Research work "my guitar friend". Research work "Guitar - past and present" Research work guitar its past and present

Table of contents Introduction Chapter 1. The origin of the guitar Chapter 2. Era of the development of the guitar Chapter 3. Modernity 10. Chapter 4. Research Conclusion List of references Appendices page 3. page 4. page 6. page 11. page 13. page 14. p. 15.

Chapter 1. The origin of the guitar. When I am very old, I will take the guitar in my hands, And, plucking the chords of the strings, I will be fresh and young again. Curves, varnish. . . How good you are for the hand and for the soul! To sing with you about love, Oh, it's in your blood!

The legend of the origin of the guitar. The gods heeded the prayer and turned it into a laurel tree ( Greek word"daphne" means bay tree). Apollo made the kitaru musical instrument from laurel, and since then great poets and artists have been crowned with laurel leaves. Kitara retained from her feminine origins graceful body shapes, a tendency to whims and unpredictable behavior.

The pedigree of the guitar The history of the guitar begins in the East, when the first plucked instruments were created. And this time is a deep antiquity before the beginning of a new era. Mesopotamian cultural monuments tell us about them, depicting an instrument that was apparently made from a tortoise shell, on which the skin was stretched for a better sound.

. Chapter 2 Beginning in the 10th century, the image of stringed plucked instruments becomes generally accepted. Spanish sources show that by the thirteenth century two varieties of guitars appeared - Moorish and Latin.

Renaissance (Renaissance) 1400 -1600. As for all art, so for the evolution of the guitar, the Renaissance was a golden time, a time of rise and prosperity. At this time, many samples of guitars appear, improved in comparison with the previous ones. The guitar is freed from bulky forms, it becomes lighter, much attention begins to be paid to its decorations.

From baroque to classicism. (XVII-XIX centuries) It was France that contributed to the revival and a new wave of interest in this instrument. And not just the French people, but the monarchs who were sincerely passionate about the guitar and its possibilities. It is known that Ludovic Solntse studied guitar from childhood with a specially invited teacher, in which he was very successful. Well, the instrument is again becoming popular throughout Europe with the light hand of Louis. The end of Louis's reign coincided with the next decline in interest in the guitar.

The Age of Enlightenment The guitar has become an instrument that requires a professional approach, study, and not a domestic “favorite for strumming”. Small, but very effective plays, opera accompaniments are written.

Chapter 3. Modernity The types and forms of the guitar, various fastening systems, playing methods and creation technologies - all this has undergone changes over the centuries, until the master Antonio de Torres created a guitar that has become a role model to this day. This person is also called "Guitar Stradivarius", so great is his contribution to the development and final stage of the evolution of the guitar. It gives the guitar a modern shape and size. Guitars designed by Torres today are called classical

Chapter 4 Research Question 1: What is the most popular musical instrument? Question 2: Have you ever wanted to learn how to play the guitar? Question 3: With what musical genres guitar tied? Question 4: What authors do you know who performed their songs with the guitar. Question 5: Will the guitar be popular in 50 years, 100 years.

Conclusion As a result of my research work, I was convinced that the guitar, despite the fact that this instrument is certainly known to everyone, is the most popular among the younger generation. Based on my research, I am convinced that the guitar has been able to adapt to the dynamic and versatile culture of the 21st century, seizing a leading position in many genres and style directions. In the course of my work, I Once again made sure that there were always people ready to follow her gentle musical song to create masterpieces. In general, I was very interested in the work. The practical significance of my work is obvious, it can be used in music lessons, as additional material. I am grateful to my classmates for their help in my work and for the support they gave me.

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1 Research work Topic: Guitar. The history of the origin of the instrument. Completed by: Guseva Alexandra Sergeevna, a student of the 8th grade of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Samara Region, the main general education school, 2 p.g.t. Novosemeykino municipal district Krasnoyarsk, Samara region. Head: Marchenko Valentina Vasilievna, teacher of history of the first qualification category of GBOU secondary school 2 p.g.t. Novosemeykino 2017

2 Table of contents Introduction p. Chapter I p. I.1 History of the guitar p. I.2. Construction of the guitar page Chapter II Types of guitars page Chapter III page. III.1. Guitar in various styles of music p. III.2. Guitar and bard song p. Chapter IV. Guitar in my life p. Conclusion p. References p. Appendixes p.

3 Introduction. Music is an art form. Every art has its own language: painting speaks to people through colors, colors and lines, literature through words, and music through sounds. A person has been immersed in the world of music since childhood. Music has a great influence on a person. A very small child may suddenly cry to a sad melody and laugh to a cheerful one, or jump merrily, although he does not yet know what a dance is. What kind of feelings a person does not express with the help of music! “There are many wonderful solo instruments in the world musical culture, which, thanks to the talent of brilliant musicians, are able to elevate the human spirit and enrich it. But the guitar is something special. With its noble, intimate sound, it is able to create a unique, inner, I would say, philosophical silence. ”(A.K. Frauchi) Six string guitar. The doors of the most prestigious concert halls on all continents have opened for the guitar, it has found its place in the chamber and symphonic works of the world's greatest composers, outstanding guitar players and highly professional performing schools have appeared in many countries. Interest in this instrument leads guitar lovers to circles, studios, music schools, and this interest is not accidental. In our work, we will consider the history of the development of the guitar from ancient times to the present, we will trace the periods of its ups and downs. Gita ra is a stringed plucked musical instrument. It is used as an accompanying or solo instrument in many styles and directions of music, including romance, blues, country, flamenco, rock, metal, jazz. 1

4 As the guitar spread from Central Asia through Greece to Western Europe the word "guitar" underwent changes: "cithara (ϰιθάϱα)" in Ancient Greece, Latin "cithara", "guitarra" in Spain, "chitarra" in Italy, "guitare" in France, "guitar" in England and, finally, " guitar" in Russia. The name “guitar” first appeared in European medieval literature in the 13th century (see page 19). The theme of my research work is “Guitar. The history of the origin of the instrument. The choice of topic is due to the cognitive and creative interests of the author of the project and is associated with musical creativity. The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the guitar is one of the most popular and perfect stringed instruments belonging to the group classical instruments. Problem: The guitar is a very popular musical instrument, many students and teenagers listen to musical works with the sound of a guitar, but not everyone knows the origin of this instrument, past and present. The purpose of the research work: To learn the history of the appearance of the guitar, to trace the path of its development, to show the value of the guitar in music. Tasks: To study historical, educational, reference literature about musical instrument guitar; organize the information received; find out the origin of the guitar, the types of this instrument conduct a survey to identify the level of knowledge about the guitar among school students (Appendix 8) Research methods: Theoretical analysis modern literature generalization, classification, comparison, 2

5 observation Sociological research. Practical use acquired knowledge. Research hypothesis: Every year there is a growing interest in the musical instrument guitar and its popularity plays a big role in the development and formation of modern music. Object of study: educational, reference literature about the musical instrument guitar, Internet resources. The novelty of the study: the work has theoretical material, which examines the origins and development of the guitar, as well as the reasons for the popularization of the instrument. This material presents its own study of the level of popularity of this instrument among school students. Subject of study: guitar, its past and present. The practical significance of the study: the results of my work can be used in the lessons of the Moscow Art Theater, for a sociological study of the level of development of the general musical culture of students. 3

