Extra-curricular event "entertaining games in the Russian language."

You tell me, dear hedgehog,

Why is hedgehog fur good?

That he, fox, is good,

What can't you take with your teeth!

How many times does the sound occur in this dialogue[w] ?

1) six 2) two 3) three 4) four

5) five 6) no correct answer

  1. Stranger loves the game"Make a Pair" but it doesn't always work out. Guys, use arrows to connect sentences with words and expressions that match in meaning.
  1. Eyes on the forehead climb 1. Very quickly
  2. Eyes stick together 2. Very dark
  3. At least gouge out your eye 3. Be very surprised
  4. In the blink of an eye 4. Fast
  5. I didn’t have time to blink an eye 5. I really want to sleep
  1. Luntik made words from letters, but all the letters fell apart and got mixed up. Restore them and find an extra word that does not fit the rest in meaning:

Rleo, rasak, rtksea, bolva

  1. Attention attention! Interesting task:"Five wasps" name.
  1. Os _ _ a.
  2. Os _ _ a.
  3. _ oc _ a.
  4. _ os _ _ _ a _ _.
  5. _ os _ s _ a.

1. Gilding on this wasp in October.

2. And this one grows in the meadow and in the swamps ...

3. This one has green needles on its paws.

4. This wasp flies to the moon.

5. This one is afraid of mustard and forks.

  1. Help inquisitive Dasha to choose an expression similar in meaning to this proverb.

There is safety in numbers:

a) Pure gold is highly valued.

b) It is difficult for a tree to grow alone.

c) Two boots - a pair.

d) A book is not judged by its binding.

e) Do not make an elephant out of a fly.

1) e 2) d 3) a 4) b

5) in 6) there is no correct answer

  1. Matroskin and Sharik became interested in reading interesting poems. But to read, you need ingenuity, because prepositions are “lost”. Guys, help them "find" prepositions.

I walk in the forest in the morning

I'm all wet with dew.

But now I know

Birch and moss.

  1. Guys, determine how many sentences should be in the text?

On the Kolya River, the cat Vaska was fishing next to him, the cat was dragging fish from a bucket, oh yes, the cunning one.

1) two 2) five 3) four 4) three

5) one 6) no correct answer

  1. If you want to become smart, develop attention. To get a line from a poem you know, carefully write down the second letter of each word.

Skill, rubbish, roof, house, pattern, leaf, mustache, nose, treasure, hoarfrost, stage, children, boa constrictor, village, cabin boy, blizzard, glasses, jacket, clothes, stump, donkey, angel, skiing, Aibolit.

  1. Wise Losyash came up with a task for you guys. What letters do you see here?
  1. Try to be a poet, go on and complete the poem:

Here comes autumn

And gilded the leaves...

State Institution "Department of Education of Akkol District"

Entertaining exercises in the Russian language


Blyalova Saule Dauletovna,

teacher b Russian language and literature

GU "Akkolskaya high school No. 4"

Higher education

Akmola state institute

them. S. Seifullina, 1994

Games, riddles, crosswords, charades, rebuses teach children to think figuratively, compare, find differences, turn one object into another. Sometimes students have an independent spontaneous need to come up with an image to remember spelling difficult word. In addition to all this, schoolchildren develop great attention to the word, its structure, composition. They see the word from different sides, learn to think, talk about it. There may also be errors in the work, but with the skillful direction of the thought process, everything is easily eliminated, and truth is born in a dispute.

The collection "Entertaining exercises in the Russian language", developed by Blyalova S.D., consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. The practical part contains entertaining exercises in the Russian language for middle-level students. The methodology proposed in this collection is developmental in nature. Thanks to these exercises, children develop their horizons, improve their speech skills, develop logical thinking, which, in turn, contributes to the strength of assimilation of the material.


State Institution "Department of Education

Akkol district"

Kozachuk N.Ya.

1. Theoretical part.

1.1. Distinctive features of entertaining tasks and exercises.

How to make the Russian language lesson interesting? The variety of searches for its solution is reflected both in attracting bright, unusual didactic material(causing interest in its content), and in the use of entertaining tasks and exercises (causing interest in the forms of work themselves).
Entertaining tasks and exercises include a number of features that make it possible to distinguish tasks of this type from traditional (standard) ones. Main hallmark entertaining tasks and exercises - their connection "with the activity, which in psychology is called productive", creative. There are other signs:
- students' independent search for ways and options for solving the set educational task (choosing one of the proposed options or finding their own option and justifying the solution);
- unusual working conditions;
- active reproduction of previously acquired knowledge in unfamiliar conditions.
Entertaining tasks can be presented in the form of problem situations (predicaments from which it is necessary to find a way out using the acquired knowledge), role-playing and business games, contests and competitions (according to the principle "who is faster? more? better?" and in the form of everyday and fantastic situations, dramatizations, linguistic fairy tales, riddles, "investigation").

1.2. Why use entertaining tasks and exercises?

The unusual nature of the tasks causes surprise among schoolchildren at the beginning of their implementation, joy in the process of work, pleasure at the sight of its results, arousing interest not only in the issues being studied, but also in the Russian language as a subject generally. After all, entertaining tasks and exercises in the classroom are a game, and a game is a teacher. The game develops everything necessary for later life quality of a person, something on which the fate of the child depends: his ability to communicate with other people, the success of his studies, the qualities necessary in the family.

Entertaining tasks and exercises - excellent remedy development. Each task develops a whole range of diverse abilities, allows you to teach in such a way that teaching is a joy and benefit to him, without turning into fun, so that the question of revealing the creative reserves of the individual from a topical issue turns into a solvable one. Entertaining exercises and tasks require no less mental effort from children than traditionally organized serious educational activity. It is not necessary to completely replace traditional lessons with entertaining ones when teaching, but the regular use of entertaining tasks brings great benefits. Such tasks arouse interest in the lessons of the Russian language, allows you to put problematic issues, solve problems of advanced learning. It is known that educational activity is often associated not so much with internal motives as with external motives. External stimulus (entertaining tasks) initially, when cognitive interest unstable, acts as a means of activating educational activity.

Entertaining tasks and exercises make it relatively easy to overcome pedagogical neglect in the subject, accompanied by instability of emotions, low mood, irritability, expressed in a negative attitude towards the Russian language.

Practical part.



Goals: to cultivate love for the native language through the awakening of interest in the subject "Russian language" among schoolchildren, since the quiz is a means of involving all students in the class in extracurricular work on the subject.

Such a form extracurricular activities encourages students to develop an interest in independent study various sections of the Russian language


The quiz has two parts.

1. Presentation of the name and emblem of the participating teams.

The name and emblem must correspond to the theme of the quiz "Russian language"

The team must justify their choice.

2. Quiz.

Each team is invited to choose a color from 6 proposed. The team will receive all questions on the sheets of this color, the results of the teams will be posted on the board in stages on the sheets of the team's color.

Consists of 10 questions in sections:

questions #1-7; 11 - vocabulary, etymology;

questions number 8 - syntax;

questions number 9 - word formation;

questions number 10 - morphology (noun)

Quiz scoring system:

1 part

By five-point system:

"1" - not all team members participated, the presentation was read

"2" - everyone participated, but the presentation was read

"3" - not all team members participated. Creativity.

"4" - everyone participated, creative approach, but poorly prepared

"5" - everyone participated, creative approach, no comments on the performance.

part 2

For each correct answer, the team receives"1" score.

Maximum points "15"

Questions for part 2 of the quiz.

1. Pick an antonym for the wordstomach

2. Words bazaar and market bird market And Bird Market?

3. The writer S. Lvov has an article called"Look and see". look and see

4. In the book by K.I. Chukovsky "From Two to Five" says: "When a child heard that an old woman who had come to visit"ate the dog" in some cases, he hid a beloved puppy from her. Maybe the boy was scared for nothing? Prove it.

