The message of the "hidden man"About the military prose of Andrey Platonov. Stories and essays A

Tragic and heroic in the stories of 1941-1946

Spiritualized people "(1942): text - subtext - context

Features of the figurative structure of military stories

Ideology trail

Recommended list of dissertations majoring in Russian Literature, 10.01.01 VAK code

  • Traditions of Andrei Platonov in the philosophical and aesthetic searches of Russian prose in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. 2010, Doctor of Philology Serafimova, Vera Dmitrievna

  • Tragic in the work of A. Platonov: "Chevengur" and "Pit" 2011 Ph.D. in Philology Kim Yong Wook

  • The historical concept of A.P. Platonov: On the material of the history of the texts of the stories "Epifan Gateways" and "Yamskaya Sloboda" 2003, candidate of philological sciences Rozhentseva, Elena Aleksandrovna

  • Prose A.P. Platonov: genres and genre processes 2005, Doctor of Philology Krasovskaya, Svetlana Igorevna

  • The concept of man in the prose of Andrey Platonov in the late 20s - 40s 2004, candidate of philological sciences Borisova, Elena Nikolaevna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the theme "The Artistic World of A. Platonov's War Stories"

The work is devoted to the study of the prose of A.P. Platonov during the Great Patriotic War, the core of which was made up of stories written about the war in the war. Known unknown - this is how you can define the situation in literary criticism with the writer's military stories, which determined the relevance of the study. The study of this most important period of A. Platonov's work, where the gift of an artist-thinker, philosopher, historian was revealed brightly and in a new way, is carried out in the context of the writer's work and relationships with the historical and literary process of time.

Writer Andrey Platonovich Platonov (1899-1951) - an eyewitness and participant in the most important events of the national life of the first half of the last century. Throughout his work, A. Platonov kept his artistic chronicle: “Epifan Gateways”, “Intimate Man”, “City of Gradov”, “Chevengur”, “Pit”, “For the future”, “Garbage Wind”, “14 Red Huts”, “ Happy Moscow”, “Spiritual People”, “Recovery of the Lost”, “Noah's Ark”. A special chapter in it was the prose of the period of the Great Patriotic War. The writer's creative aim is to convey to the reader the innermost essence of the "beautiful and furious world". He is interested not in the external, social, section of history, but in its deep "substance of existence" (the basic concept of Platonov's artistic philosophy). In A. Platonov's workbook of 1942 we read: “We must go exactly there, into super-concreteness, into the “low” reality, from where everyone strives to leave”1.

1 Platonov A. Notebooks: Materials for a biography. M., 2000. S. 235. Further reference to this edition is given in the main text, indicating the name of the source (ZK) and page.

In an effort to comprehend and express the “over-concreteness” of life, a unique Platonic language was formed: childishly naive and technologically sophisticated (technology, engineering is Platonov’s profession and another passion), internally debatable and monolithic, frank and always containing a figure of default. S. Zalygin said about the work of A. Platonov: “... he belongs to those rare artists who are able to bring into their works not only the unknown as such, but, as it were, even its very nature, methodology and order of its existence in the world”2. A. Platonov's style is extremely subjective, but the writer does not have an ideological attitude towards subjectivism3. D. Zatonsky this type artistic creativity defined it as “semiomimetic, because, without copying the surface, visible forms of being, it seeks to touch its complex, contradictory, precisely “inexplicable” essence”4.

A. Platonov is involved in the “radical turn of the art of the 20th century from the reproduction of the world of phenomena to the embodiment of the world of entities”5. The writer does not have allegorical clarity of images, unambiguous assessments, indisputable thoughts. In his works, the same event may not coincide with itself, showing a multitude that does not add up to a total whole, especially since a person is a new, largely experimental form of the “substance of existence”. “To what extent a person is an unstable, agitated creature - trembling, swaying, difficult, tormented and painful, etc.,” A. Platonov reflected, “the main thing is the impossible, unstable” (ZK, 154). Human history is ahead of and is inextricably linked with nature: “People and animals are the same creatures: among animals there are morally even higher creatures than people” (ZK, 213). Variations of this theme are found throughout the work.

2 Zalygin S. Tales of the realist and the realism of the storyteller (Essay on the work of Andrei Platonov) // Zalygin S. Literary concerns. M., 1982. S. 175.

3 Platonov's entry in the workbook: “Very important!! The whole art lies in going beyond one's own head, which is filled with miserable, thin, tired stuff. Subjective life is in an object, in another person. This is the whole secret” (ZK, 101-102).

4 Zatonsky DV Modernism and postmodernism: Thoughts on the eternal rotation of the fine and non-fine arts. Kharkiv; M., 2000. S. 316.

5 Keba A. V. Andrey Platonov and world literature XX century: Typological connections. Kamenetz-Podolsky, 2001. S. 3.

A. Platonov. The interdependence of nature and history, the mystery of their convergence in man, a place in the space of life, not dramatically balanced, not found by him, despite all efforts and sacrifices, according to Platonov, does not reduce, but greatly increases the responsibility of people for world history. Hence the intense attention of the writer to the "work" of history. The revolutionary time was conceived by him as a historically necessary movement forward and, at the same time, a new round of human tragedy: “The revolution was conceived in dreams and carried out (at first) to fulfill the most unfulfilled things” (ZK, 171). The entry of 1935 aphoristically succinctly expresses the awareness that the most important historical tasks have not yet been fulfilled. We find epic confirmation of this idea in Chevengur, Pit, Juvenile Sea, Happy Moscow.

In the eventful series of the first half of the 20th century, the writer singled out the Great Patriotic War, which he defined as an epoch in an epoch. Andrey Platonov felt and realized the special content of the Great Patriotic War, which for him was not just another war in the long list of internal and external bloody lawsuits in Russia, but another war that became a matter of life - to save the Motherland and protect the world from fascism. For a writer of great social temperament, vitally interested in everything that happens, these four years have become a time of upheaval and discovery:

War with extreme speed forms new characters of people and accelerates the process of life. One Red Army soldier said: combat is life at high speed. It's right. Life at high speed means that a great many people are being formed, and such characters are being formed that could not have been formed before and which, perhaps, will never again be repeated as a likeness in another person. The service of literature, as a service of eternal glory and eternal memory of all the dead and all the living, is increased by this circumstance in its significance and becomes even more irreplaceable by nothing” (ZK, 280).

A new understanding of life and man, which was revealed to the writer, required an intense artistic search. The prose of these years, where the genre of the story dominates, - milestone creative evolution of Platonov. “It was a hard-to-find quantity,” notes V. Vasiliev, “solid and indivisible in terms of quality education, because the writer was guided in comprehending the war not by geography, not by a spectacular case or event, but by extracting the “philosophy” of people’s existence in war from ordinary, junk and for other journalists unprofitable and uninteresting material.”6 The prose of the “fiery years” is singled out as a special artistic phenomenon by other researchers as well. “Platonov's military stories,” writes S. Semenova, “are a special page in his work; it was born by life itself, which directly touched everyone, life, which stood under the sign of mortal misfortune and the ultimate test.

At the same time, the legacy of the writer of the war years remains one of the least studied pages of his work. N. V. Kornienko, anticipating the publication of the materials of the International Scientific Conference “Beyond the Potudan River”, dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the death of A. P. Platonov and the problems of studying the final period of his work (in the current literary practice, determined by the 2nd half of 1930 -X-1951), states: “It turned out that the source study of this period of the life and work of the writer is very approximate, and we write about the vast continents of Platonov’s work in the second half of the 1930s and 1940s, while only touching them, but not plunging into fundamental questions: text sources, dating, literary addressees and literary contexts, etc.”9.

The situation with the military stories of A. Platonov reflects common problems study (more precisely - unexplored) literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Following the epochal event, the Russian Soviet

6 Vasiliev V. Andrey Platonov. Essay on life and creativity. 2nd ed. M., 1990. S. 273-274.

7 Semenova S. Russia and the Russian people in the border situation. Military stories of Andrei Platonov // "Country of Philosophers" by Andrei Platonov: Problems of Creativity. Issue. 4. Anniversary. M., 2000. S. 139.

8 See: Andrei Platonovich Platonov: Life and work: Biobibliogr. decree. M., 2000.

9 Kornienko N. V. From the editor // “Country of Philosophers” by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Creativity. Issue. 5. Anniversary. M., 2003. P. 3. Literature of 1941-1945 (as part of it) is traditionally singled out as a separate period10. This is a tribute to the grateful memory of Russian literature, which "dedicated itself entirely to the noble cause of defending the Fatherland"11. V. M. Akimov called the literature of the war years “the literature of national self-salvation” and emphasized its “special spiritually rectifying significance” in the standing of a person and the people against death, in restoring the destroyed “structure” of the people’s soul, in preserving the Russian word12. However, the artistic specificity of the works of the war years is often derived from the extraordinary circumstances of historical reality and the ethical need for the artist to stand in the general ranks of the people's struggle against fascism and are reduced to them.

The literature of the war was re-censored at the end of the Stalinist era, then edited during the “thaw”, in the 1970s it turned out to be “forgotten”, unclaimed even with the ideological and problematic coverage of the topic “literature - man - war”: at this time, the focus of attention of readers, critics, literary critics - post-war works about the Great Patriotic War14. And today there is no chronicle of the literary life of 1941-1945, just as there are no generalizing studies on the issues of source study, publication, censorship, textual criticism, poetics, artistic codes of literature of the Great Patriotic War. The study of the work of A. Platonov during the war years prepares the scientific basis for fundamental research in this area.

10 See, for example: Essays on the history of Russian Soviet literature: At 2 o'clock. Part 2. M., 1955; Ershov L. F. History of Russian Soviet literature. 2nd ed., add. M., 1988; Akimov V. M. From Blok to Solzhenitsyn. The fate of Russian literature of the XX century (after 1917): a new compendium guide. SPb., 1994; Russian literature of the XX century: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions: In 2 vols. Vol. 2: 1940-1990s / Ed. L. P. Krementsova. 2nd ed., revised. and additional M., 2003.

11 Russian literature of the XX century: Proc. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook establishments. T. 2. S. 4.

12 Akimov V.M. From Blok to Solzhenitsyn. pp. 81-82.

13 “In prose (wars. - Ya. S.) the essay genre dominated. Publicism paid tribute to M. Sholokhov and L. Leonov, I. Ehrenburg and A. Tolstoy, B. Gorbatov and V. Vasilevskaya, and many other prose writers. The impassioned declarations of the authors spoke of the horrors of war, the blatant cruelty of the enemy, the military prowess and patriotic feelings of compatriots.<.>

During the war years, artistic works of world significance were not created, but the everyday, everyday feat of Russian literature, its colossal contribution to the victory of the people over a deadly enemy can neither be overestimated nor forgotten "(Russian Literature of the 20th Century: Textbook for Students institutions of higher education, vol. 2, pp. 5.9).

14 See, for example: Bocharov A. Man and war: ideas of socialist humanism in post-war prose about war. 2nd ed., add. M., 1978.

The military stories of A. Platonov played an important role in the Russian Soviet literature of the Great Patriotic War, sharing its patriotic pathos, but they have "not a common expression on their faces." They differ from the previously written by the artist. What is the difference - the main question of the study.

T. A. Nikonova in the article "Man as a problem in Platonov's military stories" writes: ".Platonov presents his own " literary direction", offers his own philosophy and universal interpretation of the old problem of "man and the world" "15. The coefficient of unconventionality, originality in the artistic picture of man and the world is so high for the writer, the researcher believes that it has a paradoxical consequence: "Platonov belongs to the number of artists outwardly monotonous ( italics ours. - I. S.) "16. One of the methodological problems of studying Platonov's heritage is connected with this, because no matter what work or period of the writer's work is considered, it is necessary to analyze the special in the special." “Platonov writes one, never interrupted text in his mind. External circumstances change (revolutions, collectivization, war), but the main thing does not change - the intense thought about man, his inexhaustibility and diversity, his elusive nature. This circumstance is important to recall in connection with the fact that Platonov's military prose is of various genres, is closely connected with his reflections of the previous decades and can only be considered taking into account the integral context of Plato's creativity.

The subject of scientific reflection in the dissertation work is the artistic world of A. Platonov's military stories in its internal dynamics and the relationship of the components of the artistic structure, in interaction with the previous and subsequent works of the writer and the literary process of time. In this format, the study of prose

15 Nikonova T. Man as a problem in Platonov's military stories // "Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Creativity. Issue. 5. S. 371.

16 Ibid. S. 371.

17 Ibid. S. 372.

A. Platonov during the Great Patriotic War is held for the first time. This is the scientific novelty of the work.

The category "artistic world" actively entered the domestic philological theory and practice at the turn of the 1960s-1970s and has been productively working to the present18. In 1968, the journal Voprosy Likhachev published an article by D.S. Likhachev “The Inner World of a Work of Art”19, which largely determined and stimulated further scientific understanding of the concept of “artistic world” . Synonymous concepts widely used in scientific everyday life: "artistic picture of the world", "artistic image of the world" and "artistic model of the world".

The universal category, conceptually formed on the principle of semantic parallelism (the real world - the artistic world), manifested the analysis of works of art in the inseparable unity of the artistic form and artistic content and turned out to be in demand in literary criticism in a wide range: from the study of the poetic structure of an individual work to the identification of the specifics of world modeling in literature as a whole. With regard to an individual author, we can talk about the "artistic world" of one work, a number of works that form a new artistic unity, creativity.

As an object of scientific research, the category "artistic (poetic) world" considers artistic reality, created by the writer, in its systemic integrity and uniqueness. J.I. V. Chernets notes:

18 See, for example: Bocharov S. G. On the artistic worlds. M., 1985; Gachev G. National images of the world: general issues. Russian. Bulgarian. Kyrgyz. Georgian. Armenian. M., 1988; Chudakov A.P. Word - thing - world. From Pushkin to Tolstoy: essays on the poetics of Russian classics. M., 1992; Nepomniachtchi V. S. Pushkin. Russian picture of the world. M., 1999; Yablokov E. A. The Artistic World of Mikhail Bulgakov. M., 2001; Semenova S. The World of Mikhail Sholokhov's Prose: From Poetics to World Understanding. M., 2005.

19 Likhachev D.S. The inner world of a work of art // Questions of Literature. 1968. No. 8.

20 Fedorov V. On the nature of poetic reality. M., 1984; Chernets L. V. World of work // Russian literature. 1995. No. 2; PotsepnyaD. M. The image of the world in the writer's word. SPb., 1997; Khrenov N. A. Artistic picture of the world as a cultural problem // Space of life: On the 85th anniversary of Academician B. V. Raushenbakh / Comp. T. B. Knyazevskaya, E. V. Saiko. M., 1999; Baksansky O. E., Kucher £ N. Modern cognitive approach to the category "image of the world" (methodological aspect) // Problems of Philosophy. 2002. No. 8; Zhidkov V.S., Sokolov K.B. Art and picture of the world. St. Petersburg, 2003; Shchukin V. G. On the Philological Image of the World (Philosophical Notes) // Questions of Philosophy. 2004. No. 10.

In terms of its structure, the world of the work is comparable to the real world: it includes persons in their external and internal (psychological) features, events, nature, things created by man, it has time and space”21. But the “world”, embodied in the word, lives according to its own laws: “The world of the work can be divided, divided into subsystems, structured differently, different in the degree of detail of the depicted: as part of the whole, it includes inserted short stories, episodes, dreams of heroes, their own writings”22 V. N. Toporov believes that “the very concept of “world”, the model of which is described, should be understood as a person and the environment in their interaction; in this sense, the world is the result of processing information about the environment and about the person himself. O. E. Baksansky and E. N. Kucher define the image (picture) of the world as a “hierarchical system of cognitive representations”, which “represent hypotheses that somehow interpret reality”24.

The artistic picture of the world is its linguistic picture (logos). N. D. Arutyunova in her fundamental work “Language and the World of Man” examines the role of the semiotic concept “image” in the formation of consciousness and comes to the following conclusions: “The concept of an image has the idea of ​​a form, conceivable abstractly from substance and therefore reproducible. Having separated from the matter naturally given to it, the form (image) merged with a fundamentally different "partner" - the spiritual (ideal) category. The concept of form has moved from the realm of nature into the realm of culture. .The opposition "form - matter" set by the world was replaced by a new relation "form - meaning" generated by man.<.>So, the image is a category of consciousness, not reality. The images are immersed in consciousness into a fundamentally different network of relations compared to the one that determines the place of their originals (prototypes) in real world. Consciousness deploys for

21 Chernets L.V. World of work. S. 70.

22 Ibid. S. 75.

23 Toporov VN Model of the world//Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia: In 2 vols. T. 2. M., 1992. S. 161.

24 Baksansky O. E., Kucher E. N. Modern cognitive approach to the category "image of the world". P. 69. them a new context in which the associative relations reorganizing the picture of the world acquire a special role”25.

