Material for the design of the cabinet of Russian and literature. The best design of the Russian language and literature classroom


The office is located on the first floor of the school, it is bright, warm and cozy. For fruitful work, there is the necessary equipment: a projector with a screen, a computer and a printer with copier and scanner functions, speakers.

The Russian language classroom at school, the place where they ruffle not only teach literacy, writing and speech, but also a place to get acquainted with cultural property and literary heritage.
In order to equip the classroom of the Russian language and literature to be complete, the cabinet has portraits of writers and poets, stands containing the rules of the Russian language, quizzes and materials to prepare for centralized testing.
There are also many fresh flowers, large and small, in the office. They are on windowsills and cabinets.
The office also has modern technology: laptop and multimedia projector.

The office is large and very bright. Lots of vibrant blooms. Stands are decorated in the room: preparation for the OGE, the Unified State Examination, a reader's corner, a classroom corner, a safety and health corner. They contain necessary and important information. The office has two computers, a scanner and a printer. Decorated book fairs.

cozy and bright office

The office is bright and comfortable.

The design of the cabinet of the Russian language and literature should correspond to the education and upbringing of the younger generation. The Cabinet of the Russian Language and Literature is, first of all, a working room where lessons and extracurricular activities are held. In the office there is an information stand for preparing for the final certification. Near the blackboard there is a removable stand where information for the lessons is placed. The classroom is equipped with reference and didactic materials, artistic texts, anthologies. The office is equipped with modern technical means: smart board, video eye, stereo system. The office has a beautiful green space.

In 2009, our school was demolished due to an emergency condition. From 2009 to 2012 we studied at three different schools. A new facility was built in 2012. This is how the Cabinet of Russian Language and Literature appeared. It is fully stocked. available: a multimedia board (mimio), on which the guys work freely, draw diagrams, draw up graphs, etc.; remote control for voting in the classroom; portraits of writers and poets; discs with various types assignments. Blinds on the windows, very convenient when adjusting the lighting. The office is decorated with flowers.

The office is equipped with everything you need to work in modern conditions. Aesthetically designed, does not contain decor elements distracting from the main activity in the interior. This is a classroom for students in grade 7 B, so there is a classroom corner that reflects the necessary and helpful information. At the internal competition of cabinets No. 22, my cabinet won prize-winning place.

I have been forming my cabinet for thirty years already, its creation is a labor-intensive business, the equipment has been completed for years. The design of the classroom, its design has been completely changed many times, stands have been updated. All visual stands for working with students in the lesson are only replaceable. Assembled huge material both in literature and in the Russian language. I am interested in creating an office, I am passionate about it.
My office, like any other study room, performs several functions. This is also a training room where lessons are held, additional classes with lagging behind and gifted children. This is also a playground where various extra-curricular activities in the Russian language and literature are held. This is also a methodological center where teachers from school and district methodological associations gather for their meetings. It is also a consultation point for preparing for subject Olympiads and exams. This is also a library where you can find reference, methodological and encyclopedic literature. The classroom is the most important place in the school for students in my class: here we communicate, hold extracurricular activities, prepare for exhibitions and competitions, and rehearse.
The office equipment meets modern requirements: there is a computer in the office (it has a huge database of various the right materials). multimedia projector, printer.
The windows in the office are fitted with blinds. Everywhere there are flowers that make the atmosphere in the office more cozy and comfortable. The furniture is modern, bright and quite comfortable.
A well-equipped classroom is a necessary accessory of the modern educational process, it is not only a background, but also a powerful stimulus for students and is a teacher's assistant.

The classroom of the Russian language and literature is equipped with the equipment necessary for conducting lessons in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.
Interactive whiteboard, computer, printer, multimedia projector, TV, slide projector, DVD, a set of DVDs on Russian language and literature for grades 5-11, educational videos on various topics, interactive tables and electronic applications for textbooks allow for exciting modern lessons. Connecting to the Internet expands the possibilities of finding the necessary information in the lesson, helps in better preparation for the exam and the exam. A lot of extracurricular and extracurricular work is carried out in the office. Conferences, literary drawing rooms, holidays, olympiads, competitions, electives, circles contribute to introducing children to Russian literature.

Russian Language and Literature MBOU"Lyceum No. 1", Lysva (teachers - Plesovskikh Olesya Sergeevna, Pankova Nadezhda Petrovna, Raizvih Olga Anatolyevna).