5. What is the meaning and use of the expressionrolling ball?

6. Write the words whose meanings are given below:

1) A place on the river where it can be crossed;

2) volcano opening;

3) the science of celestial bodies;

4) the place where the streets intersect;

5) a speech delivered by one actor;

6) frozen sweet food made from cream, sugar, berry juice, aromatic substances;

7) a girl entering into marriage (literally "unknown, unfamiliar");

8) sorrow, deep sadness (originally "that which burns, torments");

9) one who violates the rules of politeness, decency (in this word, the etymological root is -view-, -vis-, -ved-, -vezh-, -vezhd-, -weight-, -thing-);

10) humiliating position (originally "spectacle");

11) food, food (in this word, the etymological root is -in-, -ed-, -es-, -ya-, -poison- with the meaning "food, food, eat, feed, feed".

7. How many words are written here? How are such words called homonyms, homophones, homographs?

What do the words have in common and how do they differ?

8. Determine the options for reading phrases:

That night the cold stove was kindled.

A lone eagle perches on a cliff.

9. Charades

My root is in"price"
V "essay" attachment to me
my suffix is
"notebook" everyone met

IN "list" you will find my root,
suffixes in
"meeting" meet you soon
in a word
" story" you will find an attachment

10. Are there nouns in Russian that do not have a number?

11. Which word, depending on the meaning, can refer to a hand, grapes, tablecloth, painting?

What verb in different meanings can transfer the action to the ball, dough, sheets, felt boots?


1. Death. Do not regret life. In Old Church Slavonicbelly-life 2. Place where birds gather various kinds, a place where birds are sold. 3. look - direct the gaze; to see - to notice something; to look is not to see 4 . Knows well what he's talking about great experience. 5. Nothing, empty. 6 1) ford, 2) crater, 3) astronomy, 4) monologue, 5) bride, 7) sadness, 8) ignoramus, 9) disgrace, 10) food. 7. assessment, schedule, 9. 16 words, homographs 10. borrowed, denoting substances: coffee, cocoa: 11. brush, roll

Question #1


My root is in"price"
V "essay" attachment to me
my suffix is
"notebook" everyone met
all the same - in my diary and in the magazine.

IN "list" you will find my root,
suffixes in
"meeting" meet you soon
in a word
" story" you will find an attachment
in general - for me you will go to the lessons.

Question #2

Write the words whose meanings are given below:

A place on the river where it can be crossed; 2) volcano opening; 3) the science of celestial bodies; 4) the place where the streets intersect; 4) a speech delivered by one actor; 5) frozen sweet food made from cream, sugar, berry juice, aromatic substances; 6) a girl entering into marriage (literally "unknown, unfamiliar"); 7) sorrow, deep sadness (originally "that which burns, torments"); 8) one who violates the rules of politeness, decency (in this word the etymological root is -view-, -vis-, -ved-, -vezh-, -vezhd-, -weight-, -thing-); 9) humiliating position (originally "spectacle"); 10) food, food (in this word, the etymological root is -in-, -ed-, -es-, -ya-, -poison- with the meaning "food, food, eat, feed, feed".

Question #3

Which word, depending on the meaning, can refer tohand , grapes , tablecloths , painting?

Which verb in different meanings can transfer the action toball, dough, sheets, felt boots?

Question #4

Words bazaar and market - synonyms, but in some combinations they differ from each other. What do expressions meanbird market And Bird Market?

Question #5

How many words are written here? What do the words have in common and how do they differ?

How are such words called homonyms, homophones, homographs?

Atlas, organ, all around, roast, fall, measure, soar, cotton.

Question #6

The writer S. Lvov has an article called"Look and see". Foreigners could not understand the difference between verbslook and see . How would you explain to them? (the answer can be creative).

Question #7

Pick an antonym for the wordstomach , occurring in expressions:do not feel sorry for the stomach; put the belly . Specify the meaning of these phraseological units.

Question #8

Determine the options for reading phrases:

1) That night the cold stove was kindled.

2) A lone eagle lands on a cliff.

Question #9

In the book by K.I. Chukovsky "From Two to Five" says: "When a child heard that an old woman who had come to visit"ate the dog" in some cases, he hid her beloved puppy from her. Maybe the boy was scared for nothing? Prove it.

Question #10

What is the meaning and use of the expressionrolling ball?


Question #1 estimate, schedule

Question #2 1) ford, 2) crater, 3) astronomy, 4) monologue, 5) bride, 7) sadness, 8) ignoramus, 9) shame, 10) food.

Question number 3 brush, roll

Question #4 A place where birds of various kinds gather, a place where birds are sold

Question number 5 16 words, homographs

Question #6 look - direct the eye; to see - to notice something; to look is not to see

Question #7 Death. Do not regret life. In Old Church Slavonicbelly-life

Question number 8 1) 5; 2)4

Question No. 9 Knows well what he is talking about, great experience.

Question number 10 There is nothing, it's empty.

Russian language quiz (grades 6-7).

Target : to draw the attention of schoolchildren to the study of the Russian language, to determine the best in the knowledge of the studied sections of the Russian language.

1. Guess the riddles.

1. What is a word of 3 syllables (5 letters) and indicates 33 letters?(ABC)

2. Black, crooked, all mute from birth, and as soon as they stand in a row, everyone will immediately speak.(Letters)

Correct the mistakes.

1. Take care of him Nothing did not interfere. (nothing; v.p.)

2. Both hands, both ends. (both, both)

3. A person on ice slides so as not to slip,his sprinkled with sand.(ice)

4.Here you can buy a souvenir.

5. Appeared in the distanceflock ducks and hares.

6.Heavy hand laid on her shoulder andsaid.

7. There are many animals in the desertrush into hibernation. (lie down)

8. He stood and clanging eyes .

3. How can n. heat, spruce turn into verbs?

What parts of speech are words roast, call, chalk? (nouns, and when the stress changes to adjectives.)

How many readings does the letter combination have now I raise too

Raise those feathers, those too.

Those feathers under him, and those too.

Pick up those feathers too.

Now I, pick those up too.

Now I, pick up too.

Now I, under them those too.

Those feathers under them, those too.

How many phraseological units are in the text?

Head to toe.

- Once I was with him on a short leg. But one day he got up with the left foot, or what?) climbed up to fight me. I from all legs home! Barely took his legs! .. But now I'm with him not a foot. Legs he has more of mine will not be! - Yes. He leads himself out of hand Badly. We should take him in hands. AND give to him deal. To know: do not let your hands go! And then - I give a hand to cut off - it will stop immediately spread your arms!

- No dispute - hothead! But if we got along with him, on your head then now we answer for his behavior head . I don't know yet what we should do it first (I have head is spinning ), but I think that don't hang your head . I vouch for my head that together we can always lather to him head.

Who is faster, who is more?


Image, height, body, nose, sleep, tone, forehead, summer, goiter, rubbish, brother, leopard, trust, cake, father-in-law, dough, raccoon, mouth, growth, toast, loaf, shooting range, bottom, basin, welt, zero, salt, etc.

Or Binder

LouseBodymoatCowCatCrossSweater Current


ForestBedElkHeightThe seamMagpieMouthTol



8 . Name the word according to its lexical meaning.

1. Place of parking of ships(pier)

2. head of state(the president)

3. Experienced, seasoned, battle-tested warrior(veteran)

4. The man who accomplished the feat(hero)

5. Enterprise manager(director)

6. An employee who conducts business correspondence in an institution(secretary)

7. Person traveling by train, boat, plane(passenger)

8. Winner in sports competitions for the championship of the country, the world(champion)

9. Patient being treated by a doctor(patient)

10. Title of ancient Egyptian kings(Pharaoh)

11. Sea island group(archipelago)

12. Sandy alluvial hill in deserts(barkhan)

13. Break in class at educational institutions for summer or winter time(holidays)

14. figure in shape human body for trying on and showing dresses, suits(dummy)

15. Temporary accommodation made of stretched fabric, usually tarpaulin(tent)

16. Review of the troops (parade)

17. A thing kept as a memory of the past, often without monetary value.(relic)

18. Medical facility equipped for treatment and recreation(sanatorium)

19. Conventional sign for the transmission of any information, messages(signal)

20. Permanent cash allowance given to students(scholarship)

21. Gift, outstanding abilities given by nature(talent)

22. Folklore(folklore)

23. Bread cleaning machine(harvester)

24. A place on the river where you can cross it(ford)

25. Common part of related words(root)

26. volcano hole(crater)

27. The place where the streets cross(crossroad)

28. The part of the word behind the root(suffix)

29. Small wax cells where bees put their honey(honeycomb)

30. Branch of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech(phonetics)

31. Camels walking in the desert one after another(caravan)

32. Scientific experience (experiment)

33. Scientific reference guide(encyclopedia)

34. Branch of the science of language that studies parts of speech(morphology)

35. Hero of Russian epics(hero)

36. Soldier on duty(hourly)

37. Team, personnel of a tank, aircraft, ship(crew)

38. Continuously moving ladder for lifting and descending people in the subway, shops(escalator)

39. Digger(excavator)

40. A jet of liquid spurting upward(fountain)

41. The distinctive sign of the state, depicted on flags, coins(coat of arms)

42. Mandatory order for all(discipline)

9. What does it mean:

Destined for great success.