6 Chapter I 1.1 The history of the guitar The earliest surviving evidence of stringed instruments with a resonating body and neck, the ancestors of the modern guitar, dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. e. Images of the kinnor (Sumero-Babylonian stringed instrument, mentioned in biblical stories) were found on clay bas-reliefs during archaeological excavations in Mesopotamia. (adj.1) In ancient Egypt and India were also known similar instruments: nabla, nefer, zither in Egypt, wine and sitar in India. In ancient Greece and Rome, the cithara instrument was popular. (see 2, p. 19) the first mention of the guitar goes far into the past, in 3700 BC. It is this date, according to archaeologists, that the tomb of the Theban king dates back, inside which a prototype of a modern guitar was depicted on the wall. The word "guitar" in Sanskrit means "six-string". Initially, it was the word "kutur" which later became the word "sitaru" and even later this word grew into a guitar. The word "guitar" comes from the fusion of two words: the Sanskrit word "sangita", which means "music" and the Old Persian "tar", meaning "string". According to another version, the word "guitar" comes from the Sanskrit word "kutur", meaning " four-string "(cf. three-string setar). (See 3, p. 19) As the guitar spread from Central Asia through Greece to Western Europe, the word "guitar" underwent changes: "cithara (ϰιθάϱα)" in Ancient Greece, Latin "cithara ”, “guitarra” in Spain, “chitarra” in Italy, “guitare” in France, “guitar” in England and finally, “guitar” in Russia. For the first time, the name "guitar" appeared in European medieval literature in the XIII century. (See 1, p. 19) In the 13th century, Arab conquerors brought the guitar to Spain, and after that the guitar became a folk instrument in Spain. (see 4 p. 19) In the middle of the 13th century, all of Europe learned about the guitar, and appearance instrument is almost complete. By the beginning of the Renaissance, the guitar with 4 pairs of strings tuned in unison became dominant in at least 4

7 most European countries. The earliest known music for it "chitarra" was written in 16th century Spain. The number of strings in the Italian "guitarra battente" was increased to six pairs in the 17th century, and guitar makers throughout Europe followed this trend. The six pairs of strings were gradually replaced by six single strings. The six-stringed instrument became only at the beginning of the 18th century. In the early 19th century, guitars begin to take on their modern form. The classical guitar remains virtually unchanged to this day (see 10, p. 19). In Russia, the guitar appeared relatively late, while in Europe it had already been known for five centuries. The appearance of the guitar on domestic soil was facilitated by the penetration of Western European music into Russia (late 17th - early 18th centuries). This impact was made with the participation of the Italian composers and musicians Giuseppe Sarti and Carlo Cannobio, who visited Russia in late XVII century. IN early XIX century, the position of the guitar in Russia was strengthened by the touring virtuoso Italian guitarists and composers Mauro Giuliani and Fernando Sor. And already at the end XVII early 18th century in Russia, the seven-string version of the Spanish guitar is gaining popularity, which is becoming widespread among gypsy performers of romances and songs (see page 11, p. 20) passacaglia, sarabandes, folios, songs, romances), work is underway to improve the design of the guitar and the technique of playing it. During my work, I contacted different sources to find as much information as possible on my topic. These were not only textbooks and literature, music collections, but also Internet resources. This site has short description guitars and a bit of history

8 The site is written about the origin of the instrument, the origin of the name of the instrument, its structure, types of guitars The article tells what a guitar is and its origin The article is written about the history of the guitar 5. This article describes the structure of the guitar 6. This blog describes guitar arrangement and tuning. 7. %D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3 %D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%80 %D0%B0 Everything about classical guitar is written on this site. 8. D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D 1%80%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BD %D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3%D0%B8%D 1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0 The site provides information about the Russian seven-string guitar The article says about different types of guitars On this the site contains the history of the origin of the guitar

9 The site describes the acoustic guitar The article describes the varieties of guitars A lot of interesting material about the acoustic guitar? template=accessibility The article describes the role of the guitar in various genres of music, its valuable contribution to the development of culture The site provides extensive information about the guitar find pictures of famous bards. Conclusion: The guitar penetrates its roots into the deep past, in the II millennium BC, and it began to acquire its modern look from the 18th century to today is being improved. The analysis of the studied literature allowed to increase the level of knowledge about the guitar, introduced me to interesting facts (Appendix 7), great guitarists, famous bards. He helped to understand and feel what people experience when playing the guitar, singing their songs, simple, but very soulful, warm, tender. 7

10 1.2 Construction of the guitar. (Appendix 2) An important component is the headstock. Pegs are located on it. The pegs on acoustic and classical guitars are in most cases connected by three pieces on each side, on electric guitars the pegs can be either connected or each pegs separately. By turning the tuning knob, the guitar is tuned by changing the tension of the strings. Frets are located on the outside of the neck at a certain distance from each other. By pinching the strings between the frets, the guitarist extracts sounds higher or lower. Frets can be made of steel or ivory on expensive guitars. Fret markers help the guitarist quickly identify which fret is which. The marks are usually placed on the third, fifth, seventh, tenth and twelfth frets for acoustic guitars. The strings are attached to the stringer. The sound in acoustic and classical is quite loud and without additional devices to amplify the sound. This is because the drum of such guitars is hollow inside. The drum is made of wood, durable plywood or plastic. When buying an inexpensive guitar, you should pay attention to the material of the drum, as guitars with plastic drums sound much "muffled" than guitars with plywood drums. To hide the gluing seams of the drum, a stroke is used, usually in contrast with the main color of the guitar drum. The stroke is also used for decorative purposes. The resonator hole is located directly under the strings and is decorated with a rosette for beauty. The flag is not used on all guitars, and not everyone needs it. If you play the guitar solo, and rest part of your palm on the drum, then the flag will prevent your hand from slipping, it also protects the soundboard from damage by the pick and is a decorative part. (see page 19) Frets (app.1) The source of sound in the guitar is the vibrations of the stretched strings. The pitch of the extracted sound is determined by the force of the string tension, length 8

11 vibrating part and the thickness of the string itself. The dependence here is as follows: the thinner the string, the shorter and the stronger it is stretched, the higher it sounds. The main way to control the pitch when playing a guitar is to change the length of the vibrating part of the string. The guitarist presses the string against the neck, causing the working part of the string to contract and the tone emitted by the string to increase (the working part of the string in this case will be the part of the string from the nut to the nut of the fret on which the guitarist's finger is located). Halving the length of a string causes the pitch to rise by an octave. Modern Western music uses the equal temperament 12-note scale. To facilitate playing in such a scale, the so-called “frets” are used in the guitar. A fret is a section of the fretboard with a length that causes the string to rise by one semitone. On the border of the frets in the fretboard, metal frets are strengthened. In the presence of frets, changing the length of the string and, accordingly, the pitch becomes possible only in a discrete way. (see 6, p. 19) Strings. (app. 2) Modern guitars use steel, nylon, or carbon strings. The strings are numbered in order of increasing thickness of the string (and decreasing tone), the thinnest string is number 1. The guitar uses a set of strings - a set of strings of different thicknesses, selected in such a way that at the same tension each string gives a sound of a certain height. The strings are set on the guitar in order of thickness - thick strings giving a lower sound on the left, thin on the right. For left-handed guitarists, the string order can be reversed. Currently, a large number of varieties of string sets are produced, differing in thickness, manufacturing technology, material, sound timbre, type of guitar and application. (see 6, p. 19) 9

12 Modern means of communication actively promote various styles and directions of musical culture. Not last place the guitar in all its diversity occupies this huge information flow. It is safe to say that today the classical guitar has become an integral part of the world academic musical art. When a guitarist is asked why he chose the guitar, the most common answer is: I liked the way it sounds. Yes, I like the sound of the guitar, and this is its advantage. Conclusion. The guitar is not as simple in structure as we think. There are several types of strings: nylon, carbon, steel-based, varying in thickness. The bodies of different guitars are made of spruce, mahogany, cedar, maple, rosewood, alder, linden. Guitar necks are made from beech, mahogany and other hardwoods. 10