Today it is not enough to give the student knowledge,
It is important to teach him to master the methods of cognition,
He must navigate the text on his own. artwork,
To be able to explain this or that phenomenon.
This is facilitated by an aesthetically designed cabinet,
Which will answer any questions in teaching.
It includes the development and creation of educational and methodological documentation,
Important recommendations and their implementation.
In such an office, the lesson is effective,
The teacher could improve every personality,
Develops the creative abilities of students,
Provides scientific and aesthetic information to them!
Author Svistunova L.I., teacher of Russian language and literature, OGBPOU DPTPT

The main task of the functioning of the cabinet of the Russian language and literature is the improvement of the educational process, the deepening and expansion of theoretical information about the culture of speech, the systematization of knowledge in vocabulary and grammar, the consolidation of spelling and punctuation skills, the formation of a talented reader, morally and spiritually enriched.
A well-equipped and decorated classroom has a beneficial effect on students, helps to educate them in diligence, accuracy, composure, careful respectful attitude to what is done with their own hands and the labor of senior comrades.

Our classroom of Russian language and literature is small, but the guys treat it with love. This happens not only because here everything is available for everyone to work. The office contains both art and methodical literature, it is equipped necessary equipment, a large electronic database of didactic material for the lessons of literature and the Russian language has been collected. All material is assembled in blocks, which creates a special comfort. Students love to work with the interactive whiteboard in the classroom and many interesting work create themselves. A large number of presentations, exhibitions were made by the guys.

There is a volume in my closet.
And each volume on the shelf is like a house...
Cover - open the door in a hurry -
And you entered, and you are already a guest ...
Like a lane - each book row.
And my whole closet is a wonderful bookstore.
When you enter this city -
from the Past to the Future..
the educational process involves the use of modern technologies. The classroom is equipped with the necessary equipment,
didactic and technical means, educational and auxiliary materials and
meets all requirements for the implementation of theoretical and practical
parts of the main educational programs in Russian language and literature. The classroom is equipped with a computer that allows you to use Internet resources, a multimedia projector, an interactive whiteboard,
sound equipment. The office contains a lot of methodological, reference and fiction literature. There is a cognitive
film library about life and work famous writers and poets. The walls of the office, furniture, interior items create a favorable psychological mood. The office is cozy and multifunctional. All this makes it possible to decide
modern educational tasks.

Constant creative search, the desire to involve students in working with a book, with literary material, reference literature, the constant desire to expand the horizons of schoolchildren, to help them develop their own view of the work of art being studied is the main task of teachers of the Russian language and literature. In solving this problem, in moral education, in the formation of a deep interest in the subject, the role of the cabinet is especially great.
A classroom is a school classroom equipped with visual aids, educational equipment, furniture, technical teaching aids, in which educational, optional and extracurricular work with students and methodical work by subject.
I am convinced that the classroom is a necessary condition for the organization of the modern educational process. The result of the work of the teacher and students largely depends on a properly equipped classroom.
The classroom is not just a place where lessons are held, but a modern laboratory that plays an important role in developing interest in the subject, organizing independent and creative activity students.
In my office there are audiobooks, a film library, e-books for preparation for the Central Television, dictionaries and encyclopedias, virtual excursions, presentations for the lessons of the Russian language and literature in grades 5-11.

The classroom of the Russian language and literature at the school is small, but cozy. It is equipped with laptops, projector, document camera, printer. Didactic material, various thematic tests, options for tasks of the OGE and the Unified State Examination, visual material and much more - all this makes the literature lessons in this office interesting and rich.

The classroom is equipped with the necessary equipment, didactic and technical means, educational and auxiliary materials and meets all the requirements for the implementation of the theoretical and practical parts of the main educational programs in the Russian language and literature.
Reading competitions, creative and musical and literary events are often held in the office.
I wish good luck to all participants of the competition!

Today, the classroom of the Russian language and literature simply must be multifunctional: equipped in order to use " the last word technology" and cozy enough to freely "spread the thought along the tree."

Everything is scheduled,
Lessons are followed by changes...
Any wishes will come true!
God help you! And school walls!