Harvest match score.

The roof was upside down.

Apply a kiss.

Selflessly bang your head against the glass

10. "Solve the crossword puzzle."

Vertically : 1. Several sentences related in meaning and grammatically. 2. Fickle morphological trait verb. 3. Words of the same part of speech that have opposite meanings. 5. Words used by the inhabitants of a particular area. 7. The significant part of the word, which is located after the root and serves to form new words.

Horizontally : 2. All words of the language.4. Constant morphological feature of a noun. 6. Words of the same part of speech, sounding the same, but different in meaning. 8. A section of the science of language that studies the sounds of speech. 9. Part of the word without ending.

11. Game "Translator"

1. (except service) synonyms.

The doctor gave the patient an injection. (The doctor gave the patient injections.)

The sentry hid under the roof of the building. (The watchman hid under the roof of the house.)

2. Who will replace all the words faster(except official ) antonyms .

Summer morning comes. (The winter evening is ending.)

The young man walks briskly along the wide road. (The old man slowly wanders along a narrow path.)

12. Task:

replace phraseological units with synonyms or expressions that are close in meaning:

Chickens do not peck money

For all hands master,

lead by the nose

Get it on your nose

It's within reach


Keep your mouth shut,

To make mountains out of molehills.

13. Determine the gender of indeclinable nouns:

Cocoa, coffee, puree, jelly, dressing table, lefty, coupe, atelier, bully, coat, penalty, avenue, kangaroo, crybaby, Baku, Mississippi.

3 Quiz


Fill in the six empty cells with the words of their three letters, using the words already written. Change only one letter in each word so that “steam” comes out of “smoke”.





Write eleven words with the letter "D".












In this figure, you need to add letters so that you get seven words. Letters from the word "riddle" must be included in all guessed words.







Fill in the cells













There are 49 cells in this figure. The letters O, located in the form of a rhombus, are inscribed in 12 cells. Fill in the cells so that seven horizontal lines seven different words could be read.


























































































To solve this puzzle, you need to find the first letter of the phrase and determine the order of the letters. Note that here the letters are arranged somewhat unusually, but solving the puzzle is easy. As a result, you will read a Russian folk riddle.



Horizontally: 1. The part of speech that answers the questions what? which? 4. Service part speech that is not used on its own. 7. Case answering the questions of whom? what? 8. Part of speech answering the questions Who? What? 9. Variable part of the word. 11. Part of the word after the root. 12. Main Member sentences that answer the questions who? What?. 18. A punctuation mark expressing the completeness of thought. 19. Science that studies the meaning of a word. 22. The science that studies the ways of forming words. 23. Phonetic form of writing, consisting of 33 characters.
Vertically: 2. The section of the science of language that studies the rules. 3. Service part of speech. 5. Science that studies parts of a word.6. The part of speech that answers the questions what to do? what to do? 10. Suffix standing after the end. 12. What consists of words and expresses a complete thought? 13. The science that studies the sounds of speech. 15. Case answering the questions of whom? What? 17. Part of the word before the root. 20. Part of a word without an ending. 21. main part words.


2. spelling
3. interjection
5. morphemic
6. verb
10. postfix
12. offer
13. phonetics
14. dash
15. accusative
17. prefix
20. base
21. root

1. adjective
4. preposition
7. genitive
8. noun
9. ending
11. suffix
12. subject
16. comma
18. dot
19. vocabulary
22. word formation
23. Alphabet


Keyword: A branch of the science of language that studies the smallest meaningful parts of a word.

    The ending is a significant part of the word that forms ... words.

    An ending without sound.

    A part of speech that does not have an ending.

    The suffix after the end.

    Replacing some sounds with others in the same part of the word.

    The smallest meaningful part of a word.

    The significant part of the word, which is located before the root and serves to form words.

    The main significant part of the word.

    Part of the modified word without an ending.


Questions for the crossword.

    A minor member of the sentence, answering questions of indirect cases.

    A minor member of a sentence denoting the place, time and manner of action.

    Members of a sentence relating to one member of a sentence and answering one question.

    The main member of a sentence, which is most often expressed by a verb, and can be expressed by an adjective and a noun.

    A word that is common in meaning to the homogeneous members that stand with them.

    The secondary member of the sentence, answering the questions what? whose?

    A section of the science of language that studies punctuation marks and the rules for their formulation.

    A branch of the science of language that studies the structure of phrases and sentences.

    The main member of the sentence, answering the questions who? What?


Keyword: A section of the science of language in which the phrase and sentence are studied, the rules for their construction.


    Proposals that have, in addition to the main members, at least one minor.

    A conversation between two or more people.

    Members of a sentence that answer the same question and refer to the same member of the sentence.

    Sentences in which we encourage someone to act, order, ask.

    A word (or combination of words) that names the person to whom the speech is being addressed.

    The main member of the proposal.

    A sentence that consists of two or more simple sentences.

    A punctuation mark that marks direct speech.

    Secondary member of the proposal.


Keyword: A part of speech that has a short form.


    Form superlatives adjective formed with a suffix–aysh-, -eysh-.

    Syntactic role full form adjective name.

    Adjectives that answer questionswhose ?

    Adjectives denoting a sign that cannot be manifested to a greater or lesser extent.

    The syntactic role of the simple form of the comparative degree.

    A branch of the science of language that studies the adjective as a part of speech.

    Degree of comparison of an adjective, the simple form of which is formed with the help of suffixes-ee-, -ee-, -e-.

    The form of the comparative degree of the adjective, formed with the help of the wordmore .

    Adjectives denoting a feature that may be in this subject to a greater or lesser extent.

    Name of words windy, glass, pewter, wooden .

    Way of word formationwindmill (mill).

    At the adjectivefox -th- is not…

    The degree of comparison of an adjective, the compound form of which is formed with the help of a wordmost .

    Compound adjectives denoting shades of colors are written through ...


Where C and the word nega,There are many in the winter...

Where the letter G and rosesThere are often...


    Five houses stand one after another, each of its own color and a person lives in each, all five - different nationalities. Each person prefers their sports game, drink and pet. Also known:1) The Norwegian lives in the first house.2) The Dane is drinking tea.3) The one who plays tennis lives next to the one who raises cats.4) The one who lives in the yellow house plays volleyball.5) The one who lives in the center drinks milk.6) The Swede breeds dogs.7) The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.8) The green house is directly to the left of the white house.9) The one who raises horses lives in a blue house.10) The one who plays basketball drinks beer.11) They drink coffee in the green house.12) The neighbor of the one who plays tennis drinks water.13) The one who plays football raises birds.14) A German is playing handball.15) An Englishman lives in a red house.

    Which one breeds fish?

    Having won the competition, the athlete received a prize - several banknotes. Banknotes were of two types - 15 rubles and 20 rubles. First of all, he went to a restaurant to eat and gave away 2 banknotes there, which was 1/5 of his prize. Then he went to the cinema and paid 3 banknotes for the ticket, which was half of the remaining money. How much money the athlete had and how many banknotes of each denomination, provided that 20 rubles was more.

CHARADES The beginning is called a tree,

The end - my readers,

Here in the book there is a whole,

And every line has them.

(Answer: "Letters".)

The first syllable in surprise I exclaim

I remove the second syllable from the bookshelf,

When the first unites with the second,

That will be the smallest particle.

(Answer: "A-tom".)

Part of the dance is my first syllable,

Wine is my second syllable

Generally transported

Across the river towline.

