How to become a popular actress without acting education. Talented ignoramuses: domestic actresses without acting education

Many girls dream of becoming famous actresses, but only a few become stars. On the way to a dream, you have to deal with incredible competition, because the acting path is one of the most desirable career paths. Popularity and success are the result of hard work, constant dedication and passion, but also can not do without banal luck. Success is real if you choose the right strategy and never deviate from the intended goal.


How to learn acting

    Sign up for acting classes theater studio. Use the Internet to find suitable options in your city. If you have not previously been involved in acting, then in the classroom you can learn the basics of the profession under the guidance of experienced actors and actresses. To get started, find out the date of the next lesson and specify the cost.

    Attend school drama club. If the school operates theater Club then don't miss the opportunity to start acting career in young years. Actresses need to understand complex scenarios, memorize hundreds of lines of text, and also overcome stage fright and delight the audience with their performance. The school theater club will allow you to get an idea about all aspects of the acting craft. Don't waste time - go to an audition or join a circle.

    Choose a specialization: stage, film or television. Theatrical performances different from filming a movie. On stage, you have to play in front of a live audience. Theater actors spend more time rehearsing and teaching more text than film and television actors. Theatrical skills can be mastered from school, and some skills can even come in handy for a movie role.

    • Other differences include voice work. While on film and TV shows, actors use microphones that pick up their voices in great detail, while on stage you need to speak loudly and clearly.
    • Also, on stage, you have to change into other costumes much faster.
  1. Get an acting education in a specialized educational institution. Consider all options and try to get into a reputable college, college or academy. Among the best profile educational institutions countries can be distinguished GITIS, VGIK, Shchepkin Higher Theater School, Moscow Art Theater School, Moscow State University culture and arts and many others.

    Use all possibilities. Do not rush to refuse a role if you are considered a suitable candidate. Accept the offer of the teacher-organizer to fulfill leading role in the school play. Actively participate in theater productions to learn stage skills and develop your talent.

    • Take free roles to hone your acting skills.
    • Choose challenging and varied roles to become a versatile actress.
  2. Keep in good physical shape. It is not uncommon for actresses to be physically fit in order to perform different stunts or fit into a character's image. Theatrical productions also rely on strength and stamina to deliver clear lines and move on stage. Watch your health so that directors are more willing to take you on roles.

    • You don’t have to be thin, but try to take care of your health so that you can easily change your appearance if necessary.
    • The illness of an actress chosen for an important role can stop the production of the entire film. Don't forget to eat right and take your vitamins.
    • Strive to get enough sleep every night.
  3. Learn to sing and dance to expand your acting skills. Actresses do not have to be able to dance, sing or play musical instrument, but skills like these will increase your level and appeal to casting directors. Attend courses, study with a tutor and independently. Riding skills, archery, gymnastics, diving and martial arts, magic tricks and juggling - all these abilities will increase your chances of becoming a famous actress.

    Rehearse constantly to work on yourself. Try to record yourself on video every day to follow the development of acting skills. After rehearsals, review these recordings and note the areas that need to be improved. Run audition scripts ahead of time, and ask your fellow actors for help.

    How to get roles

    1. Get a portrait shot with a professional photographer. It is important for an actress to have a good portrait shot in order to get roles. The casting director can see your picture and invite you to audition. Find good photographer, who deals with portraits, and sign up for a shoot. Such a picture allows you to get an idea about the appearance, age and personality of the actress.

      Find yourself an agent. A good agent has extensive connections and is able to arrange auditions for roles that cannot be obtained on their own. Go to meetings in agencies, communicate with various representatives world of theater and cinema for recommendations. Also, agents immediately discuss the issues of payment for services.

      Chat with people from the world of theater and cinema. Acquaintances and connections are extremely important, as they allow you to get roles. Try to communicate regularly with directors, actors and actresses so that you are not forgotten when selecting candidates for a role.

      Be persistent and don't dwell on rejections. Getting all the desired roles is impossible, but do not rush to throw a white flag. Work on yourself, expand your list of acquaintances and over time you will be able to make your dream come true.

