“Using an interactive whiteboard in a preschool educational institution. Presentation for an interactive whiteboard on the topic: Using an interactive whiteboard in working with preschool children

"It's not the strongest who survive.

and not the smartest, but the one

who responds best

to the ongoing changes…

Charles Darwin.

Our everyday life It is no longer possible to imagine without information and communication technologies. The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process in preschool educational institution is one of the newest and actual problems in domestic preschool pedagogy.

Interactive whiteboard is a universal tool that allows you to do activities with children up to school age more interesting, visual and exciting.

An interactive whiteboard is a touch screen that works as part of a system that also includes a computer and a projector. The computer is sending a signal to the projector. The projector displays the image on the interactive whiteboard. The interactive whiteboard works both as a regular screen and as a computer control device. Just touch the surface of the board to start working on the computer. Using the board, you can open any files (graphics, video, audio), work with the Internet. Everything is like working with a personal computer and even more.

The opportunities provided by network resources allow solving a number of tasks that are relevant for specialists working in the system of preschool education.

Firstly, This Additional Information, which for some reason is not in print.

Secondly, this is a variety of illustrative material, both static and dynamic (animations, video materials).

Third,- this is the most democratic way of disseminating new methodological ideas and didactic aids, available to methodologists and teachers, regardless of their place of residence.

What skills are needed to use an interactive whiteboard:

  • Basic knowledge of the computer device
  • Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint
  • Internet practice (to search for images, ready presentations and training programs).

Today, many schools and kindergartens are equipped with interactive whiteboards, and our kindergarten is no exception. In 2012 in our kindergarten a multimedia complex appeared, consisting of an interactive whiteboard, a projector and a laptop.

Our teaching staff, who are just starting to learn how to work with an interactive whiteboard, at first had access to the easiest way to work with it - using it as a simple screen, the image on which is fed from a computer. In this form, the interactive whiteboard was used at parent-teacher meetings, district methodological associations, and leisure activities. 2 way of work - ready-made presentations, 3 - ready-made interactive games, games and tasks compiled by our teachers. We have not yet mastered the use of other interactive whiteboard features.

Our little experience with the use of an interactive whiteboard shows that teaching and educating preschoolers has become more attractive and exciting. Interactive and multimedia tools have significantly expanded the possibilities of the presented cognitive material, made it possible to increase the child's motivation to master new knowledge. We use the whiteboard in almost all classes - Introducing the World, Math, Speech Development, Preparing for Literacy, Integrated Classes. And we want to note its advantages for classes in kindergarten.

The use of an interactive whiteboard using multimedia technologies (graphics, color, sound, video materials) allows us to simulate various situations and environments in the classroom. For example, when immersing in the lexical topic "Poultry" in a lesson on familiarization with the environment, the children were happy to make bird families on the board, play the interactive game "The Fourth Extra", generalize knowledge about appearance poultry in the game "Beaks, paws and tails" - made up a bird on the board from separate parts of the body. At the lesson on the development of speech, the interactive game "Bird's Dining Room" (with provocations), "Pick up a mother and a cub" was successfully held. In the interactive game "Name it affectionately", the children practiced word formation. With the development of coherent speech, they were descriptive story about poultry after watching a multimedia presentation. In mathematics classes, they correlated the number with the number of birds, learned to find the place of the number in the number series, the “neighbors” of the number and birds, counted poultry in the forward and reverse order. It was easier for us to attract and retain more long time children's attention. Educational activities are organized in such a way that the children themselves work at the blackboard, completing tasks, and do not passively perceive the teacher's explanations. This allows teachers to achieve the greatest effect, and also forms additional motivation among pupils - they really like to work at the blackboard, they are offended if the teacher does not provide them with such an opportunity. Thus, in our classes there is an individualization of learning, development mental processes in pupils, creating a favorable emotional background.