(Answer: "Pa-rum".)

My first syllable is a preposition

In the second we will live all summer,

A whole from us and you

Been waiting for an answer for a long time.

(Answer: "Task".)

The end is at the bottom of the pond,

A whole in the museum

Find it easily.

(Answer: "Painting".)

You will find the first syllable among the notes,

And the second - the bull carries.

Do you want to find the whole

So look for it along the way.

(Answer: "Road".)

My beginning is in lead

And in silver and in steel,

And the ships at my end

Yesterday we got to the pier.

And if you are friendly with me,

Persistent in training

You will be in the cold, in the rain and heat

Hardy and dexterous.

(Answer: "S-port".)

You will find my first syllable then,

When water boils in a cauldron,

Pronoun - second syllable

And in general - your school table.

(Answer: "Par-ta".)

From the squeak of birds - take my first syllable,

The second - with a lamb's head.

Open the oven and find

Something that you have eaten more than once.

(Answer: "Pie".)

Note is my first syllable

Put a suggestion next to her

And, having solved the riddle to the end,

Get a facial expression. (Answer: "Mi-na".)

You remember the measure of the area first -

You certainly studied it in school.

The five letters that follow are inspired,

They cannot live without dance, music and the stage.

Weapon eyes on the exhibits,

You will find the answer in the historical museum.

(Answer: "Ar-ballet".)

Here it is - the first syllable.

This syllable is a suggestion.

The letter at the end stands, opens the alphabet.

It’s a pity there is no answer: there was, but the answer floated away.

(Answer: "The missing".)

From paper - the very first syllable.

You could put sugar in it.

The second - he measures information or

We have a musical style...

The whole word is like a somersault,

You could see him at the circus.

(Answer: "Kul-bit".)

At the beginning - a series of actions,

But not walking or driving.

Then here comes the vowel,

And then - vice versa.

The answer is the beast hippopotamus.

You need to say otherwise.

(Answer: "Hippopotamus".)

Look for disease-infection,

And add a letter - right away

The new word is ready.

Ships have this word.

(Answer: "Anchor".)

You are fish soup take the name,

Attach the letter "M" to the beginning,

Here, everyone knows

An insect will appear in the answer.

(Answer: "Fly".)

The first is a note, the second is a game,

The whole will meet at the carpenter.

(Answer: "Before-lotto".)

The first syllable is called the river,

There is a second on the ship,

Well, the whole is given

In honor of the military victory.

(Answer: "Firework".)

pronoun, preposition,

Between them - surname of the poet,

And the whole is a known fruit,

What ripens at the end of summer.

(Answer: "Apple".)

Everyone knows my first syllable -

He is always in class.

We will add an alliance to it,

Put a tree in the back.

To know the whole

The city should be named.

(Answer: "Chalk-and-poplar".)

You will find my beginning in the field,

The second with the third you taught at school,

When there was a grammar lesson,

One of them is union

The other one is a suggestion.

Then you, with diligence,

Find the name of the tree.

But in general - the name of the hero city,

Whose battle glory we are proud of.

(Answer: "Sev-a-s-poplar".)

The first is a note, the second is the same,

And in general - it looks like peas.

(Answer: "Beans".)

Look for the first syllable in the dance

The second two are a number and a preposition,

And we call people whole,

Finished life give up in battle

For the good of their country.

(Answer: "Patriot".)

My first syllable is a large stack of papers.

The Japanese from the second drive vodka.

But in general - trees are slimmer

Not a single alley knows.

(Answer: "Kipa-rice".)

The first syllable shines from the wall,

The rider rushes on the second,

And the third (who would have thought?)

IN Slavic alphabet find.

On the whole, he's unpleasant.

The law is following him.

(Answer: "Bra - horse - er".)

My first syllable is a preposition

Consent sign - my second syllable,

My third syllable is an evil fate,

All together - on a holiday we receive.

(Answer: "Present".)

The first syllable for measuring a circle is needed,

The second two together mean "age".

Generally - firearms,

It would be better if a person did not own it.

(Answer: "Gun".)

Task #1 (YES - NO)

You will have to agree or disagree with the statements you read.

  1. In Russian, the written words always correspond to their pronunciation. To show the pronunciation of a word, a special notation is used, which is called transcription.
  2. In Russian there are different words that mean the same thing: the same object, the same sign, the same action. For example, two different words hippopotamus, hippopotamus - the same animal is called.
  3. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word. The Russian language is rich in morphemes, that is, prefixes, suffixes, roots, endings. Morphemes as parts of a word are studied in a special section of the science of language - morphemics.
  4. Most nouns change in cases, that is, they are conjugated. Separate groups of nouns are conjugated in the singular in the same way, that is, they have the same endings. On this basis, three main types of conjugation are distinguished in Russian. Noun conjugation is determined by nominative case singular. This is the initial form of the noun.
  5. In the past tense, before the suffix - l - the same vowel is written as in the indefinite form.

Problem #2 (Fan expressions)

You have to correlate phraseological units with their meaning.

Write the letter corresponding to the number in your answer.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 7.

1. Plug in the belt.

A. Most.

2. And a broken penny (copper) is not worth it.

B. Negligible.

3. Reinvent the wheel.

B. Think hard, trying to find a solution to a problem or problem.

4. A drop in the sea.

D. To be the best, to surpass someone.

5. Break your head.

E. Recreate what has long been known, offer outdated ideas as new.

6. The lion's share.

E. Based on a happy accident, at random.

7. At random.

G. Has no value.

Task number 3 (Hidden words)

In many surnames of famous domestic and foreign writers and poets "hid" the words, the lexical meanings of which are presented to your attention.

In the answer, you should write the “hidden” word and the name of the writer (poet).

For example

The lexical meaning of the “hidden” word is: “the olfactory organ located on the face of a person.”

Answer: nose - Nosov.

  1. A tower with signal lights on the seashore, on an island to indicate the way to ships.
  2. Part of the body of birds, insects, and some mammals used for flight.
  3. Gift, donation; ability, talent.
  4. Insect with rigid elytra; clever man, rogue.
  5. Main public organization primitive communal system, united by blood relationship.
  6. A weapon for throwing arrows in the form of a flexible arc tied with a bowstring.
  7. A physiological state of rest and rest that occurs at certain intervals, in which the work of consciousness completely or partially stops.
  8. Pottery maker.
  9. An iron pointed thick rod with which they break, break something solid.
  10. The person who is doing fishing like a trade.

Problem #4 (Bukvomixer)

Using the anagram technique, fairy-tale heroes invented pseudonyms.

You have to match autonyms (real names) with pseudonyms (fictitious names), finding a match for each of them.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

1. Pinocchio

A. Lokokob

2. Malvina

B. aleimbra

3. Thumbelina

4. Kolobok

G. Otianbur

5. Barmaley

D. Alishastra

6. Moidodyr

E. Ivanalm

J. Mokchayuvod

8. Scarecrow

Z. Uracebshka

9. Cheburashka

I. Otoshkat

10. Totoshka

K. Dyrdomoy

Task number 5 (Make a choice)

The maximum number of points is 5.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

Select line...

1. All words in which the official languages ​​of the UN are called:

A) English, Arabic, German, Russian;

B) English, Arabic, Russian, Chinese;

C) Spanish, Italian, Russian, French;

D) Spanish, English, Arabic, Korean.

2. In which the Day of the Russian Language is named, which has been celebrated in Russia since 2011 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation), and which is the birthday of the great poet:

3. All the words that call summer sports Olympic Games:

A) golf, rowing, freestyle, sailing;

B) equestrian sport, rhythmic gymnastics, judo, skeleton;

C) short track, biathlon, synchronized swimming, curling;

D) taekwondo, tennis, equestrian sport, weightlifting.

4. All words in which musical instruments are called:

A) zhaleika, jew's harp, jouhikko, dutar;

B) melophone, gramophone, microphone, accordion;

C) cello, rosin, harp, balalaika;

D) double bass, zurna, tessitura, harp.

5. All the words in which movie genres are called:

A) comedy, drama, melodrama, fantasy;

B) jungle, detective, anime, fantasy;

C) action movie, historical film, western, gothic;

D) adventure film, rococo, comedy, drama.