      Come to open meetings and seminars. Such meetings, arranged by agents, help actors demonstrate their abilities to producers and directors for working with actors. Attend these seminars and read the scripts to get roles and auditions in the future.

      • Don't forget to pre-prepare your monologue and choose the right clothes.

    How to stay relevant and popular

    1. Work on yourself constantly. Keep improving yourself even after filming movies. Watch other actors, rehearse roles, learn to subtly understand the script and characters.

    2. Choose roles wisely and good scripts. Weak roles are a sure way to go into the shadows. When choosing a role, don't rely solely on the agent and always read the script. Don't accept offers that could hurt your career. Refuse several roles of the same type in a row, otherwise you will no longer be offered the roles of other characters.

      • Soberly assess your capabilities and agree to such roles that you can play.
      • If you don't like it, then don't settle for "uncomfortable" roles that require you to get naked, use foul language, and voice an immoral message.
    3. Always listen to your fans. Atypical roles or actions can turn fans against you and harm your career. Be consistent to keep your fans.

        The more films are made in the city and auditions are held, the more likely it is to find a job. At the same time, do not forget that besides you, many other actors and actresses come to such cities. In Russia, most films are shot in Moscow and St. Petersburg, abroad - in Los Angeles, Toronto, London, Mumbai. Think carefully about the advantages and disadvantages of moving.
        • Constant communication with other actresses will expand the circle of acquaintances and develop.
        • Often the cost of living in such cities is much higher than the average.
    4. Use YouTube and other social networks. Social networks allow actresses to connect closely with fans and stay on everyone's lips. Publish concise but relevant information online, and develop good strategy communication with your manager or agent. Digital video services also help to share new videos with fans, which is beneficial for careers and allows you to increase the number of fans around the world.

      • Ignorant and rude publications in in social networks can ruin your career. Always talk to your manager about acceptable and unacceptable topics for posting.
      • Do not participate in quarrels and scandals, so as not to tarnish your reputation.
      • Pre-show the footage you've made to your team so they can choose the ones that fans are sure to love.

A great journey begins with a small step - this is the law that works in any business. If a person has a desire to achieve a goal, then no obstacles will interfere with him. Including - even if there is no acting education, but I really want to play in the movies. IN this case perseverance and perseverance are essential qualities. Let's analyze and analyze what most often stops people in their desire to get on the set as actors? The reasons may be different, but it all comes down to common clichés:

  • complexes about appearance;
  • lack of faith in oneself;
  • lack of perseverance and perseverance;
  • fear of being wrong;
  • disapproval of the immediate environment.
All of the above points become irrelevant or solvable if a person really and truly wants to achieve the goal - to play a movie. Sincere desire is already 70 percent of success. It is no coincidence that some directors prefer to work with actors without education: such people are more open, receptive, and easier to interact with.

The path to the cinema: where to start moving towards the goal

To begin with, it is important to get rid of complexes, thoughts that there are problems with appearance, connections, finances, acting education. The sooner you begin to improve yourself and develop certain skills necessary for acting, all the better. In parallel with the search for a role for an actor without education, improve your speech, diction, facial expressions, image and acting skills. Any practical experience important: participation in school productions, student KVN, work as an animator at hotels abroad, public speaking will be useful when interviewing a director. Indicate all your advantages in the questionnaire filled out for participation in the filming of an advertisement, video, series. Knowledge of foreign languages, driving vehicles, ability to swim, etc. may be the deciding factor for entering into a contract with you. The appearance of an actor or actress should not be intimidating. In the movies, you can see both brunettes and blondes, fat and thin, tall and short, but rest assured - they are all pretty, charismatic and individual. Knowledge of the basics of acting, which can be acquired both in a theater studio and on your own, will help create the necessary image and find your type. Do not strive to become a universal artist: only the most talented actors who have vast experience behind them.

What does it take to be an actor?