The classroom is equipped with the necessary equipment, didactic and technical means, educational and auxiliary materials and meets all the requirements for the implementation of the theoretical and practical parts of the main educational programs in the Russian language and literature. In the educational and extracurricular activities available traditional and modern technical training aids, office equipment are used.
Reading competitions, creative and school-wide events are often held in our office.

The cabinet has a regional passport since 2008. It has a laptop, a projector, a screen, as well as everything you need to prepare for the Unified State Examination and the OGE: various tests, texts, tables, handouts, manuals, etc. A music library has been created: presentations on the Russian language and literature for each class and on all topics, CDs on the Russian language. There are folders available: "Write correctly", "Learn to write essays", "Speak correctly", etc. A library of fiction has been created according to the school curriculum.
Every year, the office undergoes cosmetic repairs, it is bright and comfortable!

What should be a modern office? In our school, this is an open educational space where learning is fun and interesting. Technical equipment provides free access to the Internet, the use of digital educational resources And distance learning.
In the classroom of the Russian language and literature, of course, there are many dictionaries and reference books, and you can also take on the bookshelf brought by a classmate good book, leaf through it, get carried away and take it home to finish reading. It's just that our school is implementing the Book Exchange project.
It's so nice to do something together! We were convinced of this once again when we were working on the design project for the “Classic Portraits” office: we were looking for images with the right resolution, discussing the format, and selecting frames.
And now we are discussing how to continue work on the design of the office. We will be glad interesting ideas and suggestions!
We look forward to visiting!

In the office of Russian literature, in addition to visual, teaching aids and handouts on all topics, there are several unique collections. One of them is a collection of autographs of Perm writers.
Books with autographs were presented by writers who spoke to students, relatives and acquaintances of the writers. Among them we see completely unique, for example, the dedication of Vladimir Radkevich to Rimma Vasilievna Komina:
From the Urals to Rome
All the most beautiful lady Rimma.
Why are we on fire?
Here from these same Rimm!
From Perm in the soul set on edge,
But I'm glad that Comina is around.
The Cabinet published a brochure and an electronic disk "Autographs of Perm writers in the Literature Cabinet", autographs collected in the cabinet are described in two articles. Copies of the court case of A. S. Griboyedov, a copy of V. V. Kamensky’s letter to N. Bukharin are kept in the collection ...
The collection of book miniatures of the Perm book publishing house inspired students to create baby books, crafts based on the books of Perm writers. This collection, as well as other collections in the office, arouses the constant interest of children.
An interesting collection of old and rare books. Here is the edition of A. Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", which visited the fronts of the Great Patriotic War with a soldier-grandfather, a student of our gymnasium. Here is the dictionary-reference book "The use of the letter ё", published in 1945! Here is a collection of poems by M. Yu. Lermontov with a photocopy of his autograph.
The Cabinet organized the publication of children's creative works. These are the collections "And life, and tears, and love ...", "I want to tell you, teacher ...", "Dedicated to the beloved and forever young gymnasium", the coloring book "Book of Fairy Tales", the collection "Autographs of Perm Writers", collections of memoirs "I remember! I'm proud!" Scientific works students are presented in many collections published on the basis of conference materials (Pasternak Readings, Astafyev Readings, etc.). So, in the collection "Graduates read modern prose”, published by the PSPU, a commentary by Ozhgibesova V, a student of the 7th grade, was published on the chapter “The Siege of the Wasp” from A. Ivanov’s book “To See the Russian Rebellion”.
The dictionary corner in our office is extremely extensive: dictionaries of 40 names are collected here! This section is especially rich in dictionaries studying the language of the Kama region. Children's interest in them is huge. Based on the materials of the dictionaries, the students created several abstracts.
The office is well equipped technically. Computer, printer, projector, music Center and the turntable (because the record collection contains over a hundred copies) bring almost every lesson to life.

The cabinet meets all modern requirements. Large, spacious, bright, comfortable for learning, which is achieved thanks to the excellent design and a large number of colors. Above the blackboard are portraits of writers. On the central wall - reflected artistic compositions from the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.V. Gogol.
The office room is equipped with specialized educational furniture and teaching aids: multimedia equipment, methodological and visual aids; screen and sound aids; library fund. The library collection includes textbooks, educational and methodical complexes, fiction, encyclopedias, reference books, etc. The entire multifunctional complex of the teacher creates all the conditions not only for mastering theoretical material but also to improve the cultural level of schoolchildren, their spiritual growth And moral education.
Thank you all for your attention! The choice is yours!