Task number 6 (Encryption)

Dedicated to Olympians and Paralympians

As an experiment, children resting in the camp encrypted the program of the 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Instead of letters, they wrote numbers. You have to decipher the names of summer sports, remembering the order of the letters in the alphabet (for example, the letter D is the 5th in the alphabet, and the letter H is the 25th).

In some words, children made mistakes (including omissions of letters, adding unnecessary ones), but you need to write absolutely correctly.

For each correct answer (if one of the words is written correctly, and the second or third is incorrect, the point is not counted) - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 10.

1. 2, 16, 5, 14, 10, 15, 20, 16, 15

2. 2, 1, 19, 12, 6, 5, 2, 16, 13

3. 3, 6, 13, 1, 19, 17, 16, 18, 20

4. 2, 1, 18, 30, 2, 1 // 3, 16, 13, 30, 15, 1, 33

5. 4, 1, 15, 20, 2, 16, 13

6. 4, 18, 6, 2, 13, 33 // 15, 1 // 2, 16, 11, 5, 1, 18, 12, 1, 23 // 10 // 12, 16, 15, 15, 16, 31

7. 17, 18, 29, 26, 12, 10 // 15, 1 // 2, 16, 20, 21, 20, 6

8. 19, 10, 15, 23, 18, 16, 15, 16, 6 // 17, 13, 1, 3, 1, 15, 30, 6

9. 22, 21, 5, 2, 16, 13

10. 23, 1, 12, 6, 11 // 15, 1 // 20, 18, 1, 3, 6

Problem #7 (Look around!)

All the words presented here met you in the course of the Olympiad.

Your task is to determine what these words are by lexical meaning and write them. Perhaps the answers you receive will help in some way to correct the previously completed tasks (or convince you that you are right).

For each correct answer - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 5.

  1. Winter Olympic sport, which is a descent along an ice chute on a two-track sled on a reinforced frame, the winner of which is determined by the sum of two or four races.
  2. Command sport game on the ice platform. The participants of the two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice towards a target marked on the ice (“houses”).
  3. Finnish and Karelian traditional bowed instrument. For production spruce, pine or birch is used.
  4. The prevailing arrangement of sounds in height in piece of music in relation to the range of a voice (vocal) or musical instrument.
  5. Brittle, vitreous, amorphous substance, with a characteristic horny fracture and vitreous luster from dark red to light yellow.

Task number 8 (Baby talk)

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, a researcher of children's speech, the author of the book "From Two to Five", considered young children to be spontaneous linguists. In his unique book, he collected and analyzed many children's words and expressions.

You have to match the words created by children (or interpreted by them) and the words of the language of adults.

For each correct answer - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 10.

1. Angry

A. Didn't wake up

B Postman

4. Postman

G. Wrinkles

5. I fight back

6. Rotate

7. Not sleepy

G. brushing off flies

8. Idyomite

H. How many people

9 courting

10. Skolker

K. You're leaving

Problem #9 (Shifters)

Faina Ranevskaya and God Russian cinema dedicated

In this task, films (including animated ones) are encrypted, in which the great actress Faina Ranevskaya (1896 - 1984) played (voiced) the roles. You have to solve them.

In order to do this, you need to “flip” the name, that is, to reveal the meaning opposite to that given in the task.

For example, you are invited to determine which film by Eldar Ryazanov is hiding under the heading "The Beast from Everywhere".

“Reversing” the semantic meaning of the title, you will understand that this is the film “Man from Nowhere”.

For each unraveled film - 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 10.

  1. "Autumn"
  2. "Foundling"
  3. "Snow White"
  4. "Closer - Thunder"
  5. "Attention, granddaughter!"
  6. "Pug and Rope"
  7. “How Stepanida Stepanovna reconciled with Stepanida Frolovna”
  8. "The Beast on the Loose"
  9. "An epic novel about the peasant Lansat ..."
  10. "The Old Man and Engelsson"

Task No. 10 (Dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov)

Each of the eight blocks contains four lexical meanings of the same word (all words are taken from the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov).

One of lexical meanings taken from the pages of the Dictionary of the Russian Language, the rest are invented.

Your task is to choose the correct one in each block and name it.

For every right choice- 1 point.

The maximum number of points is 8.

1. Contamination is

A) Technical intermission during the performance of the Opera and Ballet Theatre.

B) The opposite of a constant.

C) In linguistics, the emergence of a new expression or form by combining elements of two expressions or forms that are somewhat similar.

D) Free exit of liquid from the pipe under pressure.

2. Kopyl is

A) A short bar in the sledge runners, which serves as a support for the body.

B) Nocturnal animal living in the stables.

C) Veterinary service in the cavalry units of the Russian army of the XIX century.

D) A blacksmith's tool for piercing a hole in hot metal.

3. Cinnamon is

A) Summer shirt of a Russian peasant.

B) Dried black small grapes.

C) Clay mixture for ceramic dishes.

D) The name of the irgi in the Pskov region.

4. A sedan chair is

A) A kind of passenger portable chair in which you can sit reclining.

B) sea trading port.

C) Master in tailoring women's handbags.

D) Easter gift to a stranger.

5. Moleskin is

a) An artist's student.

B) Fry of stellate sturgeon.

B) Type of light aircraft.

D) Thick cotton fabric.

6. Isogloss is

A) A rare forest berry found in a hot summer in a pine forest.

B) A line connecting on a dialectological map places with the same linguistic phenomena.

C) Miner's entrenching tool.

D) Establishing agreement after lengthy negotiations.

7. Corundum is

A) Natural fibrous material associated with diamond mining.

B) The type of pencil used in astronautics.

C) Artistic glass of dark green color.

D) Solid mineral - crystalline alumina.

8. Javel is

A) Shepherd's flute.

B) Swamp water is rusty in color.

C) A caustic chloride solution of a greenish-yellow color, used for bleaching fabrics and washing linen (otherwise called “javel water”).

D) The name of the cranberry in the Vologda region.

The proposed methods are of a developing nature, thereby realizing the leading goal primary education. It transfers the student from the state of the object of learning to the subject of studying educational material. The student learns according to his abilities, he develops interest, a sense of satisfaction, a desire to work.
Undoubtedly, the development of a new one is a complex and contradictory process. Any methods and techniques only become effective when they are naturally woven into the already established methodological system, accepted by the teacher and tested in practice.

This article describes a methodology for studying unverifiable unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants, paired voiced and deaf consonants, words with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu, and also describes exercises aimed at enriching vocabulary children. The results obtained confirmed the high efficiency of this technique. At the same time, students expand their horizons, improve their speech skills, develop logical thinking, which, in turn, contributes to the strength of assimilation of the material.

Unchecked unstressed vowels

1. Games "10 OS"
Os- - a
On this wasp in October there is gilding,
Os- - a
And this one grows in a meadow by a swamp,
- os-a
This one has green needles on its paws,
- os - - - a-
It's dangerous to play games on this
- os - - - a - -
This wasp flies to the moon
- os - - - - a
This one grows thin and melts in the sun,
- - os - - - - a - -
This wasp is sold in a bottle
- os - - - a
This one is afraid of mustard and a fork,
- os - a
From this the baby sleeps in the cradle,
- o - s - - - - a
This class sneaks like a mouse.

Answer: aspen, sedge, pine, pavement, astronaut, icicle, curdled milk, sausage, nipple, hint.

2. "Field of Miracles"
Some letters are already open. The rest is up to you. Solve and write down the proverb about winter.
D - ka- - - - o - - - - - - - -, and s - mu n - - - on - -.

Answer: December ends the year, and winter begins.

3. "Three magpies."

Three chatty magpies
Visited various birds,
Filling in the lines with letters
Guess who the magpies are with
We ate jam and drank coffee.
Don't Forget What Lies
In every line there is only a bird
1.Co- - - - -
- - - - ro - - -

2.Co - -
- - ro - a
- - - - - - - ka

3.Co- - -
- - ro - - -
Ka - - - - - - -

Nightingale, lark, cockatoo.
Owl, crow, quail.
Falcon, sparrow, canary.

