What does it mean to be a patriot and who has the right to bear this proud title? "What does it mean to be a patriot?" What does it mean to be a patriot of the Russian land.

State Autonomous Professional educational institution

"Gorodets Provincial College"

Development of a class hour for students of 1-2 courses

« What does it mean to be a patriot?»

Solokhina Yulia Sergeevna,

teacher of special

and general education disciplines,

group curator


201 8 year

Explanatory note

This lesson is based on the application development technology techniques critical thinking through reading and writing (TRCMCHP) will achieve the following goals: creating conditions for the formation of an active citizenship through the actualization of knowledge about patriotism.

In the course of the work, it is planned to solve interrelated tasks:

    Educational: formation of knowledge about patriotism as a phenomenon and its manifestations;

    Developing: the formation of skills to work with illustrations, analyze videos, compare, draw conclusions, as well as the ability to use personal experience and accept the opinions of others, develop communicative qualities, actively interact in organizing group work, develop communication skills;

    Educational: to cultivate a culture of communication, to develop communicative qualities, to promote the formation and development of patriotism.

Techniques of TRCMCHP allow us to consider large amounts of information, focusing on working with concepts, on comparing various examples and points of view, on the formation of their own value judgments. They correspond to age characteristics, are feasible for mastering by students. different levels academic performance, cause genuine interest and high motivation in the course of studying this topic.

Necessary technical means and visibility

A class hour using the described materials is held in an office equipped with tables and chairs necessary for the number of participants and arranged for group work. The teacher will need:

    patriotic videos;

    a cluster prepared on the board, printouts of similar clusters for each group of students;

    handout: "words - hints" to create a cluster for each group of students;

    PC with speakers;

    handout for reflection: support schemes for compiling reviews - syncwines.

Work with these materials can be carried out with a combination of frontal, individual and group forms of organizing a lesson (it is most effective to combine students into groups).

Class time course:

    Organizing time.

Greetings , creating a favorable work environment.

Remember the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "The Poet and the Citizen":

You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,

What is a citizen?

Patronymic worthy son ...

Do you think that the concept of "citizen" used by N.A. Nekrasov and the modern concept of "patriot" are the same? I propose to answer this question.

Today at the classroom hour we are considering a very important topic for every person and citizen: "What does it mean to be a patriot?".

II. Actualization. Formulation of the purpose of the classroom.

Key concepts today's class hour are "Motherland", "patriotism", "civic activity".

Let's remember what we know about our country:

    What was the name of our country in the past? (Rus, Russian empire, RSFSR, USSR)

    What is the name of our country now? (Russian Federation or Russia) this name appeared in 1991, it is enshrined in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993.

    What does federation mean? (in case of difficulty, it should be said that we will get to know this concept better during the lesson).

    Now look again at the topic of our class hour, what do you think we will talk about today? (about the motherland, love for it, devotion, patriotism, civic engagement.)

III. Presentation of the theme of the classroom.

Let's start by discussing what is for you Motherland?

On the board is a cluster that is filled class teacher as students respond.

(Didactic material № 1 ). Cluster example:

land of ancestors

The place where the person lives


The place where you were born

A place where one feels comfortable

Emotional actualization of the topic occurs with the help of a video fragment - the song "Where the Motherland Begins". Video demonstration.

Do you agree with the poet? Do I need to add something to the cluster?

Our Motherland is a federation. By federation we mean a union of equal members of a single whole.

Now let's move on to the concept patriot».

Emotional actualization of the topic by watching a video clip (demonstration of the video clip "One eccentric ...")

Follow-up discussion questions:

1) Is it enough to be born in one place or another to be considered a patriot? 2) Who can you call a patriot in currently?

Patriot- a person who benefits the Motherland, stands up for her defense if necessary. Please name the professions that require heroism, courage, patience (military personnel, firefighters, miners, pilots ...).

Our ancestors from ancient times considered patriotism to be the main quality of a person, which is confirmed in sayings and proverbs.

Folk Thoughts about the motherland and patriotism help to realize the full power of patriotic feeling and respect for one's fatherland, people.

