In Mr. Rasputin biography literature. The works of Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich: “Farewell to Mother”, “Live and Remember”, “Deadline”, “Fire

R Asputin Valentin Grigorievich - Russian prose writer, classic of Russian literature, an outstanding representative of the so-called " village prose”, a public figure, a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.

Born on March 15, 1937 in the urban-type settlement of Ust-Uda, Irkutsk Region, in a peasant family of Grigory Nikitich (1913-1974) and Nina Ivanovna (1911-1995) Rasputins. The childhood years of the future writer were spent in the village of Atalanka, 400 km from Irkutsk. In 1954 he graduated from high school. In 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk University, for a number of years - before becoming a professional writer - he worked as a journalist in Siberia. Lived in Moscow and Irkutsk.

His work is largely autobiographical, which is emphasized by the title of the first collection of his stories, I Forgot to Ask Lyoshka (1961), followed by The Land Near the Sky (1966) and The Man from the Other World (1967). The main setting of his works is the Angara region: Siberian villages and towns. The story "Money for Mary" (1967), the conflict of which is based on the clash of traditional moral values ​​and the material realities of modern life, brought Rasputin wide popularity. The next story, "The Deadline" (1970), marked the beginning of the most productive stage in Rasputin's work (1970s). He also includes a collection of short stories "Up and Downstream" (1972), the novels "Live and Remember" (1974) and "Farewell to Matyora" (1976) - the pinnacle of the writer's work. Of the works of Rasputin, created in subsequent, largely crisis years for the writer and, as it seems to him, for all Russian literature, the story “Fire” (1985) stands out, reproducing a number of motifs from the stories of the 1970s, painted in apocalyptic tones.

In 1967 he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

V. G. Rasputin in the 1970s depicts modern reality through the prism of the natural-cosmic order of being. A special mythopoetics of Rasputin is taking shape, prompting researchers of his work to compare him with W. Faulkner and G. Garcia Marquez. art space the prose of this period of Rasputin is organized along the vertical axis "earth" - "sky" - as a system of ascending circles: from the "circle of life" to the "eternal cycle of life" and the rotation of heavenly bodies. In his work, Rasputin proceeds from the idea of ​​the norm of life, which consists in the mutual consistency of the opposite principles of being. The key to such a holistic harmonic perception peace is the life and work of man on earth in harmony with his conscience, with himself and the life of nature.

The main character of the story “The Deadline” is the dying old woman Anna, resurrecting her past life, feels her involvement in the eternal cycle of natural life, experiences the mystery of death as the main event in a person’s life. She is opposed by her four children, who came to see their mother off at the last hour and were forced to stay by her side for three days, for which God delayed her departure. Their preoccupation with everyday worries, their fussiness and vanity contrast sharply with the spiritual work that takes place in the fading mind of the old peasant woman (the author's narration includes extensive layers of non-direct speech, representing the thoughts and experiences of the heroes of the story, primarily Anna herself).

“Deadline” is an elegiac prologue to the tragedy that V. G. Rasputin captures in the story “Live and Remember” (1974; State Prize, 1977): the old woman Anna and her unlucky children still gather in her “deadline” under a common paternal roof, but Andrey Guskov, who deserted from the army (the events described in “Live and Remember”, refer to the end of the Great Patriotic War) is completely cut off from the world. The symbol of his hopeless loneliness and moral savagery is a wolf's hole on an island in the middle of the Angara, where he hides from people and authorities. His wife Nastya, who visits her husband secretly from people, every time has to swim across the river - overcoming the water barrier that in all myths separates the world of the living from world of the dead. Nastya is a truly tragic heroine who finds herself in a position of an impossible choice between love for her husband (Andrei and Nastya are husband and wife married in the church) and the need for life in the world, among people, in none of whom she can find either sympathy or support. The village life that surrounds the heroine of the story is no longer that whole harmonious peasant cosmos, closed within its boundaries, the symbol of which in the "Deadline" is Anna's hut. The suicide of Nastya, who takes with her into the deep waters another born life: the child Andrei, whom she passionately desired and conceived with him in his wolf's lair, becomes a tragic atonement for Andrei's guilt, but cannot return him to a human form.

The themes of parting with generations of people who lived and worked on the earth, farewell to the mother-ancestor, to the world of the righteous, sounding already in the “Deadline”, are transformed in the plot of the story “Farewell to Matyora” (1976) into the myth of the death of everything peasant world. On the “surface” of the plot of the story is the story of the flooding of the Siberian village of Matyora located on the island by the waves of the “man-made sea”. In contrast to the island from “Live and Remember”, the island of Matera (mainland, firmament, land), gradually disappearing before the eyes of readers to lead under water, is a symbol of the promised land, the last refuge of those who live in conscience, in harmony with God and with nature . Living out their last days the old women, led by the righteous Daria, refuse to move to a new village (new world) and remain until their death hour to guard their shrines - a peasant cemetery with crosses and royal foliage, the pagan Tree of Life. Only one of the settlers, Pavel, visits Daria in the vague hope of touching true meaning being. In contrast to Nastya, he floats from the world of the “dead” (mechanical civilization) to the world of the living, but this is a dying world. At the end of the story, only the mythical Master of the Island remains on the island, whose desperate cry, sounding in the dead void, completes the story.