4. Charades.

The first is a note, the second is also,
And the whole is like a bean. (Beans)

The first is an excuse, the second is a summer house,
And the whole is sometimes difficult to solve. (Task).

5. "Vocabular domino".

The game can be made up of dictionary words for any class. To do this, cut out 28 cards with a size of 5x8 cm. Words with a missing letter are written in the upper part of the cards, and only letters that were missed in other words are written in the lower part. The task of the children is to substitute a card with the image of the letter that is needed in this word to the word with the missing letter. The student who has a card with the word "Motherland" goes first. Dominoes can be made on any topic.

6. Graphic associations.

The essence of the method is to see the similarity of the shape of letters and objects. Children make their own drawings, you can do it right in the notebook at the lessons.

Try these tricks! You have no idea how interesting and exciting it is!

Silent consonants

There are consonants such as V, D, T, L.
Not all words are heard
But everywhere they are needed.
To know where to write them,
We need to check the word.

Sad - sadness
I will not be sad.
Sad - "T" will not forget.

Late - check late,
In the word late "D" was written.

In the word sun "L" we do not hear.
Let's write the word sun.

Star - check the star.
Star - "D" always write.

In the word hello "B" is not heard,
Let's check health.
We wish you all good health
And in the word hello "B" do not forget.
Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop. (Heart)

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

When I lie on my back
There is no use in me
But push me against the wall -
There will be a case for me right away. (Ladder).

Spelling hissing zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu

1. Riddles

She drank in her mouth, she lived under water.
She scared everyone, swallowed everyone, and now she got into the boiler. (Pike)

They live on the roof
They are very fond of cats. (Mice)

Wild rose with bright red berries. (Rose hip).

Knocking, knocking all day
Nobody is afraid.
He considers the whole century,
But not a person. (Watch)

Crockery with long nose and with a round tail. (Kettle).

2. Replace with one word.

A ruminant with a very long neck. (Giraffe).

60 minutes (hour).
Dense dense forest. (Thicket).

Paired voiced and voiceless consonants

1. Charades.

With a deaf consonant I pour into the field,
With a voiced - I myself ring in expanse. (Spike - voice).

With the deaf - she cuts the grass,
With a voiced - eats leaves. (Spit - goat).

With "m" - pleasant, golden, very sweet and fragrant.
It happens with the letter “l” in winter, and disappears in spring. (Honey - ice).

With a deaf hissing round, like a ball,
With voiced - like a hot fire. (Ball - heat).

2. The game "Chain".

One of the students calls a word with a voiced or deaf consonant, the person sitting next to him calls the test word. For example: friend - friend, tooth - teeth, etc.

3. Riddles.

Walked, walked without roads.
Where he went, there he lay down.
Until spring lay
And then he ran away.

Without boasting, I will say:
I will rejuvenate all my friends!
They come to me sad -
With wrinkles, with folds,
They leave very cute
Fun and smooth!
So I'm a reliable friend
Electric ... (iron).

That's such a miracle! He's tasteful
Can eat dust and debris!
And buzzing like a hundred wasps
Hard worker ... (vacuum cleaner).

I say to my brother: - Oh!
Peas are falling from the sky!
Here's an eccentric, - brother laughs, -
Your peas - after all, this is ... (hail).

This animal is familiar to you -
Eats mice, drinks milk.
But it doesn't look like a cat
All in long thorns ... (hedgehog).

He walks with his head up
Not because an important count,
Not because of a proud disposition,
But because he ... (giraffe).

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line.
Feel free to write on them!
You can also draw.
What is me? (notebook)

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants at the end of a word

I'll pull the rope - the mountain will rise. (Camel).

The old joker does not order to stand on the street,
Pulls home by the nose. (Freezing).

He follows you
At least it stays in place. (Track).

Spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants before consonants

Born in the forest, lives in the forest. (Boat).

Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (Pillow).

Forest on one side and field on the other. (Coat).

4. Crossword.
Replace with one word.
A ruminant with a very long neck. (Giraffe).
What is the most valuable thing for a person? (Life).
60 minutes (hour).
Dense dense forest. (Thicket).
Predatory fish with sharp teeth. (Pike).
What are heavy pans made of? (Cast iron).
Animals that carry food on their backs. (Hedgehogs).

Vocabulary exercises for kids

1. Replace with one word of 4 letters:
Friend - +. , opponent - + ,
Soldier - + , work - + , walk - + . (Answers: friend, enemy, warrior, business, go)

2. Find the hidden word.
Shed (lion), fishing rod (daughter), scythe (wasp), pillar (table), slot (spruce).
3. Guess the word.
K - r - n d - w (pencil), d - f - r n - d (on duty), l - s t - p - d (leaf fall), s - m - sh k - (winter).

Games, riddles, crosswords, charades, rebuses teach children to think figuratively, compare, find differences, turn one object into another. Sometimes students have an independent spontaneous need to come up with an image to memorize the spelling of a difficult word. In addition to all this, schoolchildren develop great attention to the word, its structure, composition. They see the word from different sides, learn to think, talk about it. There may also be errors in the work, but with the skillful direction of the thought process, everything is easily eliminated, and truth is born in a dispute.

1. Decipher the inscription , dividing it into words.


Why is the word "without" written separately? Prove it.

2. Secret words and sentences .

a) Guess the 5 letter word. To solve the word take:

Apple | - 3rd consonant from the 1st word.

Cherry | (……..) ? - 3rd consonant from the 2nd word.

Plum | - 1st vowel from the 3rd word.

Pear | - 1st consonant from the 4th word.

Watermelon | - 1st vowel from the 5th word.


3 .Tricks with words.

Can a catfish be turned into an ox? You can: catfish-dom-dol-vol. You can change one letter at a time and an intermediate word must exist.

Transform: onion rak (onion lacquer rak)

flour river (flour-hand-river)

garden juice (garden-court-suk-juice)

cook poppy (kok-like-poppy)

kum vol (kum-kom-kol-vol)

The child must not only complete this task, but do it with a purpose. For example: underline the word in a chain with an unstressed vowel; or underline letters denoting paired consonants.

4 . Exercise : from each word, take only the first syllables and make a word:

1) car, brake (author)

2) ear, company, vase (ko-ro-va)

3) milk, spawning, cockroach (mo-not-ta)

4) bark, lotto, boxer (mo-not-ta)

5) ram, wound, attendant (ba-ra-ban)

5 . Exercise : from each word, take the second syllables and make a word:

1) nightingale, ceiling (lo-to)

2) snake, frame (i-ma)

3) button, hammer, lava (go-lo-va)

4) reproach, elderberry, tina (kor-zi-na)

5) turn, powder, ditch (in-ro-on)

6. Exercise: take the last syllables from each word, make a new word:

1) furniture, gun (bel-e)

2) straws, it's time, stranded (ka-ra-mel)

3) fox, thorn, booklet (sa-mo-fly)

4) pullover, coat, ticket (helicopter-fly)

5) milk, relay, takes (ko-le-so)

6) resin, tear, takes (la-za-ret)

7. Exercise : Take one syllable from each word so that you get a word:

1) record, picture, peacock (plas-ti-lin)

2) shepherd, dam, camp (pas-ti-la)

3) boots, parachute, fantasy (sa-ra-fan)

4) mowers, frosts, pilot (sa-mo-fly)

5) flour, stew, sofa (ka-ra-van)

6) map, web, raid (kar-ti-na)

7) water, road, sample, net (in-to-wire-water)

8. Matryoshka words.

a) Find the words inside the data and write them down. Examples of suggested words:

Victory (trouble, food, yeah)

Basket beads

slipper machine

nightstand mister

fishing rod scythe

fisherman shiver

precipitation atom

trumpeted rubber

b) Divide the word into two short ones.

For example: horizon \u003d burn + top umbrella \u003d ____ + _______

cypress \u003d _____ + _____ tops \u003d _____ + ______

gazelle =_____+_____ fiber =_____+______

sail =_____+______ stripe =_____+______

C) Remove one letter from the word. It can be at the beginning, middle or end of a word. The remaining letters should form a new word.

Spark - caviar

regiment heat

the slope is red

vinegar screen

trouble lamp

octopus tutorial

D) And now, on the contrary, you need to put the letter at the beginning and end of the word - it will turn out different.