Look at your tables there is material ( Didactic material No. 2 ), please read, discuss in groups the meaning of proverbs and express your opinion whether you agree with aphorisms, proverbs, sayings folk wisdom. (Proverbs are read and commented)

    Take care of your dear land, like a beloved mother

    In the battle for the Fatherland and death is red

    Houses and walls help

    Needed where was born

    The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland

    For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life

    The smoke of the Fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire

    To live - to serve the motherland

    Who is a mountain for the Motherland, that is a true hero

    Who loves the motherland and people is a true patriot

    Whoever loves the Motherland, she will not be indebted to him

    Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully, fulfills that duty approximately

    Love for the motherland is stronger than death

    On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweet

    In a foreign land, and kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness

    There is no more beautiful in the world than our Motherland

    About those and the radio broadcasts who defends the Motherland

    One mother is dear and the motherland is one

    Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

    They protect their homeland with their heads

    Homeland, like parents do not choose

    Native land - paradise to the heart

    From your native land - do not go down to die

    Feel free to go into battle, the Motherland is behind you

    That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth

    Only he will be honored who loves his Motherland not in word, but in deed.

So, patriot- this is a citizen who takes care of his Motherland, about its nature, defending its honor, knowledgeable of history of their country.

Students are invited to complete the cluster and thereby answer the question from the topic of the class hour: "What does it mean to be a patriot?"

Work on a separate sheet. (Didactic material No. 3 ) At the same time, a video fragment is played (D. Maidanov)

IV. Consolidation.

Vladimir Putin put it this way: “If we want to live better, we need to make the country more attractive to everyone. We do not and cannot have any other unifying idea other than patriotism, because if this is the case, every citizen will live better, and there will be more prosperity and more comfort. This is the national idea." (See the video clip “Putin on Patriotism”).

national idea- this is a true religious, socio-political and cultural self-awareness of the people, an understanding of its historical destiny. The national idea rests on an active civic position.

Active civil position is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person’s life.

Active citizenship implies the presence of interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, the presence of organizational skills.

It is in the team that such important motives of behavior and activity are formed. young man as a sense of duty, collectivism, camaraderie.

V. Summarizing. Reflection.

Let's get back to the words of N.A. Nekrasov about "citizen", in what sense did he use this word?

Of course, for Nekrasov, the concept of "citizen" is identified with modern concept"patriot".

Complete the phrase: "I want to be a patriot because..."

Let's create a syncaine:

Noun - the concept of a topic (For example, a citizen, a patriot ...)

Two adjectives...

Three verbs...

A sentence expressing the main idea...

Noun (synonym for the concept being expanded, reflecting the conclusion)

Examples of syncwines written by students on this topic:

The conversation is summed up - b being a patriot is not so difficult, real love to the Motherland is not only and not so much expressed in words, but is supported by concrete deeds. So - everything is in our hands!

Option number 1.


“Patriotism always supports your country and your government when it deserves it,” said Mark Twain. Patriotism is love and respect for the country and the desire to improve it. The people must unite with the government and other institutions to work in this direction.

Patriotism fades with time

Over time, patriotism disappears. Today, patriotism is hardly found among younger generation. This is because people these days are too caught up in their lives. They also become more and more selfish. A selfish person is one who always thinks of himself and keeps his interests above everyone and those around him. Patriotism is love for one's own country. A person who is too self-absorbed and who is of great importance for himself and his needs can never be a patriot. Increasing competition these days has also contributed a lot to this. Everyone is busy earning money to make their life more comfortable and better than those of others. In such a scenario, it is hardly worth thinking about anything else. These days, loving the country and serving the country is an almost forgotten concept. Instead of working to improve their country and contribute to its development, young people today migrate to other countries in search of better image life. If the thinking of people was the same about 100 years ago, they would never have united and fought for the freedom of the country. In this situation, they would only be looking for their own selfish motives.

True Patriot vs False Patriot

Today there are many people who really love and respect their country, and some are just pretending. A true patriot is one who is dedicated to serving his people. At first, he is interested in his country and compatriots and is ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of improving his country. A false patriot is one who claims to love his country and shows that he is a patriot by being in public. However, he does this for his own benefit and does not actually possess these feelings.

Patriotism versus nationalism

The terms nationalism and patriotism are often used interchangeably. However, there is a difference between them. Patriotism means being proud of your nation for its good points and working to improve it. On the other hand, nationalism means being proud of one's people, regardless of their positive and negative points. While patriotism is good, nationalism is seen as irrational and vicious.