Nine years later, in the story "Fire" (1985), V. G. Rasputin again refers to the theme of the death of the communal world - this time not in water, but in fire, in a fire that engulfed the trading warehouses of the timber industry village, which symbolically arose on the site of a flooded village . Instead of jointly fighting misfortune, people one by one, competing with each other, take away the good snatched from the fire. Main character In the story, the driver Ivan Petrovich, from whose point of view what is happening in the burning warehouses is described, is no longer the former Rasputin hero-righteous: he is in an inescapable conflict with himself, he is looking for and cannot find "the simplicity of the meaning of life." Accordingly, the author's vision of the world becomes more complicated and disharmonized. Hence the aesthetic duality of the “Fire” style, in which the image of burning warehouses, captured in all details, is adjacent to symbolic and allegorical generalizations and journalistic sketches of the “nomadic” life of the timber industry enterprise.

At Kazom of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 14, 1987 for great merits in development Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the fiftieth birthday of the writer Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

The same journalistic intonations are becoming more and more noticeable in the prose of V. G. Rasputin in the second half of the 1980s - 1990s. Lulubok depiction in the stories "Vision", "In the Evening", "Unexpectedly, Unexpectedly", "New Profession" (1997) is aimed at a straightforward (and sometimes aggressive) denunciation of the changes taking place in Russia in the post-perestroika period. At the same time, in the best of them, such as "Unexpectedly" (the story of the city beggar girl Katya, who was thrown into the village by the end-to-end character of the latest Rasputin stories, Senya Pozdnyakov), traces of the former style of V. G. Rasputin, who subtly feels nature, are preserved, continuing to unravel the mystery of human existence, peering to where the continuation of the earthly path lies.

Based on the works of V. G. Rasputin, films were staged: “French Lessons” (1978), “Farewell”, “Bear Skin for Sale” (both - 1980), “Live and Remember” (2008).

IN last years VG Rasputin is mainly engaged in journalism, writes articles. In 2004 he published the book Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother. In 2006, the third edition of the album of the writer's essays "Siberia, Siberia" was published (previous editions 1991, 2000).

With the beginning of "perestroika" Rasputin joined the broad socio-political struggle. He was one of the most active opponents of the "turning of the northern rivers." In 1989-1991, a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, made passionate patriotic speeches, for the first time quoted the words of P.A. Stolypin about “great Russia” (“You need great upheavals, we need great Russia"). In July 1991, he signed the "Word to the People" appeal.

In the summer of 1989 at the first congress people's deputies USSR V. G. Rasputin for the first time proposed the withdrawal of Russia from the USSR. In 1990-1991 he was a member of the Presidential Council of the USSR.

Awarded 2 Soviet Orders of Lenin (1984, 03/14/1987), Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), "Badge of Honor" (1971), Russian Orders "For Merit to the Fatherland" 3rd (03/08/2007) and 4th ( 10/28/2002) degree, Alexander Nevsky (09/1/2011), medals.

Laureate State Prize USSR (1977, 1987), State Prize of the Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian activity (2012), Prize of the President of the Russian Federation (2003), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010), Prize of the Irkutsk Komsomol named after Joseph Utkin (1968), Prize named after L.N. .Tolstoy (1992), the Prize of the Foundation for the Development of Culture and Art under the Committee of Culture of the Irkutsk Region (1994), the Prize named after St. Innocent of Irkutsk (1995), International Prize Foundation of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called "For Faith and Loyalty" (1996), Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2000), literary prize named after F.M. Dostoevsky (2001), the Alexander Nevsky Prize “Faithful Sons of Russia” (2004), the All-Russian Literary Prize named after S.T. Aksakov (2005), the award “The Best Foreign Novel of the Year. XXI century” (2005, China), awards International Foundation Unity of Orthodox Peoples (2011), Prize " Yasnaya Polyana» (2012).

Honorary citizen of Irkutsk (1986) and the Irkutsk region (1998).

The main events of the life of V. G. Rasputin

1954 - Graduates from high school and enters the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology of Irkutsk University.

1955 - Acquaintance with Alexander Vampilov, who entered the first year of the Faculty of History and Philology of ISU.

1957 - Rasputin begins to work as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper "Soviet Youth".

1957 March 30- the first publication of V. Rasputin "There is absolutely no time to be bored" appears in the newspaper "Soviet Youth".

1958 - publications in the newspaper "Soviet Youth"

1959 - Graduates of the fifth year of the Faculty of History and Philology of ISU. Works in the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Under newspaper publications, the pseudonym V. Kairsky appears.