Gift | have glasses | b rose | G

Table | used duck | mustache | b

Ball | f pairs | to fur | With

Laziness | about walking | to wasp | To

9 . Anagrams and logarithms .

Anagrams are riddles where letters in a word are rearranged to form another word. Logarithms are riddles in which the intended word is obtained by dropping or adding a letter.

A) Anagrams and logarithms in verse.

1. Breathing lightly in my shadow,

You often praise me in the summer,

But rearrange my letters -

And you will cut down a whole forest with me. (linden-saw)

2.I am a tree in home country,

You will find me in the forests everywhere,

But rearrange the syllables in me -

And I will provide water. (pine-pump)

3. On the way, on the way

I'm merrily jumping

And read me from the end -

I'll sharpen my knife. (touchstone)

4. I rush along the wire

Nights and days,

And from the end they will read me -

I am related to the tiger. (talk cat)

5. I lie on the ground,

nailed to iron

But rearrange the letters -

I'm going to the pot. (sleeper-noodles)

6. Geography with me

Children study at school

Give the order of the letters is different -

And you will find me in the buffet. (satin salad)

7. Having taken off, I burn with a star in the night,

But I'm fading too early

And change "e" to "i" -

And I will become a green bush. (rocket rocket)

8. I am a famous dish,

When you add "m"

I will fly, buzz,

Boring everyone. (ear-fly)

9. I crumble, blowing out of the way,

Everything I need to destroy.

And read me from the end -

I am a reward to the waves of the sea. (scrap-mol)

10. You will solve the problem freely,

I am small part of the face,

But if you read me from the end

You can see anything in me. (nose-sleep)

11. Hiding my ruddy fruit

Shady foliage.

And rearrange the letters -

I will be a river. (plum-Vistula)

And waddle so comically

But insert us "l" - and we will sound

Then pretty melodic. (geese-gusli)

b) We compose anagrams.

Change the order of the letters in the word so that you get a new one: summer-body

Carp - lighthouse -

Atlas - boat -

Sleeper - fox -

Carriage - canopy -

C) Find the original words if it is known that the same permutations were made in all of them.

1) lbko 2) rai 3) upks 4) eravshn 5) rkchildren 6) ashnrri

(block, aria, launch, revenge, credit, hinge)

1) vzteko 2) okamdnri 3) lkbuinak

(flower, commander, strawberry)

10. Crosswords.

11. Logical tasks in the Russian language.

A). Puppy fidget.

The dog Zhulka had four puppies. Beam, Rex, Sharik and .... But the fourth puppy constantly disappeared somewhere. What was his name? Guess and write down: Bobik, Druzhok or Tuzik?

(Bim - 3 letters, Rex - 4 letters, Sharik - 5 letters, so the fourth was called Druzhok - 6 letters.)

b) What is the word?









Guess the word I'm reading from the data. Hint: it has two syllables, and there are more sounds than letters. (raccoon)

The task may be different. Hint: this is a word with a soft sign at the end and it is 2 declensions, etc.

IN) Generalization of concepts.

Name it in one word: bag, bucket, doctor ....... (nouns)

fun, good, random ...... (adverbs)

slides, green, earth ... .. (words with a checked

unstressed vowel).

G) The game "In definitions".

Children are given cards with the names of objects (for example: bus, apple, lake, chamomile ...). It is proposed that the student who takes one of the cards talk about his object within 1 minute so that everyone understands what the speaker means. You can’t just say your word and gesticulate with your hands. Later, you can limit: talk about the object, naming verbs or only adjectives.

12. Punching out a word.

Suggested words:

builds decided

run drawing

sees writes

Children alternately must remove (or cross out) the words, naming a distinctive feature of the word that other words do not have.

For example:

1) run - only this verb in the indefinite form.

2) drew - only it has a plural.

3) decided - only he of the remaining has past tense,

and the rest are in the present.

4) writes - only he is from the remaining 1 conjugation.

5) sees - only this is an exception verb.

Only the verb "builds" remains. But the options for dropout in this case may be different. Children may notice a variety of signs of verbs.

Similar work is possible with other parts of speech:







1) danger is a noun, and all the rest


2) beautiful - only this is an adjective in the feminine


3) cheerful - only it does not contain an unpronounceable


4) famous - only this adjective contains


Remain: honest and sad.

Such tasks allow you to involve all students and repeat a large amount of the studied material.

A group of words for the spelling of prefixes: d..flying, pr..gorok, s..thinking, pr..shouting, n..vestil, pr..red, s..putting.

Code: i - 1, e - 2, o - 3, a - 4

Task for children: write only the missing letters in order, encrypting them with numbers.

Children write in their notebooks:

3, 1, 4, 3, 4, 2, 3.

This game can also be used in many different ways. Spelling can be varied. You can encrypt cases, gender, numbers, etc.


Members of the proposal



























-Come up and write a sentence for the cipher: 9, 13, 1

(Cold winter has come.) What is the grammatical basis.

13 .Word by pattern .

You need to put the word according to the pattern. The word in brackets is derived from the words around the edges. Having solved the 1st pattern, you will find a word from the second pair.

Mushroom (tag) asset

Gloom (…….) atom (this is the word "map" because, from the first they took 4,3, 2, letters, and from the second 2, 1)

There are many such patterns:

hook (dew) cleaver

garage (…..) tobacco (missing word "toad")

book (stork) salad

threshold (…..) scrambled eggs (grotto)

pie (field) tear

market (……) siege (dew)

sail (soot) twill

announcement (……) flaw (snow)

wax (plough) freight cattle (……) front (window)

foot (salt) lash

pause (……) steppe (path)

You can list them for a long time, as well as the tasks that can be offered.

14. word game .

Insert a word in brackets that would serve as the end of the first and the beginning of the second. There are as many letters in a word as there are dots in brackets.

Oby (…..) ka (tea)

Me (…….) olade (shock)

Prik (…..) ya (lad)

Apo(……) b (table)

Am(…….) an (bar)

Run (……) op (mot)

Svir (…..) nickname (spruce)

Pe(…….)ol (juice)

Tasks: - make phonetic analysis

- highlight spellings

- think of related words

- model the word according to the scheme:

Write as many sentences as possible, in which words would begin with the indicated letters. Sort these sentences into parts and parts of speech.

B____ y_____ w_______ b_______ .

S____ o_______ n_______ s_______ .

K____ e_______ l_______ k_______ .

Are given words: author, comrade, motor, billiards.

From each word, take only the first syllables and write down the resulting word (av-to-mo-bil).

The words are given: harvest, why, gardener.

From the first word, take the first syllable, from second - second, from third - third. Write down the word (u-che-nick). You can take any syllables in a row and give a variety of words.

15. Recovery of words and sentences .

A) Help Piglet.

Piglet is in trouble. He wrote a letter, but it was washed away by water. Restore Piglet's letter.

“Sp..s..t.., p..m..g..t..! M..y d..m s..t..p..l.. v..d..!

I'm in b..d..!


Since the main part of spelling is vowels, such tasks make it possible to repeat a large number of rules.

B) signboards.

One day a hurricane hit the city. He tore off the signs from the stores, and tore off individual letters on others. Restore the names.


CHLE.. DE….K…. OBU….

C) Here are the words, but with missing letters. One dot corresponds to one letter. Write down the words.

m. . . well. . . f

V. . . . . d b. . . . . T

h. . c

D) a mysterious letter.

A dash means that a letter is missing. What words could come up?

------ A S A

------ A Y K A

Fun Grammar

topic: Spelling hissing zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

    Say a word.

the cat lives on our roof,

And they live in the closet ...... (mice)

won't run without gas

No bus, no... (car)

    Make words from syllables.


3.Fill in the words: ....sy, ....ka, ....nick, ... gun, met ..., pi ..., cha ..., tu .., prey .., ro ..

4. There are 12 words in these poems with combinations of zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu. What are these words?

A little swaying reeds,

The lake slumbers in silence.

Reflections live in it:

clouds float in the lake

Pine forest, as if alive,

Drowsing upside down.

The seagull warmed up the kettle,

Invited eight seagulls:

- Come all for tea!

How many seagulls, answer!