1) the student fully presents the studied material, gives the correct definition of language concepts;

2) reveals an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, give the necessary examples not only from the textbook, but also independently compiled;

3) presents the material consistently, correctly from the point of view of the norms of the literary language.


the student gives an answer that meets the same requirements as for the “5” mark, but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he corrects himself, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and language of the presentation.


the student discovers knowledge and understanding of the main provisions of this topic, but:

1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in the definition of concepts or the formulation of rules;

2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments in sufficient depth and convincingly and give his own examples;

3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.


if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant section of the material being studied, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and rules that distort their meaning, randomly and uncertainly presents the material. A score of "2" indicates such shortcomings in the preparation of the student, which are a serious obstacle to the successful mastery of subsequent material.


the student reveals complete ignorance or misunderstanding of the material, refuses to answer without explaining the reasons.



The degree to which the student meets the general requirements for the answer


The answer is evaluated, revealing solid knowledge and a deep understanding of the text of the work being studied, the ability to explain the relationship of events, the nature and actions of the characters and the role artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work;the ability to use theoretical and literary knowledge and parsing skills in the analysis of a work of art, to use the text to argue one's conclusions, to reveal the connection of a work with an era; fluency in monologue literary speech.


The answer is evaluated, which shows solid knowledge and a fairly deep understanding of the text of the work being studied; the ability to explain the interconnection of events, the characters and actions of the characters and the main artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work; the ability to use basic theoretical and literary knowledge and skills in the analysis of read works; the ability to involve the text of the work to substantiate their conclusions; good command of monologue literary speech.However, one or two inaccuracies in the answer are allowed.


The answer is evaluated, indicating mainly knowledge and understanding of the text of the work under study; the ability to explain the relationship of the main events, the characters and actions of the characters and the role of the most important artistic means in revealing the ideological and artistic content of the work; knowledge of the main issues of theory, but insufficient ability to use this knowledge in the analysis of works; limited by the skill of parsing and insufficient ability to use the text of works to confirm their conclusions.Several errors are allowed in the content of the answer, insufficient fluency in monologue speech, a number of shortcomings in the composition and language of the answer, inconsistency in the level of reading with the standards established for this text.


The answer is evaluated, revealing ignorance of the essential issues of the content of the work; inability to explain the behavior and characters of the main characters and the role of the most important artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work; ignorance of elementary theoretical and literary concepts;poor monologue literary technique reading, poverty expressiveness of language.


The answer is evaluated, showing complete ignorance of the content of the work and misunderstanding of the main issues provided for by the program; inability to construct a monologue statement, low level of reading technique.

Main evaluation criteria for presentation and essay



1. The content of the work is fully consistent with the topic.

2. There are no actual errors.

3. The content is presented sequentially.

4. The work is distinguished by the richness of the dictionary, the variety of syntactic constructions used, the accuracy of word usage.

5. Achieved stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text.In general, 1 defect in the content of 1-2 speech defects is allowed in the work.


1 spelling,

or 1 punctuation

or 1 grammatical error


1. The content of the work basically corresponds to the topic (there are minor deviations from the topic).

2. The content is mostly reliable, but there are isolated factual inaccuracies.

3. There are minor violations of the sequence in the presentation of thoughts.

4. The lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse.

5. The style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.

In general, no more than 2 shortcomings in the content and no more than 3-4 speech shortcomings are allowed in the work.


2 spelling and 2 punctuation errors,

or 1 spelling and 3 punctuation errors,

or 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors, as well as 2 grammatical errors


1. Significant deviations were made in the work.

2. The work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it.

3. Separate violations of the sequence of presentation are allowed

4. Poor vocabulary and monotonous used syntactic constructions, there is a misnomer.

5. The style of work is not uniform, speech is not expressive enough.

In general, no more than 4 shortcomings in the content and 5 speech shortcomings are allowed in the work.


4 spelling and

4 punctuation errors,

or 3 orf. and 5 points, or

7 pt. Without

spelling (in 5 cells - 5 spelling and 4 points, as well as 4 grammatical errors


The work is off topic. There are many factual inaccuracies. The sequence of thoughts in all parts of the work is broken, there is no connection between them, the work does not correspond to the plan. The dictionary is extremely poor, the work is written in short sentences of the same type with weak expressed connection between them, there are frequent cases of incorrect word usage. The stylistic unity of the text is broken.