The artistic picture of the world is a secondary, poetically processed information about a person and environment, therefore, “its own” special in the individual is valuable in it) - that which gives new aesthetic information.

The artistic world is always nominal, authorial, even when the author is unknown, since in this case the name of the author becomes the title of the work (the author of The Tale of Igor's Campaign). Even folklore, where the collective author is the people, necessarily has a national name.

G. Gachev, exploring the national images of the world, comes to the conclusion:

And the national is in time (together with the Earth and life on it), but its period of revolution, its "year", is probably different from the historical year. Despite the fact that all peoples walk under the same sun and moon and almost the same sky, are involved in a single world historical process (and this cover, the roof unites them and equates them to each other), they walk on different lands and have different ways of life and history, - that is, they grow from different soils. And hence the values ​​common to all peoples (life, bread, light, home, family, word, poem, etc.) are located in different proportions. This special structure of elements common to all peoples (although they are understood differently, have their own accent) constitutes the national image, and in

26 in simplified terms - a model of the world ". The methodological approach to identifying a special correlation of common objects and concepts retains its paramount importance in the study of the work of an individual writer - both in the intertextual aspect (the author's artistic world - others poetic worlds), and in the intratextual (dialectic of the special and the general within a given artistic structure in the dynamics of its development).

Artistic text is a complex structure, stable and dynamic at the same time. The basic component of the artistic structure, which determines its "fluid", "plastic" stability, is the image: "The ability of a person

23 Arutyunova N.D. Language and the human world. 2nd ed., add. M., 1999. S. 314, 318.

26 Gachev G. National images of the world. S. 46^7. to create a single image of an individual object, synthesizing contradictory impressions and disparate observations in it, is truly amazing.<.>This mechanism acts, as it were, on its own: the image is synthesized, revealed to consciousness, from vague and obscure it becomes more and more definite and distinct, it approaches, turning into a close-up. P. A. Florensky called this phenomenon of self-disclosure of the image “reverse perspective”27.

When studying the phenomenon of “self-disclosure of the image”, more and more often in philological studies, the motif is chosen as the main “unit” of analysis - “a mobile component woven into the fabric of the text and

28 existing only in the process of merging with other components” . Motivational analysis has shown its effectiveness in studying the specifics and systemic patterns of artistic worlds, manifested in the word29.

On the unique artistic world of Platonov JI. Shubin, whose works played an important role in the development of Platonic studies, wrote: “In the artistic world of Platonov, as in any cosmos (cosmos as an antithesis to chaos), there is its own structure, its own order created by a complex system of metaphors. Among these metaphors, images-concepts occupy a special place. It is, as it were, a "hollow concept", and this cavity can therefore contain everything, the whole world. Thus, the principle of integrity is assumed in the study of the artistic world of the writer, whether a separate work, a block of works, a period of creativity is considered. In the scope of Platonov's entire work, "repetition" and "return" are conceptually significant - a reciprocating movement of content and form.

At the same time, the artistic phenomenon of Platonov is such that already at the level of the idiostyle of a separate work, one can speak of the presence in

27 Arutyunova N. D. Language and the human world. S. 321.

28 Gasparov B. M. Literary leitmotifs: Essays on Russian literature of the XX century. M., 1994. S. 301.

29 See, for example: Kofman A.F. Latin American artistic image of the world. M., 1997; Epshtein M. N. "Nature is the world, the secret of the universe.": The system of landscape images in Russian poetry. M., 1990.

30 Shubin L. The search for the meaning of separate and common existence: About Andrey Platonov: Works different years. Moscow, 1987, p. 181 With such an interconnection between the "artistic worlds" of each individual work - the "artistic world" of Platonov's work, the question of military prose as a special period of his work, where there are significant internal changes in poetics and the artistic thinking that produces it, remains open, and the declared theme "Artistic world military stories of A. Platonov” - a scientific hypothesis that requires detailed justification.

The material of the study was the artistic prose of A. Platonov during the war years:

Publications of 1941-1946 in the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper, Znamya, Oktyabr, Novy Mir magazines, and other wartime publications;

Collections "Under the skies of the Motherland" (1942), "Armor" (1943), "Stories about the Motherland" (1943), "In the direction of the sunset" (1945), "Soldier's heart" (1946);

Manuscripts and typescripts of works kept in the RGALI funds;

Draft sketches for the story "Spiritual people" (Reserve archive of M. A. Platonova in the Institute of Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences);

The main body of the writer's works, his notebooks, journalism, literary-critical articles, letters;

Fiction and journalism of the 1940s.

History of texts. In 1939, in the year of Andrei Platonov's fortieth birthday, the world war began, the second in his life and in the history of the 20th century, in 1941 it became Patriotic. The front-line biography of Platonov was opened by a trip to the Leningrad Front in July 1941 (in the direction of the Political Directorate of the NKPS), which gave the first materials and impressions. Then return to

Moscow, evacuation with his family to Ufa in the autumn-winter of 1941/42, waiting for the draft. In 1942, Platonov was drafted into the army as a war correspondent for the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. His military biography included the Kursk Bulge in the summer of 1943, the spring offensive in Ukraine in 1944, and fierce winter battles on the Eastern Front in 1944-1945. In February 1946, Major of the Administrative Service A. Platonov, already seriously ill, will be demobilized.

In August 1941, the story "God's Tree" was written; The typescript of the story "Grandfather-Soldat" is dated 1941, one of the copies of which is in the archive of the unpublished by the "Soviet Writer" publishing house among the manuscripts that were not included in the collection of the first months of the war "The Great J 1

Patriotic War" . The Platonov Fund of the RGALI has a draft of Platonov's letter, which allows you to clarify the time of creation of "Grandfather-Soldier". The exact address and addressee are not indicated in the letter (Platonov refers to "Natalya Alexandrovna." - I.S.). These are three stories that the writer plans to publish. Here are the works as they are stated by the author:

Across the midnight sky" - in the form in which it was abbreviated<ен>and edited for "Mol<одой>Gw<ардии>"

1) God tree

2) The boy at the dam [for w<урнала>"Pioneer"]"

At the bottom is the date - "4.YIII 41" and a postscript: "Manuscript, if p<асска>s is rejected by you, please return it to me”32.

Platonov underlines two new stories (since “Across the sky

11 midnight" was published earlier, and the writer indicates an "acceptable" version of the editorial change). "The Boy at the Dam", as you might guess from

31 The stories “God's tree”, “Grandfather-soldier” are dated: Kornienko N.V. History of the text and biography of A.P. Platonov (1926-1946)//Here and now. 1993. No. 1.S. 278.282.

32 RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1. unit ridge 37, l. 1.

33 First pub.: Platonov A. Over the Pyrenees // Lit. gas. 1939. June 5; second publ.: Platonov A. Across the Midnight Sky: A Story // Industry of Socialism. 1939. No. 7. S. 10-15. appearing" in the title of the plot-plot outline of the work, - one of the first variants of the title of the story "Grandfather-Soldier"; Pioneer magazine is the proposed place of publication.

It follows from the letter that the story "Grandfather-Soldier" was written by Platonov, like "God's Tree", already by the beginning of August 1941. This is strongly confirmed by the fact that Grandfather the Soldier was published in 1941 in the 10th issue of Pioneer magazine34. This is the first of the famous publications of Platonov during the war, but it did not attract the attention of modern criticism, and subsequently of researchers of Platonov's work. The explanation for this, among other reasons, lies in the fact that the work was published in a "children's" magazine and with a gap of a year from the main body of Platonov's military stories (a huge time for a war).

The fame of the writer in the literature of 1941-1945 was brought by the second story that was published - "Armor" (as a rule, from it, as from the "first", the publication of Platonov's military stories begins). An abridged version of "Armor" was published in the "Red Star" on September 5, 1942, expanded - in the October issue of the journal "Znamya", where it met under the cover of one issue with the publication of the end of A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" - a visible evidence of how For a long time Platonov made his way to the reader.

The last months of 1942 became a turning point: the writer's works began to be actively printed central newspapers and the magazines Krasnaya Zvezda, Krasnoye Znamya, Krasnoflotets, Oktyabr, Znamya, Novy Mir, Ogonyok. Author's collections are published "Under the skies of the Motherland" (1942),

Armor "(1943), "Stories about the Motherland" (1943), "In the direction of sunset"

34 Platonov A. Grandfather-soldier: Story // Pioneer. 1941. No. 10. S. 18-23.

35 Platonov A. Armor: Story II Banner. 1942. No. 10. S. 93-100; Tvardovsky A. Vasily Terkin: Poem (end)//Ibid. pp. 101-108.

36 Platonov A. Under the Heavens of the Motherland: Stories. Ufa: Bashgosizdat, 1942. Contents: Peasant Yagafar; Soldier grandfather; homeland tree; Iron old woman; The story of the dead old man; Light of life.

37 Platonov A. Armor: Stories. M .: Voenmorizdat, 1943 (Front-line library of the Red Navy). Contents: Animated people; Old man; Armor; homeland tree; Sailor grandfather.

38 Platonov A. Stories about the Motherland. M.: Artist. lit., 1943. Contents: Spiritualized people; The story of the dead old man; Armor; Iron old woman; Soldier grandfather; Peasant Yagafar.

1945)39, "Soldier's Heart" (1946) 40. The last collection "Soldier's Heart", like Platonov's first published work of the war years, was addressed to children.

The works of Andrei Platonov, written about and for the warring people, themselves had a soldier's fate: many were wounded, others fell in hand-to-hand combat with censorship, others went missing. The collection “Stories, were”, prepared by the writer in 1942, will not be released to the reader. The book "Toward the Sunset", presented by Platonov to the publishing house "Soviet Writer" on August 28, 1943, will be published only in 1945 (signed for publication on 14/111, 1945). The publishing house involved four reviewers in its discussion: critics A. Gurvich and A. Mitrofanov, writers G. Storm and Vl. Bakhmetiev41. After long, intense collegiate discussions, 10 stories remained in the collection “Toward the Sunset”, each of which underwent strict editorial revision, while according to the author’s initial plan there should have been 18 of them: “Composition of the collection: 1. Towards the Sunset<солнца>2. Mother 3. Nick<одим>Maksim<ов>4. Kind cow 5. Officer and soldier<ат>6. Cross<янин>Yagafar 7. Mal<енький>soldier<ат>(crossed out. - I. S.) 8. House<ашний>hearth 9. Sampo 10 Three soldiers 11. Fight in a thunderstorm 12. Rose 13. Officer<ер>Simple 14. On the Goryn River 15. Yves<ан>. Great 16. Mid<астливый>root crop 17. Among the people 18. Stories Art. serge<анта>»42.

In Platonov's papers we find several entries on the composition of the book, including those with notes “For Sov. Write. Add” and “Given to the Council. Pisat. "43, from which it follows that the writer wanted to include in the collection, perhaps as

39 Platonov A. In the direction of sunset: Stories. M.: Sov. Writer, 1945. Contents: In the direction of sunset; Mother; Nikodim Maximov; Good cow; Officer and soldier; Home; Sampo; Three soldiers; Fight in a thunderstorm; Rose girl.

40 Platonov A. Soldier's Heart: Stories: (for Wednesdays and seniors) M.; L.: Detgiz, 1946. Contents: Storming the labyrinth; Ivan Tolokno - war worker; On the Goryn River; On good ground. The collection is rarely mentioned in studies, so let's dwell on it in a little more detail. The book includes 4 works - all the stories were published earlier, perhaps that is why the book about the war for children did not interest literary critics. Meanwhile, this small book is of undoubted historical and literary interest - as the last collection of military stories published during the author's lifetime. When republishing, Platonov managed in a number of cases to get rid of the censor's editing of previous publications, to restore his word.

41 The history of the publication of the collection “In the direction of sunset” is given by: Kornienko N.V. History of the text. pp. 283-287.

42 RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1, unit ridge 99, l. 18.

43 Ibid., l. 17,19,20,22. replacements for the "rejected" stories "The Seventh Man", "Reflections of an Officer", "Emptiness", "Recovery of the Dead", "Essays on a Soviet Soldier", "Kind Kuzya", "Grandmother's Hut", "How a Fighter Kurdyumov Defeated Four Germans". But not a single work from the “additional lists” of the author was included in the collection. “Toward the Sunset”, a book in which literally “half” of the composition conceived by the author remained, is the most voluminous collection of Platonov’s lifetime military stories in terms of the number of works included in it. At the same time, this is the least "Platonic" collection of those published during the war - all the works included in it were so radically edited.

In 1943, ideological control and censorship requirements in the field of literature and art were tightened44. The first stage of the war ended when, in the face of the threat of defeat and national catastrophe, “it became clear that one could appeal to the defense of the country and to victory only from the depths of national history, turning to the forces of national self-defense, to the thousand-year-old patriotic feeling”45. Now, in 1943, the Great Patriotic War was becoming a bloody, hard, but irreversible war and had to have an ideologically impeccable coverage46.

Platonov's works are more and more difficult to get into print. The editors of Znamya in 1943 rejected the stories “Reflections of an Officer”, “All Life”, “Grandma’s Hut” (they entered the journal on 18/IX, and on 21/IX, i.e., 3 days later, they were handed over to the archive of unpublished manuscripts - with numerous remarks and questions from the reviewer)47. In the magazine "October", among other refusals to Platonov in the publications of 1943-1944, "Reflections of an Officer", as well as "Emptiness", "Aphrodite" are again listed. Against the list

44 A sad milestone was the Moscow meeting of writers in the spring of 1943, at which the results of two years of work of writers under war conditions were summed up and new tasks of literature were formulated. Much of what was created in war time, starting with A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", in which his fellow poet N. Aseev did not see the true artistic reflection of the features of the Great Patriotic War.

45 Akimov V.M. From Blok to Solzhenitsyn. S. 82.

46 “The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union against the imperialist aggression of fascist Germany - a heroic period in the history of the country of victorious socialism” (Essays on the history of Russian Soviet literature: In 2 hours. Part 2. M .: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1955. P. 127 ).

47 RGALI, f. 618, op. 12, units ridge 53.

Manuscripts given. Platonov often says “Take the manuscripts.”48 In 1943 he was working on a book of short stories “On the Living and the Dead”49, but it was never published. The final book of the war, All Life, the manuscript of which the writer gave to the publishing house Soviet Writer in early September 1945, will not be published.

1946 was the last year of Platonov's military works published in his lifetime: Detgiz published a collection of stories about the war for older and middle-aged children, "Soldier's Heart"; in the "Red Star" was published a story about the hero of the Great Patriotic War Guards Colonel Zaitsev "The Beginning of the Road"51; in "Spark" - "Resident hometown»52; in the "New World" - "The Ivanov Family"53.

In 1946, a new round of world confrontation will begin - the so-called "cold war", it will be accompanied by political hysteria on both sides of the "Iron Curtain". The campaign to combat lack of ideas in Soviet literature was officially launched on August 14, 1946 (the date of publication of the resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the magazines Zvezda and Leningrad”). Andrei Platonov will fall under the flywheel of exposure and repression at the end of 1946. After the devastating criticism of the story "The Ivanov Family", it is no longer printed. In his working papers, following a long list of works and books, most of which were never published during the life of the writer, Platonov left an entry: “The relation of words is a sacrifice to society for understanding. Nature, the essence is unanimity, a cry”54.

48 "Take the manuscripts:

In Kr. Star 1. Size<ышления>official<ера>2. Russian nesting doll 3. Spring

In October 1. Size<ышления>of<ицера>2. Void<ушие>3. Hut<ушка>bab<ушки>4. House<ашний>hearth”, etc. (RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1, item 99, sheet 23).

49 Version of the book presented in Detgiz on October 28, 1943: 1. Grandfather-soldier 2. Little soldier 3. Recovery of the dead 4. Iron old woman 5. Grandmother's hut 6. All life 7. Kind Kuzya 8. Cow

9. The seventh person 10. July thunderstorm 11. Journey of a sparrow (RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1, item 99, sheet 24).

10. Machinist Maltsev 11. Ivanov's family (crossed out in bold. - I. S.) ”(RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1, item 99, sheet 14).

Platonov A. A resident of his native city: (Essay on the painter I. P. Konshine) // Ogonyok. 1946. No. 38-39. pp. 29-30.

PlatonovA. Ivanov's family//New world. 1946. No. 101-1. pp. 97-108.