The pike lived in the lake,

She brushed the bottom with a brush,

Shchi cooked for guests,

She treated minnows.

5. Fill in the boxes.































6. Crosswords.






    They don’t get angry, but they toss and turn with their mustaches, they are not silent, but they won’t say a word, they go, but they won’t budge. (WATCH)

    He frowns, frowns, breaks into tears - there will be nothing left. (Cloud)

    Tail wags, toothy, but does not bark. (PIKE)

    I was carried by a beast, but fell on people. (FUR COAT)

7. Anagrams.

Rearrange the letters in places to form new words

onion (stocking) pen (chock) shirtfront (machine)

net (hour) niche (tire)

8. Charade.

With S we rush you with all your might

S U - we will get your feet wet. (ski puddles)

9. Puzzles.





Riddles by topic:

    Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

    Spelling of consonants in the root of the word.

    Spelling combinations zhi-shi, cha-cha, chu-shu.

    Spelling of separating soft and hard signs.

    Word composition

    Spelling soft sign after nouns hissing at nouns.

    Spelling of unstressed vowels not checked by stress.

    Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word.

    Double consonant.

    Spelling of a soft sign denoting the softness of a consonant sound.

Riddles on the topic "Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of the word."

1. Dew glistens on the grass,
The girl came out - beauty,
Grass cuts and lays,
Everything moves back and forth. (scythe)

2.Cunning cheat, redhead,
Fluffy tail - beauty!
And her name is... (fox)

3. Lyko loves to fight,
Jump into the garden
She shakes her beard
He calls himself Dereza. (goat)

4. A grandmother with glasses sits on walnut knots.
Oh-ho-ho yes ah-ah-ah - it’s bad for a grandmother with glasses.
He sees at night in the dark both bugs and spiders,
And he can't see a thing during the day either with or without glasses. (owl)

5. I am a cloud, and a fog, and a stream, and an ocean,
And I fly, and I run, and I can be glass. (water)

6. I covered the paths, decorated the windows,
She gave joy to the children and gave a ride on a sled. (winter)

7. Cheers in the spring, cools in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (tree)

8. No beginning, no end, no back of the head, no face!
Everyone knows - both young and old - that she is a huge ball. (Earth)

9. The sea goes, goes,
And it will reach the shore -
This is where it will disappear. (wave)
10. Early in the morning in the yard,
Lots of beads on the grass. (dew)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of paired consonants at the root of the word" .

1. Here is a mountain, and near the mountain
Two deep holes.
In these burrows the air roams,
It comes in, it goes out. (nose)
2. The old man is a joker
On the street does not order to stand,
Pulls home by the nose. (freezing)
3. Turn - a wedge,
Unfold - damn it. (umbrella)
4. He trails behind you,
At least it stays in place. (track)
5. Lying, lying,
Yes, he ran into the river. (snow)
6. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write for me,
Can you draw
I am called... (notebook)
7. Short and stocky
Decided to look at us
Raised in the morning under the trees
Leaf with green needles. (mushroom)
8.Under the pines, under the trees
There is a bag of needles. (hedgehog)
9. Upside down - full, bottom up - empty. (a cap)
10. Stuffed with down, lies under the ear. (pillow)
11. If I am empty,
I forget about you
But when I bring food
I will not pass by the mouth. (spoon)
12. Sad old lady
Lives in a forest hut
Says the same thing
One syllable repeats all his life. (cuckoo)
13. In white dresses, yellow eyes ...
You name them without any prompting. (chamomile)
14. That's where the girlfriend hid.
Sitting under a leaf... (wave)
15. Rain and snow, thunder and downpour.
In a word, how to call
To solve the riddle. (precipitation)
16. The chicken went out for a walk,
Pinch fresh grass
And behind her the guys -
Calling them … (chickens)
17. Sharp tip - oh, oh! On one of his legs.
He wants to live in a piece of wood, you have to beat him from above. (nail)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling combinations of zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu."

1. Where it rests with its tail,
There will be a hole later. (awl)

2. Downhill - horses,
Uphill - pieces of wood (skis)

3. What kind of stars are
On a coat and on a scarf?
All through, cut,
And you take it - water in your hand. (snowflakes)

4. Grass that grows on the slopes
And on the green hills.
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her flower and leaf
You and I are going for tea.
What kind of weed, guess! (oregano)

5. I look so much like a rose,
Isn't that good
But my fruits
Everyone is suitable for food. (rose hip)

6. The pole is on fire, but there is no smoke. (candle)

7. The eagle flies across the blue sky,
She spread her wings, covered the sun. (cloud)

8. They will tell the truth if they go.
Stop - lie. (watch)

9. Not sewn, not cut,
And assembled on a thread. (stocking)

10. She had a drink in her mouth,
She lived underwater.
Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,
Now it's in the cauldron. (pike)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of separating soft and hard signs."

1. In the forest near the stump, bustle, running around:
The working people are busy all day,
He builds a city for himself. (ants)
2. Root in the ground, body in the wild,
Many hands reach for the sun - they will not part! (trees)
3. Front - patch, back - hook.
In the middle is the back, and on it is a bristle. (pig)
4. I am a giant: here is that huge one,
multipood stove
I'm like a chocolate bar
I instantly raise in height.
And if I use a mighty paw
I will grab an elephant or a camel,
I will be happy with both of them.
Raise like little kittens. (crane)

Riddles on the topic "The composition of the word."

1. I don’t argue, not white - I, brothers, are simpler,
I usually grow in a birch grove. (boletus)
2. Blooms from under the snow,
Welcomes spring first. (snowdrop)
3. I'm growing up in a red cap
Among aspen roots.
You will see me from a mile away
I'm called... (boletus)
4. At night, at noon, at dawn,
He carries out his service in secret.
On the trail, on the beach
Blocks the path of the enemy. (border guard)
5. Master, master, help -
The boots were worn out.
Hammer the nails harder -
We're going to visit today. (shoemaker)
6. His work is in depth, at the very bottom,
His work is in darkness and silence.
Let his work be hard and difficult,
Like an astronaut, he floats among the stars. (diver)
7. A bird flies across the sky,
It buzzes evenly.
She doesn't flap her wings
A white trail will follow her. (airplane)
8. He carries people along the river,
In cities, he enters the port. (ship)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling a soft sign after nouns hissing at nouns."

1. The bird waved its wing
And covered the whole world with one feather. (night)

2. Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
Whoever turns his tail will enter the house. (key)

3. A small ball fumbles under the bench. (mouse)

4. That it turns green for two weeks,
Ears for two weeks
Blooms for two weeks
Pours two weeks
Dry for two weeks. (rye)

5. Stands over water, shakes his beard. (bulrush)

6. Not like a little man,
But he has a heart.
And work all year round
He gives his heart. (pencil)

7. He does not cry from beating,
And he jumps and jumps. (ball)

8. All migratory birds are blacker,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land.
And the bird's name is... (rook)

9. A man in a white coat
Busy with a very important job.
We trust him with health
And we put hope. (doctor)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of unstressed vowels that are not checked by stress."

1. Runs, buzzes, looks into two eyes,
And it will become - a bright red eye will glance.

2. From the edge of the city to another.
The house walks under the arc. (tram)

3. On the bake near the stumps
Lots of thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light.
Bend the stems
Collecting lights. (berries)

4. Born in the field,
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved in a glass (sugar)

5. Russian beauty, we all really like it.
She is white, slender, her clothes are green. (birch)

6. Grow on branches in groups,
Covered with shells. (nuts)

7. The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers. (cabbage)

8. Curious red nose
Rooted into the ground up to the top.
Only stick out in the garden
Green strands. (carrot)

9. Red beads hang, they look at us from the bushes.
These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads. (raspberries)

10. He chirps on the roof and can climb higher.
Drifting around the yard, picking up food there. (sparrow)

Riddles on the topic "Spelling of unpronounceable consonants at the root of the word."

1. Day and night it knocks, as if wound up.
It will be bad if this knock suddenly stops. (heart)

2. When I lie on my back,
There is no use in me
But put me against the wall
There will be something for me right away. (ladder)

3. Well, which of you will answer:
Not fire, but it burns painfully,
Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,
And not a baker, but bakes. (Sun)

