." (Answer: Economics).

Now we will conduct an economic quiz.


1) What animal is always with money? (piglet: he has a piglet)

2) What was the name in Rus' of merchants who were expelled from the guild for systematic deceptions and body kits for buyers? (slobs)

3) Name the events where the price is stuffed with a hammer? (auction)

4) Who counts millions as thousands? (billionaire)

5) Which country is called "the banker of the whole world"? (Switzerland)

6) "Coca-Cola" in relation to "Pepsi - Cola" who is this? (competitor)

7) Name Captain Flint's Parrot's Favorite Coin (piastre)

8) What is the face of a coin called? (obverse)

9) What is the reverse side of a coin called? (reverse)

10) What is the face of the outlet? (showcase)

11) What fabulous animal was able to make coins with a simple blow of its hooves? (antelope)

12) What Russian folk tale demonstrates the effectiveness of teamwork? (turnip)

You must unravel the cipher in which the words related to the economy are hidden:

PARTALAZ (salary)

GAVE (contract)

KANOEKOMI (economics)


Economic riddles-additives:

The product must have

Mandatory …(price)

Kohl to work all year round

It will be round... (income)

Brooks murmur, feet get wet

Spring is the time to pay... (taxes)

Like a child without a mother,

How many sausages did you buy

The arrow will show you exactly. .(scales)

They will be whole like in a tank,

your savings in …(bank)

Things will work out for us:

We are in best bank brought your.. (contribution)

Both the doctor and the acrobat

Issued for work …(salary)

Bought furniture, clothes, dishes

We took for this in the bank …(loan)

For the ruble - kopecks, for dollars - cents

Run-run in the bank .. (percentage)

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Vladimir library.

Librarian Pavlovskaya Irina Petrovna.

BUSINESS START. Economic game for schoolchildren. Conducted for children in grades 9-11 is very interesting. Posters prepared and presented for the game: Commandments of a businessman; Tips for a young businessman.

Librarian: Guys, you all watch TV, you have a computer, radio, books. You know and heard about businessmen. Do you want to become successful? This is not only a profession, but also a special way of thinking. Let's test your ability to "make millions" Do you agree?

Answer the questions:

1. What does the word "business" mean? Business is an economic activity (business) that generates income or provides other benefits. The businessman, as it were, is included in gambling with a huge number of ingenious combinations, unexpected moves, subtle calculations. He enters a zone of risk and adventure, where courage is needed no less than a thorough knowledge of the market situation. And today our participants need to show all these qualities, because, perhaps, today they will take the first step in Big world business.2. This term was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher of ancient Greece, Aristotle, translated from ancient Greek, the term means “laws of the economy”. (Answer: Economics).3.What do you buy in the store?4. The monetary unit of Russia?5. US currency? 6. What is the name of people's need for a particular product? (demand) 7. What is the institution where the money of others is kept?

All those who correctly answered the questions have taken the first step in the big world of business. We create 2 teams.Now we will play an economic game.

Librarian: One of the commandments of a businessman says: "Luck favors the educated." Today, a real businessman is a highly educated specialist.

In order to do business and rotate in the business world, it is necessary to have a sum of economic knowledge, to understand special terms.

1 competition for knowledge of economic terms.

What is an investment? (property and intellectual values ​​invested in objects of entrepreneurial and other activities).

What is the profession of an intermediary broker? (a person who facilitates transactions between a seller and a buyer).

What is marketing? (a comprehensive system of measures for the management of production and marketing activities, based on market research in order to maximize customer satisfaction)

How do you understand the word auction? (sale at public auction, a method of selling goods based on a competition among buyers).

What is a dividend? (Income, profit received by the owner of the shares as a result of the activities of the joint-stock company.)

Know-how. explain what it is? (scientific - technical, commercial and other information that gives certain advantages to the enterprise or the person who received them).

We learned everything or almost everything you need to start your own business.

2 Competition for teams: "Own business"

(come up with a name, type of activity, explain your choice.) Here is a poster with the names of enterprises. You need to choose one of them and determine the type of activity that you will be engaged in. Justify your choice and explain how you are going to work, whether, in your opinion, the enterprise is necessary for our district.

Game for fans

Economic riddles - addons:

Well done boys! The company has been established, communications have been established. What is missing for complete success?

Game for fans .


1) What animal is always with money? (piglet: he has a piglet)

3) Name the events where the price is stuffed with a hammer? (auction)

5) What country is called "the banker of the whole world"? (Switzerland)

6) "Coca-Cola" in relation to "Pepsi - Cola" who is this? (competitor)

7) What is the favorite coin of Captain Flint's parrot (piastre)

8) What is the name of the front side of the coin? (obverse)

9) What is the reverse side of the coin called? (Reverse)

10) The face of the outlet is what? (showcase)

Task 4. "Proverbs", riddles.

Small, round

Jumping from pocket to pocket. (coin)

Small, round, sloping, as soon as he runs away, you will not catch up. (coin)

How not to be guarded, but shaken. (money)

The thing is small, but everyone needs it. (money)

For all of us, we are born in abundance.

Some of us have a lot, and some of us don't. (money)

Who made me - does not say

Who does not know me - accepts,

And who knows - he won't let him into the yard. (counterfeit money)

Little, round, jumps from prison to prison, the whole world jumps around, she herself is good for nothing, but everyone needs her. (coin)

Walk without legs (money)

Round, small, nice for everyone. (coin)

Task for team 4 . Well done boys! And ingenuity, and humor you do not hold. Now let's see how you will get out of extreme situations, but first let's hear the jury.

So 4 competition. The company you lead is facing a serious problem. Choose an envelope with a description of the problem situation. After a minute, you will explain how you intend to get out of the situation.

Game for fans: Continue the proverb.

A bargain is a bargain). He has chicken money (do not peck). Nice with money, no money (hateful). More money(more hassle). A penny ruble (saves).Money money ... (makes money).
Money for money ... (runs up).
Only crazy about money ... (do not buy).
More money - more ... (hassle).
Money is like pigeons: where they settle down, there they ... (will lead).
Teams are performing. Let's sum up.