Another advantage of using an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten is the ability to make virtual travel, conducting integrated classes. It is known that older preschoolers have better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when children are interested. They increase the speed of receiving and processing information, they remember it better. At the same high cognitive interest Completed all classes of the week lexical topic"Space". Children received unforgettable impressions during a virtual space travel on a rocket.

Currently, there are not many ready-made interactive resources created directly in interactive whiteboard software for working with preschoolers. Therefore, we are trying to create our own collection of activities that we have developed using Digital Educational Resources. We already have ready-made developments on the following topics: “Flight to the Moon”, “Gifts from Santa Claus”, “Musical Riddles”, “Visiting a Polar Bear”, “My Native Village”, “Knowledge Day”. Of course, the first materials were created by us by "trial and error" and in creating them we had to overcome some difficulties that could not be foreseen due to lack of experience. But every day it became easier and more interesting to work.

Techniques based on the movement of images or text on the whiteboard screen are also available. By completing tasks, children can arrange pictures in certain order, continue the sequence, compose an image in accordance with the sample, sort pictures or inscriptions according to a given attribute, navigate in space, etc. Classes with an interactive whiteboard help children master the universal prerequisites learning activities(children learn to listen to the task, raise their hand to answer, carefully watch how others complete the task, notice and correct mistakes). Pupils began to better navigate the plane and indicate the relative position of objects. The board helps to develop coordination of hand movements, to achieve a distinct form. An interactive whiteboard can be used as a regular screen or TV to demonstrate visual material, but this does not allow using all its resources. So, on the screen of the board, children can perform tasks in almost the same way as on paper - connect dots, draw, write, which contributes to the formation of graphic skills. Teachers can show them on the board how to do paper tasks, for example when teaching drawing.

When preparing materials, educators who are just starting to use the interactive whiteboard face some difficulties. The image on the interactive whiteboard is perceived differently than on the monitor, and the layout of interactive elements that is convenient for working with the mouse may not be convenient when using the interactive whiteboard .

The interactive whiteboard has a fairly large screen. Standing at the blackboard Small child cannot see it in its entirety in order to find the images needed to complete the task. The images themselves should not be too large, otherwise they are poorly perceived at close range. Of course, if only the educator works on the page, showing the children how to complete the task on paper or expecting correct verbal answers from them, such restrictions do not matter. The teacher works on the screen of the board, and the children, being at some distance, can cover the entire image with their eyes.

Despite the fact that preschools try to place the board as low as possible, height does not allow children to use the entire surface of it. With this in mind, pictures for moving or connecting with lines, fields for inscribing and places for drawings should be at the bottom of the board (in its lower half or third, depending on the age of the children). The distance between the images with which the child works independently should be small. Otherwise, children, especially younger age, will not be able to draw a long enough line to connect elements or drag them to the right place without "dropping".

Knowing these recommendations does not always allow you to avoid mistakes when creating interactive resources. The picture on the board is on average five times larger than on the monitor, and "only" ten centimeters on the board turn into "as many" fifty, which children find it difficult to cope with.

Introduction to the information culture is not only the mastery of computer literacy, but also the acquisition of ethical, aesthetic and intellectual sensitivity. The fact that children can master with enviable ease how to work with various electronic, computer innovations is beyond doubt; at the same time, it is important that they do not become dependent on the computer, but appreciate and strive for lively, emotional human communication. In this regard, the teachers of our kindergarten always adhere to the requirements of SanPiN.

Working with an interactive whiteboard has allowed a new use in educational activities didactic games and exercises communication games, problem situations, creative tasks. The use of ID in the joint and independent activities of the child was one of the effective ways motivation and individualization of training, development creativity and creating a favorable emotional background.

Not for every preschool educational organization interactive whiteboard available. But still ... It happened. Perhaps under the education development program, perhaps as a result of sponsorship, but still interactive whiteboard in preschool appeared! What to do with her? Do I need to learn specialized programs for its active use? I will say right away: modern programs for creating presentations allow you to do a lot of things. For example, create interactive games. For interactive whiteboard. And not only!!!