  1. Talent. It is he who will open all the doors and make you believe in you, despite the lack of a diploma.
  2. beautiful speech and correct diction, unless you plan to become an actor with one type (of a criminal nature). In all other cases, delivered a clear speech is simply required. Producers invest in movies for profit, and an actor whose speech is slurred will never please the audience. Therefore, it will be useful to take lessons in correct speech before going to the casting.
  3. Courage in front of the camera lens. Working on camera is the main part of the work of a film actor. The ability to listen to the operator, not to be shy when all the spotlights are directed at you, work with fear, emotions, the ability to focus and reincarnate, “bare” your feelings is the key to success.
  4. Good memory. Actors have to learn a large amount of text, remember the lines of their partners in order to pronounce their own in a timely manner. Not a single director wants to constantly make duplicates and translate the film, especially if you are not a star of a large scale. Therefore, it is imperative to train your memory, this can be done both independently and as part of acting courses.

Why get a specialized acting education

The answer is obvious: as in any specialty, employers, and in this case film directors, are more willing to invite specialists who have a good command of necessary theory and have practical skills. Sure, you can be incredibly charming and photogenic, make people laugh easily, and be a great storyteller, but that's not enough for a large audience. To be convincing in any role, to get used to the image of your character, to interact with your stage partner, to understand the work of the film crew - all these are the components of the profession of an actor and all this needs to be learned from acting teachers. Diction, breathing exercises and stage speech are a lot of work and many years, these skills will not be easy to master in a short time. Naturally, with such an arsenal of skills as acting, stage speech, the ability to sing and dance, it becomes more realistic to pass the casting and get the role.
And yet, to become an actor or actress, even without education and experience, and get into the cinema - cherished dream many guys and girls. It is she who pushes for the search and passage of acting auditions. To pass such a profile interview, where actors are needed and play the cherished roles, there are certain rules. They are divided into two types: general and specific professional. The first category of rules is business etiquette: do not be late, do not be vulgar and arrogant, be neatly dressed and combed. With the second group of rules, it is somewhat more complicated and will require thorough preparation:
  1. Before you go to the casting, you should find out in detail about the role for which the actor is looking for. Does she need a special theatrical education, who is the director, what does he pay attention to, who does he stay behind? the last word. Do not neglect the collection of information: after all, you dream of becoming an actor and acting in a film with a good director, without having vocational education. So, they must be information-savvy.
  2. If the organizers offer a fragment from the role in which you want to play, then you should carefully read it, analyze the emotions and feelings of the character, choose the right intonation and place accents in his remarks.
  3. Many applicants for an acting role are greatly hindered by excitement, they are afraid of the camera and as soon as they hear the command “Motor!” makes them sweat and tremble. panic fear prevents the acting vein from opening up and even distorts speech. This is one of the main reasons for the demand for acting courses and theater universities. It is practical acting classes that “pump” the students’ skills of emancipation, acting freedom, relieve muscle clamps, teach special breathing exercises, which help to relax, subjugate the voice and establish control over the body and emotions.
  4. Well, if you take a few lessons from an acting teacher, rehearse with him the role that you want to show at the casting. The teacher will give you an objective assessment, indicate weak sides, will tell you how to cope with excitement, “tighten up” your diction and speech, and help reveal your talent. If there are actors among your acquaintances and friends, then their advice and help will also come in handy. In addition, it will be useful to listen to interviews of experienced actors in which they share the secrets of passing castings and the features of their profession.

Where to declare yourself for filming a movie

To act in films without acting education, you should have special qualities and abilities that will become your trump card and help you win among thousands of willing professional competitors. The task is not simple, but nevertheless, it is real. So what needs to be done:
  1. All your “trump cards” should be written in your portfolio or CV and sent to a special acting center or agency. You can place them on special websites of producing and acting organizations.
  2. If you speak in foreign languages, play the guitar, attended a theater group or were the star of the local KVN team, then be sure to indicate this in the questionnaire. Do not be afraid to write that you have a swimming degree or that you best dancer ballet. You have no idea how often such skills are needed in the frame.
  3. Another visual option for the director is the filmed short film with your participation. IN modern time anyone can record themselves on camera by handing a smartphone to a friend and asking to record a video with you.
  4. Consider first what image you get best. Well, if there are several of them, rehearse the lines. It's even better if your character sings, dances, or plays a musical instrument.
  5. You can make yourself known by appearing in advertising, extras, coming to the shooting of a talk show.
The main thing is not to be shy and not to despair. Remember that you will have to go through many rejections before you hear the long-awaited: "This role is yours!". But you must admit that the game is worth the candle, so believe in yourself and go for it!