5 Competition: "Money loves an account" for ingenuity.

You took a loan in the amount of 100 thousand at 30%. These funds were used to purchase a batch of books in the amount of 300 copies. at a price of 120 rubles. for one copy, 4 thousand rubles. spent on transportation, sold books at a price of 450 rubles. a piece. What is your profit?

Game with fans.

6 competition for the team.

Librarian: Remember the commandment: "Be cheerful"? People who have achieved success in business believe that they owe this not least to their cheerful, cheerful disposition, which especially helped out when things went badly. “Be cheerful,” they advise, “there are already enough sad faces around.” Fortune favors, as a rule, those who have a sense of humor. A real businessman must impress. To do this, in addition to a policeman, a fax, a BMW, a diamond pin, you need a certain manner of speaking that irresistibly affects the client and business partners. Here are sample phrases. It is necessary, using one of them, to come up with a funny case

Super game!

Do you know what the expression "all in" means and what is its origin? Translated from French - the bank is coming, so the players notified the partners that they were ready to play for the whole bank. The expression "all-in" has long meant - to take a big risk, to act with desperate courage.

Competition for our players will be associated with risk.

1. The name of this money comes from the Latin inscription on the coins of the Norman prince: "Sit tibi, Christ, datus kvem tou inse reges ducatus." In translation, this means: “So you, Christ, are betrayed by the one whom you yourself instruct, lord.” And what is this monetary unit called now? (Dukat)

2. This term denoted the ability to wield weapons and drive chariots; now this term denotes the ability to manage people or enterprises. (management, comes from English. The words management, leadership, administration, leadership.

Librarian Game results.

Thanks to all the participants who are in today full voice announced himself as a contender for business chairs.

Let's sum up. But guys, today you didn’t say the main thing - no matter what ladder of success you climb, no matter what step you climb, remember that the main thing is to always remain human. It is also a profession - to be a man. You will all enter this amazing adult world. Someone as an entrepreneur, someone as a hired worker, someone will become a professional economist.

And we really hope that years later, you will remember with a smile your first steps in the city of business people.

Someone will get better at this game, someone will fail.

But better failure in the game than in life!

Scenario of the economic game "On the steps of business"

Target: expansion of economic knowledge and range of interests of students.


1. The class is divided into two teams.

2. Audio cassettes (CDs, DVDs) are prepared in advance with recordings of songs containing the words “money”, “gold”.



Event progress

Lead 1. The birth of economic science is shrouded in the shadow of centuries, as is the birth of economics itself, which, however, happened many millennia earlier. The primitive economy did not require special scientific knowledge.

For a long time people have been trying to understand the secrets of the economy. The world knows the names of the great economists Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Antoine Montchretien and others. Maybe soon your name will be among the great ones?!

Lead 2. But first, let's check your basic knowledge of economics, without which any business is impossible. Do you know what business is? (Answers of teams. Answers are evaluated according to five-point system, while taking into account not only factual knowledge, but also a sense of humor, resourcefulness, ingenuity of the players.)

That's right, a business is an economic activity that generates income or provides other benefits. A businessman enters a zone of risk and adventure, where courage is needed no less than a thorough knowledge of the market situation. And our participants need to show all these qualities, because perhaps today they will take the first step into the big world of economics and business. So, we present the teams and our esteemed jury.

Lead 1. One of the commandments of a businessman says: "Luck favors the educated." Indeed, today a real businessman is a highly educated specialist. So, our first competition is a warm-up.

Economic ABC

The facilitators take turns asking questions to the teams, tokens are issued for the correct answers. If a team does not know the correct answer, the question goes to the other team.

1. What is the name of the transfer of land, buildings, property for rent by their owner, owner for a certain period for a fee? (Rent.)

2. A security issued by a joint-stock company. Whoever buys such paper becomes one of the owners, owners of this company and acquires the right to receive part of the income from its activities. (Promotion.)

3. A special institution, an institution designed to carry out a variety of operations, actions with money. Very often these institutions burst (Bank.)

4. This word translated from English means business. In general, this is the activity of a person or a group of people, carried out at their own expense, under their own responsibility. (Business.)

5. What is the name of the profession of a person who facilitates transactions between a seller and a buyer? (Broker.)

6. Monetary unit of any country used and legalized in the country. (Currency.)

7. What is the name of a security containing an unconditional monetary obligation to pay a certain amount within a certain period of time? (Promissory note.)

8. Monetary remuneration paid to authors of literary and musical works published in print. (Fee.)

9. Voluntary agreement of two or more persons, each of which assumes certain obligations. (Contract.)

10. Importation into the country of foreign goods purchased abroad or other valuables for their use. (Import.)

11. An increase in the prices of goods, leading to a decrease in the number of goods that can be bought, purchased by one monetary unit. (Inflation.)

12. Property and intellectual values ​​invested in objects of entrepreneurial and other activities. (Investment.)

13. A document, an official receipt issued to a person to confirm the fact of receiving money payments, goods or other valuables from him. (Receipt.)

14. A vault in which property values ​​and things can be pledged and a temporary loan can be obtained, the amount of which depends on the value of the pledged things. To get your things, you need to return the loan and pay for the storage of things and the interest for the loan. (Pawnshop.)

15. A comprehensive system of activities for the management of production and marketing activities, based on market research in order to maximize customer satisfaction. (Marketing.)

16. An employee of a company, a firm who manages people, labor, production and sale of goods. (Manager.)

17. Mandatory payments established by law, which citizens and organizations (individuals and legal entities) are required to periodically, usually quarterly or annually, make to the state. (Taxes.)

18. Open notification by the firm of potential buyers, consumers of goods and services produced by it about the quality, merits, advantages of these goods and services. It should not discredit the goods and services of other firms, otherwise it is dishonest. (Advertising.)

19. Income received by the owner from the use by others of his land, property, capital or other property. Obtaining such income does not require the application of labor efforts from the owner. (Rent.)