So where to start?

First, your system administrator and special services will install and set up your interactive whiteboard. Trying to do it yourself is not worth it. The thing is not cheap, it requires special knowledge. Just wait. But it can be useful to wait. Or rather, start making your first interactive game. Essentially an interactive presentation. It is possible in PowerPoint. In any version. Which one do you know.

What is interactivity, really?

When a program interacts with the user using dialogs and prompts, this is already interactivity. But in its infancy. Simply changing presentation slides on click is already interactivity.
However, we are interested in what allows you to interact more deeply with the program. That is, by interactivity we will understand the ability to change the semantic line, embedded in the application, depending on the actions of the user. For this possibility to exist, you must first write a script for a future game-presentation.

Today for the development of children preschool age huge opportunities. Not only methodological plan. For example Naursha digital lab for preschoolers are modern developments. Yes, not cheap. However, I think it's worth it.

In addition to the site, they also have a VKontakte group https://vk.com/naurasha. In my opinion, they are excellent developments.

What features are built into PowerPoint?

You can, for example, program a transition to a specific slide when you click on an object. This is called Next in PowerPoint, you can set the movement, appearance and disappearance of objects on the slide when you click on the same object or on another object, which is called Finally, you can combine these functions, resulting in beautiful products.

Interactive whiteboard in preschool educational institutions and mobile devices

MicroSoft has released its office suite for mobile devices: tablets, smartphones running operating system Android. And your students most likely have such devices. So, the interesting thing is that all the action settings and switches work in mobile version PowerPoint. That is, children can play your game at home. Or all together in a group, along with work on an interactive whiteboard. This opens up a huge scope for creativity.

What I would like to say in the end

This is a very short overview article about the possibilities of using interactive whiteboard in preschool. More specifically, about the possibilities of using the program to create presentations. Here, on my site, there are two series of articles on developing interactive presentations in (a very old program already, but some people still use it) and

However, the fact is that this is not all the features of the program. I would like to see in the comments what issues of developing interactive presentations or, in other words, presentations for an interactive whiteboard, are of interest to you, my dear readers.

If you want to see samples of ready-made presentations, go to

A variant of the game created specifically for preschool children. No text. Just pictures and sounds.

Using an interactive whiteboard in the educational process of a preschool educational institution

It is no longer possible to imagine our daily life without information and communication technologies. The development of science and technology, general computerization determine the growing role of pre-school preparation of preschool children. The use of information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most urgent problems in domestic preschool pedagogy. Existing developing educational programs provide great opportunities for the development of children. However, we have to admit that the methods and means used in teaching preschoolers in preschool educational institutions do not realize all the possibilities inherent in them. The introduction of effective methods and various forms of teaching children in preschool educational institutions can resolve this contradiction. So what is an interactive whiteboard? The term interactivity comes from English word inter action, which in translation means "interaction". Interactivity is a concept used in the field of informatics and communication. Advantages of an interactive whiteboard The use of information and communication technologies allows you to expand creative possibilities teachers and provides positive influence on various aspects of the development of preschoolers.

interactive board- a universal tool that allows you to make classes with preschool children more interesting, visual and exciting. IN last years Preschool institutions have appreciated these opportunities and are increasingly purchasing interactive whiteboards. But, like teachers in schools a few years ago, kindergarten teachers are only taking the first steps in mastering interactive whiteboards, exploring their capabilities.

The use of an interactive whiteboard helps to develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal-logical thinking, etc. Developing classes with its use have become much brighter and more dynamic.

Currently, there are many simple and complex computer programs for various areas of knowledge of preschool children. But, first of all, the teacher must study the content of computer programs or games used in the classroom, know their operational characteristics (the specifics of the technical rules of action with each of them). The construction of each game has its own characteristics for each age.

At the same time, the main goal of the teacher is not to learn this or that computer program with children, and use its game content for the development of memory, thinking, imagination, speech in a particular child. And this can be achieved if the baby himself fulfills the entire program with pleasure.