A sense of patriotism is required for the improvement and development of the country. It also brings people of the same country closer together and helps them experience the love and joy of caring for each other.

Composition on the topic "Patriotism".

Option number 2.


Patriotism is one of the most pure feelings in the world. A patriot selflessly treats his country. He keeps the interests and welfare of his country ahead of his own. He is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of his country without thinking twice.

Patriotism is a virtue that everyone should have

Our country is also called our motherland and we should love it as we love our mother. Those who feel the same love and devotion for their country as they feel for their mother and family are known to be true patriots. Patriotism is a virtue that every person should possess. A country, full of patriots is definitely being done the best place for life versus where people fight each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues. A place where people have a collective interest and mission will surely have less conflict. This is why everyone should have the dignity of patriotism:

Support for your country
When everyone strives to create a nation strong in all respects, there is no way that the country will not develop and develop. Patriots put the interests of the country ahead of their own and work with dedication to improve it.

Maintaining peace and harmony
A good nation is one where peace and harmony are maintained at all times. People have a sense of brotherhood, helping and supporting each other. It is known that the feeling of patriotism contributes to the feeling of brotherhood among their compatriots.

Working for a Common Purpose
Patriots work towards a common goal, which is to improve their country. When everyone moves towards a common goal or mission, it is possible to achieve it.

No selfish motives
Patriots selflessly work for their country without any individual interests. If everyone has a sense of patriotism and does not think about satisfying his individual interest, the country will certainly benefit.

No corruption
If political leaders have a sense of patriotism, they will work well for the welfare of the country. If government officials and other citizens of a country are determined to serve the nation, rather than earn quick money or get quick favors for themselves, the level of corruption will fall.

Patriotism should not turn into chauvinism

Being a patriot is a great virtue. We must love and respect our country and serve it in any way we can. The positives of having a sense of patriotism, shared above, show how it can help a country prosper and grow. However, some people take this love for their country to a new level. Excessive love for one's country and the belief that your country is superior and important is called chauvinism. Chauvinists' strong belief in the ideologies of their country and the irrational belief in the superiority of their people creates a feeling of hatred for others. This often provokes conflicts and wars between countries, thereby violating peace and harmony.

There have been several cases in the past where chauvinism has led to unnecessary conflicts turning into riots. There is a very thin line between patriotism and chauvinism. While patriotism is healthy, chauvinism is fanatical and irrational. People must ensure that their loyalty and love for their country does not turn into chauvinism over time.


Love for one's homeland is the purest form of love. A person who is ready to sacrifice his interests for his country deserves respect. Every country in the world needs more people who have this feeling.

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Poltinin D., Shalatov M.:

What does it mean today to be a patriot?

To be a patriot means to be the master of your country, not a guest. In case of danger, be able to protect her, carefully handle her gifts. A patriot in my understanding is a person who works and is socially active, builds his future, linking it only with his Fatherland. He will do much more than a person who is ready to defend the prestige of the country in words. This is much more difficult than just talking about love for the Motherland, let's look at Dictionary Dahl: "A patriot is one who loves his fatherland, is devoted to his people, is ready for sacrifices and exploits in the name of the interests of his Motherland." Modern life differs from previous eras in a frantic rhythm, individualism, and the value of material goods. And at the same time, she leaves room for a feat. To be a patriot or not depends on the person himself. Anyone who does good deeds can become a hero. pure heart. After all, great heroism is born from small deeds. To be a patriot, in my opinion, means "do not litter in the forest." Do not call the Russian Federation "this country". Cheer for your team at the World Cup. Maintain in conflict situations actions of our, not foreign politicians. And, of course, to refrain from sophisticated swearing and sour sarcasm against our state. From my point of view, patriotism begins when you realize that for some reason you need this country, and not in the form of ruins and poverty, but in the form of a place of residence (if possible comfortable) of your relatives, relatives, acquaintances, people of the same you nationality, with common historical roots. When you realize that your ancestors lie in this land, who cultivated it and for which they fought, which fed them and which accepted them. And when you realize that you want to lie in the same land, you want this land to feed and raise your descendants. It doesn’t matter how you came to this - through the logical realization that it cannot be otherwise, or exclusively emotionally (having come to Once again to your favorite forest for mushrooms and seeing a clearing in the place of the forest). And when this feeling becomes unconscious, when you are ready to take a machine gun and go to defend your house, knowing perfectly well the futility of this step and realizing that you have no chance of surviving - at this stage you can talk about patriotism.