20. Lending cash or tangible assets to be returned within a specified period. For using it, the borrower who received it is obliged to pay a fee, which is called interest. (Loan.)

21. public service which controls the import and export of goods across the border of the country. She still collects fees. (Customs.)

22. A company that performs trust functions for individuals and organizations. (Trust company.)

23. Cash in the broadest sense of the word - as all cash and non-cash money and checks, as well as all types of securities. (Finance.)

24. A monetary document of the established form, which plays the role of money and can be used instead of money as a means of payment. (Check.)

25. Relationship, interaction of a person with his environment natural environment, rational economic use natural resources. (Ecology.)

Presenter 1. In the meantime, the jury is evaluating our first competition, we want to ask you what proverbs and sayings about money you know. For each proverb, the team will receive one point.

The teams take turns calling Proverbs and sayings.

Presenter 2. And now we invite you to plunge into the history of the economy. Our next tour is...


We open a conditional account for one thousand rubles for each team. Our auctions will be unusual. You redeem the question and answer it correctly, then the amount for which the question was bought will be credited to your account. If the answer is incorrect, then only half of the amount of the question will be credited to your account. Let's start trading!

The initial price of the first question is 100 rubles. Place your bets gentlemen!

1. When did paper money appear in Russia? (In 1768, they were introduced by Catherine II instead of bulky copper money, and they were called banknotes.)

We redeem the second question. The original price is 80 rubles.

2. In 1776, the publisher William Strahey publishes in London "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" - the largest work of classical political economy. Name the author of the book. A little hint - he is of Scottish origin. (Adam Smith.)

We redeem the third question. The original price is 120 rubles.

3. By whose decree and when was the position of an accountant officially established in Russia for the first time? (By the decree of Peter I in the early 1700s. The word "accountant" came to us from German language along with the reforms of Peter I.)

We redeem the fourth question. The original price is 100 rubles.

4. Why was a penny called a penny? (The first easy money - a penny - was issued with a picture of a rider with a spear. From the word "spear", which was in the hands of the rider on the coin, and it was called a penny.)

We redeem the fifth question. The original price is 100 rudders.

5. From what word did the word "ruble" come from? (In Rus', heavy silver ingots were used for calculations - grivnas, which had the shape of bars. If a whole piece was too large for calculations, then it was chopped. It was from the verb to cut that the word "ruble" came from.)

We redeem the sixth question. The original price is 200 rubles.

6. In Rus', the profession of a cattleman was very respected. What did the cattlemen do? (Money used to be cattle in Rus' - sheep, cows, bulls. The larger the herd you owned, the richer you were considered. Later, animals ceased to serve as money, but the name "cattleman" in the meaning of "money keeper", "tax collector" and "cowgirl" in the meaning of "treasury" remained for a long time.)

A business game is an imitation of a real production (management or economic) situation. Creating a simplified workflow model allows each participant in real life, but within the framework of certain rules, play a role, make a decision, take actions.

Business game method

Business games (BI) are effective method practical training and are applied quite widely. They are used as a means of knowledge in management, economics, ecology, medicine and other areas.

Actively used in the world to study the science of management of CI began from the middle of the 20th century. A significant contribution to the development of gaming technologies was made by S.P. Rubinstein, Z. Freud and other scientists.

This method allows you to model an object (organization) or simulate a process (decision making, management cycle). Production and economic situations are associated with subordination to superiors, and organizational and managerial situations with the management of a department, group, employee.

Players can set different goals, to achieve which they use the knowledge of the basics of sociology, economics, and management methods. The results of the game will be related to the degree of achievement of goals and the quality of management.

Classification of business games

CI can be classified in many ways.

Reflection of reality

Real (practice)

Theoretical (abstract)

Difficulty level

Small (one task, small team of players)

High (large teams, many practical tasks, multi-stage game)

Outcome evaluation

Jury, expert evaluation



Rigid with a clear order of actions, time frames

Free (without strict regulations)

According to the purpose and goals, the following types of DI are distinguished:

1. Educational (lay down knowledge, skills and abilities):

  • research (contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge);
  • For practical activities(form skills);
  • search (search for information or a joint solution).

2. For vocational guidance.

3. To assess and improve training.

4. To select specialists for a vacant position.

CI can be classified by the number of participants (team, personal) and by the interests of the parties:

  • partnership game (working out team skills with common or opposite interests);
  • confrontation of parties, teams;
  • competition of individual participants, the evaluation of the results of which is not interconnected;
  • CI with unpredictable external environment or participants without goals.

Varieties of business games

Forms business game


Examples of business games

Group discussion

Builds group work skills. Players perform the same task, following the rules of the discussion. At the end of the time, the answers are analyzed and evaluated.

"Shipwreck", "Flight to the Moon", "Meeting", "Coordinating Council"

Role-playing game

Everyone has to play an individual role, simulate situations. Roles are neutral, do not cause emotions.

"Account Manager", "Trade Union and Employees", "Supervisor and Subordinate"

salon game

Held in an organized space or field, has strict rules. The results of the game, points are fixed.

"Field of Miracles", chess, "Monopoly", "Own game"

It is a form of training that simulates the situation of human relations without strict rules.

"Conflict" and other imitation of competitive, partnership, dependent relations

Blitz game

Game with elements of discussion, brainstorming, role playing And

"Sea battle", "Auction", "Crossword", "Who knows more", "Presentation"

simulation game

Imitation practice. Participants solve the problem together or individually.

"Ethics of the manager", "Gossip in the company", "How to keep an employee from firing?", "Blackmail"


Aimed at generating new ideas in a non-standard situation.

Self-organization trainings, brainstorming


Collective creation of a picture of the future development of the situation.

"Creating a new product", "Entering new markets"

All of the above technologies and examples of business games are interconnected. It is recommended to use them in combination for the effective practical activities of the participants and the achievement of the tasks set.

How to organize a game?

Games are played according to certain rules.