No matter how prestigious and good the school of public speaking in Moscow is, without persistent independent work and regular communication with strangers, you will not become a high-class speaker. It is necessary to take the initiative, take on work events in order to cope with the excitement before communicating with the audience as quickly as possible.

For many young people who are trying to find themselves, the question arises of how to become an actor or actress, and how to get into leading roles in films in general. Today we will give you detailed instructions how to become an actor in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Few of the young inexperienced people suspect that the actor is a profession and she needs to learn. To become a lawyer, you must complete a law school, and to become a surgeon - a medical school. And in order to become a professional actor, you need to graduate from a theater or cinematographic university and get a degree in drama theater actor, movie actor or musical theater actor.

It is necessary to immediately warn young people that acting classes and training in theater studios are not acting education, despite what the people who recruit them claim. You may be told a fairy tale that after completing acting classes, you will become an actor or actress and be able to act in films, but no director will take you on a role. The maximum that shines for you is either a small episode in a low-budget series with a couple of lines. Moreover, if you later want to enter a theater university and say upon admission that you studied at a theater studio or at some courses, then you will not be 100% accepted, since you already have the stigma of another master. Like this!

How are those who want to become an actor bred for money

Many scammers, who have realized that it is easy to profit from gullible young people, use all sorts of tricks to pump out as much as possible more money with those who want to become actors. Acting classes can also be considered fraud, where they claim that this is enough to become a professional actor and make films.

The most common type of movie scam is this one:

You see an ad on the Internet or in a newspaper that actors are required for filming a movie, and it is immediately mentioned for suckers that you can do it without experience. The emphasis is on girls aged 18 to 25, as those who are older than this age will already be a little smarter and may not fall for the bait of scammers.

You call the specified phone number and you are invited to the casting to the producer. It is immediately necessary to immediately straighten the brains of young people and say that not a single producer or director will meet people without an acting education, but the suckers do not even suspect this.

You come to the specified address and see a whole queue for casting to the producer. Get in line and wait for your fate. Come into the office, you are photographed, you fill out a questionnaire, or they do it for you. They may require 500-1000 rubles for entering the database, but it can also be free, since scammers will soon put the victim on more a large sum. After the end of this casting, which in fact is not, but simply a setting in the base, they tell you that if something is suitable for your type, then they will call you. Are you leaving.

After 1-2 weeks, you receive a call from this agency and they tell you that the director really liked your photos and you have a supporting role in the series, where you will have 2-3 shooting days a week throughout the filming of the entire series, and salary of 3-8 thousand rubles per shooting day. This information completely blows the roof of young and inexperienced girls, and many guys too. Then you are told that the director wants to see how you look in other images, since it is not clear from the photos that the agency took. You are offered to make a portfolio in several images. The question immediately arises in the sucker, where can I do this? And then he is informed that a good portfolio is being made in the photo studio at Mosfilm and in another photo studio. You are given the phone numbers of both these photo studios. You initially call Mosfilm, but on the phone number that you were given, no one picks up the phone (as it should be). And on the second attempt, you call the second phone number that the scammers gave you, and lo and behold, they pick up the phone and say that they are making the right portfolio for 8 thousand rubles. You don't have to be smart to figure out it's the same gang. However, despite the fact that this fraudulent scheme already painted on many portals, young people pay daily for a portfolio that no one needs.

After the sucker makes a portfolio for 8 thousand rubles, he brings it to the agency. He is told that they will show it to the director. Naturally, you will not be called again. If you then call this agency yourself and ask what is happening with your role, you will be informed that the director did not approve you. Legally, you can’t get close to these offices, since they didn’t do anything illegal.