54 RGALI, f. 2124, on. 1, unit ridge 99, l. 25.

During the thaw, the difficult return of Andrei Platonov's work to Russian literature, which has dragged on to this day, began. Returning from the war and his front-line works. In 1957, Platonov's story "The Son of the People" was published in the collection "Frontline Essays on the Great Patriotic War"55. In 1958, works from the war years appeared in Platonov's Selected Stories56. As a separate book, stories about the war came to the post-war reader in 1963 under the title Spiritual People57. Over the next decades, military stories are reprinted with a certain frequency. The most detailed edition of the writer’s military stories, although by now, obviously, incomplete, was prepared by V. M. Akimov in 1986, and again the book receives the f Q title “Spiritual People”. Publications of new wartime materials (biographical data, memoirs, works of art, journalism) are contained in the monograph by N. V. Kornienko "History of the text and biography of A.P. Platonov (1926-1946)" (1993), collective monographs: "Andrey Platonov: The World of Creativity" (1994), : Memoirs of contemporaries: Materials for a biography "(1994), periodicals of the Institute of Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences" "Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov" and IRLI of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Problems of Andrei Platonov's creativity: Materials and research."

Military stories in criticism and literary criticism. In the first responses of reviewers and critics to the front-line prose of A. Platonov, the idea was often heard that the facts and phenomena of reality are overgrown by the author with so many thoughts, so artistically complicated that philosophy crowds out the action and becomes the center of the plot. This is the "philosophy" of the author in the historical situation, which seemed to require journalistic clarity, confused and alarming. Reviewer G. Storm, working with the manuscript

55 Platonov A. Son of the people: (Story) II Front-line essays on the Great Patriotic War. M., 1957. T. 2.

36 Platonov A. Selected stories/ Entry. Art. F. Levina. M., 1957. "Platonov A. Spiritual people: Military stories. M., 1963.

58 Platonov A. Spiritual people: Stories about the war / Comp. and intro. Art. V. M. Akimova. M., 1986.

Toward the sunset” and paying tribute to Platonov’s artistic skill, he saw the “undoubted danger” of his worldview, opposing modernity: “The meaning of this confrontation is as follows: evil has ripened in the world; it reveals itself in a war that has brought unheard-of disasters and suffering to the Russian people; At the same time, the author does not make a distinction between the world from which the “tigers” and “Ferdinands” are crawling at us, and the world lying on this side of the front; the whole world is “evil”, it is not yet ready for children to live in it.”59. Another reviewer, V. Bakhmetiev, also believed that Platonov's military stories could be published only if the reasoning was "amputated"60.

But even after going out of print (already "surgically" edited), the works were read as "dropping out" of the ideological task of the time. In 1944 the critic Vs. Lebedev was indignant: “Instead of writing the truth of life, he (Platonov. - I. S.) composes ridiculous, non-existent people, imposes on them semi-mythical, hysterical thoughts, thereby distorting the appearance of the people of our Motherland”61. Theorist of socialist realism V. Ermilov in 1947 put an end to the discussion (condemnation) of Platonov's work. The story "The Ivanov Family", which completes the writer's military epic, was assessed by V. Ermilov as a slander on the entire Soviet people and the socialist way of life, main argument criticism: A. Platonov always writes in parables. This is how the story about "a certain" Ivanov and his family is written.

Decades later, literary critics single out in military stories

Platonic ethical dominant. According to a number of researchers, the writer "1 became a hostage of Soviet patriotism. L. Ivanova believes that in the military

39 Cit. Quoted from: Kornienko N.V. History of the text. S. 284.

60 Ibid. S. 287.

62 Ermilov V. A. Platonov's slanderous story // Andrei Platonov: Memoirs of contemporaries: Materials for a biography. M., 1994. S. 467-468.

63 E. Nyman believes that Platonov bowed his head before the "Stalinist utopia" in his work even before the war - in a number of works of the 1930s on the family theme, which symbolize not only the author's "renunciation of the early ideal, but also a vow of loyalty to the new order ”(Niman E. “From the truth does not exist in Platonov’s prose, a special intonation of the sermon sounds and the psychological aspect of the image is weakened, if not completely absent64. A. Kretinin writes about “semantic sparseness” and the folding of philosophical overtones65.

M. Koch comes to the conclusion that “in wartime, the problem of death takes on a purely ethical meaning for Platonov”66. V. Chalmaev, for his part, believes that Platonov “turned the war, this “country of despair”, with incredible work, often with rational violence, into a “country of hope”, that the artist is looking for justification for death in its space (sometimes on the philosophical basis of ideas N. F. Fedorov and K. E. Tsiolkovsky) and consolation for a person who has lost loved ones. In our opinion, he did not find a convincing justification, the unity of "nature" and "ideas", facts and generalizations. Both authoritative scholars interpret Platonov's military prose in the spirit of rational ethism. The question arises: is it possible for a theme or problem in a work of art to have a "purely ethical solution", an "idea" to exist outside of "nature".

The above points of view only mean the discord that exists in Platonic studies about the writer's military prose. Soviet criticism, traditional poetics, structuralism and postmodernism, within the framework of the “slow reading” and “intensive reading” schools, but simply different researchers have different versions of the Platonic text. This brings to mind the writer's thought: “All truths are limited. Every truth is<вительна>within the limits - taken more, it is a lie and a delusion ”(ZK, 227). In the creative behavior of the artist, it was translated as respect for the position of each reader. For us, this thought is a Platonic exit”: Andrey Platonov between two utopias // Russian Studies: Quarterly of Russian Philology and Culture. 1994. No. 1. S. 137).

64 Ivanova L. A. "War" and "peace" in the work of A. Platonov during the war years // A. Platonov's work: Articles and messages. Voronezh, 1970. S. 78.

65 Kretinin A. A. Mythological sign complex in the military stories of Andrey Platonov // Creativity of Andrey Platonov: Research and materials. SPb., 2000. Book. 2. S. 147.

66 Koch M. The theme of death in Andrey Platonov // "Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Creativity. M., 1994. S. 260.

67 Chalmaev V. Andrey Platonov (To the secret man). M., 1989. S. 429.

68 The book on literature, which A. Platonov prepared in the late 1930s, he called "The Reader's Reflections." became another motivation to focus on the work of Platonov during the Great Patriotic War. This is a period with its own "task" in the history of Russia, in the history of mankind. The artistic world of Platonov's military prose also has its own distinctive features, as we will try to show.

Turning to the work of Platonov during the war years, it seems important to put the author's understanding of the tasks of the literature of the period of the Great Patriotic War at the head of the study - to read Platonov with the help of Platonov. The task that we set and tried to solve was to clarify, concretize a number of fundamental, from our point of view, positions of reading Plato's military epic.

Andrei Platonov thought a lot about the relationship between art and life, what is necessary and due in them. In his notebooks, on the margins of the manuscripts of 1941-1945, an ethical and aesthetic program of the war years is deployed, where creative reflection is adjacent to intuitive insights, comprehension of what has been written is combined with the formulation and justification of new artistic principles. The writer saw the ethical necessity of creativity during the period of the Patriotic War in the creation of works “full of the truth of reality” (ZK, 279). At the same time, he especially emphasized the role of “private concreteness”, which ensures the completeness, and hence the truth of artistic memory: “... if the living and, so to speak, private concreteness of the Patriotic War is ever obscured in the future force of oblivion, then how can people see for themselves a lesson from a great but bygone event. It is particular concreteness that is important here, because literature deals with an individual person, with his personal destiny, and not with a stream of nameless beings” (ZK, 279-280).

The dissertation belongs to the type of historical and literary research. During the analysis of the literary material of the period of the Great Patriotic War, the author relied on the principle of historicism, systemic, comparative-typological and structural-semiotic research methods.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works on general poetics, history and theory of literature by S. S. Averintsev, M. M. Bakhtin, S. G. Bocharov, A. N. Veselovsky, B. M. Gasparov,

A. F. Losev, D. S. Likhachev, Yu. M. Lotman, I. P. Smirnova, V. N. Toporova, Yu. N. Tynyanov, B. A. Uspensky, O. M. Freidenberg, R. Jacobson.

On issues of history and social psychology of the Great Patriotic War, the methodological base was the work of E. S. Senyavskaya,

V. T. Aniskova, N. D. Kozlova.

The study of the military stories of A. Platonov was carried out in continuation and based on the work of predecessors and modern researchers of A. Platonov's work - in dialogue with them. These are the studies of O. Yu. Aleinikov, E. A. Antonova, K. A. Barsht, S. G. Bocharov, V. V. Vasiliev, V. Yu. Vyugin, G. Günther, M. Geller, S. P. Zalygin, M. A. Dmitrovskaya, A. A. Dyrdina, L. V. Karaseva, L. I. Kolesnikova, N. V. Kornienko, S. I. Krasovskaya, O. A. Kuzmenko, T. Langeraka, O. G. Lasunsky, N. M. Malygina, O. Meyerson, M. Yu. P. Skobeleva, S. G. Semenova, E. Tolstoy-Segal, L. P. Fomenko, A. A. Kharitonova, R. Hodela, V. A. Chalmaeva, L. A. Shubina, E. A. Yablokova, other authors.

Platonov's poetics is defined as "poetics of oddities" (E. Tolstaya-Segal), "poetics of riddles" (V. Vyugin). I. P. Smirnov, believing the secret to be an inalienable quality fiction, believes that in a literary work "the surface of cryptography is valuable only as something that we are able to overcome"69. As the structure-forming principles of Platonic poetics, researchers call "violation of semantic valence" (R. Hodel), the organization of the text "on mutually exclusive

69 Smirnov I. P. The novel of secrets “Doctor Zhivago”. M., 1996. S. 26. beginnings "(T. Langerak)," author's doubt "as Platonov's narrative strategy (N. Kornienko), the principle of "reversibility" (E. Yablokov), the method of "non-elimination" (O. Meyerson) , "isomorphism" (E. Tolstaya-Segal), "form reduction" (V. Vyugin). These provisions became the starting point in the course of work with the "secret texts" of Platonov.

In the study of military stories, we relied on the approaches and methods of textual analysis, which are given in the works of E. Antonova, I. Dolgov, V. Vyugin, N. Kornienko, T. Langerak, A. Kharitonov.

The stated theme led to the appeal in the course of the analysis to the main body of the writer's works of other periods of creativity. In 2000, an academic edition of the story "The Pit" was published, prepared by the staff of the Institute of Russian Literature (Pushkin House). It includes materials from the creative history of the work (manuscript, rough drafts, typewritten versions of the text, as well as dynamic transcription of the manuscript of "The Pit"); thus, for the first time, the reader was given the opportunity "to obtain information about the real sources of the text and trace its change at all stages of the author's work on the story"70. In 2004, the first volume of the scientific publication "Works" by A. Platonov was published, which is being prepared by the A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature. The task of the publication is “to present the most complete collection of all the literary works of the writer identified to date, to restore the authentic appearance of the classic on the basis of previous experience and re-verified and open sources, to lay the fundamental foundations for further work on the study of one of the unique phenomena of Russian culture of the 20th century.”71. The above-mentioned editions, accompanied by detailed comments, became a support in the study of the writer's creative laboratory.

To date, there are a number of monographic studies devoted to the analytical decoding of the artistic structure

70 From the Editor // Platonov A. Pit: Text, materials of creative history. SPb., 2000. S. 3.

71 From the Editor // Platonov A. Works. T. 1. Book. 1. M., 2004. P. 5. of Plato’s metatext: N. M. Malygina “Aesthetics of Andrey Platonov” (1985) and “Andrey Platonov: the poetics of the “return”” (2005)72; O. Meyerson ""Free Thing". Andrey Platonov’s Poetics of Non-Elimination” (1997), K. A. Barsht “The Poetics of Andrey Platonov’s Prose” (2000)74, V. Yu. Vyugin “Andrey Platonov: Poetics of a Riddle (Essay on the Formation and Evolution of Style)” (2004)75.

In "The Aesthetics of Andrei Platonov", one of the first domestic monographs on Platonov's work, N. M. Malygina focused on the problem of the formation of the artistic method of A. Platonov in the context of the literary process of the 1920-1930s, the formation of images-symbols that support everything the creativity of the writer. The study of the aesthetic principles of Platonov's "symbolic realism" was continued by N. Malygina in the articles "Images-symbols in the work of A. Platonov", "Transformation of images and motifs of Platonov's early prose in the play "Noah's Ark"", a textbook "The Artistic World of Andrei Platonov" , other studies, which, in a revised and supplemented form, were included in the monograph "Andrei Platonov: the poetics of the "return"".

O. Meyerson in the book “The Free Thing”. The poetics of non-elimination in Andrey Platonov” explores the receptive functions (addressing the reader) of language disorders, which are a kind of artistry rule in Platonov. The absence of surprise - "normalization of the abnormal" - in Platonov's artistic world gave grounds to O. Meyerson to define his poetics as the poetics of non-elimination. The writer created a literary model in which "the "freedom of a thing" (an event, that is, an object of knowledge or reaction). oppresses the freedom of the hero (subject) who reacts to it

72 Malygina N. M. Aesthetics of Andrey Platonov. Irkutsk, 1985. She: Andrei Platonov: the poetics of "return". M., 2005.

73 Meyerson O. "The Free Thing": The Poetics of Non-Elimination in Andrei Platonov. 2nd ed., rev. Novosibirsk, 2001. First ed. book. O. Meyerson - Berkeley Slavic Specialties, 1997.

74 Barsht K. A. Poetics of Andrey Platonov's prose. SPb., 2000. In 2005, the 2nd edition was published: Barsht K. A. Poetics of Andrey Platonov's prose. 2nd ed., add. SPb., 2005.

Vyugin V.Yu. Andrey Platonov: Poetics of the Riddle (Essay on the Formation and Evolution of Style). SPb., 2004. knowledge or reactions to an event)”76. The functional task of such a literary model of a "free thing" is to destroy the idiomatic inertia of the reader's perception.

The poetics of Andrey Platonov's prose” by K. A. Barsht represents the first attempt at a systematic description of the main parameters of the writer's artistic ontology and anthropology. The author traces the relationship between Platonov's artistic codes and scientific ideas, hypotheses and discoveries of the 19th-20th centuries (Darwin's teaching, Marx's historical materialism, Einstein's theory of relativity, the second law of thermodynamics and Lobachevsky-Minkowski's non-Euclidean geometry, Vernadsky's concept of the noosphere, Steiner's anthroposophy, etc.). In the course of a creative dialogue with the scientific and philosophical ideas of the time, Platonov created his own unique concept of man in his relation to the Universe, which is based on the “hypothesis of the “living Earth” and the inseparable inseparable

77 with her the body of a man ". According to K. Barsht, a unique picture of the Universe according to Platonov is formed on its basis, where the “substance of existence”

78 represents the “third reality” and operates “a single principle of the total equality of matter and energy, mutually passing into each other”79. We note the scientific relevance of the very formulation of the problem of the nature of artistry by A. Platonov and the approaches to its solution proposed by the researcher.

V. Vyugin proposed his own version of the artistic model of Platonov's prose in the monograph "Andrei Platonov: Poetics of Enigma (Essay on the Formation and Evolution of Style)". The scientific hypothesis put forward and developed by V. Vyugin is the “principle of mystery”, its aesthetic functions and ideological background in the artistic world of Platonov. The author stipulates that it was not his intention to "detail

76 Ibid. S. 6.

11 Barsht K. A. Poetics of Andrey Platonov's prose. 2nd ed. S. 449.

78 Ibid. S. 13.

79 Ibid. P. 81. Platonic poetics, but only one of its facets, although fundamental”80. Comparing the artistic structure of Platonov's works with the structure of folklore riddles, V. Vyugin comes to the conclusion that "mysteriousness" as some structural involvement in a specific genre of proverbs is inherent in most of Platonov's works of the 1920s and the first half of the 1930s; then, starting from the second half of the 1930s, a rejection of the "mystery style" can be traced in the writer's work. The study involves a large archival material, based on the analysis of which a conclusion is made about the "reduction of form" as one of the main laws of Platonov's poetics.

In the above monographs on Platonov's aesthetics and poetics, the attention of researchers is focused on the works of the 1920-1930s, when Platonov's artistic worldview was being formed, and then, from the second half of the 1920s, the "classical" Platonov, the author of Chevengur "and" Pit. Military stories (and more broadly - prose of the 1940s) are either absent from the lists of sources, and observations on them for "general conclusions" are not made at all, as in O. Meyerson's book, or are presented implicitly, by a minimum number of works and references to them in the course of analysis, as in the studies of N. Malygina, K. Barsht, V. Vyugin. But even such a “thinned out” inclusion of the works of the 1940s in the analysis overall picture Platonov's work allowed the authors to draw conclusions about the changes in Platonov's poetics and worldview in the final period of his work81.