What is the manifestation of patriotism today?

If we proceed from the generally accepted that patriotism is love for the Motherland, then it is necessary to determine what is invested in the concept of "Motherland". I believe that the Motherland is a place in whose fate a person experiences spiritual involvement. The motherland is the native expanses and the paternal home. But this is something more than locality or place of residence. First of all, the Motherland is people. From this it becomes clear that heroism for the good of the Motherland is aimed at the good of people and, first of all, loved ones. For a Russian person, the Motherland has always been holy and revered, and they defended it as a shrine. It is in this understanding of the Motherland, in my opinion, that patriotism originates. At the same time, patriotism is not just love for the motherland. This is the readiness to overcome any trials with the country (to protect it from enemies, to raise it from ruins, to defend the honor and rights of the state on the world stage), respect for one's history and traditions, the desire to serve the interests of the country by one's actions (benefit, take responsibility, work for the good of the Motherland for themselves, loved ones, Russians ...). Patriotism implies not only a sense of pride in the country, but also a willingness to be with it in Hard time. I asked my friends the question: "What is patriotism and your heroes today." The answers basically boiled down to the fact that patriotism is love for the Motherland. About 5% of the respondents could not define the concept of "patriotism" at all. Asked to list famous heroes most often called the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. When asked if there are heroes in the 21st century, many said that there are none. Those who agreed with the statement that there are still heroes cited only one or two names. The great military and labor past of our country knows many heroes: Matrosov, Panikakha, Suvorov, Nakhimov, Stakhanov, Sakharov, Zhukov, Kutuzov, Ushakov and many others. These people once glorified our country on the world stage. Their heroism is immortal. At the same time, we, the generation that grew up in the 21st century, should know that modernity also provides examples of the manifestation of patriotism. Who are the modern patriots and heroes? My list of heroes is long, I will name only a few whose exploits I especially remember. The undisputed heroes of our time are the officers and soldiers of the 6th company of the 2nd battalion of the 104th Guards Airborne Regiment of the 76th (Pskov) Airborne Division, who on February 29 - March 1, 2000 engaged in battle with a much larger detachment of Chechen militants led by Khattab, near Argun in Chechnya, at an altitude of 776 - Lieutenant Colonel M. N. Evtyukhin, Major S. G. Molodov, Captain V. V. Romanov, Senior Lieutenant A. M. Kolgatin, Lieutenant A. V. Vorobyov, lieutenant D.S. Kozhemyakin, privates Alexander Suponinsky, Andrey Porshnev and many others. Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal (born in 1933) - Soviet and Russian pediatrician and surgeon, doctor of medical sciences, professor, public figure, director of the Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery and Traumatology, "Children's Doctor of the World" (1996), expert of the World Health Organization.

All the participants in the hostilities in Chechnya, the liquidators of the Chernobyl disaster, flood rescuers and many, many other people who save others without sparing their own lives.

Patriotism is Full time job mind and soul, love and respect for elders.

Lekanskaya D.:

There is no single measure for patriotism. For everyone - he is his own. Some say that patriotism means that we should be ruled only by people like us, of our nationality (but is it always the best option?). Others believe that a person who always firmly defends national interests should rule (are you sure that national, and not personal?). Personally, I prefer a different approach. Patriotism is when you not only “cheer with your soul” for the country, but when you realize what is happening to the country and act, albeit to the detriment of yourself and the current situation / generation, but in the interests of future generations. Moreover, the “interest of future generations” is both the support of today's youth and concern for the elderly as carriers of folk traditions, as a connection between generations, as a moral face of society, and concern for natural resources, economic, scientific and military potential of their country. Patriotism cannot be measured by the number of speeches for anything or the loudness of the cry, as well as the number of returns "from there". Patriotism can only be measured by specific deeds - how many factories have you built, how many people have you given jobs, to what extent have you prevented the export of raw materials (generational wealth) from the country, and what part of these resources (as a measure to prevent export) have you turned into high-tech products with high value-added due to technology and the labor of citizens, how much taxes you paid, how many talented fellow citizens you helped, how many orphanages you supported and how many orphans you helped find a family, how many teenagers you gave the opportunity to go to study / work instead of “wandering the streets” and sit down on drugs, how many villages you saved from extinction and returned young people there, how many wild animals live in the forest or reserve closest to you, how you financed national science, art, mass sports, how many streets in your city you helped make clean, lit, ... And love ... They love the street, not the dirt on it, and if they love, then they will make an effort, that she was clean and pleasing to the eye.