  1. The topics of business games are diverse, but their conditions must be relevant and close to life situation, problem. Players may not have the experience to solve it, but they do have the basic knowledge, imagination, and other abilities.
  2. The end result common to the whole team, the achievement of the goal, the developed solution.
  3. There may be several correct solutions. The ability to look for different ways to solve the problem must be included in the condition.
  4. Participants themselves choose roles and behaviors for successful solution tasks. An interesting and rather complex situational task encourages creative search and application of knowledge.


  1. Preparatory stage. Identification of the problem, choice of topic and definition of tasks. The choice of the type and form of the game, work on game strategy, preparation of materials.
  2. Entry of participants into the game situation. Attraction of interest, goal setting, team building, mobilization of participants.
  3. Group or individual work with or without rules.
  4. Conclusions and analysis of the results independently and / or with the involvement of experts.

Conducting a business game can be associated with a large number of stages. During the game, the participants will have to identify the problem, consider and analyze the situation, develop proposals for solving the problem. The discussion of the course of the game and wishes complete the work.

Business game "Production meeting"

In production management, an active business management game is modeled. The example includes the characteristics and scenario of the business game "Production meeting". It is held at the end of the course "Management", when students already have an idea about the principles of management and the role of the production process.

Game participants:

  • employees of the enterprise (7 people). The meeting is attended by the director, deputy for production, head of the technical department, head of the assembly shop, head of the turning shop, foreman, secretary;
  • group of experts (10 people).

Locomotive repair or machine-building plant (organization of any profile with an average or small number of employees). Not so long ago, a new director was appointed by the owners of the enterprise. He was introduced to the staff and managers of the plant. The director will hold an operational meeting for the first time.

Game plan "Production meeting"

Business game scenario


Introduction. Goals and theme of the game.

game situation

Acquaintance with the situation in the company.

Meeting preparation plan

  • Distribution of roles (7 employees and 10 experts)
  • the leader organizes informing the participants of the game with at the meeting.
  • removal of the director for a while to another office "due to operational" necessity.
  • then the facilitator brings to the participants information about the behavior of employees at the meeting (from the characteristics). Those present at the meeting reacted to the new bosses with skepticism and distrust.


Director's speech, reaction and questions from superiors.

discussion and

collective discussion of issues.

What will be the behavior of the director at the meeting?

What can he say or do to establish business contacts with employees?

What can he take when summing up the results of the first operational meeting?


Conclusions from experts, from game participants. Self-esteem. Have you achieved your goals, have you achieved your goals?

Role-playing game

Entering a production situation in a certain role is an interesting business game. Examples for students can be very diverse. It is only necessary to connect the imagination.

  1. Role-playing game "Interview". conducts an interview in the form of an interview with the applicant. Vacant position - sales manager. Before the game, the participants read the biography and description of their hero. After studying the documents (10 minutes), the manager begins the interview. When summing up, it is assessed how the boss conducted the interview and interview, analyzed the information in the documents, what decision he made. The applicant evaluates the work of the manager.
  2. Role-playing game "Conflict client". The game is played in pairs. A department head answers an angry customer's phone call. The customer complains about the quality of the goods. It is assessed whether the manager will be able to cope with conflict situation and build the conversation properly.
  3. Role-playing game "Assessment of the professionalism of an employee." The player, from the position of a leader, evaluates the performance of an employee, using information about the effectiveness of the team's work. Based on the data, he fills out a certification form and prepares for an interview with an employee. Thinks about how to build a conversation, what questions to ask. The role of an employee can be a young specialist, a woman with two children, an advanced employee, and others. As a result, the way the player formulated the questions, highlighted the main thing, is evaluated.

Strategic business game. Examples for students

Strategic game "Knitting factory "Style"". The management of the knitting factory plans to expand sales markets. This requires the production of higher quality and demanded products. In addition, it is planned to launch several new technological lines.

It has long been planned to replace equipment in several workshops. The problem was the lack of financial resources associated with large receivables. What strategy is appropriate in this situation? What can plant management do? Forecast based on table data. Several indicators of financial and economic activity are recommended to be submitted for three years.

Sample management game topics

Examples of business games

Group discussion

“Making management decisions. Selection of a candidate for the position of director

"Organizational culture of college students"

"Management cycle in an educational institution"

Role-playing game

"Personnel certification"

How to ask for a pay raise?

"Telephone Conversations"

"Conclusion of a contract"

Emotional activity game

"Ethics business communication. Love affair at work"

"Conflict between heads of departments"

"Business conversation. Dismissal of an employee"

"To handle the stress"

simulation game

"Control Efficiency"

"Development of a business plan"

"Business letter"

"Preparation of the annual report"

Game method and case method

When planning a business game, it is recommended to combine its different forms. The game may contain cases (situations). The case method differs from the method of business games, as it is focused on finding and solving a problem. Examples of business games are related to the development of skills, the formation of skills.

Thus, a case is a model of a certain situation, and a business game is a model of practical activity.

The business game method makes it possible to present management principles and decision-making processes in an accessible way. The main advantage of games is the active participation of the group, the team of players.

Economic casino

Croupier. Hello, my dear smart and smart girls! I welcome you to our economic casino! Our casino is the very place where everyone who is honest, brave and unknown can earn money not just somehow, but with their own mind. Only chur - we have special money! These are banknotes with a denomination of one "ek-um" - "economic mind". Remember? As the saying goes: one mind is good, but two is better... And you, dear players, will have exactly five of them, “ek-minds”, today. Moreover, during the game you can both increase your "ec-mental state" and become bankrupt. In the game you are waiting for questions from different areas of the economy. I name the field of economics and the question, and if you decide to answer, you must bet one "ek-um" by raising your hand or a special sign. If you're lucky, your bet is doubled and you earn another ek-um. If you are mistaken, then do not despair - your "ek-minds" will replenish the cashier of our economic casino. As you can see, the conditions of the game are simple: I give a question and 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer and hold up the sign with the corresponding letter: A, B or C.

Signs are handed out.

Croupier. First round. I announce the area of ​​the economy, a multiple-choice question, and then watch the player's first hand raised.