13 Chapter II. Types of guitars There are many types of guitars: classical guitar, Russian seven-string guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, and others. Classical guitar (app. 3) is the main representative of the family of guitars and acoustic guitars in particular. IN modern form exists since the second half of the XVIII century, is used as a solo, ensemble and accompanying instrument. The guitar has great artistic performance and a wide variety of timbres. (see p. 7) Russian seven-string guitar (app. 3) - appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century. Its main feature is a system that is different from that of a classical six-string guitar. (see 8, p. 19) Electric guitar (app. 3) - a kind of guitar with electromagnetic pickups that convert vibrations of metal strings into vibrations of electric current. The signal from the pickups can be processed to obtain various sound effects and then amplified for playback through the speakers. The word "electric guitar" originated from the phrase "electric guitar". (see 9, p. 19) Bass guitar (adj. 4) (also called an electric bass guitar or just a bass) is a string-plucked musical instrument designed to be played in the bass range. It is played mainly with fingers, but playing with a plectrum is also acceptable. (See p. 9, p. 19) vibration of the strings, amplified by the resonance of the hollow body (see 12, p. 20). The acoustic guitar is the main instrument of such genres as art song, folk, occupies an important place in gypsy and Cuban folk music, rock, blues and other genres (see 13, p. 19) The name "Acoustic" can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand , it means 11

14 method of sound amplification by the resonating body of the instrument, without the use of electricity; on the other hand, a separate class of guitars with metal strings and bodies such as Dreadnought, Folk and Jumbo. (see 13, p. 19) acoustic enclosure pickups are also provided in the design (see 15, p. 20) .20). Synthesizer guitar(app.4) (MIDI guitar) A guitar designed to be used as an input device for a sound synthesizer (see 14, p.20). The large number of varieties of guitars that currently exist can be classified according to the following criteria: by the method of sound amplification, by body design, by range, by the presence of frets, by country (place) of origin. We have considered only one type of guitar classification: by the method of amplifying the sound. Conclusion. There are a large number of less common intermediate and hybrid forms of guitars with an increased number of strings. There is a simple addition of strings to expand the range of the instrument (eg five-string and six-string bass guitars), as well as doubling or even tripling some or all of the strings to get a richer timbre of the sound. There are guitars with additional (usually one) necks for the convenience of solo performance of some works. 12

15 Chapter III III.1. Guitar in various styles of music Guitar in jazz. After the discovery of America, settlements of people with different musical cultures began to appear on new lands. Several centuries of joint, although the lives of Europeans with immigrants from Africa, resulted in the birth of a new musical direction- jazz. The origins of this style, according to experts, are in the diverse folk art of American blacks, in particular, in specific songs - blues. The peculiar manner of Negro singing (non-tempered notes in the melody, rhythmic pulsation, improvisation, etc.) was also reflected in the technique of playing the guitar, which, starting from the 19th century, they used for accompaniment. The blues style of performance gave rise to new techniques of playing the guitar (bands, slide, sliding, and many others), which formed the basis of the jazz guitar school (see 16 p. 20) Guitar in rock music. Rock music has a special place in the history of the electric guitar. Rooted in Negro archaic blues and partly in European folklore, this music has become a source further development specific ways of playing the guitar. In rock music, the guitar has become the main instrument, without which it is impossible to imagine the sound of a rock group. Most of the songs that have entered the history of rock were written by guitarists who were leaders in their ensembles (D. Hendrix, A. Young, from modern ones - E. Hallen, G. Moore and many others.In Russian rock, the authors of a large number of compositions that entered the history of Soviet rock music are guitarists A. Makarevich, K. Nikolsky, V. Kuzmin, V. Butusov, E. Khavtan (see 17 p. 20) The development of the guitar rock school is inextricably linked with technical progress in the field of electronic guitar equipment.Conclusion.An amazing property of the guitar is that it finds its rightful place in any cultural environment, be it Spanish flamenco, Russian romance or American blues.13

16 III.2. Guitar and bard song The guitar is a symbol of bard song and Russian chanson. This instrument is most directly related to the author's song. The author's song is often called bard. Is it really correct to say "bard song"? Maybe better - student, author's, guitar, amateur, amateur, tourist, campfire, camping? There is something in every title. Indeed, it was in the student environment after the war that many, many songs of this genre arose. They were picked up by this environment and put into practice. And these songs were often sung on camping trips, around fires, and always with a guitar. The main quality of such a song is that behind it there is always some kind of feeling, meaning, soul of the author. The bard song is a living song, it asks, advises, tells, saddens and rejoices. To write a good bard song, it is not at all necessary to be a professional in music, poetry, or to be a professional guitarist. You need to give a piece of your soul to the song, as the famous Russian bards V. Vysotsky, B. Okudzhava, A. Rosenbaum, Yu. Vizbor, T. and S. Nikitin, O. Mityaev and others did and do. The bard song has a long history and has existed since the dawn of mankind. It had different names, existed in different countries. The author's song, or, as they say, bard music, is a song genre that arose in the middle of the twentieth century in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Author's music grew out of amateur performances and instantly reached wide popularity in society. Usually bardic music is performed by the performer-author with a single acoustic guitar. When performing an author's song, the main thing is the quality of the text in relation to poetry. But how did the author's song appear anyway? The ancestors of bard music are urban romances and song miniatures Bards (songwriters) wrote very human lyrics that crept into the farthest corners of the soul. It was music from the heart for 14

17 souls ... Usually the songwriters of this genre of the same name were the compilers of both the lyrics and the music of the song. Hence, in general, the name: BARDY. A very strong impetus in the direction of the author's song was given by the appearance of a tape recorder, which gave a chain reaction to the appearance of songs by B. Okudzhava and N. Matveeva. A little more time passed before V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, V. Berezhkov, V. Dolina became classic bards. In the eighties and nineties, Shcherbakov also joined them; Ivashchenko and Vasilyeva ( creative duet"IVAS"). It was quite obvious that the bard genre was accepted by society for self-expression, opening one's heart, one's happiness, one's troubles in front of people - this was real music for the soul. Later, a festival of author's song was created, the representative of which was the famous Grushinsky festival. Conclusion. Bard songs with a guitar are a unique genre, at the same time close to souls and far from the everyday life of big cities, high-quality music is an ornament for any holiday. This is a particle of sincerity, which we so lack in modern fast life. 15

18 Chapter IV. Guitar in my life. To the long-awaited guitar I will quietly cling. Carefully and carefully Throne the string... For the first time I heard the guitar in early childhood. Everyone in our family loves music, dad plays the guitar well, there are musical instruments at home: a synthesizer, a guitar, a tambourine. With age, interest in the guitar intensified. Dad talked about the guitar, about great guitarists, famous bards, and I listened to his stories with pleasure. I wanted to learn as much as possible about this beautiful musical instrument. When I decided to enter the music school. O. V. Cherkasova, I had to choose a musical instrument and my choice fell on the guitar. Guitar lessons are taught by a wonderful teacher S. F. Severina. At the music school, I was taught not only to play the guitar, but also musical notation, choral singing and much more. I go to music classes with pleasure, I really like learning something new, playing works of different genres, performing at reporting concerts. Thanks to the music school, I have made many new acquaintances and friends who support my musical interests. I really like to play music as it calms and develops hand motor skills. Conclusion. Believe me, when the soul asks for music, it is much more pleasant not to turn on the audio player, but to play this music yourself. And for this you do not need to be a virtuoso performer, it is enough to learn four or five guitar chords. And it will be the music that you play! The harmony of the guitar chord will amaze you. Not much in a person's life positive emotions give them to yourself! 16