Also in these agencies there is a similar type of divorce, where they tell you that since you do not have an acting education, no director will take you on a role (which, in fact, is true), so you are offered to take a one-day course, after which you will be given a document stating that you have completed an acting course, which will testify to acting education. Those. you are offered to go through the entire training program in 1 day, which really gifted people completed in 4 years at a theater university. You do not need to be informed that the document on the completion of such a one-day course can then be hung in the toilet.

How to become a professional actor or actress

The only way to become an actor or actress is to enter a theater university in Moscow, since similar institutions in other cities of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus are not valued among directors in Moscow. In other cities, except for Moscow, you will not be able to fulfill your dream, since all film companies are located in the capital of Russia and this is where you need to go to act in films. You can only enter a theater university until the age of 25 if you want to study as an actor. Although there are commercial universities where you can enroll at any age, as long as you have money for the education itself. Commercial universities are not valued by directors, as everyone who has money for education is taken there.

The most prestigious cinematographic and theater universities in Moscow are: VGIK, GITIS, Moscow Art Theater, Shchepkinsky Theater School and Shchukin Theater School.

Question: Which theatrical university to enter?

Correct answer: all at once! If you are not taken in one, second or third, then there is a chance that they will take you in the fourth. The competition in these universities is 200 people per place. They take the most gifted and rightly so. Only if you enter this university and study there to the very end, you will become a professional actor who will have every chance to get into the movies for the main roles. All the rest will be filmed by extras and groups.

How to become an actor or actress without acting education

People without acting education can also act in films and even in roles with words, however, recruitment for such small roles is carried out not by the casting director and director, but by the extras foreman. First, you will have to act like extras and shoot passers-by before you can be entrusted with shooting in a small episode. Most of the actors in crowd scenes in front of the camera begin to stupor and they cannot squeeze out even a couple of words. In life, such people can be quite eloquent, but in front of the camera they change before our eyes. Watch the video on good example will show you whether it is possible to become an actor without acting education.

Looked? Do you think you would be better suited for this role? This is what it looks like in front of the camera typical representative, to whom the foreman of the extras entrusted the role.

Many actors of mass scenes after some period themselves understand that without acting education they will not be given any role, so they begin to deceive everyone around and say that they have an incomplete acting education or that they are professional actors and have a graduation diploma theater university. However, if they managed to deceive the foreman of the extras, then this number will not work with the director, since a professional actor can be easily distinguished from a non-professional. In the video posted above, you yourself saw it clearly. Then from such professional actors the whole country is dying, and for this person it was the last day of filming, after which he hurried away in disgrace. film set and the film industry.

How to become an actress at 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Watching films, you can see children and teenagers of actors who are quite successful in acting even in serious roles with words. Naturally, at their age they could not graduate from a theater university. In most cases, these teenagers are the children of actors and early age involved in performances in the theater. Those. before they got into filming, they already had experience in the theater, which in this case equates to acting education.

Now you may be interested in: , and .

Many young people are already school age start thinking about how to become an actor.

Starting such a career is not as difficult as it seems, because in many cities there are theater universities, it is much more difficult to enter and study. After all, such a profession requires serious investments, and not material, namely investments in the career of oneself.

This article will tell you whether it is possible to become an actor from scratch, what you need to know and be able to do, where to start preparing.

How to get into the cinema without acting education

There are specialized sites on which any person can leave an application by filling out a questionnaire, and after that his chance to play in the crowd becomes quite large.

On the same sites, voice actors can also be recruited, but for this you need to have a unique voice in order for a person to be noticed.

Of course, you need to know that only professionals are usually taken to the main roles, so there is a chance to act in films, but only in small roles or in extras, if you do not have a special education.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to become famous with such help, because it is extremely difficult to single out one person from the mass.

Take note: another moment that increases the chances of acting in films will be participation in a theater group, KVN games and other similar areas. Teams often perform on stage and such people can be noticed by writers and producers.

What does it take to become an actress/actor

In order to fulfill your dream and become an actress or an actor, you need some elementary knowledge about the profession.