1. A question from the field of the securities market.

A security that certifies an investment in an enterprise and gives its owner the right to receive a share of the profits is called ...

a) share (+);

b) a bond;

c) bill.

Who is brave? Let's place bets!

2. The next question is from the field of banking. We listen.

A bank that provides a mortgage loan is called...

a) investment;

b) mortgage (+);

c) innovative.

Let's bet, gentlemen!

3. A question from the field of economic theory.

Followers of economic theory, who believe that the wealth of the country increases only thanks to foreign trade is called...

a) monetarists;

b) mercantilists (+);

c) utopians.

So, your bets!

4. And this question is about specialists in economic issues.

A specialist in the business of buying and selling apartments is called ...

a) a distributor;

b) realtor (+);

c) auditor.

5. Again the question of securities.

A share that entitles the owner to a guaranteed dividend, but without the right to vote at a meeting of shareholders, is called ...

a) ordinary;

b) nominal;

c) privileged (+).

Let's place bets!

6. How many of you are in tune with the history of the economy?

He founded the first stock exchange in Russia...

a) Peter 1 (+);

b) Pavel 1;

c) Alexander I.

Your bets!

7. Do you know the monetary units of foreign countries?

The monetary unit of Vietnam is called...

b) dong (+);

c) guareni.

Let's place bets!

8. The question of monetary financial documents.

A monetary document containing a written order to pay a certain amount of money from an account is called ...

b) a certificate;

9. Again the history of economic theory.

The most famous work of Karl Marx in the field of economic science is called ...

a) "Capital" (+);

b) "Welfare for all";

c) The theory of imperfect competition.

Place your bets!

10. Question about modern leaders financial and economic apparatus of the country.

The ministry headed by Mr Kudrin is called...

a) Ministry of Taxes and Duties;

b) Ministry of Finance (+);

c) Ministry of Economy and Food.

Your bets, gentlemen!

Croupier. The second round will be more difficult. I will name only the area of ​​economics. You will be able to find out the wording of the question only after someone (on the first raised hand) has made a bet.

1. Forms of ownership. Your bets!

Property to which he owns special person is called...

a) state;

b) private (+);

c) municipality.

2. A question from the field of international economic relations. Let's bet, gentlemen!

Importing goods and services from abroad is called...

a) import (+);

b) export;

c) leasing.

3. A question for connoisseurs of economic sanctions. Bets!

A monetary recovery from those guilty of violating the terms of an agreement or transaction is called ...

b) fee;

c) penalty (+).

4. A question from the field of trade. Place your bets:

The form of trading, when the seller, wanting to get the maximum profit, uses the competition of many buyers present at the auction, is called ...

a) auction (+);

b) retail;

c) wholesale.

5. A question for those who are conscientious taxpayers.

Place your bets!

A tax levied on each worker and is a certain percentage of wages is called...

a) property;

b) value added;

c) income (+).

6. A question related to market competition. Who will bet?

The market of one seller who crowds out the others is called...

a) competition;

b) oligopoly;

c) monopoly (+).

7. Re-form of ownership. Bets!

The process of transferring state property to other forms of ownership is called ...

c) indexing.

8. A question from the field of exchange activity. Looking forward to your bids!

A reseller who does not act as an independent party in a sale and purchase transaction, but only ensures the establishment of contact between a potential seller and buyer, is called ...

b) broker (+);

a) "Bittnerr, just Bittnerr" (+);

b) "Just May tea";

c) Imodium.

10. Question from the area market economy. Bets!

The activities of market research, product development, pricing, and marketing are called...

a) analysis;

b) management;

c) marketing (+).

Croupier. Third round. You will bet blindly, knowing neither the field of economics nor the question itself.

1. Who is betting? So there's a bet! You get this question!

If the state budget shows that expenditures are equal to revenues, then it is called ...

a) balanced;

b) balanced (+);

c) scarce.

2. Your bets!

The largest part of the family budget is the cost of ...

a) clothes;

b) payment for an apartment;

c) nutrition (+).

3. I accept bets!

The source of additional income cannot be ...

a) illegal operations (+);

b) personal plot;

c) renting a garage.

4. Who will bet?

Kolya received a deuce. For this, his mother did not allow him to go to the cinema. How would an expert in economics call this event?

a) sanction (+);

c) penalty.

5. The bet is playing!..

What are unforeseen family expenses?

a) TV repair (+);

b) buying a sofa;

c) buying a garage.

6. Waiting for a bid!

Individual labor activity student can do...

a) during training sessions;

b) during vacation time (+);

c) leaving the classroom.

7. I accept bets on the next question!

Family resources do not include...

a) technology;

b) money in a savings account;

c) money borrowed (+).

8. Bets!

A technical means that provides protection, and sometimes advertising of products ...

a) packaging (+);

b) label;

c) trademark.

9. I accept more bets!

a) icons (+);

b) showcases;

c) brochures.

10. Last bet!

Products are in high demand in the market...

b) high quality, but with a high price;

c) low quality, but in a beautiful package.

Croupier. The fourth round is called "Black Box". 30 seconds are given for reflection, after which bets follow, the choice of the right answer. If the answer is correct, the participant receives the corresponding number of "ek-ums". Attention Black Box!

1. In the black box is a document that specifies the rights and obligations of the parties to the transaction. (Contract.)

2. Here is your cash reward for special successes in activity. (Award.)

3. This black box contains a document - a set of rules, regulations, establishing the procedure for the company's activities. (Charter.)

4. And here is a symbol allowed by law, which is placed on the product (or packaging) for their individualization with the buyer. (Trademark.)

5. In this black box - the currency of a foreign state, the capital of which is Tel Aviv. (Shekel.)

The casino is closed. The winner is determined.

Economic Dozen

The name of the game corresponds to the number of participants - 13. After each round, one participant drops out.

1st round "What is it?"

13 people play. The first person to answer the question moves on to the next round. At the end of round 1, 12 players remain, 1 is eliminated.