In general, 6 shortcomings and up to 7 speech shortcomings were admitted in the work.


7 orph. and 7 paragraphs. mistakes, or

6 orph. and 8 points, or

5 orph. and 9 points, or

9 points, or 8 spellings. and 5 paragraphs, as well as 7 grammatical


Approximate volume of the text of presentations and essays


Text volume for

detailed presentation

cool essay

100-150 words

0.5 - 1.0 pages

150-200 words

1.0 - 1.5 pages

200-250 words

1.5 - 2.0 pages

250-350 words

2.0 - 3.0 pages

350-450 words

3.0 - 4.0 pages



WITH - shortcomings in the content (logical - L and actual F errors).

R - speech errors.I - spelling mistakes.V - punctuation errors.

G - grammatical errors.

Grading : C - R 0 - 2 "4"

I V - G 4 - 3 - 1 "3"

Compliance with grammatical rules.

Erroneous word formation;

Violation of the connection of agreement, control in phrases, errors in the construction of sentences with common definitions and circumstances; homogeneous members.


Accuracy and clarity of speech . Under the accuracy and clarity of speech is understood the possession of sufficient vocabulary, a variety of grammatical means for accurate and understandable expression of thought.Wherein:

1. The work retains the artistic and expressive means of the original presentation (emotional and evaluative vocabulary, metaphors, epithets, poetic syntax, paraphrases, intonation created by the appropriate selection of words).

2. The work meets the requirements for the style of an essay of any nature (literary, critical, literary and creative, on a “free” topic):

a) the accuracy and purity of the language (selection of words that convey exactly the thoughts that the writer wanted to express; the absence of unnecessary words in the sentence);

b) simplicity and beauty (accessibility for understanding, perfection of speech, sincerity, absence of abstruse phrases, pretentious words and phrases, false pathos, far-fetched emotions, standard, primitive expressions, verbal cliches);

c) accuracy and brevity (selection of words that convey exactly the thoughts that the writer wanted to express; the absence of extra words in the sentence);

d) figurativeness (expressiveness, emotional expression of thought, causing visual representations, certain feelings).


The actual error isdistortion:

Quoted material;

Information concerning the life and work of poets and writers


for graduates

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

The design of any school office should set the students in a business and cognitive way, and also illustrate as clearly as possible what subject this study room is dedicated to. Besides, in modern school special attention should be paid to the ergonomic parameters of the class as a whole and each individual student place in particular. Therefore, any design elements should not be an obstacle for children to perform their main function at school - learning. The cabinet of the Russian language and literature is best designed in classical style corresponding to this subject.

The design project, within the framework of which the design of the classroom of the Russian language and literature at the school is being developed, is based on the location in the classroom of the main and integral school attributes: blackboards, teachers' desks and desks. It is best to arrange these items so that the windows are on the left side of the children sitting at their desks. The board should be placed so that it is visible to the entire class. The teacher's table can be decorated with a vase for fresh flowers, other decorative items, which, however, should not clutter it up. Perhaps a small bust of one of the great writers should be placed on the table.

It is advisable to place bookcases against the wall located behind the backs of students, placing appropriate textbooks in them, as well as books containing famous works included in school curriculum. Thus, an ordinary school office will also become an auxiliary library for children. In addition, these cabinets can store discharged literary magazines which will be of particular interest to older students. On different shelves of the cabinet, you can also place themed decorative ornaments (for example, figurines of literary characters), as well as busts of writers.

Taking into account the fact that the cabinet of Russian language and literature has a clearly defined thematic focus, the wall opposite the windows can be decorated with portraits of the classics. domestic literature. Pushkin and Gogol, Dostoevsky and Turgenev, Chekhov and Tolstoy will look great on the classroom wall, looking at future generations studying their imperishable works. In addition, you can pick up instructive phrases from their works dedicated to the greatness of the Russian language, the need for education and literacy, the important role of literature in the life of every person. Beautifully designed, such quotes will effective tool propaganda of the subject to which this room is dedicated.