So, boards can be used with ready-made multimedia resources available on the Internet and sold on CDs for easy learning. However, it is much more efficient to work with resources specifically created for interactive whiteboards. Ready-made multimedia resources, as a rule, are designed for individual sessions with a child and interactive whiteboard is a group work tool.

The ways to use an interactive whiteboard in kindergarten can only be limited by your imagination. Firstly, the interactive whiteboard is simply a convenient means of demonstrating game and educational programs. Secondly, use specialized software for self-study materials that can be shown to children, employees of preschool educational institutions, colleagues from other kindergartens. These are presentations, and interactive training tasks, and the creation of projects, pedagogical councils, seminars, etc.

What skills are needed to use an interactive whiteboard: 1. Basic knowledge of a computer device.

2. Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint

3. The practice of working on the Internet (to search for images, ready-made presentations and training programs).

Thus, we can draw the following conclusions: the use of information and communication technologies in preschool are an enriching and transforming factor in the developing subject environment. A computer and interactive equipment can be used in working with preschool children, subject to unconditional observance of physiological and hygienic, ergonomic and psycho-pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations. It is recommended to use computer game developing and training programs that are adequate to the mental and psychophysiological capabilities of the child. It is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the kindergarten didactics system, i.e. strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer means of developing the child's personality. Recognizing that the computer is a new powerful tool for the intellectual development of children, it must be remembered that its use in the development of preschool children requires careful organization of both the educational activity itself and the entire regime as a whole.

Using the interactive whiteboard in preschool education

Sardarova E.V.

Educator MADOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 4"


One of the main tasks modern education is disclosure
abilities of each child, education of a personality ready for life in
high-tech, competitive world.
Informatization of society sets the task for preschool teachers
to become a guide for the child to the world of new technologies, a mentor in choosing
computer games and form the foundations of the information culture of the individual

Society continues to seek more effective methods knowledge. How can I help you understand the material better? How to increase interest in the learning process is what always worries educators around the world. And it was the creation of an interactive whiteboard that helped answer this question.

An interactive whiteboard (ID) is a device that allows a teacher to combine two various tools: a screen for displaying information and a regular whiteboard. The ID is connected to a computer and a projector. On it, as on a screen, an image from any source (computer or video signal) is projected, with which you can work directly on the surface of the board. The computer mouse is manipulated by touching the surface (with a special device - a stylus or just a finger), thereby the user has full access to computer control. The board allows you to show slides, videos, make notes, draw, draw various diagrams, as on a regular chalkboard, apply real-time comments on the projected image, any changes and save them as computer files for further editing, printing on a printer, mailing to e-mail.

From the point of view of didactics, an interactive whiteboard is a device that providesinteractivity of learning. Interactive learning is learning built on the interaction of the learner with the learning environment, the learning environment that serves as an area of ​​mastered experience and knowledge. A bright picture on the screen is just a way of presenting the material, and ID is a field of information exchange between a teacher and a student. The essence of interactive learning is that almost all students are involved in the process of learning, have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know and think. Cooperative activity learners means that everyone makes their own special individual contribution to the learning process. The atmosphere of benevolence and mutual support allows not only to receive new knowledge, but also develops cognitive activity itself, transfers it to higher forms of cooperation and cooperation. Working with an interactive whiteboard, the teacher is always in the spotlight, which helps to maintain constant contact with the children. The form of presentation of the material of the ID corresponds to the way of perceiving information that distinguishes the new generation, which has a much higher need for temperamental visual information and visual stimulation.

The following didactic property of the ID ismultimedia.Multimedia is understood as the joint use of several means of information transmission (media), the presentation of objects and processes by an unconventional text description, and with the help of photos, videos, graphics, animation, sound, i.e. in a combination of communication media. ID brings the property of multimedia to a qualitatively new level, including in the process of perception of "multi-environment" information not one person (as in the case of a preschooler working with a PC), but the entire group of students, which is more convenient and expedient for the subsequent process of discussion and collaboration.