1961 - in the anthology "Angara" for the first time published the story of Rasputin ("I forgot to ask Leshka ..."). Rasputin resigns from the editorial office of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" and takes the position of editor of literary and dramatic programs of the Irkutsk television studio. In the newspaper "Soviet Youth" (February 12, September 17), in the Angara almanac, the publication of stories and essays begins future book"Edge near the sky."

1962 - Rasputin quits the Irkutsk television studio and works in the editorial offices of various newspapers (Soviet Youth, Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets, Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy, etc.) In August of the same year, Rasputin was hired as a literary employee of the Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy newspaper in Krasnoyarsk.

1964 - in the newspaper "Vostochno-Sibirskaya Pravda" the story "A Man from This World" was published.

1965 - in the anthology "Angara" the story "A Man from This World" was published. In the same year, Rasputin took part in the Chita zonal seminar for novice writers, met with V. Chivilikhin, who noted the talent of the novice author. In the newspaper TVNZ The story "The wind is looking for you" was published. In the magazine "Ogonyok" the essay "Stofato's Departure" was published.

1966 - in Krasnoyarsk, a book of essays "Campfires of New Cities" is published, in Irkutsk - the book "The Land Near the Sky".

1967 - The story "Money for Mary" is published, which brought fame to the writer. Rasputin is admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.

1968 - The writer was awarded the I. Utkin Komsomol Prize.

1969 - the beginning of work on the story "Deadline".

1970 - publication of the story "Deadline", which brought wide fame to the author.

1971 - a trip to Bulgaria as part of the club of the Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia. In Novosibirsk (West Siberian Book Publishing House) in the series "Young Prose of Siberia" the book "Deadline" is published with an afterword by S. Vikulov, which brought Rasputin worldwide fame. Awarded with the Order of the Badge of Honor.

1974 - the story "Live and remember" is published.

1976 - the story "Farewell to Matyora" is published. In the same year, Rasputin made a trip to Finland at the invitation of a Swedish seminar on questions of literature and culture. Then he travels to the Federal Republic of Germany to the book fair in Frankfurt am Main. Rasputin's works are published abroad in various (English, German, French, Italian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Polish, etc.) languages.

1977 - at the Moscow Theatre. M. Yermolova staged the play "Money for Mary" based on the story of the same name. The play "Deadline" based on the play by V. Rasputin was staged at the Moscow Art Theater. The USSR State Prize was awarded for the story "Live and Remember".

1978 - Rasputin is baptized in Yelets. The writer is baptized by the elder Isaac, who wandered abroad a lot after the revolution. At the time of emigration, he was one of the leaders of the Theological Institute in Paris. Returning to his homeland after the war, he went through camps and exile, and at the end of his life he settled in Yelets. Here he became the center of attraction for pilgrims from all over Russia.

In the same year, the television film by K. Tashkov “French Lessons” based on the story of the same name by Rasputin, was released on the screens of the country.

1979 - A trip to France.

1981 - Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

1983 – a trip to the Federal Republic of Germany for a meeting organized by the Interlit-82 club.

1984 - Awarded the Order of Lenin.

1984 - a trip to Mexico at the invitation of the Institute of Fine Arts.

1985 - Elected a member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR.

1985 – a trip to Kansas City (USA) at the invitation of the university. Lectures on modern prose.

1986 – a trip to Bulgaria, Japan, Sweden.

1986 - title of Honorary Citizen of Irkutsk.

1987 – The State Prize of the USSR was awarded for the story “Fire”.

1987 – awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and the Order of Lenin Trip to West Berlin and the FRG as part of a delegation studying environmental and cultural problems.

1989 - publication in the newspaper Pravda (01/18/1989) of a letter condemning the liberal position of the magazine Ogonyok.

1989–1990 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

1990–1991 - Member of the Presidential Council under the President of the USSR M. S. Gorbachev.

1991 - signed the appeal "Word to the people."

1992 - Laureate of the Prize L. N. Tolstoy.

1994 - Speech at the World Russian Council ("The Way of Salvation").

1994 – Laureate of the Culture and Art Development Fund under the Culture Committee of the Irkutsk Region.

1995 - By decision of the Irkutsk City Duma, V. G. Rasputin was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the City of Irkutsk." On the initiative of the writer and the administration of the city of Irkutsk, the first holiday "Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture" Radiance of Russia "was held, which since that time has been held annually in Irkutsk, and since 1997 - throughout the region.

1995 - Laureate of the Prize. Saint Innocent of Irkutsk.

1995 - Laureate of the award of the magazine "Siberia" them. A. V. Zvereva.

1996 - Moscow schoolchildren and students of humanitarian universities acted as the main arbiters in awarding V. G. Rasputin the International Prize "Moscow - Penne".

1997 – V. Rasputin was awarded the prize of the Holy All-Praised Apostle Andrew the First-Called Foundation “For Faith and Loyalty”. In the same year, a two-volume collection of selected works by V. Rasputin was published.

1998 - Awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the Irkutsk Region.

1999 - performance "Gone - goodbye?" in Italy at the International Conference on Problems modern world and forecasts for the future.