19 Conclusion The sound of the guitar, transferred through many centuries, continues to enchant, attract the attention of composers of both classical and variety music Today the guitar is the most widely used musical instrument. Currently, all continents play the guitar, soulful songs are sung to it, and the skill of the performers is breathtaking! This is both a solo performance and accompaniment of an old and modern romance, tourist and student songs. The guitar is an indispensable participant in the art of flamenco, gypsy songs and dances, and in jazz it has taken the place of the banjo. It goes well in an ensemble with other instruments - violin, domra, mandolin, balalaika. The most valuable quality of a guitar is that it can be the most intimate instrument. Someone noticed that any other instrument breaks the silence, but the guitar creates it. Maybe that's why there are so many people who want to master this instrument, which surprises with a variety of playing techniques. Guitar art is constantly evolving, virtuosic and expressive possibilities give reason to assume the further flowering of the art of playing this instrument. In this work, we have shown what an interesting, difficult, popular, modern instrument the guitar is. Perhaps the students, whom we plan to acquaint with the practical part of this research work in class hours and lessons of the MCC, will be even more interested in this amazing tool. Work on this topic gave us the opportunity to get acquainted not only with a musical instrument, but also with its history and modernity, opened up new sides music world. 17

20 List of literature and Internet resources. Internet resources: %D0%B8%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3 %D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B0%D1% 80%D0%B0 8. D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D 1%80%D1%83%D0% BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%B3%D0%B8%D 1%82%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B %D0%B ?template=accessibility References: 18

21 1. Ivanov-Kramskoy A. School of playing the six-string guitar. M.: Muzyka, 1989. 152 p. 2. How to teach to play the guitar. M.: Publishing house "Classics XXI", p. 3. Katansky A. V., Katansky V. M. School of playing the six-string guitar. Ensemble, chord tables. Song accompaniment: Educational manual. M.: Publisher V. Katansky, p. 4. Kofanov A. A book about the guitar. St. Petersburg: Peter, p. 5. Noyd V. Tutorial for playing the guitar / Frederic Noud; per. from English. K. A. Davydova. Moscow: Astrel, p. 6. Sor F. School of playing the guitar / F. Sor; corrected and supplemented by the degree of complexity by N. Kost; total Ed. N. A. Ivanova-Kramskoy; per. from French A. D. Vysotsky. Rostov n/a: Phoenix, s. 7. Shumidub A. School of guitarist-performer. M. Ed. A, Shumidub, 1999. 112 p. 19

22 Appendix 1. Image of kinor. Frets 20

23 Appendix 2 Strings Guitar construction. 21

24 Appendix 3 Classical guitar Acoustic guitar Russian seven-string guitar. Electric guitar. 22

25 Appendix 4. Bass guitar Semi-acoustic guitar Resonator guitar Synthesizer guitar. 23

26 Appendix 5. Bulat Okudzhava. Vladimir Vysotsky Alexander Rosenbaum 24

27 Appendix 6. Tatyana and Sergey Nikitin. Yuri Vizbor Oleg Mityaev 25

28 Appendix 7 Interesting facts about the guitar: The seven-string and classical guitar is a treasure trove different facts. For example, the most entertaining of them: the seven-string instrument has the thinnest strings, which is why the sound is so high. Previously, strings were made from the intestines of animals, it was believed that such strings were the most resonant and strong. Those who make guitars are called luthiers. The most expensive instrument in the world costs almost $3 million. The smallest seven-string guitar is only 10 microns long. It was collected under a powerful microscope. In England, you can marry the guitar or marry it. The guitar has 4 octaves. The largest guitar is 13 meters long. Gypsies know how to guess on the guitar. Only 6 percent of the world's people can play such an instrument. The guitar used to be played only with a bow, touching the strings with your hands was considered bad form There is a guitar in the world that has as many as 15 strings. It is not often played, but it has more than enough fans! Those who dream of a guitar are promised new acquaintances. It is easier for girls to learn to play the seven-string instrument than for boys. beautiful female figure compared to the guitar. 26

29 But the following fact is not the history of the creation of the guitar, but it can be called curious for the general development. For those who are single and looking for their other half, scientists advise picking up a guitar. For what? To attract members of the opposite sex. Our brain reacts to a guy or a lady with a guitar in a strange way. Such a person seems to us attractive, active and very kind. A person with a guitar in their hands is five times more likely to be met than someone who does not have a guitar. Plus, you don't have to play the instrument! Annex 8. Results of sociological research In the course of the work, a sociological survey was conducted among students in grades 7-8. Five questions were asked: 1. Would you like to learn how to play the guitar? The following results were obtained: In total, 30 people were interviewed Yes-19 No-6 I can-2 I study-3 2. What do you know about the guitar? Nothing 6 Some information 4 Types of guitars 5 Famous guitarists Which guitar would you choose? Acoustic-10 Classical-8 27

30 Electric guitar-9 Don't know-3 4. What do you need to learn how to play the guitar? Desire-13 Patience-5 Hearing-6 Good instrument-3 Preferably a good mentor-3 5. How does music affect your mood? Raises the mood 19 Helps to get ready 8 Interferes with work 2 Nothing 1 According to the results this survey we made the following conclusions on identifying the level of knowledge about the guitar among students of the school. The sound of the guitar is familiar to everyone, but few people know the history and present of this instrument. Most students really like the sound of the musical instrument guitar, but at the same time they cannot tell who is performing the piece of music. Conclusion. According to statistics, only every third of those who wish is able to learn how to play the guitar, for the rest it is not possible. They even talk about a genetic predisposition to owning this musical instrument, but in fact anyone can learn to play the guitar, from young to old! In every city you can find a store where tools are sold, their cost can be from $ 50 to very impressive numbers. You can learn how to play the guitar at a music school, on your own with the help of a tutorial, the Internet, or get guitar lessons from a private teacher. 28

Research work Guitar. Past and present. Completed by: Ostrikova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, chenitsa 3 "B" class MBOU "Secondary school 49 in Kaluga Head: Kavitskaya

GUITAR MY DREAM GUITAR MY DREAM “Music carries something eternal and universal: it induces in us the desire to sing and dance, touching special strings in the soul. From Beethoven to the Beatles, from Bach to the Blues

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE This circle will help you master playing the six-string guitar. Starting with the simplest chords, melodies and songs, we will gradually move on to complex ones. Learn guitar accompaniment. "Educational

How to choose the guitar of your dreams? Nowadays, the guitar is the most popular musical instrument. You can always take it with you to any holiday and visit, and play a couple of simple pieces or songs


Explanatory note In today's world there are few musical instruments that are so common among people of all ages, regardless of their occupation. The guitar is in almost every

Explanatory note Art improves and develops the feelings of people, through it a person not only learns the surrounding reality, but also recognizes and asserts himself as a person, because art

INTRODUCTION This book is intended for anyone interested in playing the guitar. It will suit both those who have picked up an instrument for the first time, and those who already know how to play. All tasks are presented simply and consistently,

Working programm associations additional education"Vocal-instrumental ensemble" Head Vakhromeev I.V. EXPLANATORY NOTE The focus of the program is artistic. Music is

MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE KRASNODAR REGION social services Krasnodar Territory"Slavic Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors"

Explanatory note. IN last years The guitar is becoming more and more popular musical instrument among teenagers, especially 14-18 year olds. With a guitar, you can sit by the fire, in the company of peers,

Developer: Aleksey Leonidovich Minaev, teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines, BPOU VO "Vologda Pedagogical College" Explanatory note Additional general educational general developmental

Contents Introduction... 3 Guitar... 4 How to choose a guitar... 6 How to choose and buy a guitar... 8 How to care for your guitar...12 Getting started...13 How to hold your guitar... 14 How to tune guitar...23 Clues

FOREWORD In your hands is a guide with which you can achieve your goal of learning to play the guitar. It has been scientifically proven that the vast majority of people have an ear for music (although


Explanatory note Focus of the additional educational program: art. Novelty, relevance, pedagogical expediency. The guitar song genre originated among students in