Actors work very hard on themselves, so it is required good health to endure filming, touring and lengthy rehearsals that sometimes last for days.

The rest is not so difficult. Need to go to theater school, and then listen to lecturers and teachers, and try to do everything that they will teach their students.

How to become an actress / actor at 10 - 12 years old

Many children from a young age dream of embodying themselves in many roles.

At this age, directors usually select from good, reputable theater studios and circles. Therefore, in order to approach the realization of a dream, one should enter one of them.

From time to time, filming organizers come to the circles for selection, and the chances of getting into a career even for a child from 9 to 11 years old increase. Some enter even later, at 13, 14 or 15 years old.

How to become a dubbing actor

In order to start voicing films or cartoons, there are specialized courses that are held not only within educational program in theater universities, but also self-study organized regardless of training.

In such courses, they learn to develop not only voice data, but also vocal ones. It is very important at the same time to be able to adjust your voice to the mood of the character you are voicing.

Of great importance is the voice, the ability to imitate others, parody, portray a whole storm of emotions with your vocal data, because voice acting is not a game on stage, and it will not be possible to convey the mood of the character with gestures, facial expressions or body position.

What qualities should an actor have?

A professional artist must possess a certain set of qualities.

Every person has certain personal characteristics from birth. This is worth considering because it will be difficult for people who are too closed and uncommunicative to take part in the filming, because the profession of an actor involves communication with many people.

A film actor needs to develop the following qualities:

  • attentiveness;
  • good memory;
  • oratorical skills;
  • stage freedom;
  • move well;
  • have good musical ability, excellent hearing;
  • have a delivered speech and voice (and continue to work on them all your life);
  • have a developed imagination and the ability to think creatively;
  • have emotional memory.

To become successful, it is better to be endowed with a number of listed characteristics, but it is worth remembering that they can be developed. Creative and oratory skills can be corrected with the help of special exercises, and the presence of stage freedom is identified with constant regular training and classes.

The best state theater and cinema universities in Moscow

The ranking of universities includes several popular universities in Moscow.

You can get an acting education in the capital at the following educational institutions:

  • GITIS;
  • School-studio at the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov;
  • Theater Institute named after Boris Shchukin;
  • Theater School. Mikhail Shchepkin at the Maly Theatre;
  • VGIK.

How old do you have to be to enter the theater? If you already have higher education and you are over 25-30 years old, but there is a desire to become an actor, you need to enter commercial theater universities. Although, to be honest, they are not valued among directors and producers, since all those who have money, but not always talent, easily enter there.

Each educational institution has its own rules and features of admission. In order to start studying, you need to submit documents and see the list of requirements for applicants.

The subjects that are taught in these universities are approximately the same, only the manner of teaching and teachers are somewhat different.

How to enter the acting department - exams and conditions

As in any other university in Russia, a mandatory competitive selection is carried out at a theater university.

At the same time, most of them also take the USE exam, which allows you to enter a particular faculty free of charge.

Is it possible to apply without the exam? Yes, but you will have to take other exams already in a particular educational institution.

Be sure to enter any state theatrical university, qualifying auditions are arranged, sometimes there are even several of them.

For example, at VGIK, three qualifying round, in which applicants recite several literary works: fables, poems, prose. Next, plastic and musical data are checked.

How many years to study

The duration of training depends on the chosen specialty and place of study. However, general rules apply to all universities in the country.

That is, training in theater institute will last the same as in any other university - that is, from 4 to 6 years.

For example, at VGIK in the specialty "Acting Art" the training period is 4 years (specialist level). Further, those who wish can continue their education.

Where can an actor work?

The profession of an actor is quite diverse. A lot of passed specialized subjects allow a person with such an education to work in various fields.

Such people become not only artists. They can start a career as a presenter, singer, holiday agent, director, accompanist and other creative professions.

What is the salary of an actor in Moscow

It must be remembered that in the capital the salaries of any specialist will differ from salaries in the regions.

Medium wage starts from 30 thousand rubles. The maximum reaches five to six figures per project.