2000 - Awarded to them. Solzhenitsyn.

2001 – signed the Appeal of the 43rd “Stop the reforms of death”.

2002 - Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree.

2002 - at the celebration of the First international days F. Dostoevsky in Estonia V. G. Rasputin was awarded the F. Dostoevsky Prize. In the same year he takes part in the World Russian People's Council. The text of the speech was published in Russkiy Vestnik and Native Land.

2002 - Russian Orthodox Church awarded V. G. Rasputin with one of the highest distinctions - the Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, II degree.

2003 - Laureate of the Presidential Prize in the field of literature and art.

2004 - Laureate of the Prize Alexander Nevsky "Russia's Faithful Sons".

2005 - Laureate of the All-Russian Literary Prize. Sergei Aksakov.

2005 - Winner of the Best Foreign Novel of the Year Award. XXI Century".

2007 - Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland III degree.

2010 - Laureate of the Prize of the Government of Russia for outstanding achievements in the field of culture.

2010 - Appointed a member of the Patriarchal Council for Culture of the Russian Orthodox Church.

2011 - Awarded the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky.

2010 - Laureate of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples.

2012 Laureate of the Yasnaya Polyana Prize.

2012 – the conference “Valentin Rasputin and eternal questions”as part of the book fair “Books of Russia”.

March 15, 2012- 75th birthday, congratulations from the Prime Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.

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Appendix 2 Chronology (main events) March 17, 1938 Birth (Rudolf is the fourth and last child of Farida and Khamit Nureyev). 1939–1955. Childhood and youth in Ufa (Bashkiria). 1955-1958. Studying at the Leningrad Art School. 1958-1961. Work in Leningradsky

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Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich
Born: March 15, 1937.
Died: March 14, 2015.


Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (March 15, 1937, the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian Region - March 14, 2015, Moscow) is a great Russian writer, one of the prominent representatives of the so-called village prose, publicist, public figure.

Hero of Socialist Labor (1987). Laureate of two State Prizes of the USSR (1977, 1987), the State Prize of Russia (2012) and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010). Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1967.

Born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian (now Irkutsk) Region, into a peasant family. Mother - Nina Ivanovna Rasputina, father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin. From the age of two he lived in the village of Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, which, like the old Ust-Uda, subsequently fell into the flood zone after the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. After graduating from local primary school, was forced to leave alone fifty kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located (the famous story “French Lessons”, 1973, would later be created about this period). After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk State University. During his student years, he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. Later, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Lyoshka," was published in the anthology "Angara" (1961).

In 1979, he joined the editorial board of the book series "Literary Monuments of Siberia" of the East Siberian Book Publishing House. In the 1980s, he was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-gazeta magazine.

In 1994, he initiated the creation All-Russian festival"Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture "Radiance of Russia"" (Irkutsk).

Lived and worked in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow.

On July 9, 2006, as a result of a plane crash that occurred at the airport of Irkutsk, the writer's daughter, 35-year-old Maria Rasputina, an organist, died.

March 13, 2015 Valentin Grigorievich was hospitalized, was in a coma. He died on March 14, 2015, 4 hours before his 78th birthday.


After graduating from university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections Campfire New Cities and The Land Near the Sky.

In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young Siberian writers, who became the "godfather" of the beginning prose writer. Among the Russian classics, Rasputin considered Dostoevsky and Bunin to be his teachers.

Since 1966, Rasputin has been a professional writer. Since 1967 - a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

The first book by Valentin Rasputin, The Land Near the Sky, was published in Irkutsk in 1966. In 1967, the book "A Man from This World" was published in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story "Money for Mary" was published in the Irkutsk almanac "Angara" (No. 4), and in 1968 it was published as a separate book in Moscow by the publishing house "Young Guard".

The writer's talent was revealed in full force in the story "Deadline" (1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author.

This was followed by: the story "French Lessons" (1973), the novels "Live and Remember" (1974) and "Farewell to Matera" (1976).

In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to tell the crow”, “Live for a century - love a century”.

The appearance in 1985 of Rasputin's story "The Fire", which is distinguished by the acuteness and modernity of the problem, aroused great interest among the reader.

In recent years, the writer devoted a lot of time and effort to public and journalistic activities, without interrupting his work. In 1995, his story "To the same land" was published; Essays "Down the Lena River". During the 1990s, Rasputin published a number of stories from the Cycle of Stories about Senya Pozdnyakov: Senya Rides (1994), Memorial Day (1996), In the Evening (1997), Unexpectedly (1997), Neighborly (1998).

In 2006, the third edition of the album of the writer's essays "Siberia, Siberia ..." was published (previous editions 1991, 2000).

In 2010, the Union of Writers of Russia nominated Rasputin for the award Nobel Prize on literature.

In the Irkutsk region, his works are included in the regional school curriculum for extracurricular reading.