The question of the contexts of Platonov's work, his connections with the literary, folklore, philosophical traditions of Russian and world cultures is being studied quite intensively today. We find the formulation of the problem in the works of E. Tolstoy “Literary material in the prose of A. Platonov” (1980), “To the question

80 Vyugin V. Yu. Andrey Platonov: Poetics of Enigma. S. 8.

81 Thus, N. Malygina points to the semantic expansion of the concept of “resurrection” characteristic of the works of the 1940s (Malygina N. M. Aesthetics of Andrey Platonov, p. 36), the transformation of images and motifs of the writer’s early prose (She. motives of early prose in the play "Noah's Ark" // Malygina N. M. Andrey Platonov: the poetics of "return", pp. 316-321). on Literary Allusion in Andrei Platonov's Prose: Preliminary Observations" (1981), "A. Platonov's Ideological Contexts" (1981). N. Malygina, T. Langerak, V. Zolotonosov, A. Keba, E. Yablokov, N. Duzhina, M. Dmitrovskaya, E. Rozhentseva, and others are working in this direction. Today, the distant contexts of Plato's work are sometimes better explored than the near ones82. However, the domestic historical and literary context contemporary to Platonov is not only the background of his works; these close connections help to better understand the genius of Platonov, who spoke about the same thing differently. Example

Q7 to that - V. Turbin's article “July 16, 1933. Andrey Platonov and the Newspaper”, which made it possible to read the story “Garbage Wind” in a new way through the modern newspaper material for the writer - “the language of time”.

The attention of researchers, along with Platonov's mythological sign complex, has recently been increasingly attracted by the Christian cultural code in the writer's works of different periods: biblical images, quotations, reminiscences, and other textual elements dating back to Christian culture (hagiographic motifs84, the type of holy fool85, the genre of o/ martyrdom, etc.). Christian motives and images, biblical overtones in Platonov are considered in the works of O. Aleinikov, M. Geller, G. Günther, A. Dyrdin, N. Kornienko, L. Karasev, O. Kuzmenko, E. Proskurina, S. Semenova, E. Yablokov.

As contextual consideration shows, Christian motifs, elements of Orthodox culture and spirituality, included by Platonov in the artistic narrative, become one of the mechanisms

82 See: A. V. Keba. Andrei Platonov and World Literature of the 20th Century: Typological Connections. Kamenetz-Podolsky, 2001. Such a detailed analysis of Platonov's work in contextual connections with his contemporary domestic literature No.

83 Turbin V. N. July 16, 1933: Andrei Platonov and the newspaper // Turbin V. N. Shortly before Aquarius. M., 1994. S. 311-348.

84 Aleinikov O. Hagiographic motifs in Platonov's prose about the Great Patriotic War // "Country of Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: Problems of Creativity. Issue. 5. S. 142-148.

85 Gunther N. Foolishness and "mind" as opposite points of view in Andrei Platonov // Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. Bern, 1998. P. 117-133.

86 Kuzmenko O. A. Radiance of the Rose 11 Kuzmenko O. A. Andrey Platonov. calling and destiny. Kyiv, 1991. S. 129-149. Meaning formation in the structure of his works. At the same time, Christian elements act as a symbolic text in the new text. Being in new formal-semantic relations, various Christian elements in a work of art are recognized by the reader: they are perceived by him as previously encountered, having a certain place, function and significance in the cultural tradition. Receiving a new combination in the current context, the familiar model is “recoded” (Yu. M. Lotman), giving rise to a new meaning, which, however, does not cancel the traditional cultural semantics. Christian elements act as a general symbolic text "territory" for the author and reader in a work of art. To reveal what their function is in Platonov's military epic is one of the objectives of this study.

The purpose of this work is to consider the specifics of the artistic world of the writer's military stories in the context of creativity and time. The study of the features of the poetics and semantics of Platonov's military epic clarifies and deepens our understanding of the work of one of the brightest and most complex writers of the 20th century as an integral artistic object that exists in time. On the other hand, a comparative analysis of Platonov's military works with the work of other authors of the period 1941-1945 introduces a number of significant additions and adjustments to the established characteristics of Russian Soviet literature during the Great Patriotic War.

Research objectives:

To study the history of military prose texts, to conduct a comparative analysis of various lifetime publications of works and manuscripts;

To trace how traditional Platonic themes, images, motifs, plots function in the artistic world of military prose;

Find out what new formal content elements and mechanisms of meaning formation manifest themselves in the artistic structure of military stories;

Determine the place and functions of Christian images and motifs in the writer's military prose;

Consider conceptual tropes and their role in the fictional world of war stories;

To analyze the features of Platonov's poetics and artistic thinking in the historical and literary process of time.

The military stories of A. Platonov are considered for the first time in the light of the universal category "artistic world". Three interrelated levels of research - the inner world of the work, the features of the poetics of the metatext of military stories, the artistic world of A. Platonov's military epos and its place in the poetic space of the writer - allow us to trace the dialectic of the special, the singular and the general in the creative evolution of A. Platonov. In the course of the study, a methodology and methodology for studying the artistic codes of the metaphysical problems of Platonov's military works (ontological, epistemological, natural-philosophical, religious aspects of artistic creativity) were developed, which can be used to study other artistic worlds in the literature of the Great Patriotic War. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study lies in the formulation and solution of the tasks and problems discussed above.

The practical significance of the work. The dissertation materials can be used in the preparation of a scientific edition of military stories; in further research artistic specificity and the evolution of the work of A. Platonov, primarily the final decade of the 1940s; in the process of developing new (or, at least, to correct existing) approaches to the study of the history of Russian literature during the Great Patriotic War; in university lecture courses on the history of Russian literature of the XX century, special courses and special seminars on the work of A. Platonov.

The essence of a scientific hypothesis submitted for defense. A. Platonov's stories of 1941-1946 form a complex artistic whole - a large epic canvas that organically grew out of a small epic form: they are distinguished by a problem-thematic community, through socio-moral and religious-philosophical conflicts, common principles for constructing a system of characters and figurative structure, genre and narrative strategies of the author. A. Platonov defined the Great Patriotic War as an epoch within an epoch: this is the time of consolidation of man and the world in the face of the deadly threat of fascism, when the Russian man and the Russian world were called into the “spacious sphere of historical being” (M. Bakhtin) to fulfill a historical duty instead of a falsely understood revolutionary messianism. Responding to changes in the "text" of life, the basic images-concepts constituting the artistic world of A. Platonov acquire new content, a new configuration of the components of the poetic system and a value hierarchy are built. The trinity of the image is preserved: anthropomorphism, natural morphism, theomorphism, but the forms and semantics of their interaction change. Theomorphism acts as a structure-forming principle of artistic world modeling, forming the image of the World-Temple as an alternative to historical reality and at the same time its real possibility.

The following provisions are put forward for defense:

1. Plato's metatext of the war years thematically and poetically inherits the writer's previous work and at the same time manifests the semantic substitutions recurring in it in a new way.

2. Heroic truth and tragic truth - such a new artistic synthesis is given by the writer's aesthetic, philosophical and ethical attitudes in stories about war in war.

3. In the situation of "ethical necessity", in which the Patriotic War put the writer, an important mechanism of semantic expansion artistic text, actualization of innermost meanings and conflicts in

Platonov becomes "one word" - an artistic sign that does not coincide with the artistic whole.

4. The concept of "intimacy" in the stories of 1941-1946 is supplemented and deepened by the concept of "spirituality". "Spirituality" becomes the conceptual center of world modeling and folk characterology.

5. Polypersonalism is the leading principle of organization of the character system. The heroes of military stories differ in their outlook, character and fate, but they are aesthetically equal: whoever is not worthy of "eternal glory" is preserved in Platonov's artistic world by "the eternal memory of all the dead and all the living."

6. In the prose of the war years, the image of the “people-family” crystallizes. The highest meanings of life - love and peace - find artistic realization in the figurative "parallel" warrior-mother. "The image of the mother integrates in Platonov the main meanings of the" living secrets of the world ", helps to reveal the metaphysics of Russia, the moral origins of people's life, which the war not only did not cancel , but helped their tragic awareness.

7. The artistic thinking of A. Platonov is archetypal, which determines the peculiarity of the writer's artistic historicism. The idea that animals and plants are "accomplices" of history and "our contemporaries" is from the writer's arsenal. In the work of the war years, the idea of ​​a “common conglomerate” (equality of existence in chaos), one of the central ideas in Platonov’s philosophy of the tragic in the 1920s and 1930s, is replaced by another one about the need to unite the efforts of people and nature in the search for “roads to the deity”, about their equal opportunities for communion and participation in the divine cosmos of life. The cosmosophy of Platonov's military prose is the earth and people "under the skies of the Motherland".

8. A variety of textual elements that go back to Christian culture focus existential problems in military stories and at the same time provide ideal images of the World-Temple and Russia-Temple as an alternative to historical reality.

Approbation of work. The research results were presented in reports and discussed at the I-XVII annual international Platonov seminars (1990-2006, IRLI RAS (Pushkin House), St. Petersburg); international conferences dedicated to the work of A.P. Platonov (1997, 1999, 2001, 2004, IMLI RAS named after A.M. Gorky, Moscow); international conferences "Gospel Text in Russian Literature of the 18th-20th Centuries: Quotation, Reminiscence, Motif, Plot, Genre" (1993, 1996, 1999, 2002, 2005, PetrSU, Petrozavodsk); scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of A. Platonov (1989, PIP LI RAS (Pushkin House) Leningrad); I Russian Zamyatin Readings "Creativity of Evgeny Zamyatin: problems of study and teaching" (1992, TSU named after G. R. Derzhavin, Tambov); All-Russian Conference "Children's Literature: History and Modernity" (2003, PetrSU, Petrozavodsk); V International Platonov Readings "Andrei Platonov: Searches of the Century and Voronezh Contexts", dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the writer's birth (2004, Voronezh State University); at meetings of the Department of Russian Literature of Petrozavodsk State University.

According to the results of the study, special courses "Creativity of A. Platonov: traditions and innovation", "Creativity of A. Platonov: problems of interpretation" were read at the Faculty of Philology of Petrozavodsk State University. The main provisions of the thesis are set out in scientific publications, including the monograph "Inside the war" (Poetics of military stories by A. Platonov)" (Petrozavodsk, 2005). The total volume of works published on the topic of the dissertation research is 26.2 p.

The structure of the dissertation work includes an introduction, 4 chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and an appendix.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Russian literature", Spiridonova, Irina Aleksandrovna


The artistic image of the world stores colossal information of the author's, national, universal experience - this is the "memory of memory" (A. Bely). At the same time, the image is movement, variability is “news”. Outside the element of novelty, the artistic image loses its eventfulness already on the “private” scale of the author's creativity, simultaneously losing them in the general literary process. This dialectic of the image has become Starting point in the study of the artistic world of military stories by A. Platonov, she set the parameters for their study - in the context of creativity and time.

Platonov's stories of the period of the Great Patriotic War form a complex artistic whole - a large epic canvas that organically grew out of a small epic form: they are distinguished by a problem-thematic community, through socio-moral and philosophical collisions, common principles for constructing a system of characters and figurative structure, genre and narrative strategies author. Plato's metatext of the fiery forties thematically and poetically inherits the writer's previous work and at the same time manifests the semantic substitutions that repeat in it in a new way.

If you think about the writer’s work, then the “forties-fatal”, where the issues of life and death, good and evil, freedom and necessity, faith and doubt, love and hatred, having lost metaphysical abstraction on the battlefield, immediately converged, is the time of Platonov by vocation : to participate in the cause of national and universal salvation. This is the time of consolidation of man and the world in the face of the common deadly threat of fascism, the time when the Russian man and the Russian world are called into the spacious sphere of historical existence ”(M. Bakhtin) to fulfill a historical duty in return for the falsely understood revolutionary messianism. For the writer, the Great Patriotic War is not a change in historical scenery, not a new socio-political background, but an epoch-making event that reveals the innermost content of life in a new way. Responding to changes in the "text" of life, the supporting "images-concepts" (JI. Shubin), which constitute Platonov's artistic world, take on new content, a new configuration of the components of the artistic system and a value hierarchy are built.

Platonov shared the patriotic pathos of the times. The writer of a tragic vision of reality, he took part in the heroic struggle of the people to defend the Fatherland with an artistic word (the main tool and deed of the writer). Patriotism as an ethical constant, heroic and tragic as an aesthetic dual command determined the ideological and artistic originality of Platonov's military prose. The creative task that the writer gives himself and implements in the works of the war years is to create literature of "eternal memory": "eternal glory" of heroes and "eternal memory of all the dead and all the living." This task was ideally suited to the small epic genre story. Each subsequent work allowed the writer to take another, different event, a different character - and tell them in a new way, thus adding and completing what was previously written. As an ideological, thematic and poetic whole, the stories of 1941-1946 gave a stereoscopic artistic picture of Russian life during the Great Patriotic War - in various details and the integrity of a tragic and great event.

Heroic truth and tragic truth - such an artistic synthesis is given by the writer's ethical, philosophical and aesthetic attitudes in stories about war in war. In the works of 1941-1946, the heroic theme is expanded: not only the “holy war” receives heroic coverage from Platonov, but life as such, where the ontological conflict of life and death continues in everyday life, and life wins. Plants, animals, the "giving birth" earth are the heroes of life in Plato's stories. The hero of life is also a person who wins a spiritual, moral victory over death in its many guises: fear, selfishness, indifference, bestiality, despair, and finally, the enemy. Such different characters of the stories "Grandfather-soldier", "Peasant Yagafar", "Spiritual people", "Iron old woman", "There is no death! (Defense of Semidvorye)”, “Girl Rose”, “Flower on the Ground” are equally necessary for the writer to artistically represent the “heroic truth” (“Girl Rose”).

Parallel to the heroic, the zone of the tragic is also expanding, which traditionally characterizes Platonov's “all life”. Tragic truth is present in the artistic world of military stories from the use of "speech clause" ("Armor") to the genre model ("Sampo"). Where the tragedy is reduced to details, a separate statement of the narrator or hero, landscape, portrait, motif, it is supported and deployed in the subtext, in the plot of the "second plan" - through the connection with the whole of Platonov's work, with literary and other contexts. In the situation of the “ethical necessity” of the Patriotic War, the innermost meanings and plots are often expressed by the writer, by his own definition, by “one word” - a special artistic sign that does not coincide with the artistic whole, due to which the semantic expansion of the text occurs in the zone of stylistic conflict.

The conflict between text and subtext leads in military stories from the socio-political surface of the historical conflict to the ontological depths of the problems of "eternal war": the eternal struggle of life and death, good and evil, truth and lies, and the main arena of this struggle, shows Platonov, continuing the traditions of the classical Russian literature - the human soul. "Spiritual people" (1942) - the central work, in in a certain sense, a metatext of Platonov's prose of the war years. In the artistic structure of the work, the general tendency of Platonov's military stories towards cyclization and romanization is visible; in it we find a set of main themes and problems, the key to a figurative solution. The story is a multi-hero narrative art space incorporates the front and rear, the realities of socio-historical and intimate, mental life man, artistic time - past and present, moment and eternity. The study of the history of the work, the analysis of its inner world in the context of time and creativity made it possible to revise the current version in literary criticism about the “traditional” heroic content of the story for Soviet literature during the war (V. Poltoratsky, O. Kuzmenko).

Spiritualized People” are currently being reprinted according to the last lifetime publication of the story in A. Platonov’s collection “Stories about the Motherland”, which was released at the end of 1943, however, it is in this edition that the largest number of text cuts and editorial corrections that violate the will of the author. Draft sketches for the story, letters and notebooks, and finally, the full author's text (a typewritten version prepared by Platonov for publication in the Znamya magazine) show that the dramatic principle that generates artistic ambiguity plays an important role in the organization of genre, plot, and narrative structures. story.

Comparative analysis motives of rage and the beast in the story "Spiritual people" and in the literature of the Great Patriotic War revealed the features in the semantics and functions of these motives in Platonov. In the Patriotic War, love for one's people is sacred and hatred for the enemy is sacred. The themes of "sacred love" and "sacred hatred" merge in the journalism and fiction of the war years into a single theme-pathos. "Noble Fury" is a variant of "sacred hatred" in JI's works. Leonov, other authors. The motive of the "beast" characterizes the enemy in the literature of the Great Patriotic War and becomes the antithesis of the motive of the people's "rage-anger".

A. Platonov, like contemporary artists, wrote the Great Patriotic War as "sacred", but the tragically universal meaning of the ongoing homicide is preserved by him in the semantic field of the work. In the motive structure of the story "Spiritual people" the boundary "one's own - someone else's" is violated. The leitmotif of rage absorbs - once, but with the preservation of positive connotations - the theme of the enemy. The motif of the beast is also used once, but it is used in the plot of the story to characterize the defenders of the Motherland: it is the “spiritual people” who discover the “beast” in themselves in a mortal battle as a catastrophic consequence of the war. An "explanation" of such a motivated organization can be found in Platonov's work of the 1920s-1930s, in the evolution of the writer's views on history and nature. Nature, according to Platonov's philosophy, is a full-fledged participant in historical processes; it gave rise to and preserves the humanistic beginning of life, while history is saturated with zoological hatred. These convictions did not allow Platonov to depict the image-motive of the enemy-beast in military prose. The enemy is designated in a number of Platonov's stories as a "beast" (mainly through the word hero), but in the artistic world of the writer's military prose there are no vivid, memorable images and pictures given by this characteristic. The motive of the beast in "Spiritual People" is a sign of the historical tragedy of mankind in its entirety: in the pre-war works of the writer, the motive-image of the beast characterizes the national revolutionary history ("The Pit") and fascism ("Trash Wind"). Diffusion of the motives of rage and the beast in the plot of "Spiritual People" cancels the pathos of retribution.