1. Financial institution issuing loans. (Bank.)

2. Secret theft of valuables, not related to violence. (Theft.)

3. A sale where the purchase goes to the highest bidder. (Auction.)

4. Greek demigod who taught people crafts. (Prometheus.)

5. Dealer in antiques. (Antique)

6. A piece of clothing where money is put. (Pocket.)

7. Values ​​buried in the ground. (Treasure)

8. Borrowed money. (Duty.)

9. Monetary value. (Price.)

10. Official mark on the document. (Visa.)

11. The debtor is different. (Debtor.)

12. Pledge of real estate. (Mortgage.)

2nd round "Economic riddles"

The player who guesses the answer moves on to the next round. At the end of the 2nd round, only 11 participants will remain.


1. Take the first of the notes

And you add the word "move" to it.

Get what you dream of

Anyone who starts a business. (Income.)

2. Timofey knitted socks

And sold them on the market

Cheaper than threads;

Got one ... (Losses.)

3. To consume food,

Flaunt in bright dresses,

To eat and drink deliciously

All this is necessary ... (Buy.)

4. The ship sails on the sea

And heavy fuzz is lucky.

But it is worth replacing the letter,

You can buy shares there. (Exchange.)

5. My root is in the "price".

In the "essay" find a prefix for me,

My suffix in the "notebook" we all meet,

All the same - in my diary and in the magazine. (Grade.)

6. Guess easily:

Bank and without the letter "A" (Bank.)

7. To the first word, where do you keep the money,

Add the second word and get

The third word is easy to remember -

Name of paper money. (Banknote.)

8. Guess what it's called

What is sold for money. (Product.)

9. Find the word, finally

Antonym of the word "seller". (Buyer.)

10. Neither the dollar, nor the ruble, nor the pounds,

What was the name of the German currency? (Mark.)

11. So it has been since the beginning of the century

A person has a lot of them.

Hunting and eat and drink, rest.

You have to learn this word. (Needs)

3rd round "Economic Proverbs"

The player who calls the proverb on the topic "Money" goes to the 4th round. There will only be 10 people left.

Proverb options:

Money is not in money, but in deeds.

Brother is brother, matchmaker is matchmaker, and money is not relatives.

Money gets money.

Money is manure: today there is none, but tomorrow there is a cart.

Money without eyes.

Money is not mushrooms, you can find it in winter.

Where there is an account for money, good will not flow away.

Who does not save a penny, the ruble is not worth it.

Extra money is an extra concern.

4th round "Economic calculations"


5th round "Tools of Labor"

Guessing the answer - a tool - goes to the 6th round, 8 people remain.


1. I walk next to the janitor,

I'm shoveling snow all around.

And I help the guys

Make a mountain, build a house. (Shovel)

2. Wooden river,

wooden boat,

And over the boat flows

Wood smoke. (Plane.)

3. Uncle Nikon

The whole bald spot is pierced. (Thimble.)

4. Bows, bows,

Will come home - stretched. (Axe)

5. There are teeth,

But he doesn't eat bread. (Saw.)

6. Sam thin,

And a head with pounds. (Hammer.)

7. Teeth have,

They don't know about toothache. (Rake.)

8. Two ends, two rings,

In the middle is a carnation. (Scissors.)

6th round "Economic puzzles"

The host shows one card with economic puzzles. The first player to solve the problem goes to the 7th round. Only 7 participants will play in the 7th round.


Rebuses in economics

7th round "Economic terms"

Participants in 1 minute need to write the largest number of economic terms that begin with the same letter, for example, "P". The player who made up the least number of terms is eliminated, only 6 people go to the 8th round.

8th round "Verbal Information"

Participants are given cards with 15 pairs of words and phrases from the field of economics and business. You need to look at them for 30 seconds and mark pairs consisting of the same words or phrases. The player who ticks the fewest pairs is out. 5 players advance to the next round.

1. JSC "ITK Olding" - JSC "IPK Olding".

2. Company "Malti-Mixer" - Company "Malti-Mixer" +.

3. Authorized capital- Statutory fund.

4. Ideology of "Public Relations" - Ideology of "Public Relations" +.

5. Absolute oligopoly - Absolute oligopsony.

6. Modern marketing-Modern management.

7. Technical reconstruction - Technological reconstruction.

8. Lions club "Moscow - North" - Lions club "Moscow - North" +.

9. Interest-free loan - Interest-free loan.

10. Advisory business - Advisory business +.

11. Service maintenance- Service +.

12. Stancomekhnromtekhbank - Stancomekhnromtekhbank +.

14. EPPL Computers - EPPL Center Computers.

15. Effective monitoring - Effective controlling.

9th round "Combine general term»

Players need to combine the words listed by the leader with a common term. Only 4 players will play in the 10th round.

1. Iceland, Slovakia, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic, Norway. They have the same currency. (Crown.)

2. Goods, import. (Import.)

4. Management, art, psychologist, organizer. (Manager.)

Round 10 "Economic Crossword"

Each of the 4 players is given a crossword puzzle to solve. The last of the group is eliminated from the fight.

Crossword: "Pyramid"

Having guessed all the words located horizontally, and having risen to the very top of the pyramid, you can read a new economic term located in the center of the pyramid vertically (from top to bottom).


1. The method of operational control of economic activity.

2. A specific property that is objectively inherent in a loan.

3. Transfer signature on a security, bill of exchange, check, certifying the transfer of rights under this document to another person.

4. A document on the pledge by the debtor of real estate (land, buildings), giving the creditor the right to sell the pledged property.

5. Loans in the form of money issued on terms of repayment and usually with the payment of interest.

6. Type of payments to the budget.

7. A document that documents the results of work or surveys of enterprises, firms, etc.


1. Regulation. 2. Return. 3. Endorsement. 4. Mortgage. 5. Loans. 6. Pay. 7. Act.

The word, located vertically, is CADASTRE.

A cadastre is: 1) a register containing information on the valuation and average profitability of economic objects; 2) a list of persons subject to income tax.