The third property of the ID is modeling, simulation of real objects or processes, phenomena, as well as simulation by means of a computer of user interaction with the real world. We implement modeling with the help of ID, but only if there is an appropriate digital educational resource. IN this case The capabilities of the board make the process of working with a model using a personal computer not the property of one person, but open this process to a group of children, providing the opportunity for both individual and collective interaction with the model, discussing its work and the results obtained.

The fourth didactic property of ID ishigh level of learning process performancethrough simultaneous work with the entire group as a whole and the use of pre-prepared material.

Due to the visibility and interactivity, the children are more willing to get involved in active work. Preschoolers have increased concentration of attention, improved understanding and memorization of the material, sharpened perception. The presence and ability to use ID significantly increases the level of computer competence of the teacher, who receives the status of a modern educator, keeping pace with the development information technologies. This learning tool can be applicable to teaching children of different ages.

Proper use of the possibilities of ID allows the teacher to:

improve the quality of teaching through a combination of traditional and computer methods of organizing educational activities;

submit information to different form(text, graphics, audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum visibility of the studied material;

give out a large amount of information in parts, so the material being studied is easier to digest;

control the time parameters of the lesson;

activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;

to mobilize the attention of the audience;

use various digital educational resources;

uncover wide opportunities for creative implementation in professional activity;

conduct GCD at a high methodological level.

For a child, the use of interactive information technologies in teaching helps to assert themselves, fulfill themselves, encourages research, develops activity skills, removes the fear of answering at the blackboard and increases motivation.

Proper use of the capabilities of the interactive whiteboard allows preschool teachers to:

  • improve the quality of children's education through a combination of traditional and interactive methods of organizing educational activities;
  • present information in various forms attractive to preschool children (audio, video, animation, etc.), which ensures maximum visibility of the material being studied;
    activate the processes of perception, thinking, imagination and memory;
    to mobilize the attention of pupils;
  • use various digital educational resources;
    conduct directly educational activities at a high methodological level.
  • reveal wide opportunities for creative realization of teachers in their professional activities;

The use of an interactive whiteboard in educational work with preschoolers in our preschool institution has shown a number of advantages compared to traditional forms of education and training:

  • presentation of information on a large screen and the ability to operate with the depicted objects and objects arouses great interest in children in activities;
  • The possibility of presenting fragments of reality (video material);
  • The ability to show children moving, changing objects, increase the size of the image (for example, book illustrations) for the purpose of their comfortable perception by all children of the group;
  • simultaneous playback of objects represented different ways(sound-image-movement);
  • the possibility of conducting a plurality of trying search actions with objects, comparing several options for transforming the same object;
  • saving time needed to prepare for classes and study specific material.
  • organization of a favorable subject environment for development.
  • ease of storage, reuse of the material used.

The use of an interactive whiteboard in preschool education contributes to the development of psychophysical functions, such as fine motor skills, visual-motor and optical-spatial orientation; the formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills (classification, seriation); the development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness), which ensures the readiness of preschoolers for schooling.

Lyubov Parakhina
SMART Board Interactive Whiteboard Guidelines

“It is not the strongest or the smartest who survive,

and the one who responds best

to the ongoing changes…

Charles Darwin.

Explanatory note

IN modern world comprehensive development preschool children is impossible without the use of new educational technologies and electronic educational resources (ESM).

Information and communication technologies are firmly entrenched in modern society, have become an integral part of the life of an adult, as well as a means of teaching children.

One of the main principles of teaching preschool children is the visibility, consciousness and activity of children in the assimilation and application of knowledge.

interactive board provides ample opportunities for educational activities, allows you to make classes with preschool children more interesting, visual and engaging.

interactive whiteboard can be used as a regular screen or TV to demonstrate visual material.