Screen adaptations

1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Dinara Asanova
1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Valentin Kuklev (student work at VGIK) video
1978 - "French Lessons", dir. Evgeny Tashkov
1980 - “Bear skin for sale”, dir. Alexander Itygilov
1981 - "Farewell", dir. Larisa Shepitko and Elem Klimov
1981 - "Vasily and Vasilisa", dir. Irina Poplavskaya
2008 - "Live and Remember", dir. Alexander Proshkin

Social and political activity

With the beginning of "perestroika" Rasputin joined the broad socio-political struggle. He took a consistent anti-liberal position, signed, in particular, an anti-perestroika letter condemning the Ogonyok magazine (Pravda, 01/18/1989), Letter from Russian Writers (1990), Word to the People (July 1991), appeal forty three Stop Reforms of Death (2001). The winged formula of counter-perestroika was P. A. Stolypin’s phrase quoted by Rasputin in his speech at the First Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR: “You need great upheavals. We need a great country." March 2, 1990 in the newspaper " Literary Russia"The Letter of the Writers of Russia" was published, addressed to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU, where, in particular, it was said:

“In recent years, under the banner of the declared “democratization”, the construction of a “rule of law”, under the slogans of the fight against “fascism and racism”, the forces of social destabilization have been unbridled in our country, the successors of open racism have come to the forefront of ideological restructuring. Their refuge is multi-million circulation periodicals, television and radio channels broadcasting throughout the country. Massive harassment, defamation and persecution of representatives of the indigenous population of the country, which is essentially declared “outlawed” from the point of view of that mythical “legal state”, in which, it seems, there will be no place for either Russian or other indigenous peoples of Russia, is taking place, unprecedented in the entire history of mankind. ".

Rasputin was among the 74 writers who signed this appeal.

In 1989-1990 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

In the summer of 1989, at the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, Valentin Rasputin first proposed the withdrawal of Russia from the USSR. Subsequently, Rasputin claimed that in him “he who had ears heard not a call to Russia to slam the union door, but a warning not to make a fool or blindly, which is the same thing, a scapegoat from the Russian people.”

In 1990-1991 - Member of the Presidential Council of the USSR under M. S. Gorbachev. Commenting on this episode of his life in a later conversation with V. Bondarenko, V. Rasputin remarked:

“My journey to power ended in nothing. It was completely in vain. […] With shame I remember why I went there. My premonition deceived me. It seemed to me that there were still years of struggle ahead, but it turned out that there were some months left before the collapse. I was like a free app that wasn't even allowed to talk."

In December 1991, he was one of those who supported the appeal to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a proposal to convene an emergency Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

In 1996, he was one of the initiators of the opening of the Orthodox Women's Gymnasium in the name of Christmas Holy Mother of God in Irkutsk.

In Irkutsk, Rasputin contributed to the publication of the Orthodox-patriotic newspaper Literary Irkutsk, was a member of the council literary magazine"Siberia".

In 2007, Rasputin came out in support of Zyuganov.

He was a supporter of the Communist Party.

Valentin Rasputin adhered to the Stalinist position and considered it consonant with the opinion of the people:

“The smell of Stalin cannot be tolerated. But here I will leave the irony and remind readers that no matter how much the current non-Orthodox "elite" may hate Stalin and take him to heart, they should not forget that in Russia not only veterans, but also young people treat him quite differently. -other.

And when, let me remind you, the people nominated candidates for the "Name of Russia", the third place after the faithful Alexander Nevsky and P. A. Stolypin was given to Joseph Vissarionovich, Generalissimo of the Great Patriotic War. It is not a secret for anyone that he actually took the first place, but he was deliberately moved aside by two positions so as not to “tease the geese”, that is, citizens who do not take Stalin into the spirit.

And when our narrow-minded liberal or elite, or sharashka, viciously hating Stalin, demanded that on the anniversary days of the 65th anniversary of the Victory and the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich be nowhere, not to mention the portraits of the leader, she achieved by this only that and spirit, and there will be much more portraits than if she had not so impudently issued her ultimatums to the front-line soldiers and to all of us.

And rightly so: do not climb into the soul of the people. She is not under your control. It's time to understand it."

Our government treats the people, whose fate it controls, to all appearances, as a foreign body, not considering it necessary to invest money in it. And just as the children of criminal privatization, hiding under the guise of "new Russians", exported billions of dollars abroad, fueling someone else's life, so it does. ... So the prospects for Russia's future are bleak. ... When at the end of 1999 the doors to power opened for the future president, in return he was demanded certain obligations to save - of course, not the people, but the oligarchic elite, who arranged an entertaining life for us. ... Surely, the names of the untouchables were also named: first of all, of course, this is the “family”, as well as Chubais, Abramovich ... (S. 177-178)