Musical motives the “requiem” story, as Platonov defined it, are tragic themes of separation forever, loss, the mortal limit of man. At the same time, they actualize the Christian subtext of the plot. The defenders of the Fatherland inspired by love and truth perish, but in their very death they affirm the highest values ​​of life, restore its harmony, embody (return) its ideal beginnings to life. The main signs-signals of Christian themes in the artistic structure of the story are the "cross" (an episode of children playing in the cemetery) and a free quotation of the prayer "Eternal Memory", which are introduced into the central episodes. Based on the memory of the pretexts of Plato's work, they provide an Easter illumination of the plot.

The poetic code of the beginning, the musical theme and the motive structure of "Spiritual People" actualize Blok's subtext in the story. A comparative study of "Spiritual People" and A. Blok's poem "The Girl Sang." showed that "direct contact" with Blok's poetic masterpiece at the beginning of the story serves Platonov as a starting point for further free use of motifs and images from Blok's repertoire, which are filled with new content; it is "a multi-step process whose final product (implicate of the operation) is distanced from the source"548. It should be noted that Blok's subtext supports and strengthens the Christian layer of meanings in the semantics of the work. Despite the typological similarity of motive and figurative structures, genre solutions, the works have different content. Stanzas "The girl sang." Blok became another prophecy of Russia's future troubles. “Spiritual people” is a work of “permission” (B. Zaitsev), where man and people, Platonov shows, suffered in the catastrophe of the Great Patriotic War and discovered the true meanings and values ​​​​of being. The story "Spiritual people" integrates the most important meanings of Platonov's military stories.

In Platonov's artistic picture of the world, landscape and natural images play an important role. In military stories, landscape images of a field and a tree are of particular importance, symbolically representing national life in the coordinates of time and eternity, war and peace. Tortured, scorched by fire and killed by shells, "gnawed" in the course of

348 Smirnov I. P. Generation of intertext (Elements of intertextual analysis with examples from

B. L. Pasternak). SPb., 1995. S. 56. fighting "to the bone" mother earth, the nature of Russia - an accusation not only to the enemy, as in the works of JI. Leonov and M. Sholokhov, the literature of the war years in general. In Platonov's stories, the defenders of the Fatherland bear and realize their guilt for the ruined native nature, the unprotected field and tree of Russian life. With natural-philosophical issues (numerous landscapes of "native ashes", "burned-out places"), the motives of repentance and the vow of soldiers of the Fatherland before the Russian land and the world are included in Platonov's military stories. The taking upon oneself of the guilt of the war and purification by the work of one's life is an important moment in the spiritual biography of the Platonic hero.

In the image of the hero, the figurative parallels "man-tree", "man-flower" are important. This is a symbolic sign of the hero's exit from the "animal story". With the significance of the figurative parallel "man-plant" throughout the entire work of Platonov, it did not previously carry such a high content as in military prose. The characters in Chevengur, who yearn to “stop history,” consider the tree to be an element of nature that is “alien” to communism. Alexander Dvanov orders to cut down the reserved forest for the construction of socialism, since the "long-growing" tree does not fit into the revolutionary pace and ideology of life. Subbotniks are held in the Chevengur commune, where not only property is destroyed, but gardens are uprooted.

In military stories, the metaphorical images of the “man-tree” and “people-tree” (“God's tree”, “Young Major”) represent the ideal content of the life of the “animate homeland” and “inspired people”, deployed from the present to the past and the future vertically standing and growing tree from the earth - to the sky. In the figurative parallel “flower man”, “flower child”, the semantic emphasis in the multi-valued symbolism of a flower is not on frailty, brevity, finiteness, but on beauty and perfection - the “color” of life (“Girl Rose”, “Flower on Earth” ).

The image of man, the human soul, which Platonov writes in military stories, is an important component of the overall artistic picture. In the military gallery of Platonov - portraits of soldiers of the Fatherland ("Young officer", "Among the people", "There is no death! (Defense of Semidvorie)"), military childhood ("The Iron Old Woman", "Little Soldier", "Petrushka (Fear of a Soldier)" , "Return"), old age ("The Tale of the Dead Old Man", "Old Nicodemus", "Inhabitant of the Hometown"), despair ("The Seventh Man"), stupidity ("Happy Root"), martyr ("Girl Rose), enemy ("Emptiness"). Never before in Platonov's detailed description of the hero did not occupy such a place as during the war years. This is due to the ethical and aesthetic attitude of the writer to preserve in the memory of art, if possible, all the individual traits and traits of a person, generation, people, doomed to a feat and death by war. Platonov continues to paint the image of the “human soul” in the war, to artistically explore its secrets. In the portrait of a wartime man, as in the previous works of the writer, physics, biological reality and metaphysics, the existence of a person are combined.

In military stories, the image of a “people-family” is crystallized, united by blood and spirit, conscious of its obligations to nature and the earth. The dream of the author and the heroes of his works of the 1920-1930s about a single organism of life, universal partnership, a people-family finds its fulfillment in the Great Patriotic War. Platonov writes during the war, like A. Tvardovsky and M. Sholokhov, the life of the people. He is looking for an integral image that would express the spiritual essence of the "holy war" and the people defending their right to live freely "under the skies of the Motherland." It was important for the writer to show that the person who stood up for native land, and in the tragic circumstances of a deadly, merciless single combat with fascism, it can reveal the meaning of life and death, the meaning of love. These higher meanings, which guide the people in the Patriotic War, are artistically realized by Platonov in the figurative parallel “warrior-mother” (“Spiritual People”, “Sergeant Shadrin”, “Officer and Peasant (Among the People)”, “Recovery of the Dead”) . The maternal theme is deployed by Platonov on the entire figurative system. In Platonov's military stories, the image of the mother integrates the main meanings of the "living mystery of the world", helps to reveal the metaphysics of Russia, the moral origins of people's life, which the war not only did not cancel, but helped their tragic awareness. The image of the mother reveals the guilt of the son before the mother for the war-ravaged world, for those born to live, but killed. This guilt is combined in Platonov's stories with the mother's guilt before the children she gave birth to in a world where there is so much evil. The image of the mother at the same time becomes for Platonov the highest poetic and moral justification for the feat of the people in this terrible war.

The writer understood how the war would devastate the Russian world, where the “flower” of national life was destroyed. It was all the more important for him to preserve that “beautiful world” that people discovered in suffering and death amid the fury and hatred of war. From the writer's diary:<ень>important. It depicts what, in essence, is killed - not just bodies. Great picture of life and. lost souls and opportunities. Peace is given, as it would be with the activities of the dead - a better peace than the real one: that's what perishes in the war. (ZK, 231). Art, according to Platonov, must preserve in eternal memory this "better world than the real one", the knowledge of which is obtained in death itself.

In Platonov's work of the 1920s - early 1930s, the tragic is a phenomenon of the space of life, which is catastrophically imperfect, denies itself, and therefore all the ways out of it that a person can find in history are justified. The image of an ontologically imperfect world, where man is a "prisoner" of nature and history, runs through Platonov's works of the 1920s-1930s from early journalism, poetry and short stories to the novel Happy Moscow. In this world, an orphan man rebels against a disastrous life. However, already in the second half of the 1930s, anthropological claims to the universe were removed in Platonov's artistic philosophy. In the stories of the 1930s on the family theme, Platonov's heroes in social and family conflicts rediscover the relationship of all things, humbly accept the laws of universal natural existence, returning to the traditions and values ​​of the folk culture of the past: cooperation with nature, family, home. The life space of the Platonic hero is tragically narrowed, but in this small space of work and family, he fulfills the moral duty of life (“Among animals and plants (Life in the family)”, “The driver's wife”, “Potudan River”). The artistic formula of the "beautiful and furious world", reflecting the dichotomy of the world, where a person is not free to cancel the tragic dialectic of nature, but can and must make his own, human choice, appears in Platonov's 1940 story "Machinist Yartsev (In a beautiful and furious world) ".

In military stories, the Platonic hero, choosing in a deadly historical duel with fascism as a personal life guide " good truth"("Spiritual people"), knows the joy of finding the meaning of life. The heroes of Platonov are not concerned about fame, it is important for them to save their homeland, loved ones, their human dignity and multiply the good in life. It is such a person, with a family ideal, a great conscience and modesty, who appears in the artistic world of Platonov's military stories as the main face of the story in which the world is being created. The artistic philosophy of history in Platonov is focused on the Pushkin tradition ("The Captain's Daughter", " Bronze Horseman"). The declaration “Pushkin is our comrade” in the work of the war years was confirmed and artistically realized by Platonov already in one of the first stories “The Tree of God”, written in August 1941.

The concept of "intimacy" remains basic in the work of the writer during the Great Patriotic War. The word "mystery" forms a voluminous lexical-semantic block in the works of 1941-1946. At the same time, the concept of "intimacy" is supplemented and deepened by the concept of "spirituality". "Spirituality" becomes the conceptual center of Platonov's folk characterology during the Great Patriotic War.

In tragic circumstances, often having a way out only in death, but at the same time revealing the sacred meanings of life, the writer was convinced that a new person was born - inspired by truth - a person: “And this is great, patient knowledge, in which both a deep understanding of the value of life and death in the name of the people, as the best last deed of a simple life true man." (261).

During the war years, the idea of ​​a “secret world” also evolved. The idea that animals and plants are "our contemporaries" is from Platonov's arsenal of unchanged. The thirst for all-encompassing, true equality takes the writer beyond the framework of traditional artistic anthropologism. K. Barsht writes: “In the works of Platonov there are no value differences between living beings, as well as between being and matter”549. In the work of the war years, a new vision of the problem can be traced. This is evidenced by the writer's diaries. Reflection of the late 1930s: “People and animals are the same creatures: among animals there are morally even higher creatures than people. Not a ladder of evolution, but a mixture of living beings, a common conglomerate” (ZK, 213). Lines from Platonov's front-line notebook, marked on June 22, 1944: "Isn't nature one of the roads to the deity?" (ZK, 253). In the first case, we are talking about "mixing", "common conglomerate", in other words, about the equality of existence in chaos, in the second - about the search for "roads to the deity", that is, about equal opportunities for communion and participation in the divine cosmos of life.

An analysis of the artistic structure of military stories does not allow one to define the Platonic text as anthropomorphic. In the writer's works, the anthropomorphic characteristics of the world external to man, as before, are balanced by the natural morphic representation of a person who, in the Platonic image, is devoid of self-identity. However, man, who is a problem and a mystery to himself, cannot fully understand and explain his existence through nature; it is not derived, according to Platonov, from natural (as well as social) laws of necessity and

549 Barsht K. A. Poetics of Andrey Platonov's prose. M., 2000. S. 225. is not limited to them. He cannot realize himself through people and nature. “The essence, where the true living secret of the world is stored” (ZK, 274), is not revealed in the plane of social and natural relations.

Platonov, like his characters, is fascinated by the mystery of being, where life is each time limited and finite in its concrete reality, natural and historical, and inexhaustible, incomprehensible in endless manifestations and metamorphoses. The way out of the epistemological impasse of the secrecy of life, in which atheistic consciousness inevitably finds itself, in the Platonic artistic world is in its very secrecy, in the miraculous possibilities lurking in life, until a certain moment unknown to man. Therefore, in Platonic plots, an important role is played by the moment of existential insight and transformation, where man and the world surpass themselves, show divine perfection. Platonov's artistic model of the world is religious in its deepest essence and affirms the reality of infinitely more than the reality of the visible world and man. The mystery of man in the artistic world of Platonov borders on some greater and deeper mystery. This mystery remains in his texts not called the name of God, a hidden figure of silence - and yet allegorically indicated.

Paradoxical as it may seem, it is precisely the religious idea (the idea of ​​“connection”) that largely determines the Platonic poetics of “doubt” (the juxtaposition of different, including ontologically different, points of view). R. Hodel believes that the trend of "synthesis" can be seen in Platonov already in the second half of the 1920s: represented primarily by his father's generation. This path remained dramatically unfinished, but the vector of the author's spiritual quest is indicated: “But the whole secret is that our people are good, their ancestors “charged” them well. We

350 Hodel R. Uglossia - tongue-tied, objective narration - a tale (To the beginning of the novel Chevengur) II Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. Bern, 1998, p. 149 Like his hero, Major Makhonin, from the story "An Officer and a Peasant (Among the People)", in the atheistic cold of time and personal doubts, the writer was warmed by the "warmth of the faith of the people."

Platonov tirelessly searched "among the people" for answers to those questions that he could not solve personally, where he did not trust his mind. The question of faith is one of them. He constantly returned to this topic throughout his work, pondered, tried to decide, doubted. Let us cite two entries from the writer's diaries of 1944: “God is unique and transient in the being, unlike anything or anyone, disappearing and marvelous. Holiness is the loss of life, the loss of the divine. Pts<ень>important ": on the back of the sheet we read:" No, everything divine - the most everyday, prosaic, boring, poor, patient, gray, necessary, which has become fate - and internally consistent with all fate "(ZK, 250. In both cases, it is emphasized Platonov - I. S.). The writer, for whom the people were not only the main "object" of artistic research, but also the main spiritual "authority", could not pass by the "father's heritage" and "the faith of the people" in his work. In the situation of the Patriotic War, an appeal to the spiritual experience of the past becomes vital both for the people and for the people's writer Platonov.

In the early prose of the writer, the main symbol of the Christian faith - the cross - is subject to figurative inversion: a cross made of wood "turns" in the artistic world of "Chevengur" into a dying tree that is about to rot and fall to the ground. This is the point of view of the child-hero Sasha Dvanov, who in the novel represents the tragedy of the revolutionary apostasy of the people. In the understanding of the Chevengur Communards, this is a “grave” cross that has lost its New Testament content and has become a symbol of the frailty of human existence and death. It would be possible to speak about the dominant negative semantics of the image of the cross in the novel, if not for the variant of the image "old cross". Everything in the art world is in the "dilapidated" zone

Platonov is “still alive”, filled with love and sympathy. In the eyes of the heroes of Chevengur, who profess a worldwide revolution, the threat of physical death "saves" the main Christian creed from "metaphysical death." The icon of the Mother of God in the story "The Motherland of Electricity" is subjected to inversion destruction in the word of the narrator. In military stories, images-symbols of the cross and icons are introduced into the artistic world of works with a minimal accompanying "comment" of the narrator, they are given the opportunity to speak "for themselves" and represent the faith of the people.

Spiritualized people”, “God's tree”, “Rose girl”, “Recovery of the dead” - these military stories “name” another integral “quality” of the Platonic text - theomorphism. This is also evidenced by the semantics of the tropes in military stories. Anthropomorphism, naturomorphism, theomorphism - it is precisely this trinity, their complex interaction and changing hierarchy that determines the unique artistic logos of Platonov.

To understand the specifics of the theomorphic principle in Platonov, the mechanisms of the thematic and aesthetic “coexistence” of theomorphism, anthropomorphism and naturomorphism in his works, the writer’s working notes help: “God became direct, etc., that he was divided among everything - and thus, as it were, was destroyed.<.>He dissipated in people, because he is a god and disappeared into them, and it is impossible that he should not be, he cannot be forever absent-minded, in people, outside himself ”(ZK, 157). Heretical, from the point of view of church dogma, Platonov’s reflections, who has “his own” understanding of Christ and Christianity, paradoxically “spiritualized world” in his works revive in memory the lines from the “Second Epistle to the Corinthians” of the Apostle Paul, where he conveys the word of God: “.You are the temple of the living God, as God said: “I will dwell in them and walk in them.”” (2 Cor. 6:16).

In the work of the period of the Great Patriotic War, Platonov retains the artistic trinity of the image: anthropomorphism, natural morphism, theomorphism, but their value position changes. The theomorphic principle of representation plays a structure-forming role in the artistic picture of the world of military stories. A variety of textual elements that go back to Christian culture focus existential problems in the prose of the war years and at the same time provide ideal images of the World-Temple and Russia-Temple as an alternative to historical reality.

There is a drawing in Platonov's wartime notebook. The writer's hand depicts a flat Russian space: in the center - a church with a bell tower, around - the sky, a forest, a meadow, a human dwelling (ZK, 276). Explanatory inscriptions are made on the figure: “sky”, “clouds”, “mighty forests grow”, “forbs grow here”, “and here the mother lives in a hut”. The semantic center of the picture - God's temple - is not verbally marked, it is recognized ("read") without words. The drawing, on the one hand, refers to the Voronezh realities of Platonov's childhood, on the other hand, it gives a projection model of the artistic world of military stories.