And finally, the equipment of the school class must meet the modern needs of the educational process. The classroom should be equipped with an interactive media system, Internet connection, etc. At the same time, one should not forget about traditional means: stands with the rules of the Russian language, reproductions of paintings illustrating famous works, etc. A thematic class designed in this way will contribute to greater interest of children in learning native language and literature, as well as help to better master the educational material.

The Russian language and literature classroom is a special space designed for the extracurricular development of each student on an individual basis. The materials presented on the stands should be differentiated according to different age categories and arouse interest among students studying in different classes.
The main requirement put forward to the visual material is informativeness. The student should be able to expand their knowledge of the subject by becoming interested in what they see. For a philological office, it is relevant to present new information about linguistic research, Interesting Facts about the origin of words and phraseological constructors, quotes from classical works etc.

Russian Language Cabinet Passport

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, registration should be carried out in accordance with normal documents. The content of the passport should include the following items:
Title page. The passport must be agreed with the head teacher for educational work. After that, he is approved by the director of the school.
Indication of general data about the classroom (full names of all teachers who conduct classes in this room, classes, area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, number of seats.
An inventory of the property presented in this office is made.
Schedule of classes in this room for the current semester.
Perspective of work and development of the cabinet for a five-year period.
Analysis of work, if the cabinet is not just created.
Detailed work plan for the current year.
Portraits of the classics.
Didactic and methodological aids.
Assessment data (grid of progress scores).
Books for extracurricular reading, dictionaries, journalism.
Stands, folders with materials on the topic.
Works of students.

In the design of the office, both visual materials with wall placement are used, which include stands and portraits of writers, as well as "folded" sources - folders that contain a lot of additional information on different topics.
When choosing portraits for decoration, you need to focus on the generally accepted attitude towards classical literature, as well as changes in the current literary process. If placed next to A.S. Pushkin and T. N. Tolstoy, a photo of contemporary authors, this can push the guys to immerse themselves in the world of “living” literature of the postmodern era.
It is worth involving students in working with folders during school hours, because otherwise they will never use them.

Stand in the office of the Russian language and literature.

The stand can be dedicated common theme or the work of a particular writer. It is better to have several stands, one of which should be made “stationary” (change information only partially, remaining within the same topic), and the second one should be used to constantly attract current informational occasions in order to interest schoolchildren.
A permanent stand is most often dedicated to the topic of native speech. You can place an appropriate poetic quote on it, quote the words of great linguists about the Russian language. It is also worthwhile to indicate relevant information that will be useful in the exam. You can specify a list of references and dictionaries for additional consideration. In a special pocket are placed individual cards for those who want to improve their knowledge.

The material is selected in accordance with what classes will attend this room. For middle school students, you need to use more pictures, quotes from those classics that will be understandable at their age. Fables and fairy tales will be especially popular. Content should be as interactive as possible. We need to involve children in a game that would be interesting to them.
It is more important for graduate school students or those studying them to use data about upcoming exams, prospects for studying the Russian language and literature in the future. You can place data on possible vacancies that are filled by professional philologists.

The plan of the cabinet of the Russian language and literature.

Work within the cabinet is carried out in accordance with a plan drawn up and approved at the level of the directorate. It describes all the activities that will be carried out - both creative design, and replacement and replenishment of the material base.
Thus, the plan indicates information on repair work, the acquisition of new lamps, equipment (at the level of a TV, projector, audio system, etc.), as well as decisions on the placement of new shelves, stands, and the design of albums. Important events such as open lectures and various excursions are also indicated.
For each item of the plan, the person responsible for the implementation, as well as the deadlines, are prescribed. It can be a specific date (relevant for mass events) or, more commonly, a limited period of time (a month, a quarter, a semester, or even a year).

The cabinet must have a clear structure. Everything that is presented in it is aimed at developing and raising the level of education of students. Do not litter the walls or footage with shelves or cabinets with unnecessary materials. The office should be as mobile as possible, carry up-to-date information. Obsolete sources must be removed and moved to the school archive or handed over to the library.
We must not forget about the requirements, which are somewhat bureaucratic in nature: documentation must be maintained constantly. In its preparation and approval, the participation of the leadership of the educational institution and, if possible, several teachers teaching philological subjects is necessary.