However, interactive whiteboard great resources: move an image or text, arrange images in a certain order, continue the sequence, compose an image in accordance with a sample, sort pictures or inscriptions according to a given attribute, navigate in space, almost the same as on paper - connect dots, draw, write. Teachers can point to blackboard how to perform tasks on paper, for example, when learning to draw.

Classes with interactive whiteboard help children master the universal prerequisites for learning activities (children learn to listen to the task, raise their hand to answer, carefully watch how others complete the task, notice and correct mistakes).

Another advantage of using interactive whiteboard in kindergarten - the opportunity to make virtual trips, holding integrated classes. It is known that older preschoolers have better developed involuntary attention, which becomes especially concentrated when children Interesting. They increase the speed of reception and information processing they remember it better.

Summing up, we can say that our daily life can no longer be imagined without information technology. Using them in preschool education, of course, allows you to expand the creative possibilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects. mental development preschoolers. Thus, interactive board is universal remedy and to use it in the educational process and to improve the level of the teacher in the field of mastering ICT.

Peculiarities working with an interactive whiteboard in a preschool educational institution

interactive board- this is a large enough screen, and a small child standing next to her cannot take her whole look in order to find the images needed to complete the task. The images themselves should not be too large, otherwise they will not be perceived well at close range.

Height does not allow children to use the entire surface boards. With this in mind, pictures for moving or connecting with lines, fields for writing in and places for pictures should be located at the bottom boards(lower half or third, depending on the age of the children). Images with which the child works independently, should be placed closer friend to friend. Otherwise, children, especially younger ones, will not be able to draw a line long enough to be connected or dragged to the right place without “dropping”.

In most cases, when preparing materials for educational activities, teachers working on a computer without having around interactive whiteboard. The small size of the monitor creates the illusion of compactness of all objects on the page, and the difference between a computer monitor and a screen is often underestimated. interactive whiteboard. On average, the picture board five times larger than on the monitor.

At working with interactive whiteboard requirements must be met SanPiN: using interactive whiteboard and the projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of light spots of increased brightness. Thus, local lighting for interactive whiteboard not in use. It should be noted that interactive board can be used only as additional technical equipment for short-term use in the classroom and for demonstrating individual teaching materials and tasks. In the middle of the lesson, it is necessary to carry out gymnastics for the eyes.

Skills required to apply interactive whiteboard:

Basic knowledge of computer hardware

Work in programs: Word, PowerPoint,

Practice work on the Internet(for searching for images, ready-made presentations and tutorials).

Acquaintance with interactive whiteboard

SMART interactive whiteboard it is a touch screen operating as part of a system which includes a computer and a projector.

1. The computer sends an image to the projector.

2. The projector is transmitting an image to interactive whiteboard.

3. Interactive whiteboard works both monitor and input device data: you can control the computer by touching the surface boards.

Notebook is the main tool for work with interactive whiteboard, which combines the properties of the instrumental environment for development own teaching materials (presentations) and the main means of storing handwritten notes made during the demonstration, notes.

Notebook ( SMART Notebook, represents graphics editor, which allows you to create documents of your own format and include text, graphic objects, both created in other Windows programs, and using the appropriate tools.

Working with the interactive whiteboard:

To select an application using interactive whiteboard, double-tap the application icon. Double-tapping to launch an application is equivalent to double-clicking the left mouse button, which launches an application on the computer. Likewise, every touch interactive surface is equivalent to one click of the left mouse button.

Smart program interface


Page area

At the top is a menu bar that includes the usual set that can be seen in any text editor - file, edit, view, insert, format, draw, help.

Toolbar - the main control element of the software interactive whiteboard. The toolbar is always on the screen and provides access to the software menu. The toolbar contains icons for the most used tools.

To get the desired result, you need to remember simple rules: select essential tool(if the purpose of the tool is not clear, just move the mouse pointer over its image and read the hint); perform the desired action (get result).