At first I was surprised (struck!) that there, on the Aurora, in the Courchevel company, people of such a high rank seemed to be out of place: the minister of the federal government, Ms. Nabiullina, the governor of St. Petersburg, Ms. Matvienko, and others. And they were forced to listen to obscene songs about the Russian soul and much more, and then, probably, they were forced to applaud. ... And what could they do if the invitation came from such a high-ranking oligarch, for whom there are no obstacles anywhere and in anything? ... The oligarch's close friends are the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia Klebanov and presidential aide Dvorkovich. On the president's recent trip to Paris, he was accompanied (and could not be otherwise), of course, by Prokhorov. Now think about it: could some faces even very high position refuse an invitation to the "Aurora" of (himself!) Prokhorov! But, oh, how expensive it could be! (S. 288 - about how Prokhorov celebrated his birthday on the Aurora) On July 30, 2012, he spoke out in support of the criminal prosecution of a well-known feminist punk band Pussy Riot. Together with Valery Khatyushin, Vladimir Krupin, Konstantin Skvortsov, he published a statement entitled "Conscience does not allow silence." In it, he not only advocated criminal prosecution, but also spoke very critically about a letter written by cultural and art workers at the end of June, calling them accomplices of a "dirty ritual crime."

On March 6, 2014, he signed an appeal by the Writers' Union of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in which he expressed support for Russia's actions in relation to Crimea and Ukraine.


Father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin (1913-1974).

Mother - Nina Ivanovna Rasputina (1911-1995).

Wife - Svetlana Ivanovna (1939-2012). Daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanov-Sibirsky, Native sister Evgenia Ivanovna Molchanova, wife of the poet Vladimir Skif.

Son - Sergei Rasputin (1961), teacher of English.
granddaughter - Antonina Rasputina (b. 1986).
Daughter - Maria Rasputina (May 8, 1971 - July 9, 2006), musicologist, organist, teacher at the Moscow Conservatory. She died in a plane crash on July 9, 2006 in Irkutsk. In memory of her, in 2009, the Soviet Russian composer Roman Ledenev wrote Three Dramatic Fragments and The Last Flight. The premiere took place in November 2011 in Great Hall Moscow Conservatory. In memory of his daughter, Valentin Rasputin donated to Irkutsk an exclusive organ made many years ago by the St. Petersburg master Pavel Chilin especially for Maria.


Collected works in 3 volumes. - M .: Young Guard - Veche-AST, 1994., 50,000 copies.
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Sovremennik, Bratsk: OJSC "Bratskcomplexholding"., 1997
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1990, 100,000 copies.
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Young Guard, 1984, 150,000 copies.


Hero of Socialist Labor (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 14, 1987, Order of Lenin and Golden medal"Hammer and Sickle") - for great services in the development of Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of his birth
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (March 8, 2008) - for great merits in development domestic literature and many years of creative activity
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (October 28, 2002) - for a great contribution to the development of national literature
Order of Alexander Nevsky (September 1, 2011) - for special personal services to the Fatherland in the development of culture and many years of creative activity
Order of Lenin (1984),
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981),
Order of the Badge of Honor (1971),


On March 19, 2015, the name of Valentin Rasputin was given to secondary school No. 5 in Uryupinsk (Volgograd Region).
The name of Valentin Rasputin was given to the scientific library of ISU.
Siberia magazine No. 357/2 (2015) is entirely dedicated to Valentin Rasputin.
The name of Valentin Rasputin will be given to a secondary school in Ust-Uda (Irkutsk region).
The name of Valentin Rasputin will be given to a school in Bratsk.
In 2015, the name of Valentin Rasputin was given to the Baikal international festival popular science and documentaries"Human and nature".
In 2017, the Valentin Rasputin Museum will be opened in Irkutsk. In January 2016, personal belongings of Valentin Rasputin were transferred to the Museum of Local Lore.

There is a brilliant writer's life perception, which is inherently reflected in his fruitful work. The prose of Valentin Rasputin is focused on a personal assessment of the harmony of an ordinary Siberian village and the sublime beginning of the universe.

The main core of his creative perception is a common person. Villager who lives in harmony with a clear conscience and his nature. This can be seen in all creative works and reflected in literary images.

Youth and maturity

In the family of Rasputin Grigory Nikitich and his wife Rasputina Nina Ivanovna, in the cold spring of March 15, 1937, a boy was born. parental home located in the ancient taiga settlement of Ust-Uda, on the banks of the great Siberian river Angara. The first settlers appeared at the mouths of the Angara and Uda rivers as early as the beginning of the 17th century. Cossack gangs fell in love with the free lands of harsh and boundless Siberia.

Later, the Rasputin family would move to their place of residence, to their father's native village, to Atalanka. The Siberian boy from the first moment of his life breathed in the primordial the beauty of the wild, life and life of the Siberian village. These feelings, which, like grains, have sprouted in him, he will carry throughout his life. They will be sung by him in prose, which will make him famous throughout the world.

After the conviction of Grigory Nikitich for the loss of state money, they were stolen from him on the ship. On the shoulders of Nina Ivanovna there were three small children who needed to be put on their feet. Valentin studied in the village of Ust-Uda and came home only for holidays. Lack and meager life were replaced by books, he read a lot and studied well. The teacher tried to support the talented boy and supported him in every possible way.