Explanatory note In the culture of any nation, music has always occupied one of the leading positions. The guitar has played and still plays a big role in musical culture due to its accessibility. It is known that the influence

Program content. 1. Explanatory note 2. main goal and objectives of the program 3. content of theoretical training 4. practical training 5. recommendations on the organization of methodological support

Municipal treasury educational institution additional education for children and youth "House of childhood and youth" city of Kataysk. Technological description of work experience Topic: "Using vocals,


Appendix to the program of additional education of MBOU "Lyceum" for the 2015-2016 academic year Order 445 of 08/31/2015. MUNICIPAL BUDGET GENERAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "LYCEUM"


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Department of Culture of the City of Moscow state-financed organization additional education of the city of Moscow "Moscow City Center children's creativity"Culture and Education" Additional

YOU CAN PLAY FOR MOSCOW 2018 ., -,.,. And w қ ғ ғ ғ ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dan Holton started playing guitar at the age of 15, after falling in love with the blues, and has not parted with the instrument since. He toured

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program has an artistic orientation and is associated with learning to play the guitar and singing, the development of performing and artistic and creative abilities of children. The concept of "author's

Annotation to the work program on music in grades 5-7 Work program on the subject "Music" included in educational area"Art", intended for students in grades 5, 6, 7, secondary

Municipal budgetary educational institution Mohsogollokh secondary general education school with in-depth study of individual subjects "I approve" Director of the school Danilova V.V. 2017 Order


Department of Education of the city of Moscow GBOU "School 734" School of Self-Determination "I approve" Director of GBOU School 734 Gritsay Yu.V. Approved at the meeting of the pedagogical council.06.06 WORKING PROGRAM

Contents Page 1. Explanatory note 3 2. Educational and thematic plans for 1-2 years of study. 6 2. Content of the additional educational program 8 3. Methodological support programs 13 4. List

Vocal-instrumental ensemble program Explanatory note Music plays an important role in children's lives. A good song becomes the first idol and an opportunity to express yourself. The song is not only a form

Serazitdinova Valentina

This work shows what an interesting, difficult, popular, modern instrument the guitar is. The study of this topic made it possible to get acquainted not only with a musical instrument, but also with its history and modernity, opened up new aspects of the musical world.



Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan

State budget educational institution

Belebeevskaya special (correctional)

secondary school of the VIII type

"Guitar - past and present"

Performed: Serazetdinova Valentina,

12th grade student

Scientific adviser:

Mitryashkina Olga Alexandrovna,

music teacher

Belebey 2012


Chapter I

Where did the guitar come from




Guitar device.


Guitar classification.

Chapter II.

Electric guitar





Chapter III.

Pilot study




Annex 1.

Photo dictionary: "Guitar - past and present"

Appendix 2

Dictionary musical terms.

Appendix 3

Album "Success Stories!"


“I love Our guitar, it has a big soul.

He doesn’t ask me anything, he only comforts me very much.”

Anatoly Mariengof

The relevance of research:The study is interesting and relevant for students who want to learn more about a musical instrument - the guitar.

Problem: The guitar is a very popular musical instrument, many students and teenagers listen to musical works with the sound of a guitar, but not everyone knows the origin of this instrument, its past and present.

Goal of the work: Learn the history of the appearance of the guitar, trace the path of its development.

Tasks: To study historical, educational, reference literature about the musical instrument guitar; organize the information received; using the example of famous guitarists to show that playing the guitar can lead to great fame; conduct a survey to identify the level of knowledge about the guitar among students of the school.

Subject of study:guitar, its past and present.

Research methods:analysis, generalization, classification, comparison, forecasting, testing, observation, survey.

research work, monitoring.

Research base:GBOU Belebey correctional school of the VIII type.

Structure of the research work:introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, bibliography, appendices.

Chapter I. Where did the guitar come from

1.1 Origin.

The word "guitar" comes from the fusion of two words: the Sanskrit word "sangita" which means "music" and the Old Persian "tar" which means "string".

Tar - a stringed, plucked musical instrument, one of the predecessors of the guitar.

The earliest surviving evidence of stringed instruments with a resonating body and neck, the ancestors of the modern guitar, dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. In ancient Egypt and India, similar instruments were also known: nabla, nefer, zither in Egypt, wine and sitar in India. IN ancient greece and Rome, the cithara instrument was popular. As the guitar spread from Central Asia through Greece to Western Europe, the word “guitar” underwent changes: “cithara” in ancient Greece, Latin “cithara”, “guitarra” in Spain, “chitarra” in Italy, “guitare” in France, “ guitar" in England and finally, "guitar" in Russia. The name "guitar" first appeared in European medieval literature in the 13th century.

The guitar is a stringed plucked musical instrument, one of the most widespread in the world. It is used as an accompanying instrument in many musical styles. It is the main instrument in such styles of music as blues, country, flamenco, rock music. Invented in the 20th century, the electric guitar had a profound effect on popular culture. A performer of music on the guitar is called a guitarist. A person who makes and repairs guitars is called a guitar luthier.

Spanish guitar.In the Middle Ages, the main center for the development of the guitar was Spain, where the guitar came from ancient rome(Latin guitar) and together with the Arab conquerors (Moorish guitar). In the 15th century, a guitar invented in Spain with 5 double strings (the first string could have been single) became widespread. Such guitars are called Spanish guitars. By the end of the 18th century, the Spanish guitar in the process of evolution acquires 6 single strings and a considerable repertoire of works, the formation of which was significantly influenced by the Italian composer and virtuoso guitarist Mauro Giuliani, who lived in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Russian guitar. The guitar came to Russia relatively late, when it had been known in Europe for five centuries. But all Western music began to penetrate widely into Russia only at the end of the 17th and beginning of the 18th centuries. The guitar received a solid place thanks to the Italian composers and musicians who arrived in Russia at the end of the 17th century, primarily Giuseppe Sarti and Carlo Canobbio. Some time later, at the beginning of the 18th century, the guitar strengthened its position in Russia thanks to Marcus Aurelius Zani de Ferranti, who arrived in St. Petersburg in 1821, then Mauro Giuliani and Fernando Sor toured. Sor dedicated a piece of music for guitar called “Remembrance of Russia” to his trip to Russia. This piece is still being performed. The first significant Russian guitarist who played a six-string instrument was Nikolai Petrovich Makarov. In Russia at the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, the seven-string version of the Spanish guitar became popular, largely due to the activities of the talented composer and virtuoso guitarist Andrei Sikhra, who lived at that time, who wrote more than a thousand works for this instrument, called the "Russian guitar". The Russian guitar is also becoming popular in the 21st century.

Classical guitar.During the XVIII-XIX centuries, the design of the Spanish guitar undergoes significant changes, the masters experiment with the size and shape of the body, neck fastening, the design of the peg mechanism, and so on. Finally, in the 19th century, the Spanish guitar maker Antonio Torres gave the guitar its modern shape and size. Guitars designed by Torres are today called classical. Most famous guitarist of that time is the Spanish composer and guitarist Francisco Tarrega, who laid the foundations classical technique guitar games. In the 20th century, his work was continued by the Spanish composer, guitarist and teacher Andres Segovia.

1.2. Guitar device.

Main parts. The guitar is a body with a long, flat neck called a "neck". The front, working side of the neck is flat or slightly convex. Strings are stretched along it, fixed at one end on the body, with the other at the end of the fretboard, which is called the “head” or “head” of the fretboard.

On the body, the strings are fixed motionlessly by means of a stand, on the headstock by means of a peg mechanism, which allows adjusting the tension of the strings.

The string lies on two saddles, lower and upper, the distance between them, which determines the length of the working part of the string, is the scale of the guitar.

The nut is located at the top of the neck, near the head. The lower one is mounted on a stand on the body of the guitar. As the saddle can be used so-called. saddles are simple mechanisms that allow the length of each string to be adjusted.