The choice of technology depends on the level of prosperity of the school. Ideally, equipment should be based on the use modern technologies. You do not need to purchase such obsolete types of equipment as DVD players or tape recorders. Obsolete subjects will demonstrate to students that their teachers have remained in the last century.
On the contrary, it is better to have one good laptop that will be correlated with all the computer tasks of the class. An important acquisition will be a projector, which is quite capable of replacing a large plasma TV. However, in this case, you need to take care of thick curtains that would exclude the penetration of light into the audience.

Modern cabinet of Russian language and literature.

A modern office is a combination of the use of new technical equipment and relevant pedagogical methodology. You need to use the interests of students for your own purposes. The attraction of gadgets has a huge perspective. Instead of forbidding the use of phones and taking them away in case of disobedience, it is better to make sure that these devices play in favor of education. For example, to create several special applications (tests, simple games are designed very simply with the help of software), which can be used both for training and gaining new knowledge, and for control. Control tests conducted with the help of gadgets will prepare schoolchildren for the USE system and leave no time for cheating. Links to applications can be placed on stands in the form of QR codes. There you can also leave links to presentations on literary topics.

Corner of the study of the Russian language and literature.

Corner - part of the space for placing visual materials on a par with the stand. Most often they together form a single composition. The corner is the central place for placing copies of documentation, it can serve as a space for fastening and school-wide paraphernalia. It includes the image of the coat of arms, as well as the text of the anthem.
Classes are often attached to classrooms. In this case, the corner should be dedicated to the needs of this team. Photos of students, the motto of the class, a list of the best students for the current period, creative work - all this can be placed here.
Corners can also be used for themed literary evenings, if filled with appropriate material.

Rules for using the cabinet of the Russian language and literature.

The rules are indicated in the documentation for the creation and operation of the cabinet. They regulate the rights and obligations of schoolchildren and the head. Usually these rules are:
It is necessary to open the classroom fifteen minutes before the start of the lessons.
Students may not enter the classroom in outerwear.
Students cannot be in the classroom without a teacher.
Each change must be aired.
Compliance with safety rules within the walls of the office is necessary.
The list must be attached in a conspicuous place. You can place it either on a stand (corner) or on the inside of the door. It is also worth specifying the work schedule.

Thus, the cabinet of Russian philology is obliged to be created and function in accordance with existing legislation and to develop as much as possible in its field the students attending it.

And in the end, we bring to your attention a short video clip demonstrating an interestingly designed classroom of the Russian language and literature:


Where words live

School is a workshop

where the thought of the younger generation is formed ...

Henri Barbus.

If the whole school, according to Henri Barbusse, is a workshop for our students, then school classrooms are separate sections of this workshop, rooms where an amazing and fascinating part takes place. school life.

In the classroom, the teacher has to do not only creativity. In his office, the teacher acts in many guises: he is the creator, he is the designer, he is the builder, the painter, the cleaner. This is the second house, which, like any owner, the teacher cherishes and cherishes, leaves in it a piece of himself, a piece of his soul.

Fortunately, all the years of work I have my own office. Why "fortunately"? Yes, because the fate of a teacher who does not have his own office is hard: eternal wanderings around the classrooms with a pile of equipment necessary for the lesson, books and notebooks.

My office is located on the second floor of our school, designed for classes in Russian language and literature.

The office equipment meets modern requirements: the office has a laptop, a multimedia projector, and a music center. Decorated stands hang on the wall, to which the teacher draws the attention of children while studying a particular topic. The material on such stands changes as needed or as it is studied. learning topics.

Also on the stand can be presented creative works of students, drawings and wall newspapers made by children.

The wall near the door is occupied by spacious shelves with books: dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias. One of them contains didactic handouts, visual aids and tests that are constantly used in the learning process, the number of which is constantly increasing when something new is published.

My office, like any other study room, performs several functions. This is also a training room where lessons are held, additional classes with lagging behind and gifted children. This is also a playground where various extra-curricular activities in the Russian language and literature are held. The classroom is the most important place in the school for students in my class: here we communicate, hold extracurricular activities, prepare for exhibitions and competitions, and rehearse. Parent meetings are held subject Olympiads school level.

The Cabinet of the Russian Language and Literature lives rich life throughout the entire academic year.

The Cabinet of the Russian Language and Literature is, first of all, a working room where lessons, extra-curricular activities, and consultations are held. A well-equipped classroom is a necessary accessory for the modern educational process. But every teacher wants his classroom to be not only technically equipped, but also cozy and beautiful.