The military prose of Andrei Platonov is the most important stage in his creative evolution. Ignoring this period, it is hardly possible to correctly define its artistic cosmos. Platonov is an integral writer, whose evolutionary changes in the artistic and philosophical picture of life all the more emphasize the constancy of leading ideas and principles. I Stories of 1941-1946 constitute the artistic and philosophical core of the writer's military prose, but do not exhaust it. Stories, essays, scripts for theater and cinema, works in progress (including ideas for large epic canvases), criticism, essays, diaries, epistolary heritage - the shortest list of the writer's creations during the war years. We tried to take this diverse and multi-genre unity into account when considering the artistic world of the writer's military stories. The dissertation research is the beginning of the study of the legacy of the writer of the period of the Great Patriotic War and the evolutionary processes of Platonov's work in the final decade. In the 1940s, as in the 1920s and 1930s, the writer's intensive artistic search continued, his creative reaction to changes in historical reality, its catastrophic turns remained just as sensitively sharpened, if not more piercing - a touch on life with a "bare heart" ("Return"),

An appeal to Platonov’s work of the forties war years, a study of archival materials and lifetime publications, an analysis of the artistic world of military stories showed how “approximately” we know the literature of the Great Patriotic War - a whole period in the history of native literature. Those literary collisions that we came into contact with in the course of studying the military epic of Andrey Platonov (the interaction of essay and novel forms by M. Sholokhov, the genre distribution of themes and motifs by A. Tvardovsky and JL Leonov, the "Blok canon" in poetry and prose of the war years) , indicate the need for a "return" of literary critics to the works of the period of the Great Patriotic War.

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132. Dobin E. Marginal notes / E. Dobin // Star. 1945. - No. 8. - S. 137.

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134. Drubek-Mayer N. Russia "emptiness in the guts of the world": Andrey Platonov's "Happy Moscow" as an allegory / N. Drubek-Mayer // New Literary Review. - 1994. - No. 9. - S. 251-268.

135. Dymarsky M. Ya. Once again about the concept of a plot event / M. Ya. Dymarsky // Alphabet: the structure of the narrative text. Syntagmatics. Paradigmatics. Smolensk, 2004. - S. 139-150.

136. Dyrdin A. Hidden thinker: Andrey Platonov's creative consciousness in the light of Russian spirituality and culture / A. Dyrdin. - Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2000. 172 p.

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138. Esaulov I. A. Between the star and the cross: the poetics of A. Platonov / I. A. Esaulov // Easter of Russian literature / I. A. Esaulov. M., 2004.-S. 438-523.

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142. Zaitsev B. Defeated / B. Zaitsev // Alexander Blok: pro et contra. -SPb., 2004.-S. 527-536.

143. Zalygin S. Tales of a realist and the realism of a storyteller: (an essay on the work of Andrei Platonov) / S. Zalygin // Literary concerns / S. Zalygin. -3rd ed.-M., 1982.-S. 141-185.

144. Zakharov V. N. Christian realism in Russian literature: (statement of the problem) / V. N. Zakharov // Gospel text in Russian literature of the 18th-20th centuries: citation, reminiscence, motive, plot, genre. - Petrozavodsk, 2001. Issue. 3. - S. 5-20.

145. Zlydneva N. V. Semantics of duality: Platonov and Petrov-Vodkin / N. V. Zlydneva // Dzielo literackie jako dzielo literackie = A literary work as a literary work. Bydgoszcz, 2004. -p. 225-240.

146. Zolotonosov M. "False Sun" ("Chevengur" and "Pit" in the context of Soviet culture of the 1920s) / M. Zolotonosov // Andrey Platonov: the world of creativity. M., 1994. - S.246-283.

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148. Ivanova L. A. "War" and "peace" in the work of A. Platonov of the war years / L. A. Ivanova // A. Platonov's work: art. and messages. Voronezh, 1970.-S. 75-91.

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150. Karasev JI. V. Movement along the slope: (emptiness and substance in the world of A. Platonov) / L. V. Karasev // Questions of Philosophy. 1995. - No. 8. -S. 123-143.

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152. Keba A. V. Andrei Platonov and world literature of the XX century: typological connections / A. V. Keba. Kamenets-Podolsky: Abetka-NOVA, 2001.-320 p.

153. Kogan P. Essays on the history of modern Russian literature / P. Kogan // Alexander Blok: pro et contra. SPb., 2004. - S. 131-139.

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161. N. V. Kornienko // Modern. textology: theory and practice. M., 1997. -S. 176-192.

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165. Kofman A.F. Latin American artistic image of the world / A.F. Kofman. M.: Heritage, 1997. - 318 p.

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167. Krasovskaya S. I. Prose A. P. Platonov: Genres and genre processes: autoref. dis. . Dr. Philol. Sciences / S. I. Krasovskaya; Tambov, Mrs. un-t im. G. R. Derzhavin. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU im. G. R. Derzhavina, 2005. -52 p.

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170. Kuzmenko O. A. Andrey Platonov: Vocation and destiny: essay on creativity / O. A. Kuzmenko. Kyiv: Lybid, 1991. - 228 p.

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172. Langerak T. Andrei Platonov: materials for a biography, 1899-1929. / T. Langerak. Amsterdam: Pegasus Publishing House, 1995. - 274 p.

173. Lasunsky O. G. Resident of the native city: the Voronezh years of A. Platonov (1899-1926) / O. G. Lasunsky. Voronezh: Publishing House of VSU, 1999.-288 p.

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176. Lenin on Literature. M.: Goslitizdat, 1941. - 296 p.

177. Lepakhin V. M. The meaning and purpose of the icon / V. M. Lepakhin. M .: Publishing house "Palomnik", 2002. - 511 p.

178. Likhachev D.S. The inner world of a work of art / D.S. Likhachev // Questions of Literature. 1968. - No. 8. - 74-87.

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194. Mikheev M. Yu. In the world of Platonov through his language: assumptions, facts, interpretations, conjectures / M. Yu. Mikheev. M.: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2003. - 408 p.

195. Mushchenko E. G. The name and fate in the artistic consciousness of A. Platonov / E. G. Mushchenko // “Country of Philosophers” by Andrey Platonov: problems of creativity. M., 2000. - Issue. 4. - S. 153-161.

196. Nazarov A. People and communism / A. Nazarov // Industry of socialism. -1940.- No. 4. -WITH. 34-38.

197. Nyman E. “Cut a window in the ass”: sexual pathology as an ideological pun by Andrey Platonov / E. Nyman // Nov. lit. review. 1998. - No. 4. - S. 60-76.

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199. Nepomniachtchi V. S. Poetry and destiny: over the pages of Pushkin's spiritual biography / V. S. Nepomniachtchi. M. : Sov. writer, 1987. -448 p.

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210. Poltoratsky V. Andrey Platonov at war / V. Poltoratsky // Platonov A. There is no death! / A. Platonov. M., 1970. - S. 3-5.

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218. V. Sabirov // "Country of Philosophers" by Andrei Platonov: problems of creativity. -M., 2000. Issue. 4. - S. 719-722.

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258. Chalmaev V. Prisoner of freedom: ("unexpected" and eternal catastrophes in the beautiful and furious world of Andrey Platonov) / V. Chalmaev // "Country Philosophers" by Andrey Platonov: problems of creativity. M., 1994. - S. 3-50.

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266. V. G. Shchukin // Questions of Philosophy. 2004. - No. 10. - S. 47-64.

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281. Andrijauskas A. Reflection of the collapsing "harmony of the world" in the language and style of A. Platonov's narration of the late 20s / A. Andrijauskas // Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. Bern, 1998. - S. 13-20.

282. Chlupacova K. The Expression of the Platonic World in Word and Text (The Origin of the Master) / K. Chlupacova // Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. Bern, 1998. - S. 75-86.

283. Davis M. Bethea. The Shape of Apocalypse in Modern Russian Fiction / M. Davis. princeton. - NJ.: Princeton University Press, 1988. - 348 p.

284. Debiiser L. On some linguistic leitmotifs on the first two pages of Platonov's novel Chevengur / L. Debiiser // Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. Bern, 1998. - S. 87-106.

285. Dzielo literackie jako dzielo literackie = A literary work as a literary work / pod redakcj^. A. Majmieskutow. Bydgoszcz, 2004. - 532 p.

286. Garma A. Artistic interpretation of “memory and oblivion” in the story “Potudan River” by Andrey Platonov / A. Garma // Sub Rosa. Koszonto konyv. Lena Szilard. Tiszteletere. Budapest, 2005. - P. 188-196.

287. Hodel R. Uglossia tongue-tied - an objective narrative - a tale: (to the beginning of the novel Chevengur) / R. Hodel // Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov. - Bern, 1998.-S. 149-160.

288. Sprache und Erzahlhaltung bei Andrei Platonov / hrsg. von R. Hodel and J. P. Locher. Bern: Lang, 1998. - 346 s.

289. Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945: encyclopedia. / ed. M. M. Kozlova. -M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1985. 832 p.

290. Dal V. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: in 4 volumes. M .: Progress: Univers, 1994.

291. Dvoretsky I. X. Ancient Greek-Russian dictionary: in 2 volumes. M .: GIS, 1958.-T.1.- 1043 p.

292. History of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 1941-1945: in 6 volumes - M .: Military Publishing House, 1960-1965.

293. History of the Second World War. 1939-1945: in 12 vols. M .: Military Publishing House, 1975-1978.

294. Myths of the peoples of the world: encyclopedia: in 2 vols. 2nd ed. - M.: Sov. encycl., 1991.

295. Ozhegov S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova. 4th ed., add. - M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. - 944 p.

296. Complete Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary: in 2 vols.

297. Dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes. M .: Rus. language, 1981-1984.

298. Dictionary of the Russian language of the XI-XVII centuries. M.: Nauka, 1975. - Issue. 2. - 317 p.

299. Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: in 4 volumes / M. Fasmer. -M.: Progress, 1986-1987.

300. Shansky N. M. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language / N. M. Shansky, V. V. Ivanov, T. V. Shanskaya. 2nd ed., rev. and additional -M.: Enlightenment, 1971. - 542 p.

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A story about the war for reading in elementary school. A story about the Great Patriotic War for junior schoolchildren.

Andrey Platonov. little soldier

Not far from the front line, inside the surviving railway station, the Red Army men who fell asleep on the floor were sweetly snoring; the happiness of rest was imprinted on their weary faces.

On the second track, the boiler of the hot steam locomotive on duty hissed softly, as if singing a monotonous, soothing voice from a long-abandoned house. But in one corner of the station building, where a kerosene lamp burned, people occasionally whispered soothing words to each other, and then they fell into silence.

There stood two majors, similar to each other not in outward signs, but in the general goodness of their wrinkled, tanned faces; each of them held the boy's hand in his hand, and the child looked imploringly at the commanders. The child did not let go of the hand of one major, then clinging his face to it, and carefully tried to free himself from the hand of the other. The child looked about ten years old, and he was dressed like an experienced fighter - in a gray overcoat, worn and pressed against his body, in a cap and in boots, sewn, apparently, to measure for a child's foot. His small face, thin, weathered, but not exhausted, adapted and already accustomed to life, was now turned to one major; the bright eyes of the child clearly revealed his sadness, as if they were the living surface of his heart; he longed to be separated from his father or an older friend, who must have been the major to him.

The second major drew the child by the hand to him and caressed him, comforting him, but the boy, without removing his hand, remained indifferent to him. The first major was also saddened, and he whispered to the child that he would soon take him to him and they would meet again for an inseparable life, and now they parted for a short time. The boy believed him, however, the truth itself could not console his heart, attached to only one person and wanting to be with him constantly and near, and not far away. The child already knew what the distance and the time of war are - it is difficult for people from there to return to each other, so he did not want separation, and his heart could not be alone, it was afraid that, left alone, it would die. And in his last request and hope, the boy looked at the major, who should leave him with a stranger.

“Well, Seryozha, goodbye for now,” said the major whom the child loved. “You don’t really try to fight, grow up, then you will.” Do not climb on the German and take care of yourself, so that I can find you alive, whole. Well, what are you, what are you - hold on, soldier!

Serezha cried. The major lifted him into his arms and kissed his face several times. Then the major went with the child to the exit, and the second major also followed them, instructing me to guard the things left behind.

The child returned in the arms of another major; he looked strangely and timidly at the commander, although this major persuaded him with gentle words and attracted him to himself as best he could.

The major, who replaced the departed one, exhorted the silent child for a long time, but he, true to one feeling and one person, remained aloof.

Not far from the station, anti-aircraft guns began to hit. The boy listened to their booming dead sounds, and excited interest appeared in his eyes.

"Their scout is coming!" he said quietly, as if to himself. - It goes high, and the anti-aircraft guns will not take it, you need to send a fighter there.

"They'll send," said the major. - They're looking at us.

The train we needed was expected only the next day, and all three of us went to the hostel for the night. There the Major fed the child from his heavily loaded sack. “How tired of him for the war, this bag,” said the major, “and how grateful I am to him!” The boy fell asleep after eating, and Major Bakhichev told me about his fate.

Sergei Labkov was the son of a colonel and a military doctor. His father and mother served in the same regiment, so they took their only son to live with them and grow up in the army. Serezha was now in his tenth year; he took the war and his father's cause close to his heart, and had already begun to truly understand what war was for. And then one day he heard his father talking in the dugout with one officer and taking care that the Germans, when retreating, would definitely blow up the ammunition of his regiment. The regiment had previously left the German coverage, well, with haste, of course, and left its ammunition depot with the Germans, and now the regiment had to go ahead and return the lost land and its property on it, and the ammunition, too, which was needed. "They've probably run a wire to our warehouse - they know that they will have to move away," the colonel, Serezha's father, said then. Sergey listened attentively and realized what his father cared about. The boy knew the location of the regiment before the retreat, and here he is, small, thin, cunning, crawled at night to our warehouse, cut the explosive closing wire and remained there for another whole day, watching so that the Germans did not fix the damage, and if they did, then so that again cut the wire. Then the colonel drove the Germans out of there, and the entire warehouse passed into his possession.

Soon this little boy made his way further behind enemy lines; there he found out by signs where the command post of the regiment or battalion was, went around three batteries at a distance, remembered everything exactly - his memory was not corrupted in any way - and when he returned home, he showed his father on the map how it is and where it is. The father thought, gave his son to the orderly for inseparable observation of him and opened fire on these points. Everything turned out right, the son gave him the right serifs. He is small, this Seryozhka, the enemy took him for a gopher in the grass: let him, they say, move. And Seryozhka, probably, did not move the grass, walked without a sigh.

The boy also deceived the orderly, or, so to speak, seduced him: since he led him somewhere, and together they killed the German - it is not known which of them - and Sergey found the position.

So he lived in the regiment with his father, mother and soldiers. The mother, seeing such a son, could no longer endure his uncomfortable situation and decided to send him to the rear. But Sergei could no longer leave the army, his character was drawn into the war. And he told that major, father's deputy, Savelyev, who had just left, that he would not go to the rear, but rather hide in captivity to the Germans, learn from them everything that was needed, and again return to his father's unit when his mother get bored. And he would probably do so, because he has a military character.

And then grief happened, and there was no time to send the boy to the rear. His father, a colonel, was seriously wounded, although the battle, they say, was weak, and he died two days later in a field hospital. The mother also fell ill, became tired - she had previously been maimed by two shrapnel wounds, one was in the cavity - and a month after her husband she also died; maybe she still missed her husband ... Sergey was left an orphan.

Major Savelyev took command of the regiment, he took the boy to him and became him instead of his father and mother, instead of relatives - the whole person. The boy answered him, too, with all his heart.

- And I'm not from their part, I'm from another. But I know Volodya Savelyev from a long time ago. And so we met here with him at the headquarters of the front. Volodya was sent to refresher courses, and I was there on another matter, and now I'm going back to my unit. Volodya Savelyev told me to take care of the boy until he comes back ... And when else will Volodya return and where will he be sent! Well, you'll see it there...

Major Bakhichev dozed off and fell asleep. Serezha Labkov snored in his sleep like an adult, an elderly person, and his face, now moving away from sorrow and memories, became calm and innocently happy, showing the image of a holy childhood, from which the war had taken him away. I also fell asleep, taking advantage of unnecessary time so that it would not pass in vain.

We woke up at dusk, at the very end of a long June day. There were now two of us in three beds—Major Bakhichev and I—but Seryozha Labkov was not there. The major was worried, but then he decided that the boy had gone somewhere for a short time. Later, we went with him to the station and visited the military commandant, but no one noticed the little soldier in the rear of the war.