Frets. The sound source in the guitar is the vibration of the stretched strings. The pitch of the extracted sound is determined by the tension of the string, the length of the vibrating part and the thickness of the string itself. The dependence here is this - the thinner the string, the shorter and the stronger it is stretched - the higher it sounds.

The main way to control the pitch when playing a guitar is to change the length of the vibrating part of the string. The guitarist presses the string against the neck, causing the working part of the string to contract and the tone emitted by the string to increase (the working part of the string in this case will be the part of the string from the saddle to the guitarist's finger). Halving the length of a string causes the pitch to rise by an octave.

Modern Western music uses an equal temperament scale. To facilitate playing in such a scale, the guitar uses the so-called. "frets". A fret is a section of the fretboard with a length that causes the string to rise by one semitone. On the border of the frets in the fretboard, metal frets are strengthened. In the presence of fret thresholds, changing the length of the string and, accordingly, the pitch, becomes possible only in a discrete way.

Strings. Modern guitars use metal or nylon strings. The strings are numbered in order of increasing string thickness (and decreasing pitch), with the thinnest string numbered 1.

The guitar uses a set of strings - a set of strings of different thicknesses, selected in such a way that at one tension each string gives a sound of a certain height. The strings are set on the guitar in order of thickness - thick strings, giving a lower sound - on the left, thin - on the right. For left-handed guitarists, the string order can be reversed. String sets also vary in thickness. Although there are quite a few different thickness variations for different strings in a set, it is usually enough to know the thickness of only the first string (the most popular is 0.009″, “nine”).

Standard guitar tuning.Correspondence of the string number and musical note emitted by this string is called "guitar tuning" (guitar tuning). There are many tuning options to suit different types of guitars, different genres of music, and different playing techniques. The most famous and common is the so-called "standard tuning" (standard tuning), suitable for a 6-string guitar. In this tuning, the strings are tuned as follows:

1st string - note "mi" of the first octave (e1)

2nd string - note "si" of a small octave (h)

3rd string - note "salt" of a small octave (g)

4th string - note "re" of a small octave (d)

5th string - note "la" of the big octave (A)

6th string - note "mi" of the big octave (E)

1.3. Guitar classification.

The large number of varieties of guitars that currently exist can be classified according to the following criteria:

Acoustic guitar - a guitar sounding with the help of a body made in the form of an acoustic resonator.

Electric guitar - a guitar that sounds by means of electrical amplification and reproduction of the signal taken from the vibrating strings by a pickup.

A semi-acoustic guitar is a combination of an acoustic and electric guitar where pickups are provided in addition to the hollow acoustic body.

Electro-acoustic guitar - an acoustic guitar in which an electronic device for amplified sound reproduction is installed.

A resonator guitar (resonant or resonant guitar) is a type of acoustic guitar in which metal acoustic resonators built into the body are used to increase the volume.

Synthesizer guitar (MIDI guitar) - a guitar designed to be used as an input device for a sound synthesizer.

By range.

Regular guitar - from re (mi) of a large octave to do (re) of the third octave. Using a typewriter (Floyd Rose) allows you to significantly expand the range in both directions. The range of the guitar is about 4 octaves.

Bass guitar is a guitar with a low range of sound, usually one octave lower than a regular guitar. Developed by Fender in the 1950s.

The tenor guitar is a four-string guitar with a shortened scale, range and banjo tuning.

A baritone guitar is a guitar with a longer scale than a regular guitar, which allows it to be tuned to a lower pitch. Invented by Danelectro in the 1950s.

By the presence of frets.

A regular guitar is a guitar that has frets and frets and is adapted for playing in equal temperament.

A fretless guitar is a guitar that has no frets. This makes it possible to extract sounds of arbitrary pitch from the range of the guitar, as well as a smooth change in the pitch of the extracted sound. Fretless bass guitars are more common.

Slide guitar (Slide guitar) - a guitar designed to be played with a slide, in such a guitar the pitch of the sound changes smoothly with the help of a special device - a slide, which is driven along the strings.

By country (place) of origin.

The Spanish guitar is an acoustic six-string guitar that appeared in Spain in the 13th-15th centuries.

The Russian guitar is an acoustic seven-string guitar that appeared in Russia in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The ukulele is a slide guitar that functions in a “lying” position, that is, the body of the guitar lies flat on the guitarist’s knees or on a special stand, while the guitarist sits on a chair or stands next to the guitar like at a table.

By genre of music.

Classical guitar - acoustic six-string guitar designed by Antonio Torres (19th century).

The folk guitar is an acoustic six-string guitar adapted to use metal strings.

Flamenco guitar - classical guitar, adapted to the needs of the flamenco musical style, has a sharper timbre of sound.

Jazz guitar (orchestral guitar) - Gibson firms and their analogues. These guitars have a sharp sound, well distinguishable in the composition of a jazz orchestra, which predetermined their popularity among jazz guitarists of the 20s and 30s of the XX century.

By role in the work performed.

Solo guitar - a guitar designed to perform melodic solo parts, characterized by a sharper and more legible sound of individual notes.

Rhythm guitar - a guitar designed to perform rhythmic parts, characterized by a denser and more uniform sound timbre, especially in the low frequencies.

By the number of strings.

Four-string guitar (4-string guitar) - a guitar with four strings. In the vast majority of cases, four-string guitars are bass guitars or tenor guitars.

Six-string guitar (6-string guitar) - a guitar with six single strings. The most standard and widespread type of guitar.

Seven-string guitar (7-string guitar) - a guitar with seven single strings. It was widely used in Russian music of the XVIII-XIX centuries.

Twelve-string guitar (12-string guitar) - a guitar with twelve strings, forming six pairs, tuned in the classical system in an octave or in unison. It is played mainly by professional rock musicians, folk musicians and bards.

Others - There are a large number of less common intermediate and hybrid forms of guitars with an increased number of strings. The number of strings can be increased either by simply adding new strings to expand the range of the guitar, or by doubling or even tripling some or all of the strings to get a fuller timbre of the sound, or by combining two (and sometimes more) necks in one body for the convenience of solo performance of some works. .

Chapter II. Electric guitar

2.1. The appearance of the electric guitar.

The first magnetic pickup was designed in 1924 by Lloyd Loer, an engineer-inventor working for Gibson. The first electric guitars for the mass market were produced in 1931 by the Electro String Company.

In the 20th century, with the advent of electrical amplification and sound processing technology, new type guitars - electric guitar. In 1936, Georges Beauchamp and Adolphe Rickenbacker, the founders of the Rickenbacker company, patented the first electric guitar, with magnetic pickups and a metal body (they were called a "frying pan"). In the early 1950s, American engineers and entrepreneur Leo Fender and engineer and musician Les Paul independently invented the solid wood electric guitar, the design of which has remained unchanged to this day. The most influential electric guitar player is (according to Rolling Stone magazine) the American guitarist Jimi Hendrix who lived in the middle of the 20th century.

2.2. Applications of the electric guitar.

In jazz and blues. The electric guitar came to jazz in 1937 thanks to Eddie Durham.

In rock. Simultaneously with the birth of rock music, the electric guitar became the main instrument of the rock band. It sounded on the records of many early rock musicians - Elvis Presley, Bill Haley, but Chuck Berry and Bo Diddley had a revolutionary influence on the development of the rock technique of playing the electric guitar. Their solo-parts and techniques of using guitar sound in the context of the song, experiments with sound had a serious impact on subsequent rock music.

in academic music.In the 1950s-1960s, many composers of academic music began to use the electric guitar in their works. Among such works are Karlheinz Stockhausen's Gruppen (1955-1957), Donald Erb's String Trio (1966), Morton Feldman's The Possibility of a New Work for Electric Guitar (1966). Later works of this kind include Leonard Bernstein's MASS (1971), Steve Reich's Electric Counterpoint (1987), Arvo Pärt's Miserere (1989-1992), Lepo Sumera's Symphony No. 4 (1992) with an electric guitar solo in the third movement.