The amount of salary depends on other factors:

  • the number of tours;
  • "elite" actor;
  • basic and additional education.

The salaries of actors who appear in series and films are also regulated depending on the budget of the event. The larger the project, the higher the salary of the actors.

Career growth and development prospects

Career growth depends on everyone specific person, and this applies not only to actors, but also to other specialties.

Ambitious people move fast enough career ladder, because they know their worth and are ready to go to any conditions, just to become famous.

Some people who do not have a professional acting education perform at various events and act as extras in order to be noticed.

Someone dreams of acting in Hollywood, but for this you need to leave home country, since we have castings only for local categories.

Is it worth studying to be an actor - the pros and cons of the profession

The undoubted advantages of the profession include:

  • communication with many people;
  • frequent tours to other cities and even countries;
  • self-development;
  • the ability to speak correctly, to move.

The disadvantages include constant heavy workloads, irregular working hours and possible stress.

Actors also have to learn to do a lot of things that they didn't do in ordinary life. For example, a role might require you to scuba dive or perform some kind of stunt.

Of course, there are people who replace them at some points, but the actors do most of the things on their own. It also increases their ranking.

Such a profession requires constant attention, self-development and special serious loads. Therefore, only a very hardy and strong man. Now many universities, colleges and circles are open for admission, so acquiring such a specialty is quite simple, the main thing is to have a strong desire.

Probably, any girl in her childhood dreamed of becoming an actress and shining on stage for enthusiastic spectators. To date, the profession of an actress is quite in demand, especially in TV shows. But how to become an actress? Many people think that it is very difficult, you need to have special education and have incredible talent. In fact, everything is much simpler. You just need to set a goal and understand what genre of actress you would like to become.

In order to become an actress, you need to take a few significant steps in your life and remember a few important rules.

What does it take to be an actress?

Many girls consider their appearance unsightly for acting profession. But, think for a moment - do all actresses have a model appearance and are we interested in watching films with the participation of only long-legged beauties with an impeccable appearance? No, because the appearance alone cannot convey the character of the hero, but in combination with the costume and words, an image appears. In theater universities, all students are different, there are no identical types. Therefore, the first step before becoming an actress is to get rid of complexes and work on yourself. You and your image should be remembered by the viewer - this is the key to success.

With complexes and appearance, we decided. Now let's proceed directly to the acting profession. There are several options here:

  • You can enter a theater university at the acting department and learn from the masters of their craft. In that case, the path to glory is on big stage It's open to you. But before that, you need to finish the theater studio. Remember, to become an actress, you need to train. Choose a good teacher for yourself, look at the work of his students and, if everything suits you, feel free to sign up for his classes;
  • If you are with early childhood think about how to become a famous actress, then in this case you need to take individual lessons from several teachers in order to quickly master the basics of this profession. It is also worth attending all kinds of acting trainings and castings - for you now this is a ray of hope;
  • Well, if you want to make yourself a rich portfolio and become a sought-after actress in the future, then it's best to come to the theater and offer your help as a volunteer. In many productions there are episodic roles due to which you can be noticed. Offer your services to the director of the production, noting that you have basic knowledge of acting and are ready to work for a minimal fee. Most likely he will agree. So you will gain invaluable experience, learn how to interact with other actors and the audience.

Castings in the life of an actress

To understand how to become a famous actress, you need to go through many auditions. You will not find that on the first you are lucky. It happens, but very rarely. At the first casting, you need to get comfortable and watch how the selection goes. But do not give up, what if you get lucky? Remember one thing - you can not get lost. Focus on your partner and don't look into the camera unless asked by the director. Forget about the film crew - there is none for you. Leave the constraint aside and show the planned image.

Constantly hone your skills, and luck will surely smile at you.

How to become an actress, and even famous? Complex issue. Out of a thousand graduates theater universities units become stars. But if you still decide to become famous and in demand, then weigh all the pros and cons, since the profession of an actress is very difficult and requires sacrifice. If you think that the game is worth the candle, then all the cards are in your hands. Achieve the intended goal and do not regret anything!