Mishin A.:

We were all born in the same country, we live and grow here. We all study the history of our country, we are proud of it. But the most wonderful thing is when our souls are filled with a special feeling, fixed for centuries and millennia - patriotism. What is the manifestation of patriotism? It manifests itself: in love for one's Fatherland, in pride for one's people, in love for the culture of one's people. In love for his small Motherland, where he was born and spent the first years of his life; in the desire for the prosperity of their Motherland, in activities for the good of the Motherland, in readiness to protect and defend their country, in respect for the veteran defenders of the Motherland, the heroic deeds of their ancestors. It is impossible to teach patriotism, as they teach mathematics and physics. The feeling of the Motherland is not memorizing a list of rules and regulations. This is the air we breathe. The sun we see. The house where we live. The feeling of the Motherland permeates our whole life. Modern life with its transience makes us think about our attitude to the Motherland - the most sacred thing that a person has. I live in Russia. The history of my fatherland is rich in examples of great victories and glory, adversity and suffering. Clever and courageous people worked for the good and good of my country. Their work brings glory to Russia. This is my homeland. Its expanses are beautiful and immense. I am proud of my country, its past and present.

Lesson topic: What does it mean to be a patriot?

The purpose of the lesson:
- provide conditions for the formation learning activities, motivation for further study of the topics of the section "Motherland",
- mastering the concepts of "patriot", "federation", "subject of the federation", "multinational state". To prepare students for self-determination of a personal idea of ​​the fundamental concepts of every citizen - patriotism and love for the Motherland;
- fostering a sense of gratitude and respect for the older generations who defended the independence of the Motherland.
- education of patriotic feelings for the Motherland and its history.
- trace the history of the origin of the term "patriot" and "patriotism";
-to form the ability to work with a legal document; development of skills in working with a map, assessment and self-assessment;
- to increase the level of formation of the patriotic component in the worldview of students, national pride and an active civic-patriotic position through introducing students to heroic pages the past and present of Russia;
- the formation of desire: to benefit the Motherland, to serve the Fatherland.
multimedia equipment. Presentation for the lesson.
Poster "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten."
During the classes
I.Org. moment
II. Studying new material
By educating patriots, business people, one can be sure both in the development and in the formation of a normal society and a strong state.
Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.
(A.P. Chekhov).
That's why with early age together with education in every person industriousness is brought up, healthy lifestyle life, aesthetic tastes, morality, sociability, patriotism and other qualities.
Today in the lesson we will think about that wonderful quality of a person that is not subject to time: it has no "age" and is valued as dearly as anything else - the names of such people live in people's memory over the centuries.
- Explain why people who find themselves in difficult situations connected by a common danger can behave differently in it?
- Is there, in your opinion, the difference between a hero and a patriot?
- What makes ordinary people peaceful professions perform feats in the name of the Motherland?
Our great homeland is called the Russian Federation. What does the term "federation" mean?
Terminological work
- Look up the definition of the word "federation" in the dictionary.
Federation - a union state, consisting of united states or state entities that retain a certain legal and political independence; appropriate form state structure. (recording the definition in a notebook)
Working with the map
Look at the modern map of Russia. How colorful she is! Republics, territories, national districts, regions, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg are marked on it. These are subjects Russian Federation.
Working with the Constitution
Find in the Constitution, what subjects are included in its composition? (Article 65 Chapter 3. 83 equal subjects, including 21 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 2 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous regions)
- In what subject of the Russian Federation do we live?
common state language, general history, a common homeland - all this brings the peoples of the Russian Federation together. None among nations great and small. There are only few and numerous, they all have equal rights. All nations deserve respect. Respect for other nations is a trait of a patriot. A real patriot will never humiliate a person of another nationality.