The next morning, Seryozha Labkov also did not return to us, and God knows where he went, tormented by the feeling of his childish heart for the man who left him - maybe after him, maybe back to his father's regiment, where the graves of his father and mother were.

I always read Platonov's military stories in different classrooms - at university lectures and seminars, literature lessons at school, friendly family evenings, in libraries ... Only genuine prose can stand the test of reading aloud. But that's not even the point. Platonov's stories, written by him in the "field army" (this is how the surviving manuscripts of 1942-1945 are signed), are a unique phenomenon of spiritual prose in Soviet literature.

Many wrote about the feat of the Soviet warrior, but, as Valentin Rasputin accurately noted, Platonov did it differently: “From somewhere, again, from afar, through the eyes of a root man, a messenger of all times, he saw what was happening. And the one who fought received from Platonov a different, not descriptive, but self-expressing image.

Such a "root man" with his fatherland cosmos appeared already in Platonov's first story of the war years "God's Tree". Leaving home on the road of war, Stepan Trofimov, as a consolation, strength and protection, takes with him a leaf from the "God's tree of the motherland." This must be read aloud:

“Mother said goodbye to him on the outskirts; further Stepan Trofimov went alone. There, at the exit from the village, at the edge of the country road, which, conceived in rye, went from here to the whole world, - there grew a lonely old tree, covered with blue leaves, wet and shining from their young strength. Old people in the village have long called this tree "God's", because it was not like other trees growing in the Russian plain, because more than once in his old age he was killed by lightning from the sky, but the tree, having fallen ill a little, then came to life again and even thicker than before it was dressed with leaves, and also because this tree was loved by birds. They sang and lived there, and in the dry summer this tree did not drop its children to the ground - extra withered leaves, but the whole thing froze, sacrificing nothing, not parting with anyone that grew on it and was alive.

Stepan plucked one leaf from this divine tree, put it in his bosom and went to war.

The mystery of the "animated homeland" remains the main theme, no, not a theme, but the pathos of Plato's prose of the war years. In the first year of the war, he did not need to urgently change ideological milestones (and many Soviet writers had to change these milestones - very much not even simple theme). He restored his forbidden country in rights and truth - the peasant and proletarian Russia "Chevengur", "Pit", "Juvenile Sea" and "High Voltage": "mental poor" and the seditious in the Soviet language the word "soul" ("Voidness") , doubting artisans ("The Inanimate Enemy"), the people's view of the war as hard work ("Ivan Tolokno - a worker of war"), the language of parables, legends and tales ("God's Tree", "Sampo"), epics and fairy tales ("Grandfather -soldat”, “The Story of a Dead Old Man”), crying and Russian song (“Armor”, “Spiritual People”).

One of the masterpieces of Platonov's military prose is the story "Spiritual people (A story about a small battle near Sevastopol)". In a letter to his wife dated August 10, 1942, Platonov wrote: “My most important work now: I am writing a story about five Sevastopol sailors. Remember - those who, having tied themselves with grenades, rushed under the enemy tanks. This, in my opinion, is the greatest episode of the war, and I am instructed to make of it a work worthy of the memory of these sailors. I write about them with all the energy of the spirit, which is in me.

And this work, if it succeeds, will bring me even remotely closer to the souls of the dead heroes. It seems to me that I am succeeding in something, because I am guided by the inspiration of their feat, and I work, sometimes shedding tears on the manuscript, but these are not tears of weakness.<...>I get something like a Requiem in prose.

From the numerous responses of contemporaries to Plato's "Requiem" (one of the first names of the story in the manuscript), a whole set of ideological mistakes allegedly made by the writer is compiled. Here is Christian humanism, and special attention to suffering, and excessive tragedy, and extreme individualism, and the separation of a person from society. As a reflection of these vices and the apotheosis of death, the key episode of the story was read - the image of the death of the Red Navy.

Let's read this episode of the story of 1942, which provoked the wrath of Platonov's contemporaries, next to an internally close episode of another Platonic "requiem in prose" - the story "The Pit" (1930).

"Spiritual people":

“Tsibulko approached Filchenko and kissed him. And everyone, each with each, kissed each other and looked at the eternal memory of each other in the face.

With a calm, satisfied heart, he examined himself, prepared for battle, and each Red Navy sailor took his place. They were now peaceful and good at heart; they blessed each other for the greatest, unknown and terrible thing in life - for what destroys and what creates it - for death and victory, and fear left them, because the conscience of a comrade who is doomed to the same fate overcame fear. Their body was filled with strength, they felt capable of great work, and they realized that they were born into the world not in order to spend, destroy their life in the empty enjoyment of it, but in order to give it back to truth, land and people, - to give more than they received from birth in order to increase the meaning of people's existence...

Daniel! Parshin said quietly.

Yura! replied Odintsov.

They seemed to take each other into their hearts so as not to forget and not to be separated in death.

Ah, eternal memory! - Parshin said, calming down and cheerful.


“Ready, huh? the activist asked.

Wait, - Chiklin told the activist. - May they say goodbye to the next life...

And, having said the last words, the man hugged his neighbor, kissed him three times and said goodbye to him.

Farewell, Yegor Semyonitch!

Nothing, Nikanor Petrovich: forgive me too.

Everyone began to kiss the whole line of people, hugging the hitherto strange body, and all the lips sadly and friendly kissed everyone ...

Many, having touched mutual lips, stood in this feeling for some time in order to forever remember their new relatives, because until that time they lived without memory and without pity.

Defenders of the ideological purity of Soviet literature saw in this episode the apotheosis of death, but Platonov writes the death hour of the Red Navy men as the apotheosis of the true immortality of the Russian soldier, the pledge of which was his eternal soul- "the ability to feel and suffer" ("Jan"). More than once during the war years, he will say that the people who have endured the suffering of historical "pits" are invincible. Platonov's marines are from his Soviet Russia (the peaceful past of the heroes dates back to "Pit", "Fro", "First Ivan", "High Voltage"), and therefore they prepare for death with the same seriousness and spiritual concentration as the peasants in The “pitch” and the old Chevengurs, they know about the language of “eternal memory”, about the “memory of death” in the “feeling of the heart”.

Each of the military stories adds and refines something very important in the discovery - especially for us! - perhaps the main spiritual knowledge about the basic source of the victory of the people in this terrible war, about the law of love:

“They press because they love their children more than they hate Hitler” (from draft notes of 1943);

“The secret of the motherland was clear to him; she opens in a lock of hair from the head of her daughter-child, which the Red Army soldier keeps in his duffel bag and carries thousands of miles behind him, she is in friendship with a comrade who cannot be left alone in battle, she is in sorrow for her wife; the whole secret of the homeland lies in fidelity, reviving the soul of a person, in the heart of a soldier, sprouted with its roots in the depths of the graves of the fathers and repeated in the breath of the child, in his family connection to death with the flesh and meaningful fate of his people "(the first edition of the story" Aphrodite ", 1943).

He witnessed the Battle of Kursk, the crossing of the Dnieper, the liberation of Ukraine and Belarus. Essays and stories written in hot pursuit of military operations are published in Krasnaya Zvezda, with an invariable note at the end of the text: "Army in the Field." In the letters to his wife (they are finally published today without cuts), the main themes of personal, military and literary life are spoken out: “Our fighters act amazingly. Our people are great, kind and brave!” (letter dated July 27, 1942); “Here I am closer to our son; that's why, among other reasons, I love being at the front.<...>Here people are closer to me, and I, inclined to attachment, love people here. The Russian soldier is sacred to me, and here I see him directly. Only later, if I am alive, will I describe him” (letter dated October 3, 1943).

Platonov lost his only son during the war years, a boy who went through the Stalinist camps ... Platon died on January 4, 1943. On February 15, 1943, an NKVD informant reported on Platonov’s mood: “The Soviet government took my son away from me - the Soviet government stubbornly wanted for many years to take away the title of writer from me. But no one can take my creativity away from me. They still print me, gritting their teeth.<...>I will never leave my position anywhere. Everyone thinks that I am against the communists. No, I am against those who are destroying our country. Who wants to trample on our Russian, dear to my heart. And my heart hurts. Ah, how it hurts!<...>now I see and observe a lot at the front (Bryansk Front). My heart is bursting with grief, blood and human suffering. I will write a lot. The war taught me a lot." Platonov really writes a lot, however, after the party criticism of the story "The Defense of the Semidvorye", whose heroes fight the enemy, having, like Tolstoy Tushin, their own special "fantastic world", more and more often his works of a philosophical and psychological plan do not go to print or but they are subjected to monstrous distortion... But he continues to keep and create his artistic chronicle of the war years, connecting historical reality with the reality of spiritual knowledge, love and eternal memory of the dead.

Since 1942, Platonov's prose has included the theme of inhuman suffering and victims of the people who found themselves in German occupation, opened by the roads of war. He saw a lot himself, moving along with the army through the devastated villages and cities. Since 1943, all the central newspapers have constantly published reports of the Emergency state commission on establishing and investigating the atrocities of the Nazi invaders in the territories liberated by the Red Army: acts of excavation of the burial places of the killed and tortured, data on concentration camps, testimonies, photographs of the mutilated bodies of children and the elderly, raped women, burned to the ground villages and destroyed cities.

October 28, 1943 in the "Red Star" Platonov's story is published "Mother". It should be read by everyone, in every family, it should be performed by the best cultural figures ... I can’t imagine a person who, after reading this great mournful text-lament, can say something that insults the memory of a Russian Soviet soldier, the memory of the dead. Its main title, which did not appear in lifetime publications, speaks volumes: "Recovery of the Lost", the name of one of the icons of the Mother of God. The theme of "recovery of the dead" as the most important topic of military literature is formulated by Platonov in a notebook of 1942: " Pts<ень>important. Death. Cemetery of those killed in the war. And what should be, but not done, rises to life: creativity, work, exploits, love, the whole picture of life that has not come true, And what would happen if it came true. What is actually killed is depicted - not just bodies. A great picture of life and perishing souls and opportunities ... ”The death of the only son of Plato is connected with the nationwide grief of the war; we read in letters to his wife from the front in 1943: “For me, a dead Totik is still forever alive” (letter dated May 24); “Kiss for me the grave at the head of our holy son” (letter dated May 28); “You probably often go to the grave of your son. As you go, serve a memorial service from me in his eternal holy memory ”(letter dated June 10); “My new story, which I have thought about here, will be dedicated to the worship of the dead and the lost, namely, the dedication will be to my son. I decided to make the hero of the life of a dead person, on whose death life rests. Briefly, it is difficult to say how it will turn out, but I think this thing will come out with me: I have enough heart and grief ”(letter dated July 1) ...

He had enough personal and national grief to write this great lamentation of a Russian mother for a devastated homeland, her children who died and were tortured. Burning text - every sentence:

“After going through the war, the old mother returned home. But her home was now empty. A small poor house for one family, smeared with clay, painted with yellow paint, with a brick chimney resembling a man's thoughtful head, burned down long ago from German fire and left behind coals that are already overgrown with the grass of the grave burial.

She sat down in the middle of the cooled conflagration and began to touch the ashes of her dwelling with her hands. She knew her share, that it was time for her to die, but her soul did not reconcile herself to this share, because if she dies, then where will the memory of her children be preserved and who will save them in her love when her heart also stops breathing?

Maria Vasilievna took her face off the ground; she heard that her daughter Natasha had called her; she called to her without saying a word, as if she had uttered something with one of her weak breaths. The mother looked around, wanting to see where her daughter was calling to her from, where her meek voice sounded from - from a quiet field, from the depths of the earth or from the height of the sky, from that clear star. Where is she now, her dead daughter?

Judging by the notebooks, Platonov writes “The Search for the Dead” while in parts of the Voronezh Front, which, after the liberation of the writer’s native city, took part in the crossing over the Dnieper (end of September 1943, the time of action in the story is also marked by the name day of the deceased daughter Natalia, September 8) and in the liberation of Kiev (November 6). It is in the spiritual vision of a dying mother that the image of a liberated Kiev arises, an image of tremendous depth and strength - the name of Kiev is no less important for Russian literature than the name of Moscow and St. , both intravital and posthumous, it was withdrawn):

“The Mitrofanevsky tract went out of the settlement into the plain. Willows used to grow along the side of the road, now their war had gnawed them to the very stumps, and now the deserted road was boring, as if the end of the world was already close and rarely anyone came here.

But for strong young eyes, and on moonlit nights in the distance, one could see the ancient towers of the holy city of Kyiv, the mother of all Russian cities. He stood on the high bank of the eternally striving, singing Dnieper - dumb, with blinded eyes, exhausted in the grave crypt of the enemy, but looking forward, like the whole earth drooping before him, resurrection and life in victory, and raising his towers to the height of the stars, like a covenant the immortality of the people, in the death of the enemy seeking their strength and healing.

So Platonov, in the vision of his mother, connected the road to Kyiv, along which his Russian peasants went there for centuries to strengthen their faith, with the road of the Red Army in 1943.

Without this knowledge of the mother about the eternal truth of the “recovery of the dead”, we cannot understand the path of Platonov the writer ... The most severe criticism that fell upon his military stories already in 1943 could not break the writer. And the very situation of pogrom criticism was not new for him. We read in the story "Aphrodite" - written in 1943, first published only in 1962:

“Many times circumstances turned Fomin into a victim, brought him to the brink of death, but his spirit could no longer be exhausted in hopelessness or despondency. He lived, thought and worked, as if constantly feeling a big hand leading him gently and hard forward - into the fate of the heroes. And the same hand that led him hard forward, the same big hand warmed him, and its warmth penetrated to his heart.

This is the language of Platonov's great spiritual prose. We will read it in the days of May 2014.

Note. editions:military stories are quoted from the publication: Platonov A. There is no death! - M.: Time, 2010; letters, notebooks - according to other publications ("Archive of A.P. Platonov", "Notebooks. Materials for a biography").

Children at war
based on the story by A. Platonov "Little Soldier"

Reprint from the book: Kruk N.V., Kotomtseva I.V. Library lessons in reading. Scenarios 1-9 grades: At 2 o'clock. H 2.5-9 cells / N.V. Kruk, I.V. Kotomtseva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2010. - 304 p.

The purpose of the lesson:

To acquaint students with the life and work of A. Platonov

Reading aloud and discussing the story

Equipment: portrait of a writer, book exhibition.

Biography of the writer.

Platonov Andrei Platonovich (1899-1951)

(pseudonym, real name - Klimentov)

He was born and spent his childhood "in the Yamskaya Sloboda, near Voronezh itself." His father is a railroad mechanic. After studying at the diocesan and city schools, at the age of 14 he began working as a messenger, foundry worker, assistant engine driver on a steam locomotive, during civil war- on an armored train. This is where his literary journey began. In 1922, the first book of poems, Blue Depth, was published in the Krasnodar publishing house Burevestnik, and in 1927 in Moscow, the first collection of prose, Epifan Gateways, was published. This is where the path of the young writer begins.

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, Platonov created his best works, which were destined to find their readers only half a century later: Pit, Chevengur, Juvenile Sea. The writer was excommunicated from literature for the story “Doubting Makar » and the chronicle "For the future" (1931), which did not agree with the "general line" chosen by the Bolshevik party in relation to the countryside. Platonov is no longer printed, they have to write “on the table”. At this time, the writer turns to children's literature.

The circle of children's reading includes mainly works created in the 40s. At this time, the writer becomes known as the author of children's stories and a collection of fairy tales. "Magic Ring" for the first time a collection of fairy tales was published in 1950. These were retellings on the plots of folk tales, written down mainly by A. Afanasyev. Creative processing and author's comprehension of traditional plots of oral folk art make Platonov's fairy tales one of the best examples of this genre, the beginning of which was laid by the Russians writers of the 19th century.

During the Great Patriotic War he worked as a war correspondent in the army. Platonov's military stories were published in newspapers and magazines: Znamya, Krasnaya Zvezda, Krasnoarmeyets. Three collections of these stories were published in Moscow in separate editions. Today we will talk about one of these works, written by us in 1943.

At the front, the writer was shell-shocked, demobilized in February 1946.

At the end of his life he wrote a lot for children and about children.

Issues for discussion:

  • When describing Seryozha, what do you immediately pay attention to?

Although he is only ten years old, he looks like an "experienced fighter" - dressed in a military uniform. It can be seen from his face that he fought, and had to endure a lot: “His small, weathered face ... adapted and already familiar to life ...”.

  • What is the discrepancy between his appearance and behavior?

Despite the fact that he is a soldier, he is still a child: Seryozha tightly held the officer’s hand, clinging his face to his hand, he did not want to let the major go, “the bright eyes of the child clearly exposed his sadness, as if they were the living surface of his heart, he yearned ... ”, but when he realized that parting was inevitable, he began to cry.

  • Why is the boy so worried about separation?