Round 11 "Make a diagram"

Present in the form of a bar chart “Railway freight turnover for the period 1997-1999”, if the following data are indicated:

In 1998, the turnover amounted to 126 million tons

In 1997 - 118.3

In 1999 - 135.1


Freight turnover of railway transport, million tons

12th round "Chain of words"

Two players take turns pronouncing words - economic terms. The first one pronounces an economic term, the next player must name a word that will begin with the last letter of the first word. It turns out a chain. Name only nouns in the singular.

He will win the round even when the other player has no more options within 15 seconds.

Chain example:

Economy - Action - Fair - Auction - Tax - etc.

The remaining participant becomes the winner of the Economic Dozen.

Business economic game "Competitor"

The game forms an attitude towards active independent actions in the market conditions, the ability to put forward and defend an idea that could be competitive; introduces participants to the basics of market psychology (initiativity, independence, entrepreneurial spirit, responsibility, reasonable risk, etc.); forms an adequate understanding of the relationship between the participants in the market conditions (about the benefits of private entrepreneurship, mutual obligations, consumer orientation, etc.).

At the beginning of the game, the guys stage the fairy tale “The clatter fly is an entrepreneur!”.

Leading. Look, the fly is walking there.

He sings a song loudly.

Fly appears.


Once upon a time I was walking across the field,

I found money there.

And once I found the money

I brought income to the house.

So I'm going to do business

I will spread wide!

Calculate my income

Don't forget the expense.

To work flawlessly

I will write a business plan.

But what am I to do?

How would you get profit?

Should I open a cafe?

Still need capital

And not that - a steep failure!

I'll put my money in the bank

I will open the deposit

I'll take care of the accumulation.

Well, I'll turn around!

To open a cafe for me,

You need to get a license

room to rent,

Equip it and start a business.

I'll start my business

A number of workers are hired.

To come to the cafe to us:

"Come, darlings,

I'll treat you to tea!"


The visitors came running

All glasses were drunk.

And pensioners - three cups each

With milk and pretzel.

Today Fly-Tsokotuha -


Game progress

Preparatory stage

Within 5 minutes, all participants present at the game work independently. They are faced with the task of thinking and presenting to the audience the idea of ​​a youth company that would meet the requirements of the time, be interesting to young people and, most importantly, be competitive with other ideas.

At the end of time, all ideas are heard and recorded on a special stand.

The participants themselves choose the firm whose idea they like the most. When applying for a job, they must justify why this particular company attracted them, how they can be useful, etc. The director of the company has the right to accept or refuse.

After 15 minutes, the degree of completion of firms is checked. Only participants who have recruited 10 people enter the game, the rest, along with those who did not have time to get a job, acquire the status of unemployed (already initial stage they failed to become competitive - to attract attention). Names of firms are fixed on a special stand.

Start of the game - registration of companies

Each registered company is given an initial capital of 2 vita. At each stage, a specific task is set. Firms, after a certain time, provide a solution.

All those left out of the game can enter it at any stage as a private entrepreneur or employees of a newly created company, but without initial capital.

After each stage, an assessment of the company's activities is carried out by voting of all those present in the hall for the most liked idea. At each stage, you can only vote for one team, and firms whose idea is evaluated in this moment, do not participate in the voting.

A firm that does not have a single vit left is declared bankrupt and is eliminated from the game. She could not stand the competition, could not present her product, find a buyer for her idea.

1st stage - solution of organizational issues of the company. Where in the city (specifically) can you find a room, whom to turn to for support, where to get the initial capital;

2nd stage - the most effective and accessible advertising of the company;

Stage 3 - a specific program of the company's activities. Business plan;

4th stage - zest, charm, feature of the company;

5th stage - is held if 2 or several firms with the same number of vits have reached the final of the game;

6th stage - duel. Imagine that a serious reputable firm has allocated a p-amount for the implementation of only one of the announced projects. Your task is to prove that it is your company that can count on this money in the first place.

game final

After summing up and awarding the winners, the floor is given to the game consultant, who makes brief analysis of all declared ideas, determines novelty and originality, feasibility in the near future and in the distant future, the degree of satisfaction of the interests of young people, etc.

Business game "Economic cards"

Goals: contributes to the acquisition of experience in collective discussion, broadening the horizons in the field of economics, activates memory, unites the team.

Members: 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12 or 13 teams (detachments) of middle and senior classes; the number in the team is determined by the total number of those present.

Equipment: 3 card decks of 36 cards each; cards with monetary units "crows"

Preparatory stage of the game, rules

1. One card deck remains with the croupier-leader, and 2 decks, mixed, are distributed to the squads (equally among themselves).

2. The questions of the game are selected according to the following principle: each suit is a specific direction in the economy:

PIKI - “Money. Currency".

CRESTY - “Banks. Securities».

BUBNI - "Miscellaneous economic issues."

3. The croupier takes a card from his deck and announces it, for example, seven of hearts. Those teams that have a seven of hearts play at this stage. In total, there are two sevens of hearts in the game, therefore, only 2 teams compete, the rest are spectators.

4. The cost of one question is one crow.

5. If the team is lucky and has both sevens of hearts, then for the correct answer it is already given 2 crows.

6. The game goes on until one of the teams present runs out of cards. The team with the most crows wins.

7. There is a kind of risk in the game - this is the LADY OF PIK card. If the dealer draws the Queen of Spades, the team that has it is declared bankrupt.

Questions about card suits:

PIKI - “Money. Currency":

1. How many cents are in one dollar? (100.)

2. Monetary units of a foreign state. (Currency)

3. Precious metal that served international standard to measure the value of currencies. (Gold)

4. Metal banknote. (Coin.)

5. Universal means of calculation, payment and accumulation. (Money.)

6. The process of raising the general level of prices in the country. (Inflation)

7. Money, property belonging to the state, organizations. (Coffers.)

8. Colloquial designation of 1,000,000 monetary units. (Lemon)

9. What was sold for the 4 soldi that the seller invested in art? (ABC.)

10. Latvian currency. (Lat.)

11. What is the name of the ability of a currency to be freely exchanged for foreign currencies in any form and in all transactions without restriction? (Convertibility.)