"Page Sorter"

Show pages

Create pages

Clone pages

Clear pages

Delete pages

Rename pages

Change page order

Move objects from one page to another

Group pages

Setting up the page sorter

The page sorter can be moved to one side of the window SMART Notebook to another by clicking the "Move Sidebar" icon

The page sorter can be resized by dragging its edge to the left or right. If you are not using the Page Sorter, you can hide it by checking the "Hide automatically" box. (To display the hidden Page Sorter, click "Page Sorter" .)


The Gallery tab contains graphics, wallpapers, media, files, and pages that you can use. All figures are divided into themes and sub-themes. You can add your own pictures to the folder "My content"


The Attachments tab displays files and links to web pages attached to the current file.


The Properties tab allows you to change the format of objects such as digital ink, shapes, lines, text, and tables. Depending on the selected object, you can change:

color, thickness and type of lines;

transparency and object fill effects;

font type for text objects, its size and style;

object animation.

The Properties tab displays only the options available for the selected object.

The "Properties" tab also has a "Record page" button to record actions on the current page.


The "Add-ons" tab allows you to work with SMART Notebook software add-ons, including the activity creation wizard.

SMART Response

tab SMART Response is part of the software SMART Response and available only if the software is installed on the computer SMART Response.

Page area:

The page area displays the contents of the selected page in the file. This is the area of ​​the page where you can create objects and work with them.

Display pages in full screen mode.

In full screen mode SMART Notebook opens page area to full screen and hides other elements interface.


The toolbar allows you to select and use various commands and tools.

Tool Settings

Button - previous page.

Displays the previous page of the current file.

Button - next page.

Display the next page of the current file.

Button - cancel.

Undo the last action.

Button - return.

Allows you to redo an action undone with the Undo tool.

Button - add


Insert a new blank page into the current file.

Button - delete

page. Remove the current page from the current file.

Button - open file. Allows you to open a previously created Notebook document from any media.

Button - view the screen. - Full screen.

Lets open up working Notebook area to full screen for convenience working with a document.

Button - insert.

Allows you to quickly paste a copy from the clipboard.

Button - delete.

Delete all selected objects.

Button - screen capture.

Opening the toolbar "Screen Capture".

Button - show / hide screen shading A gray curtain will appear on the screen, while a dot is displayed in the middle of the upper, lower, left and bottom edges for gradual opening of the curtain

Button - table.

Allows you to create a table right size (according to the selected number of rows and columns).

Button - select. Allows you to select previously inserted or created elements so that you can later perform various actions with them.

Button - feathers.

Tool "Feather" allows you to write or draw in digital ink with seven types of pen.

Pen type Types Properties


Write or draw with digital ink different colors and line types.


Write or draw with digital ink in different colors and line types, in the same way as with a pen "Standard", but with the ability to change the line thickness.

Color pencil

Write or draw in digital ink with a colored pencil effect.


Selecting text and other objects.

artistic pen

Adding color elements to presentations.

magic feather

Create an object that will slowly fade out.

Shape Recognition Pen

Used to draw shapes such as circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles, and arcs.

Button - shapes.

Create a variety of shapes, including circles, squares, triangles, and other geometric shapes figures: heart-shaped, check marks, etc.

There are two options work with figure:

1. Adding a shape to the page, and then editing its properties.

2. Preliminary adjustment of the color, lines and transparency of the figure, and its subsequent addition to the slide.

Button - regular polygons. Creation regular polygons with the number of corners from 3 to 15.

Button - fill.

Button - lines.

Drawing straight lines and arcs.

You can add a line to a page and then edit its properties, or you can preset a line and then add it to a slide.

Button - eraser.

Element for erasing lines drawn with a pen, selections with a marker. Eraser specific (visible on the instrument) size:

Button - text.

An element for entering text with the ability to change the font style, size, color and transparency.

Object properties Change the color of the outline and fill of the selected element.

Change the line properties of the selected element.

Change the transparency of the selected element.