This segment of his life would later form the basis of the remarkable and captivating veracity story "French Lessons". His innate talent, natural ingenuity and an honors certificate made it easy to enter Irkutsk University. He chose the specialty of a philologist. There he became interested in the work of Hemingway, Remarque and other classics of world literature. At this time he began to write short stories and notes.


Already a student, he began to earn money in the newspaper "Soviet Youth", printing small notes.

It was the first experience of journalistic literature. Since 1962, he left Irkutsk and moved to Krasnoyarsk, where his journalism reached the level of a great master and required wider writing space. A sincere, slightly angular story “I forgot to ask Lyoshka” came out to the readers for judgment.

His publications are published by Angara, later these essays will be included in the book The Land Near the Sky itself. In Chita, he meets prose writer Vladimir Chivilikhin. His recommendations and support help him publish stories in Komsomolskaya Pravda.

At the same time, "Literary Russia" publishes his story "Vasily and Vasilisa", which will drastically change his fate. This is the birth of the main characters of all his subsequent works - workers and ordinary people, loving life and your nature. From now on he will give his all only writing.

In the same year, the literary community saw the story "Money for Mary", after which he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. His name is forever immortalized in world literature. During his lifetime he became a recognized classic:

  • Written over fifty literary works prose;
  • Screened based on the works of seven feature films.

State awards and prizes

Awarded the title of Hero of the Socialist Labor, holder of six orders. More than twenty state and other awards.


Wife Svetlana Ivanovna Molchanova (1939-2012).

Son - Sergey (1961). Daughter - Maria (1971-2006), died in a plane crash in the city of Irkutsk.

After a severe and prolonged illness, on March 14, 2015, a brilliant prose writer of our time and a man of the era, who glorifies the original life of ordinary people living in the outback of Russia, passed away. On his birthday, his friends, creative intelligentsia and simple people come to commemorate the Znamensky Monastery in the city of Irkutsk. On this day, Irkutsk theaters perform plays based on the works of Valentin Rasputin.

Despite his deputyship, Rasputin did not favor the authorities, he carried out a large and very important public work. for environmental protection unique Lake Baikal. He took the initiative to close the Mausoleum. He did not sing the praises of the Communist Party. Helped young talents to print their works. Being an Orthodox person in his state of mind, he accepted the rite of baptism with humility in 1980. Was a man of conscience, his life and great talent never stuck out, lived modestly with the dignity of a Russian person

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin is one of the most prominent representatives classical Soviet and Russian prose of the twentieth century. He wrote such iconic stories as “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Mother”, “Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother”. He was a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, a laureate of the highest state awards, active public figure. He inspired directors to create brilliant films, and his readers to live with honor and conscience. We previously published, this is an option more complete biography.

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Village childhood and first creative steps

Valentin Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda (now the Irkutsk Region). His parents were simple peasants, and he was the most ordinary peasant child, who knew and saw labor from early childhood, was not accustomed to surpluses, felt great people's soul and Russian nature. IN elementary school he went to his native village, but there was no middle school there, so little Valentine had to move 50 km to visit educational institution. If you read his “French Lessons”, then you will immediately draw parallels. Almost all of Rasputin's stories are not fictional, they are lived by him or someone from his entourage.

Receive higher education future writer went to Irkutsk, where he entered the city university at the Faculty of History and Philology. Already in his student years, he began to show interest in writing and journalism. The local youth newspaper became a platform for pen trials. His essay “I forgot to ask Leshka” attracted the attention of the editor-in-chief. They paid attention to the young Rasputin, and he himself understood that he would write, he does it well.

After graduating from the university, the young man continues to work in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk and writes his first stories, but has not yet been published. In 1965, the well-known Soviet writer Vladimir Alekseevich Chivilikhin turned up at a meeting of young writers in Chita. He really liked the works of the novice writer and he decided to patronize them, becoming “ godfather"Rasputin the writer.

The rise of Valentin Grigorievich happened rapidly - two years after the meeting with Chivilikhin, he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR, which was the official recognition of a writer at the state level.

Key works of the author

Rasputin's debut book was published in 1966 under the title The Edge Near the Sky. IN next year the story “Money for Mary” was published, which brought popularity to the new star of Soviet prose. In his work, the author tells the story of Maria and Kuzma, who live in a remote Siberian village. The couple has four children and a debt of seven hundred rubles, which they took on the collective farm to build a house. To improve the financial situation of the family, Maria gets a job in a store. In front of her, several sellers have already been planted for embezzlement, so the woman is very worried. Later long time in the store they conduct an audit and discover a shortage of 1,000 rubles! Maria needs to collect this money within a week, otherwise she will be sent to prison. The amount is unbearable, but Kuzma and Maria decide to fight to the end, they begin to borrow money from their fellow villagers ... and here many with whom they lived shoulder to shoulder appear from a new side.