In the 1980s and 1990s, younger composers also began to write works for the electric guitar. Among them are Stephen Mackie, Nick Didkowski, Scott Johnson, Tim Brady. Experimental composers Glenn Branca and Rhys Chatham wrote several "symphonic" works for electric guitars, which sometimes required up to 100 pieces.

At this time, such virtuosos as the musicians of the Beatles appear ( The Beatles), Jimmy Hendrix, Yngwie Malmsteen, Joe Satriani, Ritchie Blackmore, etc. Electric rock guitar, with appropriate processing, becomes an independent type of musical instrument. Although many works by The Beatles sound great in classical performance.

A special stage in the development of the guitar was the appearance of electric guitars. The rich possibilities of sound processing, analog and digital processors made it possible to change the sound of a classical guitar beyond recognition. At the same time, performance opportunities have expanded. The musicians got the opportunity to bring the guitar sound as close as possible to the desired result. This once again proves the versatility of the guitar. No wonder why the guitar, in all its many varieties, has become the most popular modern instrument. The guitar finds a place in studios, and at concert venues, and at home, and camping by the fire. (Photos of guitars in Appendix No. 1).

Chapter III. Pilot study

The study was carried out in two stages.

First stage.

  1. Studying historical, educational, reference literature, listening musical works on the research topic, drawing up an approximate research plan.

Second phase.

  1. Conducting a survey on the following questions: How often do you listen to music? What musical instruments do you know? What musical instrument do you play or would like to learn how to play? What do you know about the guitar? What musicians performers do you know? How does music affect your mood?
  2. Practical work on compiling a dictionary of musical terms, a photo dictionary, an album "Success Stories", processing questions for this study.
  3. Writing a paper, conclusions, research results.

The results of the first stage of our work are presented in Chapters I and II of this study.

The second stage of our research was reflected in appendices 1 - Photo dictionary: "Guitar - past and present", 2 - Dictionary of musical terms, 3 - Album "Success stories!" and the following poll:

Table 1.




How often do you listen to music?

Often - 10

Rare - 4

I don't listen at all - 0

What musical instruments do you know?

5 tools - 2

3 tools - 5

1 tool - 6

What do you know about the guitar?

Nothing - 5

Some information - 2

Long answer - 0

What musical instrument do you play or would like to learn how to play?

I play on - 0

I would like to learn - 10

What musicians performers do you know?

Pop artists - 3

Rock artists - 0

Jazz performers - 0

How does music affect your mood?

Uplifting - 10

Helps to tune in - 5

Interferes with work - 1

Based on the results of this survey, we made the following conclusions on identifying the level of knowledge about the guitar among students of the school.

The sound of the guitar is familiar to everyone, but few people know the history and present of this instrument. Most students really like the sound of the musical instrument guitar, but at the same time they cannot tell who is performing the piece of music.

This situation in this area requires educational work.

Based on the results of this research work, in its practical part, we have developed dictionaries that are reflected in the applications:

1 - Photo dictionary: "Guitar - past and present",

2 - Glossary of musical terms,

3 - Album "Success stories!".


In this work, we have shown what an interesting, difficult, popular, modern instrument the guitar is. Perhaps the students, whom we plan to introduce to the practical part of this research work at the club hour, will be even more interested in this amazing tool. The work on this topic gave us the opportunity to get acquainted not only with a musical instrument, but also with its history and modernity, opened up new aspects of the musical world.


  1. Veshchitsky P., Larichev E., Laricheva G. Classical six-string guitar: a reference book. M.: Composer, 2000. - 216 p.
  2. Vidal Robert J. Notes on the guitar offered by Andres Segovia / Per. from French, - M., Music, 1990. - 32 p.
  3. Voynov L., Derun V. Your friend is a guitar, Sverdlovsk, Central Ural book publishing house, 1970. - 56 p.
  4. Volman B. Guitar in Russia, Leningrad, Muzgiz, 1961. - 180 p.
  5. Volman B. Guitar and guitarists, Leningrad, Muzyka, 1968. - 188 p.
  6. Wolman B. Guitar, M., Muzyka, 1972, 62 p.; 2nd ed.: M., Music, 1980. - 59 p.
  7. Gazaryan S.S. The story about the guitar, M., Children's literature, 1987. - 48 p.
  8. Guitar from blues to jazz: Collection. Kyiv: "Musical Ukraine", 1995.
  9. Grigoriev V.Yu. Niccolo Paganini. Life and work, M., "Music", 1987. - 143 p.
  10. Esipova M.V., Fraenova O.V. Musicians of the world. Biographical Dictionary. M., Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2001. - 527 p.
  11. Ivanov M. Russian 7-string guitar. M.-L.: Muzgiz, 1948.
  12. Historical and biographical dictionary-reference book of classical guitar masters: In 2 volumes [Comp., ed. - Yablokov M.S.], Tyumen, Vector Buk, 2001-2002 [T.1, 2001, 608 p.; T. 2, 2002, 512 p.]
  13. Classical guitar in Russia and the USSR. Dictionary-reference book of Russian and Soviet figures of the guitar. (Yablokov M.S., Bardina A.V., Danilov V.A. et al.), Tyumen-Ekaterinburg, Russian Encyclopedia, 1992. - 1300 p.
  14. Komarova I.I. Musicians and composers. M.: "Ripol-Classic", 2002. - 476 p.
  15. Larin A., Guitar in Russia. Literature review. ("Almanac of the Bibliophile", XI), M., 1981, p. 142-153.
  16. Martynov I. Music of Spain, M., Sov. composer, 1977. - 359 p.
  17. Meichik M.N. Paganini [Critical and biographical essay], M., "Muzgiz", 1934. - 46 p.
  18. Mirkin M.Yu. Brief biographical dictionary of foreign composers. M., 1969.
  19. Mikhailenko N.P., Fang Din Tan. Guitarist's Handbook. Kyiv, 1998. - 247 p.
  20. Musical Encyclopedia: In 6 vols. M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1973-1982.
  21. Musical almanac. Guitar. Issue. 1. [Comp. and editors: Larichev E.D., Nazarov A.F.] M., Muzyka, 1987 (1989, 2nd ed., stereotyped) - 52 p.
  22. Musical almanac. Guitar. Issue. 2. [Comp. and editors: Larichev E.D., Nazarov A.F.] M., Muzyka, 1990. - 64 p.
  23. Grove's Musical Dictionary. Per. from English, ed. and additional Doctor of Art History L.O. Akopyan. M., "Practice", 2001. - 1095 p.
  24. Musical encyclopedic Dictionary. M., Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990.
  25. Popov V. Pages of history guitar performance in the USSR and Russia. Yekaterinburg, 1997. - 171 p.
  26. Poponov V. B. Russian folk instrumental music., M., Knowledge, 1984. - 112 p.
  27. Stakhovich M. A. Essay on the history of the seven-string guitar. // History of the guitar in faces: electron. magazine. – (Lit.-art. appendix to the Internet project "Guitarists and Composers"). - 2012. - No. 5-6. - P. 3-70. - (About M. A. Stakhovich: P. 71-113).
  28. Tushishvili G.I. In the world of guitar. Tbilisi, Helovneba, 1989, - 135 p.
  29. Chervatyuk A.P. Musical Art and Classical Six-String Guitar: Historical Aspect, Theory, Methods and Practice of Teaching Playing and Singing: Monograph. M., MGUKI, 2002. - 159 p.
  30. Sharnasse E. Six-string guitar: From the origins to the present day / Per. from French, M., Music, 1991. - 87 p.
  31. Shevchenko A. Flamenco guitar. Kyiv, Musical Ukraine, 1988.
  32. Shiryalin A.V. Guitar Poem. M.: CJSC Editorial and publishing company "Youth stage", 1994. - 158 p.
  33. Yampolsky I. M. Niccolo Paganini. Life and work, M., Muzgiz, 1961. - 379 p.
  34. Shulyachuk I.I. Life of Paganini. Detailed biography. M., TD Ed. "Kopeyka", 1912. - 132 p.
  35. Internet resources:›slovar-muzika/index.htm

S. Ghazaryan

guitar story

Gazaryan S. S.