The word "patriot" is borrowed from Greek. The ancient Greeks called their countrymen this way (people who were born in one place). Another name for countrymen is compatriots. Already in the ancient meaning The word "patriot" reflects the connection between a person and his place of birth.
The place of birth is called differently: homeland, fatherland, fatherland. In the last two words, a common root is clearly heard. This root indicates that this is the land of the fathers (ancestors).
What does it mean to be a patriot?
The modern dictionary defines the meaning of the word "patriot" as follows: this is a person who loves his Fatherland, devoted to his people, ready for sacrifices and performing feats in the name of the interests of his Motherland (writing the definition in a notebook).
Man has one homeland, as well as own mother. Often these two words are heard side by side - Motherland.
Patriotism- love for the Motherland, one's people (recording the definition in a notebook).
So, to be a patriot, you need to love your homeland. It would seem how simple it is. In the most hard times, When deadly danger threatened the Fatherland, people rose to its defense. Such a danger was the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.
PATRIOTISM IN THE YEARS OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR, the patriotic spirit of the Russian People manifested itself already in the first months of the war. Only in Moscow were formed 12 divisions of the people's militia and 25 destruction battalions. The front-line writer K. Simonov then said about Moscow: "A city that looks like a Russian person, as invincible as the Russian person himself."
Soviet patriotism during the war period was in fact inextricably linked with internationalism, the truly fraternal friendship of the peoples of the USSR.
When we talk about the heroic deeds accomplished in the battle for Moscow, we mean not only the actions of our army - the heroic Soviet fighters, commanders and political workers. What has been achieved on Western front in October, and then in subsequent battles, became possible only thanks to the unity and common efforts of the troops and the population of the capital and the Moscow region, the effective assistance that the entire country, the entire Soviet people provided to the army and the defenders of the capital.
Patriotism and national unity during the war manifested itself in various forms of support for the Army. Funds were created for the Red Army, Defense, assistance to families and children of front-line soldiers, disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War. At the expense of the people different nationalities contributed to the Fund
The patriotic impulse of the Russian people manifested itself in numerous cases of heroism in various fields. folk life both among the military and civilians.
The plane of Captain N.F. Gastello on June 26, 1941, during the bombing of an enemy tank column on the Radoshkevichi-Molodechno road, received a hole in the gas tank. There was a fire. Then Gastello, together with the crew (lieutenants A. A. Budenyuk, G. N. Skorobogatov and senior sergeant A. A. Kalinin) decided not to leave the plane on parachutes. The burning car was directed at a cluster of tanks, vehicles and gas tanks, which exploded along with the plane, destroying many dozens of German soldiers and a large amount of military equipment.
The war gave more and more examples of the heroic self-sacrifice of Russian soldiers. Infantry school cadet A. Matrosov voluntarily went to the front as a private. Feb 23 1943 in the battle for the village of Chernushki (Kalinin Front) broke through to the enemy bunker and closed the embrasure with his body, sacrificing himself to ensure the success of his unit. Matrosov saved the lives of dozens of his comrades who found themselves under targeted enemy fire. Taking advantage of the confusion of the enemy, the Russian soldiers went on the attack and drove out the invaders.
- Guys, in the name of what feats were performed, incredible hardships and hardships were endured, why did our distant ancestors and recent predecessors sacrifice their fortune, love, life itself? In the name of the interests of the Fatherland. In what way do you, today's schoolchildren, already graduates, see your patriotic service to the Motherland? Are you ready today for any donation and exploits in the name of the interests of the Motherland?
III. Consolidation.
1. When did the Second World War begin and end. How many days and nights did it last?
2. What feat did Private Alexander Matrosov accomplish? How many soldiers repeated it in WWII?
3. What feat did pilot Viktor Talalikhin accomplish? When it was?
4. When did the Victory Parade take place on Red Square in Moscow?
At the final stage of reflection on the material, students argue their positions on the topic of the lesson: “What does it mean to be a patriot”, in which there is no longer a question mark.
IV. Homework: pick up proverbs about patriotism.