Reference. Valentin Rasputin is called one of the significant representatives of the "village prose". This direction in Russian literature was formed by the mid-60s and united works depicting modern village life and traditional folk values. The flagships of village prose are Alexander Solzhenitsyn (“ Matrenin yard”), Vasily Shukshin (“Lubavins”), Viktor Astafiev (“Tsar-Fish”), Valentin Rasputin (“Farewell to Mother”, “Money for Mary”) and others.

The golden era of Rasputin's work was the 70s. In this decade, his most recognizable works were written - the story “French Lessons”, the novels “Live and Remember”, “Farewell to Matera”. In each work, the central characters were ordinary people and their difficult fates.

So, in "French Lessons" the main character is 11-year-old Leshka, a smart guy from the village. Not in his homeland high school, so my mother collects money to send her son to study in the district center. It is not easy for a boy in the city - if there were hungry days in the village, then they are almost always here, because food in the city is much more difficult to get, everything has to be bought. Because of the milk flow, the boy needs to buy milk every day for a ruble, often it becomes his only “food” for the whole day. The older boys showed Leshka how to make quick money by playing chika. Every time he won his coveted ruble and left, but one day the excitement prevailed over the principle ...

In the story “Live and Remember”, the problem of desertion is sharply raised. The Soviet reader is accustomed to seeing the deserter only in dark color - this is a man without moral principles, vicious, cowardly, capable of betraying and hiding behind the backs of others. But what if such a black and white division is unfair? The protagonist of Rasputin, Andrei, once in 1944 did not return to the army, he just wanted to look home for a day, to his beloved wife Nastya, and then there was no return, and the baking brand “deserter” gaped on him.

The story “Farewell to Matera” shows the life of an entire Siberian village of Matera. Locals are forced to leave their homes because hydroelectric power stations will be built in their place. The settlement will soon be flooded, and the inhabitants will be sent to the cities. Everyone takes this news differently. Young people mostly rejoice, for them the city is incredible adventure and new opportunities. Adults are skeptical, gritting their hearts, parting with an established life and realizing that no one is waiting for them in the city. The hardest thing is for the elderly, for whom Matera is their whole life and they cannot imagine another. Exactly older generation become central character lead, her spirit, pain and soul.

In the 80s and 90s, Rasputin continued to work hard, from his pen came the story “”, the stories “Natasha”, “What to tell the crow?”, “Live for a century - love a century” and much more. Rasputin took the perestroika and the forced oblivion of “village prose” and village life painfully. But he did not stop writing. The work “Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother”, published in 2003, had a great resonance. It reflected the decadent mood of the writer associated with the collapse big country, morality, values. The main character of the story, a young teenage girl, is raped by a company of scumbags. For several days they do not let her out of the men's hostel, and then all beaten, intimidated, morally broken, they are thrown out into the street. She and her mother go to the investigator, but justice is in no hurry to punish the rapists. Having lost hope, the mother decides to lynch. She makes a cut and waits for the offenders in the entrance.

Rasputin's last book was created in tandem with the publicist Viktor Kozhemyako and is a kind of autobiography in conversations and memoirs. The work was published in 2013 under the title “These Twenty Killing Years”.

Ideology and socio-political activity

It is unfair to talk about the life of Valentin Rasputin without mentioning his active social and political activities. He did this not for profit, but only because he was not a silent man and could not observe the life of his beloved country and people from the outside.

The news of "perestroika" upset Valentin Grigorievich very much. With the support of like-minded people, Rasputin wrote collective anti-perestroika letters, hoping to preserve “ great country". In the future, he became less critical, but finally a new system and new power could not accept. And he never bowed to the authorities, despite the generous gifts from her.

“Always seemed to be taken for granted, laid at the foundation human life that the world is balanced... Now this saving shore has disappeared somewhere, floated away like a mirage, receded into endless distances. And people now live not in the expectation of salvation, but in the expectation of a catastrophe”

Rasputin paid much attention to environmental issues. The writer saw the saving of the people not only in providing them with work and a living wage, but also in preserving their moral and spiritual character, the heart of which is mother nature. He was especially worried about the issue of Baikal, on this occasion Rasputin even met with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Death and memory

Valentin Rasputin passed away on March 14, 2015, the day before his 78th birthday. At this point, he had already buried his wife and daughter, the latter was a successful organist and died in a plane crash. The day after the death of the great writer, mourning was declared throughout the Irkutsk region.

The memory of Rasputin was immortalized more than once: a school in Ust-Uda and Uryupinsk was named after him, scientific library Irkutsk and even the festival of documentary films, which takes place on Lake Baikal.

Undoubtedly, the main memory of Valentin Rasputin is his works, which are still being republished willingly. Despite the fact that many of the realities that Rasputin wrote about are outdated and even sunk into oblivion, his prose remains relevant, because it speaks of the Russian people and the Russian soul, which, I want to believe, will live forever.

“I don’t want to be anyone’s conscience, God forbid, to get along with my own. But what I write for my people and serve them with my word all my life - I do not refuse this.