D13 A story about the guitar. - M.: Det. lit., 1987.- 48 p., photoil.

A story about one of the most popular stringed plucked musical instruments - the guitar.

Design and selection of photo-illustrative material by G. Ordynsky












Many-sided guitar

The guitar is the most popular musical instrument. There are far more people who play the guitar, even at the level of a few chords, than those who play any other instrument. And probably even more of those who would like to learn how to play it.

The guitar is the most common instrument. At first glance, it may seem that mass and prevalence are one and the same. This is wrong. For example, in some European countries ah, the harmonica can be considered a massive and very popular instrument, but the rest of the world treats it rather coolly. And the guitar is distributed on all continents, including now Antarctica. The guitar has even been in space. Probably, other instruments will also be there over time, but the guitar will always take the lead. Finally, the guitar is the most versatile instrument. Take at least the accompaniment - it can also be very different. The accompaniment of a tourist and student song, where in most cases only initial skill is required from a guitarist, is very different, say, from accompaniment of an old Russian romance - here you already need to master the instrument professionally.

Guitar accompaniment differs not only in the degree of skill, but also in its social role. Recently, the Glinka Museum of Musical Culture was donated a guitar, which is of no particular value as an instrument, and it performed only a simple accompaniment. But the guitar belonged to Dean Reed - he traveled with his protest songs to all the hot spots on the planet, and this made a simple instrument invaluable.

A. Watteau. Love song

We will not see the guitar of the Chilean patriot Victor Jara in any museum. Its wreckage was left lying on the stadium, which was turned by the Pinochetites into a concentration camp. This guitar was worse for the junta than a machine gun. Her owner also died. Before killing the singer, his hands were crushed. Hands that turned guitar strings into weapons.

We have touched only on the accompaniment, but we have already seen how different the guitar can be. But there are other roles as well.

Roma songs and dances are often broadcast on television. Guitars are indispensable participants in this action. Try to take a moment to distract yourself from the song, from the dance, listen only to the music of the guitars, and you will clearly hear that this is no longer just an accompaniment. This is an independent art, this is a different kind of music.

Itinerant gypsy guitarists have long roamed the roads of many European countries. In their music, they used only a few traditional melodies, but they combined them so skillfully that an impression of endless variety was created. The gypsies masterfully improvised, embellishing the melody with sharp turns - in a word, they created their own music, which is hardly conveyed by the musical signs familiar to us. The themes of gypsy music are also peculiar - at first very slow, it gradually accelerates and reaches almost the limit of the musician's capabilities, then an abrupt stop follows and everything starts all over again.

In the 18th century, gypsy musicians began to unite in choirs, accompanied by several guitarists. Some led the melody, while others led the harmony. Gypsy choirs became so popular in the 19th century that they inspired numerous imitations. But it is possible to adopt melodies, rhythms, the manner of playing and singing, but it is impossible to assimilate those subtleties that come from deep folk traditions. And without this, imitation remains only imitation, nothing more.

J. S. Sargent "Gypsy Dance"

Another art form of the guitar is flamenco. True, flamenco is not only a guitar. Like the gypsies, it is also a song and a dance. The birthplace of flamenco is the southern provinces of Spain. Many music historians believe that the Spanish gypsies strongly influenced the development of flamenco: there was a mixture of gypsy and Spanish performance styles, borrowing and processing of melodies, and as a result, a completely special and independent art was born.

Gypsy guitarists very rarely perform separately from the choir. And over time, some flamenco guitarists became crowded within the framework of song and dance accompaniment, they separated and began to perform on their own. Their skill, which has grown to extraordinary virtuosity, opened the doors of the most famous concert halls for them.

Flamenco on the guitar is melodies alternating with chords. The melodies are so fast that most other instruments cannot play them. Yes, and on the guitar they are possible only thanks to special techniques.

Flamenco is also an improvisation. Two or three guitarists can come together and immediately, without any rehearsal, play the most complex composition that has never been written down on music paper. If they are asked to repeat, they will do it, but in a different way than the first time: the music is born during the performance.

One of the most prominent flamenco guitarists is the Spaniard Paco de Lucia. His speeches were repeatedly broadcast on our radio and television. Two of his records have been released - Andalusian Melodies and Friday Night in San Francisco.

Paco de Lucia admits in his interviews that he does not remember when he first picked up the guitar, since it was in his very early childhood. He learned to play from his father, at the age of six he already performed with him in small cafes. At the age of thirteen, he is a professional flamenco guitarist performing independently in concerts. At twenty-three, he won first prize at a flamenk competition. Five years later, he was invited to speak in concert hall Madrid, designed exclusively for the performance of classical music. Despite all these achievements, Paco de Lucia believes that he managed to master only the basics of flamenco and he still has to learn and learn the depth and expressiveness of Spanish folk music.

The next type of guitar is not very common and almost unknown to us. This is a ukulele. It is sometimes thought that the ukulele is an instrument of some special design. This is wrong. There are indeed some minor features in the device, if the guitar is obviously made as a Hawaiian, but in principle it is an ordinary guitar, only steel strings must be stretched on it, modern nylon ones are not suitable.

The ukulele is placed flat on your knees during performance. The performer puts special plectrums on the three fingers of his right hand - something like thimbles with metal feathers, with which the strings are plucked. And in his left hand the guitarist holds a metal plate - with it he slides along the strings without pressing them to the fingerboard. The sound of the ukulele, singing, vibrating, resembles a human voice. Usually the ukulele leads the melody and is accompanied by a second guitar or some other instrument.

Available for guitar and jazz music. Sometimes all light music is classified as jazz, assuming that everything that is not classical is jazz. This is not true. Jazz is the most complex form of musical art with its own special laws. So, the guitar perfectly comprehended both the complexity of jazz and its laws. In the twenties of our century in jazz orchestras she took the place that had previously belonged to another instrument - the banjo.

The guitar in jazz is not only an accompanying instrument. In many works, she is assigned a solo, and solo in jazz is almost always an improvisation. Sometimes jazz guitarists perform in concerts with independent numbers. Many of you have probably heard the Soviet guitarist Alexei Kuznetsov - his jazz improvisations on the guitar are always perceived with great interest.

In duets, trios and small ensembles, the guitar goes well with other instruments - for example, violin, domra, mandolin. At one time, the so-called Neapolitan orchestras, which were based on guitars and mandolins, were popular. Older people who have heard such orchestras remember their most delicate sound.

Sometimes, especially in amateur performances, ensembles are made up of the same guitars. And even such an ensemble has access to the widest repertoire - from simple arrangements folk songs to the most complex pieces.

We have already listed several roles of the guitar, and it remains to name three more, without which the story of guitar art would have barely begun.

Classical guitar. The one that seems to be able to do anything. A huge number of works have been written for her, up to concerts with a symphony orchestra.

Russian seven-string guitar. Without it, it is difficult to imagine such a magnificent phenomenon of musical culture as the Russian urban romance.

And finally, the electric guitar, which gave life to a new kind of vocal-instrumental music, the popularity of which among young people is huge.

Each of these roles deserves a separate discussion. But first, let's look at in general terms guitar history. This story began when there was no violin, no cello, no piano.