He has already experienced the bitterness of loss, he knows how painful it is to lose loved ones - "that's why he did not want separation, and his heart could not be alone. it was afraid that, left alone, it would die».

  • From the second part of the story, we learn about the past of this boy. What is this life like?

Seryozha was the “son of a regiment”, he grew up with his parents in the army, “took war to heart”, went to intelligence, brought valuable information, and thus brought up a “military character” in himself. Mom, realizing that there was no place for a child in the war, wanted to send Seryozha to the rear, but he "could no longer leave the army, his character dragged him into the war." After some time, his father died, his mother soon died. Major Savelier took Seryozha to him.

  • People, exhausted by the war, in some moments were infinitely happy. When did it happen?

On vacation, during sleep: “Seryozha Labkov snored in a dream, like an adult, elderly person, and his face, now moving away from sorrow and memories, became calm and innocently happy, representing himself the image of a holy childhood, from where the war took him away.

  • How do you understand why Serezha is running away from Major Bakhichev?

Seryozha fell in love with Savelyev, he became the closest, most dear to him, and he does not want to come to terms with the idea that Savelyev will become another loss in his life, he runs, “tormented by the feeling of his childish heart to the person who left him, perhaps after him, perhaps, back to his father's regiment, where the graves of his father and mother were.


Many works have been written about the war, but this story is especially disturbing to the soul, since the main character is a child. War is terrible because it takes the lives of people, separates loved ones, destroys the usual way of life. She inflicts the greatest damage on the soul of a person, especially a small person, like Seryozha. Having gone through difficult trials, one must be able not to lose a person in oneself.


Buchugina, T.G. War and children: A. Platonov's story "Little Soldier" / T.G. Buchugina // Literature at school. - 2003. - No. 3. - S. 34-38.

Children at war

Ekaterina TITOVA


The stories of Andrei Platonov in 1941-1946, thanks to the variety of details of the fate of his heroes and at the same time eventful, epochal integrity, gave a three-dimensional picture of Russian life during the Great Patriotic War; this picture is interesting to contemporaries, often stories are performed by good readers on the Zvezda and Rossiya radios.

All of them are combined into a whole epic canvas, and they are connected into a single whole not only by the subject and personality of the author, hushed up, half-forgotten by his contemporaries, but carefully read today even in America.

When Konstantin Simonov was with the Nobel laureate Ernest Hemingway with a delegation of writers, he asked: what inspired him, a writer of war, Spanish passions and a hunter, to write The Old Man and the Sea? It's so atypical for the author of "Fiesta" ... Hemingway replied: "Your genius Platonov." And Simonov, according to him, blushed.

Platonov addressed the human heart. Yes, not simple, Russian. He sets himself the task of understanding the incomprehensible human essence, which manifests itself one way or another in moments of moral choice. To do this, Platonov places his heroes in conditions where people become either martyrs and prophets, or executioners and traitors. And animals, birds, grass and trees acquire the highest meaning of being, being involved in the cycle of the eternal idea of ​​the incarnation of God, the transcendental truth that inspires all living things, and especially man.

This goal is served not only by specific methods of artistic representation, but also by a special philosophy. Anthropomorphism, naturomorphism and theomorphism, on which the works of the writer are built, are interchanged, and the usual value system of views breaks down, clichéd figurative system layman reader.

Platonov teaches to look at the world in a new way, with his own eyes. The religious idea, Christian in essence, but without naming the name of Christ, largely determines Platonic poetics. He defeated the prose writers of his era, who simply and understandably serve the vital goals of only physical survival.

Reading Platonov, you become infected with his philosophy. The Platonic language is something more than just syntactic constructions on a given topic for the sake of a realistic description of people and phenomena, therefore Platonov is a narrator-prophet who takes on the feat to calmly and confidently speak about the divine essence of man. And in the era of ideological unbelief, nihilism and unbridled propaganda of building a paradise on earth without God, the writer found a method and strength in himself to work for the salvation of man in man and humanity in humanity.

In the artistic metatext of Platonov, Christian, and even pre-Christian religiosity, the basis and reason for life on earth, works. The author focuses on the images of Mother Earth, the Tree of the World, the World-Temple, Russia-Temple. (I remember Gumilyov's: “But human blood is not holier / Emerald juice of herbs…”.) This shines brightly in the stories of the war period. What drives his heroes? What is he aware of? But just as Platonov is not afraid of censorship, so he is not afraid of the torment and death of the fighters from his stories. The juice of life, the soul of the people. Blood. These are his heroes, they live in the same chronotope of his works and, like earth, like steel, they participate in the movement of the plot as a whole. That is, the inanimate in Platonov becomes alive, these are equal heroes of his works, spiritual, relatives who are fighting together with the Red Army for the freedom of their native people.

The hero of the story "Armor" is an old, lame-legged sailor, silent and contemplative Savvin, by blood - a Kursk peasant. Savvin loved the Russian land so much that from childhood he thought about protecting it. And so, when a fascist attacked his native land - the life of his blood in his ancestors, relatives buried in it - he invented a way to regenerate metal into the strongest.

This armor was until 1943 the most important problem of Stalin: the German tank armor was stronger ... But this armor will not be discussed in the story. Armor is a metaphor. Stronger than any metal - love for the land, for the homeland.

The fighter narrator and Savvin go to get notebooks with calculations hidden under the stove in the sailor's house. Hiding in vegetable gardens and bread, they witnessed the hijacking of Russian women and girls into slavery. One of them could not leave their native land, clung to it and howled. Then she turned around and walked back. The German shot at her, but she continued to walk, so strong was the Russian free soul in her. She died. But Savvin shot both German escorts, and the women fled into the forest. Continuing on to his already burning village, Savvin wrote and handed over a piece of paper with the address to the storyteller, in case he was killed. In order to save the recipe for miracle armor, its calculations.

“Some ships are not enough,” I said to the sailor. - We need more tanks, aircraft, artillery ...

Not much, Savvin agreed. - But everything came from ships: a tank is a land vessel, and an airplane is an air boat. I understand that the ship is not everything, but now I understand what is needed - we need armor, such armor that our enemies do not have. We will put ships and tanks in this armor, we will dress all military vehicles in it. This metal should be almost perfect in durability, strength, almost eternal, thanks to its special and natural structure ... Armor is the muscles and bones of war!

The muscles and bones of war are in fact the muscles and bones of the children of the earth, from which everything is made: metals, grass, trees, and children.

"Armor" - the first story that went to print, brought fame to the writer. It was published in the fall of 1942 in the Znamya magazine, along with the publication of the final poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". This helped to gain a foothold in his name in literature, after being forgotten for years, but it was precisely this proximity to the adored by all Terkin that laid, like a bookmark, the name of the prose writer Platonov in the memory of the reader.

The earth is a helper, the earth is the hero of the story. This can be seen in many other works of Platonov.

Here is the story "The Inanimate Enemy". This is a first person story. “Recently, death approached me in a war: I was lifted into the air by an air wave from a high-explosive shell, my last breath was suppressed in me, and the world froze for me, like a silent, distant scream. Then I was thrown back to the ground and buried on top of its ruined ashes. But life was preserved in me; she left my heart and left my consciousness dark, but she took refuge in some secret, perhaps the last, refuge in my body and from there timidly and slowly spread again in me with warmth and a sense of the usual happiness of existence.

But he was not the only one buried, the earth filled up the German too. Unarmed, they grappled in hand-to-hand combat, and crush each other, littered with earth. There is a dialogue between them, and through this dialogue Platonov expressed the essence of fascism.

“Then I began to talk to the German in order to hear him.

Why did you come here? I asked Rudolf Waltz. Why are you in our land?

Now this is our land. We Germans are organizing here eternal happiness, contentment, order, food and warmth for the German people, - Waltz answered with distinct accuracy and speed.

And where will we be? I asked.

Waltz immediately answered me:

The Russian people will be killed,” he said with conviction. - And whoever remains, we will drive him to Siberia, into the snow and ice, and whoever is meek and recognizes God's son in Hitler, let him work for us all his life and pray for forgiveness on the graves of German soldiers until he dies, and after death, we will dispose of his corpse in industry and forgive him, because he will be no more.

The Russian soldier in the story always talks about the earth, and the German about the Siberian snow and ice. A Russian in a cave made of earth, and even in a grave, is gratifying: “While we tossed and turned in the fight, we crushed the damp earth around us, and we got a small comfortable cave, similar to both a dwelling and a grave, and now I was lying next to the enemy” .

In a conversation with a German, a soldier comes to the conclusion that the enemy does not have a soul, it is a deadly machine that needs to be broken. And the Russian soldier squeezed the body of Rudolf Waltz in a deadly embrace. The Russian land squeezed him, all her blood, all roots and herbs, all the bread, watered with the sweat of Russian reapers, all Russian warriors who cut down the Tatars and Teutons in these fields.

“But I, a Russian Soviet soldier, was the first and decisive force that stopped the movement of death in the world; I myself became death for my inanimate enemy and turned him into a corpse, so that the forces of living nature would grind his body into dust, so that the caustic pus of his being would soak into the ground, cleanse itself there, light up and become ordinary moisture that irrigates the roots of the grass.

The story "Spiritual people", written in the same 1942, is considered the central work of Platonov during the war years. This is a description of the battle near Sevastopol. Politruk Filchenko and four Red Navy men stand to the death: tanks are approaching...

The artistic space of the story incorporates front and rear, reality and dreams, physical and spiritual, past and present, moment and eternity. It is written in such a poetic and incomprehensible language that it cannot even be called a story in the usual sense of the word. It has the features of a song, a tale, it is poetic, it is almost a poster and almost photographic documentary, because it is based on a real fact - the feat of Sevastopol sailors who threw grenades under tanks in order to stop the enemy at the cost of their lives. Platonov wrote: "This, in my opinion, is the greatest episode of the war, and I was instructed to make a work worthy of the memory of these sailors out of it."

And again, the earth is the protagonist, the meaning and cause of the drama of the destinies unfolding on it. They run along the ground, they fall into it, trenches are dug in it, earthen cracks are clogged with fighters. Earth is everywhere: in boots, behind the collar, in the mouth. The earth is what the mortally wounded fighter sees for the last time. Here are the views of the earth: a dugout, an embankment, a field, a grave.

“At midnight, political instructor Nikolai Filchenko and Red Navy sailor Yuri Parshin came to the trench from the dugout. Filchenko conveyed the order of the command: we need to take the line on the Duvankoyskoye highway, because there is an embankment, there the barrier is stronger than this bare slope of the height, and we need to hold on there until the death of the enemy; in addition, before dawn, you should check your weapons, change them to a new one if the old one is not handy or malfunctioning, and get ammunition.

The Red Navy, retreating through a wormwood field, found the body of Commissar Polikarpov and carried it away to bury it and save it from desecration by the enemy. How else can you express love for a dead, silent comrade?

There are several heroes in the story, with their own pre-war life, unique, but such recognizable features that each of the readers can easily find prototypes in their memory. I will not list them by name, although it would be worth doing, these heroes-images are so convex, so good ... They all perish. Because the best, immortal chosen ones of God, who laid down their lives for their neighbor, perish.

In the story, children are playing funeral on the outskirts of the city. They dig graves and bury clay men. Platonov often refers to the theme of childhood, this people is firmly seated in his heart and memory. Children and teenagers are a spiritual countdown from innocence, purity. This is a litmus test: "Yushka" and "Volchek", "Pit" and "Cow", "July Thunderstorm" and "Little Soldier" ...

"The Little Soldier" is a story about orphanhood, or rather, about the strength of family ties (conditionally) restored with difficulty, so necessary for the children of the war. For the boy, the son of the regiment, the major became such a prosthetic dad, with whom the boy had to live an important stretch of the way. There was affection, love. This love is destined to test, separation. And the feeling of the boy, his grief of separation, separation, perhaps forever, was described by Platonov.

“The second major drew the child by the hand to him and caressed him, comforting him, but the boy, without removing his hand, remained indifferent to him. The first major was also saddened, and he whispered to the child that he would soon take him to him and they would meet again for an inseparable life, and now they parted for a short time. The boy believed him, however, the truth itself could not console his heart, attached to only one person and wanting to be with him constantly and near, and not far away. The child already knew what the distance and the time of war are - it is difficult for people from there to return to each other, so he did not want separation, and his heart could not be alone, it was afraid that, left alone, it would die. And in his last request and hope, the boy looked at the major, who should leave him with a stranger.

How much doom and resignation to fate. This humility is characteristic of all the defeated, who agree with the decision of the winner. Except for some rare people. Such was the woman who did not go into captivity, but was shot on the way home in "Brona". Death or separation? Or a new attachment?.. This question arises before everyone in life and not only in the war.

And the boy, Seryozha, could not. He remained true to this attachment, went off at night to no one knows where.

“Major Bakhichev dozed off and fell asleep. Seryozha Labkov snored in his sleep like an adult, an elderly person, and his face, now moving away from sorrow and memories, became calm and innocently happy, showing the image of a holy childhood, from where the war had taken him away. I also fell asleep, taking advantage of unnecessary time so that it would not pass in vain.

We woke up at dusk, at the very end of a long June day. Now there were two of us in three beds - Major Bakhichev and I, but Seryozha Labkov was not there. The major was worried, but then he decided that the boy had gone somewhere for a short time. Later, we went with him to the station and visited the military commandant, but no one noticed the little soldier in the rear of the war.

The next morning, Seryozha Labkov also did not return to us, and God knows where he went, tormented by the feeling of his childish heart for the person who left him - maybe after him, maybe back to his father's regiment, where were the graves of his father and mother " .

Andrey Platonov's prose is archetypal. Thought is the earth, animals and plants on it, as well as people and stones, accomplices and witnesses of history. Everyone is equal, everything works for historical truth and justice, there has been no chaos since the emergence of God - I, the Personality in the Universe. In the sharpest moments of a person's life, all insignificant grains of sand-images of consciousness and memory add up to a coherent and clear program of action, a map of the strategy of war against non-existence, the universal evil of chaos and lies.

However, a person who is a problem and a mystery to himself cannot fully understand and explain his existence and purpose. Only in the face of death is much revealed to him. So it was with the hero of the story "The Tree of the Motherland".

“Mother said goodbye to him on the outskirts; further Stepan Trofimov went alone. There, at the exit from the village, at the edge of a country road, which, conceived in rye, went from here to the whole world, - there grew a lonely old tree, covered with blue leaves, moist and shining with their young strength. Old people in the village have long called this tree "God's", because it was not like other trees growing in the Russian plain, because more than once in his old age he was killed by lightning from the sky, but the tree, having fallen ill a little, then came to life again and even thicker than before it was dressed with leaves, and also because birds loved this tree, they sang and lived there, and this tree in the summer dryness did not throw its children to the ground - extra wilted leaves, but the whole thing froze, sacrificing nothing, not even with whom, without parting, that grew on him and was alive.

Stepan plucked one leaf from this divine tree, put it in his bosom and went to war. The leaf was small and damp, but it warmed up on the human body, pressed against it and became imperceptible, and Stepan Trofimov soon forgot about it.

The fighter fought, was taken prisoner. He was put in a cement cell. And then I found that leaf on my chest. He stuck it to the wall in front of him. And before he died, clutching the throat of anyone who entered, he sat down to rest against the wall. This sheet for him is the boundary of his personal space. His homeland. His hut, mother and tree are on the edge of the village. Here are his boundaries. And he will die for them.

“He got up and looked again at the leaf from the god tree. The mother of this leaf was alive and grew on the edge of the village, at the beginning of the rye field. Let that tree of the motherland grow forever and safely, and Trofimov here, in captivity of the enemy, in a stone crack, will think and take care of him. He decided to strangle with his hands any enemy who looked into his cell, because if there was one enemy less, then the Red Army would become easier.

Trofimov did not want to live and languish in vain; he loved to have meaning from his life, just as from good land there is a harvest. He sat down on the cold floor and calmed down against the iron door in anticipation of the enemy.

Again, living earth is opposed to iron and dead cement. Earth is the hero of Plato's stories. Like a prayer, like a spell, the image of Mother Earth, the Tree of Life wanders from story to story...

The story was written in the same 1942. And this is not loud glory, but the truth - Platonic stories about the war are written in blood.

Another story of this period is "Mother" ("Search for the Lost").

In the prose of the war years, the image of the people as big family. A warrior is a son, a mother of a warrior who has become a brother or son to another warrior - these heroes were the reality of military literature.

In Plato's plots, an important role is played by a moment of super-realistic insight, when a person and the world around him are divinely transformed. The mystery of man in the writer's artistic world remains in his texts not called by the name of God, a hidden figure of silence - and yet allegorically designated.

Andrei Platonov is a little-studied, unlike any other mystic writer, a humanist writer. How many more happy discoveries together with him will be made by a new generation of readers, philologists, literary critics, tired of the permissiveness of the postmodern breaking of habitual norms and moral attitudes.