12. Which coins are more expensive: gold or silver? (Golden.)

13. What do cows, squirrel skins, and keori shells have in common? (This is money.)

14. What is investment? (Capital investment)

15. What is profit? (This is the difference between total revenue and costs.)

16. The front side of the coin. (Obverse.)

17. What is the name of the issue of money? (Emission.)

18. Reverse side of the coin. (Reverse)

2. Exchange of one product for another. (Barter.)

3. Product of labor. (Product.)

4. A kind of indirect tax. (Excise)

6. greek god- patron of trade. (Hermes.)

7. Dealer in antiques. (Antique)

8. The number of issued copies of any publication. (Circulation.)

9. Message about the entry of goods to the market, the introduction of new services. (Announcement.)

10. Activity in the market under the motto "Find a need and satisfy it." (Marketing.)

11. Claim for goods by the buyer. (Demand.)

13. What product is called "black gold"? (Oil.)

14. What is the name of the price of a product sold in large quantities? (wholesale.)

15. What does Adidas produce? (Sportswear and shoes.)

16. Lack, lack of goods. (Deficit.)

17. Monetary value of goods. (Price.)

18. Why are the first tomatoes very expensive, then they get cheaper? (There are more of them.)

CRESTY - “Banks. Securities":

1. Which securities receive dividends? (For shares.)

2. What is the name of the issue of monetary units and securities by the bank? (Emission.)

3. The difference between cash income and expenses in accounting. (Balance.)

4. Financial insolvency of the bank. (Bankruptcy.)

5. A financial institution that accumulates money and lends it. (Bank.)

6. Payment for the use of funds loaned by the bank. (Percent.)

7. Loan provided on terms of repayment. (Credit.)

8. A document that reflects all costs. (Estimate.)

9. The left side of the balance sheet. (Assets.)

10. What are the names of securities and funds placed for storage in a bank? (Deposit.)

11. What is the name of the face value indicated on securities, banknotes? (Nominal)

12. A security representing a debt obligation. (Bond.)

13. Where does the profit from the bank? (Bank interest.)

14. What is the share price? (The price at which shares are sold.)

15. What happens to the price in the market if the supply of goods increases? (Price drops.)

16. What is sold on the stock exchange? (Securities, shares, bonds, etc.)

17. In which city was the agreement on the formation of the European Economic Community signed? (In Rome.)

18. What is profitability? (Excess of income over expenses.)

BUBNI - "Miscellaneous economic issues":

1. Who founded the first exchange in Russia? (Peter I.)

2. Who is the laureate in Russia Nobel Prize in the field of economics? (Vasily Leontiev.)

3. A device for connecting a computer to the telephone network. (Modem.)

4. Slang designation business meeting. (Arrow.)

5. Using something for money. (Rent.)

6. An island known as the birthplace of modern organized crime. (Sicily.)

7. Officially registered last will person. (Will.)

8. A form of organized crime. (Mafia)

9. Prestigious art auction. ("Sotheby's")

10. Obtaining an official status by the enterprise. (Registration.)

11. Document on taxes submitted to the tax office. (Declaration.)

12. Mythological guardian of underground riches. (Dwarf.)

13. A man whose name has become a household name for big business bigwigs. (Rockefeller.)

14. The island, which was the central gathering place for Caribbean pirates. (Tortuga.)

15. Commodity producers fight for buyers and increase their market share. (Competition.)

16. Bulk exports of the United United Arab Emirates. (Oil.)

17. What language is Karl Marx's Capital written in? (German.)

18. Name the largest airline in Russia. (Aeroflot.)

Economic finest hour "Currency"

The game is modeled after the television program ORT, six ifoks from the middle and senior detachments participate in it. The audience is decorated with illustrations of existing currencies, as well as currencies invented by children.

First tour

Each of the participants in the game has plates with numbers from 1 to 10. In front of them is a scoreboard with ten columns, where answers are given. The facilitator reads the question, gives the guys 15 seconds to think about the answer, after which they raise the sign with the number of the answer they have chosen. Stars are awarded for correct answers.

Answers on the scoreboard


Money is present on the pages of many literary works. Now the names of books familiar from childhood will sound. On the scoreboard - the names of currencies: large and small, real and fictional. Remember in which of the books what money is mentioned:

"Baby and Carlson" (9)

"Three Musketeers" (7)

«TiK| Thaler, or Sold Laughter (1)

"The Adventures of Pinocchio" (2)

Treasure Island (3)

"Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves" (6)

"Dunno on the Moon" (8).

After the first round, four players with the most stars remain, they move on to the second round. If there are 5 people left, the leader should orient himself and ask an additional question.

Second round

In front of the participants is a scoreboard with four columns, where answers are given. The questions of this round have answers with enumerations. Participants must find a pattern, logic in the answer and raise the number at the request of the presenter. For the correct answer - a star. Thinking time - 15 seconds.

Answers on the scoreboard


Did all the countries in the above diagram have the same currency - the franc? (Correct answer: 4 - Estonian currency - kroon.)

Answers on the scoreboard


On banknotes of dollars of different denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10$, portraits of famous American personalities are depicted. Is the correspondence of banknotes with a face value of $1, $2, $5, $10 to the listed portraits violated? (Correct answer: 3 and 4. On a bill with a face value of $ 1, George Washington is depicted, $ 2 - T. Jefferson, $ 5 - A. Lincoln, $ 10 - A. Hamilton).

Answers on the scoreboard


Which of the following currencies does not belong to the Baltic states? (Correct answer: 3 - Lei - the monetary unit of Moldova).

Based on the results of the round, one participant with the least number of stars is eliminated.

Third round

Participants must make a surname from a set of letters NFRKLIAN famous figure, which owns the following lines: "Time is money." (Franklin)

Whoever answers the fastest gets an asterisk and goes to the final.

The final

The two remaining finalists need to make as many words as possible from the word "FREELY CONVERTIBLE" in one minute. (Example words: shooting range, con, bottom, rhythm, can, etc.)

After the set time has elapsed, the participants take turns calling the composed words. Whoever has more of them is the winner.
